Luke 11 Resources

PreviousClick chart to enlarge Next Chart from recommended resource Jensen's Survey of the NT - used by permission See another Luke Overview Chart by Charles Swindoll

Click chart to enlarge Chart from recommended resource Jensen's Survey of the NT - used by permission


Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11:1-13 God Doesn't Read Junk Mail Luke 11:14-11:36 No Switzerlands in this War Luke 11:37-54 Inside Out


Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11 Commentary

BRIAN BELL - sermons

Luke 11 Sermons below Luke:11:1-4 Coming Up For Air Luke:11:1-4 Coming Up For Air (2013) Luke:11:5-13 Someone’s Knocking at the Door Luke:11:14-32 Spirit of the living God fall afresh on me Luke:11:33-54 A Lit Lamp


Luke 11:5-10 is Profitable


Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11 Commentary

BRIAN BILL - sermons

Luke 11:1-4 How to Pray the Lord’s Way

A B BRUCE - Expositor's Greek Testament

Luke 11 Commentary

DARRELL L BOCK - IVP Commentary :25-11:13 Discipleship… Luke 11:14-54 Controversies, Corrections…

JIM BOMKAMP - sermons

Luke 10:38-11:13 & Mary / Teaches His Disciples How To Pray And Encourages Them To Persist In Praying Luke 11:14-32 Jesus Is Accused Of Casting Out A Demon By The Ruler Of The Demons / People Must Decide About Jesus Luke 11:33-54 Jesus Instructs About Use Of A Lamp / Argues with About Righteousness Involving Cleansing Of The Inside Part

GENE BROOKS - sermons

Luke 11:1-13 - The Priority of Prayer Luke 11:14-28 - Jesus on Unclean Spirits Luke 11:29-36 - The Sign of Luke 11:37-54 - Dead Religion

HENRY BURTON - Expositor's Commentary

Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11 Commentary

ALAN CARR - sermons

Luke 11:1-13 How To Get God's Ear Luke 11:1-13 Our Lord's Pattern For Prayer

RICH CATHERS - sermons with frequent illustrations

Luke 11:1-4 Luke 11:5-13 Luke 11:14-26 Luke 11:27-36 Luke 11:37-44 Luke 11:45-54

2000 Study

Luke 11:1-13 Luke 11:9-13 Luke 11:14-26 Luke 11:27-36 Luke 11:37-44 Luke 11:45-54


The of Luke - Chapter 11

OSWALD CHAMBERS Luke 11:1 What’s the good of prayer? Luke 11:9 The next best thing to do Luke 11:10 The next best thing to do


Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11 Commentary

W A CRISWELL - sermons

Luke 11:1 Lord, Teach Us To Pray Luke 11:1-4 Christ Opens a School of Prayer Luke 11:1 Lord Teach Us to Pray Luke 11:1 How to Pray

STEVEN COLE - sermons

Luke 11:1-4 Lord, Teach Us to Pray! Luke 11:5-13 How to Approach God Luke 11:14-28 The Heavenly War Luke 11:29-36 How to Respond to God’s Word Luke 11:37-54: Why Jesus Hates Legalism


Luke 11:1-54 A New Communication


Luke 11:1-13 Teach Us to Pray Luke 11:14-36 Evidence that Produced Various Verdicts Luke 11:37-54 Fundamentalists in Formaldehyde


Luke 11 Commentary

DAN DUNCAN - sermons

Luke Sermon Series - Mp3's

LIGON DUNCAN - sermons

How to Pray (1): Holy Father Luke 11:1-4 How to Pray (2): Kingdom Come Luke 11:1-4 How to Pray (3): Daily Bread Luke 11:1-4 How to Pray (4): Forgive Us Luke 11:1-4 How to Pray (5): Deliver Us Luke 11:1-4 Don't Stop Praying (and if you have, start again) Luke 11:5-13 Jesus: Ruler of the Ruler of Demons Luke 11:14-28 How Are Your Eyes? Luke 11:29-36 The Marks of a Pharisee (and the Remedy) Luke 11:37-54 A Very Awkward Dinner Conversation Luke 11:37-54 EASY ENGLISH

Easy English Commentary on Luke's Gospel


Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11


Lectures on the Gospel according to Luke - :22 -17:10

DON FORTNER - sermons

Luke 11:1-04 Teach Us To Pray Luke 11:5-13 Shameless Desperation Luke 11:14-20 The Kingdom of God is Among You Luke 11:21-26 The Strong Man Armed Luke 11:27-32 Looking For A Sign Luke 11:29 30 32 A Greater Than Jonah is Here Luke 11:31 A Greater than Solomon is Here Luke 11:33-36 Light or Darkness Luke 11:37-54 If You Wear Your Halo Too Tight

A C GAEBELEIN Annotated Bible

Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11:5-10 What is the meaning of the Parable of the Friend in Need (Persistent Neighbor)? How should I understand the concept of the Father God? What does it mean that God is our Abba Father? Are there any conditions to answered prayer? What is the key to effective prayer? Why doesn’t God respond when I cry out, “God, please help me!”? Does God answer ? What is the Lord's prayer and should we pray it? What are some hindrances to a potent prayer life? What did Jesus mean when He said "Ask and you shall receive"? What did Jesus mean when He told us to ask, seek, and knock? Is there evidence that God answers prayer? What is the power of prayer? Does prayer change God’s mind? Does God hear my prayers? How can I have my prayers answered by God? How should a Christian respond to unanswered prayer? How can I become a prayer warrior? Is it allowable to use candles in connection with prayer?


Sermons - Most are Mp3


Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11:13 The Gift of the Holy Spirit (See Topic "Holy Spirit")

ROBERT HAWKER - Poor Man's Commentary

Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11 Commentary

F B HOLE - Commentary

Luke 11 Commentary

HOLMAN PUBLISHING - well done, conservative study Bible notes

Holman Christian Standard Bible Study Bible -


Luke 11


Luke 11:5-10 Go Ahead and Bother Jesus

ICC NT Commentary

Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11 Commentary



Luke 11:5-13 The Friend at Midnight


Cyril Barber - An excellent handling of Luke's theme, replete with the author's own translation and an exposition that is at once refreshing and satisfying.

Luke 11 Commentary

PAUL E. KRETZMANN -Lutheran Perspective

Luke 11 Commentary

LIFE APPLICATION BIBLE - Notes on Luke (158 pages) includes nice black and white maps

Luke Application Study Notes - These are practical notes which help you apply the text.


Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11:1 Jesus' Pattern for Every Prayer Luke 11:2 When You Pray Say, "Father" Luke 11:2 Hallowed Be Thy Name Luke 11:2 Thy Kingdom Come Luke 11:2 Thy Will Be Done Luke 11:3 Our Daily Bread Luke 11:4 Forgive Us Our Sins, Part 1 Luke 11:4 Forgive Us Our Sins, Part 2 Luke 11:4 Forgive Us Our Sins, Part 3 Luke 11:4 Forgive Us Our Sins, Part 4 Luke 11:4 Lead Us Not into Temptation Luke 11:5-10 Pray Boldly Luke 11:11-13 God's Generous Response to Boldness in Prayer Luke 11:14-23 The Vilification of Jesus, Part 1 Luke 11:14-23 The Vilification of Jesus, Part 2 Luke 11:24-28 The Danger of Moral Reformation Luke 11:29-32 The Last Sign Luke 11:33-36 A Question of Sight Luke 11:37-44 How to Evangelize Religious People Luke 11:46-50 What's Missing in False Religion, Part 1 Luke 11:45-52 Kingdom Obstructionists Luke 11:51-54 What's Missing in False Religion, Part 2


Luke 11:1–13 How to Pray Luke 11:1 The Praying Christ Luke 11:13–23 The Rich Fool

BRYN MACPHAIL - sermons Luke 11:5-13 The God Who Delights In Answering Prayer


Luke 11 Commentary Luke 11:1 Luke 11:1 Luke 11:2 Luke 11:2 Luke 11:2 Luke 11:4 Luke 11:9


Luke 11 Commentary

J R MILLER - Devotional Hours

Luke 11 Teach me how to pray, mother!

J MIKE MINNIX - sermon

Luke 11:1-13 The Prayer Life of Jesus

ROB MORGAN - sermons

Luke 11:2-3 Our Daily Bread Luke 11 Jesus' Little Sermon on Prayer

HENRY MORRIS - Defender's Study Bible Notes

Luke 11:1 teach us to pray Luke 11:2 When ye pray, say Luke 11:12 ask an egg Luke 11:13 give the Holy Spirit Luke 11:18 through Luke 11:24 return unto my house Luke 11:28 Yea rather Luke 11:30 Jonas was a sign Luke 11:49 wisdom of God Luke 11:50 foundation of the world Luke 11:51 blood of Abel

ROBERT NEIGHBOUR - Living Water Commentary

Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11

JAMES NISBET'S - Church Pulpit Commentary

Luke 11 Commentary

OUR DAILY BREAD Luke 11:1-4 Luke 11:1-4 Luke 11:1-10 Luke 11:1-10 Luke 11:1-10 Luke 11:1-13 Luke 11:1-13 Luke 11:1-13 Luke 11:2 Luke 11:5-10 Luke 11:14-23 Luke 11:14-23 Luke 11:29-32 Luke 11:42


Luke 11


Luke 11:21-22 Christ's Victory Over Satan

PETER PETT - Commentary

Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11:21-22 The Possession and Dispossession of the Strong Man Armed

JOHN PIPER- sermons

Luke 11:1-13 Prevailing Prayer for the Spirit's Power Luke 11:1-13 When God Says, "Not Now" Luke 11:14-23 How Is the Kingdom Present? Luke 11:37-42 These You Ought to Have Done Without Neglecting the Others


Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11 Commentary

PREACHER'S HOMILETICAL - Commentary - Includes Germ Notes, Illustrations, Homilies

Luke 11 Commentary

PULPIT COMMENTARY Luke 11 Commentary

A. T. ROBERTSON - Word Pictures in the NT

Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11:1 Luke 11:2–4 Luke 11:2 Luke 11:4 Luke 11:7 Luke 11:8 Luke 11:13 Luke 11:14–15 Luke 11:17–18 Luke 11:20 Luke 11:21–22 Luke 11:23 Luke 11:24 Luke 11:25 Luke 11:28 Luke 11:29 Luke 11:30 Luke 11:31 Luke 11:32 Luke 11:34 Luke 11:38 Luke 11:39–40 Luke 11:42 Luke 11:43 Luke 11:44 Luke 11:45 Luke 11:46 Luke 11:47 Luke 11:49 Luke 11:50–51 Luke 11:52

RON RITCHIE - sermons

Luke 11:1-4 Are You Willing to Say, "Lord, Teach Me to Pray" Luke 11:5-13 Does God Our Father Really Hear and Answer Our Prayers? Luke 11:14-36 Whom Do You See When You Look at Jesus? Luke 11:37-52 When Jesus Looks at Us. What Does He See--Our Mask or Our Heart Luke 11:53-12:12 Do You Know How to Survive in a Hostile World?


Luke 11:13 Meet Yourself in the Parables Luke 11:13 The Filling of the Holy Spirit


Six Keys to Answered Prayer by Adrian Rogers (youtube audio) J C RYLE

Luke 11 Commentary - Commentary

ROB SALVATO- sermons

Luke 11:1-13 The 's Prayer Luke 11:14-26 The Finger Of God Luke 11:27-32 Show Me A Sign Luke 11:33-36 The Eye, The Lamp Of The Body Luke 11:37-54 Woe To You

JOHNNY SANDERS - published 2005. Well done

Its the Gospel According to Luke - 205 pages

SERMONS BY VERSE - Each link below begins with sermons on verse 1 - click arrow to advance to sermons on next verse

Luke 11 - below is are the sermon for Luke 11:1


Luke 11

CHARLES - sermons

Luke 11 - Click for following sermons Luke 11:1 Forms of Prayer, Good Luke 11:5-8 The Force of Importunity Luke 11:9,10 Importunity Encouraged Luke 11:21, 22 The Strong Man Armed Luke 11:27, 28 The Blessedness of the True Christian

CHUCK SMITH - sermons

Sermon Notes for Luke 11:1

R C SPROUL - Devotionals

Luke 11:1 Teach Us to Pray Luke 11:1–4 The Lord’s Prayer Luke 11:2a Our Father Luke 11:2a Hallowed Be Your Name Luke 11:2b Your Kingdom Come Luke 11:3–4a Bread and Forgiveness Luke 11:5–13 Turning Adversity to Good


Luke 11:9, 10 Prayer Certified of Success Luke 11:11-13 Right Replies to Right Requests Luke 11:21 Peace of the Devil and the Peace of God Luke 11:21-26 The Strong One Driven Out by a Stronger One Luke 11:27, 28 Believers As Blessed As the Blessed Virgin Luke 11:27, 28 The True Lineage Luke 11:29 A Word with Those Who Wait for Signs and Wonders Luke 11:31 A Greater Than Solomon Luke 11:33-36 The Eye and the Light Luke 11:54-57 Signs of the Times Luke 11 - Exposition Luke 11:4 - devotional Luke 11:27-28 - devotional

RAY STEDMAN - sermons

Luke 11:1 How Jesus Prayed Luke 11:2-4 The Pattern Prayer Luke 11:3-4 When Prayer becomes Personal Luke 11:5-13 Prayer's Certainties Luke 11:29-30,32 The Resurrection of Christ (audio only)


The Unjust Judge; The Importunate Friend (:1-8; Luke 11:5-8)


Luke 11:1-13. Lessons on Prayer Luke 11:14-54. Evidence and Unbelief

GEOFF THOMAS - sermons

11:1-4 The Lord Teaches his Disciples to Pray 11:5-7 Keep on Praying 11:9-13 Asking for the Holy Spirit 11:14-23 Jesus and Beelzebub 11:24-26 A Warning of the Dangers of Fickle Religion 11:27-28 Who the Truly Blessed People Are 11:29-32 One Greater than Solomon is Here 11:33-36 Your Whole Being- Enlightened! 11:37-54 Some Religions can Damn You


Kingdom Prayer -Luke 11:1-13 The Lord's Prayer - Luke 11:1-13 The Kingdom and Demons - Luke 11:14-26 Kingdom Blessing and Judgment -Luke 11:27-13:9 Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it - Luke 11:27-28 The sign of Jonah - Luke 11:29-32 The lamp of the body - Luke 11:33-36 Woes - Luke 11:37-54

TODAY IN THE WORD - devotionals

Luke 11


Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11 Commentary J J VAN OOSTERZEE - Lange's Commentary

Luke 11 Commentary

MARVIN VINCENT - Greek Word Studies

Luke 11 Commentary


Luke 11: 1 Lord Teach Us to Pray


A Prayer About Prayer T. R. Stevenson. Luke 11:1

Acceptable Prayer, the Gift of Christ J. Jowett, M. A. Luke 11:1

Barrenness in Prayer Bishop Boyd Carpenter. Luke 11:1

Christ the Teacher of Prayer B. Beddome, M. A. Luke 11:1

Desire and Prayer D. Davies, D. D. Luke 11:1

Forms of Prayer J. N. Norton, D. D. Luke 11:1

Forms of Prayer D. Moore, M. A. Luke 11:1

Forms of Private Prayer J. H. Newman, D. D. Luke 11:1

Giving God His Own in Prayer Archdeacon King. Luke 11:1

How to Pray Luke 11:1

How to Pray Alexander Maclaren Luke 11:1

Influence Dr. W. Graham. Luke 11:1

Jesus the Teacher of Prayer Dr. Stanford., Dr. Stanford. Luke 11:1

Lord, Teach Us to Pray W. H. Lewis, D. D. Luke 11:1

Prayer John Whitty. Luke 11:1

Prayer J. Burns, D. D. Luke 11:1

Prayer Necessary to Maintain the Spiritual Life T. Guthrie, D. D. Luke 11:1

Praying from a Copy Archdeacon King. Luke 11:1

Teach Us to Pray W . B. Wright. Luke 11:1

The Abridgment of the Whole Gospel Archdeacon King. Luke 11:1

The Christian Taught to Pray G. Bradley, M. A. Luke 11:1

The Difficulty of True Prayer Ed. Coleridge's Table Talk. Luke 11:1

The Disciples' Request T. Kidd. Luke 11:1

The Influence of Devout Example, Etc W. Clarkson Luke 11:1

The Instructions of the Bible as to the Matter and Manner of G. Spring, D. D. Luke 11:1 Prayer

The Lord's Prayer Little, Yes Great Archdeacon King. Luke 11:1

The Lord's Prayer Perfect William Gouge. Luke 11:1

The Parts of the Lord's Prayer Archdeacon King. Luke 11:1 The Praying Christ A. Maclaren, D. D. Luke 11:1

The Rule of Direction in Prayer T. Boston, D. D. Luke 11:1

Thought in Prayer P. Brookes. Luke 11:1

Lessons on Prayer R.M. Edgar Luke 11:1-13

A Bad Copy Archdeacon King. Luke 11:2

A Conformed Spirit: Unquestioning Submission J. M. Ludlow, D. D. Luke 11:2

A Lesson of Humility William Gouge. Luke 11:2

A Slave's Definition of the Words, Thy Kingdom Come Luke 11:2

Answers to This Petition Washington Gladden, D. D. Luke 11:2

Appreciation of God's Kingdom B. Kent. Luke 11:2

Carlyle and the Lord's Prayer Thomas Carlyle. Luke 11:2

Christ's Revelation of the Fatherhood of God Washington Gladden, D. D. Luke 11:2

Doing God's Will Luke 11:2

God a Father G. Spring, D. D. Luke 11:2

God Hath Abundance of Blessing for All William Gouge. Luke 11:2

God Our Father J. Garbett, M. A. Luke 11:2

God Realized as a Father Matthew Henry. Luke 11:2

God's Attributes Archdeacon King. Luke 11:2

God's Headquarters Luke 11:2

God's Kingdom W. Naylor. Luke 11:2

God's Kingdom not of This World W. S. Carter, M. A. Luke 11:2

God's Name Our First Regard in Prayer A. Farindon. Luke 11:2

God's Threefold Kingdom A. W. Hare. Luke 11:2

God's Will Must be the Rule of Our Life Luke 11:2

God's Will Seen in His Word Archdeacon King. Luke 11:2

God's Will the Best H. W. Beecher. Luke 11:2

God's Will to be Discovered in Nature and Providence Washington Gladden, D. D. Luke 11:2

God's Will, not Ours A. W. Hare. Luke 11:2

Hallowed be Thy Name G. D. Boardman, D. D. Luke 11:2

Hallowed be Thy Name J. H. Wilson, M. A. Luke 11:2

Hallowing God's Name J. N. Norton, D. D. Luke 11:2

Hallowing God's Name T. Boston, D. D. Luke 11:2

Hallowing God's Name A. W. Hare. Luke 11:2

High Shooting W. Gouge., W. Gouge. Luke 11:2

How is God's Will Done in Heaven J. N. Norton, D. D. Luke 11:2

How Ought We to Pray for Particular Churches Whose Estate W. Gouge. Luke 11:2 We Know

Inferences Washington Gladden, D. D. Luke 11:2 Introductory Remarks Washington, Gladden, D. D. Luke 11:2

Irreverence in Speech Prof. Peabody, D. D. , LL. D. Luke 11:2

Knowing God's Will not Enough Archdeacon King. Luke 11:2

Liberty is Clogged with Restraint Archdeacon King. Luke 11:2

Love Abroad A. Farindon. Luke 11:2

Loyalty to God J. M. Ludlow, D. D. Luke 11:2

Of Applying God's Fatherhood to Ourselves William Gouge. Luke 11:2

Of God's Being in Heaven William Gouge. Luke 11:2

Of Sins Against the Manner of Doing Good W. Gouge. Luke 11:2

Of the Difference Betwixt the Kingdoms of Grace and Glory W. Gouge. Luke 11:2

Of the Direction Which God's Being in Heaven Giveth Us for the William Gouge. Luke 11:2 Matter of Prayer

Of the First Petition in the Lord's Prayer T. Watson. Luke 11:2

Of the Manner of Following a Perfect Pattern W. Gouge. Luke 11:2

W. Gouge., W. Gouge., W. Of the Particulars to be Prayed for Under the First Petit Luke 11:2 Gouge.

Of the Preface to the Lord's Prayer Luke 11:2

On Doing God's Will W. R. Williams, D. D. Luke 11:2

On Doing God's Will Washington Gladden, D. D. Luke 11:2

On Hallowing God's Name Bishop Harvey Goodwin. Luke 11:2

On Hallowing God's Name Washington Gladden, D. D. Luke 11:2

OThe Things to be Bewailed Under the Second Petition W. Gouge. Luke 11:2

Our Father J. M. Ludlow, D. D. Luke 11:2

Our Father A. W. Hare. Luke 11:2

Our Father Prof. Peabody, D. D. , LL. D. Luke 11:2

Our Father A. Farindon. Luke 11:2

Our Father in Heaven J. H. Wilson, M. A. Luke 11:2

Our Father Which Art Archdeacon King. Luke 11:2

Our Father Which Art in Heaven G. D. Boardman, D. D. Luke 11:2

Our Father, in Heaven Bishop Hopkins. Luke 11:2

Our, Better than Mine and Thine William Gouge. Luke 11:2

R. S. Candlish, D. D., W. M. Pater Noster, Our Father Luke 11:2 Taylor, D. D.

Pater, Father R. S. Candlish, D. D. Luke 11:2

Practical Reflections John Whitty. Luke 11:2

Prayer for the Advancement of Christ's Kingdom E. Payson, D. D. Luke 11:2

Reasons for Missionary Exertions Archbp. Sumner. Luke 11:2

Religious Reverence Prof. Peabody, D. D. , LL. D. Luke 11:2

Selfishness Excluded Washington Gladden, D. D. Luke 11:2 Sermonic Hints on the Lord's Prayer J. M. Ludlow, D. D. Luke 11:2

Some Things Upon Which God has Recorded His Name J. M. Ludlow, D. D. Luke 11:2

The Address A. W. Hare. Luke 11:2

The Blessed Will Washington Gladden, D. D. Luke 11:2

The Coming of God's Kingdom Bp. Hopkins. Luke 11:2

The Coming of God's Kingdom of Grace W. R. Williams, D.D. Luke 11:2

The Conquering Name Archdeacon King. Luke 11:2

The Divine Father Luke 11:2

The Doing of God's Will Bishop Hopkins. Luke 11:2

The Eternal Kingdom Washington Gladden, D. D. Luke 11:2

The Fatherhood of God Krummacher. Luke 11:2

The Fulness of the Lord's Prayer H. W. Beecher. Luke 11:2

The Hallowing of God's Name W. R. Williams, D. D. Luke 11:2

The Kingdom of God T. Lessey. Luke 11:2

The Kingdom of God on the Earth Luke 11:2

The Lord's Prayer Luke 11:2

The Lord's Prayer Classified Gems of Thought Luke 11:2

The Lord's Prayer Contains the Essence of the Old Testament J. Wolff, D. D. Luke 11:2

The Lord's Prayer Given as a Pattern Dr. Stanford. Luke 11:2

The Lord's Prayer Indicates the Right Way of Looking At Things F. D. Maurice, M. A. Luke 11:2

The Lord's Prayer Like the Decalogue C. H. Parkhurst, D. D. Luke 11:2

The Means of Extending God's Kingdom G. Spring, D. D. Luke 11:2

The Measure and Degree in Which God's Will Ought to be Done A. W. Hare. Luke 11:2 by Us

The Most Comprehensive Petition Washington Gladden, D. D. Luke 11:2

The Name of God Hallowed G. Spring, D. D. Luke 11:2

The Opening Invocation W. R. Williams, D. D. Luke 11:2

The Peculiar Worth of the Lord's Prayer Van Oosterzee. Luke 11:2

The Petition for the Advancement of God's Glory Bishop Hopkins. Luke 11:2

The Prayer for the Coming of God's Kingdom John Whitty. Luke 11:2

The Preface of the Lord's Prayer T. Boston, D. D. Luke 11:2

The Preface of the Lord's Prayer John Whitty. Luke 11:2

The Primal Obligation of Reverence Prof. Peabody, D. D. , LL. D. Luke 11:2

The Reign of Grace Viewed in Relation to the Work of J. Jukes. Luke 11:2 Righteousness

The Reign of Heaven J. N. Norton, D. D. Luke 11:2

The Sacred Name Washington Gladden, D. D. Luke 11:2

The Spirit of True Resignation Luke 11:2 The Will of God W. Clarkson Luke 11:2

The Will of God Performed on Earth G. Spring, D. D. Luke 11:2

Thought Better than Speech Archdeacon King Luke 11:2

Thy Kingdom Come J. Boston, D. D. Luke 11:2

Thy Kingdom Come R. S. Storrs, D. D. Luke 11:2

Thy Kingdom Come Dr. J. Parker. Luke 11:2

Thy Kingdom Come Dr. J. Parker. Luke 11:2

Thy Kingdom Come Luke 11:2

Thy Kingdom Come G. D. Boardraan, D. D. Luke 11:2

Thy Kingdom Come J. H. Wilson, M. A . Luke 11:2

Thy Kingdom Come A. Farindon, D. D. Luke 11:2

Thy Will be Done in Earth, as it is in Heaven G. D. Boardman, D. D. Luke 11:2

Thy Will be Done in Earth, as it is in Heaven J. H. Wilson, M. A. Luke 11:2

Thy Will be Done on Earth, as it is in Heaven T. Watson. Luke 11:2

Ways in Which We May Hasten the Coming of God's Kingdom Washington Gladden, D. D. Luke 11:2

We are Very Prone to Follow Imperfection W. Gouge. Luke 11:2

What the First Petition Implies John Whitty. Luke 11:2

Which Art in Heaven A. W. Hare. Luke 11:2

Willingness that God Should Rule H. W. Beecher. Luke 11:2

The True Service of the Lord's Prayer W. Clarkson Luke 11:2-4

A Motive to Quicken Our Piety Archdeacon King. Luke 11:3

Bread A. W. Hare. Luke 11:3

Bread in Answer to Prayer J. H. Batt. Luke 11:3

Bread the Gift of God One Year in Sweden. Luke 11:3

Christ and Daily Bread Arthur Brooks. Luke 11:3

Daily Bread Luke 11:3

Daily Bread Henry T. Williams. Luke 11:3

Daily Bread Archdeacon King. Luke 11:3

Day by Day J. Hunter. Luke 11:3

Dependence for Temporal Blessings G. Spring, D. D. Luke 11:3

Enjoyment of God's Daily Mercies Bishop Havey Goodwin. Luke 11:3

Every Day Archdeacon King. Luke 11:3

Foresight J. H. Batt. Luke 11:3

J. H. Wilson, M. A., G. D. Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Luke 11:3 Boardman, D. D.

God's Gift of Bread Arthur Brooks. Luke 11:3

Lessons from the Fourth Petition John Whitty. Luke 11:3

Lessons on This Petition Bishop Havey Goodwin. Luke 11:3 Love Before Bread Luke 11:3

Not Long Prayers Luke 11:3

W. Gouge., W. Gouge., W. Of Praying for Temporal Blessings Luke 11:3 Gouge., W. Gouge.

Of the Fourth Petition in the Lord's Prayer T. Watson. Luke 11:3

Our Bread not Merely Bodily Sustenance Bishop Andrewes. Luke 11:3

Our Bread, not Mine Arthur Brooks Luke 11:3

Our Bread, not Thine Arthur Brooks. Luke 11:3

Our Daily Bread J. J. Wray. Luke 11:3

Our Daily Bread J. Hunter. Luke 11:3

Our Daily Bread Archdeacon King. Luke 11:3

Prayer .For Daily Bread J. M. Ludlow, D. D. Luke 11:3

Prayer and Pains G. Spring, D. D. Luke 11:3

Prayer for Daily Bread Bishop Hopkins. Luke 11:3

Prayer or Each Day's Proper Bread Arthur Brooks. Luke 11:3

Rescued from the Curse Archdeacon King. Luke 11:3

Routine Observance Indispensable H. Bushnell, D. D. Luke 11:3

The Best Answer to This Prayer Arthur Brooks. Luke 11:3

The Convenient Food Washington Gladden, D. D. Luke 11:3

The Petition for Daily Bread J. N. Norton, D. D. Luke 11:3

The Pilgrim Fathers and the Drought Luke 11:3

The Prayer for Bread C. H. Parkhurst, D. D. Luke 11:3

The Prayer for Daily Bread W. R. Williams, D. D. Luke 11:3

The Prayer for Our Daily Bread A. C. A. Hall, M. A. Luke 11:3

This Day Archdeacon King. Luke 11:3

This Petition is Our First Step to Earth Archdeacon King. Luke 11:3

Us, not Me J. Hunter. Luke 11:3

A Confession Before Pardon J. H. Wilson, M. A. Luke 11:4

A Forgiving Spirit G. Spring, D. D. Luke 11:4

An Intercessory Petition Washington Gladden, D. D. Luke 11:4

An Unforgiving Spirit J. N. Norton, D. D. Luke 11:4

And Forgive Us S. Coley., Dr. Parker. Luke 11:4

And Lead Us not into Temptation G. D. Boardman, D. D. Luke 11:4

But Deliver Us from Evil T. Watson. Luke 11:4

But Deliver Us from Evil G. D. Boardman, D. D. Luke 11:4

Called Aboard Again Archdeacon King. Luke 11:4

Deliver Us from Evil J. M. Ludlow, D. D. Luke 11:4

Deliver Us from Evil W. Hetherington. Luke 11:4 Deliver Us from Evil W. Dodsworth. Luke 11:4

Deliver Us from Evil A. Farindon. Luke 11:4

Deliver Us from Evil J. H. Wilson, M. A. Luke 11:4

H. R. Reynolds, D. D., A. W. Deliverance from Evil Luke 11:4 Hare.

Deliverance from Evil C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 11:4

Devout Archdeacon King. Luke 11:4

Enmity is Incompatible with Profitable Prayer Washington Gladden, D. D. Luke 11:4

Fear of Temptation J. H. Wilson, M. A. Luke 11:4

Forgetting and Forgiving Luke 11:4

God's Mercy is Operative as Fire W. Gouge. Luke 11:4

God's Mind Toward Us W. Gouge. Luke 11:4

In What Sense We May Pray Against Temptation Bishop Harvey Goodwin. Luke 11:4

Judgment Without Mercy J. N. Norton, D. D. Luke 11:4

Lead Us not into Temptation C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 11:4

Lead Us not into Temptation J. . M. Ludlow, D. D. Luke 11:4

Lead Us not into Temptation Luke 11:4

Lead Us not into Temptation Archdeacon King. Luke 11:4

Meeting Temptations Archdeacon King. Luke 11:4

No Venal Sins Archdeacon King. Luke 11:4

Of Duties Required in the Last Petition W. Gouge. Luke 11:4

Of Duties Required in the Last Petition in Regard to Othe W. Gouge. Luke 11:4

Of Duties to be Observed Because Every Sin is Mortal W. Gouge. Luke 11:4

Of Leading Into W. Gouge. Luke 11:4

Of the Fifth Petition in the Lord's Prayer Luke 11:4

Of the Force of This Particle As in the Condition Annexed to the W. Gouge. Luke 11:4 Fifth Petition

Of the General Points for Which We are Taught to Pray in the W. Gouge. Luke 11:4 Last Petition

Of the Many Debts Wherein We Stand Bound to God's Justice W. Gouge. Luke 11:4

Of the Many Ways of Delivering from Evil W. Gouge. Luke 11:4

Of the Particulars for Which Thanks is to be Given by Virtue of W. Gouge. Luke 11:4 the First Part of the Last Petition

Of the Particulars for Which Thanks is to be Given by Virtue of W. Gouge. Luke 11:4 the Last Part of the Last Petition

Of the Things for Which We Ought to Give Thanks in the La W. Gouge. Luke 11:4

On the Forgiveness of Sin Matthew Henry. Luke 11:4

Our Debts Archdeacon King. Luke 11:4

Our Father's Forgiveness G. D. Boardman, D. D. Luke 11:4

Parental Folly John Ruskin. Luke 11:4 Prayer Against Temptation C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 11:4

Prayer for Forgiveness Luke 11:4

Archdeacon King., Archdeacon Prayer the Only Protection Luke 11:4 King.

Presumption Archdeacon King. Luke 11:4

Pretences for not Forgiving W. Gouge. Luke 11:4

Revenge is a Kind of Fire W. Gouge. Luke 11:4

Sins Ours A. Farindon. Luke 11:4

Temptation G. W. Field, D. D., A. W. Hare. Luke 11:4

Temptation and Deliverance Bishop Hopkins. Luke 11:4

Temptation Deplored G. Spring, D. D. Luke 11:4

Temptation May be Advantageous to Us W. R. Williams, D. D. Luke 11:4

Temptation to be Avoided Newman Hall. Luke 11:4

The Danger of Self-Sought Temptations W. R. Williams, D. D. Luke 11:4

Archdeacon King., Archdeacon The Devil Lights His Temptations Luke 11:4 King.

The Devil's Chief Servants Dr. Talmage. Luke 11:4

The Dread of Sin G. Spring, D. D. Luke 11:4

The Forgiveness of Sins Bp. Hopkins. Luke 11:4

The Forgiveness of Sins John Whitty. Luke 11:4

The Forgiving Grace Washington Gladden, D. D. Luke 11:4

The Great Deliverance The Weekly Pulpit Luke 11:4

The Great Salvation Washington Gladden, D. D. Luke 11:4

The Prayer for Deliverance from Evil W. R. Williams, D. D. Luke 11:4

The Prayer for Forgiveness J. H. Evans. Luke 11:4

The Reach and Worth of Christian Intercession F. D. Maurice, M. A. Luke 11:4

The Sixth Petition John Whitty. Luke 11:4

The Sixth Petition in the Lord's Prayer Luke 11:4

The Temptations that Surround Us W. R. Williams, D. D. Luke 11:4

The Test of Our Spiritual State W. R. Williams, D. D. Luke 11:4

To Parents Washington Gladden, D. D. Luke 11:4

To the Young Washington Gladden, D. D. Luke 11:4

Unwillingness to Acknowledge Guilt W. R. Williams, D. D. Luke 11:4

We Must Forgive, If We Would be Forgiven Luke 11:4

Bounty After Delay Marvin R. Vincent, D. D. Luke 11:5-8

Delay in Answering Prayer N. Rogers. Luke 11:5-8

Earnestness in Prayer Bishop Harvey Goodwin. Luke 11:5-8

God Giving His Praying People Bread for Others C. New. Luke 11:5-8 Importunity T. T. Lynch. Luke 11:5-8

Importunity J. Thomson, D. D. Luke 11:5-8

Importunity in Prayer Expository Outlines Luke 11:5-8

Importunity in Prayer G. R. Leavitt. Luke 11:5-8

Importunity in Prayer James Foote, M. A. Luke 11:5-8

Importunity in Prayer D. O. Hughes, M. A. Luke 11:5-8

Interceding for Others N. Rogers. Luke 11:5-8

Lessons Van Doren. Luke 11:5-8

Need of Importunity Bishop Jeremy Taylor. Luke 11:5-8

Perseverance in Prayer Van Doren. Luke 11:5-8

Power of Earnestness H. R. Burton. Luke 11:5-8

Prayer is the Best Means of Provision N. Rogers Luke 11:5-8

Prayer Made Fervent by Expression N. Rogers. Luke 11:5-8

Storming Heaven R. Collyer, D. D. Luke 11:5-8

Successful Importunity T. Guthrie, D. D. Luke 11:5-8

The Friend At Midnight W. M. Taylor, D. D. Luke 11:5-8

The Midnight Intruder J. Henry Burn, B. D. Luke 11:5-8

The Naturalness of the Illustration A. B. Bruce, D. D. Luke 11:5-8

The Parable of the Importunate Friend Marcus Dods, D. D. Luke 11:5-8

The Setting of the Parable Marvin R. Vincent, D. D. Luke 11:5-8

The Struggle for Attainment of Spiritual Good Luke 11:5-8

There are Three Things in Importunity N. Rogers. Luke 11:5-8

Why We Must be Importunate in Prayer R. Collyer. Luke 11:5-8

Continuance in Prayer W. Clarkson Luke 11:5-10

A Scorpion C. Geikie, D. D. Luke 11:9-10

Adam's Sons are a Generation of Seekers N. Rogers. Luke 11:9-10

Answered Prayers H. W. Beecher. Luke 11:9-10

Ask and it Shall be Given You G. Bowen. Luke 11:9-10

Ask and it Shall be Given You G. Bowen. Luke 11:9-10

Every One that Asketh Receiveth W. F. Herbert. Luke 11:9-10

God's Character Viewed Through Man's Higher Nature H. W. Beecher. Luke 11:9-10

Her Eyes Were Hymns of Silent Prayer G. S. Barrett, B. A. Luke 11:9-10

Bishop H. Goodwin., W. F. If a Son Shall Ask Bread Luke 11:9-10 Herbert., E. Stapler, D. D.

Importunate Prayer W. Fenner, B. D. Luke 11:9-10

Is the Prayer of Faith Always Answered D. L. Moody. Luke 11:9-10

It is Sense of Want that Makes Us to Seek Out N. Rogers. Luke 11:9-10

Our Privilege to Ask Largely A. L. Stone. Luke 11:9-10 Prayer an Unfailing Refuge Fowell Buxton. Luke 11:9-10

Prayer Certified of Success C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 11:9-10

Revival Always Possible Luke 11:9-10

Seeking and Finding Luke 11:9-10

Simply to Ask C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 11:9-10

The Commanding Object of Prayer G. F. Magorm, D. D. Luke 11:9-10

The Efficacy of Importunate Prayer W. Fenner, B. D. Luke 11:9-10

The Gift of the Holy Spirit A. Scott. Luke 11:9-10

The Holy Spirit A. P. Peabody, D. D. , LL. D. Luke 11:9-10

The Holy Spirit in Relation to Missionary Work Griffith John. Luke 11:9-10

The Law of Prayer Luke 11:9-10

The Prayer of Faith The Preacher's Treasury Luke 11:9-10

The Principle of the Text Illustrated R. Collyer. Luke 11:9-10

The Reasonableness of Prayer E. W. Shalders, B. A. Luke 11:9-10

The Subjective Theory of Prayer W. W. Patton, D. D. Luke 11:9-10

The Value of Prayer James Martineau, LL. D. Luke 11:9-10

True Prayer Must be Accompanied with a Sense of the Want of N. Rogers. Luke 11:9-10 Those Things We Crave

Urgency in Prayer J. O. Dykes, D. D. Luke 11:9-10

The Argument from the Human Fatherhood to the Divine W. Clarkson Luke 11:11-13

A Dumb Devil East Out W. Haslam. Luke 11:13

Dumb Canon Wilberforce. Luke 11:13

God's Care for His Children Far Greater than Man's A. K. H. Boyd, D. D. Luke 11:13

How Devils May be Expelled T. M. Coan, M. D. Luke 11:13

How God Feels Towards Mankind A. K. H. Boyd, D. D. Luke 11:13

Prayer for the Spirit Answered Anon. Luke 11:13

Right Replies to Right Requests C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 11:13

The Availability of the Holy Spirit S. D. Burchard, D. D. Luke 11:13

The Best Gift E. Blencowe, M. A. Luke 11:13

The Downward Course Canon Wilberforce. Luke 11:13

The Efficacy of Prayer for Obtaining the Holy Spirit Archbishop Tillotson. Luke 11:13

The Gift of the Holy Spirit T. B. Baker. Luke 11:13

The Gift of the Holy Spirit Theological Sketch-book Luke 11:13

The Gift of the Spirit H. L. Thompson. Luke 11:13

The Gift of the Spirit Dean Vaughan. Luke 11:13

The Good Gift J. Jowett, M. D. Luke 11:13

Third Sunday in Lent J. A. Seiss, D. D. Luke 11:13

Inspirations R.M. Edgar Luke 11:14-36 The Gospel Sign Addressed to Faith J. H. Newman. Luke 11:16

Wishing a Sign from Heaven A. Watson. Luke 11:16

Divided Against Itself Spencer. Luke 11:17-20

Jesus Refutes the Pharisees J. Thomson, D. D. Luke 11:17-20

The Personality and Power of the Devil E. W. Moore. Luke 11:17-20

The Power of the King Over the Arch-Enemy E. W. Moore. Luke 11:17-20

It Shall not be Forgiven George MacDonald Luke 11:18

Christianity the Benignant Power W. Clarkson Luke 11:20

Christ Overthrowing Satan Family Churchman Luke 11:21-22

Lesson W. Burkitt. Luke 11:21-22

Resources of the Adversary, and Means of Their Destructio The Preacher's Treasury Luke 11:21-22

Satan Vanquished by Christ J. Fowler. Luke 11:21-22

The Conflict Between Christ and Satan for the Soul of Man J. Parsons. Luke 11:21-22

The Division of Spoil C. Wadsworth, D. D. Luke 11:21-22

The Division of the Spoils J. Garbett, M. A. Luke 11:21-22

The Strong Man Armed John Richardson, M. A. Luke 11:21-22

The Strong Man Armed J. Garbett, M. A. Luke 11:21-22

The Strong Man's Armour J. Garbett, M. A. Luke 11:21-22

The Strong One Driven Out by a Stronger One C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 11:21-22

A Half-Christian Dean Vaughan. Luke 11:23

Christian Neutrality Impossible N. Emmons, D. D. Luke 11:23

Impossible Neutrality Lord Bacon. Luke 11:23

Neutrality Impossible in Religion Luke 11:23

Neutrality in Religion Impossible J. Hawes, D. D. Luke 11:23

No Neutrality in Religion D. Moore, M. A. Luke 11:23

Opposition to Christ W. Jay. Luke 11:23

Spiritual Waste and Wealth Bishop F. D. Huntington. Luke 11:23

What it is to be with Christ J. H. Rylance, D. D. Luke 11:23

Description and Danger of Conviction When not Followed by E. Cooper. Luke 11:24-26 Conversion

On Relapsing into Sin Bishop Ehrler. Luke 11:24-26

Spiritual Failure W. Clarkson Luke 11:24-26

The Danger of Losing Convictions of Conscience T. Dwight, D. D. Luke 11:24-26

The Return of the Evil Spirit J. Vaughan, M. A. Luke 11:24-26

The Seven-Fold Re-Inforcement J. A. Alexander, D. D. Luke 11:24-26

The Tendency of Sin to Increase If Once Admitted G. Swinnock. Luke 11:24-26

A Certain Woman's Commendation of Christ A. Farindon, D. D. Luke 11:27-28

Believers as Blessed as the Blessed Virgin C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 11:27-28 Blessedness W. Jay. Luke 11:27-28

Blessedness from the Divine Point of View James Foote, M. A. Luke 11:27-28

Keeping the Word of God Luke 11:27-28

The Blessedness of Obedience T. Islip. Luke 11:27-28

The Blessing of Those Who Hear and Keep the Word of God J. Rudge, D. D. Luke 11:27-28

The Incarnation Bishop Hacket. Luke 11:27-28

A Word with Those Who Wait for Signs and Wonders C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 11:29-30

The Demand for a Sign Dean Vaughan. Luke 11:29-30

The Sign of the Prophet Jonas H. Melvill, B. D. Luke 11:29-30

A Greater than Solomon C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 11:31-32

A Privileged Nation Judged by the Heathen Luke 11:31-32

Christ and Solomon W. Clarkson Luke 11:31, 32

Christ's Superiority to Solomon B. Beddome, M. A. Luke 11:31-32

Comparative Guilt W. Clarkson Luke 11:32

A Fountain of Light H. W. Beecher. Luke 11:33-36

Intensified Light J. S. Breckenridge. Luke 11:33-36

Light in Every Part Luke 11:33-36

Light Turned into Darkness J. Vaughan, M. A. Luke 11:33-36

Of the Light Within Us R. South, D. D. Luke 11:33-36

"Jottings from the Pacific," by Peacefulness Resulting from Having a Single Eye Luke 11:33-36 W. Wyatt Gill, B. A.

Seeing Double Luke 11:33-36

Self-Deceit Bishop Abernethy. Luke 11:33-36

Singleness of Heart N. W. Taylor, D. D. Luke 11:33-36

Take Heed of Unillumined Darkness C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 11:33-36

Take Heed. -- Cautions James Foote, M. A. Luke 11:33-36

The Effects of Good and Bad Principles Dr. Ibbot. Luke 11:33-36

The Eye, the Light of the Body C. Buck. Luke 11:33-36

The Nature of Human Actions S. Clarke, D. D. Luke 11:33-36

The Single Eye R. S. Storrs, D. D. Luke 11:33-36

The Universal Influence of Christian Principles J. Venn, M. A. Luke 11:33-36

Uncovering the Light R. Abererombie, M. A. Luke 11:33-36

Spiritual Sight W. Clarkson Luke 11:34-36

Conventional Notions of Sin C. H. Spurgeon. Luke 11:37-39

Heathen Notions of Sin The Gospel in all Lands. Luke 11:37-39

Hypocrisy Branded Archbishop Secker. Luke 11:37-39

Hypocrisy Sometimes Difficult to Discover Archbishop Secker. Luke 11:37-39

Neglecting the Inside A. Maclaren, D. D. Luke 11:37-39 Outward Show and Inward Lack Sunday School Times Luke 11:37-39

Pharisaical Religion J. R. Thomson, M. A. Luke 11:37-39

The Pharisees Reproved D. C. Hughes, M. A. Luke 11:37-39

Piety Out of Perspective W. Clarkson Luke 11:37-42

Pharisaism and Legalism Rebuked R.M. Edgar Luke 11:37-54

Christian Charity G. S. Barrett, B. A. Luke 11:41

Offertorial Gifts Bishop Moberly. Luke 11:41

The Value of Alms-Giving M. F. Sadler. Luke 11:41

Neglecting the Most Important Thing John Brown, M. D. Luke 11:42

Pardon Desired for Duties Left Undone Luke 11:42

Spurious Holiness Canon Farrar. Luke 11:42

Disputes Reviewed Matthew Henry. Luke 11:45

Building the Tombs of the Prophets H. Melvill, B. D. Luke 11:47-48

Costly Posthumous Offerings Cassell's Family Magazine Luke 11:47-48

Ignorance of Our Own Depravity H. Melvill, B. D. Luke 11:47-48

The Hypocrisy of Posthumous Honours Dr. Talmage. Luke 11:47-48

The Tombs of the Prophets T. Guthrie, D. D. Luke 11:47-48

The Vanity and Wickedness of Honouring Dead Saints Archbishop Tillotson. Luke 11:47-48

The World's Treatment of its Guides Luke 11:47-48

Unique Tombs Cassell's Family Magazine Luke 11:47-48

Hinderers Luke 11:52

Hindering W. Denton. Luke 11:52

Lamentable Effect of Hindering Luke 11:52

The Sin of Perverting Scripture W. Burkitt. Luke 11:52