Employment Evidence
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Employment Evidence by Eugene Hollander
Part 1. Preliminary Matters
Chapter 1. Summary Judgment
I. INTRODUCTION §1:10 Generally §1:20 Summary Judgment Standards §1:30 Applicable Law II. CONSIDERATIONS WHEN MOVING FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT §1:40 Employer’s Motion §1:50 Timing of Motion §1:60 Time for Employee’s Response III. OTHER PRIOR ACTS OF PLAINTIFF §1:70 Materials Must Be in Record §1:71 Plaintiff Checklist—Preparing for the Plaintiff’s Deposition §1:72 Plaintiff’s Outline for Deposing the Sexual Harasser §1:80 Checklist—Defendant’s Evidentiary Materials §1:81 Deposition Outline for the Plaintiff (FLSA and Retaliatory Discharge Claims) §1:85 Form: Affidavit in Accordance With Fed. R. Evid. 1006 IV. EMPLOYER’S MOTION §1:90 Format of Motion §1:100 Form: Defendant’s Motion for Summary Judgment §1:110 Affidavits Supporting Motion §1:120 Checklist—Drafting Decisionmaker’s Affidavit §1:130 Challenging Plaintiff’s Prima Facie Case §1:140 Checklist—Evidence Challenging Performance Element of Plaintiff’s Prima Facie Case §1:150 Sexual Harassment Cases §1:160 ADA Cases §1:161 Summary Judgment on Basis of Judicial Estoppel §1:161.1 Case Example: Claim Not Precluded §1:161.2 Case Examples: Claim Precluded §1:161.3 Form: Motion for Summary Judgment—Defendant—Judicial Estoppel §1:170 Pre-Motion Deposition Checklist—ADA Case §1:180 Retaliation Cases §1:190 Anticipating Pretext V. PLAINTIFF’S RESPONSE §1:200 Introduction §1:210 Explain Continuance With Rule 56(f) Affidavit §1:210.1 Form: Rule 56(f) Affidavit §1:210.2 Form: Plaintiff’s Motion to Extend Discovery Cutoff §1:220 Checklist—Plaintiff’s Evidentiary Materials §1:230 Forms: Plaintiff’s Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment §1:230.1 Form: Plaintiff’s Cross-Motion for Summary Judgment—General §1:230.2 Form: Plaintiff’s Cross Motion for Partial Summary Judgment—Americans With Disabilities Act §1:230.3 Form: Plaintiff’s Opposition to Summary Judgment—ADEA §1:230.4 Form: Plaintiff’s Response to Motion for Summary Judgment—RIF §1:230.5 Form: Plaintiff’s Response to Motion for Summary Judgment—PDA/FMLA §1:230.6 Form: Plaintiff’s Response to Motion for Summary Judgment—Race Discrimination §1:240 Sexual Harassment Cases §1:240.1 Form: Plaintiff’s Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment and Cross-Motion Chapter 2. Administrative Decisions and Materials I. EEOC Determination Letters and Materials §2:10 Introduction §2:20 Common Fact Pattern §2:30 Foundation §2:40 Objections §2:50 Plaintiff’s Tactics §2:60 Form: Plaintiff Request for Right to Sue Letter §2:64 Form: Jury Instruction—Receipt of Notice of Right to Sue §2:70 Form: Plaintiff Letter to EEOC Requesting Investigative File §2:80 Form: Jury Instruction §2:90 Defendant’s Tactics §2:100 Form: Defendant’s Motion in Limine to Exclude and Bar Evidence Concerning EEOC Cause Finding §2:110 Cases Involving EEOC Determination Letters and Materials §2:110.1 Evidence Admitted §2:110.2 Evidence Excluded II. STATE AGENCY REPORTS §2:120 Introduction §2:130 Common Fact Pattern §2:140 Foundation §2:150 Objections §2:160 Plaintiff’s Tactics §2:170 Form: Plaintiff Bench Brief—Exclusion of Evidence From Unemployment Compensation Hearing §2:180 Defendant’s Tactics §2:190 Cases Involving State Administrative Agency Reports §2:190.1 Evidence Admitted §2:190.2 Evidence Excluded §2:190.3 Cases Involving Issue Preclusion III. ARBITRATION DECISIONS §2:200 Introduction §2:210 Common Fact Pattern §2:220 Foundation §2:230 Objections §2:240 Plaintiff’s Tactics §2:250 Defendant’s Tactics §2:260 Cases Involving Admissibility of Arbitration Decisions §2:260.1 Evidence Admitted §2:260.2 Evidence Excluded IV. DISABILITY APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS §2:270 Introduction §2:280 Common Fact Pattern §2:290 Foundation §2:300 Objections §2:310 Plaintiff’s Tactics §2:320 Form: Plaintiff’s Motion in Limine to Bar Evidence Concerning Plaintiff’s Application for Social Security Benefits §2:330 Defendant’s Tactics §2:340 Defendant—Examination Checklist—Plaintiff’s Inconsistent Disability Statements §2:350 Cases Involving Disability Applications and Materials §2:350.1 Evidence Admitted or Defense Allowed §2:350.2 Evidence Not Admitted or Defense Not Allowed Part 2. Liability Chapter 3. Plaintiff’s Prior Acts I. PLAINTIFF’S PRIOR SEXUAL CONDUCT §3:10 Introduction §3:20 F.R.E. 412—Special Requirements §3:30 Common Fact Pattern §3:40 Foundation §3:50 Procedure to Admit Sexual Conduct Evidence Under F.R.E. 412 §3:50.1 Form: Defendant’s Motion Pursuant to F.R.E. 412 §3:50.2 Form: Plaintiff’s Response to Motion Pursuant to F.R.E 412 §3:60 Objections §3:70 Defendant’s Tactics §3:80 Plaintiff’s Tactics §3:80.1 Form: Plaintiff’s Motion in Limine to Exclude Prior Sexual Acts §3:80.2 Form: Plaintiff’s Motion for Protective Order §3:90 Jury Instructions §3:90.1 Form: “Unwelcome Conduct” §3:90.2 Form: “Unwelcome Conduct”—Examples §3:100 Cases on Key Issues §3:100.1 Previous Sexual Contact With Alleged Harasser §3:100.1.1 Evidence Precluding Harassment Claim §3:100.1.2 Evidence Not Precluding Harassment Claim §3:100.2 Sexual Behavior in Workplace §3:100.2.1 Evidence Excluded §3:100.2.2 Evidence Admitted §3:100.3 Sexual Conduct Outside Workplace §3:100.3.1 Evidence Excluded §3:100.3.2 Evidence Admitted §3:100.4 Sexual Conduct Involving Third Parties §3:100.4.1 Evidence Excluded §3:100.4.2 Evidence Admitted II. AFTER-ACQUIRED EVIDENCE §3:110 Introduction §3:120 Common Fact Pattern §3:130 Foundation §3:140 Objections §3:150 Defendant’s Tactics §3:160 Plaintiff’s Tactics §3:160.1 Form: Plaintiff’s Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence of Alleged Misconduct §3:170 Jury Instructions §3:170.1 Form: After-Acquired Evidence §3:170.2 Form: After-Acquired Evidence—Offsets to Damages §3:180 Cases on Key Issues §3:180.1 Applying After-Acquired Evidence to Limit Damages §3:180.2 Declining to Apply Doctrine III. Case Digest—other prior acts of Plaintiff §3:200 Poor Work Performance at Prior Employer Inadmissable §3:210 Prior Lawsuit Against Defendant Inadmissable §3:220 Prior Lawsuit Against Another Employer Inadmissible §3:220.1 Form: Plaintiff Brief—Motion in Limine—Prior Lawsuits or Claims §3:230 Bad Acts Related to Job Performance §3:230.1 Form: Plaintiff Brief—Motion in Limine—Alleged Prior Bad Acts Chapter 4. Defendant’s Prior Acts I. SEXUAL HARASSMENT CASES—DEFENDANT’S PRIOR SEXUAL CONDUCT §4:10 Introduction §4:20 Common Fact Pattern §4:30 Foundation §4:40 Procedure to Admit Sexual Assault Evidence Under F.R.E. 415 §4:50 Objections §4:60 Plaintiff’s Tactics §4:61 Checklist for Deposing Sexual Harasser §4:62 Form: Plaintiff’s Response to Defendant’s Motion in Limine Regarding Allegations of Sexual Harassment Raised by Other Female Employees §4:63 Plaintiff’s Response to Defendant’s Motion in Limine Regarding Other Harassers §4:64 Plaintiff’s Response to Defendant’s Motion in Limine Regarding Alleged Time-Barred Evidence §4:70 Form: Plaintiff’s Affidavit in Opposition to Defendant’s Summary Judgment Motion or Motion in Limine §4:80 Defendant’s Tactics §4:90 Forms §4:90.1 Form: Defendant’s Jury Instruction Regarding Prior Sexual Harassment §4:90.2 Form: Defendant’s Motion to Bar Pursuant to F.R.E. 415 §4:90.3 Form: Defendant’s Motion in Limine to Exclude and Bar Evidence Concerning Character of Defendant’s Employees §4:90.4 Form: Jury Instruction—Hostile Work Environment §4:90.5 Form: Jury Instruction—Unwelcome Conduct §4:90.6 Form: Jury Instruction—Hostile Work Environment—Burden of Proof—Supervisor Acts §4:90.7 Form: Jury Instruction—Hostile Work Environment—Burden of Proof—Co-Worker Acts §4:90.8 Form: Plaintiff Response to Motion in Limine—Consensual Affair §§4:100-4:110 [Reserved] §4:120 Cases on Key Issues §4:130 Cases Involving Pervasiveness §4:130.1 Evidence Admitted §4:130.2 Evidence Excluded §4:131 Cases Involving “Second Hand” Harassment §4:131.1 Evidence Insufficient §4:131.2 Evidence Sufficient §4:140 Cases Involving Quid Pro Quo Harassment §4:140.1 Evidence Admitted §4:150 Cases Involving Notice, Motive or Intent §4:150.1 Evidence Admitted §4:150.2 Evidence Excluded §4:151 Time Barred Evidence II. DISPARATE TREATMENT CASES—DEFENDANT’S PRIOR ACTS §4:160 Introduction §4:170 Common Fact Pattern §4:180 Foundation §4:190 Objections §4:200 Plaintiff’s Tactics §4:205 Deposing Defendant’s Human Resources Manager §4:210 Defendant’s Tactics §4:220 Defendant’s Forms §4:220.1 Form: Defendant’s Proposed Limiting Instruction Regarding Prior Acts §4:220.2 Form: Defendant’s Memorandum in Support of Motion in Limine—ADEA—FRE 402, 403 §4:230 Cases Involving Notice to Employer §4:230.1 Evidence Admitted §4:230.2 Evidence Excluded §4:240 Cases Involving Pervasiveness or Pretext §4:240.1 Evidence Admitted §4:240.2 Evidence Excluded §4:250 Cases Involving Pattern or Practice §4:250.1 Evidence Admitted §4:250.2 Evidence Excluded §4:260 Cases Involving Discrimination of Other Protected Classes §4:260.1 Evidence Admitted §4:260.2 Evidence Excluded §4:270 Cases Involving Other Lawsuits or Charges of Discrimination §4:280 Cases on Other Key Issues §4:280.1 Evidence Admitted §4:280.2 Evidence Excluded §4:285 Time Barred Evidence §4:285.1 Evidence Admitted §4:290 Direct Evidence Not Required in Mixed Motives Cases Chapter 5. Statistical Evidence I. DISPARATE TREATMENT CASES §5:10 Introduction §5:20 Common Fact Pattern §5:30 Foundation §5:40 Objections §5:50 Plaintiff’s Tactics §5:60 Plaintiff’s Checklist—Discovery Matters for Statistical Analysis §5:70 Defendant’s Tactics §5:80 Form: Defendant’s Motion to Bar Plaintiff’s Expert §5:90 Defendant’s Checklist—Cross-Exam of Plaintiff’s Statistical Expert §5:100 Cases Involving Statistics in Disparate Treatment Cases §5:100.1 Evidence Admitted §5:100.2 Evidence Excluded II. DISPARATE IMPACT CASES §5:110 Introduction §5:120 Common Fact Pattern §5:130 Foundation §5:140 Objections §5:150 Plaintiff’s Tactics §5:160 Defendant’s Tactics §5:170 Defendant’s Cross-Examination Checklist for Plaintiff’s Statistical Expert §5:180 Form: Jury Instruction—Considering Statistics as Evidence §5:190 Form: Jury Instruction—ADEA—Comparing Relevant Populations §5:200 Cases Involving Statistics in Disparate Impact Cases §5:200.1 Evidence Admitted §5:200.2 Evidence Excluded III. CLASS ACTION/PATTERN AND PRACTICE CASES §5:210 Introduction §5:220 Common Fact Pattern §5:230 Foundation §5:240 Objections §5:250 Plaintiff’s Tactics §5:260 Plaintiff’s Checklist—Discovery and Evidence in Class Action and Pattern and Practice Cases §5:270 Defendant’s Tactics §5:280 Form: Jury Instruction—Statistics to Prove Pattern and Practice of Race Discrimination §5:290 Cases Involving Statistics in Class Action/Pattern and Practice Cases §5:290.1 Evidence Admitted §5:290.2 Evidence Excluded Chapter 6. Defendant’s Documents I. PERSONNEL MANUALS AND POLICIES §6:10 Introduction §6:20 Common Fact Pattern §6:30 Foundation §6:40 Objections §6:50 Plaintiff’s Tactics §6:50.1 Plaintiff’s Checklist—Defendant’s Personnel Manuals and Policies §6:50.2 Form: Jury Instruction—Pretext §6:60 Defendant’s Tactics §6:60.1 Form: Defendant’s Motion in Limine to Exclude Employee Handbook §6:70 Cases Involving Personnel Manuals and Policies §6:70.1 Evidence Admitted §6:70.2 Evidence Excluded II. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION PLANS §6:80 Introduction §6:90 Foundation §6:100 Objections §6:110 Cases Involving Affirmative Action Plans §6:110.1 Evidence Admitted §6:110.2 Evidence Excluded III. BUSINESS RECORDS AND INTERNAL MEMORANDA §6:120 Introduction §6:130 Common Fact Pattern §6:140 Foundation §6:150 Objections §6:160 Plaintiff’s Tactics §6:160.1 Form: Plaintiff—Request for Admission of Defendant’s Business Records §6:160.2 Form: Stipulation—Defendant’s Business Records §6:160.3 Form: Jury Instruction—Request for Admission of Documents §6:170 Defendant’s Tactics §6:170.1 Form: Defendant—Motion to Strike §6:180 Cases Involving Business Records and Internal Memoranda §6:180.1 Evidence Admitted §6:180.2 Evidence Excluded IV. EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINARY RECORDS AND PERSONNEL FILES §6:190 Introduction §6:200 Common Fact Pattern §6:210 Foundation §6:220 Objections §6:230 Plaintiff’s Tactics §6:230.1 Form: Plaintiff—Designation of Personal Representative §6:240 Defendant’s Tactics §6:240.1 Form: Agreed Protective Order §6:240.2 Form: Motion to Modify Protective Order—Plaintiff §6:250 Cases Involving Employee Disciplinary Records and Personnel Files §6:250.1 Evidence Admitted §6:250.2 Evidence Excluded V. MISSING DOCUMENTS OR DESTRUCTION OF EVIDENCE §6:260 Introduction §6:270 Common Fact Pattern §6:280 Foundation §6:290 Objections §6:300 Plaintiff’s Tactics §6:300.1 Form: Plaintiff—Motion to Compel §6:300.2 Form: Plaintiff—Complaint Count Alleging Spoliation of Evidence §6:300.3 Form: Plaintiff—Jury Instruction—Failure to Produce Evidence §6:300.4 Form: Plaintiff—Jury Instruction—Spoilation—Bad Faith Destruction §6:310 Defendant’s Tactics §6:310.1 Form: Defendant: Motion in Limine—Destruction of Evidence §6:320 Cases Involving Destruction of Documentary Evidence §6:320.1 Evidence Admitted §6:320.2 Evidence Excluded VI. SEVERANCE AGREEMENTS; DEFENDANT’S POST-TERMINATION OFFERS §6:330 Introduction §6:340 Common Fact Pattern §6:350 Foundation §6:360 Objections §6:370 Plaintiff’s Tactics §6:380 Defendant’s Tactics §6:390 Cases Involving Severance Agreements and Other Post-Termination Offers §6:390.1 Evidence Admitted §6:390.2 Evidence Excluded Chapter 7. Testimonial Evidence I. DISCRIMINATORY REMARKS §7:10 Introduction §7:20 Common Fact Pattern §7:30 Foundation §7:40 Objections §7:50 Plaintiff’s Tactics §7:50.1 Plaintiff’s Tactics—Age Discrimination §7:60 Form: Jury Instruction—Discriminatory Remarks §7:70 Form: Affidavit—Plaintiff—Discriminatory Remarks §7:80 Defendant’s Tactics §7:90 Defendant’s Forms §7:90.1 Form: Motion to Strike—Defendant—Discriminatory Remarks §7:90.2 Form: Jury Instruction—Direct Evidence—Stray Remarks—Statements by Persons Not Involved §7:90.3 Form: Defendant’s Memorandum in Support of Motion in Limine—Title VII Race Discrimination/Failure to Promote—Racially Derogatory Comments §7:110 Cases Involving Evidence of Discriminatory Remarks §7:110.1 Evidence Admitted as Direct Evidence of Discrimination §7:110.2 Evidence Not Admitted as Direct Evidence of Discrimination §7:110.3 Evidence Admitted as Circumstantial Evidence of Discrimination §7:110.4 Evidence Not Admitted—Stray Remarks §7:110.5 Evidence Admitted—Not Germane to Claim §7:110.6 Evidence Admissible as Cat’s Paw Theory §7:110.7 Evidence Inadmissible as Cat’s Paw Theory II. HEARSAY §7:120 Introduction §7:130 Common Fact Pattern §7:140 Foundation §7:150 Objections §7:160 Responses to Objections §7:170 Opponent’s Tactics §7:170.1 Form: Defendant’s Memorandum in Support of Motion in Limine—Title VII Demotion—FRE 402, 403, 602, 802 §7:170.2 Form: Plaintiff’s Motion to Exclude Manager’s Testimony About What Plaintiff’s Coworkers Said §7:180 Proponent’s Tactics 7:180.1 Form: Plaintiff’s Bench Brief re Admissibility of Statement as Admission of Party Opponent §7:190 Cases Involving Hearsay and Alleged Hearsay §7:190.1 Evidence Admitted §7:190.2 Evidence Held to Be Inadmissible III. PRIOR CONSISTENT STATEMENTS §7:200 Introduction §7:210 Foundation §7:220 Objections §7:230 Form: Requests for Admissions to Establish Evidentiary Foundation of Document §7:240 Cases Involving Prior Consistent Statements §7:240.1 Evidence Not Admitted IV. IMPEACHMENT §7:250 Introduction §7:260 Common Fact Pattern §7:270 Foundation §7:280 Objections §7:290 Plaintiff’s Tactics §7:300 Plaintiff Checklist: Sources of Impeachment for Decisionmaker §7:301 Opposing Defendant’s Attempt to Discover Impeaching Evidence From Department of Labor §7:302 Form: Motion to Quash—Plaintiff—Subpoena Served Upon DOL §7:303 Form: Jury Instruction—Impeachment of Witnesses §7:310 Defendant’s Tactics §7:320 Defendant Checklist—Sources of Impeachment for Plaintiff §7:321 Compelling Production of Transcripts From Unemployment Compensation Hearing §7:322 Form: Defendant’s Response to Plaintiff’s Motion to Quash Subpoena Served Upon DOL and Motion to Compel Production §7:330 Cases Involving Impeachment Evidence §7:330.1 Evidence Admitted §7:330.2 Evidence Not Admitted V. TAPE-RECORDED CONVERSATIONS §7:340 Introduction §7:350 Common Fact Pattern §7:360 Foundation §7:370 Objections §7:380 Plaintiff’s Tactics §7:390 Defendant’s Tactics §7:400 Form: Motion in Limine—Defendant—Tape-Recorded Conversations §7:410 Cases Involving Tape-Recorded Conversations §7:410.1 Evidence Admitted §7:410.2 Evidence Not Admitted §7:410.3 Evidence Used to Limit Damages PART 3. DAMAGES Chapter 8. Financial Evidence I. DEFENDANT’S NET WORTH §8:10 Introduction §8:20 Common Fact Pattern §8:30 Foundation §8:40 Objections §8:50 Plaintiff’s Tactics §8:60 Forms §8:61 Form: Plaintiff’s Request for Admission—Financial Evidence §8:62 Form: Stipulation as to Net Worth §8:63 Form: Motion for Protective Order—Financial Evidence—Defendant §8:64 Jury Instructions §8:64.1 Form: Jury Instruction—Punitive Damages §8:64.2 Form: Jury Instruction—Back Pay §8:64.4 Form: Jury Instruction—Damages—General Considerations §8:65 Form: Plaintiff’s Motion for Liquidated Damages §8:66 Plaintiff's Response to Defendant's Motion in Limine Re: Financial Information §§8:70-8:80 [Reserved] §8:90 Defendant’s Tactics §8:100 Cases Involving Evidence of Defendant’s Net Worth §8:100.1 Evidence Admitted §8:100.2 Evidence Excluded II. FINANCIAL EVIDENCE OF PLAINTIFF §8:110 Introduction §8:120 Common Fact Pattern §8:130 Foundation §8:140 Objections §8:150 Plaintiff’s Tactics §8:160 Defendant’s Tactics §8:170 Forms §8:170.1 Form: Defendant’s Motion to Compel Plaintiff—Financial Evidence §8:170.2 Form: Defendant’s Motion to Bar §8:170.3 Form: Agreed Protective Order §8:170.4 Form: Jury Instruction—Plaintiff’s Duty to Mitigate §8:170.5 Form: Defendant’s Motion in Limine to Exclude Evidence of Front Pay From the Jury §8:170.6 Form: Plaintiff’s Response to Defendant’s Motion to Strike Jury Demand for Back Pay and Front Pay §8:170.7 Form: Jury Verdict §8:170.8 Form: Plaintiff's Motion in Limine to Bar Evidence of Offer of Re-Employment §8:170.9 Form: Plaintiff Motion in Limine—Inability to Work §§8:180-8:190 [Reserved] §8:200 Cases Involving Evidence Used to Determine Plaintiff’s Damages §8:200.1 Evidence Admitted §8:200.2 Evidence Excluded Chapter 9. Plaintiff’s Medical and Psychological Evidence I. Plaintiff’s Medical and Psychological History §9:10 Introduction §9:20 Common Fact Pattern §9:30 Foundation §9:40 Objections §9:50 Defendant’s Tactics §9:60 Form: Defendant’s Subpoena for Medical Records §9:70 Form: Defendant Motion to Compel §9:80 Plaintiff’s Tactics §9:81 Form: Motion for Protective Order—Plaintiff—Request for Independent Medical Examination §9:82 Form: Plaintiff’s Motion to Quash §9:83 Form: Plaintiff’s Motion in Limine to Exclude Psychological or Medical Treatment §9:84 Form: Plaintiff’s Response to Defendant's Motion in Limine to Exclude Testimony Re: Causation §9:110 Cases on Key Issues §9:110.1 Cases Involving Plaintiff’s Medical and Psychological History §9:110.1.1 Discovery Not Allowed §9:110.1.2 Discovery Allowed §9:110.2 Cases Involving ADA Claims §9:110.2.1 Evidence Admitted §9:110.2.2 Evidence Excluded [Reserved] §9:110.3 Cases Involving Lay Opinion Testimony §9:110.3.1 Evidence Admitted §9:110.3.2 Evidence Excluded [Reserved] II. Independent Medical or Psychological Exams (Rule 35) §9:120 Introduction §9:130 Form: Plaintiff—Request for Rule 35 Exam Results §9:140 Common Fact Pattern §9:150 Foundation §9:160 Objections §9:170 Defendant’s Tactics §9:180 Form: Defendant’s Motion for Psychological Exam §9:190 Form: Defendant’s Notice for Psychological Exam §9:200 Plaintiff’s Tactics §9:210 Form: Stipulation Regarding Rule 35 Exam §9:220 Cases Involving Rule 35 Independent Medical Exams §9:220.1 Exam Permitted §9:220.2 Exam Not Permitted III. MMPI-II AND OTHER PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS §9:230 Introduction §9:240 Common Fact Pattern §9:250 Foundation §9:260 Objections §9:270 Defendant’s Tactics §9:280 Plaintiff’s Tactics §9:290 Cases Involving Use of MMPI-II and Other Psychological Tests §9:290.1 Testing Not Allowed §9:290.2 Testing Allowed Chapter 10. Expert Evidence I. Overview §10:10 Introduction §10:20 Common Fact Pattern §10:30 Foundation §10:40 Objections §10:50 Plaintiff’s Tactics §10:60 Plaintiff’s Checklist—Evidentiary Issues at Trial §10:60.1 Checklist: Preparing for Defendant’s Medical Expert’s Deposition §10:62 Form: Plaintiff’s Motion and Brief to Bar Defendant’s Expert §10:65 Form: Plaintiff’s Post-Trial Brief Regarding Damages §10:70 Defendant’s Tactics §10:80 Defendant’s Checklist for Plaintiff’s Expert §10:80.1 Checklist for Deposing Plaintiff's Computer Forensic Expert §10:80.2 Form: Defendant's Rule 26(a)(2) Interrogatories to Plaintiff's Forensic Computer Expert §10:80.3 Form: Plaintiff's Rule 26(a)(2) Request for Production to Plaintiff's Forensic Computer Expert §10:80.4 Checklist for Deposing Plaintiff's Vocational Rehabilitation Expert §10:85 Checklist for Deposing Plaintiff’s Computer Forensic Expert §10:85.1 Checklist for Deposing Plaintiff’s Vocational Rehabilitation Expert §10:90 Form: Defendant’s Motion to Bar Plaintiff’s Expert §10:100 Form: Defendant’s Daubert Motion to Bar Plaintiff’s Expert §10:110 Forms: Jury Instructions §10:110.1 Form: Jury Instruction—Disparate Impact—Statistics §10:110.2 Form: Jury Instruction—Sex Discrimination—Statistics §10:110.3 Form: Jury Instruction—Age Discrimination—Statistics §10:110.4 Form: Jury Instruction—Race Discrimination—Statistics §10:110.5 Form: Jury Instruction—ADA—“Major Life Activity” §10:110.6 Form: Jury Instruction—ADA—“Substantially Limited” in Major Life Activity §10:110.7 Form: Jury Instruction—FMLA—“Serious Health Condition” §10:110.8 Form: Jury Instruction—Expert Witness Testimony §§10:120-10:170 [Reserved] II. Case Summaries §10:180 Employer’s General Policies and Procedures §10:180.1 Evidence Admitted §10:180.2 Evidence Excluded §10:190 Mental Health/Medical Experts §10:190.1 FMLA Cases Concerning “Serious Health Condition” §10:190.1.1 Evidence Admitted §10:190.1.2 Evidence Excluded §10:190.2 Hostile Work Environment and Damages §10:190.2.1 Evidence Admitted §10:190.2.2 Evidence Excluded §10:200 Economists and Accountants §10:200.1 Evidence Admitted §10:200.2 Evidence Excluded §10:210 Statisticians §10:210.1 Evidence Admitted §10:210.2 Evidence Excluded §10:220 Experts Used in ADA Litigation §10:220.1 Evidence Admitted §10:220.2 Evidence Excluded §10:230 Mitigation Experts §10:230.1 Evidence Admitted §10:230.2 Evidence Excluded §10:240 Miscellaneous Expert Cases §10:240.1 Evidence Admitted §10:240.2 Evidence Excluded PART 4. DEFENSES Chapter 11. Employer Responses I. BUSINESS JUDGMENT RULE §11:10 Introduction §11:20 Common Fact Pattern §11:30 Foundation §11:40 Objections §11:50 Employer’s Tactics §11:60 Form: Business Judgment Rule—Jury Instruction for Defendant §11:70 Employee’s Tactics §11:80 Plaintiff Checklist—Undermining Defendant’s Business Judgment Reasons §11:90 Cases Involving Evidence Regarding Business Judgment Rule §11:90.1 Evidence Sufficient to Establish Defense §11:90.2 Evidence Insufficient to Establish Defense II. BONA FIDE OCCUPATIONAL QUALIFICATION §11:100 Introduction §11:110 Common Fact Pattern §11:120 Foundation §11:130 Objections §11:140 Employer’s Tactics §11:150 Form: Bona Fide Occupational Qualification—Jury Instruction for Defendant §11:160 Employee’s Tactics §11:170 Cases Involving Evidence Regarding Employer’s Bona Fide Occupational Qualification §11:170.1 Evidence Sufficient to Establish Defense §11:170.2 Evidence Insufficient to Establish Defense III. ELLERTH/FARAGHER AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE §11:180 Introduction §11:190 Common Fact Pattern §11:200 Foundation §11:210 Objections §11:220 Employer’s Tactics §11:225 Form: Jury Instruction—Affirmative Defense §11:230 Employee’s Tactics §11:240 Cases Involving Adequacy of Employer’s Sexual Harassment Policy §11:240.1 Evidence Sufficient to Establish Defense §11:240.2 Evidence Not Admitted/Insufficient to Establish Defense IV. UNDUE HARDSHIP §11:250 Introduction §11:260 Common Fact Pattern §11:270 Foundation §11:280 Objections §11:290 Employee’s Tactics §11:300 Cases Involving Undue Hardship §11:300.1 Evidence Admitted §11:300.2 Evidence Excluded V. SAME ACTOR §11:310 Introduction §11:320 Common Fact Pattern §11:330 Foundation §11:340 Objections §11:350 Employer’s Tactics §11:360 Form: Same-Actor Inference—Jury Instruction for Defendant §11:370 Employee’s Tactics §11:380 Cases Involving Same Actor Inference §11:380.1 Evidence Sufficient to Establish Inference §11:380.2 Evidence Insufficient to Establish Inference VI. LACHES §11:390 Introduction §11:400 Common Fact Pattern §11:410 Foundation §11:420 Objections §11:430 Employer’s Tactics §11:430.1 Form: Motion for Summary Judgment Based Upon Laches Defense—Defendant §11:430.2 Form: Jury Instruction—Laches §11:440 Employee’s Tactics §11:450 Cases Involving Laches §11:450.1 Evidence Sufficient to Establish Defense §11:450.2 Evidence Insufficient to Maintain Defense VII. Estoppel §11:460 Introduction §11:470 Common Fact Pattern §11:480 Foundation §11:490 Objections §11:500 Plaintiff’s Tactics §11:510 Defendant Tactics §11:520 Form §11:520 Form: Motion to Dismiss—Estoppel—Defendant §11:530 Cases Involving Estoppel §11:530.1 Evidence Sufficient to Bar Claim §11:530.2 Evidence Insufficient to Bar Claim VIII. Reasonable Factors Other Than Age (“RFOA”) §11:540 Introduction §11:550 Common Fact Pattern §11:560 Plaintiff’s Tactics §11:570 Defendant’s Tactics §11:580 Cases Involving RFOA Chapter 12. Demonstrative Evidence §12:10 Introduction §12:20 Common Fact Pattern §12:30 Foundation §12:40 Objections §12:50 Plaintiff’s Tactics §12:60 Plaintiff’s Checklist of Demonstrative Evidence §12:70 Form: Plaintiff—Sample Organizational Chart §12:80 Form: Plaintiff—Request for Production of Documents §12:90 Defendant’s Tactics §12:100 Defendant’s Checklist of Demonstrative Evidence §12:110 Form: Defendant—Request for Production of Documents (Plaintiff’s Response thereto) §12:120 Jury Instruction: Video Deposition §12:130 Jury Instruction: Charts or Summaries §12:140 Cases Involving Demonstrative Evidence §12:140.1 Demonstrative Evidence Not Allowed §12:140.2 Demonstrative Evidence Allowed [Reserved] Chapter 13. Electronic Evidence §13:10 Introduction §13:20 Plaintiff’s Tactics §13:20.1 Form: Checklist for Plaintiff Regarding Preservation Letter to Be Sent to the Defendant §13:20.2 Form: Preservation Letter §13:20.3 Form: Privilege Log for Electronic Evidence §13:20.4 Form: Brief in Support of Motion to Quash Subpoena §13:30 Defendant’s Tactics §13:30.1 Form: Motion for a Protective Order §13:30.2 Authentication Checklist for Blog or Online Social Networking Site §13:35 Introducing E-Mails Into Evidence §13:35.1 Introduction §13:35.2 Foundation §13:35.3 Objections §13:36 Cases Involving the Admissibility of E-Mails, Websites or Blogs §13:36.1 Evidence Excluded §13:40 Cases Involving Electronic Evidence §13:40.1 Cases Involving Admissibility §13:40.1.1 Evidence Admitted §13:40.1.2 Evidence Excluded [Reserved] §13:40.2 Cases Involving Discovery §13:40.2.1 Discovery Permitted §13:40.2.2 Discovery Not Permitted §13:40.3 Cases Involving Cost-Shifting §13:40.3.1 Costs Awarded §13:40.3.2 Costs Not Awarded [Reserved] §13:40.4 Cases Involving Sanctions §13:40.4.1 Sanctions Granted §13:40.4.2 Sanctions Denied §13:40.5 Cases Involving Work Product and Privilege §13:40.5.1 Privilege Upheld §13:40.5.2 Privilege Denied [Reserved] §13:40.6 Miscellaneous Cases Involving Electronic Evidence Chapter 14. Attorney’s Fees and Costs §14:10 Introduction §14:20 Plaintiff Tactics §14:30 Defendant Tactics §14:40 Form: Bill of Costs §14:50 Form: Response to Request for Taxation of Costs §14:60 Form: Motion to Set Schedule Concerning Attorney’s Fees and Costs §14:70 Form: Joint Statement Concerning Attorney’s Fees and Expenses §14:80 Form: Plaintiff’s Petition for Attorney’s Fees and Costs §14:90 Form: Attorney Affidavit in Support of Fee Petition §14:100 Form: Default Order as Exhibit in Support of Fee Petition §14:110 Form: Response to Defendant’s Motion to Waive Bond §14:120 Form: Plaintiff’s Objections to Magistrate’s Report and Recommendation §14:130 Form: Plaintiff’s Supplemental Fee Petition §14:140 Cases Involving Attorney’s Fees and Costs §14:141 Cases Involving Hourly Rates §14:141.1 Evidence Excluded §14:141.2 Evidence Admitted