UNAMI FOCUS Voice of the Mission UNAMI FOCUS In memory of those Voice of the Mission who perished for UN principles…. Mid-year Issue Assistance Mission for (UNAMI) July 2006

UNAMI's mandate is to assist the People and Government of Iraq in: • TheThe PPolitical Process • Humanitarian,Humanitarian, ReconstructionReconstruction && DevDevelopment • HumanHuman RightsRights

Working together for Iraq Message from SRSG Ashraf Qazi Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations public institutions founded on commitment to good Mark Malloch-Brown visits Baghdad governance and the adherence to international standards of human rights, and providing adequate public services that meet the basic needs of all pon the invitation of the Government of Iraq, Iraqis. At the regional level, Iraq now has an U Compact and will be strongly supported by the the Deputy Secretary-General of the United opportunity to work with its neighbors to achieve its World Bank in coordination with the IMF and full re-integration into the region. At the Nations, Mark Malloch-Brown visited Baghdad other regional financial institutions. It will international level, the new government can now on the 5th and 6th of July. He held consultations include key members of the international donor engage actively with the international community to with the Iraqi Government regarding its initiative community. The Preparatory group will report mobilize greater support for its political and for a new partnership with the international directly to Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Barham economic reconstruction. community – the International Compact for Iraq. Saleh and the Deputy Secretary-General of the The purpose of the Compact is to achieve a United Nations. That is why UNAMI welcomed the Prime Minister’s National Vision for Iraq which aims to Nuri Al-Maliki’s National reconciliation plan. It is consolidate peace and pursue political, economic The Government of Iraq regards the international The work of the United Nations Assistance important that at a time of spiraling sectarian and social development over the next 5 years. compact as a critical process for the country’s Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) over the past six months violence, the new government has chosen to widen The primary focus will be to build a framework future development. The visit of the Deputy in Baghdad was undertaken within a highly the door for dialogue. The UN particularly for Iraq’s economic transformation and Secretary-General emphasized the strong complex and difficult political context. The mandate welcomed the support in the reconciliation program integration into the regional and global economy. support of the United Nations for the Compact outlined by the Prime Minister, for the efforts of the given by the Security Council authorized UNAMI to as announced by the United Nations Secretary- League of Arab States and others to assist in the facilitate Iraq’s political transition in conjunction General Mr. Kofi Annan on the 16th of June. The dialogue for peace in Iraq, as well as support for the with the government of Iraq and Multi-National Compact will build on the achievements of the Baghdad Peace Initiative, both of which UNAMI Forces in Iraq. By force of circumstances, both Iraqi people and provide an opportunity to has played a role in facilitating. political and security related, UNAMI necessarily develop a broader international consensus of fulfilled its mission in a constrained atmosphere. The UN remains extremely concerned at the level of support and engagement with Iraq to bring about What should be stressed however is that UNAMI human rights violations in Iraq. The bimonthly its economic transformation and realize its best did fulfill the responsibilities entrusted to it, even report published by the UNAMI Human Rights economic potential for the sake, wellbeing and though it was not always given the visibility Office clearly states these concerns. In its daily prosperity of the Iraqi people. warranted by its efforts. work the mission consistently and urgently raises During the charged atmosphere in the months these issues with the responsible authorities for leading up to last December’s elections, UNAMI rectification. The new government’s public provided quiet but invaluable help to the Iraqi commitment to improving human rights is welcome constitutional and electoral processes. This support and will be supported to the fullest extent by the was largely technical and the mission’s skilled UN. UNAMI’s Humanitarian Reconstruction and experts in a variety of fields were able to offer Development component has tirelessly worked on advice aimed at finding ways through the projects throughout Iraq and recently provided particularly complex political, legal and technical emergency aid to over 12,500 families displaced by issues faced by the drafters of the constitution. sectarian violence. Following the endorsement of the draft constitution Finally, as the media focuses on ongoing violence in in the October 2005 Referendum, UNAMI’s Office Iraq, we remember our own tragedy of the 19 of Constitutional Support has organized a variety of August 2003 bombing of UN headquarters in seminars to enable Iraq’s political leaders and Baghdad which killed my predecessor Sergio Vieira constitutional experts to review unresolved issues de Mello along with twenty-one other friends and During his visit Mr Malloch-Brown met with when the Constitutional Review Commission is colleagues. As we remember them, we pledge to (his Excellency President Talibani), Vice appointed. them and to the Iraqi people that UNAMI remains as Presidents Adel Abdel Mahdi and Tariq Al- Regarding more recent developments, UNAMI committed as ever to helping Iraq and all its people. Hashimi, Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki, views the formation of the first constitutionally Deputy Prime Minister Dr Barham Salih, and a elected Iraqi government as an opportunity that host of key Iraqi political leaders and members offers the Iraqi political leadership the occasion to of the international donor community. address Iraq’s main challenges. At the national level the key challenge remains reaching agreement on Discussions focused on the Government of Iraq’s national reconciliation; ensuring an effective Special Representative of the establishment of a Preparatory Group which it constitutional review; developing an effective Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG) will co-chair with the United Nations. This capacity for future elections; building democratic Ashraf Qazi Group will assist with preparations for the

2 – UNAMI FOCUS – December 2005 - June, 2006 15 – UNAMI FOCUS – December 2005 - June, 2006 good relationships, being respectful and friendly with from the Iraqi Security Force (ISF), the 6th Division In this issue everyone. responsible for the International Zone (IZ) security. On 10 June 2006, UNGU and Security and Safety UNGU has established very good working Unit (SSU) staff hosted him to a lunch at Diwan, relationships with our coalition friends especially Message from SRSG Ashraf Qazi………. 2 UNAMI headquarters in Baghdad. On 15 June 2006, with the Georgians who provide the middle ring in UNGU hosted the head of the Coalition Operations, Baghdad and the Koreans in Erbil. Although Political Overview………………………. 4 Brig Paolo LUNELLI (Italy) and his deputy, Col language remains a minor barrier between the units, Peter Tarter (US) to a Fijian cultural night. On 18 Special Representative of the very strong understanding and friendships have been June 2006, Brig Mick MOON, the Australian Senior Public Information in Focus…………….. 5 Secretary-General for Iraq developed and will benefit UNAMI. National Officer, paid UNAMI a courtesy call, and (SRSG) Because the mission is a security task, much was accorded an honour guard, briefings and Human Rights Challenges………………..6 Ashraf Qazi development has been made to ensure a higher level afternoon tea. of ‘visibility, assurance and consistency’ is Humanitarian, Reconstruction and Another effective form of engagement is the Fijian maintained throughout. Training and the conduct of Development…………………………….. 7 exercises is an ongoing activity to keep the troops Choir which has been in great demand at the MNF-I Palace Christian Fellowship group. The Choir’s sharp and also assure the UNAMI staff of their safety Iraqi Constitutional Review Process……. 9 at all times. participation is always a weekly attraction at the Palace. UNGU has adopted the posture - Soft Face, Subtle UNAMI Electoral Activities…………….12 and Hard. Simply put, the unit portrays a soft and Recently, UNGU has acquired an additional protocol task – providing honour guards to visiting dignitaries smiling face, but can and will respond to whatever Deputy Special Representative and ranking officers. So far, four honour guards have Guard Unit Newsflash………………13 situation when needed to defend its mission. It will of the Secretary-General for been conducted to official guests including the new react and respond accordingly. Iraq (Political Affairs) DSRSG Jean-Marie Fakhouri and the Under- Deputy Secretary-General Michael Von Der For the Fijian the Iraq mission is a challenging one. Secretary-General for Safety and Security, Sir David visits Baghdad………………………….. 15 Schulenburg This tour of duty is six months before the contingents Veness. rotate. Leave is restricted to Iraq. However, the The major highlight for June 2006 was the Fiji facilities provided by UNAMI inside the camps and Military Forces Infantry Day celebration held on 23rd the limited facilities offered by MNFI, helps to June at UNAMI Headquarters at Diwan School to maintain morale and make life bearable. What really remember all the infanteers who have fallen before keeps the men and women going – strong Christian us. The day is of special significance to the Fijians faith, our traditions and culture, and our professional because at BOUGAINVILLE on 23rd June 1944, commitment and dedication to UNAMI. Corporal Sefanaia SUKANAIVALU, the only VC On 16 April 2006, UNGU suffered its first casualty (Victoria Cross) recipient in the Fiji Military Forces, when Corporal Sekuri SOKO passed on, a month selflessly sacrificed his life for those of his men. The Deputy Special Representative away from the end of his mission. It is our prayer that unit was honoured to have the UNAMI Chief of the Secretary-General for Iraq Corporal Soko will be remembered and honoured at Security Advisor (CSA), Graeme Membrey as the (Humanitarian, Reconstruction UNAMI for his sacrifice and contribution. chief guest. & Development) Jean-Marie Fahkouri Outreach Programme Future Efforts In line with SRSG’s guidance, UNGU has continued UNGU will endeavour to remain vigilant and Director of Public Information to develop its outreach programme by engaging maintain a high level of operational readiness to Said Arikat security companies, coalition neighbours, the Iraqi ensure that all UNAMI staff and facilities are safe security force, non-governmental organisations and and secure during our watch. The unit is proud and Head of Publications the local population. The primary purpose of the honoured to serve with UNAMI. Our efforts and Furat Al Jamil programme is to develop professional relationships, focus in the next three months will be in the Staff writer and Editor mutual understanding and networking. It is much following areas: easier to talk and work with someone who you know Adnan Jarrar developing self-reliance; maintaining a professional or at least understands you, in an environment like Design and Graphics and capable security force; ongoing training– to Iraq. Saliba Khoury remain effective and mission focused; developing The programme has been most successful and a lot of good relationships and understanding with the Photos people have come to know and understand UNAMI relevant iraqi security agencies; and deployment to UNAMI Public Information Office and UNGU through out efforts. Basrah. Published by the Public Information Office, Some of the activities have included the visit by Brig United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), Gen Mohamed WASEF, the 5th Brigade Commander [email protected]

3 – UNAMI FOCUS – December 2005 - June, 2006 On 23 April 2006, the Council of Representatives and provided a basis for recommendations. Westminster-styled democratic government and civil Political Overview service, and the organisation structure of its military elected Jalal Talabani from the Kurdish Gathering as Aside from the workshop discussions some meetings the new President, Adel Abdul Mahdi from the UIA and police forces. By UNAMI Political Office covered: the Cluster Funds Allocation, future training and Tareq al-Hashimi from the Tawafuq Iraqi Front projects, communications with the governorate The Fiji Military Forces as Vice-Presidents. The Parliament elected he elections held on 15 December 2005 had strong offices and future training for IECI staff. Fiji became a member of the United Nations in 1978. T Mahmoud Al-Mashadani from Tawafuq as its effect on the Iraq political life in the first months of It also participated in its first ever UN speaker and Arif Tayfour from the Kurdish In light of the conclusions from this conference as 2006. There were complaints from different political mission the same year when 650 soldiers were Gathering and Khaled Al-Attiyya from the UIA as well as with expressed concerns with the voter rolls, groups regarding alleged irregularities but all in all deployed to as part of The United Nations Vice-Speakers. Nuri Al-Maliki was nominated as the the United Nations has been working closely with the the Independent Election Commission of Iraq (IECI) Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). For a small Prime Minister-designate and charged to form the IECI in studying mechanisms to address this issue. and international monitoring team, which included a maritime nation, this was a significant contribution to government within 30 days. The United Nations is also working with the Board of number of electoral experts and representatives of Commissioners in elaborating a range of trainings, world peace for over an extended period of time. Ever the League of Arab States among them, concluded The new government was presented to the Council of programs and activities to enhance the skills of the since, the Fijian Government continues to pledge its that the election “generally met international Representatives on 20 May 2006, but to that date the Iraqi electoral staff and the operational and support to the UN as it reaches its 28th year of standards”. After appeal process, the officially Prime Minister was not able to fill the posts of communication capacities of the IECI. commitment to world peace. Meanwhile, Fijian certified results were announced on 10 February Ministers of Interior, Defence and National Security. officers and men have had other peacekeeping 2006. In the interim, the Prime Minister Jawad Al-Maliki In late May 2006, the IECI Voter Registration experiences the world over, participating in 15 Committee (VRC) was established with the help of regional and international observer and peacekeeping Election produced the Iraqi Parliament – the 275 took the post of Minister of Interior upon himself, UNAMI Electoral in order to plan the registration missions. seated Council of Representatives (CoR), which while Deputy Prime Minister Salam Al-Zawba'i was acting as Minister of Interior and Deputy Prime update process and as well as the basis for a represents the broad range of political, ethnic and permanent voters roll. The VRC has established The 1st Fiji Infantry Regiment, which forms the UN Minister Barham Saleh as Minister for National religious components of Iraqi population. The United contact with the Public Distribution System (PDS) Guard Unit (UNGU), UNAMI, was formed in 1939 Security Affairs. Iraqi Alliance (UIA), which represents mostly Arab under the Ministry of Trade. It has also been agreed and saw action in the from 1939 to 1945, Shiites, won 128 seats. The Kurdish Gathering – 53. On 8 June 2006, the Prime Minister presented his to contact the Ministry of Interior for the purpose of and the Malayan Emergency of 1952 to 1956. The The Tawafuq Iraqi Front – an alliance of political candidates for the last three lacking posts in his ascertaining what kind of civil registration plans may unit’s most notable deployment to date has been with parties with strong Arab Sunni representation, won cabinet: the Minister of Defence is General. be underway. A group or division to work on the UNIFIL in south Lebanon, a mission that lasted 24 years and the loss of thirty-one (31) lives. 44 seats and the Arab Sunni-dominated National Abdulkadir Mohammed Jassim Al-Obeidi, a Sunni practical voter registration issues (e.g. statistical Iraqi Dialogue Front gained 11 seats. The Iraqi Arab; the Minister of Interior - Jawad Al-Bolani, a analysis and detailed planning) will be established Fiji’s Commitment To Iraq National List won 25 seats. There is also a number Shiite Arab; and National Security Minister – under the IECI Operations department to complement In 2004, the Fiji Government readily and willingly of small political parties in the Council of Sherwan Al-Waili, also a Shiite. The government the VRC working on politics, concepts and external accepted the UN invitation to provide a guard unit to Representatives. After protracted negotiations, key formation has been competed. contacts. The VR advisor has provided a detailed political parties were involved in distribution of main UNAMI and in November of the same year, 134 On 7 June 2006, Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki walk-through of generic high-tech and sustainable troops were deployed to Iraq as UNGU 1. The Fiji state posts and ministerial portfolios, and breaks to registration. mark the Shiite Arba’in religious ceremonies and the announced that he would made public his National Government also committed itself to provide Kurdish Nawruz festival, the first session of the Reconciliation plan and ordered to release 2,500 additional troops to Erbil and Basrah. On 30 April Parliament was convened only on 16 March 2006. detainees by 30 June 2006. The first group of 594 2006, 55 troops were successfully deployed to the detainees was let fee on 7 June, more than 200 on 11 UN Fiji Guard Unit Newsflash new UN camp in Erbil, whilst the Basrah deployment In accordance with the new Iraq Constitution, the June and nearly 500 on 23 June. is anticipated to occur soon. biggest parliamentary bloc has to nominate a By Fiji Guard Unit (UNGU) candidate to the Prime-Minister’s post. There was a Initially, Al-Maliki was expected to make his UNAMI is the first special mission which is not under complex discussion within the UIA which resulted in National Reconciliation plan public on 15 June. the DPKO that the Fijians are involved in. iji (Fee Jee – not the Japan Fuji) is situated in the nomination of the incumbent Prime-Minister Ibrahim However, there were some delays and he finally F UNGU’s mission at UNAMI is to provide security to middle of the South Pacific Ocean astride the Al-Jaafari from the Daawa party for another term in presented it to the Council of Representatives on 25 UN staff and facilities. office. However, when the internal vote took place June 2006. Some days before this date Iraqi International Date Line. This makes it one of the first UNGU 1 to UNGU 4 within the UIA on 12 February 2006, Ibrahim Al- President, two Vice-Presidents, Prime-Minister and countries in the world to see the new day every day. Jaafari won only with the slightest margin. his Deputies, Speaker of the Council of It lies 11,000 kilometres south, south west of Los UNGU 1 – 3 were the early pioneers who set the Reservations regarding his nomination were Representatives and Vice Speakers discussed and Angeles and due east of Sydney, Australia, and is standards and platform when UNGU 4 assumed expressed by most of the parliamentary blocs. It was endorsed this plan under its official name: ‘The ahead of Baghdad local time by eight (8) hours. An command on 6 May 2006. National Reconciliation and National Dialogue idyllic and laid back tropical island paradise, the Fiji not an easy start. The changing political and security landscape in Iraq Plan’. Group of islands consists of 332 volcanic and coral Unable to secure solid backing from potential islands and islets, with a multiracial population of has forced UNGU to adjust some of its operations On 13 June 2006, the US President George W. Bush governing coalition partners, Ibrahim Al-Jaafari about 900 000 easy-going, happy and smiling people. operandi accordingly within its limited resources and announced on 20 April 2006 that he would abide by paid an unannounced visit to Baghdad where he met constraints. Given the static and confined nature of any decision of the United Iraqi Alliance regarding Prime Minister Al-Maliki, other members of his It is a relatively young democracy, having gained our work, the unit recognises the great need to be his candidacy. As a result, the UIA choose an cabinet, as well as President Talabani and Vice independence from Great Britain in 1970. Post- visible and engaging with members of the coalition, alternative candidate from the Daawa party – Nuri President Al-Hashimi. President Bush praised the colonization remnants ingrained into country’s fabric the Iraqi security forces and the Iraqi people. All the Al-Maliki – to form the government. prime minister for his cabinet “which represents the include the official language, English, the members of UNGU fully understand the need to have constitutional protections. Accountability concerns other's skills sets. That was paramount in the success entire Iraqi people” and appreciated their outreach effort, necessitate rapid, often spontaneous stem from Iraq’s legacy of dictatorship and of Parliament Elections in which 34,736 poling commitment. initiatives that are essential for maintaining government sanctioned human rights abuses, the station (PS), in 6,521 Poling centers (PC) through constancy with the evolving developments, On 22 February 2006, the holy Shia shrine of Imams significant role played by military in governance, the 547 District Electoral Office’s (DEO) all over Iraq sometimes encumbering long term planning. ongoing predominant position held by militia in served more than 15,500,650 registered voters. Ali Al-Hadi and Al-Hasan Al-Askari in Samarra Nonetheless, we never lose sight of the fact that the society, and more generally by Iraq’s former highly (known as Al-Rawdha Al-Askariya) was bombed Subsequently the UNAMI Electoral team assisted in main task of the UNAMI Public Information Office centralized and opaque governance system. and seriously damaged. This incident led to the process of triaging, processing and addressing escalation of sectarian violence and complications in (PIO) is to inform Iraqis, targeted audiences and The last multiparty dialogue will address these over 2,000 complaints on the polling and counting the political climate of the country. UNAMI strongly other stakeholders on the different aspects of diverse, but interlinked issues, through a tightly processes form all 18 governorates. condemned this act and called all communities to UNAMI’s operations, highlight the activities of the focused agenda on civil-military relations and Twelve appeals were lodged by political entities, practice for restraint. It also called for reconstruction SRSG, substantive offices, United Nations agencies militias, De-Baathification and dealing with the past, most of them on IECI decisions on complaints and on of the Shrine and facilitated assistance by programs, funds and offices that work under the separation of power between the three branches of the elections results. The IECI, with the Electoral international experts in assessing the damage and umbrella of the mission. government, civil service reform, and the role of team’s input responded the appeals. All 12 appeals making preparations for restoration. During the past 6 months the PIO has maintained an vibrant and independent institutions to ensure were resolved by the Appeals Court in IECI’s favor. energetic output designed not only to maintain parity accountability. Due to the present contentious debate Another prominent Shiite religious site – the Buratha On 10 February 2006, the IECI certified the final with its obligations, but also transcend the ubiquitous in Iraq over the role of security forces and militia, and mosque in Baghdad – was targeted by bomb attacks results of the Council of Representative elections. limitations in pursuit of effectiveness. Undaunted, the very direct impact both can have on fostering in April and June, which resulted in great loss of the PIO implemented an ambitious agenda in national reconciliation and stability, the agenda will On 28 January 2006, the IECI requested the United human lives and serious damage. UN in New York monitoring developments, evaluating them, be weighted to address these issues in greater depth. Nations to continue its assistance throughout 2006, and in Baghdad condemned these acts. The second as well as maintain its support for the conduct of incident on 16 June 2006 has triggered a chain of informing all our clients including our staff With the conclusion of the Accountability in forthcoming elections. dramatic events. Muqtada Al-Sadr called for joint members, the national and international media, and Government Multi-Party Dialogue in July 2005, OCS Friday prayers of Shiites and Sunnis there and when an array of political and social players on all relevant After the certification of the results, the UN-led will have run meetings on all divisive constitutional some of his followers marched to the mosque on 23 news/events with real value about the situation in International Electoral Assistance Team (IEAT) issues and provided Iraq with a much needed forum June 2006, an armed incident happened and a Iraq and the region. through which ongoing discussion of these issues has provided strategic and operational support to the number of people lost their lives and tension in Our extensive work plan has resulted in sustained been able to take place in the absence of the drafting of the post-election operational plan in which Baghdad increased. The government extended relevant coverage and improved the relationship formation of the constitution review committee. the priorities are: the transition from the IECI to the curfew and declared a state of emergency in the between UNAMI and the media as well as informed When this committee is formed, as a result of these Independent High Electoral Commission, update to capital. the Iraqi public about UNAMI’s presence and dialogues and the production of reports on each the voters roll, assistance to any future electoral event valuable work in Iraq. subject matter area, it is hoped that its members will and capacity development of the electoral On 8 June 2006 – the same day when three security be better informed of the critical issues. We expect administration. These priorities are the result of a ministers (Interior, Defence and National Security) The PIO identified and directed pertinent material in this committee to form in September 2006 at which series of departmental lessons-learned workshops in were presented to the Parliament – Prime Minister addition to its handling of press inquiries, press time UNAMI(OCS) will be well placed to provide it the operations, logistics, public outreach Nuri Al-Maliki announced the death of Abu Musab encounters, press releases, and through it all, acting with ongoing expert advice as required. administration, finance and procurement departments. Al-Zarqawi, the leader of Al-Qaida in Iraq, which as a bridge between the various pillars of the mission These workshops included both IECI Headquarters resulted from a joint Iraqi security forces and MNF-I and the vast “public” out there. The PIO was able to UNAMI Electoral Activities staff and field staff from the 18 governorates. These operation. The UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan enhance outreach and sought to correct existing workshops provided a unique opportunity to assess stated in New York that Iraqi people could “be doubts about the UN in Iraq and restore its image By UNAMI Electoral Team established operational mechanisms and relieved that he is gone”. However, he cautioned and support the Mission’s mandate. communication frameworks and permitted to that “we cannot pretend that will mean the end of the Additionally, the PIO has been organizing training elaborate recommendations for future IECI activities. violence”. Shortly after Al-Zarqawi’s death Al-Qaida Following the elections for the Council of session, press conferences on the different areas of Representatives held on 15th December 2005, the in Iraq threatened to launch “major attacks” in From 2 to 5 May 2006, UNAMI Electoral, together revenge. UNAMI activities as well as organizing interview UNAMI Electoral Team continued providing advice with the IECI sponsored a Lessons Learned opportunities for the SRSG with international and to the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq Conference in Cyprus, in which the main partners to national media. Off-the-record encounters and (IECI) as well as coordinating the international the electoral process participated, including the Public Information in Focus exchange of views with Iraqi journalist and cultural electoral assistance. European Union, UNOPS, UNDP, IFES and Scoula personalities at UNAMI’s headquarters in Baghdad, As mandated by the UN Security Council Resolution Supperiore Santa Ana. The Conference dealt with or hosted by the SRSG at his residence during the 1546, the UNAMI Electoral team, under the issues related to the legal framework, the complaints Reaching out and bridging the gap last few months, are yielding important leadership of the UN Secretary-General, appointed and appeals processes, the Out-of-Country voting By Public Information Office (PIO) communication clarity with these different groups. International Commissioner, deployed advisers on operation, the conduct of the electoral operation and The PIO has successful launched the monthly legal and procedural issues, provided technical its security implications, the process of accreditation Iraq is perhaps one of the most challenging environments for the conduct of public information “UNAMI FOCUS” enhancing access to UNAMI support to the Board of Commissioners on of political entities, election observation, and voter activities for our website visitors. procurement logistics, operations, public outreach, education and public outreach. The IECI and media programs. The intensity of tumultuous finance, security, information technology and voter commissioners also had a meeting with the friends of politics; the fluctuating and competing political Among other activities in the weeks ahead, the PIO registration. This forged a strong partnership between Iraq (Donor groups) in reference to cluster funds. priorities; the complexity of the social, ethnic and is planning a series of lectures, round table the IECI and Electoral team complimenting each The expert speakers provided sound discussion issues religious fabric that must be reflected in any media discussions to: • Identify publishers and broadcasting partners in Iraq. The recommendations made regarding the both constitutional reformulation and non- cooperation in this framework. Participants agreed on Iraq and the region and negotiate regular air time or mandate of the independent National Human Rights constitutional options). a list of key areas that need to be addressed by the section(s) in newspaper(s). Commission included promotion and protection of The Judiciary Seminar - Syracusa, Italy ,11-13 legislature in order to provide further definition on all human rights set out in international human rights the fiscal and financial structure • Produce and distribute the information kit covering April 2006: 18 Iraqi participants from political treaties; encouraging their implementation by the the activities of the seven clusters working under the parties, the judiciary, the Bar Association and Issues for Consideration on the Application, government; assisting in ensuring that national umbrella of UNAMI. academia discussed issues including the Federal Enforcement and Possible Reformulations of the Iraqi legislation is in compliance with international human Supreme Court, the Supreme Judicial Council, the Bill of Rights in the context of the Constitutional • Improve the established UNAMI website in both rights instruments; having the authority to receive Shura Council, Regional Courts, Conditions of Review and Implementation Process: 35 Iraqi Arabic, and English, and launch the Kurdish website. and investigate complaints – individual, systemic; Service, Special Courts, the role of Islam in the participants from all political groups, key institutions (The website can be made more interactive so that it initiate public hearings; undertaking inspections of Constitution (in particular Article 2), and Transitional (in particular Ministry of Human Rights, Ministry of boasts the flexibility of receiving and handling all places of detention in Iraq without prior consent; Justice. Participants agreed on issues that would need Justice), and civil society discussed constitutional feedback from the public. receiving unfettered access to documents, witnesses to be addressed by the Constitutional Review issues related to the bill of rights. It was agreed that • Submit proposals on development projects and and other information; having the capacity to assist Committee and often suggested actual textual the current extent of the Bill of Rights could be training workshops for the Iraqi media in cooperation victims by providing legal aid; reporting publicly on amendments. However they did not appear to attach improved in relation to the formulation of some rights with UN agencies, funds and programs. violations of human rights as it sees appropriate; great priority to taking the debate forward in (e.g. freedom of expression) and the limitation advising on the development of a comprehensive preparation for the work of the Review Committee, clause(s) and the text as it provided for states of strategy to deal with past violations and on national although no delegate raised the possibility of the emergency. It was agreed that the scope of some Human Rights Challenges reconciliation efforts. The independent National review not taking place. The meeting let to an agreed rights (e.g. economic and social rights) needed to be Human Rights Commission should also promote set of recommendations to be considered going clarified and provisions relating to the judiciary (its human rights, including through supporting By Human Rights Office (HRO) forward and the plan to establish a Working Group in schema, jurisdiction, appointment and independence) initiatives to create a human rights culture, working Baghdad to continue the debate. This outcome needed to be improved to ensure it was enabled to ursuant to paragraph 7 of Security Council with others including the Government, in particular P ensures, regardless of whether there is a better enforce the rights provisions. A detailed Resolution 1546 (2004), UNAMI has also the the Ministry of Human Rights, the Council of constitutional review process, that a mechanism now discussion was had of the current transitional justice responsibility to “promote the protection of human Representatives, the judiciary, civil society including exists through which to address some of the structure in Iraq and it was agreed that this needed to rights, national reconciliation, judicial and legal the media, in the promotion of human rights; paying important issues raised for the Judiciary by the new be reviewed and improved in order to better reflect reform in order to strengthen the rule of law in Iraq”. particular attention to vulnerable groups including Constitution. UNAMI was requested to service the the needs of the citizenship. With a view to helping In line with the reform agenda of the SG, minorities. As a follow up to that meeting, a Baghdad Working Group and provide expert advice achieve the best possible regime of human rights in UNAMI/HRO is also encouraging the working group was established to draft a law on the issues raised. the new Iraq, the dialogue generated (and garnered mainstreaming of human rights through the UN establishing the National Human Rights broad support for) ideas for enhancing the current system and has established human rights thematic Commission. The draft Law will be submitted Seminar on Fiscal and Financial Constitutional framework so as to protect, enforce and promote working groups in Baghdad and Amman. shortly to the Council of Representatives. Arrangements, Distribution of Resources and Management of the Economy of Iraq in the human rights and to encourage a ‘human rights • Enhancing the administration of justice Promoting and protecting human rights must be context of Post Conflict Reconstruction and culture. central to any efforts aimed at establishing As part of its mandate, UNAMI HRO is also Development - the Dead Sea, Jordan, 16-18 May Multiparty dialogue on Federal Arrangements under democracy and the rule of law for all Iraqis. Iraq has working to strengthen national capacities and 2006: 27 Iraqi participants from all political groups the New Iraqi Constitution: The multiparty dialogue today a window of opportunity to move in the infrastructures in the field of human rights. It sees as and other key official institutions (in particular, on Federalism and Decentralization, including issues direction of establishing the foundations of a state a priority to strengthen the administration of justice Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Planning) related to distribution of powers, regional formation based on the respect of the rule of law. With a new so as to ensure access to justice for all Iraqis and discussed constitutional arrangements and legal and management of joint responsibilities was Council of Representatives, a new Constitution, a police and prison administrations acting in keeping implications in the areas of overall fiscal framework, new national unity Government, it can really take attended by around 30 Iraqi participants from all with the respect of human rights norms. Legislative distribution of powers and expenditure responsibility, deliberate steps to establish a federal, democratic, major political parties. The substantive sessions reforms; building the capacity of judicial institutions revenue raising and mechanisms for equalization, pluralistic and unified Iraq in which there is full addressed this key constitutional topic from different and personnel; promoting human rights and legal direct and indirect sources of public revenue, and respect for human rights. perspectives, including sessions on regions and awareness; modernizing judicial infrastructure; and institutional implications for the implementation of regional formation; distribution of powers, from the • Establishment of the National Human Rights setting up an independent and effective national the fiscal schema. General agreement was shared on perspective of a) constitutional allocation of powers, Institution (NHRI) human rights commission are the main objectives of the idea that distribution of responsibilities needs to and b) joint management and issues of preeminence); UNAMI HRO together with the Office of the High UNAMI’s promotion activities. be accompanied by adequate distribution of resources fiscal federalism; role of regions at the national level; Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) UNAMI/HRO continues to play an active role in to discharge those responsibilities, and that and preservation of unity in a federal state. organized a workshop in Cyprus from 8-10 March transparency and accountability are essential supporting the activities of the Sectoral Working Seminar on Accountability of government, in 2006 to engage Government officials, components in the revenue raising, transfer and Group on the Rule of Law (SWGROL) composed of particular civil/military relations, issues Parliamentarians and civil society groups on the expenditure processes. Discussion was held on the representatives of various Ministries and donors concerning militia and De-Baathification - Vienna, establishment of an independent National Human ambiguity of the constitutional provisions regarding under the chairmanship of the President of the Austria, 6-8 June 2006: The theme of this dialogue Rights Commission in Iraq as foreseen in the Higher Judicial Council. Together with the Iraqi allocation of taxation power, and on the economic reflects the fact that during the constitution-making Constitution. The participants adopted a Statement authorities, HRO has provided participants with a and political goals that should frame the definition of negotiations an underlying concern was how to better of Principles and a Plan of Action for follow-up matrix which is an overview of ongoing assistance in the overall fiscal schema. Likewise, the workshop ensure government accountability through work toward the creation of such a commission in the sector by the donor community and the UN as explored institutional options for regional-federal its rules of procedure, a precursor to the these documents will provide a useful expert resource well as of the needs expressed by the Iraqi judiciary human rights norms and means available to redress establishment of committees, and is itself is about to for future review committee members as they and Government Ministries. A Unified Work Paper, violations at the national as well as international recess for the summer. We might expect a committee undertake the task of suggesting amendments to the summarizing the requests by the Higher Judicial levels). A number of activities will be developed in to be formed in September, 2006 when Parliament constitution. The results of the multiparty dialogues Council and key Ministries, was finalized. Six core order to support the process of ratification of the resumes. are worth recording in brief for this article as they teams were created to allow technical discussions at draft law on the National Human Rights provide the reader with an up to date understanding In absence of a formal constitutional review process the level of each Ministry and to assist the SWGROL Commission. For that purpose, a round table of the current constitutional debate in Iraq. to enable discussion of some of the more contentious in developing a policy framework and a discussion among key Iraqi leaders and politicians on issues, debate continues informally among Iraqi Oil and Gas Seminar - the Dead Sea, Jordan, 4-6 comprehensive strategy on the rule of law. This the national human rights commission - covered by parliamentarians, other political leaders, and civil April 2006: The first dialogue on a substantive effort should ultimately assist the UN efforts in the TV and possibly facilitated by a few journalists society. In recognition of this ongoing debate, and in constitutional issue was held to discuss management developing a compact for Iraq. should be organized in the next few weeks. furtherance of its mandate to assist the constitution and control of oil and gas resources in Iraq. It was • Supporting the creation of transitional justice UNAMI/HRO in addition to its Bi-monthly reports making process in Iraq, the UNAMI Office of attended by 23 Iraqi participants and experts and by long term strategy on the human rights situation in Iraq is also Constitutional Support (OCS) has held a series of 13 international experts from OCS, the Forum of Addressing the past crimes, the missing and the exploring ways to gather information on alleged multilateral dialogues aimed at providing informal Federations, the World Bank and the International disappeared, including effective accountability human rights violations via internet in order to and neutral arena for key political leaders to discuss Monetary Fund (IMF). Other participants included increase its collection of information. This would mechanisms to fight impunity are the basis for contentious constitutional issues assisted by advisors to the Iraqi Ministry of Oil, the Iraq Revenue enhance UNAMI/HRO’s capacity to better utilize national reconciliation efforts. HRO has been international experts of esteemed caliber. Watch and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign the existing UN mechanisms in the field of human engaged in consultations, with the Iraqi authorities, Affairs. rights, including the Thematic Special Rapporteurs The series of multiparty dialogues are on prioritised civil society and international experts, aimed at (on torture, arbitrary detention, independence of the constitutional issues with a view to producing Participants considered oil and gas ownership and coordinating a process leading to the establishment judiciary, summary executions, disappearances, technical solutions to practical problems. This is rights regulation in the future Iraqi federal system, the of a National Centre for Missing and Disappeared etc). currently the only forum in Iraq through which the regulation of upstream and downstream oil and gas Persons in Iraq. The second meeting of the key players are engaging in an ongoing process of resources, fiscal aspects of the putative oil and gas Transitional Committee for the Missing and structured and informed dialogue on the critical regime, investment issues and possible institutional Disappeared Persons was convened on 28 March Humanitarian, Reconstruction issues in contention. Iraqi participants in the arrangements. Particular consideration was given to 2006 in Baghdad. Those consultations produced a dialogues are nominated by political parties on the pipelines, scale of depletion, production quotas, a draft law for the establishment of the National and Development basis of representation and expertise, and are joined planned national exploration / drilling programme, Centre, as well as a draft law for the protection of by recognised Iraqi and international experts in each the demarcation of current fields from new ones, mass graves; a consensus regarding the objectives By Humanitarian, Reconstruction and field. Each event is followed up with a press environmental and safety regulations, the framework and functioning of the National Centre, including a Development Office (HRDO) conference back in Baghdad for participants to talk for regulating investment, and policing and detailed organizational structure and a budget for the with the media about the dialogues, as well as mini- monitoring of production. In addition, consideration first two years of its existence. HRO will assist the I. General Overview workshops in Baghdad, conducted by participants was given to the variety of institutions which could early promulgation of the necessary legislation and Over the past six months, the humanitarian, with the support of UNAMI (OCS), to brief key best perform these functions, and inevitably, then the setting up of the Centre. It will also review reconstruction and development environment in Iraq political leaders unable to attend the events abroad. consideration of the level of government best able to existing opportunities for training and support to the has evolved as the political dynamics changed This is designed so as to ensure the events stimulate assume these responsibilities. Close consideration Medico-Legal Institute in Baghdad. through the course of elections and the formation of and move forward the debates in Iraq. was given to countries that confronted similar UNAMI/HRO in partnership with the Ministry of a new government. UNAMI has played a key role in challenges not only in federal systems but also those By the end of July, six seminars will have been Human Rights is working on organizing a conference this regard: facilitating donor as well as NGO (such as Algeria) undergoing reforms in this sector. hosted by UNAMI and in partnership with UNDP. on Transitional Justice together with OHCHR and coordination and the review of draft legislation The focus on the most contentious constitutional The various parties strongly restated their positions the International Center for Transitional Justice governing civil society; supporting the revision of issues, including: federalism (the overall schema, during the workshop. While the some were reluctant (NGO). The organization of this conference should the National Development Strategy and promotion of fiscal federalism, and revenue sharing), human rights, to commit to a fundamental reformulation of the oil assist in reviewing lessons learned and best practices regional dialogue; assisting the national authorities the judiciary, and accountability of government, and gas provisions in the constitution, there was in other countries, defining an international legal on disaster coordination and response in general as including in particular civil/military relations and the nevertheless important acknowledgement of several framework and mapping out a work plan for further well as on key issues such as Avian Influenza role of militia in society. substantive issues. The most significant of these were action with the involvement of the Iraqis. response, monitoring and surveillance, and flooding, and; coordination of response efforts related to As a result of all of these seminars, UNAMI has been the agreements that (a) an explicit general taxing • Development of public information campaign displacement and reconstruction related to the able to pinpoint to a greater degree of specifity the power for the federal government, currently absent in and a culture of human rights destruction of the holy Shia shrine of Imams Ali Al- nature of the debate in Iraq, to ascertain party the constitution, needs to be provided and (b) Hadi and Al-Hasan Al-Askari in Samarra and others positions, and to assist in moving parties from clearly intergovernmental institutions are required for co- Development of a culture of human rights through in February 2006. held positions to more consensual arguments. The management, production, control, regulation and programs of human rights education in the formal reports from these meetings, including expert papers revenue sharing of oil and gas resources in the future. and non-formal sectors as well as a public At the same time, UNAMI and United Nations and suggest textual reformulations of actual The workshop produced a list of problematic areas information campaign (from elementary schools to agencies, programmes and funds continued to constitutional articles will be collated for distribution that require consideration by Iraqi policy makers in university; as well as consistent use of sport, arts, support the new Government of Iraq by working to to Iraqi participants, parliamentarians, and other key general and the forthcoming constitution in particular, politicians, media – TV, radio, journals so as to strengthen ministerial capacities, to provide and stakeholders including civil society. It is hoped that and a delineation of possible solutions (with regard to ensure better understanding and knowledge of coordinate access to basic services and to restore public infrastructure. During the period under review, the United Nations (FAO) travelled to Iraq to and development challenges. UNAMI, with financial religious sites without prejudice and in proportion to Staffan de Mistura completed his assignment as determine the next steps in supporting the support from UNDP, assisted delegations from restoration needs. The European Union contributed Deputy Special Representative for Reconstruction, Government’s monitoring and response capacity. various governorates, both governmental and from $8 million to the restoration of the Al-Rawdha Al- Development and Humanitarian Affairs in Iraq, and Protective clothing, training and equipment provision civil society, to attend a series of two-day workshops Askariya in Samarra and other religious and cultural handed over his functions to his successor, Jean-Marie were provided to the Iraqi health and veterinary in Baghdad, led by the Ministry of Planning, on the sites damaged by bombs and sectarian violence. This Fakhouri. personnel. National Development Strategy, donor coordination work is ongoing and UNAMI maintains overall issues, national budget and provincial priorities. coordination of United Nations efforts to support the II. Humanitarian Assistance: Flooding: Government of Iraq while the United Nations Donor Coordination: Displacement: The capacity of UNAMI to mobilize United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization agencies through the Emergency Working Group UNAMI’s continued support of Iraqi-led sector December 2005 saw the gradual slowing of (UNESCO) provides substantive technical advice and (EWG) and to coordinate efforts with local working groups resulted in enhanced donor displacement/population movements resulting from expertise on construction and the United Nations authorities was demonstrated during the flooding participation in critical sectors such as health, the various military operations in Anbar and Ninewa Development Programme (UNDP) provides the Iraqi reported in nine governorates (Basra, Diyala, Dohuk, education, the rule of law and energy. UNAMI has Governorates. However, this was short-lived, as the work force for the reconstruction through the Iraq Erbil, Missan, Salahaddin, Sulaymaniyah, Tamim continued to facilitate the participation of local bombing of the Al-Rawdha Al-Askariya in Samarra Reconstruction Employment Programme. and Wassit) which, according to initial indications, officials in discussions of the Baghdad Coordination on 22 February 2006 and its aftermath resulted in International Reconstruction Fund Facility for affected approximately 7,890 families. Within 24 Group, the Iraqi Strategic Review Board (ISRB) and fresh sectarian-influenced displacements. Prior to that Iraq: hours, the area coordinator established contact with other central bodies responsible for reconstruction date, the number of internally displaced persons local authorities, civil society and United Nations and development and the allocation of resources. As at 30 April 2006, the total contributions to the (IDPs) in Iraq as a result of decades of conflict and agencies to coordinate United Nations assistance. With generous bilateral financial support pledged by United Nations Development Group Iraq Trust Fund, sanctions had been estimated at approximately 1.2 This was followed by damage assessments and the Government of Sweden and additional funding one of the two windows of the International million. However, as of the end of June 2006, the provision of food and non-food items, including from the United Nations Development Group Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq, equaled $913 number was nearly 1.35 million: approximately shelter and temporary accommodation for health (UNDG) Iraq Trust Fund, UNAMI supported the million. A total of 88 projects valued at $769.5 150,000 individuals have been displaced in the last facilities. establishment of the Ministry of Planning and million were approved at the end of April 2006 for four months. UNAMI, United Nations agencies and Development Cooperation’s Donor Coordination funding under the Iraq Trust Fund. At the same time, their partners continued to provide food, shelter and Emergency Coordination and Response Cell Unit. In addition, a donor assistance database is now contracts worth $602 million (78 per cent of non-food items. Depots were established for pre- (ECRC) operational, with its first sample reports produced approved funding) had been initiated and $455 positioning stocks to facilitate swift responses to UNAMI began work at the request of The Office of and distributed. million (59 per cent of approved funding) had been possible emergencies. the Prime Minister to develop an institution within disbursed. Fourteen projects with a total cost of $123 Support to Civil Society: In mid-April, the overall security situation also Central Government to deal with natural and man- million have been operationally completed. These prompted a group of 287 Palestinian refugees, made emergencies. The Emergency Coordination and UNAMI led a donor group initiative with the State figures represent further progress in providing formerly residents of Baghdad, to flee towards the Response Cell (ECRC) concept evolved from a series Ministry of Civil Society Affairs concerning notable contributions to the reconstruction and Jordanian border. Upon refusal by the Jordanian of discussions with the Prime Minister’s staff and irregularities in the registration of non-governmental development goals of Iraq, particularly considering authorities to admit them, the Government of the other humanitarian/emergency response actors, organizations and the need for transparent and the security and institutional circumstances under Syrian Arab Republic allowed 220 individuals to including the Iraqi Red Crescent Society. It is hoped equitable procedures. These consultations, now held which activities are being carried out. enter that country on 9 May 2006. A new group of 46 the Cell will be located within the Cabinet of on a regular basis, led the Government to rescind an Palestinian refugees arrived at the Syrian border Ministers Secretariat (COMSEC) under the direct earlier policy to impose registration fees on national directly from Baghdad, but were not admitted with the authority of the Prime Minister and will be charged, and international non-governmental organizations The Iraqi Constitutional first group. The Office of the United Nations High inter alia, with developing a national contingency (NGOs) and adopt simplified registration procedures. Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in close plan. Since September 2005, a UNAMI Adviser has The government made public pronouncements Review Process collaboration with UNAMI, the United Nations Relief been providing support to the Prime Minister’s Office through local newspapers conveying the above and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near for this important initiative. change, which were also disseminated through the By Office of Constitutional Support UNAMI website. East (UNRWA) and the International Organization III. Reconstruction and Development s a result of a last minute negotiations three days for Migration (IOM), took the lead in dealing with UNAMI has now established regular coordination A Support to the National Development prior to the 15 October 2005 Referendum, a this situation. meetings with NGOs working inside Iraq (both Iraq Strategy/Regional Dialogue: constitutional review process was prescribed in and International NGOs). The meetings, held in Avian Influenza (AI): Article 142 of the new constitution. The process calls The United Nations Country Team (UNCT) Basrah, Erbil and Baghdad are an attempt to improve On 30 January 2006, avian influenza was confirmed for a review committee to be established by continues to work with the Government of Iraq in the overall effort to coordination the provision of as the cause of death of one citizen in Sulaymaniyah Parliament ‘at the beginning of its work’ that will line with the goals of the Iraqi National Development humanitarian assistance in Iraq. They also provide governorate in the north of Iraq. This was followed by present a report back to Parliament within four Strategy. Through the secondment of a UNAMI Iraqi NGOs with a venue to sit together and share another confirmed case in the same area, as well as a months suggesting amendments to the constitution. international staff member to the Ministry of their experiences and constraints in what is an possible case in the south, later proven unrelated to While the government has been formed and Planning and Development Cooperation, support incredibly difficult environment in which to work. AI. The UNAMI health cluster has taken the lead in continues to be extended to the Ministry in various Parliament is sitting, no such committee has yet been Reconstruction of Religious Sites: coordinating the response. A joint technical key areas including strengthening dialogue between formed. Different commentators suggest that there is assessment team of the World Health Organization central and provincial authorities on reconstruction UNAMI promoted the use of resources by Iraqi lackluster support for the establishment of such a (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of authorities for rebuilding damaged cultural and committee. Regardless, Parliament is yet to agree to public infrastructure. During the period under review, the United Nations (FAO) travelled to Iraq to and development challenges. UNAMI, with financial religious sites without prejudice and in proportion to Staffan de Mistura completed his assignment as determine the next steps in supporting the support from UNDP, assisted delegations from restoration needs. The European Union contributed Deputy Special Representative for Reconstruction, Government’s monitoring and response capacity. various governorates, both governmental and from $8 million to the restoration of the Al-Rawdha Al- Development and Humanitarian Affairs in Iraq, and Protective clothing, training and equipment provision civil society, to attend a series of two-day workshops Askariya in Samarra and other religious and cultural handed over his functions to his successor, Jean-Marie were provided to the Iraqi health and veterinary in Baghdad, led by the Ministry of Planning, on the sites damaged by bombs and sectarian violence. This Fakhouri. personnel. National Development Strategy, donor coordination work is ongoing and UNAMI maintains overall issues, national budget and provincial priorities. coordination of United Nations efforts to support the II. Humanitarian Assistance: Flooding: Government of Iraq while the United Nations Donor Coordination: Displacement: The capacity of UNAMI to mobilize United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization agencies through the Emergency Working Group UNAMI’s continued support of Iraqi-led sector December 2005 saw the gradual slowing of (UNESCO) provides substantive technical advice and (EWG) and to coordinate efforts with local working groups resulted in enhanced donor displacement/population movements resulting from expertise on construction and the United Nations authorities was demonstrated during the flooding participation in critical sectors such as health, the various military operations in Anbar and Ninewa Development Programme (UNDP) provides the Iraqi reported in nine governorates (Basra, Diyala, Dohuk, education, the rule of law and energy. UNAMI has Governorates. However, this was short-lived, as the work force for the reconstruction through the Iraq Erbil, Missan, Salahaddin, Sulaymaniyah, Tamim continued to facilitate the participation of local bombing of the Al-Rawdha Al-Askariya in Samarra Reconstruction Employment Programme. and Wassit) which, according to initial indications, officials in discussions of the Baghdad Coordination on 22 February 2006 and its aftermath resulted in International Reconstruction Fund Facility for affected approximately 7,890 families. Within 24 Group, the Iraqi Strategic Review Board (ISRB) and fresh sectarian-influenced displacements. Prior to that Iraq: hours, the area coordinator established contact with other central bodies responsible for reconstruction date, the number of internally displaced persons local authorities, civil society and United Nations and development and the allocation of resources. As at 30 April 2006, the total contributions to the (IDPs) in Iraq as a result of decades of conflict and agencies to coordinate United Nations assistance. With generous bilateral financial support pledged by United Nations Development Group Iraq Trust Fund, sanctions had been estimated at approximately 1.2 This was followed by damage assessments and the Government of Sweden and additional funding one of the two windows of the International million. However, as of the end of June 2006, the provision of food and non-food items, including from the United Nations Development Group Reconstruction Fund Facility for Iraq, equaled $913 number was nearly 1.35 million: approximately shelter and temporary accommodation for health (UNDG) Iraq Trust Fund, UNAMI supported the million. A total of 88 projects valued at $769.5 150,000 individuals have been displaced in the last facilities. establishment of the Ministry of Planning and million were approved at the end of April 2006 for four months. UNAMI, United Nations agencies and Development Cooperation’s Donor Coordination funding under the Iraq Trust Fund. At the same time, their partners continued to provide food, shelter and Emergency Coordination and Response Cell Unit. In addition, a donor assistance database is now contracts worth $602 million (78 per cent of non-food items. Depots were established for pre- (ECRC) operational, with its first sample reports produced approved funding) had been initiated and $455 positioning stocks to facilitate swift responses to UNAMI began work at the request of The Office of and distributed. million (59 per cent of approved funding) had been possible emergencies. the Prime Minister to develop an institution within disbursed. Fourteen projects with a total cost of $123 Support to Civil Society: In mid-April, the overall security situation also Central Government to deal with natural and man- million have been operationally completed. These prompted a group of 287 Palestinian refugees, made emergencies. The Emergency Coordination and UNAMI led a donor group initiative with the State figures represent further progress in providing formerly residents of Baghdad, to flee towards the Response Cell (ECRC) concept evolved from a series Ministry of Civil Society Affairs concerning notable contributions to the reconstruction and Jordanian border. Upon refusal by the Jordanian of discussions with the Prime Minister’s staff and irregularities in the registration of non-governmental development goals of Iraq, particularly considering authorities to admit them, the Government of the other humanitarian/emergency response actors, organizations and the need for transparent and the security and institutional circumstances under Syrian Arab Republic allowed 220 individuals to including the Iraqi Red Crescent Society. It is hoped equitable procedures. These consultations, now held which activities are being carried out. enter that country on 9 May 2006. A new group of 46 the Cell will be located within the Cabinet of on a regular basis, led the Government to rescind an Palestinian refugees arrived at the Syrian border Ministers Secretariat (COMSEC) under the direct earlier policy to impose registration fees on national directly from Baghdad, but were not admitted with the authority of the Prime Minister and will be charged, and international non-governmental organizations The Iraqi Constitutional first group. The Office of the United Nations High inter alia, with developing a national contingency (NGOs) and adopt simplified registration procedures. Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in close plan. Since September 2005, a UNAMI Adviser has The government made public pronouncements Review Process collaboration with UNAMI, the United Nations Relief been providing support to the Prime Minister’s Office through local newspapers conveying the above and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near for this important initiative. change, which were also disseminated through the By Office of Constitutional Support UNAMI website. East (UNRWA) and the International Organization III. Reconstruction and Development s a result of a last minute negotiations three days for Migration (IOM), took the lead in dealing with UNAMI has now established regular coordination A Support to the National Development prior to the 15 October 2005 Referendum, a this situation. meetings with NGOs working inside Iraq (both Iraq Strategy/Regional Dialogue: constitutional review process was prescribed in and International NGOs). The meetings, held in Avian Influenza (AI): Article 142 of the new constitution. The process calls The United Nations Country Team (UNCT) Basrah, Erbil and Baghdad are an attempt to improve On 30 January 2006, avian influenza was confirmed for a review committee to be established by continues to work with the Government of Iraq in the overall effort to coordination the provision of as the cause of death of one citizen in Sulaymaniyah Parliament ‘at the beginning of its work’ that will line with the goals of the Iraqi National Development humanitarian assistance in Iraq. They also provide governorate in the north of Iraq. This was followed by present a report back to Parliament within four Strategy. Through the secondment of a UNAMI Iraqi NGOs with a venue to sit together and share another confirmed case in the same area, as well as a months suggesting amendments to the constitution. international staff member to the Ministry of their experiences and constraints in what is an possible case in the south, later proven unrelated to While the government has been formed and Planning and Development Cooperation, support incredibly difficult environment in which to work. AI. The UNAMI health cluster has taken the lead in continues to be extended to the Ministry in various Parliament is sitting, no such committee has yet been Reconstruction of Religious Sites: coordinating the response. A joint technical key areas including strengthening dialogue between formed. Different commentators suggest that there is assessment team of the World Health Organization central and provincial authorities on reconstruction UNAMI promoted the use of resources by Iraqi lackluster support for the establishment of such a (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of authorities for rebuilding damaged cultural and committee. Regardless, Parliament is yet to agree to its rules of procedure, a precursor to the these documents will provide a useful expert resource well as of the needs expressed by the Iraqi judiciary human rights norms and means available to redress establishment of committees, and is itself is about to for future review committee members as they and Government Ministries. A Unified Work Paper, violations at the national as well as international recess for the summer. We might expect a committee undertake the task of suggesting amendments to the summarizing the requests by the Higher Judicial levels). A number of activities will be developed in to be formed in September, 2006 when Parliament constitution. The results of the multiparty dialogues Council and key Ministries, was finalized. Six core order to support the process of ratification of the resumes. are worth recording in brief for this article as they teams were created to allow technical discussions at draft law on the National Human Rights provide the reader with an up to date understanding In absence of a formal constitutional review process the level of each Ministry and to assist the SWGROL Commission. For that purpose, a round table of the current constitutional debate in Iraq. to enable discussion of some of the more contentious in developing a policy framework and a discussion among key Iraqi leaders and politicians on issues, debate continues informally among Iraqi Oil and Gas Seminar - the Dead Sea, Jordan, 4-6 comprehensive strategy on the rule of law. This the national human rights commission - covered by parliamentarians, other political leaders, and civil April 2006: The first dialogue on a substantive effort should ultimately assist the UN efforts in the TV and possibly facilitated by a few journalists society. In recognition of this ongoing debate, and in constitutional issue was held to discuss management developing a compact for Iraq. should be organized in the next few weeks. furtherance of its mandate to assist the constitution and control of oil and gas resources in Iraq. It was • Supporting the creation of transitional justice UNAMI/HRO in addition to its Bi-monthly reports making process in Iraq, the UNAMI Office of attended by 23 Iraqi participants and experts and by long term strategy on the human rights situation in Iraq is also Constitutional Support (OCS) has held a series of 13 international experts from OCS, the Forum of Addressing the past crimes, the missing and the exploring ways to gather information on alleged multilateral dialogues aimed at providing informal Federations, the World Bank and the International disappeared, including effective accountability human rights violations via internet in order to and neutral arena for key political leaders to discuss Monetary Fund (IMF). Other participants included increase its collection of information. This would mechanisms to fight impunity are the basis for contentious constitutional issues assisted by advisors to the Iraqi Ministry of Oil, the Iraq Revenue enhance UNAMI/HRO’s capacity to better utilize national reconciliation efforts. HRO has been international experts of esteemed caliber. Watch and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign the existing UN mechanisms in the field of human engaged in consultations, with the Iraqi authorities, Affairs. rights, including the Thematic Special Rapporteurs The series of multiparty dialogues are on prioritised civil society and international experts, aimed at (on torture, arbitrary detention, independence of the constitutional issues with a view to producing Participants considered oil and gas ownership and coordinating a process leading to the establishment judiciary, summary executions, disappearances, technical solutions to practical problems. This is rights regulation in the future Iraqi federal system, the of a National Centre for Missing and Disappeared etc). currently the only forum in Iraq through which the regulation of upstream and downstream oil and gas Persons in Iraq. The second meeting of the key players are engaging in an ongoing process of resources, fiscal aspects of the putative oil and gas Transitional Committee for the Missing and structured and informed dialogue on the critical regime, investment issues and possible institutional Disappeared Persons was convened on 28 March Humanitarian, Reconstruction issues in contention. Iraqi participants in the arrangements. Particular consideration was given to 2006 in Baghdad. Those consultations produced a dialogues are nominated by political parties on the pipelines, scale of depletion, production quotas, a draft law for the establishment of the National and Development basis of representation and expertise, and are joined planned national exploration / drilling programme, Centre, as well as a draft law for the protection of by recognised Iraqi and international experts in each the demarcation of current fields from new ones, mass graves; a consensus regarding the objectives By Humanitarian, Reconstruction and field. Each event is followed up with a press environmental and safety regulations, the framework and functioning of the National Centre, including a Development Office (HRDO) conference back in Baghdad for participants to talk for regulating investment, and policing and detailed organizational structure and a budget for the with the media about the dialogues, as well as mini- monitoring of production. In addition, consideration first two years of its existence. HRO will assist the I. General Overview workshops in Baghdad, conducted by participants was given to the variety of institutions which could early promulgation of the necessary legislation and Over the past six months, the humanitarian, with the support of UNAMI (OCS), to brief key best perform these functions, and inevitably, then the setting up of the Centre. It will also review reconstruction and development environment in Iraq political leaders unable to attend the events abroad. consideration of the level of government best able to existing opportunities for training and support to the has evolved as the political dynamics changed This is designed so as to ensure the events stimulate assume these responsibilities. Close consideration Medico-Legal Institute in Baghdad. through the course of elections and the formation of and move forward the debates in Iraq. was given to countries that confronted similar UNAMI/HRO in partnership with the Ministry of a new government. UNAMI has played a key role in challenges not only in federal systems but also those By the end of July, six seminars will have been Human Rights is working on organizing a conference this regard: facilitating donor as well as NGO (such as Algeria) undergoing reforms in this sector. hosted by UNAMI and in partnership with UNDP. on Transitional Justice together with OHCHR and coordination and the review of draft legislation The focus on the most contentious constitutional The various parties strongly restated their positions the International Center for Transitional Justice governing civil society; supporting the revision of issues, including: federalism (the overall schema, during the workshop. While the some were reluctant (NGO). The organization of this conference should the National Development Strategy and promotion of fiscal federalism, and revenue sharing), human rights, to commit to a fundamental reformulation of the oil assist in reviewing lessons learned and best practices regional dialogue; assisting the national authorities the judiciary, and accountability of government, and gas provisions in the constitution, there was in other countries, defining an international legal on disaster coordination and response in general as including in particular civil/military relations and the nevertheless important acknowledgement of several framework and mapping out a work plan for further well as on key issues such as Avian Influenza role of militia in society. substantive issues. The most significant of these were action with the involvement of the Iraqis. response, monitoring and surveillance, and flooding, and; coordination of response efforts related to As a result of all of these seminars, UNAMI has been the agreements that (a) an explicit general taxing • Development of public information campaign displacement and reconstruction related to the able to pinpoint to a greater degree of specifity the power for the federal government, currently absent in and a culture of human rights destruction of the holy Shia shrine of Imams Ali Al- nature of the debate in Iraq, to ascertain party the constitution, needs to be provided and (b) Hadi and Al-Hasan Al-Askari in Samarra and others positions, and to assist in moving parties from clearly intergovernmental institutions are required for co- Development of a culture of human rights through in February 2006. held positions to more consensual arguments. The management, production, control, regulation and programs of human rights education in the formal reports from these meetings, including expert papers revenue sharing of oil and gas resources in the future. and non-formal sectors as well as a public At the same time, UNAMI and United Nations and suggest textual reformulations of actual The workshop produced a list of problematic areas information campaign (from elementary schools to agencies, programmes and funds continued to constitutional articles will be collated for distribution that require consideration by Iraqi policy makers in university; as well as consistent use of sport, arts, support the new Government of Iraq by working to to Iraqi participants, parliamentarians, and other key general and the forthcoming constitution in particular, politicians, media – TV, radio, journals so as to strengthen ministerial capacities, to provide and stakeholders including civil society. It is hoped that and a delineation of possible solutions (with regard to ensure better understanding and knowledge of coordinate access to basic services and to restore • Identify publishers and broadcasting partners in Iraq. The recommendations made regarding the both constitutional reformulation and non- cooperation in this framework. Participants agreed on Iraq and the region and negotiate regular air time or mandate of the independent National Human Rights constitutional options). a list of key areas that need to be addressed by the section(s) in newspaper(s). Commission included promotion and protection of The Judiciary Seminar - Syracusa, Italy ,11-13 legislature in order to provide further definition on all human rights set out in international human rights the fiscal and financial structure • Produce and distribute the information kit covering April 2006: 18 Iraqi participants from political treaties; encouraging their implementation by the the activities of the seven clusters working under the parties, the judiciary, the Bar Association and Issues for Consideration on the Application, government; assisting in ensuring that national umbrella of UNAMI. academia discussed issues including the Federal Enforcement and Possible Reformulations of the Iraqi legislation is in compliance with international human Supreme Court, the Supreme Judicial Council, the Bill of Rights in the context of the Constitutional • Improve the established UNAMI website in both rights instruments; having the authority to receive Shura Council, Regional Courts, Conditions of Review and Implementation Process: 35 Iraqi Arabic, and English, and launch the Kurdish website. and investigate complaints – individual, systemic; Service, Special Courts, the role of Islam in the participants from all political groups, key institutions (The website can be made more interactive so that it initiate public hearings; undertaking inspections of Constitution (in particular Article 2), and Transitional (in particular Ministry of Human Rights, Ministry of boasts the flexibility of receiving and handling all places of detention in Iraq without prior consent; Justice. Participants agreed on issues that would need Justice), and civil society discussed constitutional feedback from the public. receiving unfettered access to documents, witnesses to be addressed by the Constitutional Review issues related to the bill of rights. It was agreed that • Submit proposals on development projects and and other information; having the capacity to assist Committee and often suggested actual textual the current extent of the Bill of Rights could be training workshops for the Iraqi media in cooperation victims by providing legal aid; reporting publicly on amendments. However they did not appear to attach improved in relation to the formulation of some rights with UN agencies, funds and programs. violations of human rights as it sees appropriate; great priority to taking the debate forward in (e.g. freedom of expression) and the limitation advising on the development of a comprehensive preparation for the work of the Review Committee, clause(s) and the text as it provided for states of strategy to deal with past violations and on national although no delegate raised the possibility of the emergency. It was agreed that the scope of some Human Rights Challenges reconciliation efforts. The independent National review not taking place. The meeting let to an agreed rights (e.g. economic and social rights) needed to be Human Rights Commission should also promote set of recommendations to be considered going clarified and provisions relating to the judiciary (its human rights, including through supporting By Human Rights Office (HRO) forward and the plan to establish a Working Group in schema, jurisdiction, appointment and independence) initiatives to create a human rights culture, working Baghdad to continue the debate. This outcome needed to be improved to ensure it was enabled to ursuant to paragraph 7 of Security Council with others including the Government, in particular P ensures, regardless of whether there is a better enforce the rights provisions. A detailed Resolution 1546 (2004), UNAMI has also the the Ministry of Human Rights, the Council of constitutional review process, that a mechanism now discussion was had of the current transitional justice responsibility to “promote the protection of human Representatives, the judiciary, civil society including exists through which to address some of the structure in Iraq and it was agreed that this needed to rights, national reconciliation, judicial and legal the media, in the promotion of human rights; paying important issues raised for the Judiciary by the new be reviewed and improved in order to better reflect reform in order to strengthen the rule of law in Iraq”. particular attention to vulnerable groups including Constitution. UNAMI was requested to service the the needs of the citizenship. With a view to helping In line with the reform agenda of the SG, minorities. As a follow up to that meeting, a Baghdad Working Group and provide expert advice achieve the best possible regime of human rights in UNAMI/HRO is also encouraging the working group was established to draft a law on the issues raised. the new Iraq, the dialogue generated (and garnered mainstreaming of human rights through the UN establishing the National Human Rights broad support for) ideas for enhancing the current system and has established human rights thematic Commission. The draft Law will be submitted Seminar on Fiscal and Financial Constitutional framework so as to protect, enforce and promote working groups in Baghdad and Amman. shortly to the Council of Representatives. Arrangements, Distribution of Resources and Management of the Economy of Iraq in the human rights and to encourage a ‘human rights • Enhancing the administration of justice Promoting and protecting human rights must be context of Post Conflict Reconstruction and culture. central to any efforts aimed at establishing As part of its mandate, UNAMI HRO is also Development - the Dead Sea, Jordan, 16-18 May Multiparty dialogue on Federal Arrangements under democracy and the rule of law for all Iraqis. Iraq has working to strengthen national capacities and 2006: 27 Iraqi participants from all political groups the New Iraqi Constitution: The multiparty dialogue today a window of opportunity to move in the infrastructures in the field of human rights. It sees as and other key official institutions (in particular, on Federalism and Decentralization, including issues direction of establishing the foundations of a state a priority to strengthen the administration of justice Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Planning) related to distribution of powers, regional formation based on the respect of the rule of law. With a new so as to ensure access to justice for all Iraqis and discussed constitutional arrangements and legal and management of joint responsibilities was Council of Representatives, a new Constitution, a police and prison administrations acting in keeping implications in the areas of overall fiscal framework, new national unity Government, it can really take attended by around 30 Iraqi participants from all with the respect of human rights norms. Legislative distribution of powers and expenditure responsibility, deliberate steps to establish a federal, democratic, major political parties. The substantive sessions reforms; building the capacity of judicial institutions revenue raising and mechanisms for equalization, pluralistic and unified Iraq in which there is full addressed this key constitutional topic from different and personnel; promoting human rights and legal direct and indirect sources of public revenue, and respect for human rights. perspectives, including sessions on regions and awareness; modernizing judicial infrastructure; and institutional implications for the implementation of regional formation; distribution of powers, from the • Establishment of the National Human Rights setting up an independent and effective national the fiscal schema. General agreement was shared on perspective of a) constitutional allocation of powers, Institution (NHRI) human rights commission are the main objectives of the idea that distribution of responsibilities needs to and b) joint management and issues of preeminence); UNAMI HRO together with the Office of the High UNAMI’s promotion activities. be accompanied by adequate distribution of resources fiscal federalism; role of regions at the national level; Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) UNAMI/HRO continues to play an active role in to discharge those responsibilities, and that and preservation of unity in a federal state. organized a workshop in Cyprus from 8-10 March transparency and accountability are essential supporting the activities of the Sectoral Working Seminar on Accountability of government, in 2006 to engage Government officials, components in the revenue raising, transfer and Group on the Rule of Law (SWGROL) composed of particular civil/military relations, issues Parliamentarians and civil society groups on the expenditure processes. Discussion was held on the representatives of various Ministries and donors concerning militia and De-Baathification - Vienna, establishment of an independent National Human ambiguity of the constitutional provisions regarding under the chairmanship of the President of the Austria, 6-8 June 2006: The theme of this dialogue Rights Commission in Iraq as foreseen in the Higher Judicial Council. Together with the Iraqi allocation of taxation power, and on the economic reflects the fact that during the constitution-making Constitution. The participants adopted a Statement authorities, HRO has provided participants with a and political goals that should frame the definition of negotiations an underlying concern was how to better of Principles and a Plan of Action for follow-up matrix which is an overview of ongoing assistance in the overall fiscal schema. Likewise, the workshop ensure government accountability through work toward the creation of such a commission in the sector by the donor community and the UN as explored institutional options for regional-federal constitutional protections. Accountability concerns other's skills sets. That was paramount in the success entire Iraqi people” and appreciated their outreach effort, necessitate rapid, often spontaneous stem from Iraq’s legacy of dictatorship and of Parliament Elections in which 34,736 poling commitment. initiatives that are essential for maintaining government sanctioned human rights abuses, the station (PS), in 6,521 Poling centers (PC) through constancy with the evolving developments, On 22 February 2006, the holy Shia shrine of Imams significant role played by military in governance, the 547 District Electoral Office’s (DEO) all over Iraq sometimes encumbering long term planning. ongoing predominant position held by militia in served more than 15,500,650 registered voters. Ali Al-Hadi and Al-Hasan Al-Askari in Samarra Nonetheless, we never lose sight of the fact that the society, and more generally by Iraq’s former highly (known as Al-Rawdha Al-Askariya) was bombed Subsequently the UNAMI Electoral team assisted in main task of the UNAMI Public Information Office centralized and opaque governance system. and seriously damaged. This incident led to the process of triaging, processing and addressing escalation of sectarian violence and complications in (PIO) is to inform Iraqis, targeted audiences and The last multiparty dialogue will address these over 2,000 complaints on the polling and counting the political climate of the country. UNAMI strongly other stakeholders on the different aspects of diverse, but interlinked issues, through a tightly processes form all 18 governorates. condemned this act and called all communities to UNAMI’s operations, highlight the activities of the focused agenda on civil-military relations and Twelve appeals were lodged by political entities, practice for restraint. It also called for reconstruction SRSG, substantive offices, United Nations agencies militias, De-Baathification and dealing with the past, most of them on IECI decisions on complaints and on of the Shrine and facilitated assistance by programs, funds and offices that work under the separation of power between the three branches of the elections results. The IECI, with the Electoral international experts in assessing the damage and umbrella of the mission. government, civil service reform, and the role of team’s input responded the appeals. All 12 appeals making preparations for restoration. During the past 6 months the PIO has maintained an vibrant and independent institutions to ensure were resolved by the Appeals Court in IECI’s favor. energetic output designed not only to maintain parity accountability. Due to the present contentious debate Another prominent Shiite religious site – the Buratha On 10 February 2006, the IECI certified the final with its obligations, but also transcend the ubiquitous in Iraq over the role of security forces and militia, and mosque in Baghdad – was targeted by bomb attacks results of the Council of Representative elections. limitations in pursuit of effectiveness. Undaunted, the very direct impact both can have on fostering in April and June, which resulted in great loss of the PIO implemented an ambitious agenda in national reconciliation and stability, the agenda will On 28 January 2006, the IECI requested the United human lives and serious damage. UN in New York monitoring developments, evaluating them, be weighted to address these issues in greater depth. Nations to continue its assistance throughout 2006, and in Baghdad condemned these acts. The second as well as maintain its support for the conduct of incident on 16 June 2006 has triggered a chain of informing all our clients including our staff With the conclusion of the Accountability in forthcoming elections. dramatic events. Muqtada Al-Sadr called for joint members, the national and international media, and Government Multi-Party Dialogue in July 2005, OCS Friday prayers of Shiites and Sunnis there and when an array of political and social players on all relevant After the certification of the results, the UN-led will have run meetings on all divisive constitutional some of his followers marched to the mosque on 23 news/events with real value about the situation in International Electoral Assistance Team (IEAT) issues and provided Iraq with a much needed forum June 2006, an armed incident happened and a Iraq and the region. through which ongoing discussion of these issues has provided strategic and operational support to the number of people lost their lives and tension in Our extensive work plan has resulted in sustained been able to take place in the absence of the drafting of the post-election operational plan in which Baghdad increased. The government extended relevant coverage and improved the relationship formation of the constitution review committee. the priorities are: the transition from the IECI to the curfew and declared a state of emergency in the between UNAMI and the media as well as informed When this committee is formed, as a result of these Independent High Electoral Commission, update to capital. the Iraqi public about UNAMI’s presence and dialogues and the production of reports on each the voters roll, assistance to any future electoral event valuable work in Iraq. subject matter area, it is hoped that its members will and capacity development of the electoral On 8 June 2006 – the same day when three security be better informed of the critical issues. We expect administration. These priorities are the result of a ministers (Interior, Defence and National Security) The PIO identified and directed pertinent material in this committee to form in September 2006 at which series of departmental lessons-learned workshops in were presented to the Parliament – Prime Minister addition to its handling of press inquiries, press time UNAMI(OCS) will be well placed to provide it the operations, logistics, public outreach Nuri Al-Maliki announced the death of Abu Musab encounters, press releases, and through it all, acting with ongoing expert advice as required. administration, finance and procurement departments. Al-Zarqawi, the leader of Al-Qaida in Iraq, which as a bridge between the various pillars of the mission These workshops included both IECI Headquarters resulted from a joint Iraqi security forces and MNF-I and the vast “public” out there. The PIO was able to UNAMI Electoral Activities staff and field staff from the 18 governorates. These operation. The UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan enhance outreach and sought to correct existing workshops provided a unique opportunity to assess stated in New York that Iraqi people could “be doubts about the UN in Iraq and restore its image By UNAMI Electoral Team established operational mechanisms and relieved that he is gone”. However, he cautioned and support the Mission’s mandate. communication frameworks and permitted to that “we cannot pretend that will mean the end of the Additionally, the PIO has been organizing training elaborate recommendations for future IECI activities. violence”. Shortly after Al-Zarqawi’s death Al-Qaida Following the elections for the Council of session, press conferences on the different areas of Representatives held on 15th December 2005, the in Iraq threatened to launch “major attacks” in From 2 to 5 May 2006, UNAMI Electoral, together revenge. UNAMI activities as well as organizing interview UNAMI Electoral Team continued providing advice with the IECI sponsored a Lessons Learned opportunities for the SRSG with international and to the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq Conference in Cyprus, in which the main partners to national media. Off-the-record encounters and (IECI) as well as coordinating the international the electoral process participated, including the Public Information in Focus exchange of views with Iraqi journalist and cultural electoral assistance. European Union, UNOPS, UNDP, IFES and Scoula personalities at UNAMI’s headquarters in Baghdad, As mandated by the UN Security Council Resolution Supperiore Santa Ana. The Conference dealt with or hosted by the SRSG at his residence during the 1546, the UNAMI Electoral team, under the issues related to the legal framework, the complaints Reaching out and bridging the gap last few months, are yielding important leadership of the UN Secretary-General, appointed and appeals processes, the Out-of-Country voting By Public Information Office (PIO) communication clarity with these different groups. International Commissioner, deployed advisers on operation, the conduct of the electoral operation and The PIO has successful launched the monthly legal and procedural issues, provided technical its security implications, the process of accreditation Iraq is perhaps one of the most challenging environments for the conduct of public information “UNAMI FOCUS” enhancing access to UNAMI support to the Board of Commissioners on of political entities, election observation, and voter activities for our website visitors. procurement logistics, operations, public outreach, education and public outreach. The IECI and media programs. The intensity of tumultuous finance, security, information technology and voter commissioners also had a meeting with the friends of politics; the fluctuating and competing political Among other activities in the weeks ahead, the PIO registration. This forged a strong partnership between Iraq (Donor groups) in reference to cluster funds. priorities; the complexity of the social, ethnic and is planning a series of lectures, round table the IECI and Electoral team complimenting each The expert speakers provided sound discussion issues religious fabric that must be reflected in any media discussions to: On 23 April 2006, the Council of Representatives and provided a basis for recommendations. Westminster-styled democratic government and civil Political Overview service, and the organisation structure of its military elected Jalal Talabani from the Kurdish Gathering as Aside from the workshop discussions some meetings the new President, Adel Abdul Mahdi from the UIA and police forces. By UNAMI Political Office covered: the Cluster Funds Allocation, future training and Tareq al-Hashimi from the Tawafuq Iraqi Front projects, communications with the governorate The Fiji Military Forces as Vice-Presidents. The Parliament elected he elections held on 15 December 2005 had strong offices and future training for IECI staff. Fiji became a member of the United Nations in 1978. T Mahmoud Al-Mashadani from Tawafuq as its effect on the Iraq political life in the first months of It also participated in its first ever UN Peacekeeping speaker and Arif Tayfour from the Kurdish In light of the conclusions from this conference as 2006. There were complaints from different political mission the same year when 650 soldiers were Gathering and Khaled Al-Attiyya from the UIA as well as with expressed concerns with the voter rolls, groups regarding alleged irregularities but all in all deployed to Lebanon as part of The United Nations Vice-Speakers. Nuri Al-Maliki was nominated as the the United Nations has been working closely with the the Independent Election Commission of Iraq (IECI) Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). For a small Prime Minister-designate and charged to form the IECI in studying mechanisms to address this issue. and international monitoring team, which included a maritime nation, this was a significant contribution to government within 30 days. The United Nations is also working with the Board of number of electoral experts and representatives of Commissioners in elaborating a range of trainings, world peace for over an extended period of time. Ever the League of Arab States among them, concluded The new government was presented to the Council of programs and activities to enhance the skills of the since, the Fijian Government continues to pledge its that the election “generally met international Representatives on 20 May 2006, but to that date the Iraqi electoral staff and the operational and support to the UN as it reaches its 28th year of standards”. After appeal process, the officially Prime Minister was not able to fill the posts of communication capacities of the IECI. commitment to world peace. Meanwhile, Fijian certified results were announced on 10 February Ministers of Interior, Defence and National Security. officers and men have had other peacekeeping 2006. In the interim, the Prime Minister Jawad Al-Maliki In late May 2006, the IECI Voter Registration experiences the world over, participating in 15 Committee (VRC) was established with the help of regional and international observer and peacekeeping Election produced the Iraqi Parliament – the 275 took the post of Minister of Interior upon himself, UNAMI Electoral in order to plan the registration missions. seated Council of Representatives (CoR), which while Deputy Prime Minister Salam Al-Zawba'i was acting as Minister of Interior and Deputy Prime update process and as well as the basis for a represents the broad range of political, ethnic and permanent voters roll. The VRC has established The 1st Fiji Infantry Regiment, which forms the UN Minister Barham Saleh as Minister for National religious components of Iraqi population. The United contact with the Public Distribution System (PDS) Guard Unit (UNGU), UNAMI, was formed in 1939 Security Affairs. Iraqi Alliance (UIA), which represents mostly Arab under the Ministry of Trade. It has also been agreed and saw action in the Pacific War from 1939 to 1945, Shiites, won 128 seats. The Kurdish Gathering – 53. On 8 June 2006, the Prime Minister presented his to contact the Ministry of Interior for the purpose of and the Malayan Emergency of 1952 to 1956. The The Tawafuq Iraqi Front – an alliance of political candidates for the last three lacking posts in his ascertaining what kind of civil registration plans may unit’s most notable deployment to date has been with parties with strong Arab Sunni representation, won cabinet: the Minister of Defence is General. be underway. A group or division to work on the UNIFIL in south Lebanon, a mission that lasted 24 years and the loss of thirty-one (31) lives. 44 seats and the Arab Sunni-dominated National Abdulkadir Mohammed Jassim Al-Obeidi, a Sunni practical voter registration issues (e.g. statistical Iraqi Dialogue Front gained 11 seats. The Iraqi Arab; the Minister of Interior - Jawad Al-Bolani, a analysis and detailed planning) will be established Fiji’s Commitment To Iraq National List won 25 seats. There is also a number Shiite Arab; and National Security Minister – under the IECI Operations department to complement In 2004, the Fiji Government readily and willingly of small political parties in the Council of Sherwan Al-Waili, also a Shiite. The government the VRC working on politics, concepts and external accepted the UN invitation to provide a guard unit to Representatives. After protracted negotiations, key formation has been competed. contacts. The VR advisor has provided a detailed political parties were involved in distribution of main UNAMI and in November of the same year, 134 On 7 June 2006, Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki walk-through of generic high-tech and sustainable troops were deployed to Iraq as UNGU 1. The Fiji state posts and ministerial portfolios, and breaks to registration. mark the Shiite Arba’in religious ceremonies and the announced that he would made public his National Government also committed itself to provide Kurdish Nawruz festival, the first session of the Reconciliation plan and ordered to release 2,500 additional troops to Erbil and Basrah. On 30 April Parliament was convened only on 16 March 2006. detainees by 30 June 2006. The first group of 594 2006, 55 troops were successfully deployed to the detainees was let fee on 7 June, more than 200 on 11 UN Fiji Guard Unit Newsflash new UN camp in Erbil, whilst the Basrah deployment In accordance with the new Iraq Constitution, the June and nearly 500 on 23 June. is anticipated to occur soon. biggest parliamentary bloc has to nominate a By Fiji Guard Unit (UNGU) candidate to the Prime-Minister’s post. There was a Initially, Al-Maliki was expected to make his UNAMI is the first special mission which is not under complex discussion within the UIA which resulted in National Reconciliation plan public on 15 June. the DPKO that the Fijians are involved in. iji (Fee Jee – not the Japan Fuji) is situated in the nomination of the incumbent Prime-Minister Ibrahim However, there were some delays and he finally F UNGU’s mission at UNAMI is to provide security to middle of the South Pacific Ocean astride the Al-Jaafari from the Daawa party for another term in presented it to the Council of Representatives on 25 UN staff and facilities. office. However, when the internal vote took place June 2006. Some days before this date Iraqi International Date Line. This makes it one of the first UNGU 1 to UNGU 4 within the UIA on 12 February 2006, Ibrahim Al- President, two Vice-Presidents, Prime-Minister and countries in the world to see the new day every day. Jaafari won only with the slightest margin. his Deputies, Speaker of the Council of It lies 11,000 kilometres south, south west of Los UNGU 1 – 3 were the early pioneers who set the Reservations regarding his nomination were Representatives and Vice Speakers discussed and Angeles and due east of Sydney, Australia, and is standards and platform when UNGU 4 assumed expressed by most of the parliamentary blocs. It was endorsed this plan under its official name: ‘The ahead of Baghdad local time by eight (8) hours. An command on 6 May 2006. National Reconciliation and National Dialogue idyllic and laid back tropical island paradise, the Fiji not an easy start. The changing political and security landscape in Iraq Plan’. Group of islands consists of 332 volcanic and coral Unable to secure solid backing from potential islands and islets, with a multiracial population of has forced UNGU to adjust some of its operations On 13 June 2006, the US President George W. Bush governing coalition partners, Ibrahim Al-Jaafari about 900 000 easy-going, happy and smiling people. operandi accordingly within its limited resources and announced on 20 April 2006 that he would abide by paid an unannounced visit to Baghdad where he met constraints. Given the static and confined nature of any decision of the United Iraqi Alliance regarding Prime Minister Al-Maliki, other members of his It is a relatively young democracy, having gained our work, the unit recognises the great need to be his candidacy. As a result, the UIA choose an cabinet, as well as President Talabani and Vice independence from Great Britain in 1970. Post- visible and engaging with members of the coalition, alternative candidate from the Daawa party – Nuri President Al-Hashimi. President Bush praised the colonization remnants ingrained into country’s fabric the Iraqi security forces and the Iraqi people. All the Al-Maliki – to form the government. prime minister for his cabinet “which represents the include the official language, English, the members of UNGU fully understand the need to have good relationships, being respectful and friendly with from the Iraqi Security Force (ISF), the 6th Division In this issue everyone. responsible for the International Zone (IZ) security. On 10 June 2006, UNGU and Security and Safety UNGU has established very good working Unit (SSU) staff hosted him to a lunch at Diwan, relationships with our coalition friends especially Message from SRSG Ashraf Qazi………. 2 UNAMI headquarters in Baghdad. On 15 June 2006, with the Georgians who provide the middle ring in UNGU hosted the head of the Coalition Operations, Baghdad and the Koreans in Erbil. Although Political Overview………………………. 4 Brig Paolo LUNELLI (Italy) and his deputy, Col language remains a minor barrier between the units, Peter Tarter (US) to a Fijian cultural night. On 18 Special Representative of the very strong understanding and friendships have been June 2006, Brig Mick MOON, the Australian Senior Public Information in Focus…………….. 5 Secretary-General for Iraq developed and will benefit UNAMI. National Officer, paid UNAMI a courtesy call, and (SRSG) Because the mission is a security task, much was accorded an honour guard, briefings and Human Rights Challenges………………..6 Ashraf Qazi development has been made to ensure a higher level afternoon tea. of ‘visibility, assurance and consistency’ is Humanitarian, Reconstruction and Another effective form of engagement is the Fijian maintained throughout. Training and the conduct of Development…………………………….. 7 exercises is an ongoing activity to keep the troops Choir which has been in great demand at the MNF-I Palace Christian Fellowship group. The Choir’s sharp and also assure the UNAMI staff of their safety Iraqi Constitutional Review Process……. 9 at all times. participation is always a weekly attraction at the Palace. UNGU has adopted the posture - Soft Face, Subtle UNAMI Electoral Activities…………….12 and Hard. Simply put, the unit portrays a soft and Recently, UNGU has acquired an additional protocol task – providing honour guards to visiting dignitaries smiling face, but can and will respond to whatever Deputy Special Representative and ranking officers. So far, four honour guards have Fiji Guard Unit Newsflash………………13 situation when needed to defend its mission. It will of the Secretary-General for been conducted to official guests including the new react and respond accordingly. Iraq (Political Affairs) DSRSG Jean-Marie Fakhouri and the Under- Deputy Secretary-General Michael Von Der For the Fijian the Iraq mission is a challenging one. Secretary-General for Safety and Security, Sir David visits Baghdad………………………….. 15 Schulenburg This tour of duty is six months before the contingents Veness. rotate. Leave is restricted to Iraq. However, the The major highlight for June 2006 was the Fiji facilities provided by UNAMI inside the camps and Military Forces Infantry Day celebration held on 23rd the limited facilities offered by MNFI, helps to June at UNAMI Headquarters at Diwan School to maintain morale and make life bearable. What really remember all the infanteers who have fallen before keeps the men and women going – strong Christian us. The day is of special significance to the Fijians faith, our traditions and culture, and our professional because at BOUGAINVILLE on 23rd June 1944, commitment and dedication to UNAMI. Corporal Sefanaia SUKANAIVALU, the only VC On 16 April 2006, UNGU suffered its first casualty (Victoria Cross) recipient in the Fiji Military Forces, when Corporal Sekuri SOKO passed on, a month selflessly sacrificed his life for those of his men. The Deputy Special Representative away from the end of his mission. It is our prayer that unit was honoured to have the UNAMI Chief of the Secretary-General for Iraq Corporal Soko will be remembered and honoured at Security Advisor (CSA), Graeme Membrey as the (Humanitarian, Reconstruction UNAMI for his sacrifice and contribution. chief guest. & Development) Jean-Marie Fahkouri Outreach Programme Future Efforts In line with SRSG’s guidance, UNGU has continued UNGU will endeavour to remain vigilant and Director of Public Information to develop its outreach programme by engaging maintain a high level of operational readiness to Said Arikat security companies, coalition neighbours, the Iraqi ensure that all UNAMI staff and facilities are safe security force, non-governmental organisations and and secure during our watch. The unit is proud and Head of Publications the local population. The primary purpose of the honoured to serve with UNAMI. Our efforts and Furat Al Jamil programme is to develop professional relationships, focus in the next three months will be in the Staff writer and Editor mutual understanding and networking. It is much following areas: easier to talk and work with someone who you know Adnan Jarrar developing self-reliance; maintaining a professional or at least understands you, in an environment like Design and Graphics and capable security force; ongoing training– to Iraq. Saliba Khoury remain effective and mission focused; developing The programme has been most successful and a lot of good relationships and understanding with the Photos people have come to know and understand UNAMI relevant iraqi security agencies; and deployment to UNAMI Public Information Office and UNGU through out efforts. Basrah. Published by the Public Information Office, Some of the activities have included the visit by Brig United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), Gen Mohamed WASEF, the 5th Brigade Commander [email protected]

3 – UNAMI FOCUS – December 2005 - June, 2006 Message from SRSG Ashraf Qazi Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations public institutions founded on commitment to good Mark Malloch-Brown visits Baghdad governance and the adherence to international standards of human rights, and providing adequate public services that meet the basic needs of all pon the invitation of the Government of Iraq, Iraqis. At the regional level, Iraq now has an U Compact and will be strongly supported by the the Deputy Secretary-General of the United opportunity to work with its neighbors to achieve its World Bank in coordination with the IMF and full re-integration into the region. At the Nations, Mark Malloch-Brown visited Baghdad other regional financial institutions. It will international level, the new government can now on the 5th and 6th of July. He held consultations include key members of the international donor engage actively with the international community to with the Iraqi Government regarding its initiative community. The Preparatory group will report mobilize greater support for its political and for a new partnership with the international directly to Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Barham economic reconstruction. community – the International Compact for Iraq. Saleh and the Deputy Secretary-General of the The purpose of the Compact is to achieve a United Nations. That is why UNAMI welcomed the Prime Minister’s National Vision for Iraq which aims to Nuri Al-Maliki’s National reconciliation plan. It is consolidate peace and pursue political, economic The Government of Iraq regards the international The work of the United Nations Assistance important that at a time of spiraling sectarian and social development over the next 5 years. compact as a critical process for the country’s Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) over the past six months violence, the new government has chosen to widen The primary focus will be to build a framework future development. The visit of the Deputy in Baghdad was undertaken within a highly the door for dialogue. The UN particularly for Iraq’s economic transformation and Secretary-General emphasized the strong complex and difficult political context. The mandate welcomed the support in the reconciliation program integration into the regional and global economy. support of the United Nations for the Compact outlined by the Prime Minister, for the efforts of the given by the Security Council authorized UNAMI to as announced by the United Nations Secretary- League of Arab States and others to assist in the facilitate Iraq’s political transition in conjunction General Mr. Kofi Annan on the 16th of June. The dialogue for peace in Iraq, as well as support for the with the government of Iraq and Multi-National Compact will build on the achievements of the Baghdad Peace Initiative, both of which UNAMI Forces in Iraq. By force of circumstances, both Iraqi people and provide an opportunity to has played a role in facilitating. political and security related, UNAMI necessarily develop a broader international consensus of fulfilled its mission in a constrained atmosphere. The UN remains extremely concerned at the level of support and engagement with Iraq to bring about What should be stressed however is that UNAMI human rights violations in Iraq. The bimonthly its economic transformation and realize its best did fulfill the responsibilities entrusted to it, even report published by the UNAMI Human Rights economic potential for the sake, wellbeing and though it was not always given the visibility Office clearly states these concerns. In its daily prosperity of the Iraqi people. warranted by its efforts. work the mission consistently and urgently raises During the charged atmosphere in the months these issues with the responsible authorities for leading up to last December’s elections, UNAMI rectification. The new government’s public provided quiet but invaluable help to the Iraqi commitment to improving human rights is welcome constitutional and electoral processes. This support and will be supported to the fullest extent by the was largely technical and the mission’s skilled UN. UNAMI’s Humanitarian Reconstruction and experts in a variety of fields were able to offer Development component has tirelessly worked on advice aimed at finding ways through the projects throughout Iraq and recently provided particularly complex political, legal and technical emergency aid to over 12,500 families displaced by issues faced by the drafters of the constitution. sectarian violence. Following the endorsement of the draft constitution Finally, as the media focuses on ongoing violence in in the October 2005 Referendum, UNAMI’s Office Iraq, we remember our own tragedy of the 19 of Constitutional Support has organized a variety of August 2003 bombing of UN headquarters in seminars to enable Iraq’s political leaders and Baghdad which killed my predecessor Sergio Vieira constitutional experts to review unresolved issues de Mello along with twenty-one other friends and During his visit Mr Malloch-Brown met with when the Constitutional Review Commission is colleagues. As we remember them, we pledge to (his Excellency President Talibani), Vice appointed. them and to the Iraqi people that UNAMI remains as Presidents Adel Abdel Mahdi and Tariq Al- Regarding more recent developments, UNAMI committed as ever to helping Iraq and all its people. Hashimi, Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki, views the formation of the first constitutionally Deputy Prime Minister Dr Barham Salih, and a elected Iraqi government as an opportunity that host of key Iraqi political leaders and members offers the Iraqi political leadership the occasion to of the international donor community. address Iraq’s main challenges. At the national level the key challenge remains reaching agreement on Discussions focused on the Government of Iraq’s national reconciliation; ensuring an effective Special Representative of the establishment of a Preparatory Group which it constitutional review; developing an effective Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG) will co-chair with the United Nations. This capacity for future elections; building democratic Ashraf Qazi Group will assist with preparations for the

2 – UNAMI FOCUS – December 2005 - June, 2006 15 – UNAMI FOCUS – December 2005 - June, 2006 UNAMI FOCUS Voice of the Mission UNAMI FOCUS In memory of those Voice of the Mission who perished for UN principles…. Mid-year Issue United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) July 2006

UNAMI's mandate is to assist the People and Government of Iraq in: • TheThe PPolitical Process • Humanitarian,Humanitarian, ReconstructionReconstruction && DevDevelopment • HumanHuman RightsRights

Working together for Iraq