04 The Magazine of the Old Georgians' Association Contents President's Letter 1 Chairman's Leffer 4 Editorial 6 Officers and Addresses 7 Former Chairmen of the Association 8 New Georgians 9 News of Old Georgians 10 Obituaries 16 ,,., Where Are They Now? Dinner Guests 23 News Desk 24 College Life 30 Becoming a Beacon College 34 The Hilary Royden Bequest 36 Adult Education 3E Book Shelf 39 Letters to the Editor 47 The AGM and Maundy Thursday 55 Old Georgians'Website 57 Extracts from the Website Guest Book 59 The OG ac'counts 63 Twenty five years ago 65 Annual Dinner 2004 67 Memorabilia 69 Calendar of Events 2004 70 NEW! e-mailaddress:
[email protected] NEW! website:- www.kgv.ac.uk I feel proud and privilegcd to be Principal ol this wondcrful President's Letter College. I also feel honoured to carry on the traditions so vcry ttlrtly cstablished by my predecessors in Krng Gcorge V School' Dear Old Georgians, The last sentence of my letter last year asked you to wish us I rvish you all thc very best lor 2004. well for an Ofsted inspection due in February 2003. I am delighted to tell you that the College received a glowing Sincerely, report. Governance, Leadership and Management, Student Support, Hilary Anslow OBE English, Visual and Performing Arts and Media, Business Studies and Economics, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Classical Civilisation and Archaeology achieved gradel,'Outstanding'. All other subject areas achieved the next highest grade, a2. As a result of the Report, the College was given Learning and Skills Council Beacon Status, one of the first 15 colleges in the country to be given this award.