Oral Text Learning Production Interface Project

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Oral Text Learning Production Interface Project

COMP 145 Oral Text Learning Production Interface Project User Manual May 3rd, 2001

Group 10 Software Engineering Team Team Member Title Approval Signature Karen Parker Producer

Brianne Roth Administrator Sean Rielly Director

Jason Howell Librarian

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Table of Contents: Section Description Page 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose of document 2 1.2 Targeted reader 2 1.3 Document conventions 2 1.4 Reader Starting Points 2 2 Quick Start 2.1 Administrators 3 2.2 Users 3 3 System Overview 3.1 Administrators 3 3.2 Users 4 - 5 4 Tutorial 6 – 16 5 Trouble Shooting 17 – 18 6 Reference 18 – 20

1 Introduction 1.1 Propose of document This manual is designed to help aid the users of our application as they step through the system and should they have any problems. It will also make them aware of what to expect when they are using our program. 1.2 Targeted Reader This application was designed for users assuming to have little to no computer knowledge. This document will walk the user through the application making the process very easy. The average user should be able to complete the process with little difficulty. Since this manual’s purpose is to aid the reader, we will try and keep this in mind. 1.3 Document Conventions Headers – 12pt Arial Bold Inner levels – 11pt Arial Bold Prose – 10pt Arial 1.4 Reader Starting Points The program contains information as it progresses, which should be self-explanatory. However, there is also a simple tutorial to help the user if they are unsure of where to begin. This is in section 4—Tutorial. If the reader should desire more explanation of any section of the application, they can refer to section 3—System Overview. If you have any problems starting the program, refer to section 2 – Quick Start. If the reader ever wants an over-all diagram of the process they may refer to section 3—System Overview for a high level diagram going over the entire application. If the reader is having more specific problems, they may refer to 5—Trouble Shooting.

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2 Quick Start

2.1 Administrators: Three libraries are needed in order for this program to work. The libraries are included on the Oral Text Learning installation CD. When you install the Oral Text Learning Application, these files will be stored in the system registry. You must run a script to get them fully installed.

Type the following command: MMREGOCX MMCDDAX2.ocx MMTypes.ocx using run from the Start menu.

2.2 Users:

The program was designed for users with Word 97 or Word 2000 and Windows NT.

You must have the FLRC drive mapped on your computer to drive W. Your system administrator should have already completed this process. If you run the program and discover that the FLRC drive is not properly mapped, contact your system administrator.

To run the program, double click the icon for the program where your administrator installs the application. If you receive any error messages, write them down and send them to an administrator so they can be fixed immediately.

3 System Overview

This will include an overview of the diagram to clear up any confusion on navigation. It will also explain the diagram below, so that the user can reference it if he/she fells “lost”. A. Main Menu C. User Progress Screen

Get WIP Get Teacher Finished/ Folder SMTP Info Page Send 4 Server Email Get Lyrics 5 Password Page Get Get Graphics Audio Editor Lyrics Page Page Email Template Addres s Page 3 of 19 May 3rd, 2001 COMP 145: Group 10: User Manual Oral Text Learning Production Interface Project for Mr. Dick Schmitz

3.1 Administrators:

3.1.1 Password Screen: There are three (3) main areas of interest on this page: the password text box, the Ok button, and the Cancel button. On this screen, you are prompted for the administrative password. This is a global password and is therefore the same on all machines. The password box replaces all characters typed with the * key so the password cannot be seen by anyone. If your password is correct, you will be taken to the admin menu, otherwise you will receive an error message. The cancel button will take you back to the main menu. 3.1.2 Admin Menu: The admin menu is the central area for the administrative part of the Oral Text Learning software product. On this screen, there are five (5) administrative choices and a navigational button to take you back to the main menu. The other five buttons are the following: 3.1.3 Change Password: This screen has two text boxes: a new password box and a confirm password box. The passwords much match for a successful change. The characters typed will be replaced by a * so the password is kept confidential. The Ok button will check the passwords and then make the change if they match. If they don’t match, you will be notified and the password boxes will be cleared. The cancel button will NOT save the changes. 3.1.4 Get WIP Folder: This allows the administrator to change the folder where lesson files are stored (WIP – Works In Progress - folder). When this page loads, the current WIP folder is selected. In order to change the directory you will first choose a drive, then a directory, and subdirectories if needed. Clicking Ok will submit the change; Cancel will NOT store the changes. 3.1.5 Change Template: This screen allows you to change the lyrics template. When this page loads, the current lyrics template file is selected. In order to change the template, you must first choose a drive, then a directory (subdirectories if needed) and finally a file. This MUST be a file that can be opened in Microsoft Word 97 or 2000. Clicking Ok will submit the change; Cancel will NOT store the changes. 3.1.6 Change Editor Email: This screen has a text box with the current editor’s email address. You may edit the email address in any way you choose, but it must be in the format name@place. The Cancel button will take you back to the admin menu. 3.1.7 Change SMTP Server: This screen allows you to change the SMTP server that the final email is sent with. When this page loads, the current SMTP server is shown in the text box. You may make any changes to this before clicking Ok. When you click Ok the program will check to see whether the SMTP server is in the format smtp.something. If it is in this format, the changes will be made. If it is NOT in this format, you will be warned but allowed to continue. The Cancel button will NOT store changes made.

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3.2 Users:

3.2.1 Create/Resume/Modify: You will first need to choose whether you are creating a new lesson or resuming/modifying a saved lesson. If you choose to resume/modify an existing lesson, you will choose the lesson name from a drop down box and which portion of the lesson you would like to work on (teacher info, graphics, lyrics, audio, or finish lesson). If you are creating a new lesson, you will be prompted for a unique lesson name that you must remember. Then you will be taken to the Teacher Info page. After each screen, you will return to either the create menu or the resume/modify menu. 3.2.2 Create and Resume/Modify Menus: This is the main screen for both the create and the resume/modify sections of the program. From here you will be allowed to choose which area you would like to work on (teacher info, graphics, lyrics, audio, or finish lesson). To go to one of these sections, click on the corresponding button. You will be returned to this screen after each section. 3.2.3 Teacher Info Page: In this page, you must enter your first and last name, the course this lesson is for (i.e. Span004), the date you need the lesson completed by, the language the course is taught in, and your email address. ALL of this information is required before you are allowed to proceed. 3.2.4 Graphics: This page allows three choices: No graphic, Graphic from a webpage, and Graphic from a file. These are all radio buttons so you may only choose one. If you choose No graphic a graphic will not be posted to your lesson at this time, though you may add one later from the resume/modify page (before the lesson is marked as finished) or by giving one to the editor. If you choose graphic from a webpage, you will be asked for the URL (web address) where the graphic is located. In the special instructions box at the bottom of the page you should give a description of the picture if there is more than one on the page. If you choose Graphic from a file, you will be asked to browse for the file. If you have any special instructions, you may enter them at the box at the bottom of the screen. 3.2.5 Lyrics: This screen allows you to enter lyrics in the foreign language and a translation in English for your lesson. If you choose to enter lyrics, a template file will pop up in Microsoft Word (you are not required to have Word opened, the program will handle this). Follow the instructions listed on the page to type in your lyrics. Then SAVE and CLOSE Microsoft Word before continuing. This is very important! Otherwise your lyrics will not be saved. You may also enter in special instructions in the special instructions box at the bottom of the page. 3.2.6 Audio: You will be given three choices on this screen: No audio, audio (*.wav) from a file, audio from a CD. If you choose no audio music will not accompany your lesson at this time, though you may add one later from the resume/modify page (before the lesson is marked as finished) or by giving one to the editor. If you choose audio from a file you will be asked to browse for a *.wav file. If you choose audio from a CD you will be taken to an audio extraction page, which will allow you to choose a track from a CD (Note: This option will take several minutes because of the audio extraction). You may enter in special instructions in the special instructions box at the bottom of the page.

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3.2.7 Finish/Send Email: This is your last chance to save your work and continue later rather than mark the email as finished. After the lesson is marked finished you will NOT be allowed to resume or modify it without contacting the editor. You will be given a chance to add any last special instructions to your lesson. When you are finished, click the Send Email button at the bottom of the page. This will notify the editor that your lesson is complete and may be posted at any time. You will be returned to the main menu once your email has been sent.

6 Tutorial

7 The application begins on the Welcome Screen. The options are to Create a New Lesson, Modify an Existing Lesson, or to enter the Administrator Options.

8 Click the Create A New Lesson button which looks like . This will allow you to create all of the necessary files that comprise a complete lesson.

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9To create a new lesson, you must specify a lesson name. A lesson name must begin with a character and contain only characters and numbers. The lesson name can not contain any empty spaces. Pick a lesson name that you will remember for editing purposes.

10 A lesson name confirmation box will alert you to remember and write down your lesson name.

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11 You will then be prompted to enter user information about yourself and the lesson that you will be creating. These fields are required and are needed for the editor when creating your lesson online. To see a calendar for the Date Needed field, click on the Show Calendar button.

The Show Calendar feature:

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12 When you complete a section, the section becomes marked as done. You may still edit the section by clicking on the section’s button. As you complete more sections, they too will become checked.

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13 The next section to be completed is the graphic selection. The graphic chosen will appear on the web page of the lesson which should reflect the nature of the lesson. You may skip this option and include some notes to the editor, select a graphic from a URL and include comments as to which graphic you would like the editor to use, or you may select a graphic from your hard drive. If you would like to select a graphic from your hard drive, click the Browse button to find your graphic.

14 If you would like to select a graphic from your hard drive the browse section will look like this:

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15 When you finish the graphics selection section you will gain another check mark on your progress menu. Your screen should now look like this:

16 The next section to be completed is the lyrics processing section. This will open a Word application with a template for creating song lyrics and translation lyrics.

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17 The template will resemble the image below. There should be instructions to help you fill out the table of lyrics. The boxes represent the individual stanzas of the song’s lyrics.

18 When you are finished typing your lyrics, you may preview what you typed by clicking the button “Click here to Preview Lyrics.” If you have any special notes you would like the editor to read concerning your lyrics, you may type them here. If you typed any previously, they will appear here for you to append anything extra.

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19 When you finish the lyrics processing section you will gain another check mark on your progress menu. Your screen should now look like this:

20 You may provide a song for you lesson by clicking the button “Create Your Audio” from the screen above. You may provide audio from your hard drive by selecting the last option or you may choose to provide audio from a CD. If you choose the CD option, insert a CD into your CD drive and click “Next.” The section will look like this:

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21 If you choose to provide audio from a CD, you will see the audio extraction screen. Select the desired track. You may preview the track before the audio extraction by clicking the play button in step 2 on the screen. When you are ready to continue, click the button “Record the Song.”

22 You will then be prompted to enter information regarding the audio you selected.

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23 When you finish the audio selection section you will gain another check mark on your progress menu. Your screen should now look like this:

24 When you have completed all of the sections (info, graphics, lyrics, audio) you may then send an email to the editor alerting that you have finished your lesson and that it is ready for online publication.

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25 After sending email you will get a thank you message.

5 Trouble Shooting

5.1 Error: Please map the flrc drive as W on your computer or contact an administrator.

This error occurs when you try to start the application. Your computer is not mapped to the flrc domain. Your computer must be mapped to this computer for file transfering. Contact your system administrator to have this problem resolved.

Error: Please use only characters a-z, A-Z, 1-9, or _ for your lesson name.

This error occurs on the user information screen. Your lesson name contains invalid characters. Spaces are not allowed. Change your lesson name to only include the listed characters.

Error: Your email address is not in the proper format. [email protected]

This error occurs on the user information screen. Enter your email address in the format of [email protected]. This will typically be [email protected] or [email protected] or something equivalent.

Error: Please browse for a file first.

This error occurs on the graphics selection screen, the audio selection, or the administrator’s template and works in progress folder screens. Browse through the directories to the desired location and select the desired file. The file will be highlighted blue when it is selected.

Error: Please enter a URL first.

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This error occurs on the graphics selection screen. You have chosen to obtain a graphicfrom a URL, however you did not specify the URL from which to obtain the graphic. Enter the URL and continue.

Error: The file w:\AuthorIn\Admin\template.html does not exist.

This error occurs on the lyrics processing screen. The webmaster has removed the template name that the application requires for the lyrics. Contact your system administrator to have the file restored.

Error: There is no lesson by that name.

This error occurs on the lesson resuming screen. You have selected a lesson that does not exist already. Select a lesson name from the drop down box to continue.

6 Reference 6.1 Welcome Screen 6.1.1 Administer button 6.1.2 Resume/Modify button 6.1.3 Create New Lesson button 6.2 Administrator Screen 6.2.1 Enter Password Field with Next and Back New password asterisk field Confirm new password asterisk field 6.2.2 Change Administrative options Change Password Button WIP folder location field chooser Default lyrics template name Webmaster email address field SMTP Server 6.3 Resume/Modify Button/Screen 6.3.1 User Information resume/modify button 6.3.2 Graphics resume/modify button 6.3.3 Lyrics resume/modify button 6.3.4 Audio resume/modify button 6.3.5 Cancel button 6.3.6 Finish button 6.4 Create a new Lesson Button/Screen 6.4.1 User information screen First name field Last name field Course Name field

Page 17 of 19 May 3rd, 2001 COMP 145: Group 10: User Manual Oral Text Learning Production Interface Project for Mr. Dick Schmitz Date needed field (calendar popup) Language field Next button Email Address field Back button 6.4.2 Lesson Name confirmation Screen Yes button No button 6.4.3 Graphic Selection Screen Radio buttons for graphic selection choice URL field for linked graphics Browse button for saved graphics Special Instructions text field Next button Back button 6.4.4 Browse and preview screen for graphics Drive selector pull down list Folder selector list Graphic file list Graphic Preview Area Next Button Cancel Button 6.4.5 Lyrics Gathering Screen Open word button Special Instructions text field Preview Word button Next button Back button 6.4.6 Audio Information Screen Radio button for type of audio selected Artist Name field Song Title field Composer name field Album Name field Copyright year field Special Instructions text field Next button Back button 6.4.7 Audio Extraction Screen CD drive selection pull down list Volume slider Track Picker list Play button Start button Preview button Next button

Page 18 of 19 May 3rd, 2001 COMP 145: Group 10: User Manual Oral Text Learning Production Interface Project for Mr. Dick Schmitz Cancel button 6.4.8 Audio file browser screen Drive chooser pull down list Folder chooser list File list Audio Preview Play button Audio Preview Stop button Next Button Cancel Button 6.4.9 Email Send email to Editor

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