This Human World - Competition Program
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this human world - Competition Program ENTRY FORM 2015
this human world is Austria‘s first festival devoted to the subject of Human Rights and Vienna’s 2 nd largest film festival, which takes place annually in different locations all around Vienna. This year the 8 th edition of this human world will take place from December 3 until 12, 2015. The films shown at this human world are on the one hand presented in an international competition program and on the other one in a number of thematic programs, which are curated by the festival team, experts, NGOs and partner festivals. this human world presents outstanding feature films, documentaries, shorts and animation films covering human rights issues. The films aim to encourage people to scrutinise and re-examine their views and take heed of human responsibility. Furthermore the festival’s program contains thematic lectures, workshops, talks and special events.
this human world – COMPETITION PROGRAM
The COMPETITION PROGRAM of this human world presents new exciting discoveries and pays special attention to young filmmakers and smaller productions. It contains films, that raise social awareness of human rights issues outside the framework of mainstream films and that focus on socio-critical themes. Films, that fascinate and that captivate with their innovation, aesthetically and thematically. The submitted films must be the directors’ first or second feature-length films (open for the following categories: feature films, documentary films, animations films and experimental films), have a minimum length of 65 min and must be from 2015 or 2014. A prominent international jury will select the winner of the competition program during the festival and will award the best film with a cinema release in an Austrian arthouse cinema in spring 2016.
Find below the modalities and requirements as well as the entry form for the submission (in German and in English) for this year’s competition program.
We are looking forward to your entries and to an exciting this human world 2015! Application for the festival • Films (features, documentaries, animation or experimental films) must have a running time of min. 65 minutes Shipping of the films The deadline for films to arrive in Vienna is November 1th, 2015. We are looking for new films from , which • 2015 or 2014 Works which arrive after this date will not be guaranteed must be the first or feature-length films by directors from inclusion in the festival. all over the world. In addition, the sender will be asked to send a dispatch note to • Only films that haven't had a premiere or a theatrical release the festival by airmail, fax or E-mail, indicating the date of in Austria can be submitted. An Austrian premiere is a must shipment. A pro-forma-invoice for maximum $ 50 (it must not be - World or International premieres may be given priority. Films higher) should be enclosed in shipping per courier service from may have been released theatrically in their country of origin or non-EU countries, stating the name of the sender, the title of other countries. the film, its size, length, number of reels, and whether it is in color or black and white. The festival will return the material • Films must not have been broadcast on TV and the within four weeks after the festival unless otherwise arranged. internet prior to the festival. Please bear in mind that the consignee is responsible for the re- importation charges at the country of destination. The applicant is responsible for the one-way shipping costs of the projection • this human world does not cover screening fees for films print to the festival. The festival will bear the costs for returning shown in its Competition Program. the print to the sender. • DVD copies and streaming-links are accepted in order to process the application. Screeners must be in the original Insurance language with English or German subtitles. No entry fees are The films and videos will be insured by perspective from the due for submitting films, videos or new media projects time of reception by the film festival to the time of their return to the shipping company. Transport insurance in both directions is • The following exhibition formats are accepted for the festival: the responsibility of the participants. Upon gaining possession DCP, 35mm, Blu-Ray (region free / all regions): on request. of the film or video from the shipping company which, in Films are shown in the original language and must have English consultation with the festival organization, is responsible for or German subtitles. shipment of film or video, the festival will only then accept limited responsibility for the film or video extending to the time • A separate application form should be used for each film. The that the festival organization returns the film or video to the form must be completely filled in. Deadline: The entry form, all shipping company. The definition of this limited responsibility the necessary documents and the viewing copy must be only includes a refund of laboratory expenses for making a new received by this human world by August 10th, 2015. print of the roll or rolls of film damaged, or in case of a video, a duplication of the videotape. This refund will be calculated Return of the preview DVDs: according to current German laboratory prices. It does not • Submitted tapes will not be returned to the entrants • this extend to negatives, positives or any other type of film human world keeps the videos for non-circulating reference in component. In case of faulty projection, the festival cannot be its archive • Those who request return of the DVD's will be held responsible for immaterial damage suffered by director, asked to cover postal expenses to the value of 10.– € producer or distributor. Complaints will only be considered if you lodge them within 6 weeks of the festival’s end. Press kits, photos, videocassettes and other material are not included in Selection of the film/video program this limited insurance responsibility. It should also be pointed The festival’s selection committee makes the first selection of out that guests of the festival are not covered by the festival films, videos and new media works • Selection decisions made insurance. The inclusion of any film or video considered by the festival committee are final • Priority might be given to technically unfit for public screening may be refused. The films that address topics chosen for the festival • Priority might appropriate laws of the Federal Republic of Austria apply. be given to European or World premieres • Priority might be given to works that are examples of formal and technical innovation. If a film is selected, publicity material Important dates (press books, posters, stills, etc.) must have been Application deadline: August 10, 2015 received by the festival organization by August 30, Deadline for reception of preview video: August 10, 2015. 2015 Deadline for festival prints: November 1, 2015 Only films that are selected in the competition program are Festival opening: December 3, 2015 going to be informed about being selected. Please consider your film as not being selected if you are not contacted by the festival until 30 August, 2015. Due to the great amount of General entries we unfortunately can’ t give statements and feedbacks. The festival director’s and jury’s decisions are final. Entry and Thank you for your understanding! inclusion of films/videos implies acceptance of the regulations. In unspecified cases, the festival management will make a final decision. Authorization After a film’s official selection in the competition program the Entry forms and screeners should be addressed to: festival has the right to: • Use three minutes of a documentary this human world - International Human Rights Film or feature film for broadcasting purposes on television • Use Festival three minutes of a documentary or feature film for broadcasting Aspern IQ - Seestadtstraße 27 on the internet • Use the publicity material (press books, 1220 Vienna posters, stills etc.) to promote the festival AUSTRIA [email protected] EINREICHFORMULAR - ENTRY FORM this human world Vienna International Human Rights Film Festival 03.12. – 12.12.2015 Einreichschluss – Entry deadline: 10. August 2015
Das Formular muss vollständig und lesbar ausgefüllt werden – bei einer Aufnahme Ihres Films ins Festivalprogramm werden die von Ihnen ausgefüllten Angaben in den Katalog übernommen. Das Formular ist vollständig ausgefüllt online an [email protected] als auch postal an: this human world – International Human Rights Film Festival, Schleifmühlgasse 8/14, 1040 Vienna, AUSTRIA zu senden.
The form has to be completed fully and legibly – in the eventuality of your film being selected, the information given in this form will be reproduced in the Festival catalogue. The form has to be sent online to [email protected] as well as by mail to: this human world – International Human Rights Film Festival, Schleifmühlgasse 8/14, 1040 Vienna, AUSTRIA.
Originaltitel – Original title
Englischer Titel – English title
Deutscher Titel – German title
Originalsprache – Original language
Untertitel – Subtitles
Produktionsland – Country of production
Produktionsjahr – Year of production
Erstaufführung – 1st public Screening
Österr. Erstaufführung (Voraussetzung) – Austrian Premiere (required)
Festivalteilnahmen – Festival participations
Fernsehausstrahlung – Date of TV release
Sender – Broadcaster
Preise/Auszeichnungen – Awards
Name – Name
Straße – Street
PLZ/Ort – ZIP/City
Tel. – Tel
Fax – Fax
E-Mail – E-Mail
FILMOGRAGPHY of the director (incl. year of production)
Firma - Company
Name – Name
Straße – Street
PLZ/Ort – ZIP/City
Tel. – Tel
Fax – Fax
E-Mail – E-Mail www
Firma - Company
Name – Name
Straße – Street
PLZ/Ort – ZIP/City
Tel. – Tel
Fax – Fax
Laufzeit – Running time
Vorführformat – Screening format
Drehbuch – Script
Kamera – Cinematography
Schnitt – Editing Produktionsleitung – production manager Musik – Music
Darsteller – Cast
Sonstiges – Other
E-Mail: I am the director/distributor/producer/… of the film EINVERSTÄNDNIS ZUR TEILNAHME – FILM´S AGREEMENT TO PARTICIPATE
Der Einsender - The lender of the base (Name) :
Adresse - Adress :
Tel :
Fax :
E-Mail : gewährleistet mit seiner Unterschrift, dass der Rechthaber mit der Anmeldung zum Festival einverstanden ist und das Reglement in der vorliegenden Fassung akzeptiert. declares to be empowered by the owner of the rights to lend the base and that the owner of the rights agrees to the enclosed regulations in their actual state.
DATUM und UNTERSCHRIFT der oben gennanten Person – DATE and SIGNATURE of the person specified above
Datum - Date:
Unterschrift – Signature:
Zusätzliches MATERIAL– additional MATERIAL
Der Anmeldung liegen folgende Anlagen bei - I have submitted the following enclosures with this entry form (Yes/No):
Inhaltsangabe englisch - Synopsis English: Filmographie - Director's filmography: Kurzbiographie des Regisseurs - director's biography: Presseheft - Publicity booklet:
Fotos senden Sie uns bitte nach Auswahl Ihres Films per E-mail ([email protected]) oder auf CD- Rom. Wir akzeptieren folgende Formate: TIFF oder JPG, Mindesbreite: 150mm bei 300 dpi (d.h. mindestens 1770 Pixel Breite)
Photos should be sent (only upon selection) by e-mail ([email protected]) or on CD-ROM. We accept the following formats: TIFF of JPG, minimum width 150 mm at 300 dpi (1770 Pixel minimum width) Bitte senden Sie das vollständig ausgefüllte Anmeldeformular per Post UND online an: Please send the filled in entry form by mail AND online to:
1) Post- und Kopienversand an - Mailing and shipping address: this human world – International Human Rights Film Festival Aspern IQ - Seestadtstraße 27 1220 Vienna AUSTRIA
2) per E-mail an - by E-mail to : [email protected]
Einsendeschluss: 10. August 2015 - Deadline: August 10, 2015