Ward William C. 41High st. Falmouth Sara W. & Sous, Hammer Mill foundry Tilery (James Pratt, mangr.), Warne John Henry, Church town, Mul- & engine works, , Stratton R.S.O lion, Cu-ry Cross Lanes R.S.O Sara S. Tucking Mill foundry, Penryn Scantlebury & Co. Gavrigan,St. Columb Wame Thomas, Highway, St. Kew, Toy John, 1\leneage street, Major R.S.O R.S.O Tuckingmill Foundry Co. The Foundry, South Down Brick Co. South Down, WarneW.ChapelAmble,Wdebrdg.R.S.O Tuckingmill, . TA" Tinto, 1\Iillbrook, Devonport Warren Abraham, 15 River st. Cambome" South Western Brick Co. Lim. (Wm. Warren John,Boscaswell,PendeenR.S.O Williams Richard Henry, iron Ball, sec.),Millbrook, Plymouth Wason Robert, 26 St. Austell st. Truro works, Liskeard Treffry, Clunes & Co. wharf, Par, Par Waters James, 16 Market st. Falmouth Station R.S.O, ; & at Charlestown, Waters John, Zelah, R.S.O Morton Robert & Co. Trent works, St. Austell Watts John, Probus R.S.O Burton-on-Trent; makers of brass West of Brick Works (Richd. Webb & Co. Commercial sq. cocks, valves & every class of brass Lillicrap, capt. of works), Barakellas, Webb Henry, Lannarth, Redruth work St. Stephen's-in-Brannell, WeudonT.Venton pitts,, Road Werring W.,Lauucestn BRASS MERCHANT. Westlake Thomas & Co. , Westlake Hedley Vicars, Bank st.Newqy Freeman Charles, Moorlands road, St. Tavistock; & at Rumleigh, Devonsh WhitebreadMrs.E.Commercial rd.Hayle Austell WhitfordE.Peter,3 Rope wlk.Falmouth BRICK & TILE MERCHANTS. Whittell Edward, Millbrook, Plymouth BRAZIERS. Bat.ten & Couch, St. Anthony saw mills, Whittle Edward, , Plymouth See Tinmen &c. Coinagehall st. ; coal & salt depots, Wickett William, Crackington, St. Queen st. & Causeway head, Pen- Gennys, Stratton R.S.O BREWERS. zance; & salt depot, Wilkins John, , Cmnelford Bassett W. F. 1\Iichell, Bishop & Peter ; offices, East Williams Alfred, Calstock, Tavistock Billing John, Priory lane, Bodmin R.S.O.; & at West Loae; bone & saw Williams Alfred, 2 Green lane, Redruth Bowhay E. & Bros. , Tavistock mills, The Kilns, Sand Place Morval ; Williams Elijah, Chapel lane, Carne W. & E. C. 44 ~larket street & & at , Liskeard. See advt Williams Francis, High st. Docks Pier head, Falmouth ; & Copp John A. Steam saw mill. Station Williams .Tames,Newlyn,GrampoundRd Helston; II Princes street, Truro, & road, Liskeard Williams J. Newtown, St. Buryan R.S.O Market place, Helston & . Dingle Albertus, R.S.O Williams N.,St.Mary's,Penzance See advertisement Michell Robt. & Son, Malpas rd. Truro Williams Richard H. 1\Iarazion R.S.O Chapman George, Penryn Rabling & Co. Lim. Union :st.Camborne. Williams Thomas, Penpollane, Hayle Ellis Christopher & ~on, Hayle brew- TA" Rabling, Camborne." See advt Williams William, Newtown, St. l\iar- ery, , Hayle Stephens A. & Co. Porth, St. Columb tin-in- R.S.O Falmouth Brewery Co. (W. & E. C. rd. & Quintrel, 'St. Columb Minor Williams William Bailey, , Carne), Killigrew street, Falmouth. R.S.O. & Newquay Perranwell Station R.S.O See advertisement facing commence- Vivian & Sons (N. H. Tregaskes, agt. ), Willmet John, Constantine, Penryn ment of R.S.O W~lls A~thony Peri'?w, R.S.O Garton Charles & Co. (Samuel Young BRICK & TILE MACHINERY Wills NICholas, Bunton row, Penzance Dale, agent), Parade street, Penzance MAKERS Wood William, , Liskeard Gradwell & Co. , Scor- · Woodgate John, 68 Fairmantle st. Truro rier R.S.O Alexander Herbert & Co. Queen's En- Woolcock Peter, Forest. St. Ives R.S.O Hicks Waiter· offices, Treaonissey road gincering works, \Vater lane, Leeds Woolcock Robert, jun. The Plat, Wade- St. Austell ' "" ' Whitehead John & Co.engineers,Preston, bridge R.S.O LidJicoat Tom, Railway inn, Fair Lanc~shire; makers of the Prize Woon Joseph, St. Mawes R.S.O street, St. Columb Major R.S.O ml_tchmes ; awarded fourt~en first Wyatt Francis, West end, Hayle Martin Joseph, Towel!, :::it. Dominick, pr1zes from the Royal AgriCultural Yeo Daniel, Bangers, , Strat- St. Mellion R.S.O Society .of England. Catalogues free ton R.S.O Morris Mrs. Fanny, Doublestyles, St. on application. Address telegrams, Yeo William, Stratton R.S.O Columb Minor R.S.O "Brictile, Preston" Plymouth Breweries Limited (~illiam BROCCOLI MERCHANT. BOOT CLOSED UPPER MANU- J. Olver, mgr.), Well lane, L1skeard . . . FACTURERS & MERCHANTS Redruth Brewery Co. Limited (W. C. Jenkm Mrs. Matllda, Marazwn R.S.O ' Wickett,managing director),Redruth; May William Harris, Lower Lux street, agencies, 6 Queen st. Penzance ; BROKERS. Liskeard Richards William & Son, I Alverton Crockwell st.Bodmin; Bar,Falmouth; Broker-Clay Meneage st. Helston ; St. Ives ; St. · street, Penzance Austell; Grampound Road; Liskeard Kellow Wm. V. , St. Austell Tucker John, Bank street, St. Columb & s ,. . R S 0 wansea Broker-Mine 1\.1aJor · · Richards Mrs. T. Coinage-hall st.Helston . . • Sleeman & Co. Meneage street, Helston Bawden M~chael Wllhams, Lower Lux BOOT ~ SH~E MACHINI~TS. Tavistock Brewery Co. Limited (George street, Liskeard Pascoe Misses Ehzabeth & Ameha, 42 To~kin, mgr; ),Southgate st.Launcstn Brokers-Ship & Insurance. Queen street, Penzance Venmng D. & Son, East Cornwall steam brewery, Bay Tree hill, Liskeard Carne W. _& E. C. 44 Market st. & BOOT & SHOE REPAIRERS. Wick&tt W. Crang, Treluswell steam docks, P1er head, Falmouth; & at Curnow A. 24 St. 1\Iary's ter. Penzance brewery St. Gluvias Penryn T~ro & Helston. See advertisement Davies John, 14 Up. Brook st. Falmouth ' ' facmg commencement of Cornwall Hough Jas. 15 Killigrew st. Falmouth BREWERS' AGENTS. Carter John Peers, see Toyne, Carter & W. J. 8 Buriton row, Penzance Soo Agents-Brewers'. Co. Fowey R.S.O Luke Henry (back of) 50 St. Clare Chellew Richard B. Exchange buildings, street, Penzance BREWERS' ENGINEERS. Boscawen street, Truro Couch Theophilus,,St.Austell Pascoe Miss A. 42 Queen st. Penzance Morton Rbt. & Co. Trent works, Burt