t »»»»***»»»»»»»»»*»»*»*#***»**** Masons at Mission pleasant duty to "educate’* Bsdflf, youthful heir to countless PORT Elect New YARD CONTEST to the wiles and wicked el BACKERS Officers WOODS SHELLED MOVIE way* (Special to The Herald.) ! DAILY SIDELIGHTS'! that gay metropolis New Yotfc MISSION. July 5—Clark Norton And what a job they make of it. BIVOLI—SAN BENITO swords in their final salute, "One was elected worshipful master at the ENDS And how Buddy takes to the "edu- HARD AT WORK BY CANDIDATES AIR LOG JUDGING Dolores Del Rios first all-talking for all. all for one." last Masonic here. Walter i | meeting cation.'’ One of the girls, a demure Scoggins, senior warden- Albert picture for United Artists. “The Pan-American out Friday brown-eyed charmer, loses her heart Whittlesey, tunior warden: F. W. Davidson plane Prize Winners Announced Bad One.” scheduled to open at ARCADIA—HARLINGEN Harlingen Airport Bond Lynch Opposes with H. W. Sheridan pilot and five Dooley, secretary ana L. R. the Rivoli theatre, San Bemto, with Buddy Rogers gets an honest-to- to Buddy even though her infatua- Lehman, J. H. Tucker from Election 15 Hat ! treasurer. Fellow Townsman On passengers: In Beautification Of a special midnite preview tonite at goodness break In his latest star- tion has nothing to do with the so- July Brownsville to Mexico City, J. H. The remaining officers are ap- 11:30 p. m. and a 3-day engagement ring picture. "Safety in Numbers" a Oliver to Mexico City, Miss Cleva Mercedes Yards called ‘education" of our young hero. Advocates pointive, and will be announced at Bond Issue starting Sunday, with Edmund gay musical comedy. Booked for But Many (iunter to Mexico City. Mrs. H. W. it does make it more ex'citlng ; the meeting next Monday evening, Lowe. Includes many Illustrious film midnight matinee tonight and Sun- Sheridan and D. B. Pier to Mexico and entertaining and gay. All tn when installation cf new officers! names day, and ''Bv The Herald) in its roster of supporting Monday Tuesday at the all, in Numbers" Is easily — Plans will be held. Associated Press* City. (Special to The "Safety HARLINGEN. July 5. players. Arcadia theatre in Harlingen. Having cleared the hurdles of1 Pan-American plane in Friday MERCEDES, July 5—Judging in one of the best pictures Buddy has forward In Harlingen for Playing important character roles The "break” as you mav have of are going July the Fourth hustings, marked with C. M. Drayton pilot and four made, a delightful confection WEATHER ... UMMABT the yard beautification contest in in a picture with strong guessed is concerned, or a vigorous campaign of education by the genera! *elease of heavy T. S. McCaleb from replete rather, charm, romance, comedy and mel- passengers: Mercedes, sponsored each year by dramatic composed, of five air- Except for a few widely scattered campaign artillery, cand.dates in J. J. Cush- characterizations, are lion beautiful young between now and the $200,000 lampico to Brownsville. Profersionai ody. the local Business and girls who are 1. showers and thunderstorms, the the Democratic gubernatorial to Alvarado. George Fawcett, Ullrich cast as Buddy’s lead- bond election on 15. derby [ man from Tampico Brownsville, has been port July weather was were Women’s club completed Haupt, Mitchell Lewis. Yoia D’Av- ing ladies. And are j fair to partly cloudy Saturday arranging speaking A. D. Durst from Tampico to they beautiful, South of the equator all climbing stressed by back- In the Anglo-Saxon section and ril, Adrienne Blanche talented, vivacious Arguments being | throughout the country during the schedules for the we^k ahead. Bi vnsvilJe. and C. Mayer from i d'Ambricourt. and everything vines twine from right to left, but ! last 24 hour- with Lynch Davidson prize winners have been announced they’re to be. ers of the project are: that Harlin- temperatures of , for- Mexico City to Brownsville. Friderici, Ralph Lewis, Harry supposed north of the equator tt to from 1 near the season mer lieutenant by Mrs. Artie Sugg, civic hairm&n Stubbs John St. Victor In in gen some day will be the leading average throughout governor, who with- j C. A. T. plane out Saturday pi- Polls, Potel, "Safety Numbers’’ it is their left to right. ! the eastern of drew from the race for of the orgamzaton, as follows: Raoul Paoli and Jobbing center of the Valley and two-thirds the United governor,! loted by J. C. Shults and had Joe Tommy Dugan. States and , strangely was in the field as the Grand sweepstake prize—Mrs. director of much of the traffic result .ag will be somewhat subnormal in as to Monterrey. George Fitzmaurice. i Sharp passenger John Herndon. $25. a tiie Pla eau champion of two candidates. James this romantic of the by air; that there is bound to be region. C. A. T. passenger plane in Fri- comedy-drama M. of Kaufman and C. Owners old yards—Mrs. J. E. great increase in citrus shipments ! Young Clint with N. O. Carmichael and J. Marseilles, France, waterfront cab- ; Small of day first Mrs. James «ur that a field BULLETIN Wellington. N. O. Haynes, prize, $15; arets, presents the delectable Miss by express; flying In C. Shults passenger. Pilot FLst lowest an address at Waco he Shaw, 2nd prize, $10; Mrs. O. K. Del Rio as a and school will attract many win figures, temperature Friday Carmichael is on a two weeks leave coquettish dancer and ! urged the audience to vote for Wattson. 3rd r i'3 $5. *ter tourists; that big business men last night; second, highest yester- in order to attend the Air Training singer, while Lowe appears as a either Young or Small so they could Owners, new yards—Mrs. Elmer favor towns with adequate airport day; third, wind velocity at 8 &. tn. Service in Dallas, Mr. Carmichael sea-going Don Juan. GUIDANCE * lead the first tt. 24 primary—"because Crockett, first prize, $15; Mrs H. The director used facilities. fourth, precipitation last being a lieutenant in the Reserve only thorough- they are both opposed to the state E. Hvistendahl. e :ond prize, $10; The visit here Wednesday of H. E. hours. Officers Training Corps. ly experienced and time-tried screen road bond issue proposed bv Ross Mrs. Waldon Greenlee, 3rd prize, $5. Successful business McCray, general manager of the Abilene . 76 98 .. 00 S. A. T. passenger plane out pi- performers in this inaugural ap- always seeks Sterling" He classed James E. Fer- Renters, old yard -Mrs. t. J. unprej- tractor works of the John Deere Amarillo . 70 96 .. .00 loted by Andy Burke and had 8. S. pearance by the star as & talking ffuson, Thomas B. Love and Earle1 Meeker, first irlze 115; Mrs. E. H. udiced, well Plow company is be Inc cited in Atlanta. 68 92 .. .00 Dopes to Ft. Worth, P. D. Burrell picture player. The picture brings unbiased, balanced advice B. Mayfield as “political triplet* Poteet. 2^d prize. $10; Mrs. C. T. support of the latter contention. Austin 72 9b .. .00 .and to Ft. Worth and C. C. Houck to Miss Del Rio and Lowe together for tricksters, profession*’ office j Gary, 3rd $5. from a well informed source. Boise . 64 94 .. prize Mr. McCray, it was said, will tour .06 seekers and San Antonio. the first time since they scored so holders, worn out poli- Renters, new yards—Mrs. H. J. the entire Valley. Boston . 60 74 .. .00 ticians.’’ S. A. T. passenger plane in Fri- conspicuous a success in “What Lauderdale. 1st prize. $15; no en- .. Price He arrived in Brownsville Sa*- BROWNSVILLE_ 77 90 .00 dates for day piloted by Walter McAlister and Glory.” This Speaking next week were trants for 2nd and 3rd places. Bus- Bank, with its many contacts in urday in his own plane and left Calgary . 42.00 announced at the state had three passengers. headquarters iness houses—H. E. Bennett. $5. for and Mexico Chicago . 64 82 .. .68 in Dallas of S. A. T. mall in by Sunday Tampico Sterling. Lieut. Gov. plane piloted Schools—Mercedes QUEEN diversified is Brownsville Head- Cleveland. 64 70 12 .00 high school $5 fields, City, returning Tuesday. It argued Barry Miller and Jim Young. Bub Merrill. and the three musket- t Apartment houses—Mrs. Kathryn D'Artagnan that this will be the usual Corpus ristl .... 78 88 .. .00 S. A. T. mall out by practice Sterling’s Program plane piloted Chadlck eers have come to town. quarters for dependable facts. of other big business men who de- Dallas . 72 94 .. .CO Chas. Pedley. ‘ Stealing's engagements Included Judging of the Mexican section Douglas Fairbanks’ new picture. sire to inspect their trade territories. Del Rio 76 94 12 .00 Monday. Weatherford and East-1 has not been completed. “The Iron Mask,’* opened last night Consult with us Denver 70 96 .. .00 freely whenever in your land; Tuesday, StephenvUle, Dub- Mrs. Cugg'was assisted In the at the Queen theatre. Doug is again ; Dod^e City 70 100 .00 lin. Comanche, Brownwood; Wed- Harlingen Requests Judging of yards by Mrs. W\ E. the gay and dashing D'Artagnan of we can serve El 76 98 .. judgment ; Paso. .08 Santa you. Large Crowd Sees nesday, Anna. Coleman. San ChenowitI of the Chenowlth Nur- “The Three Musketeers”, of which Fort Smith ..... 72 94 .. .00 Information Angelo; Thursday, Ballinger, Win- Airport sery at San Benit* and Kirk Scott, the picture is a sequel. Alexandre Helena 54 86 10 .00 Letters have been written by the Boy Scout Fireworks ters. Abilene; Friday, Anson. Stam- landscape artist with the Baker- Dumas must have known a seven- Capital Stock: Houston 76 88 .. .00 ford; Chamber of Commerce to i (Special to The Herald.) Saturday. Albany, Brecken- Harlingen Pot t’s Nursery. teenth century Doug when he cre- Huron . 66 88 .. .00 and chambers of commerce of cities In Originally paid in_$100,000.00 Harlingen, July 5—a large ridge returning to Fort Worth | E. B Witmer, Mrs R. R. Talbert ated D’Artagnan. for the musket- Jacksonville 74 90 .. .28 for an address over radio which there are airports, request- Increased from crowd turned out to attend the fire- station and Mrs. W. L. Bradbury were eer’s cape fits Fairbanks shoulders earnings 150,000.00 $250,000.00 works Kansas City 76 94 14 .00 WBAP. information to be used in the display staged at Fair Park ing judges for the flowers. as if made to order. under the Louisville 66 88 .. .00 Young's engagements; $200,000 bond election to be auspices of Troop No. 3 Monday, coming •‘The Iron Mask” Is the sort of Surplus Fund, earned.. 275,000.00 . 74 94 .. .00 Harlingen Boy Scouts. The troon Memphis afternoon, at State held in Harlingen to raise funds Teacher's picture which inspires adjectives, members had been Miami 78 84 .. rS College; night, at Hunts- for an airfield in that city. working • magnificent settings, gorgeous pa- days tickets and was New' Orleans 78 94 .. .00 ville; Tuesday, afternoon. Conroe; We like to have an ex- Tilden Is Winner selling it an- would gentry, breathtaking adventure. It North Platte 68 94 .. .00 nounced the profits from the ex Wednesday, afternoon, Port Arthur; from that we might pression you Over Netter has everything, comedy, tragedy, ... 72 94 night. hlbition were gratifying. Winner *1 Oklahoma C’itv 10 .CO Beaumont; Thursday night, use In over our election, putting drama, adventure and Doug. Last .. Galveston; the prize for selling the most tickets Palestine 72 92 .38 Friday night, Houston; setting forth the benefits and ad- WTMBLEDON. England. Julv 5 won night’s audience divided its breath MERCHANTS will . 78 84 .. Saturday, afternoon. Brenham. —(/Pi—Bill Tilden the British be announced later Pensacola .00 vantages of a municipally operated The corrected list of en- tennis between gasps of excitement as the Phoenix 82 110 .. .00 Miller’s airport,” JoV T. F.oore. secretary singles championship today gagements included: for the first time since 1921. defeat- story unfolded, and ohs and ahs of -—-- ! Port Arthur 76 90 .. .00 Saturday, ^30 writes. “Also, what Is your totals NATIONAL BANK p. m. 7:30 m. his sensational appreciation of its beauty. There is Roswell . 66 94 .. .00 Eastland; p. Mingus; ing young country- • • Invested In your airport and Is It ^ R. O W N 5 VI LLC TEXAS. Monday. 2:30 p. m. Comanche; man. Wllmer Allison, in the final not a dull moment from the time COME St. Louis 74 92 10 .00 operating at a profit or a loss at Tuesday, 2:30 p. m. Brownwood; in straight sets. j the four musketeers ride into the Midnit* St. Paul G8 80 .. .00 this time Wednesday. 8 p. m. San Angelo: The scores were: 6-3, 9-7, 6-4. French village, until they raise their salt Lake city. 68 94 .. .00 “If would furnish us Matins* Thursday, 2:30 p. m. Springtown; posible, you San Antonio 74 96 .. .00 with the total revenue for each Tonlt*! Friday, 2:30 p. ru. Mineral Wells; Santa Fe 58 86 .. .10 as we would Saturday, 2:30 p. m. Denton; 8 p.! month from your port, Sheridan .. 54 88 .. .00 m.. North Texas State Teachers' like to show our voters the increase i . 76 94 .. .00 m Shreveport i College, Denton. and receipts since first, second and i Vicksburg ...... 76 92 .. .00 Eight of the gubernatorial can- third months of operation.” Washington . 64 84 .. .00 j didaies planned speaking engage- The Brownsville Chamber of Com- 52 .. ; Willlston 84 .00 ments today, without respite from merce will furnish information on i Wilmington 70 82 .. 00 the July Fourth oratory. the Brownsville Municipal airport, Mrs. Miriam A.. Ferguson was officials said Friday. CHAMP COMES BACK booked to speak at Sealy at 2:30 CHTCAOO. July 5—'A*— Blue p. m., Thomas B. Love at Cleburne at 8 Men to a Larkspur, gallant champion of all p. m.; Paul Loven, 9 a. m. Navy Try Out Ill it's American three year olds In 1929. Houston. 1 p. m. San Antonio, 3 p. New secretary m. New Earle B Submarine Test Capability hasn't Joined the turf “has-beens" Braunfels; May- 10:30 m.. «•, yet field, p. Weatherford, 8 WASHINGTON, July 5—t/P)— m. Station The speedy son of Block Servant- p. KTAT, Fort Worth; Navy men are planning to subject Baddy is heir to Blossom Time proved that at Ar- Barry Miller, 2:30 p. m. Eastland; themselves to the terrific water Clint Small, 2 m. million*! lington Park yesterday when he p. Brady; Ross s pressure of 178 pounds to the square 2:30 m. j dashed over the mile and one fur- Sterling. p. Bonham, and 8 inch to ascertain whether man can His uncle em p. m. Jim ; long track in record-breaking time ; Paris, Young. 8:15 p. m. escape from a submarine 400 feet defeat a ! Greenville. ploys four Sore- to fast field of 15 thorough- below the surface of the ocean with- breds In the $33,000 Stars and -- ly girls to "edu- out the protection of an armored Stripes handicap With Jockey Jim- cate” Texan diving suit or a metal bell, him in jX Smith President Of diving my up. he covered the dis- and live. the ways of the | tance in 1 49 2-5, a full clipping National Not once before have men des- second from the track record. Pecan Men world: To keep » v.f cended to below 270 -- WASHINGTON. D depths feet be- I C. July !— ] the gold diggers (Tpt—h G, Lucas, of Brown wood. cause of the pressure of the tons of Texas, todav was water. At. 400 feet the from getting \ president of the pressure newly organized National Pecan would be 178 pounds, while the his fortune! | Marketing associe^on, a central co- weight of air at sea level produces fj sales operative agency with an au- a pressure of

— And — ON THE SAME PROGRAM MATINEE "BOUNCING BABIES- Our Gang Comedv 3 Days Tonite 11:30 Movietone Pa the Starting Sunday News Review


She had co- quetted with all men yet •he wanted

none TODAY —and then Last Times a hold nllor HELEN KANE taught this —In— -DANGEROUS NAN lore-wlie McGREW” la *t—even

A Paramount •he had a heart. ALL TALKING COMEDY



Last Times Today ? in a cigarette it’s Taste

COMPETENCE, the individual rises to Paramount Ac: fi Through Talking Comedy J positions of responsibility and respect. Movietone News IL*— Through jwBM* of taste, a attains ever dependability cigarette greater state It as our honest be!*ef popularity. that the tobaccos used I Brownsville Phone n in Chesterfield are INCREASING MILLIONS of Chesterfields are cigarettes of finer .ammmmt quality and hence each because smokers find that in this gj lighted day of better taste than in any I SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY cigarette taste is other a»u. good unfailing. cigarette at the price- Liggett a CHESTERFIELDS ARE RICH IN AROMA, flavor mterj tobacco oo. ZANE GREY'S and fragrance, which come from the right selection THE of choice tobaccos, blended and cross-blended to a rare cigarette goodness. They offer the utmost in smoking enjoyment... "TASTE above everything". BORDER KISS ME* Unconditional was the request, of this sea- faring ladies’ man who had fallen for the LEGION dancing favorite of the prize waterfront cafe of Marseilles. He believed in the freedom of the “seize. had a girl In everv port, Q Cfanmmmt (picture and romanced when and where he liked. And then came Lita and I Love You’re in for the treat of a lifetime. Last CHARLES (Buddy) ROGERS in Opening Tonlte At 12 M. With A ‘ “SAFETY IN NUMBERS” MIDNITE SHOW • I today A Paramount All-Talking Picture !