Presentation to the Clean Elections Commission on the Proposed Work of the NJ Clean Elections Academic Study Group June 17, 2005 by Ingrid W. Reed Director, Eagleton NJ Project

Backjp'ound On April 8, 2005, a group of faculty members from various institutions of higher education whos1~ work includes a focus on politics met at the Eagleton Institute for the purpose of discussing whether there were ways they might be useful to the recently-formed Clean Elections Commission which is charged to evaluate the pilot project providing public funding for two kgislative districts in the 2005 election.

The focus of the meeting was on the purposes set out in New Jersey law creating the Clean Electi Jns pilot project:

-Address the fact that residents of the State believe large contributions to campaigns have undue influence, and · ·

-That the political process is dominated by those who can afford to spend large amounts· of money on campaigns, and -

-The result is an erosion of public confidence in the democratic process.

-Also, that the pilot project would provide equal resources to candidates, reverse the escalating cost and free candidate~ from the chore of raising money, (based on the laws currently in effect in Maine and Arizona), as well as strengthen public confidence in the democratic process.

The group also examined the charge to the Clean Elections Commission to: - examine the positive and negative aspects of the experience - review and recommend criteria for selecting districts and setting the seed money and qualifying contribution amounts - establishing support for primary races in 2007 - consider feasibility of applying to all races - means to finance clean elections and other matters.

This in:;:Ormal group agreed to consider activities, which if undertaken independently from the Commi s~ion, would be useful to the Commission in evaluating the pilot project.

------191 RYDERSLANE, NEW BRUNSWICK,.NJ 08901-8557 ------THE STATE UNIVERSl'IY'"- Of NEW JERSEY E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 732/932-9384 01 rrrroc Proposed Program C 1n May I 0, the informal group of academics met again at the Eagleton Institute of Politics and a;.~eed to be known as the New Jersey Clean Elections Academic Study Group. The purpose of tl Le Group is to support the Clean Elections Pilot Project by conducting research during the Pilot Project in the fall of 2005, analyze the information and data collected after the elections, and n lake this analysis available to the Clean Elections Commissions for their use in the evaluation n :quired by the Clean Election law. ·

The following are the components of the study that the Group considers essential and will a1 tempt to fulfill:

A- Follow the conduct of the four campaigns in the two Clean Elections districts ru id in two to four other "control" districts with similar characteristics but possibly a contrast in g1 ~ography, media coverage and political balance. David Rebovich has provided a preliminary p: ~otocol for monitoring the campaign activity, including newspaper coverage, which will serve a:: basis for a sub-committee to design detailed guidance. Faculty interested in supervising a Ci unpaign or a district include Rebovich, Reed, Segers, Kem, Marbach. Others will be contacted. T b.e Group will meet at the end of June after the Pilot districts have been designated to select the cc mtrol districts and refine the protocol.

B- Monitor media coverage and ads on television. Matt Hale, a co-director of the A nnenberg/U. of Wisconsin 2002 and l004 study of political campaign coverage on television rn 'ws programs has agreed to organize a study of the media coverage in pilot and control districts uning the U. of Wisconsin research design and team. It is proposed to conduct the study 30 days be ,fore the election and include 11 outlets - 8 network affiliates (four in Philadelphia and four in New York), 2 cable systems and New Jersey Network focusing on the nightly news program. It is estimated that the cost would be around $12,000 or $1,000 per outlet and miscellaneous e' :penses. Hale would donate his time. Additional infonnation would be collected about special p1 ogramming and debates. Television and radio ads would be requested from the campaigns after they have been aired.

C- Conduct surveys to assess voter attitudes about issues of influence of money in election campaigns to determine if the Pilot Project influenced voter opinion as stated in the goals of the Clean Election Law. Peter Woolley of the Fairleigh-Dickinson Public Mind Poll and Jeffrey Levine of the Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling will collaborate in conducting two statewide polls, one in early September and another before election day as well as two polls designed to focus on the districts in the study to assess awareness of the clean election project. It is estimated that the direct cost for conducting the surveys will be about $20,000 if the survey qt estions are included in polls that are already planned.

The agenda could include other research items such as an historical study of the 200 I A~sembly races in the pilot project district to provide a comparison to 2005, a review of evaluations conducted of the Arizona and Maine clean elections for useful ideas and contrasts, and consultations with the Brennan Center for their ideas on the study based on their extensive work cin clean elections.

While faculty time would be contributed, support for the direct cost of the media monitoring and the su1 veys will be sought from interested funders. Suggestions are welcome.

It was :igreed that the report of the work of the Group will be submitted to the interested faculty collabc •rators for their review and comment before the presentation to the Clean Elections Commission.

Faculv r Participants

The or ~anizing group includes: Matt Hale, Seton Hall University Jeffrey Levine, Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling (after July I, Timothy Vercellotti, assistant director, ECPIP) Joseph Marbach, Seton Hall University David Rebovich, Rider University Ingrid Reed, Eagleton, Rutgers-NB Mary Segers, Political Science, Rutgers-Newark Peter Woolley, Fairleigh Dickinson University

The interested group includes: Mark Alexander, Seton Hall University Law School Bruce Caswell, Political Science, Rowan University Henry Coleman; Blaustein School, Rutgers-NB Jane Junn, Political Science, Rutgers-NB, Eagleton Montague Kem, School of Communication, Information and Library Science, Rutgers Susan Lederman, Public Administration, Kean University Ruth Mandel, Rutgers-NB, Eagleton Gerry Pomper, Rutgers-NB, Eagleton Alan Tarr, Political Science, Rutgers-Camden Dan Tichenor, Political Science and Eagleton, Rutgers-NB ------~2003 ASSEMBLY RACE ------o/o of Votes Received for .....------.....--..------~------~ Assemblyman by Party Affiliation % Margin of Winner % Realstered Voters in District -[1istrict Democrat Republican Democrat Republican Democrat Republican Untlacidael i~ ,,1 Ar. t:= .;;.;;.;;;.;..;.;;..""-~~~~~~~---~:•"-._....,..,__..______+-...,._-.-~..,._-+~~--.,.,_~ ...... _~~+-...... ,;--.;..;..;..;.;._c 54. 7 52. 7 4. 7 16.4 30.2 53.4 42.6 50.0 2.7 ~ 37.4 65.0 27.6 20.6 25.5 53.9 2 36.6 61.0 23.6 ., '°"': ... '·······.,.., •. - 52.6 48.5 4.1 25.5 17.3 57.2 3 52.4 46.5 3.9 ...... :- • ·•. ~·: •. ~ : ·•••. : ot:~. ·~ '.' =··· 54.6 45.7 8.9 28.5 15.5. 56.0 4 . 53.9 45.7 8.2 ~ ... . •· ... ·.. · --- 65.0 37.5 27.5 34.9 10.2 54.9 5 60.9 36.6 23.4 ,...... ·:: ..•. ~ } = 60.0 40.6 19.4 28.5 14.7 56.8 6 59.0 40.4 18.4 ~- ·" 52.4 48.7 3.7 29.2 16.6 54.2 p 7 52.2 46.7 3.5 ~:~.;,(. .... ,.:.,,.,, 34.7 67.3 32.6 17.4 25.0 57.6 8 32.6 65.5 30.8 ::::: ... 39.1 65.3 26.2 16.7 25.8 57.5 J 9 38.1 57.5 18.4 o:z: •. ·-")-:f.·~ .. - ·i'<~··:·• ,_,.,;. ..,4"*": "• ·_~; .. .,. ... ~ 36.0 65.8 29.8 13.8 22.9 63.3 10 35.2 62.9 26.9 $•'"'"'·~-~.;-- •.: >-t.·· ...• ...... :-·.• ·.~-- .. '.' . . ,, >. _~,~, .:.·:·~.·.·.;·•t-·-~,.'."!~. -' • ~ •. ~ ...... ,. ";_.; ..... : ..;· .. . 37.7 64.6 26.9 19.0 20.7 60.3 11 36.1 61.5 23.8 t::::: -;,- ·.• _.,.,, :<: ';..<: ., ..; .• .,:,.·.-.. :"·':·'-::" 1'""'· : 53.6 47.9 5.7 18.8 17.7 63.5 12 52.8 45.7 4.9 ,.;:._ ... ·,,, ....- : ... · .. ·· .. ~ ·~ ~-. , ·':-': .. ;•· .. .. •" :::::: .,_ ·.. :..;.-·:·'.·-·...... '·' ~·::- ', ·. . 50.0 51.2 1.2 18.3 17.9 48.2 50.6 0.6 50.9 55.9 6.8 24.5 14.9 14 44.1 49.1 1.8 :.· ·• .... 65.0 36.9 28.1 31.1 12.4 ·56.5 [). 15 62.2 35.9 25.3 31.4 69.0 37.6 13.1 27.6 59.3 31.4 68.1 36.7 60.6 41.2 19.4 28.1 9.3 62.6 59.9 38.3 18.7 59.2 45.9 13.3 28.1 13.1 53.4 41.5 7.5 64.6 44.5 20.1 36.6 8.9 54.5 19 54.1 36.8 9.6 62.7 39.2 23.5 42.6 10.1 47.3 20 62.6 35.5 23.4 2003 ASSEMBLY RACE % of Votes Received for · Assemblyman by Party Afflllatlon % Margin of Winner % Reaistered Voters in District . ~ _.. Dlstrlc Democrat Reoubllcan Democrat Republican Democrat Republican Undeekletl- c ~"" ._ .• , .... ·.·.'!'···;. ,,. . . ' •. · ....-~ ... - .. ~~-.:. ,. . •,,· .. ,-·.:,..· 43.5 61.4 17.9 17.9 28.0 54.1 21 35.7 59.3 15.8 59.8 42.1 17.7 33.3 14.2 52.5 22 56.6 41.5 14.5 •:·1"¥.::. ,. ·~ ·.··.. ·~ ....-'· ' 40.5 61.9 21.4 14.6 34.2 51.2 23 37.1 60.5 20.0 32.9 69.0 36.1 10.3 . 36.9 52.8 24 32.9 . 65.2 32.3 ':·· ~.- ·~ ,, .... ~:,,.._ ..,..> ,¥· •"i'Mfl.~""H:·.·~.,., ~.-:Y·· ····.~ '!'Ji,''f·'~:·'"f-.4~~~·"9';. >,, ••.. .,., ..... ·~·:,...'(-'.~'~;:":.~-«····::" ,·.-,·--:'. ::-..:·,:, ..... :: ...... ~. 40.5 59.9 19.4 16.1 31.0 52.9 25 40.5 59.1 18.6 ,', '....,.:.•:;; :' :Jll!lc.i· ""'::~?~ .·. •.. .::.; •; .... ··· ~:1.,,.-c:;,•,..vf"LI'~~~:..:.·:-'· Y ,. • :•.''•~-:;.' ,;'~IC'·\~·.,;..• .,.,,._ '··' . , ...,";·', ... 35.9 65.3 29.4 13.6 32.7 53.7 26 64.5 28.6 .',,::._· .... " ;;.;•.,·.~.~-· ~... ;:~~·----~i.::;-~~#;i'·;~.t~ :;·. ~:_;.;.,.• -11''· ~·~·: •' '*' • .... A', ' -., 85.5 16.9 68.6 45.6 3.9 50.5 29 81.2 16.4 64.3 •; .,.,..,,..,-'>.'':C~~ .. ~.... A:-.t,,: ""'= :?...... \:.·x.~A:··· :...• ' . , •··-'"'I',,., 37.2 66.0 28.8 14.3 23.2 62.5 30 33.7 63.1 25.9 ;•. (~ ...... :."$.:;·.. ···~· ~ ~ ... , :-.:-...... ;-:..;,-r...... ·, ..m,-i-; .. ~-~·· "-1>o«:~·= ·· -,. .. ._~· !>,> ...... ~·~···· -:···''-: 84.4 17.2 67.2 45.7 7.3 47.0 31 82.6 15.8 65.4 ···' ,:: :~·.;.;~:; ~-:· '• .;if,;· ~:._.,.,:". c. :: ·: 1, . ' ;'' .-...;· ."/':''· .~: .,. ••• ,·,... : .. , •• ,. . • '· •• ,/ , ..: • > ••• ":' '·.... • • 1·~ 56.2 45.5 10.7 26.0 55.9 3 53.3 45.0 7.8 51.9 56.0 6.5 27.8 15.3 56.9 4 49.5 . 42.6 2.4 ~ ·1' }.(>-!' -,,~:.:>', ."., ... ( ~,·;,..,;~ ',tl>. A,' •' 73.5 28.9 44.6 33.4 10.2 56.4 5 68.7 28.9 39.8 ••·' ..,.;;,.;.w,;..,';l;(..,._'\~;·~··.';::·•":I·> :-~'M-~ ..~,.1'.v·,....,~) . \'~:-.,·· ,· .. ·~>'.~.. > :'· ·" . .(';,;··.-.·. '" , ••• r~· . '$!:·'(,· ···"' ••. :··-~:, 65.3 35.3 30 27.7 . 14.4 57.9 6 64.6 34.9 29.3 ·'<·•:.·•4-:i'• ..;~?'i>-·•1·"'.' .... ·.. ,, ..,."';·.·· 59.8 41.0 18.8 29.0 16.1 54.9 7 . 59.5 39.7 18.5

't. ..~ ... 40.8 60.8 20.0 17.8 24.8 57.4 8 39.3 59.1 18.3

'1 .:, ~ :,. • :";:;, · ~~- :•:-· .. . ,,vi... ·'T :t.-~·-:,..i~· •· 41.6 60.2 18.6 17.7 26.9 55.4 e 9 39.0 . 59.1 .17.5 ~.....,.:,'+.., .. ·1<;~.. ._. '-. • v .~c •. 42.2 58.4 16.2 14.3 23.4 62.3 10 41.5 58.0 15.8 '. -~~-~·-· .· ~(t '"' + t·,....,.,;~,.·,·.~-: .. '".... ~-~~,. ,,:i:. '"-"'·''.;,., .• :· . ._, ... •.·· ·-;·. ·-:• 44.5 58.9 14.4 19.9 20.5 59.6 R. 11 42.0 54.6 10.1 ~ , .. ~.,.,.,,. ,,····· ,f(. '• : .... , .•.,; •• : •! ..... ·~··· ·~ ..... , . .;;.,.• ,. .,..,,Yo. ~ .,. ·..;&.::llM. . ·.~·.. _.,,' ~. ~'l>:....,.-~...-..;.:;, .. ,, .·... ~, .-,..,., ••. ~ ....·.·' ~ ,,.->.. :.;.,:..: '.: 46.4 55.0 8.6 19.6 17.6 62.8 12 45.9 52.7 6.3

·w~.· t--'• ., ~::· :~.: "'-' .. .. •· ·.-... :. :, :...... ,.':'...... , ..-:: ·• .. ,. .. 44.7 58.4 13.7 19.1 18.4 62.5 ~ 13 41.0 56.0 11.3 •·'· '·' ··-:....:,'·· ~· "· 54.9 46.4 8.5 24.6 15.0 60.4 14 52.6 46.0 6.2 : ., - ; " "-•'. •·A~,., '"':·••: :•;.. : ·:·· ...... ······ ·'· ~...... ·.w ... .,.,.. ... 68.4 32.6 35.8 32.1 13.0 54.9 15 67.7 31.3 35.1 , ...., ,. .. ., .. '\'·'· 34.6 67.5 32.9 13.6 27.5 58.9 16 32.7 65.2 30.6 67.7 34.3 33.4 26.0 9.2 64.8 17 63.9 34.1 29.6 , 65.9 36.7 29.2 29.0 13.4 57.6 18 62.1 35.2 25.4 74.9 28.5 46.4 36.3 8.9 54.8 -· 19 71.4 25.3 42.9 -· 66.0 34.4 31.6 42.7 10.6 46.7 65.2 34.4 30.8 - 20 2001 ASSEMBLY RACE % of Votes Received for Assemblyman by Party Affiliation % Margin of Winner % Registered Voters In District District Democrat Republican Democrat Republican Democrat Reoublican Undeelll• ~u ~ ·1 ·.~. :·... ·., ,·.;.: - ;~-. ··. ,;;,:<- .. .-.. . . ~· .. .: .... , . ' ...... ,: . , ' .. • , . 41.0 63.6 22.6 18.3 29.0 52. 7 21 38.7 56.7 15.7 61.1 41.1 20 33.4 14.8 51.8 22 59.2 38.7 18.1 ' ··~ :.~· ' -~: ...~ :;c·.o. :." ....i-.. •• "... • ··,.:.. ... •• "~··•· '., .: 35.0 68.9 33.9 15.1 32.7 52.2 23 34.1 62.0 27.0 .... , 29.9 72.5 42.6 10.7 36.4 52.9 24 29.1 . 68.5· 38.6 "'~'(·;.>- ·• ~ ;;.,,;.~;' .'.1it" r;_';./{':"'V•"'"'~ ·::: , .·-e~"!'I>~· .•>":,'!f .... • :.-...i!.),;.\.;'.·~·.: .. :;.,~ ._;,_.. ··'(.· .. ,-~ . . ~· ,.: ,.-.~~ _,,:;~'"')'!· . .:,i- 4W'~' ... ~ . . ".f _. ••. ~ -·~":': .-mv.:,;.. .. ;>,-..,:. : •').: .. . ·:>· -~·_..,...... , "':'·~-'- -~-. ·.· ··... .., :;; :-.; ·,~;,e- := ,;· 41.5 60.0 18.5 16.5 31.2 52.3 25 38.4 60.0 21.6 33.9 68.5 34.6 13.9 32.4 53.7 26 32.8 64.8 30.9 64.1 38.9 25.2 35.5 15.5 49.0 27 59.0 38.0 20.1 -x::;,;. ,·: .,.. ~-:.- .. -,~.-::1'~·:: -:.9-f. , ··~ ...., <· ;»' 25.8 49.6 38.0 10.0 28 74.5 24.4 48.7

• 'I(·. *.=:""': \-.·~ ''""' :• · ,?'.'9'-*:t:·-i~•<',V~'.C.4;(.~·;.:.;. ~.. : . .-... ·:-:;-. · ,:;,,'%, Y.:··.~';:..·~~-·>.:'·-M.,~, .. .,,.:.:;.:·'X ri-.;·i-+:.-:,.; .. ~.··· :::'" '*·.: ~ ..:.,-: ... ··~·>· .. )'; 89.2 12.5 76.7 43.9 5.3 50.8 29 86.9 11.4 74.4 ··r ·.;~.:· ....,.· .. *':i:tf.~~-.:- :; :. ,.. ~;,: .. ·,;··'(·~)':~\'l•. ···.:' . • , .< .. , ~~ . : (• :"~.-=-~ .. · ... .,;;.,,,~~*·:.·~· 41.5 61.1 19.6 15.3 21.7 63.0 30 38.1 59.3 17.8 76.4 25.9 50.5 42.6 7.8 49.6 31 72.5 25.2 46.6 ~*.::,~, .. ~ ~, . ::-<·: ·~11~< "·:c.;t:.~.·.:·.:..>-,.,,.Y:.._~ .. ·:.. it.:: .."")$:.,.·: ...... ·'i.-~ ... ~iir :.e ;s,;,·:..\!'t:· · •. ,.,.~,.·.,.~.i.~: ~· · .:.:..':.~ .....~.. · 73.3 27.0 46.3 44.4 9.6 46.0 32 72.9 26.8 45.9

·~ ··.·. •: , .. •• ,"'rf:io:~:~:<....,,:." ...... 75.5 24.8 50.7 44.4 10.4 45.2 33 75.2 24.4 50.4 lo:\•·····~~·,...:.~ •.. .;,.,;.;·: ...... ·, ·• ~ ...... ;. . ... :··. ,_. . 68.8 35.5 33.3 37.5. 12.0 50.5 34 64.2 31.5 28~1 ~ .. .,, .. • •... ~·" :: i<·~···"lo;.·~, ...... ~ . .,. . '' '·'··· .. •.. 67.7 33.8 33.9 26.8 16.2 57.0 35 64.6 33.8 30.8 50.5 54.6 7.0 24.0 16.7 59.3 36 47.6 47.3 2.9 .. , . 68.8 33.4 35.4 29.3 14.2 56.5 37 65.3. 32.5 31.9 ' .. 50.4 50.7 0.9 25.8 16.7 57.5 38 49.8 49.2 0.6 40.0 62.8 22.8 17.2 26.0 56.8 ~ 39 36.3 60.9 20.9 39.8 61.4 21.6 16.8 29.4 53.8 40 38.4 60.5 20.7

71' 1999 ASSEMBLY RACE % of Votes Received for ·Assemblyman by Party - Affiliation % Margin of Winner % Reaistered Voters in District -Ctistrict Democrat Republican Democrat Republican Democrat Republican Undeeitlett~ lA.,1 - 30.8 71.3 40.5 16.4 29.2 54.4 1 30.0 67.9 37.1 ~ - 35.8 65.5 29.7 16.7 28.2 55.1 - 2 34.6 64.1 28.3 - 46.3 64.1 17.8 24.8 18.0 57.2 3 34.6 55.0 8.7 - 52.0 54.4 6.3 28.2 15.3 56.5 - 4 48.1 45.6 3.9 74.2 29.9 44.3 35.6 8.9 55.5 - 5 66.0 36.1 - 61.5 40.3 21.2 28.1 15.7 56.2 6 58.4 39.8 18.1 - 56.9 44.3 12.6 30.1 15.7 54.2 ,.___ 7 56.5 42.2 12.2 ~ --- 41.0 60.8 19.8 18.4 22.3 59.3 ,.._ 8 39.9 58.4 17.4 - 37.4 63.0 25.6 16.9 27.0 56.1 - 9 37.3 62.4 25..0 - 41.3 60.3 19.0 14.4 22.2 63.4 - 10 38.3 60.1 18.8 - 39.6 62.1 22.5 20.0 19.1 60.9 11 38.1 60.3 20.7 .... 43.1 59.4 16.3 17.6 18.6 63.8 12 40.1 57.3 14.2 46.1 57.6 11.5 20.2 15.9 63.9 13 43.1 53.2 7.1 50.9 49.9 1 24.0 14.0 62.0 14 50.8 48.4 0.9 66.4 35.6 30.8 31.7 11.6 56.7 15 65.9 32.2 30.3 39.0 62.5 23.5 15.0 24.3 60.7 '6 38.2 60.3 21.3 - 74.6 28.9 45.7 28.4 8.6 63.0 - ·7 69.5 27.1 40.6 - 63.5 38.9 24.6 26.9 11.9 61.2 18 59.4 38.2 20.5 - 79.4 24.2 55.2 36.1 8.5 55.4 - 19 73.4 22.8 49.2 - 76.7. 24.3 52.4 48.6 7.5 43.9 2) 74.9 24.0 50.6 1999 ASSEMBLY RACE % of Votes Received for AssernblY"1an by Party Affiliation % Maraln of Winner % Realsterad Voters in District District Democrat Raoublican Democrat Republican Democrat Republican Undfficlad.! !.,:....-~ 42.7 58.3 15.6 24.5 21.4 54.1 21 42.1 56.9 14.2 ,··.'·!. j~.: ...... ~ ••• ·,·',::·· .·, .• ·:·.·. '•'\.,::.-!• •·· :··· ·~·. . . . .;; - . . ' . ·~ ·... 100.0 100.0 18.1 25.4 56.5 22 100.0 100.0 ... • , ...... ;~··?~'. : ... , ... ·-·...... ' ., ;.~ . 36.6 68.9 32.3 16.1 31.3 52.6 23 31.3 63.2 26.6 29.3 72.2 42.9 11.2 34.5 54.3

25 36.4 62.5 24.0 ~.1:'~··.Y·;M.; 'n1/:; ·.~·<::,.·,-;_;::""··;,.·:. .,.._:.,~; ...... ·. ·.,. -~;. 32.1 68.2 36.1 13.8 31.6 54.6

38.3 5.4 56.3 28 80.3 18.4 61.6 55.5 29 85.9 13.0 71.7 42.5 61.1 18.6 17.1 21.5 61.4 30 39.5 56.9 14.4 ...... ~:.... ~...... ;. ~~~ •.• ::•.... :.•':! ' 77.7 26.2 51.5 47.5 6.6 45.9 31 75.8 20.3 49.6 • :-- .: ..... ,;.to)(.~~~:.~.;·····...... 80.6 21.8 58.8 45.5 10.0 44.5 32 78.9 18.7 ~=. ·: ·~.;; ~";/:' " " ; ;;v .. • . ·. .• .. •· .• 85.3 17.7 67.6 45.5 10.7 43.8 33 80.9 16.0 63.2 ;, ..... :.-. ... ·.· .. :;_ '·f"'"" ·.·: ~·.,;·_ ·.· .. , ...···'·,\ ''" .... 42.8 60.6 17.8 21.3 24.9 53.8 34 37.7 58.8 16.0 ' •. '•'• .....,_ ·f' ••' .· .:-.· .. -:•;,:.· _,. -:·;~..:~ 66.8 34.9 31.9 26.1 14.1 59.8 35 '65.3 33.0 30.4 42.5 58.2 15.7 24.7 16.8 58.5 36 42.5 56.8 14.3 70.3 31.5 38.8 30.6 13.0 56.4 37 67.7 30.4 36.2 45.0 55.7 10.7 22.4 18.7 58.9 38 43.9 55.4 10.4 38.2 62.9 24.7 17.9 24.5 57.6 39 37.6 61.3 23.1 39.5 61.9 22.4 16.6 25.3 58.1 40 37.5 61.1 21.6 ASSEMBLY RACES ~J: ,,,, .... , - ,1.t4(ilt\ 1999 2001 - 2003 % Difference of votes % Difference of votes % Difference of votes -----+-+-~D-e_m_oc_ra_t_R~e-1p-,u~b~ll!"""ca-n-+-+-~D-em-oc-rat-...R~e-1p-1u~b~li-can-+-+~D-em-oc-rat- ...R~e-1p-u~b~ll-ca-n--1 ===::::::=tl=:::::::::::::::i=:::t::::=::::::t:1!::=::::::==t=:===::::::t:t:::::!::!:::::::t~==::=:1

7 H· 14 5 I ~ < ••

15 l 1 8 5 13

20-29.9 8 I 12 13 s.'S' =····, -.:"'.•. ·;, ~~~' »?,;• . { .,;,.~.·1~· .~,:,:·~.... Jj.f.~:.::: ·{;•' ,... ~ ';,·

40-49.9 1 50-59.9 8 ' 3 4 8

ro-79.9 2 L 2 ~' !A-.:-.....~.,.·~···~.»..~ ... ~~'!1 ', .>~ ;~;.)..·,,>~~·'!~.·=

l!I0-89.9 . '··· ~.. : -~;;·$.·:'·""'·


100 2

Total 35 45 43 37 47 33

/()!<. Summary of 2001 and 2003 Spending by Party in Clean Elections Districts; 2005 Projected Maximum Grant Amounts

---····-··- I J l - I I - -~-. ·------·- ·-·-··,-·..- ··-- I • 2001 2001 2003 2003 c.;01umo A I c~53 Damocratic Republcan Democratic Republican Maxtmum D~ict Total Total 2001 Total Total Total 2003 Total I I 2001 ~2003 Total IGrant Amount

- 6-- -I S200,24i:tf I -$10.529mnf$210,111:t8) -$411.~.68I $11.898.45 I· $483.528.tJ] r $694,299.89 I StJ5.100.oO:

1 I S281,121.1s I $397,839.78 lssst~587.53IS408.s12.11 I $841,291.20 1$1.041,803.s1I I $1.101,370.84 I $100.0!!:!!2_

s I $3g,396.78 I l$1t8,81e.esl$31,454.os I s10,4es.91 I .t101,937.9B) I 1218,sse.11I s20,500.oo:

11 l $39e,9i4.21I $11•.oe1.731$574,ocs.941 s2s.200.9B I S248;210.52 I S271.•11.soI I S845,457.._. I s19,21s.oo 13 I $18,009.18 I $359,911.09 I $375.920.271 $29,823.89 I $225.420.19. I $2$5.244.0B I I S83t, I $s9,11s.oo 1s I $2A3.114.3• I $43.766.86 I S286.as1.20Iun,936.34 I S9.083.22 t 5288, I f ss13,sao.1s I $53,82s.oo ~ Figures provided by New Jersey Election ~ Law Enforcement Commission, June 2005 Pursuant to section ~O of P.L.2004, Dem total GOP total Percent c.121 District 2001 + 2003 2001 + 2003 Dem GOP

6 $671,872.37 $ 22,427.52 96.8' ~.2% Column A 7 668,239.86 1,039, 130. 98 39.1% 60.9% FonmJlo.: X .75 =Column B 8 9 63,850.81 154,705.80 29.2% 70.8\ (not to. exceed $100,000) 11 425,165.19 420,292.25 50.3% 49.7% 1 3 45,833.07 585,331.28 7.3% 92. 7% 15 521,050.68 52,830.08 90.8% 9.2% Summary of 2001 and 2003 Spending by Party in Clean Elections Districts; 2005 Projected Maximum Grant Amounts

2001 2001 2003 2003 2005 Democratic Republican Democratic Republican Maximum District Total Total 2001 Total Total Total 2003 Total 2001 + 2003 Total Grant Amount*

I- - 6 I $200,242. 11 I $1 o,529.01 I $21o,111. 18 I $471,629.66 I $11,898.45 I $483,528.11 I $694,299.89 I $65, 1oo.oo I • I I 1 I $261,121.15 I $397,839.78 1$659,567.531 $406,512.11 I $641,291.20 f$1,041,803.31f $1,101,310.84 I $100,000.00 I

I 9 I $32,396.76 I $84,221.89 I $116,618.651 $31,454.05 I $10,483.91 I $101,937.96 I $218,556.61 I $20,500.00 I

I 11 I $399,964.21 I $174,081.13 l$574,o45.94l s25,200.98 I $246,210.52 I $211,411.50 I $845,457.44 I $79,215.00 I

I 13 I $16,009.18 I $359,911.09 I $375,920.21 I $29,823.89 I $225,420.19 I $255,244.08 I $631, 164.35 I $59, 115.00 I

I 15 I $243,114.34 I $43,766.86 ls286,881.2ol $277,936.34 I $9,063.22 I $286,999.56 1 ··"·~$573,880.16I $53,825.oo I

~ )(

Figures provided by New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission June 2005

*Pursuant to section 10 of P.L.2004, c.121 Unofficial List Page 1of45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

First Leglslm:lve District: Atlantic (part) • Cape May • Cumberland (part) Counties Party I Nama/Addre:!• Designation County Slogan Tally

General Assen 1b/y

Jeff Van Drew · Democratic Atlantic (part) Atlantic ·eounty Regular Democrat 344 237 Dennisville Road Cape May Cape May County Regular Democratic 2,166 Organization DennisTownstip NJ 08210 Cumberland (part) Cumberland County Regular Democratic 1,065 (bracketed with ) Organization

Total 3,575

Nelson Albano Democratic Atlantic (part) Altantic County Regular Democrat 312 2179 Adler Lan~ Cape May Cape May County Regular Democratic 1,706 Organization Vineland NJ 08 361 Cumberland (part) Cumberland County Regular Democratic 981 {bracketed with Jeff Vandrew) Organization

Total 2,999

George Cecala Republican Atlantic (part) Real Republican For Lower Property 303 373 Main Aveni 1e Taxes €ape May Real Republi~n For Lower Property 2,713 Milm'ay NJ 08~ .0 Taxes Cumberland (part) Real Republican For Lower Property 428 Taxes

Total 3,444

John C. Gibson * Republican Atlantic (part) . Regular Republican 693 4466 Jenicean : ~oad Cape May Cape May County Regular Republican 6,939 Sea Isle City N.. 08243 Organization Cumberland (part) Cumberland County Regular Republican 1,618 Organization

Total 9,250

Jim Sauro Republican Atlantic (part) Republican 0 Write In Candid; lte Cape May 873 . NJ. Cumberland {part) Republican

Total 873 Unofficial List Page2of45 Candidate Returns for General A-mbly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Seconc I Legislative District: Atlantic (part) Counties Party I Name/J.~ddress Designation County Slogan Tally

Genera/ Assembly

Damon · ·yner Democratic Atlantic (part) Atlantic County Regular Democrat 5,419 114Rail1bow Trail 5,419 Egg Har JOr NJ 08234 Total (bracket, ~d with Jim Whelan)

Jim Whelan Democratic Atlantic (part) Atlantic County Regular Democrat 6,185 3714 Bo Jlevard Avenue Atlantic 1;ity NJ 08401 Total 6,185 (bracket• td with Damon Tyner)

Frank Bl ~e • Republican Atlantic (pat:i) Regular Republican 7,088 111 Nort 1 Shore Road Absecon NJ 08201 Total 7,088 (bracket• 1d with Kirk W. Conover)

Kirk W. C:Onover • Republican Atlantic (part) Regular Republican 6,902 41 Davis Avenue Absecon NJ 08201 Total. 6,902 (bracketE d with Frank Blee) Unofficial List Page3of 45 Candidate Retums for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Third Legisl.lflve District: Cumberland (part) • Gloucester (part) • Salem Counties Party I Name/Addre·ss Designation County Slogan Tally

Genera/"Asse1 rrbly

John Burziche Ii * Democratic CUmberland (part) CUmber1and County Regular Democratic 859 Organization 36 W. Broad Street Gloucester (part) Regular Democratic Organization of 3,087 Paulsboro NJ >8066 Gloucester County (bracketed wit l Douglas Fisher) Salem Regular Democratic Organization 1,627

Total 5,573

Douglas H. Fi! her * Democratic Cumberland (part) Cumberland County Regular Democratic 904 Organization 421 Marlboro I ~oad Gloucester (part) Regular Democratic Organization of 2,960 Bridgeton NJ C,8302 Gloucester County (bracketed witl 1 John Burzichelli) Salem Regular Democratic Organization 1,629

Total 5,493

Ron Brittin Republican CUmberland (part) Tri-County Republican 126 620 Surrey Re ad Gloucester (part) Tri-County Republican 520 Mantua Town~ hip NJ 08080 ..Salem Tri-~unty .Republican 718

Total 1,364

Phillip S. Rhue y Republican Cumberland (part) The Cumberland County Regular 906 14 High Meadt 1ws Drive Republican Organization Gloucester (part) Regular Organization Republican 2,173 Mullica Hill NJ 08062 Salem Regular Organization Republican 1,735 (bracketed with James W. Zee Ill) Total 4,814

James W. Zee Ill Republican Cumberland (part) The Cumberland County Regular 878 217 Union Street Republican Organization Gloucester (part) Regular Organization Republican 2,193 Elmer NJ 0831 B Salem Regular Organization Republican 1,557 (bracketed witt 1 Philip S. Rhudy) Total 4,628

/5~ Unofficial List Page4of 45 .Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Fourth Legislative District: Camden (part) • Gloucester (part) Counties Party I Name/,,ddress Designation County Slogan Tally

Generai Assembly

Paul D. "1oriarty Democratic Camden (part) Camden County Democrat Committee, 1,553 59 Berk: mire Drive Inc. Gloucester {part) Regular Democrat Organization of 2,108 SeweVV 'ashington Twp. NJ 08080 Gloucester County (bracke1 ~d with David R. Mayer) Total 3,661

David R Mayer * Democratic Camden (part) Camden County Democrat Committee, 1,569 1537 011 i Blackhorse Pike Inc. Gloucester {part) Regular Democratic Organization of 2,123 Blackwc :>d/Gloucester Twp. NJ 08012 Gloucester County (bracket :td with Paul D. Moriarty) Total 3,692

Frank Winters Republican Camden (part) Camden County Regular Republican 1,201 200 Church Street Party Gloucester {part) Regular Organization Republican 2,660 Newfield NJ 08344 (bracket1 td with Corey Ahart) Total 3,861

Corey /IJ 1art Republican Camden (part) Camden County Regular Republican 1,184 729 She wood Drive Party Gloucester (part) Regular Organization Republican 2,588 WilHams own NJ 08094 (bracket• d with Frank Winters) Total 3,n2 Unofflclal List Page 5 of 45 Candidate Retums for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Fifth Leglslatlv•·t District: Camden (part) • Gloucester (part) Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

General AsssmblJ ·

Joe Roberts * Democratic Camden (part) Camden County Democrat Committee, 4,123 111 Linden Street Inc. Gloucester (part) Regular Democratic Organization of 2,702 Camden NJ 081 o: ~ Gloucester County (bracketed with Ni sa Cruz Perez) Total 6,825

Nilsa I. Cruz-Pere:'. * Democratic Camden (part) Camden County Democrat Committee, 3,827 1140 North 32nd f itreet Inc. Gloucester {part) Regular Democratic Organization of 2,568 Camden NJ 081 Of Gloucester County (bracketed with Jo~ Roberts) Total 6,395

17>< Unofficial List Page6of 45 Candidate Returns for General AS..mbly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes incumbent

Sixth Legislative District: Camden (part) Counties Party I Name 'Address Designation County Slogan Tally

Genen '/Assembly

1 Louis [ • Greenwald * Democratic Camden (part) Camden County Democrat Commmee. 5,324 2 Shelt oume Court Inc. Voorhees NJ 08043 Total 5,324 (bracketed with )

Pamela Rosen Lampitt Democratic Camden (part) Camden County Democrat Committee, 4,918 558 Tai rington Road Inc. Cherry -iill NJ 08034 Total 4,918 (bracketed with Louis D. Greenwald)

Marc Fl ~ischner Republican Camden (part) Camden County Regular Republican 4,264 35 Roo: ;evelt Boulevard Party Bertin " J 08009 Total 4,264 (bracke· ed with JoAnn R. Gurenlian)

JoAnn FL Gurenlian Republican Camden (part) Camden County Regular Republican 4,284 45 Linrn 1n Avenue Party Haddon 1eld NJ 08033 Total 4,284 (bracke1 ed with Marc Fleischner) Unofficial List Page 7 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Seventh Leglslatlve District: Burlington (part)· Camden (part) Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

General Assen 1bly

Herb Conawa~ * Democratic Burlington (part) Bur1ington County Regular Democrats 4,878 1500 2nd Aver ue Camden (part) Camden County Democrat Committee, 929 Inc. Delanco NJ 08 l75 (bracketed witt Jack Conners) Total 5,807

Jack Conners ' Democratic Burlington (part) Bur1ington County Regular Democrats 4,601 8228 Bryn Ma~ fr Avenue Camden (part) Camden County Democrat Committee, 936 Inc. Pennsauken N J 08109 (bracketed witt ) Total 5,537

Joe Donnelly Republican Burlington (part) Burlington County Regular Republican 4,465 2421 Laurel Dr ve Organization Camden (part) Camden County Regular Republican 525 · Cinnaminson f\ J 08077 Party (bracketed witl" Mike Savala) Total 4,990

Mike Savala Republican Burlington (part) Burlington County Regular Republican 4,221 6 Woodthrush t ;ourt Organization Camden (part) Camden County Regular Republican 516 Delran NJ 080i 5 Party (bracketed with Joe Donnelly) Total 4,737

JC/~ Unofficial List Page B of 45 Candidate Retums for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Elghtl 1 Legislative District: Burlington (part) Counties Party I Name 1'ddress Designation County Slogan Tally

Generc I Assembly

Donald G. Hartman Democratic Burlington (part) Burlington County Regular Democrats 3,153 3 York :ircle Total 3,153 Eastarr pton NJ 08060 (bracketed with Sandy Weinstein)

Sandy 'l\leinstein Democratic Burlington (part) BurlinQton County Regular Democrats 3,026 9 Birch1 ield Drive Mt. Lau ·el NJ 08054 Total 3,026 (bracke :ed With Donald C. Hartman)

Francis L Bodine * Republican Burlington (part) Burlington County Regular Republican 9,399 633 Eai :t Main Street Unit A-3 Organization Moores own NJ 08057 Total 9,399 (bracke· ed with Larry Chatzidakis)

Larry C?l 1atzidakis * Republican Burlington (part) Burlington County Regular Republican 9,094 42 Stok1 ~s Road Organization Mount L aurel NJ 08054 Total 9,094. (bracke1 ed with Francis L Bodine) Unofficial List Page 9of45 Candidate Retums for General Assembly 06-08-2005 Fo·r June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Ninth Leglsle1tlve District: Atlantic (part) • Burlington (part) • Ocean (part) Counties Party I Name/Adc:l,_ss Designation County Slogan Tally

Genera/ Assen bly

Dolores J. Coulter Democratic Atlantic (part) Regular Democratic Organization 146 1O Starboard A 1enue Burlington (part) Burlington County Regular Democrats 15 Bamegat NJ OE 005 Ocean (part) Official Regular Democratic Organization 4,172 (bracketed with James Den Uyl) Total 4,333

James Den Uyl Democratic Atlantic (part) Regular Democratic Organization 143 326 Chatswortt Avenue Burtington (part) Burlington County Regular Democrats 14 Beach Haven I' J 08008 Ocean (part) Official Regular Democratic Organization 3,570 {bracketed with Dolores J. Coulter) Total ·3,727

Christopher J. C:Onnors * Republican Atlantic (part) Regular Republican . 362 235 Cherokee ··rail Burlington (part) Burlington County Regular Republican 168 Forked River N.108731 Organization Ocean (part) Regular Republican Organization of 10,310 (bracketed with Brian E. Rumpf) Ocean County

Total 10,840

Brian E. Rumpf • Republican Atlantic (part) Regular Republican 344 3 Geneview Co ut Burlington (part) Burlington County Regular Republican 133 Organi;zation Little Egg Harbc 1 r NJ 08087 Ocean (part) Regular Republican Organization of 9,641 (bracketed with Christopher J. Connors) Ocean County

Total 10,118 Unofficial List Page 10 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes incumbent

Tenth Legislative District: Monmouth (part) - Ocean (part) Counties Party I NameJ Address Designation County Slogan Tally

Genera' Assembly

Lawren ::e Jones Democratic Monmouth (part) Monmouth County Democrats 189 108 Sta re Road Ocean (part) Official Regular Democratic Organization 2,449 Toms A iver NJ 08753 (bracke· ed with Joni Jones) Total 2,638

JoniJores Democratic Monmouth (part) Monmouth County Democrats 165 108 Sta c Road Ocean (part) Official Regular Democratic Organization 2,336 Toms R ver NJ 08753 (bracke1 :ld WiUl Lawrence Jones) Total 2,501

David \1' . Wotte * Republican Monmouth (part) Monmouth County Republican Party . 354 107 Wa1 ers Edge Court Endorsed Candidate Ocean (part) Regular Republican Organization of 7,387 Brick NJ 08724 Ocean County (bracket1 !d with Jim Holzapfel) Total 7,741

Jim Holz !pfel * · Republican Monmouth (part) Mon~outh .County Republican Party 363 698 Hoo >er Avenue Endorsed Candidate Ocean (part} Regular Republican Organization of 7,372 Toms Rr ,er NJ 08753 Ocean County (bracketE d with David W. Wolfe) Total 7,735 Unofficial List Page 11of45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Eleventh Le~tlslatlve District: Monmouth (part) Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

General Assen rbly

Matt Doherty Democratic Monmouth (part) Monmouth County Democrats 2,856 112 Inlet Terra,~ Total 2,856 Belmar NJ on 19 (bracketed witt Jim Reilly)

Jim Rellly Democratic Monmouth (part) Monmouth County Democrats 2,849 200 Lariene A" enue #6 Total 2,849 Bradley Beach NJ on20 (bracketed with Matt Doherty)

Steve Coroden- us • Republican 1o Harbor ViH Drive Atlantic Highlar ds NJ on16 (bracketed with Sean Kean)

Sean Kean• Republican 220 Club· Drive wa11 NJ on1e (bracketed with Steve Corodemus) Unofficial List Page 12 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Twelfth Legislative District: Mercer (part) • Monmouth (part) Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

General Assembly

Robert l M Morgan * Democratic Mercer (part) Regular Democratic Organization 488 34 Cres Drive Monmouth (part) Monmouth County Democrats 2,829 Little Sil• rer NJ on39 (bracket :.d with Michael J. Panter) Total 3,317

Michael J. Panter • Democratic Mercer (part) Regular Democratic Organization 489 457 Syc unore Avenue Mor.amouth (part) Monmouth County Democrats . 2,893 Shrewstury NJ ono2 (bracket• ~d with Robert L Morgan) Total 3,382

Declan C1'Scanlon Jr. Republican Mercer (part) Regular Organization Republican 522 21 North 1ale Monmouth (part) Monmouth County Republican Party 4,997 Little Sil\ er NJ on39 Enc;Jorsed Candidate (bracketE d with Jennifer Beck) Total 5,519

Jennifer 3eck Republican Mercer (part) Regular Organization Republican 551 52 Mcla1 on Street Monmouth (part) Monmouth County Republican Party 5,133 Endorsed Candidate Red Ban'1 ~ NJ ono1 (bracketed with Declan O'Scanlon, Jr.) Total 5,684 Unofficial List Page 13 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Thirteenth lt•glslatlve District: Middlesex (part) • Monmouth {part) Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

Genera/ Assen rbly

William E. Flyn r'I Democratic Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Democratic 783 Organization 2~ Ticetown Fload Monmouth (part) Monmouth County Democrats 1,928 Old Bridge NJ >8857 (bracketed wttt Michael Dasaro) Total 2,711

Michael Dasan, Democratic Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Democratic 715 500 Beachway Organization Monmouth (part) Monmouth County Democrats 1,766 Keansburg NJ :>7734 (bracketed witt William E. Flynn) Total 2,481

Leonard L lnz11rillo Democratic Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Democrats ForThe 147 7Chanowich C >Urt People Monmouth (part) Monmouth County Democrats For the 741 Middletown NJ 07748 People

Total 888

Joseph Azzolin a * Republican Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Republican 871 6 Borden Roac Organization Monmouth (part) Monmouth County Republican Party 3,169 Middletown NJ 07748 Endorsed Capdidate

Total 4,040

Samuel D. Tho rnpson * Republican Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Republican 1,028 5 Uncroft Aven Je Organization Monmouth (part) Monmouth. County Republican Party 4,500 Old Bridge NJ 1 >8857 Endorsed Candidate

Total 5,528

Amy Handlin Republican Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Republican 298 20 Rimwood D1 ive Organization Monmouth (part) Monmouth County Republican Party 4,333 ~ Middletown NJ 07738 Endorsed Candidate ·~ Total 4,631 ·~ ; I j" j l l 1 Unofftclal List Page 14of45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes incumbent

Fourte·tnth Legislative District: Mercer (part) • Middlesex (part) Counties Party I Name/, 'ddress Designation County Slogan Tally

Generai Assembly

Linda R. Greenstein * Democratic Mercer (part) Regular Democratic Organization 1,542 16 Kreb ~ Road Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Democratic 2,ns Plainsbc ro NJ 08536 Organization (bracket :td with Daniel R. Benson) Total 4,321

Daniel F. Benson Democratic Mercer (part) Regular Democratic Organization 1,517 81 Hem1 >stead Road Middlesex (part) Middlesex County D~mocratic 2,471 Hamiltor NJ 08610 Organization (bracket, ~d with Linda Greenstein) Total 3,988

Bill Baro ii* Republican Mercer (part) Regular Organization Republican 2,939 27 Marje rie Way Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Repbulican 2,242 Hamiltor NJ 08690 Organization Total 5,181

Michael ), Paquette Republican· Mercer (part) Regular Organization Republican 2,610 52 Uber1 f Drive Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Republican 2,038 Dayton ~ IJ 0881 O Organization Total 4,648 l1 Unofficial List Page 15 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Fifteenth Lt glslatlve District: Mercer (part) Counties Party I Name/Addruss Deslgn-.tlon County Slogan Tally

General Asse nb/y

Reed Guscior :i * Democratic Mercer (part) Regular Democratic Organization 3,932 20 Maclean Street Total 3,932 Princeton NJ >8540 (bracketed va h Bonnie Watson Coleman)

Bonnie Watsc n Coleman * Democratic Mercer (part) Regular Democratic Organization 4,124 181 Clafin Av1 mue Total 4,124 Ewing NJ 086 38 (bracketed wi1 h Reed Gusciora)

Robert McCre ady Republican Mercer (part) Regular Organization Republican 2,763 105 Dayton S .reet Trenton NJ OE ·611 Total 2,763 (bracketed wi1 h Thomas Mavis)

Thomas Mavi ; Republican _ Mercer (part) Regular Organization Republican 2,722 99 SnoWden I ane Total 2,722 Princeton NJ 1 >8540 (bracketed wi1 h Robert Mccready) Unofficial Ust Page 16 of 45 Candidate Retums for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Slxte,,tnth Legislative District: Morris (part) • Somerset (part) Counties Party I Namtt!Address Designation County Slogan Tally

Gener 1/ Assembly

Micha1 ti Goldberg Democratic Morris (part) Regular Democratic Organization 80 26 No1 tlngham Way Somerset (part) Somerset County Regular Democratic 2,359 Hillsbc rough NJ 08844 Organization (brack• •tad with Charles Eader) Total 2,439

Charle ; Eader Democratic Morris (part) Regular Democratic Organization 71 4 Wildf ower Lane Somerset (part) Somerset County Regular Democratic 2,358 Bedmir 1ster NJ 07921 Organization (brackE ted with Michael Goldberg) Total 2,429

Christo >her •fe Court Somerset (part) Somerset County Republican 9,415 Neshan ic Station NJ 08853 Organization (bracke :ed with Pete Biondi) Total 9,774

Pete Biondi • Republi~n. Morris (part) Regular RepUblican Organization 305 12 Stagecoach Way Somerset tpart) Somerset County Republican 9,256 Hillsbon •Ugh NJ 08844 Organization (bracke1 ed with Christopher •f

Stan Se afin Republican Morris (part) Republicans For Conservative 156 1254 Sherlin Drive Leadership Somerset (part) Republicans For Conservative 2,566 Bridgewater NJ 08807 Leadership

Total 2,722 Unofficial List Page 17 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Seventeenth Leglslatlve District: Middlesex (part) - Somerset (part) Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

General Assen tbly

Upendra J. Chi iUkula • Democratic Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Democratic 4,275 Organization 536 New Brum wick Road · Somerset (part) SomersetCounty Democratic 1,322 Somerset NJ o3873 Organization (bracketed wltt Joseph V. Egan) Total 5,597

Joseph V. Egai l • Democratic Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Democratic 4,297 20 New York A i.1enue Organization Somerset (part) Somerset County Democratic 1,323 New BrunswlcJ NJ 08901 Organization (bracketed wltt Upendra J. Chlvukla) Total 5,620

Catherine J. Be ,rrier Republican Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Republican 1,430 13 Oliver Street Organization Somerset (part) Somerset County Republican 1,132 Somerset NJ 0 3873 Organization (bracketed wltt Charles Edwards) Total 2,562

Charles Edwari is Republican Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Republican 1,408 225 Hanson A\ enue Organization Somerset (part) Somerset County Republican 1,108 Piscataway NJ 08854 Organization (bracketed wltt Catherine J. Barrier) Total 2,516 Unofficial List Page 18 of 45 ·Candld-e Retums for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Eighteenth Legislative District: Middlesex (part) Counties Party/ NilmefAddress Designation County Slogan Tally

Gener.1/ Assembly

Peter ... Sames Jr • Democratic Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Democratic 8,620 19 SoL thfield Road Organization Edison NJ 08820 Total 8,620

Patrick J. Diegnan Jr* Democratic Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Democratic 7,868 128 Smith Street Organization South Plainfield NJ 07080 Total 7,888

Daniel i~pstein Republican Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Republican 3,426 7 Ryan Road Organization Edison NJ 08817 Total 3,426 (bracketed with Dhiraj Thareja)

Dhiraj lhareja ~ Republican Middlesex (part) Middlsex County Republican 2,934 8 Elmwc>od Terrace Organization Edison ·'llJ 08817 Total 2.934 (bracke· ed with Daniel Epstein) Unofficial List Page 19 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Nineteenth Legislative District: Middlesex (part) Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

GEmera/ Assembly

Jc>hn S. Wisniewski * Democratic Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Democratic 4,Sn Organization 2'7 Fritz Drive Sayreville NJ 0887~ Total 4,677 (bracketed with Jos Vas)

Ji>seph Vas * Democratic Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Democratic 4,208 21:>0 High Street Organization Perth Amboy NJ Q8,'361 Total 4,208 (bracketed with Joh i S. Wisniewski)

Ciavid J. Longenha~.,en Republican Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Republican 1,745 323 Henry Street Organization South Amboy NJ Of ,879 Total 1,745 (bracketed with Re~ es Ortega)

Reyes Ortega Republican Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Republican 1,552 108 Madison Aven~ e Organization Perth Amboy NJ oe B61 Total 1,552 (bracketed with Da' ·id Longenh~gen)

3/ )( Unofficial List Page 20 of 45 Candidate Returns for Gen-.ral Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Twen1 :ieth Legislative District: Union (part) Counties Party I Name'Address Designation County Slogan Tally

Genen r/ Assembly

Neil M. Cohen * Democratic Union (part) Regular Democratic Organization of 5,048 5 West >rook Court Union County Roselle NJ 07203 Total 5,048 (bracketed with Joseph Cryan)

Joseph Cryan * Democratic Union (part) Regular Democratic Organization of 5,295 846 Lib :arty Avenue Union County Union I' U 07083 Total 5,295 (bracke· ed with Neil M. Cohen)

Garrett :»mith Democratic Union (part) Union County Democrats 2,249 636 Jae cson Avenue Roselle NJ 07203 Total 2,249 Unofficial List Page 21of45 Candidate Retums for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Twenty-First Legislative District: Essex (part) • Morris (part) • Somerset (part) • Union (part) Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

General Assen 1bly

Steven Merrna 1 Democratic Essex (part) Essex County Democratic Organization, 280 19 Doering Way Inc. Morris (part) Regular Democratic Organization 539 Cranford NJ Oi 016 Somerset (part) Somerset County Democratic 147 (bracketed witt Bruce Bergen) Organization Union (part) Regular Democratic Organization of 2,216 Union County

:rotal 3,182

Bruce Bergen Democratic Essex (part) Essex County Democratic Organization, 276 22 Cypress Te race Inc. Morris (part) Regular Democratic Organization 546

Springfield NJ 1 >7081 Somerset (part) Somerset County Democratic 148 (bracketed wltt Steven Merman) Organization Union (part) Regular Democratic Organization of 2,210 Union County

Total 3,180

Eric Munoz* Republican Essex (part) Essex Republican Party Organization 541 121 Oak Ridge Avenue Inc. Morris (part) Regular Republican Organization 2,610 Summit NJ 07~ 01 Somerset (part) Somerset County Republican 1,156 (bracketed witt' ) Organization Union (part) Regular Organization Republican of 4,371 Union County

Total 8,678

Jon Bramnick • Republican Essex (part) Essex Republican Party Organization, 536 279 Watchung Fork Inc. Morris (part) Regular Republican Organization 2,560 Westfield NJ o~ '090 Somerset (part) Somerset County Republican 1,121 {bracketed wit!: Eric Munoz) Organization Union (part) Regular Organization Republican of 4,359 Union County

Total 8,576 Unofflclal List Page 22of45

Candi~ate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Twenty-S.COnd Legislative District: Middlesex (part) - Somerset (part) - Union (part) Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

Genera/ Assembly

Charles =.Booker Democratic Middlesex (part) New Democrats for Plainfield 15 985 Woodland Avenue Somerset (part} New Democrats for Plainfield 67 Plainfielc: NJ 07060 Union (part} New Democrats for Plainfield 2,239 (bracketed with Barbara Todd Kerr) Total 2,321

Barbara Todd Kerr Democratic Middlesex (part) New Democrats for Plainfield 20 127 East 9th Street Somerset (part) New Democrats for Plainfield 79 Plainfield NJ 07060 Union (part) New Democrats for Plainfield 1,949 (bracketed with Charles F. Booker) Total 2,048

Bill Campbell Democratic Middlesex (part) Regular Democrat Middl~sex County 18 8 lnterhaven Avenue Somerset (part) Regular Democrat Somerset County 50 Green Brook NJ 07060 Union (part) Regular Democrat Union County 139

Total 207

Linda Stender * Democratic Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Democratic 242 154 Herbert Avenue Organization Somerset (part) Somerset County Regular Democratic 342 Fanwood NJ 07023 Organization (brackete j with Jerry Green) Union (part) Regular Democratic Organization of 5,590 Union County

Total 8,174

Jerry Gre !n * Democratic- Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Democratic. 230 1460 Pro: ;pect Avenue Organization Somerset (part) Somerset County Regular Democratic 302 Plainfield NJ 07060 Organization (brackete1 t with Linda Stender) Union (part) Regular Democratic Organization of 5,658 Union County

Total 8,190

Nancy Malool Republican Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Republican 407 2040 Woe d Road Organization Somerset (part) Somerset County RepUblican 722 Scotch Pie tins NJ 07076 Organization {bracketec I with Elyse Bochicchio-Medved) Union (part) Regular Organization Republican of 1,801 Union County

Total 2,930 Unofftclal List Page23of45 ·Candidate Returns for General ASs.mbly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Twenty-Second Legislative District: Middlesex (part)· Somerset (part) • Union (part) Counlles Party I Name/Addr.tas Designation County Slogan Tally

General Asss nbly

Elyse Bochicc hie-Medved Republican Middlesex (part) Middlesex County Republican 380 627 West Heu elwood Avenue Organization Somerset {part) Somerset County Republican 693 Rahway NJ o· '065 Organization (bracketed wr h Nancy Malool) Union (part) Regular Organization Republican of 1,782 Union County

Total 2,855 ------::=___._ --- -

Unofficial List Page 24 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Twenl v· Third Legislative District: Hunterdon (part) • Warren Counties Party I Name,, Address Designation County Slogan Tally

Genera f Assembly

Janice -· Kovach Democratic Hunterdon (part) Regular Hunterdon County Democratic 1,703 4 Mitch ~II Lane Organization Warren Regular Democratic Organization 1,844 Clinton NJ 08809 Total 3,547

Scott M :Donald Democratic Hunterdon (part} No Slogan 1,580 342 Nor th Prospect Street Warren Regular Democratic Organization . 1,814 Washin! Jton NJ 07882 Total 3,394

John Dil'1aio Republican Hunterdon (part) Hunterdon County Conservative 1,580 15 Reese Avenue Republican Warren Warren County Republican Party 3,003 Hackett~ town NJ 07840 Total 4,583

Michael , I. Doherty * Republican Hunterdon (part} Hunterdon County Regular Republican 5,472 5 Mount 1iri Ridge Drive Organization Warren Warren County Republican Party 5,324 Oxford t\ J 07863 Total 10,796

Frank J. I =uzo Republican Hunterdon (part) Hunterdon County Regular Republican 4,559 7 4 Douglas Street Organization Warren Warren County Republican Organization 905 Lambertville NJ 08530 Total 5,464

Marcia A Karrow Republican Hunterdon (part} Hunterdon County Regular Republican 4,644 405 Westminster Place Organization Warren Warren County Regular Republican 2,113 Raritan Township NJ 08822 Organization

Total 6,757

Mark Pee~ Republican Hunterdon (part) Hunterdon County·eonservative 3,642 106 Main Street Republican Organization Warren Warren County Conservative Republican 2,737 Bloomsbu1 y NJ 08804 Organization

Total 6,379 Unofficial List Page 25 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Twenty-Third Legislative District: Hunterdon (part)· Warren Counties Party I Name/Address . Designation County Slogan Tally

General AssE mbly

Susan L. Wa! 1ner-Glaser Republican Hunterdon (part) Republican 1,089 45 Church St 'Bet Warren Republican 1,108 Washington r JJ 07882 Total 2,197

37x Unofficial List Page 26 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Twe11ty-Fourth Legislative District: Hunterdon (part) - Morris (part) - Sussex Counties Party I Nam•·t/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

Gene, al Assembly

Thom. :as 8. Boyle Democratic Hunterdon (part) Regular Hunterdon County Democratic 96 1 Whi'. e Birch Drive Organization· Morris (part) Regular Democratic Organization 449 Vemo 1NJ07461 Sussex Regular Democratic Organization 1,431 (brack ated with Brian S. Murphy) Total 1,976

Brian : >. Murphy Democratic Hunterdon (part) Regular Hunterdon County Democratic 99 2 Plan :t Street Organization Morris (part) Regular Democratic Organization 474 Stanhc pe NJ 07874 Sussex Regular Democratic Organization 1,478 (brack1 ~ted with Thomas 8. Boyle) Total 2,051

Guy R. Gregg • Republican Hunterdon (part) Hunterdon County Regular Republican 832 143 Dr. :akestown Road Organization Morris (part) Regular Republican Organization 3,292 Washir gton Township NJ 07840 Sussex Regular Republican Organization 9,094

Total 13,218

Alison Littell McHose * Republican Hunterdon (part) Hunterdon County Regular Republican 755 11 Shawnee Trail Organization Morris (part) Regular Republican Organization 2,935 Sparta I ~J 07871 Sussex Regular Republican Organization 8,622

Total 12,312 Unofficial List Page 27 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Twenty-Fifth Legislative District: Morris (part) Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

General Assembly

Gaston Parraga Democratic Morris (part) Regular Democratic Candidates 461 117 South Salam Street Total 461 Dover NJ 07801 (bracketed with Patrick Fahy)

Patrick Fahy Democratic Morris (part) Regular Democratic Candidates 671 2 East Chrysta1I Street Total 671 Dover NJ 078

Thomas Jackson Democratic Morris (part) Regular Democratic Organization 4,213 17 Hawthorne Court Total 4,213 Morris Township NJ 07960

Janice Schind~er Democratic Morris (part) Regular Democratic Organization 4,061 60 Hanover Ai >ad Total 4,061 Mountain Lak• is NJ 07046

Michael P. Ca -roll * Republican Morris (part) Regular Republican Organization 11,128 54 Mill Road Morris Township NJ 07950 Total 11,128

Richard A. Me rkt * Republican Morris (part) Regular Republican Organization 10,911 13 Carroll Drh 'e Total Mendham To\ mship NJ 07926 10,911 Unofficial List Page 28 of 45

Candidate Retur~s for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Twenty .Sixth Legislative District: Morris (part) - Passaic (part) Counties Party I Name/-'.ddress Designation County Slogan Tally

General 4ssemb/y

Avery Hctrt Democratic Morris (part) Regular Democratic Organization 2,395 5 Cherry Tree Lane Passaic (part) Passaic County Democratic 438 Kinnelon NJ 07405 . Organization, Inc. Total 2,833

Kathleer Lynch-McCabe Democratic Morris (part) Regular Democratic Organization 2,446 48 Kings Road Passaic (part) Passaic County Democratic Oganization, 439 Chathan NJ 07928 Inc. Total 2,885

Alex DeGroce • Republican Morris (part) Regular Republican Organization 11,425 3 Dean Gallo Court Passaic (part) Passaic County Regular Republican 1,008 Morris Plains NJ 07950 Organization, Inc. (bracketed with Joe Pennacchio) Total 12,433

Joe Pen:iacchio • Republican Morris (part) . 8egular Republican Organization 10,863 62 A Windsor Drive Passaic (PC!rt) Passaic County Regular Republican 985 Pine Brook NJ 07078 Organization, Inc. (bracket1 ~d with Alex DeCroce) Total 11,848 Unofflclal List Page 29 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

I Twenty-Se· 1enth Leg,slative District: Essex (part) Counties j, Party I i Name/Addr"ess Designation County Slogan Tally i .l General Ass1 Jmb/y

Mims Hacke1 t Jr. * Democratic Essex (part) Essex County Democratic Committee, 6,342 361 Alden St •eet Inc. Orange NJ O 7050 Total 6,342

John F. McK1 ~on * Democratic Essex (part} Essex County Democratic Committee, 6,459 3Tomillo Ro:td Inc. West Orange NJ 07052 Total 6,459

Jermaine Rankin Democratic Essex (part} An Agenda Of Innovation 1,245 23 Rand Driv,~ WestOrange NJ 07052 Total 1,245

Char1es A. R1 >sen Republican Essex (part} Essex Republican Party Organization, 2,513 10 Cedar Lar e Inc. Roseland NJ 07068 Total 2,513 (bracketed w th Michael J. Rizzo}

Michael J. Ri.20 Republicari Essex (part) Essex Republican Party Organization, 2,550 54 Glenn Ave· nue Inc. Fairfield NJ 07004 Total 2,550 (bracketed with Char1es A. Rosen) Unofficial List Page 30 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Twent' r·Eighth Legislative District: Essex {part) Counties Party I Name/ 'ddress Designation County Slogan Tally

Genera' Assembly

Donald Tucker * Democratic Essex (part) Essex County Democratic Committee, 5,258 84 Ham ibury Avenue Inc. Newark NJ 07112 Total 5,258 (bracke· ed with Craig A. Stanley)

.Craig A Stanley * Democratic Essex (part) Essex County Democratic Committee, 4,884 137 Car ::>lina Avenue Inc.

I rvingtor 1 NJ 07111 Total 4,884 (bracke1 ad with Donald Tucker)

Barbara Dennis Republican Essex (part) Essex Republican Party Organization, 937 32 Fitzh ~rbert Street Inc. Bloomfh 1ld NJ 07003 Total 937 (bracket ~d with Ana Pizutelli)

Ana Piz11telli Republican Essex (part) Essex Republican Party Organization, 952 7 45 Bro; tc;i Street Inc. BloomfiE ·Id NJ 07003 Total 952 (bracket :td with Barbara Dennis) Unofficial List Page 31of45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes incumbent

Twenty-Ninth L1 tglslatlve District: Essex (part) • Union (part) Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

General Assemb/J ·

Wilfredo Caraballc 1 * Democratic Essex (part) Essex County Democratic Committee, 4,072 37 Greenwood La l

Total 4,713

William 0. Payne * Democratic Essex (part) Essex County Democratic Committee, 4,693 111 Mulberry Stn •et Inc. Union (part) Regular Democratic Organization of 711 Essex NJ 07102 Union County

Total 5,404

Joanne Miller Democratic Essex (part) You Deserve The Best Representative 469 43 Hedden Terrace #2 Union (part) You Deserve The Best Representative 14 Newark NJ 0710 ~ Total 483

Miguel A. Sanab ia Republican Essex- (part) Essex Republican Party Organization, 306 215 Mount ProSJ iect Avenue Inc. Union (part) Republican 19 Newark NJ 071c4 (bracketed with I :laine Guarino) Total 325

Elaine L. Guarin:> Republican Essex {part) Essex Republican Party Organization, 311 247 Clifton Aver ,ue Inc. Union (part) Republican 20 Newark NJ 071114 (bracketed with Miguel A. Sanabria) Total 331 Unofficial List Page 32 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes incumbent

Thirtieth Legislative District: Burlington (part) • Mercer (part) • Monmouth (part) - Ocean (part) Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

General Assembly

Jeffrey Williamson Democratic Burlington (part) Burlington County Regular Democrats o. 1314 Eisnnhower Street Mercer (part) Regular Democratic Organization 140 Lakewoo j NJ 08701 Monmouth (part) Monmouth County Democrats 559 (bracketed with Marvin Krakower) Ocean (part) Official Regular Democratic Organization 1,420

Total 2,119

Marvin Krakower Democratic Burlington (part) Burlington County Regular Democrats 0 9 Briar Wood Court Mercer (part) Regular Democratic Organization 132 Jackson NJ 08527 Monmouth (part) Monmouth County Democrats 561 (brackete j with Jeffrey Williamson) Ocean (part) Official Regular Democratic Organization 1,292

Total 1,985

Joseph R Malone 111 * Republican Burlington (part) Burlington County Regular Republican 0 506 Farnsworth Avenue Organization Mercer (part) Regular Organization Republican 334 Bordentown NJ 08505 Monmouth (part) Monmouth County Republican Party 1,998 (bracketed with Ronald S. Dan.cer) Endorsed Candidate Ocean (part).. Regular Republican Organization of 3,599 Ocean County

Total 5,931

Ronald S. Dancer * Republican Burlington (part) Burlington County Regular ·Republican 0 216 AimeE s Way Organization Mercer (part) Regular Organization Republican 324 New Egyp: NJ 08533 Monmouth (part) Monmouth County Republican Party 1,931 (bracketec with Joseph A. Malone Ill) Endorsed Candidate Ocean (part) Regular Republican Organization of 3,535 Ocean County

Total 5,790 Unofficial List Page 33 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Thirty-First Legls latlve District: Hudson (part) Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

General Assembly

Anthony Chiappone * Democratic Hudson (part) Democrats For Reform 3,238 8 Sisson Court Total 3,238 Bayonne NJ 07002 (bracketed with Billi ~yala)

Bill Ayala Democratic Hudson (part) Democrats For Reform 2,756 68 Sycamore Road ' Total 2,756 Jersey City NJ 0730 5 (bracketed with Antt ony Chiappone)

Louis M. Manzo * Democratic Hudson (part) Hudson County Democratic 9,273 75-36 Liberty Avenll e Organization Jersey City NJ 073C 6 Total 9,273 (bracketed with Charles T. Epps, Jr.)

Charles T. Epps Jr Democratic Hudson (part) Hudson County Democratic 8,986 13·Holly Street· Organization · Jersey City NJ 073C 5 Total 8,986 (bracketed with Lou s M. Manzo)

Christine Petersen Democratic Hudson (part) Hudson County Democratic Independent 865 444 Mallory Avenue . Jersey City NJ 073C 6 Total 865

Rita A. Howard Republican Hudson (part} Hudson County· Republican Party 1,043 5 Norcroft Road Jersey City NJ 073C 5 Total 1,043 (bracketed with Anc rew Wirtz)

Andrew Wirtz Republican Hudson (part} Hudson County Republican Party 899 258 Woodlawn Ave lUe Jersey City NJ 073C ,5 Total 899 (bracketed with Rite A. Howard) Unofficial List Page 34 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Thlrty-S.econd Legislative District: Bergen (part) - Hudson (part) Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

General Assembly

Joan Qui Jley * Democratic Bergen (part) Bergen County Democratic 211 384 Faimiount Avenue Organization, Inc. Hudson (part) Hudson County Democratic 8,615 Jersey City NJ 07306 Organization (bracketed with ) Total 8,826

Vincent Prieto * Democratic Bergen (part) Bergen County Democratic 206 699 3rd Street Organization, Inc. Hudson (part) Hudson County Democratic 8,582 Secaucus NJ 07054 Organization (bracketed with Joan Quigley) Total 8,788

Kenneth :. Marano Republican Bergen (part) No Slogan 30 121 Webner Avenue Apartment 3 Hudson (part) Hudson County Republican Party 1,027 Jersey City NJ 07037 (bracketed with Edward O'Neill) Total 1,057

Edward O'Neill Republican Bergen (pa~) No Slogan 31 1213 80th Street Hudson (part) Hudson County Republican Party 990 North Bergen NJ 07047 (bracketed with Kenneth C. Marano) Total 1,021 Unofftclal List Page 35of45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Thirty·Thirc Legislative District: Hudson (part) Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

General Assembly

Julio Femanc ez Democratic Hudson (part) Democrats For Reform 1,019 514 Bergenlir e Avenue Total 1,019 Union City N.. 07087 (bracketed wth Vincent T. Lombardi)

Vincent T. Lombardi Democratic Hudson (part) Democrats For Reform 1,031 100 Manhattc ln Avenue Total 1,031 Union City N. 1 07087 (bracketed w th Julio Fernandez}

Albio Sires • Democratic Hudson (part) Hudson County Democratic 12,719 6050 Boulev; trd East, Apt. 68 Organization West New Ye irk NJ 07093 Total 12,719 (bracketed w th Brian P. Stack)

Brian P. Stac k • Democratic Hudson (part} Hudson County Democratic 1~,274 1104 PaUsac e Avenue Organiz~tion Union City NJ 07087 Total 13,274 (bracketed w 'th )

Alejandria Rt 1driguez Republican Hudson (part) Hudson County Republican Party 1,137 237 South S reet Total 1,137 Jersey City r IJ 07307 (bracketed ~ ith Richard Valdes)

Richard Vale es . Republican Hudson (part) Hudson County·Republican Party 1,167 226 49th Str1 ~et, Condo #2 Union City NJ 07087 Total 1,167 (bracketed ~ ith Alejandria Rodriguez) Unofficial List Page 36 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Thirty· =ourth Legislative District: Essex (part) - Passaic (part) Counties Party I Name/J ~ddress Designation County Slogan Tally

General Assembly

Clenard H. Childress Jr. Democratic Essex (part) Essex Democrats For Open 696 50 Pine Street 4L Government, Inc. Passaic (part) Democrats For Jersey 118 Montclair NJ 07042 Total 814

Sheila Y . Oliver * Democratic Essex (part) Essex County Democratic Committee 6,978 43 Boyd~n Street Passaic (part) Passaic County Democratic. 1,123 East Orc-..nge NJ 07017 Organization, Inc. (bracket··~d with Thomas P. Giblin) Total 8,101

Thoma~' P" Giblin Democratic Essex (part) Essex County Democratic Committee 6,381 40 M.:-,,· :t. ~gue Place Passaic (part) Passaic County Democratic 1,104 Montc1ai · NJ 07042 Organization, Inc. (bracket1 td with Shelia Y. Oliver) Total 7,485

Debbie E:llison Democratic Essex (part) Now. ls The Time 921 62 LesliE Street Passaic (part) Now Is The Time 176 East Orange NJ 07017 (bracketod with Vashti Johnson) Total 1,097

Vashti J< 1hnson Democratic Essex (part) Now Is The Time 851 124-H Vi tlley Road Passaic (part) Now Is The Time 101 Montclai' NJ 07042 (bracket• d with Debbie Ellison) Total 952 Unofficial List Page 37 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Thirty-Fifth Legislative District: Bergen (part) • Passaic (part) Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

General Assembly

Nellie Pou* Democratic Bergen (part) Bergen County Democratic Organization 184 9 Alpine DrivE Passaic (part) Passaic County Democratic 2,949 Organization, Inc. North Haledo l NJ 07508 (bracketed wt:h Alfred Steele) Total 3,133

Alfred Steele ·~ Democratic Bergen (part) Bergen County Democratic Organization 180 78 East 36th Street Passaic (part) Passaic County Democratic 3,137 Organization, Inc. Paterson NJ 07514 (bracketed with Nellie Pou) Total 3,317

Rinaldo M. D'.Argenio Republican Bergen (part) Republicans for Responsible 145 12 Keith Plaet, Government Passaic (part) Passaic County Regular Republican 1,538 Glen Rock NJ 07452 Organization, Inc. (bracketed wi· h Deborah Shortway) Total 1,683

Deborah Shortway Republican Bergen (part) Republicans for Responsible 188 1009 Goffle Road Government Passaic (part) Passaic County Regular Republican 1,801 Hawthorne NJ 07506 Organlzatioo, Inc. (bracketed with Rinaldo M. D'Argenio) Total 1,989

Chauncey I. Brown Ill Republican Bergen (part) Bret 2005 33 693 East 28th Street Passaic {part) Passaic County Reform Republican 1,318 Paterson NJ 07504 Committee (bracketed with Jennifer Scully) Total 1,351

Jennifer Scully Republican Bergen (part) Bret2005 48 23 Horizon Terrace Passaic (part) Passaic County Reform Republican 1,538 Hawthorne NJ 07506 Committee (bracketed with Chauncey I. Brown, Ill) Total 1,586

James W. Feeney Republican Bergen (part) Republicans For Conservative 276 531 South Maple Avenue Leadership Passaic (part) Republicans For Conservative 310 Glen Rock NJ 07 452 Leadership (bracketed wit!1 Meghan Green) Total 586 ······--·-----~~=--~--~~=====-=-

Unofficial List Page 38of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Thirty·F lfth Leglslatlve District: Bergen (part) • Passaic (part} Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

General Assembly

Meghan 13reen Republican Bergen (part) Republicans For Conservative 188 29:2 (3offl :t Road Leadership Passaic (part) Republicans For Conservative 317 Hawthorr e NJ 07506 Leadership (bracketed with James W. Feeney) Total 505 Unofficial List Page 39 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Thlrty·S beth Legislative District: Bergen (part) • Essex (part) • Passaic (part) Counties Party I Name/A c:ldress Designation County Slogan Tally

General 1 'Lssembly

Frederick Scalera * Democratic Bergen (part) Bergen County Democratric 1,586 35 Gerarc I Road Organization Inc. Essex (part) Essex County Democratic Organization 492 Nutley NJ 0711 O Inc. (brackete1 f with ) Passaic (part) Passaic County Democratic Organizatioi:i 584

Total 2,662

Gary Sch< 1er Democratic Bergen (part) Bergen County Democratic Organization 1,462 511 Passe lic Avenue Inc. Essex (part) Essex County Democratic Organization 404 Passaic NJ 07055 Inc. (bracketec with Frederick Scalera) Passaic (part) Passaic County Democratic Organization 605

Total 2,471

Jose M. S. mdoval Republican Bergen (part) Republicans for Responsible 1,038 136 Passe ic Avenue Government Essex (part) Essex Repu~llcan Party Organization, . 265 PasSaiC N. I 07055 Inc. ·(bracketed with Louis G. Aloia) Passaic (part) Passaic County Regular Republican 176 Organization Inc.

Total 1,479

Louis G. A oia Republican Bergen (part) Republicans For Responsible. 1,126 169 Harrist 1n Avenue Government Essex (part) Essex Republican Party Organization, 272 Garfield N.. 07026 Inc. (bracketed with Jose M. Sandoval) Passaic (part) Passaic County Regular Republican 164 Organization, Inc.

Total 1,562

Jon Kearney Republican Bergen. (part) Republicans For Conservative 611 19 Locust ):.venue Leadership Essex (part) Republicans For Conservative 116 North Arlin~:ton NJ 07031 Leadership (bracketed Nith Rocco Maltese) Passaic {part) Republicans For Conservative 72 Leadership

Total 799

Rocco Maltuse Republican 105 Park Avenue North Ar1ington NJ 07031 (bracketed with Jon Kearny)

51~ Unofficial List Page 40 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes incumbent

Thlrty-Sb:th Legislative District: Bergen (part) - Essex (part) • Passaic (part) Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

General Assembly

Rocco Malt ~se Republican Bergen (part) Republicans For Conservative 525 105 Park A· fenue Leadership Essex (part) Republicans For Conservative 110 North Arlin, ton NJ 07031 Leadership (bracketed ' Yith Jon Kearny) Passaic (part) Republicans For Conservative 66 Leadership

Total 701 Unofficial List Page 41of45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Thirty-Seventh Legislative District: Bergen (part) Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

General AssE mbly

Loretta Weinl ierg '* Democratic Bergen (part) Bergen County Democratic Organization 5,429 9 Millay Cour Total 5,429 Teaneck NJ <17666 (bracketed with Gordon M. Johnson)

Gordon M. Jc hnson '* Democratic Bergen (part) Bergen County Democratic Organization 5,135 387 Morlay A 1enue 5,135 Englewood NJ 07631 Total (bracketed with Loretta Weinberg)

Frank J. Cifa1elli Republican Bergen (part) Republicans For Conservative 1,805 235 Prospect Avenue 1O•D Leadership Hackensack l~J 07601 Total 1,805

Norman Gori) ·n Republican Bergen (part) Republicans For Responsible 1,283 150 Madison Avenue Government Englewood N.J 07631 Total 1,283 (bracketed with Sheldon Stein)

Sheldon Steir 1 Republican Bergen (part) Republicans For Responsible 981 49 Regent St ·eet Government Bergenfield I\ J 07621 Total 981 (bracketed with Norman Gorlyn) ------==

Unofficial List Page 42of45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes Incumbent

Thlrty·E :ighth Legislative District: Bergen (part) Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

General .Assembly

Robert M. Gordon * Democratic Bergen (part) Bergen County Democratic Organization 4,857 354 Plaz. 1 Road North Candidate Fairlawn NJ 0741 O Total 4,857 (bracketed with Joan Voss)

. Joan M. 'loss "' Democratic Bergen (part) Bergen County Democratic Organization 4,655 1137 Har11ard Place Candidate Fort -Lee NJ 07024 Total 4,655 (bracketed with Robert M. Gordon)

Richard L. Miller Republican Bergen (part) Republicans for Responsible Govenment, 2,348 510 Highridge Avenue Inc. Cliffside Park NJ 07010 Total 2,348 (bracketed with John J. Baldino)

John J. Baldino Republican Bergen (part) Republicans for Responsible 2,432 476 WilSQn Avenue Government, Inc. Paramus NJ 07652 Total 2,432 (bracketed with Richard L Miller) Unofficial List Page 43 of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, • denotes Incumbent

Thlrty·Nln1 h Legislative District: Bergen (part) Counties 1. Party I 1 Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

General Ass 9mbly

Dennis Test; l Democratic Bergen (part) Bergen County Democratic Organization 2,354 825 Lee Col rt Total 2,354 River Vale f\ J 07675 (bracketed ¥ ith Josephine Higgins)

Josephine Higgins Democratic Bergen (part) Bergen County Democratic Organization 2,361 1o Pond Roe td Total 2,361 Woodcliff La

Kenneth A. <2abbert Republican Bergen (part} Republicans For Conservative 3,003 38 Schindler Court Leadership Upper Saddl :l River NJ 07458 Total 3,003 (bracketed ~ ith Jeffrey Hering)

Jeffrey Herir g Republican Bergen (part) Republicans For Conservative 2,692 16 East Gra1 1d Avenue Leadership Montvale NJ 07645 Total 2,692 (bracketed V\ ith Kenneth A. Gabbert)

John E. Roo lay * Republican Bergen {part) Republicans for Responsible 5,412 411 West A\J enue Government, Inc. Northvale N .. 07647 Total 5,412 (bracketed V\ ith Charlotte Vandervalk)

Charlotte Va 1dervalk * Republican Bergen (part) Republicans for Responsible 5,424 147 Saddle\'\ ood Drive Government, Inc. Hillsdale NJ >7642 Total 5,424 (bracketed ~ ith John E. Rooney)

L j Unofficial List Page 44of 45 Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes lncu.mbent

Fortieth Legislative District: Bergen (part) • Essex (part) - Passaic (part) Counties Party I Name/Address Designation County Slogan Tally

General Assembly

Jane Bidwell Democratic Bergen (part) Bergen County Democratic Organization 854 140 West Crescent Avenue Essex (part) . Essex County Democratioc Organization 372 Mahwah NJ 07430 Passaic (part) Passaic County Democratic Organization 914 (bracketEd with Ronald Beattie) Total 2,140

Ronald Beattie Democratic Bergen (part) Bergen County Democratic Organization 824 4 Garrison Place Essex (part) Essex County Democratic Organization 372 Oakland ~J 07436 . Passaic (part) Passaic County Democratic Organization 896 {bracketed with Jane Bidwell) Total 2,092

John P. Ginty Republican Bergen {part) Republicans For Conservative 1,721 30 Corsa Terrace 2B Leadership Essex {part) Republicans For Conservative 121 Ridgewocid NJ 07450 Leadership Passaic (part) Republicans For Conservative 571 Leadership

Total 2,413

Kevin J. O'Toole * Republican Bergen (part) Republicans For Responsible 3,172 75 Skytop Road Government, Inc. Essex (part) Essex Republican Party Organization, 850 Cedar Go 1e NJ 07009 Inc. (bracketed with David Russo) Passaic (part) Passaic County Regular Republican . 2,265 Organization, Inc.

Total 6,287

David C. Husso * Republican Bergen (part) Republicans For Responsible 3,073 29 Maynard Court Government, Inc. Essex (part) Essex Republican Party Organization, 796 Ridgewood NJ 07 450 Inc. · {bracketeci with Kevin J. O'Toole) Passaic (part) Passaic County Regular Republican 2,107 Organization, Inc.

Total 5,976 Unofficial List Page 45 of 4! i Candidate Returns for General Assembly 06-08-2005 For June 2005 Primary Election, * denotes incumbent

Total Democrats 97

Total Republicans 92

Total Independents 0

Total Candidates 189

57'>' HONORABLE Bll.L ! CHLlITER Chairman



ANTHONY BUCCO lrrtt' jt1tt FRANK J. PAR.!.q NICHOLAS P. SClJT, JU ~tll ~tJitl1t1rt Office of Legislativt S·"'il NEW JERSEY CITIZENS' CLEAN ELECTIONS COMMISSION Commission Secret::ry Assembly STATE HOUSE ANNEX (609) 292-9106 (609J m-2998ftu. Bn..LBARONI POBOX068 LINDA R. GREENSTiiIN TRENTON NJ 08625-0068 Public Members . VICTOR DeLUCA HONORABLE CAROl. MURPHY CURTIS TAO


TO: New Jersey Citizens' Clean Elections Commission

FROM: Gina Marie Winters Associate Research Analyst

DATE: June 17, 2005

SUBJECT: Election Results - 11th District

The results of the general election in the 11th District are as follows:

2001 Candidate Vo~ Totals. . .. . Assembly Candidate Party Vote Total . Jim Reilly Democrat 26,723 . Warren Goode Democrat 26,307 Democrat Total 53,030 ... Steven J. Corodemus Republican 36,989

Thomas S. Smith Republican 36,747 - Republican Total 73,736 2003 Candidate Vote Totals

Assembly Candidate Party Vote Total

Charles (Chuck) Davis Democrat 13,791

John Loffredo Democrat 13,205

Democrat Total 26,996 -)teven J. Corodemus Republican 23,599 - iean Kean Republican 22,480 - Republican Total 46,079 S< 1urce: Fitzgerald's Legislative Manual, 2002 and 2004.