St Mary's Catholic Primary School
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St Catherine's Catholic Primary School
Geography Policy
Jesus is at the centre of all that we do
INTRODUCTION Geography develops children’s knowledge of people, places and environments around the world. It makes a connection between natural and social sciences, encouraging the use of cross curricular skills and knowledge, requiring a range of investigative skills. Geography makes children aware of the issues facing our world and to think of global and not just local consequences. Geography helps prepare children to be aware of their own responsibilities in looking after the world around them, being aware that it is the natural world that sustains us.
AIMS To develop confidence in the application of geographical skills.
To enable the pupils to develop an enquiring approach to the world.
To support pupils' personal and social development through geographical study, exploring issues of social, cultural, moral and spiritual education. To build on the children's first hand experience and knowledge of different traditions and cultures.
To provide opportunities for the children to develop literacy, numeracy and ICT skills through the study of places and themes.
To provide opportunities for pupils to explore their role as citizens and their responsibilities for the environment.
OBJECTIVES To increase pupils' knowledge and understanding of the local environment, a contrasting locality and the world beyond by making comparisons and links.
To develop and use geographical enquiry skills through the use of ICT, fieldwork, secondary sources and by using and making maps.
To be able to analyse information from a variety of sources and to develop the ability to communicate and record findings in a variety of ways.
For children to develop a knowledge and understanding of natural and man made patterns and processes that influence the world around us.
To have a knowledge and understanding of environmental change and sustainable development and an awareness of their own responsibilities of what are global issues.
St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School (Academy) Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 08132338 , registered office address, Davenwood, Stratton St Margaret Swindon Wiltshire SN2 7LL ORGANISATION The scheme of work will be based on the QCA Guidelines, which includes some topics from the QCA Scheme of Work and some topics designed by teachers based on their personal expertise. In line with the Rose Review and the report "Maintaining Breadth and Balance" and the new “Big Question” approach to presenting Foundation Subjects, references will be made in each Term’s Topic plan on how children are to achieve the key elements of Geographical study. The Scheme of Work will be adapted again this year in anticipation of the new National Curriculum based on the Primary Review. This will see direct consideration for cross curricular references to Numeracy, Literacy and ICT. This cross curricular use of skills already takes place, but will be highlighted in the new Scheme of Work.
The St Catherine’s Geography Scheme of Work, in line with St Mary’s, will offer possible teaching activities and resources, but teachers may wish to teach the Big Question in other ways, which will achieve the learning outcomes. These experiences and the resources created will then be added to the Scheme of Work on a Term by Term basis. Teachers are also likely to use additional ways of encouraging children to find out about the world around them. These will include reading fiction and non-fiction accounts. The development plan will keep an eye and make any necessary adaptations to meet the demands of new curriculum.
Whatever children’s path through the school, each pupil will have a balance of the key elements and will have experience of a range of geographical knowledge and skills.
The Big Question within each year group ensures the geographical skills and knowledge are developed through a continuous and progressive approach. The topics can be taught as part of a larger topic through a cross curricular approach or stand alone as a Geography focus. Repetition of content in vertically grouped classes is avoided by varying the content focus within the topics.
HOW GEOGRAPHY IS TAUGHT Geography in the Foundation Stage is taught through the Early Learning Goals within the Area of Learning "Understanding of the world" as part of the new” Big Question “ approach to studying Foundation subjects in a skills based, cross curricular way . Geographical skills will be developed through first hand experience. The children will be encouraged to: answer questions about familiar and unfamiliar places including fictional places; describe and talk about the changes in the weather; be encouraged to gather information and record their findings; make use of the school grounds and the local area and go on trips out side the school.
At both Key Stage 1 and 2, Geography skills will be taught as an ongoing process where teaching strategies will be selected to suit the purpose of the learning situation. Geography is primarily taught through a whole class approach with partner work or differentiated small group tasks where appropriate and as part of the new” Big Question “ approach to studying Foundation subjects in a skills based, cross curricular way.
At Key Stage 1, learning mainly focuses upon direct experience, fieldwork within the local area focusing on the immediate locality of the school and then exploring contrasting localities and through practical activities.
At Key Stage 2, the children will develop their knowledge, skills and understanding through fieldwork, classroom activities and geographical enquiries. It is our policy to encourage children to use their geographical skills as they take frequent part in field trips in the local
St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School (Academy) Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 08132338 , registered office address, Davenwood, Stratton St Margaret Swindon Wiltshire SN2 7LL area and further a field. The Year 6 children have the opportunity to spend time in a contrasting environment. The Year 6 pupils have a residential visit in the Autumn Term to Hooke Court in Dorset in order to study and experience working in a rural, outdoor environment.
RESOURCES A bank of geographical resources has been developed in addition to the existing resources and will be added to as required to support the geography scheme of work as it develops. The Geography Resource files for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 have been purchased to support the teaching of the QCA units related Topics. Up to date UK and World Atlases. Aerial photographs of the school grounds and the local area. For Key Stage 2 we have a teachers guide and pupils reference books to support the study of Rivers and a Photo pack for the study of Physical Features. Big Book "Children around the World" supported by small group books looking at growing up in South Africa, Canada, Japan, Australia, Denmark, Sri Lanka. The school grounds as a resource, Digital camera to record findings and ICT to aid learning. Digital video recorder Barnaby Bear video and CD Rom List of geographical websites for teachers and children. A variety of document and ICT resources directly linked to the historical and geographical development of Swindon and the local area, including links and contacts with local experts and organisations such as the Wiltshire Canal Trust. These new resources are focused on current development issues, involving children in the important question: What do we want our town to be in the future?
ASSESSMENT AND RECORDING Assessment opportunities are built into planning, notes and lesson evaluations are used to inform future planning. Each child will undertake a focused assessment task which will be carried out at the end of Geography focused topics. Each child has a topic book to record work. In addition, there may be class topic books. There is also photographic evidence of Geography displays around the school. The new assessment sheets will be used to show the class’s achievements and 3 children from each class will be focused on in detail.
EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES Every child will be encouraged to and will have the opportunity to participate fully in the activities planned both within and outside the classroom.
MONITORING The Geography co-ordinator monitors Geography within the school and provides a written report twice a year based on planning and review of pupils work. The Geography co-ordinator will support staff where required. A Geography Portfolio has now been set up containing evidence of planning, examples of good work, photographic evidence and subject manager reports.
St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School (Academy) Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 08132338 , registered office address, Davenwood, Stratton St Margaret Swindon Wiltshire SN2 7LL