To Architectural Drawings of Churches & Cathedrals

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To Architectural Drawings of Churches & Cathedrals Index to Architectural Drawings of Churches & Cathedrals This index relates only to the Library's collection of miscellaneous architectural drawings. The Library also holds drawings for Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin (RCB Library C6), St Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin (RCB Library C2), James Pain's 6 vol. survey of churches in the province of cashel (RCB Library MS 138) and 4 volumes of Welland drawings (RCB Library MS 139) which are listed separately. Aashleagh Abbeylara Ardagh Abbeyleix Leighlin Abington Emly Achill Tuam Achill - Dugort Tuam Achonry Achonry Acton Armagh Adare Limerick Aghabulloge Cloyne Aghacon Killaloe Aghada Cloyne Aghadoey Derry Aghadrumsee Clogher Aghalee Dromore Aghavallen Ardfert Aghavea Clogher Aghavilly Armagh Aghmacart Ossory Aghoure Ossory Aglish Cork Aglishcloghane Killaloe Ahamplish Elphin Ahanagh Elphin Ahascragh Elphin Ahinagh Cloyne Ahogill Connor All Saints Raphoe Altadesert Armagh Anaghmore Armagh Aney Emly Annacloan Dromore Annagh Kilmore Annaghdown Tuam Annahilt Dromore Antrim Connor Ardagh Meath Ardbraccan Meath Ardcarne Elphin Ardclinis Connor Ardcolm Ferns Ardee Armagh Ardfert Ardfert Ardfinnan Lismore Ardglass Down Ardnageehy Cork Ardquin Down Ardrahan Kilmacduagh Ardstraw Derry Ardtrea Armagh Arklow Glendalough Arklow - Blomfield Glendalough Armagh Cathedral - St Patrick Armagh Armagh - St Mark Armagh Armoy Connor Ashfield Kilmore Athassal Cashel Athlacca Limerick Athleague Elphin Athlone - St Mary Meath Athlone - St Peter Elphin Athy Glendalough Augher Clogher Aughnamullen Clogher Aughrim Clonfert Badoney Lower Derry Badoney Upper Derry Bailieborough Kilmore Balbriggan Dublin Balgriffin Dublin Balla Tuam Ballymeehan Kilmore Ballinadee Cork Ballinascreen Derry Ballinderry Armagh Ballinderry Connor Ballingarry Killaloe Ballingarry Limerick Ballinlanders Emly Ballinrobe Tuam Ballintemple Cashel Ballyadams Leighlin Ballybay Clogher Ballyboy Meath Ballybrood Emly Ballybunion Ardfert Ballycallan Ossory Ballycanew Ferns Ballyclog Armagh Ballyclough Cloyne Ballyconree Tuam Ballycotton Cloyne Ballycushlane Ardfert Ballydehob Chapel of Ease Cork Ballyeaston Connor Ballyeglish Armagh Ballyhalbert Down Ballyheighe Ardfert Ballymacarrett Down Ballymacelligott Ardfert Ballymackey Killaloe Ballymacward Clonfert Ballymartle Cork Ballymascanlan Armagh Ballymoden Cork Ballymoney Cork Ballymore Armagh Ballymore Meath Ballymoyer Armagh Ballynafeigh Down Ballynahaglish Ardfert Ballynakill Waterford Ballynure Connor Ballyovie Tuam Ballyphillip Down Ballysakeery Killala Ballysax Kildare Ballyscullion Derry Ballysodare Achonry Ballysonnon Kildare Ballyvourney Cloyne Ballywalter Down Ballywillan Connor Banagher Derry Baronscourt Derry Barr Clogher Barragh Leighlin Bective Meath Belcarra Tuam Belfast - Ballysillan Connor Belfast - Christ Church Connor Belfast - Falls Upper Connor Belfast - Malone Connor Belfast - Mariners Connor Belfast - St Andrew Connor Belfast - St George Connor Belfast - St James Connor Belfast - St Luke Connor Belfast - St Mary Connor Belfast - St Matthew Connor Belfast - St Stephen Connor Belfast - Whiterock Connor Billis Kilmore Blackrock Dublin Blessington Glendalough Booterstown Dublin Borris-in-Ossory Ossory Bray - Christ Church Dublin Bray - St Paul Dublin Bridgetown Cloyne Bright Down Brosna Ardfert Bruff Limerick Bumlin Elphin Burnchurch Ossory Burrisahoole Tuam Burt Derry Cahernarry Limerick Cahir Lismore Cahirciveen Ardfert Cahirconlish Emly Caledon Armagh Callan Ossory Camlough Armagh Camus-Juxte-Bann Derry Camus-Juxte-Mourne Derry Cappagh Derry Caragh Kildare Carbury Kildare Carlow Leighlin Carnalway Kildare Carncastle Connior Carnew Ferns Carnmoney Connor Carrickfergus Connor Carrickmacross Clogher Carrick-on-Suir Lismore Carrigallen Klimore Carrigallen - Newtowngore Kilmore Carrigrohane Cork Carrigthohill Cork Cashel Ardagh Cashel Cashel Castle Ellis Ferns Castleblakeney Elphin Castlecomer Ossory Castlehanan Ross Castlejordan Meath Castlekirke Tuam Castleknock Dublin Castlelyons Cloyne Castlemacadam Glendalough Castlemore Achonry Castleraghan Kilmore Castlerock Derry Castletown Devlin Meath Castletownnarra Killaloe Celbridge Glendalough Chapelizod Dublin Charlemont Armagh Charlestown Armagh Clabby Clogher Clanbogan Derry Clara Meath Clareabbey Killaloe Cleenish Clogher Clogh Clogher Cloghenry Armagh Clogher Cathedral - St Macartan Clogher Clonard Meath Clonbeg Emly Clondahorky Raphoe Clondalkin Dublin Clondevaddock Raphoe Clondrohid Cloyne Clonduff Dromore Clones Clogher Cloneyhurke Kildare Clonfadforan Meath Clonfeacle Armagh Clonfert Clonfert Clongill Meath Clongish Ardagh Cloniegad Killaloe Clonkeen Armagh Clonleigh Derry Clonmeen Cloyne Clonmel Cloyne Clonmel Lismore Clonmore Ferns Clonmore Leighlin Clonoulty Cashel Clonpriest Cloyne Clonsast Kildare Clonsilla Dublin Clontarf Dublin Clontibret Clogher Cloon C.E. Ardagh Clooney Derry Cloydagh Leighlin Coleraine Connor Collinstown Meath Collon Armagh Comber Down Cong Tuam Connor Connor Conwal Raphoe Coolbanagher Kildare Coolock Dublin Corbally Killaloe Corclone Leighlin Cork - Holy Trinity Cork Cork - St Anne, Shandon Cork Cork - St Brendan Cork Cork - St Lappan Cork Cork - St Michael, Blackrock Cork Cork - St Nicholas Cork Cork - St Paul Cork Cork - St Peter Cork Corrawallen Kilmore Craigs Connor Creagh Clonfert Crean Emly Creggan Armagh Croagh Limerick Croghan Elphin Croom Limerick Crossboyne Tuam Crosspatrick Ferns Culdaff Derry Culfeightrin Connor Culmore Derry Cumber Lower Derry Cumber Upper Derry Currin Clogher Dalkey Dublin Delgany Glendalough Denn Kilmore Derg Derry Derry Cathedral - St Columb Derry Derry - St Augustine Derry Derryaghy Connor Derrybrusk Clogher Derrygortreavy Armagh Derrygrath Lismore Derrylorane Armagh Derrynoose Armagh Derryvullen Cloghe Derryvullen North Clogher Desertlyn Armagh Desertmartin Derry Desertoghill Derry Desertoreigh Armaghj Desertserges Cork Dingle Ardfert Dingle Ardfert Donacavey Clogher Donagh Clogher Donagh Derry Donaghadee Down Donaghcloney Dromore Donaghendry Armagh Donaghmore Armagh Donaghmore Dromore Donaghmore Upper Armagh Donaghpatrick Meath Donanaughta Clonfert Donard Glendalough Donegore Connor Donnybrook Dublin Donohill Cashel Donoughmore Ossory Doon Emly Douglas Cork Down Cathedral - Holy Trinity Down Dowra Kilmore Drinagh Cork Drishane Ardfert Drogheda - St Mary Meath Drogheda - St Peter Armagh Dromaleague Cork Dromard Killala Dromiskin Armagh Dromod Ardfert Dromore Clogher Dromore Dromore Dromtarriff Ardfert Drum Clogher Drumakilly Armagh Drumbanagher Armagh Drumbeg Down Drumboe Down Drumcannon Waterford Drumcar Armagh Drumcliffe Elphin Drumconrath Meath Drumcree Armagh Drumcree Meath Drumgath Dromore Drumglass Armagh Drumgooland Dromore Drumgoon Kilmore Drumholm Raphoe Drumkeeran Clogher Drumlane Kilmore Drumlease Kilmore Drummaul Connor Drummully Clogher Drumragh Derry Drumreilly Kilmore Drumsnatt Clogher Dublin - Free Church Dublin Dublin - St Andrew Dublin Dublin - St Ann Dublin Dublin - St Audoen Dublin Dublin - St Bartholomew Dublin Dublin - St Bride Dublin Dublin - St James Dublin Dublin - St Jude Dublin Dublin - St Luke Dublin Dublin - St Mary Dublin Dublin - St Michan Dublin Dublin - St Peter Dublin Dublin - St Stephen Dublin Dublin - St Thomas Dublin Dublin - Trinity Church Dublin Duleek Meath Dunamon Elphin Dunblyne Meath Dunboe Derry Dunbulloge Cork Dundalk Armagh Dunfeeny Killala Dungiven Derry Dunkerrin Killaloe Dunkitt Ossory Dunleckney Leighlin Dunluce Connor Dunmore Tuam Dunnalong Derry Dunseverick Connor Dunsford Down Durrus Cork Durrus Cork Dysart Enos Leighlin Eglish Meath Eirke Ossory Ematris Clogher Enniscorthy Ferns Enniskeen Meath Enniskillen Clogher Ennisnag Ossory Errigal Derry Errislannom Tuam Errismore Tuam Ettagh Killaloe Fahan, Lower Derry Fahan, Upper Derry Fanlobbus Cork Faughanvale Derry Fenagh Ardagh Fennagh Leighlin Fennor Cashel Fermoy Cloyne Fertagh Ossory Fethard Cashel Fiddown Ossory Finglas Dublin Finner Clogher Finnoe Killaloe Finvoy Connor Fivemiletown Clogher Forgney Meath Forkhill Armagh Galbally Emly Gallen Meath Galway Tuam Garvaghy Dromore Garvary Clogher Geashill Kildare Gilford Dromore Girley Meath Glankeen Cashel Glasscarrig Ferns Glenageary Dublin Glenavy Connor Glendermot Derry Glengarriffe Ross Gorey Ferns Gortroe Cloyne Gowran Ossory Graignamanagh Leighlin Grangegorman Dublin Grey Abbey Down Greystones Glendalough Gurranekennefeake Cloyne Harold's Cross Dublin Headford Tuam Hillsborough - St James Down Holmpatrick Dublin Holywood Down Horetown Ferns Howth Dublin Inch Derry Inch Glendalough Inchigelagh Cork Inchinabacky Cloyne Inishmacsaint(Slavin) Clogher Inniscaltra Killaloe Innishannon Cork Inniskeen Clogher Inniskinny Cork Innisloonagh Lismore Innismagrath Kilmore Innistiogue Ossory Inver Raphoe Island Magee Connor Jonesborough Armagh Jordanstown Connor Julianstown Meath Kanturk Cloyne Kellistown Leighlin Kells Meath Kells Ossory Kentstown Meath Kilbarron Raphoe Kilbehenny Emly Kilbolane Cloyne Kilbonane Cork Kilbride Connor Kilbride, Castlecor Meath Kilbride, Tullamore see Tullamore Meath Kilbrogan Cork Kilbroney Dromore Kilbryan Elphin Kilcaskin Ross Kilcleagh Meath Kilcluney Armagh Kilcock Kildare Kilcoleman Ardfert Kilcolgan Kilmacduagh Kilcolman Tuam Kilcommon Killala Kilconnell Clonfert Kilconriola Connor Kilcoo Down Kilcrohane Ardfert Kilcronaghan Derry Kilcullen Glendalough Kilculliheen, Abbey Church Ossory Kilcully Cork Kildalkey Meath Kildallon Kilmore Kildare Cathedral - St Brigid Kildare Kildarton Armagh Kildimo Limerick Kildollagh Connor Kildysart Killaloe Kilfane Ossory Kilfaughnabeg Ross Kilfergus
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    MURPHY’S IRISH STOUT CORK ATHLETIC UNION FOOTBALL LEAGUE INFORMATION HANDBOOK (Incorporating Rule Book and Referee’s Information) 2015/2016 Club Secretary’s Honours List Phone Numbers Management Committee Club Colours Disciplinary Meetings Club Grounds Delegate Meetings Match Results Please ring Press Officer, Barry Peelo with your match details at 087-7936608; it has voice mail and text capability. For Saturday games, please ring in that evening. On Sunday, ring between 1 p.m. and 6.30 p.m. Match details may also be emailed to [email protected] but please remember that the same Sunday deadline applies. Results for midweek games will be taken on the night. Thanks to the Sports Editor in the Evening Echo, we will see a return of our weekend pages. Secretary’s Please Note When filling in the Official Match Card, the player’s name must correspond with the number on the match card and the jersey the play I wearing. Please use Block Capitals when filling in the match card. Players Sent Off Players sent off the field of play must attend at the next disciplinary meeting in Turners Cross at 7 p.m. on the dates printed below immediately after the sending off. Players who cannot attend should send a letter explaining the sending-off incident to the Hon. Secretary. The Disciplinary Committee may be call meetings other than on the dates below. Disciplinary Meeting Dates Wednesday Wednesday September 2015: January 2016: 2, 16, 30 6, 20 October 2015: February 2016: 14, 28 3, 17 November 2015: March 2016: 11, 25 2, 16, 30 December 2015: April 2016: 9 13, 27 May 2016: 11, 25 Delegate Meetings Wednesday, 8 July 2015 Ambassador Hotel Annual General Meeting – date in June 2016 to be decided Registration Meeting Wednesday 5 August 2015 at 7.30 p.m.
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