Registered by Australian Post VOLUME 11 Publication No. NBP 0282 NOVEMBER 1985 NUMBER 4 ISSN 0312-5807



1. The Australian Naval Institute Inc is incorporated in the Australian Capital Territory. The mam objects of the Institute are: a to encourage and promote the advancement of knowledge related to the Navy and the maritime profession, b to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas concerning subjects related to the Navy and the maritime profession, and c to publish a journal

2 The Institute is self supporting and non-profit making The aim is to encourage discussion, dis- semination of information, comment and opinion and the advancement of professional knowledge concerning naval and maritime matters

3 Membership of the Institute is open to — a Regular Members - Members of the Permanent Naval Forces of Australia b Associate Members - (1) Members of the Reserve Naval Forces of Australia (2) Members of the Australian Military Forces and the Royal Australian Air Force both permanent and reserve. (3) Ex-members of the , both permanent and reserve components, provided that they have been honourably discharged from that Force (4) Other persons having and professing a special interest in naval and maritime affairs c Honorary Members - Persons who have made distinguished contributions to the naval or maritime profession or who have rendered distinguished service to the Institute may be elected by the Council to Honorary Membership

4. Joining fee for Regular and Associate members is $5. Annual subscription for both is $20.

5 Inquiries and application for membership should be directed to The Secretary, Australian Naval Institute Inc. PO Box 80 CAMPBELL ACT 2601


In order to achieve the stated aims of the Institute, all readers, both members and non-members, are encouraged to submit articles for publication Preferably, submissions should be typed, double spaced, on A4 paper, the author's name and address must be shown clearly, even if a pseudonym is reguired for printing purposes; to be eligible for prizes, original articles must be accompanied by statements that they have been written expressly for the ANI; and short biographies will be welcomed The Editor reserves the right to reject or amend articles for publication


Views expressed in this journal are those of the authors, and not necessarily those of the Department of Defence, the Chief of Naval Staff or the Institute

Printed by Canberra Publishing and Printing Co., Fyshwick, A.C.T. TITLE CONTENTS PAGE

From the Editor 3 President's Report 5 Review of Membership Provisions 6 From the Treasurer 7 Chapter News 7 Auditor's Report 8 Warships For The 1945-85 - Rear W.J. Rourke AOMEcCEng FRINA FIE Aust RAN 13 Janes Fighting Ships: A History — G.Andrews 23 The Salvage of Warship Vasa — Captain A.M.R. Brecht RAN 25 HMS Sirius: Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope — R.Jones 33 Now We Are 21 ... Well, Almost — Lieutenant Commander E.J. Coles RAn 41 The Mary Rose -P. Trick 43 Washington Notes -T. Friedmann 49 James Craig: A Restoration Project 53 John Bastock: Sailor and Artist — AZammit 55 Soldier Sailors — Sailor Soldiers — Lieutenant J.H. Straczek RAN 59 A Link with the Past -V.Jeffery 63 Of Ships and the Sea 65 Answers to August Crossword 66 Book Reviews 67 Air Mail Rates 69 Advertising Information 69 Naval Institute Insignia 71 Application for Membership 72

Articles or condensations are not to be reprinted or reproduced without the permission of the Institute. Extracts may be quoted for the purposes of research, review or comment provided the source is acknowledged.

Cover: HMAS Albatross — a photograph of a painting by John Bastock (page 55)

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute. Nov 85 — Page 1 ^ KOCKUMS

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Page 2 — Nov 85, Journal ol the Australian Naval Institute FROM THE EDITOR

This edition of the Journal sees a change of editor. I would like to think that without this advice you would not have noticed for this would demonstrate success in my endeavour to maintain the excellent standard set by Geoff Cutts. Geoff is retiring from the Service to confront new challenges-in the field of adult education and in Queensland. Tribute to his contribution to the Institute is paid elsewhere in the Journal by longer-serving Councillors than me; however. I welcome this opportunity to add my tribute — given added sincerity by my recent insight into the complexity of his editorial role — and best wishes for his next career. The theme for this edition is maritime history. That interest in the area is wide may be gauged by the surfeit of contributions — in fact on this count I am almost grateful for the mail disruption which delayed some copy beyond the deadline thus easing the selection process and providing a basis for the next edition. I trust though that reporting this situation will not breed complacency within regular contributors nor discourage the uninitiated. A reasonable assumption is that membership indicates committment to the Institute's aims. These demand the expression of the membership's views on maritime and related matters to broaden and stimulate development of the profession and its individuals. The coverage is broad. It ranges chronologically from the early 17th Century, through colonization, Federation and to the present RAN Fleet; geographically from Scandinavia, through Tudor England and Reagan USA to Australia; and in focus from ships through their salvage and the people who operate them, to those who care for the people. Special attention is drawn to the Institute Reports published in this edition. The Treasurer's Report and audited accounts are printed for your information. The President's Report reviews the year's activities. It also discusses Council's intention to review the rules pertaining to membership of the Institute. Your consideration of this fundamental question, in the light of the President's comments and the separate amplifying statement on membership provisions, and response to the Council is sought. The next edition will have no specific theme so offers scope for all to express their views, doubts, observations and ideas The deadline for copy is 20 January 1986, a date chosen to allow New Year resolutions to become a contributor, to be implemented. Contributions are acceptable in any format; new contributors are encouraged to use articles published in this edition as a guide if necessary. Inclusion of a short biography is appreciated. Your early advice of intention to contribute too is welcome since this allows the edition to be shaped progressively up to the printing deadline. Note that this edition lacks a Correspondence column. This is not an oversight — no-one wrote to me. Please, if your are constrained against (or not noved towards) contributing an article or piece, then participate in affairs through the 'letters' column. John Hyman (062—67 6656)

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute, Nov '85 — Page 3 • AA guns and missiles • Field artillery • Combat vehicles • Special ammunition • Anti-tank guns and missiles Army weapons Know-how and advanced technology have Being manufacturers of both weapons and made Bofors front runners in the development ammunition gives Bofors unique resources to and manufacture of army weapons. develop complete weapon systems. Our anti-tank missile BILL is just the latest example of our ability to find new and uncon- ventional methods of solving customer BOFORS problems. ORDNANCE Box 500. S-691 80 BOFORS. Sweden Telephone: (0)586-81000 Telex 73210 bolors s

Page 4 — Nov 85. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 1984-85 — PRESIDENT'S REPORT The 10th anniversary year of the Australian Naval Institute, has been one of progress and consolidation. The Journal continues to be the essence of the Institute. It has maintained its high standard and the number and quality of contributors have been impressive. I particularly enjoyed the contribution from our younger members in the 10th Anniversary issue and echo the editor's sentiments that more such people will begin to write to him. Membership of the Institute has remained about the same with 600 individual members, 74 Defence subscribers and 54 non-defence subscribers. New members balanced out the unfinancial individuals who have been struck from the membership list. Once again considerable administrative effort has been expended chasing overdue subscriptions. The financial status of the Institute continues to be satisfactory with a modest increase in our net worth to about $24,000. The Treasurer's statement follows my report. During the year there has been a marked improvement in the level of Chapter activity outside Canberra as well as positive developments towards establishing a sound pattern of liaison between Chapters and Council. At the beginning of the year there were four active Chapters: Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. Since then the Council has approved formation of Chapters in Brisbane and Hobart and consideration is being given to establishing Chapters in Adelaide, Cairns, Darwin and the Nowra area. The basic objectives of the ANI can only be met if Chapters are active and strong and able to focus the attention of their community on maritime matters. I regard the expansion of the number of Chapters as heartening therefore. However, Chapters also need to increase the number of active supporters if they are to grow in strength and I hope the successes we have had during the past year, and other proposals I will make later, will provide the stimulus for this to happen. Distinguished speakers to Chapters during the year included Admiral Thomas B. Hayward USN (Retd), a former Chief of Naval Operations. Admiral Hayward's successful visit to Australia was sponsored by the Navy League of Australia in conjunction with the ANI. His address to the Canberra Chapter was published in the August Journal. For the future I look forward to a period of invigorating Chapter activity. In 1986, the 75th Anniversary of the RAN, I hope that all Chapters will sponsor speakers in support of the Navy's celebrations. An outline plan for Seapower 87 has been endorsed by the outgoing Council recommending that the next seminar be held in Canberra in September or October 1987 with the theme 'Australia — A Maritime Nation'. Active consideration was given to other venues but for a variety of reasons it was determined that it would not be practical to hold the next seminar outside Canberra. Planning for Seapower 87 will be an important activity in the coming year. During the year ANI Silver Medals were presented to Ms Elizabeth Cowan and Lieutenant Commander M.J. Taylor, students at the RAN Staff College. Their winning essays have been published in the Journal. In August your Council made an important decision to invest more than $3000 in computing equipment capable of running the ANI Management System developed by Commander Cutts. At the same time as procuring the equipment and the software we have charged a councillor with responsibility for custody and operation of the system. In my last report I identified the key objective: In the light of 10 years' association, examine whether any significant changes should be made to the ANI to further its aims'. The fundamental issue is whether 'Regular Membership' should be extended to include members other than full time members of the Permanent Naval Forces. Whilst the Institute may be continuing to meet its objectives it must be recognised that its influence beyond the small dedicated membership is very limited and that we cannot expect more than a modest increase in numbers (and thus Chapter size) under the present membership rules. The basis for Regular and Associate Membership has been under discussion for some years. There are sound reasons for maintaining the status quo and also good arguments for amending the Consitution to widen the Regular Membership. Proposals to change the Constitution were detailed by the President in his 1981 Report and narrowly defeated at a Special General Meeting held in February 1982. Since that time the debate has continued and I believe that it is necessary for us to consider again the question of extension of Regular Membership to other than PNF personnel. Therefore I attach to this report a statement which reviews the existing membership rules and the options for

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute, Nov "85 — Page 5 change. A summary of the case for and against change to the Constitution is included together with a timetable, agreed by the Council, foreshadowing a Special General Meeting in April, 1986. This meeting will consider any proposed changes to the Constitution arising from the review process. You will note that we are actively seeking the views of members on this issue, especially of those who will be unable to be present at the Special General Meeting. I hope that there will be a good response-in writing please before the deadline of 15 January, 1986. Before concluding I wish to record my appreciation for a job well done by all councillors. It is often a thankless task and their job has been complicated by the larger than usual number of postings during the year. I would like to single out Commander Geoff Cutts for special recognition. A founder member and consistent supporter he has made an unequalled contribution during recent years as Journal Editor and to the administrative efficiency of the Institute. We wish him well in retirement and hope that he will continue to be a regular contributor to the journal. In addition to the special edition of the Journal, the 10th Anniversary was appropriately recognized by a dinner attended by many distinguished Regular and Associate Members. The record of the Australian Naval Institute during its first ten years has been impressive. I am confident that with the active support of its membership the Australian Naval Institute will continue to prosper and to make an important contribution to informed consideration of maritime affairs.


(A Statement Amplifying the President's Report: For Consideration by Members) The ANI Constitution requires that Regular Members be members of the Permanent Naval Forces of Australia. Members of the RAN Reserve, other Services and their Reserves, former members of these, and other persons having and professing a special interest in naval and maritime affairs are entitled to Associate Membership. The distinction between Regular and Associate Members is that only the former can hold office or vote at a General Meeting. The basic objective of the Institute is to encourage and promote the advancement of knowledge related to the Navy and the maritime profession. It is arguable that present and ex members of the Permanent and Reserve Naval Forces should be entitled to full membership of an institute intending to promote the Navy. It might also be argued that others, who support the objectives of the Institute, should be entitled to full membership. Others would argue, however, that the founders of the ANI, when drafting the Constitution, intended the membership rules to ensure currency of association with the contemporary Navy. They would argue that this decision remains valid today. A change to the membership rules was considered at a Special General Meeting in February 1982 and rejected. It is understood by the Council, however, that there may be significant concern over the matter still and it may be appropriate that it be considered again. Accordingly, the Council wishes to seek the views of both Regular and Associate Members so that they can decide on the need for a Special General Meeting to consider a change to the membership provisions of the Consitution. It is assumed that no changes are favoured for the rules covering Honorary Membership. There are however four options for the rules covering Regular and Associate Membership. These are that: a. the present rules remain unchanged; b. there be only one form of membership for those persons having and professing a special interest in naval and maritime affairs and willing to support the aims of the ANI, irrespective of profession or occupation; c. Regular Membership be extended to all members of the Permanent Naval Forces, the Australian Naval Reserve, officers and instructors of the Naval Reserve Cadets and former members of these forces; or d Regular Membership be extended more widely, but short of that at either b or c above. The opinions of Regular, Associate and Honorary Members are requested in writing to the Secretary by 15 January 1986. If your responses indicate support for change, the Council will call a Special General Meeting for April 1986. In the event of little or no support there will be no meeting. Advice of the Council's decision and a summary of arguments for and against proposed changes, if any, will be included in the February issue of the Journal.

Page 6 — Nov 85. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute FROM THE TREASURER

The annual audit was carried out by Paul Reis and his report and supporting statements are published in this journal. Once again our operating costs exceeded the income generated by subscriptions, and the source of our overall profit was the interest earned on our accumulated funds. The increased subscription rate should reverse this trend and if we contain our overheads, it should be several years before another increase is required. Further on this matter, at the time of printing one third of members have not yet renewed subscriptions. Prompt payment of dues is essential to allow orderly operation by the Institute. The debts written off this year include one from a bankrupt advertiser which has been outstanding for several years. Others include bank fees and agents' commissions. We begin this financial year carrying forward only those debts outstanding from advertising in the May and August Journals. A major disappointment was the extremely low income generated by advertising in the August Journal. As a result, several colour photographs had to be deleted from that edition A bonus for the year was the income generated by Seapower 84 sales; we were able to absorb some residual costs and still show a profit. A further bonus has been the generous donations to the library, including cash for a specific book. The Council has endorsed a buying programme to improve the library but perhaps some members have books on maritime matters gathering dust, which they may care to donate. The decision to purchase our own computer carries with it a continuous ownership cost which will be justified by using it to reduce our administration costs, particularly when running a Seapower seminar. However, its best justification will be the provision of a service to Chapters and members and of course administering the increasing numbers generated by your recruiting efforts. Peter Coulson


New Chapters

Chapters have been formed in Brisbane and Hobart. Convenors are as follows: • Brisbane Chapter — Commander R.D. Poulton RANR, telephone (07) 393 1199. • Hobart Chapter — Commander W.T. Gascoyne RANEM, telephone (002) 21 2336. Detailed investigation is under way to establish the feasibility of forming Chapters in Adelaide and Cairns.

Melbourne Chapter Report

The Annual General Meeting was held on 26 August 1985. Office-bearers elected were: • Convenor — Mr Lloyd Saltmarsh • Treasurer — Captain John Noble • Secretary — Commander Neville Daniel (telephone (03) 857 9020) The Chapter will be meeting every quarter, with a guest speaker on an informal basis.

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute. Nov 85 — Page 7 Paul Reis A.A.S.A. F.T.I.A. CERTIFIED PRACTISING ACCOUNTANT

Correspondence 10 ROOM 207 PO BOX 20 2ND FLOOR MAWSON ACT 2607 MLC TOWER PHILLIP ACT Telephone (062) 81 1566

4th November, 1985

The President, The Australian Naval Institute Inc., P. 0. Box 18, DEAKIN. A.C.T. 2600

Dear Sir,

Please find attached various Operating Accounts and Income & Expenditure Account, and Balance Sheet of the Institute which relate to the twelve months ended 30th September 1985.

In my opinion the attached accounts are properly drawn up so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Institute.

The rules relating to the administration of the funds of the Institute have been observed

All information required by me has been obtained.

Yours faithfully

P. 0. REIS

Page 8 — Nov '85, Journal of the Australian Naval Institute AUSTRALIAN NAVAL INSTITUTE INC



Balance at 1 October 22432.97 2O133.39

ADD Surplus -for year 2O50.40 2319.58

Balance at 30 September 24503.37 22452.97

Provision for Replacement Medals 2OO.OO 60O.OO Legal Fees 3OO.OO 2OO.OO


Subs in advance: 1983 0.00 5550.00 1986 580O.OO 12O.OO 1987 120.00 3O.OO 1988 60.00 13.00 1989 40.00 15.OO Sundry Creditors O.OO O.OO

31O23.37 28982.97 mtammmaatmmmmaammmxvc^tx


ASSETS 1983 1984

Sundry Debtor* . 1711.OO 6261.OO Commonwealth Bonds 6OOO.OO 6OOO.OO Cheque account 123.28 257.55 De-fence Credit Union 18678.98 14465.39 Stock on hand: Insignia 1339.11 1935.4O Medals 43O.OO 42.43 Medal Die 1.OO 1.OO Computer 270O.OO O

31023.37 28982.97

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute, Nov 85 — Page 9 FOR THE 12 MONTHS ENDING 30 SEPTEMBER 1983



Journal Operating Costs 6333.98 3983.87 Postage 123.9O 1O1.9O Audit Fees 210.OO 160.OO Company Fees 10.OO 4.OO Donation to Legacy 10O.OO 10O.OO Advertising O.OO 94.12 Stationery 773.47 361.20 Library Additions 41.85 83.89 Bank Charges 3.85 59.37 Presentation Medals 92.43 84.86 Chapter Support 952.49 250.OO Provision -for Replacement Medals 100.00 O.OO Provision for Legal Fees 100.OO 1OO.OO Office Services 375.12 429.33 Computer Service 1290.50 475.OO Write off bad debts 333.42 103.OO Adjust stock value O.OO 281.39

10841.01 8871.93 Surplus Transferred to to Accumulated Funds 203O.4O 2319.58

12891.41 11191.5;

INCOME 1985 1984

Insignia Trading 121.91 1O7.5O Seapower 84 154.40 64.43 Joining Fees 235.OO 34O.OO Subscriptions 9165.00 8340.67 Interest 2715.10 2338.91 Medal provision transfer 30O.OO O.OO

12891.41 11191.31

Page 10 — Nov '85. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute I-UK ! Ht 12 MONTHS ENDING 30 SEPTEMBER 1 "»8?


EXPENDITURE 1983 1984 ! INCOME 1983 1984

Pr i nt i ng Nov 4066.00 4436. 00 ! Advert i s 1 ng : Pr i nt i ng Feb 3923. 00 3830. 00 1 Nov 2790.37 2023.00 Pr i nt i ng May 4237.00 3830.00 ! Feb 2430.20 2880.00 Print! ng Aug 3333.00 4304.00 1 May 2431.OO 2833.00 Enve 1 opes 0.00 342.40 1 Aug 1697. 83 2783.00 Postage 732. 9O 677.27 I Sales 33. 30 433. <;e Prizes 330.00 334.68 1 Subscr ip t i one 1227. 02 1343. 3P Editor lal 1 (non-members) expenses 100. 00 149.98 1 Net Operating Agent / Bank ! Cost Transfer commi (elan O.00 103. 40 ! to InckExp A/c 6333.98 3983.B7

16943.90 18289.73 16943.9O 18289.73


Stock an hand 1935. 40 202.43 : Sales 733. 30 887. vp 01 Oct | Purchases 0.00 2631 .34 ! Speaker gifts 26.00 116.25 Postage 41.30 33.53 ! Binders for Profit transfer 1 library 0.00 33.49 to Incbexp A/c 1 Stock on hand 121. 91 107. 30 30 Sep 1339. 1 1 1933. 40

2118. 61 2993.04 2118. 61 2993.04


Stock on hand 42.43 127. 29 1 Presentations 92.43 84.86 Ol Oct 1 Stock on hand Purchase* 300.00 0.OO 30 Sep 430. OO 42.43

342. 43 127.29 342.43 127. 29


Expend 1 ture Income

1983 Advance 0.OO 10OO. 00 Advance/ repay 0. OO 1000. oo Proceed ingm 137.30 6388.03 Advert i B 1 ng 0.00 6763.00 D i «tr lout Ion O. OO 186. 43 Sales/P1 d i nga 473. 30 92.00 Report 0.OO 47.00 I n»i gn i a 0. OO 116. 2? Speakers' gifts 183. 60 116.25 S*m 1 nar 0.00 223. 9 1 Hon memb*r»htps 0.00 193. 00 (Surp lus transferred ) Prof 1 t transfer to I ncl

473. 5O 8197. 16 473.30 8197. 16

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute. Nov '85 — Page 11 Royal Swedish Navy has taken delivery of Hugin-class patrol boat no. 14 in a series of 16. Length: 36.4 m. Displacement: 150 tons. Speed: 30+ knots. Complement: 18.

SCANFIRE • Bofors all purpose gun 57 mm/ L 70. • Kongsberg SSM Penguin Mk 2. • Philips combat & weapon control system 9LV 200 This powerful weapon package is proposed for the RAN. Freemantle class FPB

PHILIPS LLEKTRONIKINDUSTRIER AB Defence Electronics. S-17588 Jarfalla, Sweden PHILIPS Tel. Int. +4675810000. Telex 11505 philja s

Page 12 — Nov 85. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute WARSHIPS FOR THE ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY 1945-85

by Rear Admiral William J Rourke AO MEc CEng FRINA FIEAusl RAN

Summary and Swan and the cruiser Brisbane, with This is an account of the acquisition of the greater part of their engines, were built at warships for the Royal Australian Navy in the Cockatoo between 1913 and 1916. forty years since World War II. It describes the A further cruiser, Adelaide, was commenced main overseas and Australian programmes of at Cockatoo during the war and completed in the the period, with particular emphasis on the 1920s. At the end of World War I, in 1919, the choices made between offshore purchase or destroyer leader Anzac and five S class local construction. Current capability for design destroyers, six J class submarines and three and construction of warships is described, and sloops were transferred to the RAN. A further prospects for the next decade are assessed. sloop was transferred in 1925. Many people have helped prepare this paper. I In the early twenties, it was decided two more would particularly like to thank Mr J Mortimer, cruisers were needed, and there was extensive Mr F Shadbolt, Director of Naval Ship debate on the merits of local construction. As Production, and Mr B Robson, Director of Ship local construction costs were assessed at about Design, for their substantial assistance. I have 50% above British costs, it was decided to spend also drawn on a paper by Rear Admiral M P Reid the funds available on two British built cruisers, entitled 'Fifty Years of Naval Engineering 1925- Australia and Canberra, and a Cockatoo-built 1975'. The paper is presented by permission of seaplane carrier Albatross. Two submarines, the Chief of Naval Staff, D W Ox/ey and Otway, were approved for acquisition Leach, AC, CBE, LVO, RAN. The views in 1924. During the thirties, a policy of some expressed are not necessarily those of the Royal imports and some local building continued. Four Australian Navy or the Department of Defence, V and W class destroyers, the destroyer leader but are the responsibility of the author. Stuart and the light cruisers Sydney, Hobart and Introduction Perth were acquired from the United Kingdom, Australian governments since Federation and the sloops Yarra and Swan were built at have lent some measure of support to naval Cockatoo. shipbuilding as a necessary part of defence industrial capacity. However, the shipbuilding The Author capacity built up in times of need has lapsed in Rear Admiral Bill Rourke joined the Royal periods of low demand. In the last decade, this Australian Navy as a cadet midshipman in January capacity has been built up again and it is now to 1942. After brief service at Flinders Naval Depot and in HM Ships QUEEN ELIZABETH and HOWE, he be determined whether or not it can be joined the Royal Naval Engineering College in successfully maintained, or will lapse again into Plymouth in 1946. On return to Australia, he joined another period of disuse. Much will depend upon HMAS SYDNEY, and served in that ship in the the standards of execution of current Korean War, being mentioned in despatches. He has had post graduate engineering training in programmes. nuclear engineering and was involved as a project The Australian Commonwealth Naval Board engineer with Yarrow-Admiralty Research was established in 1905, and in 1908 the Department in Glasgow. He has been closely Australian Government passed the Coast associated with ship construction through his career and spent some years in the United States as project Defence Appropriation Act for the acquisition, officer tor the guided missile destroyers PERTH, among other things, of two torpedo boat HOBART and BRISBANE. He served as Military destroyers. In March 1909, the Minister for Adviser to the Chief Defence Scientist from 1969 to Defence authorised the purchase of three TB 1971 and later, after a year at the Royal College of Defence Studies, was posted as Defence Scientific destroyers, and after the Imperial Conference and Technical Representative, London. He returned this was extended to a larger programme. A to Australia in 1976 and was promoted Commodore battle cruiser, two cruisers, two destroyers and to take up the post of General Manager, Garden two submarines were built in Britain, a third Island Dockyard. In March 1979 he was promoted Rear Admiral and appointed Chief of Naval Material, destroyer Warrego was built in Britain and in which position he served until his retirement in knocked down for reassembly at Cockatoo 1985. Island dockyard. Three more destroyers Huon,

Journal ol the Australian Naval Institute. Nov 85 — Page 13 At the outset of WWII, two more ships class. These were the first British post war Parramatta and Warrego had been laid down at destroyer design, modified slightly for Australian Cockatoo and orders were placed for two service. They were the first all-welded naval destroyers Arunta and Warramunga, with a third, vessels built in Australia. The hull was largely Bataan, ordered in 1942. In 1938, the Naval Staff built of 'DW' quality steel requiring preheating to had decided to proceed with the design of a 100°C. Aluminium alloy plate was used corvette for anti-submarine and minesweeping extensively in the superstructure, connected to duties for use in the approaches to our ports. A the steel hull using aluminium alloy rivets with a total of 60 Bathurst class corvettes were built in barium chromate paste between the mating Australia during the war, 36 for the RAN, 20 for surfaces. Significant maintenance problems the Admiralty and four for the Royal Indian Navy. were experienced. Steam conditions were 650 Twelve River class frigates were built, two of psi 850°F, in line with USN practice, and they them at Williamstown, taken over by the were AC ships operating at 440 volts 60 cycles. Commonwealth in 1942 and remaining a naval Boilers, turbines (including rotor forgings), shipbuilding yard since. Four boom defence gearing, and major items of auxiliary machinery vessels Kookaburra, Koala, Kangaroo and were all built in Australia. Although the number of Karangi, were built at Cockatoo. ships built was later reduced from four to three, During the war, the cruiser Shropshire was as an economy measure, the Daring transferred to replace Canberra, lost in action, construction programme of Voyager, Vendetta and two Q class and five N class destroyers of and Vampire was a successful one, with new the Royal Navy were Australian manned. After engineering capabilities established. the war, five Q class destroyers were transferred In 1946, discussions had been initiated with to the RAN. the Admiralty on the formation of a Fleet Air Arm, and it was agreed that two Majestic class carriers Early Post War 1945-60 laid down during the war would be completed and transferred to the RAN. The decision was In January 1944, the Australian War Cabinet announced in Parliament on 3 June 1947 and appointed a committee to review the Australian Sydney commissioned in Devonport in shipping and shipbuilding industries and to December 1948. The British carrier Vengeance recommend plans for their peacetime was lent to the RAN from 1952 until 1955. development. In August 1945, the Prime Melbourne commissioned in Barrow in October Minister, Mr Chifley, announced government 1955 and incorporated such innovations as the decisions that 'the maintenance of a peacetime steam catapult, mirror landing sight and angled merchant shipbuilding industry is essential for deck. A substantial modernisation was carried defence purposes' and 'a planned naval out by Garden Island Dockyard in 1968. production programme, an essential accompaniment to a planned merchant While the Darings were building in the early programme will be entered upon ... to ensure fifties, Arunta and Warramunga were stability to the industry as a whole'1 modernised, and four British built 'Q' class destroyers were converted to Type 15 AS In January 1946, Mr Chifley expressed the frigates between 1950 and 1957. This involved a Government's concern at the high cost of considerable redesign effort, with extensive use Australian shipbuilding, about double the cost of aluminium superstructure to reduce topweight. per ton of work on the Clyde.* Nevertheless, on This was our first substantial experience of 26 March 1946, the Prime Minister announced aluminium steel interface problems. that the Government had approved in principle the building of four additional destroyers (two In August 1950, just after the Darings had each at Cockatoo Island NSW and at been laid down, the government announced that Williamstown, Victoria), when the two destroyers six new anti-submarine frigates of the River class of British design then being built (Tobruk and would be built, three at Cockatoo and three at Anzac) had sufficiently progressed, so as to Williamstown. The programme was avoid the dispersal of the skilled staff and other subsequently cut back to four ships with the final personnel. Funds were made available to enable two not authorised again until the early sixties. new methods of pre-fabricated welding The design of the Australian River class was construction to be undertaken.3 similar to that of the British Type 12 Whitby class. At the beginning of World War II, most material Propulsion plant employed steam plant with and equipment for ships was imported from double reduction geared turbines. Seacat anti- Britain, but by 1946 about seventy per cent was aircraft guided missiles were installed and Stuart being made in Australia.4 It was decided that this received the first installation of the Australian development should be continued and extended designed and developed Ikara anti-submarine in the new destroyer programme for the Daring missile in 1963. For the first four ships, boilers,

Page 14 — Nov '85, Journal of the Australian Naval Institute 76 Destroyer HMAS Yarra Photo courtesy J. Mortimer

turbines and auxiliary machinery were all locally experience of Australian shipyards. The made. The 4.5 turrets were manufactured in shipbuilders did not agree.5 The government's Bendigo. decision led to a contract in January 1962 with It will be recalled that the announcement of six the Defoe Shipbuilding Company, Michigan, for frigates in August 1950, making ten destroyers the ships Perth and Hotoa/t, with an order for a on order in Australia at the one time, came soon third ship Brisbane placed in January 1963; the after the outset of the Korean War in which so first two ships commissioned in 1965, and many ships and men of the RAN served with Brisbane in 1967. distinction. The order book was cut back to three The Australian DDGs followed the USN - Darings and four Rivers in 1954. The boom Gibbs and Cox design except for modificiation of defence vessel Kimbla was built by Walkers. accommodation and the installation of the Ikara missile system. The earlier USN ships were built 1960-75 of HY80 steel, although the hull design was During the late sixties, the hydrographic ship based on HT steel, and the RAN ships were built Moresby was built at the State Dockyard, of this material. They introduced a new era of . This was the first post-war naval weapons, weapons control, and propulsion vessel designed in Australia. technology to the RAN with the Tartar missile There was increasing military activity in South system, 3D electronic scanner radars and 1250 East Asia. The three Daring class were in psi 850°F steam propulsion systems. It was commission and the four Rivers nearing clearly more economical to order ships from the completion. Further orders were necessary, and USA — Defoe had already built four of the class it was decided in January 1962 to order two — and most of the equipment would have had to Adams class guided missile destroyers from the have been imported. However, it is difficult in United States. Despite strong criticism by the retrospect to support the view that construction Labor Opposition, the Menzies Government in Australia would have been beyond the went ahead, arguing that the construction of capability of local shipbuilders. these vessels was beyond the skills and In 1961, six Ton class minesweepers were

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute, Nov '85 — Page 15 purchased from the UK; two of them were later committee was established to examine the converted to minehunters by Garden Island needs for naval dockyard development. The Dockyard. In 1962, it was decided to re-establish capability of Australian shipbuilding yards, both a submarine arm of the RAN, and in January private and government operated, was 1963 it was announced that four British Oberon examined, and consideration was given to the class were to be built in Scotland at a cost of desirability of carrying out naval shipbuilding in C5.000,000 each. Ox/ey commissioned in March private yards. Although support was lent to the 1967 and the fourth boat in December 1969. Two benefits of building in private yards, particularly more Oberons, Orion and Otama were ordered for non-combatant and minor-combatant ships, it in 1971 and delivered in 1977 and 1978. was broadly concluded that destroyer Meanwhile in Australia, two more River class construction was only likely to sustain one frigates were ordered, one each at Cockatoo and building yard, and that the skills, experience and Williamstown. Although the basic design of these investment needed, favoured Williamstown for frigates, Swan and Torrens, was based on the this purpose, with Cockatoo providing reserve Type 12 hull, the reconfigured frigates were capacity. designed by the Naval Design Branch of the At about the same time, after experience of the Department of Navy. During this time, the Navy confrontation campaign in the establishment of designed destroyer tender Stalwart was ordered Malaysia, a requirement was developed for a from Cockatoo. Towards the end of the sixties, new class of light destroyers. In 1967, there were 20 Attack class patrol boats were ordered. This discussions with the Royal Navy on joint class of patrol boat was also designed by Navy. development, but it was not practicable to The hulls of the patrol boats were made by establish a common requirement. In 1969, Commonwealth Engineering and assembled at assessment of increasing air threat led to a the shipbuilders Evans Deakin and Walkers. In revision of the requirement and it was decided to the words of Dr Hughes, the then General proceed to develop a local design. Some Manager of Walkers: supplementation of local design capacity was necessary and YARD Australia were awarded a 'In this contract we have the interesting preliminary design contract in early 1970.' spectacle of sophisticated little vessels being The overall design task, and particularly that of built at prices competitive with those tendered weapons system integration, was a formidable by many overseas builders, without the benefit one, and as design concepts were developed, of any shipbuilding subsidy . . . You might well there was increasing support for adopting the ask why it is possible to compete directly? . . . combat system used in the latest USN frigate The lessons are clear: the boats have been known as the Patrol Frigate or Perry class FFG. ordered in sufficient number to warrant the The Government announced its intention to application of fullscale methods of batch order three Australian designed DDLs in the production, including the extensive use of jigs, context of the August 1972 budget, but the the degree of detailed planning which brings election led to a change in government. The its rewards, the advantage of buying in bulk incoming Minister for Defence, Lance Barnard, and the opportunity for tradesmen to perform ordered a comprehensive review of the project the same type of work on a succession of that led to a decision in August 1973 not to similar ships.'6 pursue the indigenous DDL design, and in April 1974 to acquire two FFGs. This decision Much the same would apply to the NQEA build reflected a realisation that the costs and R&D of Fremantle class some fifteen years later risks of a specific design were too high, and that The design of the 15,500 ton destroyer tender it was in Australia's interest to share the Sfa/wart provided the naval design branch with overheads of a new class, preferably a large the opportunity to carry out a complete design. one. Our design processes had not run smoothly There was a more substantial task in the design and our design review cast some doubt on the of the modified Rivers, Swan and Torrens. Major validity of the work completed. In the event, we changes were involved, including the integration joined the USN in the largest frigate programme of the Dutch M22 fire control into the combat since World War II. The FFG class provided a system. The Daring class destroyer Duchess missile system and combat system that met our was lent to the RAN, and later transferred, needs, was close to our overall requirement, and following the loss in collision of the destroyer had a simple system of gas turbine propulsion of Voyager. unequalled efficiency. The order for Adelaide In the late sixties, as Swan and Torrens and Canberra was followed by add-on orders for neared completion, the Department of Defence Sydney in October 1977, and Darwin in April 1980. The Darwin design was significantly focused its attention on the future of naval shipbuilding. In 1969, an interdepartmental modified by the USN to improve helicopter operating and handling arrangements.

Page 16 — Nov 85. Journal ol the Australian Naval Institute Although the decision to purchase FFGs was frigates from the US, have been continued and soundly based it created two major problems. extended, but at the same time there has been a One was that the destroyer building yard at renewed emphasis on the merits of local Williamstown was left without orders. The other construction. The survey ship Flinders was was that an initial attempt to establish a design designed by the Australian Shipbuilding Board agency support base had foundered. Both and built at Williamstown in the early seventies. consequences had long term effects. In regard to In 1974, an order was placed on Williamstown employment at naval yards, the Government for the oceanographic ship Cook to a design decided that the modernisation of DDGs that the produced by the Naval Design Branch. The order Navy had planned should take place in the was placed in haste, to fill the void of the United States, should be carried out in Australia. cancellation of the DDL programme, and This was a major task for Garden Island which, suffered many difficulties, but the ship was despite initial misgivings, was successfully satisfactorily commissioned in 1980, and is accomplished. Williamstown was given the task proving effective in its oceanographic role. In of River class modernisation but nevertheless, November 1977, an order was placed for an problems with imbalance of trades, and policies amphibious landing ship Tobruk, constructed at of no retrenchment, led to non-productive Carringtons Slipway in Tomago. This was a local employment in the form of 'idle time'. The adaptation of an earlier British design and the termination of the attempt to design a DDL within substitution of local materials and equipments Australia signified a general conclusion that such led to some difficulties in control of weight, and in a task would not normally be appropriate, at least setting to work. After a number of modificiations when similar capability ships were being to arrangements, the ship is now running well. designed with heavy investment, by our allies. For some time, Navy had planned to replace In the early seventies, Walkers built six the ageing British built underway replenishment Landing Craft Heavy (LCH) for the RAN and two ship Supply with a ship that would replenish all for the PNG Navy, the needs of an escort -- fuel, stores and The Past Decade 1975-85 munitions — at the one time. A design for this In the last 10 years, the programmes of vessel was produced by the Naval Design purchase of submarines from the UK and Branch but was eventually shelved on grounds

Sloop HMAS Swan Photo courtesy S. Given

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute. Nov '85 — Page 17 of expense. Overseas designs were then A major Naval Design Branch effort has been evaluated, and a French design selected with the the development of a unique concept for mine initial expectation that the ship would be ordered countermeasures, involving the design of a in that country. However, the government glass-reinforced plastic catamaran hull, carrying decided in March 1978 that the construction an advanced digital-processor-based combat should be open to Australian bids, and Cockatoo system for mine detection, identification, and were awarded the contract in October 1979. The destruction. A unique solution has been specification and the construction tasks proved produced to meet a most demanding significantly more complex than the contractor or requirement. A contract has been awarded to the Commonwealth had expected, and it proved Ramsay/Fibreglass of Tomago, NSW, who have necessary to renegotiate the contract price and two prototype ships under construction in a delivery schedule. A great deal of difficulty was special grp facility. New facilities have been experienced by the builder in the re- established for evaluating the magnetic, shock establishment of shipbuilding skills not used and noise characteristics of the ships and since the completion of Torrens in 1971. These systems. The new vessels are planned to difficulties were gradually overcome, and the undergo their operational evaluation in 1986-87. 17,800 tonne ship Success is expected to Progress to date has given encouraging deliver in early 1986 to the currently contracted confirmation of the feasibility of the concept, and time and cost. the merits of the solution. There are good It became clear during the seventies that expectations that successful prototype trials will HMAS Melbourne was reaching the end of her be followed by a production run of at least four economic life, and if the capability she provided more vessels for the RAN in 1986. There are was to be maintained, another aircraft carrier good prospects of export orders. was needed. An aircraft carrier, together with its The largest of several current naval fixed wing, represented a substantial investment, construction programmes is that to build two and the need for a carrier was analysed and more of the FFG-7 class, at Williamstown Naval discussed at length over a period of several Dockyard. The ships are to the same design years. In 1980, the government decided that an configuration as Darwin, except they will have aircraft carrier should be acquired to provide a the Australian designed and built Mulloka , capability for operating ASW helicopters, and to this programme increases the numbers of the have potential for operating STOVL aircraft. FFG class in the RAN and enhances the advantages of class maintenance and support, Various overseas designs were investigated, including particularly the successful system of a including, particularly, those of the Invincible rotatable pool of refurbished equipments. It also class building for the Royal Navy; the Garibaldi provides Williamstown with an established class building for the Italian Navy; the Sea design, well developed for production, that Control Ship to Gibbs and Cox design building should provide a good vehicle for the re- for the Spanish Navy; and a Littons design based establishment of naval ship building skills. Given on the US Navy LPH. Attention had narrowed to the need to maintain capacity at Williamstown, it the two latter alternatives when the UK was agreed that construction there should cost government indicated Invincible was available the Commonwealth no more than would further for sale, and further investigations led to orders of Todd in the United States. Variations in acceptance of that offer. In the event, the exchange rates that have occurred since that Falklands war led to a withdrawal of the UK offer, decision have brought us to the current and a change of government in Australia in early assessment that there is no significant premium 1983 was followed by a decision not to proceed for the local build, and clear advantages to with an aircraft carrier acquisition. building in Australia. A requirement was established in the late Since Swan commissioned in January 1970, seventies for a new class of patrol boat, and after and Flinders in April 1973, Williamstown's international competition it was decided the lead principal tasks have been the construction of the boat should be built by Brooke Marine to their oceanographic ship Cook, and the design, with fourteen follow boats to be built by modernisation of the River class frigates. North Queensland Engineers and Agents of Difficulties encountered in each of these tasks Cairns. After some initial difficulties associated were attributed in part to an inadequate with overweight of the lead boat, the programme preparation for the definition of the task. In the has been an outstanding success, with boats case of the new frigates, a great deal of effort delivered ahead of schedule, within budget, and has been applied to establishing a clear contract to a very high standard. Dr Hughes' prescription between the General Manager of the Dockyard for a successful programme has been confirmed and the Australian Frigate Project Director. again. Contract amendments will be made only with the

Page 18 — Nov '85, Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Bathurst Class 'sweeper HMAS Deloraine Photo courtesy S. Given agreement of both parties and will include variations in time and cost. It should be noted Australian Design and Construction that Williamstown have let a support contract to Capabilities Todd that should help with the transfer of Australia's defence and contribution to production technology and production planning, regional stability will continue to require the and allow the Australian yard to reap much of the maintenance of a modern, capable and effective learning benefit obtainable from the fifty and fleet. This in turn requires the ability to assess, more ships of the class already built. Approval to select, acquire and bring into service, and cut steel was given recently and the two ships on modernise as necessary, ships incorporating order should be commissioned in 1991 and advanced technology, close to the limits of our 1993. national engineering capability. Our ability to The other naval dockyard, at Garden Island in perform this task well, is interdependent with the Sydney, has the refit of the Fleet as its primary scope of our endeavours. Although it would not mission, but has undertaken substantial be economical to design ourselves all the ships modernisations, particularly of the DDGs. The we need, we cannot afford not to be deeply largest modernisation to date is to commence involved in design. Although it would not be later this year at a total cost of about $250 million economical to build ourselves all the ships we in current dollar terms. It will include upgrading of need, we cannot afford not to be deeply involved communications, gun and missile fire control in shipbuilding. We must, of course, be involved systems, and the ship's central command and in modernisation as well as in repair. Each one of control system and will allow the ships to attain a these activities reinforces our competence in the total useful service life of thirty-five years. Other other. In each, we must try to avoid the modernisation work of note is the recently excessive costs of discontinuity. completed programme at Cockatoo to install Our insularity, and our modest and fluctuating updated sensors and combat systems in the levels of activity, pose particular problems for the Oberon submarines. This Australian managed maintenance of design capability and design development has brought the Oberons to competence, and yet such capability and the forefront of diesel powered submarine competence is a necessary foundation for our capability, able to exploit to the full the capability acquisition management, construction, of such modern weapons as the MK 48 torpedo modernisation and repair skills. The wide range and the submarine launched Harpoon missile. of our equipment introduces further problems of

Journal of Ihe Australian Naval Institute. Nov '85 — Page 19 spreading the available expertise. I believe it 'For reasons of broad national interest it is the necessary that we foster development of our policy of the Government to maintain an design capability amongst our naval engineers, efficient shipbuilding industry in Australia . . . our civilian engineers and scientists in the The board understands that the principal Department of Defence, and in industry. Our consideration underlying the Government's engineers in the Naval Design Branch need to be policy is the defence significance of the employed principally in assessment and design industry in that its operation in peace time management, but to allow them to discharge that would provide a nucleus of skilled responsibility effectively, they must participate in technologists and tradesmen.' design activities, particularly in industry. We The 1971 Tariff Board Report stated: must enlarge the opportunities for this by increasing our complementary activities with The primary defence requirements is for industry here and abroad. facilities for dockings and repair and for building small vessels such as minesweepers, Designers need to be associated with patrol vessels and landing barges. Capacity production, and we need to develop for the production of larger ships is regarded arrangements where not only our younger as a secondary requirement likely to be of engineers, but those at higher levels of importance only in the event of an extended responsibility, can increase their experience and conflict.' interaction with shipbuilders here and overseas. In 1976, defence considerations were reported We need to enlarge the level and competence of as substantially the same. design support to industry. We need to assume, as a public duty, the task of developing and 'Naval dockyards undertake routine refits, enlarging the self-sufficiency of industry; and repairs and modernisations and possess the need to encourage industry to take on tasks they necessary skills to construct warships. have not taken on before. This needs to be a Commercial yards are used mainly for repair gradual and sustained process if the costs of refits and docking and for constructing smaller learning are to be kept within reasonable vessels such as patrol boats. Given major bounds. Such an approach should sit well with a contingencies, greater demand for these philosophy of giving the shipbuilder a broader services would be placed in commercial yards, specification than has been common in the past, as well as for the replacement of various cargo and encouraging him to develop a detailed carriers. Such conditions would have design that is production oriented. significant warning time, and the ability to produce items such as engines, electronic We have a whole new field of increasing equipment and weapons systems would be as importance in the design, development and important as hull construction.' maintenance of system software. Again, it is an In 1979, Defence advised the IAC that the area where the partnership of naval analyst and shipbuilding industry 'would be likely to require civil analyst is essential. Again, it is a field where expansion in a defence emergency and we need to develop further an industry support therefore the maintenance in the industry of the capability. Australia has already made large current range of skills and technologies and their advances in this area and has achieved high continued upgrading would be in the defence standards of combat system support for surface interest1.8 The Commission did not take account warships and for submarines. of the defence implications in examining the question of assistance for the industry, considering that 'if assistance justified on Industry Assistance economic grounds is insufficient to maintain the industry, the question of further assistance on Naval shipbuilding capabilities are national security grounds is a matter for interdependent with the capabilities of the Defence'.9 shipbuilding and repair industry as a whole, Reductions in industry assistance and the which in turn are interdependent with our overall lifting of restrictions in imports have led to the industrial capabilities. These capabilities are cessation of local construction of large influenced by government policies of industry commercial vessels. The assistance provided for assistance. Although a comprehensive account construction of smaller vessels, including the of policy changes and their effects is outside the extension of assistance to vessels for export, is a scope of this paper, some brief references significant factor and may help Australian should be made to the emphasis accorded to builders establish themselves as suppliers to the naval shipbuilding. region. Although this subsidy will fall to 22.5% in In 1959, the Tariff Board Report on the 85/86, and to 20% the following year, it should Shipbuilding Industry said: serve a valuable purpose at this level.

Page 20 — Nov 85. Journal ol the Australian Naval Institute .••'

Battle Class Destroyer HMAS Anzac Photo courtesy P. Han

A Look to the Future During the nineties, there will be a need not The fourth guided missile frigate building for only to replace the Oberons, but the Rivers as the RAN is currently receiving post shakedown well, and the surface combatant to follow the modifications before arrival in Australia. When Australian Frigate programme needs to be they are complete, all current RAN shipbuilding selected within the next one or two years. There and modification orders will be with Australian seems to be no reason why these ships should shipyards. not be built in Australia, and it is to be hoped that What of future orders? An order for patrol the capability currently being restored will be boats for South Pacific nations is to be placed maintained and developed in the years to come. shortly and within a few years we will need to It is to be hoped that capability will be built up not start work on the design of the Fremantle only at the shipyard, but in the many supporting replacements. Project Definition Studies for industrial activities. submarines will begin this year, with associated We have some difficulties in that the number of studies of the appropriate level of Australian yards looking for naval and commercial work participation. If all goes well, a construction seems to be greater than the forecast work load contract should be placed in 1987, and it seems that could sustain them. If we are to have the likely that most or all of the submarines in the needed continuity of employment, it seems programme will be locally built. The inevitable that we must see some reduction in Government's decision will be based upon the the number of yards. Although Williamstown has assessed performance of Australian builders, made great advances in its industrial relations and that in turn will be based on the realised and in its organisation in order to re-establish its performance of the last few years, and of the shipbuilding capacity, I do not believe immediate future. government yards are best suited to ship

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute. Nov 85 — Page 21 building tasks. Shipbuilding often needs an Notes entrepreneurial approach that does not sit well 1. Commonwealth of Australia. Digest of Decisions and with departmental procedures. Perhaps Announcements. No. 106, 12 Aug. 45 to 31 Aug. 45. p 59. opportunities may arise in the years to come, to 2 DODA No. 108, p 45. privatise the naval building activity, and for two or 3 DODA No. 112, p 32. 4 Hutcheson G.I.D. Naval Engineering in Australia' Papers three of the competing builders to become the on Engineering Subjects. Admiralty 1946. recognised naval building yards. It will be 5. See Parker, RG Cockatoo Island, p 59. necessary, however, that they remain cost 6. Hughes W.L. The Shipbuilding Industry. 1968. competitive both in Australia and overseas, so as 7. Yarrow Admiralty Research Department had been established by the Royal Navy in 1949 to act as design to earn a right to a continuing work load. We agent, particularly in the propulsion field. YARD Australia should look to strengthening their capacity for was established with a more comprehensive role and was design so that they can produce their own supplemented by temporary attachment of Royal Navy production drawings, and we should consider the design staff 8. IAC Report Ships. Boats and Other Vessels Not Exceeding continued utilisation of their expertise as the 6000 Tons Cross Register, 25 July, 1979 p 47 technical authority for the lifetime support of the 9. ibid p 47. class. We have a further difficulty in timely selection SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY of a design. The success of local shipbuilding Barnard LH, 'Destroyer Procurement and Naval Policy'. Australian Quarterly, Vol 44, No 2, June 72. programmes is dependent to a considerable Bennett GA, The Future of Naval Shipbuilding'. TRIAD. No 2, extent on the standard of preparation for the Department of Defence, 1977 task. It takes a good deal of time to establish Calder RR. 'Naval Vessel Construction in Australia'. Journal ol local sources for material and equipment. It the ANI, Vol 8, No 1, Feb 82 Clarke ES, Australian Shipping Industry Study Mission takes a good deal of time to plan the production Shipbuilding Productivity and Industrial Relations in processes and to ensure the necessary sources Australia will be available. All too often, we withhold Australian Symposium in Ship Technology. Sea endorsement of a requirement, and of a design Transport Technology 1981 Sydney, the Institute, 1981. to satisfy it, until too late, so that these processes Doyle AB, Naval Engineering in Australia Since 1913. Sydney are unduly rushed, and we are forced by University Engineering Club Annual War Memorial pressures of time into less than optimal Lecture 1947. solutions. We should aim for early attainment of Firkins, Peter, Of Nautilus and Eagles. History of the Royal Australian Navy. Updated Edition, 1983. the position that we have a design completed, Gillett, Ross, Warships of Australia, 1977. and a prototype being built. We can then afford Australia's Armed Forces, 1981. to take a flexible approach to the timing of the Hawke RJL, 'Defence and Industry'. Seapower 81. ANI. 1981. production vessels. Hughes, WL, The Shipbuilding Industy. Frank Perry Memorial Lecture, 1968 — AMIA Leach DW, & Berlyn N, New Destroyers Their Place in the Conclusion Fleet'. Navy Quarterly, Vol 4. No 3, Autumn 1976 Odgers, George. The Royal Australian Navy: An Illustrated It adds significantly to our capability to support History. Child & Henry, Hornsby, 1982. our defence force if the warships we need can be Parker RG, Cockatoo Island. Nelson, 1977. built in Australia with reasonable economy. RAN, Towards the 21st Century: The RAN Looks Ahead. Text Start-up costs will often be such that single ships of Briefings given by the Minister for the Navy and the Naval Staff on the DDL Project on 16 and 17 August might not provide an economical programme, 1972 but our industry has shown that we can order a Reed. MP, Fifty Years of Naval Engineering in the RAN number of similar ships, they can be built here to 1925-1975 A Brief Review. Institution of Engineers standards of quality and cost that are competitive (Canberra Division) 1982 Robson BC. Design Aspects and Performance of the RAN with imports. We have also seen that there are Oceanographic Ship, HMAS COOK. Marine many difficulties in regaining a capability lost with Technology 1984. UNSW Sydney. lack of exercise. It is in our interest to plan our Rourke WJ, Naval Shipbuilding in the USA. RINA Australian warship acquisition so that our building and Branch may 1965 Maintenance of the Australian Fleet 1913-78. I.E. support capability is further developed and Aust. Annual Conference 1979. maintained. If we do these things, we will have Ships, Shipbuilding and National Defence Australian an efficient shipbuilding industry, and will have a Symposium on Ship Technology UNSW, Nov 1981 significant contribution to the defence and Thomas KHW, Trends in Warship Design RINA Australian Branch Paper, July 1971. security of this country. Marine Application of Nuclear Power RINA Australian Branch 1963. Wilson ACW, Engineering in the Royal Australian Navy' Journal of Naval Engineering. Vol 12, Nos 2 and 3, 1960 Woolner. Derek, The Purchase of the American FFG-7 Frigate in the Context of Furture Equipment Policy for the RAN: Journal of ANI. Vol 3, No 3, Aug 77.

Page 22 — Nov 85. Journal ol the Australian Naval Institute JANES FIGHTING SHIPS A HISTORY by Graeme Andrews, Australian Editor JFS

Tucked away in sundry naval bridges of major assistance from Canberra has faded noticeably naval vessels and many of the warships of both when compared with the late 1970s and early sides of the Iron Curtain are copies of Janes 1980s. Fighting Ships. The US Navy and the Royal Navy To partly offset this difficulty Janes can call place large orders for each copy — and so does upon a number of Australian naval enthusiasts the Soviet Union! who combine, in their individual ways, to provide Each issue of Janes is eagerly awaited by both the RAN with a quality of entry that compares well sides and both sides will use it to provide political with any other nation. Mr John Mortimer of ammunition. Pravda has often quoted Janes to Canberra has been providing fine naval emphasise its case that the West are war- photographs for more than a decade while mongers while sundry Parliamentary Committees Lieutenant James Goldrick RAN, has provided world-wide use the latest Janes to show that they excellent line drawings for some years. I make it are falling behind in Naval parity. The editorials of my business to establish contact with many the world's major naval annual have long been naval-oriented people and I have been able to famous for clarity of thought, accuracy and as a provide many naval photos of RAN and other source of free editorial for the leader writers of navies. These are always credited to the person major newspapers. who took them. No naval annual is better-known yet no naval To a naval (and ex naval) man with just on 30 annual suffers more from an identity crisis. It is years of service in uniform, in reserve and in naval regularly referred to in secondary quotes as interest, the current decline of the RAN is a matter 'James Fighting Ships', while I have had of sadness. Part of this decline must be attributed advertising mail addressed to me as 'Miss/Mrs to the late start that the RAN made in the Jane. . .Australian editress Janes Fighting Australian 'Hearts and Minds' programme which Ships'. This caused my own personal identity was won so convincingly by the RAAF with its crisis, particularly with my wife of 22 years! big-budget F-18 purchase. Aeroplanes can fly Janes Fighting Ships as most will know, is a over many cities while few citizens can see a very expensive, glossy annual which now naval ship and fewer still experience the vastness comprises more than 800 pages, nearly 4000 of the sea, except from the confines of the bar of a photographs, many line drawings and an cruise ship. advertising list which illustrates much of the state Janes cannot get to these people either but it of the art of naval warfare. tries to provide a rational assessment of the The book is published in early August each situation on, under and above the seas of the year and compilation commences in January, world and it backs this up with a number of spin-off when Australia, Argentina and Albania are publications such as cheaper, more basic naval assembled and sent to galleys. Because books and by publications such as Janes Australia is where it is, it is often difficult for the Defence Weekly. Australian entry to be as up-to-date as is (say) Fred T. Jane was born in 1865 in Richmond, Venezuela. For many years the Australian entry Surrey, England. He was the eldest son of the was provided entirely by the Department of local Vicar but his fore-fathers had a naval Defence and it invariably came in past the book's connection with naval explorers and an admiral in tight deadline. This is my tenth year assembling the family tree. Fred provided his school with a the RAN (and Army) section and in this time the rival journal to that which stated official policy and Australian section has increased in size by about 25 per cent — and has been on time. The Author To provide the RAN section I provide DOD PR Graeme Andrews joined the RAN in 1955 and served in with a photostat of the latest entry. This is usually Kookaburra, Sydney, Me/bourne Ouickmatch, Voyager done within three days of the new (unpublished) Duchess, Vampire and Supply before paying oft in 1968. book arriving. With the 'staf I send a list of Since then too his various activities indicate his strong maritime bent — journalist and editor in boating magazines, questions and requests for comment based upon ferry and tug master and inspector-surveyor with the MSB a careful reading of the public press and sundry (his present employment) He has published a score of defence journals during the year. I usually request books including maritime history works, the latest of which, action by the end of September or early October Search for the Kobenhaven and Other Sea Stories are first-person experiences at sea by Australians in the 1930s. but over the last three or four years the degree of

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute. Nov 85 — Page 23 spent more time on that and on chemistry than he Aeroplanes and Dirigibles, now Janes All the did on studying. As a result, he did not do well at World's Aircraft. school. After school he tried to join the Army and Because of the complexity of publishing the the RN but failed both physicals. He started work Naval Annual, and its size and price, most of the as a reporter on the Birmingham Times at a select band of editors of Janes have produced period before photos were printed in 'papers'. His spin-offs or reduced versions for the cheaper end sketching skills were well-used and his interest in of the market. The first of these was published naval things grew, in 1889 he went to sea as an posthumously by Fred Jane in 1916. Getting this official artist-reporter for the Pictorial World and and the big one out In the middle of a war, might his sketches of the naval manoeuvres of 1890 well have hastened the heart attack which is which were published in The Illustrated London thought to have killed the founder. News, Daily Chronicle and the Standard brought After Jane died in March 1916 he was replaced him recognition. by Maurice Prendergast who edited the annual Around this time Jane began to realise that until 1922. Perhaps it is fitting that Prendergast naval men needed a work of reference that would was the second editor and not the first as quickly allow them to discover the identity and 'Prendergast's Fighting Ships' seems to not have capabilities of a particular naval vessel. He began that certain ring to it. sketching every ship he could see. It did not take When the famous naval historian Oscar Parkes him long to realise the similarities between left the RN in 1919 he joined Prendergast as Joint structures, the value of particular armour, Editor. Parkes is best-known for his massive work importance of guns and speed, not to mention on British battleships. Failing sight caused manoeuvrability, turning radii at speed and so on. Prendergast to retire in 1922 and his place was He developed his trilogy of the requisites of the taken by Francis G McMurtrie with Parkes still as efficient naval officer. These were (and are): joint editor. • An understanding of what the ships of the Oscar Parkes took over as editor in his own opposition can do and what your own vessel right in 1930 but died unexpectedly in 1934, can do. whereupon McMurtrie was recalled, battling on • A quick identification method that also informs throughout World War Two with all its problems of one of the armament and defences of the other supply, censorship and verification of rumour and vessel. report, until he died in 1949. His sudden death • A means to test theories under realistic brought Raymond V.B Blackman to the prestige conditions without actually 'shooting up' the job. In 1970 Blackman was provided with an other ship. assistant editor, the first job of that title on the The first two criteria resulted in the 1897 book, in the person of Captain John Moore, RN appearance of Janes All The World's Fighting (rtd). John Moore carried out an 'apprenticeship' Ships, a ponderous tome of 221 pages which of two years or so, during which he produced a contained more than 1000 carefully prepared pen brace of smaller naval books. He took over as and ink drawings, most of which were done at editor for the 1972-73 edition and has had the sea. chair ever since. He has been, by far, the most In 1898 he introduced his Janes Naval prolific of the Janes editors with major changes Wargame and by 1900 this complicated method made to the book and a steady stream of well- of evaluation of naval skills was in use by The researched spin-offs, including a number on the Royal Norwegian Navy, The United States Soviet armed forces. Coastal Artillery, The Imperial Russian Navy and Although there is a wide international net-work by the Imperial Japanese Navy. Other Navies, of correspondents providing much of the material including the Royal Navy, used it on an unofficial in Janes, and although most of the Western and basis. Third World navies offer assistance, the In 1900 Jane produced his famous critique of assembly and aquisition of information which is the Russian Navy which discussed the various sometimes more up-to-date than that of the weaknesses which were so well illustrated by the official sources, is a massive, almost 365 days a naval action against the Japanese Navy at Tsu year job and very demanding upon the Hima in 1905. incumbent. Because of this and a reported illness In the 1900 issue of the re-named Janes in Captain John Moore's family, it may be that he Fighting Ships, Jane introduced photographs for will stand down within the near future. Who will be the first time and in his 1902 edition he stated 'only his replacement is probably already known and the heavier-than-air type of flying machine seems agreed upon because Janes Fighting Ships, to have any future at all. . .'. This at a time when unlike any other book perhaps, is a vocation and the airship roamed the skies and the Wright Bros is the sum of the men who have made it over more flight was ONE year in the future. To illustrate his than 80 years — getting the right rnan for the job is faith in air travel, Jane brought out his second something that must not be considered when the annual in 1909 -- All the World's Airships, job is already vacant.

Page 24 — Nov 85. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute THE SALVAGE OF WARSHIP VASA

by Captain AHR Brecht RAN

The building looks very ordinary from the sterncastle gallery which towers above the outside, a greyish white aluminium structure highest viewing platform where visitors cluster to about as high as a four storey office block, photograph and enthuse. At the top is an image distinguished only by its unusual shape. Long of the King; his crown held by two griffins. and fairly narrow, marginally higher at each end, Beneath is the Swedish coat of arms supported it sits beside the water at Djurgarden on the by two huge lion figures with carved drapery held mainland of Stockholm harbour in Sweden, back by two putti, all fixed to a vertical wall opposite the large island of Skeppsholmen. immediately above the upper horizontal gallery Outside is bustling activity in a compound which is bounded by elaborate large crowns at surrounded by a high wall through which tourists the point of each stern quarter. The lower gallery and marine experts alike pass via turnstile gates is held aloft by eight magnificently carved figures after payment of a fee. Various exhibitions, and adorned with a series of warriors wearing souvenir ships, a theatre, cafe and models dot Roman armour and carrying weapons, all the entrance courtyard where a constant stream embossed in gold. The effect is breathtaking. of people moves towards the museum. So too is the aura of strength exuded by the Inside the building the great ship dominates all thick hull planking, the huge gun ports, and the else. Instinctively the visitors speak in whispers few interior compartments which can be seen. as if to sanctify the structure itself or perhaps to Much of the upper deck fittings are intact, pay homage. Marine archaeologists and students of maritime history are more likely to feel a sense of awe from what they see: His The Author Swedish Majesty's Ship Vasa, built in 1627, sunk on her maiden voyage in 1628, yet returned from Captain Alan Brecht pined the RAN in 1957 as a the depths after 333 years in a watery grave on telegraphist and, after training, served in HMA ships the bottom of Stockholm harbour.' Quickmatch (twice), Parramatta and Melbourne. He attended the SD officers promotion course in UK as a Vasa is indeed imposing. Years of restoration Petty Officer Radio Supervisor, was promoted to and preservation have brought her to the present Sub-Lieutenant SDEXC in January 1965 and served in stage where she is on view to thousands of the RN in HMS Defender and HMS Mercury (the RN people every year. Personal impressions vary Communications School). Since his return to the RAN in 1966 he has served in HMAS Parramatta. the RAN but Vasa makes one common impact: that of Communications School, the Directorate of Naval incredulity. Communications (twice), Naval Communications The hull rises 64 feet from keel to the upper Station Canberra and HMAS Albatross. He was promoted to Lieutenant SDEXC in January 1967 and deck and is surrounded by viewing galleries transferred to the General List in 1970. He attended the where the solid black timbers, glistening with RN Advanced Communications Course at the Royal wax-like preservative, can be inspected. Vasa is Military College of Science, Shrivenham, UK in 1974 200 feet long excluding the elaborately carved, and then served as Communications Officer in HMAS Melbourne, CO of HMAS Cairns and Director, decorated bowsprit and sits in a steel cradle Electronic Warfare. He is presently Director of Naval which runs the length of the building. Striking as Communications. her overall impact is, the spectacle of this unique piece of history has its focus in the ornate double

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute. Nov 85 — Page 25 including capstans, bollards, gratings and the development of a powerful navy which stumps of the three masts. Witnessing this became indispensable to the King and his army. incredible spectacle one can only wonder how Gustavus was to state'next to God the welfare of such a monument to the shipwright's craft the Kingdom depends on her navy'. survived all those years underwater. Why is In 1625 Gustavus II ordered four new Vasa as she is today and how did this come to warships, to be built at the Stockholm shipyard be? by the Chief Naval Shipwright Henrik When Vasa was warped from her berth at the Hybertsson. These were two large and two Royal Palace bordering Stockholm harbour2 for smaller ships, the larger ones intended as the her inaugural voyage through the archipelago, a most powerful warships in the Baltic; Vasa was multitude of people came to see this magnificant the second of these. She was launched in 1627 addition to His Majesty's fleet. On a warm sunny after an intensive construction period which afternoon, Sunday 10 August 1628, evening entailed selection and transportation of oak, vespers behind them and a momentous naval mostly from the island of Angso in Lake Malar spectacle ahead, the citizens of Stockholm had and from the coast of Smaland, as well as the good reason to be thankful for the wisdom of skills and techniques of 17th century their king and to be assured of the maritime shipbuilding. Timber selection was not merely safety of the realm. The year 1628 came at the the choice of huge stands of oak, for each angled height of the Thirty Years War in Europe (1618- timber or special piece had to be found in a living 1648) at a time when General Albrekt von tree of the correct shape and that tree felled for Wallenstein supported by the Catholic the purpose Hapsburgs had declared himself Admiral of the When finally ready to put to sea for the first Seas surrounding Scandinavia, thereby posing a time Vasa was a fitting adjunct to the Royal threat to Protestant Sweden. German plans to Palace where she lay. Lavishly decorated with invade Scandanavia were widely touted in the no ornament or expense spared this three diplomatic circles of the day and obscure, masted masterpiece of the day boasted 48 • impoverished Sweden seemed in much danger 24lb cannon plus 16 smaller pieces, total 80 during the war's early years. One of the most tons, with 24 gun ports on each side. By the prominent figures in the political arena was standards of the time such firepower was Sweden's King Gustavus II Adolphus (1611- devastating but the sinister element for Vasa 1632) who was to transform the country into one herself was its weight. Estimates only are of the leading powers of Europe, largely through available for her crew, put at about 133 officers

Vasa's voyages 1628-1961 Drawn by author

Page 26 — Nov 85. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute and men but she was built to carry 300 soldiers down with 700 persons on board, and the equally although a mere few dozen embarked for her tragic loss of the Royal George which heeled fateful voyage. over and went to the bottom in 1782 while riding To the thunderous acclaim of the crowds at anchor in Portsmouth harbour; some 900 Severin Hansson, Vasa's captain, and Joran persons were lost. Matsson the Sailing Master set four sails in a For Vasa the position was even more light afternoon SSW breeze: fore-topsail, main- mystifying because the Court was faced with the topsail, foresail and mizzen. Still in the shelter of embarrassing disclosure that soon after her tail cliffs south of Stadsgarden Vasa stood out launching the Fleet Admiral Klas Fleming had into the harbour, a physical demonstration of conducted a stability test which the ship failed Sweden's naval might and purpose, echoing the alarmingly. Thirty men were made to run to and cheers and rapture ashore. Then suddenly the fro across her upper deck but she rolled so breeze strengthened in a squall and the cheers dangerously they had to stop for fear she would fell to stunned silence as Vasa heeled sharply to capsize at her berth. This without masts and port and became clearly in distress. Hansson rigging! Incredibly, the Admiral did nothing, tried in vain to haul the cannon to windward but Hybertsson did nothing, and in the end the Court their weight was too much against the increasing did nothing. The sinking was unexplained and heel. Water gushed through the lower gun ports the case dismissed without anyone being held thereby increasing the list. Miraculously Vasa responsible in any way at all. fought back to an even keel but in a second Vasa's loss was a devasting blow to the King heeled even more positively to port. From this and his navy but pragmatists were already at she could not recover. Water entered through work. The hull, fittings, and solid bronze cannon the upper gun ports and she was driven down were extremely valuable so salvage experts with sails still set and all flags flying. At 5pm, less immediately began to assess the feasibility of than two minutes after the squall, Vasa was recovery. But the ship was in 110 feet of water gone. and salvage methods were primitive. Minor Reports to His Majesty must have been made fragments were grappled but nothing of with trepidation for this was a major catastrophe. importance occurred until 1629 when the British Few records exist of the period immediately after engineer Ian Bulow managed to bring Vasa to an the sinking but there is no doubt that everbody even keel in the mud. Discouraged by his failure blamed everyone but himself. Historians are to achieve anything more significant Bulow fortunate that some transcripts of the Court of withdrew, little realising the importance his Enquiry held the following September have achievement would assume, three centuries survived and these show, as far as can be later. pieced together, that positions had become Little more happened until 1663 when firmly entrenched by then. technology took a hand in the person of Lt Col The shipwright, Hybertsson, had died the Hans Albrekt von Treibelen who had invented a previous year and thus could not defend himself crude diving bell a few years before. With this he against claims of poor workmanship, bad design had successfully dived in 1658 on the Danish and lack of any real stability in the ship. Evidence flagship Sancfa Sophia sunk off Gothenburg in on his behalf proved that he had shown his 110ft. This bell was both an innovation and a test designs to King Gustavus II himself who had of nerve. Made of lead and 4ft 2 inches high it given them his approval. It was argued that since was very heavy and difficult to raise, lower or the King had placed his seal on the design then it manoeuvre. The diver, clad in a watertight could not be at fault and some other reason for leather suit, stood on a square piece of lead 20 the sinking would have to be found. The search inches below the bell with his head in air trapped for a scapegoat continued. inside. He was lowered into the water where he Vasa was indeed topheavy, narrow and sharp worked using a boathook, for periods up to 15 at the bottom, and inherently unstable. Her minutes. Although primitive by present day sinking is particularly notable for the fact that standards, von Treibelen's bell was quite such happenings were rare. At that time written successful and in the 17th century it was plans and drawings for the construction of ships justifiably recognised as a most important simply did not exist and they were built against breakthrough in the field of salvage. the methods and experience of the shipyards Von Treibelen sought permission to salvage concerned. Ideas, procedures, and designs were Vasa's cannon but initially met with official handed down by word of mouth and practical resistance which took some time to overcome. example from shipwright to shipwright so the He began work in 1663 and had considerable wonder is that even more ships did not capsize success throughout that summer and the through instability. Two well known examples of following year. By the end of 1665 von Treibelen this unfortunate trait are the Mary Rose which had raised most of the 24-pound cannon, each capsized outside Portsmouth in 1545 going weighing about one and a half tons The

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute. Nov 85 — Page 27 View of Vasa's sterncastle Photo courtesy of author

View of Vasa's bowsprit Photo courtesy of author

Page 28 — Nov 85, Journal ol the Australian Naval Institute magnitude of this task becomes more apparent Denmark have provided valuable data for when one remembers that the divers worked students of early shipbuilding; but in the main over 100 feet down in very cold water where historians have been forced to rely upon the visibility was murky at best and where life itself written word. Unfortunately, because of the depended upon the most primitive of equipment. dearth of detailed knowledge about early 17th This particular salvage is confirmed by century sailing ships and the shortage of documents in Stockholm which record the export recorded information, physical examples are of of 53 cannon in 1665 although the recipient, or priceless worth. The public acclaim for recovery country, is unnamed. Vasa was again disturbed of the Mary Rose in 1982 is of little account in 1683 when another 24-pound cannon was compared to that of the historian and marine raised by someone now unknown. After this, with archaeologist, for this very reason. all accessible cannon removed, and little left but The marine archaeologist to be remembered the hull itself (now deemed worthless) the once in this story is Anders Franzen, a native of great warship was left to her fate; and Sweden who devoted most of his life to the study subsequently lost to living memory of the day. of sunken ships, and a large slice of that study to The existence of the Vasa museum today, the Vasa. Soon after the end of World War II ship herself, and her importance to maritime Franzen began cataloguing the ancient wrecks history, all have their genesis in the fascination of the Baltic Sea, testing at the same time his which sunken ships hold for marine theory that the Baltic was a graveyard unique archaeologists. Apart from the celebrated HMAS from all others. He considered this sea to be a Victory at Portsmouth few examples exist today treasure trove because of its fresh water of the skill and craft of naval shipwrights and properties. artisans of previous centuries. Information has Apart from the menace of fire, wooden sailing been gathered from Egyptian burial ships ships up to the 18th century were vulnerable recovered in the great tombs of the Pharaohs in most of all to a seemingly insignificant wood- the Pyramids of Egypt, while Roman galleys worm, Teredo Navalis, the borer. This pest, with from Lake Meni and Viking galleys from its slender worm-like body, grew up to 12 inches

-V.' trr r

Vasa in dry-dock after salvage in 1961 Vasa museum photograph courtesy P. Trick

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute. Nov 85 — Page 29 in length and, boring with a rasp like action, could been on the bottom for 328 years and all of her devastate any timber. Each female laid superstructure was gone; she was a tangle of approximately 100 million eggs in one year and lost lines and anchors from countless ships and the larvae entered the wood leaving no trace boats, covered in debris and totally derelict in the other than a pinhole. Timber could therefore look murky gloom. sound but be rotten, riddled with countless In their modern diving suits equipped with air tunnels bored along the gram but never merging. hoses and telephones the navy divers were Defences against Teredo Navalis led finally to technically much more advanced than those of copper sheathing of underwater hulls but for von Treibelen but they too had difficulty with the sunken ships there was no protection. cold, the current, and the very poor visibility. The Franzen argued that because the Teredo charge diver reported fragmentally to Franzen Navalis could not survive in cold, fresh water, that he could make out what appeared to be a shipwrecks in the Baltic sea should be found fantastic sterncastle rising out of the mud, intact. Minor discoveries confirmed his theory covered by a labyrinth of cables. Groping in the and as the 1940s drew to a close he increased murk he reported what seemed to be a curved his research into Vasa, trying to find some record solid wall, broken by square holes at regular of where in the harbour she might be. intervals. These could only be gunports and for Years of fruitless effort passed; while Anders an elated Franzen they could only be in Vasa. Franzen spent his winters researching the Compared to the centuries she spent under libraries for old records and the summers water the next period of Vasa's saga is miniscule scouring the Stockholm harbour with a grapnel, but the four years to 1960 proved to be the most even his friends began to question his devotion important of her life to that time. Salvage was no to the task. Some less kind thought he had lost simple matter and finding the ship was but the his sanity and rational thought; yet he persisted. easy part. Vasa lay deeply embedded 8 feet into In 1954 he deciphered an ancient script which the clay bottom of the harbour, 110 feet below led the following year to discovery of an 18th the surface, and then covered by almost 10 feet century map of the harbour. Franzen was of soft black mud. Had she not been on an even revitalised and, convinced that he knew where keel her salvage intact would have been Vasa lay, he began thousands of soundings off impossible because she would have torn to Stadsgardskajen working well after dark, every pieces from the suction. The authorities had day of that summer. It was all in vain. Vasa and good cause to remember Ian Bulow's efforts so her location were as far off as before. many years before. Franzen was nothing if not determined and The decision to raise the ship was not taken he returned again to his research. Then came easily. Her condition was unknown and reason the breakthrough he had sought for so long. suggested that she would fragment if disturbed, During the winter of 1956 he came across the assuming that it was possible to move her at all. original letter sent to King Gustavus II by the A Vasa committee, established in January 1957, Council of the Realm two days after Vasa's loss.' considered many proposals of which two very The vital words must have seemed to glow serious ones were to fill the ship with tennis balls before him: or to freeze water inside her so that she would 'and this past Sunday, as stated, shortly float to the surface as a huge block of ice after evensong came to Eventually it was decided to rely upon proven 1 Beckholmsudden. conventional means and plans were established The little island of Beckholm was well known to to lift the ship between two pontoons using the Franzen who in his youth had been fishing in that methods which successfully raised ships of the vicinity many times. He was now to cast a line for German High Seas Fleet from the bottom of his greatest catch ever. In August 1956 he began Scapa Flow in the 1920s. A private company, intensive sampling of the area using a special Neptune Salvaging Co. won the contract and device which on striking wood, bored in and took before the winter of 1957 work began. a sample. His reaction is unrecorded, but can Effective salvage could only be attempted well be imagined, when one sample brought up after Vasa had been cleared of rubbish so this black oak.4 Repeated sampling yielded identical became the first task. At the same time the results: Vasa was found. divers began to collect and fossick for the Although certain that his long search was over thousands of relics which lay around the wreck, Franzen needed confirmation before the having been dislodged over the years or announcement could be made to a disbelieving scattered during the sinking. Together with finds world. With the assistance of trainee divers from made in the ship itself these totalled 24 000 of the naval diving school in Stockholm, Franzen which about 14 000 had to be put back in their returned to the site and began preparations for proper place after Vasa was raised. Many of the them to dive on the wreck. By this time Vasa had remainder now form the 'Life on Board' exhibit at

Page 30 — Nov 85. Journal ol the Australian Naval Institute I the museum which houses a variety of items as and sucked the debris out behind the diver into diverse as a butter box with rancid butter still in it tubes which carried it away. Grappling with the and the personal properly of the seamen, taken hose took great effort and strength on the part of from sea chests found onboard. the divers who emerged from the tunnel One most important contribution to the many exhausted after 15 minutes, and as there was decisions made by the Vasa committee during only a limited number of divers the work could this period was the confirmation that Teredo not be hastened. Navalis had indeed been defeated by the Baltic Even though the wreck was universally as Anders Franzen suggested. The many acknowledged to be Vasa the final proof came in fantastic wooden objects brought to the surface September 1958 when a cannon was raised from around the ship showed no trace of bearing the inscription 'G.A.R.S.1 (Gustavus borer-rot and a relieved committee knew that Adolphus Rex Suecise). There could now be no Vasa was exceedingly well preserved. Details of doubt that this was indeed the pride of the 17th her sculptured ornamentation came to light: Century Swedish navy. knights, warriors, mythological figures, sea By mid 1959 salvage had advanced to the creatures, grotesque designs now blackened point where four tunnels were finished and the from the mud and clay but with traces of gold end of this first phase was in sight. The fifth was here and there as a reminder of the splendour done by 8th July and the last completed at the which once had adorned the ship. end of the month. Before the cables could be Salvage operations underwater were led by attached it was necessary to check the ship to Per Edwin Falling, a Chief Diver from the make sure that no sign of disintegration was Swedish navy which cooperated with Neptune apparent. Fears were still held that the wreck Salvaging and provided much of the diving effort. could not withstand the enormous pressure and The major problem was that even with the debris stresses if she was moved so the crews took removed Vasa was so embedded in the mud that extraordinary care in the examination which now a detailed investigation could be carried out only took place. When it was proved that all was well, after concentrated preparation, and very, very temporary wires were placed under the hull and slowly. All of the iron nails had rusted away so secured to the pontoons. After this was done the great care had to be taken that she did not fall to divers celebrated the end to 1500 hours pieces around the divers as they probed, underwater thus far. prodded, and worked. Adding to the difficulties Pontoons were filled on 12th August and was the intense Scandinavian cold which meant submerged. When the 6 inch steel hawsers had that diving could only be carried out in the replaced the temporary wires under Vasa all was warmer months. There was much to do but even in readiness for the first lifting attempt. On 20th at this early stage it was clear that progress August the pontoons were pumped out and after would be slow. what seemed an eternity in which nothing After much discussion it was decided that the happened, Vasa lifted about one inch. Then only way to prise Vasa from her bed of clay and gradually and with immense reluctance the mud mud was to tunnel underneath her and feed gave way, releasing its 331 years hold on the cables through which would then be attached to hulk. Vasa was free and sitting in a steel cradle the pontoons. (Flooding the pontoons enables just above the bottom. Phase 1 was successful. the slack to be taken up on each cable and then Damage to the ship was so severe that as the water is pumped from the pontoons, the attempts to float her in her present position, or wreck rises). Six tunnels were planned. even to bring her to the surface, would have Although work began in 1957 the first tunnel been disastrous. Shallow water was needed took eleven months until April 1958 and was where Vasa could lie at a depth more amenable completed then only after tunnelling from each to the repair work needed to make her buoyant. side of the ship was introduced. Two major Nail holes had to be stopped, missing timbers problems were encountered by the divers: first replaced, and the more dilapidated parts of the the intense cold at that depth, even in summer hull, forward and around the poop, had to be and with the latest in insulated diving suits; planked. None of this was possible where she second was the blackness. Buried almost twenty now lay and the next phase of the salvage was to feet under the ooze the divers could work only by move her across the harbour. feel and then for no more than 15 minutes at a Vasa was slowly raised above the mud, time. The knowledge that 200 feet of warship suspended in her cradle. Weighing about 700 containing hundreds of tons of stone ballast was tons deadweight and as fragile as a thousand immediately above them could hardly have eggs she was to be treated gently but with great improved matters. The difficult task would have skill and care. The first move of 100 yards been impossible had it not been for the preceded a further 17 needed to transfer her the Zetterstrom jet, a powerful water device invented next 350 yards to shallow water inside the by Arne Zetterstrom which cut through the mud protected inlet of Kastellholmen.

Journal ol the Australian Naval Institute. Nov 85 — Page 31 Each of the latter moves was extremely short culminates in the present museum. But for the as the salvagers worked to ensure the great ship dedication of extraordinary men like Anders would arrive intact. In retrospect the initial move Franzen and the brave daring of Falling and his was too ambitious and entailed risks which divers, '' not to mention the army of salvage should not have been sustained. The modest experts, officials, workers, aides, seamen and aims of subsequent lifts reflect the danger to the enthusiasts, Vasa would still be lost on the entire operation which was by this time fully harbour bottom. History would indeed be the appreciated by officialdom and Neptune poorer. Salvaging Co alike, This story has no ending for the Vasa The eighteen-stage move shifted Vasa into restoration still continues today. She now rests in about 50 feet of water and the course of her a purpose built aluminium structure which journey was complicated and indirect. facilitates public viewing from galleries around Sometimes she slid backwards into the position her hull. Sweden intends to restore the between where she had been at the end of the previous lift decks further than has been feasible up until now and on others she refused to move at all. On and it may one day be possible to tread these occasions she sank so deeply into the mud that (now) 357 years old decks, and to imagine what she was as far from the surface as she had been life was like in 1628 when Vasa was in her before that move. Altogether, the operation was untried glory. For the present one must roam frustrating and difficult. It was necessary at times through the exhibitions and relics or spend hours to turn the ship completely round and tow her inside the building contemplating the impact this stern-first but despite all of these problems the grand old lady of the sea makes just by being dedicated work continued and she finally there. For the student of history, the romanticist, reached the objective. It was now clear that Vasa the naval expert or simply the curious, Vasa has could probably be brought to the surface more than enough to satisfy all. provided she was properly prepared. Underwater repair took all of the 1960 summer. Gun ports were sealed and damage Notes repaired as Vasa gradually became more 1 Vasa was a ship of the line, one of a series of the largest watertight in her temporary berth 9 fathoms vessels in the Swedish fleet Named Wasen' after one of down. On 24th April 1961 it was time for the final the symbols of the Swedish crown she is often referred to lift to the surface, an event which was the centre as kVasa but the Royal Swedish Academy and the Advisory of world-wide interest and attention. More Council for Swedish Terminology and Usage recommend the name Vasa, spelled with a V witnesses would see her emerge than had 2. Now the Grand Hotel at Skeppsbron in the area of watched her sink. They hydraulic winches Stockholm known as Old Town. strained and slowly, after 333 years in the deep, 3. This report is now located at the Swedish National Records the ancient warship broke the surface before Office in Stockholm Gustavus II had not witnessed the sinking because he was leading a military campaign against thousands of spectators and press, radio, and Poland, at the time. television media from all over the world. 4. The initial sample of black oak is preserved on display at Vasa could not be left exposed to the air so a the Vasa musuem. race against time now began. A vast quantity of 5 Falling received the Vasa medal from the king in 1959 His divers were awarded special other decorations for their mud had first to be pumped out of her as well as services. the battle against seawater pouring in from nearly 1500 leaks. The pumps prevailed. After being released from the two pontoons Oden and References Frigg which had supported her for so long, Vasa Raising the Vasa — Roy Saunders. made the last 100 yards to the appropriately The Warship Vasa — Anders Franzen Wasa — Swedish Museum guide named Beckholmen dock on her own keel. On Deep Diving and Marine Archaeology in Stockholm — this happy day she finally entered the dock with a Anders Franzen slight list to port and draught of 22 feet. After The Vasa Saga — B. Almqvist. more than three centuries Vasa was safe. The Swedish Warship Wasa — L Kvarning, B. Ohrelius. In some respects the discovery and salvage form only the first part of the operation for feverish activity now began to recover the treasures Vasa held inside her and also to protect the hull. Separate articles can be written about the fight for her physical preservation, the unique discoveries made by the archaeologists, her fantastic decoration, and life onboard. As these are outside the scope of this offering it is sufficient to recognise the achievement which

Page 32 — Nov '85, Journal ol the Australian Naval Institute r (Part 2 of this account of the ships 1788-89 Voyage will be published in the February issue) HMS SIRIUS VOYAGE TO THE GAPE OF GOOD HOPE 1788-89 PART 1 by Ray Jones

In 1788-89 HMS Sirius sailed from Port was in the future. Charts were published for profit Jackson to Table Bay at the Cape of Good Hope and quality varied widely; there was no accepted and back to Sydney, carrying food for the new chart standard. Royal Navy officers had to settlement at Sydney Cove. The voyage is purchase charts from civilian chart dealers in usually passed over in a sentence or two in London, so whatever charts Sirius (or any other general accounts of the settlement at Port ship) carried depended on choices made by her Jackson which stress the need for the provisions officers before leaving England. she carried, interesting maritime features of the Finding the position of a ship at sea to mark on voyage are ignored. these charts was sometimes an uncertain But Sirius' 1788-89 voyage has considerable business. The technique of finding latitude by maritime historical interest for two main reasons. observation of the sun was long established but Most important was the pioneering of the best methods of finding longitude were still being route for ships sailing from Port Jackson to developed. A procedure for observing the Europe. Before Sirius showed the way, masters angular distance between the moon and another of the few ships leaving Port Jackson bound for body (the lunar distance), then comparing this England were variously advised: to go west distance with that between the same bodies at across the Indian Ocean, or to go north around Greenwich, was developed in the 1760s. The New Guinea and through the East Indies (now Nautical Almanac, containing tables of predicted Indonesia) to Batavia (now Djakarta), or to cross lunar distances necessary to use this technique, the Pacific Ocean and round Cape Horn. There was first published for 1767. was insufficient knowledge of global weather This apparently promising lunar distance patterns to give definite advice. Captain John technique suffered from the fundamental Hunter showed in HMS Sirius that the fastest, drawback that predicting lunar position to the safest route was across the Pacific eastward at required accuracy was beyond astronomical high latitude, around Cape Horn, then join up knowledge of the day and results of a lunar with better known shipping routes in the Atlantic distance observation could be up to half a Ocean. degree in error. There arose the practice of An account of Sirius' voyage also illustrates taking sets of lunar distances over extended the problems typical of any voyage in that periods of time and using the average when remote, little-known region of the world. These establishing the position of a port for charting. As difficulties dominated the early growth of white an example, Sydney Cove's longitude was found settlement in Australia for several decades. by taking the mean of 312 lunar distances Scurvy, weather damage, the danger of measured on 15 days in March and April 1788 by shipwreck and navigational problems all played two officers.' This was not possible at sea but the their part in Sirius' story and were features more principle of multiple observations was often or less present in any voyage to or from Australia applied when an important position was being at that time. Above all was the uncertain quality found during a voyage As well as one officer of the charts and the problem of finding a ship's making several observations, all the qualified position at sea. officers on board would take a set of Maritime navigation at the end of the observations and the mean of all observed eighteenth century was no longer as haphazard positions was accepted. as it had been a century before but it was not yet a precise science. At least the general shape of the world's oceans was known although there The Author remained a lot of detailed charting to be done. Ray Jones served in a variety of aircrew and Staff The first Hydrographer of the Navy was not Postings in the RAN until he retired in 1983 to continue his education. He is presently studying at the appointed until 1795 and the formation of a University of Tasmania. recognised body of professional hydrographers

Journal of the Australian Naval institute. Nov 85 — Page 33 If Greenwich time was available in a ship, urgency because of the food situation in the comparison with local time found by observation colony. of the sun would give longitude from Greenwich The voyage was ordered by Captain Arthur and the longitude problem would be solved. Phillip, RN, as governor of the colony and as Considerable effort had been devoted to design Principal Captain of HMS Sirius, after the first and construction of a time-keeper which would crop planted in the colony failed to germinate. keep Greenwich time in a ship at sea and Seed grain held for the next season was planted time-keepers with acceptable reliability became immediately but food shortage approached and available in the mid-eighteenth century. Captain Captain John Hunter, RN, was ordered to take Cook established their use at sea when he was Sirius to the Cape of Good Hope for food. Before loud in praise of a prototype time-keeper taken the First Fleet left England, Hunter had been on his second voyage in the 1770s, but they did appointed as Second Captain of Sirius with not immediately become widely available. authority to act as Commanding Officer when Using time-keepers for finding longitude relied Phillip sent her away from the colony on (apart from being able to see the sun) not so occasions such as this. much on great accuracy as on consistency. It did Sirius had been built as the storeship Berwick not matter very much if the time keeper was and had been in reserve near London when the slightly slow or fast provided the rate of losing or Navy Board selected her as the vessel to lead gaming was constant and known, so allowance the First Fleet to New South Wales She for errors could be made when calculating commissioned on 25 October 1786 as a sixth longitude. If the rate changed during the voyage rate of about 550 tonnes (reports differ), and then longitudes found would be increasingly 40.2 metres long. wrong without the seafarer being aware of the After arriving in Sydney Cove in January 1788, error. Sirius had anchored as guard ship at the mouth of the cove and her crew were employed around Combined with the difficulties of position the settlement. Her carpenters had been in finding were those of chart accuracy and particular demand ashore and so had been completeness in remote regions. Cook had unable to carry out maintenance onboard. Some completed the discovery of all major lands in the caulking had been inexpertly done on her side Pacific and the Indian Ocean had been and decks but other ships husbandry had been reasonably well known for some time but postponed. Towards the end of September 1788 numerous islands remained to be found. The Sirius was prepared for her voyage to the Cape region immediately north and north-east of of Good Hope. Eight guns with carriages, shot Australia was particularly poorly known. and gunpowder, a spare anchor and other Compounding the navigational problem was the articles were landed to make room for the presence on charts of islands which existed only supplies she was to bring back. Hunter in the imagination of their 'discoverers'. Even reluctantly complied with Phillip's directive to land which had been discovered had not leave the ship's longboat behind for use in the necessarily been charted in detail. This was the colony. case for most of the east coast of Australia and Phillip's written orders to Hunter were issued of southern Van Diemens Land (i.e. Tasmania): on 30 September. Hunter records there had the latter had been visited by several explorers been a difference of opinion between them over but had not been thoroughly surveyed. Lack of whether Sirius should sail east or west to the time forced explorers to make running surveys Cape. The westerly route was a shorter distance during which inlets were not investigated (or and Phillip strongly recommended this route but always noticed). The confident-looking solid left the final decision to Hunter. This difference of lines on the resulting charts sometimes bore only opinion between the two senior naval officers slight resemblance to the real coastline. over the best route between Port Jackson and In this uncertain navigational environment, any the Cape of Good Hope illustrated the voyage from Port Jackson was inevitably a deficiences in knowledge of weather in the voyage of exploration regardless of any other Australian region. Lack of knowledge of winds purpose. In March 1788, HMS Supply had meant that any voyage from Port Jackson bound stumbled across Lord Howe Island while sailing for England lacked a recognised best route. between Port Jackson and Norfolk Island and There were three possible routes for a ship to discoveries of this kind were common around take to reach better-known waters in which Australia for some years. Similar accidental traditional routes could be followed to Europe. discoveries by Sinus would not have been These were later described by Hunter as the surprising under any circumstance but her northern, western and southern passages. voyage to Table Bay was marked by planning The northern passage went north from Port typical of an exploration voyage with special Jackson, north of New Guinea, then through the

Page 34 — Nov 85. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute East Indies to Batavia. Shipping routes from England had to select one of the three routes. Batavia across the Indian Ocean to the Cape of Four of them had left Port Jackson before Good Hope and on to Europe were well known. Sirius departed but news of their experiences on The considerable disadvantages of the northern the voyages could not have filtered back to route included vague knowledge of the islands Sydney when Sirius sailed. Two of them chose to north-east of Australia which were rumoured to sail together via the northern route to Batavia. be inhabited by fierce natives. Furthermore, the They encountered unfavourable weather and Dutch jealously guarded charts of their East scurvy ravaged the crews so badly as they made Indies in which winds were often unfavourably slow progress that one ship was scuttled and light and variable. The southern route went surviving personnel combined in the other. This across the Pacific Ocean, around Cape Horn desperate measure was barely sufficient and the then to the Cape of Good Hope or to Rio de single ship arrived at Batavia with only one crew Janeiro. Weather around Cape Horn was a member capable of going aloft. A team of sailors significant deterrent to using this route. The from ships in Batavia came onboard to bring her western route from Sydney, south around Van into harbour. Diemens Land then west across the Indian Two other ships elected to return to England Ocean to the Cape of Good Hope was the via Cape Horn. They crossed the Pacific at shortest and most direct route. This route medium latitudes and reached Rio de Janeiro appeared most attractive on paper because it with insufficient working sailors to bring the ships avoided poorly charted land for most of the way. into harbour unaided. Unfortunately it required a ship to battle the When Hunter was deciding which way to go to prevailing wind for nearly the whole way. A ship the Cape of Good Hope he considered earlier setting out on this route would be faced with a explorers' reports and remembered the westerly slow and uncomfortable voyage. winds experienced by the First Fleet in 1787. He The dilemma of choosing a route faced the decided the route to the west would be '. . . a transports and storeships of the First Fleet when long and tedious voyage . . .'' which, as far as he they dispersed from Sydney after their release knew, had not been attempted before. He from government service. Three bound for China undoubtedly took note of Cook's voyage from to load tea faced a similar dilemma but the New Zealand to Cape Horn across the Pacific general direction of their voyage was pre- mostly between 50 and 60 degrees South determined. The remaining ships returning to latitude in November and December 1774 as



HMS Sirius in Botany Bay — from an engraving from The Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay published 1789.

Journal ot the Australian Naval Institute. Nov 85 — Page 35 Marine Systems Helping

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Page 36 — Nov 85. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute an indication that, at the time ot year Sinus would passed south of New Zealand on 12 October and be voyaging, the east bound route was possible crossed 50° South latitude two days later. Next at high latitudes. He believed his voyage was far day she altered course to slightly south of east to too urgent to be trying experiments such as the take her to Cape Horn. The surgeon western route which had '. . . never yet been recommended special measures against scurvy attempted, not even by ships employed in that begin at this stage in the voyage and malt kind of service which leaves it in their power to essence was served to each man daily; this was make experiments (i.e. exploration ships) . . .' the only anti-scorbutic carried in the vessel. He intended to go south from Port Jackson then By the beginning of November, Sirius had south-east past New Zealand until he settled down to the long haul to the Horn. On the encountered the westerlies which, he expected, 1st she reached 55° South and passed 152° would carry Sirius quickly to Cape Horn. West longitude (or as Hunter recorded it, 208 Sirius unmoored on 1 October and sailed East). Hunter had chosen this track because it down the harbour to a lower anchorage just lay between the tracks of ships on Cook's inside the heads, ready to sail with the land expeditions and he hoped to find any islands in breeze next morning. She carried basic this unexplored region. Hunter commented on provisions for four months having left some of the large number of penguins around the ship; her victualling stores for use in the settlement. he assumed (incorrectly) that, since they laid Whei. she cleared Port Jackson on 2 October eggs on the land yet were so slow, land must be 1788 the wind was south-west and strong, nearby. with thick, hazy and dirty weather, ,.." Air temperatures continued decreasing, and As soon as the hull began working at sea, 1 C was often being recorded by mid-November. Sirius began leaking. The carpenter's report of In that month Sirius covered 3407 miles at an the leak caused Hunter considerable concern, average speed of 4.7 knots.' Icebergs were not only because of the long voyage ahead of being met by the end of November when she them through barely known waters, but because was still at 55 South; sometimes Sirius had to his sailors were not as healthy as they should alter course to avoid these '. .. ice islands. . ." have been when setting out on a long voyage. As they drew closer to Cape Horn. Hunter took The crew had been eating mostly salt provisions his track across an island called Diego Ramirez since leaving the Cape of Good Hope in marked on his chart about thirty miles from the November 1787 with the First Fleet. Garden Horn. At noon on 26 November he took a good Island in Port Jackson had been made available altitude of the sun (giving latitude). That morning to Sirius from February 1788 for growing he and Lieutenant Bradley had each taken a set vegetables, but the amount grown was not great. of lunar distances (giving longitude) which They had also eaten a few fresh fish caught in agreed to within a few miles. This position put Port Jackson but, overall, the sailors' diet had them very close to the marked island but land pre-disposed them to scurvy. Manning the was not in sight and Sirius turned towards Cape pumps regularly would place an extra demand Horn. on this already weakened crew. Hunter had no intention of searching further for Within a few days the leak was isolated to an Diego Ramirez because of the urgency of his area near the bow on the starboard side just voyage, not only for the settlement at Port below the water line. The cause was attributed to Jackson but, more immediately, for the health of an iron bolt '. . . being corroded by the copper his crew and the safety of his ship. As Hunter .. ,'5 allowing water to enter. On the port tack had feared when Sirius left Sydney early in Sirius made 13 to 15 centimetres an hour and October, inadequate fresh food for the crew in had to be pumped out every two hours to hold Sydney had predisposed them to scurvy which down the water level. Attempts to plug the leak at was now apparent and Sirius carried none of the sea failed. recognised treatments. Far from being surprised From Port Jackson Sirius ran south about 180 at scurvy breaking out within two months of miles off the coast seeking the westerlies. Hunter leaving a port he was surprised it had taken so was also looking for isolated islands similar to long to occur since they had now been over a Lord Howe Island which HMS Supply had year without adequate fresh food. discovered earlier in the year. None were seen. Adverse winds slowed progress after rounding By 9 October Sirius was east of the southern Cape Horn when speed became even more extremity of Van Diemens Land and altered important as Sirius' crew was reduced by scurvy. course to pass south of New Zealand. The For the first twelve days of December she temperature had dropped noticeably and averaged 64 miles per day (an average speed of additional clothing was issued to those in need of 2.7 knots). During this time Hunter was trying to it as Hunter intended to sail further south. The make headway to the north-east seeking south-easterly track was maintained while Sirius sunshine to ease scurvy symptoms but the wind,

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute. Nov 85 — Page 37 such as there was, was unseasonably north- Since rounding Cape Horn Sirius had been easterly ensuring very slow progress. continuously among icebergs. Hunter noted they The first death from scurvy occurred on 12 ranged in size from '.. . the size of a country December: the sailor concerned had a lung church. . .'" to three miles in circumference. He disease as well but Hunter attributed his death implies that, had the nights not been very short, primarily to scurvy. After 12 December the wind his ship would have been in danger at night. The increased in strength from the north-west or icefields thinned appreciably at 46 South on 18 south-west and Sirius made much better time December and the last ice was passed at 44" towards Table Bay. For twelve dys from 13 South on 20 December after twenty-eight days December she averaged 146 miles per day (6.1 among icebergs. knots) bowling along in gales of wind. Sirius crossed the Greenwich meridian on 25

The dilemma facing Hunter — to sail the shorter distance west against the wind or the longer distance east with following winds — is illustrated by this chart, an amended copy of one engraved by Faden and Jeffreys Geographer to the King and published in 1775.

Page 38 — Nov 85. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute December and repeated that day. Hunter's the copper sheathing. The bolt had dropped out journal, by then, records 28 of the crew as sick, completely just after the ship left Port Jackson some of them dying. The next death, from scurvy leaving a hole more than 2.5 centimetres in alone, occurred on 30 December. Sirius diameter which was now filled with a wooden continued towards Table Bay but there was now plug. Many other smaller holes, left by nails doubt over her position. On 31 December lunar originally securing the skirting board at the top of distances taken by Bradley and Hunter gave a the copper sheath but now entirely corroded, longitude of 17 07' East at noon but the time- were also plugged. The ship still leaked, but not keeper gave a longitude of 1810' East, while the as much as before. longitude of Table Bay was 18 25' East but land By January 1789 HMS Sirius had successfully was not in sight. The time keeper had developed sailed half way around the world to load an unknown error and was no longer trustworthy. provisions for the colony at Port Jackson and From astronomical observations, Hunter knew had proven the route across the Pacific was fast Sirius was in the latitude of Table Bay so he and safe, at least during the southern Summer. adopted the time-honoured procedure of running Now Hunter had to return to Sydney with the down the latitude for the rest of 31 December. food. The concluding part of this article will After nightfall, because land was close ahead describe the second part of the voyage. (judging from astronomical observations), Sirius stood out to sea until about midnight then turned towards land somewhere to the east. Another seaman died of scurvy during the night. At first Notes light, land was sighted and by afternoon Sirius 1 Captain John Hunter, Transactions at Port Jackson and was near the entrance of Table Bay where she Norfolk Island. John Stockdale London. 1793, Facsimile anchored for the night. edition, Adelaide. 1968, pp 87-88. 2. Eric G. Forbes, The Birth of Scientific Nuri/ttiiion. National The First Lieutenant was sent ashore to Maritime Museum, London, 1974, pp 11-13. ascertain the state of relations between England 3. op cit, Hunter, p93. and the Netherlands and confirmed they were 4 loc cit. again friendly. Had they been at war Sirius would 5. ibid. p94. 6 These distances are calculated between noon positions have been liable to detention because her crew recorded in Hunter s journal No allowance is made for was in no condition to sail anywhere else. She deviations from a straight line between the noon positions. now had only twelve men in each watch not 7 op cit, Hunter, p98 bedridden and half of these twelve were 8. ibid, p101. 9. The day's run figures assume the recorded noon positions incapable of going aloft because of muscular are correct. Mariners of the time often recorded three contractions caused by scurvy. Many of the sick longitudes: that from lunar distances, that from the time were close to death. Next day Sirius sailed up keeper and that from log and compass The three rarely Table Bay and anchored. The Governor agreed and different ones were entered in the log On the occasion referred to the recorded weather indicates poor indicated Hunter could have whatever was sailing conditions. needed and forty crewmembers were landed to the hospital. Sirius' voyage from Sydney was widely References—for Parts 1 and 2 regarded with for the short time taken. Beaglehole, J.C. The Exploration of the Pacific (3ed), A. & C. Black, London, 1975. She had taken 92 days to sail 9961 miles giving Brown, O.K. Its Rough Out There in Warship No. 30 of an average run of 108 miles per day and an April 1984. pp 90-1 average speed of 4.5 knots throughout. On some Collins. David The English Colony in New South Wales days with less favourable winds she had run vol. 1 Caddell & Davies, London, 1798 Fascimile edition, Libraries Board of South Australia, much less: the worst day's run was 9 miles on 21 Adelaide, 1971. October 1788.' But Sirius was no greyhound of Forbes. Eric G. The Birth ot Scientific Navigation, National the seas as her performance with the First Fleet Maritime Musuem, London, 1974. had shown; little HMS Supply had been selected Hunter John. Transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island. John Stockdale, London, 1793. Fascimile by Phillip as the faster vessel to take him to edition, Libraries Board of South Australia, Botany Bay ahead of the main part of the fleet. Adelaide, 1968 Sirius was not a notably fast ship, but he made Mackaness. George. The Life of Vice-Admiral William optimum use of good winds. Had she not Etligh R.N., F.R.S., Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1951. experienced unseasonable contrary winds when Ritchie, G S. The Admiralty Chart, Hollis and Carter, north-east of Cape Horn, an even faster journey London, 1967 would have been completed. Taylor, E.G.R Navigation in the Days of Captain Cook, In Table Bay, Sirius, was heeled over and the National Maritime Museum, London, 1974. Waters, D.W Science and the Techniques of Navigation troublesome leak near the bow, found and in the Renaissance. National Maritime Museum, plugged. The cause was confirmed as London. 1976. electrolytic corrosion between an iron bolt and

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Page 40 — Nov 85. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Now We Are SI . . . Well, Almost The Royal Australian Nursing Service (RANNS) Comes of Age by Lieutenant Commander E.J. Coles RAN

Naval nursing passes back into history some During those years the nursing service 200 years to the time when sailors took their underwent many significant changes; uniform women to sea to care for them, Less colourfully and rank titles, equal pay, terms of employment but equally important for RAN history is 2 and conditions of service, to mention just a few. November 1985, the 21st anniversary of the In 1971 the RAANS uniform saw a marked re-formed RANNS. change. The red cap badge was withdrawn, as Following lengthy discussion into the feasibility was the summer blue cotton cape, the naval of a nursing service, a decision was made in crown brooch worn with the working rig, the December 1963 by the then Minister for the epaulette replica on the winter cape, and beckets Navy, Senator John Gorton to re-introduce the from all uniforms. These were replaced by a gold RANNS. This followed a lapse of 16 years during cap badge; and shoulder boards and sleeve which the navy's nursing care was provided by a lacing as worn by the male officers but with loyal band of approximately 20 civilian nursing maroon distinction cloth. Collar bars of gilt metal, sisters spread from Manus island to Westernport reproducing in miniature the distinctive marks of Bay. So the RANNS was re-formed on 2 rank are now being replaced by soft rank insignia November 1964 and thus began another chapter shoulder boards. in the history of naval nursing. This chapter was In 1974 organdie veils were replaced by the to last 20 years and seven months when, on 7 paper veil except for 'special' occasions such as June 1985, the final words were written with the Admirals's inspection. A further step forward abolition of the designation 'RANNS' and a occured in 1984 with the complete withdrawal of re-title of 'Nursing Branch'. all veils.

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute. Nov '85 — Page 41 Rank titles have also undergone changes. The and PNGDF personnel working side by side with nursing officer of 1964 was afforded the following the RANNS officers to care for the people of rank equivalents: Manus Province. Sub Lieutenant — Sister The loss of these billets in the idyllic Admiralty Lieutenant Senior Sister Islands saw the last of long term overseas Lieutenant postings for nursing officers. However, Commander Superintending Operation Sea Surge was activated in July 1983 Sister as a three month exchange posting to the United Commander Matron Kingdom. Thus far two nursing officers have This nomenclature continued until December participated in this programme. This posting is 1979 when nursing officers relinquished the seen as an excellent public relations exercise for hospital terminology to assume male rank titles. the exchange of ideas and professional Needless to say the sailor was development within the Health Services. confused . . . . 'Don't know whether to call you 31 August 1984 was a highly significant Sir or Ma'am so I'll call you Sam'. milestone in our history when the first male Perhaps the most welcome breakthrough nursing officer joined the RAN. Presently both came on 1 October 1978 when all female officers male nursing officers are serving in HMAS were granted equal pay with their male Cerberus as a welcome addition to the Health counterparts. Another bastion broken down! Services team. Postings have varied with the billets being To the present.... November 1985 and the established and dis-established to fit manpower Australian Defence Force Academy has an RAN requirements. In January 1972 the nursing nursing officer as a member of the Tri-Service officer billet in HMAS Harman was dis- health team preparing for the influx of cadets in established following the change from sick 1986. quarters to sick bay. This was followed in May Now the final words in this chapter of RANNS 1974 when the ANZUK Medical Centre in history have been written. A signal was Singapore was closed thereby terminating an despatched on 7 June 1985 stating that: excellent 'rabbits' posting for a RANNS officer. The Naval Forces (Womens Services) HMAS Nirimba gained a nursing officer in 1977 Regulations have been repealed. . . . The following the retirement of a civilian nursing designation RANNS will be abolished. Former sister after 20 years of untiring support. members of the RANNS will become members Care for RAN personnel in HMAS Stir/ing of the Nursing Branch to be constituted by commenced in 1978 when the modern health CNS determination. Former officers of the facility opened its doors for business. This area WRANS and RANNS will use the designation is expanding significantly with the increasing RAN: presence of the Fleet in Western Australia. This new Nursing Branch will accommodate Regrettably, its neighbour at HMAS Leeuwin both male and female members, and the Chief of closed in December 1984 thereby ending a 20 Naval Staff's determination of 23 August 1982 year span of providing health care to junior will be revoked. Whilst current Nursing Branch recruits. and RANNS officers will continue to serve under In February 1978 the office of the Director their existing conditions of service, a set of General of Naval Health Services, including the conditions of appointment has to be agreed and Matron, RANNS. was transferred from confirmed for nursing officers entering the RAN Melbourne to Canberra. The title of Matron was after 7 June 1985. changed to Director Nursing Services Navy with As the nursing branch members assume wider a further change in 1984 to Director Nursing roles and responsibilities within the RAN our Services and Health Service Training, Navy. colleagues of 21 years ago can be assured that Across the hill at Russell the Joint Services the same high standard of professional care will Medical Centre (now Joint Services Health be carried forward for another 21 years .... and Centre) received its first RANNS officer in 1977 further. and the billet is now shared on a two-year Tri-Service rotation. The Author In June 1981 the first nursing officer attended Lietuentant Commander Liz Coles joined the the RAN Staff College. Now five nursing officers RANNS in 1975. Postings have included HMA Ships are proud bearers of 'psc'. Cerberus and Penguin and 12 months at Manus Island. She attended the Cumberland College ot Perhaps the most professionally rewarding Health Sciences in 1980 and this was followed by the posting ceased in December 1982 when the last RAN Staff Course 6 81 the next year. A two and one nursing officer left the Patrol Boat Base, half years posting as Staff Officer Projects to DGNHS Lombrum on Manus Island. This move ended an preceded her present posting as Officer-m-Charge of the Medical School in HMAS Cerberus 18 year association with the indigenous people

Page 42 — Nov 85. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute THE MARY ROSE


a resume of Margaret Rule's book by Peter Trick

It was ordered that at daybreak the galleys Jesus of Lubeck and Samson, were moored on should advance upon the British whilst at anchor either side of the Mary Rose and secured to her and, by firing at them with all fury, provoke them by strong cables. At low water the cables would into engagement and then retreating endeavour be hauled tight on the capstans and as the tide to draw them out of their hold towards the main rose the buoyant ships would ride with it, bringing battle. This order was executed with a great deal the Mary Rose off the bottom. In early August of intrepidity and the weather favoured our Viscount Lisle reported that the Venetian salvors attempt beyond our wishes for it was proven in had asked for six more days to drag the ship to the morning a perfect calm. Our galleys had all shallower water. Somehow the main mast had the advantages of working which we could been torn out of the mast-step in the keelson and desire to the great damage of the English who for silt had entered the vessel. Salvage attempts want of wind not being able to stir laid exposed to were abandoned and apart from minor recoveries our cannon and being so much higher and of cannon and guns the ship was soon forgotten. bulkier than our galleys hardly a shot missed It was a chance exposure in 1836 that Charles them while they, with the help of oars, shifted at Deane rediscovered the wreck using the latest in pleasure, and thereby avoided the danger of the diving apparatus with an open helmet. Whilst enemy's artillery. Fortune favoured our fleet in working on another wreck, the Royal George, he this manner for above an hour during which time, was invited by some local fishermen to among other damages the English received, the investigate an area where their lines frequently Mary Rose, one of their principal ships, was sunk tangled in some seabed obstruction. He found by our cannon and of 5 or 600 men which were on some timbers protruding from the seabed and to board only 5 and 30 escaped. his delight a large bronze gun (3.4m long). Later Immediately after the Mary Rose sank, naval that year he brought up three more guns reporting and military commanders were faced with two that he had found them resting on 'some wreck tasks; firstly to explain why she had sunk and completely buried in sand'. secondly to recover the hull as quickly as During the intervening four years Deane had possible. The first task was relatively easy and the recovered wrought iron breech-loading guns, eye-witness account of Sir Peter Carew and Lord cast muzzle-loading brass guns, yew long bows, Russell's letter to Sir William Paget, paved the pottery, cloth, several skulls and a variety of way to a general verdict of 'indiscipline & timber. He requested and received six mishandling', although Sir Walter Raleigh years unserviceable 13in bombshells to enable him to later, attributed the disaster mainly to a design blow a crater in the seabed to explore more of the fault and the fact that there was too little freeboard wreck and from this recovered further guns. between the lower gunport sills and the water. The second task was delegated to the The Search—1965-71 Venetians Peter de Andreas and Simon de In 1965 a team of well-trained and experienced Marine who received 40 marks for their efforts in divers, but none of them trained archaeologists, trying to recover the sunken ship from the seabed. were sent to discover and survey several well- Two empty ships each of 700 tons burthen, the documented historic wrecks in the Solent. Their

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute. Nov 85 — Page 43 inexperience made them cautious and very on site with determination of exposing the properly they limited their initial programme to heading and the angle of heel. On the starboard diving and recording what they saw. There were side a small section of frames and clinker no plans to excavate or to survey — just to look planking was identified as the sterncastle. and learn. Margaret Rule, eminent archaeologist The light overlapping planks and the frames was invited to join the team and was desperately and standards which supported them, were keen to see if it was possible to work underwater eroded and fragile and with limited funds it was and to record in a manner which would be agreed to back-fill the area with silt and leave for acceptable to conventional land archaeologists. further investigation. When the Mary Rose team of divers dived on Over the following years the painstaking work her they reported a mound of seaweed-festooned continued with encouragement and funding by wreckage 3m high and 60m long. Contemporary many associates and the enthusiastic support of accounts of the sinking suggested that the Mary the Patron HRH Prince Charles who in 1975 dived Rose lay in shallow water within sight and sound to inspect the wreck for the first time of Southsea Castle. The King (Henry VIII) had In 1978, a major trench across the hull from the heard cries of her drowning sailors and it seemed port to the starboard side at the bow was unlikely that even on a calm day they would have excavated. The starboard junction of the carried very much further than the edge of spit bowcastle and the bulwark rail were examined sound. In 1966 a chart of 1841 was found in the and it became clear that we had a coherent Hydrographers' department of the Royal Navy. structure with personal possessions and ship's The chart was annotated with a red cross to mark stores in situ exactly as they fell across the decks the spot where the Deanes had discovered the 433 years earlier. Mary Hose. With the purchase of a diving vessel Sleipner In 1967 a sonar trace was used over the site of the work accelerated, teams of divers exploring the Mary Rose. The profiler revealed a W-shaped the ever revealing wreck. The Sleipner had been anomaly beneath the surface of the seabed and used in Sweden on the recovery of the famous above the anomaly a slight mound. On the basis Wasa, and after being used as an anchor-laying of the evidence the Mary Rose Committee ship, sailed to Southampton to assist on the Mary obtained a lease to the seabed from the Crown Rose project. During the remaining 229 days of Estate Commissioners in order to protect the the 1979 season diving occurred on 146 days and sight from trespassers. 6858 dives were made from the decks of The aims too of the Committee were 'to find, Sleipner. During that time approximately 600 excavate, raise and preserve for all time the cubic metres of silt were removed from the site. remains of the Mary Rose as may be of historical Work concentrated on removing secondary post- or archaeological interest.' tudor silts from the bow, stern and along the starboard side of the ship. Contact at Last Later in the season as new divers joined the On a bright sunny day, 1 May 1971, one of the team, a video of methods of excavation and team of divers returned to the search vessel. techniques of survey used on the site was made. There's wreckage, including planking sticking up The video camera was probably the most from the mud', he muttered — the Mary Rose had important single piece of equipment loaned to the been found. Further dives were made and it was trust during excavation. The wide angle 85 reported large numbers of ends of timbers degrees lens registered 10-12 per cent better straight in a row each approximately 12in x 18in than the human eye and, in addition to being used and protruding only 2-3in from the seabed. To the as a briefing tool for new divers and left of them is timber planking.' archaeologists, it allowed essential recording of Were the timbers ribs of the main hull below the the ship's structure to continue as the excavation waterlme, or, as was wanted to believe, the proceeded. frames of the bowcastle? Was the line of planking inboard or outboard — was it a ceiling planking or Conservation outer hull planking? It would be weeks before the The majority of objects recovered from the divers understood what the timbers were — a Mary Rose are of wood or leather and right from Tudor Carrack. the beginning it was recognised that large As work progressed it became clear that the numbers of waterlogged organic objects would ability to excavate non-destructively underwater present a major problem for the conservators. It was limited by funds, resources and experience was decided to tackle the task in close alliance and it was decided to concentrate efforts on with Portsmouth City Museum where material clearing away the silts from the edges of each from Mary Rose had been conserved since 1971. timber to expose a 'fair face'. Various studies using polyethylene glycols were During 1972 it was planned to spend 68 days used on restoring wood and rope. Another team

Page 44 — Nov 85. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute Mary Rose — taken from the only contemporary painting in existence, known as the Anthony Anthony Roll, a list of the Kings Ships completed in 1546.

Impression of excavation in 1981. Grid of steel poles divides the site into 3m squares, while airlifts are removing silt. Hull of salvage vessel Sleipner visible top left. In reality this overview was never possible under water. (From a painting by John Adams printed in Rule's book The Mary Rose

Journal ol the Australian Naval Institute, Nov 85 — Page 45 THE EROSION PATTERN

1 After Ihe ship sank it lay on its Starboard side at 60' from the vertical and current-borne sill was deposited in the relatively calm water within the hull The abrasive action of the silt-laden current weakened the exposed hull by thinning the timbers, and scored a deep pit on the port side.

2.Continued abrasion caused the exposed hull to collapse, filling the scour pits. The now smoother flow continued to deposit silt within the remaining hull structure

3 By the late seventeenth or early eighteenth centurey a hard layer of shelly clay was deposited over the site, sealing the tudor levels Above this, a mobile modern bed was layed This was removed by scour action from time to time and the 1836 discovery and 1971 re-discovery probably resulted from these periodic temporary exposures (Based on text and diagrams presented in Rules book The Mary Rose.)

Page 46 — Nov 85. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute led by Chris O'Shea tackled the task of complete the removal of the final deposits in conserving wood, bronze, leather ceramics, the hold and on the orlop deck and also to textiles, lead and pewter. complete the survey of the structure. The wrought and cast iron guns from the Mary • Phase 3 — installation of lifting equipment by Rose have all been stabilized by heating them in positioning an underwater lifting frame above an atmosphere of hydrogen and converting the the wreck in a pre-determined location. oxidised iron to metallic iron during a reduction • Phase 4 — tunnelling beneath the hull at nine process. Although this process has been points to pass man-made fibre strops beneath criticised it has proved to be the only reliable the hull and bringing them up to hydraulic method of preserving wrought iron from the site. tensioners on the underwater lifting frame. Early experiments to conserve waterlogged • Phase 5 — internal bracing: the selection of wooden objects using the acetone rosin process positions for pads for the steel girders and the gave variable results and since 1979 most objects installation of the steel bracers. have been treated by freeze-drying after soaking • Phase 6 - - lifting to cradle: to lift the in a tank of polyethylene glycol to bulk the cells of underwater lifting frame with the hull wood. suspended beneath by nine strops using a ship-borne crane, to be followed immediately Into The '80s by placing the Mary Rose, still suspended from By the end of 1981 the excavation was almost the underwater lifting frame, on a prefabricated complete. The ship lay revealed beneath a 3inch steel cradle on the seabed with water bags grid of steel poles and two separate steel between the hull and the cradle to provide a manifolds carried low pressure air to take off comfortable mattress. points on the port and starboard side of the wreck • Phase 7 — the lift into air: the final lift of the to power a system of sixteen airlifts. The cradle and the underwater lifting frame with the archaeologists still had a formidable task to Mary Rose suspended and supported record and dismantle the brick-built galley and between the two onto a pontoon using a crane, remove all ballast and stores from within the hold and then the tow ashore to the Royal Naval amidships, but this work was completed during base in Portsmouth Dockyard. May and June 1982 by a specially invited team of When the structure was eventually brought to volunteers working day and night shifts. shore the ship had been placed in a wet dock. I On a visit to the US in January '81 Margaret was rather disappointed in 1983 seeing the Rule met the only person who had heard of the remains of the Mary Rose, a pile of broken Mary Rose — a taxi who had seen an timbers continually being sprayed by water in her advert for Damart thermal underwear and he steel cradle — next to the majestic HMS Victory. recognised her as the "Thermal Underwear After seeing the whole hull of Wasa in Sweden I Lady". realised what an endless task the Trust have with (Shamedly the first knowledge I had of Mary the Mary Rose. Rose was on a visit to Southsea Castle in 1982 In years to come it is proposed to reinstate the when the ranger there introduced me to the Mary decks, cabins, and companion ways that have been removed so laboriously underwater. It will Rose exhibition area, I thought perhaps she was a be necessary to keep the ship wet to prevent local filmstar, but after seeing the marvellous collection of artefacts, photos and video micro-biological decay and initially this will be done by mist-spraying and chilled water. screening, my enthusiasm in the Mary Rose story A plan for the Tudor Ship museum close to the was born. P.T.) beach at Eastney, Portsmouth has been Recovery proposed. The centre point of the museum will be the shiphall, but great care will have been taken to The final recovery of Mary Rose was broken up link the exhibition galleries with views of the hull into various phases. and the museum. This museum too will contain • Phase 1 —preparation: the removal of the lecture theatres, a cinema, conservation back-fill of silts which had accumulated inside laboratories and study facilities for visiting the ship over the winter months and the scholars to take in the historic and majectic Mary removal of sandbags and terram sheeting Rose that will live again after its death in 1545. which had been placed over the decks to limit References: colonisation by fish and other marine life; the The Mary Rose by Margaret Rule excavation of four post pits was necessary so ISBN 085 1772552. that the legs of the underwater lifting frame Any readers interested in joining the Mary Rose Society could be correctly positioned in the seabed contact: • Phase 2 — an archaeological programme of Peter TRICK, survey and excavation was needed to 12 Greenvale St., Fisher, A.C.T.

Journal ol the Australian Naval Institute. Nov 85 — Page 47 CHANTIERS DUBIGEON (Australia) Pty. Ltd. 50 MARGARET STREET, SYDNEY 2001 Phone (02) 295121 Telex AA 22532

Shipbuilding Division of ALSTHOM ATLANTIQUE

Page 48 — Nov 85. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute WASHINGTON NOTES

by Tom Fnedmann

'America bashing' has become a popular sport regarding the munitions on board the Buchanan. in many foreign countries. Thus, when the New New Zealand refused to admit the ship into its Zealand Labor Party fought its 1984 general territorial waters. election campaign in part on a platform calling for Sir Wallace Rowling, New Zealand's new legislation banning nuclear armed and nuclear to the United States, contests this powered ('nuclear') ships from New Zealand interpretation of the events surrounding the (read 'American ships') ports and calling for the Buchanan's proposed visit. The ambassador 'denuclearization' of the ANZUS alliance through emphasizes that New Zealand did not challenge the re-negotiation of the ANZUS treaty, America's non-confirmation policy. Rather, the Americans took little note of the situation. History New Zealand government has elected to decide if had shown that, once elected, governments in a ship is capable of carrying nuclear armament on countries allied to America usually evaded or a ship-by-ship basis. For example, it is assumed repudiated party platforms that opposed the that if a ship is sufficiently sophisticated to be United States as being in the best interests of their nuclear powered, it will also be nuclear armed and own countries. will thus not be permitted in New Zealand waters. The Labor Party won the New Zealand Separate determinations will be made regarding elections on July 14, 1984. But contrary to conventionally powered ships. precedent, the newly-designated prime minister, The position of New Zealand should not have David Lange, immediately announced he would been a surprise, according to Sir Wallace, who adhere to his party's nuclear platform. This brings to his new position the added insight of a position was seen by the American government former prime minister. Both National and Labor as a direct threat to its policy of refusing to confirm Party governments from 1969-1976 refused to or deny the presence of nuclear weapons aboard permit nuclear powered vessels in New Zealand its ships. waters. This was not a military policy question but For six months the United States engaged in rather stemmed from New Zealand's concern intensive negotiations with the Lange about idemnification in the event of a nuclear government seeking a way out of an impasse accident. As the situation developed, however, by which threatened the existence of one of the time the idemnity question was settled the America's most solid alliances, the ANZUS Pact. issue had evolved into the question of admitting Frustrated by a lack of diplomatic progress, the nuclear weapons to New Zealand. Reagan administration sought to join the issue on Washington reacted swiftly and forcefully to January 21, 1985, by routinely requesting what it views as one of the most serious docking privileges in New Zealand for the challenges it has ever faced in the alliance conventionally powered guided missile destroyer Upcoming ANZUS exercises were cancelled as USS Buchanan during planned ANZUS was the annual meeting of ANZUS foreign exercises. Standing by its nuclear non- ministers, the most important date on the confirmation policy, the American government calendar of the Australian and New Zealand refused to respond to New Zealand's inquiries foreign ministers. New Zealand officers will

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute. Nov '85 — Page 49 probably not be replaced on a one-for-one basis speak as democracies for democracy to Third as they leave US training schools. Military World nations with power and influence that our cooperation is at a standstill or has been overwhelming size prohibits; they have supported cancelled outright. Intelligence flowing to New our geo-political goals in the South Pacific; sent Zealand under the provisions of the 1947 UKUSA participants to the Multinational Force in the Sinai; Intelligence Agreement has been stemmed and backed us in the United Nations on many the entire agreement placed under review. contentious issues, including Israel; and helped ANZUS, as a trilateral pact, is in abeyance and contain communism in Malaya and continue to New Zealand is no longer considered as an ally maintain a presence there. but rather as a 'friend' But two points supersede all the others. First, But most vexing — and most hurtful — is that the forces of Australia and New Zealand have New Zealand is seen to have breached the fought and died with those of the United States in unwritten policy of the United States government every war America has engaged in during this that placed our relations with the United Kingdom century. They were in Vietnam when our other and the old dominions of Canada, Australia, and allies were only good for heaping scorn upon the New Zealand on a plane surpassed by no other United States. Second, ANZUS is an alliance of countries. Only these countries are cleared to see truly free people with whom it was an honor for the 'top secret' information in military categories United States to join. It is not a situation of an called 'Combined Military Operations, Planning alliance with a government which was and Readiness1, 'US Order of Battle1, and 'Military 'democratic' solely by the determination of a given Intelligence'. President of the United States in order to reach a particular foreign policy goal as has so often been This unique alliance — this family — provided the case. the leverage for Prime Minister Clement Atlee to intercede with President Harry S. Truman during The United States is confronted with a tough the Korean War to help prevent the use of atomic predicament. Any action against the New weapons. Only Australia's capital and an Zealand government will bring us into conflict with Australian prime minister have lent their names to a people who are — and remain — closely ships of our navy. American support of the United attached to the government and people of the Kingdom during the Falklands War — despite the United States. Statements by the Reagan correctness of the cause — came at a great cost administration trying to separate our actions to us in international opinion in Latin America. A against the New Zealand government and its Canadian diplomat, when accepting thanks for people are as futile as similar attempts that were his country's assistance to Americans during the made regarding the United States during Iran hostage crisis, reflected that his was a small Vietnam. The government of a democracy country with a small diplomatic service to which represents the people who freely placed it in the United States gave frequent assistance. What office. The people of New Zealand freely elected Canada did, he said, was only a small repayment their government knowing what its position on for the help the United States had given Canada. nuclear armaments would be. Regarding ANZUS in particular, the Treaty is The situation is further aggravated by coming at an easy one for all of the parties to live with. a time when communist adventurism in the South Instead of committing the principals to combat if Pacific, following the flag of a vastly expanded the other was attacked, it calls for collaboration in Soviet Pacific Fleet, appears to be increasing developing the collective security of the powers to while the primary alliance we depend upon to help resist within the constitutional framework of each us in that area is crumbling. Despite Prime participant. The cost of ANZUS for the United Minister Lange's warning to the Russians to stand States is rather cheap. The nuclear umbrella clear of the dispute between our two countries, spread over the antipodes would have probably Soviet propagandists are nevertheless exploiting been extended whatever the case. Indeed, New the problem to the fullest. Zealand argues that ANZUS is not and never has Finally, the American government is concerned been a nuclear alliance and thus American how certain political groups in countries like nuclear protection is neither needed nor wanted. Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom, Greece, On the other hand, such protection has only Denmark, and Spain perceive our responses to recently been rejected. New Zealand's actions. Australia and New Zealand have never asked One should, however, hesitate before for nor received American aid under the Treaty. concluding that any actions taken in regard to ANZAC forces patrol reaches of the southern New Zealand will apply in all cases. Australia has Pacific that America's post-Vietnam Pacific Fleet a large and vocal left-wing within the ruling Labor would be prohibitively stretched to cover; they Party which forced Prime Minister Hawke to back

Page 50 — Nov 85. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute out of a previous commitment to permit MX America's position as the West's leading missile testing in the Tasman Sea earlier this nuclear power has not been an easy one for this year, an abrogation, Ambassador Rowling notes, country. Those who think like Mr Lange should be that passed virtually without comment by the reminded that nuclear weapons were used United States. Important American intelligence against Japan in order to save New Zealand and tacilities in Australia already appear to have Australian lives as well as American lives. A helped bring about a different response to a sampling of editorial opinions from American nuclear weapons question with our other ANZUS newspapers on August 7, 1945, makes it clear ally. that the horror and promise of nuclear power have A nuclear exclusion from the United Kingdom been tandem problems for Americans from the may be determined less onerous than losing the beginning. Perhaps America, whose government services of the Royal Navy in the defence of the is responsive to the pressures of public opinion on North Atlantic. Access to facilities in Belgium the question of nuclear armaments, is tired of might be considered more important than giving a being considered more dangerous than nations 'no nukes pledge. Unfortunately for New like the Soviet Union who rattle sabres and Zealand, similar direct military relationships are threaten world peace, free of similar pressures. minimal in number and importance. It took a century and a half for the United States There are indications that the citizens of New to set aside the admonition of its first President, Zealand and their government are beginning to George Washington, to 'steer clear of permanent grasp the full ramifications of the breach with the alliances'. There are those in the United States United States. The recent loss of a local election who now question whether or not our allies are in Timaru, which had been a Labor stronghold for maintaining their share of joint defence burdens. 58 years, may have been due in part to the It further appears that certain governments, like importance New Zealanders attach to their New Zealand's, ignore the meaning of 'alliance'. relationship with the United States. Indeed, polls While these governments do not perceive a show support for ANZUS has risen from 61% to nuclear threat to themselves, their ally, the United 71% in the last year. States, is threatened, and must face that threat Recent reports show some new flexibility by along with any conventional challenge. The Prime Minister Lange who no longer rules out in United States needs to know now, in peacetime, advance, visits by ships that are 'nuclear capable' who it can rely upon and who will rely upon it in but only those deemed to be carrying nuclear times of crisis. weapons. The eventual solution, however, may The United States cannot maintain two navies, be a form of 'nuclear courtesy' of the type now one to call at ports that permit American nuclear practiced between the United States and Norway. ships and one to call at ports that do not permit The Norwegians forbid nuclear weapons and such calls. Countries ready to take our nuclear ships in their territory. They state their position weapons during wartime may have to commit and expect their allies to adhere to it. No specific themselves to accept them in peacetime. The action or judgment is taken in regard to the United States should not bear the burden of armament of a specific aircraft or ship. No nuclear weapons deployment by itself. challenge is thus made to the American 'non- There is a growing perception that many of our confirmation' policy. The Royal Norwegian 'allies' are not allies and that many of our alliances Government does not take an affirmative position lack the basic requirement of mutuality of interest. in each individual case but relies on the discretion Allies must work together in peace to deter war, of its allies. work that is infinitely more difficult yet infinitely American officials are hesitant to discuss what more desirable than having to work together in further steps against New Zealand are war to secure peace. contemplated if Prime Minister Lange follows Winston Churchill once said to beware of the through with his party's pledge to enact the American eagle. It can be pushed and prodded nuclear ban into law. Agricultural preferences, and make no move. But it would be wrong, supported by various administrations as a cost of Churchill continued, to believe that the eagle did alliance, can now be considered dead. American not feel the jabs nor understand the reasons dairy surpluses could be used to drown New behind them. New Zealand may be the one that Zealand's economy in milk but it is not in finally prodded the eagle once too often. America's best interests to do so because other nations still allied with us are dependent upon dairy exports. Agressive enforcement of GATT may be mandated by Congress despite the administration's desire to separate trade and defense issues.

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute. Nov 85 — Page 51 CONTACT 12 B 005 DEO R 13.9 KYD C 140 DEO S 16 KM



B 079 DEG " 16.2 KYD

for Submarin JAMES CRAIG


Moored at Birkenhead Point in what was once century of Australia's existence. It was only the the old industrial harbourside of Sydney is the expertise of seafarers and the speed and safety historic fleet of the Sydney Maritime Museum. of their ships which made the settlement and Sydney Maritime Museum began twenty years expansion of our young country possible. The ago and since then has been a 'leader in the Museum is restoring the James Craig to sailing effort to preserve our seafaring past for future condition as a permanent reminder to us of those generations. The Museum has a superb days. collection of maritime artefacts, models, The James Craig was a deep sea cargo artworks, photographs, and small boats as well vessel like hundreds of others; her original name as Australia's largest collection of historic ships. was Clan MacLeod. She was a sturdy little Sydneysiders who travel across Iron Cove vessel and rounded Cape Horn 23 times in her Bridge will be familiar with Lady Hopetoun, first 26 years. Her first visit to Australia was in Waratah and John Oxley. A recent addition to the 1879 when she delivered general cargo to fleet is famous wartime raider M.V. Krait. Brisbane. In 1900 she was sold to J.J. Craig of Although the property of the Australian War Auckland and 5 years later came the name Memorial, the Krait has been entrusted to the change. Like all vessels, James Craig was care of Sydney Maritime Museum. named for a member of the owner's family. By 1911 steamers had overtaken sail for economy The Museum's biggest project is the and speed and James Craig went the way of restoration of the 1874 square rigger James many other beautiful windjammers. She was cut Craig. The era of sail spanned the first vital down for a copra hulk.

ST. Waratah (left) and M.V. Krait Photo: courtesy Sydney Maritime Museum

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute. Nov 85 — Page 53 She spent World War 1 in Port Morseby, but ship for Sydney, Sydney Maritime Museum with the end of the war she met unexpected good found the James Craig in 1971 and began to fortune. Heavy losses to shipping meant new life salvage her. The technical problems for previously discarded ships, and the James encountered were massive, and it was not until Craig was bought by Henry Jones & CO. and 1981 that the vessel was towed to Sydney towed to Sydney where she was re-rigged and Harbour. She now lies at Rozelle Bay; and the refitted at Morts Dock Balmain. She went back final stages of her restoration are underway. To into the Trans-Tasman trade, but she was after repair and rebuild the hull the James Craig will all nearly fifty years old and it wasn't long before go up onto a huge pontoon dock The ship on the age caught up with her. dock will provide a tremendous spectacle for Her last voyage was a poignant one. The crew visitors, and there will also be an exhibition area were friendly and the food was good. The men and audio-visual to further explain the ship. The who served on her all commented on her as a James Craig has received $1.5 million as a ship that they felt was special. When she failed to Bicentennial grant. The total cost of the project pass survey her Captain and crew felt real however, is $7 million. When complete, the regret. With every sail set she was watched by James Craig will be displayed in Darling Harbour hundreds of people in the Hobart Domain as she as part of the Sydney Seaport fleet. made this last journey in the 1920s (last that is It is a big challenge, but a worthwhile one. By until her move for restoration almost 60 years later). She was again hulked and left to rot in 1988 Sydney will have a permanent reminder of lonely Recherche Bay in southwest Tasmania. those days when it was wind alone that Realising the importance of restoring a sailing connected us to the rest of the world.

James Craig (left) in New Harbour in the 1890s Photo: courtesy Sydney Maritime Museum

Page 54 — Nov '85. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute JOHN BASTOCK SAILOR AND ARTIST

by Alan Zammit

When one enters the wardroom of the FFG night on a moonlit sea, with all lights ablaze. The HMAS Adelaide, the first object to catch one's art board paintings were sold to his shipmates for eye is a fine painting of the cruiser Adelaide in about 2/6d (25c) and those on velvet for about 1944 in her wartime camouflage. Similarly, the 5/- (50c). John's supreme effort during this wardroom of FFG Sydney displays a striking period was a large painting of the ship on picture of HMAS Sydney, famous vanquisher of canvas, suitably framed, and signed by the the German raider Emden in World War I. Our Captain (Captain Massey, RN) and his senior new Canberra also has an outstanding painting officers. The picture was raffled amongst the of the 10 000 ton County Class cruiser Canberra Ship's Company and netted John about 15 in her pre-war paint. All these paintings were pounds ($30.00) profit. The asking price for a done by John Bastock and presented by him as similar painting today would be in the $700-800 gifts to each of the new FFGs. range! A ship painting sometimes takes weeks of John has drawn and painted ships and marine research and concentrated work to complete, subjects since his schooldays. Having joined the which is what makes it so valuable. RAN as a boy, he was trained in HMAS Tingira, John qualified at Cerberus as a torpedo- and later served in some of the well-known ships gunner's mate (his was the first class of TGMs of the earlier RAN. undertaken at Cerberus as previously this His first years at sea were too crowded with course, for the highest torpedo rating attainable activity to devote any time to painting. These on the lower deck, involved a posting to the UK). included service in HMAS Brisbane on the China Following further service at sea, John sustained Station and in HMAS Melbourne in the an affliction which culminated in blindness in one Mediterranean. Amongst the young officers eye and he was discharged from the Service as serving in Melbourne during her Mediterranean below the required physical standard. commission were several whose names were to Fortunately, over the years the condition partly make history in the annals of the RAN. These improved to such an extent that he was able to included Lieutenant (later Vice Admiral Sir John) resume painting. Collins, the ship's gunnery officer; Lieutenant Since then he has painted many subjects and (later Captain) Dechaineux, who, as Captain of has executed hundreds of drawings, diagrams HMAS Australia lost his life when his ship was and paintings of ships and written and illustrated attacked by a Japanese kamikaze aircraft at many articles on both ships and maritime Leyte Gulf on 21 October 1944; Midshipman subjects. His book Australia's Ships of War (now (later Lt. Commander) R.W. Rankin who went out of print but hopefully to be revised and down while in command of HMAS Yarra as that updated in the near future) is well known as a ship fought valiantly against overwhelming work of naval reference. Signed editions have Japanese odds, south of Java on 4 March 1942; and Midshipman (later Rear Admiral) G.G.O. Gatacre — first Captain of HMAS Me/bourne. The Author Having served the final commission in HMAS Sydney John, with most of the old Ship's Alan Zammit served in the canteen staff of the Company sailed in SS Be/tana to commission Australia and Sydney between 1945 and 1955 and is a committeeman of the HMAS Australia Veterans HMAS Canberra at Clydebank, Scotland. On the Association. He has written naval historical articles for ship's voyage to Australia, via the Cape of Good many publications including newspapers and Navy Hope, John found time in the dog-watches to News, Naval Historical Review, Reveille, White Ensign take up painting again. He completed many and Chopsticks the Journal of the Korean and South East Asia Forces Association. pictures of the Canberra, some on art board, others on black velvet, depicting the vessel at

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute, Nov 85 — Page 55 Page 56 — Nov '85, Journal of the Australian Naval Institute become a much-sought-after collector's item, ideal angle from which they should be seen, and and copies, when available, fetch a high price. so he likes his ships in this ideal position, really He is a recognised authority on the Sail Steam looking as though they are having their portraits era, and in this regard he has in publication a painted! new book, packed with the results of his All these points — all his striving for accuracy, research on the period and is based not only upon study and research, but illustrated with photographs, drawings, diagrams most importantly, upon the knowledge and and a series of his paintings of the flagships actual experience gained in years of service at involved. The book when published will become sea. a valuable reference work on a period of As well as being an outstanding naval artist Australia's naval history of which little authentic and writer, John Bastock's collection of naval information has ever been published. photographs is of international significance. This John laments the fact that many locally collection was obtained the hard way, by over 60 produced books contain misnamed photographs years of taking photographs himself, and of ships on the Australia Station. His new book exchanging them with naval photograph will include a correctly named picture of every collectors throughout the world. Hardly a week vessel which served on the station — the results goes by without John being asked to iden"" or of study and research extending over a quarter date a ship photograph, or give some %-. ice of a century. about the vessel concerned The keynote of John's work is correctness of I first met John when he came on board the detail — perspective must be spot-on, funnels Australia in 1946 to do some research for an and masts must have just the correct angle, guns article he was writing for a magazine. I was must look as though they will not collapse when amazed then at his knowledge of the vessel, and fired, seaboats must be turned out, properly I doubt whether there is anyone who is more griped, ready to lower, correct pattern anchors knowledgeable on ships of the RAN and British are to be carried, bollards, fairleads and a host of Commonwealth navies than John Bastock. In a other such details must be included, and the way, he is as expert in drawing and painting details must be correct for the period depicted. naval subjects as Norman Lindsay was in John believes that ships, like people, have an painting nudes!

Presentation to FFG HMAS Sydney's first CO, CMDR P Kable in the ship's Wardroom May 1984. Shown, left to right, LCDR O Kelly, John Bastock, LEUT S Woolrych, SBLT C Scott, LCDR P DeGraff and CMDR R Kable. Photograph courtesy Command Photographic Centre Sydney

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Page 58 — Nov 85. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute SOLDIER SAILORS - SAILOR SOLDIERS


by Lieutenant JH Straczek RAN

Since the arrival of the first white settlers in Hobart and Launceston. No formalised naval Australia the responsibility for the defence of the forces were envisaged by Sir W. Jervois as the colonies was vested in the Royal Navy. The overall scope of the proposed scheme was that British troops stationed in Australia were there the defences of Hobart and Launceston were to primarily to provide for the internal security of the be sufficient to defend these towns against new colony. This situation remained virtually attacks by unarmoured cruisers or privateers. unchanged until the outbreak of the Crimean The scheme basically consisted of a series of War when troops were withdrawn and sent gun batteries and fortifications with mines laid in elsewhere. Shortly after this, further troops were the Tamar and Derwent rivers. Although the withdrawn and sent to New Zealand. These Jervois recommendations had been accepted, events, coupled with the general reduction in the no action had been taken in the area of torpedo number of British troops in Australia and the defences by the time the Royal Commission into apparent weakness of the Royal Navy in the Local Forces of Tasmania presented its Australian waters, caused a general feeling of report on 15 September 1882. In their report the insecurity amongst the colonists. As a Commissioners recommended the consequence of this the colonies began to establishment of an engineer unit to operate the assume a greater responsibility for their defence. torpedo defences as well as supporting Colonel In the main this was done through the P. Scratchley's suggestion that a Second Class establishing of military units, both regular and Torpedo Boat be purchased to assist in militia, as well as the construction of fortifications defending Hobart. The recommendations of this to defend the approaches of ports and harbours. report were accepted and a 53 man Engineer Most of the colonies also established and Corps was established at Hobart. The maintained their own naval forces to assist in the Tasmanian defence Budget for 1883 also defending of their ports and harbours. The included an initial amount of £150 for a Second colonies which did not establish naval forces Class Torpedo Boat and E202.1.0 for the were Tasmania and Western Australia. Each of purchase, and conversion to a powder hulk, of these colonies did however have, as a part of the yacht Enchantress. By December 1883 the their Defence Forces, a unit which had a naval newly formed Corps was in a position to carry out character about it. These units were the its first mining exercise. On the morning of 25 Tasmanian Torpedo Corps' and the Fremantle Naval Artillery. Both units had what at best could The Author be described as unimpressive histories; Lieutenant Joe Straczek joined the RAN in 1971 as a however, they do form part of our naval and Junior Recruit and commissioned as a Midshipman military heritage and as such their stories should SLSU in 1977. His postings have taken him along the be told. eastern seaboard from Lonsdale to Cairns and included a short period even further north in Port Tasmanian Torpedo Corps Morseby Presently he is serving in HMAS Waterhen. The origins of the Tasmanian Torpedo Corps One of his major interests is maritime history and he holds the office of Treasurer of the Naval Historical can be traced back to 1878 when Sir W. Jervois Society. put forward his proposals for the defences of

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute, Nov 85 — Page 59 December the Torpedo Corps mustered with out and picking up mines. As a result of this, their mines and awaited the arrival of the Captain E.M.T. Boddam, Commandant steamer Pinafore, which had been chartered to Tasmanian Engineers, recommended that the transport the mines and the soldiers to where the steamer Pearl be purchased and converted to a mines were to be laid. Once the steamer arrived mining vessel. These recommendations were the Torpedo Corps prepared to embark with their not implemented; however the Pearl was mines. Unfortunately, when the master of the regularly chartered for mine-laying exercises. Pinafore realised what his cargo was he On 1 May 1884 the Second Class Torpedo immediately slipped and sailed leaving the Boat ordered from Thornycroft's of Chiswick soldiers and the mines behind on the wharf. The arrived. After being off-loaded from the services of the paddle steamer Kangaroo were merchantship Abington the boat was towed to eventually obtained and this enabled the the shipyards of John Lucas at Battery Point, exercise to continue. The Kangaroo however, where her machinery and propeller were fitted. proved to be totally unsuited for the role of laying Some minor repairs were also carried out at this


Photograph courtesy author TB191 TECHNICAL DETAILS Class: Second Class Torpedo Boat Speed: 17.21k max; 8k economical Builder: Messrs Thornycroft and Co. Armament Originally carried one Church Wharf Chiswick spare torpedo. Yard No: 191 Replaced in 1887 with Launched: 1883 dropping gear for 14 Completed: 1884 inch Whitehead Length: 63 feet torpedos (one on each Beam: 7 feet 6 inches side) and one 1 inch two Draught: 3 feet aft; 1 foot fwd barrel Nordenfelt Displacement: 12 tons machine gun. Horsepower: 150 HP at full speed Cost: £4524

Page 60 — Nov '85, Journal of the Australian Naval Institute time. Once this work was completed TB 191 (she Commonwealth Naval Forces, was transferred was never named but carried her builder's to South Australia. number throughout her career) ran her first trials. Fremantle Naval Artillery These trials were conducted under the Western Australia was the only colony which supervision of two engineering officers from did not operate warships of its own as part of its HMS Nelson. On completion of the trials both defence forces. The main reasons for this were officers expressed their satisfaction with the the cost of establishing and maintaining naval vessel and her performance. forces and the fact that Western Australia was Whilst TB 191 was being readied for service not a self-governing colony, and as such the the Torpedo Corps continued to carry out Colonial Naval Defence Act of 1865 was not minelaying exercises and drills. In November applicable to her. By the time Western Australia 1884 the Torpedo Corps, using the steamer did become a self-governing colony, the Pearl laid an exercise mine field of some 16 government had ratified the Naval Agreement of electro-contact mines. Some of these mines 1887 and was paying a contribution towards the were later exploded and the remainder were cost of maintaining the Australian Auxiliary recovered in January 1885. Once TB 191 joined Squadron and could not afford the additional the Torpedo Corps she proved to be a most costs of naval forces. valuable asset to the Tasmanian Defence The establishment of military forces was a Forces. So much so, that Colonel W.V. Legge, different matter as almost any colony could raise Commandant of the Tasmanian Defence Forces, their own military forces. In Western Australia the recommended that a second vessel be ordered establishment of military forces was governed by and specialist personnel be enlisted to maintain the Western Australian Volunteer Force and operate the boats. Neither of these Ordinances of 1861. These ordinances laid recommendations was implemented. During down the method and general rules by which 1885 a Nordenfelt Machine Gun and Whitehead volunteer units could be raised and governed. torpedo equipment were ordered for the boat. Two of the more interesting sections of this act 1886 saw a reorganisation of the Tasmanian allowed for units to elect their own officers and Defence Forces and an increase in the make their own rules and regulations for use authorised establishment of the Torpedo Corps when not on active service. to 75. New uniform regulations were gazetted on Under the Volunteer Ordinances the formation 23 February 1886 and the Corps paraded in of a Volunteer Unit was not recognised until the these uniforms for the first time on 9 December Western Australian Military Council was satisfied 1886. that a sufficient number of personnel were The Whitehead torpedo equipment and enrolled and that a satisfactory standard of drill Nordenfelt machine gun ordered for the torpedo had been reached. Once the formation of a unit boat arrived in 1887 and was fitted. The fitting of had been gazetted, that unit was eligible to the dropping gear for the Whitehead torpedoes receive government assistance. This assistance necessitated the removal of the spar torpedo and was mainly in the form of a provision of arms and the port funnel, the starboard funnel also having certain items of uniform. On 11 February 1879 to be moved further forward. The Nordenfelt was notice of the formation of one such unit was positioned near the conning tower where the published in the Western Australian Government helmsman sat. Gazette: A lack of finances coupled with the difficulty of Colonial Secretary's Office finding a proficient crew to operate the torpedo Perth, 10th February 1879 boat saw it being used less and less. During 1894, TB 191 was paid off and laid up in her His Excellency the Governor has been shed. She was reactivated the following year; pleased to approve the formation of a Naval unfortunately the collapse of part of the slipway Volunteer Force at Fremantle under the with the boat on it meant that some fairly designation of 'Fremantle Naval Volunteers' extensive repairs had to be made to the boat. and of the following gentleman officiating in Whilst this was occuring the role of the the capacity stated opposite his name pending Tasmanian Engineers was also changing from the result of the examination to be held before that of submarine mining to general fieldcraft. By a Military Board assembled under the 1900 the decision had been taken to dispose of Government Notification of 20th April 1875. the torpedo boat and thus sever one of the lasting remaining links between the Engineers George A. Forsyth, Esquire, Lieut, and their former mining role. After Federation, Commanding the Tasmanian Engineers became part of the By His Excellency's Command Military Forces of the Commonwealth and ROGER TUCKF GOLDSWORTHY 76797, which had become a unit of the Colonial Secretary

Journal ol the Australian Naval Institute, Nov 85 — Page 61 As the founding members of this unit were all December 1888 the following General Order was ex-Royal Navy personnel, the rank structure, published in the Western Australian Government uniforms and drill, even to the extent of using Gazette: Snider Sea-Service rifles, were all naval in character Enlistment into the Fremantle Naval Artillery was also restricted to ex-Royal Navy personnel or merchant seamen of good GENERAL ORDER character. 1. His Excellency the Governor and The Fremantle Naval Volunteers was a half Commander-ln-Chief has been pleased to battery established to provide for the defences of sanction the following changes in respect of Fremantle harbour. To achieve this function the the Fremantle Naval Artillery: Fremantle Naval Artillery was equipped with two (a) The title of the Corps to be Fremantle 6pr brass field guns. These guns were reputedly Artillery. cast in 1720 and had seen service in the (b) The uniform to be similar to that of the Peninsular Campaign. Unfortunately, there were Perth Artillery except that the letters on the neither wagons nor limbers held for these guns shoulder straps of the Non-Commissioned and so their mobility was greatly restricted. In Officers and men will be FAV. fact there is only one recorded occasion on 2. The above alterations do not in any way which they attended a Volunteer Camp and that affect the legal constitution of the Corps, nor was at Albion in 1884. During 1887, the the enrolment of the present number. Commandant of the Western Australia Volunteer 3. Petty Officers will be given equivalent army Forces described these guns as totally obsolete ranks to what they now hold counting from the and recommended their replacement. In 1889 date of their original appointment. they were replaced by two 9pr RML guns, complete with limbers and spare equipment. By Command Being a part-time unit, the Fremantle Naval W.G. PHILLIMORE Artillery had no formal barracks area. However Lieut-Colonel they had the use of a number of building at the Commandant Volunteer Forces Fremantle Immigration Depot. These buidings were used as a gun shed, armoury and bandroom. Head Quarters Perth 18 December 1888 During 1882 concern was being expressed as Though this order spelt the end of the to the effectiveness of some of the units within Fremantle Naval Volunteers the unit soldiered on the Western Australian Volunteer Forces. One of firstly under the designation Fremantle Artillery the units about which concern was being Volunteers and then as No. 2 Battery Field expressed was the Fremantle Naval Artillery. Artillery, until it, like the Tasmanian Torpedo The reasons for this were firstly due to the more Corps, was absorbed into the Commonwealth liberal sections of the Western Australian defence organisation after Federation. Volunteer Force Ordinances and secondly due to the declining numbers of personnel enlisting and attending parades. This decline was due to Notes the requirement that all personnel enlisting in the 1 The unit usually referred to as the Tasmanian Torpedo Fremantle Naval Artillery be either ex-Royal Corps was actually the Tasmanian Engineers. One of the Naval personnel or merchant seamen of good major functions of army engineers in the 19th Century was character. The problems being experienced by defensive submarine mining. the Fremantle Naval Artillery came to a head on 2 The Fremantle Naval Artillery was called by a number of different names in government papers The unit was most 16 December 1884 when Lieutenant Forsyth frequently referred to as the Fremantle Naval Artillery, was relieved of his command and ordered to however Fremantle Naval Volunteers and Naval Brigade hand over to Lieutenant F. Wemyss, an army were also commonly used officer. Some time after assuming command of the Naval Artillery, Lieutenant Wemyss submitted a References report to the Commandant of the Western Tasmanian Parliamentary papers Australian Volunteer Force recommending that Tasmanian Government Gazette Western Australian Parliamentary Papers the Naval Artillery be disbanded and restructured Western Australian Government Gazette along lines similar to that of the Perth Volunteer Gillett, Ross Australia's Colonial Navies, Naval Historical Artillery. These recommendations were Society of Australia. 1982 accepted by the Commandant and on 20 Wieck, Geo F. The Volunteer Movement in Western Australia 1861-1903. Paterson Brokensha Ply Ltd (No Date)

Page 62 — Nov 85, Journal of the Australian Naval Institute A LINK WITH THE PAST

by VIC JEFFERY — Navy Public Relations Officer, Western Australia

Just a few metres offshore at the northern end The tug had originally been built at Havre, of Jervoise Bay in Cockburn Sound, Western France in 1893 and named after the famous Australia lie the remains of a forgotten link in French Admiral Jean Bart. As was the case with Australia naval history. The former RAN tug and many early steamers she was ngged as a ketch unarmed patrol vessel ALACRITY was driven to extend her range. The builders, the Societe ashore in Jervoise Bay 54 years ago during a Anonyme Forges et Chartiers de la fierce gale. Mediterranee, installed two 122 nominal h.p. ALACRITY was the last link with the proposed triple-expansion engines into her steel hull along ill-fated Henderson Naval Base on which with twin screws. Owners of the tug, the Dunkirk construction ceased with the outbreak of World Chamber of Commerce employed it on the river War 1. Construction had commenced in 1911 Seine and other rivers in Northern France until and gradually ground to a standstill after four her sale, in 1902, to Howard Smith of Melbourne million pounds had been spent on the project. who put her to work in that port. With the The Department of Naval Construction outbreak of World War 1 ALACRITY was used as purchased the 353 ton ALACRITY from the an unarmed patrol and boarding inspection Melbourne firm of Howard Smith & Co in 1911 vessel with a secondary role as a minesweeper. and despatched the vessel to Western Australia It operated in Gage Roads and outside Rottnest to be used for construction works on the fledgling Island in the approaches to the Port of base. It seems the Navy was content to retain Fremantle. After the war, ALACRITY had the the name ALACRITY, being an apt name for a honour of conveying the famous British Admiral, tug and secondly because there had been six the former First Sea Lord, Earl Jellicoe around RN predecessors carrying that name, the first in Cockburn Sound on his inspection of the 1806. proposed Henderson naval Base in 1919 as part

RAN Tug Alacrity Photo: V Jeffery Collection

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute. Nov 85 — Page 63 of his report on the Naval defence of Australia. deteriorated rapidly to a point where only a few Sadly, however, events leading up to the 1921 jagged pieces of metal protruded above the Washington Naval Conference saw the waves, indicating its position. ALACRITY broke- abandonment of the project. On December 16, up quickly around the time the fleet support 1925 the ALACRITY was sold by auction to A.E. facility HMAS STIRLING commissioned in 1978. Tilley of Fremantle who later sold her to the It was almost as if after waiting despairingly for machinery and metal merchant J.E. Hall in April more than half a century for a Naval base to be 1931. completed in Cockburn Sound the old ALAC- ALACRITY was moored on desolate Jervoise RITY was content to finally slip below the waves Bay for stripping before being broken up for when this happened. However, her spirit could scrap. Before stripping could commence a fierce well live on in the HMAS STIRLING-based RAN gale caused the old workhorse to break adrift medium tug TAMMAR. This vessel, named after from her moorings and end up stranded on the the nocturnal member of the wallaby family beach where her remains lie today. Her engines found in large numbers on Garden Island in were removed and the vessel was stripped of all Western Australia, was constructed by useful fittings before beinp abandoned. For Australian Shipbuilding Industries on the shores nearly 40 years the old tug lay there, her of Jervoise Bay, only several kilometres from silhouette changing li'tle until the mid 1970s where the ALACRITY'S remains lie. TAMMAR when a channel was dug to float the oil rig Ocean came into service on 10 March 1984 and was the Endeavour from its construction site in Jervoise first naval vessel to be built in W.A. since World Bay to the sea. The rusting old tug was suddenly War 11. left 100 metres off-shore by the dredging and

The wreck of Alacrity, Jervoise Bay 1964 Photo: V Jeffery Co/lection

Page 64 — Nov 85, Journal of the Australian Naval Institute OF SHIPS AND THE SEA


The Bicentennial celebrations in 1988 will bought by Gustaf Erikson and served him well include a gathering of wind-driven ships not seen until broken up in 1936. in this hemisphere since the late 1930s: not the Pelikan — also acquired by J. Bell and Co., grand gatherings of the working grain ships, but renamed Be/lco but broken up in about 1925. more the latter day Tall Ships, vessels devoted Parma (ex Arrow) — allocated to the British to preserving sail training and basic seaman's government as war reparation. Re-purchased skills in this high-tech era. Amongst the fleet by Laeisz in the early 1920s and later bought, expected to visit is the big Russian four-masted in partnership, by Captain Rueben de Clouz, steel barque Kruzenshtern. Even more exciting Gustaff Erikson, Alan Villiers and Algo is the expectation that she will visit at least one Johansen. South Australian port, probably Port Lincoln at Peiho (ex Argo, ex Brynymor) - - also the mouth of the Spencer's Gulf, on her passage allocated to the British government and re- to Hobart and Sydney. Interestingly enough, I purchased by Laeisz in the early 1920s. can find no record of this vessel, in either of her Potosi —passed to the French government, two names, ever calling at an Australian east thence to Italy and eventually to Chilean coast port. It appears that South Australia was owners. Renamed Flora she was finally the only state she ever visited in 1934 and 1935, abandoned and scuttled in the South Atlantic but I could be wrong. To appreciate that the visit in September 1930 after a fire broke out in her of a real wind-driven ship of this size will be cargo of coke and coal. history in the making, it is necessary to give Pinnas (ex Fitzjames) - - passed to the some background details of a German ship French government and repurchased by owner, the Flying P Line and Padua herself. Laeisz in the early 1920s. Abandoned in the The 'Flying P Line' came into being at the South Atlantic on 27 April 1929, after being beginning of the 1870s when Herr F. Laeisz of dismasted in a violent storm. Hamburg bought the iron full-rigged ship Passat — was also acquired by the French Polynesia and the iron barque F/ottbeck (later and re-purchased by Laeisz. Sold to Gustaf Professor). Over the years that followed his fleet Erikson in 1929 he kept her in service until increased and challenged the French shipowner 1951. Passat is preserved at Travemunde, Ant Dom et Fils on the South American nitrate Germany. trade. Except for one vessel (Henrietta Venn) Perim (ex Radiant) — passed to the Italian every one of Laeisz' vessels had a name government as war reparation. beginning with the letter 'P'. Hence the 'Flying P Pamir — passed to the Italians and later Line'. purchased by Laeisz. In 1931 she was sold to Concentrating solely on the nitrate trade, Gustaf Erikson and re-sold to German owners Laeisz' ships were indeed in the true in 1951. Regrettably, Pamir was lost at sea in sense of the word, providing quick, safe and 1957. consistent voyages and service to his Peking — passed to the Italians but was later customers. Many years of steady service were bought by the British government and brought to an end when his entire fleet was lost remaned Arethusa for use as a stationary during World War 1, being either captured or training ship in the Medway. seized as war reparation. At that time his fleet Pirna (ex Osorno, ex Beethoven) — also went consisted of: to the Italians, renamed Pinus. • Ponape (ex Regina Elenis) — captured by the Pommern (ex Mneme) — became the British in 1914 and passed to the short-lived property of the Greek government but sold to shipping firm of J. Bell and Co. and renamed Gustaf Erikson in 1922. She is preserved at Bellhouse. Later bought by Hugo Lundgvist of the Alands Sjofartsmuseum at Mariehamn. Marieham who allowed the name Ponape to Penang (ex Albert Rickmers) — taken over be brought back into use. In 1929 she was by the ship-owner John Nurminen Danzig.

Journal ol the Australian Naval Institute. Nov 85 — Page 65 Bought by Gustaf Erikson in 1923 she was 106 days. In the 1935 race she sailed home in posted missing in 1940 whilst on passage 100 days with Priwall winning in 91 days. Of from Port Lincoln to Cork. interest is the fact that both Padua and Priwall By 1922 Herr Laeisz was operating six wind- returned the best times for a passage to driven vessels and was competing, yet again, Australia in ballast. Both vessels departed from with Ant Dom et Fils on the lucrative South Hamburg on 31 October 1933 arriving at Port American nitrate trade. To show his faith in wind Broughton and Port Victoria (respectively) on 6 and ships he ordered two four-masted steel January 1934. Elapsed time for both vessels was barques, Priwall and Padua, launched in 1918 67 days. and 1926 respectively. In 1945 Padua was forfeited to the Russians Built by J.C. Techlenborg of Wesermunde, as war reparation. Extensively refitted, with the Padua was launched on 24 June 1926 and is addition of auxiliary engines and modern said to have been the last steel four-masted equipment, she was renamed Kruzenshtern after barque build as a merchant vessel. Under the the Admiral and Hydrographer of the 18th command of Captain B R. Petersen (who had century. A regular participant in the Tall Ship once commanded Preussen she sailed on her races, the barque is operated as a sail training maiden voyage to South America for nitrate on vessel by the Travel Fleet of Riga, Western 30 August 1926. A tribute to her builder, the first Division of Training Vessels, USSR Ministry of three voyages showed tha Padua had fine, Fisheries. consistent sailing qualities. Recorded by Basil Relevant statistics: Lubbock in The Nitrate Clippers her times were: Length 376 feet • Hamburg to Talcahuano 87 days Beam 46 feet • Taltal to Delfzijl 94 days Draft 22 feet 6 inches • Hamburg to Talcahuano 82 days Tonnages 2 678 registered, later 3 064 • Iquique to Hamburg 87 days 4 800 deadweight • Hamburg to Talcahuano 76 days Sail area 36 500 sq ft, later 39 354 • Mejillones to Terneuzen 72 days Cadets 40 (as built) Although she was employed mainly in the Present Complement 24 officers nitrate trade, both Padua and her sistership 71 crew Priwall were employed in the South Australian wheat trade for the 1934 and 1935 seasons. In 175 cadets the 1934 grain race Padua sailed to her orders Robin Pennock port in 109 days as against the winner, Passat.


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Page 66 — Nov '85. Journal of the Australian Naval Institute BOOK REVIEWS

The Pacific War gives a fascinating insight into the US CAMERA AT SEA 1939-1945. 192 pp, $43.50. THE Navy's Archives in Washington. It was from this store PACIFIC WAR — As seen by USN photographers of superb but long-forgotten negatives that author during World War 11. 208 pp,$44.95. Both books Larry Sowinski selected the photographs for this book. published by Conway Maritime Press. Within 208 pages Sowinski has managed to Much has been written about the war at sea between successfully cram 37 colour and 443 black and white 1939-1945 but few books are dedicated to the shots from Pearl Harbour to Tokyo Bay. presentation of the photographic records of this The book is divided into separate sections dealing conflict. At last the Conway Maritime Press has with Pearl Harbour, Hit and Run, the Solomons, produced two excellent books on the subject, Camera Counter Attacks, Showdown in the Marianas, Leyte, at Sea 1939-1945 and The Pacific War. The Winter Campaigns, Okinawa and Victory in the The first, Camera at Sea 1939-45 focused on the Pacific. The photographic coverage in this book was massive store of unpublished or rarely-seen such as to allow the arrangement of the pictures into photographs taken of the war at sea. It touches on chronological chapters, each photo being briefly almost every aspect of the war with most graphic and captioned with some historic background being telling photography. The book features 254 black and included. The RAN is represented by a classic shot of white and 23 colour photographs and is divided into the destroyer HMAS Warramunga coming up to a US eight sections, dealing separately with Warships, destroyer during July, 1943. There is a second Weapons and Equipment, Personnel, Navies in Exile, close-up shot of Warramunga taking on stores on the Naval Air Power, Operations and Victory. Each of the same page. Also featured is the heavy cruiser HMAS 277 photographs featured is comprehensively Shropshire with a photo of her bombarding Luzon prior captioned by one of nine internationally known naval to the amphibious assault. authorities, David Brown, Aldo Franccaroli, Eugene M. Without even studying the pictorial captions there is Kolesnik, Jaques Mordal. Anthony Preston, Alan clearly enough in this book to enthral the reader for Raven, Hone Roberts, Lawrence Sowinski and many hours. Thought of the situation when some of Anthony Watts. these mind-boggling photos were taken is worthy of Just a few of the excellent photographs included are: consideration and shows the dedication and • Japanese sailors saluting their flag as it is lowered on professionalism of the naval photographer. Shots of the flight deck of the severely-listing Zuikaku off cleaning up after the attack on Pearl Harbour, the Cape Engano after the Battle of Leyte Gulf; torpedoed carrier Wasp. Kamikaze attacks and • the battle-scarred HMS Exeter returning to a hero's damage, flight deck prangs, and a series on the welcome at Devonport after the Battle of the River wrecked battleships, aircraft carriers and other Imperial Plate; Japanese Navy units after bombing attacks on the • German sailors sunbaking on the quarterdeck of a Japanese homeland are awsome. The horror and minesweeper off the Dago and Osel Islands in 1941; futility of war at sea have never been more graphically • superb colour shot of Divisions on the massive illustrated than in this book. forecastle of the battleship HMS Nelson in 1945; and These two books are available in Australia through • one of the great photos of the war-survivors from a Princeton Books, Cnr Mills & Herald Street, merchant ship being taken aboard a rescue ship, Cheltenham, Victoria and most good bookshops. emotions ranging from the hysteria of a Lascar to the I place them both in that rare category of books in numbed bewilderment of another man. which you can find something new every time you pick Well laid-out, Camera at Sea 1939-45 was edited and them up. Recommended reading. produced by the staff of Warship Vic Jeftery

Journal of the Australian Naval Institute. Nov 85 — Page 67 SHACKLETON Roland Huntford, London, Hodder& Edwardian England, but was quite at home in dealing Stoughton, 1985. with a rating. UK price £14.95 (Book expected to be available in One great merit of this book is that it deals openly with Australia early in 1986) all sides of Shackleton's character, reputable and otherwise, unlike the hagiographies of Scott, until the After he had brought his Endurance party out of the publication of Scott and Amundsen in 1979. Another Weddell Sea where he had lost his ship, Sir Ernest merit is that it has been compiled largely from Shackleton was treated with kindness and generosity in contemporary letters and diaries, often quoted, showing Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and the United States what Shackleton did and thought, and what others However, he had a 'rough ride' in New Zealand and thought of him. Eighty-five pages of references and Australia. sources show how thoroughly Mr Huntford has done the In their falling out with him, the Aurora Relief job over the past five years; the biography will not have Committee had some right on their side in being critical to be repeated. And the reader is left to make his own of the way in which he had left the management of the judgement It is the story of a big man, well told. For Ross Sea party in the hands of A LA. Mackintosh, but some 800 pages the price is reasonable There are they were not the right men to deal with Shackleton. illustrations (some of them not before published) and Rear Admiral Sir William Creswell did not understand maps. merchant service masters. Professor D.O. Masson was A.G.E. Jones just an academic. Griffith Taylor, one of Scott's geologists, had never organized anything. Shackleton was angry because they had placed his ship under Captain J.K. David. These men could not grasp the magnitude of his achievement in bringing his party home without loss. In the end, when they met, it was the THE FALKLANDS WAR Ed A.R. Coll and A.C. Arend, Committee that got a 'rough ride1, and they began to Boston, Allen and Unwin 1985 pp252 RRP $19.95 realize how they had misjudged the size of the man. That was one of the points about Shackleton, that The Falklands War has produced a plethora of many did not recognize his ability, charm and leadership publications concentrating mainly on the military until they met him. It was the thought of Shackleton aspects of the war; this book deals with the abstract coming over the Antarctic continent from the Weddell areas of strategy, diplomacy and international law. The Sea that inspired the Ross Sea party to make various contributors, most of whom are American unbelievable efforts to carry out their task of laying academics, examine the reasons for the outbreak of depots for him. Ernest Joyce had known him in the the war, its impact on international relationships and Discovery and the Nimrod, and was completely loyal. lessons to be learnt for possible future conflicts. Dick Richards told how Mackintosh, who had been in This book is ideal for those who enjoy accounts of the Nimrod, told the men who could not understand this the intricate workings of diplomacy. The failure of the respect, with his silly little laugh, 'You will when you UN and Alexander Haig to reach a compromise meet him'. Those who met him learned that high regard. between the two participants is dealt with in depth with Even Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty, that failure being seen as inevitable considering the changed his decision after he had lunched with long-standing historical claims of both Great Britain Shackleton in 1914. and Argentina to the Falklands Malvmas. His ability as a leader came out in his Nimrod The legal examination of who was in the right expedition of 1907-09, and even more in the generally supports Great Britain. This is based on Endurance in 1914-16. In the Discovery in 1901-03, Article 2 (4) of the UN Charter which forbids the threat Scott recognized his potential and 'put the boot in'. His or use of force against the territorial integrity or political death in the Quest at South Georgia in 1922 was a tragic independence of any State. There are other factors end to an outstanding explorer. which are examined but the conclusion in this book is That was the side the public saw. There was another that it was Argentina's aggression that put her in the man, who was careless with promises and finance, the wrong. inconstant husband, the restless man who could settle An interesting book for the more scholarly reader. at nothing for any length of time, the heavy drinker, the My only criticism is the somewhat overpowering legal man with original ideas, too acute for most of the jargon used in some of the articles. comfortably-placed geographers and officials of his Shane Moore day, the man who did not fit in with the social world of

Page 68 — Nov 85, Journal of the Australian Naval Institute AIR MAIL RATES Members and libraries overseas who would like to receive their journals by air mail, should add the following sums to their subscription orders:

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His Excellency the Right Honourable Sir Ninian Stephen AK, GCMG, GCVO, KBE Governor-General of Australia


OFFICE BEARERS COUNCILLORS President Commodore A.R. Cummins AM Commodore I.B. James AM Commander G.P. Kable Senior Vice President Lieutenant C.F. Lammers Captain A.H.R. Brecht Junior Vice President Captain C.J. Littleton Captain I.A. Callaway Lieutenant Commander P.J. Purnell-Webb Secrefary Commander S.E. Tapley Lieutenant Commander S. Lemon Lieutenant Commander P. Torrens Treasurer Commander P.K. Coulson Petty Officer G. Watson Journal Editor Lieutenant Commander R.J Willis Lieutenant Commander J. Hyman Lieutenant Commander I.W. Weekley

PAST PRESIDENTS 1975-77 Commodore V.A, Parker 1977-78 Commodore J.A. Robertson 1978-83 Rear Admiral R.C. Swan AO CBE

HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS Admiral Sir Victor Smith AC KBE CB DSC Vice Admiral Sir David Stevenson AC KBE Commodore V.A Parker Admiral Sir Anthony Synnot KBE AO Commodore J.A Robertson Rt Hon Sir Zelman Cowen AK, GCMG, GCVO, QC Rear Admiral R.C. Swan AO CBE


Bennett, G A Gibbs. 8.G. Martin, D J Robertson. J A Berlyn. N.R B Goddard, F C Martin, P C S Scott. B P Bonnett. V W I Gnerson. K W Mayson. J H Sharp. W R Brecht, A H R Hall, I W McDonald. N.E. Shearing. J.A Broben, I W Hermann. F J Macleod. B.D. Smyth. D.H.D Calderwood. G.C. Misted, G Nattey. R J Snell, K.E Cole. SEW James. IB. Nicholson. B M Stephen. K C Cummins, A R. Jervis. G E Nicholson I H Stevens. E.V. Cults. G Josselyn. I K Orr. D J Stevens. J D Dalrymple. H H G Kemp. W A Parker. V A Summers. A M F Davidson, J. Knox, I W Patterson. D R Swan, R C Dickie, D D Lee. N.E. Ralph, N Swan. W.N. Fisher. T R Lottus. W B Read, B.J Williams. K A Fox, L.G Loosli. R G Reynolds, I York, D George, J Public Officer: Captain L.G. Fox RANEM The brain behind the bite.

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