The Wilmington Crusader the "WILMINGTON CRUSADER, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1954~ PRICE 10 CENTS VOL

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The Wilmington Crusader the Wilmington Publio JAbrary Mrs Clara P Chipman; librarian, 206 Andovor Street, RPD Horth Wilmington, Mas*. The Wilmington Crusader THE "WILMINGTON CRUSADER, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1954~ PRICE 10 CENTS VOL. 17 NO. 24 Tax Rate Is Set At $57 Per Thousand Wilmington's tax rate for 1954 SU ER A PROGRAMS BOYS REPORTED TO HAVE will be $57 per thousand dollar FIRE CRACKER TRICK LIONS TO RECEIVE "\£ „.r.t « ADMITTED LARCENIES valuation. This was announced by FNJURES BOY I CHARTER SATURDAY ' START JUNE 28 imta Sowden 9 vear old son Wilmington Lions Club will Summer programs for the Three teen age boys, from the the Board of Assessors this morn- Silver Lake district are reported ing after confirming figures had of Mr Ind Mrs Bert Sell, of I receive its Charter Saturday Wilmington Recreation Com- n»kwood road Silver Lake, es-t night, June 19th, in one of the mission will start on June 28th, by the Wilmington police as hav- been received from the state De- """"-----_-'-00 I e mostg spectacular programs ever iwonaay inrougn muay. ming somimaadmitted breakingur™«uig mminto threeuir« partment of Taxation and Cooper- ?^ Llous- iSurV, af il:_3o!most .spectacula^ programs_eve_r, Monday^„ through ^Frulay. K CapedwhSa tnWaken to St 'conceived by that organization. In the high school area from or four different places, in the „,„ ,„_ a.m., but had to be taken to M. conceivea uy i <* IQ f r boys'Silver Lake, with some of the ations. n f rst lm K db am t0 n00n win be 0 The 1954 figures represents an in (Jonn.s hospltai for treatmentfor For? the ' w mi^t y^J™ ^ girls age 5 t0 9i and the! breaks being during the night time. ailU glllSi «KC a w **. aim mv | */.*:*«w >•- n.h uui.»6 MM •'•e"» »■■■■■ crease of $11 over the,1953the 1963 figure.ngure. laee,trat.onsis to head_head andbodyand body I threeUiree clubs,ciuos, W,vri mi.giuu,mmgtonu Win...... 8^- wjf, ^ ir,g ^ They have been a aftenoons will be gor girls only, They have been arrainged, in Juv- It "based on a valuation of $1L-1 f t"e Lake street boys had, Chester and Burlington will all . .. ■« .*. *r mi_ _ —.»..». n-ll« ^uUa Wnfn_,. T..Jn« liril 723 850. Last years was $10.268.876., rackers under a receive their charters l n the age 10 through 15. The program enile session, before Judge Wil- hrown fireC liam A. Henchey, of the Woburn In_' figures. released__»^ „J atn* the(ho sameQHTYIPI same evening, all from one will' include Crafts, Picnics, Dra- pony which the Sowden boys matics, Nature Study, Dancing, court. time that the tax rate was re- was driving. , . sponsor. leased it was apparant tnat we The fete has been recognized Music, Games, etc. Young Sowden was driving his^ On Wilmington Common the SPECIAL ORANGE MEETINO higher budget voted by the town, pony wagon, when the three by the Lions International, in at the annual town meet ng in Chicago, and they have delegat- Boys Recreation League will NEXT WEDNESDAY boys, age 17, 14 and 15 threw meet Monday through Friday, March, coupled with a valuation the firecrackers beneath the ed the International First Vice There is to be a special meeting of property which was not as high President, Monroe L. Nute to be from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, and will of the Wilmington Grange next pony. The boys sped off in an include boys of 13, 14 and 15. In as had been expected were con- automobile, with bystanders present, and, to take part in the Wednesday, June 23rd, at 7:30 pro. ducive to the increaseIncrease in thein* tax»* . ceremonies. the afternoon there will be a The purpose of the meeting is to t ableaWe totQ recallrecaU only threetnree num program for boys 10 to 15 inclu- rate. Town officials had e*^.c.te°; bers of the license plate. The Special Representative A. C. discuss the annual fair, planned u.- in the vear thatat there , ___ .. _. u>_ _«-* Urbanati, Norwieh, Connecticut, sive, from the hours of 1 p.m. to for this September. ^ i ,1Z boy was thrown out of his cart, 4:30 p.m. The program will In- would be $12,000,000 valuation wg^ ^ pony ^^ The1C who has worked as the organi- After the spectel meeting there S, tor IVcart, snapped, zaUonal representaUvj^ for the clude Baseball, Softball, Volley- will be a novelty card party, and o this year. _ shaiia for the" cart, snapped, | zational representative ior me In the town meeting this year »*•"* cart landed on the boy's past six months will also be pre- ball, Badmington, Quoits, etc. members are asked to donate the highest budget ev.r voted by « shoulders, while the sent, and will ta*e part in the At the Mildred Rogers School prizes. Refreshments will be chartered program. area, the program will run Mon- served, and the public is invited. »^VSS!»£ coVp^d Pony bolted for his stall, in the Vice President Nute was elect- day through Friday, with boys Anyone who has articles fin- with «*rr000 in 1953 a^»Cr?hU I Officers Arthur Kelley, and ed to that office in Chicago, in and girls, age 5 to 9 having the ished for the fair will be able to offse 1953, and was a Director of the morning hours, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. turn them in. at the next Wednes- of $196,000. To partly * *^-1 Thomas Troy,y responding to the —, «~ -~- ----- from the figures of increased «alu- "I?™J" ith tnVFire Depart- Lions International from Ufl to In the afternoons there will be day meeting. ation, the sum of $85,000 may-to ^'^uYance with Firemen 1949, and served as Third Vice a program for all ages, in super- m deducted, leaving a net increase. f ™h JIJ™^ Nee> f0Und the President, and Second Vice vised play, in conduction with GRANGE PIANS MYSTERY in effect, of $110,000. hoV with the cart overer mshis body. 'President, before being elected the beach program. RIDE Represented in the increased boy £iththe cart ^ ^ 110 W8 present honor. He is fly- The morning program will be Wilmington Grange is planning spending this year, in t-x dollar. It wasjfeared H» &»«»,"» ^ t BO*^ trim Chfc*B£ the same aa that offered in the a Mystery Ride, Wednesday July ul are such approximate «*««■«•. ™d l?{J^a Kelman ordered the and will be met in the Hub City high school area. Mo S 14th. Reservations must be in by Increaae in schoo appropr ation and ™ j ^Xspital, in Lo-|by State and local officials. Nute There will also be a "water the 12th of July, and may be made $6; Increase in maturing debts $5, Doy to oi. •anno «»K 'comes from the Kennet Square, spray" program, at the high we by calling' OL 8-4414. increases in salaries $6; .and mis- £e „ d T spent ^ „,* Pennsylvania Lions Club, where school, in the afternoons. e cellaneous increases in costs $4, a f^" f ?"" searching for the he served as Vice President, THE AIR RAID ALERT IN total of $19. To offset this a figure of Saturday i**™W ™ ^ p ident and Tail Twister, and LLA MEETS TOMORROW re8 WILMINGTON of $8 represents the increase In ^^Vith onlvT slight clew later became a Deputy District The ladies of the Little League a d DiStriCt G r Auxiliary will meet tomorrow ev- The Air Raid Alert In Wilming- K^ase^^ In addition "to his Lions °-^°Club ac-- ening-, immediately after the Lit- ton paased without incident. Wil- T.M. Courtney and the Board of be correct, they were able to tle League games, with the met- mington police were In various "pin down" the automobile in- tivities he is also active in the Assessors are expected to Issue National Council of the Boy ing scheduled for the Roman parts of Ihe town, and reported a joint detailed statement some- volved. _ House. Included in the business no Incidents. In other places cit- Next morning, Sunday, while Scouts of America. He is an auto- time this week. mobile dealer, farmer, and a of the evening will be "Scotch izens were observed to be going Troy was making a routine drive Tape Returns". about their normal business. around town, he noticed a black well known breeder of Aberdeen sedari, with numbers similar to Angus cattle. SWIMMING CLASSES The Charter Presentation will MIDDLESEX ESSEX POMONA STOLEN BICYCLE START JUNE M those reported. He returned to GRANGE the station and with Qffic«r be made in the Woburn High The Middlesex-Essex Pomona Francis Walsh. M Middlesex av- Swimming classes, at Silver Kelley in company went to the School Auditorium, and the Grange will meet at Wilmington enue, has reported to the Wilming- Lake beach, from kindergarten home where the car was parked. evening will consist of a cater- Grange Hall on Saturday June ton police that a Hanover bicycle, age to the (fifth, grade will After several hours of question- ed dinner, presentation of char- 26th, at 4 pm. A baked ham supper (a German make) has been stolen. start on June 21st, at the Silver ing the boys admitted their com- ters, installing of new officers, The bicycle is red and cream in Is to be served at 6:30 pm. Reser- color, and has the serial number Lake beach. Applicants are sup- plicity to the two officers. entertaining and dancing. Frank vations must be in by Saturday posed to enroll with the Chief P. DiPanfilo, President of the June 19th.
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