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Who, Or What's to Blame for Lake's Problem Smell?

Who, Or What's to Blame for Lake's Problem Smell?

Park teen visits historic Normandy with veteran grandfather By ShIrley A. McShane LoUIS. Marcus was a battalion Siaff Wnler Edelstem departed on glVe the veterans a heroes wel- of hiS division to the D.Day cer. surgeon In the U.S Army 90th Amencan veterans refused to The cold and the rain and June 1 for London. He spent come," Edelstem said. Infantry DiVISIOnthat stormed emomes held at the Normandy shake hands or even acknowl- the elbow-to-elbow crowds gath- the next 18 days traveling Members of the tour group the beaches of Normandy on American Mlhtary Cemetery at edge each other, security around Europe with the reun- met WIth the French families ered on the bluffs overlooking June 6, 1944. Utah Beach. seemed to be lax as one of Edel- the beaches at Normandy on D- IOn group of about 120 people that were hostmg them for the Marcus InvIted Edelstem "It was cold The weather stem's relallves managed to get Day IS one snapshot in an al- In a caravan of three tour next four days durmg the D- along to attend a 50th anmver was very bad," he saId "We within five feet of the Queen of bum of memorIes Matt Edel. buses Day servIceS sary reunion of the divIsIOn were standmg elbow.to-elbow m England, PresIdent Clmton and stem gathered durmg a recent After a day m London, Edel. "(Our host family) dIdn't held in Normandy m commem- the pouring ram. Then they French President Mltterand; European vacation. stem and hIS grandfather rode speak English and we dIdn't oration of D-Day. announced that President Chn. the Villagers welcomed the a ferry across the Enghsh speak French," Edelstein saId The 16-year-old Park resident "I knew my grandfathel was ton would be 30 mmutes late. Amencan veterans WIth warm Channel to Cherbourg for the "We got along Just fine any- traveled In June to England, planning on attendmg the Ie- Everyone began boomg, the smIles and applause - every D-Day 50th anmversary cele. way They gave us commemo- veterans were callmg hIm a France, Luxembourg and Ger- umon," he saId "When he In tIme they entered a new town. bratlOn at Normandy. rative D.Day bottles of wme " many as a guest of hIS grand. vited me I knew It was a once draft dodger" "It was a mce feehng, but it father. TPd Marcus, of St. "When we got off the ferry, Edelstem accompamed hiS Other thmgs Edelstem no m.a-hfetlme opportumtv " the mlhtary band was there to grandfather and the members tlced: Many of the German and See D-DAY, page 19A

Your Community Newspaper Grosse Pointe News 42 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 50~ July 21,1994 a . _"00 Lights out

Thursday, July 21 'No night football,' The Chisel Brothers will perform a free concert at 7 pm on the plaza in the Vil- Woods council says lage as part of the Music on the Plaza concert series By Jim Stlcktord Staff Wnler Sunday, July 24 The Grosse Pomte Woods '] can't in good CIty Council unammously reo St. Paul Catholic Church Jected the Grosse Pomte North conscience vote to hosts an Ice cream SOCial Booster Club's request for a grant the from 3 to 5 p.m. Lakeshore vanance at Monday's counCIl . , WIll be closed (both drrec. meetmg that would have per- vanance. tions) between Moran and mItted hghts to be mstalled Warner for a bicyde parade. around the school's football Robert Novitke Eastbound Lakeshore wJ11 field Woods Mayor also be closed between War- The council debated the Issue ner and Fisher. for only about 10 mmutes, after SPite the commISSIOn's vote hstenmg to over three hours of North's athletic dIrector Monday, July 25 ImpaSSIOned public testimony Thomas Gauerke was the first by supporters and opponents of speaker m support of lights He The Grosse Pointe Park the lights. spoke to the councll at length council holds Its regular Woods ordmances keepmg about how the lights would meetmg at 7 p.m. at cIty the height of bmldmgs on benefit the schools and how hall, 15115 E. Jefferson. bChool property below 35 feet they would not be Choo\ property ann the many of the complamts heaId The Grosse Pointe Com. property lines of private CIti- by the school about el'ectw{Z munity Band plays a free zens meant that the booster hghts concert at 7:30 p.m on South club needed a variance for con "ThIs IS a much needed High School's front lawn. structlOn of the lights. wholesome famIly actIVIty," The band will play Gersh- Last month the cIty's plan. saId Gauerke "It's an evenmg win's "An American In mng COmmlSSlOnvoted 4-3 not activity for teens that takes Paris," Sousa's "Gallant Sev- to recommend approval of the North football out of competI- enth," a Glenn Miller med- vanance request. The booster tion Wlth college football on ley and more. Audience Ducb hcrle club zmmedzately appealed the Saturdays and brmgs us in line members may bring lawn to swim fur. commiSSIOn's vote to the city WIth most hIgh schools across chairs if they wish. ther out due to council The council has the the aquatic nght to grant the variance de- See UGHTS, page 19A debris build- Wednesday, July 27 up on the The Shorehne Concert shore. Public library seeking Band perfonns at 8 p.m. as part of the Grosse Pomte War Memorial's Summer renewal of 1.7 mills MUSIC Fest Who, or what's to blame Call 881-7511 for ticket m- formation. for new district system By Shirley A. MCShane It mean to the library staff? for lake's problem smell? Staff Wnter What does it mean to the tax- Although It may not be ob- payers? By Debra Pascoe globs of seaweed laced with removed from the shoreline vious to passersby or the occa- The recently appomted Special Writer what appears to be grass and the waterway at an esti- sional patron, the Grosse seven-member library board of While they all admit there clippings and flsh fly hatchl- mated cost of $1 5 million. Pointe Public LIbrary IS m a trustees has conducted three is a problem, no one's ready ings washing up on the For the last week, county penod of transitIOn. meetmgs so far thIS month m Opinions 6A to say who - or what - is ...hn~s and floating frppTy in officials have been research . The bUlldmgs look the same responsible for causing it or the lake. ing both lssues with their order to answer those ques- Autos 11A The books, shelves and tables llons, said board preSIdent John how it can be fIxed. Macomb County health counterparts at the state are all in the same place. The Bruce. Schools 15A Since mid June, local department director Daniel level. Their fIndings - or name IS the same. Seniors 16A county health officials have Lafferty said that the two lack thereof - were released "The magnItude of thIS But on July 1, without any transfer m such a short time been wrangling over the problems appear to be unre- to the Macomb County fanfare, the 76-year-old lendmg Obituaries 17A frame has been tremendous cause of increasing fecal coli- lated. Board of Commissioners and instItution became a separate and has been a challenge to the Busmess 18A form levels found in the wa- On July 15, Mark Steen- state and local offiCIals dur- and distmct enllty no longer Features 1B ters of several lak£:front bergh, chairperson of the ing a July 13 press briefmg. school system, the hbrary dll'ec- under the financial or govern- tor, the library staff and to the Entertainment 5B beaches, including Memorial Macomb County Board of Regarding the bacteria mg control of the Gros.- Pointe Park and Blossom Heath Commissioners said that new board of trustees," Bruce Sports 1 C levels, health officials were Pubhc School System. bathing beaches in St. Clarr technicians advised local offi. only able to say with any But what does this mean to ClassifIed ads 5C Shores. cials that more than 26,000 certainty that, yes, the fecal the library patron? What does See LIBRARY, page 19A And more recently, cubic yards of decomposing they've been faced with aquatic debris needs to be See SMElL, page 2A POINTER OF INTEREST WE'RE Woods weighs in-line skating curbs CONCERNED Helen Leonard-Malis By Jim Sticktord cally It's a way to regulate the flow of traffic, causmg acci- ABOUT Siaff Wnler skating for the safety ot the It's popular, It'S fresh and ItS dents." skaters, pedestrians and motor- Home: Grosse Pointe -YESTERDAY'S attractmg fans, but It'S also The second readmg of the or. Park ISts " dmance IS scheduled for Aug 1, NEWS. dangerous Currently, there are no rules Family: Married, two That's why the Grosse Pomte Thomas said News can appear one for skaters to follow when skat- daughters Woods city counCIl IS conSIder day and be gone rhe mg m the streets, said Thomas "This really Isn't an attempt mg an ordmance that would Occupation: Outreach nexr Ourrhe paper That's because moline skates to prevent people from enJoymg regulate m-lme skatmg, some moline skatmg." said Thomas librarian at Grosse news IS primed on con are new and ordmances regu- Pointe Public LIbrary and should live on llmes called rollerbladmg latmg bIcycle use don't apply "It really IS a safety Issue The Losryear more than "The coune:l had the first sport IS growmg m populanty, Claim to fame: PrOVides "The proposed ordmance one third of all U 5 readmg July 11 of a proposed and we want to make sure that lmk between library ordinance that woulcl regulate calls for skaters to use the SIde newsprint was recycled it's as safe as poSSIble We've and the homebound how m.lme skates are used m walk whenever poSSIble, and had ordmances on the books for And ther number IS when skatmg m the street, to Quote: "It is vital for growing every day the city," saId Woods cIty man- years that reqUire bICyclists to ager Peter Thomas "They Will skate WIth traffic, not agamst people who hke to read Recycling ~ go with the flow of traffic and review the ordmance between It," Thomas saId "Studies have thIS IS an attempt to brmg the to be able to read. It is IS rhe one .. ~ now and the second readmg It shown that It's safer for Jog- Vital to their way we can • ., regulattons up to date and m was requested by the clty's pub gers, bicyclists and m-Ime ska. line WIth our current ordl mtellectual and all give some "ead • tel s to go m the dIrectIOn of rhlng bacl~ Then ".cycl. hc safety department becau<;e nances The Woods has a very emotional lives" the number of people mime traffic, m<;tead of aga In'lt It. low aCCIdent rate, and we want See story, page 4A skatmg has mcreased drama!l Too many skatRrs go afiamst to keep It that way"

L. • ...-...... --...... -_._...... - -. -_...... _' ..- ~" ... . MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSlON SERVICES. SYSTEMS. CONSULTATION 2A JUly' 21, 1994 News Grosse Po nte News

~ I I "••••.•••..••.:.~.:.:.~.:.:.:.:.:I:.: I " .. SmeI1 • 11 1 .. "" I" I II I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " From page 1A Why not fix the sewers? whIch cleaned up the Exxon- cohform count has increased As a possible solution to Valdez 011spIll m Alaska - to unsafe levels and appear reducing the bactena levels to get estimates for clearing to be falhng slowly How. In the lake, state Rep Tra- the seaweed off the beaches ever, they can only speculate cey Yoklch suggested the and out of the lake. what - or who _ IS respon- state find funds to repaIr State offiCIals are also SIble for the Increase and replace antIquated se- looking mto low interest Everything from zebra wage systems. loans to pay for the cleanup mussels to human pollutors Health offiCIals said that costs. were blamed for the large commumtleb' that have com- Truscott saId that at thiS mounds of seaweed, but at bmed sewage overflow sys- ttme, he doesn't know who least local offiCials were sue- tems and dump raw sewage will be responsible for pay- cessful m drawmg stateWIde mto the lake when storm ing for the cleanup costs, but attentIOn to the problem sewers reach overflow capac- speculated that It may be Lafferty said that If the Ity contnbute to the prob. shared between the state, mcreased seaweed colollles lem county and local govern- were caused by the posSIble Dumpmg raw sewage mto ments dumpmg of raw sewage Into the lake IS legal m MichIgan Cost estlmates from Ma- the lake - as has been spec- as long as the commumties rme PollutIOn Control are ulated - he would have de- doing the dumping notify the expected to be forthcoming tected "notable floatables" _ daIly newspaper and local of- this week fecal matter, used condoms, ficmls that It WIll occur. As for the zebra mussels, tampons and other Items On or about June 20, Oak- researchers have been trying No, this isn't a picture marking the 25th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing. it is the flushed through the samtary land County was blamed for to find ways of kIlling or shoreline of Lake St. Clair just north of the Grosse Pointe Farms Pier Park. sewer system - In the weed releasmg about one bIllIon controllmg them for years Seaweed and other aquatic waste has washed up along the western shore of the lake. masses gallons of sewage from Its 12 WIth httle success. Shortly after the bnefing, Towns treatment plant into What about our neigh- seaweed WIll get caught in ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DIana J Kolakowski, acting the Red Run Drain whIch bors? water intake pIpeS and leave chau pel::.O!I of thtl Macomb ronne<>ts with the Clmton Those ""ho Jon't haw d a JtlCaymg seaweed taste III County Board of Commls- River in Harrison Township working knowlE'dge of ShIp- the dnnking water. ~CHRISTMAS IN JULY~ sIOners, COpIeda previous ac- !'he beaches were closed pmg channels and the water- Charcoal filtratIOn systems ~ STOR.EVVIDE SALE, ~ tlOn taken by the Harrison June 22 ways as a whole may be normally ehmmate that wondering what's happemng problem, he said. Township board of trustees Blame it on the rain ~ ~ and declared a county state Health officials also specu- 111 Canada of emergency lated that the ll1creased bac- John Cooper of the Mmis- ~ ~ Engler visits site tena levels could have been try of Natural Resources in ~ Michigan's Largest Selection of ~ On July 14, Gov John caused by severe rainstonns Windsor said seaweed and Quality Dolls & Toys! ~ Engler boarded a NatIOnal that dropped more than 2 1/ fecal cohform levels haven't ~ Dolls by Mad. Alexander, Gott, Corolle • Stetff, l. 7.'f" Guard helIcopter and got a 2 inches of ram m the metro- been a problem for Canada's YOU CAN ~ Gund, Muffy Vanderbear • Playmobll • Brio • ~ cltlzens tour of the masses of seaw- DetrOIt area on June 13. ADVERTISE TOO! ?v(' Breyer Horses' Britalns Figures' Dollhouses ?v(' eed along the lakefront from They said that the rain Mark Jaques, president ~ & mIniatures' Telescopes & Science ~ the Wayne County border washed into rivers and tribu- and general manager 01 the ~ AC1lvltles • Ravensburger Games' PL.US k and then touched down at tanes of Lake St ClaIr, Windsor Area Chamber of CALL 7v\' WOODEN BACKYARD PLAYSTRUCTUAES & ?v(' Metro Beach to get a closer carrymg with It ammal feces Commerce, said that depend- ~ SWing Accessories for Outdoor Funl ~ look at the mess and other decaymg matter ing on the way the winds 882-3500 blow and the currents flow, He ordered the NatIOnal that had been left to dry ~ ~ Guard to remove seaweed along the banks durmg the you may see a patch or two To Reserve Display AdvertiSing Space from the beach and pledged arId weather. of seaweed along the Cana. By 2 00 p m Fnday ~ ~ additional support Water temperatures, re- dian shores. And whIle he commended ported to be about 10 de- He saId every so often ~ ~ the governor for taking ac- grees higher than normal, ~ ~ tion, St. ClaIr Shores Mayor served as a breeding ground Ted Wahby saId that no for bacteria, they said. matter how much seaweed IS As the rains continued to Grosse Pointe News NOTICE OF removed, more WIll come fall, the fecal coliform levels (USPS 230.400) PRIMARY ELECTION For the last tew weeks, he rose, they said Published every Thursday To Be Held said, city employees have The zebra mussels did it By Anteebo publishers TUESDAY. AUGUST 2, 1994 been dragging seaweed daily Since the discovery of colo- 96 Kercheval Avenue NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a General Election will be held on Tuesday, August 2, 1994 from 7 from the lakefront along the nies of zebra musse~s in t~e Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 o'clock in the forenoon until 8 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time qualified registered voters may vote beaches at Memorial and Great Lakes, the lIttle cnt- for the following: Blossom Heath parks. _ n. ~~.~rs have been blamed .for PHONE: 882-6900 Second Cia .. Postage paId al Oel€.clIn the case of the in- mall $26 OUIo( state State Senate POSTMASTER Send address changes State Representative Wahby saId he drew the creasIng seaw~d growth 10 Grosse Pomle News, 96 governor's attention to the Health offiCIals saId the Kercheval Grosse Pomte Farms MI County Executive seaweed problems about a zeb.ra mussels feed off bac- 48236 County Commissioner month ago when Engler was tena and cleanse the. water. The dead lone for news copy IS Monday Delegates to County Convention noon to Insure insertion ill town for the St Clair It sounds good, until they AdvertISing copy for SectlOn "8" musl Judge of the Circuit Court. Regular Term. Non-Incumbent Position Shores Family Funfest held out that more sunshIne be on the advertiSing department by Community College Trustee - Districts 1 and 3 only at Memonal Park. can then penetrate the water 11 00 a 10 on Monday The deadline A short walk along the and feed the sea weed for advertISing copy for Sections A & YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the polling places for said Election are as follows: C's 10 3D a 10 Tuesday beach was enough to show growth CORRECTIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS CITY OF GROSSE POINTE FARMS the governor that a problem Possible solutions ResponSIbility for display and claSSified eXIsted, Wahby saId. WhIle all agree that re- advertising error ISI,mlted 10either can- C1!11.t,oo of the charge for or a re-run of Precinct No.1 Grosse Pomte South High School, 11 Grosse Pointe Boulevard "The governor saId that moving the seaweed and the portion onerror NOIlficalloo must be Precinct No.2 Gabriel Richard School, 176 McKinley Avenue he wIll put the wheels in monitoring sewage dis- gIven 10 lIme for cooectlon rn the fol- Precinct No.3 Gabriel Richard School, 176 McKinley Avenue motion to come up with a so- charges are short-term solu- lowlOgISsue 1M! assume no respoosobll Precinct No.4 City Hall. Fire Station, 90 Kerby Road IUhon," Wahby saId "He bans, no one seems to have Ity of the same afiefthe first InsertIon The Grosse POinte News reserves the nght Precinct No.5 New Kerby School, 285 Kerby Road said he'll 'help where he a long-term answer to the not to accept an advertiser's order Precinct No.6 Brownell Middle School, 260 Chalfonte Avenue can." crisIS. Grosse POInte News advertiSing repre. And yet, city employees Engler's press secretary sentatives have no authonty to b'nd thiS Precinct No.7 Brownell Middle School, 260 Chalfonte Avenue contmue to clean the John Truscott saId the state newspaper and only publicatIon of an advertIsement shall constitute (lOaI CITY OF GROSSE POINTE beaches WIth no assIstance police are working with Ma- acceplance of the advertiser s order from the state government. nne Pollution Control - All Precincts: 740 CadIeux Road (Maire School GymnasIum) CITY OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS 117l 't It tl1J1C VOl! 100cd Precinct No.1 Parcells School, 20600 Mack Avenue )'O1!1' bntljroom? WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE OUR FIRST SALE Precinct No.2 Barnes School, 20090 Morningside Drive Precinct No.3 Mason School, 1640 Vernier Road Precinct No.4 Mason School, 1640 Vernier Road IN OUR NEW STORE! Precinct No.5 Community Center, 20025 Mack Plaza Precinct No.6 Community Center, 20025 Mack Plaza Precinct No.7 Ferry School, 748 Roslyn Road Precinct No.8 Barnes School, 20090 Mornmgside Drive Precinct No.9 University Liggett School, 850 Bnarcliff Precinct No. 10 Montieth School, 1275 Cook Road 17140 KERCHEVAL. GROSSE POINTE, MI Precinct No. 11 Parcells School, 20600 Mack Avenue A SPECTACULAR SUMMER Precinct No. 12 Ferry School, 748 Roslyn Road CLEARANCE SALE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE PARK Precinct No.1 Trombly School, Beaconsfield and Essex TROPICAL WEIGHT AND THRE Precinct No.2 Trombly School, Beaconsfield and Essex Oxford SUilS Precinct No.3 Municipal Building, East Jefferson HIckey Freeman n I [lIlt'l ( 1.,11 ( ,IlL/lUll [11 &,1,11 III II tl1l Precinct No.4 Pierce School, Kercheval and Nottingham So P ,r I I"" I \ 'II II' '" '1IlOdd

July 21, 1994 Grosse Pointe News News 19A

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Aside from the hIS- think I'd want to lIve there," toric aspects of the vacatIOn, grandfather's reunion group he said. left Normandy, they VIsited the Edelstem was domg a httle One of the highlights of his 90th Infantry DiVlsion monu. comparmg HIS family, Mark tour was listening to the divi- ment. and Terese Edelstem and 12- sion members tell their war sto- "It was a momentous occa. year-old sister KatIe, hved In nes. Edelstem Bald his grand. sion," he said. "1 was watching the Netherlands for four years father was ll'\iured four days history being made. It was in the early 1980s mto the D.Day invasIOn and hard to believe that 50 years did not go on to the Battle of Edelstem saId he was curious ago people were running onto the Bulge, as did the rest of his to see how Europe had changed the beach and shooting at the diVISion. in hiS absence Germans, thus beginning the "One guy saId he lived on (U.S. involvement) in the Euro- soup," he said. "When he was "The Amerlcan influence has pean theater." really taken over," he noted drafted his mom started send. While staymg at a well- ing him dehydrated soup. One Edelstem wIll be a Junior at known commercIal hotel in day he was eating a bowl of South this fall, where he is a Germany, Edelstein said he soup and his division was hit member of the tenms team and was surprised to learn that the with a mortar attack. This guy emperor and empress of Japan the Latin club. And he's al- said he didn't want to stop eat- ready marked his calender for had just been there. "1 don't ing his bowl of soup, so he laid June 6, 2044, the 100th anni- think the veterans would be too Park teen Matt Edelstein. left. and his grandfather. Ted Marcus. second from right. meet on his back and bet the bowl of versary ot D-Day. their French hosts Alphonse and Jeannette Jean in Periers, France. L19t5':':::':':':':':':':':':':';':';':::':':::':':':::::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:':.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::.:::::.:.::;::::.::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..h From page 1 field, so it won't be used for respected the rights of North's Lane. people will be able to enjoy Mayor Robert Novltke, after the state, It will increase pub. many soccer games and the neighbors and would be WIlling Maurer showed the council their homes on the evenmgs hearmg all public testimony, licity for players because news- track team is not that inter. to work with them to come to photographs indICatmg Just the field is in use " noted that there was no way papers can't cover Saturday ested in holding track events. an eqUItable solution. how close the lIght poles will be Lizza said that the Issue was the counCil could come up with games as well as Friday games The junior varsity team and Several North students also to the back yard of Woods resI- not about kIds, but about allow- a deCISIon that would please and it will add spirit and prIde the ninth-grade team have also spoke to the councIl about the dent Chapman Cunningham. mg people to use theIr homes. everyone to the school." agreed to start theIr games at 6 benefits of lights, TImothy Maurer noted that one of the "From the uproar I'm hear- "At a regular city varIance Gauerke acknowledged that pm. Instead of 7 p.m." Samuel Northey said that poles would be lpss th~n 10 feet mg from lrght support~rs, you'd hearIng, U'e ask the person re- neighbors have legitinlate con- coaches and scouts don't come from Cunningham's property think thIS was about a millage questmg the varIance to show vote that was determming whe- cerns about safety, Gauerke also read a letter to Saturday games Another line how conformmg to CIty rules ther there'll be football at all," property values, nOIse pollu- from Woods public safety officer student saId that night games He said city law requires a causes hardshIp or why there IS LlZZasaid. tion and glare of the lights He' Robert Kwiatkowski who noted have better attendance and it's 75.foot setback. He also said a practical reason for not fol. "All schools should have a told the council that the school that in his 22 years on the discouraging to look at all the that m the past the council reo lowmg the ordinance in ques- football program with North's took those concerns seriously! force he had never seen stu- empty seats at a Saturday fused to grant permission for tIOn," said Novitke. "This has and has tried to address them. dents get out of hand at foot- game North to build its audItorium resources Most people who sup- not bE::: demonstrated, and He said that the school. ball games. Gauerke told the counCIl ear- higher than 35 feet. He noted port the lights don't live near gIVen the strong neIghborhood booster club and Woods police lier that North averages about that the school had to change the school. They don't have to oppositiOn, I can't in good con. would be on hand to maintain North principal Caryn Wells 400 people in the stands for plans so that the auditorIum put up with the vandalism and science vote to grant the vari- order. Parking would be routed also spoke to the council on the Saturday games and hoped that came m under 35 feet the noise. The school decided to ance" to the student parking lot off of issue of safety. She said the lIghts would lift attendance to Maurer also saId that the close the Wedgewood gate only CouncIlmember Peter GIle- Vernier to keep people from school has always tned to be a about 1,000. nOIse and light glare would be when it wants sOlJ1ethmg, not zan moved that the council re- parking on the side streets and good neighbor, and will now Also on hand were several great no matter how well the when people complained about ject the request, and was sec. that the light poles and loud close the gate at Wedgewood neighbors of the school who school did m aiming the lights students smoking" onded by Jean Rice. The speakers would be angled to di. during regular school hours to told the council that they did and loudspeakers at the field. Several other reSIdents spoke councIl spent only a few min- rect as much light and sound to discourage students from loiter- not mind lights at North "LIght will spIll over onto about past problems WIth the utes discussing the issue before the field and away from the mg in the area and smoking. The first two speakers oppos- the property of nearby reSI- school and that they felt the votmg unanimously to turn nearby houses. The gate would only be open at ing lights were attorneys David dences," Bald Maurer. "A thou. school did not take theIr con- down the VarIance request. . He also said that the school the beginning and end of the Maurer and Thomas LIZZa,who sand people at an excitmg cerns serIously. They argued Collms saId the booster club hoped to eventually have 12 school day to allow students spoke for neighbors on Hidden game are gOIng to make nOIse, that North could not promlse was dlsappomted, and would events a year under the lights, wa~mg ~ school to ~ !~. Lane, WeQ.l?i~'N~ alj\d,FalrVtay that's a fact ~ere's no way that there'd be no problems have to diSCUSS what to do but for the first couple of years with lights next was only planning on having CUITent booster club presi- eight events. dent J.e. Collins also spoke to ~,,""'''/I;: "fi I' ;M.,~~ j ..."+" ....1;,,04 V ~~"".r'J -1 (,f.. ''The field can take only so the council and saId the lights Cityof~r.oss.e 1}i.oint.e J1f artUs, Michigan ti! much use," said Gauerke. "The are meant to benefit all stu- PUBLIC NOTICE i JOHN & HOLCER field is not a regulation soccer dents. He added that the club ¥ SERVICE CENTER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Accuracy Test for , Library .:.:;;:::;::.:.:::.:::.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:;;;:;;.:.;;:;;::::::::::-;::;;::;::::::::;:;:::;::;::::::::::::::::.the August 2, 1994 Primary Election, has been scheduled for SPECIALIZING IN Tuesday, July 26, 1994 at 3:00 p.m. in the City Hall at 90 Kerby From page 1 triet library agreement will be Road, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan MERCEDES • AUDI Bald. "We have a lot of work to nullified and the library and its The Public Accuracy Test is conducted to determine that the VOLKSWAGEN do." assets and employees will again program and the computer being used to tabulate the results of the Since July 1. the board has be a part of the public school election, counts the votes in the manner prescribed by the law. { ~ = V YEARS taken the oath of office. elected system. Bruce said. i BOSCH - OF MERtEDES Shane L. Reeslde officers (see related story) y MECHANICAL adopted bylaws and resolutions If the voters approve a 1.7- City Clerk f MllVU ~-S SeRVICE as required by the district li- mill tax levy - which Bruce GPN: 07/21/94 City of Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan brary agreement, transferred said is a renewal and not an < JOHN & HOLQER SERVICE CENTER ownership of the buildings, increase - that amount will f 6521 E. 9 MILE RD. EASTPOINTE signed lease agreements and remain in perpetuity. The MAJOR & MINOR REPAIR 773-5820 reciprocal borrowing agree- Grosse Pointe schools levied 1.2 CltyofQf)rnss.e JInint.e ~OO~S, Michigan • ~ ,. JilT"... I ~ I -No. ments and honored contract ob- mills out of a possible 1.7 mill NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council, meeting as a ligations covering employees. levy approved by voters. _The board also approved em- ''We think that 1.7 mills will Board of Appeals under the provisions of Section 5-14-1 of the ployee job descriptions, ap. provide us with the adequate 1975 City Code will meet III the Council Court Room of the proved library policies already funding to operate a high qual- Municipal Building, 20025 Mack Plaza, on August 1, 1994, at 7:30 in existence and formulated by ity public library," Bruce said. p.m., to hear the appeal of A. Paglia, 898 South Brys, who is the school district and tempo- "Based on the fact that the li- appealing the demal of the Buildmg Inspector to Issue a building rarily appointed Doug West, le- braries have operated on 1.2 permit for construction of an addition to his residence at 898 South gal counsel for the school dis- mills, this will generate about Brys. The building permit was denied due to a deficiency in thp £net, to serve the library board. 30 percent more in revenue required side yard setback as set forth in Section 5-4-3 (F, c) of the - The library's budget for than is available for the 1993- Zoning Ordinance of the City of Grosse Pointe Woods. A variance 1994-95 is $2.7 million and for 94 school year. That seems l is therefore required. All interested parties are invited to attend. one year wlll be funded reasonable to us." through the school system. Library director Charles Some $2.4 million of the total Hanson said the board will not LouIse S. Warnke I budget comes from the $308 be able to set a tax rate until GPN: 07/21/94 City Clerk Grade-A- Fresh per-pupil allocation given to the after it completes lts 1995-96 79(/:. schools by the state under budget process. FRYERS...... 49 school finance reform. $; I Beyond funding and staffing The biggest job the library issues, Bruce said the board CHICKEN BREAST (Bone-In)...... LB I boord faces is organizing the also would like to develop some f?ept. 20 millaf{e election. which long-term goals. Boneless CmCKEN BREAST ..•$2~? 1 w111ask voters to approve a 1.'1- "Our focus is on the library mill tax levy to support the dis- and our priority will be library Skinless HOT DOGS .....• $229 LB 1 trict library for 1995-96 and service," he said. "We hope to I6tWALSKI ~ beyond. develop a vision for the library -~AU ••Q. ~ Should the voters turn down so that it can operate in a more Michigan Extra Fancy ,1 the millage request (the board effective, effiCIent and fiscally BLUEBERRIES .... - ,. - ... 99t PT. t:.~-s::::;i \ will have more than one chance re~ponsibie manner than under Sweet Honey Dew ~~ ~t; .. to ask the electorate) the dis- the old governance." MELONS $1.49 EA. ~:~ 0 Calif. "Elegant Lady" -f r" What district library? PEACHES 99$ LB ~ ~I Meetings of the governmg Matthews, Dorothy Kennel and body of the Grosse Pomte Pub- Frances Schonenberg, trustees ~~:~.~..~.~~~~ 4 /99$ ~ lic Library will no longer be Meetings of the library board held by the school board at the are open to the public and will Homestyle & New 2 for $500 Wicking Library at South High be held at 7:30 p.m. m the bUSI. LEAN CUISINE CAFE CLASSICS School. ness room at the Central LI. That's because the school brary on the second Wednesday ~~I SPECIAL BORDEN $199 bt>ard no longer will be tending of each month qu, MILK SALE to bUSIness and fiscal matters Look for notices to be placed Bb ErrHOMOGENIZED, 2%.1/2%. SKIM GAL of the lIbrary now that it has in the Grosse Pointe News In ~ become a dIstrict library. the upcoming weeks announc- PEPSI - MT- DEW The newly appointed lIbrary ing when meetings and pubhc MOLSON _ LIGHT ~ DIET PEPSI board of trustees are. John hearings will be held on issues lt;,,~ Bruce, preSIdent; Gregory Thea- concernmg the dIstrict hbrary's ~ A&W 99 Paid for by the committee to elect Bob COlgrove, $12 or kas, VIce preSIdent, James Fau. proposed budget and mIllage Republican candidate lor Michigan Senate 1S1district M sone, treasurer; Florence campaIgn. , 424 IroqUOISAvenue DetrOit MI 48214 27\6 eII 99~;~~:r 2~ ~~:sICE Miller, secretary; and Steven - Shirley A. McShane

tdstr_ • re ------...... ------_ ...... --.---....._------~------... - MICROGRA'>H1C & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION t., SERVICES • SYSTEMS e CONSULTATION Jury 21, 199'A 18A Business Gros~e Pointe News A taste of the continent; outdoor dining COllles to the Pointes~

The Coffee Grmder, Sher- portant," saId Park Mayor Pal- The City has two places so "We dIdn't want to diSrupt. wood's In the Park, Bar.B.Q mer Heenan. "It's one of far, Cafe Pavel and Jacobson's, the neIghborhood or cause House of Grosse Pomte, Sparky pleasant living where people which opened this year. There traffic and safety problems, so Helbel"t's, Cafe Pavel, Buscem- feel comfortable m the cIty" have been no complaints from we establIshed strIct rules regu- I'S, Jacobson's, Karla's Cafe residents or merchants, said latmg how an outdoor dmmg dnd the Sunnse Sunset Saloon It's also a new thmg, Heenan Kressbach. area IS to be set up," he saId What do they have In common? saId. He noted that III the Park Novitke noted that the Bar- Simple. they all offer outdoor there weren't any places that "Outdoor dinmg is new in B.Q House of Grosse Pomte haS' the Pointes," Kressbach saId dmIOg offered outSIde dmmg before a small recessed courtyard III Sparky Herbert's SIllce then a "When we got our fIrst request, front of the restaurant It's OutdoOi duung has hit the number of places have opened we looked at cities like Ann about the only Woods restau PoIOtes In a big way. Where Arbor, where it's more com- In the city, lOcludmg Sher. rant With that advantage, so he Just a few years ago, Pomters wood's m the Park, Karla's mon, for guidance. People have saId It's unhkely that other res had httle or no opportunity of Cafe, BuscemI's and Sunrise taken to the idea and seem to taurants m the city wIll follow eatIOg at an establIshment that Sunset Saloon be enJoymg themselves" suit and seek permISSIOn for offered outdoor dining, they Woods Mayor Robert Novitke outdoor dmmg. no\\ have a multItude of "I thmk that thiS Isn't some- ~ ... ~ saId that the city recently chOIce,; "Overall, I see thiS as POSI thmg people saw 10 years ago," granted permIssIon for Its first ,\\~,* '" bve for the Pomtes," Novltke "These places give the com- outdoor dinmg place, and had Heenan said "It's the kmd of saId. mumtv an ambIance that's 1m- promotIOn that's good for the Sherwood's in the Park only recently opened, but has al. concerns about noise and ready proved 10 be popular with fans of outdoor dining. safety. -Jlm Stlck{ord

neighborhood and good for the every day. merchants In the Park, these City of Grosse Pomte man. re"taurants have replaced a agel Tom K.t essbdch saId that gun store, an old car dealership the outdoor cafes are somethmg and a used-clothing store. By the pubhc eDJoys and some. puttmg attractIve, upscale thing that benefIts area mer- places m where less trendy chants as well. shops used to be, the restaurant owners have really helped the "It's worked well and given Pomtes m general and the the Village a climate of pleas- Park particularly." ant summertime activIty," Kressbach said. "We take each Heenan added that m the old request case by case. The days, Grosse Pomte was a re- state's liquor control commis- sort community, and these out- sion requires each city to make door places are helping bnng sure that tIlt: vrupon1:ribu- sac was named vice preSident - government tioiill. '1• .,' •• ern Iflt JUd affaIrS for Chrysler Corp by the company's During your years of employ- only 80 percent of the full bene- ents, and in some cases, .As result of the new board of directors Glusac preVIOusly was execu- ment, you and your employer fit you would be entitled to re- grandchildren may also be eli. a tu law, some high-income Social, tIve director - government affairs He WIll be pay a fixed percentage of your ceive at normal retirement age. gible if they are dependent on responsible for analysis of state and local gov- salary mto the Social Security The 20 percent reduction com- you for most of their support. Security recipients may find that a higher percentage of ernment legIslative Issues as they affect Chrys- system. If you are self-em- pensates for the fact that you A surviving spouse is eligible their 1994 Social Security bene~ , ler, as well as monitor regulatory actlVlty at all ployed, a fixed percentage of may be receiving benefits over for widow or widower's benefits at age 60 (50 if disabled), or at fits are subject to income tax,! "",. levels of government. your net self-employment in. a longer period of time. Right come also goes toward Social now, workers are entitled to re- any age if caring for a child Under the old law, certain tax-, Glusac Security. ceive full retirement benefits at under 16 or a permanently dis- payers had to include up to 50- percent of their Security:; Grosse Pomte Woods dentISt Dr. Mary Stonisch recently at- age 65. But beginning in the abled child. Unmarried child- Social benefits in their taxable in.~ tended the 10th annual scientific seSSIOnof the Amencan Acad- When you retire, Social Secu- year 2000, the age at which ren receive survivor benefits come. For some taxpayers, that; emy of Cosmetic Dentistry in Phoenix The asSOCIation IS the larg- rity sends you monthly retire- you can retire with full benefits until they reach age 18, with fIgure is now raised to 85 per- est group of dentists specializing in cosmetic dentistry in the ment income as long as you are will be raised gradually from an extension to age 19 if they cent. To determine if your bene world The seSSIOnprovides its members with the chance to learn fully insured. Generally speak- age 65 to age 67. are still attending high school fits are affected by the new tax about the latest rmprovements in the profession. ing, you are fully insured if you What happens if, after you full-time. have worked 40 calendar quart- retire, you decide to take a Social Security also pays in- law, contact your local Social, Security office or seek assis--, Grosse Pomte Park resident Paul Kelly was recently selected ers (about 10 years) in a job part-time job? In 1994, Social come to disabled individuals tance from a CPA. ' as the eastsIde representatIve for Bmningham Bancorp Mortgage covered by Social Security. Security recipients between the and their families. The stan- Corp Kelly WIll contmue to work out of the B1I1nmgham office Once you begin to collect bene- ages of 65 and 69 may earn up dards for qualifying for Social To minirnlze the tax bite on, untIl an eastside office Site IS selected. fits, your spouse can also re- to $11,160 without a reduction Security disability benefits are ceive benefits based on your in benefits. For every $3 over stringent. According to Social your benefits, you may alse' Grosse Pointe Shores resident Ted Amsden, a partner m the earnings record, even if he or the limit, a dollar in benefits is Security, you are disabled if want to consult with a CPA for' law firm of Dykema Gossett, was named to the board of directors she never worked in a job cov- lost. The earnings limitation is you are unable to do any kind advice on deferring the recognir j of the Greater Detroit Interfaith Round Table. The round table IS ered by Social Security. $8,040 for those between ages of gainful work for at least a tion of income by restructuring dedICated to building bridges of understanding between people of The amount of your Social 62 and 64, with $1 subtracted year, or you have a condition yOW'investments. . .0' ...... ~ chfferent relIgIOns, races and ethmc groups

Grosse Pomte Farms resident Thomas Early retirement deals require careful scrutiny_ Garvey has been appomted to the board of Sar- atoga Conunumty HOspItal in DetrOIt. Garvey As companies across the a combmation of benefits In will need 70 to 80 percent of IS preSIdent of his own accountmg firm that country contmue to trim their most cases, the package is built their pre.retirement salary to .. ,compare specIahzes m the health care prOVIder mdustry. work forces, thousands of em- around a sweetened pensIOn maintain their standard of liv- ployee have the opportunity to and may be supplemented with ing. In estimating your income what you're being trade therr jobs for enhanced such extras as a cash payment, needs, be sure to consider the early retIrement deals. What post-retirement health benefits benefits you can expect to re- offered against should you do if your employer and help In fInding a new Job. ceive from Social SecurIty and offers you what seems like a When calculating your retire. your company pensIOn, as well what you would: ~ pot of gold In exchange for your ment benefits, most companies as any savings and Investments get you stayed: ~ early exit from the company? enhance your future pension by you have earmarked for retrre- if Grosse POlDte Woods resident James Ami- According to the Michigan As- addIng years to your age and/or ment on the job. cucci was named a senior writer on the staff of SOCiatIOn of CPAs (MACPA), crediting you with extra years To make early retIrement Bozell Worldwide Advertising. He is assigned even the best early retirement of employment. A few addI. more attractive, particularly f.:>r to the Chrysler-Plymouth creative team. Before package involves Important ca- tional years in a pension can younger workers, some com- company's group rate (plus 2flf. joining Bozell, Amicucci worked at W.B. Doner reer and finanCial stakes that SIgnificantly increase your reo panies offer lump.sum cash administrative fee of up to-2' Amlcucci in Southfield for seven years. dictate careful scrutmy of the tIrement payout. For this rea- payments. Typically, cash pay- percent) After that, you're on' package's pay and benefit son, it's important that you ments are based on a formula your own so carefully consideri terms compare what you're bemg of- that takes mto account your the cost of paymg for your o~ Accordmg to MACPA, If fered against what you would salary and the number of years medIcal Insurance City of Grosse Pointe resident John Lynch was named con. Fmally, MACPA urges yeiY troller at Ziebart International, a company that specIalizes in auto you're presented WIth an early get If you stayed on the Job. you've worked for the company retirement offer, the first Issue A valuable- exercise is to bal- If you're younger and the pack- to conSider thE' tax ImplicatlOJ'l$ detaIling and protection. Lynch has been with the fIrm since 1991 of acceptmg an early retlrCll ~.,er working at Price Waterhouse as a sernor auditor. to address IS whether you ance all the Income and ex- age means a Job change rather really have a ChOIce Is your penses of continumg to work than retirement, be realistiC ment offer. Your company IS company seekmg to reduce agamst those of retinng to see about your chances of findmg a required to \Vlthhold 20 pecillU Grosse Pomte Park resIdent William Harrington attended a numbers in general, or IS It tar- how much more you stand to comparable Job before your cash in taxes from lump-sum cash receptIOn In the U.S. Department of Commerce building hosted by getmg specIfic indiVIduals or earn by working as opposed to payment runs out pension distrIbutIons, unl~ss secretary of commerce Ron Brown. The reception honored three departments? Is It lIkely that retiring Some individuals may Some of the better early re- you request the money .be. compames, including Eagle Bear ASq()C]atesof which Hamngton outrIght layoffs Will follow the find that when the costs of com- tirement packages include com- transferred directly to an IodIJ ISpresident, for their work in the former Soviet Umon voluntary early retrrement of- mutmg, clothmg, and other pany.paid medIcal insurance VIdual Retirement Account fers? Your declslOn.makmg pro- work.related expenses are fac- coverage for a specific time pe. (ffiA) or another qualIfied re; Grosse Pomte Shores resident Glenn Wesselmann, CEO of thE: cess should begin With a realIs. tored in, contmumg to work riod, although nsmg medical tlrement plan What's more, \.f. St John Hpaltb System, was recently elected chairman of the cor. tiC assessment of your Job makes only a marginal differ- costs are makmg thIS benefit you hold onto the cash, m addl porate board of the MIchigan Hospital AssociatIon. Wesselmann seCurity, your prospects and ence m theIr mcome. mcreasmgly rare However, fed. tlon to the mcome tax, you'll be wIll serve for a year and help gwde the trade associatIon In Its marketablhty and the future of To determme whether you eral law requires that all com. subject to a 10 percent early- representation of MIchigan's hospitals your company. can afford to retire early, you'll pames WIth 20 or more employ- Withdrawal If you are Assummg thr' early retire- need to take a hard look at ees offer departing workers under the age of 55 m the year Grosse Pointe Park reSIdent Robert Young Jr. was reap- ment offer IS voluntary, the your anticipated expenses and contmued health msurance cov- you leave your Job For these pomted to the state board of law examiners by Gov. John Engler. next step IS to carefully evalu mcome during your post-em. erage for 18 months In such reasons, It'S especially Impol The board IS responsible for investigatIon and exammatlon of all ate the package you are offered ployment years WhIle circum- cases, the employee picks up tant to seek some profeSSIOnal persons who Initially apply for ammssIOn to the bar Young's term Early retIrement packages stances vary, CPAs and other the cost of thiS coverage, but adVIce before cashmg m on an expIres In 1999 generally tempt employees With experts agree that most retirees pays a premium based on the early retirement offer

- -.------.-.------~- July 21, 1994 Grosse ~ointe News News 3A State senate candidates agree to disagree at St. John forum By David Howard Satellite chnics, run by hOSpI- Later, however, she ad- compames should cover preven- erment were to legalIZe the Cosgrove, who saId hIS SpecIal Wrller tals, would reduce mdlgents' dre~sed the health care contro tive care Idea It should be regulated and mother died after a long illness CandIdates for MIChIgan's dependence on emergency versy by saymg she was op- Lemmons said he want~ the performed humanely with the and was virtually a vegetable first senatorzal dIstrict seat met rooms for minor arlments such posed to a umversal health care profit Incentive removed from family present "and not m a toward the end of her life, nev- last week m a debate at St as scraped knees and cold system such as Canada's health care van dnvmg around some. ertheless dIsagreed with the John Hospital to try to distin- symptoms Demandmg that all "The Canadian system IS III Thel e wel e few questIOns where," a reference to an inCI- concept of phYSIcian-assisted su- gUIsh themselves from one an employers prOVide coverage for bad shape," she said "We can't from the audIence because dent m whICh Jack Kevorkian ICIde other on the Issue of health employees, however, would only afford SOCIalizedmedicme " there was barely an audience helped a patient commit SUI- "Where does It go from care. lead to the loss of Jobs, he sald Attendance In the ho~pltal's CIde there?" he asked The sprawlmg dIstrict m- Cosgrove, an Insurance sales Lamar Lemmons III and large audltonum was approxi cludes Harper Woods, northeast man and hIstOrian, decned the state Rep. Joe Young, Jr., who mately 15, largely because of a DetrOIt and the Grosse Pomtes. high cost of health care, concen both showed up late, Young III lack of mterest by the hospItal Democrats FrancIs Hatha- trated, he SaId, m salanes and a T shirt, Jeans and beach san staff, whICh totals more than way, Grosse Pomte Shores; Neil goods and services Costs could daIs, were the least focused of 5,000 But one of the major and Heffernan, DetroIt, Ronald Lan be contamed, he SaId, by rem the candIdates more recent concerns on the dry, DetroIt, Lamar Lemmons mg III the "hIdden" expenses of Lemmons suggested that the nahon's health reform agenda ill, DetrOIt, and State Rep. Joe health care - malpractice government tax the fat content - phYSICian-assisted sUlclde - Young, Jr, DetrOIt, and Repub- awards and unnecessary test of foods m order to pumsh wab dIrected to the panelists for hcans Bob Cosgrove, DetrOit, mg. those who don't take care of their input Peter Ecklund Jr, Grosse "You have to constantly edu themselves and Young talked Radulovich, while not saymg Pointe Park, and Sue Radulov cate people," SaId Ronald Lan vaguely about housmg and hIS whether she was for or agamst ..r/ SUMMSl\ HOURS: Ich, Grosse Pointe Woods, pre dry, a retned DetrOit pohce offi. long establIshed abilIty to work the Idea, did say that the gov If Mon.•Thl,lrs. sented mostly off-the-cuff and cer. "Cnme IS gOlllg WIld" wlthm the state bureaucracy. ernment shouldn't be allowed 11am.-l1 p.m. meandering five-mmute mtro He saId pnsoners should be Young also said a SOCIetalfo. to "legislate moralIty" Heffer- fri.-Sat ductlOns covermg a range of forced to earn a GED certificate cus on disease preventIOn can nan came out agamst phY~l- 11t>.trI -Mi(jI'\I"M opmlOns before answering two eventl\a Ilv \pad to affordable clan asslsteJ ::>UH"H]C, while + ,~ before bemg paro\1ed SUnday 1,:1p.mA Op.m. " :,peclfic questIOns about health umversa( coverage Ecklund Lemmons was for It / .. .. /' ...... ~ ";:.. :: care. agreed, adding that insurance ::)ecuntles lawyer FranCIS Ecklund said that If the gov- I SUMMER SPECiAL !5~1 TWOSMALL PIZZAS !5~1 The questIOns did not lend Hathaway echoed PreSident I ALL PARTY TRAYS ~IClII AND ANY SMALL SALAD ~i~1 themselves to the two-minute Clmton's call for a reductIOn In ~------~i------~ answers reqUIred by the debate tIme-wasting, expensIve paper- I $ _00 ..: II Wllhcheesea. 21lems $999_ ..= I format Overall, the candidates work, but disagreed that the I 2OFF A-II Square Only +TAX 8-. seemed unprepared to focus on federal government should be No! .. a "' ..... ~ QI """""'" 8~ Exlra llems SI 20 • E>dra Cheese SI .30 8i W,lh COupon' Ellp il114 8-. L WithCoupon.Exp a.l-lW 8a• health care dIrectly, and in- allowed to make health care L stead incorporated their views chOices for citIzens. ------~ ---~~-~~ on other subjects mto their "We as consumers are capa- r----~--~~----~--~SUMMER SPECIAL nlJ TWO LARGE PIZZAS Qi comments ' ble of selectmg (the best pOSSI- I2 SLICES PIZ~~ ...AND ~IIIWithCheese <:.. n00 ~&I A common theme, however, ble care)," he saId I 20. OZ. C .... O.£J lc II ..3 Items 'I 1- -(£!f! lill was uSing education as a wav Sue P...adulo-vlclJ Ubed her In~ ~ . Square Only U+lAX i of helpmg people make WI~ $200 troductlOn to boast that she J ~DSPOSIT 8~IJ ElcIrallell'6SIIl

Stop In and take a look at all the raffle prizes displayed and why not spend $1.00 to Win 4 carats in diamonds 100% of ticket proceeds go directly to the Capuchin Soup Kitchen. The raffle will take place July 22, 1994 EXTRAORDINARY ROOh1S BEGIN WITIl SUPERIOR Pointe Windows Inc. edmund t. AHEE jewelers • CUSTOM CABINETS FROM QUAKER MAlD For All Your Window Needs V Amerrcan Heart Association 22631 Harper, SI Clair Shores 20139 Mack Avenue • Grosse Pointe Woods "'t ASK ABOUT OUR KITCHEN SPECIALS 772.8200 ~ 886-4600

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S'OEWALK SALES * the Friday, July 29th 6 to 10 p.m. Kerchevaf closed between Cadieux and Neff VILLAGE Saturday, July 30th 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Kercheval open to traffic on Kercheval Ave. RAIN DATE, AUGUST 6th The Unique Shops Along Kercheval Between Cadieux and Neff

t ...... ~....IJJ- ... , ~ .....----...... 41_'. , •• ...... ,A .... " MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION 1 SERVICES. SYSTEMS. CONSULTATION July 21, 1994 4A News Grosse Pointe News Dedicated librarian reaches out to homebound in need of books By Shirley A. McShane groups, especially the one for Staff Wrrter the visually impaired, IS not on Helen Leonard.MalIs wishes forgettmg that the participants now that she had kept a JOur. have lost their eyesight but to nal of the years she has spent 1980, shortly before her first ship She wdl come to the aid celebrate what they still have as an outreach librarIan If she husband dIed of a person who needs addi- m common - their life experi- had, she would be able to count Here's how the outreach pro- tIona I help. ences, their senses of humor the number of hmes a home- gram works Someone who IS When someone loses their and their abihty to apply the bound person has told her. interested m the program calls Sight, there is a lot mOre in- stories they hear to their own "You don't know how much Leonard-MalIs at the central valved m making the switch lives, she said these books mean to me " branch. She then conducts a from reading print to lIstemng Her volunteer work includes Most of the people Leonard- telephone mtervlew to get an to books on tape, Leonard-MallS servmg on the board of direc- Malis helps are elderly and 150- Idea of what type of hbrary ser- said. A person IS dealmg with tors for the DetrOit Area lated They may have a handi vice the person IS lookmg for. the trauma of losing one of hiS Agency on Agmg; the board of cap or a viSIOn impaIrment or Does the person want prmted senses and the tactile sensatIOn the InterIm House _ YWCA's no transportatIOn or no one to books or audIO books? What of holdmg a book shelter for domestic violence take them to the lIbrary. Some does the person lIke to read? "My work IS not lImited to VICtims, and she IS an actIve of the people she helps are "Then I take as many books the elderly," she said. "Out- member of Zonta, an interna- young and handIcapped or as I can carry and let them reach IS available for anyone tlOnal organization of busmess blmd Whatever the case, Leon- make theIr own chOices from who cannot physically come and professional women ard-MalIs bndges the gap be the matenal I have hrought mto the building, and that m- Born and raised m Manhat- tween the hbrary and the horn. them," she said "If they want eludes children The lIbrary tan, Leonard-Malis moved to ebound all of the books, they've got used to be called the college DetrOIt 31 years ago when her "It IS Vltal for people who them The books are checked WIthout walls. Now WIth the late husband got a teaching Job like to read to be able to read," out for a month, but I always hIgher rate of lIteracy and at Wayne State University. Leonard-Malis saId "It IS VItal ask people t{) call me If they higher educatIon, It does not "I loved DetrOIt. There was Photo \I, ShIrley A McShane to their mtellectual and emo- run out of matenal or If they functIOn that way anymore the DIA, the zoo, the sym- Helen Leonard-Malis has been taking books to homebound tIOnal lIves SometImes reading don't lIke what they have r But we do serve as a very big phony, the MichIgan Opera. readers around Grosse Pointe for the last 20 years. IS used as a dIversIOn or an es- lIke to check III on mv home- part of adult contmumg educa- Detroit has all the big Clt) cape, but so what?" bound patrons every other tIon" thmgs, but it was managea- degree work at WSU she C~ To find out more about the gan her outreach work at the outreach program, call 343- Smce 1973, after she con- week" Leonard-Malts also reaches ble," she said "1 have spoken Vlnced the Gl..>ssePointe PublIc Leonard-MalIs said the pomt out to the community by lead- to a lot of people who remem- publIc hbrary 2316 Library drrector that an out- of the program IS to be fleXible mg four book dISCUSSIOngroups' ber Detroit when It was an ele- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;!ii;;;1ii~I3~1ii;;;~;;~;;~;;!ii~;;;;~iii~ reach program was needed m to meet the needs of the mdi. one for the Vlsually impaIred at gant and Vlbrant CIty. r think it ~ = th~oemnePbo°J~un~vd~r~n~~a~~~ ;~~~~ S;:aal~a~:a;;e ~ro~ ~~th~~~l~~; I~~;lt~~e t~: ~ea:e.~ll1 that way when r came I_MO\nINQ SA-LE I__ Wayne County RegIOnal LI- Food and Friendship Program _ From 1973-80, she worked brary for the BlInd and PhysI- for sernors at Barnes school; After living on Detroit's ~ We're moving to 23200 Mack. 55 part-time, whl1e her two daugh- cally HandIcapped What that one at the NeIghborhood Club; northwest Side for seven years, == ;p.:.~'-)'\ Just 4 doors south /' ~"J' 55 ters MelIssa and Christa were means is If someone needs the and an adult discussion group Leonard-Malls and her famIly == ~I~;'k: VISIT OUR l~k__ir.1'_ _ ==_ going to school. She began full. servIceS of the lIbrary for the at the Park Branch library. moved to Grosse Pointe Park - "1' ~':. " W~~d;'b~i~l;d':~":;;;iC~e;~i;~f~;~;r:t;:l";~h~:'~11(~w $100~ft;jl,'.,-.._' 'l i=_ 5 :}i1\1 ~ '. ,~ By Jim Stickford ContractIng of Troy for HIm and Bogue, is the best use the standard open cut re- 5ir -)1:1 ( == Staff Writer $207,000 pipe lining method available. placement method." - BARGAIN ~ Now that summer IS here, Repairs on Vernier C.ucle InsItuform works by using high Woods officials, in conjunc- 55 ~ - 1 ==- Grosse Pomte Woods can begm should begm WIthin about two pressure water to drive an insi- tion with their consulting engi- E TABLE )'.~./.;, ~h ',;:/ 55 Its annual repaIr of surface weeks and take three or four tuform lining inside a pipe. neers, picked these particular = ~ = streets and sewer lines. weeks to complete Once the linmg IS in, water IS sewer lines for repair after us- 5 Shirts $3.00 ~.-£. II be~~~:-eeXe~ersec::;el~~~ pr~e~ ~~: r~~:cI~f a~:~ ~~:~i~d the lining bonds to ~o~ asyS:C~al :l~:~~~:s~: ii Suits & Blazers $10.00 Ii In the back yard easements of sewer lines III the back yard Tony Jasser of Pate, Him areas most in need of repair. E Pants $3.00 == homes along Stanhope and Lit- easements of homes along LIt- and Bogue, in a memo to The city budgeted $336,000 = = tlestone will be repaired. tlestone and Stanhope between Thomas, wrote that "Insituform for the Insituform repairs, Mai- 55 • No Lay.Aways *Mfg.sug. retailpTice.ExcludesPreviousSales 55 The eity budgeted about Mack and the city hne is the most proven pipe lining son SaId. The contract for the = IN REAR == $255,000 for street repairs, said Because the city WIll be us- process available." Jasser also work is actually $310,000. = GIANT FREE PARKING AREA 55 comptroller Chff Malson The ing the Insituform method of wrote that pipe lining was the Tho~as Whitcher, of the city's ~ ~ CONNIE'S • STEVE'S PLACE = repairs are a part of an eight- hne repaIr, It won't be neces- best solution to the problem be- publIe works department, wIll = ~ BOYS & GIRLS WEAR FOR MEN & BOYS _ year p~, in which different sarY to dig up the sew:::~lmes, cause "these sani~ sewers meet wi&. ~mtraCtors tOifinel :a_tZj 23240 GREATER MACK' (1 block South of 9 Mile) 5$ parts \5£ tbe city are >inspected said cIty manager Peter are located In Uie .back yard> Ue detal\s" oft~~.l'ro,JeCt,jpelud- == VISA ST. CLAIR sHORES, MICHIGAN48080 =- every year, and needed repaIrs Thomas easementj' most' fife uiidgr',ling how iO~g the repaIrS wIll 55 l1li 777...8020 ;; are made The city was able to Insltuform, aecordmg to the fences, some under garages, the take and how they WIll affect eea555E555EE55aeaaeaEEEeEaa get a contract from Specialty CIty'S engmeermg firm Pate, latter making It impossible to local residents Woman arrested in check fraud; flunks 2 line-ups

By Shirley A, MCShane the woman who gave him a request to schedule a second owner reported that he had re- Staff Writer fraudulent check on May 23 line-up, contending lus client ceived a fraudulent check alleg- 'LEARN A visit to the Grosse Pomte Cnllo was arrested and ar- was the victim of a case of mis- edly gIven to hIm by a woman Shores police station proved to raIgned on June 27 on one taken Identity. The first line-up who matched Crillo's descrip- be double trouble for a former count of uttering and publish- tIon. was done using police mug- , 1 reSIdent. mg for allegedly gIving the shots. WHO YOU ARE Momca Cnllo, who recently Park store owner a check Crillo was immediately ar- i*'.~ l",\~~ moved out of the home she was drawn on a closed busmess ac- At the second line-up, the rested and arraigned the next renting III the 800 block of count Park store owner again picked day on charges of uttering and Lakeshore, was ordered to ap- She pleaded mnocent to the Crillo as the woman ~ho alleg- publishing. Judge PIerce ex- ~~:i ...... ::...... /' FINANCIALLY pear at a line-up on Monday, charge and Shores Mumclpal edly handed lum a fraudulent tended Crillo's bond set at : July 11, at the Shores polIce Judge Lynne A PIerce set bond check, said Shores police chief $10,000. Crillo posted bond and station at $10,000 Dan Healy. is scheduled to appear m The line-up was scheduled so A June 30 prehmmary hear- Shores muniCIpal eourt on July , ,~e advantage of a unique opportunity to have a Grosse Pointe Park store mg was postponed when PIerce On the same day, Healy said, 28 for a preliminary hearing on ,,Y.'our questions on Estate. Probate and Retirement owner could poSItively identify granted the defense attorney's a Grosse Pointe Farms shop both charges. 'PJtllltHnganswered by jina nciaIand legal professIonals In a small. mformal and confidential settmg QUALITY Presented by ORIENTAL RUG Awning Co. C. Richard Rutan of SERVICE Belle Isle Chamberlin. Davis. Rutan & Valk "For quality ru~ clean- ~ mg anil resloration, rug ~ SPECIALIST reweaVIng, rug repaU'S, Wednesday, July 20, 1994 appraIsals, aecorator counseling, and antique IN 7:30 to 9:30 pm rug purchases - please 21 Kercheval Avenue. SUIte 200, can me Robert G FABRIC AWNINGS Zahloute" Grosse Pomte Farms • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL radJwM1f1J~de R.S.v.P. appreCiated - call Katrlna at 886-8000 CaU Robert G. ZIlhloute for Sennce ... 20220 Cornillie Dr. Roseville 294-6050 (810) 852.7060 NOTICE OF ABSENT VOTER'S BALLOT r.:======:.::i1." For The • . PRIMARY ELECTION To Be Held On TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1994 Registered qualifIed electors in the CIty of Grosse Pomte and the Clly of Gro~~ePOlnte Farms, Clly of Grosse POinte Woods, City of Grosse Pomte Park and VIllage 01 Gro<;<;cPomle Shores who expcct to be absent from the city or township or who arc confined to home or ho~pllaIh~ ll1ne~~or dl~ablhty or are 60 years of age or more, may now apply for ab~enl voler'~ ballol" i'oOSUCII REGULAR APPLICATION CAN BE ACCEPTED AFTER 2'00 P.M , SATURDAY,JULY 30. 1994 ApplicatIOnsmU~1be made prior to sueh time at the Municipal Offices You knew our de~lgns were better. You thought we were too expensive. The office of the CIty Clerk of Grosse POInle, and Grossc POInle rarm~. "'"t11he open from 8 10 a m. to 4'30 p.m Monday thru Friday of each week, the Clly of Gros~e POlnlePark \\ i1t be open from 8 00 a m. to 4'30 Have you checked lately? pm. Monday thru Fnday of each week and, thc VIllage of Gro~~cPOinteShorc~ antl Clly of Grosse Pointe Woods WIllbe open from 8'30 a m to 5.00 p m Monday tlJru fndJ.I of c1ch week and on Saturday, July 30, Under new ownership since 1993 1994, from 8 30 a m. unlJI 2'00 p m for recclvlng application" for ah"ent voter's ballot HOWEVER, ANYONE WISHING TO VOTE BY ABSENTEE BALLOT MAY DO SO IN THE CITY OFFICE ON MONDAY,AUGUST 1, 1994UNTIL4 00 PM

T.W. KRESSBACH ROBLRl f' WEBER ~HANE 1 RI:.ESIDE CIty Managcr-Clerk To"", n")lIp C1cr" Cil) CII.r" CIty of Grosse Pomte Town<;tl1pof Gro<,~cPOInI<- Citl pI (IHl",C POintefarm<; 885-5800 881-6565 k"" (,(,no

LOUISE WARNKE JANE BLAHUl H \) \IO\'!) ~lIWI"';.,KI CUSTOMCRAFT CIty Clerk City Clerk 1\'" n"hlp (ler" 885.1010 City of Grosse Pomte Woods City of Gros~c POInicPark !,,,,r,h,p ot Like ~kl (,'ill'; KITCHENS, BATHS AND ADDITIONS 343-2440 822-6200 • ..• .. GPN 07/21/94 & 07/28/94 t f July 21, 1994 Grosse Pointe News Obituaries 17A Clarence Andrew Memonal contributions may Violet Marie Nacy Kramer be made to the Alzheimer's A& soclatlon Detroit Chapter. ViOlet MarIe Nacy, of East Services were held Tuesday, Chma Township, died Sunday, July 19, at Our Lady Star of Phylis Pack Hopton July 10, 1994. She was 87. the Sea CatholIc Church for A pnvate service WIll be held Mrs. Nacy was a former reSl. Clarence Andrew Kramer, 97, dent of Grosse Pomte Farms. who died Saturday, July 16, for Phyhs Pack Hopton, 92, who dlCd Fnday, July 15, 1994, She was a member of Holy 1994, at the Henry Ford Con. Cross CatholIc Church in Ma- tmuing Care Belmont Nursmg at Bon Secours HospItal m the CIty of Grosse Pomte. rine CIty and the Daughters of Home in Harper Woods. Isabella Born In Syracuse, N.Y., Mrs. Bom m Detroit, Mr. Kramer Services were held at the was a resident of Grosse Pomte Hopton was a reSident of the City of Grosse Pomte Bower-Rose Funeral Home in Shores. Marine CIty and in Holy Cross He attended the Umversity A graduate of Syracuse Um- versity, she was a teacher CathoLIc Church of Detroit and the University of Mrs Nacy 18 SurVIVedby two MIchigan, leaving to enlist in Mrs Hopton is survived by a daughter, ElSie MacKethan; a daughters, Barbara A Stewart the U.S Navy as a seaman and and Sally M Ullrey; a son, son, Lester C Hopton Jr.; and later becoming an ensign. Thomas R Nacy, 10 grandchIl- four grandchildren He worked for MarwICk, dren, 16 great-grandchIldren; Interment IS at Boca Raton Dorothy Donahue Mitchell, Peat & Co; HaskIns Fred E. Duemllng George S. Hendrie Sr. and one great-great-grandchild. MUniCipal Cemetery in Florida. and Sells; Pnce Waterhouse She was predeceased by her Dorothy Evelyn & Arrangements were made by racmg supremacy in the 1930s Co.; and Price Waterhouse, Fred E. Duemling husband, Dawson F. Nacy. P 11 Peat & Co. m Europe. the Chas Verheyden Inc. Fu- and 408, a record 15 times ~J.rce Donahue Fred E. Duemling, 87, died Interment is m the St. Paul ServiceS were held FrIday, He was a life member of the neral Home m Grosse Pomte He was mducted mto the Sunday, July 10, 1994, at the Cathohc Church columbanurn July 8,. at St Paul Catholic Michigan AssociatiOn of Certl- Park. Michigan Amateur Sports Hall Henry Ford Continuing Health m Grosse Pomte Farms Church m Grosse Pointe Farms fled Public Accountants of Fame for these achievements Care Center in Roseville. George S. Hendrie Sr. for Dorothy Evelyn Purcell Mr. Kramer began his career m 1979. He was active in both Born m Methuen, Mass., Mr. LIfelong reSident of Grosse Donahue, 64, of Grosse Pointe at SIegel's in 1924 at various sports unttl the age of 9~. Herman L. (Red) Duemling worked for the Pomte Farms George S. Hen. Farms, who suffered a massive corporate positions and later as Gro.sse Pointe ShOIes police de- drle, 96, dIed Sunday, July 10, "MJ.Hendne also raced sports ~1orrison stroke while gardemng m her president and chairman of the partment for more than 40 1994, at the Henry Ford Con- ears and collected and restored ServIceS were held Monday, yard. She died four days later board. years, retiring as chief of police tinumg Care Center in Rose- many antique automobiles July 18, at St. Joan of Arc on Monday, July 4, 1994, at St. He was a former drrector of in 1965. ville He was a member of the CatholIc Church m St. Clair John Hospital in DetroIt. the Central Business DistrIct He was a member of the fra- Born In Detroit, Mr. HendrIe Country Club of DetrOIt and Shores for Herman L. (Red) Mrs. Donahue was a gradu- Association and was chairman ternal order of police, Grosse was police and fire commis- Momson, 83, who died Friday, ate of Nazareth College. of its expansion committee. He the Grosse Pointe Club Pointe, a past president of the sIOner of Grosse Pointe Farms July 15, 1994, at the Henry She was a teacher m the De- was also a member of the Southeastern Michigan Chiefs in the 1920s. Mr. HendrIe IS surVIVed by a Ford ContinUIng Care Center troit publIc schools when she greater Detroit Chamber of of Police Association, a member He was a pioneer in the auto- daughter, Mary Kennedy; two in RoseVIlle. married her husband, Jack, in Commerce. of the Metropolitan Club and motIve applIcatIons of plastIC sons, George S. Jr. and Michael Born in Columbus. Ohio, Mr. 1954. As her family grew, she Mr. Kramer was a member the Jefferson Masonic Lodge and a charter member of the W. Hendrie; 16 grandchildren; Morrison was a resident of gave up teachmg full time, al- of the Detroit Athletic Club F&AM No. 553. Society of Plastics Engineers. 15 great-grandchildren; and one Grosse Pointe Woods. though she taught as a substi- and the Senior Men's Club of great-great-grandchild. He was :M'...r l)1..lemling is 5Ur'lived by He Vlas the inventor of the pro- Ht: wag a gladuate of St. tute occasionally Grosse Pointe. He was a former his wife, Ernaline; a daughter, cess of extrusIOn for plastIC ma- predeceased by his wife, R0se- Catherines High School in De- Mrs. Donahue was an ex- member of the Detroit Yacht mary Martz Hendrie, and a Carole Drach; two sons, Robert terials, an accomplishment troit and a private In the U.S. traordinary mmister at St. Club, the UniversIty Club and and Fred W. Duemling; a step- which was recognized by his son, John A. Hendrie. Army dunng World War n. Paul CatholIc Church in Grosse Beach Grove Golf Club. daughter, Barbara Zeiser; 15 inductIOn into the Society of Funeral services were held Mr. Momson had worked for Pointe Farms and a volunteer He is survived by two daugh- grandchildren; 13 great-grand. Plastics Industries Hall of Wednesday, July 13, at St. many years m the contract fur- for the American Red Cross ters, Elaine Katherine Martin- children; and a sister, Helen Fame in 1982. Paul Catholic Church m Grosse niture and floorcovering busi- and the Stapleton Center. dale and Shirley Anne Dages; zack. He was predeceased by Mr. Hendrie attended Cornell Pomte Farms ness and was associated with a She was a member of the six grandchildren; and five two wives, Louise and Lottie; a University and was president of Interment IS at Elmwood number of frrms, including Har- Grosse Pointe South Mothers great-grandchildren. He was daughtet, Gloria Bray; and four Macoid Industries Cemetery m Detroit. rison's in the Village. Club and several neighborhood predeceased by his wife, Anne. sisters, Lillian, Claire, Ger. He was a chIef boatswains Arrangements were made by He is survived by his wife, bridge groups. Interment is at Mount Olivet trude and Elsie. mate m the U.S. Navy durmg the Chas. Verheycl'n Inc Fu- Geraldine R. Morrison; and two She was a vivacious, outgo- Cemetery in Detroit. Funeral services were held World War I. neral Home in Grosse Pointe sons, James M. and William E. ing person who loved to recount Arrangements were made by Wednesday, July 13, at the Mr. Hendrie was an avid Park Morrison. tales of her cluldhood to her the Chas. Verheyden Inc. Fu- Harold W. Vick Funeral Home saIlor and iceboater, winning Memorial contributions may Interment is at Mount Olivet grandchildren. She was ex- neral Home in Grosse Pointe in Mount Clemens. the Port Huron.to-Mackinac be made to Great Lakes Adap- Cemetery in Detroit tl'emely observant and took Park. Interment is at Cadillac race five times; and winning tIve Sailing, 269 Hillcrest, Arrangements were made by great joy in the simple pleas- Memorial contnbutions may Memonal Gardens East in the Hearst and Stuart Tro- Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. the A H. Peters Funeral Home ures of life. She loved movies, be made to the Bon Secours Clinton Township. phIes, emblematic of iceboat 48236. in Grosse Pointe Woods. particularly tear.Jerkers. She Hospital Assistance League, rooted for the underdog in art 468 Cadieux, Grosse Pointe, as well as in life. Mich. 48230. Mrs Donahue loved children and often 8ald that she would SUPPORT have liked a dozen of her own. Arthur E. Rogers Jr. She, in fact, had six children. Services were held Saturday, A CAPITAL PuNISHMENT LAw However, in dying, she sus- July 2, at St. Joan of Arc Cath- FOR MICHIGAN tained the lives of at least six olic Church in St. Clair Shores other people through her gener- for Arthur E. Rogers Jr., 37, VOTE FOR ous organ donations. who died Tuesday, June 28, DANIEL d. MILLER Mrs. Donahue is survived by 1994, at Henry Ford Hospital her husband, John A. (Jack) in Detroit. Republican Donahue; a daughter, Anne M Rademacker, five sons, John A resident of Grosse Pointe FOR STATE SENATOR Woods, Mr. Rogers was a 1976 W., Patnck J., William C., Rob- August 2nd ert J. and Thomas G. Donahue, graduate of Grosse Pointe Because the time has come for a real war on crime. fQur grandchIldren, a SIster, North High School. He enjoyed golf and bowling. Paid for by ~ary Alice Purcell; and a The Committe to Elect DanIel J Miller PO Box 632, S C.S., MI480SO brother, Wilbur (Bill) Purcell. Mr. Rogers 15 survived by hIS : Interment is at Resurrection wife, Diane E. Rogers; a daugh- Cemetery in Clinton Township ter, Meagan; a son, Chip; his . Arrangements were made by mother, Janet; two sisters, Ju- the Chas. Verheyden Inc. Fu- he Volpe and Elizabeth; and neral Home in Grosse Pomte four brothers, Steve, Chris, Pe.r'k. Scott and Craig. He was prede- • Wedding • Anniversary • Get Well Memorial contributIons may ceased by hIs father, Arthur E. • Birthday • New Baby • Any Occasion be made to the St. Vincent de Rogers Sr. Paul Society. Interment is at Resurrection ~~a~e:;~::ue)(810) 286-7462 : Lenore C. Sheridan Cemetery in Clinton Township. Arrangement.'! were made by : Private services were held for the A.H. Peters Funeral Home ~ ~ GET A Lenore C. Sheridan, 86, who in Grosse Pointe Woods. djed Saturday, July 9, 1994, at . Presbytenan Village of Michi- GREAT RATE gan m Redford TownshIp. : Born in Detroit, Mrs Sheri- dan was a resIdent of Grosse FROM STANDARD Pomte Park. JULy ~ALE

o She worked as an accoun- tant. UPID20% OFF FEDERAL BANK , Mrs. Shendan IS survived by a'stepson, Robert Sheridan; one gtandchild; and a sister, Doro- Grosse Pointe thy Martin. She was prede- ceased by her husband, Charles G.A.L.L.E.R.Y M. Sheridan Interment IS at the Grosse 19869 Mack Avenue P-<>inte Memorial Church col. •(Next 10 The Cheesecake Shoppe) umbarium m Grosse Pomte Grosse Pointe Woods Farms , Arrangements were made by 884.0100 t~ Chas Verheyden mc Fu- A",~ l.lbr>ut <">1,f NO C06T fn.l~).JCThlC neral Home In Grnsse Pomte Park. ~ BEACH UOlLEYBALL LEAGUES DEPOSIT A.lready play volleyball? Always wanted to play volleyball? IS-MONTH TERM Wished you could find a place to play and hundreds of people to play with? Thought it might be a great way to WITH A LOW MINIMUM BALANCE OF $500 00 spend an evening? Well come out and join usl We are the ATWATER BEACH and we are on the Detroit riverfront by Helpmg You Along The Way.'" Chene Park. the Woodbridge Tavern and BCls. With eight sand courts we Standard Federal Bank AMERICAN have the ltirgest facility in Michigan. We have a second season of 4 and 6 SaVings/FinanCial ServIces person leagues Monday thru Thursday to fit your schedule. Call us todayll LUNG 1-800/643.9600 t A~SOCIATION~ Now Forming. Call 313/882.5090 to join!!! I-BOO-LOHG-tISA •

- •• « lIP"" -r!' -----~---~------~-----~-~--~------~------__ -..I'.~._~.~-_._-----~_.. MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION SERVICES. SYSTEMS. CONSUL TAllON 16A July 21, 1994 U,",~J lrs Grosse Pointe News Retirement needs emotional as well as financial planning What really happens in re- tirement? when it's ungomg. Another attitude that some- rately rooted people can be pro- Accordmg to Joseph WJ1ling, Willing believes that few pe0- times surfaces is that retire- ductive, but the dependence of former director of the Duke In. ple complete the process of new ment IS a hcense to be one's two people on each other ea.tJ- stitute on Learnmg, it is not so ways in less than a year or self. There is no longer a need lead to boredom. : : much what happens "to" people two. "Action." he says, "is the to create a good impression. It is especially important, a<:-: as to what happens "m" people. key word, not action that takes Sometimes that causes family cording to Wilhng, that we: He beheves that it is difficult the mmd off things, but actIOn problems. The attitude, "I come plan for retirement, not onlt: to accept the fact that we are that puts the mind on things first," or "It's my turn," can for financial reasons but for. dIspensable, that things for Prime Time One needs interests with mean- euuse family problPmB. It takes emotIOnal reasons. We reco~: which we are responsible will mg, activities that matter, co~- time to work out an amenable nize the necessity of investin~: be handled by someone else. He cerns that make a dIfference m solution to the pushing and m our career when we are: also raises the question of whe. By Marian Trainor the world." shoving that goes on to put the young. We should also be able: household on an even keel ther we were essential in the Volunteensm comes to mind. to recognIZe the necessIty of m~- fIrst place. We are subtracted again. vesting both time and money in and the spouse as bemg unat- suggests that there should be a An example is given of a man from it but the operatIOn goes Cluldren are another consid- fected. ceremony. There is some sort of who became a mediator in a our retirement. on. It is st1l1 traumatic to real- eration. The enigma here is the An important point to re- ThIs is not always true m celebration for all of our other community dispute settlement ize that what has not been ac- displacement young adults who member IS that we should not the case of the workmg wile. If major life stages - birth, mar- center He denved satisfaction comphshed WIll never be ac- have left home themselves feel expect more of llfe or of our- the husband IS intent on mov- nage, death He IS not talking not from the actIvity wluch was comphshed when parents break up a home selves after retirement The ex. ing to a dIfferent area, she about an office party but one phYSically and emotionally Some retirees equate retire- and roots are shaken loose. penence of retrrement changes would have to give up her job. that includes wives, children drammg, but from hiS new ment WIth agmg, he contends, Home IS a specillc place where us but It does not transform us Even 1f they do not relocate, and other people who make up sense of himself as a person but agam It is mevitable. This parents are a fixed point in a into other people. We remain her job stands in the way of the man's SOCialnetwork. He IS helping others resolve dIffer- IS a mistake. The retIree is en. shifting world. basIcally as we were travel. not leaving the office, the Job, ences. Another feehng that tering a penod when he has an Sometimes in retirement cou- Llfe IS a constant process of Another aspect is when the or the company He IS leaVIng a comes with retIrement is one opportunity to plan a satisfying ples become very dependent on letting go, not of holding on. In wile would like to retire, but llfetime vocation. that accomplishments at work life. each other. Two people who retirement we let go of work - the husband's retirement bene. Travel is usually high on the were made at the cost of subor- Another rmstake is to fill the grasp each other too tightly do an occupation where we have fits are not suffiCient to mam. agenda of retirees, but there is dinating one's own objectives to VOIdwith almost any , the not support each other. In all spent most of our lives. As we tam their standard of living. a dIfference between vacation those of the company. Some- idea being not to achieve, but relationsmps some space is nec. do, It is well to remember that Resentment can anse because travel and travel as a retrree times it IS one of indignation to create an air of purpose and el:>l>lliY across whIch partners nothmg remains the same Life she is the \\age earnel ",hile One man descnbed the return that sacrillces were made to dIrectIOn can reach out to each other. is not a process of being, but a her husband becomes a man of from his trip as a kind of psy. prOVIdefor others, hke his wife Another aspect of retirement The relationshIP of twu sapa- process of becommg le18ure. chological jet lag. "I am back," and children. Often the truth 18 how It WIll affect a WIfe. The The manner m which a man he said, ''but back to what?" IS, while he did work for his tendency is to VIew the retIree is retired needs some rethink- Retirement is not a permanent family, he also worked for suc. as bemg the only one uprooted Warning. If You Make Over ing, according- to Willing. He vacation. It loses its appeal cess. Crime: A life-shaping issue for older women $50,000 A Year, Get A Copy Of By Lou Glasse necessanly achieving theIr school programs, partIcipate In This 1994 Tax Report! ter an assault, the women In goal. Home, too, can be a dan. neighborhood watch programs, The epIdemic of violent crime their 60s who are too terrified Missed tax;deductions, overpaying on interest, duplIcate coverages, gerous place. and even walk patrol in theIr to leave their homes, and the hidden fees, and other expenses cost thousands of dollars every year that IS gripping America IS Last year, an esti~ted 61. 4 neighborhoods. women In their 70s and beyond that most people unknowlIlgly pay for ... having a devastating effect on million WUUlen, age 'in to 5, Our nation cannot continue who rely on caregIvers who older women. Violence and fear were physically abused by their to ignore older women m the may become physically or sex- Washington DC. A FREE Report rcveals 10 finanCIal tips and of VIOlence- from a stranger, a spouses. Nearly 400,000 older debate over violence and crime ually abusive strategIes you can use to reduce your taxes and other expenses by family member, or a caregiver women hving in institutIOns It is time to devote energy and It's time to address the - are powerful forces that are victims of physical or sex- resources to understanding how several thousand dollars each year. The report makes a unique pro- shape older women's lives shamef~:l fact that far too many mise to save you at least $5,000 in taxes or other expenses for which ual abuse. violent cnme, elder abuse, and American women are living out Throug-hout this country today, In 1991,40 vercent of VIolent fear of assault shape the bves you are overpaying. Call 1-800-900.3342, 24 hours, for a FREE therr final years so frightened rmllIons of older women are cnmes against women age 50 of this nation's midlife and Recorded Message, and just leave your address for the report to be nothmg less than prisoners of to 64, and 18 percent of violent older women. of assault that they become vir- sent to you in the mail. tual pnsoners in therr own violence and of fear crimes committed against The current lack of recognl- homes. Our society must estab- The statistICS are sobering women age 65 or over were tion results, at least in part, lish that every older woman More than a million older committed by farmly members, from the fact that there is woe- has the right to dIgmty and se- women are victims of abuse friends or acquaintances. Even fully inadequate data collection curity in her life. Midlife and Cityof(B)rnss.e Joittf.e ~nn.hs, MichIgan each year. Tw1ce as many behind locked doors, many on elder abuse and few break- older women deserve to live women over age 65 are mugged older women need to be on downs of violent crime by age, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council will .be at or near their homes as without fear. guard. gender, and race. It IS time for considering the following proposed ordinance for second readlOg younger women - and three in and final adoption at its meeting scheduled fo.rAugust .1,.1994, at Fear of crime causes count- police departments and state Lou Glasse IS presuient of the four of these inCidents occur 7'30 p.m., in the Council Room of the MUOlclpalBuildmg. The less midlife and older women to and federal agencies to gather Older Women's League. For fur- during daylight From 1974 to proposed ordinance is available for publIc InSpectIOn at the severely limit their activities, this data. ther mformatlOn call 202/783- 1990 the murder rate for restnctmg therr lives and cost- . . Municipal Building, 20025 Mack Plaza, between 8'30 a m. and 5'00 6686 '!i~en age 6li ~ older ~n- mg society the '-valuable oontp.:", ~e pubhc face of Violence, t 'lfT"""":"'~"'t',; , ...... '''< \ '" ... p.m., Monday through Friday. III CHAPTER 20'OFOIT . creased by 30 percent, while butlOns they could make by today may be a ~ang of you~g AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND TITLE V , the murder rate for men the proVIngcl'di h ld care , SOCIal con- people armedh hWltht automatICdi" THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS same age dropped by 6 percent taets and assistance to mends, weapon:' w 0 S 00 In scrJ~- OF 1975 BY ADDING A SECTION 8-20-4 TO PROHIBIT THE One of every hundr<-d women relatives, and other members of ~ately mto crowds orBtetrrtoh~ USE OF ROLLER SKATES, SKATE BLADES, SKATE . urn'tles At a time lIUlocent passers y.b u err BOARDS, OR SCOOTERS ON THE ROADWAY WHEN age 50 to 64 is likely to be a th err corom " al . I d th victIm of Vlolent cnme, and two h Am nca's children need Vlct1ffiS so mc u e e women SIDEWALKSARE PROVIDED. of every hundred women age :o;~ of th: support and sociali- in then: 50s who are strugglmg Louise S. Warnke 65 or older are likely to be a zation that older relatives, to regam a sense of security af. GPN: 07/21/94 City Clerk VIctim of theft WaIking to the neIghbors, and friends could store or Just gettmg out for ex- give, fear of Vlolence too often ercise IS now perceived by cuts off the interaction. many older women as putting Nonetheless, many older themselves at risk. women volunteer therr time to But If women are staYIng make their communities safe. Reform. home to stay safe, they are not They tutor children, assist in Not Excuses. ,\~QC"'RPETC~~ CHEM ...DRY ~"(- £;-~~ ~~ PATRICIA o ((..~ ~ ~ of ~ ~~4'b ~ LAKESHORE ~ ~ Carpet & Upholstery ~ :J. _~=__ Cleaning rWH"oLEHOusiTupHOLmRVT-F-RE---E--l I SPECIAL! I CLEANING I I Ku u a I $87 ICouch $42.50 I 16 oz. <;:anof I I 50 I I Stam I I CARPET CARPET ILoveseat $32.50 I Extinguisher I Wayne County Community College (Spal Kmover) I upto7SOeq.ft. ICh air. $22 •50 I w/anyorderofS45orrnore I L~ __ ':'''ll~~~..L~ __ S~2~..L~ __ S.!.~94.J ~~ Iadll'1d .. ny a'll'Md .. d opora'''' 1.800-404-0023 775.7651 Pat Kukula - everyone's clloice for WCCC

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• _ ... '0 ••• $ m•• F ••• "noe ••• - '. t'O • d •• tz , • tt 2 ca' • to $ t • • he .. r!:tn en .-'en C Ie =- MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSlON SERVICES. SYSTEMS • CONSULTATION t. \.vy.:Jry,or see ..... e prO::lp~1 Vi. ""p'VY"'- ...... '- ,vl ~ ',. ment in their own jobs or bus mess, ob- ..., ~ " viously will continue to challenge ~¥..l-~l*"'k"~ ,. . Engler's claim that "Michigan is back." hit on MEA f~~~~\""" Even the poll finding that the p~bhc'sl third priority for state gov~~ent IS ~p- grading the schools hardly mdicates sails. I hurt Nov.8 ? faction with the so-called Engler educa.: tion reform package passed by the .Q ",\.l""~"').:i",, ~ ~ ~~~\,. :.. v. John Engler's path to a a sec. ~.~".",J'~~~",. \',; '\~ '1'; ~~~l~~~ Legislature. nd term is not yet assured, even That feeling, in fact, may be a reaction though Michigan's Democrats will teachers and parents who back their Tim Naylor of Nordhaus said, however, G not only to the legIslation itself b~t. also not be united behind a single candidate children's teachers. that the explanation may lie in the lag until the Aug, 2 primary forces them to But with the primary just weeks away, time often perceived beween when things to the all-out attack that the adm~mstra- choose, no single Democrat has emerged as a start to get better and when people recog. tion made on the Michigan EducatIOn As. Instead, 42 percent of all respondents to clear choice. In fact, former Congressman nize the improvement. sociation and, as we've said, by inference, The Detroit News poll taken by South. Howard Wolpe led The Detroit News poll Democrats, in the Detroit newspaper's an attack on public school teachers and field-based Nordhaus Research Inc. say with 19 percent support followed closely view, believe the recovery is an illusion the parents who support them. they will vote for or favor a second En- by state Sen. Deborah Stabenow, with 15 for many Michiganians, and that the de- As might be expected, the MEA is re- gler term, but 44 percent say they defi. percent backing. creasing unemployment rate means little sponding to the Engler attack with a nitely or probably would vote against Other Detroit News polling results help because high-wage manufacturing jobs well-financed campaign of criticism of and him. explain the governor's lack of strength in have been replaced by low-paying service opposition to the governor which, if this The governor's major problem is with spite of an economy that IS expanding Jobs. early poll IS accurate, could jeopardize his Michigan women, He gets only 37 percent and an unemployment rate that is declin- For the governor, "Michigan is back" re-election, solid and tentative support among all ing. has become a popular theme, the Detroit Since Engler has no primary opposition, women m the poll, as contrasted with 46 The poll showed that 27 percent of the paper went on, as Engler brags about the time appears to be on his side, especially . percent who oppose his candidacy. The respondents list improving the economy declining jobless rate, gains in personal if the economic recovery continues. poll shows an even split for and against and creating jobs as the state govern- income and corporate profits, and earn. If more people see improvements in Engler among men. ment's top priority this year, a figure that ings growth for small and medium-size their own situations, the governor could ' Part of his problem with women may critics explain emerges from the public busmesses. easily win in November even though his stem from his administration's all-out at- perception that the economy's improve- While more of the public may be sold public standing now just oofore the Aug. tack on the Michigan Education Associa- ment has been felt unevenly around the on that view as time passes, people who 2. primary appears to be somewhat preca- tion, and by inference, on public school state. have not benefited from the economic re- rIOus.

EDITORIAL CLASSIFIED DISPlAY ADVERTISING CREATIVE SERVICES Robert G. Edgar 882.0294 882-6900 882-3500 and PRODUCTION John Mmnis, Edllor, 343-5590 Anne Mulhenn SUVa, Mvuger Roger B. Hages, AdvertISing Manager 882-6090 Publisher ROlliIdJ. Bernas, Mslmn. E1lO the Robert B. Edgar Chuck K1onke. Sports Eusen, Tony Sclupuu ~ The 96 Ker

1'M TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT IT.' IT SEEMS What makes underdogs run? EVERY TIMe I PICK UPTHE PAPER, \T'S ON THE wo underdogs in the U.S. Senate will be little bipartisanship in the next FRONT PAGE /I. EVERY DETA\ L GETS P\SCUSSED race, Republican Ronna Romney session and every vote will be contested. T and Democrat John Kelly, offer in. That means even a junior senator could AND REPORTED.' Bur WE'RE MONlHS FROM teresting but different reasons for want- expect good committee assignments and ing to succeed retiring U.S. Sen. Donald other benefits as the Democrats struggle ANY K\ND OF RESOLUTION / W. Riegle. to get President Clinton's agenda through Congress. Romney IS an underdog because the GOP establishment has thrown its re- In Washington, Kelly would favor sources behind Spencer Abraham, former downsizing the military budget, cutting state GOP chairman, and because both discretionary spending on social programs O.J. ? Detroit newspapers endorsed Abraham. and defense procurement, and eliminat. But she led Abraham by 8 percentage ing "corporate welfare." points in the latest. public opinion poll. He would also back future economic} I r : ~- growth through export development, in Romney, running as an outsider in her part by cooperative federal.state programs fIrst campaign for elected office, is no nov- to encourage more small and medium.size ice in politiCS. She served as the Michigan bUBinesses to export. GOP national committeewoman in the From Romney's viewpoint, the new jun- 1980s as well as on several presidential ior senator would not always serve party study commissions. interests. For example, she supports a She says the "dismal failures" of the balanced budget and the line-item veto as attempts to trim federal spending and the ways to get our national house in order federal debt "drove" her to enter the race and believes both parties should endorse after radio talk show experience showed such measures. she could connect with people. If elected, she would remain in office for Even though polls show helly in the only two terms, because she favors term middle of the Democratic pack, hE' ~lV) is limits for all members of Congress. After Blirney - What'd they serve for dessert? called an underdog - or worse - by the all, she says, "everyone is replaceable." Detroit newspapers which obvioUBly do She sees George Romney, former Michi- Grosse Pomte News editor not admire his independence. gan governor and father of her divorced John Minnis LS m Loruh:Jn until He says he entered the race because he husband, as one of her role models even Aug. 15 workIng on a master's did not want his 16 years experience as a though he is staying "strictly neutral" in degree in JournallSm. state senator to be his only role in life. the U.S. Senate primary. LONDON - It's been great More importantly, he sees the U.S. Sen- Either of these underdogs, in our VIew, fun just reading the news- would serve Michigan and the nation well papers over here: ate post as a special prize this year. Some old Bntish chaps had His rationale is that with the Republi. in Washington. Each deserves strong con- more than a stiff upper hp dur- can Party driving hard to gain more Sen. sideration when Grosse Pointe voters go ~ ~a.y: ing their 112th annual dinner ... d y ~ x ...>..::- YA ate seats and stepping up its campaign to to the polls Aug. 2 to nominate party can- of Dulwich's Alleynian Club John Minnis" ~ defeat President Clinton in 1996, there didates for the U.S. Senate. when the scorned wife of one of ...... ~ ~ » .;..,~ ~.? ::::: .w; ..... the members took revenge on her cheating husband by crash- mg the black.tie affair and stripping naked in front of the Letters are on page SA A view from the sidelines 160 guests. h) Wilhur Ehlnn The Sun reports, "the busty blonde then strutted around a • once but twice. The woman was twas to be just a pleasant vacation We also read. Several people chose mys- dining room shouting at her Speakmg of weather, it's arrested for the second tun~ with the family and an occasional teries. I got a good start on Stephen Am- red-faced husband, 'See, rve been unusually hot and dry while shopping m a London de- Ifriend on a Maine beach we had vis- brose's acclaimed "D-Day"; and skimmed got a better body than she here since I arrived. I haven't partment store on Oxford ited several times in recent years. "Looking Forward," George Bush's fairly has.''' even needed my umbrella. Street. candid 1987 autobiography. The wife was described as Temperatures hit the mld-80s The Vogue model and her 3- But a daughter and her husband had "an attractive, well-endowed last week, the first time m week-<>ldson were hauled to purchasing and regulatIOn Maine." MInIstry of Defense (SIC)has tooth were less elated. plans The government then re- went shopping, admired a couple of baby It was based on the fact that Bush ran threatened to withdraw part of • sponds to the questIons in de- seals temporarily marooned on the beach its funding from the weather Round up the usual suspects, third in the presidential contest m Maine taIl In Whitehall's eqU1valent service if it fails to be more ac- At least that's what Bntlsn p0- - and did household chores. in 1992. Unfortunately, through an error of our CongressIOnalRecord. curate. lice are domg following a re- In the evenings, we read, talked and in the fax transmission from the vacation- WhIle the Tories have ralhed It seems to me, given En- cent infant-snatching from a behmd their fallen comrades, played favorite family games such as Pic. ing editorial writer m Maine to the glish weather, that If the fore- hOspItal A Vogue covergirl tionary, 10.mile Lake rummy, Malice and Grosse Pointe News, the first letter of the blammg media excess, the opo casters merely predicted ram who slightly resembled a police pos:t:on L:.lbour Party thinks Spite. gin nlmmy, and a couple of others every day, they d be nght nme sketch of the babyknapper was too intncate for me. The News apologrzes for the error. out of 10 times arrested and questIoned not See MINNIS, page 7A ,

... r.' _ .. __ ,. • « "' .-...---.. _~...... -. _ -.eo He ...... _- ... - ..-.--.- - ~- ..--_ ... --...... -~--- co « JUlY '::::1, l~~q Grosse Pointe News Schools 15A Student Spotlight Village outdoor sale slated Fnday Night Live and Satur- 8'30 pm.) the Balduck Moun. day Too returns to the VIllage tam Ramblers, a tradItional Jimmy Manganello July 29-30, when approxI- AmerICan string band, will pro- mately 40 stores along Ker- Vide musIC with a twist. Jef .::: Eoch week in this column we cheval take to the streets and Fisk and the Grosse Pointe :::focus on tlul work of a student. sidewalks with merchandise Theatre's Pump Boys and Di- .: : :[t can be a poem or slwrt story White elephants, remamders, nettes Ensemble will perform .: or essay. seasonal Items, and bargams of from 8 30 to 9:30 p.m. Both of .;:: Jimmy ManganelkJ has Just all shapes and sizes will be re- these groups will perform in :•finisluld tlul first grade at Maire duced as room is made for In- the Kroger's block. SOC (Ser- _:-:Elementary School m tlul City commg fall merchandIse. vices for Older CItizens) WIll : : :of Crosse Pointe. He IS the son For Fnday Night LIve, July add to the festiVitIes With danc. . -aITom and Marian ManganelkJ 29 from 6 to 10 p.m., Kercheval mg m the streets and will also . : ".0{ Grosse Pointe Park. will be closed between Neff and have a raffie to help fund their Cadieux, worthy actIVIties. The Magic Rabbit Winners There will be lots of balloons Our Lady Star of the Sea elgth.grade students John Once upon a time there was and on street food booths, and Saturday Too IS on July 30 .' a magic rabbit. He lived in a Brl.les and Mary Claire Hathaway recently received the Village restaurants Will be from 930 a m to 5:30 p.m Presidential Academic Award is signed by President .black hat. He belonged to a open late. The Goodwill Blend. Kercheval Will be open to ve. -magician named Gabe. Clinton. The award 18given to students who demonatrate ers and another leading barber- hlcular traffic, but the great excellence in academics. athletics. leadership and atti. There was going to be a shop quartet WIll smg along the bargams WIll continue on the tude with potential for the future. magic show on Friday and it three block area. From 6'30 to Sidewalk was going to be exciting. Three days later, the magIc show be- Ryan honored with education award from U gan. The magician said, "For woman from the audience got Maureen E. Ryan, a Grosse acter, interest in purswng a ca- tlVe grade pomt average of my last trick I will make my home, she began pouring some Pomte South High School jun. reer in education, participatlOn rabbit disappear! Presto 4150. pop from the show and the rab- ior, received the Boston Univer- in extra-<:urricular activities The sernor class president- chango!" bit popped out. sity School of Education Book and a minimum cumulative elect, Ryan has been active in The audience said, "It disap- "Hi," he saId. Award at a recent honors con. grade point average of 3.5 peared." school politics and iit~letlcs "1. . . I . 1 don't think vocatIOn. through the nudpomt of the She served as sophomore class The magician Bald, "Now I you're him," the woman said. The award is gIVen annually junior year. will n;.ake it reappear." preSIdent and student council She called the magician. "I to a South junior who has ex- Ryan, who 18 the daughter of senator. She lettered in girls He said, "Uh-oh," because found your rabbIt," she said. pressed an interest in the Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan of the rabbit wasn't there. He Bald varsity baskl'tball and girls The magician came over to the teaching profession, and who is Grosse Pointe Park, was varsity softball and also has , • ;'presto chango" again but it woman's house and got the rab- viewed as having exceptional ranked third m the junior class partiCIpated m girls frosh and , : ~didn't work. bit. potential by the educators at of 330 students, with a cumula- JV volleyball. The audience left. When a The end, South The additional criteria Maureen Ryan for selection include good char- ~.:.Grunow earns Because ... r;~couting award City of~rn£15e ,"nhlie ~nn.h5, Michigan there's no family like yours ... • Grosse Pointe Farms resident NOTICE TO VOTERS: Notice is hereby given that an absentee ;.' Sarah Grunow recently was voter counting board accuracy test for the State Primary Election to , •honored with the highest be held on Tuesday, August 2, 1994, will be conducted Wednesday, ~ : award in Girl Scouting - the July 27, 1994, at 3 :00 p.m., in the City offices at 20025 Mack Plaza, , Gold Award. Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan, and all interested persons should . To earn this award, Grunow feel free to attend. : had to learn about herself, ex- Louise S. Warnke •• plore career ideas, build upon City Clerk :.• Skills and talents, develop lead. ".• ership skills and conduct a ser. : : vice project in her community. Grunow is a member of Girl . Scout Troop 1012 of Grosse Pointe Farms. For her service Sarah Grunow project, she worked with other SPANGLE POR'rRAIT DESIGN vice Camp. The manual in- scouts in writing a training will create a distinctive family parh alt at the location of your choice cluded pictures, general rules I manual and referel1ce guide for Let us help you cnptllle the unique expressIon of love . the Mackinac Island Scout Ser- and suggestions for all girls. which gJ ows mOle pi ecious with every passing year. DISCOVER THE South teacher reads AP exams JEFFREY DIFFERENCE, SUMMER SPECIAL. .. Every other photograph 1/2price Ann Eatherly, social~fiUdles dreds of thousands of capable DISCOVER THE SAVINGS! Creation m will be doni>\ed \0 Unl'l/. of Mich. Memca\ Cen\tr 1:Iauma BIUn Center teacher at Grosse Pointe South high school students an oppor- SPANGLE PORTRAIT DESIGN' 21024 Mack Avenue' Grosse Pointe Woods, M1 • High School, was picked to tun;.ty to take rigorous college- (313) 343-9169 take part inJune in the annual level courses and examinations t reading and scoring of Ad- and, based on their exam j vanced Placement Examina- performance, to receive credit tions in Economics in a week- and/or advanced placement long session at Trinity when they enter college. University in San Antorno, This year more than 695,000 , Texas. Eatherly has taught AP examinations in 16 disciplines • microeconomics at South. were evaluated by over 2,800 :-.' Each year the AP Program, selected faculty consultants 1994 ACURA LEGEND L4.DR. : : Sponsored by the Princeton- from high schools and universi- Auto Irans. leather trim BOSE MuSIC ~em wtst-lng _ CI:llltlolt l ca... player. pwr College Board, gives hun- tief across the United States. WIndOws pwr lodMason - John Klawitter Ferry - None ; :: MonteIth - Philip Mannmo SAME EASTPOINTE LOCATION Kerby - Katehn Klick :aild Elizabeth Olson NEW NAME SAME GREAT SERVICE Maire - Adnanna Connor Elect -Poupard - Jac1yn MIddleton Mason - none Richard - Paul Loredo formerly TAMAROFF ACURA Francis X. Monteith - Caroline Martin <:Trombly - Andrew Yee 24600 GRATIOT, Eastpointe Poupard - Matthew Krebs Just south of 10 Mile Rd Richard - EmIly Wilson Service Club Trombly - KatIe Marcangelo 778.8800 Defer - Blerina Shaquiri Hathaway .Ferry - Dawn Jones . .Kerby - None State Senator , . -Maire - Julie Padilla and Maureen Hoehn Democrat .:. 1st District ~-Mason - Breanne Stall , Monteith - William NIXon, .:. Bring Values and Integrity ',Michael Barger and Sara Bour- ~is BRAND NEW 1994 Back Into Government , -Poupard - Enca Palazzolo Richard - Emily Speicher COROLLA .:. A Voice for Senior Citizens /~ JODOWN Concerns ':ULS'Howbert $0 DOWN ~LJ.;J;:!~"j ...... -.~ f Month Lea.. ~ JIMonthLea.. ~ .:. Promote Business, Jobs -'wrote a ..,... 369* Month and Education $189* Month i '_WInmng- - essay Auto air am/fm stereo cassette p s p b rear defrost carpet Auto dual a r ASS captain chairs premium am/fm cassette pwr Windows lOCKSmirrors and much more 5tk #91S1 .:. Increased Accountability . : John Eilgar Howbert, a sen- floor mats and much more 5tk #9519 for Lawmakers ior at University LIggett BRAND NEW 1994 SAiON $chool, is a $1,000 second.prize .:. Reduce Crime and Promote Winner in a nationwide essay CAMIYLE Neighborhood Groups competition based on Ayn I Rand's novel, ''The Fountain- CO DOWN ~-- ~}: "'\~"- head." fMonthL.~'. ~ .:. Competent, Conscientious •More than 3,800 high school 269 Month ~ ,~ , Courageous juniors and seniors from the United States and Canada en- Auto. air, pwer wmdows lOCKSmirrors am/fm stereo cassette if you would like to Join our efforts to improve tered this year's competition, cruise (lIt factory seCUritysystem and much more 5tk #9509 Michigan. call 881-6492. sponsored by the Ayn Rand In- stitute. Students chose from Sare ends 7-29-94 483-9000 Vote August 2nd for topics dealing with such issues 37777 Gratiot Ave .• Clinton Township, MI 48036 -& ~ as the conflict between inde- SHOWROOM HOURS: Man -Thurs 7 a m -930 P m ~ r1:-fij>'S '! .. Francis X, Hathaway, State Senator pendence and conformity and I Tue Wad Frl 7 a m -8 p m I 1.696:;,Y L ( N I I Paid for by Hathaway for State Senate. 645 Griswold #3863 . the importance oi values and • ~\l()Ilt!l~Hn~ la>le p1~tn LlIe ~ltellOOlOO¥IlVde\lOIltSll:t9S19.$llS lilt ~e1.~ 1Il19'm. \300 ~11' Ill> d-" n ~ r ) ~ integrity. 16CXXlrrifl101ex~srnlelleslEe~foreuesl_&t~ O\XlOnlO~tNlelllMeendlllJ~l7OOJnt ";to- "''It

r .,.,. C _me M ?"l!"'snnc' .8 ••••••• = - • ...... me • . v-_- ..- ..I - MICROGRAPtUC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION f. I SERVICES - SYSTEMS - CONSULTATION 4 don't wear one anymore. You ducers Nobody likes wearmg too expensIve, you'd never wear s work at your place. You work ties It's not that they're diffi- anyone else's and when they're We Xers your hours. You work for you" cult to tie - although some not on properly, you can't feel a'm wondering if the ad mornmgs they are It's not that comfortable They're part of the wnter intentionally used short I never know If they match my umform. You'd prefer to go are fit to sentences, small words and that pants and shirt It'" not even WIthout them, but If you can't tired noose cliche because the that most men's ties are ugly you don't It's as SImple as ad was aimed at simpletons It's that they Just seem to be a that be tied who take undue pride in the ISay waste So before we Scart holdIng I've been thinking lately fact that they think ties are The Wind blows them over demonstratIOns to burn our tIes about ties - those paisley uncomfortable.) your shoulder They fall m your and read msplratlOnal Robert things men hang around their Ronald J. Bernas soup You tuck them Into your Bly poetry to each other, necks. And apparently, so have The ad was from Ameritech pants after gomg to the bath- there's somethmg to be saId room And If you Ube them to ASIde from bemg SIlly and use- a lot of other people. phone service for people who time teleVISIOn soap opera All thlb brings up one, very clean your glasses, people thInk less, there's nothing Inherently "You hate ties" read the ad work out of their home The ad which raised my tIe-conscious- obvIOUSquestIOn Is anybody a wrong WIth a tie or Wlth people In USA Today's weekend mag- leads you to belIeve that you tie man? you're odd ness who wear them, or occasIOns azine. The picture was of a can work out of your own When was the last time you One of the characters In the TIes tend to be good convel' whIch reqUire them young, highly muscled Genera- home, never get dressed, pump show, which IS aimed at the heard a guy say, "Oh boy, I get satIon starterb, though Two re- tion Xer sitting In hiS sWInging iron all the time, and never much mahgned and oft misun- to wear a tie " cent examples are "You know, But there IS somethIng very pad In his underwear, peenng miss a phone call, fax or com- derstood GeneratIOn X, drones If they were comfortable, that tie really doesn't go WIth wrong WIth those who define mtently into the screen of a puter mall memo It failed to on episode after epIsode that we'd wear them to mow the that shIrt" and "DId you get a themselves by what they wear, laptop computer. say how you'd pay their bills. he's "Just not a tie man"; a lawn Or play football We'd free bowl of soup WIth that and WIth compames whlch still "Your first tie felt like a I would have blown nght by trait Intended to pamt him a sleep III them, even tIe?" can't seem to grasp that Gener. noose," the copy read "That thiS ad, if it weren't for "Mel- romantic rogue and excuse the Newsflabh to any future ad TIes are, to men, what panty- atlOn X 18 not as easy to clas. feeling never changed You rose Place," a terrible mght- fact that he can't keep a job. wnters or mght-tlme soap pro. hose are to women - they're slfy a1:>an Item of clothing

Grosse Pointe News Page The Op-Ed Page .~.a. July 21,1994, 7A - - • iI_i _

Hexagenia club: manager Mary David. InCidentally, Father Solanus People who wandered m saw mmlstered from the east side's ~ small but proud dishes stacked all over the Capuchin Center and soup ~ The 1994 fish fly season was counter and many thought the kItchen on Mount EllIott, now , worst, she reported. the natIOn's oldest prOVider of , III full swing when I happened to mentIOn to Pointe raconteur By 6. p m. thIS past Fnday, shelter, counsehng, clothing \ and man. everythmg was OK and a sign and food for the needy , about-town on the door now says, "Our res- , Dan Beck taurant IS back in full swing. And tomorrow (Friday, July that I once Give us a try." The water 22), the Pointe's Edmund T. madvertently heater and dishwasher are Ahee family wIll host their ate one brand-new and there's even a 13th Annual Capuchm Souper while zoom. new toaster. Summer CelebratIOn at the Ing out "It's a wonderful feelIng to Roostertal1, with all proceeds Lakeshore see things up and runnmg donated to the center. , back in my again," says a very relieved \ wild motor- Mary. "A lot of people put a lot My hat IS off' to the jewelry cycle days. of effort mto keeping Sanders famIly volunteers who work 80 \ going" \ On that hard to bnng this fundraiseI' , fateful summer evening long Stay tuned for word of the about: Along With dad Edmund , ago I had just opened my new owners and mom Bettejean, the phi- mouth when the wmged crea- lanthropIC Ahees are Edmund ture destmed to become part of Unsolved Jr., Greg, Chris, Lowell, Pe- \ me flew down my throat I ter, Pamela and John " , gave a reflex gulp and swal- mystery? ., lowed, noting a rather dry tex- If you have an FYI tip, calI ..~,. , , , . A crew, from the TV show ~ .. ture and a distinctly fisby fin- Ken Eatherly at 8224OfJ1. ,,\ ~ ish to this culinary surprise - "Unsolved Mysteries" recently -~\;--- whIle somehow managIng to filmed at the POinte's neighbor- --- stay on the road. mg St. John HospItal and Med. "The society of fish fly gour- Ical Center, FYI has learned Swim show mets probably has a pretty hm- Subject of the segment, set to Proiect goes down the tube lted membership," I told Dan, air this fall, IS a re-creatIOn of Grosse Pointe Farms Pier and he inunediately one.upped the seemmgly mIraculous dJs~ Park hosts a country/western Work is enriching. Work IS a me by revealmg that a few hoedown synchrOnIzed swim moral good. It authenticates: appearance of breast cancer af. years ago he downed one on team show at 7 p m Friday, Hands-on labor hke weeding a flIctmg patient Joanne Wit- purpose July 22 vegetable patch puts you in We're used to kop after her husband prayed "My lIttle grandson was com- touch with the Earth and your to Father Solanus Casey, a The team is coached by Jean- not being able to plaining about the fish flies all own bemg. Work is even holy. CapuchIn pnest who dIed at me Schrage and Sarah Booher. over our bushes and I told him the hospItal In 1957 There is a This event IS for Farms resI- That's what they say. do easy things like they deserved more respect be~ And if what they say is true plaque at the hospital in honor dents only cause they were an Important (and it must be, because I see it file our income of the priest, who has been con. food source around here," Dan sidered for samthood by the written here in black and The roof job finished,- solar tax_ saId "He looked like he dIdn't CatholIc Church. white), then we're holier than collector aimed south, we lower believe me so I pIcked one up "Father Solanus was a very 3-on-3 hoops thou just now. our tools and bag of debris to and Impressed the heck out of Last week we Installed our the ground, clean everything We struggle to assemble our SImple, holy pnest, and many him by eatmg it." The seventh annual three-on. very own passive solar lighting. up, and break for lunch, a bIt tube, which refuses to fit to- people were drawn to him," How did he find the taste, I three basketball tournament Somewhere on the package it disgruntled that we're only half gether. As a last resort, we says Sister Suzanne Zieske, asked "Vastly overrated," said VIcepreSident of miSSIOn effec~ takes place Saturday, July 30. probably said the job would be done. But not too disheartened read the mstructlOns again. Dan, almost WIth a straIght easy. It always says that, of They stIll don't make sense. tlveness at St John. "They The cost IS $16 a team Game to spend our break reading up face tImes WIll be avaIlable two course. We're used to not being on the yellow~bellied sapsuck~ "Hey, what's thiS?" Bob sought hIS blessmg when they days before the tournament. able to do easy things like file ers we saw in the birch tree groans, sighting a foam CIrcle were ill, and many who prayed For more informatIOn, call our Income tax, but somehow earlier They're known to con- lying on the floor It isn't even to him after hIS death feel they were cured through his mter- the Farms parks and recreatIOn we always think the engmeer- sume the sap of 246 different mentioned III the instructions Sanders isn't cessIOn" department at 343-2405 ing jobs can be carried off. natIve trees But birch is their We figure out a place to put It Which they can, but certamly favorite. that actually enhances the fit in hot water ~ot easily OK, thiS project IS getting se- At 6.30 I gIve up on ever fin~ . The company sald it would Ishing and go out and buy Customers were wondenng rious now. Up In the attic, we last week whether recently- install our solar lighting tube find the Joists, align the hole, some pasties for dInner. Bob 1S for $30. But it's a simple Job, stJlI fightIng WIth the tube. scotched rumors of Sanders' and rev up the saw agaIn. But store on Kercheval closmg thIS basicaly like putting in a stove- what's thIS? A board numing WhJle the pastles bake, we pipe: just make holes in the wrap the JOlllts to seal the sun month were true across the Joists, nght in the For seven days startIng Fn ceiling and the roof and stick middle of our hole! It seems hght inside and check the In the pipe through. structions once more day July 8, the store's staff was that the tile ceIling of our cabin unable to serve food because RIght. is the only ceiling, just tiles "Step 21: You can now elljoy Start with the roof hole. We the benefits of your Sola *Tube the hot water heater was bro- hung on cross PieceS That sys. ken and the dishwasher wasn't lug the dome, the flashmg, as- tem doesn't provide any sup- and the high performance natu. sorted screws and nalls, drills, ral lightmg It provides" work mg. "If you can't clean the port for our sun tube. And we dIshes and sIlverware, the hammer, a shovel to pry off definItely can't cut through the So we could - If the sun some of the old shingles, a would come out. And we could board of health won't let you tIle support boards. operate a lunch counter," says stack of new shmgles, and - Time out for engineering. say we did It all ourselves. oh, yeah, a saw - up the lad- DISCUSSIOn,diagrams, argu- der and pile them on the roof ment, pondenng, measurmg, Minnis::::::.:::;;::;:::::;:::;.;:.:;:;:;:;:::;:::;.;.;.;:;:;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;-;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.:.;.:.;.;.;.:.;.:.;. Then we take a break and get handwrmgmg, swearing Work our sweatshirts off. doesn't feel all that holy just From page 6A "to boldly go where no man has We measure everythmg now. the Sunday l1mes should get a gone before" (the world's most agam (a follow-up to the 27 pre- We're used to working to- medal. famous split infinItIVe) but he lIminary measurements taken gether, but It isn't always • can't get mto England, The over a period of weeks), rip off smooth. Now we're both Blue lIght speCIal: Pnncess Times reports That's because some shmgles, rev up the saw stumped Stumped, with a hole DIana fell afoul of traffic poltce the famous "Star Trek" Vulcan - and cut a hole. Hey, there s in our roof, and it's starting to for her Illegal use of a blue Isn't quite human our good hammer, viSible in ram. We try ideas, fall, get flashmg polIce lIght DI was Spack IS bemg banned be- the attic through the new hole, mad. We have some Iced tea. bemg chauffeured to Heathrow cause of a 44.year.old mterna- only inches away. We need it. Bob has a theory - but I III her offiCIal Jaguar when tIonal agreement settmg quotas Bob fishes through the hole can't visualize It We get mad they hIt a traffic queue on the for the type of toys that can be with his measure. That chal- agam. "I'd like to see that com- motorway. Not wanting hiS Imported In an effort to protect lenge sets us back 10 mmutes pany put thIS In for 30 bucks," boss to miSS her plane, the European toymakers. Under before we give It up and go Bob grumbles "They'd have to chauffeur stuck the pohce lIght the system, CaptaIn KIrk toys down the ladder and up the at- charge $300 " on the top of the car as motor. can be Imported at warp speeds tiC ladder to get it. Finally we create a support ISts pulled aside to let the prin- because he's human, but non- We fit the new shingles into piece to fit between the boards cess through Buckingham Pal- human toys (yes, includmg Bar the space and start pounding We saw another hole, m the ace sald DIana and the staff ney) are caug-ht In a worm hole naIls Ss.shllh! There's a pI nght piace thIS tIme. Now we have been adVised on the The Department of Trade leated woodpecker on that tree have a large oval with a small proper use of the lIght and Industry said, "Mr Spack by the stream Look at the CIrcular sun pipe to stick It In • will have to find some other wood chips fly. SIgh Mr Spock may have dared way to beam hImself In "

2 M 1 • 1 _ • cd ,.. •• _... • .... _.-....-...... M.._...__ ...... _ ..._ ...... _ .."- ~ -- ...... ---..-- .+ « M rt ...... M •• O. Art •• .-...... -...... _ ...... r.....MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION SERVICES • SYSTEMS. CONSULTATION f. July 21, 1994 8A Letters Grosse Pointe News day could believe it. Is this Sanders stays Community occasion to viSIt our beauti- Nice lawn, really the way Grosse Jewel in the ful commumty center To the Editor: Pointe residents set exam. is thanked lately, do stop m and lan- but _ .. This is 8 day for Grosse crown pIes for our youth? To the Editor: guish in the serenity of the Te, the Editor: Pointers to be happy and Ironically, on our way Several months ago the To the Editor: new pedestrian courtyard. Are there other people in home from the PIer, my proud because Sanders in Grosse Pointe South High This is in response to the And, while you are the community who are of- son riding his new bicycle the Village has a new Drive For Lights Commit- occasional and, in my opin- three-year lease and will there, take timp to visit the fended by the daily din of about a half block ahead of tee came before the Farms ion, unwarranted criticism motQrs of lawn care equip- remain the charming place Trial Gardens, view the me In front of Kerby City Council requesting a of the Grosse Pointe War unbelievably blue Lake St. ment? School, took an unfortunate it is today because many in SIte plan approval for the Memorial. Clair, stroll through the co- It is 8'30 a.m. and my fall rIght into the "Wel- the area worked hard to installation of permanent AB you know, it is per- lonade and peek into the neighbors' lawn service come to Kerby" sign. A ensure Its preservation. lightmg for night sports fectly normal to resist company has just begun Recognition goes to Gail grand Crystal Ballroom. man In a maroon minivan events at South High change and many had res. Keep In mmd the myriad work For two to three immedIately pulled from Phillips, who Initiated the School. ervations when the pro- community activities which hours we will be assaulted the street Into the parking petition drive, and Danielle The proposal was made gram of revitalization fIrst young as well as not so by the droning and wailing lot and jumped from his Hams. These merchants, WIth the best of intentIOns began. Thank goodness we with the help of others at young may enJoy, such as of blowers, edgers and vehicle to assIst my son WIth the hehef that night decided to withhold an concerts, theatre, art, large lawnmowers. The Thanks to this gentleman, Hadden's of London and sports events such as Fri- opinion until the restora- travel and adventure se- noise IS so loud that if we my children realIZed that Village Shoes, worked en- day mght football would be tion was completed. The are outsIde It drowns out ries there are still those persons thusiastIcally to keep the an asset to the community. obvious result of Mark Weber and his dedicated conversation. If we are in- who care enough to take a store open Jerry Valente, That same meeting was Weber's vision and courage and professional staff have SIde with the windows open moment out to help others of the VIllage Association, filled with reSIdents dIa- is now evident. The mag- mdeed outdone themselves the noISe is still intrusIve Corinne Martin was a source of backing, as metrically opposed to per- nificent renovated Grosse and offensIve and deserve your com- Grosse Pointe Farms were several other mer- manent lightmg at South. Pointe War Memonal is mendatIOn and support. We, too, value well main- chants in the VIllage, Hill, TheIr OppoSItIon was also indeed our very own Jewel Guns for toys Lud Schomig tamed and tended lawns Kercheval in-the-Park, and made WIth the best of m- In the crown. but the noise generated to To the Editor: Mack Avenue shopping dis- If you haven't had the Grosse Pointe Woods On a recent assIgnment tentIOns, WIth the behef aceomphsh this has become tricts. Scores of concerned that night sportmg events As for our government class absurd. a testament to citizens made the cause would be a detriment to the noise mtensity level, we inVestIgated programs their own CIty of Michigan offerIng merchandIse m ex. the community. Qi)ross.e'{littie ~lltI.OOl't5, note that many of the What was clear IS that change for firearms NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council, meeting as a workers wear ear protec- The Grosse Pointe His- both parties were sincerely As we researched our Board of Appeals under the proviSIOnsof Section 5-14-1 of the tion The technology to re- torical Society took the interestro in the be<;t inter- topic, we dIscovered that 1975 City Code Will meet in the CounCIl Court Room of the duce this noise is available. matter very serIously, and ests of the community until recently there were MUnicipalBuilding, 20025 Mack Plaza, on August 1, 1994, at 7:30 I would support regula- municipal officials ill many Since that first meeting no such programs in the p.m., to hear the appeal of Charles and Corine DeWitt, 540 tions to limit and control cities were concerned. the issue has been dIs- metro Detroit area In the Sunningdale Drive, who are appealing the denial of the Buildmg such noise levels. Wayne County commis- cussed, argued and evalu- past month, Detroit fol- Inspector to issue a building permil for the construction of an Robert H. Schappe sioner Andrew RIchner and ated at two other counCIl lowed in the footsteps of addition to their residence at 540 Sunningdale Drive. The buildmg Grosse Pointe Park his staff even prepared a meetmgs and two meetings other crime-ridden CItIes, permit was denied due to a defIciency 10 the reqUIred front yard resolution in support of of a special council-formed The unkindness such as Los Angeles and setback as set forth in Secllon 5-4-3 (F) of the Zonmg Ordinance of Sanders for city councils. hghts study committee. New York, in establishing the City of Grosse Pointe Woods. A variance is therefore required. Of course, the community On July 11, the Drive for of strangers its own programs. All interested parties are Invited to attend owes a debt of gratitude to LIghts Committee with- To the Editor: We believe that DetrOIt's Jun Brasier and Sanders Last week, I bicycled to commencement of these drew Its site plan for per- management, as well as manent lights It is their Louise S. Warnke the Farms Pier with my programs is a large step Talon Development, which chIldren While en route toward much-needed gun intent toO hElve severa! more I GPN.07121i94 City ClerK I', hammered out details of a trial games with temporary , down Kerby toward Lake- control lease that saves jobs and a lighting so night sporting shore, we noticed two In our recent survey, we neighborhood institution. events can be further eval- mothers With children at- questIoned people aging As Sanders in the Vil- uated. ThIS compromise tempting to assist the from 14 to over 50; out of lage begins its 60th year wIll serve both parties as street crossmg of a mother those, 67 percent were In serving the community, I the trial lights will give us duck and her brood of favor of the Guns for Mer- hope everyone joins in cele- all more expertise and data seven ducklings chandise programs. These brating this very sweet suc- to make a more informed In the short moment it programs reduce the num- cess. decision so we may ulti- took to bring a smile to our ber of guns in circulation, Mike Mengden mately serve the best inter- faces, we immediately no- thus reducing the number Grosse Pointe Farms tIced the approaching cars of gun-related crimes Also, est of the community. On behalf of the Farms were not gomg to stop, or this pertains to the renais- City Council I would like even slow down We began sance theme Detroit has It's the process to thank all those who par- to yell in an attempt to attempted to portray In tICIpated in the discussion alert the dnvers, but care- past years. To the Editor: of this issue, including lessly those same drivers We commend the city for I would like to make a members of the South High made no attempt to exer- its efforts, however, there comment on the constition- Drive For Lights Commit- CIse caution as we watched should be regulations as to ality of legislative and con- what type of f"Irearm may gressional term l.inl;i.tation. tee; members of the South hqck whIle t. ~ .- High Lights Task 'Force ' , tk'lVers ve~ be exchanged This would hnplied in tn~~"'tIhdijg 1 :l> Fathers' provisions- .qbr II \I. Lights COmmIttee; repr'e-.': ..,-.:: t It ~eBuc0~.m- ~re~iW 'fhW ;ex~ge of .. ~ I sentatlves of the school relatively useless, outdated state representation was front of the cfnldren. administratIOn, Mayor It was very dIfficult for weapons A safer city that these people would be Wheeler and councilmem- my chIldren to understand would increase the number elected by those they were bers from Grosse Pointe 'why these inconsiderate of city-goers, thus increas- to represent. City and reSIdents of both persons dId not care ing business, employment, How they should be elected has -been changed the Farms and City for enough to wait the few and a prospering economy. sharing theIr thoughts and minutes it would take for several times. Term limita- concerns. the ducklings to clear their Tina DiLaura tion applies to the election Gregg 1.. Berendt path. I couldn't offer a re- Don Pierce process, not the other quali- Mayor sponse aside from my ex- Paul Hathaway fications treme discontent for those Ken Reeves Harold Jinks reSIdents who would dare Grosse Pointe Woods Grosse Pointe Park to run over baby ducklmgs in the presence of children. None of us present that ~T" ON THE CAMPUS FISHER RD. WE DELIVER 882.5100 OPEN 8 to 5:30 p.m. DAilY, Wed. til Noon - Closed Sunday RESTAORA"TflnR U.P.S. PICK-UP DAILY SALE PRICES GOOD July 21st.July 27th 17410 Mack at St. ClaIr 885-1902 fRESH WHITE fISH DELMONICO BABY BACK OUR OWN SLAB FILETS $ 95 STEAKS PORK RIBS BACON 98 99 LB $5 _ $298 $159 $3 D"mnr Rama ~,~~ • LB.Q LB ...... ~ -- 7 Days A Week 1993 MARQUIS CHAPlNS fRESH Complete Home Cooked DeCHASSE PESTO Dinner Includes: WftITE BASIL. PARSLEY. SUNDRIED TOMATO • Entree, Potato, Vegetable & fRoll BORDEAUX SUNGOLD, : IIWithout a solid and stable family GREAT FOR $299 · COLD PASTA structure for our children, we will $5~~. 60Z LIVE-IN not have good neighborhoods and NIAGARA EUROPEAN APPLE IIIPAPER DECCpASTAMET PROF. FINISH CHILD CARE safe cities. JUICE I v ~ITOWELS PENNE. FUSILLI. SPRAY STARCH EurAupaJr IntercullUral Crime, street violence, and disorder $2~~ I $1~~LL 5HELlS$ZITA Ch lid Care Progra ms IS ! ~ I. currenlly plaCIng oz. I J VA~~IES 1~~ CAN carefully selected. in neighborhoods is caused lJy the 99 EnglISh speaking au pam; ages 1825 breakdown of the family." SCOTTISH SMOKED LAND-O-LAKES KRUNCHER -..'lh quahfied Amencan families SALMON BUTTER eXTRA CRISPY Select from a ",de • vaflety of bright ~ S':.';'~D $99~ $149 POTATO ~ ,rlo.hl. OJ " •• ~ ~. Nell Heffernan can be .. LB CUlfS from Sea ndlnav.a -$-,<. oz. Holland Lngland trusted in Lansing as a State Senator france, Germal1v ....:nlutlf: !'KG LIGHTLY $119 and masl (-urope.n SALTED BAG •" c.ounlnes l...oc.1l dedicated to strengthening families • rep support For LONDON DAIRY RIPE CALIFORNIA FRESH CALIF. STOCK ~ Ocx.hle child care throughout Michigan. and a cullUrally ennchlng experience C01TAGE CANTALOPES ASPARAGUS DRY ~ I", the cnll,e famlTy (.all for de falls or CUEESE (~'~ ~ $ VERMOUTU; H!Jlncd,.atc plac:emCIII 69 Neil Heffernan 2 99 Vote for S~~~~R $109 ~,'~ ~< 99 LB $4 : LOfAT LB \ ~_ ~ EACH 750 ML ~haroD 881.5643 ocrat NEW JERSEY MICH. HOME GROWN HOME GROWN IDAHO 1-800-333-3804, Ext #2 A common Sense oem BLUEBERRmS SWEET CORN CUCUMBERS POTATOES iiiAufhir August 2nd- $149 5/99~ - ,_~/99~ 89~'_L~-~J ••~ CNde- Prognrn$ I >'nrfti.:~~:t:::"\~::~~~:-',,~ .. ~ 'WfHS A~".""~ I-\f'~" l'W~J\b fl.t'\~ .....\.LrI'om fULL PINT ~~ ... ~ "5LB: ' :~ • __ ~ ~ BAG ,-,,' July 21, 1994 Grosse Pointe News 13A

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MICROGRAPHIC & ElECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION ,. SERVICES • SYSTEMS. CONSUlTATION July 21, 1994 12A News Grosse Pointe News Romney's aim: Fix economy By Chip Chapman publIcan nor DemocratIC. runs for office, Romney said. Staff Wnter "We can agree to pay our being wealthy, pohtIcally Wired Ronna Romney may have bills and we can see what has or well-known. taken a $100,000 mortgage out failed," she said, CIting the wel- The ex-daughter-in-Iaw of on her home to help finance fare system former Michigan Gov. George her campaign for U.S. Senate, "The pomt of the welfare pro- Romney (whom she calls one of but she does not want the eco- gram was not to institutIOnal- her mentors) and the ex nomIC future of the country ize a paycheck. Many In Con. brother-m-Iaw of MItt Romney, being mortgaged any longer by gress are afraId to say It was who IS runnmg for the US Congress wrong .. Senate m Massachusetts, has a "The so-called experts have About three-quarters of all name people recognIZe. But she not done the Job," she said welfare programs should be also gamed exposure from her when she stopped In at the admmistered locally, accordmg talk show. Grosse Pointe News last week. to Romney liThe radio show helped me "It's economic neglIgence .. "Let the states be accounta- get mto the race, " she saId Romney, 50, saId the natIon's ble," she said "People may not necessarIly economIC problems brought her Romney favors a balanced- agree with you, but they get to mto the race agaInst fellow budget amendment, where know you" challenger Spencer Abraham spendmg cannot exceed 19 per- Romney said that If elected, for the GOP nomination cent of Gross Domestic Product, she would serve no more than "Fom-teen percent of the and hne-ltem veto power for two terms budget goes to paymg mterest the preSIdent "Everyone IS replaceable. I'm on the debt," Romney said. "The preSIdent IS the CEO of not gOIng to Washmgton to "Even If we had a balanced the country," she saId "The change the world," Romney budget over the next eight hne-item veto will present some said, "just to lay a foundatIOn years, there would still be a $7 accountabilIty" And I WIll not get off the eco- tnlhon to $8 trillIon debt and It There are three ways one nomic message" would take more than 25 per- cent of the budget to pay the mten:,qt CIty of(8)ro~se Jloiute Michigan "I don't understand why thIS ~.o.o05, Photo b\ Leah Vartam an Issue doesn't drive people hke NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CIty CounCIl,meeting as a Lemon-aid it drIves me." Board of Appeals under the provisions of SectIOn 5-14-1 of the The former WXYT talk show 1975 City Code will meet in the Council Court Room of the Grosse Pointe Woods public safety officer Dan Marietta took a moment to support local host and RepublIcan natIOnal MuniCipalBUlldmg,20025 Mack Plaza, on August 1, 1994, at 7:30 business last week at the lemonade stand run by. from left. Evan Skorupski. Marc Hensel committeewoman saId that nd. pm., to hear the appeal of Fred Rauber, 875 Cook Road, who is and Chelsea Skorupski. For more on dining alfresco. see our Business page. 18A. ding the country of the deficit appealing the demal af the Building Inspector to Issue a buildmg IS an Issue that IS neither Re- permit for construction of an addItIOnto his residence at 875 Cook By Shirley A. McShane Road. The building permit was denied due to a deficiency in the Public safety reports reqUiredrear yard setback as set forth in Section 5.4.3 (F, d) of the Zoning Ordinance of the Clly of Grosse Pointe Woods. A variance takes care of a number of famI- A fishy fire A burglar entered a home In is therefore requIred. AI! Interested parties are invited to a!!end. Park solves lies in Detroit who are partiCI- the 1300 block of Bedford by patIng m the program and can- A reSIdent who lives on chmbing through an unlocked Louise S, Warnke food stamp case not take care of themselves Wmdnull Pomte in Grosse fIrSt.floor WIndow. After mvestlgatmg the worn Pomte Park came home on The house was searched and GPN: 07/21/94 City Clerk Grosse Pomte Park and De- an's claims, Hiller saId the de- the homeowner reported stolen L ... July 9 to find hIS house filled trOIt polIce together are seeking partment determIned the WIth smoke. Responding fIre a color TV, cassette player, petItIOns against two mmor woman was legally authorized fighters determmed a wire on a VCR, stereo speakers, exerCIse Thillii SllllnnCI~ Thinl .. IndcJlcndcncc gIrls who allegedly stole food to be m possession of the Items. 60-gallon fish tank had heated equipment and a computer. The stamps and identificatlon Further investigation showed an aquarium hose covering, mcident happened sometime needed to cash food stamps and that the woman's daughter and causing it to ignite. bet",een 7 a.m. July 8 and 10 used them for therr personal a friend of the daughter stole SUNRUNNER'S Fire fighters extinguished a.m. July 13. There are no sus. gam the Items from the woman's car the fIre and cleared the house pects In this inCIdent Grosse Pomte Park detective and then allegedly sold the of smoke. BeSIdes smoke dam- Portable 3-Wheel Lt. DaVId HIller saId the Identification and cashed in the age, the house also had water Sister rescues stamps and IdentIficatIOn were food stamps damage when the 60.gallon Scooter Talies You reported stolen by a woman The case IS under review by little brother who lIves on Devonshrre The the Wayne County Juvenile tank emptIed onto the floor. woman has the identIfication Court. PetItiOns are the Juve. An older sister came to the Almost Anywhere and food stamps ~use she nile equivalent of a warrant Bedford homes rescue of her 6-year-old brother Meet SUNRUNNER., the quiet. portable. on July 8 when he was ap- battery-opemted 3-wheel scooter from SHOPRlDER. burglarized proacnEi'cfby a group of older Calling all children (a~1h~art) Two burglars cI'£lwleet yooths who were allegedly at. ON SALE .$1,g9S~OOReg.$1.995.00 Model TE-777 through an open kitchen' win- temptmg to'stehf his bIcycle. The suspects, three DetrOIt to Toledo's zoo, county fair dow of a home In the 1400 July Special Sale !!!fit!. block of Bedford m Grosse Juveniles between the ages of 9 lNVACARE'S Thb Transfer Bench provides Here IS an OpportU11lty to tonc settmg. Pointe Park on July 9. and 13, allegedly approched the take your child or grandchild After about two hours of free The mtruders meticulously little boy at Trombley and Es- freedom and ease inthe bathtub on a day trip to remember. The time, we'll meet at the Bird searched all floors of the house sex m Grosse Pointe Park, Adjustable.PadJ.ed-Handrail with back Grosse POInte War Memorial is slapped him and attempted to House for a box lunch on the and removed a tape player, CD ON SALE-1122.60 Mockl Al-661 Reg, 8245.00 takIng kIds - and kllis at heart zoo's grounds and then head player, VCR and electnc gui- take his bike The older sister (~ good untJ Jvly Jl, 1994 No odIer ~ cqJpIy) - to the Toledo Zoo on Thurs- out to the county fair for a cou- tar. The inCIdent happened scared the youths away and day, July 28, from 8:30 a m to ple of hours filled with non-stop sometIme between 10'30 a.m. called police. 5p.m excitement. There are rides, an- and noon. Suspects are de- The three suspects were See giraffes, leopards, rhinos imals, horse shows, crafts and scrIbed as black men in late caught by Park police, who are ...... "571 .... and other wildlife roaming un- always a few surprises. teens or early 20s drIving a aWaIting issuance of petitIOns "rr. kastpointe dIsturbed in the AfrIcan sa- We'll return by 5 p.m. blue two-door older model Pon- filed W1th the Wayne County BON SECOURS MI48021 vanna. HIppos play m the Tickets are $34 and include tiac Juvenile Court. HOME MEDICAL, INC. 313.179.7170 world's only underwater Hippo- motorcoach transportatIon, a quanum. AdmIssIOn to the spe- box lunch, admission to the zoo, cial dmosalU' exhibIt IS m- dinosaur exlubit and fair. Call cluded where you'll see thirteen 881-7511 for reservations or robotic dinosaurs in a pre-lus- more informatIon.

YOU CAN • • Homeowners • Cash Fast • • ADVERTISE TOOl '1st and 2nd MongaQ8 PlJrch8S8 Of refinance • Home Of Rental Propefty • 51ow Croon 0 K. CALL 882-3500 'Bill ConsoildallOll81C. 'FBSl Easy 'CaJ124 HOlJls 10 Reseflle Display A.dvertlSlng Space ~I SIale Mortgaga' flnanc&Cor? By 2 OJ p m Friday 800.968-2221 WHERE O!lALITY Is MORE THAN JUST A WORD Fr .. QualifyIng Appofntmenl

EACONPOINTE PHARMACY AND SURGlCALAA (WILSON & WOLFER) Q; PRESCRIPTIONS CONVALESCENT AIDS & HOSPITAL SUPPLIES 15216-22 East Jeffersan • Near BeaconsflCld 822.5474 • Grosse Pointe Park • 823.D06~ • FREE DELIVERY. ~I"I Monday through Friday 8 30 a m 700 p m ~ Saturday 8 00 • m -400 p m Closed Sundays & Holidays - Gerald E Bodendlsrel, R Ph


As a lIfelong reSident of Ille FlI,t Dlstnct, Peter Ecl<\und IS deeply concerned about the Issues thaI affect all of us-cnme, educatIon ..... elfare reform and the economy Peler's expet11se IS firmly grounded In hI, ....ork expenence as an allorney represenlmg 0\ er 8D mumclpalIt,es and hIS rommumty Involvement Condominiums from $142,990.00 Peter Ed(lund I~ a doer He's effecllve because he lIstens 10 other people and works hard 10 bUild consensus and make things happen We need Pe,er Ecklund In Ihe MIchigan Stale Senate' Models Open: • Case Western Reserve Un,vCf<;lly • AllornC} , John R Axe and • 'vIemllC'r, Detroll Bar • Staff Asslstanl, Congressman 1:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m . SChool of Law, J D, 1"92 ASSOCI.les since \""2 A~soclatlon, Since 19<13 Fred Upton (R MI) 1988 Closed Thursday ELIQ)RAID) • \iember. State Bar of • \.\ember. r-.allonal • Grosse Po,"te Publlc Schools, • Unoverslty of \.\Ichlgan. B A • PolItu:al ScIence EconomICS, MIchIgan smce 1993 Assoclallon of Bond South Graduate. 1985 Lawvers. Since 19<14 1989 254-1760 19 Mile & Schoen err P"d for hlh' Comm 'I" 10 EJec1 Edlund for Slate Sen'te 21 Ktrchty,' A"nu'. SUlie 360' Oro ... POInl, Farm' M148216 JUly 21, 1994 Grosse Pointe News News 9A Kelly confident as he makes bid for u.s. Senate nomination By DavJd Howard the people of Groton, Conn, our products out mto thIS world Special Writer (where the submarme IS made) out and say we no longer have of free trade that we've ere. After 16 years in the MichI- when we've got absolute su- a responslblltty for you" ated" "I'd totally revIew that. And gan Legislature, John Kelly IS premacy of the seas There's no "You don't need to do It for ready for a change one to challenge that and the review would not be a Ron- 3M; they've got offices world Rather than go down In hIs- there's no need for that subma- ald Reagan-style review. All he tory as a man who couldn't leg. rine," he said wIde" dId was cut the checks off and Islate hIs ''Yay out of a state "And the same thing's true He saId most smaller busl say you're on your own " capitol, state Sen Kelly IS mak. ness owners may not know that in other advanced weapons sys- Kelly WIll face fellow Demo- mg hIS thIrd run for WBshmg- tems. We're stIll committmg there are markets for theIr crats Carl Marlinga, Bob Carr, ton, D C. - this tIme for the goods and servIceS all over the hundreds of bllhons of dollars Joel Ferguson, Lana Pollack US Senate. world. In federal outlays for a com and Wilham Brodhead in the Kelly, 44, threw hIs hat mto IdentIfymg and gettmg prod- mumty that is overbUIlt, has Aug 2 prImary, a field from the rmg in two congressIOnal ucts to these markets, he saId, been oversubsldlZed and needs whIch he saId he dlstmguishes races, m 1980 and 1992, but would aceomphsh two thmgs to be rapidly and severely hImself by beIng an mdepen- he's especIally enthusIastIc prOVIde stable, long-term em- downsIZed. If they want to keep dent Democrat. about his chances thIS year ployment and bnng down the "Very mdependent Demo- the workers In ConnectIcut WIth SIX major party candl. per-umt costs of the goods they crat Always have been, always work 109 on shIps let's rebuild dates, Kelly said the WInner sell domestICally our merchant marme fleet wIll be," he said WIll only have had to appeal to Kelly would also review the That's something that's been PholD by DaVId Howard "I've never let the dommant a small plurahty of voters. SOCIal SecurIty proviSIOns mterests III the DemocratIc viable and commercial and "ThIs IS hterally a race State Sen. John Kelly is running for U.S, Senate. whIch allow the federal govern- party dIctate my course of ac- (can) get AmerIcans into world SubSIdies the federal govern- Whel'e virtually everyone trade." lags behmd other natIOns, such ment to extncate Itself from tIOn I'm not gomg to roll over counts," he said ment's been glvmg them," any responsIbIlity for dIsabled because the preSIdent of the He supports, in general, Pres- as Germany and Japan, in ex- And he's convmced there's no Kelly SaId mdlvlduals and others who've Umted States calls And I'm ldent Chnton's subSIdy system port development. Not only are better candIdate than himself. He CIted as a major polItICal tradItionally been consIdered certaInly not gomg to flInch be- But he saId he also supports these countrIes bestmg the "I'm waglng a grass roots problem French farmers' depen- unable to contnbute to society. cause Bob Dole wants to put the General Agreement on Tar- Untted States m the amount of CampaIgn, I haven't left any dence on government support theIr gross national product He saId It's unacceptable me m a partisan box. Neither iffs and Trade (GA'IT), III Vdl- k;:>k undone, and m terms of at a tIme when other European that money IS arbItrarIly and one of those is gomg to hap- ious stages of negotIatIOn smce (GNP) they export, they know mternatlOnaI trade, foreign re- countrIes had phased out the indifferently dIsbursed to such pen" the end of World War IT, which better how to target those ex- latIOns, mIlitary policy, and practlce people, with no attentIOn paId' narrowly defines goods and ports domestic priOrIties, and 16 "They're phased out over a to theIr unique and valuable What IS going to happen, places them m various catego "What we should be doing is years of dealing Wlth these couple of years and they're aptitudes Kelly saId, IS that he will be nes for purposes of universal ldentIfymg successful small and human social service and edu- done. And that's the way it "It doesn't mean that we prepared to respect the differ- recogmtIOn and eliminates medIUm businesses, because cational problems, there Isn't should be anyway. American can't do Subsllbzmg m terms of ences of opInion that invariably trade and mvestment barrIers those are the principal Job crea- anybody else that's qualified " agricultural productiVIty's so Income; It doesn't mean that turn the politIcal process mto a worldwide. tors, and through a cooperatIve But his campaign doesn't hIgh, and remams high, and we can't help In proVldmg edu- prolonged, arduous give-and Kelly saId the natIOn's re- federal and state program, say have the financial whereWIthal there's a world market for it cation or remedial servIceS. But take. sources should stop being allo- 'who are the people who are to allow hIm to rest on his lau- and we will be a primary bene- successes m the marketplace?''' everybody has a place at the "What I dIscovered after rels. cated to those who don't need fiCIary under GATT. So the table," Kelly said. them. he said workin~ with people for 16 "If you don't have money, subSidies they're going to get "Let's find out who needs to "Vv"nen you look at people years is that every single one of you'd bettel make sure you hIt "We cannot subsJ(me our are gomg to come from the get mto the stream of com- with handicaps. regardless of those people commg from their every little meetIng," he saId farming communIty," he said marketplace rather than the merce, whether they're making whether they're emotional districts had a dIfferent point of "I went to Tecumseh for 12 "When you look at the agricul- taxpayer," Kelly said broom handles or automotive handicaps or physical handi- view I had to understand that people." tural sector and how it's de- lIe wants to "bnng some parts, and proVIde them Wlth caps, those individuals want to poInt of VIew, to find out what This is a crucial year for the fined, they're going to have to common sense back to the the encouragement and provide be an active part of SOCIety. the common linkages were," Democrats in Congress. There do away with price supports, Democratic party and elimmate them WIth the services to get And we should not cash people Kelly said. are 34 U.S. Senate seats up for and they're going to have to do all thIS corporate welfare." grabs, 21 of them Democratic. away with a lot of the Indirect Kelly saId the United States "In an off-year election you can expect to lose two or three of those seats, Kelly said. If a Democrat doesn't win thIS seat and the Republicans do take the majority, what you're guaranteeing of the Re- publicans is that they will be nothing but obstructionist." Especially on tile warpath, according to Kelly, are Rep. Newt Gingnch of Georgla and Sen Robert Dole of Kansas "Pingrich and Dole have de- cided that what they're going to do is try to block everything In the next year-and-8-half and use that as a basIS for Clinton's defeat m 1996," Kelly said. "So those are the two choices - either someone in the Demo- cratic party who IS a voice of reason to the administration You.d Be Smiling,Too, who starts telling them what's going on out here in America, 0t someone who by design for If You1dJust En;oued A Free Breakfast. the next two years must do BREAKFAST BREAKt\TIONS~ At these Stouffer and RenaIssance nothIng but obstruct and stop hotels, we 11surround you with luxury Which is great for their career .£:::;... AS LOW AS but not very good for the coun- '7"""'1W $6 9 * pamper you with personal serVice, and '.'''111\0.- tIY." treat you to a complete breakfast for .Kelly, married for 22 years STOUFFER HOTELS two when you Jom us for a weekend WIth two daughters, said he'd Chlcago ll- Downtown 5159 Breakfast Breakallon What could be fOCus his energIes as a junior Chlcago IL - Oak Brook S89 more enjoyable' For resen'atlOns call senator on cutting defense your tra\ el agent or I-SOO-HOTELS-l spending, a bureaucracy he Cleveland, OH S109 f~els has long been "overbuilt Columbus,OH S74 (ffjJ) and oversubsidized." Dayton,OH S72 ;"The Cold War's over. For 50 STOUFFER. years we spent tnllions of dol- Denver, CO 599 HOTElS lHsons hirs on weapons systems. we've St LoUls. MO S69 -~~ built Stealth bombers that can RENAISSANCE HOTELS escape radar systems that don't f\E~~!S,~~~CE. exist. And the president had SpnngfieId. IL $69

buckled on continuation of the Stouffer And Renalssanc~ HtHels • Rc~orLs 90 l ocalLons In 27 c....ounmcs TrIdent submarine program for .~ e$arc: fQ fnda) or 'Saturda\ mgh~ 'Ot il\~ llhlf' l\ ~ro'Jp" la\(':.and ~raIUlllC':>n1 mdud(,J 11m 1('.1numhtr another two years, to assuage of rooms a~all.1ble at Ihrst: rolles Children under 18 Sla\ rn:e In ~me TOlm ~~llh paren '> Offer C\r rt.'> Qr4N.,.

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" ..... _.. • •• ::tP ...... , ...... ,...... ~t"-'- ') ? MICROGRl\PHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION t, SERVICES. SYSTEMS. CONSULTATION July 21, 1994 10A .1 ., e..f S Grosse Pointe News Local Illayors pick Hollowell over Conyers for U. S. House seat

By Chip Chapman Hollowell Bald that some con- missed 71 percent of the votes something," Hollowell said Hollowell sees himself as a "I'm hard w pigeonhole," he Staff Wnter stituents have told him that dunng the last four years, the Hollowell said he will study coalition bUIlder and said he said "I take a common sense With endorsements from the the last time anyone knocked second worst record in the issues such as grazing fees and would ehnunate the district's approach." mayors of Grosse Pointe Woods, on their door during a cam- House of Representatives. fishing rights, items that may downtown office in favor of of- Havmg spent half his life ~n Harper Woods and the presi- pwgn was 30 years ago, when Some of these votes inel uded fices in northwest DetroIt and the public sector and half m dent of Grosse Pointe Shores, Conyers won the ftrst of 15 con- appropriations for law enforce- Harper Woods the private sector, Hollowell be- Democrat Melvin Hollowell not directly affect Detroiters secutive terms in office. ment programs, education pro- "I will make sure that the lieves he has the nght back- stopped in the Grosse Pomte But by voting on and caring for "He is no longer connected," suburbs are not an after- ground to do the job in Con- News last week to tell why he grams, unemployment compen- Issues hke these, congressmen said Hollowell of Conyers' real. thought," he said gress is seekmg the 14th District sation and job training from other parts of the country tlOnship with voters. "Maybe programs. Hollowell 18 pro-chOIce, "Power without performance U S House of RepresentatIves mIght care enough to support It's generatIonal, but it's time "If you don't care to vote on legIslatIOn introduced by Hol- agamst casmo gambling m De. means nothmg," he saId. "1 seat, held the past 30 years by for a change." something, no one will take lowell that WIll dIrectly affect troit and in favor of capItal know we'll do great things in incumbent John Conyers Hollowell notes that Conyers Washington" Hollowell also receIved the you seriously when you need DetlOlters gams cuts. important endorsement from . The MIchigan Chromc1e, which (olnl'lltJOl1al and Achw/CePII)T/l(/JI Program IMe . for the first tIme is not endors. ptJ},nmls basfll Ofl '94 MI'TClU) Villager WIth PEl' ing Conyers 692,.1 ilSRP of $2I.325, '94 MtrClUY Sable GS Fonner Detroit city ombuds- ",1/1 PEP 4\1A ifSRP $19,475 Excludes /Il1e man Mane FlUTeII-Donaldson leues and !lcmse fee !.fase pa)mml based 0/,' awrage capl/il11lil1 cost of 92 29% 0{ MSRP fix MJTRO DETROIT IS also seeking the Democratic 1'llIagf! and 9i 33% of MSRP {or Sable GS {or nommatlOn 24-11I011th Red Carpet Uasts purrllilStd UI the ' !ll} (1lJ "ThIs 1S a hIstone opportu- ureal Laus Regron Ihrough 3/31/94 Some 2100VlStal1 0 mty w brmg responslblhty pa,mmls Ingher, sOllIe lower Si!f dealer for 66B-6'~O 8lvel uNt:OIN-MERCURY back w the seat," he SaId I'llimfllt/tmns Ussee ma, haw ophcn, but 0 The 14th District covers IJ IlOlobllgated 10/1;;, carat 1erz.1tmdatpnce I EA1l80RN 'nte Woods, Grosse tv be negollaled \lllh dealer al slK'lIng 21531"- rU. {) Grosse POI l.ruef IfSfXJIlllbie fIX mess Wt'IIr/ttar Il1Id M'ChlrJa'n'lA Pomte Shores, Harper Woods, m!/ease O\ff 30,000 miles al $ H/lmle ~274'8800 ve the northern part of Detroit Credll approIul!l1lSU!abtJl~ detmnUlfd b> ~ DfTR ERSALEs along Eight Mile, Highland f()(d Credit Take Ilt..Helm) dtln!'r)' {rmr .d0 1\ '\ .OfT .Y~ Park and part of Dearborn Ib'rr st...U., 9/28/94 ToouQfmonthly 16901 MaCkA' cl '\ t'\ payments IS $7,416 for VII/ag" and BSS ve at Cad,eu HeIghts. The major Issue for $6456 (or Sable 'Cash SlMnp based -4000 x the dIstrict shaped hke a gun, onCOlllptJnSollo{lotalof~fIl1>'- p DETR ~c Hollowell said, IS crime nte111s wufer a comm/lOt1al 24-mooth iI.I J\. \ OfT IT [)OESN'T DetrOIt has 527 federally h- IWCarpetIf<2S(p!uscashdownpay- 181001V~ loto~ used gun dealers (compared Inml~ ollelMefXl)mmtundtr/he ...... 9:5~a$.Ave ce Ad~ance Paymenl Program ltast 000 YS ..~ GIVETHE with 131 m New York and 50 S9,516 S8,771 on VIllager p /FAlfMINGTON in Chicago), 90 percent of S8,364 ~ S7,617on Sable 'TIlls :if) J Du whom sell from out of their lSanl1l'ffilJeo{pncesbasedonan 3162SGrandR;y;l':dl. homes. ,"dependent survey o( Metra 474'317{J rAve I Tru h G L. Del1lllt Lmcoln.Merrury Dealers f.!~~ Hollowel 's t m un 1- on lull' 7, 1994 Some pnces S,ouufDEN CITY OMPETITION censing Act would get rid of hIgher, some lower TItle and .. 3u L"l'o .~ "kitchen table dealers" and re- laxes extra 5ee your \!etro ~~ooo Fora fld ~ quire gun dealers, hke liquor Detroit LmcoIn.Memny Dealer 25-4300 stores, to only sell from store for hIS pnce and tmns 'For PL YIII cash back lake nm \'fhlcle l1i .j l OU1H ToSMlLEAm fronts. It would also limit gun retaIl dellYtry {rom dealer ~1 ~ 1'; kn Pa dealers w one per square mile. stock by 9/28/94 'Always l-'{}(J_l;r~Rd {alI-iis - _.- - -.- - _.------"DetrOIt has 146 square wear Jour safety belt VooI{IoMERc J miles," Hollowell said. "Not all ~andtItleextra. C";~HEB1lR HILLS gun dealers would open store ~Red i 1185S~~~lnal1 fronts and subject themselves ~ I 6S2o~o;,,":sterRrJ to ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and. I ""Uu FIrearms) inspections, so the - ROSEViLLE number could be as low as 50." 29OQOA.1'llold This plan has been endorsed Grallot at 12" by Detroit Mayor Dennis 448-6-""" ,"lie fld Archer, Wayne County prosecu- n.ROYAL OAK ter John O'Hair and Detroit po- 221 N ~1ll01ld lice chief Isiah McKinnon. Hal. 541~~~1 MJ/eRd lowell said that the ATF in ~ Wasmngton loves his plan. He SO!miFlELD was the keynote speaker at last 24350Eit Cl.l' Saturday's A.TF convention in 354 12 Mile Rd Detroit. -4900 Hollowell, 34, is a graduate S 80IlT1i6AT'E of University of Detroit High 16Booto. Ev School and Albion College. He FotiSt.IfPe~ 2 also graduated. from the Urn- 85"'00 la versity of Virginia Law School, STERLING HEIGHTs Adnn,. Pa'FlUlZtSav .. $745 CIJIlYeDliImlll Pa,-A.mmce where he fought hard to in- 36200V~est lMrCoandloaal UMonth 1eue' :HoMo. 1.-. ~ Down Paymenl.-_ ••...... ,,'Z,100 ,...... N/.1. elude more minority faculty 93g.,,'!,,'1f1l Mile Ref Secunty Depofit ••__ •...... ,_...... • '$25 ., _.••'375 members and students. The UVuv JIirst Monlh'sPayment' ."_ ".'._ ••• _... • '309 _ _.oN/A University of Virginia Law A.PP Payment'._ _ ••_ ••••• '.'" .N/A. •.. " '8,'771 School graduates more minori- Cosh Due at Signing" .". • _ Z,734 '9,146 ties than any other law school except Howard University. Hol- S r A NDA RD f. r A TU RE~ • DRIVER-SIDE AIR BAG' • 3 O-lfTER OHC V-6 ENGINE. MULTI-POINT ELECTRONIC lowell is now an attorney for FUEL INJECTION • FRONT-WHEEL DRIVE • FOUR-WHEEL ANTI-LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM. POWER STEERING 0 ELECTRO"llC LeWIS, White & Clay, the larg- AM/FM STEREO CASSETTE est minority law firm in the PIU.F£,.RIU'D Et..1UII'MI !'- r PAC. "-A( I 692i\. 0 POWER WINDo\\S(LOCKS 0 DUAL POWER country MiRRORS • 8-WAY POWER DRIVER'S SEAT 0 ALUMINUM WHEELS. 7-PASSElIIGER SEATING He worked for the firm of ~-_.- - _.- _._.-._~-.-- - -.------Dickinson, Wright, Moon, Van Du.sen & Freeman before tak- ing a Job with O'Hair and the county. He worked in the civil rights department and then was the purchasing director for Wayne County Executive Ed McNamara. "Minority contracts went from less than 2 percent w over 30 percent," Hollowell said of the time he was there. In 1988, Hollowdl became assiII\"-'DAI~D Fr \lUIU,", o 46-LITERSOHCV-8ENGINE formed the Alternative Com- 1994 MERCURY o SEQuENTiAL MULTI-PORT ELECTRONIC FUEL INJECTION 0 SPEED-SENSITIVE, munity Workforce Program. GRAND MARQUIS GS -"-'-- VARIABLE-ASSIST POWER STEERING 0 DRIVER- AND RIGHT-FRONT PASSENGER'SIDE "This was for non-violent ABOUT AIR BAG SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM' 0 CFC-FREE AIR C01\DlTlONER nusdemeanants, who picked up trash on the highways," he o ELECTRONIC AM/FM STEREO CASSEnE PI~!! j I~Tn D F'Ql II''vll '-. I PA<-"-"(,l 157A '18 8ti1rl~ said. "We brought management o FINGERTiP SPEED CONTROL 0 POWER LOCK GROUP 0 ELECTRIC REAR WINDOW ' controls to the program. The DEFROSTER 0 FRONT AND REAR CARPETED flOOR MATS " jails are overcrowded and this ------program is less expensIve and _._.-._.-._.- - _.- _.- _.------_._.- - _.- _._.- more effective than jall." The alternative program costs $1 for every $3 of new prison construction, he said. "I'm the only candidate with a law enforcement back- gr~lUnd," Hollowell said. He opposes what he calls the "ClintonJConyers crime bill" of three stnkes and you're out, but he does favor putting more polIce on the street. Hollowell sees cnme as a lo- cal Issue, favonng more police walking the beat Instead of Tid- 1994 MERCURY SABLE GS mg m patrol cars AdvlUJa! Adv.nce Payplont Saves 5747 Con_bona! Paymern ;'" j 1,908 IX,,,\ Over CooveOllanal 24-M0nlb t.e.... > :Hol,fo 1.eaR s

Hollowell knows about walk- I I \ I' ,I • 3 O-LlTER V-6 E\Gl\F 0 SFQI F\ TlAI FLEe.TRO\lC \1(.,1 TI.rORT FUI I\/FCTIO," 0 CFC-FREF Ing the street, himself ~IR CO\DITIO\ ER • DRIVFR- Af'o.DRIGHT-FRONT PA%FNGER-~IDE AIR BAG SLrrl E\1E\ T 4[ REqR~l\ T SY,TF\" • 5-\IPH 1\\PArT "I've knocked on 6,000 doors BUMPERS FROI'.T (RFAR • POWER ~INDOWS 0 EUCTROr-,IC AM/FM ,TFRFO CASSFTTF Since thIS campaign began," he I () I 'J \ I I I' , I ~ >l \ 0 F!\GERTlr SPEED lOI'. TROl 0 POIHR ,1DF\\ l\ DOlVS • POIHR Bald, "and I've gone through lOCK GROLP 0 At L\1I ....U\1 V,HFflS. 6-V,AY POWER DRIVER'S ~FAT two paIrs of shoes" July 21, 1994 Grosse Pointe News Automotive 11A Chevy S-Blazer is always good for an excellent adventure

Here's a little story about "I like to take It off-road. mud as If it were a toy. 1 gave for this kind of power and Paul and his excellent adven- Once I went across a field - I the farmer $50 and figured I performance is at the gas tures in a Chevy S.Blazer. wasn't supposed to be there - came out way ahead. A tres- pump. EPA fuel economy num- The former Grosse Pointer, to do some fishmg, and got passing ticket would have been bers read 17 mpg city/22 mpg now of Columbus, Ohio, bought stuck. I mean really stuck. $80, and a professional towing highway, and that's for the his 2-door 1987 Blazer used, Even the 4-wheel drIve service might have run $200." lighter 2.wheel.drive model with something between 50,000 wouldn't get me out So I had Paul loves hiS fishmg part- A couple of thmgs we and 60,000 miles on the odome- to walk to the nearest home for ner, the S-Blazer We don't fish counted as weaknesses were ter. help. 1 had my son Enc With And we don't do any off-road. the readabihty of the gas gauge "I love this thing," he said me; he was crymg and upset. mg, at least not mtentlOnally. and the fact that the outsIde while In the area recently to The people III the home tele- And we loved It. too Autos rear-mounted spare - as neat as it looks fastened to the back By Jenny King of the truck - obscures vlslbil. ity traduced a year ago It likely pitch and roll utten associated PrIceS for thiS year's S BI!.IV'r Will be more modern, more pas- With trucks and these sport start at about $17,000 for a 2. senger-<:arhke and more expen- utlhty versIOns Qf them had wheel-drive, 4-door model AntI- sIve than thiS last edition, been mrely tamed Chevy re- lock brakes are standard eqUip- whICh surprised us With ItS ports that there's an mdepen. ment good manners and driveability dent front suspensIOn m Its S- The next generatIOn of thiS TIght and maneuverable. the Blazer. with twin control arms sport utility will be known slm. S.Blazer comes WIth rear-dnve and COIl springs; the 4-wheel- ply as Blazer The larger Blazer or 4.wheel drive and m 2-door drIve model adds torsIOn bars becomes a Tahoe for 1995 and 4 door models. A Blazer Rear suspensIOn mcludes semI- You'll see '95 Blazers at local will accommodate up to SIXpas- floatmg axle and leaf spnngs. dealers soon, if you haven't al- sengers, dependmg on whether The standard engme m the ready. The higher-horsepower there are buckets or a bench '94 S-Blazer IS a 4.3-lIter V-6 4.3.liter V-6 becomes the stan- seat up front WIth electrOniC fuel lUJectlOn. It dar.-l engine. A

Bkathleen stevenson

Jacobson's SMTwr,s 1 ? 3 • S " 7 6 9 '0 II 12 IJ 1< IS 16 Calendar I' 18 19 20 21 n 2J DETROIT 2'1" H 26 27 28 29 JO CUSTOM FRAMING July 21st (Thursday) Join us tonight for dinner before you Join us every Wednesday evening m Join us every Tuesday evening head over to Music on the Plaza (free July for a scrumptious Lobster dinner through September for a LOBSTER New arrivals ... Original art by outdoor concert) either at our outdoor $19.95, including dessert and coffee... NIGHT you simply won't get enough Evans, Venturi, Dansen, Avelon, D'HONDT WAY cafe or in our St. at 123 Kercheval on-the-Hill, 881- ofl Call (313) 567-1088 for details. Bmkowski, Girsr, Lindsey, Roy and Clair Room Restaurant. 'Ibnight enjoy 5700. And be sure to make your reservation Martin ... at 19571 Mack Avenue, The Chisel Brothers. An Eastside Tradition for 28 years. for our MISS SAIGON Dinner- Grosse Pointe Woods,881-6922. (Bring the family and lawn chairs). Theatre package running from Corner of Kercheval and St. Clair at , October 14-December 10, 1994. 7:00 p.m. Enjoy a great FREE outdoor Tickets are now available by calling concert. (313) 331-8527. it~a ~ FALL PREVIEW EVENT 1994 Now through July 31st Draperies and Interiors I!>ol..,ClIi\QTEQIiOU&>E (6CO_ Come into the store and enjoy Specializing in Custom Quality Window spectacular savings storewide during Fashions, Fabric, Accents, II E'Ulte Jt'l«I?lu" and AntU/llf1rulII., POINTE PLAZA our pre-season event. Reupholstery, wallpaper, and carpeting. If you have old sterling silver items Estee Lauder gift with purchase now Complete Design Service Available Create a style... Shop Pointe Plaza ... 28983 Little Mack • ses · 772-1196 at the cornerof Moross and Mack. that you never use why not sell them in progress through July 23rd. Enjoy to the buyers at Charterhouse. They the Gift of the Season with any $16.50 purchase flatware and holloware. or more purchase of Estee Lauder edmund t. AHEE jewelry co. PET SUPPLIES Ornate, antique items are best. They product. Cosmetic Department. edmund t. AHEE jewelers presents also buy English Georgian silver. Capuchin Souper Summer Celebration uPLOS" Weekdays 9:00 to 5:00 ... at 16835 July 28th (Thursday) XlII - July 22nd at the Roostertail- There's always something SPECIAL Every Thursday evening Jacobson's ~_,J __ ~t'l_ -I-:_L_-I-_ L' • __ 11'01:: flflfl ;- Kercheval in-the-Village, 885-1232 "", ..... , I.NI/U:; ""l-"t:,,:> /UI UUl;;/ 'IJ"''-''vvv ~,~ at PET SUPPLIES "PLUS" ... 23225 or (800) 233-2233. serves a delicious dmner buffet from luxurious jewelry prizes are available Greater Mack, SCS (S. of9 Mile), 771- 4:30-7:30. Adults $9.95 and children now. All prizes are donated and 100% 1710 and 30123 Harper, SCS (bet. 12 (10 years and under) $5.95. In our St. of raffle monies go to the Capuchin & 13 Mile), 771-3277. Clair Room Restaurant. Stop by Soup Kitchen and community center. before going to Music on the Plaza First prize is a beautiful diamond ring (free outdoor concert). Tonight enjoy valued at $11,500. Help the 'Ibm Saunders' - Detroit All Stars - Capuchin's help Detroit's needy. Raffle starting at 7:00 p.m., corner of tickets at $1.00 each are available at Kercheval and St. Clair. edmund t. AHEE jewelers ... at 20139 Mack Avenue at Oxford (between 7 & 8 Mile Roads) Grosse Pointe Woods. "Oftenimitated but never duplicated" .., Hours: Monday-Saturday 10:00 a.m.- Delicious fl,re-glazed spiral-sliced Come visit us... at 72 Kercheval on- 6:00p.m., except Thursday 10:00 a.m.- honey glazed hams, supreme party the-Hill, 882-6880. 8:00p.m., 886-4600. trays, supreme subs, overstuffed BabySafe sandwiches, supreme smoked turkey 'KllDP~OIlII1l6 tOIHAM' Bruno's Appliance and much, much more... at 21615 ., Cabinet/Drawer Latches G.E. cold cash rebates, call 759-0366 Harper, SCS (bet. 8 & 9 Mile). Call ., Safety Gates or 778-4520 . ahead for fast and easy carry out, ., Outlet Covers 774-2820. ., Plexiglas for Stair Railings CUSTOM CRAFT ., 'Ibilet Locks Thu knew our designs were better. " Fire Safety Products liJu thought we were too expensive. " Bathtub, table and heart cushions Have you checked lately? Under new CLEARANCE summer sale " Non-slip bathtub and floor coatings ownership since 1993 continues with up to 50% OFF ... at And much, much more! 885-1010 23022 Mack Avenue (across from Free Estimates Kitchens - Baths - Additions S.C.S. post office - parking in back) Custom Installation ...89 Kercheval on-the-Hill, ''(}ollutaJlu lo!" k!olffe" o."tI!IoAre /I 774-1850. First time clients be sure to ask GrossePointe Farms ...at 84 Kercheval Avenue on-the-Hill, about summer savings . Grosse Pointe Farms, 313-882-3969, Call Sherrie, 313-882~BABY (2229) rr1ie .9Ltrium Cafe. I fax 313-882-5682. Grosse Pointe Farms. Serving continental breakfast and light lunches (soup & sandwiches) Monday-Friday 8:30-4:00, Saturday ;'~~armichael 9:00-3:00 ... at lower level atrium, 131 Photography Studio KISKA JEWELERS Summer Clearance SALE contin- Kercheval Center, 886-2720. ues... at 20148 Mack at Oxford, For all occasions ... at 20725 Mack Dress for success... with beautiful 886-7424. ~UNG FURNITURE at Vernier, Grosse Pointe Woods, Krementz gold tone jewelry. 884-4280. Accessorize your outfits - choose Come browse... at 110 Kercheval on- from necklaces, bracelets and the-Hill, 884-3902. earrings - dress up or be casual for _~~'L HARVEY'S the lady of distinction... at 63 PORTRAIT DESIGN Compleat Traveler Kercheval, 885-5755. R Summer portrait specials ... 343-9169. New feather weight, yet tough Delsey "Volume" luggage arrives soon. Our )bt sbops of prices compare to any you can find!... Come shop with us ... at 17027 at 345 Fisher, Grosse Pointe Farms, W"lt"It.Pi~r't Kercheval in-the-Vl1lage, 881-7227. 881-0200. Summer Sale in progress... at 16828 IC~Jilts.~~1 Kercheval, GrossePointe, 884-1330. HARPER SPORT SHOP Sidewalk savings & moving sale .... Saturday Sidewalk Sale - weather Starting at $1.00 and up. Plus receive permitting... at 17157 Harper, ~~ 50%-75% OFF summer merchandise. cDWln, PAUL 885-5390. ~~ TOO! There is no time like now to Save!!! Come see our nice selection of Grosse Hurry in for the best selection ... Pointe merchandise at Something Also... NEW fall merchandise Special "Too"... 97 Kercheval on-the- arriving daily... at 23240 Greater Hzll, 886-4341 • PLUS - stop by Mack Avenue, one block south of 9 Something Special "Gifts"just down Mile Road, 777-8020. the street... at 85 Kercheval on-the- The NOTRE DAME PHARMACY is Hill, 884-4422. We are pleased to welcome Mary here to serve you in your every day Kay Lowery-Kirtley to the styling and full pharmacy needs. We've been team of Edwin Paul. Mary Kay will be Ed Maliszewski serving the community for over 70 Carpeting available for appointments Mondays years. Our four professional pharma- POINTE MEDICAL 11:00-7:00, Tuesday 9:00-3:00, cist will be happy to help you with any Thursday 11:00-9:00 and Saturday of your questions. Also - for your con- CARPET SALE going on now on EQUIPMENT & GIFTS Custom Weave, Karastan, Lees, 9:00-4:00. Please call 885-9001... at venience delivery service is avail- Milliken and Alexander Smith ... at ...at 20927 Mack Avenue, Grosse 20327 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe able ... at 16926 Kercheval in-the-vil- 21435 Mack Avenue, 776-5510. Pointe Woods,882-0040. '\Toods. lage, 885-2154. Section B

July 21, 1994 Churchee, ...... 4B Gros~ Pointe News Features Entertamment ...... 5B U.S. Women's Open golfers play for time for children at St. Jude's By Jenny King When Sarah fell III m Febru. Special Writer motel dUllng Salah's treat gram St Jude's McGrath says ary of 1985, It was several days Sarah Fox plays golf ment, so BIll found an apart the Women's Open champIOn. before Detrolt.area specmlIsts The 12-year old even hangs ment nearby and Sm ah and I shIp thIS week at Indlanwood IS could determme what mIght around wIth women's golf pro moved In We Lame home once, expected to raIse $25,000 Meg Mallon. Not that the have caused her hIgh, unrelent. after !>evenweeks, and then fi "That's a bIg step closer to mg fever nght.handed Grosse Pomte nally on Mothm't; Day week savmg a chtld's lIfe every tIme Farms youngster who uses left. "LeukemIa masks Itself," end," she says a bIrdie IS made," McGrath handed clubs IS ready for the says Jane Fox "It's hard to Fnends and famIly had says St Jude has about 4,200 catch nght away" pro CIrcUItyet. packed what Jane and Sarah patIents m actIve status, flom Salah met Mallon last month At the recommendatIOn of needed m her van and had It mfants to young adults Age 18 famtly fnend and pedIatrIC on- 1Il Lansmg to make a publIc delIvered to hel III thIS gracIOus IS the cut ofT,but If the patIent servIce VIdeo for thIS week's cologist Hadl Sawaf, Jane and southern cIty on the MISSIS!>IPPIbegIns treatment before 18, he BIll flew Sarah down to thE' St 1994 US WomE'n'" OpE'n The Rlver 01 ~he may contmue Dally op champlOnship tournament, held Jude faCIlity "We thought we'd The long road back to good eratlOns at the center cost at Indlanwood Golf & Country go down to hear what they had health for cancer patients may about $310,000 These are pn Club m Lake Orion through to say," Jane recalls WhIle the mclude regular chemotherapy, manly covered by pubhc contn Sunday, WIll serve a cause that bLHldmg Itself was not Impres- tests, uL!>ervatlOn,radIatIOn, butlOns, accordmg to McGrath mterests both these golfers SIve, and the relaxed staff a bIt even bone marrow transplants Jane Fox says a local board of a surprIse, the atmosphere "BIrdIes for Babies," a fun- and blood transfUSIOns Sarah helps 01 galllze fundt aIsmg for dralser based on pledges for all and treatment were outstand- was spared radIatIOn, but she St Jude Her husband BIll IS mg, she says. bu dIes made m the course of was a human pm cushIOn for ItS preSIdent. Members mclude play thIS week, IS a beneftt for "They prefer to have patIents several years LIke most pa- Grosse Pomters selllor and Jun St Jude ChIldren's Research bve WIth theIr famIlIeS in mo tIents, her hair came out Jane lOr George SImon and Paul SI HospItal in Tennessee tels or other accommodations says they made do WIth nbbons mon rather than staying in the hos- Sarah knows St. Jude and and hats Today her tnps to Three decades ago, aCute many memhprs of Its sta.ll per- pItal there " .T~nesays MemphIs have been reduced to lymphocytIC leukemia was sonally She viSIts the Memphis Because of Its research sta- only once a year And her blon- nearly fatal, now three out of faclhty once a year now, for a tus, St. Jude IS able to use the dIsh hatr IS thick and straIght four chIldren survIVe follow.up exammation. But newest methods for treatmg "I'm happy to tell our story Sarah says most of her back m 1985, when she was 2- cancers. Subsequently proven because I have been so Im- friends know how sick she was 112,Sarah was dIagnosed WIth protocols may be adapted by pressed WIth St Jude," Jane as a small chIld Her expert- acute lymphocytIC leukemm other hospItals around the Fox says. "The survIval rate for ences have made the active country. (ALL), the most common form childhood leukemIa has nsen basketball and gIrls hockey of cancer She, and her parents "St. Jude was founded by ac- from about 50 percent when we partiCIpant sympathetic to the Jane and Bill Fox, spent sev- tor Danny Thomas and it first started to 75 percent now, I be- Illnesses of others, and they eral weeks in an apartment opened its doors back m 1962," lieve" have stimulated her mterest m near the 48-bed research hospi- says Kathy McGrath, the Madi- It was a traumatIc tIme but science. She mIght become a tal while Sarah endured tests son HeIghts-based spokes- a very special place, she says manne bIOlOgIst,she says. Her and early treatment for the woman for the hospItal "It LIfelong frIendshIps were 18 year-old brother Chrts IS deadly disease shares its research results WIth formed WIth members of the thinkmg of a pre-med course at doctors all over the world medical staff, local reSIdents "I remember it," she says, the Umveristy of MIchIgan "Doctors elsewhere send tIS- and othel patIents where he begms his freshman relzxmg for a few seconds in an sue samples to MemphIS, they "The first tIme we saw our overstuffed chaIr m the family year next month Fifteen-year- also can receIVe trammg doctor there, Gaston RIvera, we old Abbey Fox IS also mterested room of her home She doesn't there" Services to patIents not were skeptIcal," Jane says "He seem to thmk It'S such a bIg m the bIOlOgIcalSCiences, whIle covered by mdlvldual insurance was wearmg leather pants and 8-year old James needs to know 1 deal anymore Nor was work- are pIcked up by the hospItal looked too young to be a medl how to repalr the solId-wood mg WIth Meg Mallon on the 30- Jane Fox says that can include cal speCIalIst He assured us he nfle that snapped m two ear- second publIc service video. "I transportatIOn, food and IIvmg was older than we thought and lier m the afternoon. Photo b) Jenm Kmg- wasn't nervous - I only had quarters in the course of treat knew what he was domg" "I feel like I'm braggmg If I one hne to say," she saId, smil- ment. BIrdIeS for BabIes IS a rela. The Fox family. in part. are. from left. Abbey. lames. Sarah mg "We didn't want to stay m a tIvely new fund-ralsmg pro See JUDE, page 2B and. in front. Jane. VILLAGE SHOES SEMI-ANNUAL

Women's Sandles

TEVASPORT SANDLES 20o/~FF Mens, Womens, Childrens

I - II Children's Tennis Shoes .. of Grosse Pointe 50~FF 17112 Kercheval SELECT GROUP in-the- Village 881-1191

__ 4 __ ..... _ ...... __ ...... _~~-~- ...... __~...~_ ... ~~ .~J MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION SERVICES. SYSTEMS. CONSULTATION July 21,1994 Weddings Grosse Pointe News

ated at the 4:30 p m ceremony, John-Paul Belanger of Fort receptIOn at the Lochmoor Woodburry, Minn.; and Dr. whIch was followed by a recep WOlth, Texas, John Hertel of , Club. Alan Yahanda of Houston. tlOn at the Grosse Pomte Yacht Lenox; and Ttmmy Gates of The bride wore a long candle- The mother of the bride wore Club Eastpomte Ushers were MI- lIght silk gown which featured a navy silk chIffon two-piece The bl'lde wore a SIlk shan- chael Allaer, Fred &ensny, an off-the-shoulder neckline, dress WIth a pleated skirt and a tung gown which featw'ed a Ttm Gates and David Klen. Alencon lace trim, short sleeves white orchId wrist corsage. sweetheart necklme, deep scal- and a cathedral-length train The groom's mother wore a The rmgbearer was Matthew loped sleeves and hemlIne and She carried a cascade of white blue sllk two-piece dress with Kocsis of Tt.oy a cathedral-length tram Her dendroblum Orchids, roses and scalloped sleeves and a white hand made chapel-length veil The bride's mother wore a hlies orchId wrist corsage. Jack EllIS was the organist. was tl'lmmed m coordmatmg pale pmk evenmg SUIt accented The maId of honor was the scallops and edged WIth pearls WIth pearls and a corsage of bride's sister, Barbara Thomas Santhy Volls accompanIed the She carned a bouquet of VI- WhIte sweetheart roses. of Grosse Pomte Shores. Assumption ChOIr quintet, dI- olets, white roses and stephano- Bndesmalds were the bride's rected by Peter Phllhps. Anna tIs The groom's mother wore an sisters, LIsa Cullen of St ClaIr Niforos was the soloist. The maId of honor was Holly aqua evenmg suit WIth a Shores and Dr Pamela Thomas The bnde earned a bachelor ChrIstme Hertel of Leno},. Queen Anne necklme and a Yahanda of Houston, Dr Mar- of arts degree from the UnIver- Bndesmalds were the corsage of whIte sweetheart ro- ion Couch of Baltimore; Colleen sity of Michigan and a master's groom's SIsters, DebbIe Gates of ses Freeburg of Grosse Pomte degree in business administra- Eastpomte and Suzanne Klen tion from Duke University. She Mr. and Mrs. Robert William The Scripture reader was the Farms; and Anne MacMichael of Royal Oak, Renee Scensny of Dr. and Mrs. George H. Yoo IS completmg a bachelor of sci- Al1aer Hon. John C Hertel of Farmmgton Hills. Columbus, OhIO, DIane Carlson ence degree m engmeering at The bnde earned a bachelor's Attendants wore tWO-pIece of Fort Wayne, Ind, and Thomas-Yoo the UnIversity of Maryland. Cooper-Allaer degree m educatIOn from the dark purple smts with long Shalon Gates of Eastpomte Karen Nma Thomas, daugh- SkIrts and peplum Jackets, They A1Jzabeth Ann Cooper, Umverslty of MichIgan-Dear- ter of Dr_ and Mrs NIcholas The groom attended the UnI- daughter of Mr and Mrs J The flowergIrl was Rochelle born carned cascades of whIte lihes, Thomas of Grosse Pointe lepto and ferns versity of Kansas Medical LewIS Cooper Jr of Grosse ElIzabeth Gates of Eastpomte The groom earned a bachelor Shores, mamed Dr. George H. School and is a reSIdent at Pomte Woods, marrIed Robert Attendants wore peIl\vmkle of arts degree m broadcast JOur- The best man was the Yoo of Owmgs MIlls, Md, son groom's brother, Henry Yoo of Johns Hopkins Hospital in Bal- WIlham Allaer, son of Mrs DI- colored evenmg SUItS and car- nalIsm from the Ulllversity of of Dr and Mrs. KI Chan Y00 of Phoenix timore in the the department of ane AIlaer of Grosse Pomte ned VIOletnosegays MIchIgan. He IS a teleVIsion TO})'3ka,Kan., on May 7, 1994, Groomsmen were Dr. Frank otolaryngology . Woods and the late Lucien AI- The best man was WIlham L sports producer WIth WJBK-TV at AssumptIOn Greek Orthodox Chen of Baltimore; Dr. John laer, on May 29, 1993, at Our Mullan III of Mount Clemens m Detroit. Chw.::h. Doane of Kansas City, Mo.; The newlyweds traveled to Lady Sldl of th", Sed CaLlwhc Gloolllbmen were the bnde's The couple traveled to Walt The Rev. DemetrIOs Kavadas Rodney Bunde of Valley Falls, St. Barts Island. They live in brother, J LeWIS Cooper III; DIsney World and Beach Club Church officiated at the 4:30 p_m. cere- Kan ; Patrick O'Connell of OwIngs Mills, Md The Rev John ChIld officl- KeVIn Brys of St ClaIr Shores; Resort. They hve in Eastpomte. mony, whIch was followed by a Engagements

tel', LIsa Rupprecht, to Philip announced the engagement of Shrader, son of Marianne and their daughter, Holly Ann Stephen Shrader of Grosse PommerVllle, to Andrew Hair I ,I Pointe Park. A .Tnly 1995 UTed- Thomas Landauer, son of ding IS planned. Thomas and Andrea Landauer Unlimited Rupprecht graduated from of the City of Grosse Pointe. A I SagInaw Valley State UnIver- September wedding is planned sity. She is an accountant with Pommerville earned a bache- NURSING HOME Ernst & Young. lor of arts degree in mterna- FAMILY HAIR CARE 8045 EAST JEFFERSON DETROIT, MICH. Shrader graduated from tIOnal relations from American FOR MEN Be WOMEN Michigan State University. He University. She IS an analyst 19609 MACK AVE, G.P W. 821-3525 is a marketing representatIve for Research Triangle Institute. 881-0010 QUALl1Y NURSING CARE Philip Shrader and Lisa with Shrader Analytical & Consulting Laboratones Inc. Landauer earned a bachelor Rupprecht of arts degree in economics and management from Albion Col- Rupprecht- lege and a Juris doctor degree Pommerville- from Wake Forest University Shrader Law School. He is an attorney Carol and Ed Rupprecht of Landauer with Haywood, Denny, Miller, Frankenmuth have announced Robert and Arlene Pommer- Holly Ann PommervUle and Johnson, Sessoms and Patrick the engagement of theIr daugh- VIlle of Fort Smith, Ark., have Andrew Thomas Landauer in Chapel Hill, N.C. MINER'S TENT SALE EXTRA VAGANZAI New arrivals Look for our tent z m the parkmg lot behll1d Lillian Audrey Preston Andrew Christopher Madeline Helen Edward Russell Sparrow, born the Bagley Inn Sept. 19, 1993. Maternal grand- John and CynthIa Preston of Flynn Annette Mair parents are Russell Edward Both the Bagley Inn and Miner's Part). Store St. ClaIr Shores are the parents Jennifer A. and RIchard T. Bruce and Jet Marr of Grosse and Patricia Hunt Marks of will open their doors of a daughter, Lillian Audrey Flynn Jr are the parents of a Pointe Farms are the parents Princeton. Paternal grandpar- to offer Unbelievable Bargains! Preston, born Apnl 10, 1994. son, Andrew Christopher of a daughter, Madeline Helen ents are Nancy Woodruff and Clothing. Gifts. Wme Maternal grandparents are Flynn, born May 24, 1994. Annette Mair, born May 7, Herbert George Sparrow ill of Food • Electromcs Audrey ReIdel of Palm Spnngs, Grandparents are RIchard and 1994. Maternal grandparents the City of Grosse Pointe. Fla, and Arthur Pattyn of St. Sarah Flynn of Grosse Pomte are Mr. and Mrs Johannes T. Great-grandparents are Maj. Wednesday, July 27- Augustme, Fla Paternal grand- Woods and Frank and Jenny MelJers of Shedrecht, the Neth- Gen. and Mrs. Herbert George parents are Barbara Preston of Stemczynski of Harper Woods. erlands. Paternal grandparents Sparrow of McLean, Va. the CIty of Grosse Pomte and are Dr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Mair Thursday, July 28 the late Jack Preston of Redford Township. Sale begins promptl~. at 9:00 a.m. Grosse Pointe Miner's Bagley Inn Jude 101 W Long Lake Road Jude IS a place of hope - It Edward Russell Bloomfield Hdls. MI 48304 From page 1B 646.3810 talk about myself," says Sarah, helps famlhes find the hght at News Features: Sparrow Miner's who last year Jomed the St. the end of the tunnel" To become a B~rdles for Ba- Edward Sparrow and MelIssa 41 W Long Lake Road Jude long-term SUrVIvorsgroup 343-5594 Bloomfield Hills. MI 48304 bieS sponsor, call 1-800-334- Marks-Sparrow of Princeton, The story behmd the St 644.0514 N J., are the parents of a son, Jude operation sounds lIke OPEN something from a screenwri- ter's word processor It reads like thIS. Da..rmyThomas, a young, strugglIng, unknown TIMELESS ELEGANCE entertainer, entered the hIstone Church of St. Peter and St Gowns by Lazaro Paul on East Jefferson m De- troIt sometIme m the 1940s He was seekmg guIdance, and turned to St Jude Thaddeus, patron samt of hopeless causes "Help me find my place in hfe, and I will bul1d you a shrme," he promised the marble like ness. Smce 1962, St Jude ChIldren's Research HospItal has become the largest cancer research center In North Amer- Ica, says McGrath WhIle the hospItal attracts patIents and doctors from across the country, planners hope the week of champIOnshIp women's profeSSIOnal golf In Lake OrIOn WIll follow SUit "Many courses would love to host tlll~event," says Kelley AldrIdge Osgood, tournament dlfector "We're expectmg 80,000 spectators to watch the players make approxImately Lazaro faIl 1994 Trunk Show 1,000 bIrdIes, so pledges to BIrdIes for BabIes WIll mean a July 21 - 23 lot" • Exclusive Limited Membership ESPN WIll teleVIse actIOn on I ct premier bndal dbl\1ner [ ilZdTO the 71 par, 6,244 yard Scottish pcr

y/ Keny In EastpOInte TIcket prICes "Poky LIttle Puppy" and "Madeline's vary; group rates are avaIlable. Call Rescue" July 26-28 at 1 p In. at the DetroIt's 293rd• birthday• • WIll be cel. R.qi•• (810) 771-6333 Woods branch Tuesday; the Park ebrated at St. Aubm Marina WIth sev. ~ R'Im~" • • • branch Wednesday and Central Porcelain from the eral events including Jazz concerts, 6J The Second City perfDrms a revue, LIbrary, Dn Thundays. Call 343-2074. EnuTh~Ch,~.,~. vDlIeyball games mDre Call (313) 567- Raymond F. Piper CDllectiDn," an "KevDt'loan Unplugged," a collection of • • • !YJ WIll perfDnn at 7 p.m. exhibit of rare porcelai n pieces. ru ns 8182 scenes and songs about social and ~Chameloon Street," a bizarre troe Thursday, July 21 at Music on the through Aug. 14 at the Edsel & political Issues in an open-ended run story Dfa man who passed hImself off • • Plaza, outdoors at the intersectIon of Eleanor Ford House, 1100 Lakeshore Showtune at•the Piayhoule at the Call 965-2222 as an attorney. a reporter fDr TIme Kercheval and St. ClaIr 10 the VIllage. In Grosse PDlnte Shores. Call Edsel & EleanDr Ford HDule pretMlnts Call 881-9726. 8844222. • • • and a surgical resident at Wayne comechan, singer and motIvator JeJT)' Rodgera and HammentelO's clasaic State Umverslty, will be shDwn fDt' Jacoby at 6'30 pm. Tuesday. July 26. • • • "The Kmg and I" will play through free after sundown III the Pyramid at The Bamatormen will perform at The DetroIt• • •Gallery of Grounds DpeD at I> 30 P m. for picnics. July 24 at the FIsher Theatre. TIcket Hart Plaza, July 21 7.30 p.m. Thursday, July 21, at Contemporary Craf\ll, 104 FIsher TIckets are $4 Call 8844222. pnces vary Call 872-1000. • • • MemDrial Park at Jefferson and Building, presents "Summer • • • MasoNc as part of the St Clair Shores Pleasures" featuring items for the gar. • • • David Lean's claSSIC "Lawrence Df The Gro88C POlDte War Memorial, ~Angry HouseWIVes," a musll:al ArabIa" WIll be shown at 7 p m MUSICon the Lake concert senes On den includmg windl:hllnes, bmlfeeders 32 LakeshDre ID Grosse POinte Farms, about mDdern women, plays through July 31 (2 pm matinees on July 28, the Chisel Bros featunng and furniture through July 31. Call wJlI hold a country western danae at Thornetta DaVIS play. Call (810) 873-7888. Thursdays through Sundays through Saturday and Sunday) at the Fox 7'30 p m. Sunday, July 31 Ticketa are 468-1402. Aug 14 at the Strand Theatre, 12 N Theatre. TIckets are $10. Call (810) $8. Call 881.7511 • • • Conducting Saginaw In PontIac TIcket prices 646-6666 • • • vary Call (810) 335 3100. • • • MIchigan Opera Theatre presents The DetroIt Institute of Arts will Conductol Harold Ar- • • • SUIl\Ul2>'Slam '94, a benefit for the "Broadway to Hollywood,. at 8 pm. ~he D1scDverera,~ a compelhng offer "DIDe In DetroIt: Pnnts from • AIDS Alhance for Children of noldi. above. leads the The HeIdelberg,• •43785 GratlDt JD look at the Earth and outer space, con- July 21-23 and 28-30 at the Macomb Local CollectIOns" through Aug. 21. In MIchigan, WJ11be from 11 a.m. to 11 Shoreline Concert Band in MDunt Clemens, and Rodger Center fDr the PerfDrming Arts The addition, "Court, VJ!lage & MDnastery: tlIlues through August In the DetrOIt p m. Sunday, July 31, at Freedom Hill a variety of show tunes. McElveen Productions present the show mcludes musIc from Broadway South AsIan PaIDtlDgs from the ScIence Center's three.and-a-half County Park. AdlDl88IDD is $6 and patriotic songs, big band Nell SlmDn comedy "The Star slory, dome<\ OmOlmax theater shDws and HDllywood mUSIcals Permanent Collection" is on dIsplay Includes concerts and Dther events. Spangled GIrl" on Saturdays through Ticket_ are $15; $13 for student>! and Call 833.7900. favorites and marches at 8 TICkets are $6 50, $4 50 for duldren Call (810) 979-7010. seniors. Call (810) 286-2222 p.m, Wednesday, July 27, Aug 13. Dmnerls at 6.30 p.m. and the and seniors. Call 677-8400. • • • as part of the Grosse shDw IS at 8 p.m. TIckets are $22 50 for • • • • • • dmner and show Call (810) 469.()440 MItch Ryder perfDrms at 7'3(} p m "Cluldren's Art fDr Peace" IS on Pointe War Memorial's Fnday, July 22. at the Chnwn RIver Dr (810) 296-8688. r------, exhibit at the SWDrds into Plowshares Summer Music Festival. Gazebo In dDwntown MDunt Clemens, Peace Center & Gallery in Detroit Tickets are $10 reserved: • • • as part of the RlverSight and Sound through July 28. The artwDrk is by $7 lawn admission. The l DOyOU... l "Spunk," a play based Dn three Concerts. Admission is free Call (810) JeWIsh and Arab chl1dren and depIct 468-1402. grounds are open at 6:30 short stories by Zora Neale Hurston, I want to be included in The MATCH Box? I co-eX18tence 10 Israel. Call 965-5422. p,m. for picnickers. Buffet wJlI play Thursdays through Sundays • I Then fill out this form and turn it in to The Grosse Pointe News I The Grosse Pointe• • Commumty • • • dinner is available at 6:30 through July 31 at the Attic Theatre Band perfDrms in a free Dutdoor con. p.m. in the Crystal Ball- In DetroIt TIcket pnces vary. Call I by 3 p.m. the Friday before publication. • Amateur and professiDnal photog- (313) 875-8284. cert at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 26, on raphers may enter the seventh annual room for $8.50. For infor- !! ~ i Event the front lawn of Gro88C POinte South Art of CAW"!ng photography contest :::::=10%4 Ciiid itiiWfvaiioDS, = 1 !-!lgb. School Call 343 ..2~ sponsored by the Caring InstItute. call 881.7511. The Purple RDse Theatre Images shDuld capture the e88Cnce Df 1------. The Shoreline• •Concert• Band per- Company, 137 Park Street in Chelsea, 1 Dare TlDle I caring, and cash prizes and hDnDrable presents the cDmedy .Stanton's forms at 8 p.m. Wednesday, July 27, mentions wiU be awarded. Entries Garage" through July 31. • PJace 1 as part Df the Grosse PoInte War mUIIt be receIved by Friday, Aug. 5 HEATER Cost _ Memorial's Summer Music Festival Performances are Wednesdays For information, send SASE to Art Df "Bang, Bang. Tickets are $10 1C1ICrved seating, $7 through Saturdays at 8 p.m. WIth Caring, Caring Inlltitute. 320 A Street, You're Dead!", an Sunday shDws at 2 and 7 p m. Call 1Reservation & Questions? Call • fDr lawn admiasion. Call 881-7511. NE, Washington, DC 20002-5940. Doriginal new mystery. WJ11 be per- (313) 476.7902. L• Contact Person ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_=~I • • • • • • formed Fridays through Sundays • • •

people there, I was over- the movie began. fault. Its seats are uncom- traordinary man who had to be asked to shut up. Movies dressed. It was fitting that before fortable and too close to- changed the world. Compared to the multi- From page 5B We were greeted by a top- loading into the car to see gether. Every part of your Although It loses its focus plexes where anybody can go hatted doorman who opened "Lawrence of Arabia" - set body is sure to, at one time in the second half, and wan- - even those who don't church, I thought - not in- the door to the lobby where on some of the Earth's hot- or another, fall asleep. ders, the film is remarkable know how to behave in a herently wrong, but smelling ushers dressed in Arab garb test, most arid acreage - we I saw several people I even Just to look at. If you movie theater - to see a faintly of disrespect. - well, actually, they were sweated buckets as we know at the theater and have a little trouble follow- poorly thought-out film on a And it was hot, boy was it wrapped in sheets, but I mopped out flooded cellars. they asked - because they ing Middle Eastern politiCS, screen barely bigger than a hot. It was 106 degrees. don't think their black socks While T.E. Lawrence learned know I do - if I were re- you'll still be able to enJOY teleVision, a film at the Fox Well, if you factor in the and shiny oxford shoes are to live with little water, we viewing the mOVie. the mOVle. 1S a treat that shouldn't be heat index_ (Now just what trac:htional - took our tick- hoped the street flooding we Now really; what does one One can't help bemg awed nussed is a heat index? I know it's ets and told us to enjoy the saw on the way downtown say about David Lean's mas- by the images flashed across Even if you're wearing like the wind-ehill factor, but show. would be gone when we terpiece that hasn't already the giant screen that nms shorts. with temperature and hu- Those who hadn't been to came out. been said? The movie was the length of the Fox stage. -Ronald J. Bernas midity, but for Pete's sake, if the Fox since its renovation As it is, the entire world already a legend by the time Even in the huge Fox, there it's hot and humid, it's hot were awed by the grandeur could have gone by before I was born. And it is a well- isn't a seat that you'll have "Lawrence of Arabza plays and humid and knowing the (some would say garishness) we came out. The movie is deserved accolade. The film to squint from. at the Fox Theatre on Wood- heat index doesn't make you of the lobby and by the thea- long. It started just after the is a who's who of Holly- And perhaps it was the ward In DetrOIt through July feel any cooler.) ter itself which seats 5,000 7 p.m. curtain time, and - wood's male actors - Peter movie, which tends to attract 31. Showtlmes are at 7 P m. \ Anyhow, that's why I wore people. Before the movie, an with an overly long internus- O'Toole, Alec Guiness, Omar film aficionados, but every- weekdays, and 2 and 7 p m. shorts and a nice T-shirt to organist played movie sion - concluded shortly af. Sharif, Anthony Quinn, one was quiet and paid at- Saturdays and Sundays. the Fox Theatre. And themes on the theater's tel' 11. The length draws at- Claude Raines and Jose Fer- tention. There were only a TIckets are $10. Call (313) f frankly, compared to some majestic pipe organ. Then, tention to the Fox's main rer - and deals with an ex- few people around me who 396-7600 Alice .:::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::-:::::::.:.:::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:-;.:.;-;-;.;.;-;.:.;.;.:.:.;.:.;.:.:.:.;-:.:-;.;.;.:-;.;.;.;.;.:.;.:-;.;.:.;-;,:.;.;.:.;.;.:.;.;,:.;.:.:.;.:.;.;.:.:.;.;.:.;.:.;.;.;.:.:.:.;,:.;.;.;.:.:.:,;.:.:.;.:.;.;.;.:.;.;.:.;.:.:.;.:.:.;. YOU CAN ADVERTISETOO! From page 5B rendItIon of one of the great Humpty Dwnpty. All The impressive as any critter in tween the Red and White CALL 882-3500 \ fantasy classlCS of all hme. It's TO RESERVE DISPLAY ADVERTISING SPACE By 2 00 P M. FRIDAY King's Horses ride furiously "Star Wars" - slain grandly Knights m which you know hard to tell who hkes it more, around the stage trying to put by Geoffrey Whynot as the Jab- who rescues Alice. the kids or their parents rum together agam. There is berwocky son. And there is a Once again, the Stratford or- ganization has proVlded a per- HAlu:e, Through the Lookmg the fearful Jabberwock - as spectacular tournament be- fect dIrector In Marty Maraden, Glass" appears in reperrory at a bnlhant set designer In Ste. the Avon Theatre through Oct phen Britton Osler and an in- 16. For tzekets and other mfor- spired costwne designer m matwn call (800) 567-1600 Be John Pennoyer. sure to check out the przee of Together With the talented twofers on Tuesdays and Thurs- cast, they have brought to the days and student matmees In 00 stage a superbly crafted, livmg the fall. $1199 Last week's (From Detroit) August 16 - 22 puzzle solved September 20 - 26

This remarkable tour includes: • Guaranteed admission to Buckingham Palace • Round Inp schcduled aIr ACROSS 2 10 11 • FI\ e mghls accommodallon m a 1 Presldenllal This remarkable opportumty delu xe 1 ~lar hotel nickname 12 4 LId to visit the world's premIer • Conllnenlal breakfast dally 7 "Cosmos" atuhor 15 Royal reSIdence must not be • Alrpon tl'llnsfers 12 SImile eenler mIssed In addItion 10 your • Fully gutded slghlseemg tour of London 11 Numeneal 18 prefix guarantecd admISSIOn to • Available excurslOl15 10 Salisbury, 14 Greenhouse BucklOgham Palacc, you WIll Bath, WmdsorCastle and the D-Day 1Iem have lIme to cJl.plore London Museum In Portsmouth 15 Compuler umt 16 Peddler (IndIa) 31 and enjoy ihe cIty where lhere • Luggage handling (I bag per person) 18 Po<1or.1 poem really IS "all that life can • Deluxe molorcoach lransponallon 19 T1Juana ta.,o afford" Take your pick of 20 School book 'f)9- BOOK NOW!!! -.. 22 Poet's con London's wealth of muscums traetlon and art galleTles or perhap" Tour space i., limited and 21 Gloss large' enJoy an evemng at the theater reservallOns can only be con- 27 Trenty org 29 Cash or the "ymphony firmed on receIpt of a dPp05!t 11 BikIni. for one 53 Tip #6-Avoid Tailgating 14 Acrrcss Hll\ller To n'l'ci\c a l'omplctc itincral'y (.':)11i\Jt.'dia Promotions. H "Fibber MoGee" 68 maId Avoid tailgating. By follOWing too closely, car I-SIlO-771-5J5_'. 01' ,-ch,,-" tlU' l'lmpon hdcm. 17Wlur!lng 18 Broodwoy IUI ~8 - Alamos drivers Increase theIr chances of a rear end colliSIon eolleell01l 13 tJmp s cry :r------"-----~------,Destination: Royal Tour of London : 19 "Long - and DOWN II lJlmO't 16 "C1tle- room , I Far Away" I Fxplorcr John With a truck Car drivers should always keep 17 Ball can lIe11l 17 Cal~\lp mgtcdlenl Plca<;c o;cnd mc brochure(~) AClor '" COl1lmenf i SPACE: IS LDfrrE ! 41 TIuck cill 2 21 Kllells 40 Fe'llve panles a 4 second follOWing distance. In foul weather, 4 ~ '>eafoo

":.-----_..._--~--~----_..-...----_. MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CO~VERStON SERVICES. SYSTEMS • CONSULTATION July 21, 1994 68 Travel Grosse Pointe News

refl~t8 a peculiarity of this Montreal: 1RAVEL TRENDS Underground City: Each sec. tIon of it is privately owned, so Explore the it does not look hke or operate as a whole. It IS chfferent under each building. What this means underground to a visitor if, that it is difficult to find a detailed map of the On a lovely summer after- complex and it is often difficult noon in Montreal, one of North to determine where you are. America's most charming CI- For example, Eaton's depart- tIes, I hoodly expected to be By Cynthia Baal Janssens ment store is located at Eaton spendmg time beneath the Centre, of course. But once you neuve, and as It was beIng streets But that IS exactly are In the mam store you will what happened I dIscovered bUIlt, major new office bUIld. find few, If any, SIgns dIrecting the Underground. mgs sprang up all along Its you to the adjoining mall. Being a dIehard shopper IS path. Because Montreal must "They don't want to make it not necessary to el1Joy Mon- endw'e extremely cold wmters easy for you," explains Fiona, treal's intricate and extended (as much as 100 mches of snow) our local guide "They want to Undelground but It certamly as well as blazmg hot bum- keep you in thIS store, so you helps After all, the many mlles mels, the subway system was must wend your way through." of passageways are primarily deSigned to delIver workers to And they certamly don't help hned WIth boutiques and retaIl thelr office bUIldmgs mease, you get to The Bay department shops However, anyone who comfort and m all sorts of store, whICh IS Just across the apprecIates good planmng, good weather. street. archItecture and InnovatIve de. So Instead of runmng in a Therefore, you will need per- SIgn must spend at least a cou. straIght lIne, as In Toronto, sIstence and a good sense of pie of hours wanderIng through Montreal's Underground IS or- dlr~tion to find your way thIS amazIng complex gamzed In clusteIS around each around. A mmimal map of the Toronto also has some under- downtown subway station - Underground is included with ground passages WIth whIch each statIOn bemg connected to the main visitor map of the citv you may be famihar They pn- I\U the office building" WhlCh and it IS Just about the only marJly run In a straIght line surround It Some of these one avaIlable. from Umon StatIOn m the buildmgs have as many as four When you are m the Under. south to Bloor Street m the levels underground TypIcally, ground, it IS also sometimes dIf. north, about five kll(lmpte~ In the first level wIll be shops and ficult to find the subway sta. all. bIstros, the second level down tIon, even though it has to be But Montreal has done it so WIll be a food court, and the close by. But don't nuss a nde much bIgger and better LIttle thn d and fourth levels WIll be on Le Metro when you are in wonder It IS called "La Ville parkmg Montreal as it IS one of the m. Souterrame" - The Under- So whIle there IS as much as cest systems in the world. ground CIty. 20 mIles of underground pas. ($1.75 per ride, or six tickets It all began in the early sageways, they are not contmu- for $7). 1960s when the area now re ous Sometimes you will have You'!! find no gr~sntl In fen-ed to as "downtown" - be- w ride the subway (or waik) to these subway stations as the tween Mount Royal m the the next statIon to reach the walls are tiled and advertise. north and Old Montreal and next portion of the Under. ments are covered WIth a spe- the harbor to the south - be. ground cial matenal that can be gan to be revitalIzed WIth the washed lmmediately should construction of the CIty'S first One of the most spectacular anyone deface them. There are modem skyscraper, the Place sectIOns of the Underground is also no rest rooms - the result Ville MarIe. ThIS stnking known as the Cathedral Prome. of a sUrvey indicating they are buildmg, shaped lIke a cross, nades and this IS why: Christ a prime source of crime. The was destmed to become the Church, the Anghcan cathe- cars are clean and glide silently heart of the new cIty as well as dral, has been located on from statIon to station. And be the mitIator of a spectacular Samte.Cathenne Street for sure to note the artwork - renaIssance that mcluded buIld. more than a century. Unfortu. Montreal's underground Includes shoppIng and restaurants. each of the 65 stations was de. ing a sophIstICated subway sys. nately, Its steeple collapsed church up and extend the Un. new construction was taking nected to the McGill subway signed by a different artist. tern, known SImply as the some years back and had to be derground City beneath it And place. In 1986, the Cathedral station, the busiest in the city They are just one more rea- Metro. replaced WIth one cast m alu. that's just what was done. Square section of the Under- - 114,000 people use it each son to go Underground in Mon. The Metro, WhICh opened III minum (for lIghtness). Then m There are pIctures in the lob. ground CIty, four levels deep, weekday. treal, summer or winter. 1966, IS the key to the Under. the early 1980s, the founda. bles of area bUIldings showmg was opened - a startling exam. The design of the Cathedral Cynthia Boal Janssens' ground It runs under a maJor tions gave way. the church on "stIlts" WIth a pIe of preserving the old while Promenades, with steeple-like Travel Trends column runs on street, the Boul de Malson- So It was decldeo to Jack the bIg hole beneath 1t where the mtegratmg the new. It is con- formations over the walkways, alternate weeks in this sectwn

troops in 1759 when he led hiS deeply rooted in hIS &Oul." ship. Later his family, consist- gone terribly astray. America's BlBLlO-FILE men northward to an invasIOn Fundamentally, Arnold was mg of his wife, some of their Brandt's book is generously of Quebec via Fort TIconderoga everything that Washington children, and his maiden sister, funushed with detailed maps of most famous Dunng this historic march, was not. Even though Arnold were able to join him in un. Arnold's most rmportant mili- "the house of mirrors became a and Washington, "due to the happy exile, which was broken tary ventures, and through private refuge ill whIch Arnold war, found themselves in the for a few years in Canada them we follow his route from traitor could shape and misshape same boat, it did not put them where they tried, unsuccess- the Boston Tea Party, the be- events to correspond to his de. ill the same class." fully, to re-establish them. ginning of the Revolutionary The Man in the Mirror: A lusions From within, he clearly As aD. Amencan officer, Ar. selves. War, Ticonderoga, Valcour !s- Life of Benedict Arnold perceived that every failure nold led his troops against the Benedict Arnold died in Lon. land, the Battles of Saratoga, By Clare Brandt was the fault of someone else. British, winning some skir. don in 1801, aged 60, a broken and, finally, West Point, which Randam House. 360 pages By Elizabeth P. Walker From the outside, however, it mishes but more often failing man. Fllled with self-delusion sealed his doom. Arnold's two $25 was quite apparent that Ar. as a warrior and a leader. It and an inflated ego, his charac. wives, his mistress, and eight A deruzen of the Hudson Val. sionally, as he stood behind the nold's perceptions were badly soon became obvious that hIs tel' was gravely damaged by fi. sons and one daughter are all ley, Clare Brandt devoted s?t counter of his shop waiting on skewed." He always attributed ''binary image in the world was nancial insecurity. His rela- shadowy figures which is disap- years to researching and wrIt. his contemporarIes, the youth- his troubles to the jealousy and the sign of a binary being - tions with his peers were not of pointing because through them ing a biography of the career ful scholars of Yale, Arnold malIce of others, never blammg the bright and shining Patnot- the best; most of them looked we could gain, possibly, a bet. and trmes of that infamous may well have reflected on hIs lumself for his own misfor- Hero with the strange dIstorted askance at him although they ter understanding of the man American traItor, BenedIct Ar. own aborted educatIOn. By now, tunes shadow. To the end of his days, recognized his undoubted mili. himself. nold. however, he studied a chfferent Therefore, in bold contrast, Arnold never acknowledged the tary skills Arnold's tragedy, Elizabeth P. Walker's Biblio- Her Impressive result is "The text, whose primary lesson was: are the characters of two of the greedy, self-destructive, corrupt- both moral and historic, is a file column runs on alternate Man In The Mirror," a sad poI" never be brought up short. partiCIpants of the war: "Even ible creature that lurked be- dispirIting saga of a gifted man weeks in this section. trait of a pathetic person, pur- Bankruptcy had destroyed his more Impressive than Washing- hind the cellar door of his pris- sued by demons of hIs own childhood world and his confi- ton's policies and accomplish. tine mirrored house." Thus, making, who nearly derailed dence in the future; therefore, ments, however, was his pri- gradually, the Americans City of ~ttt'p.et' ~ nn~s Michigan General George Washington's money would become his vate character. The men caught glimpses of his true self CITY CLERK'S OFFICE battles agaInst the BntIsh dur- shield." around him were consIStently which shook theIr confidence in WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN ing our Revolutionary War. In 1774 the Boston Tea Party awed by lus natural authonty, hIs judgment and leadership. OFFICIAL ELECDON NOTICE graceful style and apparently While the Revolutionary War Arnold was born to a distin- closed the port of Boston and NonCE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ihal apphtallons for ab$en!ee ballots for th.~ Pnmary Elect~on 10be held gwshed Rhode Island family in that became the impetus for endless forbearance, all stem- progressed in fits and starts, Augus, 2, 1994. WIll be _,vco! be"'ec" g JO I m IDd 5ilO p.m, Monday Illrough Fnday 1,1ll. Mo"'et!,,1 Bllllding. City Clerk s Offi~ 19617 Hl£ilCr A.....enue. Harpet Woods. Mlclugan. 1741. ilis family's uncertain fi. Arnold to Join the Contmental ming from a vast reservoir of Arnold, lying wounded in a personal assurance. Washing. military hospital, pondered his Apphcallons Will also be received on Saturday July 30,1994 between the hou.n. or 9"00 un and 2..00 nancial footing sharply influ. Army to fight the hated red p m II lb. CIty CI.ri'." Ofro«. enced Arnold, especially when coats, the Bntish. The eneI" ton was bedrock. Lose his tern- future: ''Were the Continental The Polls fOT the Pnmary E.'ccllOn WLU 0pl=rt at 700 a.m and remdn open udlll 8-00 p m on !.he day or his schoohng was abruptly cur. getIc and ambItIous Captain per he might; become dIscour- Army and the congress of the t~Electton tailed and he was forced to be- Arnold of the ConnectIcut aged he might; but he never United States worthy of his sac. GPN (The ConneC1LOn 07(21194 Jlmes R Hlrey, Mlyor come a shopkeeper. troops quickly became Major wavered. His self-confidence, rifices and exertions? He was Posted. 01113,

and answer it by turning his NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ihll'~ .. lUtlni.(th< Olmpll' School 20225 8eIroIur .. ld The show is part of Showtime at the Play House, a series of outdoor theater programs 7 Ty ,one School J9525 Tyrone were highly indignant and fu. R 9 \() I\wplnl School 2065S L

LOSSTERFEST · ..-~r SI1~I)I)I!'S Mondays and Tuesdays BYsonansiiEi:~g, THE TRUNK SHOWS! $10.95 • COCKTAIL DRESSESa",d'SPECIAL OCCASION GOWNS OR TRY OIVEOP OUR OTllER CRAB DINNER EXC1TllVG DA.ILY SPEC1.4LS ••••• Grilled Marlin with Parslie Rice and Stir Fry Every Monday and Vegetables in a Ginger Soy Sauce firjJ/" Wednesday, July 27th & • Tuesday in July Blackened Nantucket sea Bass with U/h~TURE Thursday, July 28th* Ked Beans and Rice • Only $895 Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Roasted Com MIRI HAUTE COUTURE Friday, July 29th & Salsa and MixedBeans 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. • SK1NZ------_. Saturday, July 30th Grilled Scallop SAiad with Spinach and CHOOSE FROM Grilled Vegetables in a BalsamIc Vinaigrette • 15 KINos OF FRESH FlS" UOUSEMADE DESSERTS SEVEN DAYS A WEEK + ITALIAN LEATHER COATS a",/SUITS 'vVednesday, August 3rd & • Espresso and Cappuccino TOBY LEATHERS __ ------Thursday, August 4th* • 25 Wines By TIle Glass remember ... 50~ OYSTERS • Offering Over 50 Bottled Beers Every night after the kitchen closes OPEN 7 DAYS AT 5:00 FOR DINNER Open 7 Nights a Week at 5 p.m. ' Valet Parking '5402 MACK AVENUEG.P.P. 15016 Mack Avenue, G.P.P. il1~[)[)I'i HOURS: (at NoRingham! 884-6030 ORCHARD MALL 822.8664 West 131()()mfield MON.SAT 10 AM. 5 PM ORCHARD LAKE RD. Valet Parking NORTH OF MAPLE (3~(3-747V *THURSDAY 10 AM - 8 PM

I • t • 7 • b t rtm' ssm ; 7 _tr • sss • czs a E 71 a- • .. - - I MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION ,. SERVICES • SYSTEMS. CONSUL TAllON July 21, 1994 48 Churches Grosse Pointe News The Pastor's Corner Cancer survivors celebrate MorE' than 260 cancer survi- by Amy Harwell, an inspira- Community vors, their families and fnends tional speaker and cancer sur- recently attended a free all. By the Rev Wilham C. DeVrIes vivor, and the familY-Qriented Flrsl Christian Reformed Church Amencan picnic hosted by St. musical duo, Gemim. Guests John Hospital and Medical also enjoyed picnic fare and car. Lately, I have been mlssmg what we ale Not what 1 am, Center In recognition of Na- nival ge.mes. but what we are Not what you are, but what we are Each tional Cancer Survivors Day. Raffie prizes and tours of the one of us who reads thIS weekly paper deSignated "news" The day is set aside to recog- historic Edsel & Eleanor Ford and locahzed "Grosse Pomte" has certam chalactel'lst1cs nize cancer survivors, the House were 10cluded in the ac- Each of us IS thmgs that makes each you and me the specific professionals dedicated to them tivities. vou and me that each IS and to bnng attention to the is- St John HospItal and Medi- But when we are together there IS someth1I1g more It IS sues of SurvIvorship. The cele- cal Center clinical nurse spe- not Just that my seven or 10 or two whatever characteristICs bration took place on the cialists Karen Knox and are added to yours There IS someth1Og mOle It IS sort of grounds of the Edsel & Eleanor Sharon Ross were instrumental like bakmg soda and vmegar When you mix them you don't Ford House 10 Grosse Pointe in plannmg the picnic. Just have the two, you have m a sense someth1Og more. Real Shores "We wanted to do somethmg commumtles can be very powelful because of thIS reality Local radio personality and specIal for the area's cancer "Us" IS a whole lot more than "you plus me " cancer survivor Dick Purtan of SU.-VlvOrs," Knox said. "We It strikes me that thiS IS true not despIte those mdlvldual WKQI-FM kIcked off the event were Inspired by our cancer Sunset at the Zoo benefit chm act~l'lstlCs that are ours It IS rather tI ue because of and WIth a welcome for everyone. survivors to make the picnic a 111 dependence for those characterIstIcs The health and PlcllIckers were entertamed JOYous occasIOn." The Glancy family of Grosse Pointe Farms helped cel. power of a commumty grows out of the charactel'lstIcs of ItS ebrate the Detroit Zoo's 65th anniversary at the annual people A strong commumty IS not one which welcomes only Colony Town Club installs officers gala. Sunset at the Zoo. Proceeds from this year's event. persons of a certam type or style The blOader the range of The Colony Town Club re- the most successful fundralser ever, will go toward a charactellstlcs (1\ allable, thE' greater WII! be the chance for JOImng the board of drrectors cently installed its new officers of the club and as trustees of new exhibit of Sumatran tigers and African lioDS at the added stleugth dud Vitality thIOUgh the mlxmg of mdlvIdu- Bene Isle Zoo. als WIth those chal actellstlcs for 1994-95. They are Edith the Cancer Loan Closet Foun. SmIth, president; Mildred datIOn of Greater DetrOIt are: Ruth Glancy is president of the Detroit Zoological Soci- A commumty I" a g1oup of persons who are blought to- ety. From left are Douglas, Ruth. AI and Andrew gether II1tOa "umty" 111 whIch they are "WIth" each othel Davis, fIrst vice preSIdent; Joan Eleanor Anderson, Jan Coulter, Palmer. second vice president, Glancy. At least tho~ al'e the loot" of the tW0 pqrt" of the English Polly Fischer, Catherine Lal son word If the unity IS sought on the baSIS of preconceIved Barbara LaFaire, corresponding and Evelene Malcom sameness among mdlvldual or family characteristIcs, that secretary; Gloria Sullivan, cor- The club held its annual group Wll! never experience Its true pot~nt1al and hfe. We respondmg secretary; and Syl- picnic June 23 at the home of truly need each other But not because we are alike, but be- via Wiard, treasurer. Robert and Beth Hutton Hospice program needs help cause of our dIfferences SocIal commullltl€S should seek to welcome "outsIders" Suburban Women Golf League results Hospice of Michigan Cancer 27 National Cancer InstItute- whenever poSSIble, JUSt because new mgredients to the rec- The Suburban Women golf- Iiams. Foundation IS looking for vol- designated comprehensive cen- Ipe will strengthen and deepen the value of who we are ers held theIr 33rd ffild-season Net - 1. Janet Rapp; 2 unteers to offer support to ter- ters designed to provide cancer Tl ue, there can be no "umty" WIthout a common goal or set tournament recently The fIrst Gayle Arnold. mmally ill cancer patients and information, education, care of goals But those have been masterfully set out for us In day was beautiful and the B flight: Gross - 1. Sue Wil. their familIes and treatment and to conduct our SOCIalsystem They are not umformlty nOl exclUSIVIty scores were recorded. However, Iiams; 2. Conroe Kelly According to progre.m coordi- advanced cancer research. Our commumty g1'ows m justIce, hberty and purSUIt of our thp <:PI'O!'O d~y brought the Net - 1. B~tty LuLk~J, 2. nator Cathy Donunil.i, th~!'~ i!:l For more informatlcn, con- I common good I guess that s who we ought to be, whether ram. The decision had to be to Evelyn McCart. a critical need for hospice vol. tact Dominici, hospice volun- we are or not use the scores from the fIrst C flight: Grosse - 1 LIZ unteers. "As more and more teer coordinator, (313) 833-0715, round: Wood, 2 Judy Llvmgston people seek hospice care, there ext. 763. Louisa St. Clair DAR to meet Aug. 11 A flight: Gross - 1. Kit Net - 1 Alice Trapper, 2. IS a need for more and more Lamsell; 2. Chee Chee Wi!. Gloria Gaitley. volunteers. If it weren't for vol- The Louisa St. Clair chapter Members should bnng school unteers, hospices could barely of the National SocIety Daugh- supplIes ,,-nd mIttens for the function," Dominici said. Volunteer ters of the Amencan Revolu- ~ndlans at the Hannahville North grad appointed to U.S. Air Hospice volunteers work with tIOn will hold a potluck picruc ReservatIOn near Escanaba. For a team of professionals to pro- at noon Thursday, Aug. 11, at reservatIOns, call Barbara David Bradley Eisenbrey, son vide compassionate care for the opportunity the home of Mrs. George F Clark, Lamse Reading or Mar. of Dr. A. Bradley and Louis<;! dying. Home volunteers proVlde Ryckman of the CIty of Grosse tha TIttle M. Eisenbrey of Grosse Pointe companionshIp, frIendship and The Detroit Institute of Arts Pomte. Woods, was appointed to the assIstance to patients and to Gallery Service needs volun. United States Air Force Acad. caregIvers - gIving them time teers to greet and assist visitors Mothers of Multiples elects officers emy for the class of 1998. to take care of their business. in the museum galleries. No Bereavement volunteers offer special qualifications or back- The Eastern Bi-rounty Moth- annually The group holds reg- Eisenbrey graduated from support to farmlies experienc. ground are required. ers of Multiples elected its ular meetings on the second Grosse Pointe North High ing the loss of a loved one, and board of chrectors for 1994-95. Monday of each month at School in June 1994. He was special needs volunteers fulfill Training session is Saturday, They are Joanne Denrus, presI- G~llce Church, 21001 Morass in an Eagle Scout and a junior as- patients' speCIal requests. Aug. 6, from 10 a.m. to nOOnin dent, Kathleen Steiner, VIce DetrOIt sistant scoutmaster. He played Michigan Cancer Foundation, the Holley Room, The Detroit preSIdent; Pat Austm, treas- For more Infonnation, call the clarinet in Detroit's Orches- a Uruted Way agency, operates Institute of Arts, 5200 Wood- urer, Charlene Haberkorn, sec- Joanne Denrus at 884-3673. tra Hall twice and was treas- the Meyer L. Prentls Compre- ward, Detroit, MIch, 48202 retary, Peggy MIelke, state rep urer for his church's youth hensive Cancer Center of Met. For more infonnation, call resentatlve, and GeorgIana group. Dcnid Bradley Eiaenbrey ropolItan DetrOIt, one of only 833-0247. MacAlpine, member-at-Iarge The EBCMOM was fonned to educate mothers and expectant mothers of multIples about the Forme1ly of Grosse Pointe special aspects of rearing multi- Specializingjn Permanents, Coloring, ples, through group meetings BIeadr,-Frostillg & Manicures and actiVIties, professional WORSHIP SERVICES speakers, peer support, and re- search and educational maten- Sf. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church GRACE UNITED St James Lutheran Church als relatmg to tWIns, trIplets, 881-6670 CHURCH OF CHRIST 170 McMillan Ad ,near Kercheval w'mitrlx' {} 375 Lothrop at Chalfont. ij)•~. Kercheval at LakellOinte Grosse POlnle Farms. 884-0511 ere. E SSE N T I A L S ~ --'" Grosse POinte Park 822-3823 ~~~ 830 am. Adult Study Membership dues are $18 24514 Harper 777-1088 K 10:00 a.m Worship Sunday - Worship 1030 am Grosse Pointe Unitarian St Clair Shores Parking Available Tuesday. Thnfl Shop 10'30 - 3'30 9'30 a.m. Worship WOOnesday - Church L Nurse!)' Avatlable Amazing Grace Semors 11 - 3 00 PI' Troy G. Wrote "The Gospel .A Personalized Care Rev. Fred Harms. Rev Colleen Kamke COME JOIN US as TearfulJoy" ~ 10 30 a m Service & Church School You Can Depend On GROSSE First English Ev. Lutheran Church Redeemer United 17150 MAUMEE POINTE VernierRd. at WedgewoodDr. Methodist Church 881-0420 When it comes to quality care, we pride ourselves GrossePointe Woods Rev John Corrado, Minister W. on our customer-onented service We cater to the 884-5040 20571Vernierjust of 1-94 UNITED HarperWoods comfort needs of semors 7:30 p.rn Thursday Worship Grosse Pointe CHURCH 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 884.2035 UNITED OUf profeSSIOnal staff is here to assist you If you (I 10.30 a.m. Worship Dr. WalterA Schmidt, Pastor AFFILIATED WITH THE UCC AND ABC 9'15 Sunda BIble School or a loved one needs Home Care or Private Duty. 240 CHALFONTE AT LOTl-iROP METHODIST Our staff mcludes 884-3075 .:: ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL Christ the King CHURCH RNs/LPNs - Home Health Aides - Personal Care Aides "God's Grace. To, For and CHURCH Through People" A Friendly Church for All Ages Call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. ~ 20475 SunningdaIe Park Lutheran Church John 6: 1.llS Grosse Pointe Woods, 884-4820 Mack at Lochmoor 211 Moross Rd. Grosse Pointe Farms 1000 A M FAMIL.Y WORSHIP Saturday 884-5090 (313) 772-5360 tCRIB ROOM AVIl.ILABLE) 5 00 P m Holy Euchari st 886.2363 1000 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL SundAy 1100 A M ADUl.T EDUCATION II< CHOIR 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. Rev Nancy Rohde, Intenm Mmister 8 00 a.m Holy Euchansl 9:30 a.m. Worship St.[.l 10 30 a.m OwraJ Euchansl and Sermon Worship Services John~FLEXSTAFF S Hour Nu AVailable) an affiliate of St John Health System Grosse POinte Joseph P. Fabry, Pastor THE UNITED I WOODS I CHRIST Randy S. Boelter, Pastor (tMETHODIST CHURCH I PRESBYTERIAN I 'GJ EPISCOPAL I Church , MAKING IT IS NOW CHURCH THE SUBJECT FOR THIS l 19950 Mack (between Moross & Verruef) I SUNDAY IS: I 115'% MORE FUN .. \ 9:00 a.m, Worship & Saturday I "Truth" Children's Hour 5.30 pm. Holy Euchanst Independent Anglican I First Church of Christ, I All Fallh s Welcome I I 10:00 a.m. Adult Education Scientist Th. t 928 Book of Common Prl'ftr Sunday I Grosse Pointe Farms, SundlY 830 .. m. Holy Commun~ 11:00 a.m. Worship & s.()() a.m Holy Euchanst 1015 Adult Blbl. Study 282 Chalfonte Ave. 11 00 Holy Comm union • Churc~ Children's Hour HH5 a.m Holy Eucharist School'" Hureery 4 blocks West of Moross Thunday 12 10 P m Holy Communion

I Coffee Hour I, 11:15 a.m. Sunday 10:30 a.m. IIIr1ners' on Hart Plaza at the Tunnel Nursery Services Available Free Parking, Ford Gara~ I Sunday School 10:30 a.m. 9.45.11:15 a m Supervised Nursery Enter at WOlXIwarl! ... Jefferson from 900 a.m to Noon Wednesday 8:00 p.m. ---- Th. Rev. Richard W Ingall., Rector I 61 Grosse Pointe Blvd. ALLARE WELCOME 313.259.2206 I 886.4300 1313) 88504841 The Grosse Pointe Memorial Church Grosse Pointe Baptist Church Estabh'ihed 1865 The Presbytrrran Church (USA) DO",'T..YOURSELF DAYS ARE ON~ - ... - 21336 Mack GPWoods Phone 881-3343 TIlE REV. DR. 'Yo BRUCE RIGDON preaching (AND 15% IS OFF.) Lovmg Infant-Toddler Care/Sunday School 8.30 lakeside Service 9.00 BIble Study (Exp 8 1394) Preschool - RegIster Now for Fall 10 00 Sanctuary Service 9:45-11'15 Cnbrroddler Care Junior High - Tuesday 6 30 PM 1ili3~~lIbl Senior High - Sunday 6 30 PM July 25-29: VacallonBible School, 9.Noon The Bible Taught Herel Sunday 9 45 AM Presby Camp, 9.3'00 20655 MACK AT VERNIER Worship - Sunday 11 AM J61.Jlke~hore Drive, Grosse Pointe Fanns 8112.SJJO GROSSE POINTE WOODS • 884-0140

------~---- July 21, 1994 Entertainment Grosse Pointe News 58 'Gump:' Too much ado about too little

By Jol\n Miskelly Special Wnter "Forrest Gump" IS a film Forrest Gump- _ that can be compared to wm- Rated PC; some violence, ning a two-mmute shoppmg adult situations spree m the store of your choice; you get a little bit of Starring Tom Hanks, Robin everything Wright and Gary Smise_ Unfortunately, that make,;

the film difficult to hke J 1 . Don't Bother many layers of history need to 2 NothH'\g Speclol be peeled away m order to see 3 - It Has Momenls the heart of the film 4 - Better Than Most B] 5 - Outstanding "Forrest Gump" follows the title character (played admlra. bly by Tom Hanks who will as. rest IS able to meet With three suredly earn another Best Ac. preSidents and first hand see tor Oscar nommatlOn) from the mtegratlOn of hiS Alabama birth through 1982 Most of the ::.choo]by George Wallace This film is narrated by Gump while IS all done In a newsreel for. he sits awaitmg a bus mat The tone IS set early and BeSIdes Hanks' performance, quite vlVldly Mrs. Gump (Sally another excellent portrayal IS Field) runs a boardmg house " dehveled by Gary Smise, who and finds young Forrest m the plays Lt Dan Taylor, the sec room of one of her guests. The ond person Forrest sees upon guest wants Forrest to contmue hIS artlval III Vietnam hiS hip.swmgIng whIle he plays Sllllse stan-ed ill the recent ,his guitar Shortly thereafter updatmg of "Of Mice and Men" the infamous ElVIS appears on and was last seen m Steven the screen doing the same Kmg's The Stand Those who moves Forrest did earlier. This saw that teleVISIOn mml-setles Sarah Polley is Alice and Douglas Rain is Humpty Dumpty scene is so absurd it makes and then thiS performance in "Alice Through the Looking Glass." everything else easIer to take might see SmIse as a tlsing And there IS quite a bit to star swallow The film may have been bet- Stratford builds Wonderland ter served If It had eased off on The film is baSically a love the history The question IS, for its endearing new IAlice' story between Jenny

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... 1 Sports Department: (313) 343-5593 Section C Neighborhood Club 2C July 21, 1994 Prep honors 3C ports ClassIfied ...... SC Grosse Pointe News ...... 11118Irrll[".7••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'I"•• CElEIIlI•••• I!C.IlUIl Winning pair enters North's coaches' shrine

The Grosse Pomte North Gamesville, Fla , WIth hiS Wife, While Edwards was workmg eIght league champIOnships, stayed m touch With the game a head coach for at least one Boo~ters Club Coaches Hall of Betty WIth the track program, those three district tttles and one re- by coachIng neIghborhood age year and must have made a Fame opened Its doors agam teams were 108.2 m dual com- gIonal crown HIS 1993 team group teams major, posItive contrIbutIOn to last month after standing idle He was North's assIstant petItIOn with 10 straight unde- was ranked thIrd m the final In 1979 he was offered the North's athletic program for several years track coach and also served un- feated seasons, 10 conference state poll and lost to the even- varsity boys and gIrls Jobs at In addItiOn to theIr Impres- offiCIally as the school's assis. champIOnshIps and eIght re- tual state champIOn 2 1 In over- Birmingham Groves and SIve records, Edwards and Re- Entermg the shnne were tant cross country coach under gIonal crowns tIme m the regIonal final coached both teams to wmmng gelbrugge have always stressed Jack Edwards, a former track Tom Gauerke He played a ma- In 1979, Edwards replaced Regelbrugge grew up III records The folloWIng year he values while teachmg the fun and cross country coach, and Jor role In the success of the Gauerke as head coach in cross Esko, BelgIUm, where he began hIS long and successful damentals of their sports GUido Regelbrugge, the only cross country teams that posted country and track. HIS cross learned soccer at an early age tenure at North soccer coach in the school's hIS- a 78-5 dual-meet record, won 10 country team won league and After playmg for several com Edward!> and Regelbrugge They Jom Gauerke, JIm tory. straIght league champIOnshIps, regIonal champlOnships and fin. mumty teams, he was drafted each fit the CrIterIa fO!entermg Kruckl, Tom Teetaert and Ray Edwards, known as J.D, re- nme consecutIve reglOual tItles Ished second m the state Class by Esko's semIpro team when North's Hall of Fame - coach RItter as the only mductees In tIred in 1980 and now lIves in and three state crowns A meet HIS track team was 9-1 he was 16 When he entered mg for a minImum of 10 years, North's Coachec; Hall of Fame In dual meets and won its re- teacher's college m St NIcolas gIonal he played for the school's team Edwards grew up on the east that defeated several amateur SIde of Detroit and partIcipated and profeSSIOnal squads and in track at Southeastern HIgh reached the semmnals of the School He graduated from Belgian National ChampIon- Eastern Michigan Umversity ship in 1957 where he was a sprinter and After servmg in the air force, hurdler on one of the top track Regelbrugge was urged to play squads m the natlOn pro soccer, but mstead ImmI- He taught in the DetroIt pub- grated to the Umted States hc schools for 18 years, volun- Regelbrugge's EnglIsh was teering as track coach at limlwd when he arrived III the Grosse Pointe HIgh School. DetroIt area, but he wanted to When North opened in 1968, teach French at the high school Edwards joined the school's sci- level He mtervlewed at St ence department, where he Rose School m the summer of taught biology and started 1961 and was offered a Job classes in microbology and phy- teaching French and social SIOlogy studies, contmgent on hIS Regelbrugge started the boys learnmg EnglIsh He spent 18 soccer program at North in hours a day that summer learn- 1980 and it was an immediate mg the language and m the success The first-year team fall started teaching at St. was 14-1-2 and advanced to the Rose. He taught there for five regional final. In the 14 years years while obtammg hIS teach- Regelbrugge has guided the ing certificate frO!!! the Umver- boys soccer team, the Norse- sity of Detroit. men have compiled a 175-56-24 Regelbrugge did his student record that includes 11 league, teaching at Grosse Pomte High two dlstnct and one regIonal School in 1966 and made such champIOnship an impression on the adnums- When girls soccer started at tration that he was hlred Im- North m 1985, Regelbrugge mediately. also took over that program He was a member of North's first staff m 1968, but smce soc After many years as a valued track and cross country assis- and It has been Just as success- ful. cer wasn't a sport recogmzed by tant, J.D. Edwards led Grosse Pointe North's boys cross coun- the Michigan High School Ath- try team to a ruunet-up finish iu the state in his only season In 10 seasons the Lady Guido 'Regelbrugge hos compiled a remarkable record as Norsemen are 135-23-7 with letic ASSOCIatIOn,Regelbrugge the only soccer coach in Grosse Pointe North's history. CIS head coach.

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...... t • R 1 •• ~ MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION r, SERVICES a SYSTEMS a CONSUltATION July 21, 1994 2C Sports Grosse Pointe News

Braves still Highlights contending

for title Club completes spring seasons

Strong pitchmg performances The Neighborhood Club re- tIclpants form and manage by Kevin Schroeder and Steve cently completed Its sprmg T- theIr own teams The cost to Lentme helped the Grosse ball, soccer and gIrls softball play IS $300 per team. Pointe Braves salvage two VIC. programs. tones m four games last week RegIstratIOn may be made m keep alIve theIr dIvIsIOn tItle to Many area chIldI.en had a person or by mall to the NeIgh. hopes in the Macomb Amateur good hme partlclpatmg, mak- borhood Club at 17150 Water- Baseball FederatIOn mg new frIends and developIng loo, Grosse Pointe, 48230 The theIr skIlls deadline to regIster a team is Schroeder, a JUnior at Grosse FrIday, July 29. Completed Pointe South, pItched a four. team rosters must be submitted hItter m the Braves' 9 1 vIctory Adult softball WIth payment. A club member- over the Troy Marhns and Len ship IS reqUired of all particI' tine, a Jumor at Grosse Pomte It's tIme to start thlnkmg pants and may be purchased at North, weathered early control about the fall siowpitch softball the tIme of registratIOn. trouble to go the dIstance m a leagues for men and women at the Neighborhood Club. 10-5 wm over the Mount Cleo For more mformation, call mens Bulldogs m the second The season wlll run from Aug. 15 through Oct 30 Par. game of a doubleheader 8854600 Lesley Greene of the Lakeshore Mammography Center team in the Neighborhood Club girls The Braves were shut out for soccer league makes solid contact with the ball during a recent game. the first time In 30 gamE'" this season 4.0 m the first game against the Bulldogs and lost a 12.3 decIsion to the Port Huron South strong at the end Mute Sox, leaVIng them 13-6 By Patrick Maun Lloyd came out of nowhere to in the MABF and 21.9 overall The team has high expecta. gomg mto the final week of the S~r~~~~t looked lIke a dls- fimsh fourth In the 3,200 and t10ns for next year. regular season Ice the VICtoryfor South appOlntmgly medIocre year, South resolved to make a "I'm really lookmg forward to who's coming back next Bnan Hitch had truee hIts Grosse Pointe South's boys strong shOWIng III the Class A and drove m two runs, Greg track team spnnted mto post. regIonal and It did, fimshmg year," Moebus said "We're los- Sleszputowski drove in three season competItIon WIth a fourth after leadmg the meet mg some strength in Reynolds, Watters, Rhodes and our hur- runs WIth two smgles and a vengeance. through several events. Blue sacnfice fly and Schroeder con- The Blue DevIls took the DeVIls' athletes qualIfied for dhng creVJ- maybe most of all ChriS Johnson, who plugged a tnbuted a pair of doubles m the Macomb Area Conference the state meet III five events. VICtoryover the MarlIns. Mute DIviSIOn tItle, placed Discus thrower Matt Rey- lot of holes and became a really strong leader - but we've got Sieszputowskl hIt a leadoff fourth m regional competItIOn nolds came out of a tough field and quahfied seven athletes for to place second and qualJiY for the strength and depth to home run and Lentine hit a bounce back" r~~dstate Class A meet in Mid. the state meet with a personal. solo shot 10 the seventh mnmg Schienke said he will empha- of the second game agaInst the best effort of 13B-feet-3. size recruiting younger athletes Bulldogs Johnny Spath had an Head coach Werner Schienke Freshman sensation DennIS explained the rough start Lopez, who set three class re- who don't participate in a RBI single and Brandon Welch spring sport to help round out a "One of our bIggest obstacles cords, was second In the pole hIt a two-run double m the team that has three of its top Braves' four.run fifth inning. thIS season was the weather," vault WIth a state quahfying ef- he saId. "By the time It got fort of 11-6 five distance runners and four Rich Turri had a two-run single nice enough for us to get m Ron Watters was third In the of the top five sprinters ex- to help put the game on ice In some decent workouts we were pected to return. the seventh mto dual meets and It'S hard to regIonal but still qualIfied for "We've got some people who the state meet In the long jump The Braves will meet the train and set up for (competl- With a 20-11 effort. are really set to do great Mount Clemens Baseball Club tion) at the same time" Two of South's relay teams thmgs," Schienke said. "We've in a doubleheader at 10 a.m. Compounding the problem set varsity records in finishmg had a lot of consistent perfor. Constanza Jacobs of the Neighborhood Club Comets Kinder- Saturday at L'Anse Creuse was the realIzatIOn of how hard second at the regional. The mances, even from some of our garten soccer team finds her path blocked by Lauren Burke of North High School and Will the team was hIt by gradua- 4xlOO team of Watters, Lahey, younger kids like Ben Butler the Albert D. Thomas team. Coming up to join the action are play then intra-<:lty nval, the hanl but returnmg varSIty run- Anthony Murray and Alex and Jan-Mlchael Stump Next Kelly Zen of the Comets and Karlyn McCoy of Albert D. Grosse Pomte RedbIrds, at I ners MIke Lahey, ChrIS John- Keros and the 4x200 team of year should be fun." Thomas. pm Sunday at Grosse Pomte son, Adam Rhodes, Matt Watters, Lahey, Munay and North m the final regular sea DebskI and TIm NIcholson Scott Pneur each quahfied for son game made key contnbutlOns m help- the state meet Soccer clinics hosted by ULS IF COLLEGE IS I.....YOUR CHILD'S FUTURE, ing the team to some Impres- All seven athletes dId wen m University Liggett School Goaltending class will be of- Slve early victones Midland and Watters returned will hold its annual soccer clin. fered the final week. U.S. SAVINGS BONDS They were soon joined by 1 dal afte several others who earned the With a fIfth.p ace me r ics next month. The Aug. 8 session is de- SHOULD BE IN YOUR Steelers jumping 21-6 3/4 The first session will run signed especially for teens. The PRESENT. team to a 5-2 MAC record and Schienke said "the together- from Aug. 8-14, the second program is geared to get them 5-3 overall mark. Close losses ness of the team" was a qualIty from Aug. 15-20 and the third in playing shape, to sharpen For a recorded message of win title to Ford n and Utica, by one noticed by opposing coaches is scheduled for Aug. 22-27. their skills and to improve un- current rate information, call and two pomts respectIvt'ly, and athletes. All sessions are open to boys derstanding of each individual's 1-800-4US BOND cost South the dual meet tItle One of the best summaries of and girls ages 6 through 16 position on the team. -800-487-2663 in GPSA "One more thud-place frmsh the season came from co-cap- and are held daily from 9 a.m. Clinic fees are $150 per week would have put us over the tain Rhodes. to 3 p.m. for participants of all ages and Take SAVINGS m top," Lahey said "The season was full of ex- The program includes basic include a T-shirt and soccer Max Marl and BIlly Tuthill ~~oA~en(a~ • SBONDS • Most amazmg, the Blue Dev- treme hIghs, a few lows and ai- skills and tactics, daily full- ball for each player. each scored tWice to carry the II. puh~c "'Mee of llus nrwsp.pt' ils weren't expected to finish together a huge amount of length games, videotaped ses- For more information, call Steelers to a 5-0 VIctory over close to those teams. Several fun," he SaId sion and options! ~. David Backhurst at 884-4444~ the Rockers m the Grosse opposing coaches felt that Pointe Soccer AssociatIOn Un. South's abilIty to make the der-IO house champIOnship meets competItive was a testa- Local squad game. ment to its strength and dnve. Mike ChamberlIn scored the "WhIle our losses were dIsap- Steelers' other goal on a fIrst- pomtmg, they dIdn't break our wins district period penalty kick. morale," Lahey saId "Mflr~ Brandon Shimko, William than anything, they were build- Babe Ruth title Moran and KaitlIn BanI col- ers for us And I thInk that's Three sacnfice flies and the lected assIsts The Steelers also Important We didn't glVe up masterful pitchmg of Brad received fIne performances from hope for the league and state " Hohlfeldt earned the Grosse Michael Cafagna, Sam Kohns, South made belIevers of Pointe Park-CIty-Farms 15- Peter Marantette and Paul throwing coach Andre Salamy year-old Babe Ruth League Marantette. and assIstant Al Moebus. team to an 8-0 victory over The Rockers' standouts were "The heart of thIS team Grosse Pomte Woods-Shores in NIcholas Bembeck, Andy IsIske really surprised me," Salamy the championshIp game of the and Anthony Columbus. saId "I came into the year WIth dlstnct tournament at Ghes- Earlier, the Steelers beat the some doubts but we passed ex- quiere Park Crusaders 6-1 in the round. pectatIOns and really achIeved Hohlfeldt yIelded two hIts, robin tournament. some goals" struck out seven and dIdn't IS. The Steelers Jumped ahead Moebus agreed sue a walk as the Park-CIty. on first period goals by Tuthill "Camaraderie and persever- Farms team advanced to the and Chamberhn WIth Enk ance were two attnbutes that regIonal champIOnshIp mAl- Knudson and Geordie Macken- thIS team possessed more sol- pena zie assIsting. Tuthill scored Idly than any I've seen In a The only Woods-Shores' bat. again in the second penod after long tIme," he saId "You could ter to reach second base was a long kICk from goalie Marl see that commg through III the Coos Jones, who doubled WIth John Pelak then scored the Improvement people demon- two out in the fourth lnnmg Crusaders' lone goal, aSSisted strated, m the number of ath Steve Dube, who went 6 2/3 by Joe Solomon letes excellmg m regIonal and mnmgs for Woods-Shores, gave The Steelers broke the game league (competItIOn) and m the up seven hits and walked four open m the second half WIth VIctories we were able to attam Two of the Park CIty Farms' twu goals by MackenzIe and WIth a young team .. hIts were collected by Ben Deb. one by Chamberlin on a pen- Moebus pomted out that the skI alty kICk. strength of the underclassmen The wmners got the only run KatIe MIsuraca, MIchael was an outstandmg qualIty of they needed In the first innmg Damman and Alex Kramer tl:e squad when MIke Hamers walked helped set up the Steelers' It helped contrIbute to a dls, and eventually scored on Marty goals tance corps that aSSIstant coach SteIger's saCrIfice fly Crusaders' goalJe Kns Patnu- Tom Wise deSCrIbed as "the The Park.Clty.Farms added get had an outstandmg game deepest we've ever had at thl ee runs m the fourth Grosse Pomte South" Stelger opened the mnlng WIth UNDER 10 HOUSE It all came together at the a smgle and raced to thIrd on a diVISIOn meet at Romeo where throwmg error after Tom Rockers III 1. Humcanl's 0 South fimshed a convmCIng Luch's saCrIfice bunt was mls Goal Chn~ McKeon (Roehrs. first handled Chns Farkas smgled A%l~t Jordan M,tchehon trong midfield cmerag< 10d II,,' athletes Lahey won the <;

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MICROGRAPHIC & ElECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION ~', SERVICES. SYSTEMS • CONSULTATION Grosse Pointe News The Connection July 21, 1994 Directo of Services

946 HAULING 954 "AINTING/DECOIlATING 954 PAINTING/DECORATING 957 PLUM.ING/HEATING 956 "EST CONTIlOl 960 1l00FING SERVICE 962 SCREEN IlEPAIR 930 WINDOWS HAVE pickup- will haul Local COLLEGE Painters Intenorl or distant Dependable Extenor Call 817-Q546 STEVE'S PAINTING WILD LIFE REMOVAL l ~ra,%A~~:n~'A~I~~~n~ C.E.G. ROOFING. SCHNEIDER'S Home Repair Interior/exterior SAFE FLUE Free Estlmatesl Reason- Repairs, flat roofs, gutters, Aluminum, copper, charcoal ~~ Grosse POinte references R.J Wallpaper removal 's Specializing In plaslenng CHIMNEY SERVICE ablel Insured 778-8212,705- Siding, carpentry Do my screenlrg Window glazing, 8822423 Spackle and sanding All and drywall repairs. 882 -_____5169 7568 pager own work, 15 years ex- code work 886-4121 _ , J1~l1~~ MOVING-HAULING phases of preparation pnor ~~; 10 pamtlng or re- wallpaper. cracks, peeling paint ClEAN A Way, electnc sewer perlance Free Estl- 965 SEWING MACHINE Appliance removal to whole SERVICE In9 886-7832 Window glazing- caulk. & drams cleaned RepaJr males Licensed 757. KEN'S WI~'DOW house moves Garage, mg Also, paint old aluml- leaking faucets, lOllets & tub _2_54_2______TUNE-UP Special 10 your yard, basement, clean- EXTERIOR SERVICE num Siding taucets Semor discounts ALL Pro Roofing ProfessJOnai home Cleaned, Oil. adjust outs Expenenced Free DAN ROEMER JOURNEYMAN/GLAZIER PAINTING Grosse Pointe PLUMBING Free esllmates VlsaJ MlC roofs, gutters, S4dlng New & tenslOll, $9 95 All makes, estimates Wmdows Re pUll led pamlld A Bargain Intenor painting References Call 776-0252 rEl"~nad Reasonable, reha- all ages 885-7437 Mr B's 882-3096 ,'nd laulked Grosse Pain Ie refer- FREE ESTIMATES Repairs, remodeling, BOB Dube Plumbing & Heat. ble 20 years expenence (Removmg all old putly) code work. fixtures, ences Spraying, stain- 874-1613 Ing Elecf nc sewer clean Ing lJcensed & InSU red Joh n 913 TILE WORK Replace Broken glass Ing, plaster, drywall, Sid. water heaters Installed Spnnlders Since 1965 886- Williams 776-5167 sleamed up Thermopanes VINCE'S pamtlng Inlenor/ Ex licensed and Insured Ing cleaned 18 years CERAMIC kitchen counters, Installs Siorm wmdows and tenor Custom decoraling 772.2614 _38_9_7______ROOFING 8< SIDING doors experience Free esti- bathrooms, walls, floors We offer qualrty wor1 ,b FREE ESTIMATE' FULLY INSURED Family Owned Since 1965 ,,;?:oc,.('i • Centrol Air Conditioning ~ 7~ 886.7602 ."0 24IillS 610-1907 Oil 790-9400~"~

-' 1 JUly 21, 1994 Grosse Pointe News Sports 3C North Boosters honor school's senior athletes By Beth Caramagno gJ'dde pOint average of 4 02 and Special Writer plan~ to attend Michigan Grosse POinte North's Ath- letic Boo'lter Club honored the McLeod has earned SIX var- school'~ hemor athletes at a re- sity letters m football, basket- cent brunch at the Grosse ball and baseball and has been Pomte Yacht Club captam of three teams He has been d Scholar-Athlete 12 times The 69 semor athletes, theIr and al'lO receIved several aca pal ents and coaches heard a demlc excellence awards He speech by Umverslty of MIChi- served as semor class preSident gan reCIultmg coordmator Bob and has an overall GPA of Chmiel 397

Hdnnah SeO was awarded Sarn81k earned SIX varsity the Can Gauerke Klem $500 letters 10 soccer and tenms He Memorial &holarshlp for her wa'l an all-eonference selectIOn excellence m academiCS and m tenms the last two years and partiCipatIOn m athletiCS and was a captam m both sports other co curricular actIvitIes. He has been a Scholar Athlete Anne Maliszewski, Robert eight times, received many ex- Mcleod and AJlt Sarnalk re cellence m academiCS awards, cf'lved Scholar Athlete awards has a 403 GPA and plans to Mahszewskl was a member attend the Masbachusetts Insti- of 10 teams m volleyball, cross tute of Technology country and track, earning eight varsity letters She was Mahszewskl and Tom Fen- dll-Macomb Area Conference nell receIved the ErIC Van Hee I honorable mention in volleyball award as North's most dedi- and all-eonference in track for cated athletes. Fennell earned four years She has been a SIX varsIty letters m football, Hannah Seo received the Carl Gauerke Klein memorial Anne Maliszewski and Tom Fennell received the Eric Van Scholar-Athlete 10 times, re- hockey and track He was Stu- Hee award as Grosse Pointe North's mosl dedicated senior schol~rship for excellence in academics and participation in ceived many academiC excel- dent ASSOCIatIOnVice preSIdent athlehcs and other school activities. athletes. Maliszewski also won the school's female Scholar lence awards, has an overall and VarsIty Club preSident Athlete award. Red Barons schedule Braves best in Majors The regular season champIOn ChriS Mikula drove in one with signup for newcomers Braves scored three runs m the a double and Elhs had an RBI top of the sixth Inning, then smgle RegistratIOn of new players freshman squads Age, weIght held off a late rally by the Reds Kasiborskl led off the Braves' and cheerleaders for the Grosse and experience wIll determme to win 7-4 and capture the flfth With a smgle and eventu- Pomte Red Barons Little on which team a child wIll Grosse Pomte Woods-Shores ally came around to score the League football program will be play Each squad WIll mclude Babe Ruth Major League cham- tymg run. held Saturday, Aug. 13, from 9 up to 40 players pionship In the bottom of the seventh, to 11:30 a m at Kerby School, Players must be available to Adam Rouls led the Braves' Mikula was safe on an error located at Kerby and Beaupre begin practice at 5 pm, Mon- attack with five RBI, mcluding and EllIs followed with hIS roads in Grosse Pointe Farms day, Aug 15, at Kerby Field, a three-run homer that cleared third hit of the game. Bnles Player regIstratIOn IS on a on Kerby Road between Mack the outfield fence then retired the next three bat- fIrst-come, first-served basis and Chalfonte. Buddy Briles pitrhed two m ters on a stnkeout, a fly to and is open to reSidents of the "Due to the nature of our mngs of relief to post the VIC- short right field and an infield Grosse Pomtes and Harper program, In that we basically tory The Reds had runners on grounder Woods, who were born between have just three weeks to pre- second and third with no out m Reds 7, Tigers 4 Aug. 1, 1980, and Dec. 1, 1985 pare the players for the start of the bottom of the seventh, but Players wIll weigh m at regis the season, we strongly suggest Bnles retired the last three The Reds, paced by CraIg ZIOlkows- tratIon and must weigh be. that only those players who can batters. He also had a key hit kI's two hits scored four runs In the tween 65 and 155 pounds No commit to practicmg fIve days m the slXth-mnmg first mrung Chns MIkula pItched well m fi,e mmngs of rehef for the Reds. late registratIOns wIll be ac- Steve Dube went the dlS a week for approximately two "hlle Mark Touhey. John Smyly and cepted because of roster limita- hours a day, sign up," said Photos by Dick Cooper tance for the Reds, who fin r-hke Spdth had key hIts for the wm tions lshed the regular season In sec- ne,.,; Doug Cheek, preSident of the Aji\ Sarnaik. left. and Robert McLeod were co-winners 01 Youngsters Wlshmg to partiC- ond place They defeated the board of drrectors Grosse Pointe North's mole Scholar AthJete award. Ipate In the program must pre "It's a tremendous time com- third-place Pirates to advance sent the following informatIon ID1tment for the klCls and J1' to the title game Camp filled w.hen they register on Aug. 13' Bnles led off the slXth WIth a they are planmng a famJ1y va- South's spring athletes The overwhelming response A valid bIrth certillcate, proof cation that would COnflIctWith smgle and took second on a sac- of residency and results of a re- rifice. Matt Walny walked and to the first year of the Jay j our pre-season practices or are SmIth Basketball School has cent - withm six months - participating in another sport, Chris Jones was safe on a field- physical examination with a receive their awards er's chOIce as Briles was caught resulted m enrollment being It is our experIence that It is closed. signed note from a physiCian Grosse Pomte South honored redo received the first Jeff m a rundown. Bnan Kasiborskl very difficult for that child to "In order to run an effective approving the chIld for partici- its sprmg athletes at its awards Halso Award followed WIth an Infield hit to get the full benefit from the program, we have to keep the pation in athletics rnght last month. Jenna Nutter and Maureen drIve m Walny "'lith the wm. Red Barons' program," he said school at a reasonable num- The partiCipatIOn fee IS $40 Rachel O'Byrne was a double Ryan shared the softball team's mng run. ber," said Smith, an assistant per player All necessary eqUIp- winner in grrls track, takmg MVP award Ann Halpm was Rouls followed WIth a hit off For more mformatIOn on the coach at the University of ment, helmet, pads, jersey and the Most Valuable Player and most Improved; Laura Stuckey, the pitcher's glove that drove Red Barons football program, MIchigan "I want to be sure pants will be prOVIded by the most pomts awards Gretchen unsung player, MeredIth Wolfe, m Jones and Kaslborskl contact Cheek at 824-1431 or everyone has the opportunity to Red Barons organIzation. Each Carter was the most Improved Coaches award; and Knsten The Reds scored twice in the Doug Luttenberger at 885-6485. learn and have fun." player must proVIde hiS own and Sandra Hammel was Apple, sportsmanship award first, highlighted by smgles by Registration for Red Barons' The school WIll be held Aug. footwear. RookIe of the Year Katherine Grenzke was the Joe Elhs and Dube cheerleaders Will take place the 8-12 at Umverslty Liggett The Red Barons organIZatIOn ChrIS Johnson was MVP m MVP on the girls soccer team Rouls homered after singles same date and time as player School IS a member of the Eastern boys track, whIle other team Other players honored were by Walny and Jones m the signup. The fee is $40 per-par- Plans are bemg made to ex- Suburban Football League. The awards went to Mike Lahey, Sarah Prues, outstandIng de- third innmg, but the Reds re- ticipant and IS also open to resI- pand the program next year league COnsists of 11 franchises most pomts, Adam Rhodes, fenSive player, Molly Mc- gained the lead WIth two runs dents of the Grosse Pointes and and to mclude a girls sessIOn. - Grosse Pointe, St Clarr Harper Woods, who are be- most dedIcated, Rob Lloyd, Kenzie, sparkplug, and Carey m the bottom of the frame. $hores, Sterlmg Heights, East- tween the ages of 6 and 12. most Improved; DenniS Lopez, King, most Improved pointe, Northeast DetrOIt, War- Cheerleadmg uniforms are RookIe of the Year, and Ron ren, Shelby, Mount Clemens, also furnished by the Red Bar- Watters, the Dan Whitney Un- Inkster, Cannon and Oak Park ons organizatIOn sung Hero award EASTSIDE UNITED SOCCER Eight games are scheduled Eugene Agnone was MVP in Local players for the 1994 season and will be Cheerleading practice begins baseball. Other team awards are named to Looking For played on Sunday afternoons, at 5 p.m Monday, Aug 15, at went to Todd Malbouef, most Is ~gmnmg Sept 11 and continu- Kerby Field. The Red Barons improved, ChrIs Fox, offensive all star squad mg through New. 6. The Red are seekmg coaching aSSIstance player; Bnan Nugent, defenSIve U-14 ~ U-13 B$rons' four home games will for the cheerleadmg squad For player; and Jay Harrmgton, Tight end Rob Dallarre of be diVIded between the Grosse mor~ information on the cheer- Coaches' award Grosse POinte North and pun- Travel SOCCER PLAYERS Pomte North and Grosse Pomte leaders and coaching oppurtUnI- Jeff Wheeler took MVP hon- ter Ryan McCartney of Grosse ~uth football facilItIes. tIes, contact head cheerleadmg ors In boys tenms Andy Schu- Pointe South have been named In The Grosse Pointe/Harper Woods Area _The Red Barons are dIVided coach Tma Leldlem at 839- macher was the squad's most to the East squad for the an- For MYSL Travel Soccer i~to varsity, JUnIor varsity and 5948 Improved player and Andy Lo- nual MIchigan High School East-West all star football game. \ CALL The game will be played Sat- urday, July 30, at 1:30 pm at Michigan State's Spartan Stad- \. 886-6857 or 88t-7t 29 Evenings ium.

* Participate in locker room actIVities * Visit at * Practices & SCrimmages * Play in an offiCial NHL game * Learn hockey at a pro level with Dave Lewis * Get 10 know the pros personally * OffiCIal Red Wings practIce and game Jerseys * Video Tape * Awards Banquet * Team Photo * Golf Outing "I think it was the finest four mghts of my life." August 17 - 20, 1994 -Jim Paull, 2 hme participant at Fraser Ice Arena, Fraser, MI SCHEDULED TO APPEAR: ADULTS 30 AND OVER Ted Lmdsay Eastside champions $1,650 U.S. Ale'\: Deh CCChlO Marty Pavehch LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE Mickey Redmond Sergei Fedorav The St. Clare of Montefalco junior varsity softball team won the Catholic Youth Organi- [ VISA] (Payment Plans • Vladimir KOn

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dO: 3F ...... 0.+ m t 0,5 July 21, 1994 Grosse Pointe News The Connection Directo of Services 907 IlASEMENT 902 ALUMINUM SIDING WAm"~OOFING 911 BRICK I_LOCK WORK 911> CARP(l INSllllAllON 913 CEMENT WORK 936 FlOOIt SANDING! 943 LANDSCAPERS I ItUlNISHING GAIlDfNERS MIKE & Sue's Power Washing American J. W. KLEINER SR. ALL carpet repairs, major & SEMI rebred bock layer, 44 & Pamtlng Gutters, tmn. B&B Pressure Washing Spe ARTIST- TREE MASON CONTRACTOR minor Restretehlng Jerry 0( years In masonry trade we REASONABLE sldlng, block & decks 5en- Basement clarrzlng In decks fences HARDWOOD FLOORS SERVING THE Lyle 773-7302or 89().()9l,'6 do bnck palJOS and bnck IOf dISCOunts Call Mike or Vinyl Siding. gUllers win "We earn our money thru TREE & STUMP Waterproofing dnveways Reasonable 772. Sue. m-2995 Walls straightened POINTES for 30 Years GARY'S CaJPElt SeMCe In- dows, cement & more conSCientiOUS effort and REMOVAL & BTlck, Block, and Stone stalla!lon, restrelchlng R&- 3223 Guaranteed to undercut lo- PEAK PERFORMANCE or replaced safe, quality products " wo,;.. and all types pair" Carpet & pad aV8J1- CHIMNEY & porch repalrs cal competition Free estl SHRUBS POWER WASHING Cement work FREE ESTfMATES of repairs able 774-7828 Cunered stone fireplaces, mates Call 88lHl408 ask Specializing In decks, Licensed & Insured nO.3606 882.5204 Bnck & Flagstone PatiOS brick pavers, mailboxes, for Phil or KeVin boats, mobile homes 10 year guarantee & Walks, Porches, 917 CElllNG/ PLASTERING Sleps 254-3563 ENJOY A KELM houses- siding, brick, FREE ESTIMATES Chimneys, Tuck-POinting, CEMENT Reparrs-Steps, tuck- CUSTOM WOOD DECK Family owned Since 1943 sidewalks & dnveways 944 GUlHRS 526-9288 Patching PLASTER repairs, painting, POinting, porches, concrete We specifically design and Roor laYing, sanding, re- Insurance for commercial! Violations Corrected cheapl No JOb too smaJll reparrs Call Vince, 792. bUild natural wood decks finishing Ok:! floors a Call anytime Insured SEAVER'S Home Mainte- residential We do your THOMAS KLFINER n4- 1528 to SUIT YOUI Free con- specialty We also refin- Speclahztng In Small Jobs nance Gutters replaced, re- dirty work r r~SEMEN, 2827 Ish banls1ers Free Estiimates LIcensed sultatlonl Estimates ll- paned, cleaned, roof repalrs 810.228-9927 WA1ERPAOOFING CEILING repairs. water dam- 882-0717 TESTA CEMENT censed bUilder 535-7256 882.0000 Exterior House Washing • DlgglOg Method age, cracks, pambng, plas- 791-0418 938 fU~NITURf FAMOUS Mamtenance Wino We'll make your home • All New Dram Tile ter, texture or smooth Joe. CO., INC. 912 IlUILOING! RfMODHlNG 881-1085 It£flNISlilNG IIlEPAIIlS dow & gutter cleaning Ll- sparkle I • Peastone Backfill ServingIhe AreaFor 48Vrs. 927 DItAPEltIES FURNITURE refimshed, rrr censed, bonded, Insured Sales & 'nstallatlon • Spotless Cleanup PLASTER & drywall repair Driveways,garagefloors, paired, Slnpped, any type of Since 1943 884-4300 Vinyl & Aluminum • Walls Stralghtened & BARKER &nce 1970 We sp8ClallZe patios. porchesl CUSTOM Made slipcovers and In old fashion quality WOI'k- caning Free estimates 34&- GUTIERS Installed, repaired, Siding & Trim Braced or Replaced CONTRACTORS GarageStraightening drapenes Guaranteed work- manshlp DIscount to sen- 6258. 661.5520 cleaned and screen InstaJJao Beautiful and virtually no • FoundatIOns underpinned Modernization' Alterations LICENSED/INSURED manship Expenenced Call .Addltlons.Famlly Rooms IOrs Mike MacMahon 372- now- Bemlce 521.5255 DONALD Stanhopes Furnrlure lion Semor discounts malntenancel • Bnck & Concrete Work FREE ESTIMATES 3696 Stnpptng & Refinishing All FREE estimates, reasonable • 10 Year Guarantee • Kitchens. Recreation CUSTOM DRAPERIES All Work Guaranteed 8.Qt..tQ~1(t.... doni! b~ hand 88o-8S13 rates Lc505 WEEKLY CUTTING 823-1207 WalIsStralghlened CHAS. F. Residential CommerCial And Bracedor Replaced JEFFREY 885-4087 943 LANDSCAPE~SI 10 YearTransferableGuarantee Bnck, Ragstone Walks & GRAlIO CONSTRUCTION, INC, GARDENERS ReferencesAvaJ.!able Patios r RESIDENnAL • COMMERCIAL All Concrete & MasonryWork Porches RebUilt piti~-- DRIVEWAYS • FLOORS • PORCHES Pilorget TEE'S LAWN LICENSED INSURED Pre-Gast Steps I U GARAGES RAISED & RENEWED Landscaping Co. Lt."'. SPRINKLERS No Subst1lute for Quality Tuck-POinting Th' 1'1


SERVICES • SYSTEMS 0 CONSULTATION urosse t-'ointe News The Connection July 21, 1994 404 GARAGE/YARD . 404 GAIIAGE/YARD 404 GAUGE/YARD 404 GARAGE1YARD 409 MISCELlANEOUS 409 MISCEllANEOUS . 409 MISCELlANEOUS 40S mATE SAm IIASEMENI SALES lIAUMfNl SAlES IASEMfNT SAllS BASEMENT SALES ARTICLES ARflClf5 A~T1CLES \ GARAGEI MOVing Sale FOUR ProVincialchallS, 2 mar- MOVING sale- 1 hlde-a-bed, GARAGE Sale- 3 family, ESTATE AIRLINE tlcltels. 2 bUSiness TODDLER bed complele & FULL Size headboard, tnple SchWinn 3 speed bllte key- ble tables, 2 lamps 5269 like new 13 cublc foot r&- 21729 Revere, St ClaIr ..I!l~ IQund IflP ((I Au"I,,,:la, corner chillorobe Like new dresser WIth mirror, night. boards. girls bedroom set Grayton Salurday, July fngerator, like new Wood Shores saturday only, 9- 5 FURNITURE Hong Kong or any United $175 Maple changerl stand $500 Pattemed area Many rniSC Items Salurday 23rd 10 a m table Wllh 4 challS, double AT deslinatlons Bargain pnce dresser, $50 884-7874 rug, 11' x 8' $100 Plush 10 to 3 1992 Beaufalt bed, clothes, miscellaneous SATURDAV, 1()' 4 Household RELICS In Hamtramck Fax 88&6150 and I WIll carpellng, 12' x 20'. $100 470 Colomal Ct, 2 brass day GIRL'S Ethan Allen bedroom Grosse POinte Woods 3 Items, fumaure, stove. ml- 10027 Joseph Campau phone youl beds- white moped, seere- lIems 2249 Allard, comer of set, yellow, canopy bed, bu- Good condrtJon 882-6970 blocks South of VernlE'r,2nd Arthur, Grosse POinte crowave, canning jars, 874-0500 tanal desk, love seal, house- bikes, antique radIO, miscel- EXERCISE bicycle and slalr reau, hutch, $600 885- AS low as $72 10 quarterly for block off Mack Woods Call for fumlture hold Items July 22nd & laneous 1708 Lochmoor Open 11- 6, Tues. thru stepper See Saturday at 2499 no- fault Insurance on pICk. only at B8H)951 GARAGE sale JUly 23rd & 23rd1()'4 Blvd, Grosse Pomte Woods Sat 606 Rivard, 1(). 1 ups and vans owned by ser. TEN Piece Jacobeon dlmng 241h, 8- ? 1384 Aline- be- SALEI 851 lincoln saturday, VIC& contractors Also aut~ GARAGE Sale- Fnday, Salur- (south of Vemler, east of Traditional furniture, aceas- WINDOW air conditioners, one room set bullet, cabmet & 6 tween 8 & 9 Almost every. Sunday 10 am- 4 pm mobiles, homes. contents day 9 10 3 29224 Besle, 2 Mack) sones, antiques & collec. casement, one regular, one chairs, excellent condillon thing goeSI No checlts Two 01Everythlngl and health Insuranee at very blocks east of 1-94 off 12 GARAGE saJe salurday 930- tlbles Good quality at af- combo heaV air, $100 each $3 000 or best 81()'528- low ratesl AI Thoms HUGE yard sale Thursday mile MOVING sale bedroom set 3 Bicycles, household fordable pnces 886-1924 3782 Fnday Saturday 10 to 5 Agency, 79().66()() HUGE MUL TI.FAMIL Y (thirties), old WInd up wall Items, toys, books and ESTATE Salel 25700 Madison ELECTRIC stove $75 fireplace GAS stove almond, like new, 2240' Revere Toys house- CAMEL back love seal, brown GARAGE SALE cloclt, antique ChallS,lamps more 1308 Yorkshire Ct north of 101 off LrIIle Insert With blower, $65 hair dryer With chair car hold mlsc tables Ioveseat, lV, plaid, excellent conclitlOn, Baby cnb, Little Tykes, of- GARAGE! MovJng SaJe. Thurs- Mack 7/21- 7/23 9- 4 pm Other mISe Items 263- camer, dog grooming table mlsc pnnts, set of china, $275 885-73n GARAGE Sale 331 Mem- fice furniture, sofabed day, Fnday, Saturday 10 to Furniture, rugs glassware 0598 mlcr~wave 88&8074 weather Fnday & Saturday glassware and more Plus ? Clothes, tools, camper, linen, jewelry, tools and so many more bar- NEWLY purchased contempor. MOVING, must sell Two BAHAMA CrUise- 5 days! 4 9 to 4 Many country d~ tool makers preciSIOn tools gains Stop by' 1044 fumlture, mise 22900 Care- ESTATE sale- fumlture and tary liVing room set dining peach Queen Anne chairs, mghts Underbookedl Must rating accessones Baskels such as mICrometer Indica- selll $2791 couple limited Whittier, Grosse Pomte Iina (8 112l Mack) much much morel July 23 & room Days 961-8400, eve- tradlllOnal COUCh. belgel copper wood shelves tor, IV block, angle plate tICkets 407-767-8100 ext MOVING equip- 2d, 10- 5 pm 1023 Cedar. nings 8864521 peach & aqua pnnt Good ducks plaques checker Park (between Jeffesonl 28421 Jefferson, Apt 1, cor. Saie- Office ment & fumlture, bedroom hili, Royal Oak (1 block condition 313--412-7021 4711, Monday thru satur- bOards Vlctonan hall tree Kercheval Fnday 9- 5, ner Gordon 1 bloclt south SCHWINN A1rdyne exercise fumllure, lawn mower Call south of 12 mile, between day, 9 a m to 10 pm CherT)' sola table Clothes Saturday 9- 5, Sunday 2- of Martin St Clair Shores bike, mileage meter 1992 SOFA & chair- 3 cushion, tight for speclficsl 882-3866 Croolts & Woodwa,d) bikes & many more Items 5 Thursday through Saturday model Excellent condition baclt, mauve $250 CHINA Cabinet. country style, No pre- sales 10- 4 BARGAINS galore I Lady's 884-2128 Dresser, brass Queen head- solid dark pme, beautifully TOYS, children's and aduN cIothlllg, SIZes 10 to 20 ESTATE SALE board, like new Must sell detailed, excellent conditiOn GARAGE sale Saturday 9- 3 clothing Books, double GARAGE Sale exercise ma- TWO brown plaid sofas With Men's extra large and boy's. 88t-4853 $475 n6-3648 29230 Beste (121 LIllie stroller, humidifier 910 Lak- chme 3 piece bedroom set cushions E~cellent COndi- 10 to 14 Chrome SchYtlnn Dicken's DeSign 56 collec- Mack) Miscellaneous epolJ'lte, Grosse POlJ'lte T V mICrowave,retngeralor tion $150 & $175 886- DREXEL Hentage queen size Predator, spIOrts cards and tion Art glass, 1st edi- Park Thursday Fnday, 9 to Toys, clothes mlsc satur- 1792 Iron canopy bed 2 years MAHOGANY BIG GARAGE SALE mlsc 9 to 3, Thursday, Fn- tions, paintings, tapes- 2 day July 23rd 8 to 4 1721 old Retail $2500 asking INTERIORS Coffee table, lamps. Irons, BEAUTIFUL solid oak dining ROSlyn day 22649 Englehardt, St tries, den, dlnmg room & $1100 or best 886-3296 (Fine Furniture flower basllets galore, Ctlllr Shoes kitchen furniture, Wicker, set, very old (antique?) Estate Sale by THREE family garage sale- Fn. Dark stain ornalely carved MIKE'S ANTIQUES & Antique Shop) planters terranums, old porch furniture, fireplace day, Saturday 9- 6, Sunday GARAGE sale Saturday, 9 to chairs & bullet 2 captain, 4 881.9500 506 S, Washington tools household Items, Mary Lou 3 1561 Brys Electnc h0spi- screen & andirons, many 11- 3 Bedroom! miscella- Side chairs 2 self- stonng 11109 Morang, DetrOit Royal Oak, MI dishes old records, bed- neous fumaure, 21506 Park- tal bed Avon stuff Rockmg whiskey bottle collec- 21721 Stephens leaves, extends table to 8' Open g- 5 (5 Blocks North of 696 spreads. bed ruffles, cur- way (13/ HaJper) challS Old hlQhchaJr tions 1090 Anita, Grosse S1. Clair Shores Very good C'Ondll'on 'S1'2QO Monday. Saturday Freeway at 10 Mite. tains, drapes lewelry IT'S THE "BEST" POinte Woods (east of 884-9233 July 22 & 23.... 10 to 4 GARAGE sale, 19708 Wood- American furniture, 1920's, Take WoodwardJ Main clothing (ladles 8-10) ESTATE SALE EVER. 94, off Marter Rd at Ver- This quality sale offers crest saturday, 9- 4 Baby DINING room, beautiful 30's, 40's French furJ'll- Street eXit) And much, much morel Come )Oln us and dIscover mer) Thursday 21st- furniture. hnens, china, furniture, lawn eqUipment, 1940's, 54" wide, crotch ture Table lamps, 011 Monday through Saturday 20606 HUNTINGTON great buysl July 30, 8 00 Sunday 24th Numbers mahogany, Baker style. crystal, snowblower, miscellaneous pamtll'lgs, porcelainS, 11to 5'30 HARPER WOODS a m tIfI? Saturday at 8 a m Street numbers break1ront, chma cabinet, barbeque All Items like MOVING Sale, Juty 2200, marble bust Sconces, Closed Wednesday FRI 9-4 SAT 9-2 21346 NEWCASTLE honored $2500 1940's complete and Sunday new' 23rd. 24th, 1()' 5, 25500 Ur- mahogany bedroom sel handmade rugs, flgu- FRIDAY July 22 & Saturday HARPER WOODS SPECIAL SHIPPMENT suline (North of 10, between ESTATE SALE $1350 Mahogany comer nnes and oak armoire July 23 1(). 4 Stoves re- GARAGE sale, 588 Lakeland 1.94/ LrttIe Mack) ANNUAL Block Sale, Grayton- FRIDAY- SATURDAY chma cabmet, $875 Small THIS WEEK fngerator 4 maple dmelte Clothes household rtems, BALTIC Amber exolic jSWelry, between Frankfort and 10 4. mahogany booltcase, $750 Persian oriental rugs and 3 chairs coffee table and mis- dog cage Much more Fn- GARAGE sale saturday, Sun- to RUSSian black lacquer Southhampton Saturday, Solid cherry 4 poster bed Karastan Kerman onental cellaneous Items n5-5324 day saturday 9- 3 day, 19715 Salisbury baby 22476 lOUISE. boxes, RUSSIanod pa!nltngs July 23rd. 1()' 4 $575 Complete 9 piece rugs (9X12) Ster1lng SIl- 22456 Red Maple Lane St eqUipment, clothing, gas Between 101/2 & 11 C Chaundy European Art GARAGE Sale Fnday, satur- mahogany dining room set, Clair Shores dryer, blltes, miscellaneous GARAGE Sale, Fnday & Satur- Mlle. East of Jefferson. Gallery, 19839 Mack Ave, ver flatware for 12 WIth day 9 to 4 4249 Harvard $3200 QUality 850-5000 Stop by day 9 to 2 421 Moran Antiques, collectibles, fine Grosse POinte Woods 884- many serving pieces HUGE garage sale- 4120 Har Daughter leaVIng lor COl- S UMMI:R Sal;: 250Al- 5Oo/ll off Stereo, skis, mICrowave, el- furniture LAZy' Boys, "'ENR~nON wlng armchaIr 7857 fw1a...... aegany qiJaGri size 4 vard saturday 10- 4, Sun- lege- lot's of great rtems to sell Includmg Smo!,h C-oro'lS se'ect items foi t"KJrntt, Qc1." burn:., Chnsunas nems lie Stnped velours m rose, DEHUMIDIFIER Sears Excel- pos1er bed, full & twin day 1 4 Don't miSS thiS Hitchcock rocking chaIT computer & lots of clothing den and you at Wild Birds mlsc & tea. cart. Vmtage cloth- green, blue and beige co~ tent condItIOn like new SIZes. Baker fumlture Jrl. oneil OlS In excellent, like new SIZes 5- 9 Also household Unlimited, 20926 Mack GARAGE sale Fnday & Satur- Ing, Trapuntas, drop- leaf $135 884-5374. cludes complete Chip- 18948 Washtenaw, salurday, Grosse Pomte Woods 881- condition, $425 French Items, women's clothing, day, 9- 3, 2107 Hollywood dinette set & breakfront, FORMICA 42" table, plus 2 pendale mahogany dill- 9 5 Sunday, 9- 3 Womens 1410 PrOVincial dmrng room set, new golf aocessones & (comer HoIlywoodI Helen) leaves, 4 leather barrel ing room set WIth band shoes chairs, clothes, mis- twin beds, glassware, cabnole legs, table WIth ex- loads of mlsc All clean, ex- BIG garage sale, 31900 Jeffer- No early birds pleasel chairs Must go 881-9381 of inlay on table and 10 cellaneous Items kitchen & garden Items tentlon leaves, glass tops, 8 cellen! COnditIOn,pnced to son, Fndayl saturday 9- 5 THREE family garage sale, Antique oak upright chairs, buffet Made by BRASS bed, Queen, complete dining room chairs. GARAGE sale, salurday & sell men's- women's- mfanV tod- 22444 Red Maple- south of plano Leather- top desk. Johnson- Haudley Johnson with OrthopediC mattress. Wingback chair. Pair of Sunday 9 to 3 1841 Hamp- dler d~gner clothes Also GARAGE Sale, 20401 Hun- 9 Mile- east of Mack Fnday. RoseVille pottery, cut Co Grand Rapids, MI unused, m box Cost Single chests. Oval ma- ton household treasures llngton, HaJper Woods July Saturday, 10- 3 Toys, glass linens, towels, $2,500 MOVing, call after $1.000 Sell $325 cash 422. hogany desk. Extra set 2200 thru 24th, 10 to 5 An- clothes, books, bikes, MOVING Sale Everythmg GARAGE Sa1e- Saturday 1().4, tools Huge fireplace an- 600 pm 821-4126 1856 of 6 Chippendale dining must go 24795 Mabray Off tiques, sewmg machine household Items Sunday 12-4 Men & wom- dirons, mantel clock, T.V. & VCR, $350 2 sofas, CAMAROI Fireblrd Drawtlle room chalrs. Executive 10 Mile between Kelly & I- boaling eqUipment, tools, ens clothes, household GARAGE sale, Fnday, Satur- Wicker, golf clubs black & while $550 Sleeper trader hitch $40 882.2086 desks, large & small (su- 94 Thursday, Fnday & Sat- table saw, electnc welder, & goods 8557 Canyon, (7 day, B- 4 Plane, fumllure, sofa, $425 886- perb conditIOn). Antique carts, mlsc lots n66 1993 Mulching mower. excel- urday 9 to 4 odds & ends Anny Jeep Mllel Chester) household lIems 2000 An- traJler, old dressers, wom- more .. DO NOT MISS CAMERA New 35mm Mmolta lent condItIOn, used 1 sum- chandeliers, secretary GIANT Ita, Mack! 8 Mile area ens blke Ram date 29th LOTSAI STUFF SALEI THIS ONE, NO EARLY zoom- lens c1eamng lot, mer $80 or best offer. Il85- desks, art deco desks TRUCKLOAD SALE thru 31st PLUS BLOCK sale- Thursday, Fn- BIRDS camera case 881-2001, 6710 Kittinger furniture in- Fabulous pnces on a trailer day, Saturday, 9- 4, Farm- evenings cludes: Complete Chip- GARAGE! rTlOVIngsale Fnday, Free Friendly Chit Chat 409 MISCHtANEOUS ANTIQUES pattern glass, load of toys, games, brook (between Chandler pendale mahogany din- Saturday, 10- 4 Lots of 10- Fn , Sat, 9 00 a m. ARTIClES GOLF clubs Yonex ADX 100 books & accessones Dou- electronics, giftwrap, tins, Park & Chester) Detrort teresl1ng rtems 21612 Cali. (PLEASE!) Dnver, 3 Wood $180 for ble sleeper sofa Pine & ing room set with extra collectibles & discontin- fomla (between 8 & 9 off 895 Edgemont Park MOVING sale- lots of 900(lIes, WHEELCHAIR. Invocare 2000 both 882-9098 brass col1eelable Clocks, large breakfront. Wine ued Items Thursday July Harper) GP.P office chal IS and bargams Hemming deluxe, Includes ptCIures Lamps, & aCCElSS()- table. Chippendale cam- Fnday. July 22nd, saturday, seat belt Excellent condI- HAND carved chess set, from 21st, Friday July 22nd, {Street on laKe SIde of nes 296-7236 elback sofa. Martha GARAGE Sale- The Good July 23rd 9- 5 11531 East tion $300 WurlllZer Fun Ball IndoneSia 885-3925 Saturday July 23rd 10 to Jeffenson, behNeen Washington ann chair Stuff! Mostty new lIems un- Outer Onve, Detroit maker electnc cord organ SEA Kayak. lIke new, $500 DEPARTMENT 56 DICkensVil- 6 At Mortey Candy Mak- Queen Anne arm chair used gifts 20878 Country YorkshIre and KenSington Good cond,lron $400 I besl ladles bike, SchWinn, 3 rage..26 reltred pieces san- ers 23770 Hall Rd Be- Club at Harper Harper EVERYTHING Must GOI Fuml- ous collectors need only re- Mahogany dlOing room MULTI- Family Garage Sale 29&2074 speed, $40 Men's bike, 3 tween Gratiot & Groes- Woods Fnday July 22 9 ture, welding cable, baby spondl 81D-228-9199 after 6 set by ThomaSVille, 93(). 3 Fnday & Saturday speed $30 810445-8929 beck West of '.94 am t03pm lIems, books, drafting board, DINING room set, Century pm Georgetown Galleries, 19678 Huntington freezer Saturday, Sunday, Country French. walnut, ta- SATURDAY, July 23rd, 9- 2 GARAGE sale, entertamment LAMPSI Stiffer brass lamp, more! Mahogany bed- BOUVIER Rescue salel Bigger 8 30- 4, 1175 BiShop, ble, 6 chairs, chma cabmet, 40S ESTATE SAlES Daycare going out of bUSI- center, miscellaneous fuml- height 36". Decoraltve metal room fumiture. HighbOys, & beUer- 15105 Toepfer, Grosse POintePark servlng cart 296-2566 ness Tons of toys, bikes ture, pICturesand household Flonda room chandelier chests, dressers, beds. near 8 1/2 & Grabot Fnday EARLY Amencan sofa, plat- clothes Everything tor new lIems Saturday, July 23 9- TRASH & Treasure Sale- Fn- WE BUY BOOKS 881-1399 & saturday July 22 & 23 545-4110 Mom! Grandma Metal cabI- 5, 900 Sunmngdale, Grosse day, July 22 9 am- 3 pm form rocker. Gogwheel ta- AND LIBRARIES nets books, software. 1115 AudUbon, Grosse ble, 2 dark pme end tables POinteWoods GARAGE Sale, 16756 Collin- 405 ESTA 1£ SALES 405 ESTATE SALES household 1259 Cadieux son, Eastpointe, Fnday, Sat. Pointe Park Household Newly upholstered $12001 GARAGE sale- top name urday, 9- 5 Ice cream table! Items, cIothmg, toys, jeWelry best offer Maple bedroom JOHN KING YARD sale, saturday, Sunday, clothlll';r mfant thru aduK, set, smgle bed WIth hutch 4 chairs lJnens, etc 1(). 3 onlyl 21706 Bon Heur Discovery toys, and other dresser & desk, $300 Tl4- 961.0622 (between Harperl Jefferson) toys, bilte, air condrlloner, ~ 7975 Michigan's largest Baby clothes, miscella- furmture, and household 405 ESTAn SALlS 405 ESTATESAllS neous Items 2070 Hawthome Fn- Bookstore 'R~ &eate SaJu, 405 ESTATE SALES FURNITURE & matchmg 10 day 9- 1 and Saturday 9- 4 • Clip and Save thiS ad • Excellent Complete ServICE! speed bikes Chair, cocktail THREE Faffilly Garage Sale- References Glen and S1iaron Bur1«ln r.:::;::. =~=a=t=fie=n='n=e=Yl=rn=o={a==:::::.::iI: 885-0826 table Wrought Iron couch & Great Items, ehlldrens table n4-7214 thmgs, fum~ure, designer anti associates YARD Sale- 1215 Whrttler Fn- fabnc & wallpaper saturday day, Saturday 9 to 2 An- 10 to 1 pm, 606 RIVard ESTATE SALE tiques, furniture, 'Oy"&, de- 1420 Bee.ord- Saturday, 10- 3 201 Lakeview, Grosse Pointe Farms ~ signer clothing, "Little Household Items, sofa, (N of Moross, btwn Country Club Ln. & Kercheval) HARTZ HOUSEHOLD SALES, INC. Tykes" and bikes dresser, daybed, Damsk Saturday, 10:00 - 4:00 ESTATE AND MOVING SALES China, Eames-styIe chair SATURDAY, 8 3(). 3 Baby fur- Mahogany twin poster bedroom set, 10:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. Conducted By mture, chlldrens clothes, GARAGE Sale- 258 Kerby (be- mahogany double bed, Governor Wmthrop buffet miscellaneous 18768 WHOLE HOUSE ESTATE SALE JEAN FORTON tween Mack! Kercheval) secretary, Duncan Phyfe dinin~ table, Rattan Elkhart Saturday, 9- 4 Miscella- FRIDAY & SATURDAY set, console color T.V., colonial sofa, misc. neous Items 822-3174 155 Ridge- Saturday 9 to 2 mcludes bone china cups and saucers, set JULY22&23 Clothes, fum~ure, antiques, 20300 Erben- 11 Mile & lJltJe dishes by Susie Cooper, Machine Made 3805 AUDUBON mlsc Too much to mentlonll Mack Friday & Saturday 9- Orrental rugs, several pes, sterling sliver 4 Baby clothes, SWIng,bath DETROIT YARD Sale- 22154 Moross (candelabra, compotes, etc.) kitchen mise, car seats MaternIty cIo1hes, Organize Unlimited Thursday, Fnday, saturday linens, household & much more. No BETWEEN MACK & WARREN mICrowave, exefClSe bike, Old fashioned sale features Queen Anne sofa, mahogany 9 to 5 Baby lIems numbers thiS sale. Ann Mullen • Joan Visrnara j8W9lry, tools, ptpe threader, kneehole desk & end tables, 1940's mahogany dining set, secretary chair and mISCella- :. Contf~teti 01/?(fltfierine ~rno[tf .: antique victOrian bedroom furniture, 2 mahogany bedroom neous 331..4800 GIGANTIC sets, Queen Anne style writing desk, 4 Hitchcock chairs, GARAGE SALE MOVING Sale- 9 to 3 pm July 1910 legal bookcases wllh desk UJ'IIt,oak dmmg chairS, 23rd, 582 Ltncoln Treadrmll, humpback trunk, hall tree, oak pressed back chairS, old MOVING SPECIALISTS • 1300 LAFAYETTE CO-OP rOWIng machine, stereo, radiOcabinet victorian ladles chair and more II 1300 Lafayette East beer mal\lng eqUipment, KAINBOW ESTATE SALES • Sort and Pack mlsc household Saturday, July 23,1994 Smalls Inctude old costume Jewelry, art deco dresser set, • Coordinate Move 1111 (ram date Sunday 24th) GARAGE Salel July 22, 23, 1010 BALFOUR unusual Wedgwood tea set, old brass decorative items, GROSSE POINTE PARK Collectibles, Unique Items, 24 9- 5 26390 Woodmont, antique toys, venetian glass figurines, Royal Albert & • Unpack & Organize 111111 Food and Great Treasures Rosevtlle Sat., July 23rd (9:00-4:00) Royal Doulton, Limoges, Beewlck, old newspapers, loads to tempt you LARGE 3 famrly gara9l' sale, WHOLE HOSE MOVING SALE FEATURING A MIX OF of new & old books, old bed {Inens, everyday kitchen, QUALITY CONTEMPORARY AND TRADITIONAL ladles clothmg & accessories and much much more This For information, Call 9- 4, Fnday & Saturday, SUSAN HARTZ 20262 Damman, Harper FURNISHINGS INCLUDING Wong $hue sengraph. two house ISloaded wrth old & anllque treasures of all sorts 1.313.567.7400 Woods &10 Chinese o',entals, tan contemporary sofa, loveseat GROSSE POINTE CITY and chaIr, large Hemadon mirrored cabinet glass-lop 11artz[il 886.8982 tables, Henry link glass-top games table and Wicker WHOLE HOUSE ESTATE SALE sectional, new 27 lOch Zenith TV, t~ak contemporary SATURDAY ONLY HOUSEHOLD SALES dining set With 8 chairs, new oak large kltcher set, new oak Trust your sole to us knowing that we are the mosf queen bedroom sel, Chicago corn bumper pool table, JULY 23 moving and estate company in the chests of drawers, children's toys, Yamaha moped, IrIIle experienced sole Classic Clothing tnbe tree house, Mahogany Itnee-hole desk pecan cabinet, 62 RADNOR CmCLE Grosse Poinfe area. extension ladders decorator ~ems, glassware and much GROSSE POINTE FARMS For the past 15 years we have provided first quality Resale more TAKE HALL ROAD OFF KERCHEVAL service to over 850 SotlS~ed c1ienb. Womens Quality New & Used Cloth,"g, NUMBERS 7:30 A,M, SAT. NEAR COTTAGE HOSPITAL Jewelry & Accesones CALL THE 24 HOUR HOTUNE • 885.1410 LOOK FOR THE RAINBOW!Il Charming estate sale features walnut lighted curio cabinet, FOR UPCOMING SALE INFORMATION Over 900 P,ece's frultWood card table & 4 chairS, navy floral sofa & 2 wing I Over 200 Piece's Under $5 chairs, frurtwood dining set with china cabinet 2 hall con. Ralph Lauren DKNY soles, kneehole desk, Wicker bedroom furnllure, walnut .. •• bedroom furnllum Woodard porch furnllure and more • • I.) LIZ Clarborne Ruff Hewn 1(atfie.rine .9l.rno(tf Laura Ashley Country Store AcceSSOries Include antique Spelter figUrine, small am! associates J H Collectrble~ StOlle Mountal1l Waterford pieces antique cut glass vase, early Lladro Evan Picone Mallet angels, Johnson 8ros service plates, bisque figUrines, col- * 'Estate. Silks leellon of turtles, fireplace eqUipment, old 33 records, eve- Guess Glrbaud ryday kitchen Including small appliances barware, pallo * Moving Sales Sunday, 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M, entertaining rtems and much more There IS lots of mterest. 771-1170 Grosse Pointe Estate Sales, Inc. * Jf.ppraisafs Monday, 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Ing lIems at lh IS sale Estate. HousehOld. MOVIng * fJ?!.ferences FINESSE BEAUTY SHOP WE WILL HONOR STREET NUMBERS AT 9:00 A.M. OUR NUMBERS WILL BE AVAILABLE 9:00.10:00 A.M, 15318 E. Jefferson MARY ANN BOLL PATRICIA KOLOJESKI EXPERIENCED. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 'Near Notlinghaml 8821498 885-6604 24 Hour Hotline 885-1410 ••• ..•

------...... 'I Grosse Pointe News July 21, 1994 Classified Advertisin The Connection

(313) 882.6900 Fax# 343.5569 96 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 DEADLINES 953l'1atJO TlI1l1Jl¥Repall '12 NoonFnday- INDEX 911 Plaslelillg Real Estate • ClaSSIfied 957 P1um~ng & HeatJng & Resour.:eMs •• 958 Pro SavJce ANNOUNCEMENTS SITUATION WANTED 508l'eI Grooming REAL ESTATE FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE GUIDE TO SERVICES • Mooday 6 P m. - All BORDER and 903 Refngela'or SeMce 100 Pe.'SOOi¥s 300 BaI1,'slUers ! 701 Al>tsIRalS/Dllplex- • See our Ma\jil2lFle SedJOO 'Your. 928 DressmaklngITa.lonng MEASURED (speaal 912 Remodeling type, bold. 101 Praym 301C1erlcaJ AUTOMOTIVE DelrOlVBalance Wayne Home' for all Classified Real 929 Drywall caps, lilc) rrust be in our office by 960 Roofing SeMCe 102 lost and Found 302 Coovalescenl Care f/MJIC Coonty Estate ads, Busmess 930 Electl'lcal SeNlces Monday 6 p.m 961 SCIssor/Saw SIIarpemng 100 AlI011le'tWlegaJs 303 Day Care 601C/vys1ef 702 AptsiRatslDuplex- 0ertJe~~elert Lois 931 Energy SaI'Jng SeMce • Mooday 4 P m - ALL CANCELS 01 963 SeplJc Tank Repair 104 Insurance 304 Ger1era1 602 FOld St Clair Shcres/Macomb 1 932 Enga.nnbng CHANGES must be 10our office Diji 964 Sewer Cleilliing SeMce 3C6 House C1ean1I't9 603 Gene!al Mom Coonty GUIDE TO SERVICES 933 E.-cavatJng by Mooday 4 P m 965 SewIng Machine Repair SPECIAL SERVICES 306 House &!tng 604 AI1~e/OtSSl: 700 AplsIFlalsiDlJplex- 900 Air CooQbootng 934 Fences • 12 Noon Tuesday- R8glJ1ar ~ner 966 Slipcovers 105 Msweong SelVlCl!S 307 Nwses AIdes S05 Forelgl Wanted to Rer1t 901 Alarm InstailabOll/Repair 935 Fireplaces ads No borders, measUled, can- 961 Solar Cover 106 Camp 306 Office Oeanlllg 606 Jeepsl4 W!IeeI 704 Halls For Rent 902 AlUI1\Inum Slding 936 Floor SMcin9'Refin.shlng eels 01 dlanges on Tuesday 950 Snow Blower Repair 107 Caler1ng 309 Sales 607 Jun~ers 7~ House<-- 900 Appliance FlepaJrs 931 Fumoce Repal'A'lSlaJlaoon CASH RATES 12 wools $8 40, eacli 943 Snow RemO'laJ 100 Onve Your Cat NiP' 608 Parts(T"wesiAlanns Gros-~a POlnle/Harper Woods 004 Asp/lall Pil'II ng Repair 938 Fummxe Refil1lshm{i ad

•••••••••••••••• I~III ••• 1 I••••• ~I.I.I •••• I.III ••••• Use thIS 1'.and'; (ojji; 0; "'nil yuur ad on , SIflIrate shHl if desired. Use this hBndy form or rmte your lid 011, separate sheet If des/rid. ------HEADING: _ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING -- CITY. ZIP: _ 96 Kercheval • Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 882-6900: Fax (313)34~-5569 PHONE:, #WORDS __ TOTALCOST PER WEEK _

CJ 1 Wk, 02 Wks. 03 Wks. 04 Wks. 0 Wks. _ AMOUNTENCLOSED:, #: _ 0 ale 0" $8.40 SIGNATURE:, ,EXP.DATE: _ 9.00 $9.60 $10.20 $1080

$8.40 for 12 words. Additional words, .6~ each. $11.40 $12.00 $12.60 $1320 ( \17 TRANSPORTATION I J 116 SECRETAllAl SEIVICES ( 100 PfRSONALS 100 PERSONALS 100 PERSONALS 101 PRAYERS " 102 j.OST AND FOUND 111 HEALTH" NUfRITION --TRAVEL

: Is You r Mate Cheating? TAXES CHEMIK Secunty and Invesl1- PRAYER TO THE I AM looking lor a My I.l\tle SOOTH your Jangled neNes- B08 COSGROVE, Republican 3 MARKETEERS .pnvate Investigators are ACCOUNTING gallons 1$ available for per. HOLY SPIRIT Pony catled Firefly She IS let your SPLnts soar Mas- can S£CRiTAR1At S(RVl({S $50 plus In free merchan- thanks to our Mother of dlS8 Call 582-1724 Perpetual Help. FA C lassifieds 101 PRAYERS NOVENA TO ST. JUDE May the sacred Heart of IT-::PHIC Are The Best Deal In Town PAA YEA TO ST. CLARE Jesus be adored, glon- Pray nine Hail Marys for fied, loved and preserved DESIGN PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD nine days. On the 9th throughout the world, now and forever 01], SERVICES For One low Price And Your Ad day, pUblISh this prayer and make 3 wishes, your Sacred Heart ot Jesus, Will Appear In WIShes WIll be granted. pray for us Wor\(er of • Brochures SG miracles, pray for us St TkE CkiLdREN'S CORNER The Grosse Pointe News Jude, helper of the hoplr • Business Cards less, & CLASSIFIED pray for us Say this prayer 9 times a • Newsletters The Connection Newspapers. ADVERTISING is iN TH is WEEk's day. By the 8th day, your FAX prayer WIll be answered • Resumes (313)343-5569 Reach Over 150,000 Readers Tn It has never bean knovm VlSA/MASTERCARD The Eastern Subu~bs! to fall, never PubllC8tlOn CLAssifiEd SECTiON ACCEPTED must be promised 401.8600 Thanks, St. Jude tor CAll (313) 882.6900 THANl

, .

~...... _-- -...... ---...... - .. 1'-- MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION SERVICES. SYSTEMS • CONSULTATION " ur u:>:>e t"OHHe ....ews The Connection July 21, 1994

111 TUTOIlING/EDUCATION 20' HElP WANTED 200 HHP WANTED GENEIlAl 200 HElP WANTED GENERAL • 200 HUP WANTED GENERAL 20 I HEll' WANTED 203 HElP WANTED 204 HElP WANTED _ ~ BABYSITTER BA81'SITHR DENTAL 1MEDICAL DO ESTIC SUMMER ennchment. Iutonng LANDSCAPE Foremen to lead GRILL Cook. Apply WIthin MAINTENANCe person for LOVING Nanny to care for RESPONSIBLE Woman EXPERIENCED dental assls. BLOOMFIELD HILLS all subtec1s expeclally Math hortlCUltUre and constructJon 20513 Mack multi- tenant bUilding, part. adorable 20 month old In needed to care for 2 year lant, Grosse POlnleoffice, 2 ESTATES Science German Mona crews Expenence reqUifOO our home Long- Term 3 11 old & 3 monlh old daughters or 3 days a week, fleXible Butler-fine dmlng meal ser- n3-8121 757-5352 HEAD TEACHERSI ~:si~fngnex':l~ ::: 2 days per week, 7 30- 6 30 01 professlooal couple, part hours Compensation based Vice, chaueffeur duties COST FREE COMPUTER! EASTPOINTE nonsl looking CAREGIVERS expenence requfred Please Please leave message, 885- time 10 our home Average on expenence 885-5009 IntelVlewlng for Infant & respond In wrrtlng to Re- Laundress. full time, ben. Administrative Assistant for dedicated part time 3967 2(}. 30 hours per week Toddler position. for Fall ceptlOn Desk, 21 Kllrcheval, DENTAL Asslstant- Experi- ellts Nanny-supervise Training Program & Job counter) delivery person BABYSITIER In my home, 8- Must b6 flexible Some program. Includes Grosse Pointe Farms, Mi enced onlyl Monday, Tues- two small children In Placement help for Two days per week n3- 5, two children References chlldcare experience pre- benefits. Degree and! or _48236 _ day. half day Thursday 81(}' lakefront estate Vacation 4354 reqUired $150 per week ferred Call 886-6719 qualified eligible, 574-0100Warren area travel With family Con. unemployed or low Income TELEMARKETING, part time, experience required. PHYSICAL Education Instrue- negotiable Call after 6. 822 DENTAL Hygienist, full or part tact Amy Maxgay, 810- l evenings Easy non threat- Send resume to: tOl' With emp/lasls on mUSlC 4804 202 "ElP WANTED CLERICAL persons Gall "JT " lime Ren Gen practice ening non- sales calls P.O. Box 5583, and movement Preschool 932-1170, Harper Aasso- Monday- Friday 9- 5 at PART time babYSitter In my That's nght. No SeilIng Dearborn, MI 48128. thlll 8th grade Call Bndg- ENERGETIC office 8SSlstant Benefils 259-7910 clates, 29870 Mlddlebelt, Detroit College of home Own Iransportatlon, 3 earn up to $131 hour y..th Wlth phone skills Will train MEDICAL insurance person Farmington hills, MI Buslness- Warren An CASHIER wanted EnJOy ette at 831.QOOO childrei) Reliable n6-4054 bonuses Call Don 881- steady 'NOli< at busy Amoco HIRING All posrtiOns-~ balance Leave message needed for pedl8tnc office 48334 EEO/AA college Starts 1100 NANNY needed In our Grosse 822O{)726 Must have knowledge of all repair center FJeXlble hours cook, ete Apply In person 206 HflP WANTED August 15' 810-558-8700 Po nte home, nonsmoker, Insurances and computer LAWN malnlenance help CompetrtlVe wages Oppor- A J 'S FlYing Machme, PART. TIME experienced, references SWitchboard/Receptionist billing Ask for Vrzzy 883- needed 371.9469 tunrty tor advancement AI>- 19840 Kelly, Harper Woods 200 HEll' WANTED GENEIlAl 799-5947or 884-2413 Immedlattl openmg for full 3232 ply 11'\ person between 10 526-1500 BOOKKEEPER-/ accountant GOLF COURSE RANGER time SWitchboard opera------a m - 3 P m 9 Mllel Jaffer- --R-E--ST....A-U-RA--N--T-H..,.E...l-P- WANTED sliter 630 am- wanted Preferably MYOBI CHALLENGING business 10 Must be reliable, tactful tor Expenence helpful HOME QUICKEN familiar Fax r&- son, St ClaIr Shores Cooks, bUsboys, hostesses 830 am Monday- Fnday business telemarketing POSI and possess knowledge Septemb6r June Dependa. but Will tram the nght HEAL TH sume- 882-9699 lIOns In St Clair Shores of the game of golf 18- NEED el, 0S2~ parent 2 kJds 6 & 2 745- _M_I_,_482_43 _ sary 880-3750 or 882-9832 ARE YOU THINKING pair very small yard Reti- cumculum, whole language MIDDLE school language! so- POSITIONS Available Ex 5 30 five days a week to ACCOUNTING Clerkl General DENTAL 8SSIstant- we need ABOUT A CAREER ree preferred 839-1385 Contact 8ndgette at 83t. Clal studlBS teaching POSI- begin August 15th Must office High school grad wrth pandmg office WIth excellent youll Great wor1

....._ ~ __ ..._..-..-i-.. _ ._ ... July 21. 1994 Grosse Pointe News The Connection S S UATION WANTED 207 HELP WANTED SALES 307 SITUATION WANTED 400 MERCHANDISE HOUSE CLEANING HOUSE ClEANING 400 IIC A 404 GAIIAGE/YAIID NURS£S AIDES ANTIQUES 401 AP'PLIANCES ANTIQUES BASEMENT SAlES THE cookie IS backl Lose MARGARET can clean your HOUSEKEEPER English Lady CERTIFIED, canng nurses ANTIQUE carousel horses weight earn money, react~ house Own lransportatlon has openings Honest, relia- MINGLES- 17330 E Warren STOVE- MagiC Chef, while, FOUR Family- Ion of girls aide aVllllable full or par1 from the 1890's Must be vate your downllne 313- Call after 4 p m 874-1453 ble, hardwori SITUATION WANTED Oak Between Mam & HIGH School Freshman avail- Campbell Tuesday Ihru Beaconsfield Thursday, Fn- HOUSE SITTING .cOoM£mfANDIS£ FURNITURE refinished re- able to babySIt In your home COMPLETE aeanlng SeMCe ANTIQUES Sunday 10 10 6 Large paired, stnpped, any type of 403 BICYCl£S day, Saturday, 9-5 dunng the summer Call Weekly, 81- weekly House PHYSICIAN (Intern) couple, selection of Vlclonan & MIS- caning Free estimates, 345- WEATHERVANE. Running GARAGE sa!&- Thursday Ihru Emlly,882.a898 Cleaning Wall Washing homeowners aV8Jlable to sion oak furl1llure PoMry 6258, C61 5520 horse. circa 1880 882-7571 REBUILT btkes, most Sizes, Saturday 9- 3 24 Warner Windows Call Todd m- house Sit or sublet for 1 Majolica, Slatfordshlre QUALITY C'lre licensed, MARINE CITY reasonable, also do repalrs 685 5705 Washer and 0408 year Well qualified to care DOWNTOWN Romee the an- RoseVille anlrque Jewelry, meals, CPR, non-smoker ANTICUE WAREHOUSE m-8655 dryer, dresser and other Excellent references 9 & for your home 259-7278 tique capital of MiChigan for beaded bags Things you II 105 N Fairbanks (M-29) TWO Huffy Tandem, 26' miscellaneous Harper 776-8590 EXPECT THE - - 307 SITUATION WANT£O the best selectIOnof quality loveI Quality you II appre- antiques, and faITpnces VISit ciate 545-9060 In Belle River Plaza bikes $150 and $175 30 NURSES AIDES NANNY With TlC Will care for BEST Town Hall We're sure you'll Open 7 days, 1()"5 years old Excellent condf- KNOWN AND FAMOUS your child Monday, Wednes- CARE gIVer & companion, 6 be pleased 361 days a (313)765-1119. tlon 881.5634 day, Friday 111 your home Old fashioned European years expenence Grosse year, 10- 6 810-752-5422 ADULT tncycles- 20'- 24' plus 88&4521 style house cleaning, POinte references Joann, Manchester Antique Mall 26' All 3 chrome fenders with Special personal at- 881-5452 302SITOATION WANTED Antiques & Collectibles Excellent condrtlOn 2 unlCy- tention done to your sat- CONY AUSCENT CARE COMPANION for elderly Ex- 116 E Main, Manchester IMPERIAL 161 CUOII loot up. cies- Schwmn, 1 10 speed Isfaction Reliable, hon- nght trost free freezer 4 Peugeot 773-0985 CAREGIVER. elderly or conva- est & dependable cellent references 822- Open 7 Days, 10 to 5 BZBQ years old With only 6 ---404- GAIlAGljVAIlj)-- MOVING Sale, July 23.24, 10- lescent short! IoIlg term Excellent Grosse Pomte 313-428-9357 Classified Advertising months use Like new "SEMENT SALES 3 Fumrture miscellaneous Experienced, excellent refer- references Insured & FURNITURE refil1lshlng hand $600 774-5202 Comer of Plent and AnVil, ences 88Hl912 bonded Workmen's 882-6900 striPPing chairs repaired. Antique Show GARAGE Sale, July 21st thru ELECTRIC stove $50 Gas Detroit 8394971 COMPANION or caregIVer for Comp Call us anytime to E.D.P.INC. lacquer painting Tom. 882- 23rd 9 to 3 Chlldrens 7680 stove $95 Refr,gerator clothes, 10yS & household MULTI family garage salel es- elderly or III Wednesdays d d d aJ HOME HEALTH CARE & Sale Excellent references Re- ISCUSS your In IVI U $100 Washer $100 Dryer 19381 Washtenaw, Harper tate sale Antiques, collectI- ANN ARBOR ANTIQUES Telegroph at 12 Mile Rd needs In detail. Home Health Aides. Home- $95 Nice" Delivery Call Woods bles. furnrture, clothes. cata- glna 810-979-0577 884-0721. makersl Companions MARKET- THE BRUSHER Southfield 293-2749 logs, miscellaneous, auto AFFORDABLE SHOW Sunday, August GARAGE Sale Saturday only Live- inS, llve- outs 7 Wed. July 27th KENMORE large washer Items. radIOS & lots more HOME CARE Servmg Grosse POinte 17th. 600 am- 400 pm 8 10 12 Bikes T V clolhes, Thursday 7/21- Saturday 71 days per week 24 hours thN white. like new $150 m 24 HourI Day Live- In per- smce 1985 We care 5055 Ann Arbor Saline kitchen Items & more 23 10 am- 6 pm 1529 Expect The Best 0588 sonal care, cooking, _m_o_~_e _ Road exit 175 off 1-94 Over Sun. July 31st. Everything pnced to sell Brys. Grosse Pointe Woods Call anytime. 350 dealers In qualrty an- HOTPOINTE self cleamng 1177 Balfour - Mall Hours - YARD Sale- Antiques, house- housekeeping and er- TWO Sisters Oeal1lng Hon- Serving Your Personal tIQues and select coIlectl- stove gold $200 882-7680 Glass repc"s b Mr Crllps GARAGE sale 2175 Hampton hold, clothes, furniture, July rands Expenenced, car- est, reliable Plea<;e call Needs Since 1985. 01"" AdmissIOn $4 26th l GE washer heavy duty, extra Saturday, July 23rd 8- 4 21, 22, 23, 9- 3, 19197 Ke- Iflg, dependable and Deanna at 469-3934 884-0721 season The onglnall' :. & Jewelry repOlr .: bonded 81 ().38().8237 I large $100 881-3933 kids toys, clothes, fumrture nosha, Harper Woods MIDNIGHT shift. part lime. CNA and convalescent Will dnve you to M9IJer's, alc Can help WIth ffi8dm9 and wrllll1g Cognitive skills through Smrthsol1lBII and Geographical educatIOnal tools 20 years expenence c In medical Doctor's praClJCe Grosse POinte Fanns resI- dent 882.7099 s ~~~ I IGrosse Pointe Pre-Kindergartens I COMPETENT • .... BARBARA LAWRENCE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR IN HCf.1E CARE SERViCE TLC' elderly, children. . : CENTRAL f Hourly, overnight rates Expenenced In the LOCATION ~~= ~, iil' t '.' 240 Chalfonte _ "-' Grosse Pointe area ll- In the United Church. censed and bonded. . '" AVA LO N R Grosse POinte Farms, Sally, n20035. 24924 \ Qs M~~~n~36 Lambrecht, Eastpointe. PRESCHOOL ~ Sponsored by St ClBJrShoras COMPASSIONATE woman Adult ~ COmmUtllty Education 882_9843 seeking work as comPBl\lon 1s now registering for to elderly Expenenced, very ... ------~---":'"---I FALL SEMESTER SOUTH LOCATION reliable 739-7187 Developmental ha.lf day First English Lutheran program foI' 3'9 and 4's 17150 Maumee Affordable Home Care CALL FORMORE In the Unitarian Church' COOp Preschool INFORMATION Grosse POinte MI 48230 24-hourPersonalUve-mCare 800 "ernier,v' Grosse Pointe Woods 810 296-8233 Phone Cleamng,Cook!.lg, Laundry ,\ , • Separate programs for 3's & 4's ANN DALLAIRE 886-4747 Bondedand Insured ~' • Large colorful classrooms Child Care COQlmmATOR A+ uve-ms,l.ld _ Small class sIze 719-7977 _ InnovatIve CUrriculum 303 SITUATION WANTED • Certlfied teacher DAY CARE Toys • Videos' Books Make a difference in your child's first school expenence SHO~ and morel CHILD _ DAY Care In a warm, Chnstlan Call 884-5040 CARE (.: home Meals, snacks 1r1- Serving the communrty for 39 years (313) 882-9699 cluded licensed, CPR , Early Educational Programs CENTER ~_--= AM/PM Classes Sponsored by sr Clorr Shores trained Catha, 886-7378 .-.======~==:===:.", • CertiRed Teachers Adull & Community Educollon BA:~~;n=~I:e~ Our Lady Star of the Sea ST. CLAIR SHORES has current openings • Learmng Centers home 881-7522 GROSSE POINTE CO-OP NURSERY SCHOOL for ALL ages • Day care available before 304S1TUATION WANTED INFANTS TODDLERS A.M. session &.. after PM. GENERAL 22915 Greater Mack PRESCHOOLERS sessIon ~~/cf}J. • Summer Camp Program TIM'S Handy SeMC8S Hedge. it Licensed Full-day, developmentally Ages 2 1/2 - 6. planting, tnmmm9 and re- Developmental Parent Co-Op ~t/tJ/' ~¥ In moval Window CIeBIIIng j l'[G appropriofe programs Gardening, weeding & many ~"f'. RE GR. G w Preschool for 3 & 4 year olds CALL FOR MORE ENROLLING NOW FOR fALL other seMces Insured 885- NOW ENROLLING 8224 We are pleased to announce the addition of INFORMATION Summer Camp Space another sessIOn of three year old preschool An Stili Avallablel EXPERIENCED lady d8Slre5 to CALL 771-6790 810 296-8233 afternoon class WllI be avaIlable on Tuesday and OFFICE HOURS Iron In your home Refer- For more information Anne DoNoire Thursday, startmg September, 1994 Men FII 900am 430pm ences, own transportation CMd Core Coordlncrlor 1-313-886-3248 1b register for any of our seSSIOns,please call the 822-7515 school office at 884-1070 aiAUFFEUR aVaIlable for pri- New This Fall From The Neighborhood Club vate family Male, age 52, 3 Year Old Preschool 4 Year Old Preschool FALL FUN at the LIBRARY ST. CLARE ~, - excellent driving record, ffif. Tues. & Thurs. Mon" Wed., Fri. erences Dave, 28&6469. Pre-School Morning or Afternoon Morning or Afternoon • Storytimes for 2 year olds • Storyhmes for 3-5 MOTHER'S DEPENDABLE lady WIlling to COOPERAT~rVE transport Grosse Pomte Grade School NURsERY'. -... travelers to and from Metro After School Stones and Songs at Central Ltbrary DAY OUT Airport Leave message, SpeCIalSaturday VISItfrom Greek MUSICIanYianl1ls Mtrahs 882-0632 SCHOOL Middle School and Up PROGRAM! - 30S SITUATlON--WANTfD Celebrated Newbery Honor Book Wmner 16131 CHARLEVOIX HOUSE ClEANING Forages 21 4 AVl GROSSE POINTE PAIK /2 - Author of The Tl1Ie COnfesS/OIlS of Charlotte Doyle September 13, 1994 - June 15,1995 METRO MAJDS OPENINGS FOR FALL SUMMER SPECIAl Call after Labor Day for dates and bmes Tues. & Thurs. 9:15 a m. - 12.15 P m Our screened & teamed Central LIbrary- at the foot of "The HLlt" .• 343-2074 3 To5 YRS OLD $15 per day personnel WlII prOVIde a Park Branch- attached to PIerce MIddle School 343-2071 51, Clare Cooperative Woods Branch- attached to Parcells MIddle school 343-2072 plus $5 for lunch period (12 15 - 12 45 pm.) opt. complete thorough clean- offers 0 broad bose of ~~~Lht;a,~~ experiences In a posillve Advance regIstratiOns & club A mg and all equipment membershIp required ~~~ Bonded-msured 'f2u,alitlj £atlr t?hiltillfx,a l!dacatlOll environment for bolh child & poren!l 10 leorn & grow. 1-800-612-8105 JJn tr IVtrtm ttna t!aWt.f.. I!nvi'ton.mtznt 17150 Waterloo, Grosse Pomte ~ 885-4600 CARMEN'S Ulttlt ttn l!mphaJiJ (tn t?lt'tiJtian //alus C l U B CLEANING Kindergarten Readiness Class 0 PJayscape SERVICE Wednesday Extended Session 0 Field Trips HOLIDAY SPECIALII 21336 Mack Avenue 'Co Grosse POinte Woods 10% Discount 1st time Senior Citizen discount Ca11881-1210 for Fall Enrollment • Reasonable ChIldren's PWSTams sponsored by the • References • "ends of the Crosse Pomte PublIc LIbrary • Expenenced • Insured -Bonded CHRIST, CLASSROOMS, 584-7718 UDlA'S European Style Clean- & CHRISTIAN LIVINGI mg SeMC8- profeSSional 1(0111119ReSIdential & C0m- Salem Lutheran School lr merCial Excellent refer- and Child Care Center ences 884-5451 21230 Mom" Ro.d (.t Ch,"«) HOUSEKEEPER available to lr Detroit, MI 48236 care for your home, expen- Children's Iiospilal ence In area Patll, 775- Where children are challenged to grow 1178 intellectually, sociall~ emotionally, $45. CLEANING SPECIAL of MichiEJill. 2 mature women will clean physically & spiritually. Safe environ- your office, home, apart- ment, small classrooms, Christian ment, condo's many years expenence values, and before and after school 371~2 77~916 Because you want the program for working parents, THE HOUSE-KE- lEERS Infanlthrough 8th Grade CLEANING SERVICE best for your child. K through 8 School begms' September 7, 1994 ProfessIOnal, Bonded and Open 6 am - 6 pm Insured teams ready to clean your home or bUSI- 313/745-5000 ness ACCEPTING ENROLLMENT NOW Gift Certificates Available $5 00 Off With ThiS Ad FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: 8 8 1 - 9 2 1 0 First Time Callers Onlyl 582.4445

....- ._...... -..- -...... 1"""------.....-.-

MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION f., SERVICES. SYSTEMS. CONSULTATION JUly 21 t 1994 Grosse Pointe News The Connection 03 AUTOMOTIVE iI UTlClES 412 WANTEO TO BUY 604 AUTOMOTIVE 60S AUTOMOTIVE ADOl'T A I'IT FORD GENERAL MOTORS ANTIQUE 1ClASSIC FOREIGN 6S' BOATS AND MOTORS TWIN sIZe Steams Foster sofa OLD wooden duck hunting GROSSE POlnle Animal Cllmc 1988 MERCURY Cougar LX 1994 Saturn SW2 wagon bed, walnut! acacia woods decoys and WIld hfe carv- 1970 Dodge Challenger, 2 1987 Honda Accord halch. (on Kercheval) has 3 pup- loaded Lealher, keyless en- Blue- black, auto, ABS, trac- LASER 14 1/2' good COndl dining room set Including 6 Ings wanted, Cash paid door hardtop, 340, slapslick back, good condilion lor pies and 2 kittens available lry Premium sound wllh tion control, air, power WIn tlon $1,000 Call 882-9311 Chairs, buttel and china cab- n4-8799, Joe good condllron $56001 best high mileage Besl offer lor adoption 822.5707 EO Power locks, seals & dowsl locks, crUise, leather, met, 25' Zemth console TV, 882-n50,884-3621 over $1700 Call after Sun 1987 Searay SUndancer 27, Windows Onglnal owner, CD, luggage rack, 8K miles WANTED TO BUYI 10' beam, arch, twin 260hp table lamps, luggage, Fran- WISH LIST super clean inSide out 1985 Eldorado Blarntz Cadil. day 4 pm n9-1200 Small power hand & Onglnal list $18,100 asking ciscan Desert Rose china & lac, 2,030 miles, white Wllh very clean, winter canvass Needed liqUid laundry de- 73 000 miles $6,800 Call $15,500 885-2432 1990 ISUZU Trooper, perfect accessory piece", t847 tools 1 while leather, loaded, abso- and lull camper lop, all tergent Paper Towels 881-6894 condltron Low miles, air Rogers sllverplate hentage PrecisIon, mechanical 1990 PONTIAC leMans, good lute mint, one owner Pur- eqUipment stays $35,5001 35MM film- 200 speed Many extras $11 500 882 pattern, ladles beige barcal- 1992 THUNDERBIRD V-6, cordltlon 4 speed, new oHer 521 5750. Beeper etc. MAKE IT A BE KIND TO chased and treated as a 5320 ounger, sewing cabinet, 296-0288. power loaded Excellenl brakes, mulller, 56,000 claSSIC car thiS car has 431{)68Q ANIMALS WORLD Whirlpool large capaclly condition $9,400 885-7986 miles Great runnrng car never been In the ram 19n Mercedes 450SL Roads- LOOKING FOR GREAT ANTI. CRUELTY BAY LINER 88 t9 CUddy, 110, elec1nc washer and dryer 1988 Escort 2 door 87,000 $3,1001 Besl 521-4595 Send replys to Grosse ler, IVOry extenorl palomino WOMEN'S CLOTHING trailer FM cassette SS SchWInn exercise bike, fire ASSOCIATION POinte News, Box R 20, 96 Intenor brown canvas lOp, miles, manual transmission 1989 Cadillac Sedan DeVille, depth new cover low screens and andirons, patIO Sizes 12 to 24. 13569 JOS. CAMPAU Kercheval, Grosse Pomte California one owner car great shape $2200 822 medium blue saphlre, new hours clean $6,000 m. aluminum gilder chairs and Free plck-up .. 823-6748 DETROIT 48212 Farms MI 48236 165,000 miles, air blows 1624 condition, 49000 miles, 2995 aluminum chaJrl cushIOns, 891-7188. cold, IVOry hardlop Included trade poSSible Auto Ex BOB COSGROVE, Republican aluminum slap ladders, WANTED!! 1991 Probe GT- ESP tolal war- $14250 885-8131 1990 Kawasal<.l Jet Ski 550 change, 775-3739 candidate lor Michigan Sen electnc fans, light fixtures JEWELRY, WATCHES, TOP Dog Animal Rescue ranty to 121 94, 5 speed SX Like newl $2,400 810- ate- 1st Dlstnct Paid for by 1985 white Mazda RX7, 1 CaJI880-9219 DIAMONDS, Group- Pels on Paradel loaded $7 500 822-8577 BEAUTIFUL 1993 CHEVRO- 558-7191 Pager, 309-3515 Sunday 1 5 Star Theatre, evenrngs the committee to elect owner low mileage, excel GOLD & SILVER lET Capnce wagon 11,000 1976 CATALINA 22- SWIng SINKS 3 pedestal & 1 wall In 14/JohnR Lon 680-1426 lenl condition 313343 miles FUlly eqUiPped Su- 1966 Ford Mustang- red! black cludes hardware Besl otter THE GOLD SHOPPE 1984 Ford l TO Wagon De- 2685 keel 8 horse Johnson. fur- perb condition 886-1239 Vinyl top 80 000 miles 289, Days 577-7923 evenings 22121 GRATIOT WANTED, Lovmg home for 3 pendable transporlatlon Img lib cushions $3 600 1990 Mazda Miata red, five 882-n61 EASTPOINTE year old Male Black Lab Loaded looks good $1,200 1986 Ponllac wagon, remarka- power sleenng $5,500 331 firm Frank 415- 8379 Trained & neutered Call or best offer 775-5907 36n speed, air, very clean, n4-o966 ble condition, full power 1960 Chns Craft conslellatlOn, SACRIFICE Pella casement 558-1158 Monday Thursday 23 000 miles $11 000 or 1985 Mustang LX. hatchback, n 000 miles $25001 best - --60TA1JlOMOTlVE- 27 sleeps 4, twm 283'51 Window (54 1/4' x 53" HONDA Spree or Moped days & 886-0651 evenings best 31~5-3559 automatic V-6 arr regUlarly 882-6208 FOIlElGN long) Ongmally $850 Ask Musl be III good runmng Fnday- Sunday head 960 onglnal hours maintained Great conditIOn 1979 VOLVO 264 4 door, 109 $175 DBX speakers condltron 526-2278 1988 Sedan DeVille, white WIth Recent survey Call for ap- 1976 Mercedes Benz, two power Windows low miles $3 000 Asking $800 885- $1,950 881 7309 blue lealher, 54,000 miles, pointment $7500 n9-9008 SHOTGUNS, nfles and hand- so I .IIlDS FOil SALE tops, sunroof Best offer Excellent sc hool car 4019 1990 Escort Gt- loaded, excel. Wife's car n5-8507 guns Parker, Brownlllg, 881-8059 $2 000/ besl 882 5320 1994 Four WindS Fling Jel lent condition, low mileage, boat 15 hours Great COndl' DAYBED, whltel Iron! brass Winchester, Colt, Luger, HAND- led Cockallel, all 1989 Grand Pnx SE, gold, 1980 MGB convert,ble, red alarm $5 200 417-9647 bOb AUTOMOTIVI COlT'plE'l~ wrth pop up lrun- others Collector 478-5315 87K, loaded sharp, new tlonl $9,000 245-0536 types Ineludlng Whiteface low miles, stored winters, no mpS/4-WHEEL die two orthopedIC mat- 1989 Mustang LX- hatchbacl<. tlresl brakes V 6, 3 1 aUAUTY wooden cigar HumI- splits available 776-7483 rust $4,0001 best n2-1299 1950 Seottle Craft 17' Express tresses Unused In box black, 38,000 mIles 5 $6995 343-0462 dor's Call after 6 p 10 885- -S03HDUSEH01D I'm 1990 Cherokee LTD while cruiser cabin and twin 55 Cost $800 Sell $325 cash speed crUise air tape, 1989 Mazda RX7 C. TU Sport 9136 FOil SAU 1992 Saturn SL1, automalic, loaded IJke new, new tlfes! h P Bearcat, spare out 422-1856 power everythmg New tires Edition, low mileage, great power sleerlng, brakes brakes ca r phone $14 'iI)() / board new stee1ng, Bimini GUITARS, banJOS and mandol- he'lu! !ul car, gmat condo condrt on $7,500 or oosl of SMALL Kpnrnore refngeralor GERMAN SHEPHERD lOCkS casselle, 33,000 Otter 885-{)580 lop. new conlrols! wlnng! illS wanted Collector 886- lion $5 950 884-2032 fer 884-8145 Perfect for college dorm PUPPIES miles $9,800 886-5072 seals trailer ClaSSIC 4522 1993 CHEROKEE, hunler Mint condition $65 884- AKC, show quahty, cham- 1993 Mustang GT red Con- 1976 MERCEDES 450SL, $15001 best offer 779-9008 1979 Pontiac wagon, alf $600 green tan InlerlOr 4 door 4 6378 pIon bloodline, large vertible 11,400 miles, auto- good condillon, $10,500 or Good running condition wheel drive 5 speed, am/fm 1988 8ayliner- 24', ship 10 matic loaded $18,5001 best offer 886-3215 "JIM Clary" mantlme pnnt, bone, tan & black 5 527-1464 cassette, Blr, 18000 miles shore, stereo and more besl 773-8152 "Tashmoo" No 58n50, J,M, Francis & Co. males and 1 female 1985 MERKUR XR4Tl 5 $14,000 791-4335 Leave Sleeps four Gaily head, 1985 Seville whitel navy, speed transmiSSion, air message clean, low hours $16 500 beautifully framed $1800 Antique & Estate ]ewelJY Ready July 20th Call 1983 ESCORT wagon, 4 l loaded Mlnt $7,500 ner sunroof, 80,000 miles 810-46~1388 value, WIll sell for $1500 or 526-0846 speed new tires exhaust, 4519 1992 GMC Pick Up. 4x4, 53K best offer 81 0-765-4872 Diamonds clean low mileage $600 $2,200 882-7223 BICHON Fnse puppy 10 weel<. miles, fiberglass cap, alarm, 1990 Sea Nymph GLS 195 n1-2054 PRINTER. Hewlett Packard Buyers & Brokers of male AKC champion hnes 1991 Mlala, blue, 18,000 loaded $15500 881 2107 Rsh-n.Skl 128 horse 110, miles, hardtop, slored WIn- low hours, Sonar new Desk Jet, excellent condl- Jewelry, Diamonds 881-1918 1985 Mercury sial Ion wagon. RINKE 1989 Bronco wlll1e, loaded lIon, letter quality pnnt 886- loaded, good condition, 1 ters, loaded $14,5001 besl cover, on Iraller, $10,000 & Sterhng Silver BICHON pups- AKC, shots, CADILLAC 60,000 miles, excellenl con- 7913 owner 98,000 miles n2-1299 negotiable 598-1136 By Appomonent championship lines, show INVENTORY dition $105001 otter 774- $2,500 772-8829 MARINE art for sale- Robert quality malesl females REDUCTION SALEI 1993 1/2 INFINITI G20- pearl 3017. betwPAn 9 ao ~ m & MARlt~E Saitr Scuuraay, ~ II M McGreevy, Reg,na Bnghfon 8'10-229-5140 1987 FOid Tempo- 4 uour while, tan leather, fully Noon 5/8 Imes, anchors, 12 0 C fill)\"~'" vv~~1.0070.. vv/ v $450, Tashmoo $450, ------Only 17,500 mllesl $2500 CADILLACS loaded, 9,000 miles 885- --- 610 AUTOMOTIVE 011 changer, gas filter 881- 2463 1912 80 Ridgemont, Farms collection of 15 wrth same Con

... ------~----- MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION t SERVICES. SySTEMS • CONSULTATION Grosse Pointe News The Connection July 21, 1994 700 APTS/flATS/DUPlEX- 700 APTS/flATS/DUPlEX 701 APTS/FlATS/OUPLEX 702 APTS/FLATS/DUPUX 70S HOUSES FOIT ItENT 706 HOUSES FOIT liENT 716 OFFICES/COMMEITCIAL 723 VACATION IlENTAL , Pointes/ Harper Woods Pointes/Harper Woods Detroit / Wlyne County S.C.S/Macomb County Pointes/Harper Wao4s Detroit /Wayne County FOR ItENT NORTHlltN MICHIGAN

\PACIOUS 3 bedroom lower HARCOURT upper 2 bed LARGE one bedrool11 apart- 11 Mile/ Jefferson- Large 1443 Hampton 3 bedroom 1 GUILFORD near Mack Small HARPER WOODS HARBOR Springs luxury town ~ $t 3001 monlh Heat In- rooms 2 baths. liVing room ment Cadieux! Mack. appll. bnght newly decorated 1 bath Bungalow fireplace 2 bedroom. clean. $3251 EAST POINTE PLAZA- house 2 1/2 baths, sleeps " cluded No pets 881-3829 With fireplace, dining and ances air. laundry available bedroom apartment Carpet basemenl & garage $900 month $3251 secu rrty 886- 19959 VERNIER 8. air cable TV, VCR. com family rooms. fully eqUIpped Mint $425 882-4132 Ing. appliances. secunty per month 88t-8321 3215 pletely turnlshed. heated ,5162 NOlllngham upper nal 3 Near 1.94 Available now '. kitchen cenlral air $80':. lock Window in eyery room pool. tenOiS courts tot 101, ~ bedrooms large hVlng room! ONE bedroom apartmenl TWO bedroom house Well 707 HOUSES FOil iiENT - - First floor 3 or 6 room (313)821-3721 Near X-ways & shopping club house. surrounded by '4t dining room No pets $550 9520 Whlltler Heat waler mamtalned central air ga S.C.S./ Macomb County SUite, new carpeflng, free Indudes heal 881-3272 Llltle Traverse Bay Goll 822-6970 TWO bedroom upper- 8t 1 carpeting Included Respon rage screened porch. fire- parking, 5 day lanltor EASTPOINTE- three bed Club 313-979-0566 Beaconsfield appliances Sible adults. Immedlale oc JEFFERSON/ Shook. near I- place. recently updated RACIOUS large 3 bedroom rooms completely furnished Virginia S JeHries $425 Heal Included 821 cupancy Secuflty deposit, 941 lake. spotless one bed $675 plus utilities 884-0709 CROSS Villagel Lake MiChl apartment on Neff Rd wllh air and pool $1 200 882.Q899 9-5 M/F 3992 after 6 credit check references room. qUiet seltlng. heat & gan, four bedroom on $tI751 month Call Bohon WHY RENT plus secunty 779-3950 $320 per month 88108974 water Included $425 791 SMALL executive offices In beach JacuzzI. sauna lire- Johnston 886-3800 MARYLAND near Jefferson When you could own your 2469 or 88 t-()602 ONE bedroom finished base- Harper Woods aVailable for places, satelhte boats, hn large upper 3 bedroom tlat CADIEUX near Mack base- own home and lOves I In AVAILABLE August 1st 3 ment all appliances Very Immedlale occupancy 1st ens August 13\h Seplem updated kitchen. appliances, ment apartment, $225 Sep- WOODBRIDGE- bedroom apartment garage your future tor poSSibly clean 810-293-0158 month rent FREE 371 ber 616-537-2696 parking $500 (313)884 arate entrance 562 9402. basement, appliances After Upper Unll In St Clair less per month? We 6600 9461 after 5 RELAX In Boyne country Pe- 6 (3 t 3)882 7349 Shores condo complex 2 have a darling home lo- 701 HOUSES WANTED TO RENT LARGE furnished office on toskey FIve bedroom vaca BEACONSFIELD- large 6 DELUXE 3 bedroom Duplex bedroom 2 bath, 2nd floor cated In Grosse POinte AnRACTIVE, well kept 1 & 2 Mack. Woods All ullilltes tlon home Dishwasher room upper new kitchen. on qUiet dead end slreet laundry. carport $725 bedroom re nlals Ineludes schools & parks available FURNISHED home or condo $140 month 882 7300 phone TV golf pool sandy freshly painted washerl appliances no pelS. t 7144 month apphances carpeting most to you Pnced at only In Grosse POinte Air COndl beach. small lake $6001 dryer garage Fileplace Ontano $495 881-£163 GROSSE POinte Woods- Ap- utlh~es. pnvale parking com Johnstone 8. Johnstone $59.500. your monthly tloned June 1st thou Nov week 81 ()..64 7 7233 $675 plus depoSit Brush prox t200 square feet air laundry From $4301 monlh TWO bedroom upper lonmal 884-0600 payments could be as ember Former Grosse wood Management. 33t $1 250 per month Red HARBOR Springs condo 886-2920 dining natural firep'ace POinte Farms reSidents No 8800 TWO CO- op apartmenls. 1 & low as $45900 With only Carpet Kelm Shorewood sleeps 8 On golf course Air $450 plus utilihes and secu Children no pets, non HARCOURT- Lower t1at 2 bed- 2 bedroom. down & up Up- a 5% down payment 886-8710 condllioned, cable 886 RIVARD- Two bedroom lower nty depoSit 885-5424 for smokers Please call 407 room alf conditioning car- dated Contmuatlon of Notre Call for a vIewIng today 8924 flat Newly decorated With appointment 234-8364 SHARED Office- Grosse pet appliances. garage, Dame Rent mcludes heat, and take advantage or cenlral air natural fireplace POinte Woods Conference HIGGINS Lake- 3 becroom & freshly painted $725 313- CHANDLER Park! Outer Dnve blinds applrances air Open 709 TOWNHOUSES/CONDOS washerl dryer. garage and our walerfront park thiS room. copier, fax. Great Lo- bath $395 week 465-5670 885-t719 2 bedroom lower, 5519 GUll Sunda)' 1 to 4 AVqJlabie FOIT ItENT separate utlh~es $725 plus summer catiOn! Free parking Call ford 2 becroom upper 5042 now 17161 Denver 881 CHARMING 'Lake access" TWO bedroom house Well security References re JEFFERSON- 12 mile, 1 bed- Sandi. 884-7230 Chatsworth $450 month! 9196 88t-9719 tape BOLTON. cottagE; two bedrooms fire- maintained. central alr ga qwred 885-6326 room upper Appll heat Secunty Sechon 8 Condo PRIME Mack Ave Office for place cedar panelhng Lo- rage, screened porch. fire- QUIET selll 19" 151 Jefferson 1 JOHNSTON ances basement, balcony. 1042 lakepomte- 3 bedroom OK 29&0024 lease between 7 & 8 Mile cated In LeXington on qUiet place, recently updated bedroom $480 1 2 bedroom garage $575 296-8510 upper, kitchen appliances ASSOCIATES OF Rd Up to 1.500 square feet treed lot neIghborhood on $675 plus utilities 884-0 '09 PROFESSIONAU owner cecu $600 All apphances many garage off street parking LAKESHORE Village- 2 bed Available LUCido & Assoc lake Huron 1 hour from panl In EEV has 2 bedroom features 886-20441 881- GROSSE POINTE SMAll one bedroom apart $600 824-2623 Realtors 882-1010 DetrOit $450 week lower lor $495 Includes ap- 2983 room first floor. neutral de- ment carpellng appliances 313-884-6400. cor. greal Condol $595 (810)359-7837 818 NEFF Nice 2 bedroom pliances. basement. lawn! KENNEDY BUILDING wmdow treatments Heat in- GROSSE POinte home. 4 bed 779.£531 lower, $8001 plus utilities snow service Available 081 GOT A BUSY SIGNAL? AHordable oHlce sUites HARBOR Spnngs condo on cluded Non smoker $350 room lease. secUrity depoSil AppOintments 963 5730 94 Snan 886-3267 NEFF RJ lo"nhouSil 3 bad Large areClisll1gle Suites 9011 course one mile Irom 331.(14<;1 leave me~~age required $700 piUS utlhtles evenings 882-4988 room 1 1/2 bath. fireplace, 18121 East 8 Mile Road Boyne Reasonable 886- RELAX! 822 7505, leave message SPACIOUS, newly remodeled Luxury Waterfront 2 car garage 881-9657 8082 NEFF (499)- 2 bedroom upper. opposite Eastland Mall , 2 bedroom Includes kitchen USE OUR FAX THREE bedroom air, carpet natural fireplace large Living TOWNHOUSE 2 bedroom. BOYNE! Petoskey area 3 or 4 appliances waher and Ing appliances 2 car No 776-5440 kitchen & dining room. en 343.5569 appliances $575 Call 885- bedroom chalel. golf. pool & dryer, lots ot closets! stor- Country Club pets NeWly decorated closed porch. small den be- 8021 sandy beach $500 & $600 age Pnvale parking! en Lease Security depoSit tween Kercheval & Jeffer. Setting A-1 local Ion 10 112 & Jeffer per week 810-778-4367 or trance lawn! snow removal $875 8864049, 810-748- ST. Clair Shores Adu~ com son $775 after 6 On 20 beautiful waterfront son, one bedroom apart fRf~HlYRED~CORAlfD 810-954-1720 Blmds. plus more Refer- 88&8666 mUnity t2 1/2 & Jefferson acres 2 story health club, ment, new carpeting and 3090 ences Available after Au- KENSINGTON and Chandler Large condo. 2 bedrooms. 1 BLACK Lake- Completely fur- dry cleaners, cafe, appliances, walk In closet. EXECUTIVE RENTAL gust 15th 313-885-8384 nished lakestde summer Park area Lovely 6 room wmdow treatments. rent 112 baths, central air. laun- gourmet grocery store Handy Grosse POinte City GOOD lOCATION home wllh fireplace Avail- TWO bedroom apartment lower carpeted. stove and $465- Heat. water Included dry room, carport, kitchen private marina and locatlonl Larger 4 bed- able week of August 6th & Heat Included, $4751 month refngerator $450 a month 757-6309 With dishwasher, ground concierge, some With room. 2 1/2 bath Colonial 13th or 27th $400 weekly $4501 deposit No pels 823- mcludes heat (313)882- level References reqUired HARPER WOODS 7510 balCOnies, JaCUZZIS, With paneled library, $750 881-il518 mcludes fishing boat 881- 0953 Very nice suites {21 of offic- fireplaces 2 bedroom Trom 2680 BEACONSFIELD south of Jef kitchen appliances, cen- e.-wrnforiable ond con- C'P\!E hedroorn carnage house :l>!:l!:l900 tral air Freshly painted venient, in Harper Woods. BLACK Lake. 30 miles south apartment. gas. water. elec- ferson- 2 bedroom lower SENIORS IM~ I Riverfront Apartments and carpeted 2 car ga- 1,600 square feet each tnc Included References natural woodwork. appll of Cheyboygan 2 bed ONLY ~ rage No smokers or WANTED garage to rent to Near 1-94 and Vernier for reqUired $S5O plus secunty ances, garage Heat In. 393-5030 rooms. 14' boat $350 per c1uded. $800 Available Au- store small saJlboat and easy on/off X-Way Special week AVailable July- Sep- Single occupancy only 331- LAKEPOINTE- West of 194. AGE 55 + over pets $1800 month 884- gust 15th 810-229-0079 traller 822-2603 features include convenient 9250 east ot Kelly 400 square 0600 tember 372-1431 foot basement studiO $350 YOUR 'f1JRN Johnstone 8. Johnstone 714 LIVING OUARTEiis . parking; entrance waiting TWO bedroom apartment on CHARMING 3 bedroom f13rT11- LOOK!!! Includes all ulililtes plus TO SHARE area; s~iolluncheon/ snock Lakepolnte In Grosse To RELAX ... GROSSE POinte Woods. Holly- house In town on a qUIet washer and dryer Secunty area with complete kilchen POinte. updated $450 per wood 2 bedroom bnck bun- ROOMMATE- Share 2 bed- street Walk to shops & For Real Estate depoSit. no pets 797-2001 *Maintenance Free Living facilities Greal neighbors- beach Playhouse With addi- month discounted 882-£212 galow Carpeted, central air. room lower on Maryland l Advertising come visit tional sleeping quarters alter 6 pm MOROSS/ Beaconsfield- appl~ *Social Activities garage No pets Lease. Grosse Pomte Park Wor'x- In Our ances Included. clean $450 $775 684-1340 Ing responSible mal e 0r fe- 116.'763 "'-'000 Available from August 20th- UPPER Itat In Grosse POinte Mr. Fl , *Transl>Jrtat~n male $275 month plus se- September $800/ weekly MAGAZINE per month 882-3260 Park 2,200 square feet. 4 GROSSE Pomle Woods 3 curlty All utilitIes & Call Josie. 616-526-7532 bedrooms. 2 baths. spa- SECTION ... CHANDLER Park! Whlltler- bedroom bungalow, finished RETAIL store for lease Oppo- pnvlleges Included Call 862- HARBOR Spnngs townhouse CIOus lIVing room. formal SpaCIOUS, 2 bedrooms, ap- GRANT MANOR basement. garage $850 per site Eastland. 776-5440 seNIOR CITizeN APARTMeNTS 1322, or MRC RELAY 1- overlooking Harbor POInte. 2 dining room. functioning fire- FRIDAY- NOON pliances & garage $450 month 81Q-B52-2525 davs .....,..,...... ,.n..,,~"]I]"'''..,t'V] GROSSE POint!! Wno finrshed basement. dry. garage $275 526- SARASOT A Condo- near golf course, pool, tennis • rooms. all apphances. ga krtchen. dining room. garage @0 '1 replace $575 plus secu nty 4075 beach, 2 bedroom, 2 bath Days 886-1000 Evenmgs • rage, washer, dryer ~n- $650 per month Call 6i0.M5-5512 new, available now 810- 885-4142 : cludes heat, $750 month (313)8814973 after 7 p m 716 OFFICES / COMMERCIAL MORANG! Kelly 11440 Rox- FOR ItENT 286-2376 t plus deposrt 884-7987. NEFF- Near Village & play- bury, very clean 4 bedroom, HARBOR Spnngs- 2 bedroom NAPLES Fionda- 2 bedrooms, new carpet. large kitchen 15004, 15006 Mack- Grosse loft, pool, golf. tenOis. fitness : GROSSE POINTE CITY ground Upper fiat. Grosse 2 baths Available Decem $525 521- 5750 Pomte Park, 1650 sq ft of center 884-0023 POinte Crty 2 bedrooms. ber, January $1600 month SpacIous one bedroom plus 2 addrtlonal finished 5h CI b fice space. cent ral air. 331- 0 OSCODA- on Lake Huron, re u HAYES/ Outer Dnve- 3 bed- 445-0029 apartment, pnme loca- rooms on third floor. garage 2007 room bnck bungalOW $495 charmmg 1 and 2 bedroom PORT ..cHARlOnE Condo on per month m-2635 PROFESSIONAL building at cottages $300- $450 ~:: ~~d::2~3~~ utilI- ~~~~udlng gas & water Apartments & Marina the water. available weekly. 19830 Mack, Grosse POinte weekly Labor Day weekend TWO bedroom ranch house monthly Golf packages TWO bedroom upper. 1095 THREE bedroom upper. Mack Woods has space aVailable packages available 661- Jefferson at Nine Mile Road near Harper/ cadieux available 313-534-7306 Lakepolnte $475/ month at Waybum, no pets $450 Rent mciudes recepbonlstl 2251 Kitchen, hVll1g and dlrllrlg 585-1600 Month 331-2007 Sf. Clair Shores. Michigan su pport services SUitable -n:fVACA T10N- ifENT if room carpet ceiling fan. lEXINGTON- cottage. oom- for attomey. accou ntant. In- OUT OF STATE ======------(810) 775-3280 stove. refngerator. washer. pletely fumlshed, summer or surance etc 882-1470 dryer, alarm. 1 car garage SMOKEY Mountain Cabins- winter Mmutes from Lake Grosse Pointe/Harper Woods Huron Hunllng, fishing. wa- NEW RENTING ... fenced yard $500 plus se- LUXURY office SUites, Grosse Fully furniShed, air condl- cunty. utlhtles 923-4434 POinte Park location, $175 !lOned, mountalnVlew decks, ter sports Sleeps 4 $300 per week 1-313-293-2735 Choose from Highrise livmg (in what is and up 824-7900 30 minutes from Gatlinburg SUMMER commonly known as The Nine Mile Tower), 702 APTS/fLATS/OUPLEX Dallyl weekly rates 313-291- S.C.S/Macomb County ONE to three offices avallabl~ Williamsburg Style Garden Apartments or 2903 CLASSIFIED ADS SPECIALS utilities Included Jefferson Town house lifestyles. In Grosse POinte Park Call NANTUCKET ISLAND Call In Early $299 Monday thou Fnday 9- 430 Plan now for Fall 882-6900 Our commumty by-the-lake is situated in a ROSEVILLE Frazho - Kelly Rd. 822-0012 Over 1,000 pn"ate homes FIRST FULL park-like atmosphere. 24 hour security, FAX Extra 'P,CIOUS 20390 HARPER Harper All pnce ranges Best delivery servIces and Grosse Pomte shoppmg 343-5569 1 bedroom UnitS Woods 2 surtes (305 sq ft selectIOn now The MONTH'S are only a few among the many reasons to QUIet ,mailer communi!, or 270 sq It l $305/ $270 Maury People (508) 228- Visa & MasterCard RENTON reSIde at The Shore Club. Prlvale ba~emenl for each per month. Includes heat 1881 Open 7 days a accepted. uml '1.r, sw,mmlng pool 884-7575 week 1&2 We are now renting apartments. So come and and crm~ vent,lal",n LEXINGTONI Port sanilac 2 MACK near Cadieux- SOD- MYRTLE Beach S C condo bedroom modem homes on see why The Shore Club is the mo~t From $465.00 1200 square feet Beautifully BEDROOMS' Sleeps 6 Excellent family Lake Huron. each sleeps 5 prestigious address on the waterway. CHIPPENDALE renovated 882-8080 Limted Time vacation Call for details Pnvate sandy beach 62 1 Bedroom 1 Bath Apartments from $625 APARTMENTS 810-29:Hl158 9056 or 6517657 Only! 702 APTSfFLATS/DUPLEX 2 Bedroom I Bath Apartments from $685 ~772.8410 S.C.S/ Mocamb County HILTON Head In Sea Pines CENTRAL Lake- 1/2 hour fro 1 • Choose from 8 spacious 1 & 2 2 Bedroom 2 Bath Aparlments from $1000 Lovely 2 bedroom 1st floor CharlevOIX Charming 2 trj 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Apartments from $1260 condo Pool golf, free ten- room COllages on Hanley ms biking sailing ocean bedroom floorplans Executive Suites from $1200 Lake Includes fishing dnd • 2 clubhouses including a new OYmer 313-45&-1339 pontoon boats $400 $450 I 723 VA-CATION ItENTAL _.. week Call 313-363-8814 THE SHORE CLuB MARINA., . professional fitness center NOIUHEITN MICHIGAN a complete summer recreational faclhty for Ihe eOlire BURT Lake- 2 and 3 bedroom 2 sparkling swimming pools cottages boats great fish famIly 1I nestles In the pnvacy of beautifully lancls"apecl HARBOR Spnngs 3 bedroom 109 Starting at $275 (off • Walking distance to Eastland surrounclmgs ani) mmules away from the convenient condo. fully eqUipped and season) 90&643-7733 Mall & restaurants Edsel Ford and }-696 frceways. fumlshed wrth care On goll course Pool tennis Spec HARBOR Spnngs- Hide A • Convenient access to 1-94 & 1-696 • Wide, deep canals tacular View 00 I 2799 WAY Valley Condo 3 bed • Dock accof,lmodatlons for 19' - 72' boats rooms fully equ pped sa From only $525. HARBOR Sprmgs Roanng ble. VCR on Llltle Traverse • Water, elcclnclly & telephone hook-Ups at each clock Brook Modern Camage Bay golf course 810-569- hhouse 2 bedroom kitchen • Year round 24-hour secunty guard 2902 IMng fire~ace, bay View • Ample parkmg for fnend~ & relatives rffistklrulo/illage Pnvate Bay bear-h Call after BURT lake- 100' dock house- .240' navigational beacon on landmark towcr 6 pm 616-526-6428 keeping sandy beaches beautiful sunset good fish Call our Leasing Center at 886-1783 • Heated sWlmmmg pool WALLOON lake Vacation Ing 616-238-7881 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10-7, Sat. 9.5, Sun. 12-5 • Bathhouse home Clean Sleeps 20 3 • Shaded picniC areas baths. JaCUZZI, boat club- LAKE Mlchrgan Frank10rtl EI Located just wec;l of J-94 on Vernier house With pool saunas berta sleeps 6- 8 Boat 25' wells from $600 gas gnll 2 decks 81(}.£4& launch wlthtn blocks $350 'Some restnctlons apply ..1.------~O' "ell~ from $1,300 6511 wepi-' b 16-352-6046


Page 12 YourHome Thursday, July 21, 1994


!J;eIf2-1 !J;eIf2-6 1013 Three Mile Dr., GPP 1260 Elford., GP'tN 867 NolTe Dame, GPC 1205 Edmunton, GP'tN 72 Michaux Ct., GPS 207 Chalfonte, GPF , .

I -

.. i ..", , - fi r'.f

e} S HIi ii, ..


Giving your roof ~ Antiques by Ralph & Terry Kovel

Q. My hght blue pottery mudng it was rismg near the stove All of a checkup The bowl has geometnc decoratlOllS the bowls were used for chopping, around the Wide rim The top and mIXing and storing. By Michael J. Kalkhoff' bottom of the nm are unglazed It • The Helpful Inspector Helpful IS 10 1/2 mches across How was It To keep a tight roof overhead, used? Why the unglazed parts? Q. Many years ago, we were exarmne It every spring and fall. You When was It made? gIVen a Coca-Cola door handle A needn't haul out the awkward exten- Inspector A. Pottery mixmg bowls have plastIC Coca-Cola bottle forms the sion ladder and nsk life and limb, also had httle change m shape through handle, which IS suspended from a possibly damagmg or tearing off a By Michael J. Kalkhoff the years Early bowls were made red metal mountmg with the white shmgle. Just scan It from all SIdes by hand using a clay that was not letters, "Have a Coke!" It IS 8 through a palr of binoculars. neys, etc. They should be tight, rust- as whIte as the one used for dinner- mches overall, the bottle IS 6 If you do decIde to climb up for a free, and sealed Wlth pliable caulking ware These bowls were dipped in a inches It is marked "Milton Strum closer look, exercIse caution. Also bear or roofing cement. glaze, and if they were decorated, & Co, ChicagO 10, lllmOls" Value? m mmd that sun does more damage Loose, curled-up, or misSlng shin- they had just an added stripe or a Age? than wmd and ram combmed, so you gles Wlll admIt mOIsture that could sponged deSIgn. A. Your door pull dates back to may want to focus most of your effort weaken sheatlnng and harm walls and The Wlde protrudmg nm that the 19408 or 1950s. It IS worth on the sunny Sldes of your roof celhngs below. looks hke an extra pIece added to about $75 If a number of shmgles are broken, A large accumulation of granules 10 the bowl was a popular Idea by the blistered, or baldmg, and most seem to the gutter means your roof is lOSing Its 1920s. The thIck nm made the have lost their luster, prepare yourself coating. You can expect problems soon. bowl stronger and not as easy to for a re-roofing Job Walt for a heavy raln to find out If YoutHome chIp The bowls were made m mag a I I II e The ndge IS where the two Sldes of your gutters and down spouts are molds and not hand-thrown Bowls your roof meet at the top. RIdge shin- clean and free-flOWIng FloodIng can BUYING SELLING CllJUlENING IMPROVEMENT of decreasmg SIZes were made to Publf.sbedby gles often fall first Look for cracks and work up lower shingles courses and nest mSlde each other, WIth each Anteebo Publishing, Inc. Wind damage A leak here could show cause mtenor damage. nm restmg on an unglazed part of 96 Kercheval. up almost anywhere m the house Michael J Kalkhoff IS the owner of the next bowl. the HOME TEAM Inspection SeTVlce,a Grosse Pomte Farms Ml 48236 A valley IS where two slopes of a A recent maIl-order catalog ad roof meet Valleys are another place local reSidentIal mspectIon company suggests that the rough unglazed John Minnis - Editor Call (BI0) 412-0165 or wnte to the where detenoratJOn soon causes prob- pottery was used to sharpen kmves helpful mspector WIth your questIOns 882-0294 lems If there's flashing here, make However, that was not the OrigInal Send to The Grosse Pomte News C/O Display Advertising sure It'S stIli sound Do not step In a purpose of the bowls, whIch had valley area - they crack eaSIly. The Helpful Inspector, 96 Kercheval 882-3500 many uses III the days of cookmg Check all other flashings, such as Ave., Grosse Pomte Farms, Mich. from scratch A 10 1/2-mch bowl Real Estate Resource around roof vents, sol! stacks, chlm- 4B236 might have held bread dough whJ1e 882-6900

ON THE COVER jill BEST's BUY 23335WESTBURY ST.CLAIR SHORES 16001 JEFFERSON EXCITINGLY NEW! All the thmgs you've always wanted In a new home are found In thIS two story, four bedroom home. Custom luxury, location and entertainment IS the theme m thIS lovely home. Sensational floor plan offering three full bathrooms plus powder room. FamIly room wlth fireplace, lIbrary WIth flreplace. Large gourmet btchen that has been effIclently deSIgned and strategically located at the center of all your famtly actiVIties. Also with the lady of the house In mmd, a fIrSt floor laundry [nom. 'I'he two story foyer and famIly room even make thls 4,350 square OPEN SUNDAY 2.4 foot home seem larger. You'll find loads of bay wmdows A GOOD BUY JUST GOT BEITER! and many other features that older homes don't seem to Great Room concept Ranch in immaculate condItion WIth offer. Beautlfu I deSIgn, detaIl and craftsmanshlr are the comfort of central aIr is now offered at the newly ccrtalllly found here. Please call for more detaded m.formatlon or an appo111trnent to see It adjusted l-'rice of $129,500 COllie alld ~ee for yO/a ~elf' SHOREWOOD REAL ESTATE, INC. ProfeHlollafly made/I'd hy 20439 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe fa! jill BEST. 884-0600 886-8710 RE'O~ ~~,k Photo by Chfls LOPP7

I r I Thursday, July 21, 1994 YourHome Page 11 I Classified Advertising

"3 NOIlTHEIlN MICHIGAN .03 CONDOSf APTS/FLATS .03 CONDOS IA1'TS I FlATS 101 lAKE/IlIVEIl HOMES 103 CONDOS/ AI'TSfFlATS HOMES WIFE deceased owner mov RENT or purchase- 9 mllel Jef- 5T Clair Shores Condo- 21472 HARBOR Springs 2 Vlclonan 109 2 bedromm 2 bath, 1 ferson area 2 bedroom u~ AMAZING VIEW Beacon field SpacIous 1 style townhouses 2240 sq floor condo Low mainte- per unit 1 5 bathrooms Immaculate home With 75' bedroom carport, low main- It each 4 large bedrooms nance, professionally deco- kitchen bUilt inS balcony on St Clair River 3 bed- tenance fee $45500 Must walk- 10 closets 3 112 ce- rated Must sell Call Attor basement, carport Heat In rooms, 2 baths, family seel 778-5601 ramic tile baths, JacuzzI cluded $65,000 Terms or ney 81lJ.04S-9300 room, 2 garages marble fireplace sound sys HOUSE SHORES Ranch- 2 bed- $700 per monlh 881 1912 HARRISON Townshl~ lake- $186,000 Coldwell tem, furnished Excellent With full basement room fronl complex 1800 square JUST Listed 23043 Gary Banker Joachim Realty vacation rentalsl Plcturel and attached garage 10f feet 1 level, 3 bedroom 2 Lane Remodeled end unit Inc 313-329-9036 Info 313-426-2507 Mack area Sharp 1/2 baths, dining room, fire- $57,500 Cenlury 21 Kee g'ikill IF You love bOating or Just (01GRE) place finrshed basement 751-6026 117 ilEAL ESTATE WANTED .&a - . ~ being near the water call 1st fioor laundry, 2 car at ST. CLAIR SHORES me on thiS canal home With 16/ HARPER- 2 bedroom. tached garage By appoint FIRST OFFERING the covered bOatwell and CASH 1 1/2 baths With base- ment 885-0840 ..JiKw Rare first floor unit In electnc hOist Ronda room ment and a huge kitchen FOR HOMES LAKESHORE Village- 3 unrts Shores Manor 2 bed- 2 full baths fimshed base- to deck $54,000 Servmg Area Smce 1938 available, each With 2 bed rooms, 1 1/2 baths, ment With full bath All major (53GRA) rooms An apartment style Improvements I Ginny Dam Stieber Realty newer furnace .....lth cen- ~~I<::la • 2nd fioor end umt $52 900 man Coldwell Banker CENTURY 21 AVID 778- tral air Won't last at 775-4900 A townhouse style on the Schwelfzer Real Estale 8100. $50,900 CALL (313) 882.6900 courtyard, $58,900 End unit 705-6005 VOice Malll "1l..:!..a.4-."~HUNTING? townhouse $62,900 Pool FAX Stieber Realty LEXINGTON, lakeView cot tennis & clubhouse Call TO CHARGE YOUR n5-4900 tage 7369 Kllkare located 2 The Prudential G P Real YOUR miles south on pnvate road REAL ESTATE Estate Company 882-0087 REAL ESTATE ADIII 'Wi 106 FlOIlIDA I'1l0l'EIlTY With beauflful beach ADVERTISEMENTS APARTMENT- Co-Op 17133 $51,900 Call for details VISA & MASTERCARD Denver No 10 remodeled SAILORS' Venice Flonda 1 810-792-0238 or 359 7275 ACCEPTED ~ ~~~.:~ the real by owner $t2ooo 886- Waterfront IJVlng on the In astate section FRIDAY, NOON 6331 tracoastal 25 loot dee~wa 109 lAKE/IlIVn lOTS DEADLINE REAL ESTATE ter dock no bndges to Ihe I) 9 CEMETEIIY lOTS and thl Real Gulf Elegant alry 2 bed (313) 343-5569 DEADLINE 1/4 Mile Lake Supenor fron- room 2 bath furnished mo- lage approximately 60 St. John Cemetery Estlte NEW LISTING FRIDAY, NOON!! bile home With many extras acres of breathtakingly rug Fraser. property for 2 RIVIera Terrace- pnme unit Please call 882-6900 and you own the lot Pool ged waterfronI for develop- plus stone Resource 'agl 2 bedroom, 2 bath cen- Visa or MasterCard tenniS, Clubhouse You ment rnvestment or pnvale $850 or oHer tral air, pool, clubhouse, accepted. won t find walerfronl lor Ihls retreat Recent gold dlSCOv pnce $125000 885-8110 or 939-9473 secunly guard Ideal lo- WELL localed Grosse POinte 1 enes dot area Highway 280-0467 cation $77.900 775- bedroom apartment central train and air access 120 IUSINBS I Ol'I'OIlTUHITJES 1364 air newly decorated 886- $575000 Pnvate (810)765 the mos~ 107 INVESTMENT I'1l0PEIITY 4110 1246 RETAIL store for rent 4000 VERNIER Rd SpaCIOUS one comprehensIve bedroom co-op Pnvate pa LAKE SUPEAIOH square feel opposite East FAX 1/4 Mile Lake Supenor Iron land 776-5440 110 & basement Low mainte- FRONTAGE listing of YOUR tage approximately 60 nance Handlos 882-7300 Spectacular 5 & 10 acre CLASSIFIED ADS' acres of brea'htakrngly rug parcels each With direct homes. BEAUTIFULLY furnished ged waterfront for develo~ ment rnvestment or pnvate spectacular frontage on Condo In Torch Lake area Please Include your Visa or apartment., P retreal Recent gold dlSCOV the worlds largest lake WIth ammemtles of Shanty MasterCard number, ex. Reach Creek! Schuss Mounlaln enes dot area Highway Wild unspOiled un- co-opland ! plratiOn date, name, ad- 150,000 Resorts Only $89,900 Ask Iral nand alf access crowded and undiSCOV- dress, phone number, for Ross at Regency Real $575000 Private (810)765- ered thiS IS the country's Potential con.;domlnlumlIJI signature & claSSIfication 4110 Estate, 616-533-8641 best kept secret One of BUYERS With ad copy Refer to FOR Sale $69,900 or Rent REAL ESTATE only a handful of parcels Lro,nd!~ our claSSified mdex for 'When you advertise $775 month Two bedroom DEADLINE In an exclUSive area that deadline, rafes & Infor- "Y;)ur Home' for sale In tv..o full baths central air FRIDAY, NOON!! Includes a caretakers mation RIViera Terrace, 9 Mrle and Please call 882-6900 cottage at the entrance The Grosse Jefferson 731-8335 call af t VIsa or MasterCard of the private paved road ter 5 00 pm FAX 343-5569 Pointe News accepted. fa ensure complefe p'l I vacy Priced to sell at & .0. lAKE' ~IVEIt HOMES 10. LAKEi RIVER HOMES 10. lAKE/IlIVEIl HOMES . only $55,000 to $80,000 The Connection With great finanCing Call Newspapers. owner 906-892-8282 Deadlme noon, Fnday III lOTS FOil SALE For profeSSional ST. Cia" Mlchrgan River WATERFRONT aSSlStanCe call one of our Ridge SUbdiVISion located Million Dollar View right on Lake St. Clair across from the SI Clair ClasSIfied advertlsmg RIVer IndJVidual buyers and reps today I Custom Fabulous Townhome you have always dreamed of! bUilders welcome Open every Sunday 1 4 pm Carl (313) 882,6900 • Gourmet Kitchen • Two car garage for /ree Informaltron packet FAX 343,5569 810-329-4069 • Three Bedrooms • Two fireplaces 120 IUSINES5 - 120 IUSINESS • Two-and-one-half Baths • Two private balconies Ol'I'OIlTU"ITI£5 Ol'I'OItTUHITJlS OPEN SUNDAY 1:OO~5:00

LAKEVIEW CLUB - Jefferson at 11 Y2Mile, S.C.S. Well estilbllshed wilnt ild pilper With lots to offer Equipment ilnd business only Possible S-i\leof bUilding with business S



l THE 681 Hawthorne- Open House CALL (313) 882-6900 PRICE slashed 21206 Severn- BY owner- 285 Moran Attrac- CALL (313) 882.6900 Saturday & Sunday 1 to 4 3 bedroom bnck ranch WIth tive 3 bedroom Colonral WIth HOMETEAM fireplace Finrshed base- I Beautifully refurbished bnck TO CHARGE family room Must see INSPECTION SERVICE TO CHARGE center entrance colomal With YOUR ment, new fumace! air, ga- $189,000 No reanors 886- (810)412.0165. 3 bedrooms, new bath, new rage $69,900 ANDARY 4383 YOUR REAL ESTATE AD!II REAL ESTATE ADI" krtchen Fireplace, refiI1Ished 88&5670 CANAL HOME oak hardwood floors HARPER Woods WIth Grosse FRIDAY, NOON 23269 Clairwood throughQut Fenced-In yard VISA & MASTERCARD VISA & MASTERCARD POinte schools- 3 bedroom Sf. Clair Shores comer lot, 2 car garage ACCEPTED DEADLINE ACCEPTED bungalow central air, Rm- Immediate occupancy 971- (313) 343-5569 9 & Jefferson area- 1,400 Ida room 1/2 bath m base- NEW home on the market HARPER WOODS CO-OP 1593 OPEN Sunday, 1- 4 1992 Van sq ft bock ranch with ment New fumace and wa Stately tudor on qUietcuIde- Antwerp Three bedroom basement & modern ter tank Garage $88,900 sac Outstanding architec- Ultra sharp 1 bedroom, din- TODAY'S ture 2600 square feet 5 Colonial, new krtchen addl- kitchen on 60' canal n1~222 mg room, big hVlng bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, 2 lion, first floor laundry, 2 full 884-7533 GROSSE POinte Woods, 1992 BEST BUYS baths Reduced to room Lots of storage GROSSE POINTE car attached garage, GROSSE POinte CIty- 482 RI- Beaufalt Newly decorated, $189,000 Call Jeff Darnell $129,999 885-9120 plus basement $29,000 2 baths, family room, central 6 room, 1 floor With and vard Fantastic location, at Prudential Grosse POinte COLONIAL. 2,400 square feet air Finrshed basement WIth expansion attic Bnck large pnvate lot, totally reno- Real Estate (313) 882-0087 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, first vated, 4 bedrooms, 3 1/2 ROSEVilLE RANCHER posslble 4th bedroom & Single Full basement, floor laundry l.JVJng, dining, bath Close to schools 884- N. RENAUD at Jefferson! Ver- baths, 3 natural fireplaces, gas heat, large front family room Central air 2 Oean 3 bedroom, 1st "oor 0384 lor apPOintment Open mer- lovely 3 bedroom bnck PewablC tde III family room porch Listed to sell at car attached garage Fin- laundry Newer vmyl win- Sunday 24 No brokers ranch Remodeled krtchen, and entry By owner $79,900 or offer dows DoorwaJl to deck, please' dinIng room 2 natural Iire- Ished basement Open Sun- $419,000 885-8117 day 2 to 5 1344 Yorktown big kitchen, 1 1/2 car ga- GROSSE POINTE places, 2 1/2 bath, den, cen- PRE. CONSTRUCTION, cus- EASTPOINTE Just l.Jsted At- Grosse POinte Woods, By ~ 3 rncome bungalow, fully tral air, heated Flonda room, tom home to be bUin In St rage $59,500 tention Eastpointe buyers 3 OCCUPied City certified finrshed basement wrth lav Owner By appointment, homes under $50 000 Spot- Clair Shores on pnme lot Gas heat, 2 car garage and wet bar, deck, 2 1/2 car 88&1864 $230,000 HARPER WOODS less updated 2 bedroom Please call Lakeshore B & attached garage, large lot BY owner, St ClaJr Shores D,loe 1/2 ACRE With 2 5 car garage A money maker at n8-9293 Gillen Realty 886-3665 22000 Raymond Three $49,900 Nice 2 bedroom on $64,900 Full pnce ST Clatr Shores lakefronl bedroom custom brick double lot WIth land contract GROSSE POINTE home- needs repaJr 293- Unique 2 bedroom, huge CHECK Ranch 1,500 square feet available $44,900 1 300 NEW LISTING 7171 hVlng room, dlnrng room large lot Attached 2 1/2 car square feet 3 bedroom WIth 6-5 two family 2 fumaces, THE natural fireplace Base- garage full finrshed base- TODAYS BEST BUYS basement & huge kJtchen ment & attached garage, Side dnve, 2 car garage Resource Pages ment, fireplace, air cond, $49 900 Call Colleen Pruett $74,500 It's a sleeper' Pnced to lion 109 Many extras Century 21 AAA nJ.ne(Jfront ~r garage $1000 down porch Call Lou Barduca paymenls $460 month No CONDO/ office profeSSional Warren 88&5800 Coldwell Banker payments 1111 September unit approximately 2400 sq Spotless 3 bedroom brick Place a real estate advertisement in Schweitzer Real Estate 1994 0 Alec Real Estate ft Library 3 skyhghlS kltch fronl Ranch Cenlral air the "YourHome" sectIon of PRICE reductIOn In Grosse 5215300 enelte Kelly Rd n~201 and furnace only 3 months The Grosse Pointe News and Pomle Farms Marvelous old new drrveway, English Tudor With Slate Of 803 CONDOS APTS Hlt~ updated wmdows 2 1f2 The Connection newspapers and The Art kitchen breakfast car garage Completely reach over 150,000 potential buyersl area formal dmll1g beautI- fully finished hardwood ~ updated large country " floors Natural ftreplace, kitchen With pantry Friday, Noon deadline BERKSHIRE CONDO: TOWNHOUSE - 1788 VERN1ER RD. large masler bedroom, $59900 (313) 882-6900 screened In porch Call Lee Realty fmproved & move In cond.lJOn, lhrce bedrooms two and one Ginny Damman, Coldwell half baths, attached garage, kitchen apphances, pool, $t41,5O() Kevin FAX (313) 343-5569 Banker Schwertzer Real Es- By Appomtrnent Only, ' n1.3953 tate, 70«i005 VOICe Mall 881-0619 Thursday, JUly 21, 1994 YourHome Page 3 Minimize your home improvement costs Maklng IJnprovements can do more sell your residence, the taxable gain is Also, don't undertake projects that you borrow only an amount that you than improve the appearance or com- determmed by subtractmg your b8Sls plevate your property's value above the are capable of repaymg. fort of your home. hcorchng to the in the home from the sellIng pnce. The neighborhood nonn. If the houses m AVOId usmg your credit card to MIchIgan AssOC!atlon of CPAs greater your basis, the lower your tax- your community generally sell for finance home improvements. Interest (MACPA), spenchng money on certam able profit. about $100,000 and your home rates on major bank cards are usually improvements now can offer you Slg- Be sure to keep receIpts for all your Improvements would boost your home. hIgh and can tack on thousands of dol. mficant tax savings later. capital expenditures. This WIn keep 's value to $150,000, chances are you lars to the actual cost of the Improve- Tax law clearly differentiates you from overlooking expenses that can won't recover your costs. ment. between home repairs and capital increase your basis and will enable you How you finance your improvement Before mOVIng ahead Wlth a major improvements - the improvements to substantiate your capital gain calcu- will affect its ultimate cost. It's wise to Improvement, be sure to get pnce that offer you tax advantages. Repairs lation should the IRS ever question it. finance as much of the improvement as quotes from several contractors. Have keep or restore property to good work- Before making a home improve- possible with cash, thereby avoiding a budget In mind and ask the contrac- ing condition. Examples of repairs ment, it's WIse to consider whether hefty interest charges. If you can't tor to outline In wnting the speClfic include repainting, fixing a broken you'll be able to recover its cost when come up with sufficient cash, consider work that will be completed based on wmdow or fixing gutters. Capital you sell your home. Certain features taking out a home equity loon or bor- the budget you established. Ask the improvements, on the other hand, are more valued by home buyers than rowing against a home equity line of contractor to show you photographs of increase the value of your property, others and, consequently, are more credit. The interest rate on such loans Slmllar projects completed on sinular lengthen Its life or adapt it to a differ- likely to add to your home's market is usually less than that charged by budgets. ent use. Examples include remodeling value. Today, you're likely to recover banks for home improvement and Finally, be sure to check contrac- a kitchen or bathroom, creating a mas- costs for expanding a master bedroom, other loans. What's more, except for tors' references. The MACPA recom- ter swte, adding a fireplace or putting adding an office or study or building a certain hIgh-income individuals who mends that you ask each reference if aluminum siding on your home. new bathroom. However, adding a are subject to an overall reduction in the Job was completed on time and Expenses mcurred for capital improve- greenhouse or installing a hand-l8ld itemized deductions, generally you can within budget. This will gIve you a ments can be added to the basis of your brick wall to your front door is not lJke- fully deduct interest pald on home good idea of whether your home residence - that is, the total amount ly to offer you the same payback when equity loans. However, since you are improvement will be completed in a you paid for the property. When you • you sell your home. usmg your home as collateral, be sure tlmely and cost-effectlve manner.

Detroit Edison incentives available for home construction I After investIng thousands of dollars The home constructlon program ing and cooling systems. mmimize that expense. It offsets Imtial to remodel or build a new home, the offers builders and homeowners mcen- "Home constructJon - whether installatIOn costs, lowers future energy last tffing a homeowner needs is high tIves for instalhng energy-efficient building new or remodeling - is an bIlls and increases home resale value." energy bills wall and cellmg msulation, WIndows, expensive venture," saId WJ1ham For more mformabon about the pro- Detroit Edison customers who qual- lighting, major electric appliances and Steele, bwlder h8lson for DetrOIt gram, call DetrOIt EdIson's Heabng ify for the utility's Energy-Efficient high-efficiency cooling. Additionally, Echson. and Coohng InformatJon Center at 1- Home Constroction Program not only homeowners qualify for DetrOIt "This program helps homeowners 800-833-2786. pay lower annual energy bills com- Echson's lower time-of-day rate The pared WIth conventIOnal homes, but program is available to owners and also could qualify to receIve up to bUIlders of "all.electric" homes, which $5,000 in incentIves from the utJlity. are homes eqUIpped Wlth electnc heat. A RAREFIND~~~~~~ velyWoods four bed 1__ H_o_u_s_e_h_o_l_d_H_e_l_p __ room Colonial. First Efloor library, new Whether your home IS new or old, it as you can apply in a three-minute kItchen with oak cabinets should be waterproofed, especially period). Beginnmg at the top of the and ceramic floor. basement and crawl space walls crack or hole, press the cement into Remodeled bath and where the entry of water and the cavity with your fingers and mOisture ultimately leads to maintain pressure for a few minutes freshly painted through- deterioratIOn and damage. With a httle or until the cement sets Then smooth out. Call Marilyn Kenzie know-how and the right tools, you can the surface with a trowel. (Work eaSily waterproof areas where leakage gloves should be worn when has started or prevent it in areas completing this step.) where It may occur. To get started, you'll need the following tools and APPLY WATERPROOFING 704.6013 products' hammer, chisel, wooden MASONRY COATING: When the paddle trowel, wire brush, large pail, cement has set, the entire area should heavy.'duty masonry paint brush, be painted with a wlltprproofing hydraulIc water-stop ce~ent and masonry coating Remove any paint, waterproofing masonry coatIng. loose mortar or dirt with a wire brush 1324 Bishop ror.;:E THE SOURCE AND and water Next, mix masonry coating Grosse Pointe Park PREPARE THE SURFACE: Inspect and water according to instructIons on the walls and locate the source of the package. Dampen the surface WIth a leakage. Once you've found it, use hose Just before usmg a masonry paint your hammer and chIsel it to enlarge brush to apply the mIxture in a circular scrubbing motIon to ensure the crack or hole ~ut square~y or ~ undercut while enlargIng the caVIty to penetration of waterproofing a mmimum depth and width of ~/4 Ingredients. FIrst coat should dry for lOch, then remove all loose mater~al 24 to 48 hours before applying second ---~21~ from the cavIty and scrub WIth a WIre coat Waterproofing masonry coating East, Inc. will continue to cure and harden for brush and water. Sup

MICROGRAPHIC & ELECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION f, SERVICES. SYSTEMS. CONSULTATION Page 4 YourHome Thursday, Jury 21, 1994 NAR mem.bership survey profiles today's Realtor Today's typical Realtor has a col agents who responded mdicated $4,000 less than theIr male coun approximately 68 percent of the lege background, works at least 45 they had graduate level experience, terparts brokers who responded and half of hours a week and earns as much as whIle 17 percent said they held - The typIcal real estate broker all the sales agents who responded 22 percent more than SIX years ago, bachelor's degrees works a 50 hour week, VIrtually sald they own or have an mterest accordmg to a survey by the Na- - The medIan net mcome in 1992 unchanged Since 1978, whIle the in investment property. tIonal ASSOCIatIOnof Realtors. of brokers was $38,000, a 9 percent typICal sales agent works an aver- The medIan age of brokers in The findmgs of NAR's most re mcrease from 1986 when NAR can age of 45 hours a week, five hours 1993 was 50, two years older than cent membershIp survey, "Member- dueted the last membershIp survey. more than preVIously repor~d for prevlOusly reported m 1987. The ShIp Profile 1993 Profile of the - The medIan mcome after ex- thIS group in 1987. medIal!. age of sales agents was 46, Real Estate Broker and Salesper- penses earned by the typIcal full- - In 1993, 44 percent of all bro- three years older than in 1987. son," IS based on a survey of nearly time sales person was $23,100, an kers were female, more than tWIce The survey also deternuned that 2,300 Realtors from across the increase of 22 percent from 1986. the 1978 figure. The survey also m 1993, the typical real estate bro- country - Men in the real estate mdustry found that nearly SIX of every 10 ker had a tenure of 14 years m the - EducatlOn levels among brokers continue to earn a higher mcome full-bme sales agents, or 58 per- business, whIle the typical sales and sales agents have remained than women The survey reports cent, were women. agent was actIve in the industry for consIstently high over the years In that in 1992, female brokers earned The membership survey also six years, representing an increase 1993, 24 percent of all brokers re- a median mcome of $34,900, nearly found that 78 percent of all brokers of two years for both groups, com- ported having studied at the gradu- $10,000 less than theIr male coun- and 76 percent of all sales agents pared to 1987. ate level, whIle 20 percent had terparts, whIle full.tIme female are married. In addItion, nearly earned a bachelor's degree Com- sales agents earned a medIan m. nine out of every 10 brokers and paratively, 21 percent of the sales come of $21,800 in 1992, nearly sales agents own their home, while How to achieve a healthy weight Foods & Nutrition Q. My fnend told me the best way to sluggish metabolism, which could products does not lmply eruWrsement Marion E.£.Hubbard detenmne If you're fit or fat ISto watch make it harder to lose weight. by MSUE or blaS agarnst tJwse not your weight on the scale. Is thIs the Fuehng metabohsm IS like stokmg a mentioned. best way? fire: remove the wood and the fire Manon E Hubbard is a dietitian A~ A The scale does not reflect your mmimshes. Sni1ilarly, our metabo. With a master's degree Ln nutntum and body compoSltlOn;It does not mscnmI- lIsm must have a suffiCient amount of is on staff at tlu! Macomb MSU nate between flUId or fat weIght. It calones or the body WIllslow down to ExtenSion. Contact the food and fd\ takes 3,500 calories to make one compensate. Nutrition Hotlme at 469-5060, pound. Sudden weight changes are Q. Can mIlk be frozen? Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from usually from flUIdshIfts In the body. If A. Yes, mIlk can be frozen in most 9 a.rn.. to 4 p.rn.. Lmuted inrome {aml- your weIght suddenly nses five home freezers for up to three months. lles WIth children mterested In "stretch- pounds, It more lIkely IS from water Freezing does not affect nutrition, but Ing your food dollars" may call 469- retention than from the extra 17,500 may alter flavor and appearance, 6432 for free classes calories from food It would take to because the water m the mIlk freezes make five pounds of fat first and may separate from the milk Q. Is a low calone dIet the best way solids. After thawmg, you11 need to to achIeve a healthy weIght? stIr the mIlk or shake It thoroughly. A. Chrome dIetmg, undereatmg or Thl.S rnformatlOn I.S for educatIOnal sklppmg meals can contribute to purposes only Reference to commerclal Saving Dloney "With a ne-w appliance Repl8£lOgan old apphance WIth a Department of Energy has ruled that 1 Bedroom from $595! 2 Bedroom from $650! new one can do more than pnhance these newest models must Improve -----PLUS ----- your decor WIth today's encrgy-effi. theIr energy effiCIency ratio by an CIent models, It can save hundreds of average of 25 percent over present ONE MONTH FREE!* dollars over the hfetIme of a new models. appliance In deterrmnmg the true cost of an Resort features include: Some apphances, such as ranges apphance, the purchase pnce IS only -Clubhouse With Indoor and dryers, have always operated effi- the start Multiply the yearly cost of racquetball court CIently. Others, such as microwave operatmg the apphance by Its bfe -Health/fitness center ovens dnd trash compactors, use so ht- expectancy and add thIS figure to the -Pool with waterfall tIe energy that saVIngson new models purchase pnce To help you figure the -Outdoor hot tub IS mInImal But when It comes to yearly cost, look for the black, yellow -Seachfront sand volleyball court refngerators, washers and dishwash- and whIte EnergyGulde label on appli- -Village Suites-short term ers, most 15- to 30-year.old models can ances. It WIllbe a sticker, hang tag or furnIshed rentals be claSSIfiedas energy guzzlers com- f1apu..;.ThIs label WIlldIsplay a SIngle pared WIththeIr newer verSIons estImated annual cost figure based on Jom us for our For example, a refngerator manu- "typIcal use." MOONLIGHT MADNESS factured today uses about 47 percent of OPEN HOUSE the energy that Its 1972 counterpart To mamtaIn energy S>tVlngs,the Thursday, July 21'It & 28th consuml''l For "'1l~llJngmachmes, the new apphance should be used effiCIent- from 9-11 pm figure IS about 28 percent, ba'led on ly Rend and followthe manufacturer's eIght cycles per week; for dIshwashers, TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT recommendatIOns In addl tlon, the Check Out Our Spectacular about 30 percent, based on 6 2 cycles new applIance should really replace per week Move-In Gifts And Prizesl the old one If the old one IS SImply •••••••••••• A ••• More bIg changes are In store for moved to a new locatIon and used as a 1-94 to Metro Plwy Between Shool & Crocker on Jefferson Ave refngerators and freezers manufac- spare, Its hIgh monthly operatmg tured after Jan 1, 1993 Thl' expense contmues. 8107913093 'Some Restnc!lons Apply

oJ I Thursday, July 21, 1994 YourHome Page 9 Classified Advertising

800 HOUSES FOR SAlE 800 HOUSES FOR SAlE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE- 800 HOUSES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OPEN Sunday 1 4 1889 Hun OPEN Sunday 1 to 4 2 bed SUPER clean move In condl GROSSE POinte Woods. 3 lingIon Well Cared for room condo 23015 Liberty tlon Three bedroom bnck bedroom ranch hVlng room 800 Houses for Sale 815 Out of Stale Property Woods home updaled 816 Real Estate Exchange South of 9 Mlle. Easl Sideof Ranch deSirable St Clair With fireplace, new kllchen 801 Commerclal BUildIngs Shores area Many extras With appliances, updated kitchen With bUilt In appll 817 Real Estate Wanted Jefferson 779-0200 802 Comrnercial Property must see $145,0001 offer bath eallng space In ances newer carpeling 803 CondoslAptsIFlats 818 Sale or Lease ST Clair Shores 19824 881-2425 kitchen, lav WIth tJle shower neutral decor 3 bedrooms 819 Cemetery Lots Sherry Three bedroom In basemenl, glassed and 1 & 1/2 bath With the 1/2 804 Country Homes bnck Ranch finished base- bath second floor, 2 & 112 820 Business Opportunities 50 ROSLYN Rd Spectacular, screened In porch, deck. 805 Farms ment central air new car. energy effiCient,slep saving, central air new carpeting, 2 car garage $119,900 Cen 806 Ronda Property pet Flonda room, updated great for entertaining up- car bnck garage With new lury 21 AAA 771-m1 Fnday Noon deadllne throughoUl, 2 1/2 car ga dated ranch 3 short blocks electnc door $154 900 Call WATERFRONT CONDO 807 Investment Property (subjact to change dunng holidays) rage spnnkling system 10 Grosse POinie Shores 881-4449 Fabulous 2 bedroom, 2 808 LakelRlV8r Homes m1456 Park! Yacht Club New 1m bath, every upgrade 809 lake/RIVer Lots CASH RATE 12 words $8 40 proveme nts windows. ST. Clair Shores 2,000 square foot on 3 lots, 3 bedroom, 1 known to eXlstl Views 810 LakeJRlVer Resorts Each add rtJonai word 6ee FAX doors fumace, Insulalion 1/2 bath natural fireplace In galorel Harrison Twsp 811 loIs For Sale YOUR great room and state of art REAL ESTATE kitchen StunOing Inla Id liVing room. library finished $234,000 812 Mortgagesll.and hardwood floors With unique basement With fireplace. LAKESHORE VILLAGE deck & pool $125000 772 Contracts ADVERTISEMENTS marble & wood fireplace, Two bedroom Condo new 2094 813 Northern MIChigan Real Estate Resource ads, oak panelled hbrary first kitchen, new carpeting, $8.50 pel' hne floor laundry room 3 bed owner wants thiS SOLD Homes ATTORNEY Gall (313} 882-6900 FRIDAY, NOON rooms, 2 1/2 baths air NOW! $62,900 814 Northern Michigan Lots Beautifully landscaped For your Real Estate sale Fax (313) 343-5569 22705 ENGLEHARDT DEADLINE ground With copper spnnke\- or purchase, $250 Also Completely updated 3 (313) 343-5569 mg system Bounliful clos hVlng trusts or probate AWARD HOME. Grosse ets, large attiC, storage ex Thomas P Wolverton. bedroom brick Ranch, 800 HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES fOR SALE price reduced $85,000 ~oo POinte Woods 4 bedroom panslve space Must be 285-6507 2 bath 2 lots, family room seen to believe No brokers Owner says selll FARMS- 438 Fisher Road by GROSSE POinte Farms, own- NOW or Never. Look at It now deck cenlral atr Owner By appointment only NOW ACCEPTING owner TERMS CONSID ers transferred, pnce re- or you may never find a Best over $163 000 88&- $329,000 886-2588 NEW LISTINGS ERED 3 bedroom, 2 bath duced $20 000 on thiS beau- "Th Iele' ranch at thiS pnce 6761 HARPER Woods bnck 3- 4 large family room fireplace LUCido & Assoc. Realtors tiful Ihree bedroom orn.", 393l'1 l=arn,hJ room, full 1 1/2 car garage Includes 882.1010 basement 1st floor laundry, CITY. 738 loraine, by owner bedroom 2 112 bath, large Ranch Family room fin- deck Wllh hot tub on large dlnl'lg room set and apph HANDYMAN SpeCial Two Ished basement, fireplace, 2 dining room and attached 4 bedroom Colomal Open private property 20411 ances Approx 1 600 flats Lakepo,nte between car much morel Agent garage (SOLIn Century 21 Sunday $186,000 886 Eastwood $137500 By square feel $138900 882 St Paul & Jefferson 885- $144 900 527~7 AVid 778-8100 6331 owner 881-2739 884 7074 5117 4846 31 Woodland Shore Dr. Grosse Pointe Shores Four Bedrooms Magnificent waterfront, Two Full Baths Tobocman destgn€d, uitrd Two lIalf Baths contemporary, open, 4 Living Room bedroom, 4 bath, dream Dining Room home. Fireplaces, bar and Kitchen JacuzzI. Superb entertaining, FamtlyRoom gorgeous sunsets. A most Finished Basement beautiful hone In Northern Patio Michigan. Seenrlty System Sprinkler System CALL GRAHAM REAL ESTATE, Air Conditioning Harbor Springs, Michigan, (616) 526 ..6251. $550,000.00 By Appolntmeut 886-5333

20531 Chalon • St. Clair Shores Lov~ly Brick Ranch In Prime Neighborhood LIVing Room Dmmg Area Kitchen - 1993 3 Bedrooms Updated Bath Neutral Decor Hardwood Floors Basement With Bath $79,900 222 Moran Elegant center entrance colonIal In lhe heart of the Farms Updated throughout 5 bedroom 3 full bath~ 21avs Fam rm, panelled library new kitchen PICkled oak cablnels wi cenler Island ceramIC IIIe floor GFNAC, 4 natural fireplaces secunly system Many more features! Shown by appointment only - 881-1306 --


VERSATILE SALT - I have an. SORTING IT OUT - I recently other use for salt When you bake a Home Tips made a major move and needed to Pie and It bOlls over In the oven but ( put a lot of my furnIture mto stor- you can't stop the process because age. I had several assIstants and the pie Isn't fimshed bakmg, pour dnge When It I:>ft Olen, I drop It III dIdIJ't want to take a chance on ar- salt over the spIll thIckly the dl"pO<'dland Iun It fOl 10 to 12 MUSICAL CLOCK - I had a rIvmg at my destinatIOn and find- It Will stop the smokmg and you ~econds \\ Ithout \\ atel, then run few old LP records and came up mg that an Item I needed was can scoop out a lill ge portlOn of the \\dtel untIl It IS c1eal Glona L, wIth an Idea to make a clock for being stored, so here's an Idea I spIll wIth a spatula Metuchen, N J my son's room. I went to a craft came up WIth Also, put something under the store and bought a clock kit which To separate the Items gomg mto pIe to catch further boIl.overs TRACK IT DO\VN - To keep Included the motor, numbers and storage from the ones that needed CookIe sheets or sheets of fOIl work tl ack of leftovers m the refngera hands All I did was glue the num- to be packed, I used colored aclhe great. Mmdy H., Brattleboro, Vt tor, I use a plastIc turntable It's bers on the record and put the mo- slve labels I placed a fluorescent easy to rotate and I can see all the tor stem through the hole and green dot on all the furruture to go "DISHING" WITH FRIENDS - Items I use one for tall Items (ket- slIpped the hands on It's adorable The storage Items dIdIJ't have the I find a use for everythmg I was chup, salad dIoessmg, etc) and an- and my son loves it. Jamce G., Sar- dots because I didn't want stIckers asota, Fla. washmg dIshes and a frIend asked other for small dIshes. I also use to stay on the furniture for any to see my dIshcloth She thought It them m the kItchen cabmets and length of tIme. was great I made the cloth out of This also worked with closets the pantry Joanif' H, Bay CIty, REACIDNG OUT - It would be materIal scraps and then sewed a Texas and cabmet unIts. piece of nylon net on the other SIde nice if when younger people are A httle baby OIl removed any You can wash dIshes, and If you having a party, barbecue or what- sticker residue that was left on the HAM BROTH - I found an easy ever, they would prepare a plate have a spot on your stove, just turn way to make wonderful use of the furniture when It was unpacked It over and you have your great ny. and dehver It to a less mobIle per- Jim T., Youngstown, OhIO delIcIOUSham broth left over from son who hves m the lInmedlate Ion ne' Renee K, Youngstown, a baked ham I pour the broth into IN-HOUSE SCHOOLING - I OhIO neIghborhood. an Ice-cube tray and freeze It I re- It mIght not mean the difference have a great Idea for people won move the cubes and store them denng what to do WIth old refer EASY SLIDE I ha\e found when between the recIpient eatmg or not loosely m a covered contamer In eatmg, but it would mean he or she ence materials (e g , encyclopedias) I try to put curtams on rods or the the freeze I for flavonng vegetables, I have recently jomed the ranks sprmg type curtam holdels, It'S bet- would get something different and eggs 01 cassel ales Dland R, Jdck perhaps festive of thousands of other home school- ter to wrap the ends of the rod first sonvllle, FI<1 mg famihes, teachmg my teenager wIth plastiC wrap. The curtams shp In the case of elderly or handi- capped people, cookmg IS usually at home. I would love to get my rIght on wIthout pullmg or snag- PIZZA CUTTER - After watch hands on an mexpenslve set of used gmg Patncla G, Tacoma, Wash. down to basIC Items, WIth lIttle va. mg me struggle to cut nce cereal nety. It would cheer them up and encyclopedIas and a world atlas treats, my husband suggested I try People should advertIse unused XMAS STORAGE - Most people make them know they are thought a large pizza cutter I popped the of MIranda A., Mobile, Ala. reference matenals m the local wrap and store theIr ChrIstmas or- treats out of the pan and onto a newspaper or newsletter. No doubt naments m the attIc or the base- cuttmg board and started cuttmg some people WIll be mtere"ted or ment where they can take on a EAR RELIEF - If your clIp ear- It worked lIke a charm CelIa K, rings hurt, buy a hole puncher and will pass the word on to a!I eager musty odor Here's a solutIOn I MadIson, WIS home-schooler they know have found a piece of self-sticking moleskin (found in foot-eare sections of super- Even though much of the mfor- I tape a thIck plastic bag to the SALTED SHOES - After I matIon may be outdated, an old SIde of my dryer and throw all the markets) Punch out a circle of mo- walked m salted snow and slush, leskin, remove the backing and encyclopedia may shed new light used dryer sheets into It during the my black shoes drIed whIte m on histoncaI events, and an old dIC- course of a year. stIck it to the earring clips for com- many places I soaked a washcloth fort It's less costly than ready- tionary may list words that are They still have a fragrance after wIth vinegar and rubbed the whIte contained in old literature books bemg used, so I then use them to made clip pads. Victona G, Yuma, off The shoes are like new again. Ariz. but are not found in today's more wrap my ChrIstmas ornaments at Eugene M , Shaker HeIghts, Ohio "modern" dictionanes_ LIZ R, the end of the season. They smell A "CLEAN" WALK - When I Green Bay, Wis. great when I unwrap them and this GUEST BATH - I came across a take a walk around the block, I also prOVIdes a use for a typIcal great Idea for the guest-bathroom EASY FIND - Paper clIps and carry a plastic bag (the kind you rubber bands seem to get spread throwaway item Jeanme B., Wash- tOIlet paper When puttmg a new get in the grocery) with handles burn, III roll out, I take the end and fold the around drawers at home and m the and use it to hold any trash that I office. Frozen-dessert trays, such as corners m to make a V shaped see It helps keep these areas clean. GARBAGE DISPOSAL - I have those for browmes, are perfect to pomt ThIS way the guests don't I hve m a rural part of the country found I can get my garbage dls hold them They are made out of have to fight to find the begmnmg and try to walk every day, pickmg posal clean :md sweet-smellmg by sturdy plastic and hold up very of the roll and It'S a decorative up the trash whIle I walk. Marilyn fwezmg the peel from my dally or touch Lynda B , Olathe, Ran well. BeSIdes, the browmes are deb S , Amema, N. Y CIOUS!Kate () White CIty, Ore

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Thursday, July 21, 1994 YourHome Page 5 May home sales strong despite higher mortgage rates

Sales of existing single-family consumers have chosen to delay pur- when the pnce was $106,500. The from one year earlier The median homes were up from a year ago but chases due to higher rates, overwhelm- I median IS the mIdpOint In the pnce pnce In the Northeast was $138,300, were steady compared Wlth April, mgly, buyers have brushed off rates range - half the homes sold cost more, down 1 4 percent from May 1993. accord1Og to the National Association because they are mtent on bUYJng a half cost less The West recorded a sales rate of of Realtors. home," said NAR president Robert H. NAR chief economIst John A. 850,000 umts In May, a nse of 14.9 The association recorded a season- Elrod. Tuccillo S81d that while a shght drop In percent from the pace one year earher. ally adjusted annual sales rate of 4.09 "Despite the rise in mortgage inter- horne sales between Apnl and May The regIon's median prIce was millIon eXlsting s1Ogle-fanuly homes 10 est rates, afTordahility conmtlons reflects a normal reactlon in the mar- $148,600 last month, up 5 8 percent May, up 133 percent from the same remain at one of the best levels of all ketplace to hIgher mortgage Interest from one year earlier month a year ago, when the resale rate times and are still a strong driVlng rates, the stahle pace also indicates The South posted a resale pace of was 3_61 milhon units. The May resale force behmd tlus healthy housing mar- that higher rates have not dampened 1 57 mIllion umts, up 14.6 percent rate held relatlvely steady compared to ket." sales. from May 1993. The median pnce for the previous month despite a two-year The Federal Home Loan Mortgage "The fact that the home sales rate eXIsting Single-famIly homes 10 the peak In mortgage interest rates. The Corp. reported that the national aver- remained relatIvely steady between South was $97,400 last month, up 2.5 May Tate fell only a slight 0.7 percent age commitment for 30-year, conven- April and May is a f,coo. sign that the percent from one year earher. from April's pace of 4.12 million units, tional, fixed-rate mortgages was 8.60 impact of higher mortg<:gc rates hr;: The Midwest posted a resale rate of and marks the seventh month in the percent in May, up from 8.32 percent been low. The increase in the sales 1 04 millIon umts in May 1994, 6.1 last year that the home sales Tate has the preVlOUS month and the hIghest pace from a year ago further inmcates percent higher than the preVlOUSMay. exceeded 4.0 mIllIon umts since May 1992 when ,t 'Vas 8.67 per- consumer recogmtlOn of favorable The Midwest's median pnce of $87,100 "The recent uptick in mortgage cent. affordabihty conditIons," Tuccillo sald In May was up 1.9 percent from a year mterest rates has had little impact in May's national median eXIsting Sin- RegIOnally, the Northeast led In ago. the eXlstmg home sales segment of the gle-family home pnce was $109,900, home sales, postIng a resale rate of Currently, NAR is predlctlng eXIst- market It appears that whIle some up 3.2 percent from one year earlier, 630,000 umts In May, up 235 percent Ing smgle-famlly home sales WIll total Gardeners invited to MSU for Garden Day Aug. 5

Donors and friends of the MIchigan DemonstratIOn Gardens, the Clarence tlcultural wholesale/retall operatIon, from the garden. State Umverslty HortIcultural E Lewis Landscape Arboretum and WIll share creative ways to enlIven The regJstratlon fee IS $30. It covers DemonstratIOn Gardens and others the 4-H Children's Garden home gardens WIth f10wenng annuals the full day's program plus a box lunch who appreciate the beauty and wonder Lucinda Mays, one of the hosts of In addltlOn to these two keynote For more mformatIOn about the of gardens are InVlted to Garden Day "The VICtory Garden" on pubhc teleVl- seSSlons, Garden Day partiCipants can Garden Day program and a regIstra- on Aug 5 at MSU. sion, WIll speak to Garden Day partlcI- choose to attend two hourlong ,pork- tIOn form, wnte to. Garden Day, A240- BIlled as a day of gardemng, It pants on how to deSlgn a butterfly gar- shops on toPICS rangIng from garden- C Plant and SOIl Sciences BUlldmg, offers natIOnal speakers, garden work- den and plants butterflies can't reSIst. 109 WIth perennials, vegetables 10 the MSU, East LanSing, Mlch 48824- shops on a variety of topics, and tours BIll Bettlnger, Vlce president of landscape and water gardemng, to 1325. Or call 517-355-9741. of the 7 1/2-acre Horticultural Bettinger Farms Inc., a famIly-run hor- growmg dwarf apple trees and cooklOg RegIstratIOn IS due by July 25.

SHOREWOOD REAL ESTATE, INC . 20439 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe 886-8710 om~• GROSSll'OlN11l1OMI.S 14765 Renaud 38edroom Ranch lnground pool. ram rm den.compl remod klt $268000 1315 Hampton 38edroom Colomal Large family room remod klt wood deck $149.900 16001 E /effeMn 4 Bedroom Colonial New consl1lJct1oo app 4.350 sq ~ $522000 llWebberPla ST.CUll SIiOI£S HOMES 23730 Deziel 2 Bedroom Ranch 7 A VERY SPECIAL CONDOMINIUM ~ New WJIldows newer fumare a great buy $ 5100:> 22440 Benfolll1Jn 3 Bedroom ellerc; have indicated that they are MOTIVATED to sell thiS Ranch Cmt canaJ lot Steel seawall $168000 12414 Cortevllle FllST 0fJ[RJN(j O!'EN SUNDAY, JULY 31st 12.2 Impeccably kept condominIUm With balcOnies looking over the R.mch lArge filffil~ room first Roor launchy $149500 S L

MICROGRAPHIC & ElECTRONIC IMAGE CONVERSION f I SERVICES. SYSTEMS • CONSULTATION Page 6 YourHome Thursday, July 21, 1994 Thursday, July 21, 1994 YourHome Page 7 I -

Address Bedroom/Balh Description Price Phone Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone NO liSTINGS 1572 Hollywood 3/1 Brock 1 5 story, updaed kitchen 482 Rivard 4/35 Great location, totally renovared, 3 22410 Doremus 3/1 5 2,000 sq It on 3 lots, 2 flp's, fin I"mt, Shows well Adlhoch & Associales. $115.BOO 882-5200 fireplaces. fam room $419,000 885.8117 deck & pool. lib $125.000 772.2094

> - 1344 Yorktown 4/25 Open Sun. 2.S. By owner See class 800 $230,000 886.1864 22406 Slephens 3/1 Ranch, new furn./CA. 1 5 garage $71.500 779.0605 IL GROSSE POINTE WOODS . _ - -- • ,...... <, .- ~ - • 1992 Beautall 3/2 Open Sun. 2-4. F.R Bv Owner. $134,900 8B4.0384 20531 Chalon 3/1 OPEN SUN. 2-4. (See piC ad) The .~;':v.GROSSE POINTE PARK . - - . $79,900 882.0087 Address Bedroom/Bath Descriplion Prudentlal C.P. Real Estate Co. Price Phone 1585 Hampton 4/2 5 Colomal. large kitchen. formal dmmg 803 N Brys Dr. 5/25 Master bedroom with fireplace Reduced rm , fam,ly room, large lot, CIA Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 19824 Sherry 3/1 Updated throughout, fin bsmt. CIA, Renovated 1994. By owner 885-6762 Owner $269,000 885-0990 1050 Audubon 3/25 OPEN SUN. 2-4. Fam rm, CIA. 2 car new carpet, 2-1/2 car garage, Floroda rm., garage, spacIous rooms Must see sprk sys Call 777-1456 636 N Rosedale Ct. 4/2 5 Open Sun. 1-4. Altradlve Coloma I m Tappan & Associates. $285,000 884-6200 move In cand , many updates Must Seel No Address 3/2 Wide canal. steel seawall, double lot By owner $245,000 881-6932 III. GROSSE POINTE FARMS _ ..-:~~~ v_.} 1114 Buckingham 3/2.5 Brk. Colon w/3 nfp, slate roof, Fla rm. Call Ginny Damman, Coldwell Banker much more. Century 21 East, Inc. $265,500 886.5040 Schweitzer Real Estate. Call 704-6005 19849 Holiday 3/1 Ranch, updated kit, enclosed porch $154,900 881-4449 Address Bedroom/Balh Description Price Phone 285 Moran 3/1.5 Br Colonial, fam rm., newer furn 1077 Maryland 3/2 Updated throughout. new roof, C A 1430 Yorktown 3/2 5 Open Sun. 2-5. Charm Cape Cod, Much more. $89,900 822-0716 possrble 5 bedroom $199,500 885.5489 Byowner No Reallors. $189,000 886-4383 295 Ridgemont 3/1 BrockRanch, fam rm, fin bsml. w/full 1205 Whittier 3/1.5 OPEN SUN. 2-4. Georg,an Colomal 681 Hawthome 3/1 Open SaL & Sun. 1-4. Beautifully with Iibraryl Higbie Maxon. $175,900 886.3400 bath, flp, 2 car Price reduced. Agent $144,900 527-4467 refurbished center ent Colonial Owner 971.1593 Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 438 fisher 3/2 Fantastic fam rm, updated bath Terms 1/4 Mile lake Superior frontage 60 acre parcel $575.000 (313) 76S-4HO 788 Woods Lane 3/25 Open Sun. 1-5. Charm fam. hom considered (See Class 8001 $138,900 882.5111 Newer decor. Mutchler kitchen Coldwell Banker Schweitzet' Real Estale. $239,000 886-4200 222 Moran 5/3 & 2 5 Elegant home remodeled throughout (See prc ad) By owner $459,000 881.1306 1889 Hunlington 3/15 Open Sun. 1-4. Cenl\lry 21 AAA. $119,900 771-7771 Address Bedroom/Bath Oescri ptlon Price Phone

No Address 3/1 5 Price reduced, major updated I 935 Hereford 3/1 Charm br bung fla rm $46.500 882.9503 1992 VanAntwerp 3/2 Open Sun. 1-4. Colonial, new kil Impena! kitchen, formal dining Close addition, 1st fir laundry $129,999 885.9120 to Kercheval Call Ginny Damman, 1914 Severn 3/15 Proce reducedl Charmmg Col. w/Fla Coldwell Banker Schweitzer Real Estate. Call 704-6005 rm & lob Tappan & Associates. $149,900 884-6200

1539lochmoor 4/2 Brockhome w/new kit & wondows, nfp. '.>:~:~~: Price Phone Select your preferred location, price or fin bsmt Century 21 Easl, Inc. $315,000 886.5040 IV. GROSSE-POINTt-CI1Y' ". . Address Bedroom/Balh Descriplion . . 20411 Eastwood 3-4/2.5 Large lot. large deck wlhot rub. $137,500 881.2739 style of home. The listings will show the 1317 Roslyn 3/15 Brk Bung. w/1rg. fam. rm., nfp, hrdwd. Address Bedroom/Bath Phone 884-7074 firs • updated kit. Century 21 East, Inc. $139,000 886-5040 3354 Washington 4/4 address, bedroom/bath, description of 886-6010 10894 Kenmore 3/1 East of Harper Bnrk Bungalow, G P 19778 W. Ida In. 211 OPEN SUN. 1-4. Brk ranch widen, Schools, new kit. Cheryl, Bolton johnston. $93,900 884-6400 CAC, gorgeous yard. Century 21 East, Inc. $119.500 886.5040 home, price, and telephone number. 593 SI. Clair 3/1 Renovated home - new kitchen, den OPEN SUN. 1-4. Brk home wHam rm, and bath R.G. Edgar & Assoc. $120,000 886-6010 20862 Beaufait 4/1 1750 Vernier 212 1 floor, prof decorated condo All nfp on !Iv ron. Century 21 East, Inc. $93,900 886.5040 REALTORS and OPEN SUNDAYS will be THE BERKSHIRES appliances Call 810-646-9300 738 Loraine 4/1.5 OPEN SUN. 2.5. Colon.al By owner. Call 886-6331 20451 Damman 3/1 OPEN SUN. 2-4. large famIly room, indicated in bold. 19759 W. rda Lane OPEN SUN. 2-4. Temfic Ranch With deck, central a,,1 Higbie Maxon. $89,900 886-3400 211 512 St. Clair 4/2 5 OPEN SUN. 1.4 Lovel> condo- nat Florida room! Higbie Maxon. $101l.000 886.3400 fp, upodted kltch Must see' Century:n - A\ld, Inc. $1 b5,000 778.8100

Address Bedroom/Balh Description Price Phone Gross~Pointe N~ws

29132 kiferson Ct. 2125 Beautiful' Water View from balconies, condo R.G. Edgar & Assoc. $300,000 886-6010 AND

33 376 lefferwn 2/2 Lovely conuo. Pnced to sell! R.C. Edgar & Assoc. $139,900 B86-6010

23269 Clairwood 2/2 Canal Home, 1.400 sq It br ranch ~o~rno1f> VillI 5T.CLAIR SHORES Modern kit Call 884.7533

113 WlRdwood 2/2 Excellent firsl floor condo w/2 bedrooms & 2 baths R. C. Edgar & Associates Call 886-6010 NEWSPAPERS

1055 Woodbridge 2/2 Open Sun. 1-4. Popular dorset uM Slieberr Realty. Call 7754900

23124 Middlesex 3/1 ) Blick Ranch, super clean Move rn condllfon Must

H069 Jefferson 3/1 5 Bnck Ranen w/water View attacned 2 5 car garage Complctcly updatcd In & OIJl Call 296.1058


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36-MO. 04* #;~:~o. 34* lEASE $155 Mo tor $216 36Mos lEASE ~oM~;

"45000 ml NMAC closed end '"oloe Adv pyml conls,Mg of ',riot "45000 ml NMAC dOl-ad end lease Adv pvmt con $tng 01 'lfSt pymr $'64 J4 rei :see dep $17Stc tox&l.tle $84 cap coslredLlc pymt .$22932 rei see dep $2501lc tOll & hde $99 cop costreduc 1994 SKYLARK CUSTOM 4..DR. 1994 CENTURY SPECIAL hon $1060 Icrolodw pyml $148334 forol 01 pymlJi $591624 I,on $1060 lotol ad, pym' $163832 To'ol 01 Py"'" $825552 Option to pllrc.~ $l>825 2. at lease end heen tn, 01 15« per ml Add Opton 10 purc~ $8672 S1 011005e end been m at '5« per m Add 696 use lOll: 6% use tox Driver air bag, anti-Jock brakes, V-6 air Driver air bag, anti-lock brakes, cond., storage armrest, mats, cruise, r. P185175R14 WSW, vanity mirrors, r. det., 4-way man. adj., tilt, 3-spd. wiper, defog., cruise, mats, front armrest, auto. overdrive transmission, AM/FM 55/45 seat pkg., fed. emission, 3.1 SF( cassette. Stk. #42071. V-6, auto. overdrive. Stk. #43128.

SALE JUST ItRRlrlEDlII PRICEf 1994 NJSSAN QUESTIE 1995 NJSSAN24051 COUPE Automallc. lear air condilloning. power Air cond convenience package. stereo/ package perlormance package, much casselle. Slk #5F002 morel Stk #4N087

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