Student 1 Any Student

Ms. Halkovic

Language Arts - 1

6 May 2011

Modern Day Heroes: Initial Outline

I. Introduction (from #1-#2 of note-taking form) A. Timothy Treadwell 1. born April 29, 1957 in Long Island, 2. died October 5, 2003 in Katmai National Park & Preserve, B. Val and Carol Dexter (parents) 1. born Timothy William Dexter 2. one of 5 children C. “Timothy Treadwell is considered a modern day hero for his work as an preservationist and his hands-on efforts to protect the Alaskan .”

II. Body Paragraph 1 (chronological description of hero’s life & experiences - #3-#5 of note-taking form) A. attended 2 years of college at Bradley University in Illinois B. left Illinois, dropped his last name, moved to Long Beach, California; got involved in drugs C. Late 1980s: allegedly turned down for ’s role on ; overdoses on cocaine and heroine

1. USA Today article ‘Grizzly’: Man joins beast

D. 1989: upon prompting of friend, visits McKeil River State Game Sancutary in Alaska; later decides to become activist for bears’ protection E. 1990-2003: lives amongst the bears during the Alaskan summers F. 1997: begins capturing daily lives of brown bears using gifted camera from Minolta, as way to create documentary for Discovery Channel titled Grizzly Diaries

1. “The Diaries” at Animal Planet website treadwell.html

Student 2 G. 997: co-wrote book Among Grizzlies: Living with Wild Bears in Alaska with friend Jewel Palovak H. 1999: Discovery Channel’s Grizzly Diaries premieres I. 2001: begins to appear on various television shows & make public appearances talking about the non-aggressive nature of bears and about their environment J. October 5, 2003: attacked & killed by grizzly with girlfriend Amie Huguenard K. Oct. 6, 2003: bodily remains of Tim and Amie found by Willy Fulton

III. Body Paragraph 2 (how hero’s life & deeds demonstrated heroism – from #6 of note-taking form) A. dedication to educating the public about misrepresentation of brown bears and providing little-known facts about them 1. “Timothy’s talks are very valuable. He’s an advocate for the bear. A vocal and I think a very effective one.” (Sterling Miller, bear biologist, Alaska Fish & Game)

a. “A Bear’s Best Friend” LA Times article

B. selfless desire to focus on helping something other than himself: self-proclaimed protector of bears – lived with grizzlies for 13 summers in an attempt to protect the Alaskan brown bear from poaching situations 1. “I came, I saved, I protected and I studied…I’m the only protection for these animals.”

a. USA Today article ‘Grizzly’: Man joins beast man_x.htm

2. Treadwell’s organization “The Great Bear Project” was started with the threefold goal of (1) protecting the bears’ habitat, (2) ending illegal poaching, and (3) stopping the legal practice of grizzly hunting.

a. “A Bear’s Best Friend” LA Times article

Student 3 IV. Body Paragraph 3 (heroic characteristic displayed by hero – from #7 of note-taking form) A. Activist & Preservationist - lived for 13 summers with Alaskan brown bears, co- existing with them and learning their habits; off-summer Timothy would educate the public about brown bears and their situation; in addition, co-wrote book about grizzlies (Among Grizzlies) in an attempt to educate public and raise awareness of the dangers faces by brown bears 1. Zeman, Ned. "The Man Who Loved Grizzlies; For Timothy Treadwell, the grizzlies of Alaska weren't just the world's largest terrestrial predators." Vanity Fair May 2004: 170. General OneFile. Web. 2 May. 2011.

B. Environmentalist – worked to protect the brown bears through his founding the organization “Grizzly People,” a grassroots organization devoted to protecting brown bears 1. Source – where’d this information come from?

V. Body Paragraph 4 (current or up-to-date information on hero – from #8 of note-taking form)

A. Information about Treadwell’s death 1. source.

VI. Concluding Paragraph (not necessary for initial outline) A. Summarize research on hero B. Restate thesis statement (but don’t repeat word-for-word C. Lesson