Volume 3 • Issue 7 • 8 pages

Birth control plan for feral pests

Feral animal populations in could be significantly reduced - even eliminated - by a radical new approach to population control. Two Monash researchers believe that antifertility compounds, developed for human use, could rapidly cut down the numbers of introduced pest species such as foxes, mice, rats and cats. Professor Roger Short and Dr Yan Gao, of the Department of Physiology, are proposing that compounds such as methyl testos­ terone and antigestagens like mifepristone (RU486) could be used to limit or even eliminate feral animals, particularly on islands, by blocking their reproduction. Australia has more problems with introduced feral animals than almost any other continent. Mammals that evolved in other parts of the world have flourished in the absence of their natural predators and diseases, displacing or destroying native animals and endanger­ ing native plants. Professor Short said the population control idea was inspired by the success of sterile-male techniques in controlling certain insect pests. "It made us wonder why we have been so slow to develop con­ traceptives for animals," he said. "There is no chemosterilant that will permanently sterilise male or female mammals, but we have plenty of fairly long-acting, re­ versible contraceptives that have come out of human family-plan­ ning research and development. "RU486 will abort rats, mice, rabbits, and dogs (and hence pre­ sumably dingoes) but it has no effect on · marsupials or birds. To have a drug that will abort introduced pests but which does not affect native species would be quite a staggering breakthrough." RU486 is an antigestagen, which binds to specialised receptors in the endometrium, the lining of the uterus to which the placenta attaches. By competing for the receptor for the natural hormone progesterone, RU486 prevents the hormone from doing its normal job of maintaining the uterus in the pregnant state. Within a day or two, the uterus contracts, expelling any implanted embryo. The androgen methyl testosterone can be used as a unisex con­ traceptive. An orally active form of the male hormone, it blocks ovulation when administered to females, and above a certain dose, suppresses sperm production in males. Professor Short recently returned from a conference in Kenya on the fertility of the world's largest terrestrial mammal, the Mrican elephant. Ivory poachers have devastated wild elephant popula­ tions, but animals brought into the relative sanctuary of specialised game reserves have bred prolifically, destroying large areas of wood­ land by browsing and so ruining the habitat for other species. Professor Roger Short and Dr Yan Gao: proposing a radical method to control feral animal populations. In parks that cull their animals by shooting, elephants avoid human contact; in parks where there is no culling, they move freely among human visitors. Professor Short believes that drugs like vixens and totally eliminate that year's recruit­ Professor Short said research funding for RU486, which induce abortion, could be used to humanely manage ment to the population," he said. controlling feral animals was being "monopo­ populations in the reserves (see story page 6 for more details) . was thought to have one of the lised" by the CSIRO, whose experimental tech­ The timing and method of administration of fertility control largest urban fox populations in the world, niques would not be ready for a number of drugs would need to be carefully keyed to the reproductive biology but animals could not be trapped, poisoned or years. of each species. "The ideal way to tackle something like the mouse shot in the city because of the risk to humans. "We've got something right now that could or rat would be to use a poison first, to get the population down to "Put down antigestagen baits on just one day control rats and mice, and we hope to have the lowest number, and then to use chemosterilants when the pop­ in the year for two or three years, and the pop­ something soon for foxes and cats, if only we ulation was at its lowest ebb, to make sure it couldn't rebound," ulation would disappear," he said. could get som.e research funding," he said. Professor Short said. One of Professor Short's research stu­ Professor Short said a fox control program dents, Ms Michelle Nijk, is looking at the ef­ using antigestagens could begin as early as Laboratory work by Dr Gao, a Chinese-born postdoctoral re­ fects of antigestagens in cats. An antigestagen next year, and he would like to conduct a field searcher, has shown that a very low dose of methyl testosterone ef­ treatment would need to be given only three fectively suppresses breeding in rats and mice through its impact on trial on an incipient mouse plague to see if it to four times a year to prevent all breeding. could be halted. female infertility. If these results were to be duplicated in the field, the exponential population growth that leads to plagues could be prevented. Mouse plagues occur once every four years on average and cost Australian farmers about $100 million in lost production. He said that foxes, because of their breeding behaviour, would be highly vulnerable to antigestagen baits. "Vixens come into season only once a year, around July or August, so if you put down baits in August or September you could abort all the pregnant NEWS

25 YEARS AGO 5 YEARS AGO A letter from H. P. Shoenheimer in the Faculty of The Monash workforce includes a higher percent­ Education draws attention to the "misnomer" of age of women than the workforce as a whole but Departmental News of General Interest. He writes: women still hold less than 20 per cent of full-time "I have just waded through scores of items inform­ academic posts, according to the university's Equal ing me that innumerable people whose names I Opportunities Coordinator, Dr Margaret James. have never heard of gave (no doubt intensely inter­ A new Centre for Women's Studies was launched to esting) lectures on extraordinarily esoteric aspects foster research into "issues which have affected of sub-disciplines that I did not know existed." women since antiquity".

15 YEARS AGO THIS MONTH LAST YEAR Senior law lecturer Dr W. Weerasooria has resigned A classroom study by Faculty of Education lecturer, to take up an appointment as a permanent head in Dr Ilana Snyer, has found that students using com­ the Prime Minister's Department in Sri Lanka. puters write more effectively than those using pen • Educated exports Only seven months before, he was arrested in and paper. Colombo, his passport confiscated and placed Monash is to lead an international research effort to A survey by Austrade published in The Aus­ under virtual house arrest for alleged participation uncover the causes of sudden infant death syn­ tralian Business Monthly has included a number in the publication of a satiric cartoon booklet drome (SIDS) . Australia's first full-time SIDS research of universities among the nation's top 500 attacking the former Sri Lankan Prime Minister. facility was established at Monash Medical Centre. exporters. Leading the education pack is Monash, which came in at number 175. The next institution on the list was the at number 322. Mining companies dominated the top placings.

• Gobbledegook department

The University of Western Australia has estab­ lished a public relations and development commit­ tee to "advise the Vice-Chancellor on ways and means of promoting the university effectively within the community in order to improve commu­ nity relations and promote an understanding of the university and sympathy with its mission so as to secure the goodwill and material support neces­ sary for the university's advancement in teaching, research and community service activities". Sounds like they need an editor too.

• A seated satay? Spotted on the menu at a Clayton Thai restau­ rant: "Stule satay". The diner didn't ask.

• Mlng throng

A society belle visiting the Menzies building during the lunchtime rush hour became flustered by the hoards in the lifts and on the escalators. Snapshots from Monash graduation ceremonies in Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Seeking refuge and a cheering cuppa in the Small Caf around 1 pm, elbow room was again in short supply. She barely made it back to her limo. Graduations go to students • The degree's on us Monash's largest ever offshore graduation cere­ Offshore graduation ceremonies are now a A postgraduate science student recently mony took place in Malaysia in July. common occurrence for many Australian universities, received a letter from the Dandenong Austudy At the Shangri-La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, 163 grad­ because overseas students who finish a degree in No­ Office asking for more information following uates received their degrees. Of these, 37 per cent vember are generally unable to return to Australia in "recent correspondence regarding your Honus (sic) were from the Faculty of Economics Commerce and June or .July to graduate. degree.· In the next sentence the 'H' word Management (ECOM), and more than 20 per cent Holding the ceremonies in the students' home appears in quotation marks, perhaps signifying the graduated from the Faculty of Business. country means that their families can participate in author's uncertainty. A further 62 students graduated two days later in the tradition of a graduation. Monash's next off-shore the university's first Singapore ceremony. The Singa­ graduation ceremony is to be held in Hong Kong in • Engineers engendered pore graduation, held at the Mandarin Hotel, also re­ November. flected the popularity to Asian students of an ECOM An invitation to attend an engineering oration degree. More than half of those graduating wore the at that university in Parkville has put some recipi­ faculty's peacock blue hood. ents offside. Addressed to "Dr", the invitation is The Malaysian Minister for Education, Datuk Dr extended "to you and your good lady". Sulaiman Daud, gave the occasional address at the This seems to imply that all engineers with ceremony in Kuala Lumpur, which was attended by doctorates are male, or else, makes an assump­ more than 500 parents, relatives and friends of gradu­ tion about the preferred companions of engineers. ating students, and media representatives. In his address, Dr Daud, who visited Monash ear­ lier this year, said that Malaysia was fortunate to have such a close relationship with Australia's top tertiary institution. "It is well acknowledged that MQN.T.!.\G..~ has reached the pinnacle ... in Australia," he said. Montage is published and produced by the "Amongst the world's universities, Monash has for Monash University Communications Department. many years enjoyed an unmatched relationship with Editor: Greg Williams, Public Affairs Office , _ phone (03) 565 2085, fax (03) 565 2097. Malaysia." Staff writers: Vicky Anderson , Suzie Bourne, He said as well as producing a great number of John Clark, Bridget Montgomery. Contributing photographers: Richard Crompton, Brian Carr, scholars, researchers and graduates in varied fields Rhonda Joyce, Andrew Bareham, Steven Morton. and disciplines of knowledge, a more significant fea­ Macintosh DTP: Tim Mansour, phone (03) 573 2311. lmageset by Pageset, 4 Palmer Court, Mount Waverley. ture of Monash's international contribution was the Presenting the occasional address in Kuala Lumpur: Printed by Camten Graphics. 15 Neutron Place, Rowville. thousands of graduates in Malaysia who had passed Malaysian Minister for Education, Datuk Dr Sulaiman Registered by Australia Post: Publication no. VBG0435. through its doors. Daud.

2 - Montage September 1992 NEWS

U ni first in work scheme for the disabled

Monash has taken the lead in a new work ex­ in gaining access to further employment and perience program for disabled people. training opportunities. At the same time, the The university is the first Victorian em­ employer gains an extra staff member, funded ployer to take part in a Department of Em­ by the Federal Government." ployment Education and Training (DEET) ini­ Mr Russo, 23, who has difficulty walking tiative that offers people with disabilities the long distances, standing for lengthy periods of chance to gain experience in a normal work time and understanding new work concepts, environment. will be working for the university's human re­ Although the program was established in sources and student administration sections March, no employers had come forward until for eight weeks. Monash's Equal Opportunity Office re­ Mr Russo, who has been educated in spe­ sponded to a request from the Disability Em­ cialist schools, has the equivalent of a Year 9 ployment Action Centre to provide work expe­ qualification. He has also completed a com­ rience for Mr Shane Russo, who has spina puter course at the Western Metropolitan Col­ bifida. As a result, the university is looking to lege of TAFE, and worked for the CES, Safeway establish an ongoing program. supermarkets, and as a cleaner. Ms Jean McCulloch of the Equal Opportu­ He says he is capable of offering as much nity Office says that taking on disabled people to the positions as a fully able person. "It's dif­ should be looked on as a positive experience. ficult to find work, and when I do it is usually 'The program benefits all those involved", she for a short time only" he said. "I hope that said. "It is designed to improve and develop after the program is finished I will be able to the work skills and capacity of people with dis­ gain some full-time work with the skills I have Mr Shane Russo at work with Ms judith Clarke ofHuman Resources. abilities and to promote their competitiveness learned here." Offshore business degree opens in '93

Singapore-based students soon will be able to study for a Monash business degree without ever setting foot in Australia. The School of Accounting and the postgraduate program, and one of the Singapore Institute of Management highest concentrations of PhD acade­ (SIM) recently signed an agreement al­ mics within any accounting department lowing students living in Singapore to in Australia," he said. undertake a Monash Master of Business Speaking at the signing ceremony, (Accounting) . Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Leo The course - to commence in Janu­ West said that the agreement was a ary next year - will be developed, major initiative for both the university taught and assessed by Monash staff, and the SIM. "It reflects Monash's dedi­ with the SIM responsible for providing cation to expanding educational pro­ facilities, administration, and advertis­ grams in South-East Asia, and indicates ing. Professor Janek Ratnatunga and the high esteem with which Monash Associate Professor Claudio Romano, courses are regarded," he said. of the School of Accounting, were in­ Monash has 20 other twinning strumental in negotiating the joint ven­ arrangements with institutions in Asia. ture and will continue to coordinate This course will be taught mostly on a the course. structured learning basis, with Monash Professor Ratnatunga believes the academics flying to Singapore twice in School of Accounting is offering a each unit for intensive teaching. product unique in the Singapore edu­ As part of the agreement, Monash cation market; one that is well in keep­ will also design, teach and assess the ing with the university's move into the first year of the SIM ' s postgraduate international education arena. diploma. Students with this diploma "Over the last couple of years Singa­ may advance into the Monash Master pore has been flooded with numerous of Business (Accounting) program. foreign universities offering masters de­ Dr Romano, the program's course grees," he said. "We have chosen to director, believes that many masters offer a specialisation masters degree students will also come from the 6000 through an independent, not-for-profit accountants registered in Singapore. organisation." "The course has such a flexible entry Research is in the blood The SIM has a reputation as the and exit point that it will attract indi­ Brother and sister Peter and Carol Delaney have much more in common than country's leading management organi­ viduals who hold Bachelor degrees and their family ties. sation. "SIM approached the School of professional accounting qualifications," Blood unites them in more ways tigated with the help of a species of Is­ Accounting as it has both a successful he said. than one because the Delaneys, who raeli desert rat. Psammomys obesus may are both undertaking their PhD ·studies prove to be a model for how the dis­ at Monash, are bonded by diabetes. ease - slower in onset and more diffi­ Ms Delaney has been taking insulin cult to diagnose than Type 1 diabetes - for Type 1 diabetes since she was 11. develops in humans (see story in Re­ Her brother Peter developed the dis­ search Monash). ease when he was only five . Their form Peter's PhD project to develop a of diabetes results from an absence of new type of laser confocal microscope insulin, in which the immune system was featured in Montage last year. The mounts an attack on the body's own in­ first commercial microscopes - worth sulin-secreting cells. about $50,000 each - have just been For her PhD in physiology, Carol is sold to Imperial College, London, and studying the lesser-known Type 2 dia­ , California. betes which afflicts thousands of Aus­ Developed by the small Dandenong tralians without them even being aware company HBH Industries, in associa­ of it. In this form of diabetes, the body tion with Monash and ROK Pty Ltd, is unable to respond to insulin - even this miniaturised and more flexible ver­ The Chancellor, Mr Bill Rogers, shakes hands with the SIM executive director Professor You though it may be producing higher sion of the confocal microscope has at­ Poh Seng, while Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor Leo West and SIM deputy executive director levels than normal. Its effects on the tracted worldwide attention and looks Mr Tan Ging Hee offer congratulations. human nervous system are being inves- set to establish a major export industry.

September 1992 Montage - 3 COMMENT

An uneasy marriage: academia and the media

A couple of weeks ago the executive producer of criticism as some sort of far-Right assault on acade­ Radio National's Late Night Live,Janne Ryan, rang a mic freedom. Dealing with both sides every day, it Sydney academic and organised an appearance for by Helen Trinea was still a shock to be reminded about how him on the program. He was enthusiastic. entrenched these attitudes are. So she was surprised when he phoned the next One of the arguments most commonly used by day and started backing away - fast. News of his society. It's a fair exchange but the trouble is that both sides to urge better exchange is responsibility - forthcoming interview had spread like "wildfire" sometimes the deal isn't consummated. the responsibility of academics to society to transmit around the department and he was anxious about The reasons why this should be so have been their views or the responsibility of journalists to be a going ahead. A senior member of his school, it argued endlessly. Academics can't write. They can't conduit for information and ideas. But beyond the seems, had advised him to spend more time on his write short. They can't write on time. They can't public duty there's a great deal to be gained from research and his students rather than on radio. explain their ideas. Journalists are superficial. They the interaction. It can be fun, and it can be illumi­ Was it a lack of recognition of the power of the lack the expertise to judge our work. They write bad nating. media, or an absolute recognition of the power of headlines. They trivialised my project last time and As a journalist, I'm increasingly struck by the the media which led to this particular piece of career I'm damned if I'm going back for more. riches available in the academy: not just the break­ counselling? Was it jealousy about a relatively junior We fall back on the image we have of our own throughs which will lead to economic strength but member of the department appearing on a program work and feel reassured we are on the right track. the work done in assessing and challenging assump­ which attracts the intellectual high-fliers on a nightly The more subtle barriers, like the conservatism of tions, the scholarship in various disciplines. It's all basis? Or was it a genuine case of believing that the each profession, are often ignored. Academics resist there for the taking, just as the power of the press is time involved in preparing for a radio interview was, simplifying their work; journalists resist complicating all there for the academic taking. in fact, a waste of time? theirs, and if both sides can rely on trite analysis of From this side, the trick seems to be to develop When I phoned the academic involved - the the problems, so much the better. ways of talking about what has always been seen as junior one - he insisted it was not jealousy which When I wrote recently about obscure language "non-news" in a way that makes it accessible without had prompted the advice but seemed unable to used in an academic paper, I was horrified by the destroying it. We need to keep stretching the really explain the motivation. Either way, it was an reaction from some journalists who leapt upon the agenda, with journalists becoming co-workers in the opportunity lost, another example of how academics piece to reinforce their (often negative) views about ideas business. For academics the trick might be to and the media sometimes miss their connections. academics. I found myself trying to explain that become a little more savvy about the value of the media so that a late-night radio appearance is not so If universities were teaching-only establishments, while I might want clarity I didn't want a form of easy to knock back- whatever the reason. media performances might be an indulgence. But expression which corrupted complex ideas. the system argues for more, not less, public support I was equally surprised by the defensive reaction Helen Trinca is editor of The Australian Higher Educa­ for research, and in return offers a contribution to from academics, who seemed happy to dismiss the tion Supplement. Article reprinted with permission.

A question of pig Tranquiliiser addicts farms and Ferraris in first health study The first comprehensive study of the long-term health effects of addiction to cer­ by Paul Rodan tain tranquillisers is soon to begin at Monash. Research student Ms Helen Jarvis, BZDs in this way may affect both the cir­ With a state election imminent and a federal election not long afterwards, we supervised by Dr Jenny Redman in the cadian (daily timing) and immune sys­ can look forward to the usual deluge of hyperbole, over-the-top rhetoric and Department of Psychology, will exam­ tems. Changes in the immune system good old-fashioned lies. ine whether addiction to the benzodi­ may lead to an increase in the risk of Get ready to be told that this (insert election of choice) will be the most azepine (BZD) group of tranquillisers­ getting various diseases, and disorders important election since the war/federation/the big bang and will offer a including Valium, Serapax, Mogadon of the circadian system are associated stark contrast between conflicting ideologies. What tripe! All I'll accept is and Normison- also affects the body's with sleep and mood disorders." that a given election will be the most important election since the last one. immune system and its internal time­ The use of BZDs in Australia has in­ There is just too much of the boy who cried "wolf" in all of this. Can you keeping mechanism. creased rapidly since the 1970s. In 1990 The PhD research project urgently imagine politicians ever admitting that "this" is a relatively unimportant elec­ alone, 10.6 million prescriptions of the needs non-addicted volunteers to act as tion of no particular ideological significance and that practically no-one will drugs were issued to 750,000 Aus­ control subjects. The subjects will be ever write a PhD thesis on it? No, neither can I. tralians. "I expect that people will be used to establish a 'normal' basis for Imagine Keating and Hewson admitting that they are both free market motivated to take part in the study be­ comparison with BZD users who are at­ freaks (with a few modifications to appease unionists and farmers respec­ cause they know someone who has had tempting withdrawal. tively) and that really the election will boil down to whether the electorate a problem with BZDs," MsJarvis said. prefers a Prime Minister who owns a pig farm or one who owns a Ferrari. BZDs are widely used in the com­ She stressed that she was not seek­ Conspiring in election silliness are much of the media, who need to beat munity despite the fact that long-term use can lead to addiction. Withdrawal ing volunteers who were addicted to up every contest as drama, not tedium. My cynical mind divides political jour­ causes both physiological and psycho­ BZDs. She said anyone who believed nalists into three broad types. The first have been around for ages and are logical problems for such users. they had a problem with prescribed part of the political furniture, but still swallow the conventional non-wisdom 'We hope the study will help clarify tranquillisers should contact the self­ of the day (such as free market economics). whether BZDs are appropriate for wide­ help group TRANX on 899 6078. To The second are wet behind the ears and think that politics began the day spread long-term use," Ms Jarvis said. take part as a control subject, contact they started covering it; they have no sense of political history and will "The suggestion has been made that MsJarvis on extn 75 3957. usually swallow anything. (I would make a course in Australian political history compulsory for these young hacks.) The third group are half decent and generally know what they are talking about, but I won't embarrass any of their number by naming them. 'Land and water' CRC launched Lest I be assailed by Labor zealots that forthcoming elections are really (truly ruly) ideologically significant (whereas the last 10 weren't), let me offer Australia's valuable land and water re­ Conservation and Environment, Mel­ my defence. They may be right, and maybe the new right wolf is at the door, sources came under the spotlight last bourne Water, the Murray-Darling but I am of the view that the wolf seems to have got into the house anyway month with the launch at Monash of a Basin Commission, and the Bureau of without the election of a coalition government. new national research centre. Meteorology. Much of what previous ALP propaganda told us would be Liberal "vandal­ The Cooperative Research Centre Speaking at the launch, CRC direc­ ism" has been delivered by Labor in any event: higher education charges, for Catchment Hydrology, which will tor Dr Emmett O'Loughlin, of the sales of government assets, deregulation, enterprise bargaining etc. I leave have its headquarters at Monash, has CSIRO, said the centre would conduct to one side the question as to whether such policies are good, bad or indif­ been set up to coordinate research ef­ important research, especially into salinity, soil erosion, sedimentation and ferent. forts into preserving and improving land and water resources in line with pollution, water supply and flooding. The C08Ciusion is clear: the re-election of a federal Labor government ecologically sustainable productivity. "These issues are growing in signifi­ does not guard against any coalition policies, although it may delay their The centre is an affiliation of fed­ cance, as actions taken in the past have introduction. Pardon my cynicism, but on past form expect a re-elected eral and state bodies and universities, led to a serious decline in resources. Keating government to be embracing a GST in about 18 months time. including the CSIRO Division of Water The CRC will make sure that the solu­ Dr Paul Rodan is President of the Australian Colleges and Universities Staff Resources, Monash and Melbourne tions to today's problems will not en­ Association. universities, the Rural Water Corpora­ cumber future generations," Dr tion of Victoria, the Department of O 'Loughlin said.

4 - Montage September 1992 A species ofIsraeli desert rat is providing important clues about the causes ofan insidious form of diabetes. Research student Ms Carol Delaney, a diabetic herself, is trying to determine if these rats can be used to show how the disease develops in humans.

Thousands of Australians suffer an insidious form of diabetes without even being aware of it Victims of non insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) are at risk of suffering irreversible damage to their health because some doctors may not be alert to its early symptoms.

People with NIDDM, otherwise spond to insulin, even though it may be known as Type 2 diabetes, may suffer producing higher levels than normal. complications including the formation Type 1 diabetes in humans is of cataracts in the· eyes, problems with thought to be caused by an auto­ small blood vessels of the retina and immune reaction, resulting from an in­ kidney, impaired resistance to infection terplay of genetic and environmental and healing of wounds, and problems factors. Ms Delaney's brother Peter, with nervous and circulatory systems. whose own PhD project on the develop­ Ms Delaney who has been studying ment of a new type of laser confocal mi­ NIDDM for her PhD project, has been croscope featured in Montage last year, taking insulin for Type 1 diabetes since developed Type 1 diabetes when he she was 11. She has been alternating was only five. her work between the Department of Their form of diabetes results from Physiology and the International Dia­ an absence of insulin. The immune betes Institute in Caulfield. system mounts an attack on the body's NIDDM has proved difficult to own insulin-secreting cells in the en­ study because of the lack of a suitable docrine part of the pancreas, called the animal model for the disease in islets of Langerhans. humans. But in the 1960s scientists dis­ Type 1 diabetes can be mimicked in Ms Carol Delaney performs a heat-sensitivity test on her PhD supervisor, Dr covered such an animal by chance. The laboratory rodents by chemically ablat­ Rod Westerman. The test detects early signs of small-nerve fibre dysfunction, Israeli sand rats (Psammomys obesus) ing the beta cells of the islets of have turned out to be most engaging Langerhans. However, duplicating non an indicator ofNIDDM diabetes. subjects for the study of NIDDM, the in­ insulin-dependent diabetes is more sulin-resistant form of the disease. In complicated because the underlying their natural desert habitat, the Israeli cause is not the failure of insulin pro­ down, with the peripheral nervous mediated by the nerves also begin to rats eat a low-calorie, high-salt diet. duction, but the progressive failure of system being most affected. Patients fail. When a person suffers any injury If fed on standard rat chow under insulin receptors throughout the body suffer sensations like tingling in the fin­ or infection which would normally laboratory conditions, some of the rats to respond to insulin. gers and toes, numbness and pain. cause pain, the nerve releases neuro­ rapidly develop the classic symptoms of Feedback mechanisms cause the "The thing about Type 2 diabetes is transmitters that relay the information non-insulin-dependent diabetes in body to over-compensate by progres­ that a lot of people have the condition back to the brain. humans: their serum insulin levels soar sively secreting much higher levels of without realising it," Ms Delaney said. At the same time, the sensory end and they become obese. As they lose insulin, in an attempt to force the fail­ "Its onset is slow and insidious, of the nerve releases neuropeptide fac­ their ability to respond normally to in­ ing receptors to respond. Because in­ whereas the symptoms of Type 1 dia­ tors that bring cells from the immune sulin, they develop progressively sulin mediates the cellular uptake of betes smack you in the face. system swarming to the site. The cells higher blood-sugar levels that begin to blood glucose, the cells are starved of "A person can have Type 2 diabetes secrete growth factors which stimulate cause tissue damage. glucose, and it can accumulate in the for years without knowing it. Its effects other specialised cells to grow and There are several forms of diabetes, blood, reaching toxic levels that cause are reversible to some extent if they divide, healing any injury. but the disease is broadly defined as a tissue damage. are detected and treated early, but the Thus, slow healing and poor resis­ condition in which blood glucose con­ Ms Delaney is particularly inter­ longer somebody goes on without tance to infection in diabetes patients tent is elevated, in the presence of inad­ ested in nerve dysfunction resulting knowing they have it, the more lasting are ultimately a consequence of their equate production or impaired action of from NIDDM: victims suffer impaired damage it can do to the body. Diabetes impaired nerve function. However, insulin. In NIDDM, the action of insulin sensitivity to heat and cold, and to vi­ generally starts off with reversible, nerves damaged by diabetes can repair is impaired: the body's is unable to re- bration. Nerve transmission slows short-term nerve dysfunction, which themselves. Dr Westerman says dia­ can later result in structural damage." betes patients exhibit a mix of damaged The problem develops in all types and regenerating nerves. If the damage of nerve fibres. Myelinated nerves are is detected early, it can be reversed. covered with an insulating sheath of "The proof lies in operations in the protein myelin that ensures that the which patients with insulin-dependent current carrying the nerve impulse diabetes received a kidney-pancreas does not leak out of the nerve body. transplant," Dr Westerman said. In diabetes, the myelin sheath can "When their diabetes was cured, all break down or even peel away from the their complications were reversed." body of the nerve, preventing the trans­ But what causes Type 2 diabetes? mission of impulses. The thinner, un­ Ms Delaney says the cumulative effects myelinated fibres do not show much of stress, poor diet and deranged fat obvious structural change - even under metabolism all are important factors. electron microscopy - but their chem­ Stress alters the body's hormonal istry is altered and function impaired. balances, which can in tum alter eating The ability of peripheral nerves to behaviour and the body's balance of fat sense heat is one of the first functions to lean tissue, perhaps because their to change. Ms Delaney performs a ability to respond to insulin is declin­ heat-sensitivity test on humans, aimed ing. Many people with NIDDM are over­ at detecting the early signs of small­ weight or obese, particularly in the ab­ Israeli sand rats develop symptoms of the insulin-resistant form of diabetes nerve fibre dysfunction due to NIDDM. dominal region. Her supervisor, Dr Rod Wester­ when their diet is changed. man, says critical biochemical reactions Continued on Research Monash 4


Since ancient times, metals have been blended to produce alloys ofgreater strength and durability. In our era, this alchemy has been applied to plastics. A new Monash research centre is adding momentum to the search for these materials of the future.

Unknown technologists somewhere in the Middle East or in China some 3500 years ago made a happy discovery when they mixed the soft metal copper with small quantities of tin. It yielded a gold-coloured alloy, mers with useful properties, while an harder and more durable than either alloy is a more highly engineered mix of parent metal: bronze. Throughout the polymers, which uses a compatibilising 20th century, marriages between other agent to join two normally immiscible metals have produced a host of unusual polymers. alloys with properties that could not Polymers vary widely in their prop­ have been predicted from those of the erties and tend to be highly incompati­ starting materials. ble when mixed, segregating into Jumps Only recently, plastics technologists unless a compatibilising agent is used. have begun to follow suit, mixing famil­ Dr Rizzardo says molecules of a single iar plastics with the aim of producing polymer have a natural affinity for each plastic alloys with novel properties. other, and will cling to each other in Such alloys are the focus for one of the preference to linking up with molecules new cooperative research centres, an­ of a second polymer. nounced earlier this year. A compatibilising agent is, in The Department of Materials Engi­ essence, a molecule with a head that neering is one of the research partners binds to one polymer, and a tail that in the new Cooperative Research binds to the other, to produce a finely Centre for Polymer Blends, which will integrated dispersion between the oth­ be coordinated from premises within erwise incompatible partners. the Faculty of Engineering. Such agents are normally a deep The other partners in the centre are trade secret; companies will sell poly­ Director of the Polymer Blends CRC, Dr Ezio Rizzardo: identifying market the CSIRO Division of Chemicals and mer blends with the agent already trends and commercial opportunities that can be pursued by research. Polymers, the Royal Melbourne Insti­ mixed in, rather than risk somebody tute of Technology's Polymer Technol­ analysing it in pure form. Developing ogy Centre and its Rheology and Mate­ new compatibilising agents is more trial can use existing plant to produce a (acrylonitrile, butadiene and styrene), rials Processing Centre, ICI Australia, and error than educated chemistry, and blend with the required properties. which has less than ideal resistance to Chemplex, and the Materials Research the CRC will be trying to elucidate gen­ The explosion in interest in polymer distortion at high temperature. Laboratories of the Defence Science eral principles that could lead to a more blends is only a decade old, and Dr Rizzardo says the solution may and Technology Organisation. The Plas­ rational approach to the design of new progress has been slow because mixing be to blend ABS with a fourth polymer tics Industries Association and the su­ compatibilising agents. polymers has proven far more difficult with very high heat-distortion resis­ percomputer company, Cray Research, "One aim in generating new poly­ than expected. Dr Rizzardo says the tance. Australian car manufacturers are are affiliates. mer blends is to upgrade the properties CRC is relying on the expertise of its also exploring the use of an ABs-polycar­ The Director of the Polymer Blends of commodity polymers like polyvinyl commercial partners, rcr and Chemplex, bonate for hub caps. The material has CRC, Dr Ezio Rizzardo, says the chloride (PVC) or polypropylene, so that to identify market trends or opportuni­ very high impact and abrasion resis­ centre's work will cover five areas: they can be used in new applications," ties that can be pursued by research tance, and good resistance to distortion. e design and production of polymer Dr Rizzardo said. programs. Some cars have their polymer rcr has already identified opportuni­ blend components; "Another is to make very expensive, bumpers painted with polymer paints, ties in the market for polyolefins like e processing and properties of poly­ high-performance polymers cheaper by which is difficult to remove when the mer blends; adding low-cost polymers as extenders. polyethylene and polypropylene. One idea is to recycle the polypropylene bumper is recycled. One solution may e computer-aided technologies in Some high-performance polymers have be to develop a new polymer paint that polymer blend technology; properties that exceed requirements; bumper bars on many modern vehicles. would blend in with the recycled mater­ e recycling and environmental con­ they don't need to be so strong or so The material used in the bumper bars is ial of the bumper, without compromis­ trol; and tough in certain applications." already a blend of polypropylene mixed e education through higher degree Developing new polymer blends or with about 5 per cent of a rubbery ing its properties. programs, mainly by research, but per­ alloys from existing polymers is usually toughening agent, which imparts flexi­ Dr Rizzardo says more and more haps by course work as well. much cheaper than developing a new, bility to the normally brittle plastic. plastics today are being designed for re­ The centre will study polymer pure polymer - a homopolymer - for "One of the key issues is that if you cycling. In fact, the desire to do so is blends and polymer alloys. Dr Rizzardo specialised applications, Dr Rizzardo recycle used bumper bars, you lose still running ahead of the community's says there is no clear divide between said. A company might need to invest some of the properties of the original ability to establish viable recirculation the two types of material, but a blend is tens of millions of dollars in new plant material so that it no longer meets the programs; there are still problems with generally a mix of two or more poly- to produce a new polymer, whereas it specifications for re-use in bumper segregating and collecting recyclable bars," Dr Rizzardo said. "It would be plastics. very desirable to re-use the material, Polymer blends could be used to im­ and the motor industry is now looking prove the performance of quite mun­ at employing it in less critical compo­ dane materials. Margarine containers nents inside and outside the vehicle. can be made from polystyrene, which is "However, an alternative might be easily formed into tubs. But polystyrene to generate a new blend with the right is very brittle, and tends to soften by ab­ properties for a bumper bar, but which sorbing fats from the margarine. Using doesn't degrade when it is recycled. a rubbery polyolefin, such as polyethyl­ This is an important concept, looking at ene or polypropylene, could prevent the whole life-cycle of polymers. cracking and also prevent softening. "It is attracting a Jot of attention in Similarly, the polymer insulation the Plastics Industry Association, both around electrical cables sometimes from an economic and environmental viewpoint. Recyclable plastics are be­ comprises a PVC layer around the coming increasingly important, but after copper core, with an outer nylon coat­ the fiasco with bio- and photo-degrad­ ing for abrasion resistance. Rats often · able plastic bags, nobody wants to go chew through the insulation, and al­ down that path without knowing pre­ though PVC and nylon are not flamma­ cisely what they're doing. ble individually, they form an explosive Another application for polymer combination when used in close prox­ blends in motor vehicles is for internal imity. Dr Rizzardo says new polymer components like the dashboard and blends could solve both problems. fascia. These components are formed Extrusion ofa polymer blend. from a mix of three polymers called ABS Continued on Research M onash 4

2 RESEARCH MONASH AUGUST 1992 ENGINEERING Transporting the futur.e

Melbourne's much-maligned public transport system actually does quite a good job of moving commuters in straight lines between the city and suburbs. But getting around away from these tracks is a different story, and funding is not being spent where it is most needed.

The demise of the horse as Melbourne's main mode of transport was hailed at the time as an environmental breakthrough. The several thousand horses plying Professor Ogden makes these ob­ Melbourne's streets in the 1880s each servations in a Civil Engineering work­ produced an average of 16 kilograms of ing paper titled 'Has public transport a solid waste and 8.5 kilograms of liquid future?', which he presented earlier this waste per day. year to a forum on the future of public By 1890 Melbourne already had in transport, organised by the Conserva­ place the greater part of what is today tion Council of Victoria. one of the most extensive train and His paper makes it clear just how tram networks of any city in the world; much the past has influenced, even dic­ not as a result of enlightened planning tated, the present and the future of Mel­ for the commuters of the new century, bourne's public transport system, and but to provide a profit to land specula­ the city's design and patterns of eco­ tors on the urban fringe. nomic activity. Professor Ken Ogden, professorial Despite the increasing criticism lev­ fellow in the Department of Civil Engi­ elled at the public transport system, he neering, says it was this rail and tram says, "We are all too fond of criticising network that set the city's growth and our public transport system in this land-use patterns fully 60 years before town, but we really must acknowledge the motor car began to cause serious its strengths, and certainly the vast traffic congestion. extent of the tram and rail network is "It is a myth that the motor car pro­ one of them." duced the urban sprawl," Professor Public transport dominates the cen­ Professor Ken Ogden: "We are all too fond of criticising our public transport Ogden said. "The rail network did that. tral city commuter market, providing system in this town, but we really must acknowledge its strengths ... " We had a strongly radial transport over half the daily commuter trips into system with a highly centralised city. the central business district; by world The two were, and still are, compatible standards, a very high percentage for a The key to improving Melbourne's Professor Ogden poses the ques­ and mutually reinforcing. low-density city. Public transport is built public transport system, he believes, is tion: can public transport gain a larger "One feature of such an extensive around radial travel into the central city, to encourage it to develop market-re­ share of the suburban travel market? public transport system was that it went particularly for work trips. Because it is sponsive entrepr~neurial activity. The fi­ The answer depends on what sort of out a very long way. This meant that so successful, it is obviously competi­ nancial climate surrounding public trips are likely to be made in future, and there were very large wedges of open tive and will continue to be so while transport works against this aim. what proportion of those trips could be space between the radiating rail lines." Melbourne has a large central-city Public transport expenditure, via provided by public transport. In the With the rise of the motor car in the workforce. both capital investment and operating 1950s, manufacturing industry's need But Professor Ogden says planners short term, the abundance of inner


it hardly varies with distance," Profes­ The key factors in their growth will sor Ogden said. not be access to traditional things like Dense networks emerge "This has the absolutely revolution­ ports or cheap land, but to major air­ ary effect that location hardly matters at ports, strong internal road networks all for those activities which are con­ (for the movement of goods), and high­ From Research Monash 3 This type of growth occurred largely cerned with processing information, capacity, high-speed inter-regional sur­ because information systems were while for those industries still con­ face transport links. Paradoxically, these emerging primitive, slow and inflexible; similarly, trends could actually assist public trans­ cerned with processing material things, But the most important single vari­ industries tended to be rigid, inflexible control can be exercised from a dis­ able will be the city's ability to attract port's traditional city-centred role. A and inefficient. Industry was quick to strong metropolitan centre requires tance, and in real time. Any tendency to­ and hold creative, skilled people. That take advantage of the 'densification' of wards telecommuting (working from means ready access to quality educa­ strong, economically vigorous suburban networks. Trams supplemented rail, development: without it, there is little home) will only accentuate this trend. tion, a rich cultural ambience and the and both were eventually augmented by role for a central city, and Melbourne's "The effect of these changes on the availability of outdoor recreation. road-based transport networks, which core would stagnate. future of our cities is certain to be pro­ In short, Professor Ogden says, the were more dense than either. What of the future? Professor found. Indeed, one might even question nature and form of interactions within Ogden points to a historic trend for But the densest networks of all have the very concept of a city, if a person our cities will be increasingly depen­ transport and communications net­ emerged in this century: the telecom­ can communicate as easily with some­ dent on 'dense' networks, most notably works to become more dense or "less munications networks. It began with the one across the world as across the communication and road networks. sparse" with time. Last century, trans­ telephone, and has now 'densified' into road." Today's 'sparse' networks will not port flows were concentrated on a few, mobile phones, satellite links, faxes, Professor Ogden says if current re­ be redundant, because people will still high-capacity links (hence the impor­ and computer-based electronic mail. search i~ any guide, the vibrant cities of require intra-urban rail and tram ser­ tance of ports and rail), and industry "The key thing about communica­ the future will be associated with cre­ vices, but the emergent wealth-creating tended to grow around the nodes or tion networks is that, once one is con­ ativity, communication, cultural ambi­ activities will increasingly be focused on along the links. nected to the network, the cost of using ence and competence. electronic and road networks.

Diabetes linked to thrifty gene Camera captures all From Research Monash 1 human-like complications with the onset of insulin resistance. If they don't, the high-speed action A plausible theory about NIDDM is then they would not be a good model that it results from a 'thrifty gene'. In­ for studying the human disease." digenous peoples in many parts of the If the Israeli rats do provide a world have developed NIDDM after model, Dr Westerman says they will changing from a traditional, low-calorie, make it easier to identify the factors in­ low-carbohydrate diet to a carbohydrate volved in the development of obesity and fat-rich Western diet and insulin resistance. "We could then Ms Delaney's Israeli rats may also start to look for particular biochemical be exhibiting this response when they deficits in organs, and experiment with switch from their salty, low-calorie nat­ therapies that may ultimately lead to ural diet to a calorie-rich diet of rat the development of therapies for chow. Because rats are much shorter humans," he said. lived than humans and their life Dr Westerman says one of the inter­ processes are accelerated, it may be esting aspects of diabetes is that muscle possible to track the biochemical and cells and fat cells require insulin before physiological events that lead to NIDDM they can take up glucose, but nerve "My primary interest in rats is cells do not. If nerve cells are exposed whether insulin deficiency, whether it is to abnormally high levels of glucose, relative or absolute, plays an important they may deal with it by shunting it into role in nerve dysfunction," Ms Delaney alternative metabolic pathways. said. "In other words, is it high blood Alcohol-based sugars such as sor­ glucose that causes nerve damage, or is bitol may accumulate to toxic levels, it directly linked to a lack of insulin, or damaging the nerve cells. In rodents, the body's inability to respond to it? compounds that block these alternative "It would be worthwhile just to be pathways have shown an ability to pro­ able to answer this question. Even tect nerve cells against toxic sugars. though these animals have been stud­ Disappointingly, most of these com­ ied since the 1960s, there has been very pounds have proved either ineffective little study of the complications. or toxic when tested in humans, but at "If the rats are a good model for least one such compound (folrestat) is Type 2 diabetes, they should develop now showing some promise. The high-speed video camera work station is portable and can display action recorded by two cameras at different angles.

may allow researchers to design com­ A high-speed camera that records station is built on wheels and has a sta­ Predicting new patibilisers, based on a knowledge of action faster than the human eye can bilising bar designed to offer versatility the contribution of individual polymers see is creating advancements in hi-tech of movement," Mr lvey said. polymer blends to the mix. experiments. The camera can monitor electrical "We would like to be able to predict The $250,000 video camera (HSV and physical responses by recording what happens when we mix A and B, 1000) is the only one of its kind in Aus­ analog and digital data. As well, its mon­ From Research Monash 2 but we can never really be sure what tralia and is capable of taking 1000 pic­ itor has dual screen capacity to view will happen because it depends not only tures per second, compared to an ordi­ action recorded by two cameras at dif­ The new centre will also be study­ on the basic physical properties of the nary video which takes 60 pictures per ferent angles. ing new blends, synthesised to improve polymers, but on the conditions under second. Teaching Services Unit (TSU) It can record data directly onto a their processing properties by bringing which they are processed," Dr Rizzardo technical officer at Clayton campus, Mr computer, allowing the user to make down their melting points or improving said. Graeme lvey, said the high-speed changes to plot graphs of acceleration, their flow properties. RMIT has special "There are so many permutations camera was a major breakthrough. velocity, position, angle and force. expertise in polymer processing and that it is a huge challenge, and progress "The camera gives scientists the Jointly funded by TSU, the Science rheology (the science of fluid flow), worldwide has been very slow. We want ability to run an experiment, rewind the Faculty, Civil Engineering and Anatomy while Monash University and DSTO's to be at the forefront. Having the Plas­ video and then watch the film in slow departments, and a grant from the Vice Materials Research Laboratories have tics Industry Association as an affiliate motion to make accurate assessments Chancellor, the camera will be used by complementary expertise in the physi­ means that we have access to the exper­ from the test," he said. "It will have sig­ several departments for research and cal and mechanical properties of materi­ tise of their membership. nificant effects for experiments in car testing. als, including tensile strength, abrasion "Further down the track, we expect crashing and human movement, as well Civil Engineering will use the resistance and toughness. to commercialise the intellectual prop­ as microscopic applications," he said. camera for recording car crashes and Cray Research will contribute its erty from the centre with help from PIA The HSVlOOO, manufactured in fluid dynamics experiments. Physiology special supercomputer software and its members. At the end of our seven-year Japan by NAC, can be used with one or will study human movement and Ecol­ expertise in computer modelling. The funding period as a CRC, we want to be more cameras and comes with a work ogy and Evolutionary Biology will use it new CRC will try to develop computer in a position to fund our continuing re­ station consisting of a monitor, recorder to record experiments involving algal models of polymer behaviour, which search ourselves." and hand-held control unit. "The work sperm motility.

-4 RESEARCH MONASH SEPTEMBER 1992 RESEARCH Controlling the feral animal plague

Australia is plagued with feral animals. Over the past 200 years, introduced species have wrought environmental havoc, damaging ecosystems and driving some native animals to extinction. Perhaps animal contraception is the answer.

Mammals that evolved in other parts of the world have flourished in Aus­ tralia in the absence of their natural predators and diseases, displacing or destroying indigenous species and endangering native plants. Rabbits and pigs have destroyed could be used in animals. Ivory poach­ huge tracts of vegetation, feral cats and ers have devastated wild elephant popu­ foxes have decimated small mammal lations, but animals brought into the and bird species, and large populations relative sanctuary of game reserves have of brumbies, donkeys, goats and camels bred prolifically, destroying large areas are roaming the semi-arid rangelands, of woodland by browsing and so ruin­ causing severe damage to sensitive ing the habitat for other species. ecosystems. Rats and mice are often in In New Scientist last month, Profes­ plague proportions, threatening native sor Short says that recent research has birds and reptiles on offshore islands, shown elephants to be highly intelli­ and causing tens of millions of dollars gent and capable of lasting affection. in losses to grain farmers. They can communicate over long dis­ Professor Roger Short and Chinese­ tances with infrasonic sound, too low born postdoctoral researcher Dr Yuan for human hearing. Elephants develop Gao, both of the Department of Physi­ life-long family bonds, grieve over Dr Yuan Gao: Mice are attracted to soft wax cakes that contain cereal grains embedded with ology, are proposing a radical new ap­ death, and do not forget. In parks that a chemosterilant compound. proach to controlling feral mammals in cull their animals by shooting, ele­ Australia, which would limit or even phants avoid human contact; in parks embedded in green-dyed paraffin wax. somewhat speculative, and at best will eliminate pest species by blocking their where there is no culling, they move Rodents apparently enjoy the sensation not be ready for a number of years. reproduction. They believe that new freely among human visitors. of gnawing on the soft wax, which pro­ The CSIRO is also investigating the use anti-fertility compounds originally de­ Professor Short believes an ideal vides a perfect medium for fat-soluble of tiny worm-like nematodes to control veloped for human population control strategy would be to allow young fe­ chemosterilants like steroids. The wax mouse plagues. - such as methyl testosterone, the new males to go through puberty at the cakes protect the drug against leaching "It's also important to note that you gestagen Org 5933, and antigestagens normal age of 11, conceive, and then and weathering and, because of their can't tackle rabbits without first con­ like the abortifacient drug, mifepris­ use a drug like RU486 to induce abor­ colour, do not attract birds or carnivores. trolling foxes, because rabbits make up tone (RU486) - could rapidly bring tion in mid-term, before the fetus is Dr Gao obtained some wild mice a very large proportion of the diet of feral animals under control, and could large enough to trigger the maternal from wheat farms near Ouyen, in the foxes," he said. "In the absence of rab­ actually eliminate them from islands. bonding reflex. The normal length of Victorian Mallee. He put seven males bits, foxes would decimate native Their idea was inspired by the spec­ pregnancy in the elephant is 22 and seven females in each of four open­ wildlife, yet CSIRO does not yet have any tacularly successful program to control months, the longest of any mammal. air enclosures, with a hay bale for shel­ idea how to control the fox. CSIRO the screw-worm fly, a serious pest in the If every alternate pregnancy was ter and a liberal supply of the best labo­ can't tackle the rabbit without first tack­ cattle industry. Female screw-worm flies aborted, increasing the interval be­ ratory rodent chow. Mice in the first ling the fox. We could start a fox-con­ mate only once in a lifetime, and if they tween births by two years, it would actu­ cage were given paraffin baits contain­ trol program based on antigestagens as mate with a sterile male, there are no ally reduce the elephant population. ing a high level of methyl testosterone, early as next year." offspring. In Florida, the release of mil­ The drug would need to be adminis­ the second received a medium dose, Professor Short and Dr Gao have lions of sterile males has exterminated tered to each pregnant female only and the third a low dose, with the been conducting their research with the fly, and it has recently been wiped once every six and a half years. fourth serving as an untreated control. support from a Melbourne technology out in North Africa, where it was intro­ Dr Gao has been experimenting After four months, there were 31 company and their methyl testosterone duced by chance during the 1980s. with new chemosterilant compounds mice instead of the original 14 in the trial on wild mice was funded by the The dilemma of managing African for rats and mice for the past four control pen, but in the low and middle Grains Research and Development Cor­ elephant populations provides a good years, using a type of bait that rats and dose pens, there had been only two and poration. Although the experiments example of how fertility control drugs mice find irresistible - cereal grains four mice added. The high-dose pen conducted so far have been successful, had 33 additional mice, apparently be­ Professor Short's research group does cause the high dose made the bait un­ not have funds to continue the work. palatable and the mice refused to eat it. Meanwhile, he has received in­ The most exciting result, Professor quiries from a number of authorities Short says, was that a very low dose of interested in controlling rats on off­ methyl testosterone effectively sup­ shore islands. The Australian National pressed breeding through its impact on Parks and Wildlife Service is very inter­ female infertility. He said chemosterili­ ested in the idea of using chemosteri­ sation could be integrated with poison­ lants to eliminate rats from Lord Howe ing programs for animals such as rats Island and Norfolk Island where egg and mice to prevent the emergence of predation has brought two native birds, resistance to commonly-used poisons. the green parrot and the boobook owl, "Poisoning is a more effective way to the brink of extinction. of controlling animals than shooting or "Rats are also threatening the trapping, but when you put a poison kentia palm industry on Lord Howe down, certain animals will always sur­ Island, the island's main export," Pro­ vive," he said. "Mice and rats, if they fessor Short said. "On both islands, rats survive poisoning, will display bait shy­ are exterminating several unique ness - they will refuse to take that type species of ground-nesting birds. of bait again. Rats and mice can also "Cats introduced onto Ascension develop resistance to poisons. The idea Island in the Atlantic have hunted the would be to alternate poisons with Wideawake Tern almost to extinction, chemosterilants. Since a chemosterilant and in New Zealand, ferrets and cats steroid mimics the animal's own hor­ are wiping out albatrosses, and rats are mones, the animal can't become resis­ threatening the tuatara (a unique, tant to it". primitive lizard-like reptile regarded as Professor Short would like to make a living fossil) . " a quick start on field experiments, Professor Short says offshore islands pointing out that current CSIRO re­ would provide natural laboratories for search projects to develop new tech­ experiments to test the new chemoster­ Professor Roger Short: The dilemma of managing African elephant populations provides a niques of virally vectored immunosteri­ ilant approach for controlling intro­ good example of how fertility control drugs could be used in animals. lants to control foxes and rabbits are duced feral animals.

September 1992 Montage - 5 PEOPLE

• Celebrating 25 years T German week Professor Enid Campbell recently celebrated her In dieser Woche miissen alle nur Deutsch sprechen! 25th year at Monash. (Translation: This week everyone must speak only Now Associate Dean of the Law Faculty, she German.) So said all the signs announcing the joined Monash in 1967. Professor Campbell was the German department's 'Deutsche Woche' (German first woman in Australian to be appointed to a chair Week). of law and take a post as Dean of the Law School. During this annual event normal classes are can­ After completing her undergraduate studies in celled and time is given over to spoken, written or Tasmania, she obtained a PhD in the US. She now aural German. Activities included visitors from the concentrates mainly on administrative and constitu­ Goethe Institute speaking on Max and Moritz (two tional law and is interested in political and legal phi­ famous German cartoon characters), film sequences, losophy and history. plays, conversation workshops, a lecture on German "Over 25 years, the law faculty at Monash has cake cooking, a quiz program, film marathon, stu­ changed a great deal" she said. "Classes are much dents reporting from Germany and instructions on larger now. The percentage of mature age students is the art of beer brewing (with tasting of German also increasing and the ratio of females to males is brands, natiirlich). almost one to one." The week concluded with an awards ceremony Professor Campbell manages a full-time teaching for outstanding students in each year. Ms Simone load, as well as her research into aspects of the law Duxbury (below) won the 1991 Goethe Prize for the practice and its effectiveness. She also writes for jour­ best academic result in first year. nals, has published books and served on Royal Com­ • Top Oxford award missions into Australian government administration, tertiary education and law schools. A Monash graduate and now lecturer in the Faculty of Law, has won the Vinerian Scholarship for top graduate in his law exams at Oxford. Mr Andrew Palmer, who won the Menzies Schol­ arship in Law to Oxford, obtained First Class Hon­ ours in his Bachelor of Civil Law to win the presti­ gious mantle of top student, as well as the Rupert Cross Prize for top evidence student. "I didn't believe it at first and really thought that someone had made a mistake," Mr Palmer said. He joins a select few Australian students who have won the Vinerian prize at Oxford. "Oxford is great place to study, it has an intellectual environment which makes you feel invigorated," he said. The Menzies scholarship, which is awarded annu­ ally to law and medical students, enabled Mr Palmer, accompanied by his wife and two children, to study in England. He graduated with a Bachelor of Law from Monash in 1989 after completing an English litera­ • Insurance law prize ture degree in New Zealand. He was awarded the Supreme Court Prize for top law student at Monash, • Accounting honour Final year law student, Ms Elspeth Hensler, has won as well as several subject prizes, before holding a posi­ Dr Claudio Romano, recently appointed an associate the SIO Consumer Appeals Centre Insurance Law tion as research fellow at Melbourne University. professor in the School of Accounting, has been Prize for 1991. named 1992 Accountant of the Year by the industry Ms Hensler's entry was judged the best of 10 sub­ publication New Accountant. mitted 3000-word essays on a topic relating to a con­ T Polymer centre head He has won international accolades for his sumer's legal rights. The Monash-based ground-breaking PhD thesis, titled The Role of Formal Presenting the $250 prize, SIO consumer Appeals Cooperative Research Planning and Control Systems in the Growth of Small Busi­ Centre director, Mr Simon Smith, said: "It's good to Centre for Polymer ness. It is regarded as a benchmark by US Examiner, see law students coming to grips with the consumer Blends has appointed a Don Sexton, who sets it as compulsory reading for his aspects of insurance law. This is an area which de­ director. He is Dr Ezio PhD students. serves the attention of our universities". Rizzardo. At the recent American Marketing Association The Cooperative Re­ Symposium on marketing and entrepreneurship, search Centre (CRC) for held in France, conference adjudicators described • Agriculture medal Polymer Blends, the only the paper as a "trailblazer" and the editor ofJournal of one of its kind in Aus­ Mr Michael Reed, a Monash honours student, has Business Research offered to publish the unabridged tralia, will develop ad­ been awarded the inaugural Nancy Millis Gold Medal thesis in a special edition. vanced polymers and from the Victorian Government and Department of Dr Romano believes an accounting qualification skills encompassing the Agriculture. is a solid foundation for many careers. "All entrepre­ whole product life cycle. The medal is one of a series of prizes for excel­ neurs should have an understanding of accounting lence in agricultural science and technology, open to The CRC for Polymer Blends is funded by a $8.69 procedures and practices," he said. In fact, he says applicants from around Australia. The award, which million Federal Government grant over seven years banks should recommend that borrowers attend an entitles the recipient to do a PhD over three years and brings together leading scientists in a collabora­ accounting program. with the Department of Agriculture Research Insti­ tive research project (see story in Research Monash). "Banks lend money out on false security. Their at­ tute, will be presented annually. "The centre brings together leading scientists and titude has always been: if you have an asset to mort­ Mr Reed is undertaking a Bachelor of Science engineers in polymer technology which gives us the gage you'll get your money. Instead, banks should (Hons) in Microbiology at the Victorian Institute of opportunity to make significant advances in polymer look at people and ask if they are capable of manag­ Animal Sciences, which is affiliated with Monash. His blends," said Dr Rizzardo. "We will be looking at ways ing other people's money. Applying for a bank loan research project is on molecular cloning and charac­ to improve polymer blends, reduce costs, how to im­ should not be just a matter of filling in a form. Bor­ terisation of genes encoding for multi-drug resistance prove processability of plastics and ways to recycle rowers should be made to attend a program as part in liver flukes. polymeric materials." of an education process."

11 Financial Review - Ms Rebecca Smale, Australian 12 The Australian- Professor Mark Wahlqvist, Medi­ ~Press cuttings Studies Centre: Academics talking up the conference cine: Foods exports between a wok and hard place. circuit. 13-19 Australian Campus Review Weekly- Ms Juanita Fer­ ~------nando , MAPS: Monash mature-age student plan 12 The Age- Professor Peter Fensham, Education: The 'inequitable'. A selection of recent Monash print media coverage way is open for many faiths. 17 The Age- Professor Peter Dixon, Centre of Policy 12 The Australian-Mr John Arnold, National Centre for August Studies: 'Economic policy is in the right direction'. Australian Studies: More distance learning tipped to be 20 Financial Review - Associate Professor Ron McCal­ approved with hopes of easing demand. 1 New Scientist - Professor Roger Short, Physiology: Ele­ lum, Law: Policy will hurt women. phants and birth control. 12 Canberra Times- Professor Roger Short, Canberra 20 Courier Mail (Brisbane) - Professor Maurice Balson, Times: Eliminating feral animals by controlling fertility. Education: Children run out of control. 10 The Age- Associate Professor Jeffrey Northfield, Education: Teachers, the overworked a:nd forgotten 12 H erald-Sun- Mr Tony Pritchard, Registrar: Top Press cuttings may be perused in the Public Affairs Office, victims of the VCE. marks to TV students. Gallery building, Clayton campus. .. L

6 - Montage September 1992 DIARY & EVENTS

SEPTEMBER Higher education research and development seminar OCTOBER 'Assessment' , by Mr Neil Paget of HEARU. Clayfield Greek, Roman and Egyptian Studies seminar Room, Caulfield. 2 pm. Software development seminar 'Persistence program­ 14 'AncientJerusalem: History, Geography and Psychology colloquium 'Handling of objects: How do we 2 ming: An implementation in Eiffel', by Mr Glenn Archaeology', by Dr Gideon Biger, Tel-Aviv Univer­ know their shapes?', by Dr Tony Goodwin, University Maughan. Al.37, Caulfield. 12.30 pm. sity. R7, Clayton. 1.05 pm. of Melbourne. Room 306, Biology building, Clayton. Accounting and finance seminar 'Performance auditing Lunchtime concert 'Searching for the Ark?', by the 1 pm. in the Australian Federal public sector: A mutable Melba occasional choir and ensemble. Chisholm Accounting and finance seminar 'The impact of capital masque' , by Professor Lee Parker. Room 954, Hall, Caulfield. 1 pm. adequacy requirements on financing and investment Menzies building, Clayton. 2.15 pm. Librarianship, archives and records seminar' Secondary decisions of retail banks', by Professor Don Stokes, Engineering research seminar 'Industrial design of solar sources and their importance for Colonial newspaper University of Southern Queensland. Room 954, commuter vehicles', by M. Wilken. Lecture Theatre history', by Mr Ross Harvey. Room 403, Menzies Menzies building, Clayton. 2.15 pm. B2.14, Caulfield. 1 pm. building, Clayton. 2.15 pm. History seminar 'Surgery in Australia in the late nine­ Librarianship, archives and records seminar '!'ether­ Anthropology and sociology seminar 'The teenth century', by Ms Monika Wells. Room 614, 5 wick's contribution to Australian libraries', by Ms 15 Mataungan Association: Social change on the Menzies building, Clayton. 2.15 pm. Marie Cullen. Room 403, Menzies building, Clayton. Gazelle Peninsula', by Mr Peter Kean. Room 1010, 2.15 pm. Menzies building, Clayton. 12 noon. Shankar in Concert A 22-member dance and 20 music troupe present folk, tribal and cultural Anthropology and sociology seminar 'Work organisa­ Continuing education seminar 'Team dances of India. Robert Blackwood Hall. 8 pm. 6 tion and leisure: A comparative study of the work 15 - 16 building group dynamics conflict ethic', by Associate Professor Ross Mouer. Room School holiday program for the children of staff and management', by Mr Robert Hockley. Contact: extn 1010, Menzies building, Clayton. 12 noon. 73 2809. 21 students. Clayton campus. Until 2 October. Contact: extns 75 3186 and 75 4119. Staff development seminar 'Professional secretary' . Genetics and developmental biology 'Develop­ Inquiries: Ms Di Barker, extn 75 6049. 16 ment and monitoring of gram negative bacte­ Staff development seminar 'Effective ria with useful catabolic abilities', by Dr Chris Saint. 21 & 24 writing skills' . Inquiries: Ms Di Genetics and developmental biology 'The short-chain Room 662, Biology building, Clayton. 4.15 pm. Barker, extn 75 6049. 7 alcohol dehydrogenase superfamily', by Dr Zygmunt Krozowski, Baker Medical Institute. Room Comparative literature and cultural studies seminar Staff development seminar 'Managing yourself in 662, Biology building, Clayton. 4.15 pm. 'Ruskin renames nature', by Dr Chris Worth. Room a time of stress and overload'. Inquiries: Ms 22 Comparative literature and cultural studies seminar 809, Menzies building, Clayton. 3.15 pm. Di Barker, extn 75 6049. 'Is the post-Soviet post-colonial', by Dr Marko. Pavlyshyn. Syme leadership seminar by Dr Michael Deeley, Manag­ Genetics and developmental biology 'Second hand Room 809, Menzies building, Clayton. 3.15 pm. ing Director, ICI Australia. Clayfield Room, Caulfield. chloroplasts: Can protozoans become algae?', 23 Staff development seminar 'Be a better 5pm. by Dr Geoff McFadden, . & public speaker'. Inquiries: Ms Di Staff development seminar 'Speed Room 662, Biology building, Clayton. 4.15 pm. 7 14 Barker, extn 75 6049. & reading'. Inquiries: Ms Di Barker, 16 18 Staff development seminar 'Hold the extn 75 6049. Robotics and digital technology seminar & line please - telephone tech­ 23 3 0 'Issues/ implementations of MPEG', by Mr Gary Robotics and digital technology seminar' Dynamic 8 niques'. Inquiries: Ms Di Barker, extn 75 6049. Bell. Room Al.40, Caulfield. 1 pm. 17 motion compensated video coding', by Mr NickJian. Room Al.40, Caulfield. 1 pm. Lunchtime concert by Les Ms, a women ' s Ecology and evolutionary biology seminar 'Pattern of vege­ 24 a capella vocal ensemble. The Religious tation change on the Bogong High Plains', by Mr Staff development seminar 'Introducing Monash' . Centre, Clayton. 1.10 pm. Gallery Theatrette, Clayton. 9.15 am Henrick Warren. Lecture Theatre S8, Biology build­ South East Asian studies seminar 'Music in Goa: Influ­ ing, Clayton. 1 pm. Continuing education seminar 'Anger: An occupational ences and developments', by Ms Maria de Souza. hazard for health professionals', by Mr Robert Software development seminar 'Logic programming Room 515, Menzies building, Clayton. 11.15 am. Hockley. Further details: extn 73 2809. 9 and software engineering', by Mr Leon Sterling. Al.37,Caulfield. 12.30 pm. Lunchtime concert by the Peter Clinch Clarinet Quartet. Accounting and finance seminar 'The provision The Religious Centre, Clayton. 1.10 pm. 25 of other services by auditors: Pricing and Psychology colloquium 'Human motion perception', by independence issues', by Mr Roger Simnett, Univer­ Dr Simon Cropper, University of Melbourne. Room Law staff seminar 'Recent developments in labour rela­ sity of NSW. Room 954, Menzies building, Clayton. 306, Biology building, Clayton. 1 pm. tions law in the UK and Australasia', by Dr David 2.15 pm. Lewis, Middlesex University, London. Staff library, Engineering research seminar 'Management of new second floor, Law building, Clayton. l.lOpm. Staff development seminar 'Feeling less stressed'. product development', by K. Sietsma. Lecture Inquiries: Ms Di Barker, extn 75 6049. Theatre B2.14, Caulfield. 1 pm. Ecology and evolutionary biology 'Evolution of the genera of Dictyopthales: A first synthesis', by Dr Julie Phillips. David Syme Faculty of Business seminar 'The Accounting and finance seminar 'Equity raising by Aus­ Lecture Theatre S8, Biology building, Clayton. 1 pm. 29 cross-cultural generalisability of the relation tralian small business: A study of access and survival', by Ms Li-Anne Woo, University of NSW. Room 954, South East Asian studies seminar 'The impact of NGO between budget emphasis and job related attitudes: A Menzies building, Clayton. 2.15 pm. aid in Vietnam', by Ms Gillian Braybrook. Room 515, theoretical analysis', by Mr Neale O'Connor, RMIT. Menzies building, Clayton. 11.15 am. Clayfield Room, Caulfield. 11 am. Linguistics seminar 'Gender differences: Meaning and School of Early Childhood and Primary Staff development course 'Introduction to scientific ter­ interpretations', by Ms Joanne Winter. Room S426, 17- 2 6 Education workshop/ exhibition 'Chil­ minology', by Mr Roger van Sonsbeek, Training con­ Menzies building, Clayton. 11 am. dren working with wood', sponsored by Mitre 10. sultant. 9.30 am. Contact: Ms Di Barker, extn 75 6049. History seminar 'New light on Masaccio's Frescoes in Royal Show Grounds. 'Gala performance', by Monash University Orthodox Florence's Brancacci Chapel', by Dr Nick Eckstein. Software development seminar 'Hypermedia with Society and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Aus­ Room 614, Menzies building, Clayton. 2.15 pm. 18 Hypercompass', by Mr Daniel Jitnah. Al.37, tralia - Central Youth lOth year anniversary. Robert Staff development seminar 'Working with overseas stu­ Caulfield. 12.30 pm. Blackwood Hall, Clayton. 8 pm. Inquiries: 696 2488. dents'. Inquiries: Ms Di Barker, extn 75 6049.

Arts & Minds IN THE GALLERIES • Australian Centre for Contemporary Art The Australian Centre for Contemporary Art's newest exhibition features THEATRE OFF CAMPUS the Havana-born, Sydney artist Ruark Lewis, Ruark Lewis - Transcription Draw­ ings 1988-1992. Lewis uses the structure of newspaper pages from Le Monde to construct • The Malthouse CUB space through his own marks superimposed over the newsprint. His drawings are also composed as transcribed music and might therefore be described as The newest Playbox show, The Emperor Regrets by Therese Radic, is a highly visual sound. theatrical and provocative play about honour, guilt, responsibility and the Em­ The exhibition opens 4 September and runs till 11 October. For further in­ peror of Japan. The play centres around Hirohito who occupied the Chrysan­ formation call the centre on 654 6422. themum Throne for 70 years before his death in 1989. As he lies dying, ravaged by cancer and visited by ghosts in his morphine-induced nightmare, he tries to • Monasti University Gallery reconcile his past. The gallery presents the minimalist-conceptual work of distinguished artist The Emperor Regrets investigates the complicated and often terse relationship Ian Burn until 3 October. His work raises visual questions, critically analysing between Australia and Japan and the unsettled issue of sadism and cruelty in patterns of perception, convention and the ultimate value of painting. war. The play is directed by Barry Kosky and stars Anthony Wong as Hirohito. Correction: Ian Burn is not a Western Australian, as reported in last month's The season opens on 3 October. column. He is from Tasmania For further information and bookings phone the Malthouse Box Office on 685 5111. To list a cultural event, contact Ms Suzie Bourne on extn 75 5329.

September 1992 Montage - 7 SAVANT

1s voting in crisis or just misunderstood?

TRALIA IS one of the world's oldest liberal When confronted with ballots containing any­ democracies. Elections have been an integral where between 30 and 70 names, voters were more part of this country's political experience likely to incorrectly complete their Senate ballots since the mid 1800s. than their HOR papers. By virtue of the sociology of Indeed, between 1856 and 1902 Australia led the Labor's core vote (blue-collar, less well educated, way with reforms that abolished property qualifica­ more likely to have English as a second language) the tions for the franchise, instituted the process of secret complexity of Senate ballots tended to disadvantage ballots and extended the franchise to women. Aus­ the ALP more than the conservatives. tralian elections have rarely witnessed the levels of In a bid to solve this problem, the Government violence and terror that characterise elections in a introduced a new format for the Senate ballot in number of European and Asian states. The results of which voters could choose either to fill in all their Federal and State elections enjoy a high rate of accep­ own preferences or cast a vote on an official party tance and, consequently, legitimacy. ticket by indicating their first preference in a separate The democratic electoral tradition is an integral square. The success of the reform was reflected in the part of the Australian political culture. But is the dramatic decline in Senate informal voting. claim that there is significant popular respect for the There was, however, a catch. The HOR ballot electoral process accurate? A quick flick through paper remained virtually the same, although the newspaper commentaries and leader articles written reforms did permit the printing of the party affilia­ by 'senior' or 'expert' correspondents point to tions of candidates for the first time. Clearly, mixing another developing trend. These commentators talk the options for voters was confusing. A significant of a growing disillusionment with politics and politi­ number of voters believed that they could also vote cians, with a consequential decline in popular respect for the HOR by indicating their first preference only. for electoral institutions. While we have no figures for the breakdown of They claim to speak for a growing public disquiet informal voting in the crucial 1984 election, the Aus­ with the frequency of elections in Australia. They by Nicholas Economou tralian Electoral Commission (AEC) did perform an identify the election of independent representatives analytical survey of informal voting in 1987. These first in North Sydney and then more recently in Wills figures appear to confirm the hypothesis that most as symptoms of a deep malaise in the body politic. informal voting is caused by people making a mistake been in decline, informal voting still remains higher in their bid to cast a preferential vote. They hint that the increasing incidence of informal than the historical norm. voting and non-attendance are further signs of a The survey found that 73.3 per cent of the infor­ system in crisis. The phenomenon can be explained by simply mal votes cast were the result of such errors (25.3 per noting the rate of informal voting for the Australian While public opinion polls may well suggest that cent had a tick or a cross, 48 per cent were somehow Senate. The first noteworthy point is the persistence there is widespread scepticism about the motivation defective in indicating the full list of preferences). Of of a particularly high informal vote throughout the of politicians (and, if Adlai Stevenson's remark that the remainder, 15.9 per cent of the ballots were same period that the HOR informal vote was so low. electors get the governments they deserve is any blanks, and 10.1 per cent had some form of writing The turning point for informal voting for both guide, politicians may well be reflecting something upon them. houses was 1984, with the HOR figure of 6.8 per cent about the community itself), very little statistical evi­ Given that compulsory voting involves turning up leaping above the Senate figure of 4. 7 per cent for dence exists to prove that the electoral system is in at a polling station to have your name marked off the the first time. crisis. The persistence of high voter tum-outs at elec­ role, one might expect disenchanted voters to either tions and the relative stability of the pattern of infor­ Particular attention should be paid to the decline leave their ballots blank or to suitably inscribe them. mal voting, particularly in Federal elections, do not in informal Senate voting (from 9.9 per cent in 1983 Once again the figures would suggest that if this is bear out the crisis hypothesis. to the 4. 7 per cent rate of 1984). This is surely as dra­ happening, it is not enough to warrant the crisis tag. Critics would, of course, make a number of matic a decrease as the HOR figure was an increase. This does not suggest that there might not be a counter-assertions. They would say that citing partici­ Moreover, while the HOR informal vote for elections crisis in the system at some point in the future. pation rates is inappropriate, given that voting is com­ since 1984 has declined, there has been no concomi­ Indeed, the trends in informal voting are important pulsory. Moreover, they would point to the 1984 tant rise in the Senate rate. indicators of some potential problems within the election result in which the informal vote for the The reason is that in 1983 the Federal Labor Gov­ polity. However, greater caution should be employed House of Representatives (HOR) leapt from a ernment reformed the electoral process. Among the when reacting to figures that only point to some devi­ national rate of 2.1 per cent (1983) to 6 per cent, as raft of alterations to the electoral regulations under­ ation from the statistical norm. evidence of something amiss within the system. taken was a proposal to simplify voting for the Senate. The electoral process is deeply rooted within the In some states the variation was even higher. In The Senate is elected by the complex system of pro­ Australian political culture, and even though Aus­ tralians do not necessarily have a great deal of respect Victoria, the informal vote of 8.15 per cent was up portional representation that transfers surplus votes from 2.2 per cent, and in South Australia it rose from among candidates until they achieve the quota for their politicians, there is sufficient evidence to 2. 77 to 8.45 per cent. The significant leap in 1984, required for election. Senate ballot papers are quite indicate that they still do have healthy respect for their democratic institutions. certainly stands in stark contrast to the stability of the different to those for the HOR. Since 1974, there has informal rate since 1949. And while the 1984 figure been a tendency for the number of people seeking Mr Nicholas Economou is a senior tutor in the Department represented a plateau from which the rate has since election to resemble a Melbourne Cup field. ofPolitics .


From Dr Robert Hill elicited from Professor Dan McKenzie of Cambridge as compared with Dr Houseman who must balance Research School of Earth Sciences University the comment that "I would like the audi­ research with a major commitment to undergraduate Australian National University ence to know that you have now got to where Greg teaching. Your recent article featuring the work on mantle con­ Houseman was two or three years ago". The Aus­ At the Australian Geological Convention in Bal­ vection conducted at Monash by Dr Greg Houseman tralian work, in which his studies have played an larat earlier this year we reported applications to and which compares conclusions from Dr House­ important part, is having a big impact overseas. developing exploration strategies for nickel, gold, man's studies with the work of an ANU group, Why, your readers might ask, should this be of chromium, the platinum group elements and dia­ reported recently in Science, gives a good idea of the interest to them? Isn't it a little esoteric? Will it help monds. We are now integrating some of Dr House­ excitement currently felt within the earth science Australian mining companies. The answer to the last man's older work on modelling crustal deformation community that we may be in sight of finally develop­ question is certainly yes. In fact, part of the work at into our larger-scale Earth model with the aim of ing a dynamically-based model of "how the Earth the ANU developed from an industry-supported better understanding the origin of oil and gas works". project to provide a more scientific basis for explo­ deposits. Comparison with the work at the ANU may give ration for gold and nickel deposits in the Eastern It is clear that his varied contributions will con­ your readers the impression that Dr Houseman's Goldfields of Western Australia. tinue to play an important role in improving our understanding of the Earth, as well as in developing work compares favourably only with other work done At present, it would appear that the ANU group is in Australia. This is not true, and the quality of Dr more advanced in exploring applications of these new ways of exploring the mineral and energy Houseman's work in this area is best illustrated by a new models to the development of mineral and oil resources on which the Australian economy is likely topical example. and gas deposits. This is partly because of the initial to depend for some time yet. A presentation of modelling mantle convection by emphasis provided by the industry support, but must Robert Hill a very respected American group at the 1992 meeting come also because of the greater level of resources Canberra, ACT of the American Geophysical Union in Montreal that four full-time researchers can bring to a project, Editor's note: Dr Hill died unexpectedly in july.

8 - Montage September 1992