A Desk-Based Heritage Assessment of the Proposed Great Oak Surface Mine Scheme, Near Bignall, Staffordshire

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A Desk-Based Heritage Assessment of the Proposed Great Oak Surface Mine Scheme, Near Bignall, Staffordshire A Desk-Based Heritage Assessment of the proposed Great Oak Surface Mine Scheme, near Bignall, Staffordshire November 2013 ARS Ltd Report no. 2013/114 A Desk-Based Heritage Assessment of the proposed Great Oak Surface Mine Scheme, Bignall, Staffordshire A Desk-Based Heritage Assessment of the proposed Great Oak Surface Mine Scheme, near Bignall, Staffordshire Archaeological Research Services Ltd Report 2013/114 November 2013 © Archaeological Research Services Ltd 2013 Angel House, Portland Square, Bakewell, DE45 1HB www.archaeologyresearchservices.com Prepared on behalf of: Heaton Planning Date of compilation: November 2013 Compiled by: Dr. Gareth Davies (updated by Antony Brown MIfA) Checked by: Dr. Clive Waddington MIfA Planning Reference: N/A Local Authority: Staffordshire County Council Page | i A Desk-Based Heritage Assessment of the proposed Great Oak Surface Mine Scheme, Bignall, Staffordshire TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Project Background...........................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Location and Land-use ......................................................................................................................................2 2 METHODOLOGY...................................................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Aims and Objectives..........................................................................................................................................2 2.2 Study Area.........................................................................................................................................................2 2.3 Scheme of Work................................................................................................................................................2 2.3.1 SHER, CHER and SoTSMR............................................................................................................................3 2.3.2 Historic Landscape Character .....................................................................................................................4 2.3.3 Archive Service ...........................................................................................................................................4 2.3.4 National Monuments Record (NMR) ..........................................................................................................4 2.3.5 Web Sources...............................................................................................................................................4 3 POLICY AND GUIDANCE .......................................................................................................................................... 4 3.1 National ............................................................................................................................................................4 3.1.1 PPS5 Planning for the Historic Environment Planning Practice Guide........................................................6 3.1.2 Scheduled Monuments...............................................................................................................................6 3.1.3 Listed Buildings...........................................................................................................................................7 3.1.4 Mineral Extraction and Archaeology: A Practice Guide..............................................................................7 3.1.5 Institute for Archaeologists Standards and Guidance for Historic Environment Desk Based Assessment (2012)......................................................................................................................................7 3.1.6 Setting Policy and Guidance .......................................................................................................................7 3.2 Regional and Local ............................................................................................................................................8 3.2.1 Staffordshire and Stoke-On-Trent Structure Plan.......................................................................................8 3.2.2 The Staffordshire Minerals Local Plan ......................................................................................................10 4 BACKGROUND RESEARCH ......................................................................................................................................10 4.1 Geo-morphological Assessment .....................................................................................................................10 4.1.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................................10 4.1.2 Solid Geology ............................................................................................................................................11 4.1.3 Superficial Geology...................................................................................................................................12 4.1.4 Artificial Geology ......................................................................................................................................13 4.1.5 Landform Element Associations ...............................................................................................................13 4.1.6 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................15 4.2 Map Regression Analysis.................................................................................................................................15 4.2.1 Plan of Mr. Parrots Estate, Bignall Hill (1718) (D593/H/3/193) (Fig. 2) ....................................................15 4.2.2 Yates’ map (1775) (Fig. 3) .........................................................................................................................16 4.2.3 Audley and Woolstanton Enclosure Maps................................................................................................16 Page | ii A Desk-Based Heritage Assessment of the proposed Great Oak Surface Mine Scheme, Bignall, Staffordshire 4.2.4 The Ordnance Survey Old Series 1 inch map surveyed 1833-43 (Fig. 4)...................................................16 4.2.5 Tithe Map for Audley (D3729 6/17/6) (Fig. 5) ..........................................................................................16 4.2.6 Ordnance Survey First Edition 25” 1870 (Fig. 6) .......................................................................................17 4.2.7 Ordnance Survey 6” 1889 (Fig. 7) .............................................................................................................17 4.2.8 Ordnance Survey 6” 1900 (Fig. 8) .............................................................................................................17 4.2.9 Ordnance Survey 6” 1911 (Fig. 9) .............................................................................................................17 4.2.10 Ordnance Survey 1925 6” (Fig. 10) ...........................................................................................................17 4.2.11 Ordnance Survey 1938-46 6” (Fig. 11)......................................................................................................18 4.2.12 Ordnance Survey 1951 6” (Fig. 13). ..........................................................................................................18 4.2.13 Ordnance Survey 1955 1:10 000 (Fig. 14).................................................................................................18 4.2.14 Ordnance Survey 1967 1:10 000 (Fig. 15).................................................................................................18 4.2.15 Ordnance Survey 1981 1:10 000 (Fig. 16).................................................................................................18 4.2.16 Ordnance Survey 1992 1:10 000 (Fig. 17).................................................................................................18 4.2.17 Ordnance Survey 2006 and 2012 1:10 000 (Fig. 18 and 19) .....................................................................18 4.2.18 Maps not consulted..................................................................................................................................18 4.3 Geotechnical Investigations and Services Information ...................................................................................18 4.4 Other Documentary Research: Trade Directories...........................................................................................19 4.5 Oral History and Photographic History ...........................................................................................................19 4.6 Portable Antiquities ........................................................................................................................................19 4.7 Period Synthesis..............................................................................................................................................19 4.7.1 Prehistoric.................................................................................................................................................19
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