TURKANA COUNTY GENDER DATA SHEET Number 25.0 Total Turkana Turkana Turkana Turkana 21.5
A4: Population Projections by Sub - County/Constituency by Sex, 2017 Adult Household Headship by Sub-County and Sex, 2017 TURKANA COUNTY GENDER DATA SHEET Number 25.0 Total Turkana Turkana Turkana Turkana 21.5 INTRODUCTION County North West Central Loima South Turkana East 20.0 Turkana County is situated in North Western part of Kenya and covers an area of 68,680 1,122,207 Total 189,669 301,528 176,680 157,341 178,306 118,683 13.5 2 15.0 12.6 km . It borders West Pokot and Baringo Counties to the South, Samburu County to the 12.0 11.7 COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS Females 541,147 91,462 145,402 85,198 75,872 85,982 57,231 10.2 9.9 South East, and Marsabit County to the East. It also borders South Sudan to the North, 10.0 8.4 7.5 7.6 Males 581,061 98,208 156,126 91,482 81,468 92,324 61,452 Number'000' Uganda to the West and Ethiopia to the North East. It lies between Longitudes 34° 30' 5.5 and 36°40'East and between Latitudes 1° 30' and 5° 30' North. Source: 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census Projections, KNBS 5.0 2.8 - A: POPULATION/HOUSEHOLDS A5: Population Projections by Special Groups by Sub-County and by Sex, 2017 Turkana Turkana Turkana Loima Turkana Turkana COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF TURKANA North West Central South East A1:Population Projections by sex, 2014-2020 Female Male Number 3-5 years 6-17years County, Sub-county 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Male Female Total Male Female COUNTY GENDER DATA SHEET Total 1,009,225 1,045,579 1,083,653 1,122,207 1,161,197 1,200,572 1,238,136 Total County 111,035 57,805 53,230 475,370 258,360
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