Resource- 3Rd Quarter Benchmarks

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Resource- 3Rd Quarter Benchmarks

Resource- 3rd Quarter Benchmarks



Music Standard: Understand and apply elements of music and how music communicates ideas, feelings and experiences across cultures.

● FA.K.2.1 – I can echo using my singing voice. ● FA.K.2.3 – I can feel and play a steady beat. *Singing is a developmental skill like speaking. Students who are “developing proficiency” are in the babble stage and need to vocalize and sing often to develop their (head voice) singing voice. All students are able to sing with encouragement and practice. The ability to “feel the beat” in the music is achieved by practicing, listening, and dancing to music. One example would be to chant nursery rhymes and tap the beat on different parts of the body.

Computer 1. I can identify the different parts of the computer: keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer, and CPU (central processing unit). (ISTE 6) 2. I can use the mouse correctly: left click, double click, hold down the left- click and drag the mouse. (ISTE 6) 3 I can open and close the program correctly. (ISTE 6) 4. I can click on the icon. (ISTE 6) 5. I can open and close a window. (ISTE 6) 6. I can find and press the correct letters and numbers on the keyboard to type my name. (ISTE 6) 7. I can apply my existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes (ISTE 1a)

PE: K-2 nd

K-2.1.1 Use basic locomotor skills in initial (immature) form alone, with a partner, and in small groups

(Vball 1: I can slide into position most of (70%) the time ready for the next pass to myself)

◊ K-2.1.3 Use basic manipulative skills initial (immature) form alone, with a partner, and in small groups

(Vball 2: I can pass the volleyball to my teammate one time in a drill)

◊ K-2.2.1 Use basic movement concepts related to space, time, effort, and relationship (e.g. personal space, fast/slow, strong/light, and under/over

(Tennis 1: I can move and return a hit tennis ball to me 50% of the time in practice)

◊ K-2.3.2 Describe the social and emotional benefits of participating in physical activities (Fitness 2: I can describe 2 ways how I feel socially or emotionally after today's exercise) Resource- 3rd Quarter Benchmarks

Grade 1


Music Standard: Understand and apply elements of music and how music communicates ideas, feelings and experiences across cultures.

● FA.1.2.1 – I can perform simple rhythm patterns using quarter notes, quarter rests, and eighth notes.

● FA.1.2.5 – I can sing a simple song with good pitch, tone, and to a steady beat.

● FA.1.2.6 – I can identify families of instruments. [for further practice, see websites such as:]

*Singing is a developmental skill like speaking. Students who are “developing proficiency” are in the babble stage and need to vocalize and sing often to develop their (head voice) singing voice. All students are able to sing with encouragement and practice.

The ability to “feel the beat” in the music is achieved by practicing, listening, and dancing to music. One example would be to chant nursery rhymes and tap the beat on different parts of the body.


1. I can demonstrate good control of a mouse: clicking and double-clicking, dragging and dropping, selecting objects or text. (ISTE 6)

2. I can use different software programs (MaxPaint) to create a product (digital art). (ISTE 1)

3. I can type out my first and last name. (ISTE 6)

4. I can type a sentence using the space bar on the keyboard and word processing software (MaxWrite). (ISTE 6)


K-2.1.1 Use basic locomotor skills in initial (immature) form alone, with a partner, and in small groups

(Vball 1: I can slide into position most of (70%) the time ready for the next pass to myself)

◊ K-2.1.3 Use basic manipulative skills initial (immature) form alone, with a partner, and in small groups

(Vball 2: I can pass the volleyball to my teammate one time in a drill)

◊ K-2.2.1 Use basic movement concepts related to space, time, effort, and relationship (e.g. personal space, fast/slow, strong/light, and under/over

(Tennis 1: I can move and return a hit tennis ball to me 50% of the time in practice) ◊ K-2.3.2 Describe the social and emotional benefits of participating in physical activities

(Fitness 2: I can describe 2 ways how I feel socially or emotionally after today's exercise)

Resource- 3rd Quarter Benchmarks

Grade 2


Music Standard: Understand and apply elements of music and how music communicates ideas, feelings and experiences across cultures.

● FA.2.2.1 – I can read and perform rhythms with quarter notes, eighth notes, half notes, and whole notes with correct rhythm and a steady beat.

● FA.2.2.3 – I can sing repeating melodic patterns (ostinatos)

● National Standard #1 - Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music – I can sing with correct pitches and rhythm.

*2 out of the 3 benchmarks/standards focus on singing. Singing is a developmental skill like speaking. Students who are “developing proficiency” may not be able to sing on pitch yet, and need to vocalize and sing often to develop their (head voice) singing voice. All students are able to sing with encouragement and practice.


1. I can create a new file, enter a file name, save the file, and retrieve the saved file. (ISTE 6)

2. I can create a drawing by using a variety of digital art tools to express creative thinking. (ISTE 1)

3. I can type a sentence to appropriately caption my picture and express my thoughts. (ISTE 6)


K-2.1.1 Use basic locomotor skills in initial (immature) form alone, with a partner, and in small groups

(Vball 1: I can slide into position most of (70%) the time ready for the next pass to myself)

◊ K-2.1.3 Use basic manipulative skills initial (immature) form alone, with a partner, and in small groups (Vball 2: I can pass the volleyball to my teammate one time in a drill)

◊ K-2.2.1 Use basic movement concepts related to space, time, effort, and relationship (e.g. personal space, fast/slow, strong/light, and under/over

(Tennis 1: I can move and return a hit tennis ball to me 50% of the time in practice)

◊ K-2.3.2 Describe the social and emotional benefits of participating in physical activities

(Fitness 2: I can describe 2 ways how I feel socially or emotionally after today's exercise)

Resource- 3rd Quarter Benchmarks

Grade 3


Music Standard: Understand and apply elements of music and how music communicates ideas, feelings and experiences across cultures.

● FA.3.2.1 – I can read and clap whole, half, quarter, eighth notes, and rests with correct rhythm and to a steady beat.

● FA.3.2.5 – I can sing partner songs from memory using appropriate pitches, rhythm, and to a steady beat.

● National Standard #2 – I can play the C chord on the ukulele to a steady beat with correct hand position and fingering.


1. I can perform basic computer processes including creating, saving, retrieving, and editing text and graphic information. (ISTE 6)

2. I can use Microsoft Word to create a drawing by using a variety of digital art tools. (ISTE 1)

3. I can type sentences to appropriately caption my picture and express my thoughts. (ISTE 6)

4. I am working towards the end of the year typing goal of 15 words per minute with 85% to 100% accuracy with my hands on the homerow keys. (ISTE 6)

PE ◊ 3-5.1.2 Use manipulative skills in a proper form

(Volleyball 2: I can receive & pass a volleyball to my teammates 75% of the time in a game)

◊ 3-5.1.3 Use combinations of mature (proper) movement forms, including locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills

(Volleyball 1: I can pass the volleyball to my teammate 75% of the time in a drill)

◊ 3-5.2.2 Identify procedures for safe participation in physical activities

(Tennis 1: I can identify 3 safety procedures in tennis)

◊ 3-5.4.2 Use appropriate methods to monitor physiological changes before, during, and after PA (Fitness:I can use my pedometer to monitor my exercise change before, during, and after PA)

Resource- 3rd Quarter Benchmarks

Grade 4


Music Standard: Understand and apply elements of music and how music communicates ideas, feelings and experiences across cultures.

● FA.4.2.1 – I can read simple staff notation (music theory – staff, treble clef, time signature, barline, measure, key signature)

● FA.4.2.3 – I can perform a rhythmic ostinato with correct rhythm and a steady beat.

● National Standard #2 – I can perform on the Baroque recorder “Hot Cross Buns” with good holding position, nice tone, correct fingering, and good rhythm.


1. I can explain different ways to be safe online. (ISTE 5)

2. I can use a basic drawing/painting program’s tools (lines, shapes, eraser, brushes, repeated patterns, etc.) to create and manipulate a digital art design. (ISTE 1)

3. I can perform basic computer processes including creating, saving, retrieving, and editing text and graphic information. (ISTE 6)

4. I am working towards the end of the year typing goal of 20 words per minute with 90% to 100% accuracy with my hands on the homerow keys. (ISTE 6) PE

◊ 3-5.1.2 Use manipulative skills in a proper form

(Volleyball 2: I can receive & pass a volleyball to my teammates 75% of the time in a game)

◊ 3-5.1.3 Use combinations of mature (proper) movement forms, including locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills

(Volleyball 1: I can pass the volleyball to my teammate 75% of the time in a drill)

◊ 3-5.2.2 Identify procedures for safe participation in physical activities

(Tennis 1: I can identify 3 safety procedures in tennis)

◊ 3-5.4.2 Use appropriate methods to monitor physiological changes before, during, and after PA

(Fitness:I can use my pedometer to monitor my exercise change before, during, and after PA) Resource- 3rd Quarter Benchmarks

Grade 5


Music Standard: Understand and apply elements of music and how music communicates ideas, feelings and experiences across cultures.

● FA.5.2.6 – I can compare the use of musical elements in American music (Variations on “Pop Goes the Weasel”) using a double bubble map.

● FA.5.2.2 – I can perform an accompaniment on the ukulele to a steady beat with good holding position and correct fingering (G7 and C chords).


1. I can explain a variety of ways to be safe, respectful, and responsible online. (ISTE 5)

2. I can use a basic drawing/painting program’s tools (lines, shapes, eraser, brushes, repeated patterns, etc.) to create and manipulate a digital art comic. (ISTE 1)

3. I can perform basic computer processes including creating, saving, retrieving, and editing text and graphic information. (ISTE 6)

3. I am working towards the end of the year typing goal of 25 words per minute with 90% to 100% accuracy with my hands on the homerow keys. (ISTE 6)


◊ 3-5.1.2 Use manipulative skills in a proper form

(Volleyball 2: I can receive & pass a volleyball to my teammates 75% of the time in a game)

◊ 3-5.1.3 Use combinations of mature (proper) movement forms, including locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills

(Volleyball 1: I can pass the volleyball to my teammate 75% of the time in a drill)

◊ 3-5.2.2 Identify procedures for safe participation in physical activities

(Tennis 1: I can identify 3 safety procedures in tennis) ◊ 3-5.4.2 Use appropriate methods to monitor physiological changes before, during, and after PA

(Fitness:I can use my pedometer to monitor my exercise change before, during, and after PA) Resource- 3rd Quarter Benchmarks

Grade 6


Music Standard: Understand and apply elements of music and how music communicates ideas, feelings and experiences across cultures.

● 6-8.2.3 – I can compose and notate 8 measures of rhythm with 4/4 time signature.

● 6-8.2.1 – I can play the ukulele with good holding position, correct fingering, and good rhythm (C, Am, F, and G7 chords).

Computer International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards for Students

1. I can employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources. (ISTE 3)

2. I can use digital tools to broaden my perspectives and enrich my learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams. (ISTE 7)

3. I am working towards the end of the year typing goal of 30 words per minute with 90% to 100% accuracy with my hands on the homerow keys. (ISTE 6)

4. I understand and can demonstrate that I am a good digital citizen and will act appropriately with technology. (ISTE 5)


◊ 6-8.1.2 Modified/Lead-Up Games and Activities

(Volleyball 2: I can receive & pass a volleyball to my teammates 75% of the time in a game)

◊ 6-8.2.2 Describe basic strategies for simple and modified activities

(Tennis 1: I can describe 2 basic strategies how to score points in tennis)

◊ 6-8.2.3 Apply rules and etiquette for safe participation in PA

(Tennis 1: I can apply rules and etiquette for safe participation in tennis most of (70%) the time) ◊ 6-8.4.2 Set goals for improving the components of personal health physical fitness

(Fitness 2: I can describe my current fitness and know what I need to continue to do to be in a healthy and fit shape)

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