Central and Eastern Europe Darwin Initiative Project No: 162/10/008 Building Capacity in Wetland Biodiversity Conservation in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Russia Report of Workshop 5 Management Planning and Monitoring/Reporting Aviemore, Scotland, UK 25 – 29 June 2003 Eurosite: Le réseau des organismes pour la gestion du patrimoine naturel européen The network of organizations managing Europe’s natural heritage Report No: 82 68282Report NO: Building Capacity in Wetlands Biodiversity Conservation in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia Darwin Initiative: Workshop 5: Management Planning and Monitoring/Reporting EUROSITE Postbus 90154 NL – 5000 LG Tilburg Tel: +31 (0) 13 5 944 970 Fax: +31 (0) 13 5 944 975
[email protected] www.eurosite-nature.org Acknowledgements Special thanks to Eddie Idle (Insh Consultancy), Mike Shepherd and Paul Brooks (Scottish Natural Heritage), Ken Shaw (RSPB), and Tim Bines (Parnassia Ltd) for making all the arrangements, Carl Mitchell and Pete Moore of RSPB (Insh Marshes NNR), Siobhan Egan (Site Condition Monitoring Officer) and Katherine Burdsall (Lowland Peatland Adviser) of Scottish Natural Heritage, Desmond Dugan and Stewart Taylor of RSPB (Abernethy Forest NNR). What about Carl Mitchell & Pete Moore Congratulations Congratulations were offered by the participants to Darius Stoncius for gaining his PhD and to Valdimarts Slaukstins and Janis Kuze for gaining Master of Science degrees since the last meeting. This is a Darwin Initiative Project, grant aided by the UK’s Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Building Capacity in Wetlands Biodiversity Conservation in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia Darwin Initiative: Workshop 5: Management Planning and Monitoring/Reporting 1: Workshop Information 1.1: Workshop location, host and attendance information.