Tistoric Places Inventory-Nomination Form 1. Name 2. Location
NPS Form 10.900 OMS NO. 1024-0018 (1.a1) EXP. 12/31184 United States Department of the Interior National Park Service For NPS use only I ·received .. ·--7 ·-'~""""' National Register of t;tistoric Places l: ·, ! Inventory-Nomination Form l ·. date entered . I See Instructions In How to Complete National Register Forms lu, .··-..~~-"''~·-··~··~•·•:~.~-· .. :d Type all entries-complete applicable sections 1. Name historic North Long Street - Park Ayenu~ ):fi~,to~ic District and/or common .,: :: .) .; ~ 2. Location· 1- '--'! ,. '· .. ·. street & number -not for publication ,: _:_;,\llclnlty-pf :_· ~~·' *"ongrsadeaa' d'strirt •• :·.<1 ,1 :: l {l :. :·~; :.t! :,.1 ) J. II"C ·.-~;: ·• ! ::1J ·.:.:: I i. \• : :! I t'J \ •• ,::_: ,_l_tl state North .. ~.~rol.ii:ta.: ;: ; ·code .lb;;·::z" .~,county \1.\)Wflll,·. ,, code 1_ 59 3. Classification j .. .·: : (, Category Ownership Status Present Use --".. district _public ~occupied _ agrlpulture _museum _ bulldlng(s) ---">. private _unoccupied _ commercial __ park _structure _both _ work In progress _ educational .x_ private residence _site Public Acquisition Accessible -entertainment ..x_ religious _object _In process --x- yes: restricted _ government _ scientific _being considered _ yes: unrestricted -Industrial _ transportation rJ/1- _no _military : -'-.l~other; 4. Owner.. Qf P.rop~r..ty name Nultiple owner.s - see Property Owner's lis·t" ",; ; . street & number city, town _vicinity of state 5. Location of Legal Description courthouse, registry of deeds, etc. Rowan County Register of Deeds street&number Rowan County Courthouse Annex, N. Nain St. city, town Sa lis bury stateN or t h Ca ro 1 ina 6. Representation in Existing Surveys title The Architecture of Rowan County has this property been determined eligible? _x_yes _no date 1983 _ federal _ state _1L county _ local depositoryforsurveyrecords N.C.
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