SIG-CE Minutes (Thursday, October 27, 2016)
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SIG-CE Minutes (Thursday, October 27, 2016)
Attendees: Rachel Atanosian ([email protected]), Karen Berg ([email protected]), Beth Black ([email protected]), Susan Butler ([email protected]), Paula DeLorm ([email protected]), Jennifer Dickson ([email protected]), Meri Goehring ([email protected]), Karen Grossnickle ([email protected]), Bonni Kinne ([email protected]), Shannon Logsdon ([email protected]), Elizabeth Mostrom ([email protected]), Karen Ozga ([email protected]), Crystal Parker ([email protected]), Ron Radawiec ([email protected]), Jennifer Root ([email protected]), Bill Scott ([email protected]), Erica Sherman ([email protected]), Martha Schiller ([email protected]), Bini Thomas ([email protected]), Susan Tomica ([email protected]), Ashley VanDam ([email protected]), Kristin VanderArk ([email protected]), Sandy Willoughby ([email protected])
Welcome by Ron Radawiec (president) and attendee introductions
The spring meeting minutes were unanimously approved.
Announcements Western District Meeting = tonight in Kalamazoo (Borgess) Advanced CI Course = November 3-4, 2016 at the University of Michigan – Flint CSM = February 15-18, 2017 in San Antonio, Texas MPTA Spring Conference = March 24-25, 2017 in East Lansing Basic CI Course = May 4-5, 2017 at Oakland University Biennial Presentation for CCCEs/CIs = May 12, 2017 at the University of Michigan – Flint (in conjunction with Oakland University) NEXT = June 21-24, 2017 in Boston, Massachusetts NCS = October 19-21, 2017 in Portland, Oregon ELC = October of 2017 in Columbus, Ohio or St. Louis, Missouri
Officer Reports President (Ron Radawiec) = nothing new to report at this time Treasurer (Martha Schiller) = the SIG-CE is now a line item on the MPTA budget; the expected balance was approximately $1928 and the amount spent this year was approximately $676 (therefore, the expected remainder is approximately $1251); the budget for 2017 is approximately $960 and will be used for the following: (1) sending one clinician to ELC (the group would like to review the applications to determine who will receive the $500 stipend not automatically switch back and forth between the DACEF and WMCEF), (2) SIG-CE officer section dues (although none of the current officers wish to take advantage of this perk, the topic will be revisited), (3) the cost of award plaques/award dinners; possible fundraising efforts include: (1) having the trainer donate his/her honorarium to the SIG-CE after teaching a CI credentialing course, (2) having another CCCE course with the participants paying a small registration fee Secretary (Bonni Kinne) = nothing new to report at this time
Forum Reports DACEF (Jennifer Dickson) = the last meeting was held in September; topics included consortium formation, website development, and membership expansion; the discussion was about inter-professional collaboration WMCEF (Karen Ozga) = the last meeting was held in September; Ron Radawiec reviewed a research article; the discussion was about ethical issues
Committee Reports Outstanding CI Award (Ron Radawiec) = the recipient was Megan Roxbury (Bronson) Outstanding CCCE Award (Karen Berg) = the recipients were Judy Aikman (Sinai-Grace) and Kim Schwartz (Beaumont) AAAC (Rachel Atanosian) = the group met this morning; topics included the new CAPTE requirements, building leadership/advocacy throughout the curriculum, admissions requirements, curricular mapping tools, and workload issues; Stuart Blatt presented information about the developing program at Davenport University Student Relations (Jennifer Dickson) = nothing new to report at this time
Old Business SIG-CE Community Page (Martha Schiller) = there are 20 clinical education consortia across the United States; most consortia have websites; the SIG-CE webpage has been started with the assistance of Julia Rice; the webpage is currently titled “Michigan Physical Therapy Clinical Education Consortium SIG”; the current webpage sections include leadership, news, events, and resources; there is a link called “Join SIG” (everyone should access this link to officially be considered a member of the SIG-CE); Martha Schiller and Meri Goehring were charged with starting the webpage process; other members of the SIG-CE who are interested in assisting with the process as it moves forward should let Martha and Meri know ELC Scholarships (Jennifer Dickson) = Ashley VanDam received the $500 stipend this year
New Business Officer Elections = Jennifer Dickson and Susan Tomica (president-elects) will serve as co-presidents in 2017; Ashley VanDam (Spectrum Health – Grand Rapids) volunteered to become the president-elect in 2017; the secretary and treasurer positions will be voted on in another year Clinical Experience Request Form (Karen Ozga) = the question was raised whether we should use the national clinical experience request form or the state clinical experience request form; although there was more support for the national clinical experience request form, both forms will be presented to members of the DACEF and the WMCEF for their consideration Ideas for Future Meetings = documentation required for receiving PDRs as a CCCE or CI, name of this group (SIG vs. consortium) Date/Time of Next Meeting = tentatively scheduled for Thursday, April 27th from 2:00 – 5:00 (Karen Grossnickle will confirm this date/time in the near future)
Educational Presentations Elizabeth Mostrom = National Study of Excellence and Innovation in Physical Therapist Education: Focus on Clinical Education Ashley VanDam = Clinical Education Updates: ELC
Respectfully Submitted, Bonni Kinne