CRITERIA FOR FLATNESS AND INJECTIVITY NEIL EPSTEIN AND YONGWEI YAO Abstract. Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring. We give criteria for flatness of R-modules in terms of associated primes and torsion-freeness of certain tensor products. This allows us to develop a criterion for regularity if R has characteristic p, or more generally if it has a locally contracting en- domorphism. Dualizing, we give criteria for injectivity of R-modules in terms of coassociated primes and (h-)divisibility of certain Hom-modules. Along the way, we develop tools to achieve such a dual result. These include a careful analysis of the notions of divisibility and h-divisibility (including a localization result), a theorem on coassociated primes across a Hom-module base change, and a local criterion for injectivity. 1. Introduction The most important classes of modules over a commutative Noetherian ring R, from a homological point of view, are the projective, flat, and injective modules. It is relatively easy to check whether a module is projective, via the well-known criterion that a module is projective if and only if it is locally free. However, flatness and injectivity are much harder to determine. R It is well-known that an R-module M is flat if and only if Tor1 (R/P,M)=0 for all prime ideals P . For special classes of modules, there are some criteria for flatness which are easier to check. For example, a finitely generated module is flat if and only if it is projective. More generally, there is the following Local Flatness Criterion, stated here in slightly simplified form (see [Mat86, Section 22] for a self-contained proof): Theorem 1.1 ([Gro61, 10.2.2]).
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