Cyngor Cymuned Llanfihangel-yng-Ngwynfa Llanfihangel Community Council Minutes of the meeting of held on Monday 16th March 2020 Llwydiarth Village Hall at 7.00pm

Present. Cllr Ifan Owen (Chair), Cllr Alan Broughall, Cllr Emyr Jones and Cllr Geraint Gittins

Apologies (032) Cllr Paul Jenkins, Cllr Fiona Montague and Cllr Llion Jones

Declaration of Interest (033) Cllr Owen – Agenda Item 15 - Planning application 20/0148/HH

Minutes (034) It was RESOLVED by council to accept the minutes of the meeting dated 17 February 2020 as a true record.

Information Arising from the Previous Minutes (035) Nil

Chairman’s Report (036) Nil

County Councillors Report (037) Cllr Jones informed council the Budget for 2020-21 has been set to rise by 4.8%.

CIC/Cluster Group (038) Nothing to report, still awaiting correspondence from Cluster Company on way ahead.

Correspondence Received (039) Letter from Craig Williams MP – Invite will be sent once Coronavirus is over. Action Clerk Email from N Montgomeryshire Local Council Forum – New Beginning. Council RESOLVED to write to forum stating the following: a. The Council agrees and supports in principle with the forum existence. b. Forum need only meet 2 or 3 times a year. c. A Talking Forum that would represent all councils in north of the county, but not an authority to dictate to Community and Town councils. Notice of Confirmation for Public Path Orders No 139 and 230 – Noted by Council

Pensioners Party (040) Due to Coronavirus council RESOLVED to postpone the Pensioners Party in June at a date to be reconsidered at the July council meeting. Action Clerk

Dolanog Toilets (041) Council RESOLVED to accept the quotation from Mr A Burns to paint the insides of the gents and ladies toilets in Dolanog at a price of 725.00. Action Clerk

Hedge Laying at Llwydiarth Car Park (042) Council RESOLVED to accept the quote from Mr D Bebb of £275 plus VAT to relay the hedge at the car park in Llwydiarth. Action Clerk

Internal Auditor (043) Council RESOLVED to accept the services of Mr G Smith to carry out the internal audit for 2019/20 for a fee of £60.00.

Review of Clerks Salary (045) Council RESOLVED to increase the Clerks Wage to £11.22 per hour in accordance with new scale SCP 11 National Joint Council for Local Government Service (NALC) recommendations with effect 1 April 2020.

Finance (046) Bank Statements figures: Current Account: £5,353.08 Deposit Account: £11,965.09

Payments: Clerk Wages & Expenses £174.91 (BACS) HMRC PAYE £38.00 (BACS) OZLOOS £48.00 Net Wise (Website) £499.00 (BACS) Op London Bridge (Condolence Book) £19.99 (BACS) 123 Reg (Domain Renewal for 6 years) £86.33 (BACS) Mr D Bebb £330.00 Planning (047) 20/0129/HH Grid Reference: E:305078 N: 314162 Proposal: Partial demolition of adjoining barn and erection of first floor extension Site Address: Glan Y Rhyd , Dolanog, Welshpool, SY21 0NG Council RESOLVED to support the application. Action Clerk

Cllr Owen took no part in the discussion of the application. 20/0148/HH Grid Reference: E:308022 N: 316827 Proposal: Demolition of porch and erection of replacement extension Site Address: Brynhyfred, Llanfihangel, , Powys SY22 5JD Council RESOLVED to support the application. Action Clerk

Highways (048) Nil

Delegated Powers for Clerk (049) During the summer recess, Councillors RESOLVED to approve delegation of powers to the Clerk of the Council, following consultation with the Chair or Deputy Chair for matters which require decisions before the next ordinary meeting of the Council.

Members Points of Information (050) Due to Coronavirus the Council will decide near the date of the next meeting if it should be held. The Clerk indicated that he will be self-isolating as he is vulnerable if he catches the virus and would not attend the meeting but would type up the minutes of the meeting and carry out all duties from home.

Council RESOLVED that the next meeting will be held in Dolanog Village Hall on Monday 20th April 2020 at 7.30pm.

Signed …………………………………………………… (Chair) Date…………………………………………….