Irvington High School
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I r v i n g t o n H i g h S c h o o l 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 7 S t u d e n t P a r k i n g P e r m i t I n f o r m a t i o n / R u l e s
EVERY STUDENT PARKING ON CAMPUS MUST HAVE A PARKING PERMIT ON FILE TO PARK ON CAMPUS. There is a $15.00 fee to purchase a parking permit. Parking permits are valid for one school year (September-June). Purchasing a parking permit allows you the privilege to park on campus in marked legal parking stalls in the Main Lot only. Drivers are expected to follow all California Laws and Rules of the Road while on campus to include
All vehicles on school property are subject to search pursuant to FUSD Board Policy BP5145.12 to include Contraband Detection Dogs .
SPEED LIMIT IS 5 MPH Rules Student parking is only allowed in the Main Lot. NO Driving in between parking spaces in the lot. Drivers must use the designated roadway. NO Parking in walkways. NO Parking in front of sheds or ends of parking rows. NO Parking along fire lanes and the fence line. NO Parking in a reserved (paid parking spot), or designated stalls (i.e. handicap). NO Vehicle access past the tunnel @ band room for anyone (except staff). DO NOT TAMPER, MOVE, OR CROSS BARICADES WITH VEHICLE.
LOITERING IN THE CAMPUS LOTS IS NOT PERMITTED AT ANY TIME. The parking lot is off limits during the school day. Vehicles are NOT to be used as a locker. During lunch you may use your vehicle to leave campus but must vacate your vehicle immediately upon return. Consequences for parking violations and loitering in school lots: 1. Warning on first violation. 2. $15.00 fine on second violation. 3. $30.00 fine on third violation. 4. $50.00 fine on fourth violation and IHS parking permit revoked for one school year. 5. Vehicles parked on campus without a parking permit are subject to being booted. There will be a $20.00 fine to remove the boot. The above consequences and/or administrative discipline may also be applied. Permits will be issued by the Campus Supervisor(s) in room 27 upon submission of completed permit request documentation. Students are responsible for picking up permit from room 27. Permit fees can be purchased through the Student Union or online at the Irvington High School Web Store ( New parking permits will be issued every year. Last semester grades must be 2.0 or better. Permits must be displayed in the lower left front window. Students receiving parking citations should report to room 27 ASAP.
The following items are needed in order to receive an Irvington High School Parking Permit: 1. Copy of your current driver license 2. Copy of current car insurance 3. Copy of current school ID card 4. Copy of last semester grades 5. License plate number (written on form) 6. Copy of receipt of purchase for I H S parking permit 7. Copy of current vehicle registration **Lost or stolen parking passes should be reported to room 27 ASAP** Irvington High School Parking Permit Form 2016-2017
Parking permits are not valid until all paperwork has been turned in and permit has been issued by Campus Supervisors. Entire form and paperwork MUST be complete before a permit is issued to a student. Students MUST come to room 27 to pick up their parking permit. Permits will not be delivered to you.
Updates on vehicle insurance, vehicles, licenses etc. must be communicated to Room 27 ASAP.
I have read the Irvington High School Parking Rules and Consequences and agree to follow all of the rules listed therein. I understand that if I violate this policy, my parking privileges can be revoked and I may face other disciplinary measures.
Student Name (print):______Grade:______
Student Signature:______Date:______
Parent Signature:______Date:______
(Please Print)
Year/Make/Model of Car (#1): Color of Car / License Plate #:
Year/Make/Model of Car (#2): Color of Car / License Plate #:
Driver License:
Owners Name:
Car insurance: Expires:
Student GPA:
School ID Number:
PARKING PERMIT NUMBER: ______(To be filled out by Campus Supervisor)
Parking Permit Paperwork Received by: ______Date:______