Attendees: Shea, Hancock, Simer, Davisson, Cowles, Wells, Bixler, Pierson, Nelson, Matlow s1
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Trustees Present: Maggie Crawford, Michael Flannery, Sandy Kernerman, Sherry Knott, Cate Moye, Rosemary Selinger, Bill Simer, Stace Stacey
Trustees Absent: Maureen Boutz, Lionel Greenwood, Theresa Helmbrecht, Ron Stanley
Staff Present: Brenda Nienhouse, Veronica Christensen, Chad Galloway, Annie Matlow, Jason Miller, Eckart Preu
Call to Order and Welcome Cate Moye called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m. Cate Moye asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the May 16, 2006 Executive Committee meeting. A motion was made to approve the minutes by Michael Flannery. Sandy Kernerman seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
President’s Report Cate Moye reported on her ASOL conference experience. She attended several sessions for larger orchestra sizes and found that we are doing a number of things quite right. She found it interesting to see planning being done in the industry for delivery of music through new mediums (i.e. I pod, etc.), and she saw trends with orchestras seriously seeking new revenue streams and striving for innovation.
Executive Director’s Report Brenda Nienhouse also reported on the ASOL conference noting common themes throughout of new visions for new times. She commented on the good sessions and speakers and a number of good ideas brought back by our team. Comments from Eckart on the conference included an observed focus on repertoire moving into newer music as well as discussions among organizations on the troubles they share in introducing these contemporary pieces. Annie commented that she came back with some great ideas and confirmation that we aren’t doing anything wrong, but there are more things we could be doing. She discussed some of these ideas and how they might be incorporated. Relationship building was a big universal theme at the conference. Jason reiterated that it was great to share ideas with other developers, and explore ways to incorporate technology more into our processes. Brenda also noted that at the conference she met our new ASOL intern. She reported on the wonderful job done with the volunteer portion of the conference that was coordinated and led by Peggy Springer.
Brenda also discussed strategic planning developments and described the identified task forces and their identified core guiding principals:
Board Development: Passion/Talent Education & Outreach: Engagement Executive Committee Meeting Minutes June 20, 2006 Page 2
Symphony Character: Excellence/Innovation Fox: Planning for the Future Brenda discussed developments with the Fox project and the nuances of the financial model. We are currently anticipating closing in late July. The Kresge Grant application will be submitted in this timeframe as well, and continued work is being done on this application. Brenda announced that our new Education Director, Randy Fisher will be joining us in July.
Music Director’s Report Eckart Preu deferred his report to make more time.
Finance Report (see reports) Maggie Crawford reported on board gift efforts. Chad Galloway reviewed his financial reports and noted we are $131,000 behind budget for the month of May. He reviewed the highlights and lowlights of the month and year-to-date numbers. He commented that we are starting next season in a good position. However, we now show a year-end deficit of $22,441. Jason Miller commented on the strategies development is using to try to shore up their remaining goal. The committee discussed ways to make up the deficit. Cate agreed we will need to send a letter signed by her in the next few days asking for modest gifts to help close this gap.
Next year’s budget proposal: Chad reviewed the assumptions for next season’s budget. It’s important to note that these numbers don’t take into account any salary increases for musicians or staff. Each 1% of increase generally represents about $20,000 in increased expenses. Cate commented we should be prepared for at least a 3% increase after contract negotiations. They discussed concert sponsorships and ways to make them happen for what’s remaining next year, as well as creative ways to add value to the sponsorship idea.
Marketing Report (see reports) Annie Matlow reviewed her report noting that we are about $4000 or $5000 ahead of where we were last year and we still yet have some direct mail in July and a television campaign coming in September. Sherry Knott announced that Swing with the Maestro is on September 11th.
Board Development Committee Report Bill Simer reported that we have a few remaining asks, but have had some nice recruiting success.
New Business Stace Stacey reported that the Musical Legacy Society has gained 10 new members this year. With no further business, the committee meeting was adjourned at 1:15 pm.
Sherry Knott, Secretary