June 8, 1926. 1,587,973 J. F. MAKOWSKI LATH Filed May 28, 1923

INVENTOR. ??? Aazz ZA ZzzAcozzresAcŽU

ATTORNEY Patented June 8, 1926. 1587,973

UNITED STATES PATENT office. - JOENT F. ?????8KI, ?? 8???????, ?AILIFOBNIA, ASSIGNOB ?? ?AIIHOBNIA ?EDAB PRODUCTs COMPANY, OF STOCKTON, CALIFORNLA. PLASTIEB ILIATBT. Application filed May 28, 1923. Serial No. 641,965. This invention relates to the building art sets I mold or form the outer face thereof and particularly to wall construction. . . So as to produce dove-tailed or similar I have conceived as the present invention shaped grooves 3 extending thereacross, or a a composition lathing mounted upon a suit similar formation having front and rear able supporting surface, there being mould faces, with intervening openings or inter 40 ed into the face of the composition a dove stices into which the plastic material to be tail or other suitable shaped key structure. applied to the lath may flow and be locked Plaster or lath now commonly used thereto. as a substitute for wooden lath is too ex As will be readily seen, the composition 45 10 pensive both in first cost and in the method may be a very cheap product compared to of application for ordinary use, and there . The mechanical key structure for can be no big demand therefor until a good the plastic material, moulded permanently lath which can successfully compete with in the composition, forms a perfect locking wooden lath, is produced. Y . structure to hold the plastic, which func 50 5 The main object of the invention there tion is augmented by the fact that the ele fore is to produce a cheap but durable com ments of the composition will be such as position lath on which the plaster, cement form a natural bond...for the plastic sur brother plastic may be readily spread and facing material. bonded thereon. v Having thus described my invention what Í accomplish the objects of the invention I claim as new and useful and desire to se 55 by the use of the composition and structural cure by Letters Patent is: ( ully set forth herein- . 1.1. A composition plastero lath containin - moldingafter. thereof as r l, calcined- gypsum, casein as a water proofing The figure on the drawing is a perspec element and an adhesive element. w tive view of a fragmentary portion of a 2. A composition plaster lath containing 60 sheet of my improved lath. calcined gypsum,?. casein as a water proofing a Incomposition carrying preferablyout the invention of casting I make plaster up element3. A compositionand dextrin. plaster lath consisting such as calcined gypsum, skimmed milk or of calcined gypsum, casein as a water proof 30 casein as a water proofing element, mixed ing ellement, and an adhesive elle 65 with dextrin or other adhesive, with or ment. » without a certain percentage of sawdust In testimony whereof I affix my signa meal. This composition is spread to a thick ture. ness of about half an inch on a suitable 85 supporting or board 2, and before it JOHN F. MAKOWSKI,