FRIDAY, 15 FEBRUARY 2019 THEDAY.CO.UK ISIS teen bride begs for return to Britain Should she be allowed back? Four years ago, Shamima Begum fled Britain to join Islamic State. Now, with the caliphate in ruins, she wants to return. Her plea has caused division and uproar.

Exodus:: Shamima Begum is one of 150 women and children to leave Britain for ISIS.

“I’m not the same silly little 15-year-old saw my first severed head in a bin it didn’t faze 26-year-old Tareena Shaki became the first schoolgirl who ran away from me at all. It was from a captured fighter seized British woman to be imprisoned after returning four years ago,” claims Shamima Begum — one on the battlefield, an enemy of Islam.” from Islamic State. of three schoolgirls who left their families in Around 850 people fled Britain to join up Should Shamima Begum be allowed to East London to join Islamic State (ISIS) in with the caliphate, including 150 women and return to Britain? 2015. children. Many died, but those who want to Now, with ISIS strongholds destroyed, and return present a dilemma for authorities. Homecomiing the terrorist group all but defeated, she wants “I’m not putting at risk ’s lives This would be extremely controversial. Having to return to Britain. to go and look for terrorists or former terrorists chosen to renounce Britain for ISIS, many claim “The caliphate is over,” she told Anthony in a failed state,” declared security minister she must live with her choice — particularly Loyd — a Times journalist who found her in a Ben Wallace, saying that “actions have given her lack of regret. But, as a British Syrian . “I know what everyone at consequences”. citizen, does the government still have a duty home thinks of me as I have read all that was “Instinctively it feels [hard] to say we should towards her? Should we at least offer her the written about me online. But I just want to bring her back to her home in the United opportunity of rehabilitation? come home.” Kingdom — especially given her apparent lack Much depends on our personal feelings. Begum’s urgency to escape is heightened of remorse,” writes Michael Segalov in The Does Begum deserve pity? After all, she was by her being nine months pregnant. She gave Guardian. “And yet, is she not still a victim of only a child when she was radicalised. How birth to two other children in , but both grooming? Still a British citizen we should be much should we blame her for what died. Her husband, an ISIS fighter, was also looking to help?” happened? Should she be punished as a imprisoned and tortured. Even if she did make it back to the UK, criminal, or considered a victim of forces Yet, for all this, she refuses to denounce Begum would be subject to intense beyond her control? ISIS. “I don’t regret coming here,” she insists. interrogation and examination, and would “Mostly it was a normal life in Raqqa, every possibly face prosecution. now and then bombing and stuff. But when I There is a precedent for this. In 2016,

she were still under 18, the government would that security services will want to use her to Q & A have a duty to take her and her unborn child’s gather intelligence on the region. As a non- “best interests” into account when deciding combatant, she has an ambiguous position in Q:: What do we know? what to do — however, this no longer applies. relation to the law. It is not guaranteed that A: According to figures by The Times, at least she would be prosecuted if she was returned to 45 of those Britons that have joined ISIS are Q:: What do we not know? Britain. under the age of 17. Shamima Begum was A: How the government will respond to the legally a child when she joined Islamic State. If situation. There has been some suggestion YOU DECIDE ACTIVITIES SOME PEOPLE SAY... 1. Should Shamima Begum be allowed to 1. Imagine you were sent to interview Shamima “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is return to Britain? Begum. What would you ask her? Share your the attribute of the strong.” thoughts with the class. Mahatma Gandhi 2. Do you have sympathy for her? 2. The bigger story going on here is the WHAT DO YOU THINK? collapse of Islamic State. Find out more about this by watching the second link in Become An Expert. Then write a paragraph in response to this question: Will ISIS ever be truly defeated?

the north-east of Syria. Groomiing – When someone builds an WORD WATCH emotional connection with a child to gain their Calliiphate – An Islamic state ruled by a leader trust for the purpose of exploitation. Three schoollgiirlls – Her and two others, Kadiza with the title of Caliph. Sultana and Amira Abase, left in February Prosecutiion – For more detail on what could 2015 to join a fourth schoolgirl in Syria. Kadiza Husband – A 27-year-old Dutch convert called happen to Begum now, see the Sky News link Sultana was killed two years ago. Yago Riedijk. Their marriage was arranged 10 in Become An Expert. days after Begum arrived in Raqqa. Defeated – Two years ago, ISIS controlled vast areas of Syria and Iraq. Now, the group’s last 850 – According to figures compiled by The stronghold consists of a couple of villages in Times.

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