St. Jamefs Palace, February 26, 1858. Whitehall, February 27, 1858. The Queen has been pleased to appoint George The Queen has been pleased to direct letters John to be Lord Chamberlain patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting of Her Majesty's Household, in the room of John the dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom Marquess of Breadalbane, K.T., resigned. of Great Britain and Ireland unto the Right Ho- nourable William Goodenough Hayter, of South- St. James's Palace, February 26, 1858. hill Park, in the county of Berks, and to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten. The Queen has been pleased to appoint the Right Honourable Orlando George Charles Bridgeman, commonly called Viscount Newport, Whitehall, March 1, 1858. to be Vice-Chamberlain of Her Majesty's House- The Queen has been pleased to direct letters hold, in the room of the Right Honourable Ernest patent to be passed under the Great Seal, consti- Augustus Charles Brudenell-Bruce, commonly tuting and appointing the Right Honourable called Lord Ernest Bruce, resigned. Edward Geoffrey, ; the Right Honourable Benjamin Disraeli; Henry George St. James's Palace, February 26, 1858. Charles Gordon Lennox, Esq. (commonly called The Queen has been pleased to appoint, to be Lord Henry George Charles Gordon Lennox); Lords in Waiting in ordinary to Her Majesty— Thomas Edward Taylor, Esq. ; and Henry Whitmore, Esq., to be Commissioners for exe- James Walter, , in the room cuting the offices of Treasurer of the Exchequer of James, , resigned. of Great Britain, and Lord High Treasurer of George Augustus Frederick Chai-les, Earl of Ireland. Sheffield, in the room of Thomas, Lord Camoys, resigned. William Henry, Viscount Strathallan, in the Whitehall, March 1, 1858. room of George, Lord Rivers, resigned. The Queen has been pleased to direct letters Henry Francis, Lord Polwarth, in the room of patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting Henry Manners, Lord Waterpark, resigned. to the Right Honourable Benjamin Disraeli the Edward, Lord Crofton, in the room of George, Offices of Chancellor and Under Treasurer of Lord De Tabley, resigned. Her Majesty's Exchequer. William Bateman, Lord Bateman, in the room of Frederick Temple, Lord Dufferin and Olane- boye, resigned. Whitehall, March \, 1858. Richard Henry Fitz Roy, Lord Raglan, in the The Queen has been pleased to grant the office room of Richard, Lord Cremorne, resigned. of Her Majesty's Advocate for Scotland to John Inglis, Esquire, Dean of the Faculty of Advo- cates.

Board of Green Cloth, February 26, 1858. At the Court at Buckingham Palace, February 26, 1858. The Queen has been pleased to appoint the Most Honourable Brownlow, Marquess of Exeter, Her Majesty having been graciously pleased to K.G., to be Lord Steward of Her Majesty's deliver the custody of the Seals of the Duchy and Household, in the room of the Right Honourable County Palatine of Lancaster to the Most Noble Edward Granville, Earl of St. German's, G.C.B., James, Duke of Montrose, the Oath of Chancellor resigned. of the Duchy of Lancaster was this day, by Her Majesty's command, administered to him accord- The Queen has also been pleased to appoint the Right Honourable Claude Hamilton (commonly ingly. called Lord Claude Hamilton) to be Treasurer of Her Majesty's Household, in the room of the Right Honourable George Augustus Constantine Master of the Horse's Office, Phipps (commonly called Earl of Mulgrave), February 26, 1858. resigned. The Queen has been graciously pleased to ap- The Queen has also been pleased to appoint the point the Right Honourable John William, Earl Right Honourable George-Cecil-Weld Forester of Sandwich, to be Master of Her Majesty's Buck to be Comptroller of Her Majesty's Household, Hounds, in the room of the Right Honourable in the room of the Right Honourable Valentine- John George Brabazon, , Augustus Browne (commonly called Viscount resigned. Castlerosse), resigned. Master of the Horse's Office, February 26, 1858. The Queen has been graciously pleased to ap- point the Right Honourable Charles Johu, Lord Whitehall, February 27, 1858. Colville of Culross, to be Chief Equerry and Clerk The Queen has been pleased to direct letters Marshal to Her Majesty, in the' room of Lord patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting Alfred Paget, resigned. • - the dignity of a Baron of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, unto The Bight Master of the Horse's Office, Honourable Sir Frederic Thesiger, Knt., Chan- February 26, 1858. cellor of that part of the said United Kingdom The Queen has been .graciously pleased to ap- called Great Britain, and to the heirs male of his point Colonel the Honourable Alexander Nelson body'lawfully begotten, by the name," style, and Hood, Scots Fusilier Guards, to be Equerry in title of Baron Cheltnsford, of Chelmsford, in the Ordinary to Her Majesty, in the room of Major- county of Esses. General Buckley, resigned. C2