Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Dirk HR Spennemann

Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Dirk HR Spennemann

Albury March 2017

Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

© 2017. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication are copyright in all countries subscribing to the Berne Convention. No parts of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, in existence or to be invented, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the authors, except where permitted by law.

Cover: Photographs © Dirk HR Spennemann

Preferred citation of this Report Spennemann, Dirk HR (2017) Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952. Institute for Land, Water and Society Report nº 97. , NSW: Institute for Land, Water and Society, . ii, 55 pp.; ISBN 978-1-86-467285-5

Disclaimer The views expressed in this report are solely the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the views of Charles Sturt University.

Contact Associate Professor Dirk HR Spennemann, MA, PhD, MICOMOS, APF Institute for Land, Water and Society, Charles Sturt University, PO Box 789, Albury NSW 2640, Australia. email: [email protected]

— ii — Introduction Indian hawkers serviced the rural and more remote areas, selling drapery, haberdashery and sundry goods that could not readily be obtained outside towns that functioned as rural service centres. The hawkers travelled in semi-structured circuits, calling in at various farms and stations, as well as filling orders placed during previous visits.1 In many instances, while working on their own accounts, they functioned as a travelling retailing arm of town-based stores with whom they enjoyed close, near symbiotic, business relationships.2 Not surprisingly, these hawkers experienced accidents and illness while travelling, often leading to fatalities both while on the road, or death while patients in local hospitals. Many hawkers gave up their mobile retail businesses, purchased land,3 and took up farming, eventually dying of old age on their property. This study is the first systematic survey of burials and cremations of Indian hawkers in any geographical context in Australia.4 Its geographical coverage is the Southern Riverina and North- Eastern Victoria (Figure 15). The temporal end point of the coverage of this document has been arbitrarily set to 1952, the year the last major figure of the Indian hawker community died. This compilation also augments a survey of the evidence of hawkers in the southern Riverina and northern Victoria,5 as well as an examination of the cremation rites of Hindu hawkers as they manifested themselves in late nineteenth and early twentieth century Australia.6 The emphasis of this study is on the Punjabi males that engaged in hawking, market gardening (and later also farming) as well as rural labour. Omitted in this compilation are their wives,7 inasmuch as they were Australian women as well as their Australian-born children.8

The Sources The data presented in the table below have been compiled through systematic searches of digitised newspapers,9 the Victorian Government Gazette; Government Gazette; and the state ar- chives, as well as searches of Births, Deaths and Marriages on-line databases of New South Wales10 (Figure 1) and Victoria.11 In the following compilation, the actual place of death is given as well as the location of the cremation or burial. In a number of cases the sources are silent on whether the body was cremated, or even where it was buried.12 On occasion, excerpts of the historic cemetery registers were available (Figure 2). The full documentation for each individual is provided in the relevant endnote. The newspaper reporting of the various deaths is very patchy, ranging from in depth commen- tary as in the case of Devan Singh (1905, n° 15) or Gharne Singh (1935, n° 78) to minimal commen- tary, as in the case of Patti Singh (1909, n° 22). In addition, there are references to some deaths, which are not reported in the newspapers at all, such as Pooran Singh (1923, n° 53) and Juan Singh (1931, n° 73). The pattern of reporting seems to be, understandably, more detailed in the early days, because the topic was novel, or, as in the case of the reporting of Devan Singh’s (1905, n° 15) cremation at Albury, which was geographically widespread because it fitted into a national debate on cremation in general.13 Some of the later cremations are also reported in more depth, presumably because the papers, by and large, contained more pages and thus could use more copy. Reporting is at a minimum during World War I, when column space was limited, and reports of cremations had to compete with war news and lists of war fund donations.

— 3 — Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Figure 1. Sections of the death certificate of Sumar Singh (n° 40)

Figure 2. Entry for Dalale Singh Gill (n° 76) in the burial record ledger of Beechworth Cemetery

—4— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

The names The spelling of the hawkers’ names in the various newspapers needs to be read with a grain of salt. In the main, it is a phonetic representation by the correspondents and editors, and the Australian public in general, who struggled especially with the rendering of soft vowels. Examples are: Esoor Singh (n° 65) whose name is commonly rendered ‘Esser,’ or Gurmukh Singh (n° 92), whose name is commonly spelled ‘Goormac Singh.’ Where possible, names were anglicised as they better rolled off the tongue. Thus Pollah Singh (n° 53), at least in his early period, was also known as Paul Singh,14 while Harnan Singh was occasionally bastardised to Harna-man Singh15 and anglicised as Hermann Singh.16 Finally, there are names that are descriptive or play on the original names. For example, Noor Partap Singh (n° 110) was often rendered ‘Newpartapa’ but colloquially called ‘Spud’ as his name rhymed, for Australian ears, with ‘New Potato.’17 In other cases, such as that of Sakoor (Takoor) Singh (n° 25), the general appellation was more denigrating: he was also known as ‘Grubbo.’18 Where possible, the spelling of the names as listed in Table 2 has been standardised based on accepted spelling (SikhiWiki, 2014). The spelling used in the original sources as well as alternate spellings that may have been encountered, are given in the respective endnotes.

Figure 3. Certificate of Exemption from Dictation Test for Ucher Singh (possibly n° 41) (Collector of Customs, 1912)

Locations of death and burial The locations of death of the 90 individuals covered by this study are varied. The majority of the those listed here died in hospital, either because of injury or illness during old age,19 while others died on their own farms.20 As befits the nature of their itinerant work21 many died on the circuit from natural causes while camping at a reserve22 or someone’s farm,23 or even on the road itself, such as Sham Singh (n° 82), who was found next to his hand barrow on the to Echuca road, or

—5— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Gurmukh Singh (n° 92), who was found dead in his motor truck on the Oxley Road. Others died from accidents at a camping reserve,24 or on the road.25 Special cases are Chanda Singh (n° 19, †1907), Cheri Khan (n° 26, †1910), Lal Singh (n° 63, †1929), and Patarp Singh (n° 109, †1951) who were all declared to have committed suicide, a testament to the mental health issues caused by enforced soli- tude and lack of companionship, as well as living a life on the periphery of colonial Australian society. The individuals considered here are both of Muslim and of Hindu / Sikh faith. The burial customs for these vary significantly: Muslims are buried, while Hindu / Sikh are cremated. Table 2 lists all hawkers in the order of their death, irrespective of faith.

Muslim burials In the absence of dedicated Islamic burial grounds in most towns, Muslim hawkers were buried in the general community cemeteries, either in an unsectarian / non-denominational section,26 or in sections where the relevant Christian denominations allowed it to occur (Table 1). On record are Mohammed Khan (1899, n° 6) who was buried at Wangaratta; Cheri Khan (1910, n° 26) at Tallangatta; and Hummo Khan (1945, n° 98) at . Moota Khan (1910, n° 28), Mahomet Ali (1910, n° 29) and Hadj Sher Khan (1911, n° 30) were all interred in the Moama cemetery, with Moota Kahn buried in the Methodist portion. Buried in the ‘other denominations’ or ‘non-denominational’ sections were Kareem Bux (1899, n° 8) in the Numurkah General Cemetery and Barakeet Ali Khan (1947, n° 102) at Leeton. Boota Khan (1913, n° 33), Sahib Dad (1948, n° 105) and Junga Malik (1934, n° 77) were buried in the cemetery, with the former two known to have been interred in the general section.

Only Albury had a dedicated Muslim section, which had been set aside since September 1905.27 Alas, the dedication of that area occurred too late for the first Muslim burial to occur in Albury, that of Noor Deen (1905, n° 16). He was interred in the Methodist section of Albury’s General Cemetery, albeit at its edge.28 On the other hand, the 1931 burial of Peir Buksh (1931, n° 71), could have oc- curred in the dedicated Muslim section, but in the event took place in the section of the Albury cemetery. The grave is not located in the unsectarian section, as would be expected, but in the section reserved for ‘other denominations.’29

Hindu and Sikh burials The first authorised cremation in Australia, that of the body of the Chinese Gee Ti was carried out at the Victorian Quarantine Station at Point Nepean on 11 December 1892 (Anonymous, 1892b). As Gee Ti had suffered from leprosy, the cremation occurred for public health reasons (Anonymous, 1892b). Indeed, as outlined by Justice Williams on 1 December of that year, anyone who “desired to … burn the bodies of the dead they might do so as long as they liked, providing they did it decently and without making a nuisance. They might continue to carry it on unless Parliament interfered to stop it” (Williams, cited in Anonymous, 1892a). In Victoria, formal legislation, governing the establishment and operation of crematoria, was not enacted until 1903 (Cremation Act 1903).

While the cremation of people of European extraction was slow30 due to the ongoing debate surrounding the moral and practical aspects of the practice,31 the Indian community made cremation a common, albeit ethnically and culturally distant, occurrence. As a rule, members of the Hindu and Sikh faiths, insisted on the cremation of their dead. For that, they had to obtain, on a case by case basis, the permission of the police, the relevant Colonial, and after 1901 the State, health officer and, in many cases, also the local inspector of public nuisances.

—6— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Table 1. Muslim and Hindu / Sikh hawkers buried in community cemeteries The reference numbers refer to the listing in Table 2.

Non Deno- Meth- Cath- Pau- Un- Name Year Ref nº Town minational odist olic per ‘Strangers’ known

Muslim Mahomet Ali 1910 n° 29 Moama X ? Peir Buksh 1931 n° 71 Albury X Kareem Bux 1899 n° 8 Numurkah X Noor Deen 1905 n° 16 Albury X Farman Ali Kashmere 1916 n° 38 Wangaratta X Boota Khan 1913 n° 33 Wagga Wagga X Cheri Khan 1910 n° 26 Tallangatta ? Hadj Sher Khan 1911 n° 30 Moama ? Hummo Khan 1945 n° 98 Narrandera ? Hyat Mahomed Khan 1937 n° 83 Moama X Mohammed Khan 1899 n° 6 Wangaratta ? Moota Khan 1910 n° 28 Moama X Nana Khan 1922 n° 52 Berrigan X Sah Boz Khan 1916 n° 37 Moama X Barakeet Ali Khan 1947 n° 102 Leeton X Junga Malik 1934 n° 77 Wagga Wagga ? Allie Mohammed 1912 n° 31 Wangaratta X Dhera Mull Vazeer Singh 1938 n° 85 X Ruhini Tulla 1922 n° 50 Wangaratta X

Hindoo / Sikh Jinan / Sutchar Singh 1891 n° 1 Wangaratta X Yap Singh 1892 n° 2 Wangaratta X Jowella Singh 1899 n° 7 Yarrawonga X Junan Singh 1921 n° 48 Hay X Charles Sunder Singh 1925 n° 56 Wagga Wagga X Kido Singh 1930 n° 68 X Patarp Singh 1938 n° 87 Hay X Bishin Singh 1944 n° 95 Savernake X Inder Singh 1944 n° 96 Wagga Wagga ? Sahib Dad 1948 n° 105 Wagga Wagga x Sundah Singh 1948 n° 101 Henty X Patarp Singh 1951 n° 109 Henty X buried, exhumed and cremated Gundah Singh 1909 n° 24 X Rudda Singh 1920 n° 47 Beechworth X Sunda Singh 1933 n° 74 Beechworth X Dalale Singh Gill 1934 n° 76 Beechworth X

—7— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

The first confirmed cremation of an Indian hawker in the study area, was that of Boota Singh who was cremated at Pyramid Hill on 18 May 1894 (n° 3). His death was widely reported throughout south-eastern Australia (Figure 4).32 The event was described thus: CREMATING A HINDOO HAWKER. A Hindoo hawker named Boota Singh, well known in this district, died on Friday morning at the Royal Hotel, Kerang, (says the Observer) from inflam- mation of the lungs. Dr. Austin who was attending' the deceased certified to the cause of death, and Boota Singh's compatriots immediately commenced preparations to burn the body in pursuance of the ancient rites of the Hindoo religion in order that his ashes, might be sent to India and there thrown into the sacred waters of the Ganges. On applying to Senior-constable French for leave to burn the body the Indians were referred to the Board of Public Health to whom; a wire was sent in the afternoon. A reply having been received, agreeing to the cremation, the body, which was saturated with butter, was placed on a shutter covered with a white cloth, and was put into Mr. Cadush’s buggy. The cortege then drove down past the cemetery into a position handy to some dry logs and timber. The Hindoos then; placed two logs parallel, close together, and started a fire either end of the logs. They took the body off the shutter, merely enveloped in the white cloth, and placed it on the blazing logs, with its feet towards the east, face up wards. Another log was placed on the corpse, and then more dry wood was piled on. Mr. Guy, at the request of the Hindoos, then read portion of the funeral service, and one of the Hindoos asked everyone present to throw a stick on the fire. This was done, and those present, at the instigation of the Hindoos, left the pyre; being still burning. - According to custom, the Hindoos returned next morning, and saw that the body was completely burnt (Anonymous, 1894c) Usually the cremation occurred on the same day of the death and at the location or nearest community where the death occurred. Exceptions to this are three deaths that occurred in the vicinity of Albury and where the bodies were brought for cremation at Albury’s unsectarian burial ground off Wagga Road (now Jelbart Park), which had been dedicated for that purpose in September 1905.33 These were Atchar Singh (1917, n° 41), who died at ; Tarum (‘Narra’) Singh (1918, n° 44), who died at Kergunyah; and Naran Singh (1933, n° 75), who died at Dederang. This attests to the significance of Albury as a rural service centre and to the relevance that the unsectarian burial ground had to the Indian community of the region. In some cases, the deceased were buried by the authorities, but later, with permission, ex- humed and cremated according to Hindu custom. Examples for this are Gundah Singh (1909, n° 24), Salah Singh (1910, n° 27), Rudda Singh (1920, n° 47), Sunda Singh (1933, n° 74), and Dalale Singh Gill (1934, n° 76). By and large, the cremation sites went unmarked. In the case of the unsectarian burial ground in Albury (Figure 14), some grave markers existed in 1939, but had been removed by the mid 1960s.34 A few of the deceased Hindu or Sikh hawkers, however, were not cremated, but buried in Christian sections of local cemeteries. These where Charles Sunder Singh (n° 56), who was interred in the Roman Catholic section of the Wagga Wagga cemetery in 1925; Patarp Singh (n° 87), who was buried in the Methodist section of the Hay cemetery in 1938; Gungah Singh (n° 100), who was buried in the Corowa cemetery; Inder Singh (n° 96), whose final resting place is in the Wagga Wagga cemetery; and Sundah Singh (n° 101) and Patarp Singh (n° 109) whose remains were interred in the Henty Cemetery.

—8— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Figure 4. Spatial distribution of the newspaper coverage of the cremation of Boota Singh in 1894. Even though cremated, some of the deceased have contemporary grave markers, such as Sunda Singh (n° 74; Figure 11), Dalale Sing Gill (n° 76, Figure 12), while others have been afforded commemorative bronze plaques in more recent years, such as Pollah Singh (n° 53, Figure 13) at Corryong and Sundah Singh (n° 101) and Patarp Singh (n° 109) in the Henty Cemetery.35 Almost all accounts mention that the burnt human remains in the ashes and especially the teeth were retrieved to be sent to the relatives back in India, so that they, in due course, could commit them to the Ganges. The disposal of the rest of the ashes, both charcoal and human bone, is often not mentioned.

—9— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Age structure We have age at death stated for fourth fifths (81.3%) of the deceased hawkers listed. This allows us to examine the data in different ways. For example, the Immigration Restriction Act 1901) limited the opportunities for Indian hawkers to recruit relatives to enter the trade. Even though they were British subjects, they too had to submit to the arbitrary and discriminating dictation test.36 This is well reflected in the distribution of the ages the Indian hawkers had at the time the act was passed (Figure 5). Only a very small number was in the age cohorts below 25 years (i.e. born after 1875). These were presumably children of hawkers admitted before 1901. This is further confirmed by the observation, that the ages of about 180 persons applying for hawking licences in the Redfern Police Court on 11 January 1898 ranged from 21 to 50 years, with the majority being 25 to 35 years old.37 The greatest influx of Indian hawkers occurred in the mid to late 1890s. Considering the dis- tribution of the year of birth in five-year cohorts (Figure 5), about half (49.3%) were in the 20 to 30 year cohort, with a bit more than a quarter (27.8%) in the 35 and 40 year cohort. This is hardly surprising as both can be considered the prime working age of men.











0 1835 1845 1850 1855 1860 1865 1870 1875 1880 1885

Figure 5. Year of birth of the Indian hawkers listed in this compilation (n=86).38 The average age at death of all Indian hawkers is 61.1±17.9 years (n=55). This compares well with the average for Australian males in 1920, which is 61.9±15.8 years (n=21,607).39 The difference is not significant given the huge discrepancy in sample sizes. The distribution of the age at death, however, shows a bi-polar distribution (Figure 6), with a distinct drop in the 55 year old class. The distribution is even more skewed once we deduct those who died from accidents and those who committed suicide.40 Now the number of deaths rises strongly from the 55 to the 60 year age class. Indeed, the average age at death of the hawkers dying from natural causes is 63.2±18.0 years (n=59), while the average age for those dying from other causes is 50.4±14.1 years (n=12).

—10— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

10 Suicide 9 Accident

8 Natural








0 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Figure 6. Age at death of the Indian hawkers listed in this compilation (n=82).41 There are, however, some recorded discrepancies in ages at death. For example, Devan (‘Dingh’) Singh (n° 15) who died in 1905 was reportedly either 35 or 40 years of age (see relevant entry in Table 2). Similar discrepancies have been recorded for Jundar (‘Gundar’) Singh (n° 21 ) (30 / 33 years) and Naran Singh (n° 75) (57 / 59 years), while the discrepancies are larger for Shenak Singh (n° 79) (80 / 88 years) and even larger for Gundah Singh (n° 24) (45 / 58 years). While the majority of these discrepancies only occur in the written and/or archival record, on occasion there are other manifestations. Examples are Sunda Singh (n° 74) where the records state him to be 77 years of age at death, but the grave marker claims him to be 88 years of age (Figure 11), and Dalale Singh Gill (n° 76), where the cemetery register noted him to be 64 years old, yet the grave marker states 68 (Figure 12).

12 Suicide 11 Accident 10 Natural 9









0 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950

Figure 7. Cause of death of the Indian hawkers over time (n=100).42

—11— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952














40 y = 0.9003x - 1670.9 R² = 0.62055 35


25 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960

Figure 8. Correlation of year of death and age at death of the Indian hawkers listed in this compilation (n=90). In addition to individual variation in age, there appear to be more systemic influences at work. Figure 9 provides the frequency distribution of the terminal digit of a person’s age at death. There is no biological reason that adults with the terminal digit 1’ in their age (i.e. aged 21, 31, 41, 51, etc.) should die more frequently than, say, those with a terminal digit of ‘6’ (i.e. aged 26, 36, 46, 56 etc.). Statistically, all digits have the same probability (10%) of being represented in a population (Figure 9). Yet, the two distributions (observed vs expected) are statically very significantly different (�2=37.905, df=9, p<0.0001). The population of Punjabi men dying in the Southern Riverina and north-eastern Victoria shows disproportionately (26.2%) more men with a ‘round’ age of death (40, 50, 60 etc.) which is statistically significant (P<0.001), as are the percentage deviations for life ages ending on ‘5’ and ‘2’.







0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Figure 9. Frequency distribution of the terminal digits of person’s age at death (n=88)

—12— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Similar disproportions have been noted among the grave markers of Roman legionnaires, which were interpreted as lack of numeracy skills and also as a lack of documentation of genuine birth records.43 It is probable that the discrepancies among the Punjabi men are less likely caused by a lack of numeracy skills but more by a lack of need to know one’s age during adulthood, as well as cultural reasons of age rounding.44 This is modulated by the fact that Punjabi men in Australia had a less close contact with their Anglo-Celtic host community, and that they ‘kept to themselves’ (i.e. were marginalised by mainstream colonial society). Consequently, unless the Punjabi men self-nom- inated their ages or age estimates at the time of admission to a hospital, for example, the ages given in the death certificates are the views of those who registered the deaths, based on mere approxima- tions as well as any general information. In view of the latter discussion, some of the previous comments on the age structure need to be read cum grano salis.

Figure 10. Pollah Singh (n° 53), with customers inspecting his wares in his van, in the Upper Murray area. Isar Singh is holding the reigns. (Photograph Gabriel Knight, ca 1901-1909. Source: State Library of Victoria, H87.52/172).

—13— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Figure 11. Grave marker for Sunda Singh (n° 74) at Figure 12. Grave marker for Dalale Singh Gill (n° the Beechworth Cemetery. 76) at the Beechworth Cemetery.

Figure 13. Cenotaph of Pollah Singh (n° 53) at the Corryong Cemetery. Note the modern brass plaque.

—14— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Figure 14. Area of the unsectarian burial ground in Albury as seen from the south.

Table 2. Chronology of deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the wider Albury Region until 1950. Date Deceased Age Location of Death Location of Burial Cremated Note n° 1. 1891, Jul 8 Jinan / Sutchar Singh 30 Yellow Creek Wangaratta? unknown 45 n° 2. 1892, Jul 25 Yap Singh Wangaratta Wangaratta buried 46 n° 3. 1894, May 18 Boota Singh 28 Pyramid Hill Pyramid Hill yes 47 n° 4. 1898, Jan 12 [name not stated] Mooroopna Shepparton yes 48 n° 5. 1898, Jul 14 Lanna Singh 45 Mooroopna Mooroopna yes 49 n° 6. 1899, Jul 2 Mohammed Khan 50 Oxley Flats Wangaratta buried 50 n° 7. 1899, Jul 24 Jow Alla Singh 30 Yarrawonga unknown unknown 51 n° 8. 1899, Dec 10 Kareem Bux 27 Numurkah Numurkah buried 52 n° 9. 1899 Kema Singh 42 Kerang unknown unknown 53 n° 10. 1901, Dec 9 Braham Singh Balranald ? unknown 54 n° 11. 1902, Oct 11 Googa Singh Temora Temora yes 55 n° 12. 1903, Mar 23 Big Davis Singh 60 Kyabram unknown unknown 56 n° 13. 1904, Jun 6 Falla Khan 64 Chiltern Chiltern buried 57 n° 14. 1905, Jul 29 Sunt Singh 46 Wangaratta Wangaratta yes 58 n° 15. 1905, Jul 18 Devan (‘Dingh’) Singh 35 (40) Albury Albury yes 59 n° 16. 1905, Aug 24 Noor Deen 35 Albury Albury no 60 n° 17. 1905, Nov 25 Sunda Singh 35 Hay West Hay yes 61 n° 18. 1907, Sep Cushla Singh Mooroopna Mooroopna yes 62 n° 19. 1907, Apr 7 Chanda(h) Singh ca 50 Temora Temora yes 63 n° 20. 1907, Jul 15 Mehan Rushen The Rock Lockhart unknown 64 n° 21. 1907, Aug 3 Jundar (‘Gundar’) Singh 30 (33) Albury Albury yes 65 n° 22. 1908, Aug 19 Patti Singh North Deniliquin yes 66 n° 23. 1908, Sep 21 Narrain Singh 40 Mooroopna Mooroopna yes 67 n° 24. 1909, Nov 26 Gundah Singh 45 (58) Moulamein Moulamein yes 68 n° 25. 1910, Feb 10 Sunder ‘Takoor’ Singh 32 Mooroopna Shepparton yes 69 n° 26. 1910, May 9 Cheri Khan ‘old’ Tallangatta Ck Tallangatta no 70 n° 27. 1910, Jul 7 Salah Singh 52 Cobram Cobram yes 71 n° 28. 1910, Sep 18 Moota Khan Moama Moama buried 72 n° 29. 1910, Sep 18 Mahomet Ali 68 Moama Moama buried 73 n° 30. 1911, late Hadji M Sher Khan Moama Moama? unknown 74

—15— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Date Deceased Age Location of Death Location of Burial Cremated Note n° 31. 1912, Nov 29 Allie Mohammed 45 Wangaratta Wangaratta buried 75 n° 32. 1913, Apr Buttera Bishen Singh 43 Lower Temora unknown unknown 76 n° 33. 1913, May 9 Boota Khan Wagga Wagga buried 77 n° 34. 1914, Apr 11 Lubba Singh Hay Hay yes 78 n° 35. 1915, Aug 29 Bishin Singh Moulamein Moulamein yes 79 n° 36. 1915, Sep 11 Easter Singh 55 Gowandardie South Violet Town yes 80 n° 37. 1916, Mar 12 Shah Boz Khan 37 Echuca Moama buried 81 n° 38. 1916, Aug 10 Farman Ali Kashmere 63 Wangaratta Wangaratta buried 82 n° 39. 1916, Nov 30 Joallah Singh 32 Euroa Branjee, Euroa yes 83 n° 40. 1917, Mar 17 Sumar Singh 60 Albury Albury yes 84 n° 41. 1917, Aug 21 Atchar Singh 50 Gerogery Albury yes 85 n° 42. 1917, Oct 13 Jebbah ‘Charlie’ Singh 48 Mooroopna Mooroopna yes 86 n° 43. 1918, Apr Taram Singh 60 Albury Albury ? 87 n° 44. 1918, May 2 Naran Singh 47 Kergunyah Albury yes 88 n° 45. 1918 Cham Singh 75 Wahgunyah unknown unknown 89 n° 46. 1920, Jan 13 Harnam Singh 57 Wangaratta Wangaratta yes 90 n° 47. 1920, Feb 12 Rudda Singh 60 Beechworth Beechworth yes 91 n° 48. 1921, 2 Jun Junan Singh Hay Hay buried 92 n° 49. 1922, May 31 Jula Singh 60 Temora Temora yes 93 n° 50. 1922, 18 Oct Ruhini Tulla 60 Glenrowan Wangaratta buried 94 n° 51. 1922, Jul 1 Suda Singh 78 Temora Temora yes 95 n° 52. 1922, Feb 18 Nana Khan 55 Berrigan buried 96 n° 53. 1923, Jun 24 Pollah Singh 65 Corryong Corryong yes 97 n° 54. 1923, Ap 2 Pooran Singh 45 Albury Albury yes 98 n° 55. 1925 Neeham Singh 48 Moulamein unknown unknown 99 n° 56. 1925, Feb 7 Charles Sunder Singh 52 Urangeline Wagga Wagga buried 100 n° 57. 1925, Feb 14 Sundah Singh 60 Pleasant Hills Henty yes 101 n° 58. 1925, Jun 27 Parpapa Singh 73 Tallangatta Tallangatta yes 102 n° 59. 1925, Jul 30 Charm Singh 70 Chiltern Chiltern yes 103 n° 60. 1925, Jun 27 Lienah (‘Leona’) Singh Balranald Balranald yes 104 n° 61. 1926, Apr 30 Buddah (Bhagwan) Singh 80 Echuca Echuca yes 105 n° 62. 1928 unknown Albury Albury yes 106 n° 63. 1929, Jan 25 Lal Singh 58 Moulamein Moulamein yes 107 n° 64. 1929, Feb 7 Atta Singh 90 Beechworth Beechworth buried 108 n° 65. 1929, Feb 17 Esoor Singh 52 Pulletop Pulletop unknown 109 n° 66. 1930, Jan 24 Goudet Singh 60 Wangaratta Wangaratta yes 110 n° 67. 1930, May 8 Son Mull Savernake Savernake unknown 111 n° 68. 1930, Sep 23 Kido (‘Dookie’) Singh 65 Walbundrie Walbundrie buried 112 n° 69. 1930, May 25 Herman Singh Melbourne(?) unknown 113 n° 70. 1931, May 19 Booth Singh 70 Numurkah Numurkah yes 114 n° 71. 1931, Jan 1 Peir Buksh 88 Albury Albury buried 115 n° 72. 1931 Carlo Singh 74 Balranald unknown unknown 116 n° 73. 1931 Juan Singh 66 Hay unknown unknown 117 n° 74. 1933, Feb 21 Sunda Singh 77 Beechworth Beechworth yes 118 n° 75. 1933, Aug 18 Naran Singh 57 (59) Dederang Albury yes 119 n° 76. 1934, Feb Dalale Singh Gill 64 (69) Beechworth Beechworth yes 120 n° 77. 1934, Apr 28 Junga Malik 100 Pulletop Wagga Wagga buried 121 n° 78. 1935, Jan 23 Gharne Singh 64 Brookdale Brookdale yes 122

—16— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Date Deceased Age Location of Death Location of Burial Cremated Note n° 79. 1935, Aug Shenak Singh 80 (88) Finley Finley yes 123 n° 80. 1935, Aug 14 Argon (‘Johnnie’) Singh 72 Gundagai unknown 124 n° 81. 1935, Dec 27 Hamel (Ameer) Singh 102 Albury Albury yes 125 n° 82. 1936, Jul 24 Sham Singh 80 Moama Moama yes 126 n° 83. 1937, Jul 6 Hyat Mahomed Khan 69 Echuca Moama buried 127 n° 84. 1937, Oct 26 Darah Singh 75 Laceby Wangaratta yes 128 n° 85. 1938, Apr 20 Dhera Mull Vazeer Singh 65 Corowa unknown buried 129 n° 86. 1938, Apr 16 Kissin Singh Sundoo 63 Deniliquin Deniliquin yes 130 n° 87. 1938, May 16 Partap Singh 75 South Hay Hay buried 131 n° 88. 1939, May 12 James Hashantallie 79 Echuca Moama ? buried 132 n° 89. 1939, Jun 25 Rur (‘Rule’) Singh 72 Albury Albury yes 133 n° 90. 1940, Jan PooNoo SIngh Mooroopna Euroa yes 134 n° 91. 1940, Oct 13 David Singh 80 Bondo nr unknown unknown 135 n° 92. 1941, Sep 3 Gurmukh Singh 72 Oxley Wangaratta yes 136 n° 93. 1941 Far Ali Khan 86 Echuca Echuca? unknown 137 n° 94. 1942, May 1 Carem Singh 72 Henty Henty cremated 138 n° 95. 1944, Apr 13 Bishin Singh 78 Savernake Savernake buried 139 n° 96. 1944, May 17 Inder Singh 74 Wagga Wagga Wagga Wagga buried 140 n° 97. 1944, May 16 Rutten Singh 90+ Albury Albury yes 141 n° 98. 1945, Jun 26 Hummo Khan Narrandera Narrandera buried 142 n° 99. 1945, Jun mid Paul Singh 78 Benalla Benalla buried 143 n° 100. 1946, Mar 12 Gungah Singh 94 Berrigan Corowa buried 144 n° 101. 1947, Dec 12 Sundah Singh 67 Henty Henty buried 145 n° 102. 1947, May 18 Baraket Ali Khan 61 Leeton unknown unknown 146 n° 103. 1947, Oct 10 Mokkam Marm Deen 64 Beechworth Beechworth buried 147 n° 104. 1948, Jan 24 Gourdit Singh 90 Wangaratta North Wangaratta yes 148 n° 105. 1948, Apr 9 Sahib Dad 90 Wagga Wagga Wagga Wagga buried 149 n° 106. 1949, Mar 11 Powan Singh 79 Beechworth Beechworth buried 150 n° 107. 1949, Sep 17 Besant Singh 81 Beechworth Beechworth buried 151 n° 108. 1951, Apr 4 Herman Singh 81 Shepparton Melbourne yes 152 n° 109. 1951, Sep 29 Partap Singh 82 Henty Henty buried 153 n° 110. 1952, Jun Noor Patarp Singh Wangaratta Melbourne yes 154 n° 111. unknown Sundah Singh Gundowring Rd Myrtleford yes 155

—17— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952



Wagga Wagga




Figure 15. Location of places mentioned in the text. 1–Albury, 2–Balranald, 3–Barooga near Berrigan, 4–Beechworth, 5–Benalla, 6–Berrigan, 7–Berrigan, 8–Bondo near Tumut, 9–Branjee, 10–Chiltern, 11–Cobram, 12–Corowa, 13–Corryong, 14–Dederang, 15–Deniliquin, 16–Deniliquin North, 17–Echuca, 18–Euroa, 19– Finley, 20–Gerogery, 21–Gundagai, 22–Hay, 23–Hay South, 24–Hay West, 25–Henty, 26–Kerang, 27–Kergunyah, 28–Leeton, 29– Lockhart, 30–Lower Temora, 31–Moama, 32–Mooroopna, 33–Moulamein, 34–Myrtleford, 35–Numurkah, 36–Oxley, 37–Oxley Flats, Millewa, 38–Pleasant Hills, 39–Pulletop near Wagga Wagga, 40–Savernake, 41–Shepparton, 42–Tallangatta, 43–Tallangatta Creek, 44– Temora, 45–The Rock, 46–Urangeline, 47–Wagga Wagga, 48–Walbundrie, 49–Wangaratta, 50–Yellow Creek, near Wangaratta.

Acknowledgments I am indebted to Deanna Duffy (Spatial Area Network, Charles Sturt University, Albury) for the data plot that forms the basis of Figure 15 as well as for Figure 4. The following kindly responded to requests for information on the location of selected hawkers’ burials in various cemeteries: Anita Bartlett (Moama Cemetery Research Officer); Leo Coyle (Walbundrie); Wendy Cunningham (Nu- murkah Wunghnu Cemetery Trust); Margaret Houlihan (Federation Council, Corowa); Bronwyn Jacka (Violet Town Cemetery Trust); Sarah Jones (Assets/Mapping Officer, , Lock- hart); Leanne Mark ( Council); Neil Martin (Temora Family History Group); Therese Murphy ( Council); Jan Parker (Yarrawonga and District Cemetery Trust); Clive Polking- horne (Griffith Genealogical and Historical Society); Heather Rendle (Echuca Cemetery Trust); Wendy Senti (Leeton Family and Local Historical Society); Peter Seymour (Wangaratta Cemetery, Rural City of Wangaratta); Terry Walsh (Beechworth Cemetery Trust) and Shane Wilkinson (Wangaratta Cemetery, Rural City of Wangaratta). Their kind assistance is gratefully acknowledged.

—18— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952


1. (Laidlaw, 2009; Spennemann, in prep.-b).—For Umber Khan.—† 1937 Echuca (Vic BDM classification of hawking in terms of other itiner- 18046/1937).—Father Galam Hayder Khan; ant professions, see (Gonzalez, Spennemann, & mother Mary Eliz (Witney) (Vic BDM Allan, 2017). 18046/1937). The Victorian BDM (18046/1937) does not state the age. According to reconstructed 2. (Spennemann, in prep.-b). cemetery records this was one month old child — 3. (Spennemann, subm.). Also known as B. Amba Khan (reconstructed 4. This document was initially conceptualised as a cemetery records) (Rendle, 2017).—Buried on 14 background study in support of an assessment of October 1937 in an unmarked grave in the Meth- the history and management of the ‘unsectarian odist section (grave 4–5L) of the Moama general burial ground’ in Albury, the first formally gazet- cemetery (Rendle, 2017). The father Galam Hay- ted Indian cremation ground in New South Wales der Khan , died at Gunbower in 1938. (Spennemann, in prep.-d).—see also 9. The research was greatly facilitated by the (Spennemann, in prep.-b). National Library of Australia’s digital historic 5. See Spennemann (2017).—See also Spennemann newspaper archive accessible through the Trove (subm.). database (National Library of Australia, 2016). 6. See Spennemann (in prep.-a, in prep.-d). Search terms used were ‘death / burial / crema- tion / cremated / pyre’, ‘hawker/s,’ ‘burial / cem- 7. Examples are Dinah Rhoda Sher Khan, daughter etery,’ ‘Sikh / Singh / Hindoo / Hindu / Buddhist of Alfred Morgan and Mary Ann (neé Williams), / Indian / Afghan,’ as well ‘Riverina’ and specific who died aged 38 at Echuca in 1931 (Vic BDM place names. Once names of deceased hawkers 13811/1931); and Emily Jane Sheer Khan, who were identified, they were followed up with addi- died in 1919, aged 60, also at Echuca (Vic BDM tional in-depth searching on the name and name 6493/1919). variations. 8. Examples of children are Naby Bux Berdda (Bud- One of the limitations of the Trove search engine der) Deen, child of Naby Meera Bux and Alice is that the searchable data are only as good as the Emma née Campbell, who died aged 8 months at quality of the input. On occasion the print quality Numurkah in 1909 (Vic BDM birth 21811/1909; of the original newspaper paper is weak, thus death 10045/1909). Another child, Zarm Deen, providing insufficient contrast, or the type used was born in 1914 (Vic BDM 15313/1914). was dirty (a common issue is that the counters of A Myrtle Nabi Bux (Buksh).—† late 1903.—Fa- the letters were filled in with paper and ink grime). ther Nabi Bux; mother Alice (NSW BDM Consequently, the optical character recognition 14633/1903).— Myrtle Nabi Bux was buried in does either not work at all returning gibberish, or the cemetery of Cummergunja Cummergunja Ab- return erroneous misspelt or misinterpreted re- original Mission (Bartlett, 2017b)—No infor- sults. While much of this has been manually cor- mation of the 1903 death of anyone named ‘Bux’ rected by readers, this tends to hold true only for in the Moama area can be found in the newspapers metropolitan papers for which there is a higher de- of the day. At the time of writing it is unclear mand. whether Myrtle Nabi Bux is another child of the 10. For the data base see NSW Justice (2017). previously named couple. 11. The Victorian register was searched for family Another example is Gouhl Mohammed Deen, son names both in the ‘Family Name’ and the ‘Given of Khir (Khair) Deen and Ada Rose née Bur- Name’ fields. Each record was opened up to ex- roughs, who died, aged 2 months, at Euroa in in tract the location of registration and the place of 1910 (Vic BDM birth 27118/1910; death death (which are not included on the summary 12565/1910).—Rose Burroughs, daughter of screen).—For the database see Victoria Justice Thomas Burrows and Kate née Jenkins (*Clifton and Regulation (2017). Hill 1884 † Brunswick East 1960)(Vic BDM 1885/1960) had married Khir (Khair) Deen in 12. In addition to the individuals included in the list, 1906 (Vic BDM 8024/1906). Khir (Khair) Deen there is reference to two additional hawkers killed (*ca 1863) died in Brunswick East in 1948 (Vic in the Albury area, namely a hawker driving two BDM 10100/1948).—Other offspring of the white horses, reputedly killed on the road at Jin- same marriage were Albert Rupert (* 1907 Shep- dera gap, northwest of Albury (D. Martin, 1981, p. parton) and registered by a racist larrikin clerk as 181); and a hawker driving an early chain-driven ‘Newbebe’ [sic] (Vic BDM 26609/1907; †Bruns- truck, reputedly killed in Wymah Gap (D. Martin, wick East Vic BDM 19443/1962), Cusshe 1981, p. 181). No independent verification could (‘Kushee’) Mohammed who died aged 20 in East be found. As on other occasions Martin has been Melbourne (Vic BDM birth 10525/1909; death shown to be a less than reliable source, these 2429/1930); Gouhl Mahommed’s twin brother claims need to be read cum grano salis. Ameen (Vic BDM 27121/1910); Aisha (Vic BDM 13. See Spennemann (in prep.-d). 2253/1915) and Marion Rita (Vic BDM 14. See Anonymous (1901h). 29297/1916. 15. See Anonymous (1919c).

—19— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

1894ac, 1894ab, 1894af), 55 words (Anonymous, 16. See Anonymous (1901h). 1894y), 47 words (Anonymous, 1894x), 35 words 17. See Anonymous (1952c). (Anonymous, 1894u), 34 words (Anonymous, 18. See Anonymous (1910bl). 1894w); and a short notices 19 words (Anonymous, 1894z, 1894aa); 16 words 19. Among those who died in hospital were: n° 11–n° (Anonymous, 1894n, 1894ae) 12 words 18, n° 21–n° 23, n° 27, n° 43, n° 46–n° 51, n° 60– (Anonymous, 1894v); and 9 words (Anonymous, n° 61, n° 66, n° 69–n° 72, n° 74, n° 76, n° 87–n° 1894o). 89, n° 96, and n° 97.Health care was significant to the hawkers and a plethora of instances has been 33. Spennemann (in prep.-c). documented where hawkers appear on the dona- 34. Spennemann (in prep.-c). tion lists to hospital funds, often with multiple do- 35. See Conroy (2008) and Aplin (2008). nations at different localities (e.g. Anonymous, 36. The following extract from a contemporary news- 1910v, 1911a, 1912a, 1921a, 1924d, 1925h; paper illustrates this nicely: “Putarb Singh, a Anonymous, 1932b, 1934g; Dowling, 1908, 1910). Hindu, who is well known in the district of Tall- 20. Among those who died on their own farms were: angatta (Vic.), has been agitating for some time for n° 35, n° 55–n° 58, n° 78, n° 80–n° 81, n° 85, n° the admission into Australia of his brother, Cur- 94, n° 95, and n° 100–n° 101. rum Singh, whom he describes as ‘a British sub- 21. For the classification of hawkers in the context of ject, living at Lahore.’ The applicant’s solicitor has other itinerant workers, see Gonzalez et al. (2017). been informed by the Department of External Af- 22. Among those who died while camping at a gazet- fairs ‘that the man cannot be admitted into the ted camping or travelling stock reserve were: n° Commonwealth unless he passes the dictation test 20, n° 25, n° 32, and n° 75. prescribed by the Immigration Restriction Act, which may be applied in any European language, 23. Among those who died while camping on some- at the discretion of the officer” (Anonymous, one’s farm were: n° 6, n° 39– n° 40, n° 68 and n° 1911g). 79. 37. Anonymous (1898a). 24. Among those who died from accidents at a camp- ing reserve were: n° 6, n° 24. 38. The year of birth data have been rounded to the closest five-year interval. 25. Among those who died from accidents on the road were: n° 34, n° 44, n° 53, and n° 65. 39. The comparison draws on the data for male deaths in single ages for year 1920 (Knibbs, 1921, p. 119), 26. Also called the ‘general section’ in some cemeter- using only ages 28 and up, which conforms with ies, such as Henty and Wagga Wagga. the rounding used for the hawker data. 27. See Spennemann (in prep.-c) for details. 40. Note that the total numbers do not correlate with 28. Now ‘Pioneer Cemetery,’ Waugh Road. the number of cases given in the text and in end- 29. The rationale, as far as it can be ascertained, is dis- notes 24 and 25. This is caused by the fact that the cussed is the study of the Hindu cemetery at (now) reporting of the known deaths not always states Jelbart Park, Albury, which was set aside as a re- the age at death. serve at the same time. See Spennemann (in prep.- 41. The age at data have been rounded to the closest c) for details. five-year interval. 30. The first European to be cremated in Melbourne 42. The age at death data have been rounded to the was Elizabeth I Henniker on 19 March 1895 closest five-year interval.—Seven cases where the (Anonymous, 1895a), while the first cremation in nature of the death is unknown are omitted. a dedicated crematorium space in Victoria did not 43. See Duncan-Jones (1977); Kunow (1983); Pricop occur until 13 April 1905 (Anonymous, 1905e). (2014). 31. See Cooke (1991) for New South Wales; see also 44. This aspect is explored elsewhere in more detail Nicol (2003, 2005). (Spennemann, 2017b). 32. A 290 word long account was originally produced 45. JINAN SINGH.—*ca 1861, † 8 Jul 1891 at Yellow in the Kerang Observer, subsequently cited by the Creek near Wangaratta (Victoria BDM Bendigo Independent (Anonymous, 1894c) and the 1891/12664)(Anonymous, 1891b).—On record Newcastle Morning Herald (Anonymous, 1894m), as Jinda Singh (Anonymous, 1891b), Jinan Singh Mount Alexander Mail (Anonymous, 1894b), Barrier (Victoria BDM 1891/12664), Sutchar Singh Miner (Anonymous, 1894d), Express and Telegraph (Anonymous, 1891a); Juida Sing ((Wangaratta (Adelaide) (Anonymous, 1894j), with unspecified Cemetery Ledger, Seymour, 2017).—Drowned attribution (‘local paper’) (Anonymous, 1894e, while crossing Yellow Creek at dusk en route from 1894f, 1894g, 1894h), reprinted without attribu- Tarrawingee to Wangaratta (Anonymous, 1891b, tion (Anonymous, 1894k, 1894l); produced as ex- 1891c).—Was accompanied by his brother and a tracts in various form: 64 words (Anonymous, third hawker (Anonymous, 1891c).—When his 1894i); different extract 55 words (Anonymous, body re-floated on 10 August 1891 and could be 1894a), 61 words Age (Anonymous, 1894p) quotes recovered, police found in his clothes £12 13/9 in and references text from the Age (Anonymous, notes and silver and a receipt for £15 which had 1894q) quotes text from the Age verbatim been sent by money order to India (Anonymous, (Anonymous, 1894r, 1894s, 1894t, 1894ad,

—20— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

1899t).—Died intestate, application made to have 1891a).—The papers carry no information on the estate to be administered by the firm Khuda nature and location of his burial.—A Juida Sing is Buksh Rahim Buksh (Indian merchants) as credi- on record as buried in an unmarked grave the tors of Mohammed Khan (Webb, 1899a, 1899b); Strangers Section (grave 34c) of Wangaratta Cem- administration handed to curator of the estates of etery in 10 August 1891 (Wangaratta Cemetery deceased persons (T.F Bride, 1900).—In view of Ledger, Seymour, 2017). an advertisement of August 1896 (“buggy, 4- 46. YAP SINGH.—† ca 25 Jul 1892 Wangaratta.— on wheel, traveller's, with hood, horse and harness, record as buried in an unmarked grave the wanted. 289 Exhibition-St”) (Anonymous, 1896c) Strangers Section (grave 34n) of Wangaratta Cem- it is likely that Khan, or another hawker, com- etery on 26 Jul 1892 (Wangaratta Cemetery menced trading at that time. Ledger, Seymour, 2017).— The newspapers of the 51. JOW ALLA SINGH.—*ca 1869, † 24 July 1899 Yar- day are silent on the nature of the burial or crema- rawonga (Victoria BDM 1899/11703).—Jowalla tion. No information can be found in the Victorian Singh to be tried for assault at the Violet Town Government Gazette (Victorian Government, 2017). Police Court (Anonymous, 1899l) with case dis- 47. BOOTA SINGH.—*ca 1866, † 18 May 1894 at Royal missed at trial, Eileen Deen acting on his behalf Hotel, Kerang (Anonymous, 1894d) (Victoria (Anonymous, 1899s).—No further information BDM 1894/6309).—died of ‘inflammation of the can be found in the newspapers. According to lungs’ (tuberculosis?) (Anonymous, 1894d).— cemetery record, buried in the non-denomina- cremated in an open space past the Kerang ceme- tional section of Yarrawonga Cemetery (grave 5N, tery, with ready access to wood (Anonymous, no grave marker)(Parker, 2017). 1894d, 1894b, 1894c, 1894j).—Estate auctioned 52. KAREEM BUX.—*ca 1872, † 10 December 1899 off on 29 June 1894, comprised of 2 horses, wag- Numurkah Hospital (Victoria BDM onette and ‘general hawker’s goods’ (Yeo, 1899/15462).—Reputedly kicked by horse in sta- Taverner, & Others, 1894). ble at Kaarimba; was found in stable but left there 48. Name not stated.† 12 Jan 1898.—Died of con- for several hours; died from wounds at Numurkah sumption at Mooroopna hospital.—cremated on Hospital without regaining consciousness the bank of the Goulburn River, near the Shep- (Anonymous, 1899f); in retrospect, the circum- parton Cemetery. Multiple newspaper references stances of his death as described in the papers of but no details on the individual (Anonymous, the day (Anonymous, 1899f) appear suspicious; 1898d, 1898e, 1898g, 1898f, 1898h, 1898j). buried at Numurkah cemetery, service accompa- 49. LANNA SINGH.—*ca 1853, † 14 July 1898 nied to 25 to 30 countrymen (Anonymous, Mooroopna (Victoria BDM 1898/3969).—left 1899f).—The death was widely reported the hospital was found dead in the Goulburn (Anonymous, 1899d, 1899c, 1899f, 1899m); even River; the inquest presumed that he committed su- in German language papers in icide having drowned himself (Anonymous, (Anonymous, 1899g).—Kareem Bux was buried 1898b).—Remains cremated on 22 July 1898 at in the ‘Other Denominations’ section in the Nu- the junction of the Broken River with the Goul- murkah General Cemetery (grave 486) burn River, near Mooroopna (Anonymous, (Cunningham, 2017).—Estate sold by auction on 1898b). 23 February 1900, comprised of horses, wagon and drapery (McNamara & Co, 1900). 50. MOHAMMED KHAN.—*ca 1849, † 30 June 1899 Oxley Flats /Milewa (Vic BDM 11520/1899).— 53. KEMA SINGH.—* ca 1857, † 1899 Kerang Distict married.—Age reported as 38 (Vic BDM (Vic BDM 2194/1899).— No further data can be 11520/1899); 50 years.—also on record as ‘Ma- found; a search of the newspapers yielded no re- homed’ Kahn (Anonymous, 1899q).—Working in sults. the Wangaratta area (Anonymous, 1899o) with a 54. BRAHAM SINGH.—† 9 December 1901 at van and a two-horse team (Anonymous, 1899e).— Balranald (NSW BDM 12790/1901).—foot died of carbon monoxide poisoning in his van hawker.—on record for Hay.—died of exposure (Anonymous, 1899e, 1899o, 1899q) while camp- in the Balranald lock up, found lying in the hot ing at a Mr James Smith’s property at Oxley Flats sun, but verdict was that “death was due to ex- (Anonymous, 1899e).—The official address of his haustion caused by insufficient and bad food” business, according to signage on his van, was 289 (Anonymous, 1901f, 1901g).—Estate auctioned Exhibition Street, Melbourne (Anonymous, off on 7 February 1902 (Anonymous, 1902a, 1899o, 1899q).—Taken to Wangaratta for post 1902b). mortem (Anonymous, 1899e); buried at 55. GOOGA SINGH.—† 11 October 1092 at Temora Wangaratta Cemetery as the first Muslim buried (Anonymous, 1902e, 1902g); (NSW BDM there (Anonymous, 1899a); ceremony officiated 16130/1902).—also known as Goodya Singh by Abdullah Miyan (described as a priest) and (Anonymous, 1902e); Goodyer Singh Rahim Buksh (described as ‘an educated Indian’) (Anonymous, 1902g).—Arrived in Temora in Au- (Anonymous, 1899a, 1899t).—“There was much cer- gust 1902 and distributed his wares for free, liqui- emony at the grave, and the unusual nature of it, to Chris- dated his bank account, purchased feed for vari- tian eyes, attracted a large number of onlookers” ous animals. Having disposed on his assets he re- (Anonymous, 1899a).—The death was widely re- tired to his wagon and starved himself; forcefully ported (Anonymous, 1899b, 1899e, 1899h, 1899i, removed to the hospital he died there 1899j, 1899k, 1899n, 1899o, 1899r, 1899q,

—21— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

bury (Anonymous, 1905p).—According to Des- (Anonymous, 1902e).—Cremated at Temora on mond D. Martin (1969), Chundar ‘Charlie’ Singh 13 October 1902 (Anonymous, 1902e, 1902g, was cremated on the old Wangaratta Common at 1902l). Greta Road site of the trotting club. Martin noted 56. BIG DAVIS SINGH.—* ca 1843, 23 March 1903 in 1969 that “until a few years ago, a small white Kyabram (Victoria BDM 1903/2239).—father: fenced enclosure marked the site of Charlie’s fu- Big Buhudder Tudi (Victoria BDM 1903/2239); neral pyre” (D. Martin, 1969). No independent brother Kan Singh (Anonymous, 1903h).—died verification to the identity of the individual could while retrieving a horse from a channel it had be found. As on other occasions Martin has been fallen into (Anonymous, 1903e, 1903h, 1903j).— shown to be a less than reliable source, these The newspapers are silent on the location and na- claims need to be read cum grano salis and that he ture of his burial. conflates, or confuses, Sunt Singh’s burial with a 57. FALLA KHAN.—* ca 1840 Jhelum; † 6 June 1904 Chundar ‘Charlie’ Singh. Chiltern (Victoria BDM 1904/4446)(Anonymous, 59. DEVAN (‘DINGH’) SINGH.—*ca 1865, † 16 July 1904c).—‘Falla’ (Victoria BDM 1904/4446), 1905 at Albury (Anonymous, 1905c), (NSW BDM ‘Fatta’ (Anonymous, 1896b, 1904b),and ‘Talla’ 7866/1905).—ill for six months (at the Albury Khan (Anonymous, 1904c).—Died of pneumonia Hospital) (Anonymous, 1905s); died of tuberculo- (Anonymous, 1904c).reputedly the brother of sis (according to death certificate).—Cremation Behadar (Behada) Khan (Anonymous, 1904c) widely reported (Anonymous, 1905b, 1905k) in- who accompanied Lord Roberts to Kabul in 1880 cluding the publication of two photographs in the (Anonymous, 1904n).—reputedly had a son in the Australasian (Anonymous, 1905c). Indian cavalry (Anonymous, 1904b).—Arrived in 60. NOOR DEEN.*ca 1870 † 24 August 1905.—(NSW Victoria about 1862 (Anonymous, 1904c, BDM 7873/1905).—Muslim.—also on record as 1904f).—Khan was the successful tenderer for the Nor Deen (Anonymous, 1905t) and Noo Dee lamp lighting contract for Chiltern in 1896 (for (Anonymous, 1922p).—died at Albury Hospital 1897) (Anonymous, 1896a, 1896b), and also 1903 (Anonymous, 1905n) as a result of injuries sus- (Anonymous, 1903b, 1903d). The Australian Na- tained when his hawker’s wagon rolled over his tives Association strongly opposed the employ- back on Kentucky Station (ca 30 miles from Cor- ment of Khan. He is also on record as successful owa). Taken to Albury Hospital nothing could be tenderer in 1898 (Anonymous, 1898i), 1900 done (Anonymous, 1905t).—The newspapers are (Anonymous, 1901e, 1901d) and 1901 quiet on the location of his burial.—The under- (Anonymous, 1901c). In the obituary, the Wodonga taker records (Anonymous, 1922p) show that he and Towong Sentinel note that “His appointment as was buried on 28 August 1905 in the Methodist lamplighter at Chiltern…was followed by a storm of indig- section of the Albury Cemetery. The unmarked nation on the part of local advocates of a ‘White Australia’ grave (Methodist Section Nº 1; plan 6, row D, plot ” (Anonymous, 1904l). —Also engaged by Chil- no 36)(Albury Cemetery database nº 34,139) is lo- tern council to remove and impound stray cattle cated at the northern edge of the section.—Estate from the streets (Anonymous, 1898c).—Fatta auctioned 25 September 1905 (Anonymous, Khan’s application (in September 1903) to acquire 1905q), comprised of hawker’s wagonette, two 10 acres of land in section 103 was refused by the horses and harness. Chiltern Land Board (Anonymous, 1903c).— Funeral to be conducted by a Muslim priest, re- 61. SUNDA SINGH.—*CA 1870, † 25 November 1905, quested by telegram from Melbourne Hay.—On record as Sunda Singh (Anonymous, (Anonymous, 1904e).date of estate order 15 June 1905f, 1905p, 1905u; Garrett, 1906); (NSW BDM 1904 (T.F. Bride, 1904, 1905); estate valued at 12880/1905). —Died at Hay Hospital of a lung £73/15/9 plus property (Anonymous, 1904h); es- complaint (Anonymous, 1905d).—Cremation oc- tate sold on 24 June 1904, comprising a small town curred on 29 November 1905 in a corner of Hor- block, held under miner’s right, with hut and sta- ton Brothers’ slaughter-yard paddock, West Hay bles (£6) and adjoining town block, also under (Anonymous, 1905w) at the banks of the Murrum- miner’s right, with four roomed cottage, stables, bidgee (Anonymous, 1905d). The cremation at- etc (£32/10), plus a horse and gig and sundries tracted a large gathering of Europeans (Anonymous, 1904d).—sold were allotments 6,7 (Anonymous, 1905d, 1905u). Permission for the and 8A of section N (Anonymous, 1904i). cremation had been obtained by telegraph from the Minister of Justice (Anonymous, 1905u).— 58. SUNT SINGH.—*ca 1859, † 29 July 1905 at The advertisement for the sale of his estate lists “1 Wangaratta.—died of consumption at Wangaratta large hawker’s van, 1 set of double van harnesses, Hospital (Victoria BDM 1905/11001); cremated 2 horses and stock-in-trade of a hawker, including 30 July 1905 at ‘the swamp lands on the Greta drapery, clothing, hats, boots and fancy goods” Road behind Mrs. Batchelor's property’ (Blackmore, 1905).—Probate 23 January 1906 (Anonymous, 1905l).—See also (Anonymous, (Garrett, 1906). 1905g, 1905h, 1905j, 1905i, 1905l, 1905m, 1905r, 1905v).—The ceremony was carried out by Seva 62. CUSHLA SINGH.—† 17 September 1907 at the Singh.—A cremation of an unnamed Hindu is Mooroopna hospital.—on record as labourer of mentioned in an editorial of 1 December as ‘a few Ardmona (T.F. Bride, 1907).—on record as weeks’ after the cremation of Devan Singh in Al- Cushla Singh (Anonymous, 1907h); Cushala Singh (T.F. Bride, 1907).—cremated at the Goulburn

—22— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Fogia Singh (Gundah Singh’s cousin) and Carlo River, on the site of the (then) new Shepparton Singh (Anonymous, 1909c, 1909h).—inquest: race course (Anonymous, 1907e, 1907h, (Anonymous, 1909j).—deceased's estate consists 1907i)‘Owing to the short supply of fuel, the spectacle was of a store and stock of the value of £900, land in a somewhat gruesome one’ (Anonymous, 1907i). Moulamein, a hawker's wagon and goods therein, 63. CHANDA(H) SINGH.—*ca 1857, † 7 April 1907 at about 14 horses of the value of another £450 Temora.—On record as Chanda Singh (NSW (Anonymous, 1909j).—The business in Mou- BDM 6756/1907), Chunda Singh (Anonymous, lamein was offered for sale by tender as a going 1907o), Chunder Singh (Anonymous, 1907n).— concern, comprised of a ‘double iron store and —Committed suicide by hanging himself in an warehouse at rear with £684 of stock (Groceries, outhouse of Cheer Singh’s store (Anonymous, tobacco £200, clothing, drapery £390 and hard- 1907o) (Anonymous, 1907n).—Cremated ware, crockery £94), as well as an adjoining (Anonymous, 1907o). butcher’s shop (leased to tenant) (Nathan, 1910d, 64. MEHAN RUSHEN.—† 15 July 1907 near The 1910e). The business was acquired by HL O’Don- Rock.—Father Chanan Rushen, Mother Rahamet nell who had been manager since 1907 (NSW BDM 9710/1907).—also on record ‘Meean (Anonymous, 1910ar). Roosan’ (Anonymous, 1907r) and Abdallah Singh 69. SUNDER ‘TAKOOR’ SINGH.—* ca 1878, † 10 Feb- (Anonymous, 1907r).—died of heart disease at ruary 1910 Mooroopna (Victoria BDM ‘French Park Railway Station;’ body taken to 1910/2788).—On record as Sunder Singh Lockhart (Anonymous, 1907r). (Anonymous, 1910f); ‘Sender’ Singh 65. JUNDAR (‘GUNDAR’) SINGH.—*ca 1874, † 3 Au- (Anonymous, 1910bl); ‘Sakoor’ (Anonymous, gust 1907 at Albury (NSW BDM 7797/1907).— 1910bl); ‘Tarcor’ (Anonymous, 1910be, 1910bj); hawker in NSW since ca 1902 (according to death ‘Takoor’ (Anonymous, 1910f); ‘Tarcka’ certificate), presumably prior in Victoria.—Died (Anonymous, 1910aj); ‘Tarca’ (Anonymous, from tuberculosis in Albury Hospital night 2/3 1910as); ‘Tarka’ (Anonymous, 1905x); ‘Thakoor’ August 1907 (Anonymous, 1907p)(see also death (Sutherland & Macfarlane, 1910a); ‘Tharkoor’ certificate).—Cremated in the “Indian section of (Sutherland & Macfarlane, 1910b); as well as the new cemetery” on 5 August 1907 ‘Grubbo’ (Anonymous, 1910bl).—On record as (Anonymous, 1907c, 1907d, 1907f). witness in a case brought against Pogee Singh for cancelling a cheque in March 1905 (Anonymous, 66. PATTI SINGH.—*ca 1858 † 19 August 1908 at De- niliquin.—Father Jeas Singh (NSW BDM 1905x); on record as having been involved in a 9224/1908).—On record as Patti Singh brawl with Buttan Singh in October 1906 in Shep- (Anonymous, 1908b), Patta Singh (NSW BDM parton (Anonymous, 1906d); on record as having 9224/1908).—Died at Deniliquin hospital.—Cre- been involved in a brawl with Esta Singh in No- mated at North Deniliquin ‘by his countrymen’ vember 1907 in Shepparton (Anonymous, 1907g), (Anonymous, 1908b). adjudicated both by the Shepparton Police Court (withdrawn) and by the Indian community as led 67. NARRAIN SINGH.—*ca 1868; † 21 September by Sharif Dean (Anonymous, 1907g); charged 1908 at Mooroopna (Vic BDM 11082/1908).— with and fined for using insulting language to- died of consumption at Mooroopna hospital wards Herman Singh in Shepparton in February (Anonymous, 1908e).—married, wife left behind 1909 (Anonymous, 1909f). in India (Anonymous, 1908f).—cremated near the rifle butts at Mooroopna (Anonymous, 1908d, On 10 February 1910 hawker was found uncon- 1908f, 1908e).—Ceremony conducted by Gulab scious on the recreation ground at Shepparton and Singh, orchardist of Ardmona (Anonymous, taken to Mooroopna Hospital. An emergency op- 1908f, 1908e). eration to alleviate the brain haemorrhage failed (Anonymous, 1910bj). Takoor Singh was found 68. GUNDAH SINGH.—*ca 1851 (or 1864), Lahore, † by the fruit hawker George Burnett (Anonymous, 26 November 1909 at Moulamein.—age given as 1910ah). The inquest found that injuries were sus- 45 or 58 years (NSW BDM 14185/1909).—Fell tained the day before in a wrestling booth on the intoxicated into the and drowned Shepparton Reserve (Anonymous, 1910f, (Anonymous, 1909d, 1909e, 1909p).—Travelling 1910ah).—The case was widely reported, both the hawker in the Moulamein area since about 1894, initial occurrence (Anonymous, 1906d, 1907g, eventually opened store in Moulamein 1909f, 1910f, 1910m, 1910p, 1910r, 1910u, 1910y, (Anonymous, 1908i, 1909i). Reputedly owned 1910x, 1910w, 1910ac, 1910ah, 1910aj, 1910as, three shops in Moulamein (Anonymous, 1910at, 1910av, 1910bd, 1910be, 1910bf, 1910bg, 1909p).—Gundah Singh acquired Moulamein 1910bi, 1910bj), and the results of the inquest town lots, lot 1, 2, 3 and 4, section 6, £22 10s each (Anonymous, 1910e, 1910d, 1910c, 1910b, 1910g, (Anonymous, 1907k); applied for Special Lease 1910j, 1910k, 1910l, 1910n, 1910o, 1910s, 1910z, 1907-2, 50 acres of the Moulamein town common 1910aa, 1910ab, 1910ad, 1910ak, 1910aw, (Anonymous, 1907l), was granted 40 acres for 14 1910bl).—The body was cremated at Shepparton years at £2 per acre (Anonymous, 1907m).— on 12 February 1910 (Anonymous, 1910l, Gundah Singh was initially interred at the ceme- 1910bl).—Probate 25 February 1910 (Sutherland tery; after two days exhumed and formally cre- & Macfarlane, 1910a); beneficiary and next of kin mated (Anonymous, 1909g); the cremation carried out by Bishen Singh (Gundah Singh’s nephew),

—23— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

as witness in the case of Pully Barber accused of was his granduncle Pogee Singh of Shepparton assaulting the motor cyclist R.C. Colville near (Sutherland & Macfarlane, 1910a, 1910b). Moama (Anonymous, 1908h); successful claimant 70. CHERI KHAN.—† 9 May 1910 at Ormidale Station against the motor cyclist (above) for shying his (nr Tallangatta).—presumably Muslim.—Found horses (Anonymous, 1908h); unsuccessfully sued drowned in Tallangatta Creek near Ormidale Sta- James Nabby Bux for insulting language in the tion (Anonymous, 1910t); cause of death pre- Moama Police Court in February 1910 (the case sumed to be suicide (Anonymous, 1910bh) due to was dismissed as the incident did not occur in a mental health issues (Anonymous, 1910t).—Cheri public place) (Anonymous, 1910aq)—In early Khan (Anonymous, 1910ae, 1910ai), also on rec- 1910 has established a camp at the ord as Cherra Singh (Anonymous, 1910t).— (Anonymous, 1910aq).—Interred in the Method- Indian hawker in the Tallangatta district for many ist portion of Moama cemetery on 19 September years.—Found in Tallangatta Creek with his tur- 1910, funeral service to be carried out by “a Ma- ban tightly wrapped around his neck hometan priest from Melbourne” (Anonymous, (Anonymous, 1910ae), cause of death was ruled to 1910q, 1910ax, 1910ay).—The grave is in the be self-strangulation (Anonymous, 1910ai).—“A Methodist portion Row B Grave 1 (Bartlett, number of co-religionists, accompanied by one of their 2017a).—Probate application 21 September 1910 priests, came from Albury, took charge of the body and bur- (Nathan, 1910a, 1910b, 1910c), executor Pulley ied it with the rites of their religion” (Anonymous, Narker (Nathan, 1910b). 1910ai). 73. MOHAMMED ALI.—*ca 1842 † 18 September 71. SALAH SINGH.—*ca 1858, † 7 July 1910 Cobram 1910 at Moama (Anonymous, 1910ax).—on rec- (Victoria BDM 1910/8521).—father Sahaale ord as Mahomet Ali, (Anonymous, 1910ax); also Luckst (Victoria BDM 1910/8521).—on record as known as ‘Turkey Lolly’ (Anonymous, 1910ax).— Sahaale Singh (Stranger, 1910); Salah Singh No data on the death can be found in the NSW (Anonymous, 1910af); Satah Singh (Anonymous, Births, Deaths and Marriages register.—Buried on 1910ag).—hawker.—died at Cobram hospital 19 September 1910 in an unmarked grave in the from double pneumonia (Anonymous, 1910af).— paper section of Echuca general cemetery (Rendle, had been brought from Gleeson’s farm near Nar- 2017). ing where he had been camping (Anonymous, 74. HADJI M SHER KHAN.—† late 1911 Moama.— 1910af).—Body was buried on 7 July 1910, but a (NSW BDM 15406/1911).—Father Haggie fellow Hindu requested an exhumation in order to Khan; mother Miriam.—The newspapers are si- carry out cremation. This occurred on a road at lent on the death. the rear of the Cobram Cemetery on 14 July 1910 (Anonymous, 1910af, 1910ap).—Assets men- A Sher Khan is on record as unsuccessful defend- tioned at £280 in the bank, and about £400 in as- ant in a debt case brought by Moota Khan in the sets in the wagon, horse and stock (’heavily Moama Small Debts Court in February 1910 stocked in fancy goods’) (Anonymous, 1910af, (Anonymous, 1910bc); requested sequestration 1910ag).—Probate (Stranger, 1910).—The adver- order on 20 July 1911 (Salusbury, 1911a); meeting tisement for the sale on 9 August 1910 noted that of creditors 4 September 1911 (Salusbury, 1911b; the estate “consist[ed[ of a horse, wagon, harness, Salusbury & Lloyd, 1911); estate in state bank- drapery, clothing, embroidery, musical instru- ruptcy, joint account Sher Khan and Ishmael Sher ments, jewellery, and a large quantity of fancy Khan (estate account nº 18,903) (Lloyd, 1911b, goods” (Anonymous, 1910au, 1910ba). 1911a), as well as separate account Sher Khan (es- tate account nº 18,903). In addition, on record are 72. MOOHTA KHAN.—† 18 September 1910 at a Mrs Sher Khan (Anonymous, 1910an) as well as Moama (Anonymous, 1910ax)(NSW BDM her (and presumably his) sons, Ishmael Sher Khan 10084/1910).—Father Shefellie Khan; mother and Edward Sher Khan (Anonymous, 1910an). Bebe S.—survived by wife and two children (one a step son) in India.—travelling hawker in the 75 ALLIE MOHAMMED.—† ca 29 Nov 1912 Moama area; worked with Pulley Barber Wangaratta.— On record as Allie Mahomed (Anonymous, 1903i, 1908h).—on record as (Wangaratta Cemetery Ledger, Seymour, 2017).— Moota Khan (Anonymous, 1910q, 1910ax, labourer.— resident of Myrtleford.— Held lease 1910ay); Mootha Khan (Nathan, 1910b); Motha to 20 acres of crown land in the centre of the Par- Khan (Nathan, 1910b).—reputedly had served in ish of Myrtleford (2 miles from Myrtleford town- the British army in India an afterward worked for ship), declared void (after death) in May 1913 the P & O Mail Company (Anonymous, (Anonymous, 1913a, 1913j).—on record as buried 1910ax).—Successful co-claimant (with Pully Bar- in an unmarked grave the Strangers Section (grave ber) in a debt case brought against Ninno Shah in 113) of Wangaratta Cemetery on 30 November the Moama Small Debts Court in December 1903 1912 (Wangaratta Cemetery Ledger, Seymour, (Anonymous, 1903i); successful co-claimant (with 2017).— Outstanding debts to estate called in Pully Barber) in a debt case brought against Ish- (Keen, 1914). mael Sher Khan in the Moama Small Debts Court 76. BUTTERA BISTEN SINGH.—*ca 1870, † early April in April 1910 (Anonymous, 1910h); successful 1913 at Lower Temora.—On record as Buttera B claimant in a debt case brought against Ishmael Singh (NSW BDM 7951/1913); Buttern Bisten Sher Khan in the Moama Small Debts Court in Singh (Anonymous, 1913d); Buttira Bishen Singh February 1910 (Anonymous, 1910bc); mentioned (Garrett, 1913), Bolina Bishon Singh (Garrett,

—24— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Court for 1911 (Anonymous, 1911f); as placing 1913).—found dead in his ‘van,’ coroner found notice re unpaid accounts (Anonymous, 1913g); as death from natural causes (Anonymous, witness in a case of conversion of goods brought 1913d).—No information on his burial can be by Carlo Singh against Needham Singh found in the papers.—Probate granted 10 Sep- (Anonymous, 1914g); as witness is a court case by tember 1910 (Garrett, 1913). Carlo Singh against Lal Singh (Anonymous, 77. BOOTA KHAN.—† 9 May 1913 Burrandana?.— 1915k); defendant in an unsuccessful court case of (NSW BDM 8639/1913). —Father Masahib threatening language brought by Lal Singh Khan.—died while being taken from Pulletop (Anonymous, 1915k); described as “a fine speci- (south of Wagga Wagga) to Wagga Wagga hospital men of the Sikhs, [who] was possessed of consid- (Anonymous, 1913f).—Hawker’s licence granted erable means and property” (Anonymous, by Albury Police court February 1909 1915g).—cremated at Moulamein, in the presence (Anonymous, 1909a).—Buried on 10 May 1913 in of a large gathering of residents (Anonymous, the general portion of the Wagga Wagga cemetery 1915n).—estate auctioned off 10 May 1915 com- (Anonymous, 1913f), burial ceremony conducted prised of Moulamein Lot 3 section 10 with Black- by S.M. Shah, Muslim priest of smiths shop, tools of trade and stock; eight town- (Anonymous, 1913f). Present were M.Allam (of ship allotments in Moulamein; 40 acres special Sydney) and Sahib Dad of Pulletop; Amarally lease; fencing posts, 1 mare (Nathan, 1916a, Khan and Nabob Khan, brothers Boota Khan, 1916b; Newman, 1916).—Probate 25 November and of Pulletop, missed the funeral as their wagon 1915, (NSW Records Service, Series 4, file n° broke an axle (Anonymous, 1913f). 71659); granted 29 June 1923 (Anonymous, 78. LUBBA SINGH.—† 11 April 1914 at Gunbar.—On 1923e). record as Lubba Singh (NSW BDM 5785/1914); 80. EASTER SINGH.—*ca 1860, † 11 Sep 1915 Gow- (Anonymous, 1914i).—Lubba Singh is on record andardie South (Vic BDM 11453/1915).—Father as being fined for ‘riotous behaviour’ at Hillston Ran Singh Vic BDM 11453/1915).—collapsed (Anonymous, 1908c); fined for using indecent lan- when leaving his wagon (at Alexander Brown’s guage at Hillston (Anonymous, 1908c); as success- property, Gowandardie South); inquest found that ful plaintiff in small debts court (Anonymous, he died of Bright’s disease (acute or chronic ne- 1910a); on good behaviour bond at Hillston for phritis, kidney failure); cremated at Gowandardie use of insulting language (Anonymous, 1911l)/.— or at Violet Town (Anonymous, 1915f, 1915h), Lubba Singh’s team of five horses was frightened with ashes scattered in the Broken River (Jacka, by a motor car near so that “they bolted 2017) with the wagon, entirely wrecking it, and scattering 81. SHAH BOZ KHAN.—*ca 1879 Kerrie, † 12 Mar the contents about the street ; also taking-the cor- 1916 Echuca (Vic BDM 1493/1916); died at ner off a house they came in contact Echuca District Hospital (Anonymous, 1916h)— with”(Anonymous, 1910ao).—description of his Father Alli Khan, mother Merizza Bagum (Vic new three-ton hawking wagon completed by BDM 1493/1916); Kahn’s father was reputedly Henry Proctor in January 1911 (Anonymous, the mayor of the town of ‘Kerrie’ (Anonymous, 1911h).—Killed when thrown off his horse at 1916l); the town cannot be readily identified.— Gunbar (Anonymous, 1914i); cremated 14 April also known as Shak Boz Khan (Anonymous, 1914 south of the Hay cemetery (Anonymous, 1914m); Shah Boz Khan (Anonymous, 1916l), 1914h, 1914k, 1914l, 1914p).—Estate (stock-in- Shah Box Khan (Anonymous, 1916h).—arrived in trade of a hawker, drapery, horses harness etc) to Victoria ca. 1902 (Anonymous, 1916l).— be auctioned on 27 April 1914 to recoup debts hawker.—at time of death, trading in the Moama (Anonymous, 1914n) (Anonymous, 1914q); auc- district for about five years (Anonymous, tion delayed until 14 May 1914 (Anonymous, 1916l).— mentioned as witness in suit brought by 1914p; McMahon, 1914).—Probate notice 19 May Moota Khan in the Moama Police Court in Feb- 1914 (Garrett, 1914). ruary 1910 against James Nabby Bux, for having 79. BISHIN SINGH.—† 29 August 1915 at Mou- used insulting language (Anonymous, 1910aq); lamein.—Father Simta Singh (NSW BDM hawkers licence issued in January 1914 by the 11384/1915).—died of acute pneumonia Moama Licencing Court (Anonymous, 1914m)— (Anonymous, 1915a).—On record as Bishen at hospital for six weeks before death Singh (NSW BDM 11384/1915); and Bishin (Anonymous, 1916l).—Buried on 13 March 1916 Singh (Anonymous, 1923e).—took up 40 acres in an unmarked grave in the Methodist section special lease SL 1907/2 with an annual rent of 2 (grave 4–5L) of the Moama general cemetery shillings/acre (Anonymous, 1912f); land pur- (Rendle, 2017). The funeral service was conducted chases at Moulamein in early July 1912: allotment by Mea Safali, priest at Moama, supported by A.H. 11, section 8, 36p, £34; allotment 12, section 8, Shah, L.A.L. Shah and Jee Lan Shah, priests from 35p, £34; allotment 9, section 51, 1r., £6 10s; al- Melbourne (Anonymous, 1916h). The funeral was lotment 10, section 51, 1r., £7 10s (Anonymous, attended by 17 Muslims, but Shah Boz Khan was 1912k); owned three additional properties in Bar- reputedly known only to a few of the mourners ham (probate file, see below).—On record as pre- (Anonymous, 1916h, 1916g). sent at the cremation of his uncle Gundah Singh 82. FARMAN ALI KASHMERE.—*ca 1853 † 10 Aug (Moulamein) (Anonymous, 1909g); as having 1916 Wangaratta.—Also known as Farman Ali awarded hawker’s licence by Moulamein Police

—25— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

1917q), but also in other regional towns in New (Anonymous, 1915m); Fermen Alli (Wangaratta South Wales (Anonymous, 1917h, 1917i, 1917j, Cemetery Ledger, Seymour, 2017); Farman Ali 1917l) and in Victoria (Anonymous, 1917i, 1917n, Kashmere(House, 1916a); Juma Farman Allie 1917p), no information can be found on his cre- (House, 1916a).—Hawker.—Resident of Benalla mation bar notices that his body was taken to Al- in 1916 (House, 1916b).—Collectors license bury for that purpose (Anonymous, 1917e).— granted by the Shepparton Court of Petty Sessions formal witness to his cremation was Rule Singh in April 1915 (Anonymous, 1915m).—On record (according to death certificate) as buried with Muslim rites (a ‘Mahommedan Priest’ in attendance) in an unmarked grave in the 86. JEBBAH ‘CHARLIE’ SINGH.*ca 1869, † 13 October Strangers Section (grave 34n) of Wangaratta Cem- 1917 Mooroopna (Vic BDM 13573/1917).—on etery on 11 August 1926 (Wangaratta Cemetery record as ‘Charlie Jeba’ ‘(Vic BDM 13573/1917); Ledger, Seymour, 2017).—Probate 23 Sep 1916 Jebbah Charlie’ Singh Sikh (Anonymous, 1917d, (House, 1916a, 1916b). 1917c).—died at Mooroopna hospital of heart failure.—Cremated at the back of Mooroopna 83. JOALLAH SINGH.—*ca 1884, † 30 November 1916 cemetery in the presence of a number of fellow at Euroa.—On record as Joallah Singh Sikh (Anonymous, 1917d, 1917c). (Anonymous, 1916m); Joeallah Singh (Anonymous, 1916c).—Probable cause of death 87. TARUM SINGH.—*ca 1858 Gidella (Gindhalla, La- was internal bleeding of the stomach (ulcer?). He hore), † 23 April 1918 at Albury.—Father Karjan was cremated at Mr. John Gall's paddock, near the (NSW BDM 6507/1918); unmarried at time of old Branjee racecourse (Anonymous, 1916m). death (death certificate).—also known as ‘Taram’ Cremation conducted by his brother and other Singh (Anonymous, 1918p).—hawker, in NSW Sikh (Anonymous, 1916d, 1916m). since 1897 (death certificate).—in Albury hospital in late April 1918 (Anonymous, 1918p) for 84. SUMAR SINGH.—*ca 1857 Dandalla, † 17 March chronic kidney problems (death certificate).—died 1917 at Albury.—Father Kuzon Singh; Mother of heart failure (death certificate).—intestate; state Martha Kivars (death certificate NSW BDM sale held by public trustee on 16 May 1918; listed 3568/1917); brother Chere Singh (death certifi- were two young light draught mares in good con- cate); married in 1882 to Awethree (Avitri?) at dition, a four-wheeled wagon and double-set har- Dandalla two children, Sumar (30 in 1917) and ness, hawker’s drapery and sundries (Anonymous, Rowrie (27) (death certificate).—labourer (accord- 1918j; Clancy, 1918). ing to death certificate).—died at Payee Shed, Ad- ams Street (Adams, 1920); cause of death was can- 88. NARAN SINGH.—*ca 1871, † 2 May 1918 at Al- cer of the larynx (death certificate).— formal wit- bury.—On record as Naran Singh (Anonymous, nesses at the cremation were Chere Singh 1918e); Neran Singh (Reid, 1918a).—hawker (brother) and A[ntonia] M Abikhair (death certifi- (Anonymous, 1918j).—Died 2 May 1918 at Ker- cate); see also entry in undertaker’s records gunyah (Anonymous, 1918e), cremated on 4 May (Adams, 1920), but no further information can be 1918 at the Albury Indian cemetery (Anonymous, found in the newspaper sources on Sumar Singh. 1918a, 1918d, 1918e, 1918m).—died intestate (House, 1918a), order given 14 June 1918 (House, 85. ATCHAR SINGH.—*ca 1867 Jindiala; † 21 August 1918b), clearing sale on 13 June 1918 1917 Gerogery.—Father Wee Singh; Mother Ma- (Anonymous, 1918c; for full inventory see Reid, hoo (death certificate, NSW BDM 1918b; Reid, 1918a); estate sale realised £178 10612/1917).—Brother Debara Singh of (House, 1918b). Wahgunyah; married ca 1897 to Juadoo at Jindiala; children Gharla Singh (20 in 1917); Bunsche (15), 89. CHAM SINGH.—*ca 1843, † 1918 Wahgunyah (Vic Bajante (16) (according to death certificate).— BDM 11067/1918).— The newspapers of the day foot hawker, working in NSW since ca 1902 (ac- are silent on the nature of the burial or cremation. cording to death certificate).—also known as 90. HERNAM SINGH.—*ca 1863, † 13 January 1920 ‘Atcher’ and ‘Utcher’ Singh (Anonymous, 1917e, Wangaratta.—On record as Hernam Singh 1917f).—reported from Henty (Anonymous, (Anonymous, 1920e); Harnam Singh 1910al) and Gerogery (Anonymous, 1917e).— (Anonymous, 1920a).—Working in the Mentioned in a court case in Albury in December Wangaratta area since about 1901; hawker well 1910 where Betro Abikhair recovered a £5 5/7 known in the Greta and Moyhu districts debt from Atchar Singh (Anonymous, 1910al). (Anonymous, 1920f).—In India 1916 to 1918 Probably returned to India in 1912 for a brief visit (Anonymous, 1920a).—Died of a stroke at (Collector of Customs, 1912).—Apparently had a Wangaratta hospital (Anonymous, 1920e). Cre- stroke on a country road near Gerogery, collapsed, mated at reserve near the cemetery at Greta Road. with his head caught between the wires of a fence. Funeral rites performed by his son Siva Singh Actual cause of death was strangulation (who had served in World War I) and his brother (Anonymous, 1917e, 1917f, 1917g).—Remains Gooram Singh (Anonymous, 1920b, 1920e). taken to Albury (Anonymous, 1917e, 1917f).— 91. RUDDA SINGH.—*ca 1860; † 12 February 1920 While the nature of his death, experiencing a Beechworth.—On record as Rudda Singh stroke with partial paralysis, falling into a fence (Anonymous, 1895b, 1914d); Rue or Rur Singh and being strangled by the wires, was deemed (Beechworth cemetery records, T. Walsh, news worthy and saw reporting not only in the lo- 2017).—Rudda Singh, initially a hawker with cal papers (Anonymous, 1917e, 1917f, 1917k,

—26— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

BDM 2599/1922).—married to Emily Khan horse and cart, had been doing business with (Anonymous, 1914e, 1914f).—land owner at Betro Abikhair since about 1901 and bought from Barooga (Anonymous, 1914e, 1914f).— him occasionally (Anonymous, 1914d).—went in- successfully requested readjustment of rates for solvent in early 1914 and owed £83 to Betro his property at Barooga in September 1909, as he Abikhair and G Malouf. Reputedly severely as- was rated for land he did not own (Anonymous, saulted by Betro Abikhair and George M Malouf 1909b, 1909m); successful plaintiff in a case of on the Beechworth-Wooragee Road (case theft committed by Victor Gubbie (one Johnny dismissed, Anonymous, 1914d).—went to India cake, quantity of butter and tobacco) 191?–1920, returned early 1920; died in Bee- (Anonymous, 1903k); unsuccessful defendant chworth Hospital and was interred in the local (due to non-attendance) in debt recovery case cemetery. The cemetery ledger states ‘Pagan’ brought by David McLaren in the Deniliquin Dis- which normally refers to the Chinese section, but trict Court (Anonymous, 1905o); fined for having it is more probable that he was buried in the an unregistered dog (Anonymous, 1910az).— Strangers section (no plot number known) Buried in the general section of Berrigan Cemetery (Beechworth cemetery records, T. Walsh, in the presence of “several of his countrymen” 2017).—He was exhumed, once news had spread (Anonymous, 1922l). The cemetery register shows and the necessary permissions had been obtained. that he was buried in the Methodist section (row Cremation occurred on 22 June 1920. Mentioned 3 plot 11) (Mark, 2017).—“followed the occupation of at the cremation are Pollah Singh, Esa Singh, Ab- a hawker, and was of particularly cleanly habits, his hon- dullah Singh, Jimmy Bogong, Bogon Singh esty of purpose causing him to be highly respected” (Anonymous, 1920c). (Anonymous, 1922l). 92. JUNAN SINGH.—† ca 2 June 1921.— Buried in an On record are also a Nama Khan, Nanit Khan and unmarked grave in the General section (row A lot a Nam(u)t Khan, which are assumed to be differ- 14 ) of the Hay General cemetery on 3 June 1921 ent individuals. (Hay Cemetery records, T. Murphy, 2017).— The newspapers of the day are silent on the nature of 97. POLLAH SINGH.—*ca 1858, † 24 June 1923, Cor- the burial or cremation. ryong.—arrived in Australia in 1890 (Strahmore, 1923).—On record as Pallah Singh (Anonymous, 93. JULA SINGH.—*ca 1856, † 31 May 1922 Temora 1919c); Pella Singh (Anonymous, 1923b); Paul (NSW BDM 6973/1922).—also reported as Julia Singh (Anonymous, 1901h); Pollah Singh Singh (Anonymous, 1922k).—resident of Coo- (Anonymous, 1902h, 1902j, 1902k, 1907b, 1908a, lamon (Thompson & Bradfield, 1923); died 1913e; Whan, 1923)—Paul Singh is on record for Temora Hospital (Anonymous, 1922h).— unclaimed letter(s) sent to him at Albury, held at Hawkers licence granted by Police Sydney on 21 Mar 1893 (General Post Office, Court for 1917 (Anonymous, 1916a).—cremated 1893a).—As early as 1902 Pollah Singh was re- on 1 June 1922 at the Road (Anonymous, garded as the most significant of the Indian hawk- 1922h, 1922o); some of the ashes to be sent to In- ers and often acted as an intermediary between the dia to be thrown into the Ganges (Anonymous, individual hawkers and the authorities 1922o).—Boota Singh (Coolamon) named as ex- (Anonymous, 1902h, 1913e); described as ‘Hin- ecutor (Thompson & Bradfield, 1923), probate doo chief of the district’ (Anonymous, 1920c).— published 15 Jan 1923 (Thompson & Bradfield, Pollah Singh seems to have handled some of the 1923). insolvency issues and relations creditors 94 RUHINI TULLA.—† 16 Oct 1922 Glenrowan.— (Anonymous, 1914d).—His bondsmen on record hawker.—found dead next to his van after run- were Betro Abhikair and Thomas Coghlan (for ning after his horses (Anonymous, 1922f).— 1907) or Zachariah Salamy (for 1908) Buried at Wangaratta in the presence of “several (Anonymous, 1907j). Also on record as licensed of his countrymen [who] came from Melbourne, for 1910 (Anonymous, 1910am); 1912 Mooroopua, and Benalla” (Anonymous, 1922j); (Anonymous, 1912d); 1913 (Anonymous, 1913e); the priest in charge was S.J. Shah from Melbourne 1918 (Anonymous, 1918k).—Successful plaintiff (Anonymous, 1922j).—On record as buried in an in debt cases against Charles Hore at Wodonga in unmarked grave in the Strangers Section (grave November 1910 (Anonymous, 1910bk); against W 14c) of Wangaratta Cemetery on 19 October 1922 Dought at Corryong in January 1914 (Wangaratta Cemetery Ledger, Seymour, 2017). (Anonymous, 1915e); A.E. Drage at Corryong in 95. SUDA SINGH.—*ca 1846, † 1 July 1922 Temora.— February 1916 (Anonymous, 1916b).—victim of On record as Suda Singh (NSW BDM theft at Corryong in early July 1902 (Anonymous, 13983/1922); Sood Singh (Anonymous, 1922a, 1902j, 1902k).—Pollah Singh seems to have rec- 1922b).—hawking in the Temora district for 25 orded the serial number of each of the bank notes years (Anonymous, 1922a); died at Temora Hos- he owned (see evidence in Anonymous, 1902j).— pital (Anonymous, 1922a); placed in a coffin and alleged to have collided with and upset the sanitary cremated on 3 July 1922 at a site near the Junee cart at Bethanga (Anonymous, 1904j).—charged Road (Anonymous, 1922a). with drunk and disorderly conduct in Wodonga in September 1904, detained for 48 hours 96. NANA KHAN.—*ca 1867, † about 18 February 1922 at Barooga near Berrigan (Anonymous, (Anonymous, 1904o).—participant with his 1922l) (NSW BDM 2599/1922).—On record as spring carts at the Corryong Shows of 1907 ‘Nana’ (Anonymous, 1922l); ‘Nanoo’ Khan (NSW

—27— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

farmer (Anonymous, 1919a); [market] gardener in (Anonymous, 1907b), 1908 (Anonymous, 1908a), (Payne, 1925c).—Mentioned as wit- show 1915 (Anonymous, 1915q).— ness in court case on the theft of sheep donated money for the trophy for a war appeal in (Anonymous, 1919a, 1919b, 1919d).—Probate 10 1916 (Anonymous, 1916e); towards a piano for July 1925 (Payne, 1925c, 1925d).—Owned subur- the Sailors’ and Soldier’s Club of Albury in 1918 ban holding 15/2 portion 48 Tooleybuc (citrus or- (Anonymous, 1918o).—Handled the cremations chard 27.5 acres with petrol engine and pumping of Rudda Singh at Beechworth in June 1925 plant), town allotments 1 and 2, section 21 (half (Anonymous, 1895b).—In the case of Rudda acre each)(Harris, 1925).—The newspaper record Singh’s cremation, Pollah Singh handled all the contains no information on the nature of his death formalities and legal permits for exhumation, and or burial. also paid the funeral expenses (Anonymous, 1895b). 100. CHARLES SUNDER SINGH.—*ca 1873 † 7 February 1925 at Urangeline.—(NSW BDM 2580/1925).— lived in Albury, later Urangeline.—On record as Charlie Sundah Singh (Payne, 1925b), also known as Sundah Singh (Payne, 1925b); Sundra Singh (Payne, 1925a); Charlie Sunda Singh (C. S. Singh, 1920); Charlie Sundar Singh (M'Donald & Mason, 1925).—On record in an advertisement for horses at Gundagai (C. S. Singh, 1920).—buried on 26 February 1925 in the Roman Catholic section of Wagga Wagga cemetery (M'Donald & Mason, 1925).—Probate 26 June 1925 (Payne, 1925a); his will was dated 4 June 1924 (Payne, 1925b); be- queathed £5 to the Albury Hospital (Anonymous, Pollah Singh 1925h). Run over by his team of horses (Figure 10) while 101. SUNDA(RG)H (‘LUNDAH’) SINGH.—*ca 1860, † 14 leading them down a steep grade at Cudgewa on February 1925 at Grassmere Station nr Peasant 24 June 1923. His uncle Isar Singh was driving the Hills.—(Anonymous, 1925e), (NSW BDM wagon at the time. Even though he was taken to 4451/1925).—Known as Sunda(rg)h (‘Lundah’) Corryong hospital, the injuries to his skull (sus- Singh ; Lunda Singh (Anonymous, 1925e); Sanda tained by a kick to the head by one of his horses) Singh.—camped at Grassmere Station nr Peasant proved fatal and he died on the same day Hills (Anonymous, 1925f); probable cause of (Anonymous, 1923a, 1923b, 1923c). Cremated on death was a stroke (brain haemorrhage) 27 June 1923 outside the Corryong cemetery (Anonymous, 1925e).—body was conveyed from (Anonymous, 1923c).—John Wahn mentioned as Pleasant Hills to Henty and handed to Putarb executor of Pollah Singh’s estate (Whan, 1923), Singh (of Henty) who handled the cremation; this will dated 8 May 1918 (Anonymous, 1924a).— took place on a hill at the rear of the Henty Rifle Clearing sale of Pollah Singh’s estate at Tallangatta range (Anonymous, 1925e); a large number of on 16 August 1923 (Gippsland and Northern Henty residents were spectators (Anonymous, Cooperative & Co, 1923b, 1923a). The sale was 1925e). well attended, extended to a second day due to de- 102. PARPAPA SINGH.—*ca 1852, † 27 June 1925 at mand (Anonymous, 1923d). The hawker’s wagon Tallangatta.—also on record as ‘Partarpa’ sold for £59 to a buyer from the Upper Murray (Anonymous, 1925i); ‘Partarps’ Singh (Anonymous, 1923d). Total value of the estate (as (Anonymous, 1925l).—collapsed and died at the realised at the sales) was £2,902 which was left to back of his shop (Anonymous, 1925m); or at the his sons (Anonymous, 1924a). local hospital (Anonymous, 1925l).—inquest 98. POORAN SINGH.—*ca 1878, † 2 April 1923 at Al- identified senile decay as cause of death bury.—Father Nung Singh (farmer); Mother Dar- (Anonymous, 1925i).—cremated on 29 June at boh.—not married at time of death (death certifi- Tallangatta cemetery (Anonymous, 1925m). Cere- cate).—occupation labourer (according to death mony (‘Mahometan service’) conducted by Nutta certificate).—resident in Corryong, arrived in Vic- Singh with several compatriots (Anonymous, toria ca 1898 (death certificate).—died of liver 1925l); Parpapa Singh’s brother Gunda gathered a cancer at the Albury hospital (death certificate).— portion of the ashes and teeth (Anonymous, .—death registered under ‘Poorn Singh’ in the Al- 1925i). bury district (NSW BDM 9437/1923).—Nothing 103. CHARM SINGH.—*ca 1855, † July 1925 at Chiltern relevant was found in the newspapers under (Victoria BDM 1925/8938).—cremated at Chil- ‘Poorn+Singh,’ ‘Pooran+Singh’ or ‘Singh+1923.’ tern cemetery.—Cremation ceremony performed 99. JOHN NEEDHAM SINGH.—*ca 1877, † 6 January by Malla Singh and Nupetarpa Singh 1925 at Tooleybuc.—On record as Neeham Singh (Anonymous, 1925b, 1925d, 1925c). (NSW BDM 2327/1925); Needham Singh 104. LIENAH SINGH.—† 25 June 1925 at Balranald.— (Anonymous, 1919a); John Needham On record as Lanna Singh (Payne, 1925a); Lienah (Anonymous, 1919b); Jacky Barkey (Anonymous, Singh(Anonymous, 1925g); Leona Singh (NSW 1919b).—farmer at Tooleybuc (Anonymous, BDM 12376/1925).—of Moulamein 1919b); dairy man (Anonymous, 1919d); dairy

—28— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Ludhiana District, Punjab, India (copy of will, (Anonymous, 1925g), working in the area of De- dated 9 February 1926, see probate file).).—An niliquin, Berrigan and Finley (Anonymous, Esser Singh (same person ?) is also on record for 1925a).—taken from Moulamein to district hospi- unclaimed letter(s) sent to him at Goulburn, held tal in Balranald (Anonymous, 1925g).—cremated at Sydney on 28 Jun 1893 (General Post Office, near the Balranald race course (Anonymous, 1893b). 1925a, 1925j).—Probate 31 July 1925 (Payne, 1925a, 1925b). In 1926 Rutten Singh tried to contact Eser Singh a hawker with motor truck in the mid 1920s (R. 105. BUDDAH SINGH.—*ca 1846 † 30 April 1926 at Singh, 1926). It is not certain that this refers to Echuca (Anonymous, 1926a).—on record as Esoor Singh as by that time he was a land owner Bhagwan Singh in Vic BDM (5129/1926)._Father engaged (at least temporarily) in farming. Saramac Singh (Vic BDM 5129/1926).—died at Echuca hospital (Anonymous, 1926b).— 110. GOUDET SINGH.—* ca 1870, † 23 January 1930 at Cremated in the south-west corner of the Echuca Mohyu (Victoria BDM 1930/3488); age at death cemetery in the presence of four Sikh and some 60 (Victoria BDM 1930/3488).—Father Arfin 200 onlookers (Anonymous, 1926a, 1926b). As far Singh, mother Matham (Victoria BDM as is known, Buddah Singh’s was the first crema- 1930/3488).—On record as Gaudet Singh tion which took place in Echuca (Anonymous, (Anonymous, 1930j, 1930l, 1930o); Gourdit Singh 1926b). (Victoria BDM 1930/3488).—resident in Victoria ca 1895 (Anonymous, 1930b).—Successful claim- 106. A cremation is mentioned for the Indian burial ant for outstanding debt at the Wangaratta Police ground at (now) Jelbart Park, Albury for 1928 Court in May 1916 (Anonymous, 1916o); hawkers (Hunter, 2012).—Perusal of the newspapers licence renewed at Wangaratta Police Court yielded no reference to a 1928 cremation. (Anonymous, 1918n).— On record as winning 107. LAL SINGH.—*ca 1871, † 25 January 1929 at Mou- (and redonating) a prize at the Carboor L.M.P. lamein.—On record as Lal Singh (Anonymous, League meeting in June 1918 (Anonymous, 1929b)(NSW BDM 5417/1929).—Committed 1918b).—Died Wangaratta Hospital. Survived by suicide (aided by intoxication) by jumping off the wife and nephew in India (Anonymous, 1930b).— bridge and drowning himself in the Edward River Cremated on the Wangaratta town common 24 (Anonymous, 1929b, 1929c). Recovered from 10ft January 1930 (Anonymous, 1930b, 1930j, 1930l, of water (Anonymous, 1929e), he was cremated 1930n, 1930m).—Left estate of £20,729, on the banks of the Edward River, opposite the comprised of £1,910 in real estate and the Mooloomoon woolshed, by three fellow traders remainder in other assests (Anonymous, 1930g). with a crowd on 100 onlookers (Anonymous, Property auctioned by executors of estate on 3 1929b, 1929d).—Probate advert 25 April 1929 April 1930: in 49–51 Palmer Street, Fitzroy; 270– (Payne, 1929); file 20 May 1929, (NSW Records 272 Napier Street, Fitzroy; 110-112 Campbell Service, Series 4, file n° 159502). Street, Collingwood (Flannagan & Co, 1930). 108. ATTA SINGH.—*ca 1839, † ca 7 Feb 1929 Bee- Apart from a legacy of £100 to the Wangaratta chworth.— buried in the unmarked grave in the Public Hospital, the estate was bequeathed to Ma- Strangers section (grave 29) of Beechworth Cem- hanth Prem Singh of Moralla, Kharian Post Of- etery on 8 February 1929 (Beechworth cemetery fice, District Guyrat, Punjab (Anonymous, 1930g, records, T. Walsh, 2017).— The newspapers of 1930h).. the day are silent on the nature of the burial or 111. SON MULL.—† 8 May 1930, Savernake (House, cremation. 1930a).—On record as Son Mail (Anonymous, 109. ESOOR SINGH.—*ca 1877, † 17 February 1929 at 1916i, 1916j); Son Mule (Anonymous, 1918k), Son Wagga Wagga as result of injuries sustained in Moll (Anonymous, 1932a); Son Mull (Payne, road accident on the Pulletop to Albury Road 1930).—Probate 21 November 1930 (Payne, (Anonymous, 1929a). —On record as Esser Singh 1930); Bishin Singh was named the beneficiary of (Anonymous, 1915o)(NSW BDM 5106/1929); will, but had to take the public trustee to court Eser Singh (R. Singh, 1926). On record at The (Anonymous, 1932a); Estate worth £100/14/8 Rock in 1907 (Anonymous, 1907q); at Pulletop nr (House, 1930b). Wagga Wagga in 1929 (Anonymous, 1929a).— 112. KIDO (‘DOOKIE’) SINGH.—*ca 1865, † 23 Sep- May have returned temporarily to India [Certifi- tember 1920 at Walbundrie (Anonymous, 1930e, cate Exempting from Dictation Test - includes left 1930f); (NSW BDM 15124/1930).—Kido hand impression and photographs] [box 184] Na- (‘Dookie’) (Anonymous, 1930d); also known as tional Archives of Australia: ST84/1, known as "Darkie” Singh.—He apparently suf- 1926/400/11-20.—In late October 1907 Esser fered a heart seizure and fell into his own camp Singh acquired a town allotment (Section 3 lot 3, fire at F. A. Muller's farm, reputedly near size 2 rood) in the Village of Kingston (now ‘The (Anonymous, 1930e, 1930f), near Walla Walla Rock’), Parish of Burke, County of Mitchell (Anonymous, 1930d) or near Walbundrie (Anonymous, 1907q; Department of Lands, 1919, (Anonymous, 1930a, 1930c; E. M. Williams, 1978, 1920).—On record as land owner at Pulletop p. 105f).—The body was taken to the Walbundrie (Anonymous, 1929a)—Probate 23 July 1929, cemetery (Anonymous, 1930c), but newspapers of (NSW Records Service, Series 4, file n° 160239; the day are silent on the nature of the burial or (Lusher, Young, & Stellway, 1930).—Estate went cremation. According to cemetery record he was to his son Guljara Singh, living in Kaunke Kalan,

—29— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

buried in the General section (E. M. Williams, 117. JUAN SINGH.—*ca 1865, † 1931 at Hay (NSW 1978, p. 120). BDM 8408/1931).—Nothing could be found in the newspapers regarding his death and burial.— 113. HERMAN SINGH.—† 25 May 1930 at Mel- brother of Braham Singh (Anonymous, bourne.—also on record as Hernam Singh.— 1905ab).—On record as having received a hawker at .—well known hawker (with hawker’s licence in 1902 by the Balranald Police his partner Butten Singh) in the Goulburn Valley Court; bondsmen were D.C. McInnes and James in 1911 (Anonymous, 1911j).—together with But- Horn (Anonymous, 1902i); received goods at ten Singh sentenced to 18 months imprisonment Echuca railway station in 1904 (Anonymous, at Beechworth Jail for suborning a witness to com- 1904g).—donor to charity in 1915 (Anonymous, mit perjury in an assault case against them (alleg- 1915c); Hay Hospital in 1922 (Anonymous, edly assault on Gundah Singh on 7 March 1911 at 1922g) and 1924 (Anonymous, 1924d).—Same Wangaratta); were seen off by between 20 and 30 Juan Singh?: Defendant (convicted) in Wangaratta Hindu traders (Anonymous, 1911d, 1911e).— court case Sunda Singh vs Juan Singh for monies hawker’s licence granted by the Jerilderie Licenc- owed (Anonymous, 1905ab). It appears that Juan ing Court (Anonymous, 1916k).—operated in Singh borrowed money to acquire trade goods in long-term partnership with Button Singh Melbourne.—mentioned as witness in a court case (Anonymous, 1930i).—Had foot crushed in har- for threatening language brought by Carlo Singh vester wheel, treated at local hospital, due to com- against Lal Singh (Anonymous, 1915k). plications taken to Melbourne; despite amputation of the leg, he died at Melbourne Hospital 118. SUNDA SINGH.—*ca 1853, † 24 February 1933 at (Anonymous, 1930i).—no mention where and Beechworth (Vic BDM 12203/1933,.—age un- how he is buried could be found in the newspa- clear historic sources say 77 years (Anonymous, pers.—Probate 3 July 1931 (Greenwell, Shephard, 1934d, 1934h)(Vic BDM 12203/1933), but grave & York, 1931).—beneficiary of his estate was the marker states 88 years.—father Gunda Singh (Vic Melbourne merchant Solomon Murad Jaboor. BDM 12203/1933).—Died in the Ovens Benevo- lent Asylum, Beechworth, on 21 February 1933; 114. BOOTA SINGH.—* ca 1861, † 19 May 1931 buried in the Strangers section (grave 209) of Bee- Numurkah (Victoria BDM 1931/6601).—On rec- chworth Cemetery on 25 February 1933 ord as Boota Singh (Victoria BDM 1931/6601), (Beechworth cemetery records, T. Walsh, 2017); Booth Singh (Anonymous, 1931).—Cremated at exhumed and cremated on 26 October 1934 Numurkah cemetery by another, unnnamed, (Anonymous, 1934d, 1934h). Hindo (Anonymous, 1931). The cemetery records show that he was cremated on 21 May 1931 at the 119. NARAN SINGH.—*ca 1876, † 18 August 1933 at Public Ground, Numurkah (Cunningham, 2017). Dederang (Anonymous, 1933c) (Vic BDM 17175/1933).—Also on record as Narau Singh 115. PEIR BUKSH.*ca 1843 † 1 January 1931 Albury.— (Anonymous, 1933b).—Father Canara Singh (Vic on record as Peir Bux (NSW BDM 4561/1931), BDM 17175/1933). —cremated on 18 August Pier Bux (Albury Cemetery database nº 30,146).— 1933, main person officiating was Nupetarpa Father Amr Bux..—The Albury undertaker rec- Singh (Anonymous, 1933a); ashes buried at the ords are missing for the year in question. The Al- Albury Indian cemetery (Anonymous, 1933a). bury Cemetery database records him as Pier Bux, buried on 3 January 1931 (Other denominations, 120. DALY SINGH GILL.—*ca 1865; † February 1934 at Plan 8, row B lot 10). Beechworth (Victoria BDM 1934/12222).—fa- ther Dalale Haakin Gill (Victoria BDM A Pera Bux is mentioned as a witness for the plain- 1934/12222).—died at the Ovens Benevolent tiff (Junga Malik) in in debt recovery case against Asylum (Beechworth cemetery records, T. Walsh, Pundit Salgram in the Wagga Wagga Small Debts 2017).—On record as Dalale Singh Gill (grave Court in September 1903 (Anonymous, 1903g). marker at Beechworth cemetery, see Figure 12; 116. CARLO SINGH.—*ca 1857, † 1931 at Balranald.— Daly Singh Gill (Anonymous, 1934c).—Arrived in (NSW BDM 3674/1931).—also Carla Singh Australia ca 1889 and worked as a hawker in the (Dowling, 1908);.—On record as leading the cre- Cudgewa area (Anonymous, 1934a, 1934c).—The mation proceedings of Gundah Singh in Mou- body was initially buried in the Strangers section lamein in December 1909 (Anonymous, 1909c, (grave 92) of Beechworth Cemetery on 24 Febru- 1909g); as having awarded hawker’s licence by ary 1933 (Beechworth cemetery records, T. Walsh, Moulamein Police Court for 1911 (Anonymous, 2017), but exhumed and cremated on 4 August 1911f); as claimant in a case of conversion of 1934 (Anonymous, 1934a, 1934k).—The crema- goods brought against Needham Singh tion was carried out by Nupetarpa Singh assisted (Anonymous, 1914g); as accuser in an unsuccess- by Canam Singh of Henty (Anonymous, 1934c). ful court case of threatening language brought 121. JUNGA MALIK.—* ≤1834 Ludhiana, Punjab; † 26 against Lal Singh (Anonymous, 1915k).—multiple April 1934 Pulletop near Wagga Wagga.—(NSW to Balranald Hospital charity in 1908 (Dowling, BDM 7286/1934).—on record as ‘Sung Mullick’ 1908), 1910 (Dowling, 1910), 1911 (Anonymous, (Anonymous, 1934i); ‘Jung Mullick’ (Anonymous, 1911a), 1912 (Anonymous, 1912a) and 1920 1934e), ‘Junga Mullick’ (Anonymous, 1906a), (Anonymous, 1921a).—charged a fee by council ‘Jung Mullic’ (NSW BDM 7286/1934).—coronial for the removal of a dead horse of his from the inquest determined that he died of age and heart Deniliquin Road in January 1917 (Anonymous, failure (Anonymous, 1934b); resident on Oberne 1917m).—Probate 15 March 1932 (Payne, 1932).

—30— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Reputedly came to Australia as a wrestler, then near Wagga (W. M. J. Walsh, 1905); resident at turned hawker and later farmer (Anonymous, Pulletop near Wagga (Anonymous, 1934i); re- 1935d, 1935m). Before settling down as a farmer ferred to a ‘scrub cutter’ (Anonymous, 1903g, at Brookdale he demonstrated dumbbell exercises 1904a).—mentioned in debt issues among the In- and club swinging (Anonymous, 1935e), for exam- dian community, with rival factions in Wagga ple at the boxing carnivals in Henty in 1915 Wagga (Anonymous, 1903a).—unsuccessful (Anonymous, 1915d), and Culcairn in 1916 claimant in debt recovery case brought in the (Anonymous, 1916f). Wagga Wagga Small Debts Court in September 1903 against Pundit Salgram for monies lent to Farmer at Brookdale (Anonymous, 1935n) or Pine purchase possum and kangaroo skins from Grove (Anonymous, 1922i) or Bullenbong, The Hazaara Sin of Oberne near Wagga Wagga Rock (Anonymous, 1922d); Bullenbong-road, The (Anonymous, 1903g). Hazaara Sin, Basaba Singh Rock (Symonds, 1919a, p. 3279).—Reputedly and Pera Bux appared as witnesses for the plain- stopped the wearing of a turban, but wore a Eu- tiff, while Boota Singh and Basant Singh appeared ropean-style hat (Anonymous, 1951d, 1951f). for the defence. The case was brought again in Oc- In 1912 Gharne Singh lists his Savings Bank ac- tober (Anonymous, 1903f); successful claimant in count book as lost and requests that the finder debt case against Basant Singh brought in the contact Nicholas Abikhair (Anonymous, Wagga Wagga Small Debts Court (Anonymous, 1912j).—granted a hawker’s license for 1915 by 1903a); mentioned as creditor in Basant Singh’s the Henty Police Court (Anonymous, 1914j). bankruptcy (Anonymous, 1904a, 1906a).— Gharne Singh acquired section 1, lot 7 (1 acre) in whereabouts sought in December 1905 (W. M. J. Henty; street address 48? Keighran Street, today Walsh, 1905).—found dead in his bark hut by Sa- part of Myoora Village 2-4 Allan Street; purchase hib Dad (Anonymous, 1934b, 1934e, 1934i).— 1903-4049 on 19 January 1903, purchased for buried in the Wagga Wagga cemetery (J. C. £17/10 on a three-year payment term as after ac- M'Donald, 1934). Funeral ceremony conducted tion purchase, initially offered at auction on 23 on 28 April 1934 by M. Bux Mohammed, Muslim December 1902 (Anonymous, 1902d; Crick, priest from Melbourne, accompanied by Sundal 1903). Khan from Gippsland (Anonymous, 1934l). Fu- neral attended by Mr and Mrs Sahib Dad In February 1917 Gharne Singh, then formally (Anonymous, 1934i, 1934l).—Probate applica- resident at Henty, bought a 500 acre property at tion, Sahib Dad named executor (Sheekey & Co, (Portion 56, Parish of Osborne) “at a 1934a, 1934b). very high figure” (Anonymous, 1917r). In 1918 Singh, with an address at Bullenbong Road, The Ludhiana, Junga Malik’s birth place, is spelled var- Rock, registered his brand for both cattle and iously as ‘Luddinina’ (Anonymous, 1934i), ‘Lud- horses (Symonds, 1919a, p. 3279; 1919b, p. 3719; dinna’ (Anonymous, 1934e). 1919c, p. 3827) and a year later he requested a re- 122. GHARNE SINGH.—*ca 1871 Chuga, † 23 January evaluation of the property value (and thus the an- 1935 at ‘Milbrulong’, Pine Grove / Brookdale, nual rental payments) (Anonymous, 1919f). Alleg- Lockhart (NSW BDM 4212/1935).—On record edly careless conduct when burning off of 100 as Gharne Singh (Anonymous, 1912j, 1935n); aces of wild oats in May 1917 set off a bushfire (NSW BDM 4212/1935); Garn Singh that affected a neighbouring property causing (Anonymous, 1917r); Gharne Sing Sundar Singh £200 to £250 worth of damage. For this he was (Mitchell, 1935); Giyan Singh (Public Trustee, fined £10 with £1/18 costs (Anonymous, 1922e, 1939). 1922r).Involved in a law suit (v. J.P. Smithen- In 1928 Gharne Singh temporarily went back to becker) over the sale of 100 sheep in 1922 India (Anonymous, 1935e), where he married (Anonymous, 1922i, 1922m, 1922q). Sham Kour (Kur), also known as Shamoo Jwar Contracted pneumonia in January 1935 Rami, daughter of Jawahar Singh of Dadja (Anonymous, 1935l). Gharne Singh was cremated (Anonymous, 1935m). The Singhs returned to on 25 January 1935 by Sundah Singh and Curram Australia in February 1929 aboard RMS Maloja Singh at his farm at Brookdale (Anonymous, (Anonymous, 1929f).122 Their first child, Freder- 1935k). Present were also Rule Singh, Nutta Singh, ick ‘Freddie’ Darra Singh, was born at Lockhart Pellah Singh and Putarb Singh (Anonymous, on 13 June 1930, (Anonymous, 1930k; Buedges, 1935f). Whereas the newspaper reported that the 1935a). Two more sons followed, William ‘Billy’ ashes would be collected and sent to India to be Khartara Singh (3 March 1932) (Buedges, 1935c) thrown into the Ganges (Anonymous, 1935f, and James ‘Jimmy’ Sirradarra (24 February 1934) 1935k), his widow requested that the bones (two (Buedges, 1935b; Mitchell, 1935).—After bags) be thrown into the nearest river, i.e. the Mur- Gharne’s death, Sham Kour, with her three chil- rumbidgee (Anonymous, 1935i). Mistaking Yarra- dren, returned to India on 22 October 1935 gundry Lagoon for the river (Anonymous, 1935g), aboard RMS Narkunda and lived at Old Rest or because the river could not be reached due to House, Moga Town, District of Ferosepur, Pun- flooding (Anonymous, 1935c) the bags were de- jab (Anonymous, 1935f). As the Singh’s three sons posited in Yarragundry Lagoon. When the la- had been born in Australia, they were entitled for goon’s water levels dropped, the bags were ex- re-entry ten years after departure (Maddison, posed and caused major concern among the resi- 1939). dents and police (Anonymous, 1935g). Upon

—31— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

(Anonymous, 1900), October 1908 (Anonymous, reading the news, Sundah Singh contacted police 1908k), February 1909 (Anonymous, 1909l).— (Anonymous, 1935i) and rectified the situation. enlisted in May 1915 (Anonymous, 1915p); listed Survived by his wife and three children on the honour roll for Swan Hill for 1916 (Anonymous, 1935n) who subsequently returned (Anonymous, 1916n) and 1917 (Anonymous, to India (Anonymous, 1951d). 1917o) as having served in World War I.—claim- Probate 26 March 1935 (Lappin & Griffin, 1935). ant in small debts court 1904 (Anonymous, (NSW Records Service, Series 4, file n° 1904m); on record as victim of assault at Moama 202804).—D. Martin (1981, p. 183) claimed that in 1918 (Anonymous, 1918i, 1918h) and 1921 Gharne Singh’s wife was Australian-born but of (Anonymous, 1921c).—worked the Moama and Indian descent (but Martin also, erroneously, Echuca area with a hand barrow (Anonymous, states that Gharne Singh had only one child and 1936c).—died next to his hand barrow on the that he died in the summer of 1951). Moama to Echuca road (Anonymous, 1936c, 123. SHENAK SINGH.–*ca 1851, † Aug 1935 at Fin- 1936d).—cremated on 31 July 1936 at the Moama ley.—Age 80 years (NSW BDM 13987/1935); 88 cemetery (Anonymous, 1936d), with a fellow Sikh years (Anonymous, 1935h).—Had been working from Deniliquin carrying out the funeral rites; for in the Finley area since about 1892 (Anonymous, the pyre two tons of firewood and three gallons of 1935h, 1935j). kerosene were used (Anonymous, 1936b, 1936d).—probate (Philipps, 1936), claim on estate 124. ARGON (‘JOHNNIE’) SINGH.—*ca 1863, † 14 Au- gust 1935 at Gundagai.—On record as Argon by Meera Navy Bux of Moama (Anonymous, (‘Johnnie’) Singh (NSW BDM 17830/1935); Ar- 1937a). gon (‘Johnie’) Singh (Anonymous, 1935a); Johnnie 127. HYAT MAHOMED KHAN.—*ca 1868, † ca 6 Jul Singh (Geddes, 1936).—hawker (Anonymous, 1937 Echuca (Vic BDM 16161/1937).—Also 1899p, 1906h); mentioned as witness in an inde- known as Ayat Mahomed Khan (reconstructed cent assault case heard at Gundagai court in Au- cemetery records) (Rendle, 2017); Argat Ma- gust 1899 (Anonymous, 1899p); mentioned as de- homed Khan (Anonymous, 1906f)—Father fendant, as well as claimant in an assault case with Shahmuth Khan; mother Beeby (Vic BDM Emily Singh and Persin Singh (witness Zarah 16161/1937).— Son Galam Hayder Khan (* Singh) at Brungle near Gundagai in 1909 1910, arrived in Australia in 1925) (Anonymous, (Anonymous, 1909n, 1909o); mentioned as wit- 1952a, 1952b).—Noab Khan was his nephew ness in Gundagai Small Debts Court in 1906 (Anonymous, 1909k) who is likewise a hawker (Sunda Singh vs John McGuire and John McGuire (Anonymous, 1906f).—hawker, later on record as vs Sunda Singh)(Anonymous, 1906h).—prior to gardener at Leitchville.— Hawkers’ licence settling in Gundagai he worked in Tarrabandra granted in the Kerang Police court in December and (Anonymous, 1935a).— 1904 (Anonymous, 1904k) and December 1906 Market gardener near the bowling green in (Anonymous, 1906f); licence granted in the Bar- Gundagai (Anonymous, 1935a); died at Gundagai ham Police court in September 1907 Hospital; funeral 16 August 1935 (Anonymous, (Anonymous, 1907a).— Injured in a horse-bolting 1935a); no details on the nature of the burial.— incident (Anonymous, 1909k).— Departed tem- Probate 16 January 1936, (NSW Records Service, porarily for India in 1909 (Anonymous, 1909k).— Series 4, file n° 209959)(Geddes, 1936). Brought before the courts for having “committed an unnatural offense” in December 1913 at Lake 125. HAMEL (AMEER) SINGH.—*ca 1833 Jundiala, Jul- lendur, Punjab, † 27 December 1935 at Albury Charm (Anonymous, 1913h) but acquitted (Anonymous, 1935b)(NSW BDM 5049/1936)— (Anonymous, 1914a).—Buried on 7 July 1937 in no survivng children at the time of his death.— an unmarked grave in the Methodist section (grave arrived Australia ca 1888 (Anonymous, 1935b).— 5L) of the Moama general cemetery (Rendle, worked as a hawker until 92 years of age 2017).—Probate 17 May 1938, estate bequeathed (Anonymous, 1935b); in NSW since 1888 (death to his only son, Galam Hayder Khan farmer at certificate)—lived in retirement at Thurgoona Leitchville (Anonymous, 1938c). (Anonymous, 1935b).—died of pneumonia (death GALAM HAYDER KHAN was committed for trial in certificate); cremated at Albury Indian cemetery February 1938 “at the Kerang General Sessions on a 28 December 1935 (Anonymous, 1935b). charge of having corruptly and falsely declared that at Gun- bower on December 24, by the destruction by fire of a house, 126. SHAM SINGH.—*ca 1850 Punjab, † 24 July 1936 at Moama.—Age at death 80 years (NSW BDM he had suffered the loss of £85, and also for having made 18179/1936), 98 to 102 years (Anonymous, a similarly false statement respecting the destruction by fire 1936d).—reputedly saw service in the Boxer Re- of a stack of hay to the value of £150”(Anonymous, bellion in China (Anonymous, 1915p).—on rec- 1938f) The charges were withdrawn as the size of ord as having been granted a hawker’s license at the haystack could be proven. Khan lost his tool Moama Licensing Court for 1906 (Anonymous, shed (a quarter of a mile distant) with many imple- 1906e), 1910 (Anonymous, 1910i), 1914 (foot li- ments also by fire on the same evening cence) (Anonymous, 1913c), 1915 (Anonymous, (Anonymous, 1938b). —In 1952 Galam Hayder 1915i), 1918 (Anonymous, 1918g) and 1919 Khan came to national attention when he was (Anonymous, 1918f).—obtained goods directly convicted to twelve month imprisonment (sus- from Melbourne as he is on record on various rail- pended on a three year good behaviour bond) for way manifests for Echuca in December 1900

—32— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Records Service, Series 4, file n° 236489); newspa- consensually having taken (under traditional Is- per advert 10 February 1939 (Anonymous, 1939c). lamic law) an underage girl as his wife with the consent of the girl’s parents and also with the con- 132. JAMES HASHANTALLIE.—*ca 1860 † 12 May1939 sent of his first wife, who facilitated a divorce to Echuca (Vic BDM 14535/1939).—Father Mun- allow for the marriage to be legalised under Aus- doechi Aallee; Mother Smanee Aallee (Vic BDM tralian courts (Anonymous, 1952a, 1952b). 14535/1939).—On record as James Hashantallie (Vic BDM 14535/1939), J Hasmatali 128. DARAH SINGH.—*ca 1862, † 26 Oct 1937 Laceby (Anonymous, 1901b), Ashmatali (Anonymous, near Wangaratta (Vic BDM 18945/1937).—Fa- 1901a); original name probably Hasmat Ali— ther Sundah Singh (Vic BDM 18945/1937).—On hawker in 1901 (Anonymous, 1901b), greengrocer record as Darah Singh (Anonymous, 1937c); Dar- at time of death (Brady, 1939).—J Hasmatali rah Singh (Anonymous, 1918n).— Hawkers li- brought an successful assault case against Namt cence renewed at Wangaratta Police Court Khan in the Albury Police Court in March 1901 (Anonymous, 1918n).—Found dead in his (Anonymous, 1901b), with successful counter suit hawker’s caravan at Laceby (Anonymous, 1937c); brought by Namt Khan (Anonymous, 1901b) reputedly had been in ill-health for some time (Anonymous, 1901a). in the second news item ‘J (Anonymous, 1937c).—Cremated on the com- Hasmatali’ is spelled ‘Ashmatali.’ mon at Wangaratta; ceremony conducted by Gauda Singh in the presence of two other Punjabi Sharf Deen and Ashmatali (not the same?) are on (Anonymous, 1937b) record as opening a shop in Wollar (near Mudgee) in December 1913 (Anonymous, 1912l). In terms 129. DHERA MULL VAZEER SINGH.—*ca 1873, † 1938 of the fluidity of names and variations for the Aus- at Corowa (NSW BDM 12907/1938); also known tralian ear, attention is drawn to the (unrelated) as Dhora MV Singh (NSW BDM 11190/1910 ‘Farman Hasmutt Ali,’ late of Eildon Weir († 29 marriage).—on record as having married Ada D July 1939), who was also known as ‘Aisham Wyatt in Albury in 1910 (NSW BDM 11190/1910 Thally’ (Phillips, 1939). marriage).—The newspapers are silent on his death.—Buried in an unmarked grave in the Cor- James Hashantallie is possibly buried in Moama, owa Catholic Cemetery (row and plot number un- as his wife Martha (neé Wilkinson *ca 1871 †18 known) (Corowa cemetery records, Houlihan, June 1946, Vic BDM 14512/1946)(Anonymous, 2017). 1946a) is buried there, as well as a son (Rendle, 2017). The son was Frank James Hashantallie 130. KISSIM SINGH.—* June 1874, † 16 April 1938 at (*1901 NSW BDM 27248/1909, † 1921 Vic BDM Deniliquin.—On record as Kissin Singh 1419/1921).—Probate 18 October 1939 (Brady, (Anonymous, 1906c); Kissin Singh (Anonymous, 1939)(NSW State Records, Series 4-243648). 1911c); Kissin Singh Sundoo (NSW BDM 9702/1938)(Anonymous, 1938a).—Together with 133. RUR SINGH.—*1867 Gindallah, near Lahore, † 24 Ghan Singh he was injured in a hotel room fire in June 1939 at Albury.—(Anonymous, 1939a)(NSW Townsend Street on 30 June 1906 and convicted BDM 9922/1939).— had family in India, includ- of drunkenness (Anonymous, 1906c).—injured at ing a son (Meehar?, death certificate), who was Finley while being run over by his own wagon in born a month after Rur Singh’s arrival in Australia August 1911 (Anonymous, 1911c).—Successfully and whom he had never seen (Anonymous, requested a twelve-months (liquor) prohibition or- 1939a). der against himself (Anonymous, 1913b).— On record as Rur Singh (Anonymous, 1939b); Donated to the Deniliquin hospital fund in 1932 Rule Singh (Anonymous, 1914j, 1939a, 1951f); (Anonymous, 1932b) and 1934 (Anonymous, Rool Singh (Anonymous, 1935f); Rural Singh 1934g).—died on 16 April 1938 at Deniliquin, cre- (Anonymous, 1939a)—arrived Australia ca 1891 mated at the Northern Enclosure, Deniliquin (death certificate) or 1898 (Anonymous, 1939a).— (Anonymous, 1938a).—Probate 27 September granted a hawker’s license for 1915 by the Henty 1938 (NSW Records Service, Series 4, file n° Police Court (Anonymous, 1914j).—on record as 233249); finally handled 21 November 1941 looking for Devant Singh of Melbourne (Windeyer, Phillips, & Co, 1941). (Anonymous, 1929h); injured in a horse accident 131. PARTAP SINGH.—*ca 1865, † 16 May 1938 at at Henty and treated at Albury Hospital South Hay.—On record as ‘Putarb Singh’ (NSW (Anonymous, 1929g)—present at the cremation BDM 10359/1938)(McCracken, 1938); ‘Patarb of Gharne Singh at Brookdale on 25 January 1935 Singh’ (Anonymous, 1939c) (Anonymous, 1938d, (Anonymous, 1935f); primarily hawking in the 1939c).—resident at Moama Street, South Hay Pleasant Hills, Alma Park, Walla, Henty and Man- (McCracken, 1938).—inmate of the Hay hospital goplah area (Anonymous, 1939a). since September 1936 (Anonymous, 1938d).— Apparently owned a farm at the time of his death buried in the Methodist portion of Hay Cemetery (E. M. Williams, 1978, p. 106). (Anonymous, 1938d); unmarked grave, row H lot On record as being in Albury Hospital in early De- 18 (Hay Cemetery records, T. Murphy, 2017).— cember 1939 (Anonymous, 1939a); died of cere- auction sale of household furniture as well as bral apoplexy (death certificate).—his cremation Hawkers wagon (no horses mentioned) 9 July was carried out on the Albury Indian cemetery by 1938 (Anonymous, 1938e; McCracken, 1938); will Currum Singh, Henty, with a crowd of some 350 dated 9 July 1917; probate 26 January 1939 (NSW onlookers (Anonymous, 1939a); Partap Singh also

—33— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

8 January 1905 (Anonymous, 1905a) witnessed by attended (Anonymous, 1951a).—will dated 7 Feb- Della Singh (Anonymous, 1905y, 1905z, ruary 1927, Thomas King executor (Anonymous, 1905aa).—A Currum Singh mentioned as brother 1939b; E. M. Williams, 1978, p. 106).—Probate 4 of Putarb Singh in 1911, then living in Lahore and September 1939, (NSW Records Service, Series 4, desirous to come join his brother at Tallangatta file n° 242274). (Anonymous, 1911g).—His bondsmen on record 134. POO NOO SINGH.early January 1940 are Betro Abhikair and Zachariah Salamy Mooroopna.—died at Mooroopna hospital.—cre- (Anonymous, 1907j).—Currum Singh held a li- mated Euroa (Anonymous, 1940). cence issued by the Wodonga Court for 1911, but 135. DAVID SINGH.—*ca 1860, † 13 Oct 1940 Bondo failed to appear for the 1912 licence court in 1912 near Tumut.—(NSW BDM 22489/1940).— and his licence lapsed. Granted Albury license on Hawker (Geddes, 1941b).—Probate application 4 Dec 1912 (Anonymous, 1912g). The Wodonga 15 July 1941 (Geddes, 1941b, 1941a), final call to license was reissued for 1913 (Anonymous, debtors (Geddes, 1942), funds to public trustee 13 1913e).—Together with Sunda Singh (n° 101), May 1942 (Anonymous, 1942a, 1942b).—No in- Currum handled the cremation of Gharne Singh formation on the nature of the death of the loca- at Brookdale near Henty on 25 January 1935 tion and nature of the burial could be found in the (Anonymous, 1935f, 1935i); mentioned as carry- newspapers.—There are numerous references to a ing out the cremations of Daly Singh Gill (n° 76) stabbing affray in Melbourne in May 1904. at Beechworth in August 1934 (Anonymous, 136. GURMUKH SINGH.—*ca 1869, † 3 Sep 1941 at 1934c) and of Rur(al) Singh in Albury on 26 June Oxley.—commonly spelled ‘Goormac Singh’ 1939 (Anonymous, 1939a).—In 1936 advertised (Anonymous, 1911b, 1941).—, pack licence Cor- cool drinks with an address in Keighran Street, owa Licensing Court (Anonymous, 1936e).—on Henty (Anonymous, 1936a).—Currum Singh, record as entering a winning horse with Devan died on 1 May 1942 at Henty (Anonymous, Singh in the Benalla shows of 1911 (Anonymous, 1943a); was cremated by Partap Singh (n° 109) 1911b), 1912 (Anonymous, 1912b) and 1913 (Anonymous, 1951a, 1951f).—Estate auctioned (Anonymous, 1913i); winning a prize for a gelding off on 14 Aug 1942, comprised of wagonette, at the Wangaratta Show in 1924 (Anonymous, tools and galvanised iron (Geddes, 1943; Knobel 1926c).—on record as contributing to the war ef- & Sons, 1942)s—Probate 8 February 1943 fort by donating to the Cosgrove red Cross Soci- (Anonymous, 1943a, 1943b)(NSW Records Ser- ety in 1917 (Anonymous, 1917a); found dead in vice, Series 4, file n° 275965)—see also (Public his motor truck at Oxley (Anonymous, 1941).— Trustee, 1946). cremated at the Wangaratta Common in the pres- 139. BISHIN SINGH.—*ca 1864, † 13 April 1944 at ence of 4 of other Sikh (Anonymous, 1941); left Savernake.—On record as Bishin Singh (NSW behind two sons in India (Anonymous, 1941).— BDM 8646/1944).Married to Jane Levina Singh his brother was cremated at Wangaratta Common (*ca 1882, † 26 June 1940, Savernake).store keeper “some years ago” (Anonymous, 1941). in Savernake in 1932 (Anonymous, 1932a); bene- 137. FAR ALI KHAN.—*ca 1855, † 1941 Echuca (Vic ficiary of will of Son Moll (Anonymous, BDM 21305/1941)..—resident near Deniliquin; 1932a).owned property in Savernake (Section 19 trading in Moama.—on record as Far Ali Khan Lot 6, ½ acre) (Tasker, 1968).—at time of death Vic BDM 21305/1941); Farman Ali Khan was a widower with nine surviving children (4 (Anonymous, 1902c); Farman Alli Khan girls, five boys).—According to the cemetery rec- (Anonymous, 1918l); Firman Alli Khan ords,he is buried with his wife in the Roman Cath- (Anonymous, 1910bb); initially unsuccessful de- olic section of Savernake Cemetery (grave 482N). fendant in case for outstanding debt in October His wife has a head stone, Bishin Singh does not 1901 brought by Gunda Singh in the Balranald (Parker, 2017).—Probate 25 December 1944 Police Court; verdict overturned in January 1902 (Abbot, 1944).—executors Percy Lawrence Singh (Anonymous, 1902c); successful claimant in a debt and John Singh (Abbot, 1944).Probate completed cases brought against Emily Sher Khan and 14 March 1945, (NSW Records Service, Series 4, against Ishmael Sher Khan in the Moama Small file n° 299747). Debts Court in April 1910 (Anonymous, 1910bb); 140. INDER SINGH.—*ca 1870 † 17 May 1944 at Wagga hawkers licence issued in January 1914 by the Wagga hospital (NSW BDM Moama Licencing Court (Anonymous, 1914m); 13249/1944)(Anonymous, 1944f; Douglass, underwent voluntary sequestration in Deniliquin 1925) (Anonymous, 1944d); married to Mrs (Anonymous, 1918l). Snowden (widow of A Snowden) (Anonymous, 1944f).—initially hawker, then store keeper and fi- 138. CAREM SINGH.—*ca 1870 Lahore, † 1 May 1942 at Henty (Public Trustee, 1946)(NSW BDM nally general dealer at Adelong (Anonymous, 13740/1942).—Father Patti Singh, Mother Kaem 1944f); later moved to Yathong Street, Wagga Kort (NSW BDM 13740/1942).—reputedly mar- Wagga (Anonymous, 1944f); described as grazier ried in India ca 1890 and had offspring (Public and dealer (Douglass, 1925).—interred on 19 May Trustee, 1946)—On record as Carem Singh 1944 in Wagga Wagga cemetery (Anonymous, (Anonymous, 1908j); Curram Singh (Anonymous, 1944e; J. C. M'Donald, 1944).—property, primar- 1912e); Currum Singh (Anonymous, 1905a, ily household furniture and two waggonettes, auc- 1912c, 1913e, 1939a, 1951f); Canam Singh tioned off on 12 August 1944 (Isaac & Co, (Anonymous, 1934c);.—Assaulted at Talgarno on

—34— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

1924c, 1924f) as he was giving up farming reput- 1944).—probate 30 November 1944 (Douglass, edly on account of ill health (Anonymous, 1924b); 1925). successful sale (with prices mentioned) 141. RUTTEN SINGH.—*CA 1854 † 16 May 1944 at Al- (Anonymous, 1924e).—Pine Hill put up for public bury.—also known as Rutter Singh (Anonymous, auction (to recover debt) on 19 August 1936 (G. 1951f) and Ruttan Singh (R. Singh, 1926).—had F. Murphy & McCarthy, 1936); appears that he re- family in India, including a son, who was born a tained ownership; at the 1946 the property to set- month after Rutten Singh’s arrival in Australia and tle Kahn’s estate, it was described as “639 acres, 2 whom he had never seen (Anonymous, 1944c); roods…Improvements: Galvanised Iron Hut of 4 small granted a hawker’s licence for 1903 by Henty Po- rooms, 2 Grain sheds, 40ft x 16ft, 30ft x 16ft; 3 tanks lice Court (Anonymous, 1902f); granted a of approximately 1000 yards, 1200 yards and 1500 hawker’s license for 1915 by the Henty Police yards; subdivided into 5 main paddocks and 4 smaller ones; Court (Anonymous, 1914j); on a record of donat- all fencing in good order; boundary half netted, balance six ing a packet of safety pins to the Walbundrie Red wires’ (Lloyd Bros & Fisher Bros, 1946b).—under Cross appeal (R. Singh, 1918); on a record as notice from the Pastures Protection Board for fail- hawker until ca. 1924, then resided in Henty ure to adequately control rabbits in 1911 (Anonymous, 1944g); placed notice in the Daily (Anonymous, 1911i), 1912 (Anonymous, 1912i), advertiser (Wagga Wagga) for Eser Singh to con- 1918 (Anonymous, 1912h), 1922 (Anonymous, tact him in Henty to via Mr Heppner, Gerogery 1922n); rabbit free in 1934 (Anonymous, 1934j); (R. Singh, 1926).. rabbits active 1938 (Anonymous, 1938g).— Rutten Singh acquired section 1 lot 18 (1 acre) in unsuccessfully requested to ringbark several box Henty; today 54 Sladen Street, purchased 30 trees in September 1928 (Anonymous, 1928). March 1903 (book 1463/207) (W. G. H. Williams, In January 1911 put up all his hawking stock in 1903, p. 5854); initially offered at auction on 23 trade (“men’s and boy’s clothing, Cashmeres, muslin, cal- December 1902 (Anonymous, 1902d).Also on icos, silks, hose, dress pieces, overcoats, hats, fancy goods, record at same aution sale as purchaser of section etc”) up for auction at Lockhart (Day, 1911).— 1 lot 10 (30 ½ perches) in Henty; Allan Street; to- Khan was reputedly not much liked by neighbour- day part of Myoora Village 2-4 Allan Street; pur- ing farmers in 1914 (Anonymous, 1914c).— chase price £30 on a three-year payment term; but charged in Lockhart Police Court with maliciously the purchase record was corrected in March 1903 killing a neighbour’s sheep (Anonymous, 1914b, (Curry, 1903). Yet “R Singh” is entered on the 1914c), at trial found not guilty (Anonymous, hand annotated office copy of the second edition 1915l); unsuccessful defendant in wages claim parish map (Department of Lands, 1904a), for- brought by Thomas H Clancy in Narrandera Po- mally so printed in second edition (Department of lice Court in May 1921 (Anonymous, 1921b); un- Lands, 1904b), corrected on hand annotated of- successful claimant in case of nonfulfillment of fice copy of the second edition parish map duties as a servant brought against Thomas H (Department of Lands, 1922a) and so printed in Clancy in Narrandera Police Court in May 1921 the third edition (Department of Lands, 1922b) (Anonymous, 1921b); claimant for non-payment Died at Albury Hospital, cremated in Albury on of £170 for wheat in 1934 (Anonymous, 1934f); 23 May 1944 (Anonymous, 1944g) (Anonymous, lost a branded horse in February 1945 1944b).—the cremation was carried out by Purtab (Anonymous, 1945c). Singh and Sundar Singh, both from Henty Died in Narrandera Hospital (Anonymous, (Anonymous, 1944g).—on record as having lost 1945b), buried in Narrandera Cemetery two medium draught mares from Henty (R. Singh, (Anonymous, 1945b).—Probate application 1917a, 1917b). (Geddes, 1946; Nicholson & Lethbridge, 1946; 142. HUMMO KHAN.—† 26 June 1945 Narrandera. — Nott, 1946b) (NSW Records Service, Series 4, file (NSW BDM 10812/1945).—Muslim.—Father n° 309966); will dated 27 November 1936 with Sanlmandeo or Saulmandoo (NSW BDM codicil 28 October 1941 (Nicholson & 10812/1945)—On record as ‘Hummo’ Lethbridge, 1946); left his estate to a relative in In- (Anonymous, 1945b); ‘Hammo’ Khan dia, administered by public trustee (Anonymous, (Anonymous, 1914c); hawker until 1911 (Day, 1946b); estate auctioned on 9 August 1945 (farm 1911); thereafter farmer at clearing sale) (Fisher Bros, 1945) and on 29 May (Anonymous, 1914b, 1945b). 1946 (land and property) (Lloyd Bros & Fisher Acquired 639 acres of land at Boree Creek (settle- Bros, 1946b, 1946a). ment purchase 1910/13, portion 85 farm nº 15, 143. PAUL SINGH.—*ca 1867, † June 1945 Benalla (Vic Parish of Faithful, County of Mitchell) BDM 19901/1945).— Age reported as 78 years (Anonymous, 1946b); owned ‘Pine Hill’, Boree (Vic BDM 19901/1945) or 79 years (Anonymous, Creek (Anonymous, 1924f); property mortgaged 1945a).—hawker.—Paul Singh apparently es- to Rural bank of New South Wales (on 11 Dec chewed the wearing of a turban, offending his 1918 Book 1143/644).—also acquired by auction Punjabi countrymen(Anonymous, 1945a).— Bur- (on three-year terms) lots 11 and 14 in the village ied at Benalla Cemetery without other Punjabi Boree Creek on 9 Dec 1910, but the sale was an- present (Anonymous, 1945a). According to the nulled in March 1914 for non-payment of balance Benalla cemetery database he was buried as a pau- due (Anonymous, 1914o).—clearing sale for ‘Pine per in the open ground area of the Old Benalla Hill’ 19 February 1924 (Anonymous, 1924b,

—35— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

death his old hawker’s van still contained a large Cemetery (no plot number known) (Benalla quantity of goods (probate file).—Buried in the Cemetery Trust, 2017).—No relatives known general section of Henty Cemetery, row B grave 4 (Anonymous, 1945a). (Greater , 2016). 144. GUNGAH SINGH.—ca 1852, † 12 March 1946 at 146. BARAKET ALI KHAN.—*ca 1886, † 18 May 1947 Berrigan.—(Nott, 1946a).—hawker. On record as Leeton.—(NSW BDM 10408/1947).—Father Gungah Singh (NSW BDM 2013/1946) Rode, Mother Bargie.—On record as ‘Blanaket (Anonymous, 1917b).— successfully sued in the Alu Khan (Leeton cemetery records) (Senti, 2017) Yarrawonga Police Court for non-payment of ser- Baraket Ali Khan (Anonymous, 1906b).—On rec- vices and good by the McCullogh Carrying com- ord as shop keeper at Comborah near Walgett pany in 1917 (Anonymous, 1917b).—charged (Anonymous, 1906b); as hawker at Terry Hie Hie with assaulting and robbing Sundah Singh at Old (Anonymous, 1911k); as stock dealer in Tamworth Berrigan on 27 February 1920, but was acquitted (Anonymous, 1915j); advertised as a herbalist in (Anonymous, 1920d).— Owned four properties Tamworth, promising to cure rheumatism (Khan, in Berrigan (H. Martin & Co, 1947). Berrigan Sec- 1915).—mentioned in court case in Walgett to- tion 1 Lot 2 six-roomed cottage and attachments, gether with Wer Khan, Ramet Khan, Ram Ali and with large galvanized iron shed at rear (Book Nyghyah (Anonymous, 1906g); Co, store keepers 1043/38); Section 1 Lot 1 four roomed weather- at Comborah near Walgett went into voluntary se- board dwelling with front verandah (Book questration in November 1906 (Anonymous, 1342/84); Section 2 Lots 17–20 four roomed gal- 1906b); first payment to creditors of bankrupt es- vanized iron dwelling with front and back veran- tate in March 1907 (Palmer, 1907); successful dahs (Book 3582/240); Section 10 Lot 23 four claimant in small debts case in 1911 in Moree Po- roomed weatherboard dwelling with front veran- lice Court (Anonymous, 1911k); successful claim- dah and two skillions at rear (Book 2994/117).— ant in case in of retrieving a horse in Tamworth In 1922 Gungah Singh requests permission Police Court in 1915 (Anonymous, 1915b); (granted) to erect two rooms on the Harris Subdi- charged with allowing an unlicensed person driv- vision (Anonymous, 1922c).—Probate 10 Octo- ing his motor vehicle in 1939 (Anonymous, ber 1946, (NSW Records Service, Series 4, file n° 1939d).—Died 18 May 1947 (Pullen, 1948); will 318655)(Nott, 1946a).—Land holdings auctioned dated 9 February 1943 (Nott, 1947); probate off on 6 November 1947 (H. Martin & Co, granted 7 May 1947 (Pullen, 1948).No infor- 1947).— buried in the Corowa Pioneer Cemetery mation on the nature of the death of the location (East section, Row 4, Grave 2) (Corowa cemetery and nature of the burial could be found in the records, Houlihan, 2017). newspapers.—Buried on 18 May 1947 in the un- Just outside the time frame of this report is Javah denominational section of the Leeton cemetery Singh, who died 85 years old, at Corowa and who (Row B grave no 2) (Senti, 2017). is also buried in the Corowa Pioneer Cemetery 147. MOKKAM MARM DEEN.—* ca 1883, † 10 Oct (South section, Row 9, Grave 14) (Corowa 1947 Beechworth (Victoria BDM 1947/22060).— cemetery records, Houlihan, 2017). Mayday Hills (Beechworth Hospital for the In- 145. SUNDAH SINGH.—*ca 1880; † 12 December 1947 sane); buried in the Strangers section (grave 23) of at Henty.—On record as Sundah Singh NSW Beechworth Cemetery on 11 October 1947 BDM 5234/1948)(Anonymous, 1920d, 1951f); (Beechworth cemetery records, T. Walsh, Sunda Singh (Anonymous, 1920d).—ex-soldier in 2017).—The newspapers of the day are silent on the Indian army (Anonymous, 1920d); granted the nature of the burial or cremation. hawker’s licence for 1903 by Henty Police Court 148. GOURDIT (‘GANDA’) SINGH.—*ca 1862, † 1948 (Anonymous, 1902f).—granted a hawker’s license North Wangaratta (Vic BDM 21655/1948).—On for 1915 by the Henty Police Court (Anonymous, record as Gourdit Singh (McSwiney & Doyle, 1914j).—was allegedly assaulted and robbed by 1948), Gauda Singh (McSwiney & Doyle, 1948) Gungah Singh at Old Berrigan on 27 February Ganda Singh Anonymous, 1918).—age at death 1920; Gungah Singh was acquitted (Anonymous, reported as 80 years (Anonymous, 1948d); 90 1920d).—owned at least three houses and one va- years (Vic BDM 21655/1948).—hawker.—in cant allotment in Henty (S. Singh, 1943; Wangaratta area since the 1890s (Anonymous, Wehrmann & Co, 1948a, 1948c, 1948b).—his 1948g), in the 1940s selling “ties, boot laces and three houses in Henty for rent in 1943 (S. Singh, crockery” (McSwiney quoted in Anonymous, 1943).—victim of theft by military personnel sta- 1948g).—Hawkers licence renewed at Wangaratta tioned at Wagga Air base October 1944 Police Court (Anonymous, 1918n).—Cremated at (Anonymous, 1944a),—together with Currum Wangaratta aerodrome, using butter with two Singh he handled the cremation of Gharne Singh other Punjabi present (Anonymous, 1948d, at Brookdale near Henty on 25 January 1935 1948g).—Probate 6 September 1948. Will dated 5 (Anonymous, 1935f, 1935i); together with Purtab April 1948 (McSwiney & Doyle, 1948). Property Singh (n° 109) he carried out at the cremation of auctioned by executors of estate on 30 November Rutten Singh in Albury on 23 May 1944 1949: 15 Drummond Street, Carlton (Gippsland (Anonymous, 1944g).—Probate 28 January 1948 and Northern Cooperative, 1949a, 1949c, 1949b). (NSW Records Service, Series 4, file n° Estate valued at £19,937, comprised of £2,676 in 334705).—Real estate auctioned off on 2 April real estate and the remainder in other assests 1948 (Wehrmann & Co, 1948a). At the time of

—36— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

(Anonymous, 1948c); his three sons and a grand- 150. POWAN SINGH.—*ca 1870, † ca 12 Mar 1949, son (Darashan Singh, residents in India) the ben- Beechworth (Vic BDM 16250/1949).—died at eficiaries (McSwiney quoted in Anonymous, Mayday Hills (Beechworth Hospital for the In- 1948g). sane); buried in the unmarked grave in the Strangers section (grave 331) of Beechworth Cem- A Ganda Singh is mentioned as an uninvolved etery on 12 March 1949 (Beechworth cemetery beneficiary of forged cheques (drawn on a bank in records, T. Walsh, 2017).— The newspapers of Albury) in Wagga Wagga (Anonymous, 1893). the day are silent on the nature of the burial or 149. SAHIB DAD.—*ca 1858; † 9 April 1948 Wagga cremation. Wagga (Anonymous, 1948e).—Muslim.— 151. BESANT SINGH.—*ca 1868, † ca 17 Sep 1949, Bee- Married to Annie Dad, widowed Wheatley, née chworth (Vic BDM 20037/1949).—died at the Kelly (Anonymous, 1933d); her son Percival Roy Ovens Benevolent Hospital ; buried in the un- ‘Wheeler’ Wheatley (*1912) was killed by lightning marked grave in the Strangers section (grave 333) on 14 Jan 1938 (Anonymous, 1938h); at least two of Beechworth Cemetery on 17 September daughters, Beg(an) Sahib Dad and Bebe Sahib 1949(Beechworth cemetery records, T. Walsh, Dad (Anonymous, 1933d). 2017)._ The newspapers of the day are silent on On record as Sabhib Dad (Anonymous, 1948e); the nature of the burial or cremation. Sahibad (Anonymous, 1908g). 152. HERMAN SINGH.—* ca 1870, † 4 July 1951 Shep- In Wagga district since the early 1890s parton.(Vic BDM 19211/1951).—operating in the (Anonymous, 1948f).Sahib Dad is on record as Shepparton area since before 1900.—cremated farming at Pullitop since 1913 (Symonds, 1914, p. Fawkner, Melbourne 7 July 1951 (Anonymous, 2288).—On record as leasing 685 of his 700 acres 1951c). at Pulletop to a John Wise of Buorowa on 8 May 153. PARTAP (‘PURTAB’) SINGH (*ca 1868, †29 Septem- 1919 for grazing purposes (and retaining 15 acres ber 1951, Henty).—committed suicide in as a fowl run) with a rental of £300 for three Henty.—As one of the last surviving Sikh hawkers months (Anonymous, 1919e). Sahib Dad, ac- in the area, he had officiated at many of the cre- quired 680 acres in the Parish of Pulletop (settle- mations listed here.Partap Singh (n° 109) was pre- ment purchase 1920-70, plan M3051-1888); for sent at the cremation of Gharne Singh at boundaries, see Department of Lands (1924); ran Brookdale on 25 January 1935 (listed as ‘Putah sheep in 1920 (Symonds, 1920, p. 119).An attempt Singh’) (Anonymous, 1935f). Partap Singh died to sell his land in June 1924 (Box, 1924) did not under mysterious circumstances. The inquest gain the approval of the Minister of Lands found that it appeared that he set his hut alight and (Anonymous, 1925k).—notice regarding stray cut his own throat (Anonymous, 1951b, 1951e). steer in August 1924 (Dad, 1924). and who was interred in the cemetery at Henty In October 1935 Sahib Dad instructed his lawyers (Anonymous, 1951d, 1951f); general section, row to petition the Commonwealth for his 24-year old C grave 3 (, 2016). nephew Fozol Mohd to be permitted immigrate to 154. NOOR PARTAP SINGH.—† Jun 1952 in the assist in on his farm as he was ageing (Sheekey & Wangaratta Base Hospital (Anonymous, 1952c); Co, 1935). The request was declined (Secretary left widow in India (Anonymous, 1952c).his pri- Department of the Interior, 1935). At the time, Sa- mary area of activity was Beechworth, Yackandan- hib Dad still owed £2036 (with annual instalments dah and Myrtleford region (Anonymous, 1952c); at £127/10) (Inspector of Police Wagga Wagga, his base seems to have been in Myrtleford.On rec- 1935). His property, on which he employed two ord as ‘NewPatata (Anonymous, 1934h); ‘Niew men all year round, provided him with an annual Pattap (Anonymous, 1925b), ‘Newpartapa’ income of well under £250 pa (Inspector of Police (Anonymous, 1952c); ‘Nue Potapa’ (Anonymous, Wagga Wagga, 1935). 1951e).Colloquially called ‘Spud’ as his name Niu- In 1945 Sahib Dad’s property was reputedly still partapa rhymed, for Australian ears, with New Po- owned by (presumably mortgaged to) the Union tato’ (Anonymous, 1952c).—He assisted and later Bank of Australia but occupied by Dad (Tully, led the cremations of Charm Singh (n° 59), Sunda 1945).—Farm clearing sale announced for his Singh (n° 74), Naran Singh (n° 75); Daly Singh Gill property at Burandana as he was giving up farming (n° 76), and served as witness in the inquest into due to ill-health (Angel & Sons, 1946). Partap Singh’s (n° 109) suicide Henty (n° 109).cre- Sahib Dad 9 April 1948 Wagga Wagga mated at Fawkner (Melbourne) in accordance with (Anonymous, 1948e), buried on 12 April 1948 in Indian rites (Anonymous, 1952c). the general section of Wagga Wagga cemetery, 155. SUNDAH SINGH (D. Martin, 1981, p. 183).—No where ‘Mohammedan rites were observed’ independent verification could be found. As on (Anonymous, 1948a, 1948b, 1948f).—Will 29 May other occasions Martin has been shown to be a 1939.—Probate application 15 April 1948 less than reliable source, these claims need to be (Sheekey, Reynolds, & Co, 1948). read cum grano salis.

—37— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952


chains to an inch. Sydney: Department of Acts Lands. Immigration Restriction Act. (1901). Databases Commonwealth of Australia. An Act to place certain restrictions on Immigration and to provide for Greater Hume Shire. (2016). Henty Cemetery Register. the removal from the Commonwealth of prohibited Holbrook: Greater Hume Shire,. Immigrants. Act nº 17 of 1901. National Library of Australia. (2016). Trove. Cremation Act (1903). Victoria. An Act to regulate Australian and online resources. Canberra: National cremation and for other purposes. Act 3 Edw VII nº Library of Australia. Retrieved from 1876. Maps, Artworks and Audiovisual Material NSW Justice. (2017). Births, Deaths and Marriages search. Sydney: NSW Justice, Registry of Department of Lands. (1904a). Map of the Village Births, Deaths and Marriages. of Henty and Suburban Lands, Parish of Victoria Justice and Regulation. (2017). Births, Henty, County of Hume, Land District of Deaths and Marriages Family History Search. Albury. 1 edition. Sheet dated 29 August 1888, Melbourne: Victoria Justice and Regulation— hand annotated to 1882 July 1904. Scale 4 Births, Deaths and Marriages Victoria. chains to an inch. Sydney: Department of Victorian Government. (2017). Victoria Government Lands. Gazette. Online Archive 1836–1997. Melbourne. Department of Lands. (1904b). Map of the Village Retrieved from of Henty and Suburban Lands, Parish of Henty, County of Hume, Land District of Albury. 2 edition. Sheet dated 13 May 1904. Unpublished Work and Archival Sources Scale 4 chains to an inch. Sydney: Department Adams, J.S. (1920). Undertaker’s Records [for Albury of Lands. Pioneer Cemetery] (Object ID A1205048B). Department of Lands. (1919). Map of the Village of AlburyCity Library, Albury, NSW. The Rock and Suburban Lands, Parish of Anonymous. (1922p). Undertaker’s Records [for Albury Burke and Leitch, County of Mictchell, Land Pioneer Cemetery] 1905–1922 (Object ID District of Wagga Wagga, Lockhart Shire, A1278959B). AlburyCity Library, Albury, N.S.W. 2 edition. Sheet dated 1 December NSW. 1919. Scale 4 chains to an inch. Sydney: Department of Lands. Buedges, L R. (1935a, Oct 21). Left and Right thumbprint form for Frederick Darra Singh born 13 Department of Lands. (1920). Map of the Village of June 1930 [Sham Kur (Shamoo Jwar Rami) Kingston (The Rock ) and Suburban Lands, widow of Gharne Singh and family - Departure Parish of Burke and Leitch, County of Melbourne per "Narkunda" October 1935] Mictchell, Land District of Wagga Wagga, (B13, 1935/20149). National Archives of N.S.W. Hand. edition. Sheet annotated until Australia 29 July 1920. Scale 4 chains to an inch. Sydney: Department of Lands. Buedges, L R. (1935b, Oct 21). Left and Right thumbprint form for James Sirradarra Singh 24 Department of Lands. (1922a). Map of the Village February 1934 [Sham Kur (Shamoo Jwar Rami) of Henty and Suburban Lands, Parish of widow of Gharne Singh and family - Departure Henty, County of Hume, Land District of Melbourne per "Narkunda" October 1935] Albury. 2nd edition. Sheet dated 13 May 1904, (B13, 1935/20149). National Archives of hand annotated to 1917 October 1922. Scale 4 Australia chains to an inch. Sydney: Department of Lands. Buedges, L R. (1935c, Oct 21). Left and Right thumbprint form for William Singh born on 2 March Department of Lands. (1922b). Map of the Village 1932 [Sham Kur (Shamoo Jwar Rami) widow of Henty and Suburban Lands, Parish of of Gharne Singh and family - Departure Henty, County of Hume, Land District of Melbourne per "Narkunda" October 1935] Albury. 3rd edition. Sheet dated 10 July 1922. (B13, 1935/20149). National Archives of Scale 4 chains to an inch. Sydney: Department Australia of Lands. Collector of Customs. (1912). Utcher Singh Certificate Department of Lands. (1924). Parish of Pulletop, Exempting from Dictation Test - includes left hand County of Mitchell, Land District of Wagga impression and photographs] [box 53]. Sydney. Wagga, Kyeamba and Holbrook Shires, Central Divison, NSW. 3rd edition. Sheet Inspector of Police Wagga Wagga. (1935, Nov 20). dated August 1916; office copy, hand Commissioner of Police Sydney [application by annotated to 1918 February 1924. Scale 4 Sahib Dad for admission of his Nephew Fozol Mohd, into the Commonwealth] (SP42/1,

—38— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

C1935/8080, box 316). National Archives of author]. Personal Communication. D. H. R. Australia Spennemann, dated Feb 24, 2017. Laidlaw, Prue. (2009). A Passing Occupation: An Murphy, Therese. (2017). Indian hawkers buried in Exploration of the History and Heritage of Itinerant Hay cemetery [e-mail to author]. Personal Workers in Rural New South Wales, 1850–1914. Communication. D. H. R. Spennemann, dated Doctor of Philosophy thesis. School of Feb 24, 2017. Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science. Parker, Jan. (2017). Yarrawonga Cemetery [e-mail to Charles Sturt University, Albury. author]. Personal Communication. D. H. R. Maddison, L. (1939, Dec 6). Letter regarding passports Spennemann, dated Feb 9, 2017. and immigration rules for Frederick Darra, William, Rendle, Heather. (2017). Indian Hawkers buried in and James Sirradarra Singh [Sham Kur (Shamoo the Echuca cemetery [e-mail to author]. Jwar Rami) widow of Gharne Singh and family Personal Communication. D. H. R. - Departure Melbourne per "Narkunda" Spennemann, dated Mar 3, 2017. October 1935] (B13, 1935/20149). National Senti, Wendy. (2017). Barakeet Ali Khan [e-mail to Archives of Australia author]. Personal Communication. D. H. R. Mitchell, P.A. (1935, Aug 27). Memorandum to Cllector Spennemann, dated Jan 31, 2017. of Customs for Victoria [Sham Kur (Shamoo Jwar Seymour, Peter. (2017). Punjab Men [e-mail to Rami) widow of Gharne Singh and family - author]. Personal Communication. D. H. R. Departure Melbourne per "Narkunda" Spennemann, dated Feb 28, 2017. October 1935] (B13, 1935/20149). National Walsh, Terry. (2017). Indian Hawkers buried in Archives of Australia Beechworth Dalale Singh Gill [e-mail to Public Trustee. (1939, Nov 27). Letter to Collector of author]. Personal Communication. D. H. R. Customs [Sham Kur (Shamoo Jwar Rami) Spennemann, dated Feb 25, 2017. widow of Gharne Singh and family - Departure Melbourne per "Narkunda" October 1935] Published Sources (B13, 1935/20149). National Archives of Abbot, Leonard. (1944, Dec 11). Probate Australia Jurisdiction—In the will of Bishin Singh, late Secretary Department of the Interior. (1935, Dec of Savernake. Sydney Morning Herald, 8 col. g. 12). Letter to J.C. Sheekey & Co, Wagga Wagga Angel, S, & Sons. (1946, Feb 23). Farm Clearing [application by Sahib Dad for admission of his Sale Burrandana. Daily Advertiser (Wagga Nephew Fozol Mohd, into the Wagga), 6 col. b–c. Commonwealth] (SP42/1, C1935/8080, box 316). National Archives of Australia Anonymous. (1891a, Aug 11). Country news. Argus (Melbourne), p. 6 col. e. Sheekey, J.C, & Co. (1935, Oct 25). Letter to Collector of Customs, Canberra [application by Sahib Dad Anonymous. (1891b, Aug 12). Drowning of an for permission for his nephew to enter Indian Hawker. Sydney Morning Herald, p. 7 col. Australia] (SP42/1, C1935/7386, box 315). h. National Archives of Australia Anonymous. (1891c, Jul 10). An Indian Hawker Drowned. Argus (Melbourne), p. 6 col. e. Personal Communications Anonymous. (1892a, Dec 1). Cremation Society of Bartlett, Anita. (2017a). Moama Cemetery [e-mail to Victoria. Argus (Melbourne), 3 col. h. author]. Personal Communication. D. H. R. Anonymous. (1892b, Dec 12). The First Cremation Spennemann, dated Feb 3, 2017a. in Victoria. Age (Melbourne), 5 col. b. Bartlett, Anita. (2017b). Moama Cemetery [re Sham Anonymous. (1893, Nov 11). Forging and uttering. Singh and Myrtle Nabi Bux] [e-mail to author]. Wagga Wagga Express, pp. 4 col. c–d. Personal Communication. D. H. R. Anonymous. (1894a, Jun 2). Clackery. Clipper Spennemann, dated Feb 26, 2017b. (Hobart), 3 col. c–d. Cunningham, Wendy. (2017). Numurkah Cemetery Anonymous. (1894b, May 22). Cremating a Hindoo [e-mail to author]. Personal Communication. Hawker. Mount Alexander Mail (Castlemaine), 2 D. H. R. Spennemann, dated Jan 30, 2017. col. f. Houlihan, Margaret. (2017). Indian hawker buried Anonymous. (1894c, May 21). Cremating a Hindoo at Corowa (Dhera Mull Vazeer Singh) [e-mail Hawker. Bendigo Independent, 2 col. e. to author]. Personal Communication. D. H. R. Anonymous. (1894d, May 24). Cremating a Hindoo Spennemann, dated Feb 24, 2017. Hawker. Barrier Miner (Broken Hill), 3 col. a. Jacka, Bronwyn. (2017). Indian hawker buried at Anonymous. (1894e, May 28). Cremating a Hindoo Violet Town—Easter Singh [e-mail to author]. Hawker. South Australian Register (Adelaide), 6 Personal Communication. D. H. R. col. b. Spennemann, dated Feb 27, 2017. Anonymous. (1894f, Jun 2). Cremating a Hindoo Mark, Leanna. (2017). Indian hawkers buried at Hawker. Adelaide Observer, 15 col. d. Berrigan, Finley and Savernake [e-mail to

—39— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Anonymous. (1894g, Jun 8). Cremating a Hindoo Anonymous. (1895a, Mar 21). First Cremation Hawker. Laura Standard, 300 col. e. Victoria. Toowoomba Chronicle, 3 col. g. Anonymous. (1894h, Jun 9). Cremating a Hindoo Anonymous. (1895b, Oct 26). Indian Hawkers in Hawker. Gympie Times, 5 col. c. Court. Daily Telegraph (Launceston), 5 col. d. Anonymous. (1894i, May 23). Cremation. Bendigo Anonymous. (1896a, Dec 11). Asiatic Hawker Advertiser, 3 col. b. Licences. Age (Melbourne), p. 6 col. d. Anonymous. (1894j, May 26). Cremation in Anonymous. (1896b, Dec 11). Chiltern. Albury Victoria. Express and Telegraph (Adelaide), 6 col. Banner and Wodonga Express, p. 15 col. c. e. Anonymous. (1896c, Aug 7). Wanted. Age Anonymous. (1894k, Jun 12). Cremation in (Melbourne), 2 col. b. Victoria. Armidale Express and New England Anonymous. (1898a, Jan 14). 200 Hindoo Hawkers. General Advertiser, 3 col. c. Clarence River Advocate, 6. Anonymous. (1894l, May 26). Cremation in Anonymous. (1898b, Jul 22). A case of suicide. Victoria. Advertiser (Adelaide), 6 col. h. Euroa Advertiser, Supplement p 2 col. g. Anonymous. (1894m, Jun 2). Cremation in Victoria. Anonymous. (1898c, Apr 23). Chiltern District. . Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate, 12 Ovens and Murray Advertiser, p. 2 col. h. col. c. Anonymous. (1898d, Jan 15). Country Cremation. Anonymous. (1894n, May 26). Epitome of News. Age (Melbourne), 10 col. g. Ovens and Murray Advertiser (Beechworth), 5 col. e. Anonymous. (1898e, Jan 22). Country News. Leader Anonymous. (1894o, Jun 1). Essence of the Week. (Melbourne), 23 col. e. Bunyip (Gawler), 2 col. g. Anonymous. (1898f, Jan 21). General News. Anonymous. (1894p, May 22). A Hindoo Narracoote Herald, 4 col. b. Cremation. Age (Melbourne), 6 col. c. Anonymous. (1898g, Jan 18). General News. Anonymous. (1894q, May 23). A Hindoo Camperdown Chronicle 3 col. a. Cremation. Riverine Herald (Echuca), 2 col. e. Anonymous. (1898h, Jan 19). Intercolonial Anonymous. (1894r, May 31). Intercolonial News. Telegrams. Mercury (Hobart), 4 col. d. Zeehan and Dundas Herald, 3 col. c. Anonymous. (1898i, Jan 12). Something for Anonymous. (1894s, May 25). Intercolonial News. everybody. Burra Record, p. 3 col. b. A Hindoo Cremation. North Coast Standard Anonymous. (1898j, Jan 21). Victoria. Albury Banner (Latrobe, Tas), 3 col. a. and Wodonga Express, 31 col. d. Anonymous. (1894t, May 24). Intercolonial News. Anonymous. (1899a, Jul 7). Burial of a Victoria. Daily Telegraph (Launceston), 1 col. g. Mohammedan. Euroa Advertiser, 2 col. f. Anonymous. (1894u, May 23). News of the Day. Anonymous. (1899b, Jul 3). Death from charcoal Ballarat Star, 1 col. h. fumes. Argus (Melbourne), 6 col. f. Anonymous. (1894v, May 25). [news]. North Eastern Anonymous. (1899c, Dec 16). A fatal kick. Chronicle Ensign (Benalla), 3 col. cd. (Adelaide), p. 12 col. c. Anonymous. (1894w, May 25). [news]. Euroa Anonymous. (1899d, Dec 14). A fatal kick. Advertiser, 3 col. c. Advertiser (Adelaide), p. 5 col. d. Anonymous. (1894x, May 26). [news]. Independent Anonymous. (1899e, Jul 7). Indian Hawker (Footscray), 2 col. d. suffocated. Euroa Advertiser, 2 col. e. Anonymous. (1894y, May 25). [news]. Horsham Anonymous. (1899f, Dec 14). Kicked to death. Age Times, 2 col. g. (Melbourne), p. 9 col.g. Anonymous. (1894z, May 24). [news]. Maffra Anonymous. (1899g, Dec 20). Kolonielle Spectator, 3 col. c. Telegramme. Australische Zeitung (Adelaide), p. 2 Anonymous. (1894aa, May 25). [news]. Gippsland col. d. Farmers' Journal (Traralgon), 4 col. c. Anonymous. (1899h, Jul 5). Local and General Anonymous. (1894ab, May 30). [news]. Portland Items. Maitland Daily Mercury 2 col. e. Guardian, 4 col. a. Anonymous. (1899i, Jul 8). Local and General news. Anonymous. (1894ac, May 26). [news]. Advocate Armidale Chronicle, 4 col. h. (Melbourne), 17 col. c. Anonymous. (1899j, Jul 8). Magestrial Enquiry. Anonymous. (1894ad, May 26). [news]. Leader Ovens and Murray Advertiser (Beechworth), 10 col. (Melbourne), 39 col. b. e. Anonymous. (1894ae, May 26). [news]. Weekly Times Anonymous. (1899k, Jul 4). Miscellaneous News (Melbourne), 2 col. a. Items. Bendigo Advertiser 4 col. c. Anonymous. (1894af, May 24). Victoria. Mercury Anonymous. (1899l, Jan 13). [News]. The North- (Hobart), 3 col. a. Eastern Ensign (Benalla), 2 col. e.

—40— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Anonymous. (1899m, Dec 15). [news]. Geelong Anonymous. (1902h, Dec 12). [News]. Wodonga and Advertiser p. 3 col. e. Towong Sentinel, 2 col. c. Anonymous. (1899n, Jul 11). [news]. Armidale Anonymous. (1902i, Feb 5). Police Court. Riverina Express and New England General Advertiser 2 col. Recorder (Balranald), 2 col. b. b. Anonymous. (1902j, Jul 18). Robbery at Corryong. Anonymous. (1899o, Jul 8). Town and Country. Wodonga and Towong Sentinel, 3 col. a. Weekly Times (Melbourne), 15 col. e. Anonymous. (1902k, Jul 12). Robbery at from a Anonymous. (1899p, Aug 2). An unnatural offence. Hawker. Ovens and Murray Advertiser The Gundagai Independent and Pastoral, Agricultural (Beechworth)Patr, 2 col. e. and Mining Advocate, 2 col. e–g. Anonymous. (1902l, Oct 15). Strange Conduct. Anonymous. (1899q, Jul 7). Victoria. Albury Banner Cremation of the Body. Evening News (Sydney), and Wodonga Express, 31 col. d. 6 col. c. Anonymous. (1899r, Jul 8). Victoria. Maitland Anonymous. (1903a, Oct 20). Asiatic Litigation. Weekly Mercury 10 col. e. Wagga Wagga Advertiser, 2 col. c. Anonymous. (1899s, Feb 3). Violet Town News. Anonymous. (1903b, Dec 5). Chiltern. Border Euroa Advertiser, 4 col. a. Morning Mail (Albury), p. 4 col. e. Anonymous. (1899t, Jul 15). Wangaratta District. Anonymous. (1903c, Sep 12). Chiltern Land Board. Ovens and Murray Advertiser (Beechworth), 12 col. . Ovens and Murray Advertiser, p. 7 col. d. e–f. Anonymous. (1903d, Dec 10). Chiltern. Border Anonymous. (1900, Dec 4). Goods by Railway. Morning Mail (Albury), p. 3 col. d. Riverine Herald (Echuca), 2 col.a. Anonymous. (1903e, Mar 28). Country news. Leader Anonymous. (1901a, Mar 29). Assault cases. Albury (Melbourne), p. 26 col. c. Banner and Wodonga Express, 23 col. b. Anonymous. (1903f, Oct 13). Hindoo Litigation. Anonymous. (1901b, Mar 22). Assault cases. Albury Wagga Wagga Advertiser, 3 col. a. Banner and Wodonga Express, 23 col. c. Anonymous. (1903g, Sep 15). Hindoo Litigation. Anonymous. (1901c, Dec 14). Chiltern Shire Wagga Wagga Advertiser, 2 col. d. Council. Ovens and Murray Advertiser, p. 1o col. Anonymous. (1903h, Mar 24). Kyabram. Age g. (Melbourne), pp. 6 col. e-f. Anonymous. (1901d, Apr 6). Chiltern Shire Anonymous. (1903i, Dec 2). Moama Small Debts Council. . Ovens and Murray Advertiser, p. 1 col. Court Riverine Herald (Echuca), 2 col. c. e. Anonymous. (1903j, Apr 4). [news]. Weekly Times Anonymous. (1901e, Feb 9). Chiltern Shire Council. (Melbourne), p. 15 col. a. Ovens and Murray Advertiser, p. 1 col. e. Anonymous. (1903k, Jun 5). Quarter Sessions. The Anonymous. (1901f, Dec 11). Died in Goal. Riverina Independent (Deniliquin), 2 col. d. Recorder (Balranald), 2 col. c. Anonymous. (1904a, Feb 2). Bankruptcy. Wagga Anonymous. (1901g, Dec 12). [News]. Riverina Wagga Express, 2 col. d. Times (Hay), 2 col. c. Anonymous. (1904b, Jun 11). Chiltern. Ovens and Anonymous. (1901h, Dec 27). Notes on Current Murray Advertiser, p. 7 col. d. Events [Theft of cheque]. Albury Banner, 22 col. Anonymous. (1904c, Jun 10). Chiltern. Benalla c. Standard, p. 1 col. d. Anonymous. (1902a, Jan 29). Auction Sale. Riverina Anonymous. (1904d, Jun 25). Chiltern. Border Recorder (Balranald), 2 col. a. Morning Mail (Albury), p. 2 col. g. Anonymous. (1902b, Feb 5). Auction Sale. Riverina Anonymous. (1904e, Jun 7). Chiltern. Border Morning Recorder (Balranald), 2 col. a. Mail (Albury), p. 2 col. g. Anonymous. (1902c, Jan 8). Balranald Police Court. Anonymous. (1904f, Jun 9). General news. Cobram Riverina Recorder (Balranald), 2 col. f. Courier, p. 5 col. c. Anonymous. (1902d, Dec 23). Crown Land Sales. Anonymous. (1904g, Apr 20). Goods by Railway. Wagga Wagga Advertiser, p. 4 col. b. Riverine Herald (Echuca), 2 col.a. Anonymous. (1902e, Oct 18). Eccentric Indian Anonymous. (1904h, Jun 17). Intestate Estates. Hawker. Ovens and Murray Advertiser (Beechworth), Argus (Melbourne), p. 9 col. a. 9 col. g. Anonymous. (1904i, Sep 17). Land Sale at Chiltern. Anonymous. (1902f, Dec 30). Henty Police Court. Ovens and Murray Advertiser, p. 1 col. g. Wagga Wagga Advertiser, 2 col. h. Anonymous. (1904j, Jul 9). Multum in Parvo. Ovens Anonymous. (1902g, Oct 16). A Hindoo dies of and Murray Advertiser (Beechworth)Patr, 12 col. g. starvation. His body cremated. Goulburn Penny Anonymous. (1904k, Dec 16). [news]. Kerang New Post, 4 col. a. Times, 2 col. c–e.

—41— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Anonymous. (1904l, Jun 10). [news]. Wodonga and Anonymous. (1905u, Nov 30). News in Brief. Towong Sentinel p. 2 col. e. Ballarat Stra, 3 col. b. Anonymous. (1904m, Oct 4). Small Debts Court. Anonymous. (1905v, Aug 3). [News]. The The Independent (Deniliquin), 3 col. b. Yackandandah Times, 2 col. g. Anonymous. (1904n, Jun 10). Victoria. Albury Anonymous. (1905w, Nov 28). [News]. Riverine Banner and Wodonga Express, p. 30 col. d. Grazier (Hay), 2 col. b. Anonymous. (1904o, Sep 2). Wodonga Police Anonymous. (1905x, Mar 17). Numurkah Police Court. Wodonga and Towong Sentinel, 2 col. h. Court. Numurkah Leader, pp. 5 col. a–b. Anonymous. (1905a, Mar 10). [Assault on Currum Anonymous. (1905y, Mar 4). Tallangatta. The Age Singh]. Wodonga and Towong Sentinel, 2 col. c. (Melbourne), 14 col. f. Anonymous. (1905b, Jul 20). The Cremated Indian. Anonymous. (1905z, Mar 7). Tallangatta. Benalla Albury Daily News, 14 (684), 2 col. g. Standard, 3 col. a. Anonymous. (1905c, Jul 29). Cremation at Albury Anonymous. (1905aa, Mar 10). [Tallangatta]. Australasian (Melbourne), 79 (2052)(2052), 272. Wodonga and Towong Sentinel, 2 col. d. Anonymous. (1905d, Nov 29). Cremation Anonymous. (1905ab, May 13). Wangaratta Police Ceremony. Sydney Morning Herald, 2 col. a. Court. Ovens and Murray Advertiser (Beechworth), Anonymous. (1905e, Apr 14). Cremation in 12. Melbourne. The first Case. Great Interest Anonymous. (1906a, Mar 24). A bankrupt's Evinced. Mount Alexander Mail (Castlemaine), 2 discharge. Wagga Wagga Advertiser, 3 col. d. col. e. Anonymous. (1906b, Nov 22). Bankruptcy Court. Anonymous. (1905f, Nov 30). Cremation of a Evening News (Sydney), p. 6 col. f. Hindoo. Wagga Wagga Express, 2. Anonymous. (1906c, Jul 9). The damaged Indians. Anonymous. (1905g, Aug 1). Cremation of a Hindu. Border Morning Mail (Albury), 2 col. d. The Age (Melbourne), 6 col. g. Anonymous. (1906d, Oct 12). Goulburn Valley. Anonymous. (1905h, Aug 4). Cremation of an Benalla Standard, p. 4 col. c. Hindu. Wodonga and Towong Sentinel, 2 col. c. Anonymous. (1906e, Jan 6). Hawker's Licenses. Anonymous. (1905i, Aug 4). Cremation of an Riverine Herald (Echuca), 2 col. d. Hindu. Weekly Times (Melbourne), 19 col. a. Anonymous. (1906f, Dec 14). Kerang Court of Anonymous. (1905j, Aug 4). Cremation of an Petty Sessions. Kerang New Times, 3 col. a. Hindu. The North Western Advocate and the Emu Anonymous. (1906g, Oct 10). Patches. Lachlander Bay Times (Devenport), 3 col. 1. and Condobolin and Western Districts Recorder, 1 Anonymous. (1905k, Jul 18). Cremation of an col. a. Indian. Albury Daily News, 14 (682), 2 col. f. Anonymous. (1906h, Sep 18). Small Debts Court. Anonymous. (1905l, Aug 5). Cremation of an The Gundagai Times and Tumut, Adelong and Indian Hawker. Albury Banner and Wodonga Murrumbidgee District Advertiser 2 col. e. Express, 9 col. b. Anonymous. (1907a, Sep 6). Barham News. The Anonymous. (1905m, Aug 5). Cremation of an Independent (Deniliquin), 2 col. c. Indian Hawker. Ovens and Murray Advertiser Anonymous. (1907b, Mar 25). Corryong Pastoral (Beechworth), 9 col. b. and Agricultural Society. Border Morning Mail Anonymous. (1905n, Aug 24). Death. Border Morning (Albury), 3 col. c. Mail and Riverina Times (Albury), p. 2 col. d. Anonymous. (1907c, Aug 6). Cremating a Hindoo. Anonymous. (1905o, Aug 11). Deniliquin District Border Morning Mail (Albury), 2 col. d. Court. The Independent (Deniliquin), 2 col. g. Anonymous. (1907d, Aug 9). Cremation at Albury. Anonymous. (1905p, Dec 1). [Editorial on Albury Banner and Wodonga Express, 26 col.d. cremations]. Border Morning Mail (Albury), 2 col. Anonymous. (1907e, Sep 24). Goulburn Valley. 4. Benela Standard, 3 col. a. Anonymous. (1905q, Sep 23). Estate of Noor Deen. Anonymous. (1907f, Aug 6). A Hindoo Cremation. Border Morning Mail and Riverina Times (Albury), Albury Daily News, 17 (175), 3 col. d. p. 5 col. c. Anonymous. (1907g, Nov 6). Hindoo Justice. Anonymous. (1905r, Aug 4). [First cremation Riverine Herald (Echuca), 2 col. d. ceremony at Wangaratta]. Albury Banner and Anonymous. (1907h, Sep 21). Hindu's Body Wodonga Express, 19 col. d. Cremated. Ovens and Murray Advertiser Anonymous. (1905s, Jul 17). Items of News. Border (Beechworth), 2 col. c. Morning Mail (Albury), 2 col. c. Anonymous. (1907i, Sep 20). Hindu's Body Anonymous. (1905t, Aug 24). [Items of news]. Cremated. Argus (Melbourne), 6 vol. g. Border Morning Mail and Riverina Times (Albury), p. 2 col. e.

—42— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Anonymous. (1907j, Dec 18). Items of News Anonymous. (1909e, Nov 30). Fatality at [Hawkers' Licences]. Border Morning Mail Moulamein. Well-known Indian Hawker (Albury), 2 col. e. drowned. Riverine Grazier (Hay), 2 col. b. Anonymous. (1907k, Apr 16). Moulamein. Kerang Anonymous. (1909f, Mar 9). Goulburn Valley. New Times, 3 col. a. Benalla Standard, p. 4 col. a. Anonymous. (1907l, Apr 24). Moulamein Land Anonymous. (1909g, Dec 8). Hindu cremation Board Riverina Recorder (Balranald), 3 col. c. ceremony. The Age (Melbourne), 12 col. d. Anonymous. (1907m, May 15). Moulamein Land Anonymous. (1909h, Dec 7). An Indian Cremation. Board. Riverina Recorder (Balranald), 4 col. c. Kerang New Times, 3 col. b. Anonymous. (1907n, Apr 1). [News]. Evening News Anonymous. (1909i, Dec 1). Local and district (Sydney), 5 col. g. news. Riverina Recorder (Balranald), 2 col. c. Anonymous. (1907o, Apr 9). [News]. The Tumut Anonymous. (1909j, Dec 8). Magisterial Enquiry at Advocate and Farmer's and Settler's Adviser, 2 col. Moulamein. Riverina Recorder (Balranald), 2 col. c. e. Anonymous. (1907p, Aug 3). Notice to Hindoos Anonymous. (1909k, Apr 23). [news]. Kerang New [Advertisement]. Border Morning Mail (Albury), 5 Times, 2 col. e. col. c. Anonymous. (1909l, Feb 6). Railway Manifest. Anonymous. (1907q, Oct 26). NSW Land Riverine Herald (Echuca), 4 col.c. Information. After Auction Purchases. Border Anonymous. (1909m, Sep 3). Shire Council. Morning Mail (Albury), 6 col. d. Guardian and Finley Free Press, 2 col. h. Anonymous. (1907r, Jul 15). The Rock. Border Anonymous. (1909n, Jul 23). Town and DIstrict Morning Mail (Albury), 2 col. e. tidbits. The Gundagai Times and Tumut, Adelong Anonymous. (1908a, Mar 29). Corrying Show. Ovens and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser 2 col. c. and Murray Advertiser (Beechworth), 8 col. g. Anonymous. (1909o, Jul 24). Town topics. The Anonymous. (1908b, Aug 25). From Day to Day. Gundagai Independent and Pastoral, Agricultural and The Riverine Grazier (Hay), 3 col. b. Mining Advocate, 2 col. c. Anonymous. (1908c, Nov 6). General news. The Anonymous. (1909p, Nov 29). Wealthy Hawker Hillston Spectator and Advertiser, 2 Drowned. The Age (Melbourne), 9 col. g. col. c. Anonymous. (1910a, Jun 28). Booligal. The Riverine Anonymous. (1908d, Sep 24). Goulburn Valley. Grazier (Hay), 2 col. g. Benalla Standard, 3 col. a. Anonymous. (1910b, Feb 15). Death after wrestling. Anonymous. (1908e, Sep 22). Hindu Cremated. Border Morning Mail (Albury), 1 col. a. Argus (Melbourne), 6 col. e. Anonymous. (1910c, Feb 15). Death after wrestling. Anonymous. (1908f, Sep 26). Hindu Cremated Register (Adelaide), 5 col. b. Ovens and Murray Advertiser (Beechworth), 7 col. c. Anonymous. (1910d, Feb 14). Death after wrestling. Anonymous. (1908g, Oct 24). Lands Office Age (Melbourne), 11 col. h. Applications. Wagga Wagga Advertiser, p. 2 col. Anonymous. (1910e, Feb 19). Death after wrestling. c. Chronicle (Adelaide), 41 col. c. Anonymous. (1908h, Jul 7). Moama Court of Petty Anonymous. (1910f, Feb 14). Death after wrestling sessions. Riverine Herald (Echuca), 2 col. e. bout. Argus (Melbourne), 9 col. c. Anonymous. (1908i, Mar 31). Moulamein. Kerang Anonymous. (1910g, Feb 14). Death after wrestling. New Times, 3 col. b. An Indian hawker uses his teeth. Riverine Herald Anonymous. (1908j, May 1). Notes on Current (Echuca), 2 col. d. Events [Hawkers' Licences]. Albury Banner and Anonymous. (1910h, Apr 6). Debt case. Riverine Wodonga Express, 26 col. d. Herald (Echuca), 2 col. c. Anonymous. (1908k, Oct 2). Railway Manifest. Anonymous. (1910i, Jun 15). Echuca Police Court. Riverine Herald (Echuca), 4 col.a. Riverine Herald (Echuca), 2 col. d. Anonymous. (1909a, Feb 5). Albury Police Court. Anonymous. (1910j, Feb 13). Fatal 'Goat' Act. Sun Albury Banner and Wodonga Express, p. 27 col. b. (Kalgoorlie), 1 col. b. Anonymous. (1909b, Sep 2). Berrigan Shire Anonymous. (1910k, Feb 14). Fatal Bout. Inquest Council. Cobram Courier, 4 col. e. on the victim. Examiner (Launceston), 6 col. a. Anonymous. (1909c, Dec 10). The Cremation of an Anonymous. (1910l, Feb 14). Fatal Sequel to a Indian Hawker. Peculiar Ceremony ay wrestling bout. A Hindu's death. Open verdict Moulamein. Riverina Grazier (Hay), 5 col. a. returned. . Ballarat Star, 2 col. g. Anonymous. (1909d, Dec 1). Fatality at Moulamein. Anonymous. (1910m, Feb 11). Fatal Wrestling. Gundah Singh drowned. Riverina Recorder Mercury (Hobart), 5 col. g. (Balranald), 3 col. b.

—43— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Anonymous. (1910n, Feb 14). Fatal Wrestling Anonymous. (1910al, Dec 10). Items of News Match. West Australian (Perth), 5 col. h. [Court Case]. Border Morning Mail (Albury), 2 col. Anonymous. (1910o, Feb 14). Fatal Wrestling c. Matches. An open verdict. Mercury (Hobart), 4 Anonymous. (1910am, Dec 21). Items of News col. g. [Hawkers' Licences]. Border Morning Mail Anonymous. (1910p, Feb 11). Found unconscious. (Albury), 2 col. e. Hindu's hawker's fate. Daily Post (Hobart), 5 col. Anonymous. (1910an, May 3). Larcency of a towel. g. Riverine Herald (Echuca), 2 col. h. Anonymous. (1910q, Sep 19). Funeral notice. Anonymous. (1910ao, Nov 23). Local and General. Riverine Herald (Echuca), 3 col. b. Lachlander and Condobolin and Western Districts Anonymous. (1910r, Feb 11). Hawker's death. Recorder, 4 col. b. Suspicious circumstances. Daily Telegraph Anonymous. (1910ap, Jul 21). Local and general (Launceston), 4 col. gs. items. Cobram Courier, 4 col. d. Anonymous. (1910s, Feb 17). A Hindoo's Death Anonymous. (1910aq, Feb 8). Moama Police Court. after Wrestling Bout. Darling Downs Gazette Riverine Herald (Echuca), 2 col. h. (Toowoomba), 2 col. e. Anonymous. (1910ar, Jun 22). Moulamein. Riverina Anonymous. (1910t, May 12). Hindu Hawker found Recorder (Balranald), 3 col. a. drowned. The Age (Melbourne), 8 col. d. Anonymous. (1910as, Feb 12). A mysterious death. Anonymous. (1910u, Feb 11). A Hindu's death. Riverine Herald (Echuca), 2 col. c. Zeehan and Dundas Herald 3 col. c. Anonymous. (1910at, Feb 11). News in Brief. Anonymous. (1910v, Feb 16). Hospital Donations. Ballarat Star, 7 col. d. Riverina Recorder (Balranald), 4 col a–b. Anonymous. (1910au, Jul 28). [news]. Cobram Anonymous. (1910w, Feb 11). Indian hawker's Courier, 4 col. c. death. Register (Adelaide), 5 col. b. Anonymous. (1910av, Feb 15). [news]. Hamilton Anonymous. (1910x, Feb 11). Indian hawker's Spectator, 4 col. h. death. Examiner (Launceston), 5 col. e. Anonymous. (1910aw, Feb 19). [News]. Maitland Anonymous. (1910y, Feb 11). Indian hawker's Mercury, 3 col. g. death. Kalgoorlie Miner, 6 col. e. Anonymous. (1910ax, Sep 19). Obituary. Riverine Anonymous. (1910z, Feb 15). Indian hawker's Herald (Echuca), 2 col.d. death. Kalgoorlie Western Argus 28 col. b. Anonymous. (1910ay, Sep 21). Our country service. Anonymous. (1910aa, Feb 16). Indian Hawker's Bendigo Advertiser, 3 col. b. Death after Wrestling Bout. Sydney Morning Anonymous. (1910az, Nov 25). Police Court. Herald, 10 col. e. Tocumwal Guardian and Finley Free Press, 4 col. a. Anonymous. (1910ab, Feb 14). Indian hawker's Anonymous. (1910ba, Aug 4). Sale of Hawker's death. Kalgoorlie Miner, 5 col. g. Effects. Cobram Courier, 4 col. d. Anonymous. (1910ac, Feb 11). Indian hawker's Anonymous. (1910bb, Apr 5). Small debts court. death. Supposed to have been wrestling. Barrier Riverine Herald (Echuca), 4 col. a. Miner (Broken Hill), 2 col. c. Anonymous. (1910bc, Feb 9). Small debts court. Anonymous. (1910ad, Feb 14). An Indian Hawker's Riverine Herald (Echuca), 2 col. c. dies after wrestling match. Daily Telegraph Anonymous. (1910bd, Feb 11). Strange death of a (Launceston), 5 col. g. Hindoo. Express and Telegraph (Adelaide), 1 col. Anonymous. (1910ae, May 11). Indian Hawker's g. End. The Argus (Melbourne), 14 col. b. Anonymous. (1910be, Feb 11). Strange death of a Anonymous. (1910af, Jul 14). An Indian's Death. Hindoo. Advertiser (Adelaide), 8 col. d. Cobram Courier, 4 col. d. Anonymous. (1910bf, Feb 12). A suspicious death. Anonymous. (1910ag, Jul 15). An Indian's Estate. Ovens and Murray Advertiser, 2 col. c. The Argus (Melbourne), 8 col. f. Anonymous. (1910bg, Feb 11). A suspicious death. Anonymous. (1910ah, Feb 11). Indian's Mysterious Age (Melbourne), 5 col. g. death. Argus (Melbourne), 8 col. g. Anonymous. (1910bh, May 13). Tallangatta. Albury Anonymous. (1910ai, May 12). An Indian's suicide. Banner and Wodonga Express, 2 col. d. The Argus (Melbourne), 5 col. d. Anonymous. (1910bi, Feb 11). Victoria. West Anonymous. (1910aj, Feb 11). Injured in Wrestling Australian (Perth), 5 col. e. Bout. Indian Hawker's Death. Sydney Morning Anonymous. (1910bj, Feb 18). Victoria. Albury Herald, 7 col. g. Banner and Wodonga Express, 34 col. d. Anonymous. (1910ak, Feb 15). Items of Interest. Anonymous. (1910bk, Nov 25). Wodonga Police Benalla Standard, p. 4 col. e. Court. Wodonga and Towong Sentinel, 3 col. b.

—44— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Anonymous. (1910bl, Feb 14). Wrestled, fell, died. Anonymous. (1912j, May 31). Public Notice. Lost Indian hawker's remains cremated. Geelong Savings Bank Book. Border Morning Mail Advertiser, 3 col. h–4 col. a. (Albury), 3 col. d. Anonymous. (1911a, Feb 8). Balranald District Anonymous. (1912k, Jul 17). Sale at Moulamein. Hospital Donations. Riverina Recorder Riverina Recorder (Balranald), 2 col. g. (Balranald), 4 col. c. Anonymous. (1912l, Dec 5). Wollar. Mudgee Anonymous. (1911b, Oct 6). Draught Horses. Guardian and North-Western Representative, 26 col. Benalla Standard, p. 6 col. b. a. Anonymous. (1911c, Aug 11). Finley. Tocumwal Anonymous. (1913a, May 31). Crown lands. Guardian and Finley Free Press, 2 col. h. Licenses and Leases declared Void etc. Anonymous. (1911d, May 26). Gathering of the Myrtleford Mail and Whorouly Witness, 50, col. b. clans. Benalla Standard, 2 col. e. Anonymous. (1913b, May 16). Deniliquin. Tocumwal Anonymous. (1911e, May 26). Hindoos in evidence. Guardian and Finley Free Press, 5 col. a. Three priosoners sentences to 18 months hard Anonymous. (1913c, Dec 2). Hawker's License. labour. Benalla Standard, 3 col. a. Riverine Herald (Echuca), 2 col. e. Anonymous. (1911f, Jan 4). Moulamein Police Anonymous. (1913d, Apr 11). Here, there and Court. Riverina Recorder (Balranald), 2 col. b. everywhere. Albury Banner and Wodonga Express, Anonymous. (1911g, Aug 15). News of the Day. 7 col. a. Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate 7 Anonymous. (1913e, Mar 14). Indian Hawkers. col. c. Receive Licences. Wodonga and Towong Sentinel, Anonymous. (1911h, Jan 17). [news]. The Riverine 3. Grazier (Hay), 2 col. d. Anonymous. (1913f, May 13). A Mohammedan's Anonymous. (1911i, Apr 14). Pastures Protection Death. Wagga Wagga Express, 2 col. c. Board Narrandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser, 4 Anonymous. (1913g, Sep 10). Notice. Riverina a-e. Recorder (Balranald), 2 col. b. Anonymous. (1911j, Jun 1). Perjury. Cobram Courier, Anonymous. (1913h, Dec 12). Our Country 4 col.c. Seervice. Bendigo Advertiser 2 col. d. Anonymous. (1911k, Nov 10). Police Court. Moree Anonymous. (1913i, Oct 10). Special Exhibits. Gwydir Examiner and General Advertiser, p. 4 col. Benalla Standard, p. 6 col. g. e. Anonymous. (1913j, Jun 6). Victorian Lands Anonymous. (1911l, May 19). Police Court. The Notice. Crown Lands available. Albury Banner Hillston Spectator and Lachlan River Advertiser, 2 and Wodonga Express, 20 col. b. col. c. Anonymous. (1914a, Mar 13). Acquitted on serious Anonymous. (1912a, Feb 21). Balranald District charge. Cohuna Farmer's Weekly, 2 col. e. Hospital Donations. Riverina Recorder Anonymous. (1914b, Nov 19). Alledged Sheep (Balranald), 6 col. d. Stealing. Wagga Wagga Express, 2 col. d. Anonymous. (1912b, Oct 4). Horses. Benalla Anonymous. (1914c, Nov 18). Alleged Malicious Standard, p. 6 col. b. Killing of Sheep. Borre Creek farmer accused. Anonymous. (1912c, Dec 4). Items of News Lockhart Review and Oaklands Advertiser, 2 col. e- [Hawkers' Licence] Border Morning Mail f. (Albury), 2 col. e. Anonymous. (1914d, Jul 1). Beechworth Police Anonymous. (1912d, Dec 17). Items of News Court. Ovens and Murray Advertiser (Beechworth), [Hawkers' Licence] Border Morning Mail 3. (Albury), 2 col. h. Anonymous. (1914e, Jun 19). Berrigan Shire. Anonymous. (1912e, Jan 16). Items of News Tocumwal Guardian and Finley Free Press, 5 col. a. [Hawkers' Licence]. Border Morning Mail Anonymous. (1914f, Jun 11). Berrigan Shire (Albury), 2 col. e. Council. Cobram Courier, 4 col. e. Anonymous. (1912f, Mar 6). Land Board. Riverina Anonymous. (1914g, Nov 19). County Court Swan Recorder (Balranald), 2 col. g–3 col. a. Hill. Swan Hill Guardian and Lake Boga Advocate, Anonymous. (1912g, Dec 4). [News]. Border Morning 3 col. b. Mail (Albury), 2 col. d. Anonymous. (1914h, Apr 23). Cremation at Hay. Anonymous. (1912h, May 14). Pastures Protection Wagga Wagga Express, 3 col. d. Board Narrandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser, 4 Anonymous. (1914i, Apr 14). Fatal riding accident col. c-e. at Gunbar. Lubba Singh the victim. The Riverine Anonymous. (1912i, Mar 15). Pastures Protection Grazier (Hay), 2 col. d. Board Narrandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser, 4 Anonymous. (1914j, Nov 27). Henty. Albury Banner a-e. and Wodonga Express, p. 47 col. d.

—45— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Anonymous. (1914k, Apr 20). Hindoo cremated. Anonymous. (1915q, Mar 19). Tumbarumba Show. The Riverine Herald (Echuca), 2 col. d. Albury Banner and Wodonga Express, 19 col. a. Anonymous. (1914l, Apr 17). Hindoo cremated. Anonymous. (1916a, Dec 8). Ardlethan. Albury Echuca and Moama Advertiser and Farmers' Gazette, Banner and Wodonga Express, 7 col.c. 2 col. b. Anonymous. (1916b, Feb 10). Court of Petty Anonymous. (1914m, Jan 6). Hindu Hawkers. Sessions. Corryong Courier, 3 col. c. Echuca and Moama Advertiser and Farmers' Gazette, Anonymous. (1916c, Dec 1). Cremation. Euroa 2 col. d. Advertiser, 2 col. g. Anonymous. (1914n, Apr 24). In the Supreme Anonymous. (1916d, Nov 28). Cremation. Euroa Court of NSW. Gazal vs. Lubba Singh Gazette, 2 col. g. [advertisement]. The Riverine Grazier (Hay), 3 Anonymous. (1916e, Jan 6). Cudgewa. Corryong col. b. Courier, 3 dol. e. Anonymous. (1914o, Apr 21). [news]. Narrandera Anonymous. (1916f, Mar 22). Culcairn. Border Argus and Riverina Advertiser, 2 col. h. Morning Mail and Riverina Times (Albury), 1 col. Anonymous. (1914p, May 8). [news]. The Riverine a. Grazier (Hay), 2 col. b. Anonymous. (1916g, Mar 14). Hindu's Funeral. Anonymous. (1914q, Apr 24). [News]. The Riverine Mohammedan Ceremony at Moama. Riverine Grazier (Hay), 2 col. a. Herald (Echuca), 2 col. e. Anonymous. (1915a, Sep 3). About People. The Anonymous. (1916h, Mar 14). Hindu's Funeral. Independent (Deniliquin), 2 col. b. Mohammedan Ceremony at Moama. Echuca Anonymous. (1915b, Feb 10). Alleged fraudulent and Moama Advertiser and Farmers' Gazette, 2 col. conversion. Tamworth Daily Observer, p. 3 col. v. e. Anonymous. (1915c, Aug 13). Australia Day. At Anonymous. (1916i, Dec 8). Late News [Hawkers' . List of Donors. Riverina Grazier Licences]. Border Morning Mail (Albury), 2 col. d. (Hay), 4 col. a. Anonymous. (1916j, Dec 8). Late News. Albury Anonymous. (1915d, Oct 8). Boxing at Henty. Banner and Wodonga Express, 26 col. c. Albury Banner and Wodonga Express, 47 col. c. Anonymous. (1916k, Dec 1). Licencing Court. Anonymous. (1915e, Jan 14). Court of Petty Jerilderie Herald and Advertiser, 2 col.g. Sessions. Corryong Courier, 2 col. h. Anonymous. (1916l, Mar 14). Local News. Anonymous. (1915f, Sep 14). Cremation of a Obituary. Echuca and Moama Advertiser and Hindoo. Violet Town Sentinel, 1 col. c. Farmers' Gazette, 4 col. a. Anonymous. (1915g, Sep 1). Death. Riverina Recorder Anonymous. (1916m, Dec 7). [News]. Upper Murray (Balranald), 2 col. d. and Mitta Herald (Corryong), 2 col. e. Anonymous. (1915h, Sep 17). Gowangardie. Benalla Anonymous. (1916n, Feb 10). Our Honour Roll. Standard, p. 5 col. c. Swan Hill Guardian and Lake Boga Advocate, 4 col. Anonymous. (1915i, Feb 2). Hawkers' Licences. d–e. Echuca and Moama Advertiser and Farmers' Gazette, Anonymous. (1916o, May 24). Police Court. 2 col. e. Wangaratta Chroniclee, p. 2 col. h. Anonymous. (1915j, Mar 12). Impounding Case. Anonymous. (1917a, Feb 15). Cosgrove. Dookie and Technical Breach of Act. Refund of Damage Katamatite Recorder, p. 3 col. c. and Pounds Fees. Tamworth Daily Observer, p. 3 Anonymous. (1917b, Jan 26). Court Case. Tocumwal col. f. Guardian and Finley Free Press, 2 col. d. Anonymous. (1915k, May 3). Moulamein Police Anonymous. (1917c, Oct 15). Cremation of an court. Swan Hill Guardian and Lake Boga Indian hawker. Had died at Mooroopna Advocate, 3 col. d. Hospital. teeth preserved for transmission Anonymous. (1915l, Mar 26). Narrandera Quarter home. Shepparton Advertiser, 4 col. d. Sessions. Urana Independent and Clear Hills Anonymous. (1917d, Oct 26). Cremation of an Standard, 1 col. e. Indian hawker. Had died at Mooroopna Anonymous. (1915m, Apr 29). [news]. Shepparton Hospital. teeth preserved for transmission News, 2 col. g. home. Kyabram Guardian, 4 col. d. Anonymous. (1915n, Sep 9). [news]. Bedigonian Anonymous. (1917e, Aug 31). Gerogery. Albury (Bendigo), 11 col. d. Banner and Wodonga Express, 3 col. c. Anonymous. (1915o, Aug 17). Pullitop. Daily Anonymous. (1917f, Aug 24). Gerogery. Albury Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 4 col. c. Banner and Wodonga Express, 3. Anonymous. (1915p, May 27). Swan Hill Anonymous. (1917g, Aug 22). Gerogery. Hawker Volunteers. Swan Hill Guardian and Lake Boga Found Dead. Albury Daily News, 3 col. c. Advocate, 2 col. g. Anonymous. (1917h, Sep 6). Gleanings. Singleton Argus, 1 col. 6.

—46— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Anonymous. (1917i, Sep 5). Items of Interest. The Anonymous. (1918o, Jan 22). The Sailors’ and Armidale Chronicle 8 col. a. Soldier’s Club Border Morning Mail (Albury), 2 Anonymous. (1917j, Sep 4). News of the Day. col. c. Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate, 7 Anonymous. (1918p, Apr 23). Urgent Notice to col. a. Indians. Border Morning Mail (Albury), 3 col. 3. Anonymous. (1917k, Sep 6). [News]. The Anonymous. (1919a, May 7). Alledged Sheep Yackandandah Times 3 col. c. Stealing. Jury fails to agree. Riverina Recorder Anonymous. (1917l, Sep 7). [News]. Richmond River (Balranald), 2 col. e. Express and Casino Kyogle Advertiser, 4 col. a. Anonymous. (1919b, Apr 30). Balranald Police Anonymous. (1917m, Jan 24). Ordinary Meeting. Court. Alledged Sheep Stealing. Riverina Riverina Recorder (Balranald), 3 col. a. Recorder (Balranald), 1 col.e–f; 3 col.a. Anonymous. (1917n, Sep 8). Other States. Weekly Anonymous. (1919c, Jan 10). General [Hawkers' Times (Melbourne), 24 co. 21. Licence]. Albury Banner and Wodonga Express, 19 Anonymous. (1917o, Mar 22). Our Honour Roll. col. c. Swan Hill Guardian and Lake Boga Advocate, 4 col. Anonymous. (1919d, Aug 29). Hay Quarter g–h. Sessions. Riverine Grazier (Hay), 4 col. a–b. Anonymous. (1917p, Sep 3). Strangled by fence Anonymous. (1919e, Dec 8). Wagga District Court. wires. The Argus (Melbourne), 6 col. h. Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 3 col. b. Anonymous. (1917q, Sep 7). Strangled by wires. Anonymous. (1919f, Jul 18). Wagga Land Board. Wodonga and Towong Sentinel, 2 col. f. July Sittings. Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 4 Anonymous. (1917r, Feb 16). Watts, Clark & Co. col. e. Land Sales Albury Banner and Wodonga Express, Anonymous. (1920a, Jan 23). Cremation Ceremony. 4 col. c. Wodonga and Towong Sentinel, 3 col. d. Anonymous. (1918a, May 16). Brief Notes and Anonymous. (1920b, Feb 20). Cremation Comments. Upper Murray and Mitta Herald Ceremony. Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust. (Talangatta), 2 col. f. North-Eastern Ensign (Benalla), 3 col. a. Anonymous. (1918b, Jun 22). Carboor Anonymous. (1920c, Jun 25). Cremation of a L.M.P.League. Wangaratta Chroniclee, p. 3 col. b. Hindoo. Wodonga and Towong Sentinel, 2 col. d. Anonymous. (1918c, Jun 7). Clearing Sale. Wodonga Anonymous. (1920d, Apr 30). Indians Quarrel. and Towong Sentinel, 2 col. e. Robbery and assault charges fail. The Independent Anonymous. (1918d, May 15). Hawker's Death. (Deniliquin), 1 col, c–d. Ovens and Murray Advertiser (Beechworth), 2 col. d. Anonymous. (1920e, Jan 15). News in Brief. Border Anonymous. (1918e, May 10). Hawker's Death. Morning Mail (Albury), 1 col. b. Wodonga and Towong Sentinel, 2 col. d. Anonymous. (1920f, Jan 16). Wangaratta. Benalla Anonymous. (1918f, Dec 12). Hawkers' Licences. Standard, 4 col. d. Echuca and Moama Advertiser and Farmers' Gazette, Anonymous. (1921a, Feb 9). Hospital Donations 4 col. a. for the year 1920. Riverina Recorder (Balranald), 4 Anonymous. (1918g, Jan 8). Hawkers' Licences. col. a–b. Echuca and Moama Advertiser and Farmers' Gazette, Anonymous. (1921b, May 13). Police Court. 2 col. d. Narrandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser, 2 col. g. Anonymous. (1918h, Feb 5). Hindoo assaulted. Anonymous. (1921c, Mar 5). Quarter Sessions. Riverine Herald (Echuca), 3 col. b. Sydney Morning Herald, 9 col. g. Anonymous. (1918i, Feb 5). Hindoo assaulted. Anonymous. (1922a, Jul 8). Another cremation at Echuca and Moama Advertiser and Farmers' Gazette, Temora. Young Witness, 4 col.c. 3 col. b. Anonymous. (1922b, Jul 17). Another Hindoo. The Anonymous. (1918j, May 14). Items of News. Border Grenfell Record and Lachlan District Advertiser, 2 Morning Mail (Albury), 2 col. c. col. f. Anonymous. (1918k, Dec 3). Items of News Anonymous. (1922c, Feb 23). Berrigan Shire [Hawkers' Licences]. Border Morning Mail Council. Cobram Courier, 4 col. a. (Albury), 2 col. c. Anonymous. (1922d, May 10). Burning Off. Anonymous. (1918l, Feb 1). Late news. Albury Regulation disregarded. Daily Advertiser (Wagga Banner and Wodonga Express, p. 28 col. c. Wagga), 1 col. d. Anonymous. (1918m, May 16). [News]. The Anonymous. (1922e, May 10). Burning off. Yackandandah Times, 2 col. c. Regulation disregarded. Man fined £10. Daily Anonymous. (1918n, Dec 11). Police Court. Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 1 col. e. Wangaratta Chroniclee, p. 3 col. a. Anonymous. (1922f, Oct 20). Glenrowan. Benalla Standard, p. 4 col. a.

—47— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Anonymous. (1922g, Feb 7). Hay Hospital [List of Anonymous. (1925b, Jul 31). Cremation at Chiltern. Donors]. Riverina Grazier (Hay), 3 col. b. Albury Banner and Wodonga Express, 22 col. c. Anonymous. (1922h, Jun 6). An Indian Custom. The Anonymous. (1925c, Aug 1). Cremation at Chiltern. Wyalong Advocate and Mining, Agricultural and An Indian Ceremony. Corowa Chronicle, 6 col. d. Pastoral Gazette, 6 col. d. Anonymous. (1925d, Jul 28). Cremation at Chiltern. Anonymous. (1922i, Oct 27). Lockhart Sheep Deal. An Indian Ceremony. The Age (Mlebourne), 5 Albury Banner and Wodonga Express, 20 col. c–d. col. g. Anonymous. (1922j, Oct 24). MOhammedan Burial Anonymous. (1925e, Feb 20). Cremation Service. Benalla Standard, p. 3 col. a. Ceremony. Albury Banner and Wodonga Express, Anonymous. (1922k, Jun 12). [news]. The Gundagai 28 col. b. Independent and Pastoral, Agricultural and Mining Anonymous. (1925f, Feb 17). Death of Indian Advocate, 2 col. b. Hawker. Body cremated. The Tumut Advocate Anonymous. (1922l, Feb 24). [news]. Tocumwal and Farmers and Settlers' Adviser, 1 col. f. Guardian and Finley Free Press, 1 col. c. Anonymous. (1925g, Jul 10). Doings in different Anonymous. (1922m, Oct 21). No cases next week. districts. Riverina Grazier (Hay), 4 col. d. Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 6 col. c. Anonymous. (1925h, Oct 23). Donations ot Albury Anonymous. (1922n, May 9). Pastures Protection Hospital. Albury Banner and Wodonga Express, 22 Board Narrandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser, 1 col. d. col. d-f. Anonymous. (1925i, Jul 7). [news]. Age (Melbourne), Anonymous. (1922o, Jun 9). Temora. Albury Banner, 6 col. d. 7 col. b. Anonymous. (1925j, Jul 11). [news]. Newcastle Anonymous. (1922q, Oct 23). Wagga Circuit Court. Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate, 2 col. d. A disputed Sheep Deal. Daily Advertiser (Wagga Anonymous. (1925k, Aug 12). Nº 2 Full Court. Wagga), 2 col. h. Sydney Morning Herald, p. 9 col. a. Anonymous. (1922r, May 9). Well, there you are. Anonymous. (1925l, Jun 30). Riverina News. Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 2 col. c. Tallangatta. Age (Melbourne), 5 col. e. Anonymous. (1923a, Jul 6). Corryong. Albury Banner Anonymous. (1925m, Jul 3). Tallangatta. Sudden and Wodonga Express, 21 col. a. death of a Hindoo. Albury Banner and Wodonga Anonymous. (1923b, Jul 9). Country News. Express, 46 col.d. Wodonga. Argus (Melbourne), 13 col. d. Anonymous. (1926a, May 5). Country News. Anonymous. (1923c, Jul 6). Fatal accident. The Echuca. Argus (Melbourne), 12 col. c. Yackandandah Times, 1 col. e. Anonymous. (1926b, May 3). Cremation Ceremony. Anonymous. (1923d, Sep 14). Gippsland and Last rites performed over Hindu Hawker. Northern Cooperative,Co Ltd Albury Banner Riverine Herald (Echuca), 2 col. e. and Wodonga Express, 45 col. c. Anonymous. (1926c, Sep 10). Wangaratta Show Anonymous. (1923e, Jun 29). Probate Jurisdiction. Awards. Albury Banner and Wodonga Express, p. In the will of Bishin Singh, late of Moulamein, 4 col. d. in the State of New South Wales, hawker, Anonymous. (1928, Sep 14). Yanko Shire Council. deceased. Government Gazette of the State of New Narrandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser, 7 col. c- South Wales (Sydney), 73, 2927. f. Anonymous. (1924a, Mar 14). Geeral. Albury Banner Anonymous. (1929a, Feb 19). Albury Road Mishap. and Wodonga Express, 27 col. c. Indian farmer's injuries fatal. Daily Advertiser Anonymous. (1924b, Feb 1). Genuine Clearing Sale (Wagga Wagga), 6 col. d. account Hummo Khan, Pine Hill. Narrandera Anonymous. (1929b, Feb 8). Doings in different Argus and Riverina Advertiser, 2 col. h. districts. The Riverine Grazier (Hay), 4 col. d. Anonymous. (1924c, Feb12). Genuine Clearing Sale Anonymous. (1929c, Jan 26). Indian Hawker account Hummo Khan, Pine Hill. Narrandera drowned. The Age (Melbourne), 27 col. c. Argus and Riverina Advertiser, 2 col. e. Anonymous. (1929d, Feb 12). [News]. Narrandera Anonymous. (1924d, Feb 5). Hay Hospital [List of Argus and Riverina Advertiser, 2 col. f. Donors]. Riverina Grazier (Hay), 3 col. a–b. Anonymous. (1929e, Feb 7). [News]. Jerilderie Herald Anonymous. (1924e, Feb 22). Highly successful and Urana Advertiser, 1 col. 3. clearing sales. Narrandera Argus and Riverina Anonymous. (1929f, Feb 14). Passengers by the Advertiser, 2 col. e. Maloja. Advertiser (Adelaide), p. 18 col. b. Anonymous. (1924f, Feb 5). [news]. Narrandera Anonymous. (1929g, Aug 31). Riverina. Weekly Argus and Riverina Advertiser, 4 col. c. Times (Melbourne), 9 col. e. Anonymous. (1925a, Jul 4). Cremation. Riverina Anonymous. (1929h, Dec 7). The whereabouts of Recorder (Balranald), 3 col. a. Devant Singh [advertisment]. The Age (Melbourne), 14 col. e.

—48— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Anonymous. (1930a, Sep 24). Death at camp fire. Anonymous. (1934c, Aug 10). Cremated at Body of Indian Hawker found charred. The Age Beechworth. The Henty Observer, 2 col. d. (Melbourne), 9 col. h. Anonymous. (1934d, Oct 26). Cremation at Anonymous. (1930b, Jan 31). Death of of Hindoo. Beechworth Wodonga and Towong Sentinel, 2 col. Body cremated. North Eastern Ensign (Benalla), 2 d. col. g. Anonymous. (1934e, May 4). Death of Indian Anonymous. (1930c, Sep 24). District News. Centenarian. Wodonga and Towong Sentinel, 2 col. Walbundrie. Border Morning Mail (Albury), 5 col. g. c. Anonymous. (1934f, Apr 24). District Court. Anonymous. (1930d, Sep 23). Fell dead into camp Narrandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser, 2 col. h. fire The Sun (Sydney), 5 col. c. Anonymous. (1934g, Nov 27). Donations Anonymous. (1930e, Sep 27). Fell into camp fire. acknowledged. The Independent (Deniliquin), 3 The Farmer and Settler (Sydney), 4 col. f. col. g. Anonymous. (1930f, Sep 24). Indian found dead. Anonymous. (1934h, Nov 2). Indian cremated at Sydney Morning Herald, 14 col. h. Beechworth North-Eastern Ensign (Benalla), 2 Anonymous. (1930g, May 30). Indian hawker leaves col. c. £20,729. North Eastern Ensign (Benalla), 3 col. c. Anonymous. (1934i, May 3). Old Indian's Death. Anonymous. (1930h, May 30). Indian Hawker Sydney Morning Herald, 10 col. h. leaves£20,279. Horsham Times, 7 col. c. Anonymous. (1934j, Apr 17). Pastures Protection Anonymous. (1930i, May 1). Local and General. Board Narrandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser, 4 Jerilderie Herald and Urana Advertiser, 2 col.g. col. d-f. Anonymous. (1930j, Jan 30). News and Notes. Anonymous. (1934k, Aug 4). The rites of his faith. Jerilderie Herald and Urana Advertiser, 3 col. a. The Age (Melbourne), 22 col. h. Anonymous. (1930k, Jun 17). Personal. Lockhart Anonymous. (1934l, Apr 30). Sung Mullick. Daily Review and Oaklands Advertiser, p. 4 col. b. Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 2 col. a. Anonymous. (1930l, Jan 25). A public cremation. Anonymous. (1935a, Aug 15). About people. The Hindu Pyre at Wangaratta. Age (Melbourne), p. Gundagai Independent and Pastoral, Agricultural and 24 col. d. Mining Advocate, 4 col. c. Anonymous. (1930m, Jan 27). Pyre on Town Anonymous. (1935b, Dec 28). Body Burnt Aged Common. Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 1 col. Hindu Funeral Pyre. The Sun (Sydney), 7 col. d. c. Anonymous. (1935c, Mar 8). Cremated Indian's Anonymous. (1930n, Jan 25). Pyre on Town bones in Lagoon. Albury Banner and Wodonga Common. Sun (Sydney), 3 col. a. Express, 16 col. d. Anonymous. (1930o, Jan 25). Wangaratta. Argus Anonymous. (1935d, Jan 25). Death of former (Melbourne), 10 col. d. Indan wrestler. Age ({Melbourne), p. 11 col. d. Anonymous. (1931, May 26). Indian Cremated. Anonymous. (1935e, Feb 1). Death of Gharne Numurkah Leader, p. 2 col. e. Singh. Early resident of Henty. Henty Observer Anonymous. (1932a, Jul 21). Berrigan. Cobram and Culcairn Shire Register, p. 3 col. g. Courier, 2 col. e. Anonymous. (1935f, Jan 29). Gharne Singh's Death. Anonymous. (1932b, May 31). Donations. The Cremated on Farm. Lockhart Review and Independent (Deniliquin), 4 col. g. Oaklands Advertiser, p. 1. Anonymous. (1933a, Aug 31). Cremation of Hindu Anonymous. (1935g, Mar 5). Human Remains. near Albury. Jerilderie Herald and Urana Were they Gharne Singhs? Lockhart Review and Advertiser, 3 col. f. Oaklands Advertiser, p. 2 col. c. Anonymous. (1933b, Aug 25). Hindu cremated at Anonymous. (1935h, Aug 29). Local and General. Albury. Albury Banner and Wodonga Express, 9 Jerilderie Herald and Urana Advertiser, 2 col. g. col. a. Anonymous. (1935i, Mar 5). A Mystery Solved. Age Anonymous. (1933c, Aug 18). Late Personal. Albury (Melbourne), 16 col. d. Banner and Wodonga Express, 4 col. d. Anonymous. (1935j, Aug 30). [News]. Narrandera Anonymous. (1933d, May 27). Mrs Elizabeth Kelly. Argus and Riverina Advertiser, 6 col. f. Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 4 col. a. Anonymous. (1935k, Jan 25). Obituary Mr Gharne Anonymous. (1934a, Aug 4). Body burnt in Pyre. Singh. Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 4 col. a. Indian rite at Beechworth. The Argus Anonymous. (1935l, Jan 22). Personal. Lockhart (Melbourne), 24 col. b. Review and Oaklands Advertiser, p. 2 col. b. Anonymous. (1934b, May 1). Coroner's Inquest. Anonymous. (1935m, Feb 1). Personal news. Albury Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 2 col. b. Banner and Wodonga Express, 46 col. b. Anonymous. (1935n, Feb 5 ). Riverina. Henty. Argus (Melbourne), p. 3 col. d.

—49— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Anonymous. (1936a, Apr 10). Bets cool drinks in of Bondo near Tumut. Argus (Melbourne), 2 col. the country. The Henty Observer, 2 col. b. b. Anonymous. (1936b, Aug 3). Hawker's Lonely Anonymous. (1943a, Feb 26). Probate Jurisdiction. death. Body found on road side. The Independent Currum Singh. Government Gazette of the State of (Deniliquin), 2 col. e. New South Wales (Sydney), 25, 409 Anonymous. (1936c, Aug 1). He has found rest. Anonymous. (1943b, Feb 19). Probate Jurisdiction. Shepparton Advertiser, 4 col. b. Currum Singh. The Henty Observer, 2 col. e Anonymous. (1936d, Aug 1). Hindoo cremated. Anonymous. (1944a, Oct 27). Air Fore Man Interesting Career Ended. Riverine Herald arrested at henty. The Henty Observer, p. 8 col. e. (Echuca), 2 col. e. Anonymous. (1944b, May 27). District News. Anonymous. (1936e, Dec 11). Licensing Court. Henty. Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 3 col. c. Albury Banner and Wodonga Express, p. 47 col. a. Anonymous. (1944c, Jun 26). Hindu Funeral Rites. Anonymous. (1937a, Nov 23). Barmah Newcastle Sun, 10 col. g. Storekeeper's Claim. Numurkah Leader, 5 col. b. Anonymous. (1944d, May 19). Inder Singh. Daily Anonymous. (1937b, Nov 4). Indian cremated. Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 4 col. a. Kilmore Free Press, 4 col.c. Anonymous. (1944e, May 20). Inder Singh. Daily Anonymous. (1937c, Oct 27). Wangaratta. Argus Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 5 col. c. (Melbourne), 14 col. e. Anonymous. (1944f, May 23). Obituary Inder Anonymous. (1938a, Apr 30). Cremation at Singh. The Tumut and Adelong Times, 2 col. h. Deniliquin. A unique ceremony. Riverina Anonymous. (1944g, May 26). Personal and Social. Recorder (Balranald), 3 col f-g. Henty Observer and Culcairn Shire Register, 5 col. c. Anonymous. (1938b, Mar 3). Gunbower News. Anonymous. (1945a, Jan 29). Hindoo had no Riverine Herald (Echuca), 4 col. c. mourners at graveside. Benalla Ensign, 1 col. f. Anonymous. (1938c, May 19). Judicial and other Anonymous. (1945b, Jun 29). Hummo Khan. notices. Argus (Melbourne), 17 col. h. Narrandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser, 2 col. e. Anonymous. (1938d, May 17). [news]. The Riverine Anonymous. (1945c, Feb 9). Lost. Narrandera Argus Grazier (Hay), 2 col. d. and Riverina Advertiser, 3 col. e. Anonymous. (1938e, Jul 5). [news]. The Riverine Anonymous. (1946a, Jun 19). Deaths. Riverine Herald Grazier (Hay), 2 col. b. (Echuca), 4 col. c. Anonymous. (1938f, Feb 8). Other distrcts. Argus Anonymous. (1946b, Oct 19). Local Repatriation (Melbourne), 12 col. e-f. Committee. Narrandera Argus and Riverina Anonymous. (1938g, Jun 14). Pastures Protection Advertiser, 1 col. d. Board Narrandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser, 4 Anonymous. (1948a, Apr 13). Funeral Mr Sahib col. d-f. Dad. Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 2 col. d. Anonymous. (1938h, Jan 17). Two Wagga Men Anonymous. (1948b, Apr 12). Funeral Notice. Daily Killed. Struck by Lightning. Daily Advertiser Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 2 col. b. (Wagga Wagga), 4 col. d. Anonymous. (1948c, Oct 29). Hawker's estate of Anonymous. (1939a, Jun 26). Hindu Funeral Rites. £19,937. Argus (Melbourne), 6 col. b. Newcastle Sun 10 col. g. Anonymous. (1948d, Sep 10). The Indian Hawker a Anonymous. (1939b, Jun 30). Probate Jurisdiction. vanishing race. Gauda Singh's death. Benalla In the will of Rur Singh, Commonly called Rule Ensign, 3 col. e. Singh, late of Henty in the State of New South Anonymous. (1948e, Apr 10). Mr Sahib Dad. Daily Wales. The Henty Observer and Culcairn Shire Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 2 col.d. Register, 4 col. b. Anonymous. (1948f, Apr 12). Obituary Mr Sahib Anonymous. (1939c, Feb 10). Probate Jurisdiction. Dad. Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 2 col. d. Putrab Singh. Government Gazette of the State of Anonymous. (1948g, Nov 8). Old hawker left New South Wales (Sydney), 22, 710. £20,000. Daily Mercury (Mackay), 3 col. c. Anonymous. (1939d, Jun 13). Traffic offences dealt Anonymous. (1951a, Oct 5). Indian Hawker with. Murrumbidgee Irrigator (Leeton), p. 4 col. f. Alleged to Have Set Own Funeral Pyre. Anonymous. (1940, Jan 17). District Personals. Observer (Henty), 1 col. a–c. Goulburn Valley Stock and Property Journal Anonymous. (1951b, Oct 6). Indian made own (Shepparton), p. 6 col. g. funeral pyre. Suicide verdict at Henty inquest. Anonymous. (1941, Sep 6). Country News. Death Border Morning Mail (Albury), 3 col. d-g. of Indian. Argus (Melbourne) 3 col. f. Anonymous. (1951c, Apr 6). Obituary. Mr Anonymous. (1942a, May 29). Notices. Sydney Hermann Singh. Shepparton Advertiser, 12 col. d. Morning Herald, 2 col. e. Anonymous. (1951d, Oct 16). Personal. Lockhart Anonymous. (1942b, Jul 30). Probate jurisdiction. Review and Oaklands Advertiser, p. 4 col. d. In the matter of the estate of David Singh, late

—50— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Anonymous. (1951e, Oct 6). Suicide verdict for Douglass, H.V. (1925, Dec 29). [Probate Henty Death. Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 3 Jurisdiction] Re will of Inder Singh, late of col. g. Adelong. Government Gazette of the State of New Anonymous. (1951f, Oct 12). Vale, Purtab Singh! South Wales (Sydney), 127, 2205. Henty Observer and Culcairn Shire Register, 3. Dowling, J.E. (1908, Feb 12). Hospital Donations. Anonymous. (1952a, Nov 29). 15-y-o Australian Riverina Recorder (Balranald), 6 col. b. Gorl's love for rich Indian. Mirror (Perth), 3 col. Dowling, J.E. (1910, Feb 16). Hospital Donations. d–h. Riverina Recorder (Balranald), 4 col. a. Anonymous. (1952b, Nov 23). Indian Love Call Duncan-Jones, R. (1977). Age-rounding, illiteracy Brings The Police. Truth (Sydney), 9 col.a–c. and Social differentiation in the Roman Anonymous. (1952c, Jun 25). 'Spud" dead. Lithgow Empire. Chiron, 7, 333–353. Mercury, 5 col. c. Fisher Bros. (1945, Aug 3). Farm clearing sale at Aplin, Greg. (2008, Jun 5). Henty Cemetery Project. Nummo Khan's farm Boree Creek. Daily Parliament of New South Wales, Hansard, 8351. Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 3 col. g-h. Benalla Cemetery Trust. (2017). Paul Singh. URL: Flannagan, & Co. (1930, Apr 2). Fitzroy-Trustees, Executors Auction, Thursday 3rd april Estate ry/surname/singh/7713. [Retrieved on Feb Late Gourdit Singh. Argus (Melbourne), p. 21 20, 2017] col.e. Blackmore, H.M. (1905, Dec 5). Sale by auction. In Garrett, T.W. (1906, Jan 23). Probate Jurisdiction. the estate of Sunda Singh, Indian hawker In the intestate estate of Sunda Singh, late of [advertisement]. Riverine Grazier (Hay), 3 col. f. and Hay, Indian hawker, deceased. Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales Box, H.G. (1924, Jun 28). Property sales. Daily (Sydney), 44, 565. Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 3 col d. Garrett, T.W. (1913, Sep 10). In the intestate of Brady, James. (1939, Jun 20). In the Supreme Court Buttira Bishen SIngh, of Bolina Bishon Singh, of NSW, Probate Jurisdiction, in the will of of Temora. Government Gazette of the State of New Hashantallie, known as J Hashantallie or James South Wales, 147, 5701. Hashantallie late of Chanter Streer, Moama. Sydney Morning Herald, 2 col. h. Garrett, T.W. (1914, May 19). In the Supreme Court of NSW, Probate Jurisdiction. In the estate of Bride, T.F. (1900, Feb 24). A rule to administer the Lubba Singh , late of Hay, in the state of New estate of Mohamed Khan, 289 Exhibition South Wales, hawker, deceased, intestate. The Street, Melbourne. Age (Melbourne), 11 col. h. Riverine Grazier (Hay), 3 col. b. Bride, T.F. (1904). Estates of deceased persons. Geddes, W.B. (1936, Jan 20). Probate Jurisidtion. In Victoria Government Gazette, 94, 2189. the estate of Argon Singh, also known as Bride, T.F. (1905). Estates of deceased persons. Johnnie Singh, late of Gundagai. The Gundagai Victoria Government Gazette, 92, 3156–3162. Independent and Pastoral, Agricultural and Mining Bride, T.F. (1907). Notice. Victoria Government Advocate, 2 col. b. Gazette, 129, 4569. Geddes, W.B. (1941a, Jul 10). Probate jurisdiction. Clancy, B.P. (1918, May 13). Sale. In the estate In the matter of the estate of David Singh, late Tarum Singh [advertisement]. Border Morning of Bondo near Tumut. Sydney Morning Herald, 2 Mail (Albury), 3 col. c. col. d. Conroy, John. (2008, May 12). Envoy moved by Geddes, W.B. (1941b, Jul 15). Probate jurisdiction. town honour, 9 cal a–d. In the matter of the estate of David Singh, late Cooke, Simon. (1991). Death, body and soul: the of Bondo near Tumut. The Tumut and Adelong cremation debate in New South Wales, 1863– Times, 3 col. h. 1925. Australian Historical Studies, 24(97), 323- Geddes, W.B. (1942, May 19). Probate jurisdiction. 339. In the matter of the estate of David Singh, late Crick, W.P. (1903, Apr 25). Approval of after of Bondo near Tumut. The Tumut and Adelong auction purchases. Government Gazette of the State Times, 3 col. e. of New South Wales, S 213, 3152. Geddes, W.B. (1943, Feb 19). Probate jurisdiction. Curry, H. (1903, Mar 18). Erratum. Government In the matter of the estate of Currum Singh. Gazette of the State of New South Wales, S 147, The Henty Observer, 2 col. e. 2257. Geddes, W.B. (1946, Mar 26). Re the estate of Dad, Sahib. (1924, Aug 2). Notice. Daily Advertiser Hummo Khan late of Pine Hill, Boree Creek. (Wagga Wagga), 5 col. c. Narrandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser, 3 col. c. Day, W. (1911, Jan 17). Unreserved auction sale. General Post Office. (1893a, Mar 21). List of Letters Drapery Clothing etc. Lockhart Review and Returned from the Country, and now lying at Oaklands Advertiser, 4 col. b. this Office unclaimed. New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney), 190 (Suppl.), 2379.

—51— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

General Post Office. (1893b, Jun 28). List of Letters Keen, Mrs J. (1914, Nov 5). Notice. Myrtleford Mail Returned from the Country, and now lying at and Whorouly Witness, 12 col. c. this Office unclaimed. New South Wales Khan, Baraket Ali. (1915, Feb 23). Notice. Tamworth Government Gazette (Sydney), 466 (Suppl.), 5119. Daily Observer, p. 1 col. c. Gippsland and Northern Cooperative. (1949a, Nov Knibbs, G, H. (1921). Official Yearbook of the 19). Executors Sale. Argus (Melbourne), p. 18 Commonwealth of Australia. vol. 14. Melbourne: col.a. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Gippsland and Northern Cooperative. (1949b, Nov Statistics. 30). This Day. Executors Sale. Age (Melbourne), Knobel, George, & Sons. (1942, Aug 7). Unreserved p. 11 col.d. Auction Sale. The Henty Observer, 2 col. c. Gippsland and Northern Cooperative. (1949c, Nov Kunow, Jürgen. (1983). Zum Analphabetentum im 30). This Day. Executors Sale. Argus römischen Heer. Angaben von Lebensalter (Melbourne), p. 14 col.d. und Dienstzeit auf Grabsteinen der Provinz Gippsland and Northern Cooperative, & Co. Germania inferior. Archäologisches Korres- (1923a, Aug 10). Clearing Sale on account of pondenzblatt, 13, 483-485. the estate of Pollah Singh. Albury Banner and Lappin, & Griffin. (1935, Aug 16). Probate Wodonga Express, 25 col. c. Jurisdiction. Gharne Singh, late of Lockhart. Gippsland and Northern Cooperative, & Co. Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (1923b, Jul 27). Clearing Sale on account of the (Sydney), 148, 3378. estate of Pollah Singh. Albury Banner and Lloyd Bros, & Fisher Bros. (1946a, May 18). For Wodonga Express, 24 col. d. sale by auction 639 acres (account estate late Gonzalez, Prue, Spennemann, Dirk H. R., & Allan, Nummo Khan). Lockhart Review and Oaklands Catherine. (2017). Itinerant Workers in Advertiser, 5 col. a. nineteenth-century Australia. A Survey of their Lloyd Bros, & Fisher Bros. (1946b, May 18). For Attributes. Institute for Land Water and Society sale by auction 639 acres (account estate late Report Nº 102. Albury, NSW: Institute for Land Nummo Khan). Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), Water and Society; Charles Sturt University. 5 col. a. Greenwell, Shephard, & York. (1931, Jul 3). In the Lloyd, C.F.W. (1911a, Oct 9). In the Supreme Court SupremeCourt of New South Wales, Probate of New South Wales. In Bankruptcy notice to Jurisdiction in the will of Herman Singh creditors. Sun (Sydney), 2 col. g. (otherwise Hernam Singh) late of Jerilderie. Lloyd, C.F.W. (1911b, Oct 4). In the Supreme Court Sydney Morning Herald, 16 col. c. of New South Wales. In Bankruptcy notice to Harris, J. A. (1925, Aug 29). Auction Sale. Riverina creditors. Government Gazette of the State of New Recorder (Balranald), 2 col. c. South Wales, 135, 5412. House, Walter B. (1916a, Sep 29). A rule to Lusher, Young, & Stellway. (1930, May 23). Probate administer the estate of Farman Ali Kashmere Jurisdiction. In the will of Esser Singh, late of (otherwise known as Juma Farman Allie) late Pullitop, near Wagga Wagga, in the State of of Benalla, hawker. The Independent (Benalla), 2 New South Wales, farmer and grazier, col. d. deceased. Government Gazette of the State of New House, Walter B. (1916b, Sep 23). A rule to South Wales (Sydney), 60, 2056. administer the estates of the undermentioned M'Donald, & Mason. (1925, Feb 26). Funeral deceased persons. Age (Melbourne), 16 col. d. Notice. Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 5 col.b. House, Walter B. (1918a, Jul 4). Notice. A Rule to M'Donald, J.C. (1934, Apr 28). Funeral Notice. administer the Estate of Naran Singh. The Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 4 col. g. Yackandandah Times, 2 col. b. M'Donald, J.C. (1944, May 19). Funeral notice. Daily House, Walter B. (1918b, Jul 29). Public notice. Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 5 col. f. Estates of Deceased Persons. The Argus Martin, Desmond. (1969, Nov 26). A hookah and a (Melbourne), 9. horse team. Border Morning Mail (Albury), 4. House, Walter B. (1930a, Sep 26). Notice. A Rule to Martin, Desmond. (1981). Tale of Twin Cities Part 1– administer the Estate of Son Moll. Age The Founding Years. Armadale, Vic: Graphic (Melbourne), 16 col. d. Books. House, Walter B. (1930b, Oct 17). Notice. Estates Martin, Howard, & Co. (1947, Oct 30). Auctionsale of deceased persons. Argus (Melbourne), 3. of Houses and Land. Jerilderie Herald and Urana Hunter, Jan. (2012). Albury Cemeteries. Alive and Advertiser 2 col. e. Well. Albury & District Historical Society Bulletin, McCracken, george. (1938, Jul 5). Auction Sale 526. Estate Purtarb SIngh. The Riverine Grazier (Hay), Isaac, J.D, & Co. (1944, Aug 8). Auction Sale. The 3 col. e. Tumut and Adelong Times, 3 col. a.

—52— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

McMahon, J.C. (1914, May 8). Sale by auction. Nott, M.C. (1946b, Mar 25). Re the estate of Court House, Hay. The Riverine Grazier (Hay), 3 Hummo Khan late of Pine Hill, Boree Creek. col. b. Sydney Morning Herald, 12 col. h. McNamara, J, & Co. (1900, Feb 9). Sale Fixtures. Nott, M.C. (1947, Nov 4). Notice for probate in the Numurkah Leader, p. 5 col. e. Supreme Court of New South Wales. Probate McSwiney, & Doyle. (1948, Sep 6). Gourdit Singh Jurisdiction in the estate of Baraket Ali Khan (commonly known as Gauda Singh), late of late of Leeton. Murrumbidgee Irrigator (Leeton), p. Wangaratta, hawker, deceased. Age (Melbourne), 3 col. f. p. 4 col. h. Palmer, William Harrington. (1907, Mar 11). In Murphy, G.F , & McCarthy, P.W. (1936, Jul 17). In bankruptcy. Australian Star (Sydney), p. 8 col. e. the Supreme Court of New South Wales. Levy Payne, E. J. (1925a, Jul 31). Probate Jurisdiction— vs Khan. Narrandera Argus and Riverina Lanna Singh. Government Gazette of the State of Advertiser, 3 col. c. New South Wales (Sydney), 102, 3422. Nathan, J.A. (1910a, Sep 21). In the estate of Payne, E. J. (1925b, Aug 8). Probate Jurisdiction— Mootha Khan, late of Moama. Riverine Herald Lanna Singh. Riverina Recorder (Balranald), 2 col. (Echuca), 3 col. b. d. Nathan, J.A. (1910b, Sep 21). In the Supreme Court Payne, E. J. (1930, Oct 21). In the Supreme Court of NSW, Probate Jurisdiction, in the will of of New South Wales. Probate Jurisdiction. In Moota Khan (someties referred to as Mohta the estate of Son Moll, also known as Son Mull, Khan), late of Moama. Riverine Herald (Echuca), of Savernake. Sydney Morning Herald, 7 col. c. 3 col. b. Payne, E.J. (1925a, Jun 26). Probate Jurisdiction— Nathan, J.A. (1910c, Sep 24). In the Supreme Court Charlie Sundah Singh. Government Gazette of the of NSW, Probate Jurisdiction, in the will of State of New South Wales (Sydney), 88, 2817. Moota Khan (someties referred to as Mohta Payne, E.J. (1925b, Jun 19). Probate Jurisdiction— Khan), late of Moama. Sydney Morning Herald, 6 Charlie Sundah Singh. Sydney Morning Herald, 9 col. f. col. c. Nathan, J.A. (1910d, May 21). Sale of Business by Payne, E.J. (1925c, Jul 10). Probate Jurisdiction— tender in the estate of Gundah Singh (late of John Needham [Singh]. Government Gazette of the Moulamein, deceased) [advertisement]. Riverina State of New South Wales (Sydney), 94, 3091. Recorder (Balranald), 3 col. d. Payne, E.J. (1925d, Jul 18). Probate Jurisdiction— Nathan, J.A. (1910e, May 19). Sale of Business by John Needham [Singh]. Riverina Recorder tender in the estate of Gundah Singh (late of (Balranald), 2 col. f. Moulamein, deceased) [advertisement]. Bendigo Payne, E.J. (1929, Apr 25). Probate Jurisdiction— Advertiser, 1 col. e. In the Estate of Lal Singh late of Moulamein. Nathan, J.A. (1916a, Apr 26). Sale of Moulamein Sydney Morning Herald, 2 col. e. Property. Riverina Recorder (Balranald), 3 col. b. Payne, E.J. (1932, Mar 15). Probate Jurisdiction— Nathan, J.A. (1916b, Apr 27). Sale of Moulamein In the Estate of Carlo Singh late of Moulamein Property. Swan Hill Guardian and Lake Boga in the State of New South Wales, pensioner. Advocate, 3 col. d. Sydney Morning Herald, 2 col. e. Newman, Greald P. (1916, Aug 3). Notice pursuant Philipps, M.M. (1936, Dec 5). Notice. A rule to to the Public Trusts Act. Swan Hill Guardian and administer the estate of Sham Singh, late of Lake Boga Advocate, 3 col. c. Moama. Riverine Herald (Echuca), 3 col.c. Nicholson, & Lethbridge. (1946, Jan 15). In the Phillips, M.M. (1939, Dec 5). A rule to administer Supreme Court of New South Wales.. Probate the estates of the undermentioned deceased Jurisidiction. In the will and codocil of Hummo persons. Age (Melbourne), 9 col. d. Khan, late of Pine Hill, Boree Creek. Pricop, Loredana. (2014). Age Rounding and Social Narrandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser, 3 col. f. Status in Noricum. Studia Antiqua et Nicol, Robert. (2003). This grave and burning question: Archaeologica, 20(1), 185-217. A centenary history of cremation in Australia. Public Trustee. (1946, Nov 2). Personal and Misisng Adelaide: Adelaide Cemeteries Authority. Friends. Sydney Morning Herald, 17 col. b. Nicol, Robert. (2005). Australia. In D. J. Davies & Pullen, J.P. (1948, May 21). In the estate of Baraket L. H. Mates (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Cremation (pp. Ali Khan late of Leeton. Murrumbidgee Irrigator 67–70). Abindgon and New York: Routledge. (Leeton), p. 3 col. f. Nott, M.C. (1946a, Dec 20). Probate Jurisdiction— Reid, S.G. (1918a, Jun 7). Clearing Sale at Kiewa by Re the estateof Gungah Singh, late of Berrigan. the Gippsland and Northern Cooperative Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales Selling & Insurance Co. Albury Banner and (Sydney), 143, 2960. Wodonga Express, 24 col. c–d. Reid, S.G. (1918b, Jun 6). Clearing Sale at Kiewa by the Gippsland and Northern Cooperative

—53— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Selling & Insurance Co. Upper Murray and Mitta Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (2017b). Age Heaping Herald, 2 col. c. among Indian Hawkers in south-eastern Salusbury, F.H. (1911a, Jul 26). In the Supreme Australia and their source communities in the Court of New South Wales. In Bankruptcy re Punjab. Journal of Sikh and Punjāb Studies, Sher Khan and Ishmael Sher Khan, of Moama, 24(12), 149–202 hawkers. Government Gazette of the State of New Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (in prep.-a). Cremations of South Wales, 94, 4042. Indian Hawkers in the southern Riverina and Salusbury, F.H. (1911b, Aug 2). In the Supreme northern Victoria. Australian Archaeology. Court of New South Wales. In Bankruptcy re Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (in prep.-b). Lebanese and Sher Khan and Ishmael Sher Khan, of near Indian Hawkers in Southern NSW. A case Moama, hawkers. Government Gazette of the State study in retailing to remote communities. of New South Wales, 100, 4306. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing. Salusbury, F.H., & Lloyd, C.F.W. (1911, Aug 2). In Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (in prep.-c). Sioux Court the Supreme Court of New South Wales. In and the Indians of Albury. journal t.b.a. Bankruptcy Nº 18,903 re Sher Khan and Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (in prep.-d). ‘with Ishmael Sher Khan, of near Moama, hawkers. the outmost decorum.’ The role of Punjabi Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales, burials in Australia in shaping the public 100, 4306. discourse regarding cremation. journal t.b.a. Sheekey, J.C, & Co. (1934a, May 1). In the SupremeCourt of New South Wales, Probate Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (subm.). Patterns of late Jurisdiction in the will of Jung Mullick, late of nineteenth and early twentieth century land use Pullitop near Wagga Wagga. Daily Advertiser by Punjabi hawkers in Southern New South (Wagga Wagga), 5 col. e. Wales, Australia. Indian Historical Review. Sheekey, J.C, & Co. (1934b, May 2). In the Strahmore. (1923, Aug 15). Only a Hawker. But a SupremeCourt of New South Wales, Probate Man at that. Frankston and Somerville Standard, 4 Jurisdiction in the will of Jung Mullick, late of col. a–b. Pullitop near Wagga Wagga. Sydney Morning Herlad, 2 col. h. Stranger, J.W. (1910). Notice. Victoria Government Gazette, 98, 3433. Sheekey, J.C, Reynolds, & Co. (1948, Apr 15). In the SupremeCourt of New South Wales, Probate Sutherland, & Macfarlane. (1910a, Feb 26). Letters Jurisdiction in the Sate of News South Wales of administrtion in the estate of Sunder Singh Retured Farmer deceased. Daily Advertiser of Sheapparton. Argus (Melbourne), 13 col. h. (Wagga Wagga), 5 col. e. Sutherland, & Macfarlane. (1910b, May 24). [Notice SikhiWiki. (2014, Nov 13). Sikh names. URL: to] creditors and next of kin. Argus (Melbourne), 4 col. d. h_names. [Retrieved on Sep 20, 2016] Symonds, S.T.D. (1914, Apr 15). Stock Act, 1901. Part VI.—Registration of Brands of Horses Singh, Charlie Sunda. (1920, Jan 23). £1 reward. The and Cattle. Forth Quarterly List of Horse and Gundagai Times and Tumut, Adelong and Cattle Brands for 1913. First Notification. Murrumbidgee District Advertiser, 5 col. b. Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales Singh, Rutten. (1917a, Oct 17). Lost (Sydney), 66, 2287-–2299. [advertisement]. The Lockhart Review and Symonds, S.T.D. (1919a, Jun13). Stock Act, 1901. Oaklands Advertiser, 2 col. b. Part VI.—Registration of Brands of Horses Singh, Rutten. (1917b, Nov 2). Lost [advertisment]. and Cattle. First Quarterly List of Horse and Albury Banner and Wodonga Express, 48 col. b. Cattle Brands for 1919. First Notification. Singh, Rutten. (1918, Dec 17). Walbundrie Red Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales Cross. Border Morning Mail and Riverina Times, 2 (Sydney), 141 3277–3285. col. g. Symonds, S.T.D. (1919b, Jul 4). Stock Act, 1901. Singh, Rutten. (1926, Oct 27). Notice. Daily Part VI.—Registration of Brands of Horses Advertiser (Wagga Wagga), 5 col. b. and Cattle. First Quarterly List of Horse and Singh, Sundah. (1943, Jul 9). To Let. The Henty Cattle Brands for 1919. Second Notification. Observer, p. 2 col. e. Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales Spennemann, Dirk H.R. (2017a). Hawkers in the (Sydney), 161 3717–3725. Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria Symonds, S.T.D. (1919c, Jul 11). Stock Act, 1901. 1890–1930. A survey of newspapers and Part VI.—Registration of Brands of Horses archival data. Institute for Land, Water and Society and Cattle. First Quarterly List of Horse and Report Nº 100. Albury, NSW: Institute for Cattle Brands for 1919. Third Notification. Land, Water and Society, Charles Sturt Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales University. (Sydney), 169 3825–3833.

—54— Deaths and cremations of Indian Hawkers in the Southern Riverina and North-Eastern Victoria until 1952

Symonds, S.T.D. (1920, Jan 9). Pastures Protection Wehrmann, J.H., & Co. (1948a, Mar 12). For sale by Act 1912. Sheep Brands. Government Gazette of public auction. Houses and Land at Henty. The the State of New South Wales (Sydney), 9, 149–161. Henty Observer, p. 5 col. c. Tasker, T. (1968, Jan 10). The Council of the Shire Wehrmann, J.H., & Co. (1948b, Mar 26). Public of Corowa. Sale of land for overdue rates. auction. Houses and Land at Henty. The Henty Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales Observer, pp. 5 col. d–e. (Sydney), 4, 97. Wehrmann, J.H., & Co. (1948c, Mar 19). Public Thompson, & Bradfield. (1923, Apr 25). Probate auction. Houses and Land at Henty. The Henty Jurisdiction—In the Estate of Jula Singh late of Observer, pp. 4 col. d–e. Coolamon, NSW. Sydney Morning Herald, 2 col. Whan, John. (1923, Jul 13). re Polah Singh, e. deceased. Albury Banner and Wodonga Express, 25 Tully, J.M. (1945, Aug 24). Notification of proposed col. d. opening of road. Government Gazette of the State Williams, Eileen M. (1978). Walbundrie : Riverina of New South Wales, 88, 1522. crossroads. Walbundrie: Walbundrie Centenary Walsh, W.M.J. (1905, Dec 23). Mogli —Mogli. of Education Committee. Wagga Wagga Advertiser, 7 col. g. Williams, W.G.H. (1903, Aug 7). Notice. Government Webb, Thomas Prout. (1899a, Jul 15). In the Gazette of the State of New South Wales, S 409, Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria. 5839–5858. Probate Jurisdiction. In the estate of Mohamed Windeyer, A.H., Phillips, & Co. (1941, Nov 21). Khan, Exhibition Street, Melbourne. Age Probate Jurisdiction. Kissin Singh Sundoo. (Melbourne), 12 col. a. Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales Webb, Thomas Prout. (1899b, Jul 8). In the (Sydney), 144, 4110. Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria. Yeo, Taverner, & Others. (1894, Jun 22). To Probate Jurisdiction. In the estate of Mohamed Hawkers & Others [advertisement]. Kerang Khan, Exhibition Street, Melbourne. Age Times, p. 3 col. e. (Melbourne), 12 col. a.
