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Central Information Commiissioion 2nd Floor, ‘B’ Wing / August Kranti Bhavan Bhikaji Cama Place New Delhi – 110066
F. No. 19/2/2016/printing/CIC-MR Date: 01-11-2016
OPEN TENDER NOTI CE Sealed Tenders on behalf of the President of India, are invited from experienced and well established Printers empanelled with Directorate of Printing, Government of India under A class offset printers (copy of certificate issued by Directorate of Printing to be enclosed along with the bid) for printing of Annual Report 2015-16 of Central Information Commission.
2. Validity of Tender:
The tender shall remain valid for a period not less than 90 days after the deadline specified for submission of quotations.
3. Evaluation of Tender:
This office will evaluate and compare the quotations determined to be substantially responsive i.e., which are;
a) Properly signed, and b) Conform to the terms and conditions and specifications. The
evaluation would be done for all the items put together.
4. Award of contract:
The Competent Authority will award the contract to the bidder whose quotation has been determined to be as per terms & condition. Selection of a firm for award of Contract will not be made solely on the basis of lowest rates quoted by a tenderer. Previous experience/performance, latest machines/manpower, office location etc. will also be considered in this regard. This Commission will have full authority to reject any/all offer(s) without assigning any reason thereof.
5 Bidders or their authorized representative may visit the office to understand the scope of work during working hours.
6. Sealed quotations are required to be submitted in the prescribed format enclosed with the letter viz. Annexure I (Technical Bid) and Annexure II (Financial Bid). Financial Bids of only those bidders, who have been declared technically qualified will be opened.
7. The tender form along with terms and conditions can be downloaded from Website www . cic .g ov . i n and submitted along with the receipt for price of tender form deposited by Demand Draft of Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred Only) drawn in favour of PAO, CAT, New Delhi. Price of the tender form is Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred Only).
8. The quotations alongwith Demand Draft of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand Only) as Earnest Money in favour of PAO, CAT, New Delhi sealed in an envelope alongwith technical bid and financial bids in separately sealed envelopes together sealed in an envelope super-scribed a s “Tender for Printing of Annual Report of Central Information Commission for the year 2015- 16” should be addressed to Joint Secretary( M&R) , Room No. 309, 2nd Floor, August Kranti Bhawan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi – 110066 a n d s h o u l d r e a c h on or before 22 .11.2016 by 15.00 hrs. The quotations received after the closing date will not be entertained. The quotations will be opened by 15.30 hrs on the same day. The Tenderer or his authorized representative may like to be present at the time of opening of tender. The Earnest Money will be refunded to the unsuccessful bidder.
Name : (A.K. Gehlot) Joint Secretary(M&R) Phone: 26183997
For & on behalf of Central Information Commission
Copy to:- Shri Rakesh Malik, Secientist – E, NIC for uploading on the website of CIC. 1. Scope of Work:
1.2 Printing of Annual Report, 2015-16, as per the following specification; 1 Description Printing of Annual Report 2015-16 2 No. of copies 1150 Nos. (English-750 & Hindi- 400) 3 Size 27.5 cm x 22 cm 4 Colour (i) Four colours for outside covers and 15-20 colour pages containing Pie- chart/Bar graphs/photographs (ii) Two colours for inside text pages
5 Cover Page One side printing on cover pages Printing 6 Finishing Sewn paper back, with lamination on Outer covers 7 Paper to be used (i) Imported Art Paper 130 GSM, Glossy (for inside pages) (ii) Imported Art Paper 300 GSM, Glossy (for cover pages) 8 No. of pages 200 (excluding index and cover pages) which is subject to slight change)
2.2 Approved matter for the printing including photographs will be provided by the Commission. The Commission will not supply the papers.
1.3 The scope of work covers printing complete with design of cover page, layout of inside pages, composing, setting, processing, proof reading, binding, gloss/matt lamination of cover pages, packing and delivery at CIC, New Delhi.
2. Selection of Vendor:
Selection of a firm for award of Contract may not be made solely on the basis of lowest rates quoted by a tenderer. Previous experience/performance, latest machines/manpower, office location etc. will also be considered in this regard. This Commission will have full authority to reject any/all offer(s) without assigning any reason thereof.
3. Earnest Money Deposit:
An earnest money of Rs. 10000/- (Rupees Ten thousand only) in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft, Fixed Deposit Receipt, Banker’s Cheque or Bank Guarantee in favour of “Pay & Accounts Officer, CAT” payable at New Delhi to be sent along with the quotations failing which the quotation may not be considered. The EMD will be returned back to the unsuccessful bidders. 4. Instructions to bidders:
4.1 The Printing Press must be empanelled with Directorate of Printing, Govt. of India, under ‘A’ Class Offset Printers (Copy of Certificate issued by Directorate of Printing to be enclosed along with the bid) and located in Delhi/National Capital Region (NCR).
4.2 Bidders should be well established professional printers with adequate capacity and must have printed Ministries/Department of Govt. Annual Report during last 03 years. Bidders are advised to see the copy, as sample, of the Annual Report, 2013-14 in this Commission before submitting the quotation. 4.3 If Bidders are interested and in a position to print the copies of the Annual Report, they may give their quotations for the above job. While quoting the rates, they should bear in mind that t h e y have to quote an all inclusive rate which should include paper, printing complete with designing & printing of the cover page, photo scanning, planning, layout, composing, setting, processing, binding, gloss/matt lamination of cover pages, packing and delivery in CIC, New Delhi. 4.4 Bidders may clearly indicate in their letter whether the rate quoted is inclusive or exclusive of sales tax/VAT as also the rate of Sale Tax/VAT, if any. 4.5 The bids submitted by the bidders should be valid for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of tender. 4.6 Samples of the paper to be used must be sent along with t h e quotations alongwith published annual reports printed for any Ministry/Departments/PSU/Authority by the bidder which will be examined at the time of technical examination.
4.7 While the Bidders may send their quotations on the basis of cover pages plus 200 text pages, they may quote rates for each additional 4 pages (in case the number of text pages eventually exceeds beyond from 200 pages). 4.8 The tenders should be sealed and clearly super-scribed with the words “Tender for Printing of CIC’s Annual Report-2015-16.”
5 Delivery Period: 10 days from the date of handing over approved matter for the printing. This period will also cover the approval of cover pages, page layouts and other designs for which the printer has to coordinate with the Commission on day to day basis and get them approved. Any delay on the part of the Commission in approving the matter, however, will not count in the delivery period.
6 Payment Terms: Payment will be made within 30 days of the delivery of the acceptable printed annual report subject to the fulfilment of all contractual obligations to the entire satisfaction of the Commission. The Secretary of the Commission would be competent to forfeit partially or in full the performance security deposit due to non-completion of work partially or in full.
7 Performance Security: After acceptance of tender, the same will be communicated to the successful bidder , hereafter referred to as the Contractor. He shall deposit an amount equal to the 5% of the contract value as performance security in the form of an irrevocable bank guarantee from any schedule bank in the prescribed form within 10 days from the date of acceptance of tender.
8 Liquidated damages and penalty: In the event of failure of the contractors to deliver the acceptable printed Annual Report 2015-16 within the delivery period, the Commission shall have the right to recover the liquidated damage/Penalty @ of 2% of contract value per week or part thereof.
9 Arbitration: All disputes and differences arising out of / or concerning this contract whatsoever shall be referred to sole arbitrator nominated by the Chief Information Commissioner. The award of such arbitration shall be final and binding on both the parties to the contract. All disputes arising out of this contract will come under the jurisdiction of New Delhi.
Certified that I/We have read and understood the implication of the full terms and conditions for bidding as contained in the aforesaid Invitation to bid
Signature & Seal of the Bidder Annexure-I I Technical Bid m p o rt a nt T er m s & c o n di ti o n s C o m pl ia n ce S h e et
Printing of Annual Report of Central Information Commission for the year 2015- 16 Tender Tender C Clause No. 1. The Print empanelled Printing, G Class Offse in Delhi/N (NCR) 2. Copy of certificate in regard to (1) above issued by Directorate of Printing to be enclosed along with the technical bid. 3. The Printing Press should be well established professional printer with adequate capacity like four colour offset printing M/c etc. (may be visited by the representative of CIC) 4. Printer must have printed Annual Reports of Ministries / Departments of Govt./PSU during last 03 years Samples o f at least one Annual Report printed/published during previous year for 3 years may be furnished. 5. An earnest money of Rs. 10000/- (Rupees Ten thousand only) in the form of DD/Pay Order drawn in favour of “Pay & Accounts Officer, CAT” payable at New Delhi to be sent along with the tender (technical bid) or any other manner as published in GFR 157. 6. Sample of the paper for cover page and the inside page duly signed by the authorized signatory
Signature(s) of the proprietor/partners Or authorized signatory (with firm/Printing Press seal) Annexure ‘B’
Fina ncial Bid Pro fo rm a
Pr i n t i ng of Ann ua l Rep o rt f or C entr a l I n f o r m a tion Com m i ss i on f or the ye ar 2 015-16
Sl. No. Description of Qty Unit Rate Amount supply/services (In Rs.) (In Rs.) 1. Printing and supply of - - Annual Report for the year (English : 2015-16, as per 750) specification. (Hindi : 400) 2. Rate for additional 4 pages - - - 3. *Paper, Printing, Complete 200 Pages - - with designing and Printing of the Cover Page 4. *Photo Scanning, planning layout 5. *Composing setting, processing 6. *Binding, gloss/matt lamination of cover pages, packing, delivery in CIC 7. **Cover pages plus 180 tax pages Total
Tax if any……………………………… Grant Total ………………………….
Note: *While quoting the rates, please bear in mind that you have to quote an all inclusive rate.
**Please send your quotations on the basis of cover pages plus 200 text pages, and quote rates for each additional four pages (in case the number of text pages eventually exceeds beyond 200 pages)