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Points of view or opinions stated in this document are those of th! author[ sl and do f.1ot represent the offil:ial positioli or policies of the U.S. Department Qf Justil:e.


[ J.. . ' ..---.~>.~.---- ; 0 ale f i ~I-m-e(n 12/3/75 ~ .--,. .~ ..,-, ""_,~--=-..., ~-..., .. _~._.,~,.J ~ AbMINI!5TRATION' - GE'NERAL

LlE\WlI$ ~. cc: .IL.Am~__ L~~1i.tAJ!§..x_H.$ftlIP!«_:- ""m~:~-'-' Bartholomew, Paul Police administration. .IiuAwr mmilFcD>lIR.CCEl'WIE1m1Y:' .IL.lIJmm.Am W ~~~A!u$?mL -' ",~-~~=-u~~~~~~~,'t't;.,~~.::t~,;..,.4- ;:;:.'l("'d""t.~~~"""-:=--,,=.::.;"::4.~... ,,,~.=..'t:::::rt; ___ ~_ \' ,I 350 Eastman, George Municipal police administration. 1971 350 CONTENTS Elliott, J. F. The rrnew" police. 1973 350 Nlgro, Felix Modern p:ublic adm~nistration. 1970 350 BOOKS Parkinson, Cyril The law of delay; interviews and 1971 Administration - General outerviews.

- Personnel;, Capital Puniah..."'l'lent 350 Simon, Herbert A. Ac'ministrative behavior; a'study " • ; I -, ,. 1957 Careers - Opportunities - Training of decil;lion-making processes Crime and Criminals in administrative. organization. Detention and Corrections 2d edt Drugs and Alcoholism 350 Government Simon, Herbert A. Public administration. 1950 Juvenile Delinquency 350.102 Law - Constitutional, Wh'isenand, Paul Police supervision. theory a,nd 1971 - Criminal . 'practice. - General ',". ~., , 350.74 - Private Law and Judicial System Nielsen" Swen Gen.eral organizational and admin­ 1971 Police and Police Operations " istrative concepts fo:r., University Police and the Community • Police. ' Police Dogs 351. 74 Psychology of Human Behavior Germann, A. C. Police executive developci~nt. 1962 Safety~ ,Emergency, First Aid 351. 74 Social Problems Gourley, Gerald Patrb1i:lciministration. 1961 Weapons, Security Systems, and Sel(-Defense, 351. 74 Wf;!lfare Services to Special Groups 7;{ing,' Glen D. First-line supervisor I s manual. ••. "t 1961 DOCTJMENTS 351. 74 Wilson, Orlando W. Police adrr-inistration. 2d edt 1963 : . 3d edt 1972 LEGAL POINTS 352.2 Bristow, Allen P. Effe c;:tive police martp

\1 " MAGAZINES 352.2 Gocke, Blye W. Police. sergeants manual.. 4tlt ed. 1955 FILMS 352.2 Institute for Training \i\ Municipal police administration. 1961 in Municipai Admin­ 5th ed. EQUIPM,ENT AVAILABLE istration.

352.23 Institute on police mC3:n~gement for supervis.ory~1td 1962 'I. .: ' adrn,inistrative personnel. . ADMINIS TRATION GENERAL I' .'. . • ... ~ ~ • ,t .~ ..". . '. ADMINIS'l"RA'TION -" PE'RSONNEL

353 Carson, John Jay Public administration in modern 1963 ., society. 350 Use of lnanpower in a city police force. 1973

353 Pfiffner, John M. . Public administration. 5th edt 1967 350.102 Iannone, N. F. ~uper.vision of police personnel. 1970

354.42 Hewitt, v\i'11liam H. British police administration. 1965 350.102 Supe,rvision in the administration 1965 of justice. 363.2 Post, Richard S. Security administration. 1970 351.1 Stahl, Oscar 'Glenn Public personnel administration.

.363.2 Post1 Richard S. Security administration; an intro­ 1973 5th edt 1962 duction. 2nd edt 6th edt 1971

363.20973 Kenney, John Paul Police adn:linistration. 1972 351.74 Adams~ Thomas F. Training officers I handbook. 1964

658 GrossI' Bertram M. Organizations and their managing. 1968 351.74 Harrison, Leonard How to teach police subjects. 1964

658 Knight, Paul E. The s cope and limitation of 1963 351.74 Milton, Catherine Women in policing. 1972 industrial security. 352.2 Gammage, Allen Z. Police unions. 1972 658 Newman, William H. . Administrative action: the· technique s 1963 of organization and management. 352.23 Blum, Richard H. Police selection. 1964 t Zd edt 355 Weaver, Leon H. Industrial pe rs onnels e curity; 1964 658 Newman, William H. Proces s of management. 2d edt 1967 cases and materials.

658.1514 Alexis, Mar cus 01"ganizational decision making. 1967 363.22 Wi(~ks, Robert J. Techniques in interviewing for law 1972 enforcement and corrections 658.3 Smith, R. Dean Or ganization. n. d. personnel.

658.311 Earle, Howard H. Police recruit training, stress 1973 658.3 A system to provide facts for assignment, deployment and 1969 vs. non-stress. analysis.

658.37 Kassroff, Norman Police management system. 1967 659.3 Guide to performance evaluation. n. d,

658.37 Management case studies. 1966 658.3 Pfiffner, John M. The supervision of personnel; huxnan 1964 relations in the management 658.37 Pell, Arthur 4. Police leadership. 1967 of men.

658.4 Koontz, Harold Principles of management. 5th edt 1972 658.3 Police p2rsonne1 selection survey. 1971

658.4 Litterer, Joseph The analysis of orgartiz~tions. 1965 658.302 Hansen, Dayi,.d A. The police leader~ a ha!ldbook. 1971

658.91 ~eonard, Vivian A~ . Police enterprise ••• 1969 658.302 Melnicoe, William Elements of police supervision. 1969

658.91 . Leonard, Vivian At Police .,?atro10r gan~zation. 1970

808.066 Gallagher, Willian'.i. Report writing foX' management. 1969


658. '311 Coppock:. Robert How to recruit and .select 1958 343.0973 Prettyman, Barrett Death and the Supreme Court. policemen and firemen. 1961 345 Me1tsner,$ Michael Cruel and unusual: the Supreme 658. 311 Pell,' Arthur R. 197:' Recruiting and selecHng pel:sonnel. 1969 Court and capital pu.rlishment ..

658. 3124 Otto, Calvin P. The management of training; a 1970 364.6 Sellin, Johan T. Capital punishment. handbook for training arid 1967 development pe rsonne1. 364.66 Bedau, Hugo A. Death penalty in America: an 1964 .anthology. 658.37 . Leonard, Vivian A. Police personnel a.dmitiistration. 1970 364.66 DiSalle, Michael Power of life or death. 1965 364.66 Ingram, Tolbert R. Essays on the death penalty. 1963 364.66 Lawes, Lewis E. Man I s judgment of death. 1924 364.66 McCafferty, James Capital punishment. 1972 364.66 Potter, John D. The fatal gallows tree. 1965 364.66 Reference packet on capital punishment. 1967 364.66 Teeters, Negley "Hangby the neck .• y "; the 1967 legal use of scaffold and noose, gibbet, stake, and firing squad from colonial times to the present.

e' --f

, " I / ------_':;.:'t1


342.747 Turner, David :£\.eubel1 Claim examiner: law investigator. 1971 4th ed.

350.74 F:dcke, Charles W. 1000 police questions and answers. n. d. , 351. 3 Arco Publishing Co. Attendant; complete study guide to 1966 pass high on your civil service test.

351. 3 ArcoPublishing Co. Captain, police department. 4th ed. 1967 351.3 Arco ~ublishing Co. Fire adminil;l~rat;ion and technology; 1964 a new kind of quizzer for adyance­ ment and promotion.

351.3 Arco Publishing Co. Guard-patrolman; a complete study 1966 guide for scoring high. 5th ed.

351. 3 McGannon, Robert 1340 questions and answers for fire­ 1965 fighters. (Fireman tests in all states. )

351.3 Murray, JosephA. The complete study guide for police administration and criminal investi~ation. 2d ed. 3d edt

351.3 Murray, JosephA. Lieutenant, police department; the 1966 complete study guide for scoring high. 4th edt

351.3 Murray, Joseph A. Patrolman, police trainee; the 1966 complete study guide for scoring high~ 5th edt

351.3 Murray, Joseph A. Sergeant, police department; the 1966 complete study guide for scoring high. 4th ed.

351.3 Practice for civil service police department promotion examination s.

351.3 Turner, David Reuben Administrative assistant officer; the 1966 complete study gnide for scoring high. 4th ed.


<1. 363.207 Martin, Julian A. 351.3 Turn~r, . David Reuben Correction officer; complete !Otudy 1966 Law enforcement vocabulary. 197:~ guide for scoring, high on the exam. 363.207 3d ed. Saunders, Charles Upgrading the American police; 1971J education and training for 351.3 Turner, David Reuben Court officer; the complete study guide 1967 better law enforcement. . for s ,?oring high. 4th, ed. 363.22 Clark, Donald E. . " A forward step; educational back­ 1966 351.3 Turner, David Reuben Law enforcement positions. 1968 grounds for police.

363.22 Peel, John Donald 351.3 Turner, David Reuben Probation. ~nd parol~ officer, cpm]?lete 1966 Fundamentals of training for 19'70 study guide'for !'I coring high. security officers.

364.07 Greene, J. R. 351.3 Turner, David Reube,n Sta.t~,trooper (highway patrolnlan, 1967 The Criminal Justice Collegiate 1972 rallgel', etc.); the complete Register. study guide for scoring high. 5th ed. 364.12 Salottolo, A. L. Criminal scie~lce quizzerj analyzes 1972 351. 335 Kqch, aarry.,Walter Police and other law enforcement 1967 cl'iminalis~d.cs by the Q. & A. entrance examinations. method.

364.44 Crockett, Thompson 351.335 Rudman, Jack, Patrolman exam.inations. All states. 1969 Law enforcem.imt education, 1968. 1968

351.361 McGannon, Robert Fireman te'sts in all states; complete 1965 e i e, 371.217 Preparation to score high on the Law School Admission Test > . 1972 ~tudy guide to pas s high on your (LSAT). New revised edition. . ;.civil service test. 651.374 Altman, Mary Ann Self-administrating course for 1962 351.74 Gammage, Allen Z. . Police training in the United States. 1963 legal secretaries. 658.311 Resnicoff, Samuel 351. 74 Harrison, Fr.ank L .• Policeman's textbook of entrance and 1953 Three hundred and fifty quizzes 1969 promotional examination que stions • and answel'S for law enforcement positions. 351.74 Klotter, John C. Techniques for police instructors. 1963

352.207 Frost, Thomas M. Foreward look in police education. 1959

352.23 Siegel, Arthur 1. Professional police-human relations 1963 tra~~ing.

363.2 Arco Publiehing Co. Poli~e science advancement; the 1972 . complete study guide. , 363.2 Murray, Joseph' A. Police promotion COUtse; the .complete 1967 study guide for scoring'l:dgh: 3d ed.

363.207 Hansen, David ,A. The police training officer. 1973 '" . CRIME AND CRIMINALS

343 Allen, Francis A. The borderland of criminal justice; 1964 essays in law and criminology.

345.73 Klotter, John C. Criminal evidence for police. 1971

362.2 Mayo, Patricia E. The making of a criminal: a 1969 comparative study of two delinquency areas.

" . 364 Archer, Fred Crime and the psychic world. 1969

364 Barnes, Harry E. New horizons in criminology. 1959

364 Barnes, Robert E. Are you safe from burglars? 1970

364 Cressey, Donald R. Del~nquency, crime, a.nd {3odal 1969 process.

364 Crim:e in Anierica; causes and cures. By U. S. News & World 1972 Report. ! : • < 364 Fink, Arthur E. Causes of crime, biological theories 1938 , " in;the United States, 1800-1915.

364 Fraser, Gordon 'Modern transportation and inter­ 1970 national crime.

364 Gibbons, Don C. Society, c:rirne, and crim;.nal careers; an mtroductjonto . criminology. 1st ed. 1968 2d ed. 1973

364 Glaser I Daniel Adult crime and social policy. 19'72 I

364 Griffin, John I. Statistics essential £01' police 1958 efficiency.

364 Halper, Albert The Chicago crime book. 1967

364 Hood, Roger G. Key issues in criminology. 1970

364 Xrwin,John The felon. 1970

/" 364 Leinwand, Gerald Crime and juven.i1e delinquency. 1968 •II ------.,...... -----~-~--..... ,..,...-..,...,...... ~~...,,--.------""""':""!------~--;

,gRIME AND CRIMINALS CRIME AND CRIMINA~ e 364.082 Dressler, David Readings in criminology and 1972 364 , Victoria A private disgrace, 1967 penology.

364 Lunden, Walter A. Crime sand cl'imina1s. 1967 364.082 Muoller, Gerhard Est)ays in criminal science.

True tales from th~ annals of crime 1951 364 McKelway, St. Clair , , ' 364.1 Duffy, Clinton T. SeJt and crime. 1965 and rascality. , 364.1 Geis ~ Gilbert White .. collar criminal .•• 1968 364 Morris, Joe Alex First offender. 1970 364.1 Gibson, Walter B. The fine art of murder. 1965 364 Pahner, Stuart The p'revention of crime. ~973 364.1 Ruden sky, Red The gonif ••• 1970 364 Quinney, Ri'chard The problem. of crime. 1970 :364.1 Salerno, Ralph The crime confederation •• ~ 1969 364 Quinney, ',Richci.rd The social reality of crime. 1970 364.1 Tullett, Tom Inside Interpol. 1965 364 Radziuowicz, Leon The criminal in society. 1971 364.106 CresseYr Donald R. Cri:t:nina1 organization: its 1972 364 Radzinowicz, Leon The criminal in the arms of t}J.e law. 1971 elementary forms.

364 Reckless, Walter C. The crime problem. 1967 364.106 Ianni, Francis A. A family business, kinship and 1972 soCial control in organized 364 Schafer, Stephen Theories in criminology. 1969 e crime.

364 Slovenko, Ralph Crime, law, and corrections. 1966 364.106 Messick, Hank The"m.obs and the mafia. 1972

364 Sutherland, Edwin Criminology. 8th edt 1970 364< 108 Cl:il~ard, Mar shall' Criminal behavior systems ••• 1967

364 - Sutherland, Edwin' Principles of crirn~ology. 1966 364.109 Taylor, Richard L'al;l Vegas, city of sin? 1963

364 Turk, Austin T. Criminality and leg~a.l order. 1969 364.12. Battle, Hellen Every wall shall fall. 19 69

364 Willmer, M. A. Crime and informatio'n th~6ry •. 1970 364.12 Davidson, William Indict and ~()nvict; the insi4e story 1971 of a prose.cutor and his staff ,', r •• 364.01 Roebuck, Juli'an Criminal typology. 1967 in action.

'364.023 Letkema,nn, Peter Crime as work. 1973 364.12 Ki'n'd, .Stuart ' Science against crime. 197'2.

Law Enforcement Education Directory. 1970 364.12 Wall~ Patdck M. Eye -witnE)s S identi~ication in: ' 1965 . ~rimina.1 cal3ea.

364.08 Bersani# Carl A. Crime, and delinquency; a reader, , ••• 1970 364.12 Weston, Paul B. Elements of criminal investigations. 1971 364.08 Dinitz, Simon Critical.issues in the st'll;dy of crime. 1968 . {' 364.13 Millar, dene 83 hours till dawn. 1971 364.08 Wolfgang, Marvin E. ' Cr.ime and culture. 1968 364.08 Wol£gang, Marvin E. The sociology of ,crime and delinquency. 1970 • if CRIME AND'CRIMrNA~S CRII\1E AND CR,IMINALS

364.143 Masot~i, Louis H. 364" 132, Clinard, Marshall B. The black market; .a study of white 1969 Riots and rebellion. . .' , . 1968 colla.r crime. 364.143 Methvin, Eugene H. Therlot makers. 1970 364.133 Kearins, Jack Yankee revenooer. 1969 36t~.15 Block, Eugene B. The fabric of guilt. 1968 364.14 Cressey, Donald R. Theft of the nation; the structure 1969 364.15 Frank, Gerold , p.nd operations of orgallized crime , An American death; the true story 1972 in America. of the assass.ination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 364.14 Do1ci, Danilo The man who plays alone. 1969 364.15 Gibbs, Jack P. SufCide.' 1968 364.14 Lewis, Arthur H. Lament for the Molly Maguires. 1964 364.15 Helfer, Ray E. The battered child. 1968 364.14 Martin, Raymond V. . Revolt in the Mafia. 1963 364.15 Hunt, Morton 1972 364.14 Monte, Anita Riots. 1970 364.15 Kaiser, Robert B. IIR. F. K. must die. II 1970 364.14 Panta1eone, Michele The mafia and politics. 1966 364.15 Maris, Ronald W. ~oci~. .l forc,es in urban suicide. 1969 364.14 Reid,;Ed The grim reapers; tl;>.e anatomy of , 1969 364.15 Meagher, Sylvia ~ccessories after the fact. 'organized crime in America. .' 1967 364.15 OICallaghan, Sean 364.14 Schiavo, Giovanni The truth about the mafia and 1969 Da~aged baggage •. 1969 .organized crime in Amer~ca. 364.15 Quimby, My!on J. The, devil's emissaries. 1969 364.14 Teresa, Vincent My life in the mafia. 1973 , , 364~ 15 Savage, Mildred. A great ,fall. 1970 364.1406 Gage, Nicholas The mafia is not an equal 1971 364.15 Schur~ Edwin M. opportunity employer. Crimes without vi~tims. ,'I"" • 1965 364.15 Shneidman, Edwin S. 364.1406 Messicl.<, Hank The silent syndicate. 1967 On the nature of suicide •. , 1969 364.15 U. S. National Comm. 364.143 Boehme, Lillian R. Carte blanche for chaos. 1970 Violent crime: homicide, assau1t~ rape, 1969 on the Causes and r9bbe~y; report. Prevention of Vio1enc~. 364.14;3 Gentry, Curt Frame-up; the incredible case of 1967 Torp. Moolley and Warr.enBillings. 364.15 'Williams, Emlyn Beyond belief: a chronicle of murder 1968. and its dete,ction. . 364.143 Higham, Robin Bayon~ts in the streets •. '1969 364.15 Wolfgang, MarvinE~ 364.143 Jennings, Dean S. We. only, kill each other. 1967. Studie s in homicide. 364.152 Bensing, Robert C. 364. t~3 Lee, Alfred McClung J Homicide in an. urban community. Race riot, Detroit 1943. 1943 / 1960 364.152 Ford, q~rald R. Portrait'of the assassin (Oswa.'ld). 364.143 Lewis, Norman . The honored soci,ety ••• the mafi~. 1964 e. 1965 ,/~) } '...,.'\~, r'"


364.152 Gertz, Elmer Moment of madness~ the people va. 1968 364~ 153 Reinhardt, James M. The murderous t:rail at Charles 1960 Jack Ruby. Starkweather.

~ • I 1967 364.152 Hendin, Herbert Black suicide. 1999 364.154 Zierold, Norman Little Charley Ross. 1968 364.152 Kahn, Joan,. Hanging by a thread. 1969 364.155 Frasca, John The mulberry tree. .1970 364.152 Lustgarten, Edgar . The business of murder. 1968 364.155 Gil, David G. Violence against children ..

364.152 MacDonald, John M. The murderer and his victim. 1961 364 .. 155 Hibbert, Christophe.:r Highwaymen. 1968

364.152 Mills, James The prosecutor. 1969 364.155 Reference packet on abortion. 1968 364.152 Montgomery, Robert Sacco~ Vanzetti; the murder and 1960 364.16 Hancock, Ralph The compleat Bwind1er( the myth. 364.16 Sutherland, Edwin . White collar crime. 1961 364.152 Peatson. Edmund L. Maste:rpieces of murder. 1963 364.16 U. S. Small Business Crime against small business. , A 1969 364.152 Reinhardt, JamesM. The psychology of strange kille rs. 1962 Administration. report of the Small Business Admin­ ist~ation to the Select Committee 364.152 U. Sanders, Bruce· 'They caught these killers.· 1968 on Sm1.11 Business, S. Senate. i ee 1970 364.152 Sheppard, Stephen My brother's keeper'. 1964 364.162 Brindy, James Shoplifting; a manual for store detectives. 364.152 Van Slingerland, Peter Something terrible has happen'ed: . 1966 19·37 364.162 Conwe111 Chic Thepro£essiona1 thief. 364.152 Wilson, Colin A. casebook of murder.' 1969 364.162 Edwards. Loren E. Shoplifting and shrinkage protection 1970 364.1523 Johnson, Pamela H. On iniquity .•• (Moors~urd'e~ trial) 1967 for stores. A thiefls primer. 1969 364.1523 Jones, E1wyne The last two to hang. 1969 364.162 Jackson, Bruce . Practical ways to pre"vent burglary 1970 364.1523 KilgaUen, ~orothy Murder One. 1967 364.162 Moolman, Valerie and illegal entry. 364.153 Amir, Menachem Patterns in forcible rape •. .1971' 364.163 Blum, Richard H. Deceivers and deceiveqj observation 1972 on- confidence men, and .their victims. 364.. 153 Ba.:r1ay, Stephen .. Bondage. 1968

Writ~ng rackets. 1969 364.153 De River, Joseph P. Crime a~d the sexual psychopath. 1958 364.16~ Byrne, Robert 364.153 Drzazga, John The billion $ swindle; frauds against 1969 Sex cr~mes •. 1960 364.163 Ducovny, Amram the elderly. 364.153 MacDonald, .1ohn M. Indecent exposure. \. . • ft. . ~ 1973 364.163 .Huxley~ Ann Four against the-Bank of Eng1alld. 1970 364.153 Macdonald, John M. Rape; offenders and their victims~ 1971. •\: CRIME _AND CRIMINA LS

364.163 McGuir'eJ Edward P. 1969 Smart, Frances ," Neuro'shi" and crime. 1970 364.3 ,- _ " 364.163 Shulman, Morton The billion dollar windfall. 1970 364.3 Tullio, Benigno de Horizons ~n clinical criminology_ 1969 . , 364.163 Springer, John L. ConsUmer swindlers, and how to 1970 avoid them. 3?4.306 Cook, Fred J. Secret rules. Criminal syndicates 1966 , and '}io-W they control the U. S. 364.163 Wagner, Walter The golden fleecers. 1966 underworld. 1966 364.164 Fitch, Richard D. Accidental or incendiary. 1968 364.32 Bloom, Murray The man who stole Portugal.

Drahms, August The criminal~ his personnel 1971 364.17 Herman, Robert D. Gambling. 1967 364.32 . , .; - and environment.

364.172 Hoffman, William S. The loser. 1968 .., Gaddis, Thomas E. Killer: a journalo£ murder. 1970 364.172 Messick, Hank Syndicate abroad. 1969 36~.32 Jackson, Bruce In the life; versions of the 1972 '. crfminal expe;rience. 364.178 M?rse, Mel Ordeal of t~~e animals. 1968 -The,gangs of New York; an informal 1928 364.2 Abrahams·en,David The psychology of erime. 1960 Asbury, Herb'ert " history of the underworld. 364.2 Hartung, Frank E. Crime, law and society. 1965 364.38 Wolfgang, Marvin Patterns in criminal homicide. 1958 364.24 Brussel, James A. Casebook of crime psychiatrist. 1968 , .. ~ 364.4 Hair, Robert A. How to protect yourself today. 1970 364.24 Symposium .on ·the . The mentally abnormal offender. 1968 Mentally Abnormal 364.4 Hunter~ George How to di:dend yoUrself, your family 1967 bffender. and your home. How to avoid burglary, housebreaking, 1967 364.243 Reinhardt, James M. Sex perversions and sex crimes. 1957 364.4 Kaufmann, Ulrich I and othe r crime s • .364.25 McDonald, Lynn Social class and delinquency.· 364.4 Peper, John P. A recruit asks some questions. 1954 364.256 Samuel, Maurice Blood accusation; the strange 1962 history of the BeHiss case. 364.4 Vollmer, Carl The' pOliceman IS manual. 1.954 Poston, Richard W. The gangal'ld the establishment. 1971 364".3 Cull~ John G.Funclanlentals of criminal behavior 1973 ~64.43 and correctional systems" 364;44 Soutliwe ete rn Illinois Southwes"tern Illinois law' enforcement 1970 plan. 364.3 MacDonald, John M. Homicidal threats. 1968 Metropolitan Area Plantiing Comm. 364.3 Jf Menninger', Karl A~- The crime of punislunent. 1968 " 364.44 U. S., Task Force on The rule of law: an alternative to 1970 Law and Law ~nforce"; violence: a report to the National 364.3 Rennert, Vincent P. Western-outlaws. 1968 (I' mente ·'cornril. on the'caU:B~s and preven- tion of violence. . 364 •. 3 Short, James F. Modern criminals. 2d edt 1973

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, - 070.48 Baird, Rus seH N. ' . The penal press. '. 1967 , , 345.077 American Cor rectional Study guide for the application 1970 Association . 'i ,of the'manual of cori-ectional stahdards. 3d edt

350.84 Lunden, Walter A. The pris on warden and the 1965 I> " custodial staff. ~

352.207 American Correctional Corl;'ection officers training n. d. Association " guide. '

353 .. 0084 National Sheriffs I : Manual on Jail administr'ation. 1970 As s 0 ciation

362.042.5 Cull, John G. Contemporary field work practices 1972. in rehabilitation • .. .: '. J ~ 362.85 Cull, John G. Vocational rehabilitation: 1972. , . profes'si'on and proces's...... 364 Radzinowicz, Leon Criminal in confinement. 1971 J,l,

, I 364.1 MacIsaac, John Half. th~ fun was getting there. ,1968

364.143. American .Correctional Causes" -preventive measures, Association and l:nethods of controlling riots & disturbances in , ., . corr':H~tibnal institutions.'

364.409 Alper, Benedict S. Grime: ·international agenda; 19720 conc(~rnand action in the pre­ ventioh 6f crime and: -treatrn:ent 'of offenders, 1846-1972..

364.6 Babington, Anthony The:'povirer to silence; a history of 1968 punislhrnentin Britain.

,',' ~ : 364.6 Carter, Robert 'M~. . Probation and parole; selected 1970 readings. , " " '

364.6 Daw.~on, :Robert o. Sentencing: the decision as to type, 1969 length, and conditions of sentence. • 1. .. ;. .,.. ",... t 'i. .. .~ '. ! ~ . 364.6 Erickson, 'Rosemary J. Paroled but not free. 1973 .,.



364.6 364.72 Fenton, Norman Human relations in adult 1973 McCartt, John M. Guidelines and standards for halfway 1973 corrections. houses and community treatment centers. 364.6 Gibbo.ns, Don O. Changing the la.w breaker, the 1965 treatment of delinquents Pickett, Robert S. House of Refugej origins of juvenile 1969 and criminals. reform in New York State, 1815-1857.

364.6 Johnston, Norman B. Sociology of punishment and 1970 364.8 Evrard, Franklin Successful parole. 1971 correction. Hardy, Richard E. Introduction to correctional 1973 364.6 Miller, Frank W. The correctional process. 1971 r ehabilita tion.

364.6 Newman, Charles L •. Sourcebook on probation, parole 1968 364. 8 Sands, Bill . My shadow :ran fast. 1964 and pardons. 364.8 Sands, Bill The seventh step. 1967 364.6 Packer, Herbert L. Limits of the criminal sanction. 1968 364.977 . 'Tu1chil'l, Simon H. Intelligence and crime; a study 1939 364.6 . Punishment: for and against. 1971 of penitentiary and reformat'ory offenders. ,364.601 Honderich, Ted P\l~nishrnent; the supp'o~ed justifica­ 1970 tions. 365 American Correctional Manual of corre ctiona1 standards. 1969 Association 3d ed. 364.6J. Fisher, Edward C. Disposition of prisoner following 1971 • arrest. 365 Atkins, Burton lvi. Prisons, protest, and politics. 1972 364.62 Clegg, ReedK. Probation and parole; principles 1964 365 Badillo, Herman A bill of no rights; Atti.ca and the 1972 and practices. American prison system.

364.63 Beard, Belle B. Juvenile probation; an analysis of 1934 365 Bennett, James I chose prison. 1970 the case records of five hundred children. 365 Fox, Vernon B. Introduction to corrections. 1972 364.63 Dressler, David Practice and theory of probat.ion 1969 365 Glaser, Daniel The effectiveness of a prison and 1969 and parole. parole system. o~

:~64~ 63 Kay., Barbara A. Probatlon ,a:nd parole •. 1963 365 l...e.vy, Howard (. Going to jail: the pOlitical prisoner. n. d. Amos, William E. Delinquent children in juvenile 1966 365 Social, Educational 364.72 A model social service program 1972 coJ:rectional institutions. Research and De­ for a county jail. velopment, Inc. 364.72 Att'l.OS, William E. Readings in the administration of 1965, instit-q,tions for delin,qu~nt youth. 365.025 American Correctional Directory, correctional institutions 1970/ '" Association and agencies of the USA, Canada, 1971 364~72 Ke~r~l:1 Oliver J. Halfway houses:' cm:nmuni1:y;..centered 1970 and Great Britain. c correct~pti a:rl:·ti~re.a.tment. .',

. '; - - ,-. ,~~. 1 -- .--_. ----...- - • ___ .....- • .--~ ____ ,~._~_~ ______-.- ____ .-,----- __


365.66 365.08 Lyle. ~il1iam H. Behavioral s cienceand modern 19'7~ Roberts, Albert R. Sourcel;>ook on prison e,du,cation: 1971 penology~ . past, present,' and' '£utiure. 365.66 365.082 Veddel'~ Clyde B. Penology: a realistic approach. 1964 Uehling, Harold F. Correctiol?- 0:£ a correctional 1973 'Psychologist in 6:eatment 365.42 Closing correcti.onal institutions; new strategies for YfDuth 1973 of the criminal offenders. services. 365.6770 Conroy, J'ohn Sing Sillg~ the view from within. 1972 365.42 Lampman, Henry P. The wire womb; life in a girls f 1973 penal in stitution •.. 365.9 DeFord, Mit'iazn Stone ~al1s.; prisons ,from fetters 1962 . 'td 'tur·l~ughs. .'. 365.43 Eyman, Joy S. Prisons £orwomenj a pract;ioal 1971 ,~...... guide to administration 365.942 Parker J Tony The,irying-pan: a prison and its 1970 problems. pf.isoiiers.

365.45 Laffin, John The anatomy of c~ptivity. 365.942 Zeno, pseu:d. Life. 1968

365.6 Chang, Dae H. 'Jlhe prison; voices from the. inside. 365.973 Chaneles, :301 The open pris:on; saving their 1973 lives and our money. 365.6 Coons, William R. Attica diary. 1972 365.973 Hazelrigg, Lawrence Prison within society; a reader in 1968 365.6 Fenton, Norman What will be your liie? 1955 ..- penology_ • 365.973 Prisonf"rs in America. Background reading for the forty­ 365.6 Opotowsky~ Stan Men behind bars. 1972. 1973 second Am.erican Assembly, held December 1972. 365.6 Ragen, JosephE. Inside the world's. toughest pris,on. 1962. 365.973 Wilkinson, Fred T. The realitie s of crime and punish­ 1972 365.6 Vedder,; Clyde :e.' .Problems of homo,se:g;uality in 1967 ment; a prison administrator's corrections. testament.

, 365.6 'Ward, David A. Women's prison; sei and social 1965 365.9747 Lawes, Lewis E. Twenty thousand years in Sing Sing. 1932 structure. 365.975 Bases,Nan C. Preventive detention in the District 1972 365.6, . Woodroof, Horace Stone Wall College. 1970 of Columbia: t;he first ten months • , . 365.64 l3ecket, James Barbarism in Greece: a young 1970 365.9755 Hoffer, Frank W. The jails of Virginia; a study of the 1933 American lawyer's inquiry into . local penal system. the: use of torture in contemporary Greece, with case histories ••• '. 365.976 Murton, Tom . Accomplices to the cl":iIne. i ' • 1969

\"i Griswold, H. Jack An eye fo-r an eye. 1910 365.978 Johnson, Lester D. ' The devil IS front porch. 1970 . 3t>5.66 Fenton; Norman: Anintroductipn to group counsel~ 1957 i'e! .365.9792 Empey. LaMar Taylor The Provoexp~rfn1ent; evaluating 1972 ingin correctional service. community control of delinquency. I

". . '


016.3622 . Wells, Dorothy P. . 65.S. 3 Newman~ Charles L • Person~e1 practices in. adult parole 1971 , Drug .education; a bibliography of 1972 , systems. available inexpensive materials. 016.615 Clayton, James P. 725.6 Johnston, Ii'orman The h~an cage: abrie£ history of -1973 Drugs: a selected bibliography of 1972 .. J?rison architedure. print.ed·materials 1965-1971. 132.72 Aaron, James E. 19'73 . The' police officer and alcoholism. 725.6 Nagel, WUliam G. The new ;l:'ed barn: a critical look at .' 1963 the modern Amer,ican prison. 154 Metzner, Ralph ·The ecstatic adventure. 1968 818.008 Philip, Cynthia O. Imprisoned in Americaj prison 1973 155.'2 Carney, Richard E. . communications, 1776 to Attica. Risk-taking behavior; concepts, 1971 methods, and applications to B Freeman, Lucy The 'ordeai of Stephen Denniso:n. 1970 smoking and drug-abuse.

The legislation of morality: law, 1970 drugs, and moral judgment.

The new families; youth,' communes 1972 and the politics of drugs.

Addiction and society. 1970

You owe' yourself a drunk: an 1970 ethnography of urban nomads.

The s e ekel:'ls • 1969

Drugs & youth;. medical, psychia~ric 1970 and legal facts.

• I" The marijuana sIpokers . 1970

The sexual power of marijuana. 1970

Marijuana and your child., 1970

The new· ~ odal drug: cultural; \.: 1970 medical, and legal perspectives on marijuana. , - , 301.476 Th'orp, Roderick The ~:usic oftheil\ laughter.•. 1970 • ~'~ .~~I • I /:,,=101.476 Zwerin,. Michael The silent Bound of needles • 0', ,! ; .• 1 ~.I''1; • If \, 338.·476 Pearson, Michael .' .'\, Themillion-doll~r bugs.

1) I. --~--~------.------


344. 73, King, Rufus The drug hang-up; America's fifty­ 1972 362.293 New York Times , Drugs 1971 year folly. • 362.293 R,egush, N.icholas The drug addiction bus,iness. 1971 362 Berry, James , Heroin was my best friend. 1971 , , 362.293 Rosenthal, Mitchell Drugs, parents, and children; 1972 362.2 Reagen, Michael V. Readings on drug education.. 1972 the three-way connection. 362.293 362.204 Martindale, Don A. The social dimensions of mental' 1971 Rugers Sympt1sium Communication and drug abuse; 1970 illness, alcoholism 'and drug on Drug Abuse proceedings •. dependence. 362.293 Seymour, Whitney N. The young die quietly. 1971 362~29 Brecher, Edward M. Licit and illicit drugs. 1972 362.293 Smith, David Elvin "It's so good, donlt even try it 1972 362.292 Cooper, He'rston Inve stigator' s manual on drugs 1970 once." and narcotics. 362.293 Treatment of d~ug abuse; programs, probleIns, prospects. 1972 362.292 Coudert, Jo Alcob.olic in your life. 1972 362.293 Wald, Patricia M. Dealing with drug abuse - a report 1972 362.2,92 Qammage, Allen Z. Alcoholism, skid row and the 1972 to the Ford Foundation. police. 362.293 We~sma.n,Thomas Drug abuse and drug counseling. 1972 362.293 Alexander, C. J. How 'to kick the habit! 1972 e 293 .~362. Western Institute of Progress in drug abuse; proceedings, 1972 362.293 Bejerot, Nils Addiction: an artifiCially induced 1972 Drug Problems drive. Summer School

362.293 Bennett, James C Drug abtl,se and what we can do 197.0 about it. 363.45 Pace, Denny F. Handbook of narcotics control. 1972 '362.293 Casriel, Daniel DaytoPi three addicts and the~r 1971 363.45 Siragusa1 Charles cure. The trail of the poppy: ' behind the 1966 , mask of the mafia~

3.62.293 Chapin, William , Wasted; the,story of my son's 1972 364.157 Anslinger, Harry J. drug addiction. T~e murderers; the story of the 1961 narcotic gangs,. \ 362.293 Cortina,'Frank M. 'Face to face. 1972 364.157 Buse, Renee The deadly silence. 1965 , . 362.293 Dai, Bingham Opi,um addiction in Chicago. 1970 'i 364.157 Cain, Arthur H. Young people and drugs. 1969 (Reprint) '364.157 Einstein, 'Stanley Proceed.ings of the First Internationai 1972 , ,362.293 Illinois Legislative The drug crisis; report on drug abuse 1971 '., . . Conference on St\1dent'D;rug Surveys, , ~ r lnvestigating 'Comm. in Illinois to the Illinois ,General Sept. 12-15, 1971, N~wark, N. J.; Assembly., (' . F,,364~ 157'. 'McLaughl~; John B. ,Illinois drug/narcotic manual. 1972 '"!', 362.'293 , ,Levine, Samuel F. Narcotics ~nd drug abuse. 1973 't . , ",~64,157Moore,Robe'!'t L. ~r . The French connection. 1969



!-'. , United Nation&:/"; ," National laws and regulations Drugs from A to Z. 364.157 613.83 Lingeman,.R.ichard COlnm.. on :rel~tingto the control of 1 , Narcotic Drugs narcotic drugs; cumulative Youth and 'the drug problem; a 613.83 Love,' Harold D. index 1947 -1957. guide for parents and tea.chers.

364.157 Woodley; Richard Dealer; portrait of a cocaine ,1971 Resour<;.e book for drug abuse 1972 , 613.83 National Clearing­ mer·chant. house for Drug , education. 2ded. Abuse Informatio1;l 427.09 Schmidt, Jacob E. Narcotics lingo and lore. 1959 Am.phetamine abuse. 1968 613.83 National Institute 613.8 Dens,en-Gerber, Drugs, sex, parents, and you. 1972 on Amphetamine Jud:ianne Abu.se. 1969 613.8 D:rug dependence,. Robert T. Har:ris, editor. Drugs on the collfge ~ampus. 1970 613,83 Nowlis, Helen J( '\\ , 613.8 Linde s;rn ith, Alfred Addiction and opiates'. 1968 I 613.83 Reference packet on narcotics. i \ The last f1x; Dan Russell and 1971 613.8 Snyder, Solomon H. Uses of marijuana. 1971 I Russ ell, Ellen I .613.83 th.e world that fosthlm. . 613.8 Ter,ry, Charles E. The opiu.m problem. ' 1970 I Drugs and youth; proc;ieedings. 1969 613~ 83 Rutgers Symposium 613. B1 Roach, Mary K. Biological aspects of alcohol. 1971.' on Drug Abuse. 1971 613.83 Bedworth, Albert E. Basics 6£ drug education. • , Stanford curriculum. guide for ~rug abuse education. :1 613083 1971 . 613.'83 BloomquistJ Edward Marijuana. 1968 Wise, 'Francis H. Youth and drugs; prev~ntion, 613.83 detection and cu.re. Bloomquist, Edward Marijuana~ the .second trip_ 1971 Drug abuse; teenage hangup,. , 197t 613.84 Merki, Donald J,. Commonsense lives here; a community guide to drug abuse 1970 <" action. The narcotic officer's .notebo,ok. 1st ed. 1961 614 H~~ney ~ MalachiL. 2d ed. 1973 613.83 J)rug abuse; social and psychopharmacological aspects .• 1969 1972 Pubiicinfor~ation p:rogrartls on alcohol and highway safety. 614.8 613 .. 83 Fort. Joel Pleasu~e 6e~kers: the drug cl:'i!3is, 1969 ,,1967 youth and sQciety. ' D~ugs all.d societ-r. 615.1 Barber~ Bernard Drugs, what they are, how they look, 1971 613.83 . Horaron, Richard E. Prug awareness. 1970 GannoI?-, F·:rank 615.1 what they do. 613.83 Kaplan, ,John Marijuana- the new prohibition. ,1970 . 1972 Narcotic pla.nts. 615.32 Emboden,William 613.83 Lan.d, Herman W. What you can do about drugs and 1969 J 1 Combiped effects of alcohol and t968. :;YQUl' child. , 615.32 For~ey, Robe~B. o~he:r d:t:'ugs. 613.83 Liebermall.t Mark ' The dopeb90k;all about drugs • , ..' >. '.~'. '~~ \... , j


615.323 Scott, James M. White poppy: a history ot opium. 1969 616.861 Chambers, Francis .' .' The drinker1saddiction: its nature 1968 - and practical treatment. 615.782 Moscow, Alvin Merchants of heroin; an'indepth 1968 616.861 portrayal of bu.siness in the The drinking man. By David C. McClelland and others.' 1972 underworld. 616.861 Joint Information The treatment of alcoholism: 1967 '615.788 Cashmanj John The LSD story. 1966 Services a study of progra.'T.l.s and . problems. 615.7883 Brown, Fountaine Hallucinogenic drugs" 1972 616.861 Opportunities and limitations in the treatment of alcoholics. 1967 615.7883 Hoffer, Abram The hallucinogens. 1967 616.861 Roebuck, Julian B. The 'etiology of alcoholism, consti­ 1972 615.7883 Holister, Leo E. Chemical psychoses; LSD and 1968 tutional, psychological, and related dl'ugs. sociological appt·oaches.

616.861 Steiner, Claude 615.7883 Problems and prospects of LSD. Edited by J. Thoma.s 1968 Games alcoholic.s play; the analysis 1971 Unger1eider. of life scripts.

Drugs of abuse: theh' genetic and'other chronic nonpsychiatriC 616.861 Valles, Jorge 615.9 1971 F:rom social drinking to alcoholism. 1969 bazards. Edited by Samuel S. Epstein. . 618.83 Duncan, Tommie L. Understanding and helping the 1965 616.86 Bell, R. Gordon' Es cape from addiction. 1970 ,.8 narcotic addict. ' 616.86 Cahalan, Don Problem drinkers. 1970

616.86 )fisher I Florrie The loneiy trip back. 1971

Gbode, Erich Marijuana. 1969

616.86 - Maurer, David W. Narcotics and narco~ic addiction. 2nd. ed. 1962 3rd. ~d. -1967

R616.86 Na,rcotics and drug abus e A to Z. 1971

616. ~61 Alcohoii~;m: the tot~l treatment <.1.pproach. 19,68 ,~. J. 616.861 Blane, Howard' T. Tht9 personality of the/alcoholic: '/ ~968 r ~, \ ' guises of ~ep~ndency.

616;861 Blum, ],::va Maria Alcoholism; :r;nodern psychological 1967 approaches to treatment.

, . Bridge, .Car1 J. Alcoholism and driving. ,1972 .1

f: ' 1972

The world almanac and book of facts. 19711 , R3l7.3 1972 Who's who in American politicS; a biographical 2 R3Z0.09 dir.ectory of United States politicallea,ders. 1972

co guide to cur'l'ect American government. 1971 320.4973 Governing without con census ; an 320.9416 Rose, Richard Irish perspective • 1972 Government a.narchy and the .' 321.9 Becker, Theodore POGONOGO. alternative. 1972 Civil disobedience and democracy. 322.4 Zashin, Elliot M. 1972 Blowing the whistle: dissent 323.65 . Peters, Charles in the public interest. 1971 The border wardens. Myers, John Myers 1970 325.13 The intelligence establishment. Ransom, Har.ry Howe I 1973 327.12- Congressional staff directory. 1959- 1970 • R328. 73 The crisis in communism: the Garaudy, Roger turning point of Socialism. 335.43 1971 Sources of municipal revenue. Wright, Edward T. 1970 336.2 Defending tal< fraud prosecutions. Edited by B. James 343.33 George, Jr. , ·1970 The effect of judicial review on Johnston, Richard federal-state relations in 351 Austr21ia, Canada, and the United State s • 1971 A percentage of the take. Goodman, Walter 1969 352.002 Urban government. • • a reader ••• Banfield, Edward C. 352. 008 A political life; the education of Hentoff , Nat John V. Lindsay. 352.074 1971 Politics of Belleville; a p1:ofi1eof .:., 352.77389 Elazar , Danie1.J. the civil corn.J.il,unity. l • ). ------·~F-- ....\'!"'~---~'---- ... -.~-


353 Bailey, Stephen K. American politics .and government; 1965 .355.425 Campbell, Arthur Guerilla&.: a history and analysis. 1968 essays in essentials. • , f 355.45 Englebardt, Stanley Strategic defenses. 1966 353 Harvey, Donald R. The Civil Service Conunis sion. 1970 355.71 Military prison; theory, r~search, and practice. 1910 353 Leach, Richard H.· Am.erican federalism. 1970 364.1 New York Times Report of the Warren Commission 1964 353 Perloff, Harvey S. The future 'of the United States; 1971 on the of President government toward the ye~\.r Kennedy, 2000. 364.106 }Vfollel'tl:.\off, Clark Strike Force; organized crime 1912 t 353.003 Holt, Soloman The dictionary of American 1964 [ ~ and the government. government. .' 364.12 Overstreet, Harry A. The FBI in our open society. 1969 353.008 Congres s and the environment. 1970 364.13 .Boveri, Margret Treason in the twentieth century• 1963 353.009 Gardiner, John A. Politics of corruption. 1910

364.13 Burnhatng James The web of subversion; underground 1954 353.5 Brown, R. G. Illegal practices of the Depart­ 1969 networks in the U. S. government. ment of Justice. (Reprint) 364.13 Dorman, Michael Payoff; th~ l'$)le of organized 1972 .353.5 Huston, Luther A. The Department of Justice • 1967 crime in American politics,

353.5 Kennedy, Robert F. The l'urs'llit of justice. 1964 364.13 Richards, Guy Imperial agent; the Go1eniewski­ 1966 Romanov case. 353.5 NavaskYI Victor S. Kennedy justice. 1971 364.13 Spiro, Edward The net that covers the world., 1955 353.925 Report on the Office of Attorney General. 1971 364.13 Wittenberg, Philip The Lamont case; history of a con­ 1951 355.12 Rivkin, Robert S. Gr rights and army justice. 1970 gressional investigation.

355.343 Deacon, Richard A history of the British Secret 1910 ~64.131 Eisenschitn1, Otto The celebrated case of Fitz John '1950 Service. Porter; an American Dreyfus a affair. :1 355.343 Whiteho_uee, 'Arthur Espionage and counterespionage; 1964, adventur~s in military 364.131 Fineberg, Soloman The Rosenbe~g case: fact and fiction. 1953 intelligence. Stern, Philip M, The Oppenheimer cas e •.' • 1969 355.343 White f,I ide. Thomas An agent in place; the WennerstrQm 1966 a,ffair. 363.131 West, Rebecca The new meaning of treason. 1964

355.37 MacC10sk;ey; Mon~o Reserve Officers Training Corps; .1.965 364.l31 Wise, David The espionage establishment. 1961 campus pathways to service commis ~;ions • i t 364:.133 Green, Timothy The smugglers; an investigation, •• , 1969' . r .~- ." , 364.133 Mes~ick, Hank Secret £~le. 1969 GOVERNMENT

GOV;~,ERNMENT 1938 C6mpleat smuggler; a bdoo~°l'~~a; 364:.9 Farjeon, Jefferson smuggling in Englan, ...' ,. 364.135 Rich. Elizabeth Flying 6 cared; why we are and elsewhere. being skyjacked and. how to put a stop to it. The Defense Department histo~YI?£ . Pentagon Papers 'ted States decision-making, on 959.704 '. U n1 364.138 Andrus, Burton C. ' 1 was the Nuremberg jailer. Vietnam.

, ' :.\ 1968 364.15 Cottrell, John' Anatomy of an ass'assination (Lincoln). An interpretation of American Johns on, Samuel A. ·973 history. 364.15 Garrison, Jim Heritage of ato1;le (Kenne~~.y assassination~ 1970 1971 Boss: Richard J. Daley.of 364.15 Havens, Mur:t;ay C. The politics of assassination. 1970 B Royko, Mike, Chicago. 1972 364.15 'Bynd, Alan 'Arrival: 12:30, the plot 1967 Citizen Hoover; a critical study against Lincoln. Nash, Jay Robert A'i B , of the1ife and times. of J. Edgar Hoover and his FBI. 36'4.15 Sparrovl, John After the assassination: a positive 1967 I appraisal of the Warren. Report. I I 364• .15 ??hompson, Josiah Six seconds in Dallaso .,'-;. 1967

'/ 364.152 Barreson, Raiph Whe n Lincoln died. 196;;

364.152 Dinner stein. Leonard -. The Leo Frank case. 1966 ,~- ~, ? 364.152 Ehrmann, He.rbert The case that will not die; Common­ 1969 wealth vs Sacco and Vanzetti.

~\; 364.152 ,Epstein. EdwardJ. Count~:r;-plot. 1969 }

364.l52 J oughin. Geor ge L. The legacy of Sacco and Vanzetti. 1948

R364.l52 Meagher, Sylvia , Subject inde.~ to the Warren ·Report••. 1966 ~, 'I, 364.152 N'ewman. Albert H. The assas sination of John F. Ken.nedy·. c 197[ •. 364.152 U. S. 'President's The official Warren Commis sion 1964,. Comma Of.\. the ,) Repo,rt. Assassination of 1";;. Pres • Kennedy. 5'­,

" 364.152 U. S. President'" The witnesses., 1965 Comma on the As sas sir).atio:tl of Pres. Kennedy.

364.153 . Fox, Sylvan. The Unanswered.questions about' 1965 Presidellt Ki~nnedy's assassina-. tiona ------~-" \,

\i '- {'


I\.~ ,- -; 1.55.532 Gol~, Martin Sta~us 'forces in delin'quent boys. 1963 '

301.434 Amos, William E.' DeUnquency prevention: theory 1967 and practice.

343.09.77 Institute of Gontinu- Juvenile court hearing officers, ,1965 • ing Legal Educa- t'rainirig manual. If tion

345~08 Stapleton, W. V. In defense of youth, a study 1972 of the role of counsel in ' Americal1 juvenile courts.

345.7308 Fox, Sariford J. Cases and materials on modern 1972 juvenile justice ..

362. 7 Ludwig, Frederick J. Youth and the law. 1955

364 ShQW, Giniord R. The jack-roller; a delinquent boy's 1966 own story.

364.1 Bowser. Laura A. Born to raise hell •. 1969

Joyeaux, Garl , Out' of the burning; the story of, a 1960 boy gang leader.

364.36 Cam, Arthur H •. ,·Young people and crim'e. 1968'

, 364.36 Cavan, Ruth Juvenile delinquency;, development. '1969 treatment, control. . 2d ed.

364.36 Gicourel, Aaron Social organization of juvenile justice. 1968

364.36 Donovan, F.rank, . Wild kids: how youth has shocked its 1967 ;"elders - then and now!

364.36 ,Elde:£onsQ, Edward, L~w enforcement and the youthful 1967 offender: juvenile procedures.

364.36 Eldefonso, Edward Law en£or cement and the youthful 1973 offender. 2d ed. i/ :"64.36 Eldefonso, Edward Youth problems and law enforce~. 1972 mente

364.36 Empey, LaMar T., Explaining delinquency. 1971 t f


r~ . 364.36 364.36 Flammang, C. J. . Police juvenile enforcement. ,:r 1972 NeUmeye;r,Martin H. ' ""Juvenile delinquency in mode;rn 1961 sOciety. 3d ed. 364.36 Ga;rabedian, Pete;r ,Becoming delinquent; yo.ungof£enders 1970 , and the co;rrectiona1 p;roces s. 364. 36 Platt, Anthony M. The child save;rSi the ~nvention of ..;, 1969 deHnquency • 364.36 Giallombardo) ROI:!e' Juvenile delinquency, a' book of 1966 :readings. 364.36 . Reck1ess~ Walte';r C. The prevention of. juvenile delin ... 1972 quency; an experiment. 364.36 Gibbons, Don C. Delinquent behavior. 1970 , '. 364.36 Richette, Lisa The throwaway chil4;ren. 364.36 Glueck,. 'Sheldon Problem of delinquency. 1959 1969 364.36 Rosenberg, Berna;rd The val'ietie s of delinquent 1969 364.36 Gold, Ma;rtin Delil'l.quent behavio~ ~n an Arne;rican 1970 experience. city. 364~36 Rubin, Sol Crime andjuvenile delinquency; a 1970 364.36 Hahn, Paul H. The juvenile offender and the law. 1971 rational approach to penal prpblems. . 364.36 . Hardy, Richard E. Climbing gh.etto walls. 1973 " , 364.36 Salisbury, Harrison The shook-up generation. 364.36 Hawes, Joseph M. 'Children in urban society; juvenile 1971 delinquency in 19th century 364.36 Sanders, WUeyB. Juvenile offenders. for a thousand 1970 Arne;rica. Iyears.

364.36 Healy, William Delinquents and criminals; their 1962 364.36 Schur, Edwin, M. .Radical nonintervention; rethinking the 1973 making and unmaking. delinquency problem.

364.36 Hirschi, Travis Causes of delinquerlcy. 1969 364.36 Belling, Thorsten Delinquency; selected stUdies. 1969 '364~ 36 Illinois. SIU,.,/ . Total- youth service planning s~udy 1970 364.36 Shaw, Clifford R. Brothers in cl'ime. Edwardsville . report. 1938 364.36 Shaw, Clifford R. Juvenile qelinquency and urban areas. 1969 364.36 LobIa, Leste;r H. Delinquency can be stopped •. 1967 364.36 Short', James F. Gang delinquency and delinquent 1968 364.36 Lunden, Walter. Statistics on delinquents and 1964 subcultures. deU,nquency. 364.36 Short, Jam.es F:. Group process and gang delinquency. 1965 364.36 MacIver,' Robert M. The p;reven.tion and cont;rol of 1966 delinquency. 364.36 Sussmann, Fr.ederick Law of juvenile delinquency. 2d ed. 1959 ~64.36 McLean,: Gordon R •. We';re holding your son. 1969 364.36 Trojanowicz, Robert Juvenile delinquency, concepts and 1 1973 control'. 364.36 Midomck, Millard Childr-en, parents and the courts; 1972 364.36 ju.venile delinquency. ungovern­ We st, Donald J. Present conduct and futu;re delinquency. ability and neglect., . , 1969 '."364.36 Wilkerson, David Parents on trial; why kids go wrong, ~' 1967 .. or right • JUVENILE DELINQUENCY LAW '- CONST'!T UTIONAL

364.36 Winters, John E. Crime and kids; a police'approach J959, 323.4 Pfeffer, Leo The liberties of an American; the , to the prevention and cont;rol of 1963 j'Uvenil~ delinquency. . Supreme Court speaks. 2d ed. 323 .• 4 Storey, Robert G. Our unalienable rights. 364.360 Institute, on Juvenile Institute on juvenile delinquency; 1962 . 1965 Delinquency papers. 323.40973 Fraenkel, Osmond .'l'herightE' 'We have. 1971 364.360 Vedder, Clyde B. Juveriile offenders. 1963 342.73' As ch, Sidney H. CiVill'ights &: responsibilities 1970 . \ under the Constitution; 364.36072 Hirschi, Travi$ Deliriq~ency resear~~; an appraisal 1967 of analytic methods. 342.73 Bartholomew, Paul Summaries of leading cases on the 1972 Constitution,' 8th ed. 364.364 Smith, Pauline The end of the line. 1970 342.73 Bayh, Birch Evans One heartbeat away; presidential 364.364 Vedder, Clydf1 B. The delinquent girl. 1968 dis;,1.bilityand fluccession. '364.4 Controlling delinquents. 342.73 Bragdon, Henry W. 1968 Pursuit of justi~e. 1969 364.4 Eisner, Victo~,i The delinquency label., 342.73 Cohen, Stanley 1969 A law enforcement guide to . United States Supreme 1972 364.4 Kobet?', Richard W. . The police role and j~venile 1971 Court decisions. delinquency. ' 342.73 Corwin. Edward The Constitution and what it means 364.46 Gitchoff, George T,' Kids cops, and kilos.• 1963 . ~ 1969 • today. 12th ed. 342.73 , The police officer and the child. Farrand. Max ft~~- 364.46 Holman, Mary 1962 The ir,aming of the Constitution of 1965 the United State s. 364.46 Kenney, John P. Police work with juveniles. 1970 342.73 Fourteenth amendmentj centennial volume. Editedby 365.42 Empey, LaMar T. . The Silverlakeexpe~i~ent; testing 1971 Bernard Schwartz. 1970 delinquency theory and community 342.73 Griffith, Ernest S~ intervention. The American system of govermnent. 4th ed. 1965

342.73 Kelly, Alfred H. The American'Constitutio:n; its 1970 origins and developmeut. 4th ed. 342.73 J;..atham, Earl The Declaration of :rndep(mdence 1956 and the Constitution. . Leinwand, Gerald The A.merican Constitution • 1964 342.73, Mason. l\lpheus T. AIll:erican Constitutiona:/. law; inh~'oductory essaysjilnd selected cases. 4th: ed. 1968 5th" ed. 1972 LAW - CONSTITUT10NAL LAW CON S T~ IT UTI 0 N A L

342.773 Illinois. Constitution Preparing for the Illinois Consti­ American Constitu'Gionallaw. 1968 1969 342.73 Mason, Alpheus T. Study Commie sian tutional Convention. 5th ed. 342.773 Illinois. Constitution Report of the Constitution Study Michael F.' Rights of privacy. 1972. 1967 342.73 Mayer. . Study Commis sion Carom. created by th,.e 74th General AssemblY. . \ 342.73 Miper, Charles A. Th'e Supreme Court and the uses of 1969 v history. . 344.73 Ratliff, Richard' C. Constitutional rights of college 1972 students. 342.73 Murphy, Walter F. The study of public law. 1972 345.056 Palmer, John W. Constitutional rights of prisoners. 1973 342.73 Pember, Don R. Privacy and the press; the law 1972 and mass media and the 345.73 K1otter. John C. Constitutional law for police. first amendment. 1971

342.73 Representing clients under the Selective Service Law. 1971 '

342.73 Taylor, John An inquiry into the principles and. 1950 policy of the govermnent of the United States.

342.73 Tresolini, Rocco American constitutional law. 1970

342.73, U. S. Congress Uncle Sam is watching you; high­ . 1971 lIghts from the hearings of the .. Senate Subcommittee on Con- , stitutiona1 rights.

342.7303 Emerson. Thomas The system of fre~dom of expression. 1971

342.733 Cushman, Robert Leading Constitutional decisions. 1955 10th, ed.

342.733 Kelly. Frank K. Your freedoIns: the Bill of Rights. 1964

342.773 Corneliusm Janet Constitution making in Illinois 1818- 1972 1970. ,Revised edition.

342. 773 ..illinois. C.onstitution. ConstituUon of the State ot Illin9is, adopted on the third day of Sept. 1970'by the sixth Illinois Con- . stitutiona1 Convention. " .

342.773 nUi\J.ois. Constitution. Proposec:l1970 Constitution for the State of Illinois. • JJJ\.W _. CRIM!NAL, LA W

340.02 Schafer, William J. Schafer's cases: the hard to find ones. 1972

;." ,. 1- " ·1 " 340.09 Blumberg, Abraham The scales of justice., 1st eti. 1970 ( . ,~ , , , : zci e,d. 1973

341.4773 illinois 'crilr.'1.inal Law ana. P-roce'dure for 1972. 1972

341.4773 Illinois Criminal Law and, Procedure for 1973. 1973

341.77 Bassiouni, M. CherifA tr'eatise on international criminal 1973 law. Vol. I and II.

, "-,, 343 Arens, Richard Make mad the guilty. 1969

343 Blumberg, Abraham Criminal justice. 1967 , J'l

343 Campbell, James S. Law and order reconsidered; report 1970 of the' 'Task Force 'on Law •••

343 The Criminal1aw revolution and its aftermath. By the editors of the Cdminallaw re'po'rtet. 1960-1969 1969 1960-1971 1972 e,: 1960-1972 1973

343 Dienstein, William Are you guilty? An introduction to 1954 'the' administration of criminal justice in the United States.

343 Epstein, Jason The gr'eat conspi'racyti-iai. 1970

343 LaFave, Wayne Handbook on crimina11aw. 1972

343 Sigler, Jay A. ',Double jeopa.rdy; the development 1969 , 'of a legal and social policy.

343 'I'aylor, Telford· Two studies in Coristitutionai inter" 1969 pretation.

343, Trials of the resistance; e~says hy Noam Chomsky. 1970

343 Weinreb, Lloyd L. ' Criniinallaw; cases", comment, 1969 questions.

343.09 Bassiouni, M. Cherif Grimizi'al1aw and its processes. ,1969

343.09 Chafee, Z'echariah ,The third'degree. 1969

343.09 Weston, Paul B. Administration of justice. 1st ed. 1967 2d edt 1973 LA W '7",C1~IMINA:L' .LA W LA W .. C RtMIN.A:.L LA W

. , , .' -, ...... ~ 3,43.• 0973 ..:po-qglas, Jack D. : Crime and justice in American 1971 1969 343.0942 Fr.iedland, Martin L. Double jeopardy. society. II • .., ."1 1969 343.0942 Stewart, S.W. A ~~dern view of the criminal law. 343.0973 Fel),man, David 'The defendant's rights. 1958 1968 3.43.097 Asch, Sidney H. Police :authorityand.tlte ;rights o.f , 343.0973 ,Fire.stone, R03s Getting busted; 'personal eXper{en~es the individual. of arrest, trIal, and prison~

, .. 1968 343.097 Creamer, j • Shane The law of arrest, search, and 343.0973 Foster, Jack Donald Readings in criminal justice. 1969 seiz~re. 343.0973 George, Beauford J .. ' . Criminal pro~edure sour~ebook. 1970 1966 343.097 Donigan, Robert L. Chemical tests and the law. 2d. edt . ~ . ... ~, 343.0973 Inbau, Fred Edward Cases and co:mm.ents on criminal i9~8 1967 343.097 Farmer, Robert A. Cdme, the law, and you. justice. . , 4 ",' .. ~'. ,: .. 1970 343.097 Graham, Fred P. Self-inflicted wound. 343.0973 lnbau, Fred Edward Criminal law for the laymen; a ,1970 .'. . , guide for citizen and'sttident • 1967 343.097 Jeffery". Clal'ence·R. Criminal responsibility and mental disease. 343.0973 Inbau. Fred Edward Crimina11aw for the police. , 1969 t. ' • 1965 343.097 Kamisar, Yale Criminal j~s.tice in oUl;'.tim,e •. 343.0973 Kadish, Sanford H. Criminal law and its processes; 1969 , . " . , " cases and materials. 2d ed. 1969 343.097 Leonard, Vivian A. '•. The police, the judiciary, and the c rilninal. 343,,0973 Louis ell, David W. Principles of evidence and proof~ 1st ed• 1968 . '. . 2,d, ed. 1972 1970 343.097 Morl'~s, NOl'val. ' \. ~he. h

34:3.0973 ,Sokol, Ronald P. The law-abiding po1l\ceman. 2d edt 1969 343~31 Kirkwoo~~ '~iIries" ." " American grotesque; an account 1970 '.~ of the Clay Shaw * Jim 343.0973 Specter, Arlen Police guide tc.) search and seizure, Garrison affai.r in the ,city ,interrogatio~n, and confession. ' 0.£ New Orleans,' . .

343 • .0973 U. S. Laws, st~tut~s" etc. Jrederal Criminal Code, annotated., 1971 343,31 ; LobI, Eugen Stalinism in Prague; .the Loeb1 1969 . , ' . ·sti:?ry. . ',,;'~ . Title 18, ~rimesand crimiI;l.al procedures with amendments e£fecti'~e J\:Uy 1, 1911. " 343.31 Lukas, .I., Anthony The.~a~.nyard epithet a+,:d ot~er 1970 ~ , - 343.09.73 U. S. Laws, statutes, etc. Federal criminal code, annotated: 1973 '. obscenities; not'es 'on the Title l8, U. S. Code~ Crimes and criminal procedure as Chicago con'spil'acy: trial. ( .: .... :... .,;. ~ '. amended 'to May 15, 1973. The trial record of DeIlIll:a~k VEJ,s~y. 1970 ~~3. 31 . ,,, ,.., . 343.0973 Weinreb, Lloyd L. Criminal process; cases, comment, questions. 343.34 Goldfarb, Ronald L. Th;e contempt power. 1963

343.09758 Slaton, 'Lewis R. Search and seizJ.1re; a manual for 343:52 Suavage,' L. The't)~\vald affair; and examination 1966 ; peace officers. , of the contradictions and omissions " of the Warren repoh~'" 343.09773 Nedrud, Duane R. The illinois law o£ criminal investi­ gation. 343.523 Lane, Mark Arcadia. . 1970 ~...

343.09794 Williams, John B. Vice control in California. 343.524 Seigentnaler, John A search for justice. 1971

" 343.09894 Houghton, Robert A. Special unit senator; the inveeti,ga- 343.55 'Schulder,' JJ'ia~e ' Abortion: rap. 1971 tion of.the as sassination of , . ,Senator RobertF.Kennedy. 343.57' , The addict and th~ law~"" 1965

343.1 Goldfarb, Ronald L. Ransom; a critique of the American 1965 343.63 H~ihi.tan:· Ray±nond The cOcllict of 1aw~ ~n;d the 1961 , ,bail system. .' ; statute of frauds. : ."

343.1 LaFave, Wayne .EL, Arrest; the ded:sion to take a. 1965 343.64 Berrigan, Daniel The. trial,.' of the Catonsville 1970 suspect into custody. nine.

--} 343.1 \V'right, Robert G. Police officer and criminal justice. 1910 343.7 ~urphy, Terrence Censorship: government and 1963 ~,- , cbs cenity. Hayden, 'Xhomas , Trial. 1970 343.131 'I 345 Jackson, R.M. Enforcing the law. (Revised edition.) 1971 343.2 Pincoffs, Edrr,l.und ~. The r.ationc:l1eof1ega), punis1hment. ' 1966 345,.05 Kerper, :Ha.zel B. Intro.d~ction to the criminal jU!='tice 1972 343.2Q1 Acton, Harry B. Philo.sophy of punishtnent~ ." 1969 system. \) , I I 343.3' Guttmann, Al~en Communism,' the courts, and the 1964 345.05 Ludwig, Frederick Th,e new criminal procedure 1971 , Constitution. .' e law, interpretative analysis. ,343~ 31 C1avir, Judy The conspiracy trial. 19'70

0 .

:,' ...


345.05 Tobias, Marc Weber Pr,e-trial criroin~l procedure, a 1972 ~45. 7306 Weston, Paul B. Fundamentals of evidence. 1972 , " survey of Constitutional rights. • 345.773 Council on the ,Diag- Illinois ~nified code of . ", 1972 345.077 Frankel, Ma:rVin E. ,'Criminal sentences: Law without .1973 nosis and 'Evalua­ corrections. , t~"· order. r; , tion of Criminal I" (' •. ~ , (J • , Defendants. L~ 345.5 Casper, Jonathan' n.' AmeriLiin criminal justice; the 1972 1 1 t" defendant s perspective. ~~, 345.773 Hanna, Donald G. Law handbook for Illinois police. 1972 '"~ ;;-', 3d ed. 345.73 Chamelin, Neil C" ,Cr¥nina11aw for policemen. 1971 ~.; , ,'\ 345.773 Moore, Ralph J. Callaghan's Illinois Criminal Law. 1966 345.73 Chamelin, Neil C. Handbook of criminal law. 1972 2 volumes. , .

.," f' Ca1iaghan I s Illinois Criminal Law - " ' ~ •. 345.73 Congressional Quar­ Crime and the law. .1971 1972 cumulative supplement. terly Service " , 345. 7'7305 Moore, Ralph J. Callaghan's Illinois Criminal Pro­ 1971 345.73 Ha~a,l Donald G. Criminal law for Illinois police. 1972 cedure. 6 volumes Callaghan's Illinois Criminal Pro­ 345.73 Orfield# Lester B. Criminal procedure from arrest to 1947 cedure - 1973 cumulative supplement appeal. 347.9973 Struggle for justice; a report on crime and punishment in 1971 345.73 Weston, Paul B. Criminal justice and law enforcement: 1972 America. ca?es. 364.12 Zavala, Albert Personal appearance identification. 1972 345.73 Weston, Paul B. haw enforcement and criminal justice. 1972 364.128 Davis, Rex D. Federal searches and seizures. 1964 345 • .73 Young, Rudolph B. Criminal)aw: Codes and ,cases ~ ,1972 364.4 Cohn, Stanley I. Law enforcement adence and 1970 345.730 Israel, Jerold H. C:dminal- procedure in anutshdl~ , 1971 , technology III. , " , ' ~ , f , 345. 7305 CaHson, Ronald L. Criminal justice procedure for police. 1970 .f 364.973 Congressional Quar .. Crime and justice l.,.'"l America. 1968

. ' terly Service 345. 730S Hills, Stuart L. Crime, power, and morality; th\~ 19'71 criminal law process in the , 614.58 Miller, Frank W. Mental health proces s', 1971 United State s •

345.7305 Kaplan. John Criminal justice: introductory cases 1973 and materials.

345. 7305 Rosengart, , Oliver Busted~a handbook fqr la~erp' and 1972 D ,,".. ,. , , 'their clients with reference to the { , new criminal proceduL·e'law. 1, , ' ) ,', r 345. 73052 Rin~e1, "W~lliap;1,~; $earches & seizures, arrests and 1972 confessions. e;: I'

, , ~A W - GENERA:G',

172.4 Regan, 'Richard' J •• Private ,c'onscien'ce ~ndpublic law; 1972 the American experience.

309.17.3 ShUIria:h, Samu'el I; Law arid disorder. :' 1971

323.,408 Conference on pis­ Discrimination and the law. 1965 criminatioh and the Law " . " 323.409 U. S. 'Comm. on Hearings before the U. S. Comm. 1961 Civil Rights on Civil Rights.

323.40973 Abraham, Henry J. Freedorn and the court; civil rights 1972 and liberties in the United State~s. 2d ed. ,',

323.422 Karlen, Delmar Procedure before trial in a 1972 nutshell.

328.73 Dowell, Eldridge If'. A histbry 'of criminal syndicalisni' 1939

I ' legislation'in the United Sta,tes.

331.639 Blumros en, Alfred ' Black: employment and the law .. 1971",

340 As sociation of the Freedom of the pre13S and fair 1967 Bar of the City of trial; final report with New York , recommendations. I,

Ba1dw':i'n, Malcolm' F. Law 'and the enviromnent. 1970

340 Campus crisis; legal problems of university discipline, 1969 achninlstration and e'xpansion.

340 Cawley, Clifford The right to live. 1969 I;

340 Commerce Clearing Fair Housing Act of 1968 with ex­ 1968 House planation.

340 Commerce Clearing Federal estate and gift taxes; code 1968 '\ J House regulations, as of August 15, 1968.

340 Eldridge J William Narcotics and the law. 1969 c 340 Farmer, Robert A. The. rights of the mentally ill. 1967

340 Fisher; Edward Cole :. Laws,~o:earrest., 1967' LA W - GENERAL LAW -' GENERAL! e I~ 340 Morris, Clarence The justification of the law. 340 Fisher, Edward Cole 'Legalasp~cts of speed measure. 1967. 1971 ment;~~V::h:!'ekl. 340 Phelps 1 Robert H. Libel: rights, risks., responsi­ 1966 340 Freedman, Warren Societal behavior; new and unique 1965 bilities. rights of the person. 340 Schwartz, Richard Society and the legal order. 1970 340 Friedmann, Wolfgang Law in a changing socie1;y. 2ded. 1972 340 Sloan, Irving J. Environment and the law. 1971 340 Friendly, Alfred Crime and publicity, thE) impact of 1968 news on the administration of 340 Smith, David T. Abortion and the law; essays by 1967 justice. B. J., GeorgeJl Jr.

340 Fuller, Lon L: The law in quest of itself. 1966 340 Stelzer, Irwin M. Selected antitrust cases; land­ 1966 mark decisions. 340 Hanna, John Paul Teenagers and the law. 1967 340 Westin, Alan F. Privacy and freedom. 1967 340 Howard Charles G. Law, its nature, functions, and 1965 limits. 340 Weinberg, Roy D. Confidential and other priviJ'~dged lQh7-"r--- c6rnmuliica.tion~- o~.- . -

340 Illinois. Law~, IlU.r ..:>is laws relating to la,bor Statutes, Etc. 'l.nd employment 1965. e' 340.01 Bird,. Otto Ao The idea. of. justice. 1967 340 Illinois. Laws, IllinoiS vehicle code as amended, 340.01 Goedecke, Walter R. Change and the law. 1969 Statutes, Etc. effective Jl.lly 1, 1970, - 340.01 Rostow, Eugene V. Is law dead? 1971 340 Illinoil~. Laws, Illinois vehicle code as amended, 340.0141 Probert Walter Law~ langl:lage and communication. Statutes, Etc. , . 1971 edition. ! 1972

340 'Illinoisl.! Laws, The School Cocle of Illinois, with 1965 340~02 Lobenthal, Joseph S. Growing up clean in Ame:;rica. 1970 Statu1:es, Etc. additional acts afiectingschools. 340.023 Handler, Joel F. The lawyer and his community; the 1967 practicing bar ina middle-sized 34() Jackso~n, Charles. O. Food and drug legislation in the New 1970 Deal. city.

340.03 Bander, Edward J. Law dictioJlary of pracUcal definitions. 340 Katz; Sanford N. When parents fail;th~ law's response 1971 1966 , to family breakdown. !~. 340.03 B1ac'!:c, Henry C. Black! slaw diidionary. ~ ... 1957 340 Law and justice: essays in honor of Robert S. Rankin. 1970 F.ditedby Carl Beck. 340.03 K1.ing; Sar.nuel G. The legal e~ncyclopedia and the 1970 dictionary. Revised edition. ,340 Law in culture and society. Edited by Laura Nade·r. 1969 340.03 Kling, Samuel G. The legal encyclopedia [or home and 1965 business:. Revised edition. 340 Lorch, Robert S. Democratic p'rocese and' adzninis­ 1969 trative law. I. .; 340.07 American Bar . Equal·rightos project Feport. 19 172 Associatiop 340 McCart~ Samuel W. Trial by jury; a ·cor.rlplete guide 1965 to th~ j11rysystern.2d ed. I


340.07 . Gl'ube;r, Edward C. How tb s core high on the, law school admission tet:Jt. 2d ed. 340.0973 Summers, Robert s. Law;. its nature, functions, and 1972 Hwit$. 2d ed. 340.07 Kinyon, Stanley Introduction to law study and law examinations in a nutshell. 340.0973 The Time-Lila Family Legal Guide. 1971

340.07 Packer, Herbert L. New directions ·in legal education. 340.0973 Wasserstein, Bruce With justice for some. 1970

340.072 Cohen, Morris L. Legal research in a nutshell. 340.09747 Hoffman, Paul Lions in the street; the inside sto:ry 1973 of the great Wall Street law firms. 340.09 Blumberg, Abraham Scales of justice.• 340.11 Marks, F .. Raymond The lawyer, the publicI and 1972 340.092 Ginger, Ann Fagan The relevant lawyers. professional responsibility.

340.0942 Hewitt, Cecil R. Law and the common man. 340.11 Stat sky, William F. Teaching advocacy: learner-focused 1973 training for paralegals. 340'~O97 Belli, Melvin M. The law revolution. 340.11 Stat sky. William P. What have paralegals done? 1973 . 340.097 Freedman, Warren Society on trial. 340.115 Barkun, Michael . Law and the social system. 1972 340.097 Lobenthal, Jo.seph . Powet- and put-on; the law in Ame.rica. 340.4 Bloonastein, ~orris Verdict; the jury system. 1968 ". .' 340.097 The Reader's Digest. You and the law. 340.4 Chester, Giraud The ninth juror. 1970

340.0973 Berman, Harold Talks onAInerican law. 340.4 Nizel', Louis The jury returns. 1966

340_ 0973 Colby, Edward E. Everything youtve always wanted 340.6 Beeman. Joseph The pathologist as a witness. 1964 to know about the law but couldn It afford to ask. 340.6 Harris, Raymond I. Outline of death' inve stigation. 1962.

340. 0973 Drinan, R()bert F. Deniocracy, dis.sent, and disorder;. 1969 340.6 Haugen, Gerhard B. The psychiatrist as a witness. 1966 the issues and the law. 340.6 Liebenson, Harold The psychologist as a witness. 1964 340.0973 Farnsworth, Edwal::d An introduction to the legal system . 1963 of the Unitecl States. 340.6 ;Manzella, Joseph A. Attorney's guide to medicine in 1966 . law. 340.0973 Fleming, Donald Law in American history. 1971 340.6 Marshall, James Law arid psychology in conflict. '1966 340. 0973 Forman, . James Law and disorder. 1972 340.6 l?olson, Cyril John The 'essentials of forensic 1965 '34'0.0973 NorVldck, Kenneth You:r legal rights; making the law medicine. 2d ed. I, 1972 work for you.' 340.6 Slovenko, Ralph Psychothera.py, c()nfi~entiality. 191>6 340.0973 Shuman", Samuel I. Anlerican law, an i~troductory , 197J. and privileged communication. survey of some principles; e· , , cases and text~ LAW - GENERAL LAW .. . GENERA.L,

340.76 Arco Publishing Attorney, jr. attorney-asst. 1967 Company attol'.pey, attorney trainee"; 344.73 Greenman, Rue eel Personnel administration and the 1972 law assistant; the complete law. guide for 6 coring high. 2d edt 3440-73 Law and discipline on campus. Edited by Grace W. Holmes. 1971 I •. 340.8 Darrow, Clarence Attorney for the damned. 1957 .. 344.73 Sand.maI;l, Peter M. Students and the law. 1971 341 . Von Gla,hn, Gerhard Law among nations • 1970 345.0231 Schultz, <,-Tohn Motion Will be denied; a new 1972 , . 341.1 , B r ownli-e, Iq,n 1?a,!3ic dpcuments in international 1972 report on the Chicago law. 2d ed. conspiracy trial.

342..09 Wright,Edward T. Practical municipal law. 1972 345.052 Critical issues in law enforcement. 1972 1972 342.73 Bassiouni, M.Cherif The law of dissent and riots. 1971 345.06 McCormick on evidence. 2d edition. Miller, Frank W •. The juvenile justic.e proces s. 1971 342.7308!5 Rodgers, Harrell Law and social change~ civil rights 1972 345.08 law and:their consequences. 345.3 Slovenko 1 Ralph . Sexual behavior and the law. 1965 R342.773 n~inois. Laws, .Illli1lois revised statutes 1971. , 1972. . Statutes, etc. 345.4 u. S. Supreme Historic decisions of the Supreme 1958 Court Court. J • R342.773 Illinois. Lawa,' Illinois revised statutes. 1972 1973 Statutes~ etc. supplement. 345.5 Americanjurisprudence; a modern comprehensive teXt 1936 statement of the American law relating to automobiles R342.773 nlinois. .Laws, Illinois. revised statutes. 1973 1973 and automobile insurance ••• Statut'.as, etc. supplement. 345.6 Inba.u, Fred E. Evidence law for the police. 1972 R342.773 Illinois. :Laws, Illinois revised statutes 1973. 1974 Statutes, etc. 345.73 Damgaard, John A. The student and the courts ~ campus 1971 profile. 343 .. 097 Gi11ers, ~tephen Getting justice; the rights' of the 1971 people. 345.73 Fisher, Edward Cole Search and seizure •. 1970

343.1 Slough, M. C. Privacy, freedom and responsibility. 1969 345.73 Freeman, Brian Drunk driving cases: Prosecution 1970 and defense. , 343.57 Lindesmith) Alfred The addict and the law. 1965 345.73 Nimmer, Raymond T.. The omnibus hearing; an experiment 1971 in relieving ineffideJ;lcy, unfair:.. 344. 07 !'rew York. (City) . Cu;rrent school problem~. 1970 Practising Law msto: ness and judicial delay. Handbook .of courtroom demeanor 344.73 Drug abuse law review •.. M. H. Hershey, e.ditor. 1971 345,.73 Pantale·Jlli, . G. A. 1971 and te stiniony • 344.73 Freeman, Bdan Narcoti~s cases: Prosecution a.nd 1970 I Rourke, William The Harrisburg 7 and the new de£~nBe. 345.7302 o 1972. .. Catholic left. 344.73 Gatti, Daniel J. The teacher. and the law. 1972 -'~~------IIIIl'liI'~ __ ~ __

a ~ ,


e,, 345.7305 Latham, Frank B. American justice on tHaI. 1972 345.73 Milner, NealA. The cou'r't 'and local law enf.ol'cement; 1971 'I the 'impact of Miranda. -, 345.7307 Goldfarb, Ronald L. After conviction. 1973 346.747 Abrahams, Samuel Law in family conflict. 1970 345.7307 Katz, Llewis Justice is the crime; pretrial 1972 delay in felony cases. 347 Friendly, Henry Benchmarks. 1967

345.7308 Fox, Sanford J. The iaw, of juvenile courts in a 1971 347 Jessup, Libby F. New life style and the changing 1971 Irutshell. law. Revised edition.

346.42034 Ca.rter-Ruck, Peter Libel and slander. 1972 347 Keeton, Robert E. Venturing to do justice; refc:rmi]J.g 1969 private law. 346.73 American Bar The mentally disabled and the law. 1971 Foundation 347.06 Rules of evidence for the United 'States Courts and MagistrC'~tes. 1973

346.73 Chernoff, George Photography and the law. 4th ed. 1971 347.06 White, William F. Winning in court on the law of facts. 1972

346.73 Deming, Richard Man against man; civi11aw at work. 1972 , , 347.075 Redfield, Roy A. Cross examination and the witness. 1963 1 I 348 Burstein, ,Abraham Laws concerning religion in the 1966 347.1 Forel', Lois G. "No one will lissen"; how our legal 1970 United States. 2d ed. system brutalizes the youthful poor. 348.732 Matthews, Thomas A. Municipal ordinances; text, and forms 1972 .' with 1973 supplements. 2d ed. 347.4 Gunther, Gerald John Marshall's defens<~ ~~i McCulloi:'!t 1969 v. Marylnnd. 351.90973 Davis, Kenneth C. Administrative law test. 3d ed. 1972 347.4 Kaufman, John J. Contracts outline. 1961 353.008 Pollution and industrial waste. 1970 347.5 Baer, Harold How to prepare and negotiate cases 1967 364.6 American Correctional Proceedings of the Annual Congress for' settlement. Association of Correction.

l' 347.5 Mayer, Michael F. What you should. know about libel 1968 ; and slander. ' . 368.572 Ross, Hugh Laurence Settled out of court. 1970

388.312 Kleberg, John R. IHinoi!, traffic law. 1971 347.6 Callahan, Parnell The law of separation and divorce. 1967

388.4 National Comm. on l}t1odernizing laws and ordinances. 1958 347.6 Leary, Morton L. Law of adoption.' 3d ed. 1968 Urb~n Transporta­ 347.6 Weinberg, Roy D. Laws governing family planning. 1968 tion: •

614.,19 Brown, Kent Louis Medical problems and the law,. 1971 347..7 Commerce Clearing Truth .. in-Jending, law and explanation 1968 House 1968 Consumer Credit Protection 615,.8512 Bryan, William. J. Legal aspects of hypnosis. 1962 Act of :May 29, 1968.

808.066 Biskind, Elliott L. Legal writing simplified., 1971 347.7 Dil1avou, Esse1 R. Dilla-vour and Howar9,'s principles 1967 of bv.siness law. 8th ed. 808.882 Gerhart, Eugene Quote it! Memorable legal quotations. 1969 o !J • LAW - PRIVATE LAW AND JUnrCIAL SYSTEM LAW - ·P;RIV:ATE LAW AND JUDICI·AL SY.. SJEM

347.7 Dowp.ie ,~eonard Justice 4eniedj the case for reform 1971 347.91 MacDonald, John D. No deadly drug. 1968 of the courts. 347.91 Tales of Hoffman. Edited from the official transcript by 1970 347.7 I ,Taylor , Irwin M. \l The law ofinsurance.2d ed. 1968 Mark L. Levine, "George C. McNa:mee and Daniel Greenberg.

347. 709'73 Rosenberg, Reuben College business law. 4th ed. 1972 347.94 Hilton, Ordway Scienti#c examination-of questioned 1956 documents. 347.73 Conway~ John E. . Layman's guide to procedure and 1972. . e~,dence. 347.94 Kerr, Harry P. Opinion and' evidence; cases for 1962 argumen~ and discus·~ion. 347.73 Friesen, Ernest C. Managing the courts.. , ' 197L 347.94 Levy, Leonard W. Origins of ;the Fifth Amendment; 1968 347.73 Gol~ber g~ Arthur J. Equal justice; the Warren era of 1971 . the right against self'-incdmination. th~ Supreme Court. 347.94 Liebenson, Harold A. You, the expe rt witne s s • 1962 \-" 347.73 Schwartz, Louie E. Proof, persuasion, and cross­ 1913 examination; .~ winning new 347.94 Liebenson, Harold A. You, the witness. 1962 approach in the courtroom. Volume 1 and Z 347.94 Roth~tein, Paul.. F. .. Evidence in a nutshell. 1970

3if~t,., 7314 Brant, Irving Im.peaclunent; trials and errors" 1972 347.96 Arca Publishing Go. Notary Public; complete study guide 1966 £01' scoring high. 3d ed. 347.7326 McCloskey, Robert The modern Supreme Court. ·1912 347.96 Tierney, Kevin CQurtroom testimony; a policemanis 1970 347.732634 Sliogan. Robert A question~f. judgment; the Fortas 1972 guide. ca;s~ and the struggie for the Supreme Court. . 347.973 Spiegel, Frederick The Illinois Co'.:~rt of Claims, a study 1962 of st·ate liability. i i 347.775 Brakel, Samuel J. Wisconsin judicare; a preliminary~' . 1972 . appraisal.' ' . 347.98 Eh:renzweig", Albert Conflicts in a nutshell. 1970

(, 347.9 U. S. District United States of.. America - v~ - H. s. Abel-Smith, Brian In search of justice: society ~;nd 1968 1950 347·99 - \ Court . Morgan, et ale the le gal system. j" , ' . . 347.9 ' Watson, Richarci A. Politics of tha:hench and the bar. 347.99 Berger, Raoul Congress v. the Supreme Court. 1969 :' ~ 1969

" ,I. ,! 347.91 Contempt; tl"anscript of the c.ontemptdtations ••• 1970. ~'":. . 347.99 Berle. Adolf'A. The three faces of power. '" 1967

Ii 347.91 Eh;rlich,. Jacob W. The lof,lt art of cross-'examinatio.p; 1970 347.99 Emerson, Robert Judging delinquents ; context and 1969 .cr perjury anyone ? proces s in juvenil~ court •

3117.91 Hellel'" Louis :B. Do you solemnly swear? 1968 347.99 :Felix Frankfurter on the Supreme 1970 . "!. ~." (-~.- .• ~ Court•. 1'J.,.,t;.. ,.,~~ 347.91 Kinstler., William The Case ;for cou_:('&l·~e. 19.62



347.9973 Pfefiet, Leo This honorable Court; a history 1965 347.99 Freund~ Paul A. The Suprem.e Court of the United 1965 ,States, its busines.s, purposes of the (Onited States Supreme and performance. ' , Court. 347.9973 Simon, James F. In his own imagie; the Supreme 347~99 Jackson; Percival Dissent in the Supreme Court; a 1969 '. chronology. Court in Richard Nixon's America. 347.99 Jackson, Robert H. The Supreme Court in the American 1963 system 01 government. 347.9973 United States Decision of the United States 1966 Supreme Coux't Supreme Court, 1965-1972 • 7 volumes . 347,,99 Kof£lert Joseph H. Handbook of 'common law pleading. 1969

347.99 Lemen" Edwin M. Sq.cial action and legal change; 1970 347.99773 illinois practice act and rules. With amendments to 1972 revolution within the juvenile November I, 1971 court. 347.99773 Illinois practice act and rules. With ariHmdments to 1973 347.99 Missouri. Courts. Missouri rules of co,urt, 1963: State 1972 "January 10, 1973. and Federal~ with amendmen,ts to' October 1, 1972,.

347.992 Friedman, Leon T,he Justices of the United States 1969 Supreme Court, 1789",1969, their lives and major opi'nions.

347.997 Frank, John Paul .JI..Jnerican law; the case for radical 1969 Teforro.

" 347.997 Marshall, ;fohn Major opinions and ethel' writings. 1967

347.997 Mitau, Guni:eT T. Decade of decision: the Supreme 1967 Court and the Con~titutional revolution. 1-954 ... 1964.' ,

347:997 Sayler, Richard H. Th,e Warren Courtl a critical allalysis. 1969

347.997. The Supreme Court review. 19166 - 1967- 1968 - 1971 POLICE AND POLICE OPERATIONS

331. Z81 Danielson, William .Police compensation., 1967

331.71 Vol1m~r, Howard M. Proie s sionalizationo, 1966

331. 881 Burpo, John H. The police labor movement. 1971

343 International Con­ Police power and individual freedom; 1962 ference on CriminaL the que at £01", balance. l~1!i.w Administration

Donigan, Robert L. The evidence handboOk. 1965

343.0973 Stuckey, Gilbert Evidence for the law enforcement 1968 officer.

l­ I, Police disaster operations. i 350 • .754 Bristow, Allen P. ;

350.773 Illinois State Police, ~ division of the Departtnent of Law Enforcement, 1922-1972.

351.74 Higgins, Lois L. Policewoman IS manual. 1961

351.74 Kenney, John Paul The California police. 1964

351.74 Moynahan, James Polic,e searching procedures. 1963

351~ 74 Parker, William H. Parker on police. 1957 'Q 351.74 Salotto10, A. Lawrence Modern police service encyclopedia. 1970

351.74 Schwarz, John I •. Poli'ce roadblock operations •. 196?-

351. 74 Smith, Bruce, Police systems in the United States., 1960

,351.74 . Squires. Harry A. Guide to police report writing. 1964

351.74 Wy~e, q. Ray Police transportation management. 1965

352.2 Bristow, Allen P. Field interrogation. 1964

352. Z ~ 'Colby. Car,roUB. Policejskill and scil;mce combat 1971· crime. New &: revised ed.

352.2 King, Everett M. Auxiliary police UJ'lit. 1960

""" .' c. ~~~--~--__." __ """""""""" •• i~ _____


, 1 ·'1:, !. 363.2 , Cohen, Bernard 352~ 2 Kuhn, Charles L.' , Police officer's rnemorandum book. 1964 Police background characteristics 1973 and per£ormance. , 352.2 Payton, George T. Patrol' procedure. 3rd edt 1967 " , 363.2 4th edt 1971 Gramer" James Uniforms df the world's police. ' 1968

352.2 Police reference notebook. 363.2 American la.w enforcetrient. 1973 , 0 p • 1970

352.2 Whisenand,:E?aul'M. Fatrol operations. ' 1971 363.2 Lipsky; Michael Law an~ order, police encounters. 1970

352.2 Wilson, Orlando W. Police planning. 1958 363.2 Miller, Frank W. The police function. 1971

352.206 International Asso­ The police ye,arbook. 1896 . 363.2 More, Harry W. The new erao£ public safety. 1970 ciation of Chiefs ' of Police, Inc. 363.2 Niederhoffe1r, Arthur Theam.:biv'alellt force: per­ 1970 ·spectives on police.

352. ~p9 Astor t Gerald N~w York cops. 1971 363.2 Patterson, Frank M. A manual of police report Wl'iting. 1968 352.209 Norrgard, David L. Re gional 1aVI enfor cement. 1969 3631.2 Preiss, Jack J. An 'examination of role theory; the 1966 353.0074 Dorman, Michael The Secret Service story. 1967 case of th~~ State Police. ~ . 363.2 Reiser, Martin PraCtical psychology for police 353.9749 Coakley, Leo J. Jersey troopers; a fifty y~ar 1971 1973 history of the New Jersey officers. State Police. 363.2 Richardson, James The New Y01"k police, colonial times 354.489 Aaron, Thomas J. Control, ()f police discretion. 1966 to 1901: 363.2 Alex, Nicholas Black in blue; a stl,tdy of the Negro 1969 363.2 Rivett-Carn:a.c, Charles . PU:l:sUit in the wild.erness'. 1965 ; policeman. I" 363.2\ Sims, William West Side cop. 1970 ! I, 363.2 Applegate, Rex Riot coni:r.oh materid and techniques. 1969 363.2 Skolnick, Jeromfe Justice without trial; law enforce­ 1966 363.2 Arm, Walter The.policeman, an inside look at his 1969 ment in deznocratic society. , role in a modern society. 363.2 Sterling, JamesW ~ , Changes ini' ole congepts of 1972 363.2 Berkley, George E. The den'.lOcrat~cpoli~e,man. 1969 police officers.

363.2 BOPPI. William J. The police rebellion; a quest , 1971 363.2 Sullivan, Jop,n L. Introduction to police 8 cience. 1966 for blue power. 363.2 Sylvain, Georges Defens e and control tactics. 1971 3Q3.2 Bordua, David J: The polii.ce:six sOciologic'.al essays. .1967' 363.2 u .. S. ,Congress. Private police systems. (Reprint) 1971 363.2 Caldwell, Harry Basic b~w enforcement. 1972 Senate. Conun. OI~ Education and Labor 363.2 Clift, Raytnond E. A guide>to modern pqlice thinking. 1970 ,e . '


.EQ~ICE AND POLICE'qPERATIONS , 363. a U. S. TaskForce Task Force Report: the police •. 1967 ' on the Police 363.20973 Schwartz, Louis B. : I, Law enforcement handbook for police. II, " 1970 363.2 Westi~y, Willlam "\ V.io1ence and the police. . 1970 363.22 Bristow, Allen P. SUpervision readings. Poli~e 1971 363.2 Whisenand, Paul M. .Automated police in£onnation ' 1970 363. '22 Watson, Nelson A; systems. Police artdthehoplnions. 1969 363.23 Ahren, James F. Williams, Ed W. Modern law enforcement and police POl.ice in trouble: Our frighten­ 363.2 1967 1972 sci~~nce. lng cris.is in law enforcement. 363.23 American Bar BUl of Rights and the police. Standards relating to the urban 363.2 Zarl', Melvyn 1970 1973 police. 363.201 Bopp, William J. Prin?iples of AmeTican law 1972 363.23 Chevigny, Paul en£Clr,cement and criminal Police power; police abuses in 1969 justice. New York ••• 363.232 Adams, Thomas Kenney, John Paul Police operations; policies and F. Police patrol: tactics and 363.202 1968 1971 procedures. techniques. 363.232 Chapman, Schultz, Donald O. Special problems in law enforce­ Samuel G. Police patrol readings, 1st ed. 363.202 1971 1964 m.et:l.t. '2d ed. 1'970 363.232 Clowers, Norman L. 363.2028 Hansen, David A. Closed circuit television for police. Patrolman patterns$ problems 1970 1962 - , and procedures: 363.209 BlaJk,AIgernon D. The people and,the police. 1968 363.232 Elliott, J. F. Interception patrol, an examin­ 1973 363.209 Klein, Herbert T. , The police~ damned if th~y do, and 1968 ation 'of the theo,ry of random datnned it they don It. patrol as a municipal police tactic.

363.209 Laurie, Peter Scotland Yard; a study of the Metropol­ 1970 363.23~ Holcomb, Richard Police patrol. itan police. 1968 363,,232 International As 80'cia- '363.209 Parker, Alfred E. The Berkeley police story. ·1972 Patrol operation.. 2d edt ' tion of Chiefs of 1970 Police. 363.209 Turner, William W. The police establishment. 1968 ,;; 1 363.232 Larson, Richard C. 363.209 Whittemore, L. H. Cop! A closeup of violence and 1969 Urban police patro1'ana1ysia. i . .' ) 1972 tragedy. 363.232 McArthur, Jack Police patrol pointers. 1969 363.209 Whittemol'e, L. H. The super cops; the true story of 1973 363.232 Northwe!stern Univ. the cops called Batman and I Traffic acCident investigato1"ls .~ Traffic Institute 1953 Robin. manual for police. 363.233 Auten, James H. The crash;...speed calculator. 363.2094 Becker, Harold K. Police systems of E!lrope; a'survey 1973 e: 1972 of selected police organizations. e 363.233 !",. Leonard, Vivian Police traffic contt'ol,. " 1971 ~ '" POLICE AND POLICE OPERATIONS POLICE AND POLICE OPERATIONS

363.33 Davids~~, Bill R. To keep and bear arms. 1969 363,,233 Smith, R. Dean Police tI'aific responsibilitesj man- . 1969 power requirements, allocations, 363.35 Friends, Society of • In place of war: an inquiry into 1967 . distribution. .-' .~ nonvio.1ent national defens e •

363.233 U. S. Dept. of Trans- ,Causation, culpability and deterrence 1970 363.356 Pollock, David!,... Methods of e1ect:ronic audio 1973 portation. AutoXD;obile in highway crashes. surveillance. Insurance Study. 363.356 Society of Photo~ Solving problems in security, 1973 363.233 Vanderbosch, ChaI'les Traffic supel'vision. 1969 ' optical J~strmnen­ surveilance and law e,nioI'ce­ tation En~ineers. me~t with optica1instrum~nta­ 363.236 Koga.. Robert K. The Koga method;, police weaponless 1969 tion seminar-in-depth. control and defense techniques. 364 .Adams, Thomas Francis Criminal justice; readings • 1972 363.236 Weston, Paul B. Combat' shooting for police. 1970 364 B:randstatter, A:rthur Fundamentals of law enforcement. 1971 363.242 Burton, Alan Police telecommunications. 1973 " 364.01 Federal Bu:reau Uniform crime reports ••• n. d. 363.242 Gammage, Allen Z. Basic police report writing. 1961 of Investigation

363.242 Hanna, Donald G. A police records system for the 1969 364.1 Block, Eugtm~ B. Fingerprintingj magic w~~apon 1969 small department. against crime..

"'" 363.242 Illinois complaint book. Model: District State's Attorney's 364.12 Abbott, John R. Footwear evidence; the er

363.242 National Comm. on Maintaining accident records. 1958 Evidential documents. 364.12 Conway, James V. , ' , 19.59 :Urban Transportation 364.12 Cray, Ed The big blue line: Police powex 1967 363.242 Rieder, Robert J. Law enforcement in£orm,ation 1972 va. human rights. systems. . ' 364.12 Gray, Ed The e;r;.emy in the streeh; police 1972 363.244 Kirk, Paul L. , The crime la1;>oratory: organization 1965 malpractice in America. , and c,pe1"ation~ 364.12 Davis, John E. Introduction to tool marks, fire­ 1958 363.245 CI'ockett, Thompson . Police chemical agents manual. . 1969 arms .and the st~iagraph. • 363.33 Bakal, Carl The right to bear arms. 1966 POLICE AND POLICE OPERATIO.NS POLICE AND POLICE OPERATIONS

364.12 Davis Publishing Techniques of criminal interro­ 1970 364.12 Liebel's, Arthur' The investigator's handbook ••• (Arco) 1962 Company gation. 364.12 Morland, Nige.l Science in crime detection. 1960 364.12 Dienstein, William How to write a narrative investi... 1964 gation report. 364.12 Nelson, John' G. Prelim:L"'lary investigation and 1970 police reporting. 364.12 Dienstem, William' Te.chnics for the crime invsstiga­ 1952 tion. 364.12 O'Hara, Charles E. Fundamentals of criminal investiga­ 1970 tion. 364.12 Erven, Clifford C. Criminal investigation and initerro.­ 1973 gation study guide. 364.12 Osterburg, James The crime laboratory; case studies 1968 of scientific criminal investigation. 364.12 Fisher, Jacob Faces of deceit. 1963 364.12 Penof sky, Daniel Guidelines for interrogations: waiver 1967 364.12 Fitzgerald, Maurice Handbook of criminal il"lvestigation. 1951 of rights under Miranda, obtaining and proving valid waiv~r of rights 364.12 Gerber, Samuel R. Criminal investigation and interro­ 1972 as an element of durable convictions. gation. (R~print) 364.12 Scheuer, James H. '£0 walk the streets safely. 1969 364~ 12 Heffron, Floyd N. Evidence for the patrolman. 1958 364.12 Schultz, Donald ·0. Police operational intelligence. 1968 364.12 Hora.n, James D. The Pinkertons: the detective 1967 dynasty that made history. 364.12 Snyde 1', LeMoyne . Homicide investigation. Practical 1967 information for coroners., police 364.12 Institute on Homicide Homicide Investigation Techniques. 1961 officers, and other investigators. Investigation Tech.­ (Papers) niques. 364.12, Soderman, Harry Modern criminal investigation. 1962

364.12 International Associa­ Criminal investigation. 2d ed. 1971 364.12 Svens son, Arne Techniques of crime Bcene investiga­ 1965 tion of Chiefs of tion. Police. 364.12 Thompson, Laurence Story of Scotlan;d Yard. 1954 364.12 Jackett, Sam· Heroes of Scotland Yard. 1965 364.12 Tiffany, Lawrence P. Detection of crime: stopping and 1967 364.12 Jackson, Richard Occupied with criJ:ne. 1967 questioning, sear,ch and seizure, encouragement and entrapment. 364.12 ,Lane, Mark Rush to judgment ••• 1966 364.12 Towler, Juby Earl Pract~cal police knowledge. 1960 364.12 L~onardJ Vivian Academy lectures on lie detection. 1957 364.1Z.: Turner, William W. Invisible witness; the use and abuse 1968 364.12 Leonard, Vivian Criminal investigation a.Ild identi­ 1971 of the new technology of crime fication. investigation. 364.12 Leonardy Vivian The police detective functic;>n. 1970 .' 364.12 Van Meter, C. H. Principles of police interrogation.• 1973

II c· '


364.12 Vanderbosch, ii'Charles ·Grimina1 investigation.' 1968 '3'64.128 '. Fe~g1igon, Robert, J. The scientific in£6rmer. 1971

364.12 Weston, P~tU;":B. ,Elements of criminal investigation. 1971 364.12.8 lnbau, Fred E. Scientific police investigation. 1972

364.12. Wieaenthal,i:!.Iimon The murderers among us. 1967 364.128 Lucas~ Norman The labora.tory detectives. 1971

364.120 Institute on~'::riminal Investigation. (Papers) 1962 364.128 Motto, Carmine J. Undercover. 1971

364.12.06 Fooner, M;tchael Interpol: The inside story of the 1973 364.152 David, Jay . Th~ weight of the evidence. 1968 Interl)ationa1 Crime-Fighting Organization. 364.152 DieckmaIl.,11. Edwa:rd Practical homicide investigation: 1961

364.121 CroWD, l)avid A. The .forenaic examination of paints 1968 364.16 Battle, Brendan Arson: c~ handbook of detection 1954 and pigmelits. and investigation.

/\ 364.121 Thorwald, Jur gen Crime and science ••• 1967 364.162 Chilimidos, Robert- ,Auto thef,t i:nv.estigaj:ion. 1971

364.122 Ba.tes, Billy Prior 1. S. Q. D.: Identification system ·1970 364.36 Law Eriforc'ement Youth and crime: Procee'dings. 19;;7 for questioned documents. Institute on Youth and Crime 364.122. Bate,s, Billy Prior Typewriting identification. 1971 (I. S. Q. T.) 364.4 Pollce programs iqr preventing delinquency. . ' -, 1972

364.12.5 AU~xander, Haro"ld C1as sifying palmprints ~ f,l, complete 1973 364.973 :Sopp, William J. A shor't history of America:o. 1972 system of coding; filing, and law enforcement. = a ea l' ching palrnprints. 364.973 Committee for Reducing crime and as suring' 1972 364.12.5 FHock, Eugene B. Fingerprinting •.• 1969 Economic Dev. justice.

364.125 :aridges, Burtis C. Practical fingerprinting. 1t)63 364~'973 Germann, A. C. Introduction to law emorcernent" 1970 and criminal justice. 364.12.5 Field, Annita r;r. Fingerprint handbook .... 1959 364.9773 Ne'ss" Eliot The untouchables. 1957 364.125, Finger prints .•• (rep:dnt,' 1892.) I 1965 364.978 Ra.ine, William M.' Famous sheriffs & western outlaws. \ 1929 364.12.5 ,Moenssens, Andre A. Fingerprint techniques. 1971 385 Dewhurst, Henry S. Thera.i1road police. 1955 364.125 Moen~1sens, Andre A. Fing~rprints and the law. ,1969 Transportation; managing man on 1970 364.127 , Harney, lVlalachi L. The informer in law enforcement. 1968 the ll'love. Ii ',\" f/ 364.127 Inbau, Fred E. Criminal interrogation & confessions. 1967 388.31 Weston, Paul B. The, police Ifraffic control>£unction. 1968 2d,ed. Ii 364.127 Sobel, Nathan R. Eye-witness identification:, legal and 1972 I' practical problems. • 388.31Z Fisher, Edward C. V ehic~e tr~~£ic law. 1961

I ~ I I I' L I'


388~ ;Draifi'c'law enfot-cement; a guide 312 Institute on T.raffic' 1963 301.1543 Po'ttune, Robert Cha~g,~ng • I adolescent .attitudes 1971 Safety for patrohnen. toward'poHce. , • f! ' "'~" 388.314 Auten, James E. Traffic crash investigation; report S'chultz. Donald O. The subversive. 1973 man:dal and wOl"~book. Leonard,V'ivian Police organization and manage­ 1971 428.2 Smith, Patrick D. Police. English; a manual of grammar, .' ment. , 'punctuation, and spelling ,for poiice : ; officer 8. Aubry, Arthur S. The officer in the small depart­ 1961 ment. 610.3 Schmidt, Jacob E. Police medical dictionar;y~ Banton, Michael P. Policeman in the community. 1964 Collins, James C. " Hi'ghway collision analysis. .. ; .. ' Holcomb, Richat

. / - The crlm.e of Ma.,.rtip;,S'ostre. • i B ,Copeland, Vi1;lcent 1970 363.2 ,Reiss, Albert J. The police and the public. /, > - 1971 B Logan, Andy Against the evidepce'; the Becke;t.-­ ~970 363.2 Strec;:her, Victor G. The environment of law enforce­ 1971 Rosenthal affair. ment.

363.209 Rubinstein, Jonathan City poliCe_ 1973 < , 363.209 Wilson, ,James Q. Varieties of police behavior; 'the 1968 management of law and order in eight communities • . ,.

'I ,.


151.3 Fox, M. W. 363.23 Patrick~ Clarence H. The I)olice, crime, arid society. 1972 Canine behavior; a history of 1965 • • • C ~ domestication, behavioral 364.256 Towler, Juby Earl The polic~ role in racial cdnflicts. 1964 deve 10pment and adult be­ havior patterns, neuro­ ,364.36 Leon~rd, V.A. Police crime prevention. 1972 physiology, psychobiology, ) .. ' ~ I . training. 364,360 Kenney, .Tohn Paul Police work with juveniles and the 1970 administration of juvenile 363.248 Orbaan, Albert Dogs against crime. 1968 justice. . 636.708 Koehler, William ! Koehler method of guard dog 1~!67 659.2 Bopp, William J.' Police-community relationships. 1972 training.

659.2 ' Coffey, Alan ;Hu:rnan .relations: Law enforce­ 1971 636' .• 708 Mundis, Jerrold J. Guard dog; maximuzn protection 1970 ment in a' changing community~ £01' you, your:i~ome and your business. ' 659.2 Earle, Boward H. .l?olice-community relations. 1979 636.74 Chapman; Samuel Dogs in poliCE: w'o~k: a: summary 1960 Earle, Howard H. Student-Instructor guide on police­ 1970 of experience in Great Britain , community relations. and the United States.

659.2 GaJ:'mire, ,Bernard L. . The police and the community. 1972 636.74 Watson. Sam D. Dogs for police service. 1963

'659.2 He~itt, WilHam H. Pc.{lice .. cO~Un:tty relations: an' 1970 anthology and bibliography.

659.2 Ma:rx, Jerry OUice.r, tell your 'story; a. guide . 1967 to police public relations.

'659.2 Nationa1'Institute' . P~lice and community relations., 1968 on Police &: Com­ munity Relations

V eizer,. Ro;nalc;l J. Police-community relations in Granite " ' " City. Illinois. "

i' 659.29 Hansen, David A. An' analysis of police concepts and ,1972 ;: programs. i) . Cpffey, Alan Police-community relations • 1971 , .' 808,5 , King, Everett M. The officer speaks in public. 1955 . .'

·1' " ,-~------:-;--:------:-----,---:-~-----:-:-----""",,----:,------:-.....,..; "\';;~1\-"-~1~",,~------~------~~---~- ,-­

,~_r ; , "


150 Kalish, Richard A. The psychology of hUnianbehaviclx. 1970

150.92 Reiser, Martin The pdlic'e department psychologist. 1972

153.733 Barbara, Dominick The ~rt of listening. 1966

153~ 93 Cronbach, Lee J. Esse:ptials of psychological testing. 197,0

155.4 Alexander, Theron Children and adolescents: a bie­ 1969 cultural approach to psycho­ logical development.

_r, ~ ... 155.9 Psychological aspects of stress. Edited by Harry S. Abram. 1970

157 Ellis, Albert Murder and assassination. 1971

157 Le ste r, Gene Suicide: the gamble with death. 1971

157.6 Blachly, Paul H. Seduction; a: conceptual model in the 1970 drug depen.dencies and other con­ tagious ills.

301.1 Glasser, William The identity society. 1972

345.73 Effective utilization of psychiatric evidence. 1970

361.401 Diedrich, RichStrd C. Group procedures: purposes, pro­ 1972 cesses and outcomes.

362.2 Organizing the community to pre~ent suicide. Edited byJack 1971 Zusman and David L. DaVidson.

364.13 j3oxkin, Joseph The corrupt judge ••. 1962

364.13 Chambers, Whittaker Witness. 1952

364.13 Smigel,' Erwin O. Crinles again!;)t bureaucracy. 1970

364.13 TCl;ruc, Luis 1He who rides the tiger. 1967

364.13 Williams, Robert H.. Vice squad. 1973

36'4.132 Barker, Thomas An empirical typology of police 1973 e' corruption.


364.1523 Abrahamsen, David The murdering mind. 1973 616.8917 Schoeniel£, C. G. Psychoanalysis and the law. 1973 364.243 Irvine $ Lynn M. psychiatry and the mentally La~, 1973 616.895 Shneiciman, Edwin disordered offender. Aspects of' depression. 1969 616.9289 Love, Harold D. 371.404 .American Correctional A primer of short-term group The emotionally disturbed child. 1970 dOUfil!'e1irlg. 3d edt 629.28 Lauer, A1vhh Ray The psychology of driving; factors 1960 374 Kidd, J. R. How adults lea:rn. of traffic enforcement. - , 1959

614.19 Macdonald, John Psychiatry ii\.nd the criminal; 1969 a guide to psychiatric ex­ aminations for the criminal courts. 2d ed.

616.0759 ~endrix, Robert C. Investigation of violent and 1972 sudden-, death.

616.8 Courville, .Cyril Forensic neuropathology; 1964 l~sioris of the brain and spinal cord of medicolegal importance.

616.85 Choron, Jacques Suicide. 1972

616.89 Behavioral and Social Psychiatry as a behavioral science. n. d. .~ .. ". Sciences Survey Corom.

616.89 Psychotropic drug response; advances in prediction. 1969

616.89 Shaw, Charles R. When your child needs help; a 197~ psychiatrist looks at the emotional pl'oblems of children.

616.891 Caldwell, W. V. LSD psychotherapy; an exploration 1968 of psychedelic and psycholytic

\ ,: therapy.

616.891 Stl:unphauzer, Jerome Behavior therapy. with delinquents. 1973

616.8914 Carek, Donald J. Principles of child psychotherapy. '1972

616.8915 de Mare, P. B. Perspectives in group psycho­ 1972 therapy; a theoretical back­ ground.

(j 1 Jr

...... \• ,Of.At . _c ~f..FETY , EMERGENCY! FIRST -AID 1 \ , 1 350.162. Hipskind, Verne K. Personnel safety for public 1965 employees.

350.75 International Assoc. Public Safety Labor Reporter. 1971- of Chiefs of Police

352.2 James, Charles S. A frontier of municipal safety. 1955

352.309 Masters, Robert V. Pictorial history of fire fighting. 1967

361.5 Garb, Solomon Disaster handbook. 1969

363.2.33 Highway safety policies.

363.34 Dynes, Russell R. Or'gani~ed behavior in disastez-. 1970

363.34: Healy, Richa:rd J. Eme'rgency and disaster planning. 1969

363.35 Survival and the bomb; methods of civil defense. 1969

388.312. Ladd, Walter D. Organizing for traffic safety :f:ti 1959 your community.

- Aaron, James E. First aid and emergency care. 1972 614.8

614.8· American National First aid textbook; prepared by' 1957 Red Cross the American National Red Cros B for the instruction of first-aid classes. . .

·614.8 Benjamin, Bry' 'In Case of emergency; what to do 19'7Q until the doctor arl'ives.

'614.8 Florio, Aurelio E. Safety education. 1969

614.8 Hartley, Jee1 New ways in first aid. 1971

614.8 Young, Carl B. First aid and resuscitation; 1954 elnergency procedures for res cue squads, firemen ••• , ,

614.84 Bush, Loren S. Introduction to fire science. 1970 e R614.84· National Fire 'Fire protection handbook. 1,969 Protection As so c.


614.862 Ba.ker, Robert F. I The highway risk problem; policy J:971 isslles in highway safety.

614.862 "InJur'y control in traffic safety. 1970 I~ 614.862 Little, Arthur D. Cost-effectivenesfI in traffic; 1968 R safety. 11 614.862 Skillman, T. S. Road ma~fety: how to reduce road 1966 f, accidel1:'~8 •

614.862 Smith, R. Dean Guidelines for police services on 1967 controlled access roads.

614.862 Taylor j Fred E. How to avoid auto;)llobile accidents ~ 1968

614.88 Accident prevention.and first aid. Walter A. Cutter, 1965 Editorial Consultant.

614.88 American Red Advanced .£b:st aid and emergency 1973 Cross, ,care.

614.88 Amedcan Red Standard first aid ano. personal 1973 Cross safety.

614.88 Curry,' Georg~ J. ,immediate care and transpol't of 1965 the injured.

614.88 Erven, Law:r.ence W. First aid and emergency rescue. 1970

~VL88 Henderson~ .JQhn Emergency medical gllide. 1969 '.' 614.88 Safar, Peter Resuscitation of the unconscious 1961 • victim. 2d edt

614.88 Young, Carl B. Fir,st aid for erner gency creWB. 1965

615.9 Arena, Jay M Poisoning; toxicology; symptoms, 1970 treatments. 2d edt

615.9 Kaye, Sidney Handbook of em.ergency toxicology; 1970

a guide fOT the id,entification1 , diagnosis, and treatment of. poisoning. SAFETY, EMERGENCY, FIRST-AID

615.903 Brookes, Vincent J. Poisons; properties, chemical 1958 identification, symptoms and emergency treatment.

Roberts, Hyman The causes, ecology and prevention 1971 of traffic ac cidents •

617.102 hnpact injury and crash protection... 1970 ! 617.1028 DeGraveUes, William Injuries following rear-end 1969 automobile collisions.

617.11 Crews, Eli Rush A practical manual for the treat- 1964 ment of burns.

617.14 Brooke, James W. In the wake of trauma. 1957

621.3892 Cole, Richard B. Protect your property; the appli- 19'71 cations of burglar alarm hard­ ware.

625.79 Rodgers, Lionel M. Automobile traffic signal control 1969 systems.

628.9 Brodie, Thomas G. Bombs and bombings. 1972

629.204 Reize s. Haim 'rhe mechanics of vehicle 1973 collisions.

629.28 Dougherty, Edward Safety in police pursuit driving, 1961

629.92 Haywood, Charles F. General alarm; a dramatic account 1967 of fires and fire-fighting in America.

643.7 Mandell, Mel :E)eing safe. 1972

658.2 Momboisse~ Raymond Industrial se curii'y for strike s i 1968 riots and disasters.

658.47 Paine, David Basic principles of industrial 1972 security.

683.3 T.reves, Ralph Do-it-you-rsel£ home protection. 1972 I


070.1 Bagdikian, Ben H. The effete conspiracy and other 1972, crimes by the press. :/. 071.3 Glessing, Robert J. The underground prel~s in Amedca. 1970

152 Hochberg, Julian E. Perception. 1964

170.202 Bull, Norman J. Moral judgemont from childhood 1969 to adolescence.

,. 174; 9 Canons to. police ethics. 1957 \," .\ 174. 9 Hansen, David A. Police ethics. 1973

); . J) 191 Madden, gdward H. Civil disobedience and moral 1968 I ! law in nineteenth-century American philosophy. ~ " 261.833 Knudten, Richard D. The Christian encounters organized 1972 crime.

300 Davis.. Floyd James Social problems; enduring major 1970 issues and social change.

300.8 Tannenbaum, Frank The balance of power in society. 1969 and other essays.

301 Hartogs, Renatus Violence: causes and solutions. 1970

301 Sa1tman, Jule s Abortion today. . 1973

301 U. S. National CamIno To establish justice, to insure 1970 on the Causes and domestic tranquility; the final Prevention of Violence. 'report.

301.018 Golembiewski, Robert The small group: an analysis of. 1962 research concepts and operations.

301.1 Clinard, Ma·r shall B. Sociolo gy of deviant beha ViOT •. 1968

301.1 Hewitt •. John Social stratification and deviant 1970 behavior.

301.1 I-Iofstadter, Richard AInerican violence; a documentary 1:)70 histo.ry. 11.


301.185 K~iser, R~ Lincoln 'l'he v:ice lords, warriors of the 1969 301.1 Lefton, Mark Approaches to deviance; theories, 1968 streets. concepts, and research findings. 301.2 Community and racial crises. Edited by Barbara 1969 301.1 Lofland, John Deviance and identity;. 1969 Flicker. 2d ed. 301.1 Matza, David Bec'oming deviant. ' 1969 301.2; Eis~nstadt, S. N. . Modernization: protest and change. 1966 301.1 Mitscherlich; Alex­ Society without the father. 1969 301.2 Graham, Hugh Davis The history of violence in America. 1969 ander 301.2 Gray, Jesse Gle~n On understanding vio.lence philo­ 1970 301.1 Wetham, Fl'ecleric A sign for Cain; an exploration 1966 sophically. of human violence. 301.2 Hansel, Robert R. Like father, like son -like hell! 1969 301.1 Zijderveld, Anton C. The abstract society; a cultural 1970 analysis of our time. 301.2 Ha skins, J arne s Resistance; profiles in nonviolence. 1970 301.15 Bredemeier, Harry Social problems in America; costs 1960 Mead, Margaret Culture and commitment; a study of 1970 and casualties in an acquisitive 301. 2 the generatio~ gap. society. Means, Richard L. The ethical imperative; the crisis. 1969 301.15 Christenson, Reo M. Voice of the people; readings in 301.2 +967 in American value·s." . public opinion and propaganda. 301.2 Parsons, Talcott Societies; evolutionary and comparative 1966 301.15 DuBois, Rachel Reducing social tentdon and conflict; 1971 perspectives. through the group conversation method. 301.24 Bennis, Warren G. The planning of change. 1969 301.15 Fogelson, Robert Violence as protest; a study of 1970 301.24 Bennis, Warren G. The ternporary society. 1968 riots in the ghetto. 301. 24 Burr, Ted Robert Why men rebel. 19 7 301.15 Freedman, Warren Contemporary social problems. 1972 9 301.24 Science, conflict, and society; readings from Scientific 1969 301.15 Rothman, Jack Promoting social justice in the 1971 American. multigroup society.

301.243 McLuhan~ Marshall Understanding media: the extensions 1964 301.15 Ruitenbeek, Hendrik The individual and the crowd; a 1964 of man. study of identity in America. 301.243 Michael, Donald N. The next generation: The prospects 1965 301.153 National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders. 1968 ahead for the. youth of today and tomorrow. 301.16 Larsen, Otto N. Violence and the mass media. 1968 301.246 Clinard, Marshall B. Anomie and deviant behavior, a 1964 30Ll8 Cohen, Albert K. Deviance and control. 1966 dis cussion and critique. Dean, John p. A manual of intergro.up relations. 1963 "301.246 Rosenberg, Bernard Mass society in crisis; .~ocial 1964 pro"blems and social pathology.


301.45 301.31 Gl'ad, Frank P. Environmental control: Priorities, 1971 Reasons, Charles E. Race,' crime, and justice. 1972 policies, arid the law. i 301. 451 Chevigny. Paul Cops . and' rebe1s;a study of 1972 301.34 Commission on the The state of the cities; report. 1972 provocation. Cities in the 1970ls 301.451 Clea vel', E1dri~ge Soul on ice. 1968 301.36 Bollens, John C.' Metropolis: its people, politics 1965 301.451 an.d economic li;e. Ginzbe.rg, Eli Thetroub1esOlne presence; 1966 American democracy and 30,1.364 Clinard, Marshall Shuns and community development; 1966 . the Negro. experiments in self-help. 301.451 Little, Malcolm By any means necessa:t:y; speeches, 1970 301.412 Lerner, Gerda Black women in white America. 1972 interviews, and a: letter. .. 301.451 301.415 Churchill, Wainwright Homosexual behavior aInong males; 1967 National Conference Politics and the ghettos. 1969 a cross-cultural and cross ' on Social Welfare species investlgation. 301.451 Tucker. Sterling Beyond the burning; life and death 1968 301.415 Greenwald, Harold The elegant prostitute. 1970 of th~' ghetto.

301.5 301.415 West, Donald J. Homosexuality. 1967 Forman, Robert E. Black ghettos, white ghettos, 1971 e and slur~ls. 301.427 Stevens, Anita I hate my parents! The real and 1970 301.54 unreal' reasons why youth is Lansing, John. B. New homes a.nd poor pec'p1e, a 1969 angry. study of ch.ainsof mo~;'es.

301.431 Feigelson, Naomi The under ground revolution; 1970 301. 592 Kennedy, Daniel B. Applied sociology for poli~~e. 19·72 hippies. yippies, and others. 301.633 Short. James F. Collective violence. 1972 301.431 Gerzon, Mark The whole world is watching; 1969 a young man looks at youth 1 s 309.173 Downs, James F. Culhl.res in crisis. 1971 dissent. . 309.173 Editorial research reports on challenges for the 19701~l.· 197Q 301.4315 Friedenberg, Edgar The ant,i-American genel"ation. 1971 309.173 Lemon" Richard The troubled Americc.l.il. 1970 301. 44 Harrington, Michael The other America; poverty in , 1969 the United States. 309.173 Pettitt, George A. Prisoners of cult\1re. 1970 Wallace, Samuel E. 'Skid row asa way of life. 301.441 1965 309.173 Workshop on Urpan Programs. Ranct Corporatioll., 1967 .. 19'68. 1970

301.4494 Cavan, Sherri Hippies of the Haight. 1972 309.174 B:rown,: Claude Manchild in the promised land. 1965

301. 449~ Labin, Su'zann.e Hippies, drugs and promiscuity. 1972 309.23 Levine, Robert A. The poor yeneed not have \\vith you. 1970

309.26 U;r.'ba1.l America: crisis and opportunity. 1969' .SOCIAL ,PROBLEMS. SOCIAL PROBLEMS ----.--~--~--~--.--~~-

,. 323.409 Bumphl'ey, Hube.?t 320.56 Amcda, Moyibi i' Black politics and ~lack vision. 1972. Beyond civil rights; a new day of 1968 equality. 321. 09 Mombolsse. Raymond' Blueprint of revolution: the rebel, 1970 331 .. 34 Gurin, Gerald' the .party,; the techniques of Inner-city Negro youth in a job 1968 revolt. training project; a study of factors related to attrition 322..4 Bedau, Hugo A: Civil disobedience; theory and 1960 and job success. p:ractice. 336 , Crecine John P. Financing the metropolis; public 1970 322.4 Cohen, Carl Civil disobedience: Conscience, 1971 policy in urban economics. tactics, and the law. 339.42 Caplovitz, David The poor pay more; consUt':>."ler 1969 322.4 U. S. President's The report of the President's 1970 practices of low-income COrn.nl. on Campl!.s Commie sion on campus families. Unrest unl'est. 342.73 Murphy, Jeffrie G. Civil disobedience and violence. 1971 32.2..42 Butler, Ed Revolution is my profession, 350 Drake, Alvin W. Analysis of public systems. 1972 32.3.4 Congre~sional Revolution in civ'n rights, 1945 ... 352.77399 Lantz, Herman R. Ouartel'ly, Inc. 1968. 4th ed. Community in search of itself: 1972. a case history of. Cairo, ; 32.3.4 Fortas, Concerning dissent and civil Illinois. disobedience. 352.961 Babcock, Richard The zoning game. 1966 32.3.4 Lamont, Corliss Freedom is as ire~dom does. 355.42 U1amf Adam B. The unfinished revolution: an essay 1960 32,3.4 Lieber, Francis On civil liberty and .5e1£­ on the sources of in£lu.ence of government. MaTxism and Communism.

361.3 H~rbert, W. L. 32.3.4 Wagstaff, Thomas B1ackpower: the Tadical Dealing with delinquents. 1962 response to white ~erica. 361. 3 Stenzel, Anne K. Learning by the case method~ 1970 32.3.4 Walker,Daniel Rights in COl1.£1ict: the violent :con- 1969 pra.ctical approaches for frontation of demonstrato:ts and cO:m.n;lunity leadeTs. police in the parks and streets 361.309 Spencer, Gary '. of Chicago during the week .of the Structure and dynamics of social 1970 Democratic National Convention of 1966. intervention; a compaTative study of the reduction of dependency in ~2.3.409 Congre s sional Civil rights; progress report, 1970. 1971 three low-income housing projects. Quarterly Service . 361.4 Hartford, Margaret Gl'OUPS in social work. 32,f· 409 Herbers~ J:~'\.hn The lost priority; what happened 1970 361.4 Northen', Helen to the civil rigbts mov-ement Social WOTk with groups. 1969 in Axne:dca? 361.4 Ohlsen, Merle M. Group couuseling. 1970 SOCIAL PROBLEMS SOCIAL PROBLEMS

364.143 361. 8 Trecker, Har1eight Citi:lJen boards at work, new 1970 Rossi, Peter Henry Ghetto :t'~volt S • 1970 challenges to effective .364.15 action. B.akan, David Slaughter of the innocents: a study 1971 of the battered child phenomenon. 361a 942 Trench, Sally $ally Trench's book. 1968 364.15 Fontana, Vincent J. The maltreated childj the maltreat­ 1971 361.973 Marris, Peter pilemmas of social reform; poverty 1967 ment syndrome in children. and community action in the U. S. 364.8 Morris, Joe Alex First offender: a vohuiteer progl.·am 1970 361.973 Moynihan, Daniel Maximum. feasible misunderstanding; 1969 for youth in trouble with the"law. community action in the war on 364.82 poverty. Kriesbe:cg, Louis Mothers in poverty; a study of father­ 1970 less families, 361.974 Thernstrom, Stephan Poverty, planning, and politics in 1969 364.9 the new Boston: the origins of Lambert, John R. Crime, police, and race relations: 1970 A B 9D. a study in Birmingham.

366 4 362.5 Rose, Stephen M. The betrayal of the poor. 1972 Da1aulj Arkon A history of secret societies. 1961 371.291 362.82 Jordan, William The social worker in family situations. 1972 Lichter, Solomon The drop-outs; a h'eatment study 1962 of intellectually capable studenta 362.88 Schafer, Stephen Compensation and restitution to victims 1970 who drop out of high school. of crime. 2d ed. 371.42 Leonard, Vivian A. Police science for the young American. 1968 363 Brayles, J. Allen The John Birch Society: anatomy of 1964 373.3 a protest. Conant, James B. Slums and suburbs. 1961

" 363.2 Bayley, David H. Minorities and the police; confronta- 1968 378.198 Becker, Howard S. Campus power struggle, 1970 tion in Atnerica. 616.891 Ga:lJda, George M. Basic approaches to group psycho­ 1968 363.2 Curry, Jesse E. Race. tensions and the police. 196~ therapy and group counseling.

658.47 363.309 Gardner, Er1e Stanley Cops on campus and crime in the 1970 Post, Richard S. Combating crime against small 1972 streets. business.

363.973 Lincoln, Charles Eric The Black Muslims in America. 1961 901.94 Fabun, Don The dyuamics of change. 1967

364 Pace, Denny F. Handbook of vice control. 1971 923~6 McCarthy, Colman Disturbers of the peace, profiles 1973 in nonadjustment. 364.~43 Farm.er, David J. Civil disorder control. 1968 979.494 Fogelson, Robert The Los Angeles 'riots. 1969 364.143 Momboisse, Raymond Riots, revolts and insurrections. 1967 . 364.143 Platt, Anthony M. The politics of riot commis sions, 1971 1917-1970. WEAPONS, SEC URITY SYSTEMS AND SELF -DEFE.NSE

338.47 Guns Illustrated. 4th edition 1971 1973 supp1e'ment 1973

355.548 Cosneck, Bernard J. American combat judo. 1959

; . 355.8 Jobe, Joseph Guns; an illustrated history of 1971 artillery.

358.3 Clarke, Robin The silent weapons. 1968

358.3 Conference on Chemi­ CBA: chemical and biologi'cal cal and Biological warfare. Warfa:r:e

358.3 United Nations Group Chemical and bacteriological (biological) 1970 ••• on Chemical and weapons and the effect of their possi- Bacteriological Weapons ble use.' .

358.34 Brown, Frederic J. Chemical warfare; a study in 1968 restraints.

363.2 Grennell, Dean A. Law enforcement handgun digest. 1972

363.236 Koga, Robert K. The Koga method: police baton 1968 techniques.

363.236 Kubota, Takayuki Baton techniques and h·aining. 1972

363.245 Roberts, Duke An introduction to mode:l;"n polic'e 1969 firearms.

363.33 Police weapons center: Data service. 1972

363.353 Peel, John Donald The story of 'private security. 1971

363.353 Post, Richard S. Determining security needs. 1973

364.12 M'athe~s, Joseph H. Fi:rearms identification. (3 vol. ) 1962

364.162 Curlis, Bob Secul'ity control: External theft. 1971

3-64.4 Kingsbury, ArthurA. Introduction to security and cl'ime 1973 prevention surveys, - . 621.381 Cunningham, John Security electronics. 1970 :Jl.Jl.APONS t SEC URtTY" SYS'TEMS ,AND S.ELF - DEFENSE _WE,APONS, S·E C l!~R:~:rY SY,ST'EMS AND SELF - DEF ENSE

623.44 Police firearms kit; . (Manual - filmstrips. ~ p'ost'ers) ", 621.381. Mandelbaum. Albert Fundamentals :of protective' 1.973 system!,J; planning, evalua­ 623. 44075 Boothroyd~Geo£frey G1lllS through the, age s. 1962 tion~ ~1ele etian. 623.442 Arnold, Richard The book of the. 22; a complete 1962 62,3 Swearengen, Thomas Tear gtta m.unition; an analysis 1966 manUal for the . 22 rifleman

! ' of commercial riot ,gas' guns, and pisto1eer. tear gas projectiles, grenades, small arms ammunition, and 623.442 Bristow, Allen P. The se,arch for an' effective police 1973 rela~ed tear gas devices. handgun.

623.4 Amber, John T. '~25th gun digest •. Silver anniversary 19'70 623.442 Helmer. William J. The gun that made the twenties roar. 1969 edition. 623.442 Sawyer. Charles W. Our rifles. 1941 623.4 Barker, A. J. German infantry weapons of World 1969 . War II. 623.442 Williamson, Harold Winchesl:er; the gun that won the 1952

" ',4'. ' •• ,1 , ' west. 623.4 Shooter's 'bible. 1972 editi?I?-': ,'. 1971 1973 edition. 1972 Gaylord, Chic Handgunner's guide; including the 1960 art of the quick-draw and com­ " 623.409 Ca:rman, W. Y. A bist,ory of firearm.s, from 1955 bat shooting. earliest times to 1914. e . Remington handgungs. 4th ed. 1960 • • • , .t. 623.443 Karr, Chal'les L~e 623.422 Robinson, Robert H. Tbe police shotgun manual. 1973 - 1961 .. ",".' 623.443 Stebbins, Henry M. Pistols; a modern ency~lopedfa. Allen, Walt~r O. : :.. :z:ist~l~" ~ifles and ~~~hine guns. 1953 623.4433 Bady, Donald B. Colt automatic pistols 1896-1955. 1956 Amber .. Joh,p.:1\." ,. GUl;l.. d~~est - •.1. .. .• treasury!' 1972 623.445 Hand10ader's digest. Annua11961- 62.3.,44 Bowman, ;aank W. .Antique guns. 1953 , " .~ :' ," 623.455 Wesley, L. Air-guns and air-pistols. 1955 623.44 Chapel, Charles E. Gun collecting. 1939 Interior batUstics j how a gun con­ 1968 .' . 623.513 LowryI Edward D. 62'3.44 GUn digest; complete guide to modern Anlerican rifles, 1946 verts chemical energy into shotg~s., handg.uns and accessories. ~. projectile motion~ ;~ '.

62~.44 Gun digest;. 27th anniversary 1973 deluxe editi'atio Fire inve stigation: including fire,­ 1969 , 197a 628.92 Kirk, Paul Lelarld . related phenomena: arson, ex­ 623.44 Lugs, Jaroslav. , A history of shootil~g~.the developw , '1968 plosion, asph~ation. ment of target guns, shooting ranges and rifle associations. 643 Arnold, Peter Burglar-proof your home and c~r. 1971 r Peterson, Har.o1~ ,L~ Pa:g~ap.t of the gun. Security subjects ;an officer's 1972 623.:4~ _ oj,"" 1", 1967 658.47 Wathen, Thomas W. guide to plant protection. " 623.44 Peterson, Har'old i. Treasury of the gun. 1962_ f .. * .• t ~: I Explo.sives ,and bomb disposal guide. 1965 ~ 662.,2 Lenz, Robert R. i .' j 1l


799.31 Burrard, Gerald The identificii\.tion of iireal'ms and 1962 662..2 Pike, Earl A. Protection a,gai:p.st bombs and 1972. forensic ballistics. incendiaries for business, industrial and educational 799.31 Lind, Ernie The complete bobk of trick and 1972 institutions. fancy shooting.

662.2 Stoffel~ Joseph Explosives and homemade bombs. 1st. ed.1962 799.31 Wels, Byron G. FellI s guide to guns. 1969 2d. ed. 1972 . 799.312 Weston, Paul B • The handbook of handgunning; new 1968 683 Tobias I Marc yv. Locks, safes~ and security; a ' 1971 concepts in pistol and revolver , handbook for law enforce­ shooting. ment personnel.

683.32 Alth, Max; An about locks and locksmithing. 1972

683.32 Crichton, Whitcomb Practical course in modern lock­ 1965 smithing; a Benj. Franklin illustrated homestudy course.

683.4 Dunlap, Roy F. Gunsmithing: A manual of firea;rms 1963 d~sign, c;:onstruction" alteration and remodeling. e e R683.4 Steindler, Robert The firearms dictionary. 1970

683.406 Nonte, George C. . Modern handloa4ing. 19,7,2

683.42 Krcm?-. Va~lav The identification and registration 1971 of firearms.

683.43 Hertzberg, Robert E. The'modern ha'~dgun. 1965

683.43 Hogg, Ian V. German pistols and revolvers, 1971 1871-1945. '.

690.521 Cole, Richard B. Application of secur~ty sys't~n.ls. 1970

796.8 Martone, John I:fandbookof seU~defense, in 1955 .. ' picture s and text.

796.81 Schultz, Donald O. ' Police, unarmed defense tactics.. 1973

196.815 Moynahan, James M. Police ju jitsu., 1962

\\ 799.31 Askins, Charlej:l The pistol shooter I s boot<. 1961 ele \\ '" i\ l WELFARE SERVICES TO SPECIAL GROUPS

362 Abrahamsen, David Our violent society. 1970 362 Younie, William J. The world of rehabilitation. 1971 362.12 Arons. Harry Hypnosis in c~iminal investigation. 1967 362.22 Ryan, William Distress in the city; ·es;;.;ays on the 1969 design and administration of urban mental health services. 362.292 Cahn, Sidney The treatment of alcoholics. 1970 362.292 Cline bel1. Howard Understanding and counseling the 1968 alcoholic through religion and psychology. Rev. & enl. ed. 362.292 Sullivan, Vincent How to st.op problem drinking. 1969 362.292 Whitney, Elizabeth World dialogue on alcohol and 1970 drug dependEmc~. 362.293 Austin, Barbara L. Sad nun at Synanon. 1970 362.293 Ball, John C. The epidemiology of opiate addiction 1970 in the United States. 362.293 Birdwood, George The willing victim: a parentIs 1969 guide to drug a bus e. 362.293 Endore; S. Guy Synanon. 1968

362.293 .J effee I, Saul Narcotics: an American plan. 1966 362.293 Melody, Roland Narco priest. ·1971. ·362.293 Travers, Milton Each otherls victim!3;' 1970 362.293 West~rn Insti. of Drug abuse: data and debate. Drug Problems 1970

362.509 Clark, Kenneth B. A rele.vant war againstpo~ertyj 1969 a study of COmInunity action programs and observable social change. WELFARE SERVICES TO SPECIAL GROUPS LEGAL POINTS

! 362.7 Schorr, Alvin. L. L Constitution and police, The Poor kids. A report on children 1966 Z. Search of premises - Incident to arrest i11 pove rty. 3. EyeWitne s s identification 362.7 Spargel, Irving 4. Stop and frisk Street gang work; theory and 5. Search of Vehicles I - Arrest connected practice. 1966 6. Search of Vehicles I! - Consent and inventory seart,;hes 362.7 Vignec, Elsie l!;. 7. Interrogations I - MirCl.r.lda Children of hope. 8. Interrogations II - MethOds 1964 362.7 West, MorrisL. 9. Civil process Children of the shadows. 1957 10. Demonstrations I - Mass and" campus arrests 362.709 Cole, Larry 11. II - Parades and meetings Street kids. Demonstration~ 1970 12. Demonstrations II! - Picketing and handbilling 362.71 Etzkowitz, Henry 13. Arrest law I - Probable cause Ghetto crisis; riots or recon_ 14. Arrest law 11 - With and without warrant ciliation? 1969 15. 16. Arrest law ill - Elements and special rules 362.732 James, Howard Liability of police I .. Arrest related 17. Children in h.'ouble. Conspiracy I - Offense in general 1970 lB. 362.74 Spergel, Irving 19. Conspiracy II ... Defenses, exceptions, proof Co:rnmunity problem solving. Liability of police General miscondUct 1969 20. n - 362.78 Elmer, Elizabeth Lia:bility of police III - Civil rights violations Children in jeopardy. 2l. 1967 22. Evidence I - Purpose. types, relevancy 362.783 Ba uer, E. Charles .Evidence il - Real and ancillary Institutions are people; a docu:rnen,:,' 25. 1966 Appendix edition I - Revisions and updates 1970-1972 tary of life in a state school 'for 26. the mentally retarded. Evidence in civil and criminal cases V - Authentication and chain of evi

;., .<

, ,1\ ,LRAINING KEYS . 1. F elon-in-progres s calls 46. Field note taking 2. The traffic violator 47. Skid marks 3. Principles ofinve stigation 48. Ju,venile gangs 4. Crime 'and its prevent~ion , 49. Diab'etes 5. Gathering information ,from people 50. Counterfeiting 6. . Cause·s. of juvenile deli~.quency 51- Interviewing techniques 7. Hit - and-run investigation 52. Crowd control 8. Te stifying in court 53. Under the influ~.nce? 9. Searching arrested persons 54. The nature of prejudice. 10. Crime scene protection 55. Rules of evidence 11. Basic problems in delinquency control 56. "T~e beats" - Nonconformity 12. Rescue breathing 57. Investigative resources 13. Stopping the traffic violator 5S. Eflecti'V'e report writing 14. Stopping the felon suspect 59. Severe mental illnesses 15. Prafes-sional police ethics 60. LSD 16. Itandllng disturbance calls 6l. Search and seizure 17. Burglary 62. The suspected homicide ,?all 18. rrhe effects of alcohol 63. Traffic engineering and the police 19. Auto theft 64. Democratic guidelines of interrogatiol 20. Safe, driving techniques 65. Dactylos copy 21. Aggr'esive patrol 66. Practical aspects of the service 8 e 22. The accident scene revolver 23. Shock 67. Witness perception 24. The us e of handc'l..\ffs 68. Suicide prevention 25. 'PrbJ.ciples of l'epol'ts 69. Determining speed fl.-om skid marks 26. Adolescent growth and development 70. Guide to evidence collection 27. Sketching techniques 7l. Organized crime 2S. Pi-indples of arrest 72. Fingerprint evidence 29. The preliminary investigation 73. One-man car patrol 30. Intersectional traffic control 74. Principles of,organizatipn 31. Mechani~,s of the' car search 75. The investigator's report 32. Mental JUnes,s '76. The police baton 33. How to be supervised 77. The Miranda Decision 34. Burglary prevention 78. Robbery-in-p~o,gress ' 35. Controlling serious bleeding 79. Estimating the time of death 36. , Recognizing the stolen auto 80. Moving the injured 37. Field ~nquiry 81. Narcotics 38. Physicaliitn.ess 82. The use of firearms 39. Introduct~on to interviewing 83. The' exclusionary rule , 40. Driving' under the imluence 84. Tlie iollow ... up investigation , '41- Robbery 85, Enviromnent -' a factor ill.d~linquency 4\2. The 'police image 86. Physical evidence - Bloodst'ains' 4!3,~ The prowler 87. The child n;~lester 44·. ' Transporting prisoners 88. The incendiary fire e e 45. Tool marks 89. Collectin:g laten prints

'I j .~~,.--- ~~- ---,- ---- , \ 1 ;., TRAINING KEYS TRAININ'G KE'YS ., e 171. Bomb incidents: Searching vehicles 90. The family and delinquency 131. Building search 172. Entl'apment bombing techniques and tactics 91. Skeletal injuries 132. Preparing for promotional , l 173. Combat shooting 92. Pur suit driving examinations 174. Mental retardation 93. Emergency care of iract>.lres' 133. Tactics of militant demonstrators 175. Police - Community relations 94. Iii1.proving the officer/citizen'· 134. PU1;suing suspects on foot 176. Sele ctive enforcement contact 135. !nformants 177. Planning a raid 95. Photography: An investigative 136. Probable cause 178. Safe burglary tool 137. Physical evidence - semen 179. Alcoholism 96. Traffic enforcement 138. Factors in accident investigation 180. Handling the alcoholic 97. Dangerous drugs 139. Community involvement in law 98. The training dis cus sion enforcement 99. Crime and crime statistics 140. Narcotics investigation 100. Uniform crime rl9ports 141: Foot patrol 101. Legal and practical aspects of 142.. Policing expressways scientific evidence 143. Laboratory instruments 102. Tool and tool mark identification 144. T'raffic enginee.ring changes lO3~ Police vehicle ma.intenance 145. Danger and the police role 104. Drive observation 146. Meeting the threat of danger ,j 105. Vehicle identification numbers 147. Missing persons 106. Tools of the auto 'thief 148. Chemical agents 107. Auto theft investigation 149. Tactical use of chemfc~~1 agents e 108. The broken home 150. Shoplifting 109. The runaway juven:ne lSI. Prostitution 110. The polygraph and its use 152. Police and the new generation ·1 Ill. Firearm identification 153. Routine calls for service. f 112. Firearm and l"elated evidence '154. Arson investigation 113. Emergency calls 155. Roadblocks I 114. Emergency traffic control 156. Fraudulent schemes ! 115. Policy 157. Hairs and fibers I 116. Rules, regulations and procedures 158. Impressions and plaster cq,sting '~ 117. Juvenile vandalism 159. Planning 1 118. Police courtesy 160. The accident diagram ~ 119. Telephone courtesy 161. Crime scene and miscell~.neous f \\~~) t 120. Report~ng physical descriptions photography 1 12'1. Connnon driving emergencies . 162. Interper~fonal communications J 122., Disposition of the juvenile 6f£~nder 163. Basic Bupervisol'yprinciples ;1'I 123. Blood analys.ls 164~ Motiyation 124. Art~ficial respiration 165. Shooting fundamentals r 125. Frustrations 'and adjustments 166. Principles of unarmed defense 126. Handling &: transporting firearms 167. Department..;.wide planning 127. Water safety and res cue 168. Assa>.11t cases' i~,F 128. Rape investigation 169. Bomb inciqents: Development 129. The KuKlu."C f(lan of procedures 130. Radio, ProcedUres 170. Bomb incidents: Searching buildin, e e MAGAZINES I .~PCO BUL.LETIN ..- The Asaoci.at~d Public-Safety Commun~ca.tions Officers, Inc. Journal of Public-Saiety Go~unica.tionB.

Volume 35, #: 9 - September 1969 Volume 35, #10 - October 1969 Volume 35, #11 - November 1969 Volume 35, #1a .. December 1969

Volume 36, # 1 - January 1970 Volume 36, # ,2 - February 1970 Volume 36, #: 3 - March 1970 Volume 36, if 4 - April 1970 Volume 36, # 5 - May 1970 Volume 36, # 6 - June 1970 Volume 36, # 7 - July 197Q Volume 36, # 8 ... August 1970 Volume 36, # 9 - September 1970 Volume 36, #10 - October 1970 Volume 36,#11 -November 1970 Volume 36, #12 .. December 1970


Voh:une 22, # 5 - October 1969 'Volume 22, # 6 - December 1969

Volume 23, # 1 - Februa.ry 1970 Volume 2~, If 2 - April 1970 Volume 23, # 3 - June 1970 Volume 23, #: :4 - August 1970 Volume 23, # 5 - Octo'ber '1970 Volume 23, # 6 - December 1970

; .' MAGAZINES MAGAZINES I LAW AND ORDER - Independent Magazine for the Police ssion. pOLICE -The journal covering the professional interests of all law enforcement Prdi~ , persozw.el. Volume 17,.# 7 ... July 1969 Volume 17, # 8 - August' 1969 Volume 13, # 5 - May/June 1969'. Volume 39, # 6 - June 1972 Vol'tpne 17, # 9 - September 1969 Volume 13, # 6 -July/August 1969 Volume 39, # 7 -' July 1972 Volume 17, #10 - October 1970 Volume 39, # 8 -'August 1972 Volume 17, #11 - November,1970 Volume 39, # 9 VolUme 17, #12 - December i970 Volume 14, # 1 - September/October 1969 Voh!~~,ne 14, # 3 - January/Fehruary 1970 Volurne 14, II 4 - March/April 1970 I Volume 18, # 1 - January 1970 Volume 18, # 2 - February 1970 Volume 18, # 3 - March 1970 Volume 18, # 4. April 1970 Volume 18, #: 5 - May 1970 POLICE CHIEF, THE - The profeas~~ilal voice of law enforcenlent. Official publi­ cation of Intei-national Association of Chiefs of Police, Incorporated. Volume 18, # 6 - June 1970 t . Volume 18, # 7 - July 1970 Volume. 18, # 8 - August '. 1970 Volume 36, # 7 - July 1969 Volume 39, # 6 ~ Ju.ne 1972 Volume 18, # 9 - September 1970 Volume 36, # 8 - August 1969 Volume 39, # 7 .. July 1972 Volume 18, #10 - October 1970 Volume 36, # 9 .. September 1969 Volume 39, # 8- August 1972 Volume 18, #11 - November 1970 Volume 36, # 1 0 - October 1969 Volume 39, # 9 .. September 1972 Volume 18, #12 - December 1970 Volume 36, #12 - December 1969 Volume 39, #11 - Noven1.bcr 1972 Volume 39, #12 .. December 1972 Volume 37, if I - January 1970 Volume 19, # 1 - January 1971 Volume 37, # 2 .. February 1970 Volume 19, # 2 - Februa:ry 1971 Volume 37, # 3 - Ma.rch 1970 Volume 40, # 1 .. January 1973 Volume 37, # 4 - April 1970 Volume 40, # 2 .. February 1973 Volume 37, 5 .. May 1970 Volume 40, # 3 - March # 1973 ", Volume 37, # 6 - June 1970 Volume 40, # 4 .. April 1973 ,; Volume 37, # 7 .. July 1970 Volume. 40, # S .. May 1973 Volume .37, # 8 - August 1970 Volume 40, # 7 .. July 1973 '-THE NATIONAL S ' " . . ' Volume 37, # 9 - September 1970 Volume 40, # 8 .. August 1973 --=...;;.;.;;.;;.:.::.:::;.:.:.:.::.:::.. .!:::.:.:H~E~R~IF~F:... - Offlcla~ Publication of the National Sherif"'s I A • t' <, . '.' L SSocla Ion Volume 37, #.10 .. October 1970 Volume 40, # 9 .. September 1973 Volume 37, #11 .. November Volume ,40, Volume 21, # 5 - October/November 1969 1970 .:"".\ # 12 .. December 1973 Volume 21, # 6- Dece:rnbel'1969/January 1970 Vohune. 37, #12 :. December 1970

Volume 38, # 1 - January 1971 Volume 41, # 1 - January 1974 Volume 22, 11 1 - February/March 1070 Volume 38, # Z - FebrUary 1971 Volume 41, # 2." February 197·4 Volume 22, #" '2 - April/May 1970 'I Volume 38, # 3- March 1971 Volume ~2, '#3 ~ June/July 1970 '. Volume 38, # 4 .. April 1971 Volume 22, # 4 - August/September ,'1970 Volume 38, # 5... May 1971 Volume 22, # 5 - O~tobe:r/November 1970 Vo~ume 38, # 6- jUne 1971 Volume 22, # 6 ~ D~cember:1970/January 1971 Volume 38, # 7 - July 1971 Volume 38, #, 8 .. August 1971 Volume 38~ # 9 - Sept~mber 1971 , . 16 M!vi FILMS'

ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION I 22 minutes - color (Motorola)

f:i ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION II 22 minutes - color (Motorola) I ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION XII 22 minutes - color (Motorola)

BEYOND LSD.. 25 minutes - color (BFA)' Presents the communication gap between the generation of teenagers and young adults, and the generation of those over thirty. Explains that teenage use of LSD is a syinptdm of this communication gap. J. Thomas Ungerle;ider, M. D., . of the Neurops'ychiatric InstitUte at UCLA, discusses some problems of parent­ teenage relationship.

BICYCLE TODAY - AUTOMOBILE TOMORROW. 10 tilinute s- color (Sid Davis) " .Bicycle safety.

BILL COSBY ON PREJUDICE. 25 minutes - color (Pyramid Films) Portraying America's composite bigot, Bill drives home the po5.nt that there's nothing funny ·aboutprejudice. A catalyst for Sel"iOU5 thought and discussion.

BOMBS I. 24t minutes - color (Motorola) This is the first in a series of thl'ee programs concerning bombs. .The technique employed is a dramatic involvement on the part of the trainee in a £;ictional bomb­ ing situation in which a man places a bomb in a hospital room immediately be ... neath the main surgery facility of a major hospital. Demonstrations of various explosive devices and their. unique packaging is explain~din detail. It should be . noted that this series is not designed to make the law enforcement officer an ex­ pert in the deactivation of .explosive device-so This is a field for specialists. The purpose' of the program is to.teach .the trainee the seriousness of the subject and to warnmm contip::uously of the inherent dangers. c'

BOMBS lIe 20 minutes' - color (Motorola>" \ This is the second in a series ·of three involving the trainee. ,in a problem of. a bomb planted in a hospital. This program attempts to hril1gmore specific in­ formation. to'the tra'inee as to the ki,nd and type 01: bomb planted by the bomber and to lea4. the trainee toward the conclusion where. the true. nature 0.£ the situa­ tion w~l1 evolve for him. This kind of ,insid,e-the-fUm thinking will make the trainee a.11, the more observant of cluej~, definitions, etc. In actuality, the }:lomb ptac~d in th~ hospital is completely"descriped in this 'presentation. with the ex­ ception of one switch which is described elsewhere. The observa~t student'wiU recognize this immediately and should by the end of this presentatlon have his mind fairly well established as to the ans~e;t' to the bomber'.s telephone quest~on "what do 'You think now? r { . c,? . .~-~-:--""""'------.. ----~-


BOMBS In. 20 minutes - color . (Motorola) " DEFENSIVE DRIVING II. 20 min'Q.tes - color (Motorola) The last program in the series contains a review of previoul3ly pr~sented in­ This programpresent-s defensive driving skills as they apply to general police formation along with a portion of new material concerning, bomb (;hsposal tech­ response capability•. The idea that defensive driving is a m.ental attitude is :r.e­ niques to give the trainee a decision making capability for dealing with home­ peated in a positive manner and a sinc,::ere attempt is mad.e to permit the trainee made bombs. These methods are to give the trainee a theoretical knowledge , to seehimseli somewha,t idealistically. This can be utilized to enhance the of variol,ls disposal options~o ,that he can judge for himself the danger of act;.. trainee's. desire to identij'v with a professional image of the mature police offi­ ing f'ool~s'hly where bombs .are cO.ncerned. The conc1usio~of the film finds t~e cer. He can be made to understand that the Iflitt1e things, " the "nitty-gritty" bomb specialist asking his audience to make decisions based upon the mate~lal as it applies to driving routinely is really a concept of a larger importance to in the presentation. After each question the picture frame'.freezes to pe~mlt his departmental ambitions and can build a cons do-usnes S within the trainee of the instructor to stop the pres-entation and check the responses of the tralnees. one of the most important and ul;leful of al1 police skills.

PEFENSIVE DRIVING, ill.: 20 minutes color (Motorola) BOOK HIM! 10 minutes - color. (Sid Davis) , Involves Code 3 calls rather than pursuit driving. While high speeds are of , Although the details of the booking pzoocedure :may vary some from ope police major importance, the techniques of apprehending violators in chase situations department to another, the film makes a graphic presentation o~ its main point: is not,the purpose of this program•. The intent is to outline the various factors this is the humiliation that a young offender can bring up?n himself. rele~ant to speed wherein the trainee can expect to encoWlter difficUlty. Con­ sideration is given to the trainee's need for bighspeed experience and training, his responsibility as a driver and his obligation to understand the physica11aws governing th~ control of his vehic;:le. This presentation should be the beginning CRIME IN THE HOME. 22 minutes .;. color (Aims) of a lifelong proiel;lsional intereflt in the technique of high speed defensive driv­ Shows through, dramatic vignettes, ways to protect you and you;r property. ing.

DEFENSIVE DRIVING IV: PURSUIT DRIVING. 25 minutes - color (Motorola) CRIME ON'THE STR.EETS. 18 minutes - color . (Aims)· Demonstrates the mechanical, physical and mental demands of pursuit driving. "By our own behavior we o£t~n enc;ourage criminals and'set 1,lp ourselves ?-s the victims .. II Suggest ways in which you can protect yourself. ' . . DEFENSIVE TACTICS I. 20m.inutes - color (Mqtorola) CUSTODIAL ARRES.T . - SEARCH AND S:EIZ URE 10 minutes ... color A program desj,gned to aid in teaching law-enforceme:nt officers de:fensive tact~cs This film. portrays scenes to <;:~early revea+ what the ROBlNSON decision means, without the use,'of weapons.. of any kind •. Reenacted defensive .situations are shown an4 what your I?ificers must do to comply with the law. Thishighlye££ective film and then applied to gymna,s'ium mstructibn. The instructor is Jac~ Williams, will help your officers-,bbserve and absorb in ten tp,inutes what other officers THill Black Belt Judo expert and one of the few men in the world I'tchooled in Japan in learn through trial and ex-ror. . , their specialized defensive tactics for law enforcement officers, Methods are not only dempnstrated, but explained in detail. A fine program for use with or with- out an instructor. ' DANGEROUS· STRANGER. 10 minute s color (Sid Davis) Child i'rtQle station l:?revention. DEFENSIVE TACTICS II. . 20 minutes - color (Motorola.) The film directs itself most seriously to the problem of nonlethal w~aponry as • ", Io~ e:xempli~ie~, by th~ shortb.aton. Departmental regulations concerning'mandatory DEFENSIVE DRiVING I. 20 minutes - color (Motorola) use of the baton may vary from department to department but ltB use isuniver­ Arnie Happle;is· an. ea~Y;going policeman 'who doesn't let things b~therhiln. He sally accepted. The baton is presented as an acceptable, publicly approved. knows his job butneve,r se~ms to employ the, scl:(-discipline. to .do it effi,ciently. second lev~l weapon and stresses the need :for' such equipinent 'in the police ar­ The story of:Arnie1s da,yis.hUl'n:orous -until sudde,nly. and wit~out warning, he , senal. Although training scenes are included, the program (foes not try to teach . anc;:1. his wife are killed in an a'Utomobil~acciden~. From here On the c;~era fol- lowsit) • the" " accident inv:estigation, officer." as he' . '.covers . areas. such as responsible'. , • driv.i.rig at:ti~udes, ,ap.ticipating emerge;t?-cies;tunnel vision, 'etc. E~celle~t pho .. tography emphasizes each point ,iz{th~ ,progr~.:Fills a need long soug~tafter by poUce traipirig dire.ctprs. . . . - . 16 MM FILMS 16 MM FILMS I, : .. DEFENSIVE TACTICS II. (continued) FEAR ANI? ANXIETY._ 10 mirlutes - Black & Wbite (Du Art) . technique. It "is intended as an opener to the ideas for a:nd behind the. baton. 1wo offlcers maki~gl/~m arrest are surrounded by a hostile crowd of black youths This is a fine program. to accompany the discipline tr.aining progr.ams that' gg~avated by pre-con~itioned animosities (an over anXious patrolnianand a po- • y make a t:rainee proficient in the art of the baton. ' !e;:hall dangerous mob). the situatio~ deteriorates into a police VB black confron­

a l~n. 0 Becaouse the police interviewed in the film are honest in their emotions I eadc blvlewer 1S encouraged to examine his own feelings of fear anxiety police an . acks. ' . , , DEFENSIVE TACTICS III. 22.1 minutes - color ·(Motorola) ...., This program is one of three on the subject of defensive tactics. While the first two presentations ~re 'devoted to judo and baton 'training where the use of

nonleathal weapons are required, this presentation deals directly with the pro­ FEELING GOOD. 0 9 minutes:" Black & White (Du Art) blem of hand-to-hand co~:nbat as it may be .utilized by an officer in situations Two patrohnen fmd a~ apparent drunk in t~e park who is in fact Buffering a cor­ of extreme and instant ditnger •. An attempt is maC!,e to inform the trainee of his onaryattack. One offlcer is revolted by the situation. "Let's throw his ass in need f01" fighting techniques which should be considered ii he is tp survive sudden t?e back of the car .•• II The other, "I'm gonna give him mouth-to-InIDuth. \I This desperate attack. It is llot thepurpoBe of this presentation tb teach street fight­ f10lnl reveals ,much about al~ of us. ,T~e viewer is fot'ced to confront bis own am­ ing as much as it is to explore the thinking of the adversaries the. trainee is like­ blhvalent feehng of compassion and re:vulsion as they relate to involve:ment in an­ ot erts probler.ns. ly to encounter and to point out the kind of fighting they intend to practice aga~nst him. A firm understanding of t~e principles of balance and momentum is ex­ plained, with application to the intelligent and p1"acticed use of "pe:rsonaltl weapons; hands, feet, and.elbows. FIGHT OR FLIGHT ". 2~ minutes - color (J & F Productions)

Teenage youths, lntervlewed about their use of drugs Thl'S {l'1m gl'V 0 . ht . . th 0 0 • • es an In- Slg lU'tO e anXletles of our youth of today. DISTURBANCE CALLS: GENERAL I. 2.4 minutes - color (Motorela) Shocking facts grimly p~int out that mishandling of routine emotional disburbance' calls account for 20% of all police fatalities: This program takes the officer through the :im.portant steps of who, what, where, when and how of any comphdnt, FOREST OF THE NIGHT ° 15 minutes - color (CCM) shows why it's important to get the facts 60 the officer answering the call can ex­ Shows that law enforcement officers must study behavior patterns a~d a .. ' knowl d . 0 0, h cqUlre ercise caution, yet deal with compassionate authority. Re-enactmenh of the most . . e ge In p1npo1ntm~ t e .signs o~ illegal drug activity on the st:r'eets. How typical complaints take th~ officer on the premises to help resolve personal prob­ the law enforcement offlcer lS a maJor factor in the. continuing effort to handle lems, 1"estore the peace, and, use preventive action to reduce arrests. Through-. the drug problem. . out the program~ alertness is stressed to prevent the officer £roql placing him­ self in je.opardy. This tops the list as a "n+\l.stll for any police chief's training program. An instructor 18 guide is included which will help develop an inter ~ action with trainees so that the inst.ructor will be able to determine the trainees! HIGH: DRUGS AND YOU. THE 19 r.ninu:es - color (Coronet Film!:!) . understanding Olthe pro.gram. . The story of .drugs today. How they af:tect you, and what they can do to you and your health •

. . DOOR WAS LOCKED, THE, 2.5 minutes ~. color {:(AcP) Shows locking devic~s and other means by which citizens can protect. their homes. HUMILIATION AND ANGER.: 10 minutes - Black & White (Du Ad) . Disc1.lss.es consequences offailure to provide security for the hom:e~ A yo~g. ~atrolman answerlDg a call to quiet down a noisy party of college stu.. dents ~s msulted by the adult woman reside:pt and taunted by the klods HOI' to d 1 f 1£ ' . . • urnl 1a- lon ,an,' QSS 0,. se -esteem leads the patrolman to irrational beh'a' . T.h.. ,. 11:59 last mInute to choose. 27 minut~s .;. color BFA 't to d tOo . . . Vl,or. e Utilizing this film presents fnterviews • Sl ua lon e. erlorates lnto' a police vs' youth. confrontation .' Each' .....' . f' '. split-screen~hnictue, unstag~d alt~rnat~.lY e- c' t· 0 h o· . , . ..• Vlewer l.B arced .' t.0 lnves l.gate t e kmds of eXperiences he finds humiliatlOng' h' .. with young heroin addicts in San Francis.co and scenes .. of th~ir tre~tme:nt in hospi- . f ' '0 0 . 0 . • , 18 own acceptanc·e tal emergency and psychiatl"ic wa.1"ds., i· ' :' .' o a,nger, and the dlstlnchon between having these feelings and acting th t . ,.'..I: e.r.nou •

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, , 11M NO FOOL WITH A BICYCLE. 8 minutes - color (Walt Dfsne'y)' 1:& MM FILMS :Bicycle safety. Walt Disney Educational Materiab.

IT'S YOUR MOVE. SERGEANT. 24 minutes ~ c~lor , ,(Motorola) PATROL PROCEDURES III: CRIMES IN PROGRESS. . 25 minutes - color (Moto:i:-ola) This film seeks to provide insight into the numer,'ous flgrey a1"eas" - the complex Three crimes are shown: a bUrglary, an armedrobberYt and a prowler~ Patrol human and enviromnental variables - that aTe so m-qch a ,part of every ,supervisory procedures are' .studied·~n tactical detail. situation. '. " .

, . MARIJtJANA. 34 niinutes - color (BFA) PATROL PROCEDURES IV: SPECIAL SITUATIONS. 2,2 minutes - color. (Motorola) Dis~u8ses the physical dange~,s, emotional dependency and legalities of using Responsibilities of officer in non· criminal areas such as suicide, lost child, fire marijuana. Interviews users and non-users. Narrated by singer Sonny Bono. scene, etc" . . '

MOB AND RIOT CONTROL. 15 minutes - color (Aims) PATROL PROCEDURES V: FIELD PROBLEMS. 30 minutes ~ color - (lV1otorola) The officer is given the opportunity to evaluate theinterpl'etation between evi­ dence and truth. The program'points .'!-lP the complexity of the patrol.£un~'ltion and the awesome responsibility the officer must face. NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH. 22 minutes - color (Charles S. MacCrone Productions) " .'., A motion picture on residential burglary, offers a bold new approach in showing how community groups can wcrk with law emorcement to drastically reduce th~ rate of suburban burglary and larceny. This dramatic fihn is designed to go hand PERFECT .DRUG FILM. THE 30 minutes - color (CCM) . in hand with e~isting or contemplated public relations programs. Imagine a dl'lug thatls non-addictive, inexpensive, with no side effects and guar­ anteed to make you relax and feel good. It would solve all the problems of our contemporary drug culture ••• or would it •. In this provocative filIn, Max Miller takes' a searching, histori~allook at mankind's age old quest f01" new ways "to ON GUARD,:" BUNCO! 27 minutes - cclor (Aims) tUrn cn ~d tune out,. \I Along the way, he p:roves that the I!p~rfectll drug is what A dramat~zeq.*}~$se of schemes used to defraud the puplic. The most subtle of we need least of aU. criminalsa:r:~rthose who prey upon the un~ary •

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PLAY IT COOL: A QUESTION OF CONTROL. 15 minutes - color (CeM) PATROL PROCEDURES'- Is VIOLENT CRIMES. 20 minutes - color (Motorola) This film shows how police behavior can increase or diminish hostility poterr.tial, liThe investigati-ie principles here are pasic,.•• the transfer of materials under­ particularly in a crowd sitUation, and how .the attitudes of law enforcement offi­ lies the whole thing. An armed robbercom,es on this scene and he leaves some­ cers can have a direct positive or negative effect in certain situations. This .thi:ng and he takes something away ••• I don't care how minute ••• he leaves foot­ film is designed to teach that subjective postures on the part of law emorcement prints, fingerprints, bullets, weapons, tools, toolmarks, blcod, fluid, semen, of£ic~rs are a detriment to effective performances of ~ei'r duties. fiber, BcmetMng ••. and he ta.kes something away with him.• llSci'.says the inves­ tigating o;f£icel' at the scene of the crim'e. A stirring r,e:-~nactment of a robbery, in a home wlte'!e the awakened occupants are shot· and killed and a nei~hbo.r se­ riously wounded. Clearly. outlines the r(,le of the po1ice in' such a situation. . POLICEMAN. 11 minutes .. colot" (Aspect IV J Educational Films) . A combination of vignettes and con:imenta~ypresent a number of ways in which, PATROL PROCEDURES II: ROVTINE PATROL. ZZminutes color (Motorola) the polic~ officer helps. The most important tool he has is. his Understanding . Covers the majC?r points of pre-patJ:Ql preparation and'observation',develop;'ng , of people"• the ideath;a.t the patrolman is the) 'eye!, Qf the department and interpreter of the laws and mor-als of sQciety. "

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16 MM :F\ILMS 16 MMFILMS SHOPLIFTER.' ' THE_. 20'm;tnutes - color (S' h S :f ; OWS ln detail techniques used b ,1& way a ety F.oundation) POLITICS FILM. TEE 27 minute,s - color (ceM) Shexplains how alert employees y amateur and professional shoplifters With 18_year-olds' voting nationwidefot the firl:lt time, this film, narrated by , can prevent thefts'. ' and Peter Fallt; tal(.es on a special relevance. Car! YOWlg people ,vork for change within the system. Or 'should they side with those who want to burn it down. ii>:- TECHNIQUES OF ARREST i 20' 1.' . This presentation is int:£'oductor ,mInutes - color (Motorola) . !.; "d ' Y In nature and att pt t Wl e varIety of subjects which' f 11 d em s 0 touch upon the THE! 18 minutes .. color . (:A.inl-s) a RE~OLVER, Realistic acene'fl of the legal co:ce;o;::e category, of IJ l'1'est techniques." Details how to use your revolver - rsnge1 safety, defenaiire firing, firing pOBi- warrants .t.1nd other legal req , arch andselzure, the issuance of ' ,I Ulrements govern' th b' . tio~s. night firing. Ph aS1S 1S ,made to point out that ever a. l?g. e au Ject o£arrest.Em- manding its own. skills ~nd ita 0' ythrrefll.t sltuat:lon is du£erent, each de- T' -. wn me od of appr a hI· - ne prog;ram also points out the dang~r inh .. 0 c , p annlng and execution. presentation is designed to invol th t ,erent ln the arrest situation. The RIOT MAKERS, ,THE_ 27 minutes - color (R. M. (Inc_) true evaluation of their :react' ve d e r~mees on a dramatic level to offer A 27 minute documentary. film based on the book by Eugeno:--i,~ethvin, an AB~'O- , lon an . pos slble future performance. ciate Editor of the Reader's Digest. To cap'ture the spirit an\~ the authen~l;icity of the book, the producers filmed actual demonstrations and ~.;iots, addedl,on­ the-scene films shot by newS services, T. V. cameramen, a1:';my photogrciphers and police departments "l>d blendea all of theBe together into ~ hard hitting film that exposes the real causes of today's ci'\Til commotion- TO.A IMl::?ROVE t' . AND ENHANCE • 25 m1nutes. ~ color (TIl' , L ' .i. inO 1.on plcture film study of the nl' , G lnOlS eglslative Council) governn'l.ent works. A look at how th~no;I.~ ~meralAssemblY, How your state passage of a bill and how th Ilhno'll3 General Assembly works for the , . ey are passed., SHOOT IDON'T SHOOT I. . 24 minuteEi - color (Motorola) A stunning new method of showing law enforcement pez-sonnel the basic rules which apply in a1l "Shoot/Donlt ShootH situations. In place of the old nlea,na­ mood~poaition, this program shows the officer the new concept of ability~ TOUGH-MINDED(Motorola) SUPERVISIO. N FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT. 28 minutes - color' - oPPol"'tunity-jeopa"l"dy :for the time will come when he maybe forced to shoot in a situation where the lives of innocent bystanders covId be jeopardized. Over The £i1n1. demonstrates a :newa:nd entire!· . todayls law enforcement personnel. y dIfferent approach to supervising a doz(;n'l. filmed-on~the street.s segments take t~eof£icer thrpugh the potentia.! dangera held encounter during a routine watch. This project was produced in cQoperation with 13 police'departments. ,and wherever it has been seen th'e re­ sponse has been terrific. Most chi~fs consider it?-. "mu.st" £;pr their training program. An instructors guide is included, which' wiUhelp develop interaction WALK WITHOUT FEAR 20' Offers a Inu:mber of - color (Sid Davit) with the trainees so that the instructor will know the understands the .yp~ecautionarmlnutesmeasures women t k . tra~ee peace omlnd while decreasing the lik 1ih d can a e to lncroase their f . e . 00 of being attacked. . program.

,SHOOT IDON'T SHOOT II. 22 minutes - color (Motorola) WHAT 'S A COP? . 27 . This second program dealing vv"ith the officers de cit:; ion to nre his weapon --'~~-F-':":"~::::=:;!.." IDmutes - -c;:olor (M t Uniformed police o;ff' .0orola) addresses 'the subject of death realistically. The confrontations are not con ... . lcers are shown in actual p l' . , ga)m,:,t of case s from searching for a lost . to0 l.ceslt~ab?nB "l"unn~'lg the fined firearms but include other weapons. 01." objects that become lethal to Publlc ,attitudes toward police. are. also e:lq)chlild ore d• lnveshgatlng, ):lgmic:\des.. . weapons in the hands of the offendero

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EMERGENCY MEDICAL PATROL CALLS (EM-I) (Aims) A aeries of iiV'e 35mm 'filmstrip/tape ci:\.ssette programs: mau IRMENT AV AILAB LE 1. Mouth to mouth resuscitation and heart massage. 2~-, The poison victim. 3. How to' control bleeding. 4. The .unconscious person. 5. Burne, skull fractures and concussions,

Bell & Howell16mm ProJector (Stop/Start Ac:tion),

PISTOL41 SHOOTING.~_ , (National Rifle, Associati<;>n) Da .... Lite Screen POLIC,E: COMBAT SHOOTING. (Nati~mal Rifle Association) ------Canon 35mm Camera SHOT GUN SHOOTING. (National Rifle Association) Caramate Rear Screen Slide Pr.ojector With Sound CRIMINAL EVIDENCE - Trap.sparencies - Department of Administration of Overhead Projector (In Carrying Case) Justice) California State University, San Jose, California. Sony Portable Video Recorder and PlayBack Unit

Sony VTR Monitors - 9 Inch and 19 Inch - With Video Recorder Only ~ ( USE THESE CAR D S TO oR flE R BOOKS"

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