Lord of the Flies s2
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Lord of the Flies
Island Map Project
Assignment: Produce a detailed and accurate model of the island in Lord of the Flies that includes location points of important places and events in the novel.
From the description on page 29 and other annotations of setting in Chapters 1 and 2, create a map of the island and the surrounding reef. Pay close attention to the description and be very accurate in your drawing. This must be a large color rendition of the island. These sections/locations on the island must be clearly identified:
The platform and meeting place
The jungle
Fruit Trees
The stream
The Coral Reef
The lagoon
Forest where fire happened
Site of signal fire
Site where Ralph and Piggy find the conch Additional events or important sites may be added. Clearly, accurately, and creatively label the location of each. Map key and map symbols may be used (but please be sure to include the map key on your drawing). A quote and page number must be included at each location using proper MLA citation.
1 2 3 4
Required parts Key locations Some important Most key locations Required parts of of the map mentioned in the locations from the book are the map are Key and/or labels. book are missing mentioned in the identified. There visible, clearly from the map. Key book are missing may be only one or labeled and and/or labels may from the map two key location named. All key also be unclear or and/or labels may missing. locations in the underdeveloped. also be missing. book are marked on the map.
Accuracy The map doesn't The map The map mostly The map details The map is set up resemble the somewhat resembles the and locations as described in description in the resembles the description in the match the the book. book very well as description in the book. Most of the description in the there are five or book. However details/locations on book perfectly. more discrepancies there are three to the map are in detail or location. four discrepancies. accurate with only one or two discrepancies.
Textual The map uses no The map uses The map uses The map uses Evidence quotes. some quotes that many quotes that quotes that describe a physical describe the describe each of part of the island. physical parts of the physical parts the island. of the island.
Neatness / Few of the labels or Some of the Most of the labels All of the labels or Spelling / features can be features can be or features can be features can be Creativity read easily. There read There may be read easily and read easily and Design and layout are several spelling several spelling most of the words there are no show effort errors. The map errors and/or the on the map are spelling errors. looks rushed and is map looks hurried spelled correctly. The map is sloppy. Little, to and rushed. Some The map is neat original and the no, effort is effort is evident. and in color. Good effort shown is evident. effort is apparent. excellent. A rubric (included on the back) must be attached to final product.
Island Map Project Rubric: