To Theo . , Tuesday, 19 March 1889.

Tuesday, 19 March 1889

Metadata Source status: Original manuscript

Location: Amsterdam, , inv. nos. b626 a-b V/1962

Date: Letter headed: le 19 mars. The subjects mentioned indicate that this must be Tuesday, 19 March 1889.

Additional: Lines 140 ff. were written on the front of the envelope in which Theo had sent his previous letter (letter 749), which bears the postmark PARIS 67 PL. DES ABBESSES 5h—17 MARS 89 (twice) and a 15-centime stamp. The address reads: Monsieur van Gogh/ lHopital/ dArles (Bouches du Rhne).

Original [1r:1] le 19 mars. Mon cher frre, il ma sembl voir dans ta bonne lettre tant dangoisse fraternelle contenue quil me semble de mon devoir de rompre mon silence.1 Je tcris en pleine possession de ma prsence desprit et non pas comme un fou mais en frre que tu connais. Voici la vrit : un certain nombre de gens dici ont adress au maire (je crois quil se nomme M. Tardieu) une adresse (il y avait plus de 80 signatures) me dsignant comme un homme pas digne de vivre en libert ou quelque chose comme cela. 3 1 This letter from Theo was letter 749. In the meantime, Salles2 had informed Theo on 18 March that Vincents condition had improved (FR b1049). 3 This petition, signed by 30 residents of the neighbourhood around place Lamartine, urgently requested the mayor, Jacques Tardieu4, to have Van Gogh committed, because he supposedly presented a danger to the inhabitants of Arles. See Documentation, shortly before 27 February 1889 and Ill. 2278. Thus the number was considerably smaller than that mentioned by Van Gogh.

1 2 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Tuesday, 19 March 1889.

Le Commissaire de police ou le commissaire central a alors donn lordre de minterner de nouveau.5 Toutefois est-il que me voici de longs jours enferm sous clefs & verrous et gardiens au cabanon sans que ma culpabilit soit prouve ou mme prouvable. Va sans dire que dans le for intrieur de mon me jai beaucoup redire tout cela. Va sans dire que je ne saurais me fcher et que mexcuser me semblerait maccuser dans un cas pareil. Seulement pour tavertir, pour me dlivrer dabord je ne le demande pas, tant persuad que toute cette accusation sera reduit nant. Seulement dis-je, pour me dlivrer tu le trouverais difficile. Si je ne retenais pas mon indignation je serais immdiatement jug fou dangereux. En patientant esperons, dailleurs les fortes motions ne pourraient quaggraver mon tat. Si dici un mois cependant tu naies pas de mes nouvelles directes alors agis mais tant que je tcris attends.[1v:2] Cest pourquoi je tengage par la prsente les laisser faire sans ten mler. Tiens toi pour averti que ce serait peuttre compliquer et embrouiller

5 As a result of this petition, Joseph dOrnano6, chief of police of the city of Arles, drew up a report on 27 February 1889 containing the neighbours statements. They reproached Van Gogh for over-indulging in drink, after which he is in a state of over-excitement such that he no longer knows what he is doing or what he is saying (se livre des excs de boissons aprs lesquels il se trouve dans un tat de surexcitation tel quil ne sait plus, ni ce quil fait, ni ce quil dit). In the report, he was accused of lewd behaviour: The women, especially, no longer feel comfortable, because he is prone to touching them inappropriately, and makes obscene remarks in their presence (Les femmes surtout ne sont plus rassures car il se livre sur elles des attouchements et tient des propos obscnes en leur prsence). Ornanos conclusion reads as follows: Mr is truly suffering from mental disturbance; however, we have noted on several occasions that this madman has moments of lucidity. Van Gogh is not yet a threat to public safety, but there are fears that he may become so. All his neighbours are frightened, and with good cause, because a few weeks ago, the madman concerned cut off an ear in a fit of insanity, a crisis that could be repeated and be harmful to somebody in his vicinity. (Le Mr Vincent Van Goghe est rellement atteint dalination mentale; cependant nous avons constat diffrentes reprises que cet alin a des moments de lucidit. Van Goghe nest pas encore dangereux pour la scurit publique, mais on craint quil ne le devienne. Tous ses voisins sont effrays, et cela juste titre, car il y a quelques semaines lalin dont il sagit sest coup une oreille dans un accs de folie; crise qui pourrait se produire nouveau et tre funeste quelque personne de son voisinage.) See Documentation, 27 February 1889 and Ill. 2280. On 26 February Salles7 had informed Theo of Vincents admission to hospital; in his letter of 2 March he went into the contents of the report (FR b1047 and FR b1051). This report, the petition and Dr Delon8s report (see letter 747, n. 1) were sent to the mayor9 on 6 March. A letter was also written around this time on behalf of the mayor, stating that Van Gogh should be transferred to the asylum at Aix-en-Provence: Considering that it follows from these various documents [the report, among others] that far from improving, the mental state of the said insane person is deteriorating day by day and that the unfortunate individual is committing acts of raving madness that threaten his life and that of the persons around him ... The said Vincent van Gogh ... who is currently confined at the hospital in Arles, will immediately be taken to Aix and placed in the mental asylum of that town pending the decision of the prefect regarding his permanent admission to that institution. (Considrant quil rsulte de ces divers documents que ltat mental du dit alin loin de samliorer saggrave de jour en jour et que ce malheureux se livre des actes de folies furieuses qui compromettent son existence et celle des personnes qui lentourent ... Le nomm Vincent Van Gogh ... actuellement sequestr lhospice dArles, sera conduit immdiatement Aix pour y tre dpos dans lasile dalins de cette ville en attendant que M. le Prfet ait prononc son admission dfinitive dans cet tablissement.) (ACA). This letter was ready to be signed, so that things could be set in motion quickly should it prove necessary. It the end, however, it did not come to that. See exhib. cat. Amsterdam 2016, pp. 53, 152-155. To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Tuesday, 19 March 1889. 3 la chse. A plus forte raison puisque tu comprendras que moi tout en tant absolument calme au moment donn, puis facilement retomber dans un tat de surexitation par de nouvelles motions morales. Aussi tu conois combien cela ma t un coup de massue en pleine poitrine quand jai su quil y avait tant de gens ici qui etaient lches assez de se mettre en nombre contre un seul et celui l malade. Bon. voil pour ta gouverne; en tant que quant ce qui concerne mon tat moral je suis fortement branl mais je recouvre quand mme un certain calme pour ne pas me fcher. Dailleurs lhumilit me convient aprs lexprience dattaques rpetes. 10 Je prends donc patience. Le principal, je ne saurais trop te le dire, est que tu gardes ton calme aussi et que rien ne [1v:3] te drange dans tes affaires. Aprs ton mariage nous pouvons nous occuper de mettre tout cela au clair et en attendant, ma foi laisse moi ici tranquillement. Je suis persuad que M. le maire ainsi que le commissaire sont plustt des amis et quils feront tout leur possible darranger tout cela. Ici, sauf la libert, sauf bien des chses que je dsirerais autrement, je ne suis pas trop mal. Je leur ai dailleurs dit que nous ntions pas mme de subir des frais. Je ne peux pas demenager sans frais12 or voil 3 mois que je ne travaille pas et remarquez que jaurais pu travailler sils ne mavaient pas exaspr et gn. Comment vont la mre et la soeur. Nayant rien dautre pour me distraire on me dfend mme de fumer ce qui est pourtant permis aux autres malades. nayant rien dautre faire je pense tous ceux que je connais tout le long du jour et la nuit. Quelle misre et tout cela pour ainsi dire pour rien. Je ne te cache pas que jaurais prferer crever que de causer et de subir tant dembaras.

10 After his first attack on 23 December 1888, during which he cut off part of his left ear (see letter 728, n. 1), Van Gogh remained in hospital until 7 January 1889. Less than a month later he suffered a renewed attack, which led to his hospitalization on 7 February (letter 747, n. 1). On the 18th he was allowed to leave the institution during the day, though he continued to eat and sleep at the hospital (see letters 757 and 748). A third attack followed on 26 February. In a later letter to Willemien11, Vincent wrote that he had had four serious attacks of his illness (see letter 764). 12 In the light of the petition, the doctors and the Rev. Salles13 thought it better for Vincent not to return to , but to take up residence in another part of town. Salles informed Theo of this in his letter of 1 March 1889 (FR b1048). 4 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Tuesday, 19 March 1889.

Que veux tu, souffrir sans se plaindre est lunique leon quil sagit dapprendre [1r:4] dans cette vie. 14 Maintenant dans tout cela si je dois reprendre ma tche de faire de la peinture jai naturellement besoin de mon atelier, du mobilier, que certes nous navons pas de quoi renouveler en cas de perte. Etre de nouveau reduit vivre lhtel, tu sais que mon travail le permet pas, il faut que jaie mon pied terre fixe. Si ces bonshommes dici protestent contre moi, moi je proteste contre eux et il nont qu me fournir dommages et interts lamiable, enfin ils nont qu me rendre ce que je perdrais par leur faute et ignorance. Si mettons je deviendrais alien pour de bon certes je ne dis pas que ce soit impossible, il faudrait dans tous les cas me traiter autrement, me rendre lair, mon travail &c. Alors ma foi je me rsignerais. Mais nous nen sommes mme pas l et si jeusse eu ma tranquilit, depuis longtemps je serais remis. Ils me chicanent sur ce que jai fum et bu, bon. 15 mais que veux tu, avec toute leur sobrit ils ne me font en somme que de nouvelles misres. Mon cher frre le mieux reste peut-tre de blaguer nos petites misres et aussi un peu les grandes de la vie humaine.18 Prends en ton parti dhomme et marche bien droit ton but. nous autres artistes dans la socit actuelle ne somme que la cruche casse. Que je voudrais pouvoir tenvoyer mes toiles mais tout est sous clefs, verrous, police et gardefous. Ne me dlivre pas, cela sarrangera tout seul avertis toutefois Signac quil ne sen mle pas car il mettrait la main dans un gupier21 sans que jecrive de nouveau. En pense je te serre la main bien cordialement, dis bonjour ta fiancee, la mre et la soeur. t. t. Vincent Je lirai cette lettre telle quelle M. Rey qui nest pas responsable ayant lui-mme t malade sans doute il tecrira lui-meme aussi. Ma maison a t ferme par la police. Jai vague souvenance dune lettre chargee de ta part pour laquelle on ma fait signer

14 Van Gogh said this earlier (see letter 211, n. 18), and repeats it in letter 784. 15 The petition (n. 3 above) stated that Van Gogh overindulged in drink. Salles16 asked himself, however, how reliable the testimony was, when he wrote to Theo on 2 March 1889: They say ... he drinks heavily (the proprietor of the caf, his neighbour, who had told me precisely the opposite, has confirmed that) (On dit ... quil boit beaucoup (le cafetier, son voisin, qui mavait dit exactement le contraire, a affirm cela)) (FR b1051). Not only did Vincents neighbours have objections, but the medical staff was of the opinion that Van Goghs problems had to do with excessive consumption of tobacco, alcohol and coffee; see letters 752 and 760, and the statement made by Dr Delon17, quoted in letter 747, n. 1. 18 For the origin of this allusion from the book Petites misres de la vie humaine by Old Nick19 and Grandville20, see letter 178, n. 6.

21 Theo had reported in letter 749 that Signac22 would be coming to see Vincent. For his visit, see letter 752. To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Tuesday, 19 March 1889. 5 mais que je nai pas voulu accepter tant on faisait de lembarras pour la signature, et de laquelle depuis je nai plus eu des nouvelles. Explique Bernard que je nai pas pu lui rpondre, cest tout une histoire pour crire une lettre: il faut au moins autant de formalits quen prison maintenant. Dis lui de demander conseil Gauguin mais serre lui bien la main pour moi. Encore une fois bien des choses ta fiance et Bonger. jaurais prefer ne pas encore tecrire dans la crainte de te compromettre et te deranger dans ce qui doit aller avant tout. Cela sarrangera, cest trop idiot pour durer. Lorsque tu demenageras, adresse s.v.p. [2r:5] javais esper que M. Rey serait venu me voir afin de causer encore avec lui avant dexpedier cette lettre mais quoique jaie fait dire que je lattendais personne nest venu.23 Je tengage encore une fois tre prudent. Tu sais ce que cest que daller chez des autorits civiles se plaindre. Attends jusqu ton voyage en Hollande au moins. 25 Je crains moi-mme un peu que si je sors dehors en libert je ne serais pas toujours matre de moi si jetais provoqu ou insult, or de cela on pourrait se faire prvaloir. Le fait est l quon a envoy une adresse au maire. Jai carrment rpondu que jtait tout dispos me ficher leau par exemple si cela pouvait une fois pour toutes faire le bonheur de ces vertueux bonshommes mais que dans tous les cas si en effet je metais fait une blessure moi-mme je nen avais aucunment fait ces gens l. &c. Courage donc quoique le coeur me dfaille des moments. Ta venue ma foi pour le moment elle brusquerait les chses. Je demnagerai quand jen verrai les moyens naturellement. [2v:6] Jespre que celle ci tarrive en bon tat. ne craignons rien, je suis assez calme maintenant. Laissez les faire. Tu feras peut-tre bien dcrire encore une fois. mais rien dautre pour le moment. Si je prends patience cela ne saurait que me fortifier pour ne plus tre tant en danger de retomber dans une crise. Naturellement moi qui reellement ai fait de mon mieux pour etre ami avec les gens et qui ne men doutais pas, cela ma t un rude coup. bientot mon cher frre jespre, ne tinquite pas. Cest une sorte de quarantaine quon me fait passer peut etre. Quen sais je.

23 Lines 140 ff. were written on part of an envelope (see Additional details). Here Van Gogh reiterates what he said about Rey24 in ll. 35-36. 25 Theo travelled on 30 March to the Netherlands for his marriage to Jo26 on 18 April in Amsterdam. Immediately afterwards, they left for Brussels, where they spent their one-day honeymoon, returning on Saturday, 20 April to Paris. See Brief happiness 1999, pp. 27, 240 (n. 1) and letter 762. 6 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Tuesday, 19 March 1889.

Translation [1r:1] 19 March. My dear brother, I seemed to see so much restrained brotherly anguish in your kind letter that it seems to me to be my duty to break my silence.27 I write to you in full possession of my presence of mind and not like a madman but as the brother you know. Here is the truth: a certain number of people from here have addressed a petition (there were more than 80 signatures on it) to the mayor (I think his name is M. Tardieu29) designating me as a man not worthy of living at liberty, or something like that.30 The chief32 of police or the chief inspector then gave the order to have me locked up once again.33 Anyway, here I am, shut up for long days under lock and key and with warders in the isolation cell, without my culpability being proven or even provable. It goes without saying that in my heart of hearts I have a lot to say in reply to all that. It goes without saying that I shouldnt get angry, and that apologizing would seem to me to be accusing myself in such a case. Only to warn you: to free me first I dont ask it, being sure that all of this accusation will be reduced to nothing. Only I say to you, you would find it difficult to free me. If I didnt restrain my indignation I would immediately be judged to be a dangerous madman. In waiting let us hope, besides, strong emotions could only aggravate my state.

27 This letter from Theo was letter 749. In the meantime, Salles28 had informed Theo on 18 March that Vincents condition had improved (FR b1049). 29 Jacques Tardieu (1834-after 1894) mayor of Arles 30 This petition, signed by 30 residents of the neighbourhood around place Lamartine, urgently requested the mayor, Jacques Tardieu31, to have Van Gogh committed, because he supposedly presented a danger to the in- habitants of Arles. See Documentation, shortly before 27 February 1889 and Ill. 2278. Thus the number was considerably smaller than that mentioned by Van Gogh. 32 Joseph d Ornano (1842-1906) chief of police in Arles 33 As a result of this petition, Joseph dOrnano34, chief of police of the city of Arles, drew up a report on 27 February 1889 containing the neighbours statements. They reproached Van Gogh for over-indulging in drink, after which he is in a state of over-excitement such that he no longer knows what he is doing or what he is saying (se livre des excs de boissons aprs lesquels il se trouve dans un tat de surexcitation tel quil ne sait plus, ni ce quil fait, ni ce quil dit). In the report, he was accused of lewd behaviour: The women, especially, no longer feel comfortable, because he is prone to touching them inappropriately, and makes obscene remarks in their presence (Les femmes surtout ne sont plus rassures car il se livre sur elles des attouchements et tient des propos obscnes en leur prsence). Ornanos conclusion reads as follows: Mr Vincent van Gogh is truly suffering from mental disturbance; however, we have noted on several occasions that this madman has moments of lucidity. Van Gogh is not yet a threat to public safety, but there are fears that he may become so. All his neighbours are frightened, and with good cause, because a few weeks ago, the madman concerned cut off an ear in a fit of insanity, a crisis that could be repeated and be harmful to somebody in his vicinity. (Le Mr Vincent Van Goghe est rellement atteint dalination mentale; cependant nous avons constat diffrentes reprises que cet alin a des moments de lucidit. Van Goghe nest pas encore dangereux pour la scurit publique, mais on craint quil ne le devienne. Tous ses voisins sont effrays, et cela juste titre, car il y a quelques semaines lalin dont il sagit sest coup une oreille dans un accs de folie; crise qui pourrait se produire nouveau et tre funeste quelque personne de son voisinage.) See Documentation, 27 February 1889 and Ill. 2280. On 26 February Salles35 had informed Theo of Vincents admission to hospital; in his letter of 2 March he went into the contents of the report (FR b1047 and FR b1051). This report, the petition and Dr Delon36s report (see letter 747, n. 1) were sent to the mayor37 on 6 March. A letter was also written around this time on behalf of the mayor, stating that Van Gogh should be transferred to the asylum at Aix-en-Provence: Considering that it follows from these various documents [the report, among others] that far from improving, the mental state of the said insane person is deteriorating day by day and that the unfortunate individual is committing acts of raving madness that threaten his life and that of the persons around him ... The said Vincent van Gogh ... who is currently confined at the hospital in Arles, will immediately be taken to Aix and placed in the mental asylum of that town pending the decision of the prefect regarding his permanent admission to that institution. (Considrant quil rsulte de ces divers documents que ltat mental du dit alin loin de samliorer saggrave de jour en jour et que ce malheureux se livre des actes de folies furieuses qui compromettent son existence et celle des personnes qui lentourent ... Le nomm Vincent Van Gogh ... actuellement sequestr lhospice dArles, sera conduit immdiatement Aix pour y tre dpos dans lasile dalins de cette ville en attendant que M. le Prfet ait prononc son admission dfinitive dans cet tablissement.) (ACA). This letter was ready to be signed, so that things could be set in motion quickly should it prove necessary. It the end, however, it did not come to that. See exhib. cat. Amsterdam 2016, pp. 53, 152-155. To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Tuesday, 19 March 1889. 7

If in a months time, though, you have no direct news of me, then act, but as long as Im writing to you, wait. [1v:2] Thats why I now ask you to promise to let them act without getting yourself mixed up in it. Consider yourself warned that it would perhaps complicate and confuse the matter. All the more so since youll understand that while Im absolutely calm at the given moment, I may easily fall back into a state of over-excitement through new moral emotions. So you can imagine how much of a hammer-blow full in the chest it was when I found out that there were so many people here who were cowardly enough to band themselves together against one man, and a sick one at that. Good. Thats for your guidance; as regards my moral state, Im badly shaken, but all the same Im recovering a certain calm so as not to get angry. Besides, humility suits me after the experience of repeated attacks.38 So Im being patient. The main thing, I couldnt say it too often, is that you should keep your calm too, and that nothing should disturb you in your affairs. After your marriage we can deal with sorting all this [1v:3] out, and in the meantime, my word, leave me here quietly. Im convinced that Mr Mayor40, as well as the chief41 of police, are more like friends and that theyll do everything they can to settle all this. Here, except for freedom, except for lots of things that I would wish otherwise, Im not too bad. Besides, I told them that we werent in a position to bear expenses. I cant move without expenses,42 now I havent been working for 3 months, and mind you, I would have been able to work if they hadnt exasperated and bothered me. How are Mother44 and our sister45? Having nothing else to distract me Im even forbidden to smoke which, however, the other patients are allowed to do. Having nothing else to do I think about all those I know all day and night long. What misery and all of it, so to speak, for nothing. I wont hide from you that I would have preferred to die than to cause and bear so much trouble. What can you say, to suffer without complaining is the only lesson that has to be learned in this life.46 [1r:4] Now, in all that, if I must resume my task of painting I naturally need my studio, the furniture, which we certainly cant afford to renew if its lost. To be reduced once again to living in the hotel, you know that my work wont allow it, I must have a fixed pied--terre. If these fellows here protest against me, I protest against them, and they just have to provide me with damages and interest in a friendly way, in short they just have to give me back what I would lose by their fault and ignorance. If lets say I were to become definitively insane certainly I dont say that its impossible, in any case they should treat me differently, give me back the fresh air, my work &c. Then my word I would resign myself. But we arent even there yet, and if Id had my tranquillity Id have been back on my feet long ago. They scold me about what Ive smoked and drunk, fine.47

38 After his first attack on 23 December 1888, during which he cut off part of his left ear (see letter 728, n. 1), Van Gogh remained in hospital until 7 January 1889. Less than a month later he suffered a renewed attack, which led to his hospitalization on 7 February (letter 747, n. 1). On the 18th he was allowed to leave the institution during the day, though he continued to eat and sleep at the hospital (see letters 757 and 748). A third attack followed on 26 February. In a later letter to Willemien39, Vincent wrote that he had had four serious attacks of his illness (see letter 764). 40 Jacques Tardieu (1834-after 1894) mayor of Arles 41 Joseph d Ornano (1842-1906) chief of police in Arles 42 In the light of the petition, the doctors and the Rev. Salles43 thought it better for Vincent not to return to the Yellow House, but to take up residence in another part of town. Salles informed Theo of this in his letter of 1 March 1889 (FR b1048). 44 Anna Cornelia van Gogh-Carbentus (1819-1907) wife of Theodorus van Gogh, mother of Vincent 45 Willemina (Wil or Willemien) Jacoba van Gogh (1862-1941) sister of Vincent 46 Van Gogh said this earlier (see letter 211, n. 18), and repeats it in letter 784. 47 The petition (n. 3 above) stated that Van Gogh overindulged in drink. Salles48 asked himself, however, how reliable the testimony was, when he wrote to Theo on 2 March 1889: They say ... he drinks heavily (the proprietor of the caf, his neighbour, who had told me precisely the opposite, has confirmed that) (On dit ... quil boit beaucoup 8 To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Tuesday, 19 March 1889.

But what can you say, with all their sobriety theyre actually only giving me new miseries. My dear brother, the best thing remains perhaps to joke about our little miseries, and also a little about the great ones of human life.50 Take it like a man and walk dead straight towards your goal. We artists in present-day society are no more than the broken pitcher. How Id like to be able to send you my canvases, but everything is under lock and key, police and keepers of the insane. Dont free me, it will settle itself on its own all the same, warn Signac53 that he shouldnt get involved until I write again, for hed be putting his hand into a wasps nest.54 I shake your hand most cordially in thought, regards to your fiance, to Mother56 and our sister57. Ever yours, Vincent Ill read this letter as it stands to Mr Rey58, who isnt responsible, having been ill himself no doubt hell write to you himself too. My house has been shut up by the police. I have a vague memory of a registered letter from you for which I was made to sign but which I didnt want to accept because they were making such a fuss for the signature, and of which Ive since had no more news. Explain to Bernard59 that I havent been able to reply to him, its quite a performance to write a letter: at least as many formalities are necessary as in prison now. Tell him to ask Gauguin60 for advice, but shake his hand firmly from me. Once again warm regards to your fiance61 and to Bonger62. I would have preferred not to write to you yet for fear of compromising you and disturbing you in what must work out above all. It will settle itself, its too idiotic to last. When you move house, address please.[2r:5] I had hoped that Mr Rey63 would come to see me in order to talk with him before sending this letter, but although I had made it known that I was waiting for him, nobody came.64 I urge you again to be cautious. You know what it is to go to the civil authorities to complain. Wait until your journey to Holland at least.66 I myself fear a little that if I go outside at liberty I wouldnt always be master of myself if I was provoked or insulted, and one could take advantage of that. The fact remains that a petition was sent to the mayor68. I bluntly replied that I was entirely disposed to chuck myself into the water,

(le cafetier, son voisin, qui mavait dit exactement le contraire, a affirm cela)) (FR b1051). Not only did Vincents neighbours have objections, but the medical staff was of the opinion that Van Goghs problems had to do with excessive consumption of tobacco, alcohol and coffee; see letters 752 and 760, and the statement made by Dr Delon49, quoted in letter 747, n. 1. 50 For the origin of this allusion from the book Petites misres de la vie humaine by Old Nick51 and Grandville52, see letter 178, n. 6.

53 Paul Signac (1863-1935) French artist 54 Theo had reported in letter 749 that Signac55 would be coming to see Vincent. For his visit, see letter 752. 56 Anna Cornelia van Gogh-Carbentus (1819-1907) wife of Theodorus van Gogh, mother of Vincent 57 Willemina (Wil or Willemien) Jacoba van Gogh (1862-1941) sister of Vincent 58 Flix Rey (1865-1932) assistant physician in the hospital in Arles 59 Emile Bernard (1868-1941) French artist and writer 60 Paul (Eugne Henri) Gauguin (1848-1903) French artist 61 Johanna (Jo or Net) Gezina van Gogh-Bonger (1862-1925) wife of Theo van Gogh 62 Andries (Andr or Dries) Bonger (1861-1936) friend of Theo in Paris, brother of Jo van Gogh-Bonger 63 Flix Rey (1865-1932) assistant physician in the hospital in Arles 64 Lines 140 ff. were written on part of an envelope (see Additional details). Here Van Gogh reiterates what he said about Rey65 in ll. 35-36. 66 Theo travelled on 30 March to the Netherlands for his marriage to Jo67 on 18 April in Amsterdam. Immediately afterwards, they left for Brussels, where they spent their one-day honeymoon, returning on Saturday, 20 April to Paris. See Brief happiness 1999, pp. 27, 240 (n. 1) and letter 762. 68 Jacques Tardieu To Theo van Gogh. Arles, Tuesday, 19 March 1889. 9 for example, if that could make these virtuous fellows happy once and for all, but that in any case if in fact I had wounded myself I had done nothing of the sort to these people &c. So courage, then, although the guts fail me at times. Your coming here my word for the moment it would precipitate things. Ill move house when I see the means naturally. [2v:6] I hope that this reaches you in good condition. Lets not fear, Im quite calm now. Leave them to their own devices. You will perhaps do well to write one more time, but nothing more for the moment. If Im patient, that could only make me stronger so that I wont be so much in danger of relapsing into a crisis. Naturally I who really have done my best to be friends with the people and didnt suspect it, it has been a harsh blow to me. More soon, I hope, my dear brother, dont worry. Its perhaps a sort of quarantine Im being put through. What do I know?

(1834-after 1894) mayor of Arles