S/2012/544 Security Council

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S/2012/544 Security Council United Nations S/2012/544 Security Council Distr.: General 13 July 2012 Original: English Letter dated 11 July 2012 from the Chair of the Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 (2009) concerning Somalia and Eritrea addressed to the President of the Security Council On behalf of the Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 (2009) concerning Somalia and Eritrea, and in accordance with paragraph 6 (m) of Security Council resolution 2002 (2011), I have the honour to transmit herewith the report on Somalia of the Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea (see annex). In this connection, the Committee would appreciate it if the present letter, together with its enclosure were brought to the attention of the members of the Security Council and issued as a document of the Council. (Signed) H. S. Puri Chairman Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 (2009) concerning Somalia and Eritrea 12-37640 (E) 180712 *1237640* S/2012/544 Letter dated 27 June 2012 from the members of the Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea addressed to the Chair of the Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 (2009) concerning Somalia and Eritrea We have the honour to transmit herewith the report focusing on Somalia of the Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea, in accordance with paragraph 6 (m) of Security Council resolution 2002 (2011). (Signed) Matt Bryden Coordinator Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea (Signed) Emmanuel Deisser Arms Expert (Signed) Aurélien Llorca Aviation Expert (Signed) Jörg Roofthooft Maritime Expert (Signed) Ghassan Schbley Finance Expert (Signed) Babatunde Taiwo Armed Groups Expert (Signed) Kristele Younes Humanitarian Expert 2 12-37640 S/2012/544 Report of the Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea pursuant to Security Council resolution 2002 (2011) Contents Page Abbreviations.................................................................. 6 Summary ..................................................................... 7 I. Introduction ................................................................... 10 A. Mandate .................................................................. 10 B. Methodology .............................................................. 10 II. Acts that threaten the peace, security and stability of Somalia .......................... 11 A. Public sector financial mismanagement and corruption............................ 12 B. Harakaat al-Shabaab al-Mujaahidiin ........................................... 15 C. Al-Shabaab as a regional and international threat ................................ 16 D. Piracy and kidnap for ransom ................................................ 17 III. Violations of the general and complete arms embargo ................................. 20 A. Foreign military operations in Somalia ......................................... 21 B. Private security companies................................................... 21 C. Private maritime security companies/floating armouries........................... 24 D. Non-compliance ........................................................... 25 IV. Obstruction of humanitarian assistance ............................................. 25 A. Denial of access ........................................................... 25 B. Diversion and misappropriation of humanitarian assistance ........................ 26 C. Best practices.............................................................. 27 V. Violations of international humanitarian law ........................................ 27 A. Attacks on civilians......................................................... 28 B. Gender-based violence ...................................................... 28 C. Child soldiers ............................................................. 29 D. Forcible displacement or confinement ......................................... 29 VI. Consolidated list ............................................................... 30 VII. State cooperation with the Monitoring Group........................................ 30 VIII. Recommendations .............................................................. 31 A. Threats to peace and security ................................................. 31 B. Piracy .................................................................... 31 12-37640 3 S/2012/544 C. Arms embargo violations .................................................... 32 D. Obstruction of humanitarian assistance......................................... 32 E. Violations of international humanitarian law .................................... 33 Annexes* Somalia 1. Misappropriation of financial resources ............................................ 34 1.1. Public sector financial mismanagement and corruption............................ 35 1.2. Passport production, corruption and fraud ...................................... 59 1.3. Currency printing .......................................................... 135 2. Harakaat al-Shabaab al-Mujaahidiin ............................................... 146 2.1. Al-Shabaab Charcoal Exports in 2011-2012..................................... 147 2.2. Al-Shabaab activities, tactics, techniques and procedures in 2011-2012 .............. 162 2.3. Al-Shabaab Northeast Somalia (ASNE) ........................................ 171 3. Al-Shabaab as a regional and international threat .................................... 175 3.1. Muslim Youth Centre (Al Hijra)** ............................................ 176 3.2. Ansaar Muslim Youth Centre (AMYC), United Republic of Tanzania................ 177 4. Piracy and kidnap for ransom..................................................... 194 4.1. Piracy overview: trends, judicial challenges and impunity ......................... 195 4.2. Kidnap for Ransom ......................................................... 212 4.3. Indian Ocean Network** .................................................... 217 4.4. Movement of piracy proceeds offshore** ....................................... 218 5. Violations of the general and complete arms embargo ................................. 219 5.1. Violations of the arms embargo by air and related incidents........................ 220 5.2. Foreign Military Operations in Somalia ........................................ 224 5.3. Private Security Companies and Organizations .................................. 235 5.4. Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSCs) and Floating Armouries ............. 278 5.5 Non-compliant States and Organizations ....................................... 282 6. Obstruction of humanitarian assistance ............................................. 295 6.1. Obstruction of humanitarian assistance and attacks on aid workers August 2011 to May 2012 ................................................... 296 6.2. “Gatekeepers” and other forms of diversion of humanitarian assistance .............. 310 7. Violations of international humanitarian law ........................................ 319 7.1. Attacks on civilians*** ..................................................... 320 7.2. Gender-based violence ...................................................... 321 4 12-37640 S/2012/544 7.3. Recruitment and use of child soldiers .......................................... 325 7.4. Forced displacement, confinement and returns*** ............................... 327 8. State Cooperation with the Monitoring Group ....................................... 328 * The annexes are being circulated in the language of submission only. ** The annex has not been reproduced in the present document because it is strictly confidential. *** The annex has not been reproduced in the present document because it is confidential. 12-37640 5 S/2012/544 Abbreviations AIAI Al-Itihaad Al-Islam AMISOM African Union Mission in Somalia ARS Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia ASWJ Ahlu Sunna wal Jama’a COTAM Commandement du transport aerién militaire FNDB Force de Défense Nationale du Burundi GCC Gulf Cooperation Council HHPN Hobyo-Harardheere Piracy Network ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross IMB International Maritime Bureau IMO International Maritime Organization NGO Non-governmental organization NSUM Northern Somali Unionist Movement OLF Oromo Liberation Front ONLF Ogaden National Liberation Front PMSC Private maritime security company PPN Puntland Piracy Network PSC Private security company RPG Rocket-propelled grenade SIPRI Stockholm International Peace Research Institute SSCA Sool Sanaag Cayn Army UIC Union of Islamic Courts UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNPOS United Nations Political Office for Somalia UNSOA United Nations Support Office for AMISOM UPDF Uganda People’s Defence Forces WFP World Food Programme 6 12-37640 S/2012/544 Summary The final year of the term of office of the transitional federal institutions is due to expire in August 2012. But the transfer of power to a more effective, legitimate and broad-based national authority is threatened by the efforts of diverse Somali political leaders and their supporters to hijack or derail the transitional process, outcomes that would fuel continued instability and conflict, potentially reviving the fortunes of an embattled Al-Shabaab. While such “spoiler” behaviour is partly an expression of legitimate political competition, it is also symptomatic of pervasive corruption within the transitional federal institutions. Since the collapse of the
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