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Canadian Niagara Frontier and Its Industries

(Canadian N i&gara k to nfier

an/i Its industries

Niagara rags

Special SouAJemr N uaaoer mi

WffWffPPWI^WWISWWWWWiPWPgPBW IL I l^^^ iP Descriptive of ai\d Illustratingmmtl\e -and ir$ Industry




slater. .1 R. P. Mayor. \\ . . 6eyuiour, Clerk

W. .) . !!<•> McMurroy, Treasurer. I\ c. McBui . Solicitor. J. II. Jackson, Engineer. John ECinimins, Chief of Police, Jacob Hillesheim, Chief Fire Dep1 Dr. Wilson, Medical Health Officer.

(". .! . .1 Baldi-i . Market Clerk. Dim I law l',\ . si reel Inspect or. George Emery, Cemeterj Caretaker. Lucien Zumstein. Teamster. BOARD OF ALDERMEN

C. \. Cleiulenning V. H. Robii George Hanan. E. II. Menzie. \V. R. Prii

'i J. \V. Speck. s. D. Crane, \V. .1 . Spencer. I. I ward Davis. Joseph Hague. A. A. Spencer. A. M. Rosa. Dr. 11. (i. A. Cook S. IL Warren. O. !•:. Dore


POWER HOUSE, CANADIAN FOWER CO. (See Page 37) INTERIOR POWERl HOUSE, CANADIAN NIAGARA POWER CO. Canadian Niagara Frontier of To-day, Anno Domini, 1 907


Niagara Falls Record


Containing a Comprehensive Review of the Natural Advantages and Re- sources of the Canadian Niagara Frontier with Historical Sketches of those Representative Concerns that

have made it one of the Leading Communities in the Countr)

Published, by Authority of the Mayor and City Council, by the NIAGARA FALLS PRINTING & ADVERTISING CO. LIMITED Compiled by C. M. NICHOLS.

277672 R. P. SLATER, Mayor Epitome of Canadian Achievemen

Special Number of the NIAGARA FALLS RECORD DESCRIPTIVE OF AND ILLUSTRATING NIAGARA FALLS, THE ELECTRIC CITY OF CANADA An Epitome of the Commercial Supremacy, Manufacturing Resources and Educational Advantages. With Reviews of the Representative Establishments, and Biographical Sketches of the Leading Business and Professional Men Who Have Contributed to Make the Canadian Niagara Frontier's Position in the Busness World Pre-eminent.

lover the beauti- in the O the of factory and mill ; that from her dyna- establishment of commercial enterpri- ful in nature there is no mos is sent out the currents used for the ses. No city can offer more alluring in- ducements to the home seeker, none that more charming spot on lighting of cities, the operation of vast presents a broader field for the wage ear- the face of the globe for lines railway, of the manufacture of val- ner, than this beautiful and rapidly the gratification of his growing uable chemical pr ducts ; rather than that municipality. desires than the world she is the home of the great Falls, that The history of Niagara Falls, Ontar- famous Niagara Fron- 'th- future of the prosperous and growing io, dates hack to the discovery of the tier. There is not a foot great cataract by the French of this territory, from where explorer, Entienne Brule, in the placid waters of Lake 1615, and is filled with ev- Erie pour into the Niagara ents which have shaped the and gradually gathering future of both Canada and force hurl themselves ang- the United States, and which rily over the brink of the have been made the themes mightiest cataract in the of historian and painter. It world, to where they merge is not the intention of the with Lake , which is compiler of this ncessarily not rich in historical assoc- brief sketch t dwell on this iations, and which has not phase of the city's life, but been the scene of battle. rather to present the Niag- massacre and bloodshed, in ara Falls of to-day, her re- the early ages of the contin- sources, industries, material ent. The mighty grandeur wealth and social condit- of the Falls, the wonders oi ions, and to acquaint those the Rapids, Whirlpool and not familiar with her advan- the Gorge are known in ev- tages and the facilities she ery country of the globe, has to offer the capitalist, but they are not the only the manufacturer or the attractions that have made home seeker, with these de- this section famous. As sirable qualities she posses- the creator of the greatest ses. electrical power ever known. Situated on a grand pla- Niagara Falls will remain teau overlooking the great famous city <>i Falls, is long after her scenic beauties Niagara Ontario, based, Gorge and within sound of the Falls, have city of times paled through familiarity. It is No modern can lay and on the borders of the greatest and on this claim to the advantages which are poss- foundation —the fact that within most magnificent pa ark system in the essed by this charmingly located and her borders the power is generated that thriving city, for the investment of cap- world, Niagara Falls, Ont., stands as a keeps in motion the thousands of wheels ital in manufacturine' industries, () r for sentinel over the direct highway of com- '

Page 6 Niagara Falls Record

munication between I nil al. Lehigh Canada and the Valley, Erie, New Sfork Cent- Hell Telephone Co., system affords ample- ed States, and the center for tin' greatest ral Lines System, including the Michigan means for communication with all the ol Ihe greal trunk lines from the north Central. Rome Watertown & Ogdensburg, principal cities of Canada and the Unit- nni! west in the eastern sea board. Sur- Lake Shore, Big Four, West shore and ed States.

Geographically, Niagara Falls, Ontar- io, is the center of a circle with a radius of 500 miles, in which are all the great cities of both countries, to which daily run a hundred passenger trains. It is but a night ride from New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh , Queoec or Ottawa ; it is but forty minutes from Buffalo, one hour from Hamilton, and two hours from To- ronto. Think of the advantages of such a central position to the business man ! To reach the American side of the river is but a matter of a few minutes. The Dnest three bridges on the continent span the Niagara between this city and her namesake on the other side, while there is trolley and steam railway service at all hours or the day or night.

vVhile the industries of this city are as .vet in their infancy, her practically un- limited resources have already attracted' a number of large manufacturing inter- ests and the near future will see the plac- ing of many more. At present she has Government Building and Post Office two silver works, iron mills, suspender and neckwear factories, works where rounded by one of the richest sections of lesser branches, the New York Ontario & cnains, traps, and cement blocks are garden land on the continent, from which Western, Nickel Plate and + he Lackawan- made, electro-chemical industries for the her markets are supplied, equipped with na. To the South shipments can be manufacture of carborundum, graphite all modern advantages for the educational made from Chippewa up the Great Lakes, and ethinite, extensive flouring mills, a and moral development of her youth and and to the north fi om Queenston down large cereal plant, and a number of other the welfare of those of older growth, the and the St. Lawrence Riv- and smaller industries, all using electric- city is ideal in every respect, and unequ- er. As a matter of fact freight rates al power and all prosperous. Several of alled as an industrial or residential cen- are lower from this point than from the these are capitalized by American invest- ter. inland cities, and despatch quicker. Tel- ors, who appreciate the advantages of a- To the manufacturer the greatest at- egraphic communication can be had with vailability of site, low freight rates and traction is the permanent and practical- ly unlimited power which is delivered from the three large plants located in the southern end of the city. and in which millions of capital are invested. The Ca- nadian Niagara Power Company, the On- tario Power Company and the Electrical Development Company of Ontario, Limit- ed, with a combined development, of more than 500,0it0 electrical horse power, guar- antees a force equal to the task of keep- ing in constant operation all the manu- facturing industries that could be erected here. The cost ranging from SIS per horse power for the smaller, to $10 to the larger consumer, gives them an advan- tage not possessed by any other city. The transportation facilities afforded the manufacturer or shipper, both by rail and water offer still further inducements, that cannot be duplicated at any other point in the Dominion. Among the great Clifton Avenue Looking Bridge Street railway systems with which the factory South from or business house is in touch are the all parts of the world by means of the excellent transportation facilities, econ- Grand Trunk. Wabash, Canadian Pacific, Canadian Pacific Telegraph Co., the Great omy in securing raw material, eliminat- , Hamilton & Buffalo, Niagara, Northwestern, the Postal Telegraph Ca- ion of the coal supply problem and the St. Catharines & Toronto, Internaticn- ble Co., and the Western Union, while the substitution of the more dependabfe elec- Niagara Falls Record Page 7

trie power, low taxes ami reliable labor, are of the highest standard a:id under the liberal endorsement of the Mayor and City at reasonable wage schedule, the avoid- management of able and efficient heads, Council with the loyal and generous assist- ance of the severe Canadian protective afford perfect protection to person and ance of the business men and representat- tariff duties, the admirable banking fatil- property. ive concerns of whom comprehensive sket- ches are gi\ en in the succeeding columns, that this review has been made possible.

The new edition of the Encyclopaedia Brittanica issued by the London Times, will give Niagara Falls quite an extend- ed notice, pointing out among other things that in 1905 our factory output was valued at $16,915,786, an increase of 98.1 per cent, in five years.

To the foregoing comprehensive outline of the industrial importance of Niagara Falls there might be added one more touch —Midas-like in its golden promise to those

who have cast in their lot with this city : This is the proposed deepening and im- provement of the harbor at Chippawa and the making of the Welland River, from its mouth at the Niagara to its junction with the Welland Canal, a deep waterway for the commerce of the great lakes and cities of the West. A scheme that has for its ultimate object the easy and inexpensive transportation of raw material to the hives of industry row in sight and made poss- ible by the greatest electrical development Queen Street Looking WeU from Erie Avenue on earth, is well under way. It has the sanction and active co-operation of mem- ities and the beauties of the city as a re- One of the imp< rtant factors operat- bers of both Houses of Parliament , and be- sidential center. ing for the growth and prosperity of the hind it is the united influence of the three city is the Board of Trade comprised of Of the city itself much can be said. Canadian power companies, the councils of men of wealth and nbience, who are de- It is beautifully laid out, with broad, voting their time an.l energies to the five municipalities, the Board of Trade and thoroughfares, cement walks. well paved citizens. work of protecting, fostering and devel- many prominent adequate sewers and perfect drainasre and oping the commercial, manufacturing and sanitary plumbing in all its buildings. It For smh a dream of future greatness in business interests of the city by joint and has an extensive water works system, the realms of industry, commerce and with an ample supply of pure water for domestic purposes and for protection from fire. it has a municipal electric lighting planl for street, house and fact- ory service. With natural gas and elect- ricity for heating purposes. It has the fin-

est of markets supplied from "the garden spot of the world,'' superior stores and business houses representing all the differ- ent branches of commercial industry. Splendid educational advantages are offered the- .younger generation in a mod- ern and thoroughly equipped school sys- tem culminating in the Collegiate Instit- ute where pupils are fitted for any college or university in the land. The religious welfare of her citizens are looked after by prosperous churches, representing all the leading denominations, owning handsome edifices the pulpits of which are filled by educated and Christian men whose lives are devoted to advancing ih'> moral and spiritual welfare of their parishioners.

The Municipal Government is wisely and honestly administered and its officials Main Street Looking North. men of the highest standing in the eom-

munity, of unquestioned honesty and un- concerted action. As the thief commer- wealth, there can be but one awakening frr impeachable integrity, able and efficient cial body of the city, th y are prepared the light of present opportunity, and that those in their management of public affairs and to offer special inducements o con- is to open our eyes upon an era of success always alive to the best interests of 'h- templating 'he esiaLlhhmcnl of plants, and prosperity, world-wide in its fan-reach- eity. and police department*. It is largely dm to the public spiri: and ing influences.

Robert Gay David Gay William Gay Charles Gay GAY BROTHERS house of Messrs. Campaigne Brothers, ents of this city. They are In the days of our grandmothers the substantial, whose handsome store is located at No. 1 successful and up-to-date business education of the young woman was not men, .Centre Street. This was established about largo property owners deemed complete unless she had thorough widely popular a nd a eight years ago, and controls a very large represent the highest type of knowledge of the art of baking and the good citizen- and high class trade, extending all over ship. housewife prided herself on her dainty the Niagara District. The store has a fine cak.-s, her flaky crusted pies and the light- frontage of 24 feet and a depth of 50 feet, W. L. BELL & COMPANY ness of her bread, In the present days the and is handsomely furnished and a model One of the popular grocery art of home baking has become practically stores in of convenience and neatness. The building Niagara Falls, Ontario, is that a lost one, the professional baker having of Messrs. as well as the one on the corner adjoining, W. L. Bell & Company, at No. relegated the home baker to the back- 77 Morri- is owned by this firm. is con- son Street, and established ground, much to the gratification about six of the nected with phone 28A and five expert and years ago. The store has a fine frontage housewife, who hails with joy the relief courteous clerks are employed. This firm of 30 feet and a depth of 60 feet and is from t (vis most onerous ol her many duties. handles the finest lines of fancy and staple fitted with every modern convenience. In Niagara Falls, Ontario, the leading bak- The groceries and carries a full and carefully stock carried embraces the finest lines ery is that of Messrs. Gay Brothers, locat- of selected stock, specialties being made of fancy and staple groceries, canned goods ed at No. 64 Queen Street, where it was new crop teas and coffees, canned goods in in glass and tin, all kinds of provisions established about four years ago. It has glass and tin, imported and domestic table and imported and domestic table delicacies. every modern facility for the supplying of delicacies, foreign and home grown fruits Specialties are made of new crop teas and the large and constantly growing trade, and vegetables, the best grades of poultry, freshly roasted coffees, prime twelve experienced bakers being employed, dairy and dairy and creamery butter, fresh country creamery butter and cheese, fresh country while three wagons are utilized in the de- eggs, and farm and garden produce in sea- eggs and farm and garden produce sea- livery. The Messrs. Gay make a specialty in of bread, for which they have an enviable reputation. They also manufacture the finest lines of confectionery and the most f delicious pastry and baked goods. They supply all the leading hotels and restaur- ants and many of the most prominent fam- ilies. Their office is connected with phone 1 280. The members of this firm are Messrs. *&%£&& Robert M. and David Gay, both of whom are natives of Canada and for many years A residents of Niagara Falls, where they rank among the representative and sub- stantial business men and public-spirited and liberal citizens. Gay Bros, are erect- ing a new three-storey brick block on Queen Street into which they will move in a few days. The entire staff is 14 (four- teen) hands, who carry away every Satur- day night $100.00. And associated with them are their two brothers Wm. J. and Chas. Gay.


E D. PITT.ARCHITCCT In the development and growth of any city one of the most important factors is Niagara Falls General Hospital that which deals directly with the house-

hold >in the matter of food products. There son. Their business (is done on a strictly son. A fine line of smoked and salt meats are probably none of the tradesmen who cash basis and the customer gets the bene- is also carried. Mr. Bell is the sole pro-

stand closer to the home than the grocer, fit. The firm consists of the Messrs H. prietor and to his able management and In Niagara Falls, Ontario, one of the lead- A., C. W. and S. C. Campaigne, all of practical methods the success of the store

ers in this particular line is the sterling whom are native born and lifelong resid1- is due. Niagara Falls Record Page 9

M. H. BUCKLEY & COMPANY management has grown to be one of the from either country. The steps necessary Everybody in Niagara Falls, Ontario, most popular houses in the city. It has to be taken to admit this dutiable line of knows Buckley the Home Maker, and there ten comfortable and newly furnished rooms. goods into either country, the rates charg- are few of the modern residences in this city that have not been furnished from his

Interior of One of the Three Furniture Stores of M. H. Buckley & Co. Residence of M. H. Buck'ey mammoth store. For more than three de- electric lights and steam heat, ample bath ed and the handling of it, with despatch cades the house of M. H. Buckley & com- and elevator service, electric bells and ele- and economy, requires an experince not pany has been a leader in the mercantile vators, hot and cold water, etc. The par- possessed by every one or that every one world of this city and the immense trade lors are pleasantly arranged, the office does not care to undertake. For the bene- that has been built up by this firm is a commodious and neatly appointed and r un- Jit of both classes and for the purpose of testimonial to the superior quality of the nected with telephone 238B, two fine sitt- relieving them from the annoyances always goods handled and the universal liberality ing rooms, and a dining- room that is a resultant from the "red tape" of govern- and honorable treatment accorded every model of cleanliness and order and the mental supervision, the office of Custom patron. It was in 1875 that Mr. M. H. cuisine excellent. The rates are $2 a day, House Broker and Forwarder was estab- Buckley, the present sole proprietor of with special rates for the week or longer. lished. One of the oldest and most ex- this business, established himself here, in a The proximity of this house to the rail- perienced reoresentatives of this class and comparatively modest manner. ,Mr. Buck- road stations and post office, aad the sup- one who enjoys to the fullest the confidence ley occupies three mammoth stores, having erb view gained of Falls and Gorge from of the general public and whose patronage a total frontage of 75 feet and a depth of its windows makes it very popular with extends throughout Canada and the States 150 feet, with extensive warehouses in the tourists. In connection with this hotel is as well, is Mr. H. E. Colcock, whose office tear. These stores are fitted in modern a handsome liar, stocked with the choicest is located at 29 Clifton Avenue. This is style and are filled with a large stock of of wines and liquors, malt goods, and the neatly furnished and is connected with fine, medium and low price furniture, in favorite brands of cigars. Mr. Hamilton phone 73, h'is residence being reached by suites, and odd pieces, of the latest and is one of the best known hotel men in this phone 103. Mr. Colcock attends to every most popular patterns, and representing c'ity and is noted for the hospitable treat- description of custom house brokerage and the best known manufacturers, the finest ment he extends to every guest. forwarding by express or freight, to or makes of Floor Oil Cloths, Linoleums, from the United States or Europe, at mod- the despatch Mattings and Rugs. A complete range of HARRY E. COLCOCK erate charges, utmost and all the latest effects in window shades and with assured safety. His office is directly Local I'd at the border line separating trimming's. They have the exclusive sale opposite the Custom House and convenient the It,, minion from the United States, N'i- in the city for the best mattresses made in for every one doing business with him, or

Canada, viz. : the Marshall Sanitary and with the Government. A specialty is made the Ostermoor Elastic Felt. In pictures, of automobile bonding and his .services are he can supply any kind, engravings, oil. a great accommodation for owners of mac- water color, crayon or pastells, artistical- hines engaged in touring through the Dom- ly framed, or without frames if desired. In inion. In this line he has special arrange- baby carriages and go-carts the most sty- ments with the Canadian Government. Mr. lish are to be found. Mr. Buckley is a Colcock is a native of Brockville, and was native of Pennsylvania but came to this educated in Upper Canada College, from when a child and has all his life been which institution he was graduated with identified with the best interests of his high honors in the class of '97. In that adopted home. He is one of her most year he came to Niagara Falls and engag- substantial and representative business ed in the custom brokerage business. Three men. years ago he established himself in ihis line of business for himself, and since then has QUEENS PARK HOTEL built up a very large and gratifying client- Among the first-class hotels of Niagara age, lie is a progressive business man, Falls, Ontario, is the Queen's Park Hotel, taking lively interest in the welfare and' H. E. Colcock located in Victoria Avenue, of which Mr. the development of the city's industries.

• I. S. is Falls is one of the most important Hamilton the genial and hospit- agara Ho is ;i valued member of the Board of able proprietor. This was opened by him ports of entry through which merchandise Trade and an active worker in all move- about two years ago and under his able and dutiable articles are passed to and ments promoted by this body. "Page 10 Niagara Falls Record

View of Headworks of the Ontario Power Company's Plant

ONTARIO POWER COMPANY has already forged to the front, both as re- spray from the mighty cataract. Above it The wonderful power represented by the gards equipment and producing power. In and lying within the boundaries of the swift current of the Niagara River above this plant a fundamental departure ha ? Park, is a striking little office-looking the Falls has for many years been recog- been taken from the type of construction building, the entrance to the tunnel which nized by ine best engineers of the worbl, hitherto characteristic of power develop- leads to the electric elevators running to and one < f the problems to which their best ment at Niagara Falls, and which have the distributing station, high up on the energies have been devoted, has been hew proved invaluable. The power house or bluff, overlooking the river, Falls and to take advantage of that heretofore lost foive and adapt it to industrial and com- mercial purposes. The installation nf the pioneer el-: trical power plant on the Am- erican side proved the solution of this vex- ed problem nd inaugurated a new era in nianufact... uig development. Although less than a score of years have elapsed since the first buckle was clasped in the harness which had been fitted by science and built by capital, Niagara electrical power has reached a perfection of develop- ment that commands the admiration and wonder of the world, and to-day close to a million horse power is being developed for manufacturing interests and cities along the Frontier are being supplied with the subtle current. Niagara Falls, Ontario, now has three plants drawing power from the Nirgara River, each of which is larger Entrance to Spillway Buildings than ti ? pioneer, and each with a demand beautiful park its will soon call for a generating station is located below the Gorge, and surrounded by for | reduction 1hat flowers in- material extension of the producing facil- cliff at a point almost underneath the Ca- land, rich in shrubbery and and walks drive- ities. The largest and most important of nadian shore of the Horse Shoe Falls, the tersected with well kept and left, the bend 3e is that of the Ontario Power Com- fail 'ner end of the long stone building be- ways. Away to the around trees on pany, which although second in the field. ing literally obscured from view by the of the river, and hidden by the Niagara Falls Record Page If

Goat Island, are the walls, abutments of transmission. The isolation el- and of the urer ; General Agent, Mr. Banker R. Paine; buildings of the intake and head gates ectrical apparatus and conductors 135- in- Superintendent of Operations, Mr. W. M. through which the water from the river is combustible walls, against spread of oil or Ryerson ; Engineer in Charge, Mr. V. G. diverted for use below. The screen house, arcs, for protection from fire and from Converse. Directors—R. K. Albright, (Jen. Edmund Hayes, S. M. Clement, W. Tf. Gratwick, and Miller Lash of Toronto. Ontario Tower Company, Ontario Trans- mission Company, Limited, President Mr.

Langdon Albright ; Directors, Messrs. Franklin D. Locke, Evan Hollester, J. A. Archl aid, and Banker R. Paine. This de- partment handles the power distributed in ihe Dominion. Niagara, Lockport & On- tario Company, President, Mr. H. H. West-

enhouse ; Vice-president, Gen. F. V. Greene. Iroquois Construction Company, President,

Mr. J. J. Albright ; Vice-president, George C. Smith. Niagara Construction Com- President, pany, Gen. F. V. Greene ; Vice- president, Gen. Edmund Hayes.

MISS E. CLARK Interior of Ontario Power Company's Power House

One of the leading representatives of a long and narrow building, is finished on ea.h other, is one of the important feat- the active business interests of Niagara its top as a promenade, with benches for ures of this plant. The five sections form- Falls, Ontario, is Miss E. Clark, who for the accommodation of sightseers, and from ing the distributing station are of con- the past twelve years has conducted one of here one of the most charming views of the crete and steel construction, separated by the finest groceries in this section, located grandeur of the river and rapids is to be masonry walls, without windows, and fitt- at No. 77 Simcoe Street, at the corner of had. The buildings are of concrete, sub- ed with fire-proof doors. There is no sim- St. Clair Avenue. This is furnished in stantial and ornate, and are supplied with plete in all its appointments, or where so neat and modern style and is fitted with steam for heating and thawing the ice. ilar plant in this country which is so corn- all the conveniences known to the trade. The water before entering the conduits many original designs have been put in The stock is large well selected, em- passes through three automatically select- successful operation. For the complete and ive steps, excluding bracing the choicest of fancy and staple each the surface water . success attending this installation and the groceries, canned goods and imported and and floating ice, and avoiding all trouble suggesting and carrying out of the creat- domestic table delicacies, the best brands from this source. At the gate structure ion of this new type of power development of flour, oatmeal and cereal foods. A the water is 30 feet deep. From the head credit is due to the skill and ability of the specialtyis made of butter, cheese and eggs gates three great steel-and-concrete con- engineers, Messrs. L. L. and P. N. Nunn, and farm and garden produce in season. duits carry the water beneath the surface and their assistants, Messrs. O. B. Suhr, The store is connected with phone. An of the park to the top of the cliff above Engineer in charge, V. G. Converse, Elect- ample force of clerks is employed. Miss the power house, having a capacity of 12,- rical Engineer, U. H. Mitchell, Mechanical is lady charming personality, 000 cubic feet of water per second. The Engineer. The organization of the Ontar- Clark a of eminently practical business ability. intake is nearly 600 feet in length and io Power Company comprises : —Mr. J. J. and stretches across the inlet at Dufferin Is- land. On reaching the top of the cliff the water passes into 22 penstocks constructed of steel in shafts and tunnels, thence down and out through the cliff to an equal num- ber of horizontal turbines in the power house. From the generators the electrical cables turn back through tunnels to the 22 banks of switches, transformers and in- struments in the distributing station and thence to the transmission lines, complet- ing an equipment for more than 200,000 electrical horse power. Alongside of the entrance to the elevator tunnel is a forb- like building, with promenade and shelter- ed top, which is designed to mask the spill- way at the end of the conduit. In the general arrangement of the works, sym- metry and centralization of control are the predominating characteristics. The Chief Operator is located in the distribut- ing station, surrounded by instruments, Ceremonies Turning First Sod of the Ontario Power Company which enable him to control every part of success that she has achieved is a the immense plant and connected by tele- Albright, Buffalo, President ; Genl. Francis and the enterprising pro- phone and telautograph with every instru- V. Greene, Buffalo, Vice-president : Mr. testimonial to her and ment in the buildings and along the lines Robert C. Boarrl, Buffalo, Secret ary-Treas- gressive management. —

Page 12 Niagara Falls Record

BANKER R. PAINE rier the credit, bu1 the old saying of in and L898, he purchased the franchise of inn the "prophel without honor in his own what To tew men are accorded the privi- was then known as the Canadian Po- reading their fel- country" does not carrj good in this case, wer Com]. an.v, of of the good done and two years later trans- as there is no in this city—or that low men, aii«l verj Few, of even the greal one for ferred his home to Niagara Falls, Ontario, matter, in the entire Dominion— is esl of the world's heroes, have looked upon who which he made the base for his campaign in. 'iniin.ni more widely known, or who has a longer for the which marks the accomplish- "open lights and power." His fight which led lo the termination of ihe mon- opoly is a matter of history and not ne- cessary to this sketch. Sufficient is the result—the creation of the Ontario Power Company, the greatest power system in the world, and of which, March 24th, L902 he witnessed the turning of the initial sod. It must have been just a little bit of real satisfaction that was passed to h'im by the Council of the City of Niagara Falls, On- tario, in the shape of a resolution declai'- ing the appreciation of the people, through their chosen representatives ; still greater, when that same body handed him an ad- dress, setting forth the fact that to his courage, ability and energy the success of this great enterprise has been due. and to whose keen judgment the city owes this great agent in her upbuilding, and factor in her wealth. A company of which he is still a most important representative. Mr. Paine is a resident of Niagara Falls, On- tario, and his handsome home in Culp Street, is noted for the hospitality extend- ed by him and his charming wife.


In Niagara Falls, Ontario, the man who desires to be well dressed, always pat- ronizes the sterling outfitting establish- ment of Mr. W. R. Price, located at No. 70 Erie Avenue, where every article requisite to the gentleman's wardrobe can be had, at most reasonable prices, and in the most approved styles and fashionable patterns. This store was established about six years ago and has a frontage of 40 feet and a depth of 60 feet, is fitted with every mod- ern convenience, connected by phone and four courteous and attentive clerks are employed. Mr. Price makes a specialty of

ready-to-wear 1 and made-to-order cloth : ug. In the former he carries a full line of the highest grade goods, a feature being the celebrated 20th Century clothing. In the well-equipped shop, where an ample force of skilled workmen is employed, suits

Banker R. Paine, Business Agent Ontario Power Company to order are produced, perfect in fit, make and style, and at a price that is in itself merit of their Life's work. "Footprints in list of friends than he. Mr. Paine is a an attraction. A special department of the Sands of Time" are all light where native of New York State, born April 30th this store is that devoted to gents' fur- posterity is concerned, but to the man who 1863, in Brockport. He was educated in nishings, and here can be found the swell- makes them, the satisfaction of seeing the public schools of that town and then est styles and most fashionable patterns in them certainly must be a reward for his entered the State Normal School, from neckwear, hosiery and gloves, everything in making them. In the Ontario Power Com- which he was graduated with the highest fact required for the gentleman's wardrobe. pany, which wrested from a monopoly the honors. For a number of years he was Tn hats and caps the latest and most pop- right to light, heat or power, unless trans- connected with the Standard Oil Company, ular blocks are in evidence ; in handker- mitted over its lines, stands a monument re-signing in 1892, when he removed to Ni- chiefs and the minor essentials to the to the ability, keen judgment, and above agara Falls, X. Y., and engaged in the dressing table nothing is lacking. High all, the indomitable pluck of one man real estate business. His master mind quality and low prices rule, and no store in Banker R. Paine. In the accomplishment quickly grasped the immense possibilities of Niagara Falls can offer better advantages of this work he has always kept in the power from the Canadian Falls, then con- than this. For the past two years he has background, satisfied to have his associates trolled as a monopoly by other parties, been a member of the Board of Aldermen, Niagara Falls R e c o r a Page 13

IMPERIAL quarterly on all time deposits. The Im- its business, a gentleman of keen business The vast development of the industrial perial Hank of Canada was incorporated in ability, genial and obliging, and one of and commercial interests of Niagara Falls, March, 1875, under act of the Dominion the public-spirited and substantial citizens Ontario, is forcibly demonstrated by the Parliament, and is one of the soundest and of Niagara Falls. Under his able manage- solidity and prosperous condition of her most prosperous financial institutions of ment the bank has added to its already high reputation and the number of its pat- rons has been materially increased. He is o::e of the representative and 'influential

Edward S. Houston, Acting Manager

men of this city and a potential factor in her growth and prosperity. Socially he is very popular and there is no one in the Province who enjoys a wider acquaintance or who has a larger circle of personal friends. This institution is wonderfully strong in the amount held in cash reserves which show no less total than $9,815,000. In this respect the Imperial Bank holds third place in of Canadian Banks, Imperial Bank of Canada Building being surpassed only by the Bank of Mon- banking and fiduciary institutions. In the Dominion. It has sixty-six prosperous treal and the Canadian Bank of Commerce. this respect Niagara Falls is especially fav- branches of which thirty-three are located ored, and to the fact that in the Provin.e of Ontario, including six she possesses ENGLAND'S WATCH AND PHOTO ROOMS banks where a spirit of liberal accommoda- in the city of Toronto, and two 'in Niag- tion rules, combined with abundant re- ara Falls. There are two in the Province The distinction of being one of the old- est and best known jewelers in Niagara sources to meet every requirement, is one of Quebec, four in , six in Saskat- of the principal reasons for the prosperity chewan, eight in Alberta and seven in Brit- Falls, Ontario, and the first landscape she enjoys and the high standing she has ish Columbia. During its existence this photographer to take pictures of the beau- attained in the industrial and commercial bank has been unusually prosperous, due to ties of the Falls and surrounding scenery world. Pre-eminent among her banking the sound, conservative and liberal policy on the Canadian side of the river, belongs institutions is the Imperial Bank of Can- pursued by its Board of Directors and the to Mr. John England, for more than four score years, prom'inent factor in the ada, which is the pioneer bank of this city, efficient management of its officers. An of a commercial life of this city. has a fine whose head office is in Toronto and which idea of its standing can be had from the He Street, maintains two well managed branches here, 32d annual statement made April 30th. store and studio at No. 126 Main in and on.' located in the North End, the other at 1907, which shows a capital stock, paid- which was established by him 1866 attractive storey brick the Upper Bridge. The former occupies a up, of $4,825,000 and Reserve Fund $4,- occupying an two building owned him. The store is ; total as- by handsomelhree storey stone block, owned 825,000 ; deposits $31,928,099 quality of gold and by the bank, and recently erected, and sets $45,741,257. The officers of this in- stocked with the best the finest makes, which has its main floor devoted to the stitution are President D. R. Wilkie, Esq., silverware, watches of

; dainty jew- banking quarters, while the upper floors Vice-president Hon. Robert Jaffray. The and clocks in un'ique designs gold and silver. are occupied by offices. The banking de- Directors are D. R. Wilkie, Robert Jaffray, elry and novelties in A is made of diamonds and gems, partment is elegantly furnished and is fitt- Win. Ramsay, Esq., of Rowland, Elias specialty ed with modern and improved burglar and Rogers, Esq., J. Kerr Osborne, Esq., and a fine line of these stones, of the first loose rich settings, is car- fin-proof vaults and safes of the finest con- Charles Cockshutt, Esq., Pel eg Howland, water and or in equipp- struction, and every appliance for the safe- Esq., Cawthra Mulock, Esq., Wm. Whyte, ried. In conjunction he has a well Tur- handsomely furnished studio, where guarding- of the moneys deposited and all Esq., of , and Hon. Richard ed and he all photographic work. conveniences for the comfort of customers. ner of Quebec and Dr. William Hamilton does kinds of His specialty is commercial and landscape \ general banking business is done along Merritt of St. Catharines. The manager reputation these Safe and approved lines, commercial paper of the Bridge Street branch at Niagara photography, and his in all over the Dominion and :s discounted, advances made against far- Falls, is J. A. Tangmuir, Esq., who is at lines extends his mer's sale notes, collections made for out- present absent from duty on account of the United States as well, while photor Act- are he found in every part of of-town banks, and for 'its customers. illness. His position is ably filled by graphs to is one of the sub- through its extensive chain of corresponde- ing Manager Edward S. Houston, for many the world. Mr. England institution influential business men of nts, in every part of the world, drafts and years connected with the and stantial and thoroughly familiar with every detail of Niagara Cells (.tiers of credit issued, and interest paid Page 14 Niagara Falls Record

THE ELECTRICAL DEVELOPMENT COM- 2.") brick lining, which is 2 ft. thick, and is ft. deep, and vary in width from 66 to LIMITED - PANY OF ONTARIO. spanned bj masonry arches three levels • H) ft., a1 with a velocity of from 15 to 21 ft. The power plant of the Electrical Deve to carrj the machinery. For the power a second. At a point about 150 ft. north lopmenl Company w&s designed to utilize to be developed the Length of the wheel pit of the wh.ee] pit the tunnels come together. 11,200 c.f.s. of water under a head of is much less than in previous developments At the junction the tunnel is 35 ft. wide 135.5 ft, The water is diverted from the >•:' is this character. This due to the pen- and 25 ft. 6 in. high and tapers to a width \ agara River al Tempesl Point, midwaj stocks alternately being on the right and of 23 ft. 5 in. and a height of 26 ft. 13 in., which section is carried t the edge of the Falls, a distance of L.935 ft. The slope of the main tunnel is .005, making the total loss about 10 ft., and the velocr it.v is 26 ft. a second. The tunnels have a lining- 2 ft. thick throughout of concrete faced with brick, except for 300 ft. at the north end, where the lining consists of con- crete rings In 6 ft. sections, which are ex- pected to break off as the Falls gradually wear away. This is necessary, as the crest in the centre has been receding at an average rate of 2£ ft. a year. The power of the water wheels is delivered to the el- ectric generators through vertical shafts 150 ft. long, consisting of riveted steel tubes 30 inches in diamater between bear- ings and solid shafts 14£ inches in diam- ater at bearings. This shaft is held at three points in the wheel pit by steady between the headworks of the Ontario Po- left hand sides of the water wheels, per- bearings resting on concrete arches. At wer Company and the Canadian Niagara mitting one hoistway to serve two wheels. the upper end there is an oil thrust bear- Falls Power Company. The general plan The water after passing through the rack ing 37i in. in diameter fed by oil under a of development adopted called for the con- enters a cast iron bell-mouth, which in pressure of 350 lbs., which is sufficient to struction of a wing wall to gather the wa- turn joins on to a riveted steel penstock carry the weight of the entire revolving ter from the rapids, the excavation of a 10 ft. 6 in. in diameter. There are 11 parts should the water thrust fail from any forebay of sufficient capacity with the river penstocks, and at the head of each there cause. There will be ultimately eleven at its lowest future stage, a wheel pit, and is an electrically operated gate to control 8,000-k.w. generator units. These are of a tailrace tunnel discharging under the the water. The penstocks are connected the revolving field type and run at a speed centre of the Horseshoe Falls, where the at the bottom to water wheels of 13,000 of 250 r.p.m. They deliver three-phase flow of water over the Falls is greatest. h.p., capacity, running at a speed of 250 alternating current at a periodicity of 25 The forebay in the rapids and the tunnel revolutions per minute. The wheels and cycles and a potential of 12,000 volts. outlet under the Falls were both bold and penstocks rest on a heavy concrete founda<- There are at first to be two 500-k.w. wat- original conceptions, which were thought tion, which covers the bottom of the wheel er wheel driven exciters in a room under- at the time to be practically impossible of pit. Each wheel unit consists of two ground, and two motor-generator sets of execution. In order to uncover the fore- Francis internal discharge turbines 5 ft. 4 the same capacity on the generator floor. bay it was necessary to construct a coffer in. in diamater. The discharge of water is Eventually three sets of each type will be dam, 2,200 ft. long in the rapids, where, to be governed by cylinder gates, and the installed, any two of which will excite all for a portion of the way, the cribs had to weight of the moving parts will be parti- the alternators. The controlling switch- be sunk in water 26 ft. deep and running ally taken by a water piston in the wheel. board for the entire plant, including trans- at a velocity of 22 ft. a second. This There is a single cast iron draft tube 9 ft. formers and transmission lines, is located work was started in April, 1903, and prov- in diameter for each wheel, and the units in the centre of the power house, where the ed to be an extremely difficult undertaking alternately discharge water underneath the operator can see the generators. It con- but was successfully completed in about east and west tailrace tunnels. The object sists of an enclosed compartment with a twelve months. The tailrace tunnel was of the under discharge is to seal the draft bench-board in front and doors at the ends. started in May, 1903, by the sinking of a tubes and prevent loss of vacuum, no mat- Tho instruments which are ordinarily em>- construction shaft on the bank of the riv- ter what the elevation of the water in the ployed in the operation of the station face er 150 ft. deep and 15x7 ft. inside the tim- tunnels may be, and without the necessity towards the generator room. On the back bering. From this shaft a drift 14 ft. for a tailrace weir. By using two tunnels are the recording instruments and switches, wide and 7 ft. high was run 670 ft. to the it is possible to shut off the water entirely which are only occasionally used or referr- portal of the tailrace tunnel, work upon from one-half of the wheels without inter*- ed to. Dummy bus bars and signal lamps which was only actually started in Decem- fering with the other half. By closing on the bench-board clearly indicate to the ber of the same year. The wing dam is down the wheels, discharging water into Operator the connections in the station,

785 ft. long, and its maximum height is either tunnel that tunnel will drain itself, and the instruments are so located that 27 ft. The elevation of the crest is 527 and there is no necessity for closing off the each is over the switch which controls ft., and from 3 to 8 ft. of water flowing mouth of the tunnel. A gate is provided them. The board is so compact that an over it. Near the power house the dam is at the mouth of both tunnels, however, in operator standing in front of it can see cut away for a length of 30 ft. to an ele- case of extreme back water, which has been all the instruments from one position, and vation of 524 ft., so that there will be 3 known to be 50 ft. above normal in the can conveniently reach all the controlling ft. additional depth of water to carry a- lower liver. As the wheel pit is not con- switches. The power house bus bars, gen- way ice from the submerged arches in front nected to the tail race, the hydraulic ap- erator oil switches, instrument and switch of the power house. The wheel pit is 416 paratus can never be flooded out. The transformers are located immediately bo- ft. long and 22 ft. in width inside of the tunnels on each side of the wheel pit are low the power house floor in brick com- Niagara Falls Record Page 15

partments. The wiring arrangement is partments into a gangway, where they can to four sections, any one of which can be such that a generator can either be con- be readily handled by an overhead travell- cut out for inspection or repair. The nected to the bus bar or to separate out- ing crane. The piping for oil and water length of the line is about 90 miles, going and cable. In ordinary operation the is placed in the basement under the back the division houses are 22 i miles apart. current r from each generator will leave the of the building and the Ihe on wall of the sub-station in Toronto is designed for building the shortest by possible route, transformer compartments. The fifteen cables 2,6.70-k.w. transformers, and is sim- from the power house are carried ilar to the transformer house at Niagara in ducts to a gallery above the Falls, except that there will be double low- transformers, where the 12,000 volt tension bus bars and a much large number switches, instrument transformers ot feeder cables for distributing power and bus bars are located. The throughout the city of Toronto. I n the high potential bus plans bars, wiring in- of the Electrical Development Com- strument transformers and pany every oil effort has been made to avoid switches for the 60,000 any interruptions volt cir- to the power service. cuits are located in the The double room back ice protection, twin tailrace of the transformers, tunnels, and connected the extra 8,000 k.w. water wheel, through the gallery generator floor to the and transformer unit, and the high potential oil switches duplication of on the the transmission lines and outgoing of all auxiliary floor above. The trans- apparatus is with this end lines leave the building- in view. The mission engineering design of the plant is through porcelain bushings at in charge of Dr. F. S. Pearson as consulting the back, and are protected by engineer. The water power de- velopment lightning arresters on the wall was planned by Mr. H. L. The wiring throughout Cooper, chief hydraulic Step-Up Transformer House, Niagara Falls, Where Voltage i below. engineer, and F. O.

1 Blockwell Raised from 2,000 to 60,000 Volts for Transmission to Toronto is completely enclosed in brick laid out the electric plant. The and there will be practically no cables run- compartments, the only openings being- construction of the hydraulic work and ning the length of the power house. The through asbestos doors placed at points power house was originally under Mr. transmiss- Beverly power house is a handsome building in the convenient for inspection. The R. Value, and is now in charge of Mr. style of the Italian Renaissance, aibout 500 ion line to Toronto, constructed by the Walter Pearson as electrical .(engineer. ft. long, and 70 ft. wide. The height will Toronto and Niagara Power Company, is The transformer houses and transmission be 40 ft., except at the Centre and end built on a private right of way 80 ft. wide, line were built by Mr. Robt. C. Brown, bays. The centre bay will stand out from which can later be used for a double- chief electrical engineer of the Toronto and the face of the building, and, besides being track railway. Two complete steel tower Niagara Power Company. The general manager the main entrance, will g-ive room for the transmission lines will eventually be con- and secretary is Mr. H.. H. Mac- offices of the Power Company. On the in- structed, one only being erected at present. rae, and the treasurer, Mr. D. H. McDou- gall, side it will also afford space for the switch- Each tower carries two circuits of 190,000 and the head office f the company is board and auxiliary apparatus. The pow- cm. copper conductor. The standard dis- at Rooms 411-420 Traders' Bank Building, er and transformer houses arc 1,817 ft. tance between poles is 400 ft., although Toronto. The Directors of the Company apart, and will eventually be connected by much longer spans are used in crossing are :—Lieut.-Col. Sir H. M. Pellatt, Presi- dent four underground conduits. One conduit rivers and ravines. For curves and long ; Frederic Nicholls, 1st Vice-President will in reserve, special extra heavy towers are em- and Managing Director be and the plant will not spans ; Wm. Mackenzie, be crippled 2nd Vice-President unless two conduits should sim- ployed, with double and triple insulators. ; Hon. Geo. A. Cox, ultaneously fail. The cables required for The height of the standard tower is suffic- W. R. Brock, James Ross, E. R. Wood, A. the portion of the power plant first in- ient to support the lower cable at a height M. Grenfell. stalled are six 500,000 cm. triplex for of 40 ft. from the ground. Fifty and six- 12,000 volt power, two oo B. & S. for the ty-foot towers are made by bolting exten- MISS NELLIE MANLEY switch motor bus liars, two with 45 No. 8 sions to the bottom of the standard tow- Niagara Falls, Ontario, has many well- B, >V S. wires for oil switch control, two ers, and are used wherever there are de- bonneted women, leaders in social circles,

each of 13 Xo. 12 and 1 1 No. 7 wires for pressions along the right of way. In two and with these the handsome millinery instrument connections. The cables are in places toweis 150 ft. and 175 ft. high are parlors of Miss Nellie Manley are. rapidly duplicate, and either half of the ducts required in order to cross navigable chan- becoming popular. These are located at might be disabled without shutting clown nels at the Wei land Canal and at Burling- No. 11 Centre Street, over Anderson's dry the power system. The transformer house ton Beach. The copper cable consists of goods store and although established scar- is on top of the bluff outside of the Park six strands with a hemp centre, and nas a cely one year, have already become ground- limits, and is designed to accommodate tensile strength of 60,000 lbs., and an elas- ed in public favor and have built up a fifteen 2,670-k.w., transformers furnished tic limit of 40,000 lbs. per square inch. large and high class of patronage. The by the Canadian General Electric Company Tho loss of power, when transmitt- show rooms are elegantly furnished, spac- twelve of which are now being installed. ing 10,000 h. p. to Toronto over ious and admirably lighted, and are stock- These transformers are of the oil-immersed each circuit, will be less than 10 per cent., ed with a full and well selected line of the water-cooled type, and are wound for 10,- and either line can transmit 20.000. h.p. French millinery. A new and prominent 11,000 and 12,000 volts primary and with less than 20 per cent, loss should the feature is a case reserved for exclusive hats 60,000, 50,000 a-nd 40,000 volts second- other become disabled. The 'insulators are alone, that is.hats which will not be cop- ary- They will be connected in delta on 14 in. in diameter and 14 in. high, and ied for any consideration or price, thereby both primary and secondary sides. Each are tested for a potential of 120,000 volts ensuring the purchaser of no danger of ev- transformer is placed in a separate closed complete, or 60,000 volts on each of the er seeing her hat duplicated in any color roof room, so as to minimize the fire three parts of which it is composed. The or style of goods. All the work done is risk and prevent the possibility of trouble transmission towers are heavily galvanized warranted of the highest quality and prices in one transformer being communicated to after all machine work upon the parts has are always moderate. Miss Manley is a others. The transformers a''e mounted on been completed. There will lie three di- young lady of charming personality and is rails and arranged to slide out of the com- vision houses along the line, dividing it in- an expert and artistic milliner, "Page 16 Niagara Falls Record

NIAGARA FALLS MACHINE] & FOUNDRY of her substantial, influential business men. STUART BROTHERS COMPANY He was educated in Trinity College, To \n imnortani industry of Niagara Although the greatest tame of Niagara ronto, and Ridley College, S1 Cathariim Falls is the d'istillation of Essential Oils, Palls, Ontario, rests In the magnificent and for a number of years prior to engag normal and concentrated, conducted by electrical power generated from the waters ing in this line of business was prominently Stuarl Brothers, who operate an efficient of the N'iacara I v i \

Plant of the Niagara Falls Machine & Foundry Company Stuart Bros.' Plant industrial enterprises, which are factors in interested in banki Mr. Oeo. W. Hoak riant on Cataract Ave., In premises con- structed on lines speci'/cally adapted to her weal tli and which combine to make her is the Supt. of the plant, a position he has one of the great industrial centers the exigencies of the business. The ap- of the held most acceptably since its inception. paratus is eminently unique, comprising Dominion. Prominent among these is the Niagara Falls Machine & Foundry Com- Stills (mostly Vacuum) that embody feat- ures on which— if expedient the firm could pany, Limited, established in 1903, and — readily obtain protective rights. Another the following year incorporated by act of W. COULTER J. special feature the business is the Dominion Parliament, with a capital of the man- ipulation of Natural Vanilla of §50,000. The works are located the into consist- on Among the enterprising and progressive line of the Grand Trunk Railway, ently prepared commodities, adapted with and are merchants who combine to make Niagara connected with that road by switches. The almost absolute precision to the needs of Falls, Ontario, one of the commercial cen- the various Manufacturers use this buildings are of modern construction and who ters of the Dominion, Mr. J. W. Coulter universally popular flavor. In an inter- are fitted with all known improved facilit- occupies a prominent place. He owns and view with Mr. George Stuart, evidence was ies and special machinery, and fifty skilled operates a finely stocked and well furnish- placed before our representative that the workmen are employed. There is a well ed store at No. 71 Buckley Avenue, estab- Firm considerable outlet for its pro- appointed foundry 75x85 feet in dimen- has lished about three years ago. The store ducts in the United States, Great Britain sions, machine shop with an area of 40x60 is operated on a cash and credit basis and feet, blacksmith shop 30x40 and . feet and pat- the customers get the advantage through tern shop of the same size. The office is this of the best quality of goods and the situated in a separate building, of brick, lowest of prices. Mr. Coulter carries a and is finely furnished and supplied with large and fine stock of the choicest of fancy T. C. DUIGNAN telephone connections. This company and staple groceries, confectionery and dry manufactures all kinds of castings of goods and notions. He makes a specialty In every progressive community the brass, bronze and aluminum, and iron, and of new crop teas and freshly roasted coffees confectioner is an important factor in the supply the trade throughout entire Canada. canned goods of the newest pack and re- commercial economy. In Niagara Falls, They also manufacture hoisting engines, presenting the best known packers, provis- Ontario, this branch of mercantile enter- contractors" machinery and supplies, mat- ions of all kinds, and a full line of import- prise is well represented by Mr. T. C. erial for the construction of water works, ed and domestic table delicacies. His Duignan, who for the past five years has pumps, hvdrants, etc., in fact everything in store is noted for the superior line of dairy been a leader in this line, for the past the foundry and machinery line. The lead- and creamery butter and cheese, fresh year located at No. 33 Queen Street. The ing contractors in the Dominion are sup- country eggs and farm and garden produce store is 25x60 feet in size, and is fitted plied by them, and their works are always handled. All the daily papers and the with every modern convenience. K is con- kept running at full capacity. Mr. Sunday editions of the Buffalo and New nected with telephone and seven experienc- Robert P. Slater, Mayor of the city and York papers, the current magazines and ed and attentive clerks are employed. One identified with many of her large indus- leading periodicals, as well as a superior of the handsomest fountains, stocked with trial enterprises is the President of this the most popular and purest of fruit flav- line of fine stationery for office, desk and Company : Mr. "E. W. Symmes is the Sec- ors is an attraction. This store is known retary and Treasurer, and to his ability home use, are also carried. Mr. Coulter as the home of high quality goods and the an I eminently practical management the also makes a specialty of school books and palace of pure sweets and enjoys a very success achieved by this plant and the high supplies. He is one of the enterprising large and high class patronage. Mr. reputation which its products enjoy, as and progressive business men of Niagara Duignan is one of Niagara Falls' substant- well as the large and constantly growing trade, are very largely due. He is a nat- Falls, substantial and successful and is ial business men, and is a native to the ive of Niagara Falls, Ontario, and is one widely popular in social circles. manor born. Niagara Falls Record Page 17

V. H. ROBINSON and his interests passed to his w"idow, the in many of the leading cities of this and Everybody in Niagara Falls', Ontario, name of the firm continuing the same. other countries and large capital and an knows V. H. Robinson, "The Shoeman," Their store is fitted with modern conven- army of skilled workmen are interested in whose finely stocked store at No. 10(3 Main iences, and a large and well selected line this branch of industrial energy. Tho Street is oni of the most attractive mer- of imported and domestic cloths is carried. A full line of gents furnishings, embracing tin latest in neckwear and the most popr- ular shades in gloves and hosiery, and all descriptions of underwear, and hats, is al- so carried. The store has a frontage of 21 feet and a depth of 54 feet, with well appointed shop upstairs, where eleven skilled people are employed in work to or- der, of which a specialty, is made. Mr. Anderfon, the surviving partner of this estimable firm, is a native of Scotland, and came to Niagara Falls, in 1871. He gives to every detail of his business his personal attention, every garment being carefully supervised before being allowed C. E. Vining V. H. to leave the shop. Mr. Frank Logan has Robinson majority of these manufacturers of con- charge of the merchant tailoring depart- cantile establishments in crete blocks use the machinery constructed the South End, ment, .'.nd to his careful attention is due and with the ^ell by the Vining Brothers Manufacturing dressed people of the its meiited success. city popular headquarters. This business Company, whose extensive plant is located in Clifton Avenue was established in 189!) by Mr. Robinson, and was established by them in and occupies a fine two storey building- GEORGE A. BRIGGS November, 1905, the work of manufacturing being in owned by him. The store is furnished in There is perhaps no one man in every commenced Janu- ary of the following year. This modern style and is fitted with all conven- community who is better known or more firm manufactures iences and the stock carried embraces the popular in any community than he who all the machinery and appli- ances for making concrete blocks for buil- best advertised and most worn makes of serves the newspapers to the homes and ding working boots and shoes, representing the leading- thus keeps the public posted in the happen- purposes, under special pat- ; ents owned them. This manufacturers in the land the leaders be- ngs of the great and busy outside world. by machinery en- ing the J. & F. Bell and the Slater Shoe, In every house his agents are welcome vis- joys the reputation of being the best in use and its sale extends all over the Dominion, and the John McPherson shoe, widely pop- itors. In Niagara Falls, Ontario, this theUnited States and many foreign coun- ular and worn by the best people. In ad- field is ably filled by Mr. George A. Briggs tries. works fitted with special dition to his line of footwear Mr. Robin- of No. 98 Main Street. This store was The are facilities for th'is line of manufacture and son handle>. the best brands of rubbers and established April 8th, of the present year, is em- overshoes, every description of trunks, val- and has already built up a large and high an ample force of skilled workmen ployed, the demand keeping the plant run- ises, suit cases and traveling bags, oil class patronage. The store is situated in clothing, and leather goods generally. He an attractive two storey brick building, has a large trade extending through a wide and is stocked with the finest lines of stat- territory in the Province. His store is ioi ery, the daily and Sunday papers from conned ed with phone 95b. Mr. Rouinson the principal cities in the Dominion and is one of the enterprising and progressive United States, the current magazines and merchants of the city, and there is no de- popular periodicals, and the latest works tail in the shoe business with which he is of the favorite authors of the clay. Mr. not familiar, a fact to which the popular Briggs is prepared to supply copies of any title of '"\'hr. Shoeman" can be attributed. paper published in the world, on order, He is a large property owner and has al- and wdl furnish, any magazine, periodical ways been identified with the financial and or work of literature, fiction or science, on commercial int. -rots of Niagara Falls. In reasonable notice. He employs a large matters affecting the welfare of the city he number of carriers and delivers the daily has always taken an active part and every papers to any part of the city. Mr. movement looking to her advancement a- Hi iggs is one of the city's hustling, pro- Vining long all legitimate lines has had his 'oyal gressive business men, public-spirited and C. L. and liberal support. liberal and popular. widely ning at its full capacity. A number of the finest business blocks and handsome ANDERSON & LOGAN VINING BROS. MANUFACTURING CO. residences in this city were built of blocks Among the well dressed men of Niagara The use of concrete blocks for building made with the Vining Brothers machinery, Falls, Ontario, in all circles, with whom purposes is rapidly growing popular a- one of the most notable of them being the perfect fit, latest style and fashionable mong contractors and builders, who ap- elegant home of Mr. C. E. Vining, in Law- pattern are essentials to satisfaction, the preciate the advantages offered in tho rence Avenue. This firm is composed of finely equip] ed and well stocked merchant ureat variety of shapes which can be ac- Messrs. C. E. and C. L. Vining, both of tailoring establishment of Messrs. Ander- curately and economically moulded and the whom are natives of Michigan, from which son & Logan, located at No. 38 Erie Ave- lessened cost to the builder. They can al- state they came to this city, attracted by nue, are popular headquarters. This busi- so lie used for the conveyance of sewer the many advantages offered here. They ness was established in 1874 by Messrs. pipes and conduits for wiring the buildings lu^e taken an active interest j n the many- F. Anderson and A. Logan, and conducted where used. The manufacture of these industrial and commercial enterprises of by them until 1902 when Mr. Logan died blocks has become an important industry tho city. Vage 18 Niagara Falls Record

HOTEL SAVOY class patronage, is that of Mr. - s - Cole neat office, connected with telephone No. 7. Throughout the entire world the repu- He has a handsome store at NTo. 18 Erie An ample force of attentive clerks is em- tation of the first class hotels of Niagara Avenue, its Qne frontage of 30 feet being ployed and all orders are delivered by the

Falls, Ontario, lias been i an ied bj the millions of visitors to this greatest of

•. m m T& ^C

Hotel Savoy Interior of W. A. Pew's Meat Market

Nature's wonders. One of the best known taken up by spacious plate glass windows, firm's own teams. Mr. Pew handles only and most popular of these is the Hotel artistically dressed and filled with speci- the finest grades of fresh and salt meats, Savoy, located in Bridge Street, occupying mens of the superior wares with which the and all his hog products are home made. a handsome brick building, centrally locat- store is stocked. Mr. Cole carries a Be also carries a large line of the best ed, convenient to all the railway stations, complete line of the finest gold and silver- poultry, home dressed, of which a special- affording a fine view of the Gorge and its ware, cut glass and rare china, bronzes, ty is made. Mr. Pew is a native of Can-

wonders, within a few minutes from the and bric-a-brac in quaint designs, toilet ada and ' has been a resident of Niagara Falls and Park, and the big power houses, articles in the precious metals, novelties in Falls nearly all his life. He is an expert within easy touch of the Belt Line circling metal and rare woods, optical goods, op- judge of meats, and all his buying is done the Gorge, and the electric lines running era and field glasses and the daintiest jew- by himself. His prices are always the to St. Catharines and in the business sec- elry in artistic settings. He is an expert lowest while the service he gives his cus- tion of the city. This hotel was estab- judge of diamonds and gems, and has in tomers is one of the points on wMch his lished in 1899 by Mr. J. Dickinson, and a- stock a superb assortment of stones loose success is based. He is one of the repres- bout two years ago was bought out by the and in rich settings. He is a skilled de- entative and substantial business men of present proprietors, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. signer of art jewelry and makes a special- this city, is prominent in fraternal circles. Cronkhite and Mr. II. H. Schumacher, who ty of setting gems. He also makes a feat- thoroughly remodeled and refurnished it. ure of all kinds of repair work and in this NIAGARA FALLS DAIRY To none of the food products are pur- it has handsomely furnished and comfort- department employs an ample force of ity, and absolute cleanliness so essential able rooms, steam heated and lighted with skilled workmen. He also makes a spec- as to the milk and cream supplied to the electricity and gas, hot and cold water and ialty of the adjusting of fine watches and home. Medfical science has demonstrated ample bath facilities, elevator service, el- time-pieces and his work in this, as well as that through these commodities of life is ectric bells and all modern conveniences, every other line, is always guaranteed. Mr. offered the greatest avenue for the trans- pleasant parlors and a commodious office Cole is especially popular among the young mission of disease through germs. In ev- and writing room, with phone connection- people as he is the legal issuer of marriage ery progressive community the milk supply The dining room is a model of cleanliness licenses, in the city. is made the subject of rigid inspection and and order, while the cuisine is all that the health safety f the consumer safe- could be desired. In connection there is a W. A. PEW and guarded in every possible way. In Niag- first class buffet and wine room where the To none of the departments in the dom- Falls, Ontario, the public is always finest of imported and domestic wines and estic economy does the careful housewife ara assured of the purest of milk and cream, liquors, ales, beers and porter, and the pay. a greater amount of attention than to conditions of absolute clean- favorite brands of cigars and cigarettes that which affects the meats which she ser- handled under liness, Niagara Falls Dairy. The can be had. The proprietors of this house ves on her table and with these freshness by the qualificat- interests of this company were recently are thoroughly experienced in catering to and high quality are , essential Mr. James Milne, who is now the wants of the traveling public having ions. In Niagara Falls, Ontario, she is purchased by the sole proprietor and who has introduced been more than a quarter of a century in admirably served by the model market con- improvements designed to make the business. The Savoy is open for com- ducted by Mr. W. A. Pew, located at No- many new under whose man- mercial and tourist travel the year round, 47 Queen Street, and which was establish- the service perfect and ed about twenty-three years ago by its agement the dairy has been made a model complete in its E. S. COLE present proprietor. It is very attractive one and one of the most in One of the oldest and most popular in its scrupulous neatness, has a frontage appointments and furnishings of any dairy is located at jewelry' establishments in Niagara Falls, of 25 feet and a depth of 50 .feet and is the Dominion. The is fitted with Ontario, and one which for the past four- fitted with ample cooler and ice chests, No. 59 St. Clair Avenue, and teen years has enjoyed a large and high marble topped counters, spacious racks and every modern convenience Niagara Falls R e c o r a Page 19

ROBERT P. SLATER holder. He is President of the Niagara Slater has also served as President of the There is no citizen of Niagara Falls, Falls Building, Savings and Loan Associa- Niagara Falls Board of Trade, which has Ontario, who is niore widely known, none tion, one of the strongest institutions of been responsible for the location of many more popular, than Robert P. Slater, who its kind in the country and responsible for of the most important of her industries, for the fifth term is serving the city as its a large number of the homes of the city, and in the same capacity in the Ontario Mayor, and who is one of the potential and is also President of the Niagara Falls Municipal Association. He was happil5" married in 1869 to Miss Mary L. Lutz, and to this union were born three children, but one of whom is living. He has a hand- some residence at 125 River Road where he and his estimable wife dispense royal hos- pitality to their legion of friends. Niag- ara Falls, Ontario, has many factors which combine to make her the peer of any city in the Dominion in wealth, industrial and commercial power and social standing, but none that excels the influence and popular- ity exerted bv Mayor Slater.

GEORGE LATOUR The fashionable dresser finds all essent- ial qualities in the swell suits and gar- ments made by Latour, "The Tailor," as he is popularly known, located at Nos. 18 and 20 Clifton Avenue, next to the Post Office. For the past thirteen years he nas catered to the leaders of fashion here. His show rooms are elegantly furnished and are fitted with modern conveniences. Here he carries a well selected line of imported and domestic cloths, embracing the most pop- ular patterns in flannels, woolens, serges and broadcloths. Mr. George Latour, the enterprising and progressive proprietor, is a native of Canada, and has always been identified with the merchant tailoring

Bank of Hamilton, J. H. Stuart, Manager trade, in which he has no superior as a skilled cutter and fitter. factors in her financial, industrial and Heating and Supply Company, the Niag- commercial wealth. A native of this ara Falls Machine and Foundry Company, MRS. MARLATT Township and a life long resident of this and the Ford Automatic Fire Shutter Among the well dressed women of Ni- city, he has always been closely identified Company. He is also ex-officio President agara Falls, Ontario, the most popular with all of her most important interests of the Board of Water Commissioners, and millinery establishment is that of Mrs. and there is none of her business men who the excellence of the system of which this Marlatt, located at No. 29 Park Street, have been more active in her development, city is justly proud is very largely due to and opened by 'its present proprietor about or who are more largely responsible for his ability and practical methods. He is one year ago. It is one of the most at- her prosperity. He was born on the his- one of the largest property owners in the tractive establishments of the city. Mrs. torical site of the famous battle of Chip- city and is extensive^ engaged in the Marlatt possesses most excellent taste and pawa, on owned by his father, realty business, handling his own property judgment and follows the fashions closely, Jonathan Slater, one of the pioneers in exclusively. His operations in this field and in the assortment of rich millinery and this section. He was educated in the pub- have not been confined to Niagara Falls, fancy goods with which she has stocked lie schools of Chippawa, afterwards attend- however. In 1873 he built and owned an her parlors can always be found the most ing private school, where he acquitted him- extensive malt house in Gait ; in 1878 he artistic creations of the milliners art. She self with honor, and from which he was ere;- ted a large oat mill in Joliet, 111., and is always among the first to introduce the graduated to enter upon his active business developed an important water power plant customers malt new styles and fashions and her career. He has always taken an active in that city : in 1881 he erected a are given an advantage in this respect interest in public affairs and has enjoyed house in Niagara Falls, N. Y. In addi- that none of her competitors can offer. In the fullest confidence of the taxpayers of tion to these he also was identified input- the complete stock carried by Mrs. Mar- this city, receiving at their hands honors ting in operation a number of successful latt will be found the latest modes in fash- accorded to few. He was Mayor when the industries in other localities. In the deve- il.le millinery and in the spacious and city was incorporated, and was a member lopment af Niagara Kails, Ontario, how- well erpiipped work room connected, an of the first Board of Public Works, when ever, his heart lay, and to him is due the ample force of skilled milliners is employ- Niagara Falls, N. Y., was made a city. opening of new territory, now included in ed. Prices are governed by moderation, Through his efforts many of the large and the boundaries of the city and rapidly bc- and satisfaction is always guaranteed important industries now located in Niag- ing taken by important manufacturing and Mrs. Marlatt is a Lady of charming person- ara Falls, Ontario, were put into success- commercial industries. To him many of ality, socially prominent and possessing a ful operation, and in many of them he is the present property owners and possessors host of personal friends. now interested as officer, director or stock- of comfortable homes owe much. Mayor -

Page 20 Niagara Falls Record

« FIELDING & COMPANY (.1 the ftnesl drj goods emporiums in 1 1 1 WARREN SPENCE

With the \\«'ll dressed men ol Niagara city, one thai will compare favorablj with One of the important industries of Ni- Falls, Ontario, the handsome store oi ;m\ metropolitan store in the qualitj and agara Falls, Ontario, is the manufacture

( -'i .» si nek. of vehicles and pleasure. Messrs.. Fielding ..v Company, a1 No. varietj of the goods carried in and Qne for business reputation in lids Line all ox- Queen Street, in i h«- McClive Block, is pop- the prices charged, and located a1 No. 827 Her extends er the Province of Ontario, and tin- pro- ducts of her works are sold throughout the y f entire Niagara District. The leader in • this line is Mr. Warren Spence, whose fac- ki tory is located at No. ~2<) Barker street, * occupying a neat two storey frame build>- ; t*»i««* Tift i t*

hi -

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Interior of Fielding & Company's Store Factory and Residence of Warren Spence

ular headquarters. This store was estab- Ferry Street, in the Roberts Block. It is ing owned by him, fitted with modern lished about seven years ago and now has connected with phone, and an ample force machinery. An ample force of skilled a large and high class trade among the of experienced and attentive clerks is em- workmen is employed and all work is war- best people of the city. It has a frontage ployed. The spacious shelves and count- ranted of the highest grade and at the of 25 feet and a depth of 100 feet and is ers are filled with the finest lines of fancy most reasonable prices. Mr. Spence start- fitted with all modern conveniences for the and st a] de dry goods and notions, dress ed this business in 1879. He manufact- advantageous display of the superior line goods and suitings, silks, velvets and ures and deals in high grade carriages, of goods carried. Here can be found every plushes, linens, napery, blankets and bedd- wagons and every description of spring ve- requisite for the gentleman's wardrobe, ing, cloaks, wraps, furs and all descript- hicles, cutters and sleighs, and does all and the fastidious dresser can fit himself ions of ladies' and children's furnishings. kinds of repairing iin these lines. He also out from head to foot. In the department "The best in quality, the best of service, has a well equipped forge in connection, devoted to clothing can be found the best the most advantageous of prices," is the where he does all kinds of work in iron and makes from the leading manufacturers, per- rule of this sterling house. The trade is the baser metals, making a specialty of

fect in tit, quality, cut, style, finish and large and high grade and extends through- horseshoeing, which is done in a scientific price. in furnishings the swellest styles, manner. Mr. Spence also owns a well and most fashionable patterns in neckwear, stocked carriage repository, located in a in hats storey building, owned him gloves, hosiery and underwear ; two brick by and caps the latest blocks, in silks, felts, in Main Street near Barker Street, where the best makes for he keeps a large and fine stock of all the and straws ; in shoes Doth ladies and gentlemen. A full line of best makes of vehicles made or handled by trunks, suit cases, travelling bags and him. He is one of the enterprising and while this city, and a large k- at her goods generally, is carried, progressive men of in rubber goods the leading makes can be pi operty owner. had. High quality and low prices is the here. Mr. N,. Fielding, the propriet- rule R. McMATH men J. is one of the substantial business or, R. J. McMath, at No. 65 Lundy's Lane highest of Niagara Falls and occupies the carries a full line of farm implements and standing in both financial and commercial labor saving machinery, wagons, mowing circles. He is a native of the Dominion, and threshers, plows, Niagara machines, reapers and for many years a resident of cultivators and harrows, in fact everything and has always been closely identi- Falls, used by the modern and up-to-date farmer. active in fied with her best interests and He is the agent for the largest manufact- welfare. promoting her and the ter- i lvrs in this line in the world ritory covered by him extends all over D. A. R. CAMERON D. A. R. Cameron the Dominion, nineteen hustling travelling commercial and mercantile circles of In constantly on the road entire Niagara District, from men being kept Niagara Falls, Ontario, there is no one out the orders. His store and warehouse Queenston to Chippawa. Mr. Cameron is booking who is more widely known, more highly ; fitt- io modern in its appointments and is native born, 7 as educated in the respected for ability and sterling business a and w modern conveniences, the office public high schools of this city. He ed with all integrity, or who is more popular socially, and telephone connection. The busi- years learned the dry goods business in the well having than D. A. R. Cameron, for several McMath, and John Logan. ness was established by Mr. identified with the business interests of the known establishment of Mr. able and eminently prac- charge of the exten- it is owing to his city and always a factor in her develop- For two years he had tical management and wide popularity and advancement. On March 1st. of sive stores of the Electrical Development ment and the Dominion, resigned to engage acquaintance throughout the present year he engaged in business for Company, a position he that the success achieved is due. himself, and to-day owns and operates one in business for himself. Niagara Falls Record Page 21

THE CLIFTON HOTEL are sumptuously furnished and replete with a well-equipped garage is operated by the Aside from the grandeur of the Falls, every convenience, while the office is hotel where a stock of supplies is always the wonders of the Gorge and the beauties equipped with every facility and is con- kept. In the rotunda can be found long of the Parks of which Niagara Falls is the nected with phone. A spacious ball room distance telephone, cable and telegraph possessor, there is nothing which appeals is for the use of guests of the hotel and is offices, Union ticket office, and general in- to the visitor more strongly then the sup- at all seasons the scene of brilliant social formation bureau, while a well appointed barber shop and handsome buffet are oper- ated in conjunction with the house. Lug- gage of guests coming from the United States is received in bond and there in- spected by the custom authorities. The water used in the hotel is drawn from an artesian well on the premises, furnishing an ample supply of the purest crystal wat- er, the ice used being made from this wat- er, by a refrigerating plant owned by the hotel. The rates are from $i to $6 a day, special rates being made for week or long- er, and the hotel is open all the year round for commercial and tourist travel. Mr. George R. Major, the able and efficient manager, is one of the best known hotel men in this country, having been with the Canadian Pacific Railway for over five years as manager, of the Place Vigor Hot- el, Montreal, and Chateau Front enac, Que- bec, and his reputation as a royal host extends all over the world. He has enter-

The Clifton Hotel tained many of the most illustrious men and women of the present day, and repres- every orb hotels the fame of which extends all gatherings. Adjoining this room is the enting country on the face of the over the world. Of these the Clifton Palm Room, adorned with growing palms globe, and his management has received Hotel, located at the entrance of Queen and flowering plants and furnished with the heartiest endorsement from all of them. is substantial Victoria Park, Niagara Falls, Ontario, is dainty chairs and tables. For those who He one of the and liberal business Falls. the most noted and is the fulfillment of are fond of a game of 'billiards or pool there men of Niagara Ont., and potential factor in her social every ideal in modern and up-to-date host- is a finely equipped billiard room, with a and commercial circles. elry. It stands on the site of the old three of the latest model tables and all the Clifton, which was destroyed by fire in 1899 necessary paraphernalia. From the win- and occupies a commanding position, on a dows of this room one of the finest views •gentle slope at Victoria Point, a favorite of the Falls can be had. Then there is the TORONTO HOUSEFURN1SH1NG COMPANY vantage ground of observation for tourists, Solarium, w

WILLIAM MORWICK housewife so prides herself. in Niagara scrupulously clean and in the neatosi con- Although nol strictlj .1 food product, Falls, Ontario, she finds every desired qual- dition. It is fitted with ample cooler, Ice frozen cream and foods are luxuries ification in 1 ho goods she buys at the ster- improved ice boxes, spacious racks and found in every modern home and their ling market of Mr. F. S. Doughty, locals! cutting blocks, marble topped counters and manufacture forms one of the important ni Huron and Erie Street, opposite the comfortable office, connected with tele-

Interior William Morwick's Ice Cream FactOiy Residence and Butcher Shop of J. W. Speck

industries of every community. In this Market, one of the finest of its kind in the phone. An ample force of expert assist- line of manufacture purity and high qual- city and a model of cleanliness and order. ants is employed. Mr. Speck established ity are essential and the manufacturer who It'is fitted with every modern convenience this market in 1903. He was for a time comes the closest to the ideal in these re- in the shape of ample cooler and ice chests, at Ferry and Main Streets. He has a spects is the one who reaps the reward in spacious racks and marble-topped counters very large and high class trade and hand- the shape of the largest and most profit- and its cozy office is connected with tele- les only the best grade of home dressed aide patronage. In Niagara Falls, Ontar- phone No. 93. An ample force of expert meats, while all his sausages and hog pro- io, this branch of industrial enterprise is assistants is employed. Mr. Doughty han- ducts are home made. Mr. Speck is a well represented by the thoroughly equipp- dles only the finest of home dressed meats, keen judge of meats and does all his own ed factory of Mr. William Morwick, located and makes a specialty of Fowler Canadian buyir.:: He is one of the enterprising and

Street, which - '. <• at No. 72 Simcoe and was Company meats, and all kinds of salted progre. i men of the city, substantial established in IVinl, It is fitted with ev- and smoked meats and hog products. He and successful and to every movement ery modern and improved machinery. The also carries a full line of the best poultry, looking to the welfare of the city is a lib- process used in the manufacture of creams raised in "the garden spot of the world", eral contributor and a loyal supporter. and ices is that known as the brine process Ontario. The freshest of country eggs, not Socially he is widely popular. endorsed by the health officials in every of the cold storage brand, are always to oity as the most sanitary and cleanest of be found here. Mr. Doughty is a native all methods. This plant is spacious in di- of Lincoln Township, and came to Niag- J. L. MACARTNEY m-nsions and the most scrupulous cleanli- ara Falls, Ont., about the 1st of February. There are few of the business men of ness prevails in every part. The office is He has always been identified with her Niagara Falls, Ontario, better known, or very connected with telephone 140. A best interests and is a liberal supporter of more popular, than J. L. Macartney, one large trade is done extending throughout all her institutions. He is one of her sub- of the leading chemists and druggists in leading- the Niagara District, many of the stantial and successful men, represents the this section. There is no pharmacy that retail dealers be- hotels, restaurants and highest type of her good citizenship. enjoys a higher reputation for purity and ing supplied, while a large family patron- excellence of the drugs and medicines car-, age is enjoyed. During the year of 1906 ried or for the accuracy of the prescript- J. W. SPECK the output of this plant reached to 13,500 ion there compounded than that conducted The difference between the high grade gallons. Only the purest of cream and the by Mr. Macartney, located at No. 34 Erie- quality of home-grown and home dressed best of fruit flavors are used in the manu- avenue. This is one of the oldest drug meats and those supplied from the big facture of the creams, sherbets, ices and stores in the city, having been established western packing houses, is known and ap- frozen goods, and the most skilled men are by Mr. Macartney some thirty years ago. preciated by every careful housewife, who employed. Mr. Morwick is a native of It is handsomely furnished and is fitted takes a pride in her table and will have this oity and has always been one of her with every modern convenience. The spac- only the best o€ all food products and the - >l stantial business men, taking an active ious plate glass wall and counter cases are dealer who handles this grade is the one interest in all matters relating to the wel- filled with the purest of drugs and chem- to whom her custom is always given. fare of the city. icals, the standard patent and proprietary Cleanliness 'in the surroundings under medicines, bath and toilet articles, choice which the goods are sold is also a prime perfumes, rubber goods, fine stationery, F. S. DOUGHTY requisite with her. In Niagara Falls, On- surgical appliances and physicians and There is no food product used to-day tario, she finds all the desired qualities in druggists sundries. The store is connected in the modern home to which a greater de- the fine meats handled by Mr. John Wik- with phone and calls at any hour are gree of care is given, or where freshness liam Speek, at his handsomely equipped promptly filled. Mr. Macartney is a nat- and hisjh quality are so essential to satis- and model market, No. 763 Ferry Street. ive of Toronto, but has for many years faction, than in the meats which are plac- This is one of the most attractive stores been a resident of Niagara Falls. ed on the table and in which the careful of its kind 'in the city and is always kept Niagara Falls Record Page 23

THE WINDSOR HOUSE the courteous and attentive clerk and hi: canned goods in glass and tin, of the new- While the grandeur of the mighty Falls, able assistant, Mr. W. Krolz, who are al- est pack and representing the best known the majesty of the wonderful Gorge, the ways on the alert to cater to every wish canneries, prov isiions, imported and dom- marvelous electrical power generated in of the guest. The dining room is a model estic table delicacies, new crop teas and beauties of Queen Victoria Park and the of elegance and the cuisine cannot be ex- freshly roasted coffees, the best dairy and

*^ft%fi»U- „.,. „ , . ,4

The Windsor House J. C. Groom's Grocery Store the mammoth power houses, will remain as celled in any hotel in the city. In con- creamery butter and cheese, fresh country the principal memories with every visitor nection is a first class buffet and wine eggs and farm and garden produce in seas- to Niagara Falls, the recollection of the room, where the choicest of wines and liq- on. The store is connected with phone. hospitable landlords and her homelike hot- uors, malted goods and imported and dom- Five experienced and reliable clerks are els of Niagara Falls, Ontario, make a rich estic cigars are served by expert and at- employed. "The best of everything, the frame for the pleasant picture, equally as tentive chemists. Mr. Hamilton is one of best of service and the lowest of prices, endurable. There is perhaps, none of the the best known hotel men in this city and conformable with high quality is the resorts in this country that can lay is many known all over this continent as a roy- motto of Mr. Groom and on his strict ob- claims to finer hotels than this city, and al host, an all round good fellow and a servance of this, is based the high reputa- on their registers can be found the names loyal friend. He is one of Niagara Falls' tion he enjoys and the large and gratifying of of the famous many most men and wo- representative and substantial men, a pub- trade he has built up. men of the century. Prominent among lic-spirited and liberal citizen, and in soc- these first class hostelries and one that for ial circles prominent and popular. Mrs. the past two score years has been a leader, Keating is a lady of charming personality, CHARLES W. THOMPSON is The Windsor House, located in Bridge prominent and popular in social circles and Street. This hotel is centrally located possessing a legion of warm, personal Among the many branches of commer- and convenient to all railway stations, friends. cial enterprise represented in Niagara Falls with a fine view of the Gorge and its won- Ontario, none is of more importance than ders, within a few minutes of the mighty J. C. GROOM the grocer, in which line Mr. Charles W. Balls and Park, and on the line of electric There are none of the tradesmen who are Thompson, is a leader. His store is lo- cars circling the Gorge, or extending to engaged in supplying the home with the cated at Ellis Street and St. Clair Avenue

St. Catharines. It was established about luxuries and necessities of every day life, and is neatly furnished and is fitted with forty years ago and for the past ten years who stands closer to the home or is more every modern convenience. The office is has been under the ownership of Mrs. important than the grocer, for to him the connected with Bell phone 316. The stock James Keating, with Mr. Robert H. Ham- housewife looks for the purity and fresh- carried is one of the finest and most care- ilton, as manager. It has been thorough- ness of the \iands she puts on her table, fully selected in the city and embraces the ly remodeled and refurnished and is now and the dealer who comes closest to her chciicest fancy and staple groceries, new first class in every respect, having no sup- ideals secures her trade. In Niagara crop teas and coffees, canned goods of tho erior in equipment and service in this sec- Falls, Ontario, she always finds just what newest pack, provisions of all kinds and tion. It is open the year round for com- she wants at the high class cash grocery of imported and domestic table delicacies. mercial and tourist travel and its rates Mr. J. C. Groom, located at No. 52 Erie Specialties are made of cheese, butter, eggs arc most reasonable. It has sixty-five Avenue. This store, model in its scrup- and farm and garden produce. Every- finely furnished rooms, fitted with all the ulous cleanliness and without superior in thing is of the highesl standard and prices modern conveniences, lighted with electric- the grade of goods handled, was establish- are in accordance with quality. Mr. ity and gas, admirably heated, hot and ed about two years ago by its present pro- Thompson is a gentleman of wide exper- cold water and ample bath facilities and prietor. It has a fine frontage of .->0 feet ience in his chosen line and his motto is,

and elevator service. The parlors are and a length of 120 feet, is furnished in "there 'is nothing too good fur my custom- pleasantly arranged, the office commod- attractive style and the stock carried can ers." Since il stablishment of his busi ious and connected with phone. At the not be duplicated by any store of its kind ness about two years agn, he has built up

desk can always 1m- found Mr. R. S. Hall. in tin- city, in fancy and staple groceries, il very large ;u\<\ high class patronage. "Page 24 Niagara Falls Record

FRANK G. KICK ih.ii lingers as a pleasanl memorj is the made of shirts, collars and cuffs, a iarge \miIc from the grandeur of the Falls, trip from i In- high blufl on the Canadian amount of family washing is done in t he the beauties of the Park, and the wonders side down to the edge of the swiftlj rush- besl manner and a1 the most moderate oi the Gorge, there is probably no feature ing river, where a superb view of the swirl- prices. Mr. Brown owns the onlj machin- ol PCiipara Palls, Ontario, thai is remem- ing waters of the Rapids can be had, the ery for cleaning carpets in this city, and

Kick's Hotel Palace Steam Launcry bered with greater pleasure than the ex- wonders of the great Gorge and Whirlpool has every facility for doing this work. He cellence of the hotels and the hospitality below, and the beautiful surrounding scen- covers the entire Niagara District with Ms of her landlords. Prominent among her ery making a fitting addition to the pic- wagons. Mr. Brown is a native of Eng- first class houses is Kick's Hotel, located ture. No finer avenue for reaching this land, but came to Canada in 1872, locat- at No. 136 Main Street, which is not only- vantage point is found than by the incline ing in Niagara Falls two years later. He one of the most attractive hostelries on railway located at the lower bridge. For is an expert in his chosen line and with the South Side, but one of the oldest in the past twenty-five years this has been every detail of the business he is familiar. the City, having been established in L860. oiw of the most interesting points on the He allows no injurious chemicals to be us- It is owned and conducted by Mr. Frank Canadian side. The company now operat- ed in laundering, and the most delicate fabrics G . Kick, and is fitted with all modern con- ing this road has been newly organized and of are hand-laundered. He gives veniences, electric lights, bells and elevat- has made a large number of improvements to all work his personal supervision and or service, comfortably arranged and new- in the service, has installed new electric warrants perfect satisfaction in every in- ly furnished rooms, pleasant parlors, am- machinery and modern safety devices, etc. stance. He is public-spirited and liberal, ple office, commodious writing and loung- The cars are new and improved ones. The and every movement looking to the ad- ing rooms, and a dining room that is a incline is reached through a handsome en- vancement of the city has his loyal sup- model of neatness and cleanliness. The trance bazaar and office in Front Avenue, port. cu'isine is all that could be desired, the ser- and trips are made at frequent intervals vice throughout is perfect, the view fine, the day round. Mr. F. E. Lawrence is and terms most reasonable. In connection the manager of the business and he gives GEORGE J. CAMPBELL there is a well appointed and well stocked to every detail his personal attention. He bar and wine rooms, where the choicest of is a native of Niagara Falls, N. Y., and There is a large merchant tailoring imported and domestic wines and liqours, there is no man in this section who is more trade in this city and the best of this is the best brews of ales and beers and all familiar with every point relating to the controlled by Mr. G. J. Campbell, at No. malted goods, and the favorite brands of Falls. Since 1896 he has been manager 21 Park Street, wr ho for the past ten years imported and domestic cigars are to be of the incline on the American side, oppos- has successfully catered to it. His show had. Mr. Kick is one of the best known ite this point, and during the entire period rooms are attractive and are stocked with hotel men of Niagara Falls, and had made in which he has held this position no ac- a large and fine line of imported and dom- his house one of the most popular resorts cidents have ever occurred. estic cloths, representing the best known in the Niagara District. He is a royal mills. These show rooms are well lighted host and all round good fellow, loyal to and have a frontage of 24 feet and a depth his friends and attentive to his patrons, is PALACE STEAM LAUNDRY of 50 feet. The shop is equipped with one of the substantial and representative In Niagara Falls, Ontario, the best modern facilities and six skilled workmen men of the city, a large property owner laundry work is done at the Palace Steam are employed. Perfect fit, the highest and interested in a number of important Laundry, of which Mr. C. H. Brown is the standard 'in quality of material, the latest industries. He is prominent in fraternal proprietor, and which was established by and most fashionable styles, superior work and social circles and has a host of per- him in 1893. This occupies a fine brick and most reasonable prices are the sonal friends and well wishers all over the building fitted with the latest model steam principles on which Mr. Campbell has bas- Dominion and the States. laundry machinery, and furnished with ev- ed his business. He is a native of Bram- ery convenience. Ten expert operators are pton, Ontario, and is an expert cutter and NIAGARA RIVER ELEVATOR CO. employed. The office is connected with fitter, having followed the merchant tailor- With the visitor to Niagara Falls and phone and orders are called for and deliv- ing business all his life. He is one of the the wonderful Gorge, one of the experiences ered by three teams. While a specialty is substantial business men of the city. Niagara Falls R e c o r a Page 25

W. J. MANUEL FRANK J. BOOTH most carefully selected in this city, and Of the many duties that devolve on the A leader in the grocery business in this embraces the choicest of fancy and staple housewife, one of the most onerous and at liity is Mr. Prank J. Booth, located at groceries and provisions, canned goods in the same time one of the most important, No. 755 J Ferry Street. This is one of e,iass and tin, new crop teas and freshly is that of supplying her table with baked the most attractive stores of its kind in roasted coffees and imported and domestic

W. J. Manuel's Store Store of Frank J. Booth goods, and in the days of our mothers this the city. The office is connected with table delicacies in wide variety. A spec- called for at least one day devoted to the phone, an ample force of expert and atten- ialty is made of the best grades of dairy oven, a day dreaded by the majority of tive clerks is employed and all orders are and creamery butter and cheese, fruits and the fair sex. Now she relegates this duty delivered to any part of the city free of farm and garden produce, and freshly laid to the professional baker, and so well has charge by the firm's own teams. This country eggs. The motto of this house is he filled the bill to her satisfaction, that business was established in 1903 by Mr. "the best is none too good for our custom- the art of home baking is rapidly becom- Booth, who has built up a trade that ex- ers." Mr. J. H. Marshall, is a native of ing a lost one. In Niagara Falls, Ontar- tends all through the Niagara District. He the Dominion, and has always been one of io, this field of industry is ably filled by carries a large and well selected line of the representative citizens of Niagara

Mr. W. .J. Manuel, whose finely equipped fancy and staple groceries, canned goods in Falls. bakery is located at No. 820 Ferry Street, glass and tin, and of the newest packs, the

where it was established in 1896. It oc- lust quality of new crop teas and coffees, cupies a neat two storey brick building. all kinds of provisions and imported and RIGG BROTHERS

and is a model of cleanliness, always sto-:k- d( stie table delicacies. Specialties are Prominent among the makers of beaut- iful monuments in this section, and a firm • 'i with a full line of freshly baked stutfs, made of prime dairy and creamery butter and fine confectionery. The bakery is fitt- and cheese, fresh country eggs and farm responsible for many of the handsomo ed with modern ovens and all improved ap- and garden produce in season. "The best stones to be seen in many of the cemeter- pliances, only the best of flours and ih. of everything is none too good for my cus- ies throughout the Province, is the firm of purest of ingredients are used, and skilled tomers" is the motto under which this Messrs. Rigg Brothers, whose yards and bakers employed. All the goods linked store is conducted. Mr. Booth is one of shop are located in Huron Street. Their here are "home made" and just as "mofb- the best known and successful merchants in yard is always stocked with the finest of marble and granite, representing the most er used to make." and this fact is • ^spon- ili is section of the city. sible for the large trade which has bson famous quarries in the world. The shop is fitted with modern machinery and pneu- built up, and which extends all through J. H. MARSHALL the Niagara District. Mr. Manuel is n Marshall's Grocery, is one of the finest matic tools for cutting, polishing and car- large cranes for handling the '-master in this most important of the of its kind in the city, located at No. 118 ving, and Eleven skilled workmen aro trades, and there is no detail of the arl of Bridge Street. This was established a- rough blocks. Special designs are furnished home baking with which he is not famil- bout twelve years ago, is large and fitted employed. when desired. This firm does all kinds of iar. He is one of the enterprising and with most modern conveniences. The progressive business men of this city Btoch carried is one of the largest and work in granite and marble. "Page 26 N i a g a i a Falls Record

LOUIS FISCHER topped counters and racks, spacious while thai commend the shoes sold l>.\ t he Among the manj benefactors of the bu tho comfortable office is connected with Messrs. Connor to the public favor. This man race there is none thai appeals more phone, the customer thus being en- firm consists of the Messrs, F. and .1. .J. strongly than he who furnishes the neatij aided to place orders without the incon- Connor, both of whom are thoroughly ex- made rolls of the leaf of the plan! so apt- ence of personally visiting the markel perienced in their particular line of trade

Interior of Louis Fischer's Cigar Store Interior of Connor Bros." Shoe Store

ly spoken of by the quaint poet Burton as An ample force of skilled and attentive and rank among Niagara Falls' substant- the "Sovereign plant to purge the veins of clerks is employed. Mr. Hillesheim hand- ial and successful business men and up-to- melancholy." To the smoker, who finds in les only the best quality of home dressed date merchants. They are prominent in

his cigar, or pipe, solace from the cares (l t' meats and all his sausages, lard and hog both financial and commercial lines and in business and the worries of every day life, products are home made. He also carries social circles are popular. They also own and who draws pleasing pictures in the a full line of smoked, dried and salted and operate another fine store in Toronto, fragrant smoke-wreaths as they curl ceil- meats, and the best of home grown poultry in which city they have built up a very ingwards, the retailer of the leaf made High quality and low prices are the rule large and gratifying business. famous by Sir Walter Raleigh, is a very here. Mr. Hillesheim in addition to his important factor. J n Niagara Falls, Oni> public prominence is also acti\e in fraternal ario, one of the best known and one of circles and is honored an member of the J. J. BAMPFIELD the most popular retailers of high-grade I.O.O.F., the Canadian Order of Foresters In the superior goods handled by Mr. cigars and tobaccos is Mr. Louis Fischer, and the Woodmen. In social life ne is J. J. Bampfield, the leading wholesale li- whose well stocked establishment is locat- very popular. quor and cigar dealer in Niagara Falls. ed at No. 11 Erie Avenue, between the G. Ontario, all the desired qualities are to be T.B. and M.C.R. depots enjoys and the found. For the past fifteen years he has patronage of the travelling public. Mr. CONNOR BROTHERS been engaged in this business and his repu- Fischer is of the substantial one and pro- With the keen judge of human nature tation for business integrity and high gressive Falls, is wido- men of Niagara and the shoe is the barometer of the character giade goods extends throughout the entire ly popular in all classes. of tits wearer and it is considered an in- Province. He has a handsome store in fallible rule that the man or woman who Erie Avenue, furnished in modern style, is careless in the matter of footwear will with two extensive cellars connected, J. HILLESHEIM be found to lax in other things and rarely where he carries a very large and well sel- There is probably no department of the prosperous or successful. In these days, ected stock. He handles the choicest of municipal government of any community and especially i n Niagara Falls, Ontario, imported and domestic wines, representing that occupies a more important place in there is no valid excuse for any one to the most famous vineyards in this count ry public favor than the fire department, no wear anything but perfect fitting, natty and abroad. All the most popular brands branch more popular. Niagara Falls, On- looking shoes, when they can always be of Scotch and Irish, malt, rye, and Bour- tario, is favored with one of the best fire found at the handsome store of Messrs. bons, brandies and gins, cordials and liq- departments to be found in the Dominion, Connor Brothers, specialists in high art uors, and all kinds of bar goods generally, fact a due in large degree to the able and footwear, located at No. 28 Erie Avenue, are to be found in his cellars. He also efficient management of its chief wider where it was established by this enterpris- handles the leading and favorite brands of whom the department has been brought to ing firm some seven years ago. This store foreign and domestic cigars. His store is a high state of efficiency. Mr. J. Hilles,- has a fine frontage of 20 feet and a depth connected with phone. He has a very heim, who occupies this most important of 60 feet and is elegantly furnished and large local trade and all the leading hot- position, is the best one of known of Nia- well stocked. The office is connected with els, and dealers are supplied by him while gara Falls' business men and representat- telephone No. 267 and an ample force of he also has a fine family patronage. Mr. ive merchants. five For the past months experienced and attentive clerks is employ- Bampfield is a native of Niagara Falls, he has conducted a model market at No. ed Shoes, exclusively, are handled and Ontario, and has always resided here. He 33 Erie Avenue, which is popularly known only the best advertised and most popular received his early education in her public as the Erie Avenue Cash Meat Market. makes, representing the most celebrated schools, and later entered Niagara Univer- This market is wonderfully attractive in manufacturers of fine footwear, are allowed which he was graduated with sitj , from its appointments and is always kept in a room on the shelves. Perfect fit, the finest high honors. He is a large property own- scrupulously clean condition. It is fitted of material and workmanship, durability, er and one of the substantial and influent- w:*h ample cooler ice chests, and marble comfort, style and price are the qualities ial business men of the city. Niagara Falls Record Page 27

machines and where an ample force of skilled workmen is employed. Mr. Ryck- man also does pressing on short notice and in the best manner and at the lowest prices

NIAGARA ELECTRICAL COMPANY The installation of electrical comforts and necessities, and the handling of the supplies for this purpose is one of the im- portant industries of Niagara Falls, On- tario, the home of electricity. Prominent among the concerns engaged in this line of enterprise is the Niagara Electrical Com- pany, located at No. 14fi Main Street.

Ontario Power Company's Power House

JOHN DOBBIE anri has grown to large proportions. lhe

The love of the beautiful in nature is spacious wall and counter cases are filled an inherent trait in the human race, and with the choicest of candies and confect- the florist, 'in every progressive community ionery, freshly baked cakes and pastry,

1-- oik! daintiest is i one of the most important members. In the of sweets. There a W. S. James Niagara Falls, Ontario, the leading repres- neat fountain where ice cream soda in all Although this concern was established as entative is Mr. John Dobbie, with green- the popular pure fruit flavors is served, late as February, 1906, it has already houses located in Victoria Avenue, estab- anri where a dish of cream or an ice can achieved an enviable reputation for super- lished by him in 1889. These are six in be enjoyed. Neatly arranged tables are ior goods and high grade work, which has number and comprise 18,000 square feet of provided for the accommodation of lad'ies. firmly established it in public favor. They glass. Mr. Dobbie makes a specialty of E\erything is always kept in scrupulously carry a complete line of all kinds of elect- roses, carnations, pansies, chrysanthemums clean and neat order and everything served rical goods, and supplies for heating, Jight- and flowering and budding plants, palms, is of the best. Mr. Corby is one of the shrubs, ferns and cut flowers. His trade enterprising and up-to-date men of this extends throughout Welland County and city and one of her substantial citizens. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Mr. Dobbie is a native of Airdrie, Scotland, and has de- GEORGE J. RYCKMAN voted a large part of his life to the study A neatly fitting, fashionably made suit of floriculture and botany. For the past is the badge of the successful man, accord- thirty-five years he has been a resident of ing to keen judges of human nature. Ac- Niagara Falls, Ontario, where for a num- cording to lhe best dressed men in Niag- ber of years he was the efficient Principal ara Falls, Ontario, it is certain evidence of the Public Schools here, and assistant that it was made by Mr. George J. Ryck- in the High School in Stamford. He has man, one of the leading merchant tailors in city. Those who always taken an active part 'in public af- this busy and progressive fairs and was for several terms a member have' worn these high grade suits and gar- of the Board of Aldermen, and Chairman ments and know whereof they are speaKing perfect G. P. Burrows of the Board of Public Works. He has al- are ever ready to testify to their ing and power. A specialty is made of si. been honored with other public posit- fitting qualities, the superiority of the their the installation of lighting, power and ions and in all of them won an enviable work put on them, the lateness of telephone plants, wiring of buildings and reputation for faithful performance of duty style and the swell pattern on which they residences for electrical appliances, and the and strict attention to the interests of the are constructed. With this class, and it repairing and keeping in order of every- people. comprises the leading professional, business thing connected with electricity. In the and social men of the city, there is but shop, which is fitted with modern appli- E. COKBY one tailor, and that is Mr. Ryckman. He ances, an ample force of expert workmen There are few of us who do not possess has a handsomely furnished show room at has is employed, and all work is guaranteed what is known as a sweet tooth, and this No. 483 Victoria Avenue, where he where he first class and satisfactory. The office taste is just as healthy as any other pos- been located about two years and and residence are connected with local and sessed by humanity, provided that the carries a fin'- line of the latest weaves in flannels, worsteds, long distance phones and estimates on any sweets are pure and free from all injurious imported and domestic work, no matter how extensive will be ingredients. In Niagara Falls, Ontario, serges and broadcloths, and where he has piomptly furnished on application. At purity and absolute freshness are the char- samples of the finest cloths from the best Mr. Ryckman the head of the company are Mr. W. S. acteristics of all the goods sold by Mr. E. known mills in the world. with .lames and Mr. Oeorge P. Burrows, both Corby, No. 114 Main Street. This busi- has a well appointed shop connected latest model of whom are skilled electrician? ness was established in December, 1903, his parlors, fitted with the Page 28 Niagara Falls Record

Lee McGlashan

McGLASHAN, CLARKE.COMPANY LIMITED Plant of the McGlashan, Clarke Company Limited One of the most important of the in- success of the Company and the high re- Streets, established in September, 1905. dustries of Niagara Falls, and one that is putation of the goods are very largely due Mr. Crompton is one of the best known ar- fast making a name for itself from Ocean Mr. McGlashan is widely popular socially, chitects in this section and all his life has to Ocean is the McGlashan Clarke Co., and has a legion of friends. Mr. J. G. been spent in the profession. He began Limited, Manufacturers of Cutlery, Electro Cadham, one of Niagara Falls most re- his studies when but nineteen years old, Plate and Solid Nickel Silver Flatware. In spected and influential citizens is vice- and for a number of years past, prior to this line of productive energy the late president. engaging in the business for himself, was Leonard McGlashan was one of the connected with several of the leading ar- pioneers and became one of the most prom- R. B. BULLOCK chitectural firms in both the Dominion and inent men in this Trade in the country. Not alone in their architectural design the United States. He possesses every The present representative of this industry and modern construction are the modern qualification for promptly and satisfactor- is the McGlashan, Clarke Co., who have an residences of which Niagara Falls, Ontario ily meeting every demand of the patron, is extensive plant in the North end of the is the possessor, noted for their beauty. careful in avoiding the costly extras which city, modern in construction and equipped The art and skill of the painter and decor- are the bane of the owner and builder, and with the latest and most improved mach- ator has been used to advantage and both always exerts every effort to please his inery, and where a large force of skilled interior and exterior made to conform to client. workmen is constantly employed. This the general beauty scheme which "makes company manufactures all goods wholly in them so attractive. In this work one of their own factories, under expert supervis- R. F. CARTER ELECTRIC COMPANY the leaders is Mr. R. B. Bullock, located ion, from the best thoroughly tested The electrical worker is an important at No. 120 Main Street. This was estab- raw materials, and are in consequence in a factor among the professional trade. In lished in February, 1906, by R. B. and position to warrant every stage of the pro- Niagara Falls, Ontario, one of the leading Herman Bullock, and later was bought out cess of manufacture and guarantee the houses engaged in electrical work is the by the present proprietor. He has a neat- highest standard. Their energies are be- R. F. Carter Electric Company. This bus,- ly appointed store where he carries a full ing devoted entirely to the Canadian Trade iness was established by Mr. R. F. Carter, and well selected line of paints, oils nnd and in every City and Town in this coun- and in May, 1907, was changed to the varnishes and painters and decorators sup- try their wares are to be found. The Mc- present company by the admission of Mr. plies generally. He makes a specialty of Glashan, Clarke Co., Limited, was incor- W. Carter. They occupy three floors, The Ginst Metal Polish, one of the best F. porated under Act of the Dominion Parlia- and do both a wholesale and retail busi- known preparations for treating gold and ment and has an ample capital. The Pres- ness 'in the handling of all kinds of elect- silver or any other metalwork, and for ident of the Company is Mr. E. G. Clarke, rical supplies. They are also contractors which Mr. Bullock has a large sale. Mr. well known as the President and General for electrical works. Their office is con- Bullock does all kinds of high grade painb- manager bf the Ontario Silver Co., in nected with telephone No, 151 and they ing and decorating, uses only the best Muncie, Ind. He will be remembered well are prepared to furnish estimates on any auality of materials and employs the most by old timers in the business as he for work at short notice. Their shop is well skilled workmen. He is an expert in his some time called upon the trade in this arranged and fitted with modern conven- line. He is one of Niagara Falls' pro- country while associated with the late ience. Mr. R. F. Carter is a native of gressive business men. Leonard McGlashan, whose son, Mr. Lee England and came to Niagara Falls when McGlashan, is the General Manager of the RALPH HENRY CROMPTON a mere child. He was educated in her present plant and one of the influential schools and afterwards took up the pro- One of the first things that attracts and substantial men of this city and prom- fession of electricity in -which he became the attention of the visitor to Niagara inent in her commercial and financial cir- an expert. He has served as Mayor of the Falls, Ontario, is the substantial charact- cles. He is thoroughly experienced in the city, and as a member of the city councils er and beautiful style of her buildings, line of manufacture in which he is engaged and is vice-president of the Niagara Falls testifying to the skill and taste of the ar- having had a long experience with his late Savings and Loan Association. Mr. F. chitects who designed them and under father and having associated with him in W. Carter is also an expert electrical en- whose supervision they were erected. Prom- the operation of the plant a large number gineer and gives to all the details of the inent among this class of professional men is of the most experienced and best trained in work done by the firm of which he a is Mr. Ralph Henry Crompton, located heads of the departments, and it is to member, his personal supervision. the Roberts Block at Ferry and Main their combined practical methods that the Niagara Falls Record Page 29 THE ROYAL BANK;OF CANADA this was changed to The Royal Bank of cember 1906, to 10 per cent, per annum, The strength of Canada. Its offices any community lies, to head are in Montreal, payable quarterly. The officers of this a very great extent in the solidity of her where it has seven branches. In Niagara ban'c are gentlemen very prominently banks and the soundness of her fiduciary Falls, Ontario, it has two branches, while known and influential in the financial institutions, reservoirs monetary from there are fourteen of these altogether in world and potential factors in the wealth

G. J. Seale, Manager Royal Bank of Canada

of the Dominion, and are President Thom- E. as Kenny, Fsq. ; Vice-president H. S. Holt, Fsq. ; General Manager, Edson L. Pease. The directorate is composed of Messrs. Kenny and Holt, Thomas Ritchie, Est]., Hon. David Mackeen, James Red- mond, Esq., E. L. Pease, Esq., D. K. Elliott, Esq., Wiley Smith, Esq., H. G. Bauld, Esq., F. W. Thompson, Esq., G. R. Crowe, Esq., and W. H. Thome, Esq. The Niagara Falls branch is in charge of G. J. Sea-Ie, Esq., one of the best known and representative business men of the city, an active member of the Board of Trade and Vice-President of that body. He is one of the public spirited The Royal Bank of Canada Building and liberal citizens and widely popular. Niagara which come the currents which set in mot- the Province of Ontario, twelve in New Falls has many things on which to con- ion the wheels of productive energy, and Brunswick, fifteen in Nova Scotia, two in gratulate herself, and many foundations from which mercantile and commercial en- Prince Edward Island and one in New- upon which to build, but none so sure as terprise can always secure the aid needed foundland. In the North-west and British that she possesses in this unassuming per- to protect existing interests or to advance Columbia there are two in Alberta, five in sonality, which is exerting every effort to prospective business enlargement. To Manitoba, three is Saskatchewan and six- advance the interests of the city. these then, the business man, the manu- teen in British Columbia, making a total facturer, the men who conduct the fruitful of 77. In Cuba there are eight, while in industries that furnish the very life of the the United States, there is a regular city, look for the facilities which are ne- branch located in New York City, although W. P. MILLER cessary to their success. Niagara Falls, there are 18 banks in the principal Ameri- Ontario, is specially fortunate in possess- can cities which act as correspondents. Prominent in the livery business is Mr. ing just such an institution, in the Royal The bank also has correspondents in Scot- W. P. Miller, located at No. 747 Ferry Bank of Canada, one of whose magnificent- land, Mexico, France, Germany, Holland, Street. These stables were established in ly appointed branches is located in the Belgium, Spain, Switzerland, China and 1S72 by Messrs. H. C. and W. P. Miller, North end of the city and another situat- •Tapan, Australia and other countries. The the latter of whom is now the sole prop1- ed in Chippawa. The branch in this city- progress made by this institution is rietor. They are substantially built, thor-

was established 'in 1906, and occupies a shown by the fact that in 1869 the cap- oughly drained and ventilated, well lighted and equipped with every convenience. The handsome building, elegantly furnished and ital was $300,000 ; reserve $20,000 ; de- carriage house is filled with the latest modern constructed posits : fitted with the most $284,656 loans $266,970 ; total burglar and fireproof vaults and every im- assets $729,163. On March 31st, 1907, model vehicles, the horses are stylish, safe proved appliance for the safeguarding of the capital, paid up, amounted to $3,900,- and speedy. There is no stable in this section that can turn out finer rigs, none the moneys entrusted to the care of the 000 ; reserve $4,390,000 ; undivided profits where the rates are more reasonable. Spec- bank and every convenience for the com- $7J,S75.37 ; deposits $32,838,872.94 ; im- fort This bank was original- ial attention is paid to tourists, and Mr. of patrons. mediate available assets $19,792,940.64 ; ly incorporated under act of the Domin'ion loans and discounts $24,651,622.65 and Miller is also prepared to supply any de- Parliament as the Merchants Bank of Hal- ban'v premises and furnishings $855,5 17.48. sired number of carriages for funerals or notice. ifax in 1869, and on January 1st, 1901, The rate of dividend was increased in De- anv social function, on short Page 30 Niagara Falls Record

W. H. NEWCOMBE brands of cigars, surgical appliances ami huge and well selected and embraces the

\ leading drj goods Emporium in Ni- I'ul ' goods and physicians and druggists choicest of fancy and staple groceries, cof- agara Falls, Ontario, is that of W. 11. supplies, in fact everything to be found in fees, canned goods, provisions and import- NewCom.be, located a< U Queen street and the first Class drug store. Mr. Hobson is e.l anil domestic table delicacies. This \\ hich is one of a native of Welland County, but has long store is noted for the fine dairy and cream

the most at- In i ii a resident of Niagara Falls. Orj butter and cheese kept on sale, and

i rail ive and eggs which are not cold storage, but of the popular stores A. T. GILCHRIST fresh laid country brand. In season Mr. in this city and The days when shabby and ill-fitting Martin handles fruits and vegetables and controls a b'g clothes were looked on as evidence of ec- farm and garden produce received daily. \f*. trade, extend- centricity or miserly wealth, have disap- Mr. Martin is an expert in his chosen line ing- throughout peared and no one is sorry. In Niagara of business this section. Falls, Ontario, there is a large merchant [ ~J ^P This store oc- tailoring trade and a large portion is ably R. C. MACFARLANE

cupies a hand- cared for by Mr. A. T. Gilchrist, one i f The well dressed men of Niagara Falls, sonic 3-storey the more recent additions to the commer- Ontario, represent the substantial, enter- block, having a dial ranks of the city, but who has al- prising and progressive business men of JMMMM * frontage of 25 ready firmly established himseM in nub lie this city, and with them the well known ft. and a depth favor and , has built up a large and high outfitting establishment of Mr. R. C. Mac- m of 100 feet. class patronage. He has handsome par- farlane is popular headquarters. This Large plate lors in Centre Street. He does both lad- store was founded about ten years ago by * i ap glass windows ies and gents tailoring and his suits are its present proprietor, at No. 62 Erie Av- r take up the en- ideals in fit, quality, make and style, while enue. It has a frontage of 20 feet and a t i r e frontage his prices are always moderate. He cur- depth of 50 feet and is handsomely fitted W. H. Newcombe's Store and these are ries a fine line of cloths and samples of all with modern conveniences. The stock always dressed in artistic style. The in- the popular weaves and patterns. Mr. carried is one of the largest and finest to terior is furnished in a manner that at Gilchrist is a native of Scotland, but has be found in any store of its kind in this once pleases the eye and offers the best been a resident of Niagara Falls, Ont., section, and embraces everything required advantages for the display of the superb fiom a mere child. He has always taken in the gentleman's wardrobe. In the stock carried. The office is connected a live interest in everything that was for clothing department is carried a line of expert reliable with phone and fifteen and the welfare and advancement of the city of the best makes of ready-to-wear ' suits, per-

clerks are employed. The stock carried is his adoption and has always been a loyal fect in fit, superior in quality, of the lat- one of the largest and finest to be found in and liberal supporter of her institutions. est and most fashionable style—one price, this section and embraces the choicest strictly cash. In the gents furnishing de- staple and fancy dry goods, dress goods, GARNER BROTHERS partment can be found the daintiest pat- notions, laces, ribbons, in fact everything A leader in the hardware trade is the terns in neckwear, the favorite colors in in the line of general dry goods, to which house of Garner Brothers which for the gloves and hosiery and the best makes in the entire main floor is devoted. The sec- past twenty-four years has successfully ond floor is set aside for millinery, ladies' catered to the best trade 'in this vicinity. furnishings and general housefurnishings. Located at No. 122 Main Street, in an at- A specialty is made of millinery and dress- tractive brick building, fitted with every making, the most skilled operators being modern convenience. The stock carried employed. Newcombe's, as this store is embraces every description of light and popularly known, was established about heavy shelf, house and builders hardware, two years ago by the present proprietor, the best makes of stoves and ranges, iron who is one of the progressive and substant- and tinware and kitchen furniture, wire ial merchants of the city and one of her goods, farm and garden tools, carpenters public-spiritedand liberal citizens. and mechanics tools, cutlery, in fact every- thing listed under the head of general hardware. This firm is composed of NIAGARA FALLS DRUG COMPANY Messrs. W. D. and H. F. Garner, both of In every progressive community the whom are expert men in their line of busi- fust class drug store is a necessity, for on ness and give to every detail their person-

it the physician relies for the purity ofiithe al attention. They are progressive mer- R. C. Macfarlane materials used in his prescriptions. The chants and successful business men. In underwear. Every article is warranted of people of Niagara Falls, Ontario, are well all matters affecting the public welfare the highest quality and just as represent- served by The Niagara Falls Drug Com- 1 hey are prominent and their loyal and lib- ed. He also conducts a shoe department, pany, located a* No. 37 Queen Street. eral support is always given. carrying all the best makes, having for a This was established about 15 years ago specialty the celebrated Slater and the by Mr. H. W. Hobson, who conducted it W. H. MARTIN Astoria shoes for men. There are no shelf under his own name until about seven A leading grocery house of the city, is or number goods on these shel- years ago when he changed to the present that of W. H. Martin, located at No. 792 worn back ves, everi'thing being up-to-date. The title, remaining however, as the sole pro- Ferry Street, which was established in store is connected with phone or can be prietor. His store is 23x50 feet in size, equipped stores of its kind in this city and reached by P. O. Box 266, and orders re- and is fitted with modern convenience and 1904, by him. This is one of the best, be promptly filled. stocked with the purest and freshest of has every convenience. It is connected ceived by either, will is a native born and has diugs and chemicals. All of the endorsed with phone and an ample force of attent- Mr. Macfarlane for years identified with the and standard patent and proprietary med- ive clerks is employed. The trade is large been many industrial welfare of the icines are carried, as well as choice perfum- and high class and extends all through the commercial and ery, bath and toilet articles, the popular Niagara District. The stock carried is city. 1

Niagara Falls Record Page 3

THE HOTEL LAFAYETTE service and private and public baths, the has been a resident of Niagara Falls for pleasantly arranged, the office the past 21 years. He is one of the best There is perhaps none of the first class parlors are her hotels which combine to make Niagara and writing room comfortable and conven- known of hotel men, and has always service, throughout, perfect. been identified with her most important Falls, Ontario, world-famous, that is bet- ient, and the excellent buffet in connection, interests. He is a royal host, an all tei 'mown or more popular than the Hotel There is an round good Lllow and has a host of per- sonal friends in business and social circles. Mr. Simpson is equally well known and popi lar and it is a pleasure to make his acquaintance. The tourist who visits the Falls will always find a hearty and warm welcome at his hands and be assured of liberal treatment and hospitable care. The rates are SI a day European plan and $2.50 a day American plan, under both of

The Hotel Lafayette Harry Williams Returning Fiom a Successful Hunt

Lafayette, and few, if any of the visitors where the choicest of imported wines and which systems the hotel is operated. Spec-

to the Falls who do not pay this well-eq- liquors, the popular brews of ales, beers, ial rates are made f«.-r rooms and board uipped hostelry a visit. This hotel com- and malted goods in glass or on draught, by tbi week or longer. The hotel is open mands a full view of both the American and the favorite brands of cigars, can be all the year round for commercial and anc Horseshoe Falls, being located direct- had. There is a model dining room, where tourist, travel. It is as a sportsman, ly facing them, while from its windows the best the markets afford, prepared by hunter and guide that Mr. Williams is per- and spacious verandas can be had a charm- skilled ch fs, is served by courteous and haps best known an d his reputation in ing view of the Rapids and Gorge. This is attentive waiters. A feature provided by this line reaches the world over. There

the only hotel in Niagara Falls having a Mi . Williams for the accommodation of his are few points in the Dominion where large roof garden. An electric elevator conveys guests are fully equipped dark rooms where oi small game and fish abound that he is the visitor to this garden from which the they can develop pictures taken of the not familiar with and he is an authority grandest living picture of Niagara's and points of interest. The observ- on all points where gun or rod are con- beauty is obtained. The Hotel Lafayette atory six stories above the level, is daily cerned. In his museum he has a superb

is situated at the Canadian entrance to visited by hundreds of tourists and a visit collection of birds and animals, the major- the Steel Arch Bridge and within a few to the Falls is not considered complete un- ity of which were victims to his skill. rods of the gateway to beautiful Queen less the scenery is viewed from this advan- This collection is well worth seeing. Victoria Park, and on the line of the Nia- tageous point. This observatory is listed gara Falls Park & River Railway, the cars as one of the points of interest at the W. E. THOMAS

or. which run completely around the Gorge, Fulls, and all the Reservation carriages W. E. Thomas, located in Park Street, acioss the bridge or to Whirlpool and and autos make it one of their stopping handles the best mine of hard and soft Rapids. The cars to Chippawa start from points. Another attraction connected coal, carefully screened and free from all here and but a short distance away is the with the hotel is the museum and bazaar dirt and slate, warranted full weight and line to St. Catharines and Toronto, while which is conducted by Messrs. Williams & sold at the very lowest possible price. the hotel is within easy access to the rail- Simpson, and where a fine collection of in- The trestle and sheds are connected by way stations. This hotel was established teresting curios relating to the Falls and switch with the tracks of the M.C.R.R. about eleven years ago by its present pro- its history are on exhibition, and where He also handles cement, lime, plaster and piietor Mr. Harry Williams, who has made \aluable mementos of the trip can be pur- builders materials, making a specialty of it one of the finest hostelries in the city chased at most reasonable prices. Few of Peerless Flasler. He supplies many of an.! has won for it a reputation that ex- the visitors to this side of the river who the leading industrial plants with fuel and tends all over the world. It has fifty fine- do not carry away with them some dainty th3 most prominent builders and contract- ly furnished rooms, fitted with every mod- article to remind them of its beauty, few ors with their materials. Mr. Thomas is ern convenience, electric lights and bells, of them who do not patronize this bazaar. a native of Niagara Falls and has always elevator service, hot and cold water, phone Mr Williams is a native of England, but been closely identified with her growth "Page 32 Niagara Falls Record

WILLIAM M. MARSHALL His store is popularly known as "The Big THE NIAGARA FALLS BUILDING, SAV- In Niagara Falls, Ontario, the house- i Cent re store." [e carries a. full line of wife finds the realization INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION of her ideals in the dry goods, fancy and Staple goods, not- superior goods she gets from the high ions, silks, velvets, dress goods, suitings, There is no one who is not aware of de bakerj Of Mr. William M. .Marshall, cloaks, mantles and ladies and children's the fact that it is the dollar saved and not Located al No. 85 Clifton Avenue, corner furnishings, furs, linens and fancy goods the dollar earned that is the great factor of Park Street, and which is one of the m the wealth U"si equipped establishments of its Kind in accumulated by any individ- this section, being fitted with the most ual, but to the ordinary man or woman modern of conveniences and al] improved the facility for saving is an unknown quan- facilities for turning out the Highest qual- tity and the means for accomplishing this ity of baked goods and fine confectionery, desired end is lacking. There are always of which a specialty is made. This busi- arising conditions ness was founded aboul six years ago and which lead to the de- lias grown to very large proportions, re- pletion of the carefully created savings ac- quiring the service of two wagons in deliv- count and the temptation to draw from the ery work. The store is a model of neat- fund is frequently too strong to be resist- ness and everything in it, as well as in the ed. It was to aid the thrifty would-be bakery, is always kept in scrupulous order saver that the system of the building and clean as wax. The store is connected and with phone and orders received in this wax- loan association was evolved by practical are promptly filled and delivered. A large rimmciers, and the plan set in operation by stock of freshly baked "home" is al- goods them has proved so successful and popular ways carried. Mr. Marshall is a native of that it is now in general use all lover B. Anderson the Canada and is one of Niagara Falls' re- J. world. In Niagara Falls, Ontario, one of generally. A superior stock of presentative merchants and respected citi- men's and the soundest of the organizations having zens. boys' clothing, perfect in fit, quality, style this end in view, is the Niagara Falls and make, the latest and swellest modes in Building, Savings and Loan Association, gents' furnishings and all the requisites organized April 1st, 1894, and incorporat> F.'HUGHES for the gentleman's wardrobe, also fine ed under the Laws of the Province of On- boots, shoes rubbers. "The best of In and these days of progress and labor tario. During its thirteen years of active saving devices, the art of home baking has operation it has had a most prosperous practically disappeared and the weekly career, has never lost a single dollar, nor bake day has been eliminated from the has it ever been necessary to take proceed- housewife's calendar. To her great relief tngs against any investment made by its this work is now relegated to the profess- Board of Directors. It has always paid ional baker. In Niagara Falls, Ontario, its permanent stockholders from 5 to 5§ t his class of professional tradesmen is ab- per cent, per annum in semi-yearly divi- ly represented by Mr. F. Hughes, who for dends, while its installment depositors the past eleven years has catered to the have been paid from 7 to 8 per cent, per best people of this section, and whose store annum, every six months. Not only have and bakery is located at No. 61 St. Clair many worthy citizens been a'ided in secur- Avenue. The store is fitted with modarn ing homes for themselves, but an average conveniences and here a large sto^k of the or $100,000 of earned wages has been re- freshest and finest of all lines of i.,1>ed tained in the city each year, which vast goods is kept. In the bakery, a model of sum has gone towards the development and neatness and cleanliness, only the best upbuilding of the city. The first Presi- brands o~ flour and the purest of ingred- dent of the Association was Mr. Frank Le- ients are used, and the most skilled of Blond, who was the moving spirit in or- workmen employed. Everything in the ganization, and who for six years was line of baked goods is turned out, and all Honored by re-election to this important are "just as Mother used to make." Mr. office. On his resignation, R. P. Slater, Hughes also makes the choicest of confect- the esteemed Mayor of this city, and one ionery. He is a native of Canada and has of her most influential business men, was long been a resident of this city. elected to the Presidency, a position which he has since retained. The other officers

are—Vice-president Mr. R. F. Carter ; Exterior Anderson's B. ANDERSON of J. B. Store J. Treasurer, Mr. W. W. Robertson ; Secret- The distinction of being one of the goods, the best of service, the best of ary, Miss J. L. Harriman ,; Directors, pioneers of the city of Niagara Falls, On- treatment and the best of prices" is the Messrs. J. C. Rothery, J. G. Cadham, tario, and the oldest of her merchants now motto of this sterling house. Mr. Ander- James Bampfield, F. LeBlond, James Har- in active business at "The Centre", is Mr. son is a native to the manor born, and riman and Dr. J. H. McGarry. Auditors, •I. 15. Anderson, whose finely appointed dry has always been a potential factor in the Mr. W. J. McMurray and Miss E. Edmand; goods emporium is located at No. 11 Cen- city's growth and prosperity. He served Solicitor, Mr. Alex. Fraser. The office of tre Street, occupying two floors, fitted as Post Master of the city for fifteen years the company is in charge of the Secretary with modern convenience. Mr. Anderson and the efficiency of this service and the and her experienced assistants and inform- carries a stock of the best quality of many improvements made in delivery of ation relative to the Association can be goods, comparing favorably with that of mail is very largely due to his ability and had on application, together with ample any metropolitan store, and the specialties the many practical methods introduced by literature relative to the system under in which are imported directly by him. him . which it is operated. .

Niagara Falls Record Page 33 GOODWIN & ROSS full line of everything in the line of gener- CLIFTON INCLINE BAZAAR AND RAILWAY The successful business man always is al hardware is carried, specialties are The man, woman or child who visits careful of his dress. To him the outfitter made of the celebrated Fairbanks valves Niagara Falls and who does not carry a- and haberdasher is a necessity. In Niag- and pulleys, and Elephant Brand paints, way some memento in the shape of a sou- ara Falls, one of the leading representat- and McClury's famous stoves. Messrs. venir, to remind him or her of the beaut*, ies and wonders of this world-famous spot,

Interior of Goodwin & Ross' Store Clifton Incline Bazaar ives of this branch of commercial industry Clark Crawford & do all kinds of high is not yet discovered. For the benefit of is the house of Messrs. Goodwin & Ross, grade sanitary plumbing, sheet metal these tourists numerous daintily fitted located at No. 110 Main Street, where it work, gas, steam and hot water fitting, bazaars are to be found along the line of was established in 1904. It occupies a and are prepared to furnish estimates on River. One of the best known and best two storey frame building, neatly furnish- any work. They have a well equipped equipped being that of Mr. C. A. Miller, ed and fitted with every modern conven- shop over the store, where from 8 to 10 and known as The Clifton Incline Bazaar ience for the comfort of patrons and for skilled workmen are employed. Mr. Clark and Railway, which is located on the Riv- the advantageous display of the superb was a member of the Board of School er front just South of the Upper Bridge. stock carried, embracing neckwear in lat- Trustees for three years, and is a Mason The Bazaar is elegantly fitted and is stock- est pattern and most popular modes, the and Odd Fellow. Mr. Crawford is an Odd ed with one of the largest and finest lines favorite shades in gloves, hosiery and un- Fellow and Woodman. of fancy goods, furs, photographs, trans>- derwear, in fact, every article to be found parencies and views of the Falls, Gorge in the gentleman's wardrobe. This firm is and Park, post cards, bead work, leather composed of Mr. John Goodwin and Mr. WRIGHT H. BUCKLEY novelties, in fact everything in the souv- William Ross, both of whom are experienc- One of the handsomest and most pop- enir line. The incline railway descends to line trade, ed men in the of and always the ular of the numerous stores of which Nia- the Canadian landing of the Maid ot" the first to introduce to their customers the gara Falls, Ontario, has just reason to be Mist, and is fitted with every appliance for latest approved styles and nattiest pat- proud is that of Wright H. Buckley, locat- safety. Both the railway and the hand- terns. Both of these gentlemen are enter- ed at Nos. 17-21 Erie Avenue. This was some bazaar were built in 1894, and about piising and progressive merchants and sub- e&tablished in 1871 and controls the high two years ago were taken by Mr. Miller. stantial business men, representing the class trade of this city and vicinity. The highest type of good citizenship and con- store has an attractive frontage of 40 feet A. E. BULLOCK duct in addition to this store the leading and a depth of 40 feet and is fitted with The model market of Mr. Albert E. clothing and haberdashery store in Welland. every convenience. Mr. Buckley is the Bullock, located at No. 626 Ferry Street, leading bookseller and stationer in this is one of the most attractive of the mer- CLARK & CRAWFORD section and carries one of the largest and cantile establishments on the South End. In Niagara Falls, Ontario, the plumb- finest stock of goods in this line, his shel- This business was established in 1887 by ing industry is well represented by Messrs. ves and counters being filled with the lat- Mr. Bullock. The market which has fine Clark & Crawford, one of the oldest es- est popular works in fiction, science and frontages on both Ferry and Clark Streets tablished business concerns in the city. art, the current magazines and periodicals, is fitted with modern conveniences, has Some twenty-five years ago Mr. G. H. as well as all the standard works of the ample cooler and improved ice chests, spac- Clark and J. T. Henderson established this best known authors of the past and pres- ious racks, etc., connected with phono business, in comparatively modest circum- ent day. His line of fine stationery can 137B, and an ample force of attentive stances, and for ten years carried it on not be duplicated by any dealer in this clerks is employed. Orders are delivered under the name of G. II. Clark & Co. section and embraces the most popular promptly by the firm's own teams. Mr. The present firm was then formed by the styles and colors, for business and social Bullock is an expert judge of all kinds of admission of Mr. W. J. Crawford. They uses. He also carries a superb line of fresh, smoked and salted meats and hand- are the leading dealers in general hard- wall papers and hangings, in the latest and les only the very highest quality, while his ware in the city and their store, at Nos. most popular shades and patterns. fir al- sausages, lards and hog products are home;

5 ! and 56 Erie Avenue is one of the most so has a ]are;e stock of fancy poods and made and warranted absolutely pure and attractive of its kind in this section. A novelties, the finest in the city. fresh 'Page 34 Niagara Falls Record

Exteriorjof D. J. Brodie's Store Residence of Banker R. Paine

D. J. BRODIE special tools, in the shape of automatics, JOHN MUIR In Niagara Falls, Ontario, the past grinders, lathes, planers, milling machines, decade has witnessed a marked activity ;u In the grocery business is Mr. .John etc. Thirty skilled workmen are employ- the building trades, due to the location Muir, located at No. 29 Queen Street, ed. They manufacture anti-friction, Bab- here, of a number of large and important where it was established about ten years bitted, gun metal and other bearings, and industrial enterprises. As a result a sim- age by the present proprietor. His stock are also agents for the Fielding, Stockport ilar activity has been shown in those lines consists of the choicest of fancy and staple ant. Grice (English) gas engines and pro- of commercial energy which are necessary groceries, canned goods and provisions and ducers. In addition, they are manufactur- adjuncts to the carpenter, the contractor imported and domestic table delicacies of ers of high grade automobiles from their and the builder. Prominent among tlieso every description. A specialty is made of own models. They also are manufacturers is the dealer in hardware and builders sup- the best grades of dairy and creamery but- of high class steam engines, their specialty plies and materials, and in this class may ter and fresh eggs, while all kinds of being the Evans Rotary Engine, which is be mentioned Mr. D. J. Brodie, who al- fruits, vegetables and garden produce, can sure to make a revolution in motive power though one of the more recent additions to be found here in season. Mr. Muir is a in motor boats. They are now making a the commercial wealth of this city, has al- direct importer of crockery and fancy groc- line of automobile roller bearings which ready firmly established himself in the eries and always carries a large and sel- are used by the leading manufacturers of public favor and has built up a large and ect stock. He is the agent in this place motor vehicles. The officers are : —Presi- high class trade, extending all through the for the famous Jacob & Co. Irish Biscuit.

dent, Mr. W. Bowman ; Secretary and Niagara District. He has a handsomely which he imports direct. He also makes Treasurer, Mr. J. Frank Adams. The fitted and well stocked store at No. 17 a feature of new crop teas, his store being- Managing Director is Mr. J. Dove-Smith, a Centre Street, with a frontage of 25 feet noted for the fine quality of English break- gentleman of thorough experience and em- and a depth of 40 feet, where be handles fast tea carried, while the coffees are of inently practical methods. every description of light and heavy snelf, the best grades and freshly roasted. the house and builders hardware, best GEORGE BADGER makes of stoves and ranges, kitchen fur- M. P. FRALICK Niagara Falls, Ontario, is essentially niture, tin and enameled wares, wire goods, In Niagara Falls, Ontario, there is no a city of homes and there are few of the farm, and garden implements, carpenters valid excuse for any one to go shabbily the Dominion that can lay claim ev- cities of and mechanics tools, fine cutlery and fitted as regards the feet, when the best to a greater number of cozy, comfortable er;, .hing in the line of general hardware, the finest quality shoes and boots possesses. For this a makes of paints, nils. homes than she lie also handles the purest of are to be had at the lowest prices, at the responsibility, is due to decorators sup- lr.j ge degree of varnishes and painters and finely equipped store of Mr. M. P. Fralick, the dealers in furniture and housefurnish- plies, glass, putty and all glaziers sund- No. 112 Main Street. This store was es- whom is Mr.' Geo. with phon^. ings, prominent among ries. His store is connected tablished in 1867 by R. VV. Fralick, and is Badger, located at No. 66 Queen Street, one of the oldest and best known shoe em- BEARINGS LIMITED and who has been aptly styled "The mak- STANDARD poriums in the city. It occupies a fine machinery er of happy homes." He established this Of the many articles in two storey brick building, owned by Mr. business a! out six years ago and has built placed in the hands of the with which have been is neatly furnished and fitted patronage. His store oc- Fralick, to the high up a very large trade, none have come up every modern convenience and is filled with attractive two storey block with in Niagara Falls, cupies an standard of those mate goods of the highest quality, embracing two storey warehouse connected. He known the world over as a shoes, boots Ontario, and th.- best advertised makes of of the best makes of fur- company manu- carries a full line in Standard Hearings. The and rubbers, perfect in fit, superior niture for every room in the modern house. facturing these is Standard Bearings, Limr style, durable and a workmanship, latest in Henderson In carpets and floor coverings he carries ited, and is the successor to the comfortable. Mr. Fralick also handles a laige and select stock. In window shades Roller Bearings Company, originally estab- trunks, grips, suit cases and every description of ful! line of which city the and curtains he has goods lished in Toronto, from tiaveling bags, everything in leather hangings. Mr. Badger is a native of Can- works were removed to Niagara Falls, On- one of the representative years been closely generally. He is This company ada and has for many substantial tario, in October, 1906. men of this section, with the best interests of Niag- business plant, which is mod- identified is pop- occupies an extensive and successful and in social circles Falls, and a factor in the promotion construction, and is ecpuipped ara ern in its ular. her industrial wealth. with the most improved machinery and of Niagara Falls Record Page 35

HOSPICE OF MOUNT CARMEL It is easily reached by electric trolley line make him or her perfectly at home. He is Of all the beauties of Niagara Falls, and Michigan Central Railway, T. H. & B. a gentleman of wide experience and travel, there is none more sublimely picturesque C. P. R., a station of which lines is lo- and is a royal host in every respect. One than the Hospice of Mount Carmel, a beau- cated at Falls View. Surrounding the of the many features which make the Hos- tiful Romanesque structure, magnificently Hospice is the farm owned by the Fathers, pice the ideal hostelry is the excellence of the water, which is drawn from a well sunk 150 feet through the solid rock, to a vein of crystal water, pure and ice cold. The Hospice is connected with long distance telephone, and other modern services. Ten- nis, boating, fishing, driving and other amusements are at the disposition of guests. The Hospice is open all the year round, and arrangements for rooms can be made at any time by writing to Managor Gilmour. The rates range from $1.50 to $4 a day, according to room, and special rates will be made to partfies remaining for more than a week. The Hospice was built

in 1886 and has been conducted by Mi . Gilmour, under the new plan since 1903.

J. T. HENDERSON One of the leading houses engaged in thi- plumbing trade is that of Mr. J. T. Henderson, who is also the leading dealer in shelf, house and heavy hardware and builders Hospice of Mount Carmel supplies, and whose well appo'nt- ed store and shop is located at planned, and surrounded with charming comprising 200 acres of rich, cultivated No, 43 Queen Street. This business was estab- giounds, an ideal, commodious and modern land, on which all the fresh vegetables and lished about twelve years ago. large Guest House, where people, without regard fruits used in the Hospice are raised. Ac- A stock is carried, embracing everything in to creed, can find a pleasant place to rest, commodations are furnished for 200 guests the line of general hardware, plumbers and to make a retreat in the old Pilgrimage and neither pains nor money are spared to fitters supplies, etc. The shop is in the church near by, or to spend an enjoyable make the guest at home and to give them rear of the store and is equipped with im- vacation, away from the noise and dust of every comfort. The rooms are large, beau- pioved appliances and here fourteen exper- the city and among the beauties of Nature. tifully decorated and neatly furnished and The Hospice was the creation of the late arc supplied with hot and cold water, el- Archbishop Lynch, of Toronto, in which ectric lights and heat, elevator service, el- work he was ably assisted by the Carmel1- ectric bells, and face on wide corridors. ite Fathers, whose Monastery adjoins the Many of them are furnished with private Hospice. The original intention was to baths, some with shower and needle baths. follow the customs of the Order, under Both steam and electric heat is used. The which those who applied to them were wel- office is located on the first floor as are the comed with open hand and without price, tea, drawing and reception rooms, the bar- the Fathers depending on their generosity ber shop and the news and cigar stands. on departing, for the upkeep of the House. On the second floor is a handsome library, This plan, for various reasons, was found opening on to a balcony directly over the to be inadvisable, and at the earnest sol- main entrance and extending the entire icitation of very many of those who had length of the building. On the Fourth enjoyed the hospitality accorded them, the floor is a lookout and smoking room. Hospice was placed on a European-Ameri- Ample sized toilet and bathrooms are on can plan, and is now conducted as a thor- each floor. The dining room is a model of oughly up-to-date first class hotel. To beauty and rich in decorations. There are meet the changed conditions the Fathers also private dining rooms and a spacious J. T. Henderson have expended more than S 70, 000 in re- banquet hall. The chinaware used by the ienced and skilled workmen are employed. modeling and refurnishing and in adding Hospice is decorated with the Carmelite In addition to scientific, sanitary plumb- all the moilern improvements and conven- Crest, the oldest Christian Order in exis- ing, Mr. Henderson also does all kinds of ances. The Hospice occupies a position tence, while all the silver is made accord- sheet metal work, tinning and roofing, and far up on the bluff, at an elevation of 150 ing to a special design. In the basement every description of gas and hot and cold feet above the Horseshoe Falls, and faces is a Rathskeller, furnished in true Flemish water fitting. His reputation for first the East, commanding a superb view of fittings, and wine cellars, well stocked, a class work is of the highest and many of l>oth the American and Canadian Falls, well-appointed laundry, store rooms. The the largest industrial and mercantile plants the Rapirls and upper River, the great cuisine of the Hospice is unexcelled, being and a large number of the finest residences Steel Arch Bridge, and the upper Gorge, under the management of a chef of the in the city have been fitted out by him. the citios of Niagara Falls, N. Y., her Ca- highest order, a pastmaster in the art of His office is connected with phone 18. Mr. nadian namesake, Queen Victoria Park, the catering to the wants of the guests. The Henderson is an expert scientific plumber, great Power Plants and a large tract of Hospice is under the active management of and gives to all his work his personal exquisite landscape over which healthful Mr. J. H. Gilmour, a gentleman well qual- supervision. He is a native of this city. and invigorating breezes are ever playing. ified to welcome the coming guesl and Page 36 Niagara Falls R e c 6 f d

THE DAILY RECORD. ling dry poods emporium entire of Mr. Dudlej Niagara Frontier. He also has ex- In every cltj of anj Importance the lo- \o. Woodhouse, located a1 815 Ferrj St. tensive yards which arc closelj connected cal dailj newspaper i--. to greal !t a extent, was originally established in .Main to the tracks of the Grand Trunk and M. the wielder of public opinion. In Niagara Street, but in February of the presenl year C. Railways. This plant was established Falls. The Record this Uailj holds proud was removed to its present location, where about sixteen years ago. Mr. Harriman

is ti n.it i ve of England but has for many

years I n a resident of Niagara Falls, Ontario, and of her enterprising and substantial business men,. He lis also prominent in public life and served as a member of the Board of Aldermen for a number of years. In his business he is ably assisted by his son, Mr. John J. Har- riman, a gentleman of wide experience, GEORGE HANAN In the conduct of almost every City's affairs, some men devote so much time and attention to public matters as to become experts on everything pertaining thereto. In Niagara Falls, Mr. George Hanan prob- ably has as strong a hold on public affairs and public minds as any man who has ever been a resident of tfhe' City. For fifteen years he has been one of the leading men in Municipal affairs, having been Mayor position. In 1879, The Record began pub- it occupies a fine two storey brick block, for five years of that time and a member lication as a weekly newspaper, and as the owned by Mr. Woodhouse. The store has of the City Council for the other ten years town grew, The Record kept pace with it. a frontage of 26 feet and a depth of 75 and having served as chairman on almost In 1900 the publishers decided that they feet, is modern in all its appointments and every standing committee of the Council. should have a daily edition and since that is fitted with all conveniences. The stock,

time The Daily Record has been the con- which is the largest and finest to be found

veyor of local news every day into almost in any store 'in the city, embraces the every home in Niagara Falls. The Record choicest of fancy and staple dry goods and is published by the Niagara Falls Printing notions, dress goods and suitings and lad- and Advertising Company, Limited, a com- ies and childrcns furnishings. A full and pany incorporated under the laws of On- well selected stock of ready-to-wear cloth- tario. The present officers, John H. Dyas ing for ladies and men is carried. President and Thomas A. Dyas, Secretary- Treasurer, secured control of the business DOMINION SUSPENDER COMPANY in December, 1905, since which time they The Dominion Suspender Company, is have built up the circulation, the advertis- one of the oldest and most important in- ing and printing to a point far ex- dustries of Niagara Falls, Ontario, and ceeding any business formerly done by this one of the potential factors in her indus- company. New machinery, new type and trial wealth. Tt owns and operates an the office improvements have been added and extensive plant in Clifton Avenue, on oc- the staff has been increased to make lit line of the Michigan Central Railway, possible to handle the larger business in cupying large and attractive brick build- better style than ever before. The mec- ings, of modern construction and equipped hanical equipment now consists of two with special and improved machinery and large cylinder presses, two smaller job every appliance for the manufacture of the become presses, two Monoline typesetting mach- poods for which the company has worn ines, a folder, a cutter, a stfitcher and per- famous. The company's products are class and forator, all run by electrical power, toget- the world over, by men in every the leading her with a splendid variety of types for all condition of life, and in all dealers in kinds of printing from the cheapest circul- cities is handled by the leading is ar to the finest wedding invitation, in ad- gentlemen's furnishings. This company dition to the regular newspaper types, a large employer of skilled labor, which are required every day. The pres- ent equipment puts this company in the JAMES HARRIMAN A representative manufacturer is Mr. position of being able to handle any and James Harriman, proprietor of the Simcoe every kind of printing, more expeditiously Alderman George Hanan Planing Mills and one of the largest and more economically than a smaller Street contractors in Welland County. His mill Mr. Hanan is a native of Ireland, and re- printing office could hope to do and has of hospital- fitted with the most modern machinery. tains the fine old Irish instinct made The Record one of the important in- is He manufactures and deals in all kinds of ity, ably assisted by his wife and daugh- dustries of the city. lumber, rough and kiln dried, lath and ters. Niagara Falls owes many of her who has always DUDLEY WOODHOUSE. shingles, doors, sash, blinds and general successes to Mr. Hanan, in building up the Prominent among the establishments, builders supplies. He makes a specialty been very enthusiastic leading city's public improvements and in the lo- and one that for four years has catered to of interior work and supplies the the cating of her industries. the best trade in this section, is the ster- contractors and bufilders throughout Niagara Falls Record Page 37

THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT !CO. er has been recognized by engineers the 5, was in commercial operation. The in- The Company has a Canadian factory world over, but the methods to be used in take canal has a length of 271 feet and a an Niagara Falls, Ontario, not so large harnessing the mad waters and forcing width ranging from 282 to 526 feet and an and pretentious as the home plant on the them into service were not evolved until average depth of 14 feet. The tunnel is other side of the river, but completely and the last century had almost passed into 2165 feet long and 25 feet high by 18 feet wide, while the wheel pit has a length of 564 feet, a width of 18 feet and a depth of 160 feet. There are 5 penstocks, 5 tur- f bines and 5 generators, each of 10,000 horse power capacity, the output being controlled and distributed from a single operating switchboard through groups of electro-magnetically operated oil-break gen- erator and feeder switches. The local dis- tributing plant consists of two three-phase 2200 volt overhead circuits each about five miles long. This plant is connected with that of The Niagara Falls Power Co., by heavy copper cables so that power gen- erated on the two sides of the river can, when desired, be interchanged. By means of heavy aluminum cables the power is also transmitted to Fort Erie, and thence a- cross to the distributing station in Buffalo l>y means of cables stretched between high towers. The buildings of the Canadian THE HOME Niagara Power Co., are of grey limestone, solid and architecturally beautiful, and are reached by a finely paved roadway and cement walks, as well as by the electric thoroughly equipped railway running to Chippawa. The power , using the same mac- history. The initial step was in the shape hinery and the same process of manufact- of hydraulic power. The next step was to house is open to visitors from 9 a.m. to ure that are used in the home plant. It develop the electrical energy dormant in 5.30 p.m. on week days and 10 a.m. to 4 is also made under conditions of cleanli- the swirling waters, under economical met- p.m. Sundays, courteous and experienced ness which guarantee the wholesomeness hods, and to the pioneer in this great cam- guides being furnished for the benefit of and purity of the product. The object paign of conquest, The Niagara Falls Pow- sight seers. The Company was incorpor- which the Company had in view in estab- er Company, the honor of successfully sol- ated by a Special Act of the Province of lishing this plant was to give the Canad- ving this problem is due. It was in 1886 Ontario, and its present officers are : —Mr. ians a Canadian industry in which could lie that the first company to develop the W. H. Beatty, of Toronto, President ; Mr. manufactured under perfect sanitary condi- Falls power was organized and in 1895 A. Monro Grier, K.C., of Niagara Falls, Mr. tions Canadian Shredded Wheat Biscuit that the first of the power was delivered. Out., Vice-President and Secretary ; and Triscuit, from Canadian wheat. The From the trial of the experiment, when but W. Paxton Little, of New York, Treasurer wheat is purchased from Ontario farmers, 15,000 horse power was developed, the and Mr. Philip P. Barton of Niagara Falls, and the Canadian demand as well as all of generating has grown into a grand total, General Manager. The staff includes Mr. L. E. the export trade, is supplied from this aggregating half a million horse power, A. Howell Van Cleve, Engineer ; Mr. Mr. factory. The wisdom of the company in divided betwe: n the five great companies Tmlay, Superintendent of Operation ; Mr. erecting this plant has been amply justified engaged in the development. The rapidly A. 13. Robb, Assistant Superintendent ; W. by the wonderful growth of the Canadian growing demand for power which immedi- R. F. Storm, Chief Operator ; Mr. H. business, the consumption of Shredded ately followed the installation of the Nia- Buck, Electric Engineer and Mr. C. C. Eg- Wheat in Canada having increased fifty-one gara Falls Power Company's plant, called bert, Mechanical Engineer. The Canadian pioneer per cent during the year 1906. It is the for an extension of the producing facilities Niagara Power Company was the Canadian •favorite breakfast food of intelligent, dis- and steps were taken to establish a similar of electrical development on the years held criminating Canadians and is rapidly dis- plant on the Canadian side. On May 23, side of the Falls and for some wat- placing the old time "porridge" which was 1901, ground was broken for the tunnel for the exclusive rights to the use of the seldom property cooked and was always the Canadian Niagara Power Company, at ers of Niagara for electrical power develop* com- "bolted" down without chewing. The a point just above the Horseshoe Falls. ment. This company with its allied supplies power to Home of Shredded Wheat at Niagara Falls The power house lies close to the river pany across the border, and to is visited every year by nearly 100,000 bank, the transformer building farther to the City of Niagara Falls, Canada, lying a- persons. the south and west. The general scheme the vast manufacturing interests in Buffalo and the of development is the same as that of the long the Frontier, and power for Niagara Falls Power Company, with which Tonawandas, and also furnishes cities and districts, CANADIAN NIAGARA POWER COMPANY. this company is allied, consisting of the the lighting of those connecting el- To-day the greatest electrical power taking of the water from the river at the and for the operation of the Canadian Niagara •comes from the Niagara River, above the power house, its transmission by means of ectric railways. The acreage ad- Falls, developed by the large and strongly penstocks to the mammoth turbines con- Power Company owns a large convenient to both financed companies who have erected plants nected with dynamos of corresponding cap- joining the plant, and Central and Grand Trunk, •on either side of the boundary line between acity, and the discharge through a tunnel the Michigan facilities for manu- the Dominion of Canada and the United into the river below the Falls. On .Janu- affording exceptional purposes and for the location of Slates. For many years the value Of the ary 2, 1905, the first two machines were iii facturing Niagara "River as a possible source of pow* operation and by May 17, 1906, Unil No. industries of every kind. Page 38 Niagara Falls R e c o rd

M. PATTINSON J. dustries and many of the Leading business mosl important of the many large manu- In no branch of mercantile Industry is men of the and Dominion the States. Thvs facturing enterprises of this section, is tho reputation for "good so im- goods" have well appointed offices on Clifton Av- Tho Carriage Mountings Company, Limit- portant and necessarj as thai of the groc- ium, opposite the Custom House and in ed, which has just been moved here from i-i . For hum.' than eighteen years the peo close proximitj to the railroad depots. Toronto, where it was situated for the pie of Niagara Palls, Ontario, have been This (inn does every description of Cus- past twenty years. This company occup- ies large, cue story building, with saw- wft^TPpi


«. ft H M »*• *» !¥&

J. M. Pattinson's Grocery Store Main Plant of the Carriage Mountings Company Limited successfully catered to by the sterling torn House bonding and clearing in a man- tooth roof, erected by themselves, and the first grocery of Mr. J. M. Pattinson, located at ner which fully justifies their motto of of its kind built in this city. It is No. 53 Huron Street. The stock carried V Economical, Prompt, Thorough &nd a square building, and is modern in con- is large and well selected and embraces the Courteous." The office is connected with struction and equipped with special and choicest of fancy and staple groceries, pro- phone, and a large force of expert clerks is improved machinery. In the very near visions of all descriptions, canned goods in employed to look after all cases placed future the Company will add other build- glass and tin, teas, coffees and all kinds of with the hands of the Company. Mr. C. ings, among which is to be a thoroughly imported and domestic table delicacies, S. Warner, the proprietor of this enter- equipped foundry, which will enable them dairy and creamery butter and cheese, fresh prise, is one of the prominent business men to carry out every detail of manufacture, country eggs, vegetables and fruits and of Niagara Falls and identified with a and will make this plant one of the most farm and garden produce in season. Mr. number of her most important interests. complete of its kind. The Carriage Mount-

Pattinson makes it his rule to handle tho He is one of her public spirited and up-to- ings Company, Limited, is incorporated1 best of ever3'thing and as he buys and sells date citizens and every movement looking under act of the Provincial Legislature. for cash, his customers get the benefit of to the good of the city receives his liberal They manufacture every description of high quality with low prices. His store is con- and loyal support. He enjoys a wide pop- grade automobile and carriage mountings, nected with telephone No. 284. Mr. Pat- ularity, is an active member of the Board and some kinds of household nickle and tinson is a native of England, but came to of Trade and Treasurer of that body. brass goods, such as bath room fixtures, is also popular and his Niagara Falls, Ont., about 53 years ago. Socially, he very and art metal goods ; and control a trade For a number of years he followed the rail- friends are legion. Mr. Roland Margetts that reaches all over the country. They road, engaging in business for himself in is the active manager of the business of employ about forty expert workmen, and 1889. this sterling house, and is thoroughly fam- their weekly pay roll is an important fac- iliar with all its details, and his wide ex- tor in the wealth of the city. The pro- THE C. S. WARNER COMPANY perience in this line makes him an auth- ducts of this company are noted for their To the manufacturer and merchant lo- ority on all questions that can possibly a- superior quality and are used by most of cated in Niagara Falls, Ontario, whose rise. To his ability and eminently prac- the leading automobile and carriage manu- business extends beyond the boundaries of tical methods the success which is enjoyed facturers and stocked by hardware and the Dominion and whose products or 'he by this house and the high reputation it plumbing jobbing houses throughout Can- goods he handles are subject to tariff dut- possesses are very largely due. ada. They have handsomely illustrated ies, the service of the custom house broker catalogues, illustrating the various lines and forwarder are invaluable. Through they manufacture. Mr. A. Kinzinger, the this agency he avoids all the annoyances THE CARRIAGE MOUNTINGS CO. LIMITED President and Manager of this Company, and delays incident to governmental super- That the unequalled advantages offered and Mr. C. L. Lawrie, the Secretary, are vision and at a moderate cost is assu>-?d in the practically unlimited power develop- gentlemen of wide experience in these lines despatch and accuracy in his receipts and ed in Niagara Falls, Ontario, and the sup- of manufacture and it is to their ability, shipments. Niagara Falls, Ontario, is erior facilities for transportation, two and careful attention to every detail, that one of the important ports of entry along most important factors to every manufact- the success achieved and the reputation the Niagara Frontier and through her cus- urer, are known and appreciated, is shown won are due. The business was establish- tom house passes much of the trade to and by the many new industries which are ed in Toronto by the late Mr. Wm. P. from the Dominion, the United States fnd yearly being located here, and which com- Kinzinger, father of the present manager ; Europe. A leading house engaged in bine to make her one of the most import- at a time when there was no other business customs clearance and forwarding is the ant industrial cities of the Dominion. One of the kind in Canada. Niagara Falls, C. S. Warner Company, who number a- of the most recent of these additions, and Ontario, has numerous foundations on mong their clients all the large local in- one that promises to become one of the which to build in the future Niagara Falls Record Pace 39

WILFRED W. KER Breakey, a gentleman of wide experience, for more than twenty-one years. For a The Red Cross Pharmacy at No. 829 having been engaged in this business for number of years he was the proprietor of Ferry Street, was established June 18th, more than eleven years, a portion of which the the New American at Hamilton, and 1906, by Mr. Wilfred W. Ker, and is situ- time he was associated with the late Mr. during his management of that house made ated in the Roberts Block, is one of the Doty as partner. Mrs. Doty is a lady of it one of the most popular hostelries in tbd Dominion. He is a royal host, and

Interior of Wilfred W. Ker's Drug Store The New Rosli Hotel handsomest and best equipped of its kind charming personality and keen business always on the lookout for the comfort and in the city. The spacious plate glass wall judgment and to her ability the success she pleasure of his guests. The visitor who and counter cases are filled with the purest is leaping is very largely due. wishes to enjoy the stop at the Falls, will of drugs and chemicals, perfumery, articles make no mistake in registering at the New for bath and toilet, rubber goods, all the NEW ROSLI HOTEL Rosli House. endorsed patent and proprietary medicines, The cosiest and most homelike hotel at surgical appliances and druggists sundries. Niagara Falls, Ontario, is the New Rosli WILLIAM NICHOLS Mr. Ker makes a specialty of manufactur- House, located in Bridge Street, easy of One of the best known and most artis- ing pharmaceutical preparations and dis- access from the railway stations, com- tic architects in Niagara Falls, Ontario, is pensing physicians prescriptions and uses manding a superb view of the wonderful Mr William Nichols, whose offices and only the best and purest of ingredients in Gorge and Rapids, within a few minutes draughting rooms are located at No. 16 these. His store is connected with phone, of the mighty Falls, and on the line of the Erie Avenue. He has designed and super- an ample force of skilled assistants is em- Belt Line to all the points along the Riv- vised the erection of many of the finest ployed. Mr. Ker was graduated from the er. The hotel is one of the oldest in the buildings, not only in Niagara Falls, but Ontario College of Pharmacy 'in the class city having been established about a quar- throughout this section of the Niagara of '05 passing with honors. He is prom>- ter of a century ago. Mr. Nelson Pitton, District, and his reputation for artistic inent in professional and social circles and the present proprietor took charge about has a host of friends throughout the entire eighteen months ago and has thoroughly Province. remodeled and' refurnished it,, adding many improvements. It has twenty-one rooms, NIAGARA FALLS BOTTLING WORKS handsomely furnished and comfortably ar- In 1863 the Niagara Falls Bottling ranged, with electric lights and bells, gas Works were established by Fred West, on and steam heat, ample bath facilities, hot a comparatively modest scale. They pass- and cold water and elevator service. There ed successively through several hands until are pleasant parlors, commodious office, about eight years ago, they were purchas- with telephone connections, and where clerk ed by the late Col. Doty who conducted W. C. Ryckman and his assistant Bert them up to the time of his death, which liush, can always be found, two royal good occurred September 18th, 1906. Since fellows, ever on the alert to make the then they have been operated by his widow guest at home. The dining room is a Mrs. K. T. Doty. These works are equip- model of neatness and beauty, and here the ped with the most improved machinery for best things the markets afford, are served the manufacture and bottling of the car- by courteous waiters. In connection is a bonated waters. All descriptions of car- well appointed wine room, where the choic- William Nichols bonated drinks are manufactured, special- est of imported and domestic wines and ties being ginger ale and sorla. The lead- liquors, the most popular brews in malted work extends all over the Province. Mr. ing hotels, restaurants and fountains are goods and the favorite brands of imported Nichols is one of the progressive men of supplied by this concern while a very large and domestic cigars, can be had. Mr. this city. In professional circles he is family trade is enjoyed. The office is con*- Pitton, the able and genial proprietor, is prominent. He is a member of a number nected with telephone 143H. The man- one of the best known hotel men in the of organizations, and a liberal supporter agement is in the direct care of Mr. A. Province, having been engaged in this line of all the city's institutions. "Page 40 Niagara Falls Record

JAMES RAE FRED F. HEX1MER & COMPANY SPENCER BROTHERS \.'i only in their architectural beauty fin- value of perfect drainage to any In the development and building up of arc the residences of which Niag ira Palls community, the importance of perfect Niagara falls, no factor has been So pot- roud, the peer of those in anj other plumbing to every modern constructed ential as the contractor and builder. lie city of the Dominion, of her size. la house, are equally impossible to designate ii is who carries out the plans of both their interior decoration thoy show tho in mere figures. health The of the public properly owner and architect. One of and culture of thrir owners and thu in the one case and the comforl of the in- the best known linns and one to whose skill of the paper hanger and decorator. mates in the other depend on the quality Skill and ability this city owes many of la this class one of thi- prominent repres- ill of the work and the s anil honestj of her finest buildings and handsome residen- entatives is ^lr. James Rae, whose store, ces is that of Spencer Bros., whose well and well equipped shop, is located at No. equipped plant at No. 18 Clark Street oc- Street,. This is the 95 Queen one of most cupies an attractive two-storey building, attractive stores its kind the of in city, titled with the latest model machinery and and is fitted w;t eleven years has sup- up to every requirement. This firm was cerns which have combined to make Niag- plied the best people of this city and vic- established about three years ago and has ara Falls, Ontario, a leader in the indus- inity with the ju'iciest of roasts, the tend- a finely equipped plant at Niagara Falls, tiial circles of the Dominion and one that erestof steaks, the choicest of cuts and the is an 'important factor in her growth and best of canned goods, is fitted with mod- development, is the Clifton Planing Mill, ern convenience such as cooler, ice chests, located at the corner of Erie Avenue and spacious racks, marble topped counters and Huron Street, and which is owned and op- comfortable office connected with phone. erated by Mr. John Waugh, who about This firm handles home dressed meats, three years ago succeeded to all the inter- fresh, salt and smoked and makes a spec- ests in the business founded by Messrs. ialty of corned and canned meats, and Young, Merle and Waugh. This mill is their sausages, lard and hog products are one of the best equipped in this section, all home-raised. The firm consists of and is fitted with modern and 'improved Messrs. Samuel and James Watson, both machinery and all the facilities for hand- of whom are natives of Canada. Mr. ling the large trade which has been built Samuel Watson is very active in Church up and which extends all through the Ni- and Sunday School work and his influence- agara District. The office is connected for good is larre. with phone 53, and orders received in this way, are filled with the utmost promptness A. BUTLER and despatch, and estimates on any spec- Mr. A. Butler is one of the best known Charles C. Smith will be furnished on application. undertakers and skilled funeral directors in ial work ample force of skilled workmen is em- this section. He has a finely equipped Centre, with well appointed shop connect- An Waugh manufactures all des- establishment at No. 69 Queen Street, ed. They carry a full line of all descrip- ployed. Mr. criptions of mill stuff and also deals in where he carries a full line of caskets, bur- tions of bath and closet fixtures and fitt- flooring, bill timber, scantling, dressed ial suits and gowns, and all the requisites ings for the plumber, furnace, gas and siding, shingles, lath, posts, sash, doors, for the funeral. His office is connected water fitter, and a general line of repairs blinds, and all materials for exterior and with phone and is in charge of experienced for stoves and ranges. In the shop, an the interior work. The work done at assistants, and calls made at any hour are ample force of skilled workmen is employ- the best Clifton Planing Mill is always of promptly attended to. He is a native of ed. They do all kinds of scientific and and has never failed to give the this Province and Township, and has al- sanitary plumbing, heating, gas and water quality satisfaction, both as regards quality ways been closely identified with all her fitting, and every description of galvanized best Mr. Waugh is one of the sub- best interests and active in the growth and iron work. Their office is connected with and price. and successful men of Niagara prosperity of this city. He is a skilled telephone 242 and they are always prepar- stantial always been closely identi- embalmer and as a funeral director has no ed to furnish estimates on any work. The Falls, and has nat- her best interests. He is a superior, and his personal supervision is firm consists of Mr. Fred P. Heximer and fied with but came to this city when given to every detail of the funeral ar- Chas. C. Smith, both expert and scientific ive of Ireland, has always resided here. rangements. workmen, very young and —

Niagara Falls Record Page 41

FALLS NIAGARA AMUSEMENT CO. in a spacious frame building owned by this generally. All the favorite brands of im- Niagara Falls, Ontario, the home of firm and is fitted with the most modern ported and domestic cigars are also car- the greatest of the world's wonders, is rich machinery and appliances, for the grinding ried. Mr. Martin supplies all the leading in amusement features, a fitting frame- of modern process flour. In connection hotels in the Niagara District and also work for the grand masterpiece, the mighty the Messrs. Crane have a well appointed has a large family trade. He is one of warehouse and store where they carry a the best known dealers in this line in this full line of flour, feed and mill stuffs. This section and is a representative of the best is connected with phone, orders received in type of citizenship this way being promptly filled and deliver- ed by the firm's own teams or shipped to NIAGARA FALLS PLANING MILLS CO.

any desired point by rail. The trade is One of the leading industries is the Nia- large and extends throughout the entire gara Falls Planing Mills Company, Limit- Niagara District. The members of this ed, located in Queen Street, adjacent to firm consist of Messrs. Stephen and D'Arcy the tracks of the M.C. and Grand Trunk Crane, both of whom are expert millers.

WILLIAM COLE A representative house in Niagara Falls Ontario, is the retail liquor and cigar establishment of Mr. William Cole, his re- putation as a leading dealer in these goods being firmly established throughout Samuel T. Bitmead the- entire county. For . more than a Niagara Falls and Gorge. Among the quarter of a century Mr. Cole has been id- leading Purveyors to Public Pleasure, is entified with the mercantile interests of the Niagara Falls Amusement Company, this city, having a fine confectionery store located in Ferry Street. This was estab- at the corner of Erie Avenue and Park lished in 1901 by George W. Ellis, and Street, erecting the attractive building in was leased by Bitmead & Sumner, later which his present store is located. About on, the interests of Mr. Sumner being pur- seven years ago he abandoned the sale of chased later by Mr. S. T. Bitmead, who is sweet goods and engaged in his present now the sole proprietor. The capital of line. His store is fitted with modern con- C. N. Clendenning this company is placed at $15,000, which veniences. It has extensive vaults, where, Railways, with switch privileges. These is being financed by the Lundy's Lane Ath- the finest wines, imported and domestic, works comprise a large frame building, letic Association—President Banker R. and the choicest of liquors, old whiskeys fitted with modern machinery, spacious W. Ellis, Harry Paine ; Shareholders, Geo. malt, rye and Bourbons—the brandies and sheds and yards well stocked with all Williams, A. C. Thorburn. There is at gins, cordials and bar goods generally are kinds of lumber, rough and finished. A present a fine roller skating rink, 70x160 stored. Mr. Cole also carries a largo force of from 17 to 20 experienced work- feet in dimensions, fitted with perfect floor stock of the most popular brands of cigars. men are employed, and trade extends surface and equipped with every modern His trade extends all over the Niagara throughout the Niagara District. This convenience. A swimming pool is now be- District. Mr. Cole is a native of Peel, company supplies many of the leading con- ing constructed and will shortly be ready Ontario, and was educated in her schools. tractors and builders in this section and foi use, which will be one of the largest He became a resident of Niagara Falls, does both a wholesale and retail business. and finest in the country. Mr. Bitmead Ontario, some thirty-three years ago, and They manufacture all kinds of finished gives to the management of this enterprise has ever since then been a prominent fac- lumber and builders supplies, lath, shingles his personal supervision and has spared tor in her growth and prosperity and close- sash, doors, blinds, boxes, and everything neither money nor pains to make it a ly identified with her best interests. For in the line of interior construction. Tho model amusement resort. Mr. Bitmead is a number of years he was the capable office is connected with phone. This plant also the agent for the Union Hardware served Chief of the Fire Department. He was originally established in , 1895 by Company's famous roller skates, and keeps in the Council for ten years in succession. Jacob Lovell and in 1899 was purchased a full stock of their best products on hand by the present company, of which Mr. C. at all times. He is a past-master in the JAMES MARTIN N. Clendenning is President. Since then, art of amusement catering and is always great centres it is the the business has been enlarged and many alive to the demands of the public for new In all business invariable rule in every branch of improvements have been made. Mr. Clen- things in the "care-killing" line. For ten that denning is also the active manager of the years he was connected with the world- commercial enterprise there are houses that rank in Niagara business and it is to his ability, and prac- famous Buffalo Bill's Wild West Shows, stand in the front and tical methods that the success achieved is and during the Pan-American Exposition Falls, Ontario, a prominent example of due. lie is a native of Lincoln Township, was engaged as ticket seller for the Exhib- this is shown in the extensive trade enjoy- .James Martin, wholesale dealer but has been a resident of Niagara Falls, ition Company. He is one of the enter- ed by Mr. Ontario, for many years, and has always prising managers of the day. in wines and liquors at No. 196 Main Street, and established in 1902. His been very prominently engaged in building CRANE BROTHERS slore occupies a fine two storey brick operations. He has always taken an act- ive interest in public affairs and at present The manufacture of fine grades of flour building, the office being connected with is a member of the Council, and for family and pastry purposes is one of phone. Mr. Martin carries a large and Common his for faithful attention to the Niagara Falls most important industries, well selected stock of the choicest of im- reputation interests of the people and his able work in and is well looked after by the sterling ported and domestic wines, imported ex- advancing the prosperity of the city and firm of Messrs. Crane Brothers, whose mill pressly for him, the oldest of malt, rye and safeguarding the interests of the taxpayers is located at No. 817 Ferry Street, where Bourbon whiskeys, old and genuine brand- all bar has made him popular with every one. \t was established in 1901. It is situated ies and gins, cordials and goods "Page 42 Niagara Falls Record

PARKSIDE INN No L29 .Main Street. Tile show rooms and later with the Grand Trunk freight de- Located within the boundaries of the BJ'J stocked with the best of burial qualitj partment, after the amalgamation of the beautiful and world-famous Queen Victoria suits and gowns, and all funeral requisites two roads. lie has been a resident of Taik, Perrj Road, facing the North en- .in on reception room and embalming room Niagara Falls, Ontario, for the past trance, and overlooking the Horseshoe are attached. The office is connected with i went \ one years ami has always I very Falls and the Upper Rapids of the Niagara phone and calls at hour are any promptly prominent in her business and social life. at tend, m! to. The firm owns the finest funeral cars in this section and is always prepared to furnish any desired number ol

carriages. Mi-. M. Morse is a skilled em- balmer and as a funeral director has no superior ami in these lines his son is equal- ly expert. He is a graduate from the Rochester School of Embalming, complet- ing his course there in 1880. Both of the Messrs. Morse are natives of Niagara Falls.

NIAGARA NECKWEAR COMPANY One of the oldest and best known in- dustries of Niagara Falls, Ontario, is The Niagara Neckwear Company, Limited, on the line of the Michigan Central Railway. This Company, which is incorporated und- Walter J. Seymour The Parkside Inn er Act of the Dominion Parliament, manu- June 7th, 1893, he was married to Miss River, is the Parkside Inn, one of the at- factures description of grade every high Emma, daughter of Captain R. F. Carter, tractive and popular hotels of Niagara their factory neckwear, and the products of former Mayor of Niagara Falls, two inter, Falls, Ontario. It occupies an attractive bearing the well known trade mark of the esting children, Harold Carter and Walter three storey building, with well kept beaver surmounting a view of the Horse- Cecil Seymour, being born to the union. grounds, wide porticos and observatory, shoe Falls, are known by the trade all from which the finest of views of cataract over the Dominion as well as the States. SOUTH & YOUNG had. It is equipped with and Park can be The factory is located in an attractive Among the houses in the furniture electric light heat, and has every con- and brick building, and is fitted with modern tiade is that of Messrs. South & Young, are venience for the guest. The rooms machinery and every facility for manufact- located at No. 28 Park Street, occupying sup- newly furnished and comfortable and ming the superior line of goods turned an attractive three-storey block, 20x100 facilities, hot and plied with ample bath out. The main offices of this company are fret in size. All three of the floors are electricity and gas. There are cold water, in this city, with branch offices in Mont- filled with the finest makes of furniture, lounging pleasant parlors, writing and real, Toronto and Vancouver. They also the choicest weaves of carpets in Ingrain, is a model of rooms, and the dining room have agencies 'in all the principal cities of Brussels', Wilton, Tapestry and Velvets, in everything neatness and cleanliness, while this and foreign countries, and their goods latest patterns and from the best known eat that the in the line of good things to are handled by the trade generally, all factories, oil cloths, linoleums and all de- skilled chefs, market affords, prepared by over the world. The President of this scriptions of floor coverings. In window attentive wait- is served by courteous and company is Mr. W. L. Doran, who is also shades, curtains and portieres, cornice is a finely ers. Connected with the Inn the active manager and gives to every de- poles and mouldings, a complete stock is cafe and wine room, stocked appointed tail of the large business which has been carried, while the assortment of picture wines, and liquors, the with the choicest of built up, his personal care and supervis- frames and materials is complete. This ales, beers, porters and popular brews of ion. business was established about twelve all malted goods, as well as the favorite years ago by Mr. L. J. South, and later brands of imported and domestic cigars. WALTER JAMES SEYMOUR became the firm of South & Faulknor. This hotel is under new management, Mr. One of the most important departments of municipality is W. .J. Stein, the present proprietor, hav- in the government any MORPHY & COMPANY ing taken charge the early part of the that of City Clerk, on whose shoulders fall In every community the dealer in dry present year the duty of seeing to it that the complic- goods and notions is an important factor, ated machinery of the administration is and there is none of the representatives of M. MORSE & SON kept in perfect running order and the re- mercantile pursuits who is more popular. The sterling house of Messrs. M. Morse cords of the city properly preserved. In In Niagara Falls, Ontario, the leading re- & Son is the oldest undertaking establish- Niagara Falls, Ontario, this office is ably presentative of this important industry is ment in Niagara Falls, Ontario, dating filled by Mr. Walter James Seymour, ap- the well known and sterling house of Mor- back to 1827, when the late Mr. A. Morse, pointed in 1906. He is a native of Wind- phy & Co., at No. 38 Bridge Street. This started in this line of business in this sor, Ontario, where he was born July 24, was opened to the public about seven years place. From this establishment have been 1866, his father, H. E. Seymour, being ago and enjoys, a very large and high class har.'Ued the funerals of very many of the one of the substantial men of 'that city, trade, extending throughout the entire Ni- most prominent men and noble women who and from 1865 to 1871 station agent for agara District, and reaching into the helped make the present city, and there are the Great Western Railway, and later held States. The stock embraces the choicest few homes in this district where they have the same position in Komoka, Glencoe and of fancy and staple dry goods, notions and not been called. For three generations Strathroy up to the time of his death. ladies and children's furnishings. Prices this business has been conducted by grand- The subject of this sketch was educated in are always the most moderate. Mr. H. L. father, father and son, the present firm be- the schools of Windsor, Komoka, Glencoe, Morphy is the head of this concern and ins; composed of Messrs. M. Morse & Son. and Strathroy, and when still in his teens has associated with him his two sons, They occupy a finely equipped building at became associated with the Great Western Messrs. F. W. and H. J. Morphy. Niagara Falls Record Page 43

Land. This store is finely "The Literature of American History" and EVAN E. FRASER owned by Mr. furnished, a handsome soda fountain, being has contributed largely to the "Review of In the development and building up of attraction during the hot summer Historical Publications Relating to Can- any community there are numerous factors an months. The spacious plate glass wall ada," published by the University of To- at work, all of them in greater or lesser and counter cases, are filled ronto, and also to "Canadians," "Tran- degree dependent on each other. The pub- with the pur- est, and freshest of drugs and chemicals, sactions of the Canadian Institute" and used in the compounding of physicians pre- the ••Transactions of the Royal Society." scriptions and pharmaceutical preparat- ions, all the standard and endorsed patent THE CITY DRUG STORE. Drug Store, Niagara Falls, and proprietary medicines, bath and toilet The City Ontario, owned by Mr. Harry W. Smith, articles, choice perfumery, fine stationery, is one of the oldest and best known drug surgical appliances, rubber goods and phy- stores in the Niagara Peninsula, it is sit- sicians and druggists sundries. The store uated 'in an attractive building at No. 26 is the largest in is connected with phone. Mr. Land is a Erie Avenue. The stock the city and besides the standard lines us- graduate pharmacist and one of the oldest ually found in drug stores, a special de- in this section and stands at the head of partment is devoted to optical goods, Lis profession. He was graduated from where the greatest care is taken in the the Ontario College of Pharmacy in 1869, examination of the eyes and the fitting of Prescription Department is and that same year opened his store in Classes. The the most important branch of his business Niagara Falls. and Mr. Sihith employes skilled pharmac- ists for this. This department is very ERNEST A. CRUIKSHANK popular with Physicians, who are con- stantly to be seen going in and out of There is probably no one in Welland his store. Mr. Smith is the agent for the County, few in the Dominion of Canada, celebrated B.B.B. English pipe, for Edison who is better known or who is more high- Phonograph, Eastman Kodaks, Huylers & ly respected than Ernest A. Cruikshank, Gonongs fine Chocolates, and Gowan public official, soldier, historian and writ- Kent & Co.'s Cut Glass. Mr. Smith al- Evan E. Fraser, M. P. P. so has a branch store at Niagara Falls er, and who is the able and efficient Police lie-spirited property owner who is always Centre, where he carries a complete stock Magistrate of Niagara Falls, Ontario, to alive to interests of the community and of Drugs and Stationery. which position he was appointed in June, who does not believe in blocking the chan- 1903. Col. Cruikshank is a native of the JOSEPH HAGUE. nels of municipal enterprise by allowing Township of Bertie, where he was born Prominent among the public spirited h'is lands to remain unproductive ; the ar- June 29th, 1854. He was educated in the citizens of Niagara Falls, Ontario, is Al- chitect who furnished the plans for the derman Joseph Hague of the Third Ward. public schools of Fort Erie, St. Thomas handsome buildings of which ever.v citizen For several years Mr. Hague was in the High School and Upper Canada College. is proud, and by no means least in the meat business at Niagara Falls Centre June, 1879, he was happily married to he resides. He is a prominent triumvirate, the contractor and builder where Miss Julia E. Kennedy, of Buffalo. Ha member of Bender Hose Company and whose skill is brought into requisition in active interest in our fire- de- has served as Reeve of Fort Erie, for fif- takes an the creation of the structures. In Niag- partments, having materially helped to teen years, County Councillor for eight ara Falls, Ontario, one of the leaders in make it one of the best among the volun- years, and in 1886 was elected Warden of this line is Mr. Evan E. Fraser, one of Welland County. In 1899-1903 he com- the best known and substantial business

manded the 44th Regiment ; Fifth Infantry men of the South End, and a very prom- Brigade, 1903-1907, and is Honorary inent factor in her industrial life. He is Lieut.-Col. of the 44th Regt. In 1906 he a native of Allanburg, where he was born was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of March 15th, 1865, his father, Alexander Canada. He has been a Vice-president of Fraser, being a prominent resident of that the Canadian Military Institute and has town. He was educated in the schools of the Long Service Decoration. He is Thorold township, and the town of Thor- Chairman of the Collegiate Institute, Sec- old, and was graduated from the High retary of the Hospital Trust, Chairman of 5c ool of the latter place with high hon- the Board of Police Commissioners, Presi- ors. He came to Niagara Falls South, in dent of the Lundy's Lane Historical Soc- 1896, engaging in the business of con- iety and Vice-president of the Ontario His- tractor and builder, in which he has torical Society. It is as an author and achieved a flattering success, many of the historical writer that he is perhaps most mi>^t difficult contracts for the Power Co. widely known and his works are authority ha\ ing been successfully completed by him, on the subjects treated. He is the author as well as some factor buildings. He of "A Historical Sketch of the County of boasts that on all his works he has never Welland," "A Century of Municipal His- had a strike, in fact that he has always tory," "The Story of Butler's Rangers," been a friend of the workingman. He has "The Bat th' of Lundy's Lane," "The Bat- always taken a live interest in public mat- tle of Queenston," "The Blockade of Fort Hague ters and represents the County of Welland Joseph George," "Drummond's Winter Campaign," teer organizations in the Dominion. For in the Provincial Parliament. "The Siege of Fort Erie," "The Adminis- several years he hi s served the city on the Board Aide men, to the entire sat- ABEL LAND. tration of Governor Simcoe," "The Battle of isfaction of his coi stituents and the pub- established and most of Fort George" and many essays and his- One of the oldest lic generally, and is always found willing edited "The Document- ilar drug stores in Niagara Falls, On- torical papers. He to assist in the promoting of the interests of the Campaigns on the Nia- Al r. tario, is that of Mr. Abel Land, establish- ary History of the city, in all lines. Socially, 1812-14" in seven vol- Hague is highly populai aod has a wide ed in 1869, located at No. 200 Main St., gara Frontier in warm persona] friends. umes, collaborated in the compilation of acquaintance of occupying an attractive brick building. TABLE OF CONTENTS

Anderson & Logan 17 Frallck, M. P 34 Kewcombe, w. II 3o Indcison, J. B 33 l'raser, Evan E 43 Niagara Falls Drug Co 30 Niagara Falls Building, Sav- Association. 32 Bel] & Company, W. L, 8 Cay Brothers 8 ings and Loan Buckley & Company, M. 11.... 9 Groom, •). c 23 Niagara Falls Bottling Works 39 Briggs, Ceo. A IT Gilchrist, A. T 30 Nichols, W. II 39 Bank of Hamilton 19 Garner Brothers 80 Niagara Neckwear Co 42 Niagara Falls Amusement Co. 41 Booth, Frank .) 25 Goodwin <.v lloss 33 Bampfield, J. J 26 Niagara Falls Planing Mills Bullock, R. B 28 History 5-6-7 Company 41 Hillesheim, .1 26 Buckley, \\ . II 33 Bullock, A. E 33 Hughes, F 32 Ontario Power Company 10-11

Brodie, D. .) 34 Hospice of Mt. Carmel 35 Badger, George 34 Henderson, J. T 35 I'aine, Banker R 12 Butler, A 40 Hague, Joseph 43 Price, W. R 12

II > Miner, & Company, Fred F. 40 Few, W. A 18 Campaigne Brothers 8 Harriman, James 36 Palace Steam Laundry 24 J. Colcock, Harry E 9 Hanan, George , 36 Pattinson, M 38 Clark, Miss E. 11 Parkside Inn 42 Coulter, .1. VV 16 Imperial Bank of Canada 13 Cole, E. S 18 Queen's Park Hotel 9 Cameron, D. A. R 20 Kick, Frank G, 24 Ciifton Hotel 21 Ker, Wilfrid W 39 Robinson, V. II 17 Campbell, George J 24 Rigg Brothers 25 Connor Brothers 26 Latour, George 19 Ryckman, Geo. J 27 Hotel 31 Royal Bank of Canada Corbj . E 27 Lafayette 29 Crompton, K. H 28 Land, Abel 43 Rosli Hotel, New 39 Carter Electric Co., R. F 28 Rae, James 40 Clark & Crawford 33 Manley, Miss Nellie 15 Record, The Daily 36 Clifton Incline Bazaar and Marlatt, Mrs 19 Railway 33 Morwick, William 22 Slater, Mayor Robert P 4-19 Carriage Mountings Company Macartney, J. L 22 Stuart Bros. 16 Limited 38 Manuel, W. J 25 Savoy Hotel 18 Cruikshank, E. A 43 Marshall, J. H 25 Spence, Warren 20 City Drug Store 43 Miller, W. P 29 Speck, J. W 22 Canadian Shredded 'Wheat Co. 37 Martin, W. H 30 Standard Bearings, Limited... 34 Canadian Niagara Power Co. 37 Macfarlane, R. C 30 Seymour, Walter J 42 Crane Brothers 41 Marshall. W. M 32 South & Young 42 Cole, \\"m 41 Muir, John 34 Spencer Brothers 40 Morse & Son, M 42

Duignan, T. C 16 Morphy

c ommerci al Niagara Falls (Continued)

Arlington Hotel. Frontier Printing Co. Maple Leaf Hotel. American Hotel. Folemsliee, F., Real Estate. Market Hotel. Anderson, J. L., Meats. Garner, Mrs., Millinery. Murray Bros., Tailors. Bampfield, J. •)., Reataurant. Fordo, Jos., Cigars. Niagara Falls Grocery Co., Grocery. Bradford, C. V., Trunks & Harness. Gunning, Wm. & Son, Coal. Newman W. H., Grocery. Bradley & Son, Grocery. Geary & Co., Dry Goods. Niagara House, Hotel. Brant & Co., Grocery. Glynn, I'. J. Flour & Feed. Prospect House, Hotel. Brown, Mrs. II., Grocery. Hutchings, J. E. & Co., Coal. Rosa, A. M., Grocery.

Burrows, Fred, Grocery. Hopkins, Jos. , Flour and Feed. Niagara Ice Co. Boulter. S. E., Hardware. Hewson, Wm., Broker. Niagara Falls Milling Co. Buckley


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