Acts of the Holy Spirit #36 - :30-23:35

Paul’s begins to have an effect on his future now that the Roman constabulary are involved. How Paul came by his citizenship is not known, perhaps through his Grandparents or Parents. Contrasted to the Officer Claudius Lysias who obtained his citizenship through bribery and payment and taking the name of the Caesar who granted the citizenship. What is known here is that family heritage can be beneficial and/or God ordained and blessed.

Claudius Lysias does not understand the charges against Paul and so convenes the Sanhedrin. This is not a trial rather an information gathering device. Paul begins by addressing the Sanhedrin as brothers, this is taken as insulting with Ananias the High Priest instructing Paul to be struck on the mouth. Biblically we usually find that it is who strike humans on the mouth. Paul ensues a rebuke using the Biblical motif of Ezekiel’s whitewashed walls (13:10-16). And then apologies once he realizes he has insulted the High Priest. We are instructed in Exodus 22:28 not to insulted authority, even corrupt ones. That responsibility seems to be reserved for the role of the prophet.

At this point in the proceedings Paul knows he will not receive a fair hearing, and changes tactics for confusion and exploitation. This is a different approach to Stephen in who went on the offence against the Temple leadership ending in his martyrdom. Paul announces his hope in the resurrection bringing the present to his defence, note this does not mean agreement with all of Pauls theology about Messiah. Following the uproar in the Sanhedrin, Paul is confined to quarters and is visited by the Lord Himself in the night. The Holy Spirit remains absent from the narrative, instead Himself (not an or a dream, though we have had both in the past) encourages Paul and reveals Paul will testify about Messiah in Rome. Jesus does not tell Paul how long it will take to get to Rome, nor the path taken to get there, nor the shipwrecks, snakebites, beatings and near death experiences to actually come along the way to Rome. This is an interesting point to note. We may ourselves have hints, dreams and visions, words of knowledge regarding the future. However, rarely is it detailed and all timing of the future laid out. However, it is most definitely very encouraging to hear from the Lord.

A plot to murder Paul is hatched. Paradoxically and ironically oaths are sworn in God’s Name to break God’s commandment against murder. No one seems to object to this idiosyncrasy. Somehow this plot is uncovered … by Paul’s family nonetheless. We are introduced to the fact that Paul has family, a sister and nephew, residing in . They remain unnamed. With Paul (the Roman citizen) life on the line, Claudius moves him to Caesarea for judgement under Felix. A rather large escort force is required with both cavalry and armed infantry. Paul arrives and is held awaiting his accusers to stand before Felix the Roman Governor of Judea.