The Research Questions: 1. Describe their childhood  were there any behavioral indicators? 2. Describe their adult lifestyle  what was their highest level of education? Did they marry and/or have children? 3. What was their work history? 4. Were they ever diagnosed with a mental disorder? If so, did they ever receive treatment? 5. Did they commit any criminal acts prior to the murders? 6. What was the time span for their crimes? How many victims? 7. How were they eventually captured? What was their behavior like when interacting with police? 8. Were they found capable to withstand trial? 9. What were they charged with and sentenced to? 10. Are they still alive? Were they sentenced to death and executed in prison? Did they die differently than their sentence?

The Requirements: Your PowerPoint or Prezi needs to contain the following: 1. A cover slide with your name 2. A minimum of 10 total slides 3. A minimum of five photos – one of which must be the person you are researching and MUST be school appropriate! 4. Answers to all of the research questions o Even if some of the questions don’t apply to your person, you need to acknowlede that o Ex: Jeffry Dahmer was not found to suffer from a mental disorder even though he tried to plead insanity 5. A list of references *(include at least two websites other than Wikipedia)*

Assigned Serial Killer: ______

The Serial Killer Project Grading Rubric

Category 0 1 2 3 4 Score Cover Slide with No Cover Cover Slide is ------____ Name Slide included

PowerPoint No PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint Minimum 10 slides has between PowerPoint has between has between has at least ____ in PowerPoint 8 and 9 created 1 and 3 slides 4 and 7 slides 10 slides slides

Picture of Serial Picture is No picture ------____ Killer included

One Two Three Four 4 additional No additional additional additional additional additional ____ pictures/video clip pictures picture pictures pictures pictures

Complete, Bibliography (last No ------correct ____ slide) Bibliography Bibliograpy

6 to 8 None of the 1 or 2 3 to 5 All questions Complete answers questions questions questions questions answered of main questions answered, addressed in answered answered but completely (DETAILED some with presentation lacking detail and in detail ____ description of the required method/procedures detail used by killer) (0 pts) (1-10 pts) (11-16 pts) (22 -25pts) (17 –21 pts)

Maximum Points: 50 TOTAL = ____