More than just a railway Programme PASSENGERS New Civil Engineer INDUSTRY RAIL Major Project Report


04 Passenger The completion of the infrastructure elements Benefits of the £7bn government-sponsored Thameslink Programme is not only a boon for rail passengers Increased train frequency and in the South East; it is also a chance for the new services across Central infrastructure industry to learn lessons on how to have drawn largely positive response carry out complex projects. from passengers And Thameslink Programme was extremely complex. Each individual element was a challenging project in its own right: the complete reconstruction of three central London stations, 08 Train Operators including the award-winning London redevelopment; intricate layouts had to Complex track layouts have been be untangled with the help of some major new infrastructure such as the Borough untangled to cut congestion and Viaduct and Dive-Under; and a world first that is to unlocking increase the frequency of services extra capacity – the introduction of Automatic Train Operation (ATO) overlaid on across Central London European Train Control Sytem (ETCS) signalling. Passengers, train operators, and the communities on the route have all started seeing the benefits, and now the programme partners want to share their learning with others attempting to deliver similarly complex programmes. Complex projects never go completely according to plan; it is learning the lessons and passing on 12 Rail Industry those lessons that matters. Benefits As part of its commitment to knowledge sharing the Programme has launched the Thameslink Learning Legacy website,, a free to access resource which includes case studies, technical papers and video interviews. The Thameslink Programme has In this supplement, we look at the achievements of the 10-year Thameslink introduced Automatic Train Operation programme from the viewpoint of the people who have benefited from it, and we find onto the rail network in Central London out what lessons the wider infrastructure industry can learn for future projects. for the first time Mark Hansford Editor New Civil Engineer 16 Community Published in association with Engagement with local people to win their support and create job opportunities was a vital part of the programme


Winning over the passengers


ovia Thameslink destinations, north and south of Railway (GTR) London. And it all seems to be We’ve got G operates trains becoming true. 17 more trains through London on its “We’re getting so many positive Number of Thameslink, Southern comments on people’s cross- moving more people and Great Northern brands, and London experiences that it is truly major changes gets a lot of phone calls, letters heart-warming,” says GTR senior to railway to more destinations and emails from its customers. customer relations manager Julie Here is a recent one: “Having Allan. “People really appreciate systems in more comfort than complained about endlessly delayed the new service, particularly the

trains, overcrowded conditions improvements in reliability and “ever before 77 and an unreliable service, I want punctuality.” STEVE WHITE, to comment on what an amazing The copious correspondence Number CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER transformation you have achieved. indicates that the government- of stations Your new trains, the accuracy of sponsored Thameslink Programme your service and the new timetable is proving its worth, Allan says. served by are all major developments.…. thank Which, with a price tag of £7bn, is Thameslink you for all your hard work.” just as well. The cause of this “amazing Much of the money has been transformation” is the Thameslink spent by Network Rail sorting out Programme, a major schedule of station and the projects begun in 2008 to radically tangle of track that serves it. The improve north-south travel through area was infamous as a bottleneck, the capital. so bad that few Thameslink services Thameslink passengers were could be routed through it during promised new, longer and more peak hours. frequent trains; new and improved But for passengers, the most stations; better connectivity to obvious change is perhaps the new other services and lots of new Thameslink trains – 115 of which


000 “Modernist station Xxx xxx xxxxx architecturexxx xx that promotes xx xxx xx xxx ease of use” xxxxxxxxx

An engaging example of modernist The new station butts up against station architecture that promotes original Victorian brickwork. ease of use, accessibility and lower Beautiful old quadripartite vaulting levels of stress is not necessarily provides access (past modern what an out-of-towner expects when shops) to and from the London arriving at London Bridge. But that Underground. The main concourse is is what the new station provides. football pitch sized in area; all is light and airy. Passenger information is London Bridge station is the jewel everywhere: a multitude of screens in the crown of the Thameslink keeps passengers well informed. Programme, described as the most Thameslink and Southeastern connective and innovative station trains are accessed via elevators, project in the UK. escalators and stairs at the station’s A great deal of discomfort was upper level; Southern trains suffered by commuters during its five terminate at ground level. years of station reconstruction. But Contractor for the £1bn project since its opening, social media has was Costain working with structural buzzed with compliments. “It’s been engineers Arcadis and WSP, and great to receive so many positive architect Grimshaw. comments,” states Network Rail and Siemens Mobility delivered the stations director Ian Hanson. railway systems. have joined GTR’s fleet. Siemens punctuality. Short distance trains most of Britain’s railways. Delivery Mobility built the new Class 700 are considered punctual if they has been in partnership with the trains, which are 50% longer than arrive at their destination up to five , Siemens many they replace. They have wider minutes after the scheduled time. Mobility and the train operating doors and aisles, adaptive climate “Five minutes as a measure companies on the route, GTR and control, screens with real-time of arriving on time is not good Southeastern, which had significant service information (about London enough,” says White. “With the input into the improvements and Underground, for example) and programme’s civils work now how they were carried out. electronic signs showing where complete, and when the full Southeastern runs trains from there are empty seats. Thameslink timetable is in place, we south east London, and East “We’ve had feedback that the are planning for 24 trains an hour Sussex into London Bridge (then seats are on the firm side,” says GTR crossing central London in both on to Waterloo East, Charing Cross chief operating officer Steve White. directions during peak hours. For and ) along the same “But the reality is, we’ve got more timetabling purposes, that means Victorian brick-built viaducts used trains moving more people to more 2.5 minute headways.” by Thameslink. destinations in more comfort than This will be achieved with the Before the programme started, ever before. The Class 700s are real help of Automatic Train Operation their rail paths on these viaducts people movers.” (ATO) signalling, the European Train were in conflict, contributing to The Thameslink Programme is Control System (ETCS) and traffic the extreme congestion at London not only about accommodating management technology that makes Bridge station. more passengers, but also moving it possible to see where trains are For Southeastern’s thousands of trains at higher speeds with closer running, predict any conflicts along commuters travelling to the capital, headways. “We’re looking to be a the route and flag these up to the sitting in trains outside London “turn up and go” railway – more like railway controllers (see p12). Bridge waiting for a platform to clear a metro service,” says White. “For Implementing the whole was par for the course. Anne Clark, that, we’re having to change our multi-billion-pound Thameslink former head of major programmes PPM (Public Performance Measure) Programme has been the at Southeastern, began putting mentality.” responsibility of Network Rail, together the company’s Thameslink PPM is an official gauge of owner and infrastructure manager of major projects team in 2010. “We


were looking at reconstruction of London Bridge station plus 17 major T hameslink route changes to railway systems,” she explains. “These included track realignments, signal changes and the run-throughs to Charing Cross and Cannon Street.” Bedford The objective was to reduce traffic jams and improve performance. “Lack of through platforms at St. Albans the station was the fundamental Garden City reason you could only run a limited Thameslink service during peak hours,” Clark explains. Finsbury Park At the time, London Bridge had six through platforms at a Kentish Town high level, while there were nine terminating platforms at the low CENTRAL LONDON level (used by Southern Railway – St. Pancras International now part of GTR). Farringdon It was decided the nine could City Thameslink be reduced to six. The three spare Blackfriars were effectively elevated onto the CENTRAL LONDON London Bridge high level to provide two tracks and platforms for Thameslink services. So, that was the congestion at London Bridge more or less sorted. This was not the end of the story, of course. The need to reconfigure Wimbledon platforms presented an opportunity Rainham – if the authorities were courageous enough – to replace the entire rundown station. Orpington London Bridge is the capital’s Maidstone East oldest terminus station, opened in 1836 but then immediately added to Gatwick and rebuilt over a number of years. The last iteration had little or nothing to recommend it, aesthetically or practically. It could be a nightmare for passengers, especially at peak times, there was limited retail space, staff accommodation was poor and, with ever-growing numbers of the large numbers of passengers The Thameslink passenger journeys onwards to passengers, there were safety issues using the station and the limited Programme links Cannon Street, Charing Cross and with narrow platforms. alternatives on offer,” Clark says. train routes north Waterloo East totalled more than With that in mind, the bullet was “There were blockades, with parts and south of 50M a year. bitten, and a decision made of the station closed over weekends, London via the Drastic measures had to be taken to rebuild, to a Grimshaw design and other periods when parts of “core” central on occasion, for example during (see box). the station were closed for three, section between an eight-day blockade in August Construction began in 2013 and four or more days, which meant Blackfriars and September 2017, when work went on for the best part of five re-routing train services and having and St Pancras was undertaken to complete the years, during which the station to alter regular services for months International infrastructure for Charing Cross never fully closed – although at a time. But mostly, London Bridge services through London Bridge. disruption to passengers at times remained open.” Lines were routed through the newly was considerable. Around 100,000 passengers constructed Bermondsey Dive “Initially there was a suggestion arrive each day between 7am and Under, and into platforms 6 to 9 at that the station could be closed 9am, with around 90,000 making London Bridge, after which Platform for at least two years, but this return journeys between 4pm and 6 was brought into passenger use. was completely impractical with 7pm. Data from 2014 indicates that This was one of the most


challenging sections of the programme and included four working days when Southeastern LEARNING LEGACY services could not travel into London Bridge, Charing Cross or Waterloo East, and were diverted to other terminals. “TDM has been a great success” Southeastern asked Network Rail to refurbish a disused line and open up the former international platforms at Waterloo station to TDM: The Thameslink Programme had a huge provide an alternative. impact on GTR, Southeastern and other train The section, known as the Linford operating companies. TDM (travel demand Street Junction and the Waterloo management) was a highly effective mechanism Curve, was part of the old for keeping all railway companies informed and route into Waterloo and had been “on the same page”. closed in 2012, so Network Rail had TDM originated at the 2012 London Olympics to restore power and signalling. where lessons were learned. These were taken Clark says the diversion worked on board for the programme where the process well: “It was a real success offering was enhanced and refined. “For us all, TDM has passengers a good alternative, close been a great success,” says Network Rail change to Charing Cross, enabling them to programme manager Jayne Hemingway. get where they wanted to be with minimal impact.” Touch points: Looking hard at customer journeys Communication and collaboration to make sure the service being provided is was good throughout the the best possible. Gathering information and Thameslink Programme, according analysing ‘Touch points’. Touch points are to Clark. “There was a lot of joint significant stages in a journey: where passengers working between ourselves, the get their initial information from; how they’re Department for Transport, Network received at the station; TOC performance while Rail and GTR,” she says. “Together on the platform (eg were there any delays?); we endeavoured to fully understand performance of the train; how the passenger passenger needs and make sure feels at the end of the journey. we made the best possible job of meeting them. Everything was done as a team.” Implementing the Thameslink Programme means GTR’s catchment area is now much bigger than that COMPLIMENTS, NOT COMPLAINTS created in 1988 with the original Bedford-Brighton line. The new network enables travel from Bedford, Luton, Peterborough GTR has received many compliments since journey…. to Luton Parkway. My train was either and Cambridge through London the effects of the Thameslink Programme on time or 15 seconds early on departure at each to Brighton, Horsham, Orpington, investment began kicking in. Here are a few: station. I was really impressed as it meant I had Sevenoaks, Sutton, East Grinstead extra time at before my flight.” and the Towns, serving 77 l “I have contacted you in the past to complain l “Thanks for extending the service to St stations on the way. And there are so I thought I should congratulate you on my Pancras from Horsham. It is absolutely brilliant plans to go to other destinations, experience so far of the new timetable… I was that we don’t have to change. Love the new including Maidstone. expecting there to be a lot of disruption because timetable, service and trains.” The full programme included of the huge changes but there wasn’t.” l “I just wanted to say how fabulous the totally rebuilding , l “Excited about the new service from Finsbury Thameslink train service is from London Bridge as well as London Bridge, plus major Park to Gatwick. Looking forward to not having to London Blackfriars in the morning…. I can work at , and to change trains.” leave home half an hour later and the journey platforms were lengthened at many l “I’d like to compliment….in particular the new both ways is so much less stressful.” outlying stations. routes that make possible direct travel between l “The new long trains have much more space There are still things to be done, Finsbury Park and Blackfriars and other central and are very practical with their electronic and the network is not perfect. London stations. This (makes) the commute displays on toilets occupied, these new But the Thameslink Programme is inside London much smoother.” trains seem able to make up time being fast resulting in a service to customers l “I wanted to praise Thameslink on a fantastic accelerators. Well done!” that is hugely better than before.


Untangling complex track layouts


vercrowding occurred The Thameslink Programme on the original is a 10-year schedule of works Infrastructure O Thameslink service to construct new railway 10 years bottlenecks from Bedford to infrastructure, rebuild stations, Length of Brighton virtually lengthen platforms and allow the had to be cleared from the day of its launch in 1988. network to reach new destinations. Thameslink Passenger numbers quadrupled Its implementation and completion Programme and numerous track during the network’s first year of this year is the responsibility operation and kept climbing. In a of railway infrastructure owner conflicts resolved decade, they rose to nearly 30,000 at Network Rail. 40km morning peak. “We let Network Rail know how “STEVE WHITE, Amount of But capacity issues were not we wanted to operate a metro- THAMESLINK RAILWAY Thameslink’s only challenge. The like service, with two and a half track replaced railway’s USP – that it alone crossed minute headways between trains, as part of central London – became devalued allowing us to offer a rapid and by congestion, conflicting train reliable service,” White says. “Our Bermondsey paths and a lack of priority over aim was to get 24 trains per hour Dive Under other routes. Time passed and in each direction through the core project matters got worse. The railway was at peak times [between London bulging at the seams. Bridge, Blackfriars and St Pancras]. “I think you can say the For this, we knew new trains and Thameslink Programme came leading-edge train control systems about in the nick of time,” remarks and signalling were required. But Steve White, chief operating officer first, infrastructure bottlenecks had at to be cleared and numerous track (GTR), the company that runs the conflicts resolved.” Thameslink service. “Operations Network Rail former project had become really painful and we’d director Mark Somers picks up the reached a tipping point.” story: “Undoubtedly our biggest

8 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER THAMESLINK SUPPLEMENT | AUGUST 2019 early in 2012 and was completed in 2016. “We created a skewed concrete box structure under which Southeastern trains can dive down, before rising up again; and over which Thameslink services can climb onto the original viaduct,” explains Network Rail Bermondsey Dive Under project manager Greg Thornett. The dive under was designed by Ramboll and built by Network Rail and Skanska (New Civil Engineer 21 May 2018). Thornett continues: “Some demolition work had to occur, but we retained as much of the Victorian structure as possible. For the Dive Under to feed the station the original brick arches were removed, their piers modified in height to suit the planned descent and ascent of track, then new arches created in precast concrete.” This provided a reasonably aesthetic solution that worked well and was economic from a technical standpoint. “Reusing the old pier foundations meant this was cost challenge was London Bridge thousands of commuters into the Bermondsey effective as well as preserving as station, where congestion was capital each day; to or through Dive Under much of the original heritage as so intense that only a minimal London Bridge, to Waterloo East, helped untangle a possible,” Thornett says. Piling Thameslink service could get Charing Cross and Cannon Street complex railway work and muck-away were both through at peak times. There just stations. Hence there being no room bottleneck minimised, although existing wasn’t sufficient room.” for Thameslink at peak times. industrial contamination of the site Yet 16 trains would need to be “The two services had to be (plus Japanese knotweed) required routed through London Bridge every separated to remove conflicts. GTR extensive clearance. hour if GTR’s target of 24 trains per needed a dedicated pathway so it “What complicated stitching hour through the core was to be met could maintain a decent service,” new work to the existing is that the – 16 being rather more than zero, as Somers says. All of which was easier viaduct is not a single structure, but Somers wryly observes. said than done. three, built up against each other “Track layout hadn’t changed The worst conflict was at by different railway companies over since decades before the original Bermondsey, south of London time,” Thornett explains. “Curiously, Thameslink service was thought Bridge station, where a section of we uncovered the remains of a of, nor had platform location,” he track dating back more than 150 station, Park, which says. “It became clear we had to years featured some of the most closed more than 100 years ago.” extensively remodel track east and complex track layouts anywhere in The Bermondsey Dive Under has west of London Bridge station and the world. been widely declared as crucial possibly rebuild the station itself. Here, Thameslink services to the Thameslink Programme’s We began in 2009, taking time to from Brighton and the south met success overall. It is playing a key work out how to do it.” Southeastern’s trains from part in fulfilling GTR’s requirements The principal problem for and the south east at level junctions, for better punctuality and improved Thameslink at London Bridge creating a major bottleneck. reliability of service. station and its approaches was that it The solution was a grade During its construction it caused had to vie for space with another train separated junction, featuring less disruption than might be operating company, Southeastern. an innovative “dive under” imagined. “We worked out the train Hundreds of Southeastern trains from incorporating elements of a flyover. paths, the spare capacity available Kent and transport Work began on the £75M scheme and were able to take out five of


the 11 lines in the area for two years,” says Thornett. If everything worked well, all was fine. “But we had absolutely no redundancy in the Borough Viaduct was about system: if something went wrong, we threading through quite a historic risked causing major disruption.” Keeping Thameslink and and architecturally significant part of Southeastern services apart also meant untangling and replacing London track beyond the Bermondsey site. “We actually replaced 40km of track SIMON BLANCHFLOWER, in all and renewed every set of “EX-NETWORK RAIL points – 147 in all – from to London Bridge and , into Cannon Street,” states Somers. There was other work, too, including strengthening 20 bridges along the same stretch of railway. “Where we realigned track, the rails were sometimes moved away from the centre line of a structure’s rail bearers. This could have over- stressed the deck plates – hence the need to strengthen,” explains Somers. Immediately west of London Bridge a second major bottleneck was removed with construction of a new 500m long two track viaduct to provide GTR with its own path from the station towards Blackfriars. The viaduct’s most striking element is a tubular bow truss which bridges and the hugely popular and historic Borough Market. “Borough viaduct was very much about threading through quite a historic and architecturally significant part of London,” Network Rail’s former major programme director Simon Blanchflower has been quoted as saying. “We had to take the top floor off a public house to get through; we needed to weave through a number of buildings; and to take down some of the historic Borough Market’s roof, modify [it], restore it and replace it towards the end of the programme.” driven under Regents Canal, empty for a decade before taking The 72m long bridge section their portals close to St Pancras up their Thameslink role as a link weighed 1,200t. The bow truss station at one end and the East between St Pancras and the ECML. was assembled on top of the new Coast Main Line (ECML) at the other For GTR this means it can now viaduct and slid into place over a (see box). run trains up to Peterborough and long weekend in 2011. Track work, Construction of the Canal Cambridge using the ECML, which power supply and signalling were Tunnels (as they were named) was opened up its network to the east completed later, in time for the a remarkable example of foresight. of the service’s original Bedford- viaduct to be commissioned in 2016. They were constructed between Brighton line. Another crucial item of civil 2004 and 2006, well in advance of the The Thameslink, Southern and engineering for Thameslink was twin Thameslink Programme, then stood Great Northern Franchise, currently


year management contract, in Left: Borough at Ludgate Cellars, and the entire which Govia passes ticket revenue Viaduct was slid signalling system has been directly to the government. In into place in 2011 replaced.” return, the company is paid a fee, Close collaborative working the structure of which includes with Network Rail is maximising performance regimes which throughput between London Bridge incentivise or penalise it. and St Pancras, and GTR has also As part of the franchise, GTR trained its station staff to ensure has invested heavily in new trains depart bang on time. trains (see p4). Part of the old Technology is also playing its Thameslink’s difficulties was ageing part, says White: “The industry stock combined with unreliable is blazing a trail with trains using trackside and other equipment. Automatic Train Operation which Now resilience is the watchword, can run at higher frequency particularly with regard to the than manual operations. We are heavily used core. collectively embracing digital “Channelling so many services technology to boost capacity. through the centre of London, it We’ll always need a driver in the has been essential to put in place cab, but the systems allow us to infrastructure and processes run more trains, more frequently to deliver not just capacity and than we could by driving the trains punctuality but reliability,” says manually.” He adds: “This is a world GTR’s White. first in terms of the technology “Infrastructure has been being used, plus a UK first for upgraded and renewed throughout self-drive trains – and a vital part the core by Network Rail. Power of our plans in close collaboration supply has been significantly with Network Rail to modernise the improved with a new substation busiest part of the UK rail network.”


Twin railway tunnels under the Regent’s They were the first infrastructure items of Canal were crucial to GTR’s plans to expand the Thameslink Programme, created before the its Thameslink network north-eastwards, to programme formally got under way, and were connect to Peterborough and Cambridge. boarded up until 2013 when track, electricity supply and signalling systems were installed. They provide access from St Pancras to the east Now passengers from Peterborough, coast main line (ECML) out of Kings Cross; Cambridgeshire and Hertforshire can travel opening up that line for use by Thameslink trains. directly to Blackfriars and the south coast Only 1km long, the new link is of high without changing trains; or connect easily to significance. It effectively doubles the reach of myriad services in central London. Thameslink which had previously been restricted north of St Pancras to the . The twin 6m diameter are lined with precast concrete segments. They are curved on plan, and pass about 15m below the operated by GTR, was specifically canal from which they take their name. At their created by the Department for northern end, at Belle Isle, they pass through a Transport (DfT) because of the 100m cut-and-cover concrete box, which leads complexity of delivering the to a junction with the ECML. At the other end is infrastructure changes required. the low level of St Pancras station. GTR is a subsidiary of Govia, The tunnels were driven between 2004 and a joint venture between the UK’s 2005 while St Pancras station was Go-Ahead Group (65%) and , being extensively redeveloped to enable it a French company (35%). to become the new terminus for high speed The basis of this franchise, trains from Europe. which started in 2014, is a seven-


Delivering a tighter timetable


he £7bn Thameslink He adds: “The programme was Programme is not originally conceived as being The T just about the approximately 60% enhancements 60% Thameslink infrastructure. and 40% renewals. Anything that is Proportion Of course, the done as a fundamental change or Programme programme’s big ticket engineering upgrade should sweep up a lot of Thameslink projects – the improvements at asset condition issues as well.” Programme has enabled a London Bridge, Blackfriars and He gives the example of Farringdon, the Bermondsey dive Blackfriars station, which is now which was fundamental rebuild under and the Borough Viaduct – celebrated for the visionary decision enhance- are all deserving of the accolades to open up an entrance on the south “of the timetable ments that have been heaped on them. side of the Thames and use the rail PAUL HARWOOD, But throughout the planning and bridge for the station platforms: NETWORK RAIL execution of the programme, “The bridge had to be upgraded 40% decisions were taken to ensure it because a lot of components would result in benefits for route were strength limited. It was Proportion of operation and maintenance. fundamentally a strengthening job Thameslink And the scale of the Thameslink on the bridge.” Programme Programme also made it the right Likewise, says Harwood, London place to introduce new technologies Bridge station was not only which was and methodologies that will providing a poor quality experience renewals ultimately benefit the entire rail for passengers, it was also life- industry. As Paul Harwood, director expired, and required a lot of money of investment for Network Rail to be spent on major elements, South East, says: “It’s about need including the roof. and opportunity; major projects Wrapping these “end of life” often provide the need to do issues into the programme puts something differently and provide resilience into the network and the opportunity.” helps ensure the route can perform


“We got the planning right”

The length and complexity of the Thameslink Programme has given the wider rail industry the opportunity to look at the way it plans, designs and executes major projects. So what should the industry have learned?

Network Rail’s former project director Mark Somers says: “We took on the challenge [and] knew the complexity, so thought: let’s put in place a real, achievable programme, properly integrated and aligned with the building strategy; well thought out and giving ourselves enough time to get the planning right.” But, he adds, the rail industry has to understand the impact a programme of this scale will have on resources. “We’re talking [about] a very big undertaking here, whose implementation would impact on the rest of the railway industry. For instance, our planning team had to think about the engineering trains we needed, the thousands of tonnes of ballast and availability of the cranes to lift in track.” One of the reasons the project was successful, according to Somers, was that effective collaboration mechanisms were put in place. “We decided to incentivise the contractors to collaborate so that all through the programme everyone knew what each of us had to deliver, and by when,” he explains. “We had a good bonus incentive scheme in place to reward contractors for achieving certain milestones – each main party getting to the levels Network Rail is aiming The changes were introduced in half a million [pounds] bonus when each milestone was for. But many of the other route May 2018, and it is fair to say the successfully achieved.” But if any one party did not benefits are being achieved by introduction did not go to plan. After achieve their milestone, all failed to get a bonus. introducing new technology that will days of delays and cancellations The money wasn’t lost, Somers explains. “If it wasn’t improve signalling and operating it became obvious that it was too paid out, it was rolled over to be paid out at the end, systems. difficult to implement. The changes when the final programme date was achieved. “We were “The Thameslink Programme has have since been phased in over a on time, so all the bonus money got paid out.” enabled a fundamental rebuild of number of timetable alterations, the the timetable,” explains Harwood, most recent of which was this May. who says the south section of the “The implementation [in May network in particular had some 2018] went awry,” admits Harwood, “very odd service offers”, including “but what we see now is that timings that followed strange the Southern timetable has been patterns. “But the main issue was fundamentally rebuilt and improved, poor reliability,” he says. “If anything and there has been a significant INNOVATION happened, it was harder to recover.” uplift in Southern reliability. And if The improvements to the route there are any problems, it is much have enabled the timetable to be more recoverable.” l The UK’s first Automatic Train Operation over ETCS completely recast to make it more Smooth operation of the entire l Mid-platform signals logical and resilient, as well as giving Thameslink network will centre on l Substantial sections of raised platforms, which align passengers more route options. being able to run up to 24 trains per with accessible areas on all trains Passengers from Cambridge and hour trains through the core – the l Platforms are zoned, with stickers on the platforms Peterborough now have direct central section between Blackfriars adjacent to where doors are when the train is stopped, access to Gatwick for the first time; and St Pancras stations. to allow passengers to stand in the correct place on the and passengers from Sussex, This will be achieved by the UK’s platform and Kent can access the Great first implementation of Automatic l Half term blockades allowing work to be done more Northern and East Coast routes, and Train Operation (ATO) over the effectively international rail services, from St European Train Control System l Shared bonus incentive Pancras International. (ETCS), which provides in-cab signal


information to drivers. “It’s a subtle but really important step,” explains Harwood. “It doesn’t mean you take drivers out of the The Thameslink Programme is designed cab, but through the core – where to be able to run 24 trains an hour there is intensive usage – it enables through the central London core. You need to be sure you can start us to even out and speed up the But, as Network Rail senior planning two years out trains. That’s critical to getting the commercial scheme sponsor Andrew service reliability we need.” Wood puts it: “It’s no good designing ANDREW WOOD, NETWORK RAIL The system is not up and running infrastructure and a train service yet, but it has been trialled. On 17 featuring 24 trains per hour if you March 2018, train operator GTR cannot get the majority of those trains successfully ran the world’s first to the on time.” train operating ATO over ETCS on a Wood admits that, prior to the “ mainline railway in passenger service. Thameslink Programme, “we weren’t When ATO is fully deployed, achieving the level of performance train movements will be controlled needed to support 24 trains per hour”, automatically from Network Rail’s with incidents and delays affecting new Rail Operating reliability north and south of the Centre. Systems will not only control capital. As a result, the government the trains so they run at optimum and Network Rail pledged £300M for speed and intervals, they will also the Thameslink Resilience Programme, make sure trains stop accurately, designed to improve efficiency. that doors are open as soon as the The programme aims to deliver a 15% train stops, and that trains “dwell” reduction in the number of incidents in stations for just 45 seconds. that cause delays, and a 15% reduction The full value will be seen as the in the number of delay minutes caused frequency of services increases from by these incidents. 18 trains per hour (tph) through Analysis of the network identified to today’s 20tph before ultimately “hotspots” where the most significant hitting 24tph, when Thameslink will asset-related delays originated. This offer a Tube-like service of trains led to Network Rail putting together every 150 seconds through the core. a programme of asset renewals and “It’s an important tool in our refurbishments, with around two thirds armoury to tackle those points of of the budget set to be spent south of congestion in the network,” says London and one third to the north. that 79 weekend possessions would Harwood. “We’ve got to have a The work includes replacing tracks be needed to deliver this volume of robust and functional operation and signalling; renewing junctions; work. In reality, given that the line through the pinch points.” improving security to reduce cannot be taken out of operation over It is also, he explains, part of trespassing; improving drainage in summer weekends – ’s the wider “digital railway”, which Victorian tunnels to prevent water busiest period – those 79 weekends includes an air traffic control-style damage to electrical equipment; and of work would actually take over two Traffic Management System (TMS). shoring up cuttings and embankments years to deliver; two years of disruption The TMS allows train movements to reduce the risk of landslides. and inconvenience for people using to be planned and re-planned in On the Southern route, the fault the route, and two years of potential real time, so drivers and control analysis showed a concentration of detriment to the local economy of staff can keep trains running on hotspots on the Brighton Mainline, towns on the south coast. time, and speed up recovery after a particularly the section south of Three Research by passenger watchdog disruption. Bridges, to Brighton and Lewes. This Transport Focus has shown that rail Thameslink is the first operational section only has one line in each customers like major work to be done application of full ATO functions direction, with few places where at Christmas, but if that isn’t possible, over ETCS in the UK, but Harwood trains can overtake or get around any they would prefer either the October says the plan is to roll it out programme Resilience problems that do arise. or February half terms. Traditionally, elsewhere on the network. Network Rail identified £67M of Network Rail has only done major line “Thameslink has provided the work needed to fix problems on the closures – known as blockades – at vehicle for something that has a Brighton Mainline, and calculated Christmas and Easter, never at half wider aim and ambition,” he says.


in place. Throughout the nine days, Network Rail had 50 staff at Three You need to be sure you can start Bridges working alongside operator planning two years out GTR’s staff; a temporary airport terminal-style “hub” operated from ANDREW WOOD, NETWORK RAIL the station car park, with eight bus stops alongside and free tea and coffee available. There was also a fleet of over 240 buses and 569 drivers to take passengers between stations on the route. “ Christmas or Easter blockades are typically used for a single large piece of work – like demolishing or replacing a bridge. But during the Brighton mainline closure, the aim was to carry out a huge programme of individual pieces of work spread across the entire route. It was managed by splitting the line into four work sites, with a different lead contractor on each site. “We had the core programme of work to remove these causes of failure, and we also looked ahead five years to see what else could we pull in,” explains Wood, who says around £15M of additional work was added to ensure there would be no need to close the line again in the near future. Every station on the route also got some level of improvement, from a deep clean to new footbridges or platforms. term. But the organisation decided to Left: The planning and delivery, passenger “These blockades are more efficient try it on the Brighton Mainline, closing blockades were management, operational readiness and [than weekend possessions],” Wood the entire 32km section between Three masterminded communications. This meant that, in adds. “You get a lot more work done, Bridges and Brighton for a nine-day from the Three parallel with the work being planned, it is a lot more cost effective, and the period. Bridges Control teams were also setting up alternative quality of work is better because people Initially, it planned two blockades, Centre travel options for people who use the are working over a longer period of in one in October 2018 and one in Top right: Work line and letting everyone know about daylight hours.” February 2019. However, after the took place over a the planned closure up to a year in Feedback from passengers has problems caused by the introduction series of blockades advance. been positive, so it is no surprise that of the May 2018 timetable, there was Bottom right: Fewer people travel at half term than Network Rail is looking at where else little appetite to disrupt commuters Publicity about during term time, but the reduction is it could make use of nine-day half again so soon afterwards, so the track closures was usually only 10%. Network Rail put in term blockades. But Wood says it will October blockade was cancelled, and extensive a range of alternatives, including rail not work everywhere. “You need to the work reprogrammed – some to replacement buses, ticket acceptance be sure you can start planning two be done over 15 supporting weekend on other routes and free parking at years out, and you have to consider possessions and some added into the Gatwick Airport, but the plans would the conditions,” he says. “Can you buy nine-day February 2019 blockade. only work if 25% of people chose not extra car parking? How do you get all Wood says that, to organise and to travel. your plant to site? Do the elements of deliver the blockade successfully, The communications strategy worked work fit together? You have to think Network Rail identified four key so well that 40% fewer people chose very carefully about where you can pillars of activity: engineering not to travel while the blockade was deliver such a blockade.”


A new service with lasting legacy


he main priority phases. The first phase – known as of the Thameslink Key Output 0 – ran from 2008 to 2009 For T Programme may and focused on the redevelopment 250 Farringdon, have been to improve of Farringdon Station. Key Output Job seekers connectivity and 1, (2008-11) included Borough sustainability is more reliability for passengers and train Viaduct and Blackfriars station. Key employed operators, but Network Rail was Output 2 (2013-19) included the by the about conserving the determined these benefits should rebuild of London Bridge station, not come at the expense of people the introduction of new trains, the programme heritage living alongside the route – or Bermondsey Dive Under and track of the wider environment. The improvements and upgrades. “KIRSTY YOUNG, 56% stated vision of the project was to Sustainability was high on the EX-NETWORK RAIL “deliver transport benefits to budget agenda from the start but, according Biodiversity that represent value for money to Network Rail former head of net gain and create an overall positive consents and sustainability Kirsty impact on the community and the Young, the team learned a lot from environment”. Key Output 1 that helped it to do During the 10 years of the things better in the next phase. “One programme Network Rail, its of the big lessons from Key Output designers and contractors managed 1 to 2 was to make the reporting to maintain this sustainability much better,” she explains. “When commitment, as evidenced by the we got to the end of Key Output 1 range of successful initiatives, there were some areas – like carbon from photovoltaic cells on the roof – that were quantifiable, but there of Blackfriars station to the 250 were other areas like the community jobseekers who gained new jobs side and biodiversity where we or skills through the Thameslink could say what we did, but not Programme. what the benefit was. Moving onto The project was delivered in Key Output 2, we specified it more

16 NEW CIVIL ENGINEER | AUGUST 2019 We had a Network Rail social sustainability manager who looked at local employment “skills, placements, STEM etcetera


the rail systems. “That type of work is Network Rail’s bread and butter, so anything that can be replicated can have a big impact,” explains Young. “For them, the big wins came from things like methodology. For example, in Key Output 2 they had to install a number of relocatable equipment buildings and were able to look at how to reduce concrete use. That was something that can easily be replicated across the network.” Network Rail developed the sustainability strategy for Key Output 2 during the procurement process, so contractors were aware of what was coming their way. “One of the key things we looked at was that we wanted to be a lot more specific about the key deliverables,” clearly with our contractors and the photovoltaics at Blackfriars. It Blackfriars station explains Young. “For example, we gave more KPIs and targets. came up while the station was going roof has solar wanted them to provide carbon “On the environmental side, we through design because we were panels fitted to it management and materials learned from what we had achieved looking at reducing energy use. management plans, and the policies in Key Output 1 that we could set “Each project had its own priority, and procedures alongside them. higher targets,” Young adds. “And and carbon was a key area for “They had a clearer picture of when it came to social sustainability, Blackfriars. But it was not so easy what we wanted, and we could we felt that there was more we could for Farringdon, because we were monitor their delivery of it. It was do with diversity and inclusion.” dealing with a listed building. In embedded in the procurement and An initial sustainability appraisal that situation, sustainability is more management processes.” was carried out as part of the about conserving the heritage and She continues: “One of the things process of applying for permission bringing things back into use, as we learned from Key Output 1 was for the project through the well as reducing the impact on listed to be a lot clearer in our roles. As Transport and Works Act. That structures.” client our role was to give clear appraisal eventually developed into At Borough Market, Young adds, instructions and guidance on our the early design and construction the main priorities were to respect requirements, monitor delivery strategy for Key Output 1. It mainly the area’s heritage and to engage across each project and the focused on environmental objectives with the local community: “The programme as a whole, and support – things like waste, carbon and nature of the works – building a collaboration to drive delivery.” materials – rather than the social viaduct – meant there were fewer One of the major differences value side, although it did include options in terms of environmental between the phases was a commitment to community issues, but community and heritage the inclusion of more social engagement. were big areas.” sustainability targets in the “We set some overarching As the programme moved into contractors’ contracts. These objectives, and then each project or the final phase, each contractor included things like working with contract looked at those areas that was charged with identifying local schools to raise awareness of were key to them,” explains Young. how it could make the biggest science, technology, engineering and “We got a number of very good sustainability contribution, maths (STEM) subjects, employing wins in Key Output 1 – for example including the contractors upgrading apprentices, taking on people from


boroughs where work was taking place, and offering work placements. “We had a Network Rail social sustainability manager who looked at local employment skills, placements, STEM etcetera,” says Young. “We didn’t have that in the first phase. It came out of the Section 106 agreement with the London Borough of Southwark, which gave us a number of targets at London Bridge around skills. We decided to do that across the Thameslink programme as a whole – not just in Southwark. That role helped to drive a lot of the social sustainability activities.” Achievements on Key Output 2 included 15 NVQs gained by unemployed Southwark residents, 87 certified construction skills courses completed by people wanting to enter the industry and 75 previously unemployed Southwark residents entering and remaining in work. On the environment side, targets were related to issues like carbon, energy and waste reduction, but in Key Output 2, Network Rail also wanted to look at biodiversity. “At the end of Key Output 1 we knew how many trees had been replanted, but we couldn’t say how that compared with what we took out – siding that was being brought back A great deal of whether there was a net loss or gain into use. “After we had done the effort was put into in biodiversity,” recalls Young. “On assessment, we looked at what our engaging with local LEARNING LEGACY Key Output 2 we looked at whether options were to reduce biodiversity schools we could do more with biodiversity removal, or whether we could replant metrics.” on site, but there was not enough While contracts for Key Output scope for either,” says Young. “So, we l Make community relations a 2 were being procured, the looked at offsetting instead. priority – not just a PR exercise Department for Environment, “We had developed a policy based l Appoint someone who has the Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) was on reducing loss where possible and seniority and authority to make piloting its Biodiversity Metric, partnering with the London Wildlife decisions and have credibility in designed as a means of assessing Trust to offset where we couldn’t the business community changes in biodiversity value (loss avoid habitat loss.” l Set challenging targets or gain) as a result of development Three sites were chosen along the for social and environmental or changes in land management. Thameslink route to offset the loss sustainability; measure and Network Rail offered to trial it on the by enhancing existing woodland and monitor them in the same way you Thameslink Programme, and set a planting new trees. This has secured measure project progress target of no net loss of biodiversity a 56% biodiversity net gain. There l Make sure targets are cascaded across the programme. was also some replanting at other down from the Tier 1 contractors Surveys of all the worksites sites including the Bermondsey Dive to their supply chains showed there would be some Under, but this was not factored into l Employment and skills: Find out unavoidable loss of habitat – a total the calculations because Network at the start of the project what of 42 biodiversity units. Rail cannot guarantee that the the contractors want in terms “We didn’t have a lot of vegetation will not be removed at a of the employment and skills biodiversity impact, but we wanted later date for operational reasons. pipeline. Look at the construction no net loss,” says Young. “It’s a small area of innovation, programmes – who do they need The main area where habitat but a real win for Network Rail,” and when do they need them? was being lost was an old railway says Young.



“Costain staff volunteered time to provide allotments at a local primary school”

Before its recent transformation, London Market and the level to which Network Rail staff also volunteered time – and Network Rail Bridge station was not only a miserable worked with the architecture and history was put in money – to provide allotments at a local place for rail passengers, it was a major very positive,” recalls Broccardo, who says the primary school. block to regeneration in the surrounding experience at Borough Market gave the local Team London Bridge responsible business area. business community more confidence going into and events manager Sofia Alexandrache helps the London Bridge station rebuild. businesses develop partnerships with local “London Bridge [station] was a physical And one thing that improved its confidence community groups, and helped Costain and nightmare,” says Nadia Broccardo, chief further was that London Bridge station Network Rail link up with local stakeholders. executive of Team London Bridge, the contractor Costain appointed someone whose She hopes this will continue with the station area’s Business Improvement District sole job was to liaise with the local community. management team as the rebuilt London Bridge (BID). “He did his job so well,” says Broccardo. “It is a cultural destination in its own right. “It had always been a block between the was not a PR exercise – he was a problem fixer. “Once a year, we hold a street food event to north and south – a big physical barrier. That’s what the business community enjoys – showcase local traders,” she explains. “Two years Now there is a real desire to be part of speaking to somebody who can actually make ago, when the station was opened up on the Bermondsey/London Bridge, who describes changes. You need someone with authority in St Thomas Street side, we wanted to celebrate the project as a “catalyst for social that role.” that, so we collaborated with Costain and regeneration”. Working for five years on the project rooted Network Rail. They managed to continue their Team London Bridge represents the Costain within the business community, building project around enabling our event. local business community, which has been trust through initiatives like organising behind “Last year, when the station opened, we held impacted by construction work associated the scenes tours so local people could see how the same event, but thanks to our partnership with Thameslink for 10 years. Borough complicated the job was. The contractor also with the Thameslink Programme we were able to Viaduct – one of the showpiece civil met its promise to deliver a minimum of one double it in length to two days.” engineering elements of the project – had annual community project in the area, working The station now has close to 70 new shops, the potential to cause massive disruption with local charities and community groups. has held both music and poetry events and is at to local traders when it was built in the first These000 included helping to improve the the centre of the Low Line – a walkway through phase of the Programme. But it succeeded GreenwoodXxx xxx Theatre in partnership with Team south London opening up space beneath railway in winning London Bridge, the Mayor’s office, Kings viaducts. As Broccardo says: “London Bridge is them over. xxxxxCollege xxx London xx and Network Rail. And Costain now seen as a place to go to – not through.” Skanska built the new twin-track xx xxx xx xxx viaduct over the historic Borough Market, which operates almost 24 hours a day, Costain staff at work on school allotment with deliveries in the early hours of the morning, market shoppers throughout the day, and visitors to the restaurants and bars in the evening. To build the new 322m structure, Skanska had to remove and replace the market’s historic roof, temporarily relocate market stall owners, undertake demolition and construction within the working market, and then construct the 1,200t steel truss bridge over Borough High Street. Network Rail spent time at the start of the project setting up a clear community management plan and getting (and keeping) neighbours on board through regular communication. “The attention to detail at Borough

AUGUST 2019 | NEW CIVIL ENGINEER THAMESLINK SUPPLEMENT 19 Find out more about the Thameslink Programme at the Untangling the Tracks exhibition at Museum.

In association with