Enlisting Consumers in Advocacy NAR’s Consumer Advocacy Outreach March, 2016 Over the last several years NAR systematically reached out to consumers through a vast email campaign (Phase 1) to build an advocacy relationship with them through awareness, education and action. We have demonstrated to consumers that REALTORS® are on their side on many homeownership public policy issues, and that REALTORS® are a trusted voice on those issues. Between May 2012 and August 2015, NAR sent over 80 million messages to consumers every month--about 3.5 billion messages in total.

 During Phase 1 millions of consumers showed interest in our issues, (opened or read the NAR email, and nearly 900,000 took action on a consumer Call for Action (CFA) regarding tax reform.) In all, we identified over 7.5 million consumers who showed interest or took action on our issues during the NAR consumer advocacy campaign, or in one of NAR’s Issues Mobilization campaigns in their state or community over the past several years. All the names and emails of those consumers are housed in NAR’s Consumer Advocacy Database.

 Consumers were driven to NAR’s consumer-facing website: Homeownershipmatters.Realtor, the only holistic and integrated website that offers consumers public policy information on issues of homeownership at the national, state and local level. See for yourself and you will find an array of consumer-focused public policy information that can be shared with consumers. (See reverse side for more information on the website and how your association can use it.)

Phase 2 of the Consumer Advocacy campaign is now underway, and all REALTOR® associations should take advantage of:

Consumer Advocacy Database

 While the Consumer Advocacy Database is maintained by NAR for use for federal advocacy outreach, the consumer advocacy database serves other associations too. The database is also available for state or local association use on issues campaigns (in consultation with your state association), where consumer voices, joining with REALTORS, can make a powerful difference in outcomes on issues. Any association may use the names and emails in the database for their respective jurisdictions.

 In return for use of the data, NAR requires that the association using the consumer advocacy data share with NAR new consumer names and emails acquired in their issue campaign, so that NAR can include the names in the database. Associations interested in knowing more or wishing to use the Consumer Advocacy Database should go to http://www.realtoractioncenter.com/for-associations/consumers.

See reverse side, please.

Homeownershipmatters.Realtor Website

 NAR is providing each association its own consumer-facing webpage that the association can use to share information on homeownership issues of interest to consumers in their jurisdictions. State and local consumer-facing webpages are an integral part of Homeownershipmatters.Realtor.

 Local and state use of the site for consumer outreach builds on NAR’s consumer advocacy efforts. Each month NAR sends a message to each of the 7.5 million consumers in the database, to discuss homeownership issues, provide issue updates, or ask for consumers help in letting lawmakers know their feelings on the issues important to the consumer.

 State and local associations will also have access to a new Consumer Advocacy Content Library currently under development, where various short issue videos and a selection of print content and infographics will be available for use by the association for their webpage. The association web page and the basic content are provided at no cost to associations. Associations wishing to customize their content may do so for a very modest cost.

Coming at the 2016 DC Legislative Meetings

During the May 2016 Washington, DC Legislative Meetings we will be showing and talking more about the Consumer Advocacy Outreach Program.

 At the May meetings we will share with Members of Congress the consumer names and emails of consumers who signed NAR’s on-line petition during Phase 1 regarding the preservation of the Mortgage Interest Deduction and other home tax deductions. The consumer signatures were gathered during Phase 1 of the Consumer Advocacy campaign. Each Federal Political Coordinator (FPC) will deliver the petition with the names of consumers who signed to their US Representative.  The consumer’s voice coupled with the REALTOR’s voice on issues of homeownership is a powerful one. Be a part of the success of this new partnership, by involving your association in consumer advocacy outreach now.

For more information see http://www.realtoractioncenter.com/for-associations/consumers or contact Rick Miller, Director of Consumer Advocacy Outreach, at NAR ([email protected]) or call 202.383.1107 (direct line).