Recruitment And Hiring Procedures For Faculty

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Recruitment And Hiring Procedures For Faculty

Recruitment and Hiring Procedures for Faculty

Published by:

Office of the Provost McMullen Hall 211 Billings, MT 59101 Phone: (406) 657-2367 Fax: (406) 657-2288

Rev 12-05 3 Table of Contents

SECTION A. RECRUITMENT AND HIRING PROCEDURES FOR BENEFIT- ELIGIBLE FACULTY...... 3 A1. POSITIONS INCLUDED...... 3 A2. PLANNING PROCESS FOR HIRING...... 3 A3. RECRUITMENT AUTHORIZATION FORM (RAF)...... 3 A4. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY...... 4 A5. POSITION DESCRIPTIONS...... 4 A6. CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECKS (APPENDIX G)...... 5 A7. CONTINUOUS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT...... 5 A8. APPLICATIONS...... 5 A9. SEARCH COMMITTEE...... 6 Appointment of the Search Committee...... 6 Search Committee Chair Responsibilities...... 6 A10. SCREENING PROCEDURES...... 6 A11. INTERVIEW PROCEDURES...... 7 Initial Telephone Interviews...... 7 Conference Telephone Interviews...... 7 Campus Interviews...... 8 Candidate Travel and Entertainment...... 9 A12. SELECTION...... 10 A13. ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER AND FINALIZATION OF APPOINTMENT...... 11 A14. RECOMMENDED RECRUITMENT AND HIRING TIMELINE...... 11 SECTION B. RECRUITMENT AND HIRING PROCEDURES FOR PART TIME FACULTY...... 12 B1. PART TIME FACULTY DEFINED...... 12 B2. HIRING PROCEDURES...... 12 APPENDIX A...... 13 RECRUITMENT AND HIRING PROCEDURES CHECKLIST...... 13 APPENDIX B...... 16 RECRUITMENT AUTHORIZATION FORM...... 16 (Not available here. Please check with department or dean’s office)...... 16 APPENDIX C...... 17 REQUEST FOR PAYMENT (TRANSFER) OF FUNDS...... 17 (Not available here. Please check with dean’s office)...... 17 APPENDIX D...... 18 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION CERTIFICATION AND JUSTIFICATION...... 18 FOR NONSELECTION FORM...... 18 (Not available here. Please check with Human Resources)...... 18 APPENDIX E...... 19 EMPLOYEE TRANSACTION FORM (ETF)...... 19 (Not available here. Please check with department or dean’s office)...... 19 APPENDIX F...... 20 PART TIME FACULTY AGREEMENT LETTER AND FORM...... 20

Rev 12-05 APPENDIX G...... 3 MOCK VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT...... 3 POSITION VACANCY...... 4 Phone: (406) 657-2278 FAX: (406) 657-2120...... 5


Montana State University-Billings Recruitment and Hiring procedures for faculty positions have been developed to assist administrative units in standardizing hiring procedures and in meeting the University’s equal employment/affirmative action responsibilities. A checklist of these procedures is found in Appendix A.


All benefit-eligible positions whether they are tenure track, lecturer, or instructor are covered by the following guidelines and procedures in this section regardless of the length of the contract or the existence of external funding for the position. In general, a search must be conducted for all 0.5 – 1.0 FTE positions included in the two Montana State University-Billings collective bargaining agreements (C.B.A. and VTEM).

Note: On the main campus, exceptions may be made for a fixed-term position from an external search. In this case he or she may be reappointed based on recommendations from the Department Chair and Dean and upon approval of the Provost. Full-time fixed-term appointments may not be extended beyond a total of three years. The VTEM contract at the College of Technology has no time restrictions on temporary or fixed term positions.


Department Chairs/Team Leaders should consult with faculty regarding any anticipated hiring needs for an upcoming academic year. The appropriate Dean then consults with the chair and meets with the Provost for the purpose of developing a strategy to fill the position. Open positions are not automatically filled; salary savings from a vacancy revert to the Provost.


After the Provost informally authorizes the search, the Department Chair/Team Leader will work in conjunction with the search committee chair and forward the Recruitment Authorization Form (RAF) to the appropriate Dean who will obtain formal approval for the search from the Provost. The RAF is available from the “HR Forms” database and can be processed through the Department Chair/Team Leader or unit administrative assistant. A copy of this form is found in Appendix B. The following items are to be included in a file that accompanies the RAF:

 Description of the position,  Statement regarding Continuous Quality Improvement  Criteria for selection in order of importance,  Copy of advertisement and list of places to advertise,  List of members of search and screening committee,  Chair of the search and screening committee, and  Memo requesting approval to lift the hiring freeze.

3 Upon receipt of the RAF from the appropriate Dean, the Dean shall transmit the file to the Provost for approval. If the Provost does not agree, the file shall be returned to the appropriate Dean with reasons for reconsideration by the appropriate unit.


The search must meet standards and follow guidelines set down by the University Equal Opportunity Officer and detailed in the Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Plan. This document is available in the Administrative Vice Chancellor’s Office, Dean’s Offices, and the Human Resources Office. The affirmative action program is designed to ensure equal opportunities in recruitment, hiring, and promotions into all job levels and positions the most qualified persons without regard to race, sex, color, national origin, religion, age, disability, marital or veteran status. Search must include documented good faith efforts to assist the University in meeting these affirmative action goals.

The following is Montana State University-Billings’ official Equal Opportunity Statement:

Pursuant to Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, Executive Order 11246 as amended, Montana Veteran’s Employment Preference Act, and the Montana State Human Rights Act—Montana State University- Billing has a policy of non discrimination in employment to veterans, veterans with disabilities, and certain eligible relatives of veterans. MSU-Billings makes reasonable accommodation for any known disability that may interfere with an applicant’s ability to compete in the hiring process or student’s ability to apply for admission or any employee’s ability to perform the duties of the job or student’s ability to participate in the educational process. Any student, employee or applicant for admission or employment may file a discrimination grievance. Inquiries or grievances should be directed to the Human Resource/EEO-AA Director, MSU-Billings, McMullen Hall 310, 1500 University Drive, Billings, MT 59101-0298. Phone: (406) 657-2278 (TTY).


Position descriptions describe the duties and responsibilities of the position and are used for a basis of the vacancy announcement and advertisements. It is important that job descriptions reflect with care and completeness the priorities of the department, college, and university. Therefore, care should be taken to indicate expectations that a faculty member engage in advising, be willing to develop and offer courses online, develop courses and programs in collaboration with other departments and the community, encourage student research, seek out grant support, similar concerns as appropriate to a specific discipline, and continuous quality improvement. For additional guidelines regarding position descriptions, refer to CBA Section 9.620.


1. Each vacancy announcement have the following statement: Criminal Background Investigations is required prior to Offer of Employment. (In accordance with University policy, finalists for this position will be subject to criminal background investigations.)

2. Each candidate will be submitting with their initial paperwork an authorization for MSU- Billings to conduct a criminal background check. Candidates who refuse to sign the authorization shall be eliminated from the applicant pool. If the application materials are received in Human Resources without the criminal background check authorization, Human Resources will send out a reminder to the candidate on the necessity of completing the form. The signed authorization form will remain in the Human Resources office.

3. The background check for criminal, employment and education history of an individual candidate should be performed on the final candidate after phone interviews and prior to the candidate being invited to campus for the final interview. Search committees need to notify the Human Resources office of the final candidate so the criminal background check can be performed.

4. Search committees will still continue to perform reference checks on the candidates.

5. The Human Resources Director or designee shall review the results to make the determination if an individual is eligible to hire. As necessary, Human Resources may review the results with the appropriate Vice Chancellor. Human Resources shall notify the search committee on the eligibility of the individual (i.e. eligible to continue as a candidate or not eligible to continue as a candidate). Because of privacy involved, the search committee will not be given specific results.

A7. CONTINUOUS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT Montana State University-Billings is committed to Continuous Quality Improvement of all services, programs, procedures and interactions that employees have with students, family members, staff, faculty members, community partners, colleagues and guests. The successful candidate will be expected participate in efforts to continually improve the delivery of services for all constituencies served by the College.


Applications will be mailed directly to the Human Resources Office. If, for some reason, an application is sent directly to a department, it will immediately be routed to the Human Resources Office for accountability. All applications postmarked up to and including the published closing date will be included in the eligible pool. If the position advertisement specifies that the applications will be accepted after the closing date or until the position is filled, then late applications will be forwarded to the search committee as they arrive. Flexibility can be built into the search process by not having a definite closing date for the position. In these cases, consider using a phase like: “Review of applications will begin on ___

5 and continue until the position is filled” or “Preference given to applications received by ____ however position is open until filled.”

Human Resources is responsible for sending the vacancy announcement and the equal opportunity survey to applicants. (The description of appropriate terminal degrees is found in CBA Section 9.331).

Electronic Applications: Search committees wishing to have applications submitted electronically should contact Human Resources for proper protocols. Electronic submission will require that instructions be carefully delineated in the vacancy announcement.


Appointment of the Search Committee

Typically the chair of the search committee and search committee members are appointed by the Department Chair/Team Leader in consultation with the Dean. The search committee is appointed as outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement and requires that “at least three faculty members and one student major from the unit shall be appointed by the unit, plus one faculty member from outside the unit shall be appointed by the Dean” (CBA Section 7.300) “If an additional outside person is jointly agreed upon by the Dean and the Search Committee, this person may be appointed by the Dean.” “The committee may appoint a community person.”

Search Committee Chair Responsibilities

The search committee chair will meet with a representative from Human Resources to orient each search committee. The Dean and Department Chair/Team Leader should also be invited to meet with the search committee before it begins reviewing applications to make sure that there is clear understanding about the expected strengths being sought in an appointment and the procedures to be followed. The search committee chair will work together with the search committee to develop an objective rating form for the selection criteria and use this form to evaluate the credentials of all candidates. Additional screening procedures are outlined in Section A8.

Following the search and the acceptance of an offer, the chairperson of the search committee is responsible for the completion of the Affirmative Action Certification and Justification of Non- selection form (see Appendix D), sending rejection letters, and for returning the remaining original applications, evaluation forms, committee notes, and all required data to the Human Resources Office, McMullen 310. In addition, the search committee chair will forward the original application to the Provost’s office.


Search committees have the responsibility to solicit any job related information regarding applicants and to send any necessary correspondence (i.e., follow-up letters, rejection letters) to applicants.

The screening process will be based upon formal selection criteria. The selection criteria must closely parallel the specific qualifications listed on the vacancy announcement. Each search committee will develop an objective rating form for the selection criteria and use this form to evaluate the credentials of all candidates. The rating form should not use numerical ratings. Search committees should screen pools promptly. All evaluations should be turned in to Human Resources Office, along with any other search committee notes and documentation, at the completion of the search.

Electronic Screening: Following the initial screening of applications, Search Committees may wish to use email to screen applications by references. Checking references by email will require that: (1) candidates provide email addresses of references with their application, (2) survey questions be generated, and (3) survey questions emailed to references.


Initial Telephone Interviews

A list of top candidates developed from the screening process will be further screened by reference checking and reference telephone interviews, and if these are acceptable, candidate telephone interviews. A minimum of three to five candidates is appropriate. Two types of calls to candidates are appropriate. First, a brief call should be made to the candidate to ascertain interest in the position. This first call may be made by a search committee member and should inform the candidate of approximate salary, work conditions, (including typical teaching load) plus any other issues that may be important in determining candidate interest. A second telephone interview would be conducted by the whole committee and would involve those candidates who continue to be interested in the position and whose candidacy continues to be attractive after calls of references.

A complete application will include either letters of reference or names of references including address and telephone numbers. Prior to conducting calls to references or the conference call to candidates, the committee will develop two sets of common questions appropriate to an evaluation of the candidate’s ability to meet the selection criteria. One set of questions will be for the reference interviews and the other for the candidate phone interviews. Even though letters of reference may be included in the application, telephone contacts will be made with the references and with other potential references not provided by the candidate. It is important that authorization to call listed and unlisted references be obtained during the first brief call to candidates. References from the candidate’s degree-granting institution as well as references from subsequent employers are crucial.

7 A thorough background screening that includes criminal background checks will minimize the likelihood of surprises at a later date.

Conference Telephone Interviews

The campus telephone system will accommodate conference calls and conference interviews. After obtaining permission from the appropriate Dean to do a conference telephone interview with the top candidates, the chair of the committee contact Information Technology (x5700) to place a speaker phone in a room equipped with the appropriate line. Charges are made to the Recruitment responsibility center number obtained from the Provost.

By the conclusion of the telephone interview, the search committee should have sufficient information to determine if the candidate is not only viable with respect to qualifications but also seriously interested in the position after having been made aware of the specifics of the position including the salary range. To the extent possible, committees will determine in advance of an on-campus interview the likelihood of the candidate accepting the position offered. This means search committees must be candid about salary, work conditions (including our collective bargaining environment), tenure and rank issues, typical workload expectations, cost of living, spouse employment opportunities, and similar considerations. Please note that no funds are available for moving expenses. The search committee will determine the salary range for the position by consulting with the appropriate Dean for an estimate in accordance with Section 14.120 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

After completing the telephone interviews, the committee should reevaluate the candidates using the selection criteria and the objective rating form to rank order the top candidates. On-campus interviews of fixed-term positions must be justified by the Department Chair/Team Leader and approved by the Dean and the Provost. An offer may be extended to a fixed-term candidate by the Provost based upon telephone interviews and a thorough background screening process.

Campus Interviews

The budget available for recruitment is limited. Therefore, search committees should recommend only the top ranking candidate be invited for a campus interview. The search committee will forward to the appropriate Department Chair/Team Leader a list of candidates ordered by rank of preference, requesting permission to invite the top candidate for an on- campus interview. The Department Chair/Team Leader will meet with the appropriate Dean to review this list along with names of references called and notes taken during reference checking. At this point, the Dean, Department Chair/Team Leader or Search Committee Chair will inform Human Resources of the names of the finalists and learn the names of protected class members in the finalist pool. If there are protected class individuals in this group and all are equally qualified, priority should be given to the protected class individual.

At the Dean’s discretion, the Dean may conduct an independent phone interview with the recommended candidate(s). The Dean may discuss the potential salary range and other specifics of the position to obtain further evidence that the candidate is serious about accepting a formal

8 offer for appointment to the faculty at MSU-Billings. The Dean will recommend to the Provost the authorization of the search committee to make arrangements for the top candidate to be brought to campus. For purposes of affirmative action the Provost may authorize the search committee to make arrangements for more than one candidate to be brought to campus.

The department administrative assistant will forward two photocopies of the vita and other application materials from the candidate invited for an interview to the Dean’s administrative assistant who will prepare two worksheets titled “Determination of Base Years for MSU-Billings Faculty Candidates” and “Recommendation for Appointment to the Faculty at MSU-Billings.” A copy of the application and worksheet will be kept by the Dean for review with the candidate. The original worksheet and the second copy of the application will be forwarded immediately to the Provost for review prior to the candidate’s interview. The Provost will confirm the appropriate salary step with the candidate and discuss, when appropriate, whether any years should be brought toward tenure.

Normally, interviews will be for one or two days with one or two overnights, depending on the most appropriate travel arrangements. If considerable airfare savings can be obtained through a stay over Saturday night, committees are encouraged to arrange a longer stay. Campus interviews will include an entrance and exit visit with the search committee, and meeting with available faculty, the appropriate Department Chair/Team Leader, the Dean, and the Provost. It is advisable to schedule the candidate to do a presentation to faculty and students and/or a teaching demonstration during the visit. In addition, it is the responsibility of the search committee to schedule each candidate for a visit with the university benefits technician for the purpose of reviewing the fringe benefit package available at MSU-Billings. The Benefits representative is located in the Human Resources Office. This appointment must be scheduled in advance.

MSU-Billings makes reasonable accommodations for any known disability that may interfere with an applicant’s ability to compete in the hiring process. Requests for or questions regarding accommodations should be referred to the Director of Human Resources.

Candidate Travel and Entertainment

University policy prohibits expenditure of funds for food or entertainment except for educational expenses including workshops, seminars, and conferences where the food is included as part of the cost. Meal expenses relating to recruitment of prospective faculty are considered entertainment and are included in this policy. Food will be reimbursed for the prospective faculty candidate and one member of the official search committee (or a representative) per meal.

To be reimbursed, itemized food and entertainment receipts must be attached to a completed Request for Payment (Transfer) of Funds form (see Appendix C) and submitted to the Office of the Provost. Search committee members may not use a CPO (Cash Purchase Order) to pay for meals. Hospitality forms are not needed. Credit card receipts are not acceptable unless itemized.

9 Expenses for all meals must be reasonable and may include the tip. Maximum reimbursement for dinner (candidate and one search committee member) is $65, lunch is $30 and breakfast is $25 or up to a maximum of $120. Alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed. The Department, personal funds or Foundation funds (with approval of the dean) will pay for additional guests.

Search committees, after approval of the College Dean, must contact the administrative assistant in the Provost’s Office with the name of the prospective candidate, possible dates of travel and interview, approximate cost of travel and any other particulars prior to arranging the travel. Airline tickets must be purchased to take advantage of the lowest possible fare including two- week advance, airfare wars, Saturday layover, and so on. The faculty candidate will purchase the ticket. The original receipt from the ticket or electronic ticket and the candidate’s social security number are required for reimbursement. Should the candidate withdraw and/or cancel the interview, the ticket will not be reimbursed. Candidates may be reimbursed while on campus for the interview if necessary provided advance notice is given to the Provost’s Office.

Reservations for motels/hotels are to be made with facilities that offer state/government rates. Reimbursement is for the prospective faculty person only. The candidate must pay for any additional people in the room. The search committee chair will accommodate any candidate preferences (nonsmoking room, special needs, etc). The Provost Office can be billed directly for candidate lodging if the lodging is in a facility that offers State/Government rate. Departments or Colleges will be responsible for lodging costs that are not covered at a State/Government rate.

If members of the search committee incur additional recruitment expenses (e.g., mileage for site seeing tours) they will not be reimbursed unless the expenses are pre-approved in writing by the appropriate department chair and dean to be paid for from department or college accounts. The Office of the Provost will not fund expenses beyond food, airfare and lodging.


The process for selection is outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA Section 7.300) and recommends that when the search is completed, the search committee makes recommendations to the members of the administrative unit (The COT VTEM contract has no such provision). The search committee chair and Department Chair/Team Leader will discuss the search committee recommendations and the Department Chair/Team Leader will “forward not more than three acceptable choices in writing to the appropriate Dean.” The Dean and/or the Provost may have access to the entire applicant file. Supporting data should accompany the recommendations and include but not limited to: (1) the candidate's credentials, (2) samples of any publications, creative endeavors, or other scholarly work, (3) written statements from faculty and administrators from other institutions where the candidate has worked, if such are not included with the credentials, and (4) proposed position description for the candidate (CBA Section 9.620).

The Dean is responsible for reviewing the recommendation of the search committee and the Department Chair/Team Leader and for forwarding a recommendation to the Provost for a formal offer of employment at MSU-Billings. A formal letter of offer will be drafted by the

10 Provost’s office in accordance with the terms set forth on the RAF as approved by the Dean and the Provost. Normally the candidate will be provided a response time of five to ten days; the letter of offer will be faxed whenever possible to save time.


Following acceptance by the candidate of a formal offer by the Provost, the Provost will make arrangements with the Office of the Chancellor to forward the name of the faculty member to the Board of Regents for confirmation of appointment.

The Department Chair/Team Leader will then work with an Administrative Assistant to process an Employee Transaction Form (ETF) and forward to the Dean for signature. The search committee chair will forward the original application to the Provost’s office. The chairperson of the search committee is responsible for the completion of the Affirmative Action Certification and Justification of Non-selection form (see Appendix D), sending rejection letters, and for returning the remaining original applications, evaluation forms, committee notes, and all required data to the Human Resources Office, McMullen 310.


Successfully attracting qualified applicants requires a proactive approach. The odds of a successful search increase as search processes begin early in an academic year and progress steadily through the following stages and timeline:

1. Prioritize Hiring Needs April 2. Authorized to Search May 3. Broadcast the Vacancy Announcement August - September 4. First Screening September 5. Reference Checks October 6. Second Screening October 7. Additional Reference Checks and Phone Interviews October 8. Third Screening October 9. Invitation for Interviews November - December 10. Offer Extended January



Part-time faculty are temporary appointments paid by the credit hour and are appointed semester by semester. Individuals teaching on a part time basis are limited to a total of 11 credits for main campus classes and 17 credits for College of Technology classes per academic year (fall, intersession, spring), including online semester credits. Individuals teaching on both campuses are limited to 17 credits including online semester credits with no more than 11 credits from main campus courses.


The Department Chair/Team Leader is responsible for hiring part time faculty. Appointments may be made without the level of detail outlined in Section 1. The following process should be used for part time faculty hiring:

1. The Department Chair/Team Leader identifies the need for the part time faculty and submits the request to the Dean. (This is done in response to the call for part time faculty vacancies by Human Resources before the beginning of each semester). 2. Upon approval from the Provost, the Dean approves the request to hire part time faculty. 3. Human Resources advertises the position locally and accepts applications. 4. Applicants are screened for qualifications, interviewed and hired by the Department Chair/Team Leader. 5. The Department/Team Secretary arranges for a meeting with Human Resources to complete the necessary forms for payroll prior to the start of teaching. 6. The Department/Team Secretary mails Part Time Faculty Letter and Part Time Faculty Agreement (see Appendix F) to the new part time faculty member. 7. Upon return of the completed Part Time Faculty Agreement, the Department Secretary creates the Employee Transaction Form (ETF) and forwards both forms to the Dean for routing. 8. The Department/Team Secretary also arranges for an email account, office space, access to multi-media classrooms and computer for the part time faculty member. 9. The Department Chair/Team Leader or a designated faculty member in the department acts as a mentor for the part time instructor.




Completed By Informal approval to fill position.

Recruitment Authorization Form (RAF) Department Chair/Team Leader Description of the position Criteria for selection in order of importance Copy of advertisement and list of places to advertise List of members of search and screening committee List chair of the search committee Memo requesting approval to lift the hiring freeze

Official approval to lift hiring freeze.

Search committee meets with Dean and Department Chair/Team Leader to clarify selection criteria and to discuss possible salary range.

Selection criteria form generated. Search Committee Chair

RAF with all required attachments is routed for signatures.

Human Resources completes vacancy announcement, advertises position and accepts applications

After the initial screening date the applications and a search committee packet are given to the Chair of the Search Committee.

Applications screened.

Initial telephone interviews to determine continued interest Search Committee Chair and notification that reference checks will begin.

Reference questionnaire generated. Search Committee

Reference checks completed. Search Committee

Interview questionnaire generated Search Committee . Conference telephone interviews conducted. Search Committee

Evaluation of top candidates/review of protected status Search Committee applicants with Human Resources. Accommodations. Entrance and exit interview. Required meetings with Dean, Provost, and benefits technician. Presentation and/or teaching demonstration. Reimbursement for expenses.


Recommendation letter from search committee through Search Committee Chair Department Chair/Team Leader to Dean and Provost.

Acceptance of offer.

14 Complete Employee Transaction Form (ETF) when notified Department Chair/Team letter of offer has been signed and returned. Leader

Original application forwarded to Provosts office. Search Committee Chair

Complete all forms and materials required by Human Resources. Search Committee Chair Affirmative Action Certification and Justification of Non-selection form (signed by Search Committee Chair and Dean. Return all applications and search materials (evaluations, interview notes, etc) to Human Resources. Send rejection letters and include a copy with other materials to Human Resources


RECRUITMENT AUTHORIZATION FORM (Not available here. Please check with department or dean’s office)


REQUEST FOR PAYMENT (TRANSFER) OF FUNDS (Not available here. Please check with dean’s office)




EMPLOYEE TRANSACTION FORM (ETF) (Not available here. Please check with department or dean’s office)



20 [date]

[name] [address] [city, state, zip]


We are delighted you are scheduled to teach in the [department or program] at Montana State University-Billings during [semester]. We are committed to you having a successful teaching experience. To ensure your success we have planned a comprehensive series of workshops during the academic year. You will receive further information regarding these opportunities at a later date.

Please be advised that part time employment is dependent upon university funding and course enrollment. Your approved rate for part time compensation is as indicated in the attached agreement. We will inform you if there is a change in the status of your position.

The following notices pertain to this appointment:

1. Individuals teaching on a part time basis are limited to a total of 11 credits for main campus classes and 17 credits for College of Technology classes per academic year, including online semester credits. Individuals teaching on both campuses are limited to 17 credits including online semester credits with no more than 11 credits from main campus courses. 2. Part time employees are limited to working less than 20 hours per week unless prior approval is received from the Human Resources Office. If a part time employee is working on campus in addition to teaching, teaching workload is calculated as 1.5 hours/credit per week. For example, a 3 semester credit hour class is calculated at 4.5 hours per week. 3. As an employee of Montana State University-Billings, you are subject to all institutional policies and procedures governing the conduct of employees. 4. This appointment is not eligible for tenure and time in this appointment does not count as probationary service toward tenure. 5. This appointment is contingent upon the continued availability of sufficient funding from the current funding source for this position or the employing program, project, or unit. If funding is not available or sufficient to support the position, this appointment may be terminated within the appointment term at the option of the University. 6. This appointment may be terminated for cause at any time. 7. The appointment expires automatically at the end of the term specified above. No further notice relative to non-renewal will be given. 8. Reappointment is solely at the discretion of the University.

21 Enclosed please find the Part Time Faculty Agreement Form. Read the agreement, complete Section II - Applicant Information Concerning Part Time Employment, and if you concur sign and return it to my office by [date]. In addition to these forms, the department is required to maintain a current professional vita on all part time employees as well as official university transcripts. If we do not already have your vita and transcripts, please provide them to the department.

We look forward to having you as part of our team. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us.


[chair] [department or program]

22 MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY-BILLINGS BILLINGS, MONTANA PART TIME FACULTY AGREEMENT This agreement is required for all non-contract part time faculty appointments for each semester SECTION I (To be completed by the department)

Appointment: Fall Intersession Spring Summer Part -Time Faculty Member: (Name) (ID#)

(Department) (College) (Index Number)

Courses to be Taught: Prefix/Number/Section Credit Hours Semester

Description of other appointment action [e.g., prepare course syllabus, office hours, etc]:


SECTION II (To be completed by the applicant)

Applicant Information Concerning Part Time Employment

Part time employees are limited to working LESS THAN 20 HOURS PER WEEK unless prior approval is received from the Human Resources office. Individuals teaching on a part time basis are LIMITED TO A TOTAL CREDIT LOAD OF 11 CREDITS FOR MAIN CAMPUS COURSES PER ACADEMIC YEAR (FALL, INTERSESSION, SPRING) OR 17 CREDITS FOR COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY COURSES PER

Rev 12-05 ACADEMIC YEAR. ONLINE COURSE CREDITS ARE INCLUDED IN THE TOTAL CREDIT LIMIT FOR EACH CAMPUS PART TIME FACULTY TEACHING ON BOTH CAMPUS ARE LIMITED TO 17 CREDITS WITH NO MORE THAN 11 CREDITS FROM MAIN CAMPUS COURSES. In order to determine your eligibility to fulfill the time requirements of this assignment, we request that you answer the following questions. Please answer these questions as they apply on the date you complete this form. These questions apply to ALL employment assignments at both the main campus and the College of Technology.

1. If you are currently employed by MSU-Billings in addition to part time teaching, please list all the departments, current assignments and expected hours per week. For part time teaching assignments, answer question 2. If a part time employee is working on campus in addition to teaching, teaching workload is calculated as 1.5 hours/credit per week. For example, a 3 semester credit hour class is 4.5 hours per week.

2. List all terms, departments, course names, and credits you have taught on a part time basis for any department at MSU-Billings including the College of Technology, College of Professional Studies and MSU-B On-line, during the current academic year (academic year includes Fall, Intersession and Spring).

Term Department Course Rubric/Number/Section Credits

If you wish to accept this offer, please sign below and return this form to [department]. Upon request, a copy of the signed agreement will be provided for your files. This appointment is not approved until all signatures have been received on the Employee Transaction form.

I attest that to the best of my knowledge the information provided on this form is true:


Signature Date




POSITION: ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE/FULL PROFESSOR- ACCOUNTING Search Full-time, Tenure Track Faculty Position. (Contingent on funding)

DEPARTMENT: Business Academic Programs College of Business


STARTING SALARY: Dependent upon education and experience and subject to the collective bargaining agreement.

BARGAINING UNIT: MSU-Billings Faculty Association/AFT-MFT

MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY-BILLINGS is a co-educational state supported university located in Montana’s largest city. Third largest of six units of the Montana University System, it has a student enrollment of approximately 4,500. The College of Business is in candidacy for AACSB accreditation. The COB has an undergraduate program BSBA – Bachelor of Science Business Administration. Currently, over 700 students are majoring in one of the degree programs.

BILLINGS is a city of 120,000 people located between rugged mountains and sweeping plains. It is the medical, transportation, commercial, and business center for a large geographic region. Cultural attractions include museums, theatrical productions, and a city symphony. Year-round recreational opportunities are abundant.

DESCRIPTION: The Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Accounting will be responsible for teaching some combination of auditing, accounting systems and principles of accounting courses. Ph.D. or D.B.A., CPA/CMA. Interest in financial accounting preferred.

MSU-Billings is a teaching-oriented institution, and excellence in teaching is its primary focus. Scholarly activity and publication is required. Involvement in the business community and

5 contribution to the College’s AACSB candidacy process is expected. Development of extramural research funding preferred. An expectation is to share the university’s commitment to continuous quality improvement. Supporting and engaging in the university’s continuous quality improvement course of action is expected. Willingness to work with new technologies in the classroom is desired. Salary is subject to the collective bargaining agreement and contingent upon funding approval. **CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE**

QUALIFICATIONS:  Ph.D. or D.B.A. in Accounting with CPA/CMA preferred.  Some teaching experience at the undergraduate level required. Innovative and participatory teaching techniques strongly encouraged.  Record of scholarly activity.  Competence and interest in using technology in the classroom.  Experience in business and/or healthcare industry desirable but not required.

REVIEW DATE: Review of applications will begin _____and will continue until the position is filled.

APPLY: Submit a Letter of Application addressing the above qualification/skills, Resume, and Three (3) recent Letters of Reference, Authorization for Background Check form

Accounting Search Committee #2005-2 Human Resources Office Montana State University-Billings 1500 University Drive Billings, MT 59101-0298

Phone: (406) 657-2278 FAX: (406) 657-2120

Criminal Background Investigations is required prior to Offer of Employment. (In accordance with University policy, finalists for this position will be subject to criminal background investigations.)

In accordance with The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, the MSU-Billings Crime Statistics of Specified Crimes is available for applicant review

6 online at, or can be accessed in the Human Resources Office, McMullen Hall, Rm 310.

MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY-BILLINGS IS AN ADA/AA/EEO EMPLOYER. Qualified women, persons from minority groups, persons with disabilities, and persons with eligible veteran status are encouraged to apply. Contact Human Resources Office, MSU-Billings, for more information regarding preference or accommodation (406/657-2278/TTY).

** The screening committee will begin its review of all applications after the review date. Once the screening committee has completed its review of the applications, a list of finalists will be identified and invited for phone or personal interview. Applicants who are not selected for an interview will be notified in writing once the recruitment process has concluded.

We recommend that you make and keep a copy of all materials you submit in the application process, as we are not able to return them to you nor will we be able to make a copy for you at a later date. **




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