EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases


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(88) Yelin E, Callahan LF. The economic cost and social and psychological impact of musculoskeletal conditions. National Arthritis Data Work Groups. Arthritis Rheum 1995; 38(10):1351-1362.

EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases


Part 1:

1. Alamanos,Y., Voulgari,P.V., and Drosos,A.A. 2006. Incidence and prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis, based on the 1987 American College of Rheumatology criteria: a systematic review. Semin.Arthritis Rheum. 36:182-188. 2. Firestein,G.S. 2003. Evolving concepts of rheumatoid arthritis. Nature 423:356-361. 3. Brown,M.A., Newton,J.L., and Wordsworth,B.P. 2002. Genetics for Rheumatologists - The molecular genetic basis of rheumatological disorders. Remedica. 4. WITEBSKY,E., ROSE,N.R., TERPLAN,K., PAINE,J.R., and EGAN,R.W. 1957. Chronic thyroiditis and autoimmunization. J.Am.Med.Assoc. 164:1439-1447. 5. Waaler,E. 1940. On the occurrence of a factor in human serum activating the specific agglutination of sheep corpuscles. Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand 17:172-188. 6. FRANKLIN,E.C., HOLMAN,H.R., MULLER-EBERHARD,H.J., and KUNKEL,H.G. 1957. An unusual protein component of high molecular weight in the serum of certain patients with rheumatoid arthritis. J.Exp.Med. 105:425-438. 7. Zvaifler,N.J. 1973. The immunopathology of joint in rheumatoid arthritis. Adv.Immunol. 16:265-336. 8. Arnett,F.C., Edworthy,S.M., Bloch,D.A., McShane,D.J., Fries,J.F., Cooper,N.S., Healey,L.A., Kaplan,S.R., Liang,M.H., Luthra,H.S. et al. 1988. The American Rheumatism Association 1987 revised criteria for the classification of rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 31:315-324. 9. NIENHUIS,R.L. and MANDEMA,E. 1964. A NEW SERUM FACTOR IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS; THE ANTIPERINUCLEAR FACTOR. Ann.Rheum.Dis. 23:302-305. 10. Young,B.J., Mallya,R.K., Leslie,R.D., Clark,C.J., and Hamblin,T.J. 1979. Anti-keratin antibodies in rheumatoid arthritis. Br.Med.J. 2:97-99. 11. Schellekens,G.A., de Jong,B.A., van den Hoogen,F.H., van de Putte,L.B., and van Venrooij,W.J. 1998. Citrulline is an essential constituent of antigenic determinants recognized by rheumatoid arthritis-specific autoantibodies. J.Clin.Invest 101:273-281. EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

12. Girbal-Neuhauser,E., Durieux,J.J., Arnaud,M., Dalbon,P., Sebbag,M., Vincent,C., Simon,M., Senshu,T., Masson-Bessiere,C., Jolivet-Reynaud,C. et al. 1999. The epitopes targeted by the rheumatoid arthritis-associated antifilaggrin autoantibodies are posttranslationally generated on various sites of (pro)filaggrin by deimination of arginine residues. J.Immunol. 162:585-594. 13. van Gaalen,F., Ioan-Facsinay,A., Huizinga,T.W., and Toes,R.E. 2005. The devil in the details: the emerging role of anticitrulline in rheumatoid arthritis. J.Immunol. 175:5575-5580. 14. Huizinga,T.W., Amos,C.I., van der Helm-van Mil AH, Chen,W., van Gaalen,F.A., Jawaheer,D., Schreuder,G.M., Wener,M., Breedveld,F.C., Ahmad,N. et al. 2005. Refining the complex rheumatoid arthritis phenotype based on specificity of the HLA-DRB1 shared epitope for antibodies to citrullinated proteins. Arthritis Rheum. 52:3433-3438. 15. Vossenaar,E.R., Despres,N., Lapointe,E., van der,H.A., Lora,M., Senshu,T., van Venrooij,W.J., and Menard,H.A. 2004. Rheumatoid arthritis specific anti-Sa antibodies target citrullinated vimentin. Arthritis Res.Ther. 6:R142-R150. 16. Bang,H., Egerer,K., Gauliard,A., Luthke,K., Rudolph,P.E., Fredenhagen,G., Berg,W., Feist,E., and Burmester,G.R. 2007. Mutation and citrullination modifies vimentin to a novel autoantigen for rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 56:2503-2511. 17. Verpoort,K.N., Cheung,K., Ioan-Facsinay,A., van der Helm-van Mil AH, Vries-Bouwstra,J.K., Allaart,C.F., Drijfhout,J.W., de Vries,R.R., Breedveld,F.C., Huizinga,T.W. et al. 2007. Fine specificity of the anti-citrullinated protein antibody response is influenced by the shared epitope alleles. Arthritis Rheum 56:3949-3952. 18. Verpoort,K.N., Jol-van der Zijde CM, Papendrecht-van der Voort EA, Ioan-Facsinay,A., Drijfhout,J.W., van Tol,M.J., Breedveld,F.C., Huizinga,T.W., and Toes,R.E. 2006. Isotype distribution of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies in undifferentiated arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis reflects an ongoing immune response. Arthritis Rheum 54:3799-3808. 19. Hill,J.A., Southwood,S., Sette,A., Jevnikar,A.M., Bell,D.A., and Cairns,E. 2003. Cutting edge: the conversion of arginine to citrulline allows for a high- affinity peptide interaction with the rheumatoid arthritis-associated HLA-DRB1*0401 MHC class II molecule. J.Immunol. 171:538-541. 20. Kuhn,K.A., Kulik,L., Tomooka,B., Braschler,K.J., Arend,W.P., Robinson,W.H., and Holers,V.M. 2006. Antibodies against citrullinated proteins enhance tissue injury in experimental autoimmune arthritis. J.Clin.Invest 116:961-973. EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

21. Hill,J.A., Bell,D.A., Brintnell,W., Yue,D., Wehrli,B., Jevnikar,A.M., Lee,D.M., Hueber,W., Robinson,W.H., and Cairns,E. 2008. Arthritis induced by posttranslationally modified (citrullinated) fibrinogen in DR4-IE transgenic mice. J Exp.Med. 205:967-979. 22. Astorga,G.P. and Williams,R.C., Jr. 1969. Altered reactivity in mixed lymphocyte culture of lymphocytes from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 12:547-554. 23. Stastny,P. 1976. Mixed lymphocyte cultures in rheumatoid arthritis. J.Clin.Invest 57:1148-1157. 24. Gregersen,P.K., Silver,J., and Winchester,R.J. 1987. The shared epitope hypothesis. An approach to understanding the molecular genetics of susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 30:1205-1213. 25. Gourraud,P.A., Dieude,P., Boyer,J.F., Nogueira,L., Cambon- Thomsen,A., Mazieres,B., Cornelis,F., Serre,G., Cantagrel,A., and Constantin,A. 2007. A new classification of HLA-DRB1 alleles differentiates predisposing and protective alleles for autoantibody production in rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Res.Ther. 9:R27. 26. van der Helm-van Mil AH, Verpoort,K.N., Breedveld,F.C., Huizinga,T.W., Toes,R.E., and de Vries,R.R. 2006. The HLA-DRB1 shared epitope alleles are primarily a risk factor for anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies and are not an independent risk factor for development of rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 54:1117-1121. 27. Wesoly,J., van der Helm-van Mil AH, Toes,R.E., Chokkalingam,A.P., Carlton,V.E., Begovich,A.B., and Huizinga,T.W. 2005. Association of the PTPN22 C1858T single-nucleotide polymorphism with rheumatoid arthritis phenotypes in an inception cohort. Arthritis Rheum. 52:2948-2950. 28. Kurreeman,F.A.S., Padyukov,L., Marques,R.B., Schrodi,S.J., Seddighzadeh,M., Stoeken-Rijsbergen,G., van der Helm-van Mil AH, Allaart,C.F., Verduyn,W., Houwing-Duistermaat,J. et al. 2007. A Candidate Gene Approach Identifies the TRAF1/C5 Region as a Risk Factor for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Plos Medicine 4:e278 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0040278. 29. Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium. 2007. Genome-wide association study of 14,000 cases of seven common diseases and 3,000 shared controls. Nature 447:661-678. 30. Remmers,E.F., Plenge,R.M., Lee,A.T., Graham,R.R., Hom,G., Behrens,T.W., de Bakker,P.I., Le,J.M., Lee,H.S., Batliwalla,F. et al. 2007. STAT4 and EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

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Part 2:

65. Kvien TK, Uhlig T, Ødegård S, Heiberg MS. Epidemiological Aspects of Rheumatoid Arthritis. The Sex Ratio. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2006:1069:212-22.

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78. Ødegård S, Landewé R, van der Heijde D; Kvien TK, Mowinckel P, Uhlig T. Association of Early Radiographic Damage With Impaired Physical Function in Rheumatoid Arthritis. A Ten-Year, Longitudinal Observational Study in 238 Patients. Arthritis Rheum 2006;54:68-75.

79. Syversen SW, Gaarder PI, Goll GL, Ødegård S, Haavardsholm EA, Mowinckel P, et al. High anti-CCP levels and an algorithm of four variables predict radiographic progression in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: results from a 10-year longitudinal study. Ann Rheum Dis 2007;May 25; [Epub ahead of print]

80. Grigor C, Capell H, Stirling A, McMahon AD, Lock P, Vallance R, et al. Effect of a treatment strategy of tight control for rheumatoid arthritis (the TICORA study): a single-blind randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2004;364(9430):263-9.

81. Haugeberg G, Uhlig T, Falch JA, Halse JI, Kvien TK. Bone mineral density and frequency of osteoporosis, in female patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Results from 394 patients in the Oslo County Rheumatoid Arthritis Register. Arthritis Rheum 2000;43:522-30.

82. Ørstavik RE, Haugeberg G, Mowinckel P, Hoiseth A, Uhlig T, Falch JA Halse JI, McCloskey E, Kvien TK. Vertebral deformities in rheumatoid arthritis: A comparison with population-based controls. Arch Intern Med 2004;164(4):420- 5.

83. Baecklund E, Iliadou A, Askling J, Ekbom A, Backlin C, Granath F, et al. Association of chronic inflammation, not its treatment, with increased lymphoma risk in rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 2006;54(3):692- 701.

84. Maradit-Kremers H, Crowson CS, Nicola PJ, Ballman KV, Roger VL, Jacobsen SJ, et al. Increased unrecognized coronary heart disease and sudden deaths in rheumatoid arthritis: a population-based cohort study. Arthritis Rheum 2005;52(2):402-11.

85. Chung CP, Avalos I, Raggi P, Stein CM. Arterosclerosis and inflammation: insights from rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Rheumatol 2007 Feb 2 [Epub ahead of print].

86. Choi HK, Hernan MA, Seeger JD, Robins JM, Wolfe F. Methotrexate and mortality in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a prospective study. Lancet 2002;359(9313):1173-7.

87. Jacobsson LT, Turesson C, Gulfe A, Kapetanovic MC, Petersson IF, Saxne T, et al. Treatment with tumor necrosis factor blockers is associated with a lower incidence of first cardiovascular events in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol 2005;32(7):1213-8.

88. Heiberg T, Kvien TK. Preferences for improved health examined in 1024 patients with rheumatoid arthritis: Pain has highest priority. Arthritis Rheum 2002;47:391-7

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89. Bjornadal L, Baecklund E, Yin L, Granath F, Klareskog L, Ekbom A. Decreasing mortality in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: results from a large population based cohort in Sweden, 1964-95. J Rheumatol 2002;29(5):906-12.

90. Da Silva E, Doran MF, Crowson CS, O'Fallon WM, Matteson EL. Declining use of orthopedic surgery in patients with rheumatoid arthritis? Results of a long-term, population-based assessment. Arthritis Rheum 2003;49(2):216-20.

91. Heiberg T, Kvien TK, Uhlig T, Finset A. Seven year changes in health status and priorities for improvement of health in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2005 Feb;64(2):191-5.

EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases


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(165) Abetimus Sodium (Riquent) for the prevention of nephritic flares in patients with systemic lupus eruthematosus. Rheum Dis Clin North Am 2006; 32: 149-156 (166) Cardiel MH. Randomized, placebo controlled, double blind phase iii clinical trial for the evaluation of LJP 394 (Abetimus sodium) in the treatment of patients with SLE who are at risk for renal flare. Ann Rheum Dis 2003; (167) Bombardieri S, Cardiel MA, Tumlin JA, Furie RA, Wallace DJ et al. Summary of safety results from studies on LJP 394 in SLE patients. Ann Rheum Dis 2004

(168) Boumpas DT, Furie R, Manzi s, Illei GG, Wallace DJ, Balow JE et al. A Short Course of BG9588 (Anti–CD40 Ligand Antibody) improves Serologic Activity and Decreases Hematuria in patients With Proliferative Lupus Glomerulonephritis. Arthritis Rheum 2003; 48: 719- 727

(169) Sidiropoulos PI, Boumpas DT. Lessons learned from anti-CD40L treatment in systemic lupus erythematosus patients. Lupus. 2004; 13: 391-397.

(170) Davis JC, Totoritis MC, Rosenberg J, Sklenar TA, WofsyD. Phase I Clinical Trial of a Monoclonal Antibody against CD40-Ligand (IDEC-131) in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. J Rheumatol 2001; 28: 95- 101 (171) Daikh DI, Wofsy D.Cutting edge: reversal of murine lupus nephritis with CTLA4Ig and cyclophosphamide. J Immunol. 2001; 166: 2913-2916.

(172) Davidson A, Diamond B, Wofsy D, Daikh D. Block and tackle: CTLA4Ig takes on lupus. Lupus. 2005; 14: 197-203.

(173) Dall'Era M, Davis J. CTLA4Ig: a novel inhibitor of costimulation. Lupus. 2004; 13 : 372-376. (174) Aringer M, Smolen JS. SLE - Complex cytokine effects in a complex autoimmune disease: tumor necrosis factor in systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Res Ther 2003; 5: 172-177

(175) S Zampieri, M Alaibac, L Iaccarino, R Rondinone, A Ghirardello, P Sarzi-Puttini, A Peserico, A Doria. Tumour necrosis factor a is expressed in refractory skin lesions from patients with subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Ann Rheum Dis 2006; 65: 545- 548 (176) Mendonca llf, Tyndall A. Bone marrow transplantation in the treatment of autoimmune diseases: evolving concepts and early experience. Lupus 1997; 6: 561-563

(177) Tyndall A, Grathwohl A. Blood and marrow stem cell transokants in autoimmune disease, a consensus report on behalf of the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) and the Euruopean Group for Blood and Marrow transplantation (EBMT). Br J Rheumatol 1997; 36: 390-392

(178) Burt BB, Traynor AE, Pope R. Schroeder J, Cohen B, Karlin KH et al. Treatment of autoimmune diseases by intense immunosuppressive conditioning and autologous hepatopoietic stem cell transplantation. Blood 1998; 92: 3505-3514

(179) Alaez C, Loyola M, Murguia A, Flores H, Rodriguez A, Ovilla R et al. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT): an approach to autoimmunity. Autoimmunity reviews 2006; 5: 167-179 EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(180) Maruyama M, Yamasaki Y, Sada K, Sarai A, Ujike K, Maeshima Y et al. Good response of membranous lupus nephritis to tacrolimus. Clin Nephrol 2006; 65: 276- 279

(181) Cross J, Jayne D. Diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 2005; 19: 785- 798 (182) Hanly JG, Harrison MJ. Management of neuropsychiatric lupus. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 2005; 19: 799-821

(183) Ruiz-Irastorza G, Khamashta MA. Stroke and antiphospholipid syndrome: the treatment debate.Rheumatology 2005; 44:971-974

(184) Dorner T, Kaufmann J, Wegener WA, Teoh N, Goldenberg DM, Burmester GR. Initial clinical trial of epratuzumab (humanized anti-CD22 antibody) for immunotherapy of systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Res Ther 2006; 8: Arthritis Research & Therapy 2006, 8:R74 (doi:10.1186/ar1942)

(185) Mosca M, Baldini C, Bombardieri S. LJP-394 (abetimus sodium) in the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2007; 8: 873-879.

EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases


(1) A Wasserman, A Neisser and C Bruck. 1906. Eine serodiagnosticsche reaktion bei syphilis. Dtsch Med Wochenschr; 32: 745-746

(2) MC Pangborn. 1941. A new serologically active phospholipid from beef heart. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med; 48: 484-486

(3) JR Haserick and R Long. 1952. Systemic lupus erythematosus preceded by false- positive serologic test for syphilis: presentation of five cases. Ann Intern Med; 37: 559-565

(4) CL Conley and RC Hartmann. 1952. A hemorrhagic disorder caused by circulating anticoagulant in patients with disseminated lupus erythematosus. J Lab Clin Invest; 31: 621-622 (5) JL Beaumont. 1954. Syndrome hemorrhagique acquis du a un anticoagulant circulant. Sang; 25: 1-15

(6) AB Laurell and IM Nilsson. 1957. Hypergammablobulinaemia, circulating anticoagulant and biological false positive Wasserman reaction: a study of 2 cases. J Lab Clin Med; 49: 694-707

(7) EJ Bowie, JKJ Thompson, CA Pascuzzi and CAJ Owen. 1963. Thrombosis in systemic lupus erythematosus despite circulating anticoagulants. J Lab Clin Med; 62: 416-430

(8) DI Feinstein and SI Rapaport. 1972. Acquired inhibitors of blood coagulation. Prog Hemost Thromb; 1: 75-95 (9) EN Harris, AE Gharavi, ML Boey, BM Patel, CG Mackworth-Young, S Loizou and GRV Hughes. 1983. Anticardiolipin antibodies: detection by radioimmunoassay and association with thrombosis in systemic lupus erythematosus. Lancet; ii: 1211-1214 (10) GRV Hughes. 1983. Thrombosis, abortion, cerebral disease, and the lupus anticoagulant. Br Med J; 287: 1088-1089

(11) GRV Hughes. 1993. The antiphospholipid syndrome: ten years on. Lancet; 342: 341- 344 (12) GRV Hughes. 1998. Hughes' syndrome: the antiphospholipid syndrome. A historical view. Lupus; 7: S1-4

(13) GRV Hughes. 1984. The Prosser-White oration 1983. Connective tissue disease and the skin. Clin Exp Dermatol; 9: 535-544

(14) EN Harris, E Baguley, RA Asherson and GRV Hughes. 1987. Clinical and serological features of the antiphospholipid syndrome. Br J Rheumatol; 26: 19 (abstract) (15) CG Mackworth-Young, J David, S Loizou and MJ Walport. 1987. Primary antiphospholipid syndrome: features in patients with raised anticardiolipin antibodies and no other disorders. Br J Rheumatol; 26: 94 (abstract)

(16) RA Asherson, MA Khamashta, J Ordi-Ros, RH Derksen, SJ Machin, J Barquinero, HH Outt, EN Harris, M Vilardell-Torres and GRV Hughes. 1989. The "primary" antiphospholipid syndrome: major clinical and serological features. Medicine (Baltimore); 68: 366-374 (17) D Alarcon-Segovia and J Sanchez-Guerrero. 1989. Primary antiphospholipid syndrome. J Rheumatol; 16: 482-488

(18) RA Asherson, R Cervera and J Font. 1992. Multiorgan thrombotic disorders in systemic lupus erythematosus: a common link? Lupus; 1: 199-203 EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(19) MA Khamashta and RA Asherson. 1995. Hughes syndrome: antiphospholipid antibodies move closer to thrombosis in 1994. Br J Rheumatol; 34: 493-494 (20) JL Vianna, MA Khamashta, J Ordi-Ros, J Font, R Cervera, A Lopez-Soto, C Tolosa, J Franz, A Selva and M Ingelmo. 1994. Comparison of the primary and secondary antiphospholipid syndrome: a European Multicenter Study of 114 patients. Am J Med; 96: 3-9

(21) G Finazzi, V Brancaccio, M Moia, N Ciaverella, MG Mazzucconi, PC Schinco, M Ruggeri, EM Pogliani, G Gamba, E Rossi, F Baudo, C Manotti, A D'Angelo, G Palareti, V De Stefano, M Berrettini and T Barbui. 1996. Natural history and risk factors for thrombosis in 360 patients with antiphospholipid antibodies: a four-year prospective study from the Italian Registry. Am J Med; 100: 530-536

(22) S Krnic-Barrie, OC CR, SW Looney, SS Pierangeli and EN Harris. 1997. A retrospective review of 61 patients with antiphospholipid syndrome. Analysis of factors influencing recurrent thrombosis. Arch Intern Med; 157: 2101-2108

(23) T Godfrey and D D'Cruz. Antiphospholipid syndrome: general features. In: MA Khamashta, ed. Hughes syndrome. Antiphospholipid syndrome. London: Springer- Verlag, 2000: 8-19

(24) S Loizou, JD McCrea, AC Rudge, R Reynolds, CC Boyle and EN Harris. 1985. Measurement of anti-cardiolipin antibodies by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA): standardization and quantitation of results. Clin Exp Immunol; 62: 738-45

(25) MN Manoussakis, AE Gharavi, AA Drosos, RC Kitridou and HM Moutsopoulos. 1987. Anticardiolipin antibodies in unselected autoimmune rheumatic disease patients. Clin Immunol Immunopathol; 44: 297-307

(26) CE Weidmann, DJ Wallace, JB Peter, PJ Knight, MB Bear and JR Klinenberg. 1988. Studies of IgG, IgM and IgA antiphospholipid antibody isotypes in systemic lupus erythematosus. J Rheumatol; 15: 74-79

(27) O Meyer, L Cyna, P Bourgeois, MF Kahn and A Ryckewaert. 1987. Profile and cross- reactivities of antiphospholipid antibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus and syphilis. Clin Rheumatol; 6: 369-77

(28) GT Nahass. 1997. Antiphospholipid antibodies and the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. J Am Acad Dermatol; 36: 149-68 (29) R Cervera, JC Piette, J Font, MA Khamashta, Y Shoenfeld, MT Camps, S Jacobsen, G Lakos, A Tincani, I Kontopoulou-Griva, M Galeazzi, PL Meroni, RH Derksen, PG de Groot, E Gromnica-Ihle, M Baleva, M Mosca, S Bombardieri, F Houssiau, JC Gris, I Quere, E Hachulla, C Vasconcelos, B Roch, A Fernandez-Nebro, MC Boffa, GR Hughes and M Ingelmo. 2002. Antiphospholipid syndrome: clinical and immunologic manifestations and patterns of disease expression in a cohort of 1,000 patients. Arthritis Rheum; 46: 1019-27 (30) NM Shah, MA Khamashta, T Atsumi and GRV Hughes. 1998. Outcome of patients with anticardiolipin antibodies: a 10 year follow-up of 52 patients. Lupus; 7: 3-6

(31) M Soares, L Reis, JA Papi and CR Cardoso. 2003. Rate, pattern and factors related to damage in Brazilian systemic lupus erythematosus patients. Lupus; 12: 788-94

(32) G Ruiz-Irastorza, MV Egurbide, J Ugalde and C Aguirre. 2004. High impact of antiphospholipid syndrome on irreversible organ damage and survival of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Arch Intern Med; 164: 77-82 EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(33) MA Khamashta, MJ Cuadrado, F Mujic, NA Taub, BJ Hunt and GRV Hughes. 1995. The management of thrombosis in the antiphospholipid-antibody syndrome. N Engl J Med; 332: 993-997

(34) ML Bertolaccini, GR Hughes and MA Khamashta. 2004. Revisiting antiphospholipid antibodies: from targeting phospholipids to phospholipid binding proteins. Clin Lab; 50: 653-65

(35) RL Brey, RD Abbott, JD Curb, DS Sharp, GW Ross, CL Stallworth and SJ Kittner. 2001. Beta(2)-Glycoprotein 1-dependent anticardiolipin antibodies and risk of ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction: the honolulu heart program. Stroke; 32: 1701-1706

(36) HP McNeil, CN Chesterman and SA Krilis. 1991. Immunology and clinical importance of antiphospholipid antibodies. Adv Immunol; 49: 193-280 (37) RL Bick, B Arun and EP Frenkel. 1999. Antiphospholipid-thrombosis syndromes. Haemostasis; 29: 100-110

(38) LW Chamley. 2002. Antiphospholipid antibodies: biological basis and prospects for treatment. J Reprod Immunol; 57: 185-202

(39) NE Harris, JKH Chan, RA Asherson, VR Aber, AE Gharavi and GRV Hughes. 1986. Thrombosis, recurrent fetal loss and thrombocytopenia. Arch Intern Med; 146: 2153- 2156 (40) MD Lockshin, T Qamar, ML Druzin and S Goei. 1987. Antibody to cardiolipin, lupus anticoagulant and fetal death. J Rheumatol; 14: 259-262

(41) S Loizou, MA Byron, HJ Englert, J David, GRV Hughes and MJ Walport. 1988. Association of quantitative anticardiolipin antibody levels with fetal loss in systemic lupus erythematosus. Q J Med; 68: 525-531

(42) JG Worrall, ML Snaith, JR Batchelor and DA Isenberg. 1990. SLE: a rheumatologic view. Analysis of the clinical features, serology, and immunogenetics in 100 SLE patients during long-term follow-up. Q J Med; 74: 319-330

(43) KC Kalunian, JB Peter, HR Middlekauff, J Sayre, DG Ando, M Mangotich and BH Hahn. 1988. Clinical significance of a single test for anti-cardiolipin antibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Am J Med; 85: 602-608

(44) A Selva-O'Callaghan, J Ordi-Ros, F Monegal-Ferran, N Martinez, F Cortes- Hernandez and M Vilardell-Tarres. 1998. IgA anticardiolipin antibodies--relation with other antiphospholipid antibodies and clinical significance. Thromb Haemost; 79: 282- 285

(45) ML Bertolaccini, T Atsumi, A Escudero-Contreras, MA Khamashta and GRV Hughes. 2001. The value of IgA antiphospholipid testing for the diagnosis of antiphospholipid (Hughes) syndrome in systemic lupus erythematosus. J Rheumatol; 28: 2637-2643

(46) S Carmo-Pereira, ML Bertolaccini, A Escudero-Contreras, MA Khamashta and GR Hughes. 2003. Value of IgA anticardiolipin and anti-beta(2)-glycoprotein I antibody testing in patients with pregnancy morbidity. Ann Rheum Dis; 62: 540-3

(47) EN Harris, AE Gharavi, S Loizou, G Derue, JK Chan, BM Patel, M-Y C.G., CC Bunn and GRV Hughes. 1985. Crossreactivity of anti-phospholipid antibodies. J Clin Lab Immunol; 16: 1-6

(48) E Court. 1997. Lupus anticoagulants: pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis. Br J Biom Sci; 54: 287-298 EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(49) PE Love and SA Santoro. 1990. Antiphospholipid antibodies: anticardiolipin and the lupus anticoagulant in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and in non-SLE disorders. Prevalence and clinical significance. Ann Intern Med; 112: 682-698

(50) DA Triplett, JT Brandt, KA Musgrave and CA Orr. 1988. The relationship between lupus anticoagulants and antibodies to phospholipid. JAMA; 259: 550-554 (51) BM Alving, CF Barr and DB Tang. 1990. Correlation between lupus anticoagulants and anticardiolipin antibodies in patients with prolonged activated partial thromboplastin times. Am J Med; 88: 112-6 (52) M Galli, P Comfurius, T Barbui, RF Zwaal and EM Bevers. 1992. Anticoagulant activity of b2-glycoprotein I is potentiated by a distinct subgroup of anticardiolipin antibodies. Thromb Haemost; 68: 297-300

(53) EM Bevers, M Galli, T Barbui, P Comfurius and RF Zwaal. 1991. Lupus anticoagulant IgG's (LA) are not directed to phospholipids only, but to a complex of lipid-bound human prothrombin. Thromb Haemost; 66: 629-632

(54) RA Fleck, SI Rapaport and LV Rao. 1988. Anti-prothrombin antibodies and the lupus anticoagulant. Blood; 72: 512-519

(55) M Galli, P Comfurius, C Maasen, HC Hemker, MH de Baets, PJC van Breda- Vriesman, T Barbui, RFA Zwaal and EM Bevers. 1990. Anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA) directed not to cardiolipin but to a plasma protein cofactor. Lancet; 336: 1544- 1547

(56) HP McNeil, RJ Simpson, CN Chesterman and SA Krilis. 1990. Anti-phospholipid antibodies are directed against a complex antigen that includes a lipid-bound inhibitor of coagulation: beta 2-glycoprotein I (apolipoprotein H). Proc Natl Acad Sci USA; 87: 4120-4124

(57) J Lozier, N Takahashi and FW Putnam. 1993. Complete amino-acid sequence of human beta-2-glycoprotein I. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA; 90: 2141-2145

(58) I Schousboe. 1995. Beta 2-glycoprotein I: a plasma inhibitor of the contact activation of the intrinsic blood coagulation pathway. Blood; 66: 1086-1092

(59) O Amengual, T Atsumi, MA Khamashta, T Koike and GRV Hughes. 1996. Specificity of ELISA for antibody to beta 2-glycoprotein I in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome. Br J Rheumatol; 35: 1239-1243 (59a) de Laat B, Derksen RH, Urbanus RT, de Groot PG. IgG antibodies that recognize epitope Gly40-Arg43 in domain I of beta 2-glycoprotein I cause LAC, and their presence correlates strongly with thrombosis. Blood 2005;105:1540–5. (59b) de Laat B, Derksen RH, van Lummel M, Pennings MT, de Groot PG. Pathogenic anti-beta2-glycoprotein I antibodies recognize domain I of beta2-glycoprotein I only after a conformational change. Blood 2006;107:1916–24.

(60) E Matsuura, Y Igarashi, T Yasuda, DA Triplett and T Koike. 1994. Anticardiolipin antibodies recognize beta 2-glycoprotein I structure altered by interacting with an oxygen modified solid phase surface. J Exp Med; 179: 457-462

(61) RA Roubey, RA Eisenberg, MF Harper and JB Winfield. 1995. Anticardiolipin autoantibodies recognize beta 2-glycoprotein I in the absence of phospholipid. Importance of Ag density and bivalent binding. J Immunol; 154: 954-960

(62) AR Cabral, MC Amigo, J Cabiedes and D Alarcon-Segovia. 1996. The antiphospholipid/cofactor syndrome: a primary variant with antibodies to b2 glycoprotein I but no antibodies detectable in standard antiphospholipid assay. Am J Med; 101: 472-481 EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(63) M Galli and T Barbui. 1999. Antiprothrombin antibodies: detection and clinical significance in the antiphospholipid syndrome. Blood; 93: 2149-2157 (64) M Petri, J Miller, D Goldman and R Ebert. 1994. Anti-plasma protein antibodies are predictive of thrombotic events. Arthritis Rheum; 37: S281 (abstract)

(65) M Puurunen, O Vaarala, H Julkunen, K Aho and T Palosuo. 1996. Antibodies to phospholipid-binding plasma proteins and occurrence of thrombosis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Clin Immunol Immunopathol; 80: 16-22

(66) ML Bertolaccini, T Atsumi, MA Khamashta, O Amengual and GR Hughes. 1998. Autoantibodies to human prothrombin and clinical manifestations in 207 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. J Rheumatol; 25: 1104-1108

(67) V Pengo, A Biasolo, T Brocco, S Tonetto and A Ruffatti. 1996. Autoantibodies to phospholipid-binding plasma proteins in patients with thrombosis and phospholipid reactive antibodies. Thromb Haemost; 75: 721-724

(68) M Galli, G Beretta, M Daldossi, EM Bevers and T Barbui. 1997. Different anticoagulant and immunological properties of anti-prothrombin antibodies in patients with antiphospholipid antibodies. Thromb Haemost; 77: 486-491

(69) DA Horbach, E van Oort, RC Donders, RH Derksen and PG de Groot. 1996. Lupus anticoagulant is the strongest risk factor for both venous and arterial thrombosis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Comparison between different assays for the detection of antiphospholipid antibodies. Thromb Haemost; 76: 916-924

(70) FJ Munoz-Rodriguez, JC Reverter, J Font, D Tassies, R Cervera, G Espinosa, F Carmona, J Balasch, A Ordinas and M Ingelmo. 2000. Prevalence and clinical significance of antiprothrombin antibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus or with primary antiphospholipid syndrome. Haematologica; 85: 632- 637 (71) A Funke, ML Bertolaccini, T Atsumi, O Amengual, MA Khamashta and GRV Hughes. 1998. Autoantibodies to prothrombin-phosphatidylserine complex: clinical significance in systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum; 41: S240 (abstract)

(72) T Atsumi, M Ieko, ML Bertolaccini, K Ichikawa, A Tsutsumi, E Matsuura and T Koike. 2000. Association of autoantibodies against the phosphatidylserine-prothrombin complex with manifestations of the antiphospholipid syndrome and with the presence of lupus anticoagulant. Arthritis Rheum; 43: 1982-1993 (73) DA Horbach, E van Oort, RH Derksen and PG de Groot. 1998. The contribution of anti-prothrombin-antibodies to lupus anticoagulant activity--discrimination between functional and non-functional anti-prothrombin-antibodies. Thromb Haemost; 79: 790- 795

(74) J Nojima, H Kuratsune, E Suehisa, Y Futsukaichi, H Yamanishi, T Machii, T Kitani, Y Iwatani and Y Kanakura. 2001. Anti-prothrombin antibodies combined with lupus anti- coagulant activity is an essential risk factor for venous thromboembolism in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Br J Haematol; 114: 647-654

(75) HAM Andree, WT Hermens, HC Hemker and GM Willems. Displacement of factor Va by annexin V. In: HAM Andree, ed. Phospholipid binding and anticoagulant action of annexin V. Maastricht, The Netherlands: Universitaire Pers Maastricht, 1992: 73-85

(76) J Kaburaki, M Kuwana, M Yamamoto, S Kawai and Y Ikeda. 1997. Clinical significance of anti-annexin antibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Am J Haematol; 54: 209-213 EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(77) JH Rand, XX Wu, HAM Andree, CJ Lockwood, S Guller, J Scher and PC Harpel. 1997. Pregnancy loss in the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome - A possible thrombogenic mechanism. N Engl J Med; 337: 154-160

(78) WL van Heerde, CP Reutelingsperger, C Maassen, P Lux, RH Derksen and PG De Groot. 2003. The presence of antiphospholipid antibodies is not related to increased levels of annexin A5 in plasma. J Thromb Haemost; 1: 532-6

(79) JH Rand, XX Wu, AS Quinn, PP Chen, KR McCrae, EG Bovill and DJ Taatjes. 2003. Human monoclonal antiphospholipid antibodies disrupt the annexin A5 anticoagulant crystal shield on phospholipid bilayers: evidence from atomic force microscopy and functional assay. Am J Pathol; 163: 1193-200

(80) V De Stefano, G Leone, S Mastrangelo, A Tripodi, F Rodeghiero, G Castaman, T Barbui, G Finazzi, B Bizzi and PM Mannucci. 1994. Clinical manifestations and management of inherited thrombofilia: retrospective analysis and follow up after diagnosis of 238 patients with congenital deficiency of Antithrombin III, Protein C, Protein S. Thromb Haemost; 72: 352-358 (81) JE Gardiner, MA McGann, CW Berridge, CA Fulcher, TS Zimerman and JH Griffin. 1984. Protein S as a cofactor for activated protein C in plasma and in inactivation of purified factor VIII. Circulation; 70: 205

(82) JD Oosting, RH Derksen, IW Bobbink, TM Hackeng, BN Bouma and PG de Groot. 1993. Antiphospholipid antibodies directed against a combination of phospholipids with prothrombin, protein C, or protein S: an explanation for their pathogenic mechanism? Blood; 81: 2618-2625 (83) T Atsumi, MA Khamashta, O Amengual, S Donohoe, I Mackie, K Ichikawa, T Koike and GRV Hughes. 1998. Binding of anticardiolipin antibodies to protein C via beta2- glycoprotein I (beta2-GPI): a possible mechanism in the inhibitory effect of antiphospholipid antibodies on the protein C system. Clin Exp Immunol; 112: 325-333

(84) D Erkan, HW Zhang, RC Shriky and JT Merrill. 2002. Dual antibody reactivity to b2- glycoprotein I and Protein S: increased association with thrombotic events in the antiphospholipid syndrome. Lupus; 11: 215-220 (85) ML Bertolaccini, G Sanna, S Ralhan, LC Gennari, JT Merrill, MA Khamashta and GRV Hughes. 2003. Antibodies directed to protein S in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: prevalence and clinical significance. Thromb Haemost; 90: 636-641 (86) CW Carson, PC Comp, NL Esmon, AR Rezaie and CT Esmon. 1994. Thrombomodulin antibodies inhibit protein C activation and are found in patients with lupus anticoagulant and unexplained thrombosis. Arthritis Rheum; 37: S296 (abstract) (87) ZM Sthoeger, D Sthoeger, SD Mellnick, D Steen and A Berrebi. 1991. Transient anticardiolipin antibodies, functional protein S deficiency, and deep vein thrombosis. Am J Hematol; 36: 206-207

(88) GJ Ruiz-Arguelles, A Ruiz-Arguelles, D Alarcon-Segovia, C Drenkard, A Villa, J Cabiedes, M Presno-Bernal, M Deleze, R Ortiz-Lopez and J Vazquez-Prado. 1991. Natural anticoagulants in systemic lupus erythematosus. Deficiency of protein S bound to C4bp associates with recent history of venous thromboses, antiphospholipid antibodies, and the antiphospholipid syndrome. J Rheumatol; 18: 552-558

(89) FJ Walker. 1981. Regulation of activated protein C by protein S. The role of phospholipid in factor Va inactivation. J Biol Chem; 256: 11128-11131

(90) CM Proby, A Chitolie, DH Bevan and PS Mortimer. 1990. Cutaneous necrosis associated with protein S deficiency. J R Soc Med; 83: 646-647 EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(91) AL Parke, RE Weinstein, RD Bona, DB Maier and FJ Walker. 1992. The thrombotic diathesis associated with the presence of phospholipid antibodies may be due to low levels of free protein S. Am J Med; 93: 49-56

(92) KS Song, YS Park and HK Kim. 2000. Prevalence of anti-protein S antibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum; 43: 557-560 (93) S Ralhan, ML Bertolaccini, MA Khamashta, JT Merrill and GRV Hughes. 2001. Prevalence and clinical significance of antibodies directed to protein S in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum; 44: S273 (abstract) (94) S Shibata, PC Harpel, T Sasaki and H Fillit. 1994. Autoantibodies to vascular heparan sulfate proteoglycan in systemic lupus erythematosus react with endothelial cells and inhibit the formation of thrombin-antithrombin III complexes. Clin Immunol Immunopathol; 70: 114-123 (95) S Shibata, PC Harpel, A Gharavi, J Rand and H Fillit. 1994. Autoantibodies to heparin from patients with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome inhibit formation of antithrombin III complexes. Blood; 83: 2532-2540 (96) T Sugi and JA McIntyre. 1995. Autoantibodies to phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) recognize a kininogen-PE complex. Blood; 86: 3083-3089

(97) T Sugi and JA McIntyre. 2001. Certain autoantibodies to phosphatidylethanolamine (aPE) recognize Factor XI and Prekallikrein independently or in addition to the kininogens. J Autoimmun; 17: 207-214

(98) KK Hwang, JM Grossman, S Visvanathan, RU Chukwuocham, VLJ Woodsm, DT Le, BH Hahn and PP Chen. 2001. Identification of anti-thrombin antibodies in the antiphospholipid syndrome that interfere with the inactivation of thrombin by antithrombin. J Immunol; 167: 7192-7198

(99) DW Jones, MJ Gallimore, SL Harris and M Winter. 1999. Antibodies to factor XII associated with lupus anticoagulant. Thromb Haemost; 81: 387-390

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(106) AE Gharavi, LR Sammaritano, J Wen and KB Elkon. 1992. Induction of antiphospholipid autoantibodies by immunization with beta 2 glycoprotein I (apolipoprotein H). J Clin Invest; 90: 1105-1109

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EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases


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(18) Artlett CM, Smith JB, Jimenez SA. Identification of fetal DNA and cells in skin lesions from women with systemic sclerosis. N Engl J Med 1998;338:1186–91. EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

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EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases


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(13) Terada K., Katamine S., Eguchi K., et al. 1994. Prevalence of serum and salivary antibodies to HTLV-1 in Sjögren's syndrome. Lancet 344 : 1116-1119. EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

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(18) Triantafyllopoulou A, Tapinos N, Moutsopoulos HM. 2004. Evidence for coxsackievirus infection in primary Sjogren’s syndrome. Arthritis Rheum ;50:2897- 902

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(28) Gottenberg JE, Lavie F, Abbed K, et al. 2005. CD4 CD25high regulatory T cells are not impaired in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome. J Autoimmun 24;235-42 EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(29) Myara M, Amoura Z, Parizot C, et al. 2006. The immune paradox of sarcoidosis and regulatory T cells. J Exp Med 203 ;477.

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(55) Tapinos N.I., Polihronis M., Moutsopoulos H.M. 1999. Lymphoma development in Sjögren’s syndrome. Novel p53 mutations. Arthritis Rheum 42 : 1466-1472.

EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(56) Martin T., Weber J.C., Levallois H. 2000. Salivary gland lymphomas in patients with Sjögren’s syndrome may frequently develop from rheumatoid factor B cells. Arthritis Rheum 43 : 908-916.

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(68bis) van Woerkom JM, Kruize AA, Geenen R, et al. Safety and efficacy of leflunomide in primary Sjögren's syndrome: a phase II pilot study. Ann Rheum Dis. 2007;66:1026- 32.

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(76ter) Terrier B, Lacroix C, Guillevin L, et al. Diagnostic and prognostic relevance of neuromuscular biopsy in primary Sjögren's syndrome-related neuropathy. Arthritis Rheum 29;57:1520-9. EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(77) Smedby KE, Hjalgrim H, Askling J et al. 2006. Autoimmune and chronic inflammatory disorders and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma by subtype. J Natl cancer Inst; 98:51-60.

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(87) Askling J, Fored CM, Baecklund E, et al. 2005. Haematopoietic malignancies in rheumatoid arthritis: lymphoma risk and characteristics after exposure to tumour necrosis factor antagonists. Ann Rheum Dis 64: 1414-20

EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases


Part I (1) Kussmaul A MK. Uber eine nicht bisher beschriebene eigenthumliche Arterienerkrankung (Periarteritis nodosa), die mit Morbus Brightii und rapid fortschreitender allgemeiner Muskelahmung einhergeht. Deutsche Archiv Klinische Medizin. 1866;1:484-518. (2) Matteson EL. A history of early investigation in polyarteritis nodosa. Arthritis Care Res. 1999 Aug;12(4):294-302. (3) Zeek PM. Periarteritis nodosa; a critical review. American journal of clinical pathology. 1952 Aug;22(8):777-90. (4) Davson J BJ, Platt R. The kidney in periarteritis nodosa. Quarterly Journal of Medicine. 1948;17:175-202. (5) Fries JF, Hunder GG, Bloch DA, Michel BA, Arend WP, Calabrese LH, et al. The American College of Rheumatology 1990 criteria for the classification of vasculitis. Summary. Arthritis and rheumatism. 1990 Aug;33(8):1135-6. (6) Rao JK, Allen NB, Pincus T. Limitations of the 1990 American College of Rheumatology classification criteria in the diagnosis of vasculitis. Annals of internal medicine. 1998 Sep 1;129(5):345-52. (7) Jennette JC, Falk RJ, Andrassy K, Bacon PA, Churg J, Gross WL, et al. Nomenclature of systemic vasculitides. Proposal of an international consensus conference. Arthritis and rheumatism. 1994 Feb;37(2):187-92. (8) Hagen EC, Daha MR, Hermans J, Andrassy K, Csernok E, Gaskin G, et al. Diagnostic value of standardized assays for anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies in idiopathic systemic vasculitis. EC/BCR Project for ANCA Assay Standardization. Kidney international. 1998 Mar;53(3):743-53. (9) Sorensen SF, Slot O, Tvede N, Petersen J. A prospective study of vasculitis patients collected in a five year period: evaluation of the Chapel Hill nomenclature. Ann Rheum Dis. 2000 Jun;59(6):478-82. (10) Lane SE, Watts RA, Barker TH, Scott DG. Evaluation of the Sorensen diagnostic criteria in the classification of systemic vasculitis. Rheumatology (Oxford, England). 2002 Oct;41(10):1138-41. (11) Lane SE, Watts RA, Shepstone L, Scott DG. Primary systemic vasculitis: clinical features and mortality. Qjm. 2005 Feb;98(2):97-111. (12) Lanham JG, Elkon KB, Pusey CD, Hughes GR. Systemic vasculitis with asthma and eosinophilia: a clinical approach to the Churg-Strauss syndrome. Medicine. 1984 Mar;63(2):65-81. (13) Watts R, Lane S, Hanslik T, Hauser T, Hellmich B, Koldingsnes W, et al. Development and validation of a consensus methodology for the classification of the ANCA-associated vasculitides and polyarteritis nodosa for epidemiological studies. Ann Rheum Dis. 2007 ;66:222-7. (14) Scott DG, Watts RA. Classification and epidemiology of systemic vasculitis. British journal of rheumatology. 1994 Oct;33(10):897-9. (15) Hunder GG, Bloch DA, Michel BA, Stevens MB, Arend WP, Calabrese LH, et al. The American College of Rheumatology 1990 criteria for the classification of giant cell arteritis. Arthritis and rheumatism. 1990 Aug;33(8):1122-8. (16) Arend WP, Michel BA, Bloch DA, Hunder GG, Calabrese LH, Edworthy SM, et al. The American College of Rheumatology 1990 criteria for the classification of Takayasu arteritis. Arthritis and rheumatism. 1990 Aug;33(8):1129-34. EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(17) Mills JA, Michel BA, Bloch DA, Calabrese LH, Hunder GG, Arend WP, et al. The American College of Rheumatology 1990 criteria for the classification of Henoch- Schonlein purpura. Arthritis and rheumatism. 1990 Aug;33(8):1114-21. (18) Calabrese LH, Michel BA, Bloch DA, Arend WP, Edworthy SM, Fauci AS, et al. The American College of Rheumatology 1990 criteria for the classification of hypersensitivity vasculitis. Arthritis and rheumatism. 1990 Aug;33(8):1108-13. (19) Lightfoot RW, Jr., Michel BA, Bloch DA, Hunder GG, Zvaifler NJ, McShane DJ, et al. The American College of Rheumatology 1990 criteria for the classification of polyarteritis nodosa. Arthritis and rheumatism. 1990 Aug;33(8):1088-93. (20) Masi AT, Hunder GG, Lie JT, Michel BA, Bloch DA, Arend WP, et al. The American College of Rheumatology 1990 criteria for the classification of Churg-Strauss syndrome (allergic granulomatosis and angiitis). Arthritis and rheumatism. 1990 Aug;33(8):1094-100. (21) Leavitt RY, Fauci AS, Bloch DA, Michel BA, Hunder GG, Arend WP, et al. The American College of Rheumatology 1990 criteria for the classification of Wegener's granulomatosis. Arthritis and rheumatism. 1990 Aug;33(8):1101-7.

Part II (1) Somer T, Finegold SM. Vasculitides associated with infections, immunization, and antimicrobial drugs. Clin Infect Dis. 1995 Apr;20(4):1010-36. (2) Trepo C, Thivolet J. Hepatitis associated antigen and periarteritis nodosa (PAN). Vox sanguinis. 1970 Sep-Oct;19(3):410-1. (3) McMahon BJ, Heyward WL, Templin DW, Clement D, Lanier AP. Hepatitis B- associated polyarteritis nodosa in Alaskan Eskimos: clinical and epidemiologic features and long-term follow-up. Hepatology (Baltimore, Md. 1989 Jan;9(1):97-101. (4) [Guillevin L, Mahr A, Callard P, Godmer P, Pagnoux C, Leray E, et al. Hepatitis B virus-associated polyarteritis nodosa: clinical characteristics, outcome, and impact of treatment in 115 patients. Medicine. 2005 Sep;84(5):313-22. (5) Pagnoux C, Cohen P, Guillevin L. Vasculitides secondary to infections. Clinical and experimental rheumatology. 2006 Mar-Apr;24(2 Suppl 41):S71-81. (6) Agnello V, Chung RT, Kaplan LM. A role for hepatitis C virus infection in type II cryoglobulinemia. The New England journal of medicine. 1992 Nov 19;327(21):1490- 5. (7) Lamprecht P, Gause A, Gross WL. Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis. Arthritis and rheumatism. 1999 Dec;42(12):2507-16. (8) Cacoub P, Maisonobe T, Thibault V, Gatel A, Servan J, Musset L, et al. Systemic vasculitis in patients with hepatitis C. The Journal of rheumatology. 2001 Jan;28(1):109-18. (9) Lamprecht P, Lerin-Lozano C, Merz H, Dennin RH, Gause A, Voswinkel J, et al. Rituximab induces remission in refractory HCV associated cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2003 Dec;62(12):1230-3. (10) Chetty R. Vasculitides associated with HIV infection. Journal of clinical pathology. 2001 Apr;54(4):275-8. (11) Gisselbrecht M, Cohen P, Lortholary O, Jarrousse B, Gayraud M, Lecompte I, et al. Human immunodeficiency virus-related vasculitis. Clinical presentation of and therapeutic approach to eight cases. Annales de medecine interne. 1998 Nov;149(7):398-405. EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(12) Reveille JD, Williams FM. Rheumatologic complications of HIV infection. Best practice & research. 2006 Dec;20(6):1159-79. (13) Soravia-Dunand VA, Loo VG, Salit IE. Aortitis due to Salmonella: report of 10 cases and comprehensive review of the literature. Clin Infect Dis. 1999 Oct;29(4):862-8. (14) Hutson TE, Hoffman GS. Temporal concurrence of vasculitis and cancer: a report of 12 cases. Arthritis Care Res. 2000 Dec;13(6):417-23. (15) Tatsis E, Reinhold-Keller E, Steindorf K, Feller AC, Gross WL. Wegener's granulomatosis associated with renal cell carcinoma. Arthritis and rheumatism. 1999 Apr;42(4):751-6. (16) Knight A, Askling J, Ekbom A. Cancer incidence in a population-based cohort of patients with Wegener's granulomatosis. International journal of cancer. 2002 Jul 1;100(1):82-5. (17) Pankhurst T, Savage CO, Gordon C, Harper L. Malignancy is increased in ANCA- associated vasculitis. Rheumatology (Oxford, England). 2004 Dec;43(12):1532-5. (18) Stone JH, Holbrook JT, Marriott MA, Tibbs AK, Sejismundo LP, Min YI, et al. Solid malignancies among patients in the Wegener's Granulomatosis Etanercept Trial. Arthritis and rheumatism. 2006 May;54(5):1608-18. (18a) Faurschou M, Sorensen IJ, Mellemkjae L, Loft AGR, Thomsen BS, Tvede N, Baslund B. Malignancies in Wegener's granulomatosis: incidence and relation to cyclophosphamide therpay in a cohort of 293 patients. J Rheumatol 2008 Jan :35(1):100-5. (19) Pertuiset E, Liote F, Launay-Russ E, Kemiche F, Cerf-Payrastre I, Chesneau AM. Adult Henoch-Schonlein purpura associated with malignancy. Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism. 2000 Jun;29(6):360-7. (20) Blanco R, Martinez-Taboada VM, Rodriguez-Valverde V, Garcia-Fuentes M. Cutaneous vasculitis in children and adults. Associated diseases and etiologic factors n 303 patients. Medicine. 1998 Nov;77(6):403-18. (21) Hamidou MA, Derenne S, Audrain MA, Berthelot JM, Boumalassa A, Grolleau JY. Prevalence of rheumatic manifestations and antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies in haematological malignancies. A prospective study. Rheumatology (Oxford, England). 2000 Apr;39(4):417-20. (22) Hasler P, Kistler H, Gerber H. Vasculitides in hairy cell leukemia. Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism. 1995 Oct;25(2):134-42. (23) Bayer-Garner IB, Smoller BR. Leukocytoclastic (small vessel) vasculitis in multiple myeloma. Clinical and experimental dermatology. 2003 Sep;28(5):521-4. (24) Talar-Williams C, Hijazi YM, Walther MM, Linehan WM, Hallahan CW, Lubensky I, et al. Cyclophosphamide-induced cystitis and bladder cancer in patients with Wegener granulomatosis. Annals of internal medicine. 1996 Mar 1;124(5):477-84. (25) Knight A, Askling J, Granath F, Sparen P, Ekbom A. Urinary bladder cancer in Wegener's granulomatosis: risks and relation to cyclophosphamide. Ann Rheum Dis. 2004 Oct;63(10):1307-11. (26) Westman KW, Bygren PG, Olsson H, Ranstam J, Wieslander J. Relapse rate, renal survival, and cancer morbidity in patients with Wegener's granulomatosis or microscopic polyangiitis with renal involvement. J Am Soc Nephrol. 1998 May;9(5):842-52. (27) Choi HK, Merkel PA, Walker AM, Niles JL. Drug-associated antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-positive vasculitis: prevalence among patients with high titers of antimyeloperoxidase antibodies. Arthritis and rheumatism. 2000 Feb;43(2):405-13. EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(28) Wechsler ME, Finn D, Gunawardena D, Westlake R, Barker A, Haranath SP, et al. Churg-Strauss syndrome in patients receiving montelukast as treatment for asthma. Chest. 2000 Mar;117(3):708-13. (29) Loughlin JE, Cole JA, Rothman KJ, Johnson ES. Prevalence of serious eosinophilia and incidence of Churg-Strauss syndrome in a cohort of asthma patients. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2002 Mar;88(3):319-25. (30) Le Hello C, Cohen P, Bousser MG, Letellier P, Guillevin L. Suspected hepatitis B vaccination related vasculitis. The Journal of rheumatology. 1999 Jan;26(1):191-4. (31) Begier EM, Langford CA, Sneller MC, Wise RP, Ball R. Polyarteritis nodosa reports to the vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS): implications for assessment of suspected vaccine-provoked vasculitis. The Journal of rheumatology. 2004 Nov;31(11):2181-8. (32) Guillevin L, Cohen P, Gayraud M, Lhote F, Jarrousse B, Casassus P. Churg-Strauss syndrome. Clinical study and long-term follow-up of 96 patients. Medicine. 1999 Jan;78(1):26-37. (33) Schattner A. Consequence or coincidence? The occurrence, pathogenesis and significance of autoimmune manifestations after viral vaccines. Vaccine. 2005 Jun 10;23(30):3876-86. (34) Townend JN, Emery P, Davies MK, Littler WA. Acute aortitis and aortic incompetence due to systemic rheumatological disorders. International journal of cardiology. 1991 Nov;33(2):253-8. (35) Scolari F, Tardanico R, Zani R, Pola A, Viola BF, Movilli E, et al. Cholesterol crystal embolism: A recognizable cause of renal disease. Am J Kidney Dis. 2000 Dec;36(6):1089-109. (36) Meyrier A. Cholesterol crystal embolism: diagnosis and treatment. Kidney international. 2006 Apr;69(8):1308-12. (37) Mathur RV, Shortland JR, el-Nahas AM. Calciphylaxis. Postgraduate medical journal. 2001 Sep;77(911):557-61. (38) Traill T. Tumours of the heart. Oxford Textbook of medicine 3rd Ed Eds Warrel DA, Cox T , Firth J Oxford University Press 2003:1071-4. (39) Littler W ES. Infective endocarditis. Oxford Textbook of medicine 3rd Ed Eds Warrel DA, Cox T , Firth J Oxford University Press. 2003:1056-65. (40) Slovut DP, Olin JW. Fibromuscular dysplasia. The New England journal of medicine. 2004 Apr 29;350(18):1862-71. (41) Christopoulos S, Szilagyi A, Kahn SR. Saint-Anthony's fire. Lancet. 2001 Nov 17;358(9294):1694. (42) Burrow JN, Blumbergs PC, Iyer PV, Hallpike JF. Kohlmeier-Degos disease: a multisystem vasculopathy with progressive cerebral infarction. Australian and New Zealand journal of medicine. 1991 Feb;21(1):49-51. (43) Amdo TD, Welker JA. An approach to the diagnosis and treatment of cryofibrinogenemia. The American journal of medicine. 2004 Mar 1;116(5):332-7. (44) Cohen PR. Sweet's syndrome - a comprehensive review of an acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2007 Jul 26; : 34.

EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases


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Part I

(1) Bryder D, Ramsfjell V, Dybedal I, et al. Self-renewal of multipotent long-term repopulating hematopoietic stem cells is negatively regulated by Fas and tumor necrosis factor receptor activation. J Exp Med 2001; 194:941-52. (2) Maciejewski J, Selleri C, Anderson S, Young NS. Fas antigen expression on CD34+ human marrow cells is induced by interferon gamma and tumor necrosis factor alpha and potentiates cytokine-mediated hematopoietic suppression in vitro. Blood 1995; 85:3183-90. (3) Selleri C, Sato T, Anderson S, Young NS, Maciejewski JP. Interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha suppress both early and late stages of hematopoiesis and induce programmed cell death. J Cell Physiol 1995; 165:538-46. (4) Beyne-Rauzy O, Prade-Houdellier N, Demur C, et al. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibits hTERT gene expression in human myeloid normal and leukemic cells. Blood. 2005; 106:3200-5. Epub 2005 Jul 14. (5) De Maria R, Testa U, Luchetti L, at al. Apoptotic role of Fas/Fas ligand system in the regulation of erythropoiesis. Nature. 1999; 93:796-803. (6) Prade-Houdellier N, Frebet E, Demur C, et al. Human telomerase is regulated by erythropoietin and transforming growth factor-beta in human erythroid progenitor cells. Leukemia. 2007; 21:2304-10. Epub 2007 Aug 23. (7) Johnson CS, Cook CA, Furmanski P. In vivo suppression of erythropoiesis by tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha): reversal with exogenous erythropoietin (EPO). Exp Hematol 1990; 18:109-13. (8) Voulgari PV, Kolios G, Papadopoulos GK, Katsaraki A, Seferiadis K, Drosos AA. Role of cytokines in the pathogenesis of anemia of chronic disease in rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Immunol. 1999; 92:153-60. (9) Jelkmann W. Proinflammatory cytokines lowering erythropoietin production. J Interferon Cytokine Res. 1998; 18:555-9. (10) Boyd HK, Lappin TR, Bell AL. Evidence for impaired erythropoietin response to anaemia in rheumatoid disease. Br J Rheumatol. 1991; 30:255-9. (11) Minoo P, Zadeh MM, Rottapel R, Lebrun JJ, Ali S. A novel SHP-1/Grb2-dependent mechanism of negative regulation of cytokine-receptor signaling: contribution of SHP- 1 C-terminal tyrosines in cytokine signaling. Blood. 2004; 103:1398-407. Epub 2003 Oct 9. (12) Roy CN, Mak HH, Akpan I, Losyev G, Zurakowski D, Andrews NC. Hepcidin antimicrobial peptide transgenic mice exhibit features of the anemia of inflammation. Blood. 2007; 109:4038-44. Epub 2007 Jan 11. (13) Nicolas G, Chauvet C, Viatte L, et al. The gene encoding the iron regulatory peptide hepcidin is regulated by anemia, hypoxia, and inflammation. J Clin Invest. 2002; 110:1037-44. (14) Nemeth E, Tuttle MS, Powelson J, et al. Hepcidin regulates cellular iron efflux by binding to ferroportin and inducing its internalization. Science. 2004; 306:2090-3. Epub 2004 Oct 28. (15) Andrews NC. Anemia of inflammation: the cytokine-hepcidin link. J Clin Invest. 2004; 113:1251-3. EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

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EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

Part II

(1) Cheng AS Cardiac changes in systemic amyloidosis: visualisation by magnetic resonance imaging. Int J Cardiol. 2006;113:E21-3

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(7) Lachmann HJ, Goodman HJ, Gilbertson JA, Gallimore JR, Sabin CA, Gillmore JD, Hawkins PN. Natural history and outcome in systemic AA amyloidosis. N Engl J Med 2007; 356: 2361

(8) Stankovic K, Ravet N, Grateau G. Actualités physiopathologiques et thérapeutiques de l’amylose secondaire. Rev Rhum 2007 ;74 :790-3

(9) Sunde M, Serpell LC, Bartlam M, Fraser PE, Pepys MB, Blake CCF. Common core structure of amyloid fibrils by synchrotron X-ray diffraction. J Mol Biol 1997;273:729- 739

(10) Tanaka F, Migita K, Honda S, Fukuda T, Mine M, Nakamura T et al. Clinical outcome and survival of secondary (AA) amyloidosis. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2003;21:343-6

EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

Part III

(1) Van Doornum S, McGoll G, Wicks IP. Accelerated atherosclerosis: an extraarticular feature of rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 2002;46:862-73.

(2) Boers M, Dijkmans B, Gabriel S, Maradit-Kremers H, O'Dell J, Pincus T. Making an impact on mortality in rheumatoid arthritis: targeting cardiovascular comorbidity. Arthritis Rheum. 2004;50:1734-39.

(3) Ward MM. Recent improvements in survival in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: better outcomes or different study designs? Arthritis Rheum.2001;44:1467-9

(4) Krishnan E, Lingala VB, Singh G. Declines in mortality from acute myocardial infarction in successive incidence and birth cohorts of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.Circulation. 2004;110:1774-9.

(5) Gonzalez A, Maradit Kremers H, Crowson CS, Nicola PJ, Davis JM 3rd, Therneau TM, Roger VL, Gabriel SE. The widening mortality gap between rheumatoid arthritis patients and the general population. Arthritis Rheum 2007;56:3583-7.

(6) Gonzalez-Gay MA, Gonzalez-Juanatey C, Lopez-Diaz MJ, Piñeiro A, Garcia-Porrua C, Miranda-Filloy JA, Ollier WE, Martin J, Llorca J. HLA-DRB1 and persistent chronic inflammation contribute to cardiovascular events and cardiovascular mortality in patientswith rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 2007;57:125-32.

(7) Mattey DL, Thomson W, Ollier WE, Batley M, Davies PG, Gough AK, Devlin J, Prouse P, James DW, Williams PL, Dixey J, Winfield J, Cox NL, Koduri G, Young A. Association of DRB1 shared epitope genotypes with early mortality in rheumatoid arthritis: results of eighteen years of followup from the early rheumatoid arthritis study.Arthritis Rheum 2007;56:1408-16

(8) Farragher TM, Goodson NJ, Naseem H, Silman AJ, Thomson W, Symmons D, Barton A. Association of the HLA-DRB1 gene with premature death, particularly from cardiovascular disease, in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory polyarthritis. Arthritis Rheum 2008;58:359-69.

(9) van Halm VP, Peters MJL, Voskuyl AE, Boers M, Lems WF, Visser M, Stehouwer CDA, Spijkerman AMW, Dekker JM, Nijpels G, Heine RJ, Bouter LM, Smulders YS, Dijkmans BAC, Nurmohamed MT. Rheumatoid arthritis resembles type 2 diabetes as risk factor for cardiovascular disease: a cross-sectional study. Submitted

(10) Naranjo A, Sokka T, Descalzo MA, Calvo-Alén J, Hørslev-Petersen K, Luukkainen RK, Combe B, Burmester GR, Devlin J, Ferraccioli G, Morelli A, Hoekstra M, Majdan M, Sadkiewicz S, Belmonte M, Holmqvist AC, Choy E, Tunc R, Dimic A, Bergman M, Toloza S, Pincus T; the QUEST-RA Group. Cardiovascular disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: results from the QUEST-RA study. Arthritis Res Ther 2008;10:R30

(11) Warrington KJ, Kent PD, Frye RL et al. Rheumatoid arthritis is an independent risk factor for multi-vessel coronary artery disease: a case control study. Arthritis Res Ther 2005;7: R984–R991.

(12) Van Doornum S, Brand C, King B, Sundararajan V. Increased case fatality rates following a first acute cardiovascular event in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2006 Jul;54(7):2061-8 EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(13) Södergren A, Stegmayr B, Lundberg V, Ohman ML, Wållberg-Jonsson S.Increased incidence of and impaired prognosis after acute myocardial infarction among patients with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2007;66:263-6.

(14) Maradit-Kremers H, Crowson CS, Nicola PJ, Ballman KV, Roger VL, Jacobsen SJ, Gabriel SE. Increased unrecognized coronary heart disease and sudden deaths in rheumatoid arthritis: a population-based cohort study. Arthritis Rheum. 2005;52(2):402-11

(15) Del Rincón ID, Williams K, Stern MP, Freeman GL, Escalante A. High incidence of cardiovascular events in a rheumatoid arthritis cohort not explained by traditional cardiac risk factors.Arthritis Rheum 2001; 44: 2737-45

(16) Peters MJL, van Halm VP, Voskuyl AE, Boers M, Lems WF, Visser M, Stehouwer CDA, Dekker JM, Nijpels G, Heine RJ, Bouter LM, Smulders YS, Dijkmans BAC, Nurmohamed MT. Prospective study revealing rheumatoid arthritis as an important independent risk factor for incident cardiovascular disease that equals diabetes. Submitted

(17) Gabriel SE, Crowson CS, O'Fallon WM. Comorbidity in arthritis. J Rheumatol 1999;26:2475- 9

(18) Wolfe F, Michaud K. Heart failure in rheumatoid arthritis: rates, predictors, and the effect of anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy. Am J Med. 2004;116:305-11.

(19) Nicola PJ, Maradit-Kremers H, Roger VL, Jacobsen SJ, Crowson CS, Ballman KV, Gabriel SE. The risk of congestive heart failure in rheumatoid arthritis: a population- based study over 46 years. Arthritis Rheum. 2005;52:412-20.

(20) Crowson CS, Nicola PJ, Kremers HM, O'Fallon WM, Therneau TM, Jacobsen SJ, Roger VL, Ballman KV, Gabriel SE. How much of the increased incidence of heart failure in rheumatoid arthritis is attributable to traditional cardiovascular risk factors and ischemic heart disease? Arthritis Rheum 2005;52:3039-44.

(21) Wolfe F, Freundlich B, Straus WL. Increase in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease prevalence in rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol 2003;30: 36–40.

(22) Turesson C, Jarenros A, Jacobsson L. Increased incidence of cardiovascular disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: results from a community based study. Ann Rheum Dis 2004;63: 952–955.

(23) Solomon DH, Karlson EW, Rimm EB et al. Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in women diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Circulation 2003;107: 1303–7.

(24) Solomon DH, Goodson NJ, Katz JN et al. Patterns of cardiovascular risk in rheumatoid arthritis.Ann Rheum Dis2006; 65: 1608–12.

(25) Watson DJ, Rhodes T, Guess HA. All-cause mortality and vascular events among patients with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or no arthritis in the UK General Practice Research Database. J Rheumatol 2003;30: 1196–1202.

(26) Han C, Robinson Jr. DW, Hackett MV et al. Cardiovascular disease and risk factors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis. J Rheumatol 2006;33:2167–72. EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(27) Liang KP, Liang KV, Matteson EL, McClelland RL, Christianson TJ, Turesson C. Incidence of noncardiac vascular disease in rheumatoid arthritis and relationship to extraarticular disease manifestations. Arthritis Rheum 2006;54:642-8.

(28) Turesson C, Jarenros A, Jacobsson L. Increased incidence of cardiovascular disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: results from a community based study. AnnRheum Dis 2004;63:952–5.

(29) Maradit-Kremers H, Nicola PJ, Crowson CS et al. Cardiovascular death in rheumatoid arthritis:a population-based study. Arthritis and Rheumatism 2005; 52(3): 722–732.

(30) del Rincón I, Haas RW, Pogosian S, Escalante A. Lower limb arterial incompressibility and obstruction in rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2005;64:425-32.

(31) O'Leary DH, Polak JF, Kronmal RA, Manolio TA, Burke GL, Wolfson SK Jr. Carotid- artery intima and media thickness as a risk factor for myocardial infarction and stroke in older adults. Cardiovascular Health Study Collaborative Research Group. N Engl J Med 1999340:14-22

(32) Kumeda Y, Inaba M, Goto H, Nagata M, Henmi Y, Furumitsu Y, Ishimura E, Inui K, Yutani Y, Miki T, Shoji T, Nishizawa Y. Increased thickness of the arterial intima- media detected by ultrasonography in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 2002;46:1489-97

(33) Del Rincon I, Williams K, Stern MP, Freeman GL, O’Leary DH, Escalente A. Association between carotid atherosclerosis and markers of inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis patients and healthy subjects. Arthritis Rheum 2003:48;1833-40

(34) Roman MJ, Moeller E, Davis A, Paget SA, Crow MK, Lockshin MD, Sammaritano L, Devereux RB, Schwartz JE, Levine DM, Salmon JE. Preclinical carotid atherosclerosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Intern Med 2006;144:249- 56.

(35) Del Rincón I, O'Leary DH, Freeman GL, Escalante A. Acceleration of atherosclerosis during the course of rheumatoid arthritis. Atherosclerosis 2007;195:354-60.

(36) Gonzalez-Juanatey C, Llorca J, Martin J, Gonzalez-Gay MA. Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Predicts the Development of Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2008 Mar 11; [Epub ahead of print]

(37) Greenland P, LaBree L, Azen SP Doherty TM, Detrano RC. Coronary artery calcium score combined with `Framingham score for risk prediction in asymptomatic individuals. JAMA 2004;291: 210-5

(38) Chung CP, Oeser A, Raggi P, Gebretsadik T, Shintani AK, Sokka T, Pincus T, Avalos I, Stein CM.Increased coronary-artery atherosclerosis in rheumatoid arthritis: relationship to disease duration and cardiovascular risk factors. Arthritis Rheum 2005;52:3045-53

(39) Kao AH, Krishnaswami S, Cunningham A, Edmundowicz D, Morel PA, Kuller LH, Wasko MC.Subclinical coronary artery calcification and relationship to disease duration in women with rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol 2008;35:61-9.

(40) White D, Fayez S, Doube A.Atherogenic lipid profiles in rheumatoid arthritis. N Z Med 2006;119: U2125. EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(41) Walsmith J, Abad L, Kehayias J, Roubenoff R.Tumor necrosis factor-α production is associated with less body cell mass in women with rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol 2004,31:23-9.

(42) Kotler DP. Cachexia. Ann Intern Med 2000; 133:622-34.

(43) Walldius G, Jungner I. The apoB/apoA-I ratio: a strong, new risk factor for cardiovascular disease and a target for lipid-lowering therapy--a review of the evidence. J Intern Med 2006; 259:493-519.

(44) Park YB, Lee SK, Lee WK, et al. Lipid profiles in untreated patients with rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol 1999;26:1701-4

(45) van Halm VP, Nielen MM, Nurmohamed MT, van Schaardenburg D, Reesink HW, Voskuyl AE, van de Stadt RJ, de Koning MH, Habibuw MR, van der Horst-Bruinsma IE, Dijkmans BA. Lipids and inflammation - Serial measurements of the lipid profile of blood donors who later developed rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2007;66:184- 8

(46) Menotti A, Kromhout D, Blackburn H, et al. Forty-year mortality from cardiovascular diseases and all causes of death in the US Railroad cohort of the Seven Countries Study. Eur J Epidemiol 2004; 19:417-24.

(47) Hurt-Camejo E, Paredes S, Masana L. Elevated levels of small, low-density lipoprotein with high affinity for arterial matrix components in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: possible contribution of phospholipase A2 to this atherogenic profile. Arthritis Rheum 2001;44:2761-7

(48) McMahon M, Grossman J, FitzGerald J, et al. Proinflammatory high-density lipoprotein as a biomarker for atherosclerosis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 2006;54:2541-9.

(49) Gonzalez A, Maradit Kremers H, Crowson CS, Ballman KV, Roger VL, Jacobsen SJ, O'Fallon WM, Gabriel SE. Do cardiovascular risk factors confer the same risk for cardiovascular outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis patients as in non-rheumatoid arthritis patients? Ann Rheum Dis. 2008;67:64-9.

(50) Gonzalez-Gay MA, Gonzalez-Juanatey C, Martin J. Rheumatoid arthritis: a disease associated with accelerated atherogenesis. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2005;35:8-17.

(51) Karvounaris SA, Sidiropoulos PI, Papadakis JA, Spanakis EK, Bertsias GK, Kritikos HD, Ganotakis ES, Boumpas DT. Metabolic syndrome is common among middle-to- older aged Mediterranean patients with rheumatoid arthritis and correlates with disease activity: a retrospective, cross-sectional, controlled, study. Ann Rheum Dis. 2007;66:28-33.

(52) Dessein PH, Tobias M, Veller MG.Metabolic syndrome and subclinical atherosclerosis in rheumatoid arthritis.J Rheumatol. 2006;33:2425-32.

(53) Chung CP, Oeser A, Solus JF, Avalos I, Gebretsadik T, Shintani A, Raggi P, Sokka T, Pincus T, Stein CM. Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome is increased in rheumatoid arthritis and is associated with coronary atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis 2008;196:756- 63 EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(54) Van Ede AE, Laan RF, Blom HJ, Boers GH, Haagsma CJ, Thomas CM, et al. Homocysteine and folate status in methotrexate-treated patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology2002; 41:658-65

(55) Redelmeier DA, Tan SH, Booth GL. The treatment of unrelated disorders in patients with chronic medical diseases. N Engl J Med 1998; 338:1516-20.

(56) Kroot EJ, van Gestel AM, Swinkels HL, et al. Chronic comorbidity in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis: a descriptive study. J Rheumatol 2001;28:1511-7

(57) Panoulas VF, Douglas KM, Milionis HJ, Stavropoulos-Kalinglou A, Nightingale P, Kita MD, Tselios AL, Metsios GS, Elisaf MS, Kitas GD. Prevalence and associations of hypertension and its control in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2007;46:1477-82.

(58) Avouac J, Uzan G, Kahan A, Boileau C, Allanore Y. Endothelial progenitor cells and rheumatic disorders. Joint Bone Spine. 2008 Jan 29; [Epub ahead of print]

(59) Chan AT, Manson JE, Albert CM, Chae CU, Rexrode KM, Curhan GC, et al. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, acetaminophen, and the risk of cardiovascular events. Circulation 2006;113:1578-87.

(60) Hinz B, Cheremina O, Brune K. Acetaminophen (paracetamol) is a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor in man. FASEB J 2008;22:383-90.

(61) Panoulas VF, Douglas KM, Stavropoulos-Kalinoglou A, Metsios GS, Nightingale P, Kita MD, Elisaf MS, Kitas GD. Long-term exposure to medium-dose glucocorticoid therapy associates with hypertension in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2008;47:72-5.

(62) Davis JM 3rd, Maradit Kremers H, Crowson CS, Nicola PJ, Ballman KV, Therneau TM, Roger VL, Gabriel SE. Glucocorticoids and cardiovascular events in rheumatoid arthritis: a population-based cohort study. Arthritis Rheum 2007;56:820-30.

(63) Boers M, Nurmohamed MT, Doelman CJ, Lard LR, Verhoeven AC, Voskuyl AE, Huizinga TW, van de Stadt RJ, Dijkmans BA, van der Linden S. Influence of glucocorticoids and disease activity on total and high density lipoprotein cholesterol in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2003;62:842-5

(64) Vis M, Nurmohamed MT, Wolbink G, Voskuyl AE, de Koning M, van de Stadt R, Twisk JW, Dijkmans BA, Lems WF. Short term effects of infliximab on the lipid profile in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol 2005;32:252-5.

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(68) European Medicines Agency. Press release 24 October 2006. European Medicines Agency review concludes positive benefit-risk balance for non-selective NSAID’s. Verified on March 30, 2008.

(69) Choi HK, Hernan MA, Seeger JD, et al. Methotrexate and mortality in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a prospective study. Lancet 2002;359:1173-7 .

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(71) van Halm VP, Nurmohamed MT, Twisk JW, Dijkmans BA, Voskuyl AE. Disease- modifying antirheumatic drugs are associated with a reduced risk for cardiovascular disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a case control study. Arthritis Res Ther 2006;8:R151.

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EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

Part IV

(1) Urowitz MB, Bookman AA, Koehler BE et al. The bimodal mortality pattern of systemic lupus erythematosus. Am J Med. 1976 ;60 :221-225. (2) Bulkley BH, Roberts WC. The heart in systemic lupus erythematosus and the changes induced in it by corticosteroid therapy. A study of 36 necropsy patients. Am J Med. 1975;58:243-64 (3) Manzi S, Meilahn EN, Rairie JE, Conte CG, Medsger TA Jr, Jansen-McWilliams L, D'Agostino RB, Kuller LH.. Age-specific incidence rates of myocardial infarction and angina in women with systemic lupus erythematosus :comparison with the Framingham Study. Em J Epidemiol. 1997 ;145 :408-415. (4) Jonsson H, Nived O, Sturfelt G. Outcome in systemic lupus erythematosus: a prospective study of patients from a defined population. Medicine (Baltimore) 1989;68: 141-150. (5) Esdaile JM, Abrahamowicz M, Grodzicky T, Li Y, Panaritis C, du Berger R, Cote R, Grover SA, Fortin PR, Clarke AE, Senecal JL. Traditional Framingham risk factors fail to fully account for accelerated atherosclerosis in systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum. 2001;44:2331 (6) Fischer LM, Schlienger RG, Matter C, Jick H, Meier CR. Effect of rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus on the risk of first-time acute myocardial infarction. Am J Cardiol. 2004;93: 198-200 (7) Westerweel PE, Luyten RK, Koomans HA, Derksen RH, Verhaar MC. Premature atherosclerosic cardiovascular disease in systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum 2007;56: 1384-1396 (8) Mancini GBJ, Dahlöf B, Diez J. Surrogate markers for cardiovascular disease. Structural markers. . Circulation 2004;109[Suppl IV]: IV-22-IV-38 (9) Svenungsson E, Jensen-Urstad K, Heimburger M, Silveira A, Hamsten A, de Faire U, Witztum JL, Frostegard J. Risk factors for cardiovascular disease in systemic lupus erythematosus. Circulation. 2001;104:1887-93 (10) Roman MJ, Shanker BA, Davis A, Lockshin MD, Sammaritano L, Simantov R, Crow MK, Schwartz JE, Paget SA, Devereux RB, Salmon JE. Prevalence and correlates of accelerated atherosclerosis in systemic lupus erythematosus. N Engl J Med. 2003;349:2399-406 (11) Asanuma Y, Oeser A, Shintani AK, Turner E, Olsen N, Fazio S, Linton MF, Raggi P, Stein CM. Premature coronary-artery atherosclerosis in systemic lupus erythematosus. N Engl J Med. 2003;349:2407-15 (12) Von Feldt JM, Scalzi LV, Cucchiara AJ, Morthala S, Kealey C, Flagg SD, Genin A, Van Dyke AL, Nackos E, Chander A, Gehrie E, Cron RQ, Whitehead AS. Homocysteine levels and disease duration independently correlate with coronary artery calcification in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum. 2006;54:2220-7 (13) Bruce IN, Urowitz MB, Gladman DD, Ibanez D, Steiner G. Risk factors for coronary heart disease in women with systemic lupus erythematosus: the Toronto Risk Factor Study. Arthritis Rheum. 2003;48:3159-67 (14) Executive summary of the third report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP). Expert panel on detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood cholesterol in adults (Adult treatment panel III). JAMA 2001;285: 2486-97. EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(15) Bruce IN.. Not only...but also': factors that contribute to accelerated atherosclerosis and premature coronary heart disease in systemic lupus erythematosus. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2005;44:1492-502 (16) Bruce IN, Urowitz MB, Gladman DD, Hallett DC. Natural history of hypercholesterolemia in systemic lupus erythematosus. J Rheumatol. 1999 ;26 :2137- 2143. (17) Bessant R, Hingorani A, Patel L, MacGregor A, Isenberg DA, Rahman A. Risk of coronary heart disease and stroke in a large British cohort of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Rheumatology 2004;43:924-929 (18) Selzer F, Sutton-Tyrrell K, Fitzgerald SG, Pratt JE, Tracy RP, Kuller LH, Manzi S. Comparison of risk factors for vascular disease in the carotid artery and aorta in women with systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum. 2004;50:151-9 (19) Ross R. Atherosclerosis-an inflammatory disease. N Engl J Med 1999;340: 115-126 (20) Hansson GK. Inflammation, atherosclerosis, and coronary artery disease. N Engl J Med 2005; 352: 1685-95. (21) Willerson JT, Ridker PM. Inflammation as a cardiovascular risk factor. Circulation 2004 ;109[Suppl II] : II-2-II-10 (22) Ridker PM, Rifai N, Rose L, Buring JE, Cook NR. Comparaison of C-reactive protein and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in the prediction of the first cardiovascular events. N Engl J Med 2002; 347: 1557-1565 (23) Ridker PM, Cannon CP, Morrow D, Rifai N, Rose LM, McCabe CH et al. C-reactive protein levels and outcomes after statin therapy. N Engl J Med 2005;352: 20-8 (24) Nissen SE, Tuzcu EM, Schoenhagen P, Crowe T, Sasiela WJ, Tsai J et al. Statin therapy, LDL cholesterol, C-reactive protein, and coronary disease. N Engl J Med 2005;352: 29-38 (25) Asanuma Y, Chung CP, Oeser A, Shintani A, Stanley E, Raggi P, Stein CM. Increased concentration of proatherogenic inflammatory cytokines in systemic lupus erythematosus: relationship to cardiovascular risk factors. J Rheumatol. 2006;33:539- 45 (26) Maksimowicz-McKinnon K, Magder LS, Petri M. Predictors of Carotid Atherosclerosis in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. J Rheumatol. 2006 Oct 1; [Epub ahead of print] (27) Manger K, Kusus M, Forster C, Ropers D, Daniel WG, Kalden JR, Achenbach S, Manger B. coronary artery calcification in young female patients with SLE. Ann Rheum Dis. 2003;62:846-50 (28) Borba EF, Bonfa E. Dyslipoproteinemias in systemic lupus erythematosus: influence of disease, activity, and anticardiolipin antibodies. Lupus. 1997;6:533-9. (29) Bruce IN. Cardiovascular disease in lupus patients : should all patients be treated with statins and aspirin? Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2005;19:823-38 (30) Borba EF, Bonfa E, Vinagre CG, Ramires JA, Maranhao RC. Chylomicron metabolism is markedly altered in systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum. 2000;43:1033-40 (31) Reichlin M, Fesmire J, Quintero-Del-Rio AI, Wolfson-Reichlin M. Autoantibodies to lipoprotein lipase and dyslipidemia in systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheum. 2002;46:2957-63 (32) de Carvalho JF, Borba EF, Viana VS, Bueno C, Leon EP, Bonfa E. Anti-lipoprotein lipase antibodies: a new player in the complex atherosclerotic process in systemic lupus erythematosus? Arthritis Rheum. 2004;50:3610-5 EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(33) Borba EF, Carvalho JF, Bonfa E. Mechanisms of dyslipoproteinemias in systemic lupus erythematosus. Clin Dev Immunol. 2006;13:203-8 (34) Delgado Alves J, Ames PR, Donohue S, Stanyer L, Nourooz-Zadeh J, Ravirajan C, Isenberg DA. Antibodies to high-density lipoprotein and beta2-glycoprotein I are inversely correlated with paraoxonase activity in systemic lupus erythematosus and primary antiphospholipid syndrome.Arthritis Rheum. 2002;46:2686-94. (35) McMahon M, Grossman J, FitzGerald J, Dahlin-Lee E, Wallace DJ, Thong BY et al. Proinflammatory high-density lipoprotein as a biomarker for atherosclerosis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2006;54: 2541-9 (36) El Magadmi M, Ahmad Y, Turkie W, Yates AP, Sheikh N, Bernstein RM, Durrington PN, Laing I, Bruce IN. Hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, and circulating oxidized low density lipoprotein in women with systemic lupus erythematosus. J Rheumatol. 2006;33:50-6 (37) Chung CP, Avalos I, Oeser A, Gebretsadik T, Shintani A, Raggi P, Stein CM.High frequency of the metabolic syndrome in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: Association with disease characteristics and cardiovascular risk factors. Ann Rheum Dis. 2006 Aug 10; [Epub ahead of print] (38) Sherer Y, Shoenfeld Y. Mechanisms of disease: atherosclerosis in autoimmune diseases. Nat Clin Pract Rheumatol. 2006;2:99-106. (39) George J, Harats D, Gilburd B, Afek A, Levy Y, Schneiderman J, Barshack I, Kopolovic J, Shoenfeld Y. Immunolocalization of beta2-glycoprotein I (apolipoprotein H) to human atherosclerotic plaques: potential implications for lesion progression. Circulation. 1999;99:2227-30 (40) Petri M. The lupus anticoagulant is a risk factor for myocardial infarction (but not atherosclerosis): Hopkins lupus cohort. Thromb Res. 2004;114:593-5 (41) Doria A, Shoenfeld Y, Wu R, Gambari PF, Puato M, Ghirardello A, Gilburd B, Corbanese S, Patnaik M, Zampieri S, Peter JB, Favaretto E, Iaccarino L, Sherer Y, Todesco S, Pauletto P. Risk factors for subclinical atherosclerosis in a prospective cohort of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Ann Rheum Dis. 2003;62:1071- 7 (42) Petri M, Lakatta C, Magder L, Goldman D. Effect of prednisone and hydroxychloroquine on coronary artery disease risk factors in systemic lupus erythematosus: a longitudinal data analysis. Am J Med. 1994;96:254-9 (43) Tam LS, Gladman DD, Hallett DC, Rahman P, Urowitz MB. Effect of antimalarial agents on the fasting lipid profile in systemic lupus erythematosus.J Rheumatol. 2000;27:2142-5 (44) Rahman P, Gladman DD, Urowitz MB, Yuen K, Hallett D, Bruce IN. The cholesterol lowering effect of antimalarial drugs is enhanced in patients with lupus taking corticosteroid drugs. J Rheumatol. 1999;26:325-30. (45) Wallace DJ, Metzger AL, Stecher VJ, Turnbull BA, Kern PA. Cholesterol-lowering effect of hydroxychloroquine in patients with rheumatic disease: reversal of deleterious effects of steroids on lipids. Am J Med. 1990;89:322 (46) Borba EF, Bonfa E. Longterm beneficial effect of chloroquine diphosphate on lipoprotein profile in lupus patients with and without steroid therapy. J Rheumatol. 2001;28:780-5 (47) Isley WL. Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Lowering in the Prevention of CHD: How Low Should We Go?Curr Treat Options Cardiovasc Med. 2006;8:289-97 EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(48) Soubrier M, Roux C. Statins in rheumatology.Joint Bone Spine. 2006;73:159-68 (49) Ferrara DE, Liu X, Espinola RG, Meroni PL, Abukhalaf I, Harris EN, Pierangeli SS. Inhibition of the thrombogenic and inflammatory properties of antiphospholipid antibodies by fluvastatin in an in vivo animal model. Arthritis Rheum. 2003;48:3272-9 (50) Wajed J, Ahmad Y, Durrington PN, Bruce IN. Prevention of cardiovascular disease in systemic lupus erythematosus--proposed guidelines for risk factor management. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2004;43:7-12 (51) Urowitz MB, Gladman DD, Ibanez D, Berliner Y. Modification of hypertension and hypercholesterolaemia in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a quality improvement study. Ann Rheum Dis. 2006;65:115-7

EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

Part V

(1) Radford EP, Doll R, Smith PG. Mortality among patients with ankylosing spondylitis not given X-ray therapy. N Engl J Med 1977; 11:572-6. (2) Kaprove RE, Little AH, Graham DC, Rosen PS, Ankylosing spondylitis: survival in men with and without radiotherapy. Arthritis Rheum 1980; 23:57-61. (3) Smith PG, Doll R. Mortality among patients with ankylosing spondylitis after a single treatment course with X-rays. Br Med J 1982; 13:449-60. (4) Lehtinen K. Mortality and causes of death in 398 patients admitted to hospital with ankylosing spondylitis. Ann Rheum Dis 1993; 52:174-6. (5) Van Doornum S, McColl G, Wicks IP. Accelerated atherosclerosis: An extraarticular feature of rheumatoid arthritis? Arthritis Rheum 2002; 46:862-73. (6) Carter ET, McKenna CH, Brian DD, Curland LT, Epidemiology of ankylosing spondylitis in Rochester, Minnesota, 1935-1973. Arthritis Rheum 1979; 22:365-70. (7) Khan MA, Khan MK, Kushner I. Survival among patients with ankylosing spondylitis: a life-table analysis. J Rheumatol 1981; 8:86-90. (8) Lehtinen K. Cause of death in 79 patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Scand J Rhematol 1980; 9:145-7. (9) Symmons DPM, Goodson NJ, Cook MN, Watson DJ. Men with ankylosing spondylitis have an increased risk of myocardial infarction. Arthritis Rheum. 2004;50(Suppl):S477. (10) Han C, Robinson DW Jr, Hackett MV, Paramore LC, Fraeman KH, Bala MV. Cardiovascular disease and risk factors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis. J Rheumatol. 2006;33:2167-72. (11) O’Neill TW, Bresnihan B. The heart in ankylosing spondylitis. Ann Rheum Dis 1992; 51:705-6 (12) Youssef W, Russell AS. Cardiac, ocular, and renal manifestations of seronegative spondyloarthropathies. Curr Opin Rheumatol 1990; 2:582-5. (13) Peeters AJ, Wolde S ten, Sedney MI, Vries RR de, Dijkmans BA. Heart conduction disturbance: an HLA-B27 associated disease. Ann Rheum Dis. 1991;50:348-50. (14) Brunner F, Kunz A, Weber U, Kissling R. Ankylosing spondylitis and heart abnormalities: do cardiac conduction disorders, valve regurgitation and diastolic dysfunction occur more often in male patients with diagnosed ankylosing spondylitis for over 15 years than in the normal population? Clin Rheumatol. 2006;25:24-9. (15) Brewerton DA, Gibson DG, Goddard DH, Jones TJ, Moore RB, Pease CT, et al. The myocardium in ankylosing spondylitis: A clinical, echocardiographic, and histopathological study. Lancet 1987; 995-8. (16) Shbeeb M, Uramoto KM, Gibson LE, O’Fallon WM, Gabriel SE. The epidemiology of Psoriatic arthritis in Olmsted County, Minnesota, USA, 1982-1991. J Rheumatol 2000; 27:1247-50. (17) Wong K, Gladman DD, Husted J, Long JA, Farewell VT. Mortality studies in psoriatic arthritis: Results from a single outpatient clinic. I. Causes and risk of death. Arthritis Rheum 1997; 40:1868-72. (18) Gladman DD, Farewell VT, Wong K, Husted J. Mortality studies in psoriatic arthritis: Results from a single outpatient center. II. Prognostic indicators for death. Arthritis Rheum 1998; 41:1103-10. EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

(19) Han C, Robinson Jr. DW, Hackett MV et al. Cardiovascular disease and risk factors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis. The Journal of Rheumatology 2006;33:2167–72. (20) Sari I, Okan T, Akar S, Cece H, Altay C, Secil M, Birlik M, Onen F, Akkoc N. Impaired endothelial function in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2006;45:283-6. (21) Caliskan M, Erdogan D, Gullu H, Yilmaz S, Gursoy Y, Yildirir A, Yucel E, Muderrisoglu H. Impaired coronary microvascular and left ventricular diastolic functions in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Atherosclerosis. 2008;196:306-12 (22) Gonzalez-Juanatey C, Llorca J, Amigo-Diaz E, Dierssen T, Martin J, Gonzalez-Gay MA. High prevalence of subclinical atherosclerosis in psoriatic arthritis patients without clinically evident cardiovascular disease or classic atherosclerosis risk factors. Arthritis Rheum. 2007;57:1074-80 (23) Gonzalez-Juanatey C, Llorca J, Miranda-Filloy JA, Amigo-Diaz E, Testa A, Garcia- Porrua C, Martin J, Gonzalez-Gay MA. Endothelial dysfunction in psoriatic arthritis patients without clinically evident cardiovascular disease or classic atherosclerosis risk factors. Arthritis Rheum. 2007;57:287-93. (24) Kimhi O, Caspi D, Bornstein NM, Maharshak N, Gur A, Arbel Y, Comaneshter D, Paran D, Wigler I, Levartovsky D, Berliner S, Elkayam O. Prevalence and risk factors of atherosclerosis in patients with psoriatic arthritis. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2007;36:203-9. (25) Divecha H, Sattar N, Rumley A, Cherry L, Lowe GD, Sturrock R. Cardiovascular risk parameters in men with ankylosing spondylitis in comparison with non-inflammatory control subjects: relevance of systemic inflammation. Clin Sci (Lond). 2005;109:171- 6. (26) van Halm VP, van Denderen JC, Peters MJ, Twisk JW, van der Paardt M, van der Horst-Bruinsma IE, van de Stadt RJ, de Koning MH, Dijkmans BA, Nurmohamed MT. Increased disease activity is associated with a deteriorated lipid profile in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2006;65:1473-7. (27) Jones SM, Harris CP, Lloyd J, Stirling CA, Reckless JP, McHugh NJ. Lipoproteins and their subfractions in psoriatic arthritis: identification of an atherogenic profile with active joint disease. Ann Rheum Dis 2000; 59:904-9. (28) Malesci D, Niglio A, Mennillo GA, Buono R, Valentini G, La Montagna G. High prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Clin Rheumatol. 2007;26:710-4 (29) Sari I, Demir T, Kozaci LD, Akar S, Kavak T, Birlik M, Onen F, Akkoc N. Body composition, insulin, and leptin levels in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Clin Rheumatol. 2007;26:1427-32 (30) Microvascular function is impaired in ankylosing spondylitis and improves after TNFα blockade. Van Eijk IC, Peters MJL, Serné EH, MD, van der Horst-Bruinsma IE, Dijkmans BAC, Smulders YM, Nurmohamed MT. Submitted (31) Sattar N, Crompton P, Cherry L, Kane D, Lowe G, McInnes IB. Effects of tumor necrosis factor blockade on cardiovascular risk factors in psoriatic arthritis: a double- blind, placebo-controlled study. Arthritis Rheum. 2007;56:831-9 (32) Redelmeier DA, Tan SH, Booth GL. The treatment of unrelated disorders in patients with chronic medical diseases. N Engl J Med 1998; 338:1516-20. (33) O’Neill TW, Bresnihan B. The heart in ankylosing spondylitis. Ann Rheum Dis 1992; 51:705-6. EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases

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EULAR Compendium on Rheumatic Diseases


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