KBW APTBEnMiMTOTS. APTOnBBHmWi PASSAGE OF . a _MKW I Maltby remembered seeing package Union and Loan association He Savings similar to tbe one dosoribed. thought havo it solvent and in oxopllenc GERMAN SOCIALISM It GROSVESOR’S FIGURES. reported m COAST DEFENCES. Permission Believed to Have Been Grant- contained a pair of overshoes wrapped condition. Th association was recently and had football with ed Bancroft to Enter Paper, played thrown into the hands oi a receiver from Bosphorus. 4t. a car seat. kioklng it under Upon which was taken to tno supremo he recovered the appeal reoeipt of the telegram court, the ofiioers of the association giv- Ootober it to tho London, 18.—The Constanti- paokage and sent by express ing bond in *1,200,000. Two plaintiffs to Said To Be Etxernal Com- owner, whose name ho refused to di- drawn nople representative of the United Asso- Losing Ohio Mathematician Gives tho suit for a receiver have with CHEAP DRY vulge. Oat and the third has notice of the Seeds of War For Com- ciated Presses telegraphs that consider- givon Department wish to withdraw, and it is now antici- Gil able is fell the condi- bative Force. COMPANY1 anxiety regarding THE READING Another Estimate. pated tho suit will be sot aside for want Year. tion of affairs In Oaesaria, Friday a tele- of parties to maintain tbe prosecution. ing gram was received from a prominent New Organizations Will Assume Control GENERAL TOWN SECRETARY. family In that town, saying! “We are December 1. OF alive.” REVIEW OF THE SETTINGS FIGURES UP CHEAP! 292 ELECTORAL ESTIMATES OF It is SECRETARY LA believed In Constantinople that OF LAST October 18.—Plans for a Postmaster of David Also Read WEEK’S CONGRESS. Philadelphia, votes for McKinley. tlie St. the Washington government has arranged reorganization of the Reading Railroad. MOST TO TREASURY DEPT. with the aud Wrote All Letters. Porte for a peaeeable passage Go.,are almost complete. Unless hindered Next we shall offer of the Dardanelles by the United Slates by some unforseen obstacle the property Tuesday morning very practice ship Bancroft. Mr. the Developement of the Internal Differences will he over to the receivers of the List Now He Is Gone and There Are Rumors of extraordinary Terrill, turned Long of States Which May Be Re- Great American has not of the Party—Strife Between the new December 1, the beginning liis Improvements that Have Been in minister, yet applied company garded Doubtful—Little in Regularities in Counectiun With for of Change in low cost as permission for the passage of the Bourgeoise and Protelarlat Factions the new fiscal year. The title of the Affairs. Military Equipment Since 1893—Then bargains goods follows: States Conceded to Bryan Since First guardshlp since January, when the Porte new be the of the in Art as a oompany will Philadelphia our Coast Defence Work. Had Only- objected to the presence of an American Party—Naturalism estimate. and Railroad Co. Its organiza- Madawasks, Ootober 17.—The disap- vessel in the Bosphorus on the ground Politioal Factor. Beading One Modern Gun in Position. of I pearance of Arthur Daigle has caused a that if the permission should be granted tion will mark an era In the history the Washington,October 18.—The following to October 18.—A review of the sensation in upper where dur- Ootober 18.— La- kthe United States, smaller nation- Berlin, great corporation, as with its formation revised estimate has been received from Aroostook, Washington Secretary would follow hor ing many years he has been one of the IOOQ yards Standard Quality Dress at example and also ask proceedings of last week’s sittings of the will which was Gen. Groevenor of inont will tomorrow transmit to the Seo. Prints, for disappear the old charter Ohio: guardskipi. influential residents and a leader among of the his Socialist congress at Sieblioben near one of the most valuable and comprehen- ‘There have been some :etary treasury estimates ol significant the B’rench Canadians, is leaves the that Socia- changes sinoe my first I have lie postmas- the the War Italian lawmaker Gotha, impression sive ever granted by the legislature of bulletin. appropriations required by Arrested. taken ter in a lism is of its external will be made great pains by the use of all avail- atSt.David, Madawaska, regis- the next fiscal which 3 I-2c Per Yard. losing something Pennsylvania. Application able Department year Koine, Ootober 18.—A seusatiou means to asoertain ter of deeds for was combative force and in the for a new ohartsr. substantially upper Aroostook and trial 0 a used here the arrest of Increasing what the result Is to bo. There is iggregqfe $53,875,638. by Commander The moat change,as a result, yet justice iu his town. These Prints are as as there are an elements of internal important some about The estimate for the just good quality Uiaocuelli, ex-member of the chamber conflict, though will be the severance of the Coal and Iron uucertaluty some states. I running expenses of deputies and director of the think these oan De In tho There have been rumors of irregulari- if the war office in is the not be as new. the creditor old formulas of the party hove certain" Oo, from the railroad. Under the broad placed Repub- Washington $l,4j4,- made; styles may quiet imxnofollies. He was lican column: ties in to takeu into custody )y obtained the esnui mniks of approval. provisions of the old 'Reading charter regard Daigles’ transactions. 136, showing a reduotion in the annual last night on made him New England, charges against The the company will be enabled not only to {38 Veteran soldiers who drew pensions en- for salaries and in connection with tho international difference of the party New York, jig expenses contirgeuoies failure oi' the operate tbe railroad but to purchase ooal him IOOO yards of White Domet Flannel, at credit immobllier. to the rule of that New trusted, to the collection Lof thei,r in that office of for the estimates began develop under, and iron lands, operate miues aud fur- Jersey, 10 $621,942 Maryland, claims. Some of tboso now t uuuv'D x uuu iu uuuuau g people allege if four dumvirate of dictators, Singer, Eebel uxj xui^un years ago. As far us Delaware, 3 that retained too commis- and Liebknechi, whose rule was vigor- any line of business. known Daigle large The other estimates include: pay ol there will be no change of officers of the Pennsylvania, 32 sions for himself—more than was 3 l-2c Per Yard. ousl in Congress. Her Lieb- West per- irmy as fixed by law, sub- disputed President J. H, Harris con- , 6 $18,622,830; company. OhlO. r-r. missible under tlie law. Not ago. oHbDiiui kenoht complained of the Interference of tinues at tbe head of both railroad and long eiriuy,


/ PORTLAND DAILY PRESS nalntaining any policy determined upon, COUNTING UP. PERSONAL. M tSCKIXANEOUS-_ MTSCKT.I AUTCpHS. FINANCIAL amusements. AND 0 decide what that policy shall be. A BIT STATE furthermore Congress will be in session MAINE TRESS, Butler Can See Bat Interested In m the first of January, aud it is Nothing Bryan People Always Bach INVESTMENT Subscription Rates. highly mprobable that the President would so Voters. Other's Welfare. 1 ally (In advance) SO per year; $3 for six ar the war making power as to mouths; $1.50 a quarter; 50 cents a month. ignore of its frivate Idle That Daily is delivered lecture in advance any opfuion on Incidents from Will SECURITIES, The every morning by Says Illinois Is as Sate as New Stanley the SAIL was to do an Interest Whole REMOVAL carrier anywhere within the city limits and at part that be going act that Surprise and York—North Carolina Democrats Un- Paying Four. Fire and C. TUKESBURT. Manager. Woodfovds without extra charge. might and very likely would cause war. World. Daily (Not in advance,', invariably at th [f the X’resident does anything it will easy. I shall move into the upper store in the Six Per Cent. TONIGHT lateoi a .... FOR $7 year. be to acknowledge the belligerency of Washington, October 17.—“I believe,’’ Doveb, N. H.—A cynic of old once said Baxter Block 0AI4C BY_ 1C. itAiNK State Press, (Weekly) published are about FIRST APPEARANCE IN FIVE YEARS. fcho Cuban rebels. That is as far as he said Senator Butler, chairman of the Other people's affairs tedious.” every Thursday, $2 per year; $1 for six months; will go, If he takes uny action at ail; Populists, tonight, “that Bryan’s elec- We believe, on the contrary, that H. M. The Eminent Actor, 00 cents a quarter; 25 cents for trial subscrip- to PAYSON & CO, so interesting ns as ind that is as far as it would be safe and tion is an assured taot beyond any there is nothing tion of six weeks. to other wise to unless new conditions The tide is flow- what happens people. Persons wishing to leave town for long or go, ap- possible perodventure. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Grant, who re- 32 EXCHANGE STREET. short have the addresses oi their pear between now nud January. ing his way and getting higher and j pariods may Ave., Dover, N. NOVEMBER dtf side at 490 Central H., apr* as oiteu as desired. every day. I would hesitate to 1ST., Ts. tapers changed stronger of the Of course the Popocratio managers both talk unreservedly matter. O’NEILL, in the table all the states I believe of Rates. plaoe “I had a case nervous * Advertising will keep on claiming everything until complete until that tiie will give him a majority. Everything said Mrs. Grant. I be- and time shall offer my entire In Daily Pkes3 $1.50 per square, for one the third of NovemDer. They must prostration,” day South of the Ohio and Potomao rivers in flesh, and fer one month. Three lnser- came reduced was j at week; $4.00 ;lo that to keep their followers from oom- greatly dock, “VIRG I N I US.” 1 iocs or less, $1.00 per square. Every other andAVest of the Mississippi is beyond 1 late demoralization. But while they TOMOKHOW NIGHT, d; advertisements, one third less than these any question oertain for Bryan with the Casco National Bank are claiming, they are also concocting atas. single exception of Iowa whioh we will, -OF- “MONTE CRISTO.” an the of their Halt advertisements S1.00 for one explanation for failure square in order to be safe, plaoe in the doubtful a claims. About fourth of Novem- Interpreted by wick or $2,50 for one month. the day Low SUPF.KB COMPANY OF PLAIEEB. column. This 211 votes. Prices. PORTLAND, MAINE, ■'' gives Bryan is a of the width of a col- ber tl'.o country will he told that Chair- Very Tour directed Mr. W. F. CON NOB. Square" space by Add Indiana, which we will oertainly Trices umn and one inch long. man Jones’s propheoies would have all 195 Middle P. 0. Box 1108. 26c, 60c, 76, $1.00. carry, and Bryan has two to spare. It Understand that this is an St., Seats now on sale at box office. social Notices, on first page, one-third ad- been fulfilled if it hadn’t been for the [Please ditional. is claimed by some that West Virginia enormous corruption fund employed honest sale as I much to sell Amusements and Auction Sales, $2.00 per nnd Maryland are doubtful states but prefer my Incorporated 1824. and by Mark Hanna. They are already lay- Friday Saturday, Oct. 23*24. square each week. Three Insertions or less, I do uot agree with that. For the sake than ing the foundation for such an explana- i foods cheap pay moving expenses.] CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1.50 per square. of argtiraeut, however, I have omitted SATURDAY MATINEE 2 P. M. in their Notices in' type and tion by setting afloat newspa- Heading nonpariel Maryland from my list. Suppose we The an absurd to the eifeot tbMt Quaint Character Actor. pers story should lose Eoutuoky and West Virginia, in line each insertion. ell the hanks in the oountry have been we have and Everything then Minnesota matter Mtohlgan, CHARLES Pure Reading Notices in reading type, asccssod for campaign purposes to the ex- ONE MILLION COWLES, Illinois to say nothing of other states up- mi—— ana:. ii cents per line each insertion. tent of one of their oapital stock. In McKee eighth on whioh we can fall baok as a reserve. I WRITING Comedy To Let. For Sate and similar adver- BOOKS, PAPER, JEWELRY, Wants, All their speakers too, from Mr. Bryan Ran*{££jr»nkee tisements, 25 cents per week m advance, for am of the firm belief that Michigan and down, are beginning to insinuate that COLD BLANK 40 words or no adver- Minnesota will for the RINGS, BOOKS, DOLLARS. less, display. Displayed go Bryan. Figure %tA Play tho workingmen are going to iih coeruuu lhat. c tisements under these headlines, and all adver- situation any way yod pleaea and yon brings their hdi! that rABLETS, POCKET se men ts not paid Un advance, will be by employers, moneyjwith- oannot figure out a Bepublioan BOOKS, Current Account* received on favorable the oential 1 arged at regular rates. out Btiut is to be used in victory.” term* £s t ions In Maine State Press—§1.00 per square west the next two weeks. These PICTURES, FRAMES, Interest allowed on Time COUNTRY of the during North Carolina Brigadiers Make an Deposits. (■}■ ilrsr insertion, and fifty cents per square for stories are set afloat, as we have already Correspondence solicited from Individ- Appeal. and hundreds of each subsequent insertion. suggested, merely to prepare the Popo- articles too numerous to xals, Corporations, Banks, and other de- ■ October Address all communications relating to sub defeat and to Raleigh, N.O., 17.—The Demo- MBS. F. W. ilring to open accounts, as well as from MERCHANT. crats in some degree for mention. Don’t fail to come and see me. p,cr i;>tions and advertisements to Portland cratic state committee has issued an ad- and hose wishing; to transact Banking; busi- FULL OF save Jones, Butler, et al. from utter dis- rapidly growing weaker le FUN, Publishing Co.. 97 Exchange Street, dress to the voters of the state, which less ef any description through this Bank MUSIC AND COMEDY credit as prophets. Properly viewed, they to work about the house Portland. Me. has made all SPECIAL NOVEL FEATUItES. _ says that the party possible al amount to confession that the campaign Having heard of efforts to induce the to fuse on contained ia Dr. Price* 75c. of and dishonor is on Populists curative properties as, 60. repudiation iTEPHEN R. President. Beats now on sale at Box Office. stats, congressional and legislative Greene’s Nervura blood and nerve rem- FRANK B. SMALL, who are CLARK. frJH liTpiIIllBB. the vorgo of collapse. Men really but has met with refusals. edy, I conelu ✓id to give it a trial. After MARSHALL R. GOD,NS- Casheir confident of victory don't think of in- tickets, one bottle I was im- The address declares that it is apparent taking greatly MONDAY, OCTOBER 19. venting means by which to explain de- and before the third bottle was SALES. the Republican party is amassing an proved, _AUCTION feat. gone I was able to be about my work enormous registration; that negroes, WANTED. National Nov. 3. which is worth anything as usual.” Election, Tuesday, Every sign taking advantage of the division of the F* O. BAILEY & CO. to sucoess. The Mr. Grant is no less enthusiastic. He THE points Republican big white vote on gold and silver, hnve ar- MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CU. registration in tile oities and its charac- rayed themselves in unbroken Republi- says: Auctioneers and Commission Merchants can columns, trusting to thus get a the use of Dr. of New ter, the returning confidence among busi- “Having employed York, Leeds & R. R. Salesroom 46 Street. dominant position; that Ropublioan Greene’s Nervura blood and nerve rem- Farmington Exchange in and tbo ... ness men, the decline silver, of F. O. officials beast illegal negro registration edy in a chronic case of nervous indi- BAILEY. C- W‘ Allen claims forth the the state to F02S PRESIDENT, extraordinary put by which will give MoKinley. with the most gratifying re- marli4. dtf address calls on all white men to gestion silver managers are all symptomatic of The ASSETS that some $221,213,721.33. ana divis- tho of sound and the unito, says though triumph money ion of white votes is immloent, with the overwhelming defeat of the Bryan com- there should be no doubt OF OH IO. great majority J. W. FITZPATRICK, General Agent Doe July ], 1896. bination. The Bryan managers are simp- of the power to marshal for the Demo- cratic DartT sufficient votes to save the W* offer In a choice Use ot ly whistling to koep up their oourage and exchange, state from Republican rule and ruin. for the State of Maine. rOK VICE PRESIDENT, in order to save that of their followers It calls on all favoring silver and HOME SECURITIES. j their campaign from the utter collapse white supremacy to support the only tick- in the lines of indicated In Following progress the forms of investment insur Particulars on which it is in of. et which offers hope of success against application. great danger mce already in use by this company. Garret A. Hobart MoKinley and Russell. Travellers smplled with LETTERS of • ® available in all of the IMPORTED As Safe for As the Em- CREDIT, parts world, OF NEW JERSEY. CURRENT COMMENT. Illinois McKinley and CIRCULAR DRAFTS, payable without pire State. A 5 cent 20 Gold Bond charge, In the principal olties of Europe. per year Policy Descriptive pamphlet supplied upon request. CONVENIENT, Gcv. Aligeld had better save his voice New York, Ootober 17.—Affairs at Re- for the closing weeks of the campaign were today. STRONG, TRAPPED BY MARK HANNA. publican headquarters quiet Is Now Offered. in Illinois. His eloquence is complete- Ubairmau Joseph H. Mauley of Maine COMFORTABLE, wasted on Sew Yorkers. (Emm the Columbian (Catholic.) bond to it SWAN ly stalled when he heard that Gov. Altgeld Each having attached coupons payable semi-annually in gold for &~BARRETT, They (the Republicans), hope by ob- was confident that Illinois would go for and then the full amount of to be in These LIGHT. It’s isn’t that with twenty years, policy paid gold. bonds curious, st, Bryan taining u pruuouncianiento from a dis- Bryan by 60,010. “Illinois is just at are and can be converted into cash on all the financial Maine. e cocksure o£ election, as his managers tinguished churchman like Archbishop negotiable readily exchanges Portland, Fold Compactly, Weight Comple Four Ounces as juelO dtl Ireland cf frt. Puul to wield a sure to go for MoKinley New York,” of America and and would be in demand wherever say, and free coinage in the near future powerful Europe, conservative invest- He iever in turning away the votes of the said Mr. Manley. expressed the opin- ments are and sold. Too stress cannot be laid assured, that silver continues to drop. bought great upon the advantage of STATEMENT Cathoiio citizens of this country from ion that would be the banner OF THE CONDIT ION Chioago ; of the and hazard involved in their the uemocratio party to their unpopular of the relieving dependents trouble, responsibility OF THE oke Portland the city Union. Oregonian, principal cause. Mark Hanna laid his plans ac- seeking investment for life insurance funds. Sample forms of the policy and bonds, of claims that tbs state He iuduced some SO of the The Postal Card Ballot. • © ; per Oregon, cordingly. and rates of at several are to be submitted for Portland Trust Co., Portland, IMPORTED business men of premium deposits ages ready inspec- is sure for has been Miunesuta to write the October 17.—In the Chicago McKicloy. Oregon Chicago, at the office of the 1896. Archbishop a letter requesting his views Record's card tion, company. September 30, posed to be thoroughly saturated postal election, 131,666 MB. F. W. 6BANT. on the political situarion. The Arch votes have been cast to date. The WILLIAM G. DAVIS, President. np recommend it to with free silver sentiment. bishop fell into the trap and wrote a long returns from Nebraska and suits, I can sincerely JAMES P. BAXTER, Vice President. opening 183 MIDDLE HARRY PRICE, $1.00. letter which appeared in the daily papers were counted for Hol- all who are suffering from this horrible STREET, BUTLER, Secretary. Michigan today. Trustees—William A groat many tributes have been paid during the past week. This letter is writ- It aids G. Davis, James P. Bax- lowing are the returns up to date: malady. digestion, strengthens ter, Mark P. Emery, Charles F. Libby, to Mark Hanna's and ten from an extreme partisan the entire ability power by standpoint, MoKiuley. Bryan. Palmer. the stomach and builds up William W.Brown,David IV. Snow, Augus- and be draws a vivid picture of she evils hi s enemies during this cainpnign, but nervous system at the same time." tus R. Wright, Sidney W. Thaxter, Frank- which will befall toe in the 64,460 13,659 JOHN C. lin R. Barrett, William country Chicago, To67 Dr. Greene’s Nervura blood and nerve Phillip G. Brown, ’ii,a Columbian, the Catholic organ of event 235 SMALL, N. Frederick A. of Bryan's election. Rest of Illinois, 12,274 4,113 Davis, Robie, H. Walker, cures. The ret son is t. city, caps the climax when it credits Missouri, 3,206 3,912 77 remedy surely Executive Chas. M. Bailey, and Harry Butler. FRYE CURRENCY REEORM. 6E0.C7 It is the of the Special Agent. March him with having “trapped” Archbishop Iowa, 6,143 2,404 128 plain. prescription ojt9 eod2m Organized 31, 1883. Indiana, 7,4!9 8,119 108 most successful specialist in curing LIABILITIES. 320 CONGRESS ST. Ireland into writing a three-column lat- (Boston Transoript.) Nebraska, 3,246 861 87 nervous and chroiyc diseases; htnee of Capital Stock $100,000.00 t r the Among the first cuironcy reforms that ___JeSm.wSjfr.tf against Chicago platform. We Michglau, 3,048 1,083 46 is adapted to cure Surplus. 50,000.00 should be undertaken is tho retirement necessity, perfectly Undivided : jpe The Columbian will desoribe the these chronic Its dis- profits, 9.808.36 of the greenbacks ami the abandonment just complaints. Demand deposits, 370,427.03 kind of Mr. Hanna and tell us Total, 98,996 29,396 8,128 Dr. of 34 3VJE3XV trap set, of the banking business by the govern- coverer, Greene, Temple Certificates of deposit 71,713.04 wnuii cue umi miH, ment. Its Watson Has Ordered His Name the can be comulted CANVAS SHOOTING for coupons, 2,935.00 service that Off Place, Boston, Mass., COATS Deposits only legitimate in Trust Ruction is to impose restrictions free, or letter. funds, 47,280.30 proper Kansas Ticket. personally by Sinking fund for corporations, 242,271.35 Wheat continues to go up, much to the upon its conduct by others. Whether it -at -- Probate Law. is Ootober 17.—A disgust of tho silver mou who have held possible to bring this about as Con- Augusta, Ga., special $897,435,08 gress is likely to be constituted may be Chronicle new that any advance of tuat staple must be to the from Thompson quotes RESOURCES. Judge Wilson’s Probate u queslioD, but even that is no reasou Mr. Watson as it is true that he Loans on or accompanied by an advance the saying collateral, $143,262.46 Manual is uow for preceded why country should not look the re- Other 89,112.03 ready delivery h as ordered his name off the ticket In loans, in piiver. Ann what makes it worse for sponsibilities of the hour squarely in the Overdrafts (secured), 3,323.80 and should be in the hands of face, i he election ot MaKmley will Kansas hut It is off the Democratic Stocks and 335,870.14 the ; Tver men is that we are beginning give bonds, t;.e renewed but ticket and not the fusion ticket. Be COAL. Trust investments, 47,125.07 country oonlldtnae, off. REDDCED every lawyer and of to wheat to India. Of course the iuuu jnstice expurt -lint confluence in net not be abused. As says there is no fusion tioket in Kansas. luiooumouto, Cash on deposit, 33,117.38 explanation ol all this is easy enough. this bus been a year of education in I here is a Democratic ticket and a PRICESTj peace in Maine. ques- Cash on hand, 4,379.86. ’iTe Indian crop has failed, and impend- tion of ourrency wo hope the prooess will Populist tioket and Democrats have not enu when the campaign is over. printed over the names of the Bryan and 8897,435.08 Included with above ing scarcity has raised the price us it uma k h is the Sewall electors the names of Bryan and We have a fall line of CANVAS SHOOTING COATS which we are F. E. TIMBEKLAKE, Bank always coes. liut unfortunately for tho Watson to deceive the into vot- Examiner. Insolvent Law of edited BRIEFLY TOLD. Populists selling at astonishingly low prices in order to oct!3dtf Maine, sTvcr n an he has held that the for eleotors who will in turn vote for visually ing our Isaac and Sewall. “I am reduce stock. by W. Dyer. law of supply and demand did not Bryan willing,” said Mr. Watson, ‘‘to accept any fair A Full Assortment ot Lehigh and Free- uSect wheat; the price of that staple be- Leslie’s Weekly a story to the 3ME3-W LOAN prints fusion in Kansas that will divide the Bert Coat, reduced to ing regulated by tho price of silver; and effect that William Jennings Bryan, Pop- eleotors between the Populists and Dera- Burning Coals tor Domestic Use. Quality Corduroy Collar, only, $3.25 Price ooratio candidate for President Delivered, $5.00. hero is wheat going up and silver applied (joints, am wnung even to accept an Town of Me., going on to Pocahontas and Fite Grade Canvas Coat, sold for $3 at Kennebnnkport, by idler January last W. J. Block though ny reason of (Semi-Bituminous) usually only, $2.00 i.own. Bryan ought to put out seme equal division, Pop- cl the Herald Bguaie theater 1or the ulist voting strength in Kansas, the that will be of Georges Creek Cumberland Coals are Good Canvas Coat, explanations consistent place press agent. proper proportion would be about eight Quality $ | .25 for with bis theory that wheat and silver A Washington special says thnt if Spain Populist eleotors to two Democrats. I unsurpassed general steam and L0RI1W, SHORT k HARM. does not close the war in (Juba within contend the Democrats have no right to 4s. are tied together. use. Also a fine assortment of Leggins. Belts, Game Bags, Gun Cases «ep30eodtl less than three months, the United print my name over the Bryan and Sew- forge and in fact a States will take such as will all eleotors to deceive Populist voters everything necessary for IF. jur has gone up half a dollar a bar- stops Genuine Lykens Talley Franklin, Due, 1901. Due, 1906. amount to a virtual recognition of Cuban and I have ordered my name taken from gunner’s outfit. rel. This will bo a great thing for Mr. the Democratic ticket" English and American Cannel. independence. Assessed Valuation- • Bryan and ought to help along his elec- The viceroy of India has cabled that In vv atson's Favor. $1,140,000 tion He has been to the lack of rain the in Above Coals wonderfully. tolling owing crops Topeka, Kan., Ootober 17.—The state Constant- northwestern in several districts Total Debt, $13,500. the people a'l summer that o rise in India, election board today decided the oontest Our Line of Trouserings price of central India and in On Hand. would upper Burmab, between “the middle of the roaders” ly These bonds arc issued for the profit everybody, especially wage have been serirusly damaged aud that pur- (Watson) and those who favored fusion sms ns of ill hies. of and will and now that a rise in has unless rain falls a .... pose building bridge make THIS earners, price shortly famine will be in favor of Watson. TELEPHONE | oo-2 FALL a conservative investment for trust come in one of the staple articles of Inevitable. **•_ funds. the earners will have a A Washington special to the Now What If He Had Been a Boy Orator. food, wage chance OFFICE: Is very attractive. The assort- York Herald says that the Venezuelan to get a taste of it. If it he A special despatch to the Boston Jour- ment is the most extensive ever 'lisp ute has been settled, an agreement ns nal from says: shown us. The of ns delightful Bryan says of oourse on all tlia essential points having Q-hloago by range quali- beep Speaker Heed remained in his rooms Commercial & 70 will want more and to reached between the United States and v 7b Exchange Sts. ties embraces everything from they get more will 'at the under WOODBURY & Lexington today the watch- »p3 M.W&Ftf MOULTON, the lowest the and our and a Great- Britain, The despatch says that up finest, go in for Bryan general in ful eye of his daughter. His throat is lip arbitration is assured am1, that diplomatic P. LOVELL prices are all right. in fluuuel and ARMS the rise In bundled he in a JOHN Though wheat' speaks CO. prices. up- relations between England and Venezuela BANKERS, whisper. His condition is a matter of sets his theory that wheat and silver are will bo resumed. WOOD MAWTELS Portland, Maine. to the 180 and 182 Middle Street. solicitude Republican managers, dtf Siamese twins, it him more At sep26 dtt aug21 may help Philadelphia, Saturday, Judge who fear he will have to give up the trip and TILING. Dahls made an order in than it hurts Li.n by demonstrating to the United States to the PaoiHc coast. Samples and Cirouit court granting an re- To a caller this Salesroom, the wage earner the great benefit of hav- anoiUlary morning, Mr. Reed ceivership to take oharge of the property vfliispered: “It’s had as 1 W. L. CARD. mere for the enough am, 424 CONGRESS CORNER ing to pay necessaries of in Pennsylvania of the Bay State Ga* but think how serious it TEMPLE. would be if I SL^ ■Self Playing Piano. life. company. were a boy orator in the midst of a Pre- sidential on A L Henry U. Clayton, United States dis- campaign, relying my voice W. A. LEN. ANNOUNCEMENT. DRAPER-TAILOR, The story that the administration has trict attorney lor the middle district n] instead of arguments to elect me Presi- Foot of Preble Street octBdtf Angelus been dent." are to annonnce that we determined to recognine the independence Alabama, lias summarily removed We pleased 46 Free Street. from office by the President. have succeeded the well-known house of decAeodtf of Cuba by January 1st If the rebellion Claytob Democratic Pleasantries. was a delegate to the Chicago convention Stevens & Jones Co., and have also pur- is not put down by that time, is import- and is now a candidate for 18.—The and Congress in Boston,October meeting of the ■Self chased the stock good will of ant if true. Hut much better evidenoe violation of the rules of the department. Democratic state committee yesterday to MAINE INVESTMENTS Playing Organ. Thomas B. Mosher, the Exchange street consider the merits of the will be needed than lias yet boen forth- Faueull hall stationer. a appreciated outside dispute ended in row, almost in a free Being; ot Symphony a full line of to induce to State of Ohio. City of We shall carry Stationery WN. M. coming people believe it. Toledo, ) fight. MARKS, Lucas County. ( ss. office and On January 1st, President Cleveland N. G. Robinsou the of for private correspondence, Frank J. heney makes oath that he is tilt secretary the NEW ENGLAND. a of Litho- under and shall make specialty will be within 60 days of the end of his senior partner ot the firm of F. J. Cheney a committee, smarting charges of Have you heard either of these instruments? If not, don’t fail to visit Co., doing business in the City of Toledo frnud and indecent the par- graph Work, Legal Blanks, term. That he will then conduct, attempted THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. deliberately County and State aforesaid, and that said firn to assault Tim He if Cressey, Jones & Allen the next time are on the Office Supplies, Card Plate En- Coakley. was pre- of New lors very you street. Card without taks will pay tile sum of ONE HUNDRED York, the manufacture of nr,y pressing exigency upon DOL- vented from getting at Coakley mem- and Book, LARS for by graving each and every case of Catarrh having recently Increased Its investment in can be attached to own without himself the resj onsii ility of action that bers of the oommlttee, who pulled him The Angelus your piano injury to and Blank Books. -AND- hat cannot be cured by the use of II ALL'I BANGOR & AROOSTOOK R. R. CO. First it, Catarrh off. Dan Coakley iu T. Mc- cent Cold not it as a in have all of may involve this country in a war with Cure. spit George mortgage B per Bonds until it now it does change piano any way. We thepatterns Lithograhs Frank ,T. Cheney. Laughlin’s face, and this exhibition ol holds more tnan 8800,000. This Book Work formerly done by does not seem indicates that It it well. It does not and Blank Spain probable, indeed it Sworn to before me and Democratic the institutions are It plays anything. plays play mechanically. subscribed it: my pleasantry caused such a large moneyed turning then- these two houses, and are prepared to this 6th of to the Fast for seams vastly improbable. It would be presence, day December, A. D. lbbO rumpus that half the members were en- attention investments as this » and in tt JOB life all orders promptly to the first New York Insurance ConiDanv duplicate PRINTER, far more natural and far wiser at A. gaged trying prevent the other half 3 that W. GLEASON, to invest in Maine Securities. atisfactory DKINTEHS’ EXCHANGE, SEAL from assaulting one another. The crisis manner._ time for President Cleveland to let the FOR SALE BY was reached on a Notary Pnblie, motion to adjourn 1-3 Sr„ Portland status remain so far as aoy action carried the Exchange quo Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken whioh, being by anti-Wil- HUTSON B. internally and liams made the friends & j»7 on his were concerned, and allow acts on the blood and people, of the SAUNDERS, W. H. STEVENS" C0„ part directly mucous sur faces of the system. Send for Dedham statesman frantio with Investment “ the incoming President, upon whom in testimonials, free rage. Securities, FINE JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. F. J. CHENEY & CO., O. It was then that the attempts at MIDDLE ST. j fall the Toledo, per- 51 1-3 Exchange Street Portland. 184 OR? event will burden of £3F“SDld by Druggists, 70c. sonal annihilation began. Me JONES A i Ail orderj by mall or telephone Bromptlf 'Ih&STtl CRESSEY, ALLEN, 536-3. xnar9eodt! attended to. o«t»«odtt TEEEFHONE I septaSeoat* MUSIC AND DRAMA- »dd greatly to tbe pleasure of the eve- ning. Although Mrs. Brown has never ippeared in Portland, her reputation is ATKINSON ATKINSON nmUNSON~ ATKINSON ATKINSON ATKINSON Virginius. well-known throughout the large cities James O’Neill’s name is almost a if New England as sho a verv household word the whole oooupies FURNISHING CO. FFRWISHIIO CO. FURNISHING CO, FURNISHING CO. FURNISHING CO. FURNISHING CO. throughout high position in the musical circles of land. Hla popularity is not undeserved her home. Mrs. Brown baa a rich voine beoause it may he truthfully said of him ef remarkable quality under excellent that he has always been loyal to his trust control. Sbe possesses a temperament as au artist, as he has only allowed him- that enables her to give color and expres- self to be associated with the best, purost RANGES AND sion as well as characteristic variety REED ROCKERS. CARPETS, and noblest in art, from the day that he Parlor Suits- in the IRON BEDS. wldely-ooDtrasted numbers on her carried a in Forrest’s company to spear programme. Hall Stands. the memorable time when he as the PARLOR STOVES Motes. This DRAPERIES, Saviour iu the Passion play during its Last week we sold Waites Comio closed only production iu this country in San Opera Company Here we are the leaders. their Portland season with two one national Saturday more beds than ever be- CHAMBER Francisco, sprung into reputa- crowded houses. Choice selection SUITS, with “Monte tion. His long associations fore. This week we shall Dristo’’ is one of the traditions of the THE UNIVERSALIST CONVENTION. of New Patterns offer OUR BEDDING, American stage. This season he has the best Bed you a nd from Included tragedy in his repertoire Who the Guests Will Be and By Whom $2.98. ever saw with brass at top FOLDING during his forthcoming appearance Entertained. QUAKER BEDS, the Portland theatre tonight, he will rail and trimmings, with be seen as “Virginius, while “Monte The New England Conference of Uni- $6.50 Here can find spring and at RANGES Dristo” will ha played Tuesday night. up. you mattress, DESK8, versulists will convene In this city Octo- "Mr. O’Neill’s first performance of a choice selection of ber 20 at Congress church. Tbe one Have no Others “Virginius” was given two gyears ago in Square As you pass our competitors. following is the list of and imitate in style but £or CHIFFONIERS, Ban Francisco and called forth ecomiums clergymen baiting delegates, the of entertain- look at there is but one of unwonted strength from every art- giving plaoes store them, NEW ment; SUITS, $10.00. loving and consoientious critic. One Rev. W. H. N. 'f hey are on first $6»®7. SIDEBOARDS, as Morrison, Manchester, to date and at weut so far to say that not since > up prices paper H., with \Ym. C. Allen, Pine street. the day cf John McCullough had the Rev. E. Wal- this is a Ralph Connors and wife, floor. which must the Others of Understand, PRIZE Golden Gate City hod an opportunity of tham, Mass., with Phineagj AyertJ 67 tempt QUAKER BOOKCASES, Spruce street. value. bed. teeing a more worthy presentation of this equal high grade Repairs for all Rev. G. L. Roe- careful buyer. ranges. character than rendered Mr. O’Neill. Perrie, D.D.,and wife, by ton; Rev. Charles A. Teuny and wife, EXTENSION TABLES He was praised fur his exhibition of Dorchester, with Charles Alien, 149 Pine parental tenderness and care in the earli- street. Rev.Cbarles A. and Au- er scenes as muoh as he was lauded Hayden wife, gusta, with C. G. Allen, 710 Congress for the of and emotion 21 21 Monument 21 Monument 21 Monument 21 Monument display power,rage street. 21 Monument Sq. Monument Sq, Sq. $q. Sq. Sq. iu the last <0 3. One main reasuu why Rev. A. N. Blackford, Sbirly, Mass.; Rev. Mr. O’Neill has made a success of the Omer G. Patrie, Canton, Mass.: Elliott Gardiner, with Mrs. Mrs. K. G. nart Is dim tin his venmlnrfn V! v Hwant Barber, Mrs. S. M. Cornell, Hicks, Bates. 21 State street. with K. A. Hloks, 76 Park street. NEW whose music in the ear J. R. LIBBY. voice, vibrntes Key. H. D. Towue and wife, Lewiston, Rev. Harold Marshall, Beverly, Mass., long after the curtain has been rung with C. 1^. BaiD, 69 Spring street. with Mr. Bion R. Lane, 766 Congress Bev. U. A. Markley, Brldegton, with down. Of stately and commanding ap- street. Joseph Brooks, 87 Atlanta street. Rev. Dr. Patterson and wife, Sarah on a pearance, Mr. O’Neill is said to have Hair Fenwick A. Leavitt, Flint M.Bessell, J. Dooley, Roxbury, with Mrs. T. G. Son They’re hung Trigger. made an indelible Impression as the Tufts Divinity School, Dr. Bray, (Jape. Avon street. LACE dignified Roman warrior. Bev. J. Horner Wilson. Rookport, Rev. Herbert Moulton, Palmer, Mess., ELABORATE Nottingham Lace Curtains, they Mass.; Bev. F. E. Barton, Bethel; Mrs. with Mrs. M. Moulton, 93 Portland The Merchant. North with W. off at the touch. The worth of them Country G. M. Keyes, Jay, F. street. THESEgo lightest is 188 Sbeiman street. Provi- Comedy drama comes more closely to Coolidge, Rev. E. W. Preble and wife, $2.50 a pair* The magic touch that takes them off Bev. Mr. KimDall, Turner; Bev. O. F. dence, at Mrs. Spring street, Ideas of a stage offering, calculated to Wiggln’s,62 Alvoid and wife, Klngfield, Bev. B. H. of Miss Dole. instanteris $1.49 a all classes of than guests pair please theatre-goers, Aldrich, Guilford, with M. B. Coolidge, H. E. Benton, Geo. F. Foster, Tufts DRAPERIES. See a St. window full of them. n any other form of entertainment, and Wood fords. Divinity School, with Henry M. Jones, Congress te Bev. J. S. Bev. can therefore the interest in the engagement Cutler, Melrose, Mass.; 31 Crescent street. Made for wide windows, but be used to good advantage ^.on narrow ones by gathering W. H. Ryder, Gloucester, Mass.; at Mrs. them fuiler on the pole. of Charles Cowles at the Portland thea- Sawyer, 060 Congress street, being the PAINTED THE TOWN. tre next Eriday and Saturday evenings guests of Horatio Clark. HUNDRED THREE-PIECE Sterling Silver Mani- Bev. Thomas A. P. can be readily understood. Mr. Cowles Straton, Irving, Hoodlums in 350 at Mrs. (560 Con- Depredations Committed by cure Sets to be used as a Bargain Beil in will introduce for the first time in Port- Rockland, Sawyer’s, ONE Ringer gress the of E. B. Portland. street, being guests South /till* .loufAlvif a land “A Country Merchant,” play Denison. --J wbioh from all accounts has the Bev. F. L. Payson and wife, Lisbon proper men be- LADIES COMPANION. with C. C. 19 It transpires that four young riug from a dramatic point as well ns Falls, Douglass, Spring department street. in South Portland made matters and offers limitless longing comedy, incidents Bev. J. F.Rhoades and Fairfield; PATTERNS. wife, very lively in the neighborhood Friday Monday replete with all the elements of popular Mr. and Mrs. Moody, Manchester, N. H., ★h&h morning and that people woke up to A CHARMING RING favor. Mr. Cowles belongs to the in- with F. P. Dyer, 706 Congress street. I and Bev. M. E. Gaskin and wife, Water- find the locality decidedly mixed up. ventive school of notors who arc on the To give your fiancee or wife will not ville, with Mrs. G. B. Davis, 689 Con- The young men rowed over to this oity alert to give their admirers the fullest gress street. necessarily bo a drain on until all early in the evening in a dory and re- big your Brussels, benfits to which they are justly entitled. Bev. Henry R. Bose, Auburn, with book. 276 turned ADout 1 o’clock with a heavier pocket to “A Merchant” should a Dr. Geo. E. Dow, State street. $5.75 $40 per pair. are sold. Country pruve We bare a Bev. W. C. Selleok and wife, Provi- load than they brought over, and in a beautiful line of Plain potent attraction and the pntrons of the dence, with C. J. Farrington, 1 Grant oondltion to do something perfectly Kings $2.50 to $15.00. theatre will be sure to reward the same street. Nice dreadful. So they proceeded to terrorize Ring* of elegant design with dia- in a substantial manner. Rev. F. W. Perkins, D. D., Hartford, Oluny, Conn.; Rev. Chas. Wells, Belfast; Bev. the neighborhood in a regular wild mond settings from $3.00 to $25.00. to things for A Notable Musical Invent. $2 $15 per pair. Arthur Gro'e, Stoughton, Mass.; Prof. west way. Diamond Rings for engagement are A. W. with Charles Pierce, Barre, Vt., At the house of Ephraim Webster the won’t cost A programme of unusual merit has S. Fobes, 72 Emery street. just thing, you much. presents, the clothes line in the front been arranged for a musioale to take Rev. W. 1). Potter, Shelburne Falls, they out $10.00 to $1.50. Frilled Curtains, Bev. D. A. Cain- A.TI nn tliA front mid hank door. for personal place in this city, probably at the Ad- Muss.; MaoDougal, These are instances of ourprices,but with Geo. D. a little to vent Church Octo- bridgeport, Coring,269 This embarrassed Mr. Webster to fill I v a nnrani a to tnoii* nnolifv $3.50 $6 per pair. Wednesday evening, Braokett street. •*-w in out of the house,but he finally use; ber 28th, under the patronago cf the la- Rev. F. A. Dillingham, Attleboro, Mass.; getting must be seen. We extend to you a cor- Hev. W. F. South a window and made his escape. dies of the St. Stephen parish. The Dussault, Aoton, opened dial inritation to come and examine with W. T. Brackett owned William Irish The nomin- talent already engagoa includes the fa- Mass., Kilhourn, In the cottage by Spear, Point, street. our stock. a of glass was broken out and at mous New York contralto, Mrs. An- Miss Gertrude Earley, Miss McDuff. pane to per fence was $3.50 $28 pair. al price tonia H. Sawyer, whose sooial and pub- Tufts Divinity Sohool, with Mrs. Fled another cottage the front yard 10 street. and made into wood. lic sucoesses recently have been the sub- Kendall, Henry torn up kindling Mrs. P. P. and for this of notices in Libby sister, Rookport, The fish building belonging to the ject many complimentary with Mrs. 108 Green street. McKENNEY THE Ruffled Muslins, Legrow, Chase heirs was visited and considerable JEWELER, the various leading journals. Although Hev. Ada C. Bowles, Gloucester, to week Mrs. Sawyer bus been before the public Muss., Mrs. M. N. Voglei, South Hope, property destroyed. Monument Square. $1.15 $7.50 per pair. with Mrs. J. S. 160 Park street. To show that what did was in oet9dlf-6th or8thp only a short time, she hss Libby, they only comparatively Hev. F. W. Sprague nml wife, Bostou, ~ will be the way of a mild-mannered the established a marked reputation as a ca- with G. F. corner State and joke, Loveitt, CANADIAN SEALERS. Marie pable interpreter of oratorio, concert and Grant streets. genltemen stole some cabbages belonging Antoinette, church music. One of the most notable Jennie M. Brown, West Paris, with to .Byron Dean, tied a half dozen onto $10 to $20 per pair. 4.7 cts. Miss Alice Moore, 122 Free street. on The International Court to Meet at Vic- musicales of last season was the flag pole halyards the school given by Bev. Miss Wright, Livermore Falls; house and hoisted them to the toria Soon. Mrs. Sawyer at the Waldorf in New Mrs. C. J. Baker and frieud, Arnold's top. a set. While the were re- York, and seldom has there been suoh an Mills, B. I., with Mrs. C. Nelson, 186 vegetables being Fish Net Ruffled, Clark street. next the were niray of fashion there as upon that oc- moved the day, halyards Some time this fall, probably, Judge Mrs. N. W. Smith, Tnfts to 5.50 Divinity out and that means another bill Putnam will to the Pacific coa6tto sit $1.50 per pair. DRESS GOODS. AGAIN. Everybody casion. Her programme included songs School, Alice E. Codrall, Boston, with pulled go by Massenet, Cbamiuade, Bern berg and Mrs. H. T. 189 High street. of expense. All this time the youths ns a member of the commission whioh last year that the Plummer, ONE DAY WAS as as PLAIDSthought Bev. A. E. Bartlett, Marion, Mass.; made their presence know by howling is to the claims of Canadian seal- good other well known composers. During adjust apex of perfection in plaid Rev. Edward Bartlett, Barnard, Vt., one ers Nottingham Lace, cent the season in Mrs. Saw at the top of their voices, though (no for losses sustained by ssizuri by another at the 25 Novelty spring Bondon, with Mr. Fred W. Roberts, 10 Dow IF been reached. seemed to want to venture out and States to combinations had yer appeared in many line musioales and street. try United vessels. This tribunal 1 90c $5.50 per pair. Counter we’d not news- spend how* reoeived many flattering offers for Im- Bev. I. P. Booth, D. D., I.N.LeBaron, to quiet them down. constituted under the award of the Pari ’Twas a mistaken conclusion with Mrs. Geo. paper money advertising the prices. Dortant engagements iu England, which Mnrrisville, Vt., C. There have been several breaks in arbitration, wblch considered und ad- Plaids Ott street. ever, for the new Poplin Shaw, Congress South Portland the few our with over Swiss she may accept later on. Mrs. Sawyer F. O. past months, justed dispute England Lace, THE FACT IS there’s a Rev. Hall, Cambridge, Mass.; our counters, the having far has a full onutralto voice of wide vegetable gardens have suffered consider- the fur seals of Behring Sea. It Is to sit plaids range Bev. J. F. Albion, Malden, Mass., with $4.25 to $15 per pair. choice of Some extra and under excellent control. She im- Mrs. E. C. Swett, Casco street. ably and it is thought possible that Fri- in Victoria, B. G., with the right to BUT days. apart cross lines of gleaming silk, Bov. Marion Corslej and wife, Con- the other meet also in San are that bues her songs with a delicately appeal- day’s depredations may explain Francisao. things put upon are than ever. So it is necticut, with Mrs. E. H. Sargent, 4v charminger and an instances of lawlessness in the village. The Commissioner, are: On behalf of ing sentiment, sings with under- Atlantic street Honitons, oounter some days, and that day is with Boucle Plaids. The prettiest standing and artistio finish. Miss Shaw, Rev. C. E. Gibbs, D. D., Lawrence, At any rate, it is quite; probable that the Unitod States—Hon. Win. L. Put- lUeoc DMfVi Hr A Tlinrer Q3 Prat $12 to $50 per a is of these tbs well-known harpist, will contribute some arrests may be made soon. nam, Judge of U. S. Circuit Court for pair. usually Monday. frock for young girl street. several and the First Cirouit; on behalf of Her Maj- come to the Old This we show about pleasing selections; it is al- Rev. G. T. Knight, D. D Tufts Col- When the people want good Drapery they Monday you European Plaids. HENRY E- ABBEY. Government—Hon. Edwin ways a pleasure for our musical friends lege; Mrs. H. N. Jackson, Paris; Mrs, esty’s George Reliable Store. 20 of chic Wool Novelties. King, one of the Justices of the It’s the styles Plaids at 25o, 87 l-2c, 50, 69c, to listen to the playing of Miss Phil- Geo. Attwood, Auburn, with Mrs. Geo. Supreme Wo sensations, no extra inducements necessary. steady street. Court ot the Dominion ot Canada. of honest at the Some of them more than half as S. Trefothen, 87 St. Lawrence Death of a Know Theatrical Mana- hammering away. The every day selling goods $1,50. hrook. Kotzaclnuar will be the accom- Widely The Counsel for the United Statesaro 75c, $1.00, $1.25, Rev. A. \V. Hart and wife, Tufts Col lowest possible which insures Hon. Don of late price. handsome as dollar stuff, 25e panist, perfect handling lego, with Mrs. Capt. Tonuy, 41 Higl ger. Dickinson, Detroit, We ll not let sell Drapery for less money than Postmaster General of the United Slates, anybody good COLOR SAIL CLOTH of this part of the programme. street. we do. and Hon. Robert who was one AND WOOL NOVEL- In addition to the talent Ur. Tufts with Dr, Lansing, mentioned CapeD, College, of the counsel of the United States be- WEAVE. Basket patterns, come and faster SOLID at The Sherwood. New October E. TIES go above, the ladles ot the Pmish Saturday Blanchard, York, 17.—Henry fore the Paris arbitration; and tbe coon- Mrs. U. G. Miss Wilde, Boston, SILK bourette, and several rough received a that Cole, Abbey, the well-known theatrioal mana- sill for Her Majesty’s government are the writer telegram stating they with Mrs. W. W. Virgin, 15 Henry street! than advertising Hon. Frederick Petters, Attorney Ueier- effects are here at have been able to secure the services of Dr. Pullman and wife, Lynn, Mass. ger,died very eudddenly this morning at WALTER COREY CO., 75c, $1.00, 1,25, al and Premier of Prince Edward’siB- can keep trace of them. Mrs. Ktauk E. the Rev. I. J. Alfred Win- the Osborne apartment house 57th street, so on Brown, well-known Mead, Augusta; lunii, and Frederick L. Q. 0., of and 1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.23, ?nd up Oakdale; Aodrew W. and Belque, Reliable House Manufacturers, now there’s a com- soprano of Couoord, N. II., which will slow, Newman, Seventh avenue. Montreal. Tho solicitor and auent is Mr. ^Furnishers Just quadruple Mass.; W. R. Provi to 3.00. Roxbury, Gnnuett, The immediate cause of Mr. Ernest Vtotor of Victoria, B. are in deuce; Rev. W. H. Abbey’s Broiiwell, 28 FREE STREET. of them. The prioes Triokev, Danvers, C. pany and kindred weaves too Mass.; John Tufts death was hemmorrhage of the stomach. 0Ctl7 M T 2t Diagonals Ellis, Dlvinitj The time for tbe organization otthe measure, one lappiDg over the School, with Alfred 19 Deer Be bad been in ill health for some fugue Woodman, commission is not yet determined. have many admirers. Prices slant log street. men would oall pnB«i auu j'UBiciunj' dtvuuj^ vyub Niece other, what military Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Witt Bryan’s Elopes. In Bangor, Oct. 7, Howard F. Sawyer and Hamilton, taken Halifax Miss Blanche E. your way. Jonas 89 street. violently ill. His death occurred Schooner Abandoned. Clayton. echelon formation. 30 Hamilton, Spruce October 17.- Mrs. In Oct. Bowden and styles, 29c, 5 Qreensburg, Ind., Wluternort, 6, Ellery Charles E. Carpenter and wife, Provi between and 6 o’clock this morniug. New York, October 18.—The steamer Miss Blanche D. THE .John L. who was Miss Laura N. Arey. otfc aim EXTRACT dence, Congress square hotel. Mr.Sohoeffel said thst the last Iiours ol Delaware wfciob arrived this afternoon Martin, in Skowhegan, Oct. 7, Cecil H. Tilton and dac, suitings fo» ladieu, Rev. C. A. Nickerboeker and wife Mr. Abbey were very affecting. He from Haytie pjrts, C*pt. Millson of Salem, 111., has arrived here Marie Goodrich. Every one a tender-loin piece. OF TRUTH. . picked up Here’s a section where Boston, at the Columbia, guests of F.W remained oonscious until the last, anil Watts and soven men,crew of the schion- on her wedding tour. She eloped with Tailor fancy told the inches There are Woodman. little group about his bed that er Southern Cross, which was abandoned Fifty wide. has run riot. flavoring extracts he John Louis Martin of Sandoval. Harlequin Rev. H. Vosoina, Halifax, with J. P knew bis end was near. He also gave in a sinking condition Ootober 16 in lot. DEA1 HS. and Mrs. is a of William Jen- Plain Broadcloth flavoring extracts which Rockwell, Smith street. some Instructions about bis business 32.15, long. 75.62. Martin niece SUITINGS.colorings, weaves, grotesque designs, yet har- Walter affairs candidate as and Scott, F. A. Taylor, Tufts Di before be breathed his last, The Soutberu Cross was bound from nings Bryan, the Democratic .aasquerade pure, The finish. Brown, navy, green, monious in their vinity School, with N. G. Fessenden, 45i i funeral will be held on Tuesday sun mas for New York with cocoanuts. for President. She is the of her In this Oct. wife of Martin oddity, contain not and the guest city, 18th, Bridget, ingredients onlj Cumberland Btreet. body will he taken to liorthamp- October 10 a hurrioane struck the vessel Flaherty. and brown mixed. Price 39c nunt, Mrs. George von Pnhl. The yonng gray Checks, Venetians, coverts, Irish and harmful to G. G. Robbins, W. J. Taylor, Tuft ton, Maes., for interment in the lot be and hove her down on her beam ends. [Notice of funeral hereafter.] poisonous Bide woman’s :s Mr. oldest wife of Divinity School, with C. M. Plummer that of his Arst wife. It was found necessary to right her. The mother Bryan’s In this city. Oct. 17, Bridget, Stephen FORTRESS of our Dress alsc but the use of 53 frieze, Donegal homespuns, health, by 6 Deering street. Mr. Abbey was a catiV3 of Akron, schooner righted, but it was found that sister. Foley, aged years. [Funeral this Monday morning at 8.80 o’clock Goods stock, one of its which Rev. Dr. Dr. Provi Ohio, and was 49 years old. He was e the rudder was some seams German and French the Eddy, Cushman, broken and Mr. and Mrs. Martin fled to from her late residenco, No. 54 Danforth street THE broadcloths, accomplishment at of member of the ^Jeffer- dence, The Sherwood, guests Mrs firm of Abbey, Sohoeffe! had started, so that she was leaking. mass as St. Dominic church at t of is an im- ® Indiana’s Gretna Groen.' They Requiem high fortified positions is $1,00, 1,25, 1.50,1.75, 2.00, 2 25 and good cooking Billings. Grau. This firm manages sovera! October 13th she was by the sonville, o’clock. strongly spoken who possibility. Rev. J. F. Thompson, Plymouth theatres, and was at the head of grant steamer Austral. It seomed possible then were married by Magistrate House, In this city. Oct. 17, Margaret, wife of the lati the counter of 50 cent Fancy Suit- 2.50 per yard, Mass.; Rev. S. G. Dunham, Wakefield opera and the American engagements ol to save the ship and assistance was de- says that ho has married more runaway Edward Calllhan. the Tho at 8.30 o’clock fine Mass., at The Sherwood, guests of Phil beet-known foreign artists. The fail ollued. Afterwards the of couples than any other man living. [Funeral Tuesday morning ings, Here the visitor will fifty ure of hopelessness is un- Irom her late residence. No. 83 York street lip F. Turner. the Arm last was due in greal the situation was all was seoret and yet May impressed upon marriage kept mass at St Dominic church a or more unlike MAKE UP these dresi Rev. Dr. Cordal) P**t at least of in known to of the persons’ Requiem high unique weavings any gAKESfe Emerson, Rev. A. G. to the serious illness Mr, hands, and when the Delaware hove many young 9 o’clock. Boston, at The Sherwood, guests of Di Abbey, which allowed his end of tin sight, the morning of the 10tn, she wns friends. In this cltv, Oct. 17, Lillian E., only child oi Half inch stuffs in the most approved and the previous patterns. Plaids, WE Vose. business to run down. A nout the sam< and Cant. Watts and crew The brine is only 17 years old, Allen and Henrietta Shedley, aged 10 month! ABW!Cl®"SE%r signalled, costumes. Our MEW Rev. B. F. ClareDC* L. Eaton time, his well kuown as Miss Flor towed to her The groom is scarcely 19 years of nge. It was 6 days. combinations and color Miss PaCSSS\>#j?FLM3RINGTRADE MARK Eaton, wife, in their own boat. many group- Dolley enco a were school- service Monday at 2 o’clock, fron Boston, at Mrs. L. A. 73 a Gerard, the actress, sued fur divorce, Southern Gross was 134 tons burden and case of first love. The two [Funeral Wade, Sprue parents' No. 172 Brackett street. over an intricate lace- has visited the and street. ■the suit had not oonie to trial at th< hailed sup- mates and in early ohild- residence, ings, which lately openings from Halifax, N. 8. She was played together In this Oct. 18. Ellen daugh Mrs. time of his bood. had been much de- city, Appleton, J. A. Walden, Mrs. H. A. Tuttle dentil. The grounds allsgei posed to be iunuied. They always ter of George F. like netted in black is woven exhibitions in New York, and hap were were reared Emery. figure m. Salem, with Mrs. W. T. Small, 29 1 desertion and cruelty. Mrs, Abbey voted to one another. They [Notice of funeral hereafter. is now wore The Is handsome all latest Brackett street. travelling in Uuropo in search oi The Tidal Wave Towed In. in the same community and insepa- In Bradley, Oct. 10. Mrs. Lizzie L. Hilton underlying plaid eaougt the styles. We warrant out have imitators, but a new before the lace llgure i9 superimposed. many Rev. H. A. Philbrook, with G. B play to star in. rable. ihe early friendship ripened aged 42 years 4 months. Gloucester, Mass., October 17.—The In Mechanic Falls, Oct. 7, Orln Downs, agei 1 work to no compo- McGregor, street. into and for several years there had dressmaking please you. equals. Every Spring schooner Maud M. Story arrived from love, 72 years. THIS 50 CENT GROUP voi Harry E. Dwight A. Ball our Children Perished. been an between them nent part in pro- Roulllard, Georges today having in tow the fishing understanding In Bar Harbor, Oct. 9, Mrs. Annie O. Pitman |N employed Tufts Divinltv with Mtb. Webb > that were become man and wife. School, Lorlln, October 18.—Fire occurred lr schooner Tidal Wave which she fell *n they to aged 48 years. | will also find Boucles—the popu these flavors is 212 street. the In Constant R. Abbotl ducing High residence 0f Herr Mayer the with on the banks ol dis- Bucksport, Oct, 11, Levy, flying signals aged 8(j lar the best Rev. A. N. Foster, Lynn; Geo. H last rud- years. loop-yarn class of stuff j. R. LIBBY. strictly pure and Sellln oonnolilor of justice, night tress. The Tidal Wave hail lost her MARRIAGES. In Got. 8, James P. F. Tobej Harlow, with Mrs. Meguire 1 °* Maohiasport, Plymouth, Herr Levy’s children wer< der and sails and her had been 02 8 months. Scotch obtainable. 84 Carleton street. r?,Vrj rlggiug aged years mixtures, colorings like thi quality KIlled by suffocation. blown away. A rudder of In Haydook Con in Oct. 9. Miss Eleanor Gardiner temporary Bar Harbor, Oct. 7, Frank Surry, George SterllngJGreen, age P. S, See our O-M-O Dress Shield Their Great make Lawrenoo, cable was made^to enable her to reach nersand Miss Alice Evelyn Higgins. 17 years. Highland heather upon which th , Strength Inez P. East Eddington, wit: William Pulslfei In Oct. Thomas Frankli Merrill, Look port. She was left in of her own In Watervllle. Oct. 7, Dr. Farmington, 10, advertisement in another column. them the most Economical Mrs. H. M. Thomas street. out for cheap substitutes! Be- charge and Miss Helen Green Davis, aged 03 years. bees Cox, master and crew but they Libby. honey get tipsy, 50i an 1 ware of new Bull’s they feared In Staples of River In 13,(Mrs. Sarah II. Thomai to use. Rov. Franois A. Gray, Nashua remedies. I)r. Cougl not was Augusta. Oot. 6, Frank Rockland,nOet. could got her In. A bargain side Banter. aged 82 with Mrs. A. S. Hinds, 98 Wee t syrup has stood the test for whe and Miss Lilly Hortense years. friend, nearly fifty made with the of Story In Weston of In Oct. Fred ■ street. years. skipper the Bangor. Sept. 8. Albert Bangoi Randolph, 11, \Y. Moores, age agreed to tow in the Tidal Wave for t800- } and Miss Christina E. Mason of Kingman. 10 years. ..j. rTibby. I it. LIBBY. TO LET. FOR SALE. "JACK THE HUGGER” IN CHICAGO. WANTED. THE ARMENIAN REFUGEES. A* FRIGHTFUL EXPERIENCE, i JUDGE ROBINSON’S COURT- MR.-REED Forty words inserted nader this head words inserted voder this heed Forty words inserted aider this hood Work Forty no week for 25 cents, cash in advance. Grist I 5 Hl» Dirty ABaln on the * ne week for 35 i Maine are Finding Homes for he Ground Out Saturday Morning Flying ( till 111 But Will Probably Speak « Of week for Hfi cents, cash in advance. cents caeh in advance. (arrow of tlie Streets. Them. Escape Leighton Monday. I 11 OR SALE—At auction, Thursday, Oct. 22, LET—Lower rent, of rooni9, with hot 1 flO eight at 1.30 p. m., at the subscriber’s residence Family at Westbrook. In the municipal court Saturday foie- PARTNER WANTED—An enterprising young *] water and bath, $17, at 63 Parris street. or 1 Falmouth, three horses, three chamber sets, One last week Miss who man with a capital of §2000 §3000 as q his is an extra nice rent for the loon, the case of little Jennie Bua- night Horsey .price. Apply ne set and other household J. It is thought that the Armenian tafu- May * n active partner in a well established business t< > JE. 12 Green 19-1 parlor goods. near the corner of Pearl Chicago, October 17.—Speaker Heed HASTY, street. m. MERRILL. 19-4t f 13, name This little girl 1 ves street on 1 Portland. Address R. H. F. this office. ^ pees who are to fee taken care of in this Che llames Surrounded Them—Tliey ell, aged tip. to his room beard a woman’s i s still confined at the Lexic- 16-1 LET—At No. ias a who has been disol- I ilncoln, agonizing T p,0 52 Spring 6treet. A liand- ; t! rough the oEorts which Airs. li. Items. stepmother bis some suite ACE FOR SALE—A Furnace That liaa Were £urued—Other "Westbrook on this t on but throat is L with wliidow, hot 1 [7 URN s 3ream ring out usually hotel, reported T> ICYCLES— I want to buy from §5,000 to large uay and other W. T. U. 1 lined by tbe oourt foi beating bar, and quiet nd cold water, steam and one -J been used only one season will be sold M. Etjvor.s O. It better today. His > of new# old, damaged; lioat, gas; up * about nine o’clock. was s lightly physicians say §10,000 bicycles, 11 Cali and see a t a if taken at once; reason fo* ■ re- father who her. ireet repented ight. them. 17-1 bargain a will arrive before Mr. and Mrs. Percy Loighton, who has little care for ay highest cash prices; call or send postal to — heat. a! making, Miss * he will probably be able to -— s filing, have put in steam Apply o twice and then started hat speak all on a line for sale; no business on Mechanic f Some time ago some kind women beoame nee, Horsey { you; big E 125 Oxford street. They did not leave Jiar- sides street, Westbook, i N UPPER RENT of 9 7 on one floor EG MACGOWAN, the cause of 1 iext Monday at the noonday or c one on Saturday. BOSTON STORE, 411 rooms, 17-1 i nterestert in her and t t Investigate the noise. meeting I. at 154 York between Park and a so soon es not jail un exceedingly trightful experience condition, through ore street. 14-2 street, AT expected, having a — ------out onto the ^ D the evening. Tc reporter, Mr. Reed ! o tate Sts. Inquire at 294 CUMBERLAND Besides a heir efforts she was sent to tbe Child- t ks she stepped street she ST., lots at Oakdale. The A.I until bout October 6th. Saturday evening. receiving and wife desire un- o r of A.S. Central Wharf. 15-1 70R SALE—Building 6 aid: “I um it* good health aud 11TANTED—Gentleman MITCHELL, s aw a almost from fceyond j Laud Co. offer for sale on favor- severe fright sustained oo’s Home, at Belfast. But it was young girl fainting lurmshed room with board in private Deering "A use in charge of the work make this They lota on Forest on the corner ^ hat tired feeling never felt better in my f located. Address this BURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT—In west- a ble terms desirable building not ound that she was too to be f jar standing under the *mily, centrally H., J] am-ounooment: injuries which. while incorrigible ffice.14-1 ern part of city, convenient to Spring J .venue, Falmouth, Fessenden, Pitt, William, was this ^ ife. My voioe has, to Mrs. lealt with there. Sirs. of r Lectrio light. It girl who had however, proved [ :reet curs for the winter months or a nd Deering streets, Oakdale. Apply toCHAS. ;• ,-ss do not cotue as contract serious are very painful. McGregor, longer; refugees e deoidedly treacherous aud is now in BOARD WANTED. oiise contains all modern improvements, and C !. ADAMS. Treas., 31 Exchange street. on tbe witness told £ roused the neighborhood by her terriiied ? an come to those who have Leighton, early in the evening, put Portland, stand, v. 1 la a first class Foi jeleowk20wk y s uch a condition as to neighborhood. particulars to the girl’s a make any attempt a to Real one 4 and the oth- what had been done for tbe l'ttle s Breams. According story pDly Estate Office. First National t c T.1-1 ni'sible that they shall not be her two children, aged girl, t useless. I am publio speaking entirely In a I ank Building. FKED’K t?, VA1LL. 14-1 8ALE—Or will exchange for reai estate lan had corns suddenly up behind her private family preferred, by gentleman ~ 70R er to bed Iu tlio ind how it bad been found that 6he near- u.Ac charge. They paid their own a, upper room, plaoin*5 J horoughly disappointed and must con- nd wile, with little girl two years old. Would j : in Portland, a story and a half house, was walking up Licooln street ess to r no LET—At Woodfords several 8 rooms with stable attached on a stand near the bed a kero- :ould not be nt tbe Belfast borne rbile she i being considerably out of patience 1 ik two connecting rooms, partly or wholly un- Hights. 1 f new, contains a do not traverse the provisions lighted kept L new houses for around < iver the 1 urnlshed. Address M.. Press Office or call at ; genteel families; every- £ nd one acre of land, same Is situated near jeoauee of f nd had seized her the waist matter. I have been iu public This is a sene At a little before 8 o’clook her influence upon the other octl3dtf ling modern and convenient; terms reason- ] within two miles of Portland and icoar emigration laws. great lamp. ife a long time and have mtufa a * arne office with particulars. Ligbv park, Then it was she liad great jj ble to parties. Also several stores, from electric cars. Iu- as Is nsceniled ihildren. Mrs. E. A. D. of i rom behind. right 2 bout two minutes walk are refugees; the mother, her custom, Puriugton, ] nay hut my voiea has never be- etc. -.cy. They political had speeches hops. in good location. 413 Congress ( uire of A. C. LIBBY & CO., 42 1-2 Exchange were cor- t creamed for help and tried to < on for the State were to the room to sea if the ohlldrtn Belfast, president of the Home, get ore gone hack me, and in fact, has LirANTED—A general agent 9 treat. WATSON.14-1 6000of cheir compatriot* slaughtered Maine. The business will the J from the fellow. The man tried to lever before evon been I had of pay treet._16-2 ■ the door of roborated these statements. The little way husky, iivtiir.* and it is our desire to all light. As sho opened man from §200 to §150J year. §250 r no LET—Lower 116 will situated oople, ooked forward with great to ight per rent, Winter street, DOR SALE—A two story house 94 saw the cannot 13 of f her screaming by putting a hand pleasure j Addiess iJ. Press, L he vacant last of 7 titled ■ who fled in the to her horror she jirl read, although years top apital required. M.,Daily October, convenient containing 10 rooms, tho handful of those cbamDer, miking the speeches for which 1 had 13-1 Gray street, but he was unnblo to dlice, Portland, Me. r 30ms and bathroom; good stable. Price $25 ^ dth all the modern conveniences and elegantly and stand a mass of Barnes. She ige. Gage VV. Bussell, father of tbe girl, c iver her mouth node and In- : .:f 1.. estate. Those interested iaicp engagements In Illinois er month. 14-1 f urnished On® of the best fitted bouses and as the continued inside. a from the bed while to consent to her coin- iccomplish this girl liana and also to the triD which was r«TANTED—All desirous ot ii of A. i : vo no money to mako as the screamed, grabbed quilt declining persons acquir- Portland for a small family. Inquire herself mo to the Paoiflo coast. Vt health, In f LET—Congress street near Union station. the mittal to the Industrial school at Hal- I o to free the brute ! ilauned^for lng good Improvement LpO J ?. LIBBY", 42 1-2 Exchange street.16-2 detract labor men have. It Is simply a and threw it over the lamp, grabbed struggle to to the two stores and three tenements with all the face >V bother I shall he able to keep any of uorals, obtaining happy homes, go child anil rushed for the door. admitted that his wife was not t truck her a blow in and then Institute at Deering, Maine, and be- r lodern improvements ; also small rent on For- DOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-Would like to work of youngest lowell, uy appointments remains to he seen but teeley philanthropy.” tome cured of the diseases arising from the c st street. Apply to J. W. LEERING, 576 sell or would exchange for chamber set Her screams called iior husband to her good to the and that his home was an. have little doubt that I shall he able c o evening. a good iook- obild, ixcossive use of Rum, Opium, Tobacco and ( ongress street. 14-1 < lunn cabinet bed. Address C. W. M., Press this became known on ;o make one or two nddieeses at least -—--- ( fllce.16-1 ■ as sho was about to leave do for her. Since story Do it. 22-tf 1 young man called on Mrs. Elevens, assistance and place ,'igarettes. other women have ; lext week. Whether or not in view of the [?01i RENT—At Oakdale and Woodfords, nice ; much the roam he entered. In his oxcltoment Judge Bobinson called tbe little girl up ] Ancoln street several L DOR SALE—Farm in Cumberland adjoining i;ji wife and I have felt I the Pacific ANTED—All in want of trunks 1 houses and flats from to " -'i!j liroumstauces, shell go to 1X7 persons $12 $16 per 1-2 )een seized an unknown man who is f to call E. r the Fair Ground, containing 80 acre*. 1 the he closod the door which in some way and asked her if sbe wished to be sent to I by least us I had I cannot at T and bags on D. REYNOLDS, lonth. BENJAMIN F. HARRIS, Chambers, j y i r the poor Armenians during contemplated, f torv barn with ample outbuildings in same one who terri- •93 Congress street, one door above Shaw’s ( orner Exchange aud Middle streets. 14-2 house, Me fastened so that his wife oould a where she could be taught to be I hought to bo the iresent decide. If my oondition is such Sold close an estate, i, A t i; air terrible torture. became plaoe grocery store, as vre manufacture our goods ;ood repair. cheap to is to 106 a woman. said I led residents of hill so much to make it reasonable suppose that ind can bottom RENT—In western part of city, half of : nquire of LEANDER LKIGHTO>, Oak but wo have a not it. He secured the other child good and useful She that the Munjoy therefore give prices. hr.vo no money to give open ■ double s or he will ny voice will hold out, I shall take the Crunks repaired. Open evenings. We frame POR 2Vz story house containing 8 treet, Deeriug, ALEXANDER FARRIS, her assistance at the door. sms UJU. J ast year. If be is caught be se- ” has .r.sacs home, and we think we would and rushed to j rin natures. fed4- 5 ooms, large sunny exposure and excellent lear the premises.15-1 To his he was also unable to Robinson committed the to j eighborhood. Price only $18 per month. A p- true to what wo have dismay Judge girl rerely punished. tv, be professed, ly at once Real Estate Office, First National If ACHINERY FOR SALE-One Tyler lathe nnen it. Hv this time the room low the Cameo Saved the Survivors Jof ROOM "’L'iT 3NT T E13 ! "A did nothing for them, now that wd tbe Industrial school during minority. Sank Building, FREDERICK 8. VAILL, 14-1 for wood or iron, 4 feet bed, hollow HARBOR NOTES. lever set, cost over a hundred, $50, had become so fall of smoke that both cases of were: Two Wrecks. two ladies—must be and ipindle, {Other disposed By young large } LET—A convenient and off saw. arber, z ke one into out home.” He then nicely arranged iew; patent cutting sliding $15; were foroed to down with the chil- ninny, anywhere between Elm and Middle get Patrick J. McDonough, Wm. Griffin, steamer rO upper tenement In house 155 Oxford St.. : •otary force pump, cost $75. price 825, nearly .. that he bad to be from New October 17.—The streets. Address Box Biddeford away '■ ievoral Cases of Collision Reported Yes- York, 113, Pool, f seven rooms and bath, three rooms, nearlv dren on the floor. both on George Oorrin. intoxication, each 30 days sleeping iew;’also Franklin typewriter, new, home p..’I nt his work, and so it By pulling and Vie. octl2dlw cold day in Corriu’s sentence was Siw York from San Domingo Hayti team heat,hot and water; all in good 125. r. .T FOSTER. North Grav. Me. 15-1 as was foroed but jail. suspend- terday. v .. u he pleasanter, if she oould just the knob the door open, •rder. Inquire of HENRY S. TltlCKEY, City ed, on his taking tbe pledge. irnved today having on board Captalu 2 1-2 well rend a woman or a child to them. the of luiltling. 14-1 I70R SALE—A pleasant detached story not until all four were at point Patrick James Intoxi- ■- a Hlley, Benson, of the British Isabella Bal- a house on Spring street, near Neal, contain- / ftcr his usy’s work, ho had walked schooners that left the harbor 5emp brig planing mill and general jobbing shop, FOR RENT—No. 821 suHooation and were scorched by @3 and costs. Many Congress 11 rooms and bath: all modern improve- to to badly cation, David IN man capable of running all kinds of wood and ng ..i.-vance in order registered :olm and two colored seamen, HOUSEstreet, nine rooms bath, hot extra could be out of the George S. Hughes, evading fare, @10 ! Saturday morning ohiuo crawling bacs machinery, making door and window : nents, etc., etc.; large lot; i. those who have pity for the flames. After getting working vater heat, modem improvements, in good :-.!-nn genuine and costs. oames down from imith and M. Baker, of the schooner irames and builders finish. work and nade into two tenemeets. Immediate posses, Hughos , ibout having struok a hs»d wind. Steady epair throughout. A. VV. COOMBS, 85 Ex- there poor creatures. room the parents were thankful to fiDd dark, to the man. None but don. For particulars apply Real Estate Office Boston on the boat. 3ov. J. Y. Smith, who were resoued at rood wages right steady ; ihange street. 13-1 A 1 .v living in another part of the Another section of the foundation of men need FRED S. SHER- >f FRKD’K S. VA that the ohiidren were not rnnoh Harry Buckles, larceny of a pair of experienced apply, ILL.__14-1 Mr.to, ha.; asked to have cant to her the uohed iea by the Amerioan brig Cameo, and BURNE, Saniord. Me. 0ctl3diw brusises about trousers from Erick A. Lund, three he Spring Point light was togeth- j LET—The dry goods store occupied by SALE—At Woodfords, new houses with one of the be it man, curned, only slight most needy 25, anded at Macori. The Isabella Balcolm W. W. Cutter in Fellows’ or all modern moat be in Buckles has been !r rO Odd block FORone two tenements; improve* :/-an or if there la a sick the hands. Mr. was burned jail. prevl Saturday. child, adding Leighton a on >n Main street; floor space 1826 feat with rcieuts with house, sewer, title, price, neighbor* ously convicted of larceny. Q. Snlth has moonntered terrific gale September MISCELLANEOUS. one fiend that one. and bauds and his hair The sobooner Thomas >asement. The store is centrally located hood, electrics, everything all right. Also a about the face Dennis F. McKenna, for stealing in latitude and be- Aiio iady in eastern Maine telegraphs inisbed coal at *,he glass 33, 32, longitude <38.20, >nd lighted by electric lights. Inquire of few good old houses. Come and see me before ou one side of the head was almost com- Percy H. Burrows’s bioycle, was sen- discharging this d. Hawks’ B. hat she will r -.he a little and the came and Fortv words or less inserted under W. STILES', coal office,or C. you get in your coal. 413 Congress street, girl, tenced to four months in has hauled into the stream. water-logged unmanageable. ofl. Mrs. was jail. McKeDna yorks and Head for one week tor 25 ct». in advance. Woodman’s drug store, City Westbrook. WATSON.14-1 ... us ottered is known to be of tho ver y pletely singed Leighton Uapt. Kemp and bis crew were rescued is a good looking boy, but has a bad The sohooner Clara Bell with coal for 10-4 best burned to a less Neither sus- the following day by the Cameo. Pour frame house degree. re oord in Massachusetts. He took the |?OR SALE—One story anjj, ell e r seems to be goneral interest in of South Portland arrive! Friday hours aftor tbe abandonment of tbe brig, *- No. 12 Chatham street, 5 rooms besides tained auy nurmauent injury. The neigh- from in front of Spear and small room, furnished or un- N and a nnm- Moyole Scholsberg’s ran into a two water closets in lot 33 r:u fox too unfortunates, been fourteen days fiorn New the Cameo raft and LARGEfurnished with board, in a most comfort- closets, Sebago, cellar, bors were scon at their assistance and store in Portland, and rode It to Haver- raving x45. Sold a to N. S. GAR- hur of'people have brought such contri- colored sailors dim bed aboard the vessel. ible winter house, 74 Spring street. 29-3 at bargain close. hill. He oamo back to Portland without fork. DINER, 185 room 4. 14-1 I-n'icns of money as they could afford. with some pails of water suoceeded in Thoy were David 8mith and M. Baker, Miadle^treet, extradition. LET—On Commercial store for- of this kind is cf course welcome as There were five or six pile drivers and two of the orew of the schooner Governor wharf, extinguishing the flames. An aleriu On mortgages for long or short time. Parties 110 merly occupied by the late Charles P. In FINE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY—A all 'he allotted to Maiue have or derrloks in use ut the uow J. Y. Smith. They, with three others, to or to borrow on real refugees was sent in from box hut their assis- THE RURAL MAILS. Sve six wishing build, money rraham, suitable for business or storage. Also A nice business, all worked up, no risk 35, a man und can obtain funds on favorable not been arranged for. the mate, white two colared Batata security itore lately occupied by C. W. Lombard. Also to run, can be bought cheap; owner sell- ilevator yesterday. BROS. & 1-2 tance was not needed. From the appear seamen, had been on the raft since the terms. SCARBOROUGH CO..88 itores suitable for storage. Apply to B. W lug out solely on account of health, business A corner of oue of the freight sheds bad Exchange Street. augodtf 90 Commercial street from now untl next summer. ance of the lamp when found alter the day, when tbe vessel foundered JONES, Jly21dtf especially good U. S- CIRCUIT COURT. Address Portland Press. 13-1 A Second Kouta Laid Oat in Cumberland to oume off and the railroad track laid Sreviousuring tbe hurricane. In the collision B, Daily lire was extinguished it was judged ETOTICE—M. M. Nansen lias removed his the raft was broken up and tbe three WANTED—FEMALE HELP, its County. over the place. tailor establishment from 602 Congress SALE OR RENT—Whole house 4$ BElOIiE JUDGE WEBB. that it had exploded and that fiery others were knooked overboard and lost. The schoouer Falmouth came out of the strent to 607 1-2, over Owen, Moore & Co. FORMontreal street, very desirable, in contents were ou the stand and The Isaoella Bnlcolm was bound from to order from Overcoats were both poured Suits $15 up, $15, Forty words inserted under this head thorough repair, recently papered and Ju ipas Webb and Putnam where she has been She was floor where it was looated. dry dook Saturday New York for Nuevitas. built Pants $5 and up; fit guaranteed. Repairing, ane week for 25 cents, eash in advance. painted throughout, eight rooms and large i : he city Saturday, having returned Post Oflioe Inspector tf. A. O’Brien extensive repairs. at Parrsboro, N. S., and was owned by pressing at lowest prices. 19-1 shed, furnace, Sebago and cemented cellar. The Sacoarappa gon club held a receiving at from Boston. thinks that ha will have W. B. Hutohins. The Governor J. Y. girl for house- Possession last week in October. Inquire money Webster of tho sohooner Pearl should capable general NO. 97 EMERY STREET. 13-1 shoot at Kings’ Saturday after- Capt. Smith was bound to Porto Rioo from t'lANCERS—Cancers, however small, WrANTED—A.work at 104 Emery street. 16-1 a brief session of Fieli^ v* Judge Webb held enough at his disposal to start while seven miles to the eastward of not be neglected. Cure it at home. Dr. noon, at which Mr. E. X. Mayberry made Wilmington, N. C. She was built at War- schooner Balsorai L Sher- at least Fell’s (of London) Cancer Paste kills and draws 117ANTED~Good capable girl for general SALE—A business that will pay a ecu. t Xhe another mail route besides Boone island a largo portion of ren, R. I., and hailed from Pall River, the best score of the season, securing passed them out, and you feel like yourself again. "* housework. 101 Danforth street. 16-1 FORprofit of $1500 to $2000 per year; only now at which was the one Mass. The Cameo landed the men ut Rcckland, around Blackstrap, which was a stern of the entlra size of tbe Write to H. B. WARD WELL, Oxford, Me., for $200 to $250 Call on N. S. at unknown 20 out cf a vessel’s capital required. angles possible Mnooris. took on 19-1 American girl about 16 years 185 Middle room il; oiled for the claim of Israel L. Snow described several days ago. Tbe aococG of Capt. Kouip passage particulars. GARDINER, street, 4, City. vessel. From tbe appearance this WANTED—Anold to do housework. One that can 25. the New York, leaving his crew in caie light _13-1 6. of Rockland, and which defaulted route will probably be in tbe the vessel from zo home nights Will ray $1.00 per Parker who has been region wreokage he oouoluded that of the British consul at Maooris. The NANSEN. Tailor, has removed preferred, Mr. Myron acting • week. Address F. W. Box 428, 16-1 man With rir.ui: October on about tbe end of seamen of tlio Gov. J. Y. Smith MM.602 Congress street to 607 1-2, over C., City. OPPORTUNITY—Any Jay, 10, proclamation, southerly Sebago must have beau about 200 tons and two a of to a busi- as station agent at the M. C. Ii. K. sta- prob- Owen. Moore & Co. He makes suits, over- BUSINESScapital $50 $100 wanting v .' ordered sold to tho claim. Mr. O’Brien thinks that he will were sent home by tbe American consul. to do housework. Call at ness that will him from to satisfy Lake. been in collision and sunk. coats from $16 up; pants from $5 up. Repair- girl pay $3 $5 per day tion at Bar Harbor, has returned to this ably WANTED—A15 Dow street between 7 and 9 p. m* should call on ». H. Room 1 .u zhsr of Island and and at lowest TAYLOR, 29, Tozior, Falls, start a oarrler out of Sebago Lake Sta- tbe boat left ing pressing prices.18-1 13-1 citv and will resume his duties at the Joseph H. Dyer builder, Swett’s hotel, Temple street, Portland. 13-1 of Sheridan on a WESTBROOK. Carney, plantation, tion the Standlsh road for about for He bas a con- Palmist and Cumberland Mills union station. Saturday Rangelay. MOAH—Card Impres- FUR SEAL CLOAK, large size dol- v,i.;o each lined §25 oosts in the then the carrier will turn to the MME.sional now at 5« Free street, WANTED—MALE HELP, mile, tract to build a 45 foot steamer for F. (J. Reader, LADY’Sman style, “to bq sold at low a.^d Me. This wonderful lady has been price. L;..tc d tates court Saturday for illicitly ami about two miles to Rice’s Portland, GEORGE E.a THOMPSON, 7 Monument right go wblch will run on tbe lake next consulted thousands of the most intelli- | Heivey The pastor (of tho Congregational by TSTANTED—Bright men can make $1,000 to square. 13-1 ; lying on tk6 business of retail liquor BEEIUNB. tkeD over "to Smith’s then in all of the world, and ““ Mills, Mills, scaeon. / ohurob choose as the subjeot of his ad- people parts to $3,000 per year selling Musical 'iozier and was Sentas been pronounced a most successful Well advertised. Write today SALE—I hereby offer for sale the fur- paid, discharged. out the North Windham road two miles. into the barbor Moah Graphophoues. A big ooal barge came dress last evening, The Secret Society forecaster of coming events. Mme. to Columbia Phonograph! Company, Washing- FORnishings of the St. Julian Hotel in Port- ',ov was committed to Alfred for Thence he return ’’ was born with the to reveal jail About noon no alarm of fire will probably to Sebago and power your ton, D. C. sep24-9 land, Me., as part of the estate of Richard W. Saturday during Saturday night by anchoring and the Man. and dreams, oO days. Lake Station via White Rock. past, present future; explains Underwood, now deceased. I have been dtilv was rung in fur a lire around the chim- in the ohannel caused several ossuali- Mr. William Lyons has purchased the gives advice on love, matrimony and busi- appointed administrator of his estate and wish ness with advice and of the house Marsh Broth- Mr. O’Brien also hopes that be may ; causes proper speedy to close up the business at once. This offers a Cumberland Teachers, ney opposite tle». house and lot on Main street belonging and howto County happy marriages; tells when fine opening for the right man, is well patron- ers’ coal on be able to put into praotice bis to true and van nab meeting of the Cumber- yard Forest Avenue. Tbe plan The three masted schotner Maggie to the Woodbury estate. speculate; lucky and unlucky days; ized and gives promise of a lucrative business. have tbe to and false etc. Oflioe hours: Week house is owned and stags Raymond Casco Ellen in to bear the Tio Westbrook school foot ball friends, days, The house is centrally located and in good : County Teachers’ Association will by Koyal Leighton attempting by barge High 9. 2, 9. 9-2 do local delivery along the route. 11, 5, 7, Sundays, condition, DAVID F. MURDOCK, Adm’r. at Assembly Hall, High School occupied by Daniel MoCanu. The bose oame into collision with her and carried eleven gives a ball in Odd Fellows ball sept29 tf Friday and Saturday, October companies responded from Woodfods, away her jib boom. tbii evening. One of the features of Team Stolen at the Baseball Grounds. to retire from the hotel business Center aud Morrilla. MAINSraiNGS 75C. Apply at ttii%office. tf and 2-1. The programme follows: Oakdale, Deoriug Tbe John Douglass also tried to get the evening will be a mock game of foot I offer for sale the Limerick sit- Saturday afternoon tbs DESIRING house, The lire was before much during progress as a result went of eleven to bo Genuine Resilient uated in the village of Limerick, Me. Com- OCTOBER 23. extinguished around tbe barge and ball by tbe members the Waltham Mainsprings FRIDAY, of the football game at the Portland only T5c, warrant,d lor one year. M’KENNKY pletely furnished, building in good condlon, liv- damage had been done Probably the ashore on tbe of houses laud but before tbe dancing begins. WANTED—SITUATION 4. v point given the Jeweler, Monument square. je26dtf ery stable connected. For terms, etc., address iy) a. m.—Opening. Appointment of grounds Mr. C. B. Traov of Desring loss will be about $101), mostly from floated at tide without receiving An meeting of tbe city gov- S. E. GRANT. Limerick, Me.25-4 C /Liases. 'Topic: “Teaching in the drove to high adjourned water. up the entrance of tbe grounds! VTOTICE—E, M. Watkins, custom tailor, words inter tod under this head 11 inuaded Schools—Difficulties and Pos- any damage rs far rs Is known. eriaent will be held this evening. Forty and, bltohlng his team, went insids to Morrills Corner, Deering, Is selling striotly one week for 25 cents, cash in advance. FOR SALE. Disontsion opened by Mr. J. Saturday morning Lester Scott aud The James S. Palmar from Boston tor lev. A. N. Dory read his resignation All Wool Business Suits from $12 to $25. see the He uume cut about an A. Tuttle. game. Black Worsted Cutaway Suits Irom to a Cider Barrels at Standard Oil John Smith were before Judge Hopkins. St. John was in collision witb an un- as pastor of the We9tbrookBaptlst church $18 would like situation 10.3.5 a.. m. —Topio: The Work of the hour afterwards and found that some one $80. Overcoats from $12 to $20. Pants from to do housework. Inquire at This is the cate where Soot* was servioe ACAPABLE^girlgeneral of IV. V. Office 33 West : <.•■.■!•» from the of the Bust- alleged known seboonar off the Cape and oarrled at the regular preaohlng yester- $8 to ootS 3mon 13 Wilmot St. Can reference. 17-1 Co., Standpoint had stolen his team during his absence. $9._ give Fd.” John to have struck Smith with a of boom. What was Commercial Blocuseion opened by piece away her jib Injury day morning. E. B. REED, botanic and Street, opposite The rope with whioh the horse had been scientific, man 21 Warr:;i). Esq. iron. But the facts were found to be there to tbe other if is not Rev. A. W. Pottle und wife of Booth DR.magnetic healer, 42 Brown street. Port- Young years Maine Central K. H. vessel, any, by WANTED—Position.old would like as clerk in store or Freight ... p. r.i.—Topio: “Teaching Geog- hitched was left, tbe thief land, Me., treats all diseases that flesh is heir position that in a boyish affray in tbe match fac- having were tbe of their driver of or or Discussion by two known. Harbor gusets daughter to. Second uffloe hours from 9 a. m. to laundry grocery team, position Depot. i.i/y.'’ preceded it free from the bite. The horsa sight, or a snapped as collector for insurance company real es- !-:sa recltr.;lcn» oondnoted by Miss Bar- tory, Scott threw piece of wood at Another vessel wbosa name wt did not Mrs. P. A. Warren of Cumberland street 12 m.; 1 p. m. to 9 p. seplfidtf was about 1050 m._21-1 tate agent. G, W. FOSTER, 174 Pearl street, :C. Bnk«r and Miss Ada the latters but not black, weighed pounds, (Primary,) Smith, cutting scalp get nnohored off Peaks Island with her over Sunday. have a nice lot of rugs which I Portland, Me. 16-1 B. Avis grade.) and was hitched in a Gilbert wagon. The (Grammar seriously injuring him. Judge Hopkins foretopmast missing,, probably oarrled Mr. Joshua Jobnsou who has been em- NOTICE—Iwill exchange for oast off olothing, be- » o. in.— Addrass: “Some Weak and Portland were ladies’ and MARRY ME fined each t3 and costs. Deering police at onoe ing dresses, gentlemen’s olothing AfiRABELIjf iij tho Common Schools of away in the reosnt blow. The lohooner ployed at Riverton park, this season, has children’s I pay cash for them If notified. Gffioer clothing. I will such a Quinn found the team it is Send or letters to no, you pretty ring at' Hon. \V. W. stetson,State Sopt. merely put in for a harbor on the way finished his duties there and will non preferred. postals BOOKKEEPER. AND A thousand of about MR, or MRS, T6 Middle 81, 18-1 MeKenuey’s. them, the fres r : iioola. midnight on Green street and took D’GROOT, SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. west. tiuue iu the of the Portland the largest, the prettiest stock. Engagement employ mtiw U'li'VTWnnTH_1?rtla.vartw4 tn tlnnhlA ita A firm its of work ■_ —■atiuress: Lao oocwi un- it to the station. changing style and Wedding, rings a special ity. McKENNY as on : ” There were several fishermen came in Street Railway motorman the The Monument : lif T eacher. Hev. Dr. Jenkins. Co., X former capacity, now ready; fine large desires to secure for its lady book- Jeweler, Square janl6tt rooms with new steam p. in,—Reception tendered to the New Bell and some of them h d good fares. YlestbrooK line. improved heaters; BEFORE JUDGE HASKELL. System for the North School. newly papered and painted, thoroughout; keeper a good situation. Address A.n eolation by Portland Teachers. a of lobster Mr. and Mrs. suffered Quite number smaoks ar- Peroy Leighton dining room enlarged and under new man- In the Judicial court before A very complete system of electric COMPETENT, Press Office. OF OCTOBER 134 Supreme rived loaded with that shell fish. ovnsiderable pain from tbeir burns yss- agement. Table board first class. For further octlBdlw CITY PORTLAND. SATURDAY, bells has been Haskell, the recently Installed In tbe but are net of a serious na- nformation call at house, 148 Spring St. 18-4 Judge Saturday following Workmen were on tirday they f.Ou ... in.—Reports of committees and engaged yesterday WANTED com- divorces were decreed: North sohool. The wiring is so arranged ture und neither will be prevented from by experienced, Notice to Builders. of cinoers. Topic: “Prepara- tbe new railroad track on Commercial \Y. K, Evans has resumed the SITUATIONfarmer, with small family, under- Bridge that the bells In of the attending to tbeir usual duties. of Offtoe at his resi- petent ;or rue School.’’ Discussion Frank P. Sylvester, of Brunswick, vs. any twenty-five NOTICE—Dr.practice dentistry. st.nnii. general farming and care of all kinds of will be received the Tiigh street near Randall & McAllister’s. The Westbrook M. B., sooiety will give dence 525 New Cumberland street. Office Proposals by .Mr. Albro E. Chase. for rooms can be rung from the live stock, or will hire larm or work on shares; SEALEDCommissioner of Public Works, City Hall, by Jnlia Sylvester, gross and confirmed prluoipal’s harvest at the ohurob hours from 9 to 12 a. m. a supper vestry wife good butter maker. Address C. H. B., ior a urrage across oacut A- Of. m.—Address “Useful Psyok- room, or by an eow4wtocover8w ouiiamg pue tjove, habits ot intoxication. Albert H. Ingenious arrangement The Quaker’s Advice. next Wednesday evening. sept7 Westbrook, Me. 15-1 until 10 o’clock a.m., October 16th, r. A. B. Morrill, Friday, Principal or switches and special room Miss Cbriie Phlnuey sang in tbe West- when they will be and N ;.-nl New Holmes for libellant. pushes, any thee wed for 1896, publicly opened Training School, Don’t money, friend, ohoir LOAN—On Household read. A certified check in the sura of two hun- or S3 T/l ... I, »e K n etie,., Irook Congrearatonal yesterday in ■MONEY TO goods, Conn. Fredederiok F. Gurney, of combination of rooms onn be rung oy to do by doing ...aval:, Portland, the absence of Mrs. Fred Stevens. Life Insurance Policies, 3 year old Horses, jm dred dollars, payable to the Treasurer of Port- one or another thee wed n must i of the time of the meetings will vs, Mattie E. Gurney, for utter deser- press push. This can also Lon’t pretty face, Mr. George Edwards of Portland was Carriages, Store fixtures. Furniture Leases, land, accompany each bid. Plans and anu 2nd Real Com- be obtained at the office of be done from the first and second floors. 'Tls a very foolish thing, of bis uncle Mr. Alonso 1st Moitgage, Estate, Bonds, specifications may i to informal and tion. M. A. Floyd for libellant. the guest Libby the reserves discussions, Don't thee wed for place or fame— mercial Papers discounted; avorlble terms. Commissioner, who the right to Main street yesterday. or .■ The outaido for use at recess can «t PORTLAND COLLATERAL LOAN Room all bids should he deem it for the : sijii others interested are earn Susan E. Carpenter, of New Glouces- gongs CO., SB reject any 0 3-4 BBT'S interest of the so to do. 'Twill disappoint all hopes for Oxford Building. City : to take There wil' ter, vs. Frank P. for he rung from three different points in the Ihee; Wife and Himself. COLLEGf part. Carpenter gross Shot Ills & TYPEWRITING requested But choose a girl who wants to see SHORTHAND SCHOOlJL GEO. N. FERNALD. b( und confirmed habits of building. The push switch-board in the read—a state Bimetal- FROM THE START. Commissioner of Public Works. “Question Box,” wbicn will iotoxioation. Lillian Kennedy as Hutu, in “The Dea- B'all Mass., Ootobor G^taughtOFFICE PRACTICE River, 17.—Harry room lic league has been oragnized with Portland, Oct. 12, 1896. octlSdtd at intervals during the of minor children to libel- principal’s is a very neat and tasty con’s his wife a Bimetallists Send for Free c from Custody given Daughter.” 3raddook shot during quarrel at 93 Exchange street. Room 6, Ory Theory Discarded. Catalogue aifair headquarters and to whioh contribution! lant, W. H. 'Vinton for libellant. and reflects oiedit on the Aral who it 8.15 tonight and then killed himself. Call and join or send your names. 13-1 L. A. GRAY & SON, Portland. Me/ in the SURRY. The at the corner of Both to live and to the l rue brother ;r,yi., at. Mr. Morrill’s address or Mary 0. Vincent, of Portland, vs. put system—John M. Fox ft Co. tragedy,.ocourred paint for Vobster and Pitman streets in Fllut hood of man. Edward for The Baptists will dedioate their new IF YOUR WATCH KICK i;- morning, while applicable t< Vincent, adultery. Custody Arrested for Braddook was a spinner In the stealing a Team. meeting house Monday afternoon and village. CARL LAMSON, VIOLINIST. ho. will deal witl of minor ohild to mother. D. A. mill but in the past ten weeks has will take the kick out of It and make It .-A work, especially given Ocober 20. This house bos been Ierr notice to ills as well us to all desir- George H. Knight was arretted by the evening, on aeoonnt of WE keep good time. Mainsprings 75o, clean give, pupils tcl.noi needs. Round tick Men her for libellant. under teen omployed irregularly thorough instruction (German methods! ;.ry trip built peculiar circumstances, as much ing $1.00 ; mainspring and cleaning combined ing police Saturday afternoon for Bek of work and devoted of his the violin that he is now to re- one i.- c mey be obtained at ,th< Niels E. of vs. stealing when tbo old oburch burned Oct. *1.50; all work flrstolass. MoKENNEY, The upon prepared Oleson, Portland, Karin 20, was to FOX STUDIO to drinking. She trying gat his classes for the season of ’96-’97. :::■ Tread stations in Che county. Hardman Tuoker’s team on 1895 it looked very dark to this and time Jeweler. Monument Square.janlStt sume for utter desertion. D. A. Temple poor when the took attention to advanced also to the Oleson, church. Mm to go borne shooting Special pupils, 4781-2 Portland,He. street Thursday afternoon. The team struggling Friends everywhere of Addrese or Congress St., Menher for libellant. Braddook fell dead. The woman Xir E HAVE received a good assortment correction faulty technique. ap- took hold of the work and today the place. just at 1’. L. S. H. S. was found at Bigby Park and Knight recover. lT of wood and wire plant stands, flower ply Court adjourned until Monday at 1C house Is complete, and it Is confidently will and ia heid on the of a pots, and plant brackets, bulbs, charge stealing ride. that can be raised at fancy plain, Drawing, Painting Modelling At the annual election of officers o: a, in. hoped enough dedi- plant food, trelhses, ete; also soli for plants. LAMSON STUDIO, 5 TEMPLE STREET. to clear tbe house of WIT AND WISDOM. look over our I2NT OXiAY. Bonevo cation debt and Come in and stock.‘No trouble septlUeodtf reland Longshoremen’s _ The Death Rate. thus dedioate it free from debt. to show goods. W. C. SAWYER & CO., 7 and ; nety held Thursday the 13th iusi Meeting of the Grand Hedies, I. O. O.’F. 9 Preble street. 12-1 NOTICE. October Til ere wore 19 deaths in Portland dur- EAST SUMNER. Reopens 19th, the folic wing officers were elected: The P.ebekah State will meel A a Assistance. Assembly ing the week which ended IF WANTED A The tenth year of the school offers the fol- O Brian. Saturday The Baptist parsonage is being WE CLOCK annual Meeting of the Portland Widows’ President—M. in the large hall this evoning at 7.3C shingled “Do you think that it prolongs a man’s lowing teachers and studies: coon. The deaths were due to the fol- and the improvements made. THEWood Society, for the choice of officers Vice President—D. J. Leonard, to be insured?” Would go to McKenney’s because he has and the tr.ins- o’cIuck. Naomi lodge of We3tbrook will oauses: The weather is the life or the ensuing year L. lowirig Apolexy,l; cancer, 2; em- poor delaying far- WE more Clocks than all the -CHARLES FOX. i .ruing Secretary—M, Walsh, much in their fall “Yes,” replied the man who had just up-to-date other actionof such other business as may le- AT*Talks! } i work the Rebekah degie3 during the eve- mers very work. Po- stores combined. Hl» 95c alarm clook is wak- will be held Portrait—ELIZABETH B. FOX. i uncial Secretary—P. .T. Reilly, pynemia, 1; general debility, 1; heart interviewed an does gally come before said meeting, at tatoes are rotting vory badlyaud whatare been by agent; “it ing up the town. Clocks, 95c to $50 00 A. RICHARDSON. rarer—Charles P. Petty. ning. The assembly will only be open tc disease, their office, City Building, Wednesday evening, Antique—HERBERT 1; marasmus, 1; meningitis, 3; not rotted the worms have eaten, some something toward keeping him from being McKENNEY. The Jeweler, Monument. Square. 1896, at 7.30 o’clock. Alteinoou 1. EASTMAN. :.! Adviser—Wrn. H. Bradford noble of tbe Rebekah 00Oct 28th A. D.. Antique—CARRIE past grands lodge. nephritis, 1; peritonitis, 2; phthisis, 3; pieces not being worth the digging. talked to death.”—Washington Star. anlSdtf R. C. BRADFORD, Secretary. Still LUe—CURTISa. PERRY. first time 1396. oc8-2w Sketch Class—HELEN W. BROWN. The Grand Lodge will open its annua! senility, 1; typhoid fever, 1; unknown, This fall is the winter apples Portland. October 8th, janitor—William Harley. could not be sold at some price. annual meeting of the Female Or- SANFORD. Bassett session Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock, 1. Those G. }.; .;I,i of Trustees—Jeremiah _ of Portland Anatomy/* who generally buy say they cannot find THEphan Asylum will be held }-FRANK rneiius M. John T. Casslden All past grands in this city should at- at their house, K2 State street, FOR EITHER SEX. Nealus, The llig Schooner Mary JE. H. G, Dow on any to dispose of them. Tuesday TERMS—$10 a month Antique and other hi. J plaoo October 20, at 3 o’clock In the for J. "!• cedriokson, J Coughiin tend the session as business of Co. are afternoon classes; $13 a month Portrait and other import Halibut The Minot Packing of officers and This iruni; j. hedge, labelling the choice managers and the remedy being ap- Claeses. holey. ance will come before the their of 280,600 cans of corn of other iodge. pack and transaction any business that may to the 25c a week. is la a oondi ns was we her Castoria, plied directly Evening Class—Antique ;,A society flourishing The Past Grand Rockland,October 17.—The big sohoon- snipping it as fast possible, it all be- When Baby sick, gave legally come before them. ABBY S. BAR- Representative asso- seat of disease ie- For further details send for circular or apply tins: and otherwise. ing sold as soon as packed. More corn she was a she cried for Castoria. RETT, Secretary financially ciation will hold a eve er Mary E. H. G. Dow, Capt. Maluouseu When Child, no of to teachers after 19th October. septi4eod2m meeting Monday was this yeai than ever Portland, October 12, 1896. octl3dtd quires change put up before. to ning In tbe Grand Lodge o8ice. from Nowport News for Bangor, whioh When she became Miss, she clung Castoria. diet. Cure guaranteed chronic diarrhoea for tei I •i»t£p.orto Oct 12, sch H E Thompson, RAILROADS. STEAMERS. el>t.23024! 18. Cloves.14016 SUNDAY. Oct. lav » Turks Island Oct 1, sch Estcll,e, Tap- SELECT PARTY will leave New York Janu- Mid aneor- In T’.ffeot Oct, 4th. 1893. weight-23024; Ginger.17®81 Pulman Palace.1*6 146 om ary 6, 1897, by express steamer “Columbia.” Heavy..23®24 Re&aina. 22% 22% Arrived. at John. KB. ICtl). schs Sea Bird, An- Kailway System. 106 days’ tour ITALY, GREECE, Trains ,eave Cortland, Union Station, Stareh, York— ,,r„',.at t!irou«b Railway of in the Goc-U d’nig.21@23|Laundry.4%S» Rock Island .:0 s/* 6014 Steamship Cottage Citv. Bennett. New itZ.J': Rockland; 16th. Comrade. Akerly, lor SYRIA (DAMASCUS), PALESTINE, EGYPT, Square, for stations named beiow and inter- Quotations Staple Treducts Uuion Packs.. .310341 St. Paul. 69% 69% passengers and mdse to'J B Coyle. ULKP»rt, Liry.ie B. Belyea, Thomasion. On and after the NILE (to first the Riviera (Nice>. mediate points as follows: Gloss..:.6%®7% from MONDAY,September 21th, 1896 cataract), do bfd. lug barge Hercules, FRANCK and ENGLAND. 7.00 a. m. For 4m. calf.... KOgl.oOl Tobacco. Samson, towing trains will run as loUows: SWITZERLAND, Brunswick. Baoh, Rookland. St-Paul & Omaha. 36% Philadelphia- coal to J L YVatson. Strictly lirst-cla3s; adventatfes. For Waterville Markets. Lead. I Rest brands.... 60@G9 35% from exceptional Augusta, Skowbegan, Lis Lou Leading ao prfd.118 118 Tng Argus, towing barge Brookside. LEAVE. particulers of winter and summer tours address rails, Lewiston via *beet.«%®7 Medium.SO® 40 & Co GLASS Brunswick, Bangor, Bucks- St Paul. Minn.|*;Mai;n.108 108 Philadelphia—coal to Sargent. Dennison FIRST For MRS. M. A. CKOSLEY. 602 Bedford ave., pert, \ St. Wood- .^p0.61403 ICommon.26®8o Sch St John. NB Auburn and Lewiston 7.05, 8,00 a. m.; anceboro, Stephen, Houltou, "Inc. Sugar, common.106% 107 V« Jennie Parker, New York for l. Brooklyn, or Norwich. Conn. octlSMWGt st ok and St. John. Va®8% Natural af.. .60070 Sell Clara. 30. 4.00 and 0.00 p. m. Texas 6% i Hatch, New York for Kockland. O 8.30 a. m. For Pacific. 6% I A N S For Gorham and Berlin 8.00 a. Danville Jc. (Poland Springs) Sch Gloucester for Boothbay. m., 1.30 and Mechanic Union Pacific.new. 7% 7% Ernestine, 6.00 ill. Labs, Itumford Fails. Bemis, Lew- Fortlisnd stock Llt« Sch Jennie s for St Jolin, NB, p. MAINE OG. U. 8. Kinross. 35 S6 Palmer, Boston For Island Pond 8.00 COASTlAVlMTION iston, lunthrop. Waterville, Livermore Falls, New York Stock aa-i Money JlArk u. CoiTected by Swan £ 'Bankers and with lossot a. m.; and 1.30 and Baabett, Wabash...... 6% 5% jibboom by collision. F&R 6-00 m. Farmington, Phillips and Soli Eliza B for New SALE OR RENT; ALSO p. Kangeley. Brokers, 186 Middle street. no is% 18% Emery, Hillsboro, NB, For Ul* For Brunswick. Lath. Lisbon (By Telegraph. prfd. Ymk, Montreal and Chicago 8.00 a. m.; and i- Western Union. 82% 82% 6.00 m. For Bad), Harbor anil Falls, Lewistoi ;;g::.--ia and Waterville. NEW YCRK, Oct. 17. el OCRS. Sell for Q Jb. 1S[ s p. Bootlibay Rlobinona& West Point. Maggie Ellen, Littlejohn, Kennebec n. <3r For 6.00 ui. Pjruess for Brunswick. Lisbon New with with Quebec p. in. l^.iSOp. Money nominally at 4@4^. Prime mercntle Description. ParYaine, Bid. AsKeJ do erfd.. York, loss of Jibboom by contact For Berlin Wiscasseii. Palls. Augusta, ..aterville. Moosehead Lake a coal Sundays only, 8.30 a. m. paper at &&y. Sterling Exchange was weak anal National Bank...... 100 lift 118 barge. Very Fancy or Plain at IlaiUWiowa’ F.ia '.or, Bueksport. Bar Liar bo Seh load for 1 with actual business in bankers bills 4 Casco National Bank.100 95 loo •Kx-dlv Normandy, from Bath. In tow, to ARRIVALS. anu Oldtowa, oL Aroostook to Houltou. jor* West Indies. (ft* SOV* tiO-Uay bills ana 4 83V&H4 83% umberland National Bank.. 40 33 86 NO, From Lewiston and STEAMER For Danville Je.. Poland for Sch K New SI4 |-2 EXCHANGE ST. Auburn 8.25, and 11.30 SALACiA. V1;. p\.nW Springs demand; posted rates 4 81%S4 84Vfe Chapman National Bank.100 90 S95 Mary Olys, from Kennebec for а. station. Mechanics Falls,Itumford Reims IXomeatlo Markets. York. m.; 3.15,5.40 and 6.40 p. m. Fails, Commercial bills 4 79V2. Government Bonds first National 98 100 From Lewiston. Farmington, Bank.100 Berlin and Gorham 8.25 and 11.30 a Kingfield, Carrabasset, were Railroads firm. (By Telegraph.) Oct. I mllips and strong. Mercnants’National Bank.. 75 113 115 SAILED—Soh Thos G Smith. m. ; and 6.40 p. m. f10MMENCING MONDAY, 12th. until Iiangeley. Winthrop, Oakland, Bar National Traders’ 98 109 OCTOBER 1896. further notice, will leave Franklin Wharf, Bingham, and Matia- silver 6oVs. Bank.... 100 17. From Chicago and Montreal 11.00 a. m.: and y Waterville, bkowhegau Portland National Bank... .loo 100 102 NEW TCKK—The Flour minuet — receipts FROM OUR CORRESPONDENTS. б. 40 p. m. Portland, Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satur- wamkeag. Mexican dollars 60%. W. days at 7.30 s. m. m. For Portland Trust Co...100 112 115 19,191 p&ckagsjexports 4,891 bblsand 12,377 P. HASTINGS’. From Quebec 11.80 a. m. Popham Beach 9.45 a. m. 1.580 p, Freeport, Brunswick. Au- BOOTHBAY HARBOR. Oct 17-SaiIed. schs Hath ll.if, a. m. Portland Gas 50 .95 10 > sacks: sales 7,800 and firmer, Bootlibay Harbor 1.30 p. m. gusta, Bath, Rock bind and af, stations oa Company. packagesiqulet BC Borden, Hillsboro for New Haven; Hattie The 6.00 m. train runs An Portland Railroad 110 115 holding off on the advance In Wheat. p. through to Montreal Arriviug at Wiscasset about 8 p. m. ox to Lincoln division. 8kow- Railroad Hecmprs. OompanylOO buyers H Barbour, Bangor for New josle Hook, daily, included. Waterville, Portland Water 104 quotations—low extras at 2 York; Sundays Attached to this Returning, leave Wiscasset on hegan, Belfast. Dover and Green- Co.ICO 102 nour; 20&3 26; do for Boston; John and Bust Boy, tram Is a Pullman lor Mondays, Foxcroit, PORTLAND. Oct 17. mills extra at * eitv Douglas, Montreal. Wednesdays and at 7 a. in. Booth- ville, Bangor, Oldtown and tOHDf city 104* 20: mills patents do for New for Fridays Matt*wamkeag York; Bertha V. Machias do; SHOE Pullman Palace bay Harbor 8.30 a. in. Bath fi.05 p. m. For * STORE 10.30 a. m. Brunswick. Receipts Maine Central It. R.—For 704.4 95; winter wheat low a: 2120*1 THEHeM Sleeping Cars on Bath. Lisboa by Borl- Portland grades Laviaa Bell, for Sul- Night Bop- City Os, ISs- .101 102 3 25 lair Bangor do; Two Brothers. Parlor cars on ham Beach 11.30 a. m. at Portland Falls, Augusta end Waterville. and. 235 cars miscellaneous merchandise; for ; to lanoy at 2 85 «8 86 : patent* 4 10® livan for New for Bos- Must keep abreast of tlie times and not £?,1,".5,!i5,d day trains. Arriving Portland 6s. 19CT. 122 York; Ida, Clierrylleld TICKET OFFICE NO. about 2 p. m. 5.10 p. m., For Key connecting roads 152 cars. 4 40 ; Minnesota clear at 2 85jS3 86: straights ton yield one or little in the raoe with com- 177 MIDDLE Gloucester, Danville Portland 4s. 1902—1912 103 104% : Regalia. Rockport for Boston; Silas Me- jot DEP0T Connecting at Junction, Poland Funding at 3 40^3 75: do patentslat 3 60^4 80 idorye petitors. That is what we are do- AT F0»T OF INDIA Bootlibay Harbor with steamer Springs station, Mechanic Portland 4s. 1913, Funding.lo6 107 Loon, Rockland for Boston; W C Norcross. do precisely STREET:AND Sliver Star, leaving Wednesdays Falls, Auburn and Lewiston. Portland Wholesale Mark** mixtures 3 noa.3 45; superfine at 1 80«2 46; fag; and you will find by calling at our Mondays, and angor Os, 1S69, K R. aid.104 105 fordo; Wentworth, Hillsboro for New York; CHAS. M, Gen*l for New Round 11.00 p. for Bne at 140@2 10. Southern flour Is firm. store, our and our HAY8, Manager Fridays Harbor. Pond. Friend- m, Night Express, Bath PORTLAND. Octt. 17. 1*‘ 6 Bangor 6s. 1905, Water.116 117 Thos Hlx, Rockland for do. seeing goods learning Portland, Sept. 7tli, 1806. ship, Port Lewiston, 148.276 exDorts 172,- prices that we are still in the lead. We wish ]e22tl Clyde, Tenant’s Harbor, Rockland Augusta, vm*:-villa, Bangor, Bar Bath 6s. 1898. K. R. Wheate-receipts bush; and Harbor. Flour was very strong again to-day, and we aid.103 105 180 bush, sales 168,000 bush: moderate de- ROCKPORT. Oct 17- Ar. soli Nellie T Morse', to make this announcement to the points east. Bueksport. Vance boro, St. Stephens, Bath 5s. 1897. 101 trade, St John and all qt*ote all grades about 20c higher; millers* Municipal..106 mand, firmer with options: No 2 Red £ o b at Goldtbwaite, Portland; Herman E Kimball, viz.: That it matters not in what O. C OLIVER. President Aroosio-L County. JtaJiar Bath 4% s, 1907, Lane. prices CHAS. R. and tho agents evidently a further advance, Municipal.100 102 84% c: No 1 Northern —c. Exeter, NH. others term “lower than the lowest.” We LEWIS, Treasurer. octadtf Provinces. I .v-Saturday faigfefc tram anticipate Path 4s, ipsi, 102 does not run and ihey are holding off, and not making new Refunding.luo Coin—receipts 101,400 bush; 64,802 SACO. Oct 17—Ar, schs Mollie , from are determined to maintain our reputation STEAMERS. toBeuast, Dexter, Lover and Fox- Belfast us. 189S.P, K. aid.103 exports croft or beyond contracts. Some o the jobbers here a o sold 105 bush; sales 182,000 bush,fairly firmer; New York; Jas A Gray-. Boston. as retailers of first class footwear at HflQnn KflV CTE A PflDflAT Bangor. Belfast 4*. 102 active, prices ahead and unable to keep up with their or- Munlolpal.100 No 2 at 82Vsc 32¥ae afloat. schs A J that cannot be beaten. Gentlemen: Our wfii wibmiiuimi uut Vf bite Mountain Division. Calais 4s, 1901—1911 elev, Cld, LaVolta, Whitmore, Ellsworth: steam- ders. Wheat went 100 102 ft .1 .► r*.-,- n-i .. .. up to-day 3% c. Corn 114c Refunding. Oata- receipts 64,700 hush; exports 237.447 Miller, Boston. $3.00 lace and congress are the best that are and Oats lc. Lewiston 6s, 1901, Municipal.108 110 ALLAN HNE.royaNmhai1p]L8 The foreign demand i r Wheat bush; sa.es 60,( 00 bush; No 2 at Au«avtc. UJU aau our OUA-Uau tvicu can Lewiston 4s. 1913. Municipal .101 103 quiet, firmer; ™n’. kanoaster, Es. Johnsbury, Sherbrooke, continues heavy. Butter firm and unchanged. 23Vs ;cNo 2 White at 26 Vue. Memoranda. lining that we are selling at $3-00. xaverpooi, tiueDec aua Mtatreal A.outreal Eggs Steadv. Sni»ar firmiv ht»lrl. th<» Sour Yn»i- •'auo 43. 13U1. MUUlClOal.100 Koval IN EFFECT (Jhlcago, St. Paul aud Minneapolis 101 Sept. 21, 1S9C. and all Maine B. HICAGO—The Flour market was 17- The four-masted sohr Jlail uolnt3 west. market for refined js ‘oversold Central K. 7s.1898,1st. rntglOA 106 co-nay Rockland,iOct Mary Service,Calling atLondonderry. becoming again, firm, hard wheat E H G Dow, from F. I- Forest and 8.30 t>. M t or Sebago Lake. OoinlsU. and then- is some in 7 s. 1912, cons mtt'132 134 unchanged: spring patents Capt Malcolmson, Newport F. From From City Tretetlien’a Landing, Bnag- difficulty filling orders. •• 3 C, From ton, tryeburit. North “4%s 104 106 70@4 16 In wood; soft wiieat patents $3 40 News for Bangor, went ashore last night on the WHITE, Peaks Island Little and Great Diamond Conway, amtWt.u. Pork and Lard firm and higher. OPPOSITE l ltKISLK HOUSE. Liverpool Steamship Montreal Quebee LancihPer. Mine ‘,4s cons. mtg.. ..101% 102% @3 60. Wheat—No 2 spring at 72@74Vi; No2 Halibut ledge, live miles south of Rockland, and Islands, at 5.30, 0.40, 3.00. 10.30 yt., Jttoyans. Ridge, St. Joln.s- Oct 10 eodtf bury, aud "ges, 1900, extens’nl06 108 Rod at 76@77e*c. Corn—No2 at 26@26%.Ne2 remains. Her keel is broken and bottom stove. A“K. Parlsiarn 5 Sept. 6 Sept. 9am 2.15, 4.20, 6.10 I’, m. Montreal, Quebec Toronto. Portland & 1900. 1st Oats—No2 at 18%. No 3 Ryo at 39e; No 2 Bar- Slie has li>40 tons coal on board, is lying In a Laurentian 12 Sent. 13 9 am For Ponce’s Retail Grocer* Ogd’g g6s, mtglOS 108 3 £US- Sept. Landing, Long Island, 3.00, siAiuv 1 auu iu Sept. 19 nuns*. ortland Water Co’s 6s. 1899.. ..103 ’06 ley at 37c nominal. No 1 Flaxseed at 76@77; tcij cajjusou pusmuu, may pieces. messenger's Notice. Mongolian Sept. 19 Sept. 3pm 10.30 A. 51., 2.15 1\ 51. Portland market—cut loaf 8; confectioners at Portland Mess pork 7 20. Lard 4 Tug Ralph Ross Is at work off sails and Sardinian 26 For water Co’s 4*. 1927.loo 102 10@7 32Vi@* 36;short taking Sept. 27 Sept. 9 a m Cushing's Island, 6.40, 10.30 A. 4.20 7.80 a.m., paper train lor Bruuwle.c Au- 6 pulverised Tec rib other ;}2§«P‘-Sept. S 51. powered, 7c; granulated sides 3 70@3 90. Dry saltod meats—shoul- valuables. Office «f tile Sheriff of Cumberland County. I7. NumiUiau Oet. 3 Oct. 3pm P. gusta, VS atervuJe and Bangor. ue; eoifoo crushed r>V*c; yellow 4Vi ders 4 25 ulion eloar sides 4 Boston. Oct 17—Sch E 24Sept. Parisian 10 11 00&4 25@4 37V>. Mary Crosby, Cum- State ot Maine, Cumberland, ss, October Oct. Oct. 9 am RETURN. 12.50 p. m. Far Br unswick Lisboa Falls, Grain Receipts—Flour, 10.400 bblsi whcai.*l«7,700 mings, which grounded near Nix’s Mate, was 8th, A. D. 1896. T’he Quotation*. Saloons and Staterooms are in the een- Lewiston, Bath, Augusta. WatervHla. Bangor! bush: corn. 603 bush mats, f bush; towed off last without dam- Leave Forest 11.00 600 87,000 evening apparent is to give notice that on the 6th day where least is City Landing, 6.20, 7.20, 9 15. p. m„ Might Express to Bath, Lew- CHICAGO BOARD OF and the Lf„‘p«t. motion ielt. Elec- 11.45 The are TRADE ryo 119,00 bush barmy 117.000 im«a. age anchored In Roads. THISof October. A. l>.1896,a warrant in insol- 1 a. 51.. 3.30, 5.00, 6.26 V M iston, liaugor end east with following co-aay'3 wnoie3ai e prices (t New I'ghHng the ships points sleeping Friday’s Shipments—Flour 85.00 abis. wheat 81,600 York, Oct 16—While ship Tam O’Slian- was issued out of the Court of th» 8*?? r°r, througli- Leave 6.00. 11.30 A cars tor St. John. Frjvisions. quotations. vency Insolvency ll8ht» being at the command of the Trefethen’s, 7.05, 9.00, Groceries; etc bush: corn. 665,200 bushi 280,900 bush; ter, lor Hong Kong, was towing down the for sail of 88h,.the 51., 3.15. 4.45. 6.46 p. 51. W*fF.AT. {oats bay County Cumberland, against the passengers at any hour of the Flour. ryo. bush: barley bush. tliis a named J E fell night. Music Leave Little arrivals m | Grain 90,800 43,000 afterneon, sailor, Browne, estate ol «°°ms Booms on Diamond, 6.10, 7.15, 9.10, 11.40 ronw.Ajfn. Oct. Dec. from aloft and Smokfng the promenade A. Superfine &- Corn, car ia 36 ST. LOUIS—The market was lost. His body did not oomo Thd6 Sal00n3 and 51.. 3.25, 4.35, 6.35 p. 51. From Opening...... 71% Flour to-day was JOHN L. of staterooms are heated Montreal ’and Jhibyaus. Bartlett low nrades.3 50®3 60lCorn. oaa lots.. *39 to the surface. H. ALLEN, Portland, steam Leave Great Diamond. 6.05. and Closing. strong, higher: patentB 4 00@4 25. extra fancy by 7.10, 9.05, Brtdgton, 8.25 a in.; Lewiston and Sprine Wueat bau- I ®37 72% u.3d A. M., 6.40 p. 51. Meal, bag lots.. 8 7i>; oliolce at 2 40V 2 60. Wheat ex- to be an Insolvent on passage $50 and A 3.20, 4.40, Mechanics Falls. 8.S0 a. CORK 60@3 adjudged Debtor, petition ,1*iat®3 ,o! upwards. re- Leave m.; VVaierylhe. ers.cianu st40u@410 Oats, cai loss Domestic Forts. duction is made on Ponce’s Landing, 8.45, ®3o cited and higher: Oct —c. Cornis higher, Oats of said Debtor, which petition was lllod on the Bound Trip Tickets ex- Long Island, and Augusta,8.S5 a. m. .Skowiugan. Patent Spin? ! do new on 11,15 a. yr., 3.00 P. 5i. Lewiston, 26*27 Oct. Dec. 22Kc. Pork—new at 7 87Vi 6th of October. A. D. to cept the lowest rate. Kiugheld, Wneat... 4 90 higher. May ;old NEW YORK-Ar 16th. schs Charles H Trick- day 1896, which Leave Phillips, Farmtngt-jn, Bernis, and 70*4 Oats, baa lots 31*33 25% $7 26. Lard at 4 20@4 25Vi. Bacon- date interest on claims is to be Second Cabin—To Cushing’s Island, 7.25, 11.50 A *t Kumtord Falls. 12,30 str’em Opening. higher ey. Foster, Philadelphia for Boston: Howard B computoa. Liverpool, London and p.m. ;Mattawamkeag,Ban- aileb. Cotton Seuc C ...... 5.05 P. 51. using. 25% shoulders 4% ; longs 4% ; clear ribs at 4% ; Peck, Hamilton/ do for New Haven. That the payment of any debts to or by said ,f34and*36-26i return, $66.75 gor aud Kocklaud' 12.25 p, in. mixed roller.... 4 35*4 46 car lets. 00 00*21 00 and trom OATS. clear sides at 4%. Dry salted meats—shoulders Ar 17th, sells R T Debtor and the transfer and de- $69dOory’ SUNDAY TIME North Conway, .L.40; Skowhegiia clear do... 4 26*4 36 baa lots 00 Rundlett, Fountain. Jack- TABLE, O000g23 at 4Vic; extra short clear 4% ; clear rib sides cf him arc Steerage—To Liverpool, London. Wateryilie, 6.25 m t tl.onis st’a; Sacked sonville; Star of the Sea. Hopkins, Baltimore; livery any property by forbidden by Glasgow Rockland, p. bt, John Br’r- Aug. Dec. 43/8; clear sides at law. Belfast or Londonderry, For Forest and Bar 4 47/a. Freddie Eaton. Carter, Calais. including every re- City Trsfetlien’s Landing's, Harbor, C'aiibou, Ashland and Moose head roller... 40*4 60 car Jo’s. 11 00 212 00 Opening. 18% quisite for he Peaks’ Lake viaB. Receipts—Flour 1 7200 bbls; wheat 48,BOO Cld That a of the creditors of voyage $24.60 and $25.50. Island Little and Great Di 5 lltouci & A.. Bangor.3.35 p, in. clear do. .430 „u4 60 baa 17th, barque Ethel V Boynton, Boynton, meeting said ;Raihreloy, lots. .6184,1400 C'osing. is% corn eats J to Steerage rates Parisian” 10.30 A. Kumi'ord lo "nt’i wbeai bush; 127,600 bush; 28,60 buah;rye Rosario. Debtor prove their debts and per $1.00 higher. Islands, 9.00, 51.. 2.15, 4.20 P 5t Farmington, Falla, wis.on 6.-,5 Middlings.. 00 — For tickets or For *14*16 POKE. busll. Passed Gate chooseone or more of his will further Information Ponce’s Landing, p. m.; Chicago and Montreal and all White patents.. 47324 90 ols. Hell 16th, schs Annie & Reuben, assignees estate, to Long Island. 10.30 bag .516*17 00 bbls: wliea, 30200 be at a of apply T. P. McGOWAN. 418 St. A. 51.. 2.15, 4.20 P. 51. Mountain points. 8.10 in.: Fir0. jan. Shipments—Flour 7,000 from New York for Bath; Melissa do for held Court Insolvency to De holden Congress p. Mattawamkeap. ,, Coffee. Trask, For Car 01 »nmg. 7 90 bush; eoru 46.600 bush; oats 21,200 bu.-h; rye Damariscotta Norombega, do for at Probate Court Room, in said Portland. In KEATING, 61 Vs Exchange St Cushing’s Island, 10.30 A. 51. 4.20 P. 5t. Harbor, Rockland, 1.40 a. m. ; daily ex- ibuylugAj soiling price) ftlo,roasted 18221 —bush. Portland; H. & A. press, St. Ecu—Caras Casing. 7 77 O M do for Rockland; Wm said Cmnty of Cumberland, on the 19th dav of ALLAN, ) Montreal Halifax, John, Vaneeboro. Bar Har- Java&Mocha do28*32 Marrett, Pickering, C. W. T. CODING, General WaterrilJa and do for Boston; Hannah P for Octobtr, A. D. at 10 o’clock In Manager. bor, Augusta, 3.50 a. m. daily Shore ... .4 60*600 Molasses. Saturday’s quotations. DETROIT—Wheat—No 2 Bed 79% o: No 1 Carlton, Kingston 1896, "the feblldtf Elizabeth M forenoon. iandS6St" except Monday. email do. .1 60*2 76 Porto Pico.27*33 WHEAT. White at 79% o. Corn—No 2 at 27c. Oata— Boston; Cook, do for do; Mail, do for Bar Harbor. Given under hand the date first Pollock ... .1 60 6 2 50 ox White 22c 2 at40Vi. my above PAYSON liarbadoes.26*28 Oct. Rye—No TUCKER, V. P. & G. M. Haddock... 1 60®2 oo f Dec. Passed Hell Gate 17th, Annie F Kimball. Klm- written. F. F. ancy.83*36 Opening.. C. L. BOOTHBY. G. P. ST.i. Hake.1 60*2 00 Tea. 73% Stocks. Dall, New York for Kennebec; Mattie B Rus- BUCKNAM, BOSTON AND sept3p 0U Mining as PHiliDELPlli _ box Closing.... 75% sell. Amboy for Portland; Addle Fm- Deputy Sheriff, Messenger of the Court oi Ilerrine. Arooys.16@2o NRF YORK. Oct 16, 1896.—The Jordan, FREEPORT AND FALMOUTH FORESIDE, Scaled.... CORK. following mons, Philadelphia for Pawtucket. Insolvency for said County of Cumberland DIItECT STEAMSHIP LINE. 8@14c Congous.14*50 are to oi naming stocks: Mackerel, bi Jay’s closing quotations BOSTON-Ar 16th, schs Horatio 1 Baker, oct9&19 Japan.18@86 Oct. Dec. CoL Coal. Snore is Si 7 00%$ 19 Atkins, Washington; Nathan Lawrence,Green, 8teamers on and after Oet. will Portland & Romford Falls lormoso.20060 Opening. 25% Hokclmg Coal. Monday, 19, From Boston R’y. Snore 2s S15 OOkf 17 Saaar Norfolk; Mark Gray. Sawyer, Hoboken; Joel leave Portland. every Wednesday and in Effect Oct. 5. 1848. Cosing. 26% Homestake, Saturday, New stancara Gran 4 21 84Vs F Shepherd, Welsh, Philadelphia; Adella T For larceiis, 12®;i4 OATS. Freeport, and Bustlns Island 3.00 p. m. departures. Produce. Ontario. 9Vi Carlton, Wall, New York. From Ex’-auality Alia 4 27 Quicksilver.1 1890. Beturn—Leave Freeport, (Porters), 6.50a.m., Phiiadeipiiia every Wednesday Aug. Dee. Cld 16th. schs Chas S Clidden. Fales.for Balti- Taxes, 8o. 8.30 A. M. & 1.15 E. Cbe Cran.bblS00a6 6Oi ExtraC.... 3 83 do Freeport, 7 a. m., Bustin’s 7.16 a. m„ M. From Union Statu, Opening. ia% pfd.16 more; Nat Ayer. Hodgkins, Bangor; White For and tor Poland, Mechanic Maine 00uffi$4'60 Mexican.. Harpswell Centre. (Tuesdays and Satur- Saturday, Falls, Buckileld. Can- Closing. 193/, Foam, Rice, Portland; Lucy J Warren, Cr. ss- days at ton. Dixrield and New York ] Seed. Portland. only) 3. 00 p. m.,; return at 6.00 a.m. non Central Wharf, Boston, 3 p. ta From Rumiord Falls. Also PORK. man, Portland. CITY OF PORTLAND. For Pine lor Pea Beans,1 4o®l 46: Timothy. 4 000 4 26 Chebeague, Cousins and Littlejohns, 3.00 Street at 3 p, m. u- Roxbury, Byron, Houghton, Bemls aud Jan. Ar 17th, schs Lorlng C Ballard, Bearse. Phila- m. Wharf, Philadelphia, Lakes Yellow aves.l 60*1 8 *9 Chicago lave Stock Market. p. suranco one-half the rate of sailing ves3e! ltangeley points via li. F. and R. L. R. 65iClover,West, Opening. 7 95 delphia; Apphia & Amelia, Willard, Cal Pea.... ®1 do N. Y. 9%9Vi Amboy; Beturn—Leave above landings, 7.45 a. m. Freights for the West by the Penn. It. R., and 6u| Closing. 8 10 (By Telegrapni Elizabeth Foster, Harrlman. Bangor; C M Wal- For 8.30 a. 1.15 Irish Potat’s.bbl Alslke, 9 ®s)Vx Falmouth, 3.00 p. m. South by connecting lines, forwarded free of m., and 5.10 p, m. From Union — ton. Lane, Rockport. Office, 11,1898. Station i New $1 16®1 26 lied Chicago, oct. 17, 1898.—Cattle receipts —„„.„.?'r?a3urer’9 Sept. Beturo—8.16 a. m., jonmi/'sion. lor Mechanic Falls and intermediate lop, 15®18 Cld 17th, rchs Sarah E for TLTOTICE is hereby given that the TAX stations. sweets. Vlnelan d O 00 Provisions. Boston stoce Marker. 1,000; steady; common extra steers at 3 25@ Palmer, Whittier, 1’ octl7tf E. B. NOBTON. Passage 910.00. Honed $13-00. 6 Loulsburg. CB; Ariosto, Shaw, St Peters. CB; BILLS for the year 1898 have been com- Manager. Trip Jerseys. 1 75,S2 oPork- The following are; the 1 test 26; Stockers and feeders a< 2 60@3 86; cows Meals and room Included. closing quota- and AdaJ Campbell. Sullivan, Fostlna. mitted to xue with a warrant for the collection do Norlolk ; cleat.. 11 60 tions of stocks at Boston: bulls at 1 260J3 36; calves 3 00@6;00.Tex- Hallowed; For freight or passage to F. coaches between Union 10®1 76| 25®ll Phllbrook, Norfolk. of the same. In accoidance with an aDoly F. WING. Tiirougii passenger ans 2 60@3 16; Western rangers at 2 20 o,3 90. Ordinance Agent, Central Fimons—Havana Ibacks ..11 25uill 60 Mexican Central 4s. 64% of the a Discount Wharf, Boston. Sid 10th, schs Jacob Reed, for Fernandina; City, of One Percent will E. B. Na ives.bl l 75®2 00 meaium 10 ;26jSHO 60 Atchison, Top. 4c Santa Fe. R. 12% Hogs—receipts 18,000; firm; heavy’ packing be Xo SAMPSON, Treasurer and General Portland and Willie, for Deer Isle; Ann. for Lubec: Wm H allowed on all said tax bill, on or be- the Honorable Com- Station, Rumford Fails. Spring Ublokons 00®8 60 Boston & Maine.....156 shipping lots at 3 16@3 46; common to choice paid County Manager, 88 Stale St., Fiske Building, Boston. lo(d!16jBeef—light..8 mixed 3 06 Archer, for Ellsworth; T W Cooper, fore Saturday, October 31, 1896. tickets on sale for all Turkevs, Wes. i7*18c heavy.9 25®9B0 do pfd .156 jj3 60; choice assorted 3 4C*@8 60; Rockport; missioners of the of Mass. oot22dtf Throus'ii points 3 52 Lucy J Warren, Portland. Remittances may be made by mail and a re- County fowls.... l;.014c Bniests VibS 5 76® Maine Central... light 05@3 Vs; pigs 2 4ll@3 45. on F. & Alsosld 16th, brig Waubun, for ceipt will be promptly returned. On all said State It. F. R’y. Also for all Apples. x,ard. tes aim Union Pacific. 7 Sheep—receipts l.OOi: steady; infeior to Brunswick; Cumberland, of Maine: choice sells Clara A Donnell, Norfolk; Daylight, Ken- taxes paid after November 1. will Eating— 1 00®1 30 bbl.pure 6@«Vi American at 1;76@3 26; lambs at 2 76@4 76. 189R,Interest poiuts on Rangeley Lakes. Vi Bell....202 nebec and Cellna. Portland and be charged nt the rate of six per cent. C1ENTLEMEN:—Bespectfully represent tbe Russets. 0 00 do comTid. American Washington; as lateraadoaai 1V*O5Vs Sugar, common.106% Martinique; Break of Day, and Kate McCltn- GEO. H. LIBBY, undersigned, the Municipal Officers of the (jo. R. C. BRADFORD. Traffic Mgr. Baldwins.. 7oc@l 00 paiis.conipd 6s/a 06 Vs 96 ot Steamsoip Sugar,''Did. < otion Mjfcruo .ft took, for Bath; Odell, and Sadie Treasurer and Collector. City Deerihg. that the true boundaries of a -roa- Portland. Maine. Evap & lb. ®7c pails, I Cen Corey, Belfast; pure 6V4®7Va Mass., pfd... Hannah Coomer, Triton, septl2-to-oct31 certain highway known as Congress street, E. L. LOVEJOY, Superintendent, Lemons. purelf 8V4®8% do iBy Telegraph.1 Bucksport; Calais; Eastport, Lufaaa Calais common. SA Paine, Deer Isle; Fair Wind. Ellsworth: duly located in said City of Deering, and ex- SLJoim, 13., Halifax,H.3. junl2 dlt Kumtord Falla. Maine Messina 4 6o®6 50 Hams.... rlSlm Mexican «uil all of New Central.. 7% OCTOBER 17.1896. Ella Clifton, and Lucy, Manillas; lor tending from the line between said of parts Brunswick, Nota Sea- Palermo.... 4 ou .. Antelope. City 00®5 coeov’ra 11V*®12 NEWYORK—The Cotton market was and DON'T BUY Deering and the of iia, Prince Edward Island, and Bret- Oranges. to-day Rockport; Lizzie Carr, Jas A Brown, Tho- City Portland at Libby’s tripe \ Oil. quiet, sales 00 so to the on, The favorite route to and 0 Boston Wool market, unchanged; bales; middling maslon; Fiheman, Rabbonl, Mary E Corner, called, westerly line of land Campnbello California. u0®0 00: Kerosenel20 ts 914 7 do 8 Crosby. now or St, Andrews, N, B. uplands 15-16c; gull 3-16o. E P Edward and Bessie H OR formerly owned by Thomas are Portland & Worcester Line Jamaica....3 50®4 00 Ligonia... BOSTON, Oct. 17, 1896.—The quotaonstl on I Rogers. Rich, Gross, RENT A PIANO Quimby, 9^4 for Maine ports. doubtful, uncertain, or lost. Fall fcurremo. 000 Centennial. 9«4 Wool for this market are Until tou have examined Arrangejwem. fully sustained with Sid 17lh, steamers Williamsport, from Phila- our stock of Wherefore they pray your Honorable Board Ecgg. Pratt’s Astjal ..] 144 to examine On and slier Monday. 21st. steamer .'veil stronger prices asked in many cases: European Markets. delphia for Portland; barge ao for said highway and locate and define Sept. PORTIAS & il L Nearbv.... U 2 Devoe’s brilliant ll=» Brookslde, & its will leave Portland on iBv do; sebs Chas S Glldden, lor Sarah Steinway Sons, limits and boundaries and cause durable Monday and Thursday HOMESTER Eastern extra.. B21 in half bids le OhioTand Pa X X and Telegraph. Baltimore; m. extra above.18%@19% E monuments to be erected at the at 5 p. Fresh Western... 19 Ohio and Penn. X.17 @18 LIVERPOOL. Palmer, Loulsburg. Hardman, ESacOn, angles and FOOT Raisins. Oct.17, 1896.—Cotton market along said street thereof, to Returning leave St. John and Eastoort same STATION OFPHEBLE STREET. Held. lb Mich, and Wis. X and above.15 American BRUNSWICK—Sid 16th, sch Wm H Samner, according the ® Musctl.60 bxs44» ®7 @15% steady; middling at 4 7-ld; sales provisions of the in days. Butter. Ohio and Penn. No 1 Pendleton, Perth Amboy. Standard, Gabeir Statutes such eases made London lay’rll 60®176 clothing.19 @20 8rooo bales; speculation and export 1000 and provided. As iu Through tickets issued and checked On and after Sunday, October 4. 1896 No 1 & 18 bales, S'd 17th, Lizzie E Dennison. Ross, New York and other high grade duty bound will ever prav baggage Creamerv.lncy..V0®21 Coal. Michigan clothing combing @10 Dated at this to destination. ^"“Freight received up o 3.30 Passenger trains trill Txoav® Portland: Gill hues Vr’inc.l8gu9 Ohio delaine, fine.19 BALTIMORE—Ar 16th, soli Rebecca Shep- Deering, twenty-eighth day of Retail—delivered. @20 1806. p. m. For Worcester, Clinton, Ayer Junction Cumberland 60 delaine. 18 herd, Smith, Newport News. Semtember, Choice.16016 oou®4 Michigan @19 For Tickets and at the Nwsnua, Windham and at 7.30 a. OCEAN STEAMER < BANGOR-Ar 17th. schs Alice M WM. W. MITCHELL. Mayor. Staterooms, apply Kpping Cheese. Chestnut.... *6 26 Fine unwashed & unmerchantahie.il @13% MOVEME V Colburn, Pine Tree Ticket and 13.30 Mattie J E. L. CoBB, Office, Monument Square m. p. m* N. Y. Icvry. lOSHVi FramtlliL... '8 00 Unwashed combing.14 @lfi% FROM McLeod, Newport Nows; Alles, Crock- or for other iuiormation at rop. ett, Portland. HENKY J. DAVIS, Company’s Office. For Manchester, Concord, and points North Vermont... 1CW11V4 Lehlh..... 06 25 Medium unwashed.11 @14 Valencia.New York. Railroad foot of State a. m. .Colon.Oct 20 Cld schs John F G. M. CRAM, Aldermen Wharf, street. at 7.30 and 12.3G p. m. face .... HVs%12Pea. 4 00 Pine Texas and 9 17th. Randall,Crocker, Phila- PIANOS territory. @11% Hovellus.New J. Gen. Man. For York..Pernambuco Oct 20 Sami W. P. AYEB, of B.COYLE, Rochester, Springdale. Alfred, Water. J (U1U ■ delphia ; New York. Bread LllUlUtUJ «AUi3 IA/1UW1J Spree ..New York. .Bremen Hart, ^ je25dtf H. C. horo and Saco River at 7.30 a. 12.30 Lnmbor _Oct 20 BELFAST—Ar sch E. MATTHEWS. If. HERSEY, Agent. m, ana Pilot Yunniri.Now York. 9th, Miantonomah, Eyan, Deering. m. sup_.7 @7 Vi ] White wood— Oregon. 9 @13 .GonaUes.. Oct 21 Portland. AH C. W. SMALL, 5.30 p. do sq.6 ! No 1&2. l-in$32g$35 .'aliiornla 7 Majestic.New York. .Liverpool... Styles. A11 Prices. For Gorhflin at 7.80 and 9.45 a. 12.301 spring. @12 St Oct 21 Ar 11th, sch Mary J Elliot, Reed, Portlaid. F’EEEMAN GOWEN,. MAINE .. n. ,zh»u7I, uuuo. A-lii. California fall. 6 Paul ..New York. STEAMSHIP CO. and 6.20 p, m. @10 .So’ampton ..Oct 21 BATH—Sid 16th, schs Everett Webster, for 3.00,5.30, Cooperage. ! Com’n. 1-In Kensington ..New York. Cash or For Westbrook, Cumberland Mills, Went' $23@$2U Kentucky, Indiana, etc.13%:gl6% .Antwerp_oct 21 W H Oler, Mattie A Easy Payments. STATE OF New Vorli Uhhd shooks & lids— Niagara.NewlYork. Philadelphia; Baltimore; MAINE. Direct Line. brook J unction and Woodford n at 1V4,1V4&2- feorgia.14 @15 .Clenfuegos Oct22 Franklin, Edwin R Wash- Call and see the Wonderful 7.S0, Mol. city. 1600176 in, Santiago.New York. Philadelphia: Hunt, ss. 9.4ff ft. uu 8.0a 5.30 aud Nol&2$33®$35 super pulled.20 @30 .Manzanilla Oct 22 E Carrie ANor- Cumberland, 12.30. Sug.count’v86 @100 Werkendam .New York. ington; Mary Olys, Norwich; At the Court ot Commissioners LONG ISLAND SOUND DY DAYLIGH T 6.20 Da m. 1V*,1Vs&2-1ii Extra pulled.18 @26 .Rotterdam. .Oct22 ton. Lawrence for County begun Mot Obda“‘.New Martinique; Haynes, New and holden at The 12.30 m. train from Portland Country Sans, $28@S30 Western super and extra.34 @20 York. Rotterdam.. Oct 24 York. Portland, within and for the p. connects hhd snooks Squares, $36@$38 Gascogne .New County of Cumberland, on the first of and at Ayer Junction with Tunnel Scoured wools.—..20 @38 York..Havre.Oct 24 CHARLESTON—Sid sell Tuesday Deiightful Invigorating Ssa hhd hdgml Ethiopia.New York. 17th, WarnerMtore, AEOLIAN. Anno Domini to wit, at a Trip. Route” for the West and at Union Station, Cypress— Cape Good Hope.14%@lf> .Glasgow.... (), t 24 Crockett, Richmond. Juue, 1806, regula- The 32 n. 24026 1-in No 1&2 $350536 Mongolian... .Montreal.. Writ© for session thereof on the first of Steamships Manhattan and Cottage Worcester, for Providence and New Y Australian and New Zealand.19 @27 .Liverpool .Oct 24 CAPE Catalogue If you cannot call. Tuesday Septem- ieave ork, 2]S28 & 2- HENRY—Passed In 16th, soil Ytung Anno 1896. City Franklin tvlisrf Tuesdays, Thurs- via “Providence for Norwieh Sughd35m lVMVs Montevideo.14 Scotsman.Quebec.... Liverpool ... Ocr. 24 ber. Domini, lane,” and @16% Brothers, from Kennebec for and at 6 m. 14 ft. ln.Nol&2 .. Washington. days Saturdays p. leave w Uoops 25030 I S340S36 o“r iorK. .Liverpool Oct 24 On the foregoing petition it being satisfac- Retaining, N* York, via “Norwich Line” with Beaton 12 ft 26*28 I 3 &4-lll$40 JACKSONVILLE—Ar 17th, sch FlorenciLe- Bhown to Pier 88, East River, same days at 5. n. m. R. R. for the and 2-;, *$45 Palatla..New .. torily the Court, that the Petitioners & Albany Weat, with the '• New York York..Hamburg Oct24 Fare to 8 t. !S’th Sugar Market. Columbia.New York.. land, Pressev, Boston. M. STEINERT & nrA VABimnsihla nnH Inst nn *i. New York, one way, $4.0. ; Round Nevr York All Hail via “Surinfflield-” S|jii pine_$25ig$35 Hamburg .. .Oct 24 SONS Cordage. ; Clear pine— NEW YORK Oct. 17—The the MadJana...... New York.. HIGHLAND LIGHT-Passed 16th. sch HA CO., merits is trip $7,00. Trains arrive at Portland irora Worcester following are| Barbadoes .. Oct 24 517 Si. isexpedlent.it lierebv ORDERED. AnieruiMb lo mausuaw, -uuauoipiua jor trarmner; l\ama- Congress 3. B. *lx .uppers.$55065 quotations on refined Sugars at New York: PuiladelDhla ..New York.. j^aguayra... .Oct 24 That the County Commissioners will meet at the COYLE, Manager. Kia.^up. m.; iruui :>ocneater as o.cu a. ul, rine D Perry, Newport News for losa «. F. General Manilla... 6¥»@7Vi (Select.*46056 Dabn.New York. Bangor; T. C. store of Andrew Hawes in Stroudwater LfSCOMB, Agent. uov2dtf l. 30 and 6.45 3. m.: iroiu Sorluua Don Cut loaf.4% .Bremen.Oct 27 Mueller. for EVlcGOULDRIC, Village, Manilla (Fine common. .$427045 Ellzabethport Portland; LorlugC so In said of on at 6.40. 8.30 aud 10.60 a. m.. 1.30t Germanic-New;York.. Liverpool ... Oct 28 called, City fleering, Saturday, rope. 0008 Vs |Spruce. $16 Crushed.*.% New Ballard, Phlladelpnia for Gloucester; * M AXauager. 6.45 m. @1+00 York... .New York. .S’thampton..Oct 28 tho seventh day of November, A. D. 189G, at 4.15, p. Russia do.18 Powdered.4% Buck. Amboy for Banger; Jas A Parsods.Eli- o’clock in f or to ail and &1SV«>iHemlock.*11012 Westernland .New York. .Antwerp.. ..Oct 28 teu the forenoon, and that the Peti- through Tickets points West Sisai. 5 @6 Clapboards— Granulated.4 Vs zabetliport for Gardiner; R L Tay, Hoboken for HABPSWELL STEAMBOAT CO, to H. Ticket Normania ... .New tioners give notice to all persons South, apply F. COLLINS. Drugs and Dyes. Fine granulated.4% York..Hamburg....Oct 29 interested, by jSpruce. X.832035 ~dara.New York. .Rotterdam Eastport. causing an attested copy of said Petition and Agent, Portland, Me. ... Coarse .Oct 29 Acid Oxalic. 124414 [Clear.$2801,0 granulated.4% li YaNNIS—Sid 16th, schs Jas A Parsons,for of i. W. Advance.New York. .Colon.Oct 30 this Order Court thereon, to be served upon PETEKS.SupS. Acid tart.8303612d Extra flue granulated.4 V* Gardiner; Chas E Sears. A E Willard uctooer leal «tcl clear.$*5027 Manitoba ...... New York.. Eastport; the City Clerk of said City of and also Beginning 5tn. 139G. the steamer 1.$16,020 Con. London.Oct 31 A Deering, Ammonia.ib@20|No granulated.4% Bangor; Hayford, Rockland; Rosa Mueller, up of the same in three MERRYCONEAG will leave Portland 81 Bretagne..., New York. Havre.Oct 31 and R L by posting copies public Pier, Ashes, pot. ...614 0 pine...$25050 Cubes.4% Tay. in as follows: Maasdam .... New York.. Rotterdam.. places said city, and publishing tile same Portland, daily, Sunday excepted, Rais coDtbla.. .650601 Shingles— Mould A.4% .Oct 31 Passed west schs Anna E J For Ltruria.New 17th, Morse, teo |n|e|a|t[ I- once a week for three weeks in Long Is.. Cliebeague, Harps well. cedar.... 2 7 6 00 Confectioners A.4 York.. Liverpool... Oci 31 A Sarah & successively Beeswax.37@421X 0S MoFadden. Ellen, Mvra W Sptar, the Portland a Bailey’s and Orr’s Is.. 2.00 |>. m. Boston & Maine R. R. Blch No. ..New York. .Montevideo Oct 31 Daily Press, newspaper pruned powders... 7l*9 Clear cedar.2 60@;75 t:.3 11-16 |£tona Clara A Donnell, and others. In Portland, lu said Return for Portland, leave Orr’s Island via. rurnesla.New York. ... County, the first of said Borax .. Oet3l 9@101X No 1.1 8502 00 No. 7. ... 3 9-16 .Glasgow NORFOLK—-Ar soli M A all Effect October 1890. York. 16th, Aeliorn, from publications, and each of tho other notices, to landings, 7.00 a.m. Arrive Portland, 9.30 4, Brimstone. .. 2 @2V*: No 1 cedar. .1 2n@i 75 No. 8. 3% £atrIa.New .Hamburg ..Ocj 31 Richmond. PRINTING a. m. ew Y ork.. be at least thirty days before the time oi said Coclilneai...... 40*431 1 60 wei*.ra.N Genoa.Obt 31 Ar For Cliff WESTERN DIVISION. Spruce.1 26® Quotations are those made refiners on the 17th, brig Sullivan, Allen, Richmond. at which time and Island. Mondays. 21 by York. ..Oct 21 meeting; place, (after it has Wednesdays Copperas.... IV$@ Laths,spce. .1 0002 00 basis uuder the of 5erlI.n.New .So’ampton NEW BEDFORD-Sld 16lh, sch L Ctos- shown and Fridays, leave 2.00 m. Cream oue-pnce plan October loth Aerrier.New York. .Demerara ...Oct 31 Mary been satisfactorily that the above notice Portland, p. Trains leave Portland, Union Station, for tartar... .290311 Lime—Cement. 1895 by, Trun, Pori Reading. ISAIAH which makes large dealers ana wholesale has been duly given,) the Commissioners will DANIELS, Gen’t Manager. Scarboro lu.00 a. 5.15, 6.20 p. Ex logwood.... 12015 csk.90® NEWBURYPORT-Sld sch MlldrelA Crossing, ni., jLime.D grocers agents of the Trust handling sugars on 16th, proceed to view tho route set lorth in said in.; Scarboro Fine 7.00, 10.00 Gumarahic.. .707*1 22iCement_1250 Pope, eastward. oct5__drf Beach, Point, consignment, and wno are at staled times of _PAYS_ Petition, and other routes and roads connected a. m., 5.15, 6.20 p. Old Orchard, Glycerine ',26 ®75i Matches. MINIATURE PORT ROYAL. SC-Ar sch WillRH 3.30, m,; settlement allowed a commission of 3-161b’ ct» ALMANAC.OCT. 19. 16th, therewith, and after such view, they will a 10.00 a. 12.45 Aloes cape.i5026!Star ,(p gross 66 Giles. give Saco, Biddet'ord, 7.00,8.40, in., there is also a trade discount of 1 cent on Sun rises. 6 Child, Boston. to the and their Camphor.480511 Dingo. @66 per 031™,.. ( .... 9 30 hearing parties witnesses at 3.30, 5.15, 6.20 p. m.; Kennebunk, 7.00, 8.40 100 bbl lots and 1 cent for sun H,*h water PHILADELPHIA—Ar 16th, sch Julia S Bai- some convenient Mytrh...... 62/166. Excelsior.50 per cash If paid with- set.. 4 65 ;;;; j» WE DO IT place in the vicinity, when a. in., 12.45. 3.30, 5.15, 6.20 p. in.; Wells in seven and no Moon ley. 7rom Sorrento. where days, trade discount on smaller sets. 4 8 6— 9 _ and all persons and corporations in- Beach, 7.00, 8.40 a. in.. 3.30, 5.15 m.; Vrn ....2.6003 501 031 Height. 7 Cld 16th, sells Edith I, Bueins p. Metals. quantities. No sales less than 26 barrels. For Allen, Darrah, terested, may appear and show cause, if any North Berwick, +4.05, 7.00, 8.40 a. m., 12.45, Ihellac.40 Ayres; J V Greens Land- *60] Copper— sugar packed in bags there is no auditions! Wellington, Robbins. they have, why tils pl-ayer of said Petition 3.80, 6.15 p. m.; Kennebunkport, Somers- 1+048 com... .00015 ing and Ellsworth. indigo.S5c@*ll charges on granulated or softs from 1 to 14 in- should not be granted. worth, Dover, 7.00, 8.40 a, m., 12.45. 3.30, EoilsneoConner. 23 Ar 17th, schs J D THE Iodine.4@S425 clusive. and other grades Vsc & lb additional. Paidge, Haley, Kennebec; Attest: B. C. STONE, Clerk. 5. 15 p. in.; Rochester, Alton Ipecac.176@2 00'Bolts. 16 marine news Lillian Now York. Farmington, Woodruff, Hodgkins. Copy of the Petition and Order of Court there Bay, 8. 40 a. m., 12.45, 3.30 p. ni., Uakeport, rt... .1602C1Y M sheath.... 12 Cld 17th, schs Chas E Balch,Crocker. New York Quotations on stacks and Souris Bangor; on. Lactmia, Plymouth, 8.40 a. Hi. 12.45 p. m.; i.leorice.lcrphme...l 76@2<>0IYM Bolts. 12 Addle P McFadden, New PORT or PORTLAND. Stewart, York. Attest: B. C. STONE, Clerk. Woli’boro, 3.30 p. in,; Worcester, (Via Som- •All Pergamot2 76®8 201 Bottoms.22024 (By Telegraph.! PERTH AMBOY—Ar LNew- ICth.sch Willie THURSTON OctSlawfivvM ers worth and Rochester), 7.00 a. in.; Man- Nor.CodUver2 6002751 Ingot .... 11012 The are to-dav’s ton. Coombs. New York. following closing quotations chester, Concord, 7.00 a. ni., 3.30 p. in.; American do 51@i 251 Tip— of Bonds: SATURDAY, Oet. 17. PLYMOUTH—Sid sch Maud Malloch, lGtli, Daily Line, Sundays Rockingham Junction, Haverhill, Law- Lemon.1 762 25oiStraits.. 15Vi@16Vii Oct. 16 Arrived. Garnett, Maine port. Excepted. 17. Oct. THE NSW AND PALATIAL STEAMFW3 rence, Lowell, 7.00, 8.4o a. m.. 12.45, 3.30 vlive.100@2 60 English. New 4s, reg, SAN FRANCISCO—Cld soli John C Pot- 114% 114% 16th, BAY STATE AND PORTLAND, p. lb.; Exeter, Boston, $4.0o, t7.00, tS.40 a. eppt.3007*3 26 Char. L Co.. ®6 50 do Steamship Williamsport, Philadelphia —coal ter. S for CITY OF PORTLAND. j coup, lie 116% & Randall & Meyer, Nanaimo; C Allen, Thompson, FT P[R alternately leave Franklin m. 3.30 p. m. Arrive in Boston, McAllister. I,n[t §12.45, J7.25, vvimergreenl 7 6@2 00 Char. LX.. @7 26 New *■» reg. Honolulu. Wharf, Portland, @106% @106 Tug C R RR No 4 every evening at 7 o’clock, in season 10.16 am., 12.60, 4.22, 7.20 p. m, Leave Bos- Potass Dr'mde. 46*47 lerne.6 0008 60 New 4’s Houeybrook, towing barge SALEM—Sailed schs A arriving — 17th, C coup..@ @ from Port Johnson coal to Randall & McAl- Hunt. Wriuht, for connections with earliest traius for ton for Portland, 7,30, 8.30 a. in., 1.00, 4.15 Chlorate.2+*28i Autimony.. i2@14 central Faclfle Biddletown for Bath; Serena S Went- points lsta. 97 97 lister. Kendall, To the Electors of the of beyond. p. m. Iodide.2 880 3 Sugar lead.20022 340+4 Boston A| Maine.156 166 tinique. ing October 20 to October 29 from Tupentine. gai.. Eastport; Dick Williams. Port Johnson for Bated at Portland this, the 13th day of Octo- inclusive, t6.00 p. m. Arrive in Bostou, 5.58 a. ni., 12.51* White wax... Central Pacifio. Sch S A Boston. nine in the forenoon to one o’clock in the UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE .50@55iOakum.... 7 *6 13% 13% Paine, Izetta. ber, A. D. 1896. 4.15. 9.20 m. Leave Bos;on, for Cues, a sell Bangor; Ellzabethport for Bncksport; p. Portland, Vitrol. blue_6 @81 OIL uaio. 14 14 Lucy J Warren, Crossman. Boston. L BAXTER. afternoon, from 3 o’clock in the after- Sell Sarah Davis, Hoboken for Winterport; Sarah, (Signed.) JAMES P. 7.30, 9.00 a. m.. 12.30, 7.00, 7.45 p. m. Cmeagosj Alton.166 165 Alida, Bangor for Boston. Boston noon anu from seven till nine in ; the Vanilla.Dean.. $100151 Linseed.357*40 Sch for ponuysvllle. SUNDAY TRAINS. do Mouticello. Nutter, Boston. Also for evening, on the last day; of said Steamer Duck. ! Boilod.38 p 43 pfd 1C6 166 Sch sailed, schs Chase, Farr.New Y'ork excepting Enterprise Chicago. S Eastern Light, Lindsay, Boston. AN the it is ordered that a session, (October 29,) when it will not be in For Biddefoid, Partsmouth. Newbury- No 1... Sperm. Burlington Quincy 68% 68% Sen Rockland; Emma S Briggs, Osborne, New York foregoing petition 321 657*65 Delaware Si Pearl, Webster, Gloucester. for Thursday, Oct. session after live o’clock in the afternoon, Will leave East every at port Salem, Lynn, Boston, 2,00 a. 111., 1.00 No 3...28iWhale. 45055 Hudson Canal Co.122 121% Sell for Augusta; Lester A Lewis. Kimball, do for y hearing be appointed Boothbay Monday Lucy May, Wilson. Boston. next, at 4 o’clock at the office of the to receive evidence touching the Qualifica- 7A5 a. m, tor Portland, at South p. m. Arrive in Boston, 5.68 a. m., 4.15 p. in. No D6laware.L»ckawana 6 Wes(164% 163% Sell Bangor; A McNichols. Sanborn, Calais for New p. m., touening 10.20,'Book.30*35 Denver & Klo Ida. Clierryiield for Bostou. for Utv where of tion of voters in said city, and to revise and Bristol, Boothbay Harbor. Leave Bos; on for Portland, *‘9.00 a. m., 7.00 8oz.13 Shore.25035 Grande. 11 11 bell York; Ella G Eeiis, Coleman, Vlnalhaven Engineer, City Building, plans Lilian. Grindle. Boston, can all Inter- correct the voting lists. There will also Joe Tuesdays will leave Franklin Port- m. 10 oz.16 I Pome.30 trie,new. 13% New York. bridge be examined and parties Wharf, p. *30 Sell Boston, ested sessions on October 30, and November 2 at 7 a. m. lor not run do 1st preferred 30% 30% Peerless, Thompson. WILMINGTON. NC-Ar sch Marlon may be heard, and it is further ordered 31, land, Pemaquid, touching at +l)oes Mondays. Gunpowder—Shot. (Lard. 40*55 D Bostou. 17tli, to enable the board to the correctness Illinois Central. 90 9o% ol! ^ Whittemore, Handy, II111, Now Y'ork. that the above petition together with this our verify Boothbay Harbor, South Bristol and East tCounevts with Rail Lines for New York, Blasting .. .3 60@4 001 Castor.1 OOixl 10 Sch Armstrong, of said Lake Erie John Boston. order be in the Portland lists and lor closing up the records Boo 5JQ bay. South and West. ... & West. 14% Baxter, Cld sch u Kimball, thereon, published Sporting. .4 5006 50 Neatsfoot 45c®65 14% 17th, Henry Millllken, of said sessions. 143 2CJ) ^by Morse, Hopkins, Gloucester. Daily Press, Argus, Express and Advertiser, Wednesdays will leave Femaquld at 6 a. m. §Connects with Sound Lines for New York. Drop shot.26 ins. .1 30 (Elaine.0 LakelSbore.143% Port-au-Prince, said time said board will revise for Portland Louis Si 42% r,ert‘la V, from Machias for Boston, for seven days previous to the hearing. During and above landings. •Western Division from No. Berwick Sundays Pock. b. BE. Paints. Nash. 42% be h M j and correct the lists the wardens will Mains Central R. Sewell, Beal, Jones port, Foreign Ports HENRY FOX, voting ;and Thursdays leave Portland at 7 a. ia. for only. T. TT. F.1 Lead- ben Round Pond, of said shall be governed by said re- East at tickets to all in the &5j Mexican Central. 7% 7% Cinderella. Monroe. SAMUEL B. KELSEY, city Boothbay, touching Boothbay Har- Through points Florida, Hay. ! Pure ground.5 2506 75 be K Sid fm Valparaiso Sept 7, barque Onaway, vised and corrected list, and no name shall bor. South Bristol, South and for at Ticket U uion Michigan Central. 8S 88 Ralph Grant. Simmons, Friendship. C. H. FARLEY. West, sale Cilice, Red...... 5 25@5 75 for Crichett, Junin. be added to or stricken from said list on said will East. Pressea.S16@17| Minn Si 8t. 14 14% Douglass, Webster, Bangor New Harbor Commissioners. Fridays leave Boothbay at 7.15 Station. l.oose flav $14@SlGIEng Ven Red3 @3Vs L. York Passed Anjer Sept 14. ship Manuel Llaguno, day of election, and no person shall vote at a- m. for Winn, s «t„ Louis Id.... 68 68 Portland, Oct. 13, Portland, touching at South Bristol, D. J. FLANDERS. G. P. & T. A., Boston. Straw, car iots$10®121 Am Zinc_a 00@7 00 Sell Lavinla for New York, Small. Iloug Kong for New York. 1890._octi4d7t any election whose name is not on said Boothbay Harbor. do 2d pfd. sell Bell, Bangor fm Cebu Iron. IRochelle... .2V»j Post lor New York, Sid Aug 29, ship Wrn H Starbuok, lists, but the boaid of registration will be in Saturdays will leave Portland at 7 a. m. for • Missouri pacific. 18% 18% Boy, Gott, Bangor Common_lS/i®2 Elce sen Maud with lbs fish. Reynolds, Delaware Breakwater. session on the day of election for Hie cor- East Boothbay. at New Jcrssv Central. 98V* 88% Muller, 30,000 Brown. touching Boothbay Harbor, Refined.*2Vs 1 Domestic .... 4 @7 Ar at Glbralter Oct 17, barque Haydn VIOLIN ANDCORNET reetion of errors that may have occurred and South Bristol. Northern Pacfio common.... 13V* 13% Cleared. H. E. Norway.3V4@4 i Salt, Clayton. New York. INSTRUCTIONS. during said revision. Connecting every at Harbor MILLS, O do 20% 20% trip Boothbay f ast, steel- 8@10lTks ls.tb hdl CO S:2 00 preferred.... S;h Thos G Smith, Selover, Savanuah-Ryan Sid fm Rosario Sept 21, Carrie Wins AUGUSTUS F "GKRRISli, ) Board ofi with STEAMER SILVER STAR for Now Har- 98V» 98% Si barque iPlfucLo German steel_@3Vi 1 Liverpool ..1 60*1 80 Northwestern. Kelsey. low, Montgomery. Rio Janeiro. FRANK BURNHAM, MONROE A-BLANCHARD, Registration bor, Round Pond, Port Tuner Northwestern 142% Sch [ Friendship, Clyde, fcboesteel.@2V$! Dla’md Crys. bbl 2 26 pfd.142% Wme Tanner, Johnson, Kennebec and Sid fm East laindon Sent 21st, barque Obed 537 Congress Street K°°ni 37 MICHAEL C. M’OANN, ) of Voters. Tennant’s Harbor, Spruce Read. Rockland. Order sluts at Chaupler’s Music Store, 431 She t Dob— < Now York Central... 9o% 90 baleraius. j Washington—W S Jordan & Co. Baxter, Colby, Turks Island. »epiUI Utt Fortand, October 3, 1896. ootlSUtd ALFRED RACE, Manager. Congress street. soil ir-Gjj Plijioa. BRIEF JOTTINGS. ST. LAWRENCE ST. CHUROH. wnr AWPmgBimn^ new advertisements. ./ ,- | of the Corner Stone This After- AIPFliKTXSJEMBN'i'S TOUAT, An elagaDt flower stand has been Laying MOORE & CO. placed in the odloo of the Congress noon. OWEN, hotel. A U Owen. Moore « Co. Square rge silver flower vase b. i;. stands on a base i.ibby—2. devoted to the eards, At 2.80 this if the weather r;& Bancroft. afternoon, The weather today LEATHER GOODS and of the house and to be arms finished COUNTER. ’tine? Bros. Co. Eotepaper envelopes is suitable, the corner stone of the new J. B. LIBBY. likely gusseted, Atkin o.i cards of fair. I-'ur.iisliingCo. prominent advertisers. stoae now | edifice, erected at the I1 .■ Lelguton. being October 19,1890, with silk and but- An assorted Chief wss lnnoh Portland, pearl lot of Y/hiter (:>.rey Co. Kldrelge surprised corner of Congress and Munjoy streets on walking into his oitioe Friday to find will be laid. The will be the Mon- tons, to manu- Boston with cloth Homo. > ;r Aged Women. following regular subject Bags, a framed of himself Notice is hereby given. handsomely picture order of exercises: his facturers’ sides and leather covered AMUSEMENTS. and wagon hanging over the desk. Invooatory Prayer, Rev.Geo. D. Lindsay THEday Bargain imperfections, Portland Theatre. As several of the members of the mili- Singing, Sale for which are very slight, at frame at 48c, tary companies are also members of the Wm. H. Davis, Alfred H. Tracy, to-day Frederick H. Wants, To For Lost, Found Oliver, Samuel Gilbert embraces the if would be Let, Bale, lire department, a tapper bus been put following 27c, perfect and invilar advertisements will be found under Responsive Reading, i to the armory. led Rev. Rollin T. Haok 0-M- worth IE WELR Y CO UN TER by belr appro] rii'.ta headson Page 6. list of 50c. Tbs board of management of tho Eliza- Posm, Miss Marion C. Merrill great offerings: Statement of the Origin and At same beth Ward a worth Chapter, D. A. R., are Progress counter, 'OinBlou'l Sootlimg >yriip of the Work, Benjamin Thompson DRESS SHIELDS are the only ones we Description conveys fifty One lot silver asked to meet at the State Regent’s, Rev. Abiel H. plated I .'ns been U3ed over Fifty Years by millions of Address, Wright of no idea of the value of dozen fleeced Mrs. J. E. (3 Winter street, at of the Corner Pastor know that are made without Rubber or heavy for their children while Teething Palmer’s, Laying Stone, by OMO Link, Sleeve Buttons, the (assisted Alibon ■ with the children’s meeting today at 4.30 by Blackstone, George Guttapercha. are odorless these the ribbed Vests and Drawers, perfect success. It soothes the child, Smith and Geo. They absolutely special lots; o’clook. Rider, Builders.) sort we’ve been sell- allays Pain, cures Wind be gums, Prayer, Rev. Dwight M. Pratt and cannot penetrated by perspiration. better way is to come all sizes, for children, at iio, regulates the bowels, and is the best The first .nesting of the season of the Address, Rev. William H. Fena, D. D. ing at 25c, to go at ioc remedy for Diarrhoea whether arising from Woman's Maine Indian Association Address, and see them all. ioc, 15c, 20c and 25c. is e big or other canses. For sale by Drug- will bo Rev. Jonathan L. Jenkins, D. D. held in High street oliurob this ARE LICHTER half than other Monday—.great variety gisis in every part of tho world. Be sure and afternoon 3 Doxology by any GLO VE8‘ CO TXNTER. But for the at o’clook. Rev. Asa D. D. slight imper- of a firs. Winslow’s 25 Benediction, Dalton, .t'for Soothing Syrup. cts. The first in “Prac- shields. Outwear shields of any other ma■ styles. lesson the oourse on A box has to THEY fections would be worth a bottle. copper been prepared go tical The or An assorted lot real Christianity,” will be given at into the nnder the stone and terlals make. Every pair ofO-M O shields cavity double these NECKWEAR COUNTER. Stuart,83 Park street, Monday at 4.30 p.m. to us kid and prices, (Women's) PERSONAL. many interesting and important docu- is warranted and to you by the manufacturer dogskin walking Deputy Sheriffs Frith and Plummer ments will be plaoed in the box before whom we know to be NOTIONS COUNTER. socured small of beer and resoonsible. Gloves, four at quantities It is sealed them being button, The ’owing guests were registered up, among oopies The last of a lot of liquor at 39 India street, 51 York, 84 of all the the dally papAs printed in Port- down Falmouth yesterday: Hnllett S. 647 7 $1.13,fitted,marked Three sizes of Centre, Commercial, Commercial, a Military and mad- 'i land, list of the members of the pres- LADY DEMONSTRATOR from the manufac- fancy percale -c.;!. U.s Anglin, bliss Swan, L. 98 3 834 Fore from and Washington, Danfcith, ent a list of the contri- $t.5o---blacks Hooks and Mew city government, Eyes, four rass tit, E. Horton, York; W. A. and 342 Fore turer will be at our Counter all this Chemisettes, with streets, Saturday. butors to tbe building fund and A Lining C. many browns. libbthbj, Waterville; George Clark, Bosworth (i. A. will hold a dozen for Post, H., other all of whiob will be an- week to illustrate the excellences of the 5c. cuffs to at ioc a If. G. articles, match, Eawiey, M. Bacon, A. B. at their hall on Free ni bame a jot campfire street, nounced at the time. them. cuunier, <- W. J. R. O-M-O and give information concerning TRIMMINGS COUNTER set Bcetnn; Wise, Montreal; Tuesday evening, October 27th. to-day, been 42c and Y i.. Ti 1. o n„ uni or of children’s Miss Eato to Come Monday, any day this week and see her. cashmere Doherty attempted jump Funeral of Capt. Abram Osgood, Five of fine 62c. iflm v E. C. styles '.c.k; Liuaeile, Wuterville; on a missed bet show of these in our win- jigger Saturday, footing Tim fnnnral of t.hn Into llerif A hram The window shields for children /% A. J. VV. Gloves, Trvo'.i, Westfield; A. P, Morris, and fell under the one of them from oaiiAC wc wheels, took from corner and Oak is worth Jet Insertions,worth LUUUlCr, h e; \7. Osgood place People’s ohurcli, dow, Congress Sts., your three to seven go; E. Wyman, Farmington; over her foot and years, at passing right badly South will H. T. Ball. Portland, yesterday afternoon at 1 attention. $1.48 to $3 a sell all the made-up it. ur. t'uaor attended Her. were yard, mangling o’olock. There was a Inrge attendance 29c, 50c. it the :neetlDg of the P. H. S. athle- The uf the lire alarm Saturday to at to- Neckwear tapping members of K. go one-third off on”* Frank was including Bayard lodge, displayed Coaia, C. Chase, ’87, was caused the and CORSETS COUNTER. by opening shutting of of the Older of the Golden t .:::: i P., Cross, the at half the ionsly elected captain. of the day. counter, key night-wires. and of the Portland Yacht club. The J. R. LIBBY- Jal n S. States Derby, United consul at A of tho sidewalk on Preble One lot of the well- portion services were conducted tbe Revs. HOSIERY COUNTER {Men's) arrived in the eve- by regular prices | to-day- John, city Friday near C in Sat- street, umberland, oared Messrs. Beau and Wood. A male known ‘‘R. & G.” Cor- u : on the to his home quar- some of it is way in York urday evening. One lot fine slightly tette sang several selections with muob of Eng- county. Jehu a while at medium Rally, longshoreman, taste and There were a sets, length, soiled or otherwise Ur. of the house of expression. lish black cashmere Half- de- i-arkyn Steinert work on Commercial was street, moving number of beautiful floral in- 8: who has been in Portland offerings white and at $1.12, hbiii, the two and in some drab, faced. heavy anchors, way an from nose, at marked ..miner and so cluding elegant triangle Bayard 36c, ; made many friends, his hand between them se- got jammed lodge,an emblem from the Golden Cross, regular price $1.50. r ;.:s Lo Boston with his family today. the cf the middlo down from 50c. vering upper part ana beautiful family tributes. The EMBROIDERIES COUNTER. During the recent visit of the Bostoni- pall “A 3d list of October SKIRTS COUNTER. huger. bargains bearera weie taken from Bayard MACINTOSHES COUNTER. an io this city they gave Hr.Harry Mer- The sixth annual ball of Division No. lod ge and Order of the Golden the a trial Cross, One lot of knitted Un- well-known bass singer 66 take* at One lot of Swiss Tidies Railway Conductors, place and the latter organization performed its One lot of fine Mackin- a- City hall. At its close be was warm* Deeembar 10th. There wiil bo at and City hall, ritual after the regular services closed. unprecedented prices!” derskirts, black, navy at 29c, been and naij jlimentad Messrs. Barnabee and 44c by a concert with Chandler’s tosh women’s specialties by The Interment was at Mt.Pleasant ceme- Garments, Stanley. red, with at bund of 25 pieces. The tickets will bo fancy stripes, assorted and 50c. i.o Cumberland club a dinner tery. gave in the form of SUITS NOW $83. were styles colors, something unique, being 1. PARLOR 42c, 58c. LACES to Mr. William M. Bradley COUNTER. Saturday an auuua’ pass, while the programme The Theosophists. at $4.98, worth $7.50 to night, whose marriage takes piaho this It was SI 15. It has five INFANTS’ OUTFITS COUNTER. will rep-eeent a railroad timetable. The new lialhof the Portland Theo- priced pieces. Richly uphol- An w eek. assorted lot of Lin- W. Grover has com- in a $11. Turnkey George sophical room 642 1-2 Con- stered “Fron-Fron,” French fabric composed of silk. Via were the Society, 30, We have secured an. following among arrivals his services at the after hav- en Lace at pleted jail, gress was formally Its a beauty. UNDERWEAR COUNTER. {Men's.) Edges, 3c the Preble house O. M. street, opened Sunday yesterday: ing been thore as watchman and turnkey other lot evening. In spite of the rainy weather, of short lengths a worth 10c. Lon;, Syracuse; B.S. Terry, Providenoe; for seven ot Mr. Grover has lot yard, eight years. the attendance was very and much One of V. A. P. Z. good, of Chamois heavy l.je, Trenton; Fargo, M. been a most and turn Flannelette, efficient faithful Interest was shown in the an 1 li. Mew W. E. crusade, fleeced Shirts and Drawers ; ir, West, Cork; Esty, but finds it on account PARLOR NOW LINENS COUNTER. key, necessary aocount of whloh was given. At the 2. SUITS $43.75. the latest finest a; W. B. styles, French, Boslon; P. C. of his health to find of a employment close of the the hall was dedi- all seams finished, at D a J. meeting 46c, .a, burner; O. Cooke, E. B. less confining nature. quality, at 8c a cated to “Th eosopby, tbe Theoeophicsl It was $60, has 3 pieces, solid mahogany with inlaid yard, sort. One lot of Luncheon Williams, Philadelphia. The class at the regular 75c Boys’ swimming Movement,and the Brotherhood of Man.” decorations, and in style and finish. worth 12 1-2C. Portland Athletic, club decidedly uy-to-date linen Ger- openod Saturday In a week or two Mr. D. STATIONERY COUNTER. Napkins, pure The Kcalpin Club. George Ayers u ornlng with 23 scholars. The classes Also a lot of infants’ of BostoD, Theosophical lecturer for man damase, at a The S.iiipin club celebrated their first in the gymnasium are than usual $1.33 iurger New England, will pay a visit to Port- feather An assorted lot of ; / at their on Oom- at this time. 3. BROGATELLE PARLOR SUITS- long Dresses, quarters land. The date will be announced later. dozen. :i : 1 street Saturday evening. At the Frank Jordan and a made a leatherette companion Next Snndav, unless Mr. Ayers should stitched and hemstitched Photograph ....—. meeting the following officers to Richmond’s Island and NOW $112.50. trip Thursday lecture, the subject will be ‘‘Tbe Three at marked down from Frames, with medalion HANDKERCHIEFS COUNTER. were elected: had luck in sea fowl. $1, good bagging They Objects of the Theosophical Society.” George Osgood. not qjx coot and fonr duoke. Sea fowl Ha» an iron frame and is richly in a fine a in corner, at 17c. Great Vue Dr widen;—• a reunion in Assembly hall, High organist and choir waa excellent. Today Ribbon, shades of at mittee to make all arrangements to con- In same section we ioc. At same red, sci-onJ building, Saturday night. About is the day on which the dilferent church counter, sist of the major and commanding officer 4c a £ i me::, oars were present. The affair guilds hold their annual elections. will make to measure dozen im- yard. of each company. A twenty-five roly informal end the time was 5. BRASS ANDIRONS- $2.49 PAIR. Mr. Frank C. Chase, ’97, has boon un- from order Tooth BASEMENT. -•"■-in y par.od in Funeral of Elmer E. Wilson. any given Brushes, renewing aoquaint- animously elected captain of the Port- ported r ...cing and in to rnusi- The funeral of Mr. Elinor E. Wilsou andirons, were $4.00. “Great trade” a listening land High school athletic team. Highly polished Monday, blanket Wrap- assorted kinds at three ; .;umbers furnished by members. A took place from the residence of Mr. R. say. One William J.Ryan, the blind boy,realized you’ll from hundred nickled permanent association was formed and A. Kenney in Deerlng yosterday aftei- per any of for One lot of a sum lisiug $50 from his benefit enter- 25c. heavy ; Waiter at reception will be bold more tainment nooD. There was a large attendance of different Trays, Sc, held at Gospel Mission hall, on five styles beveled glass Hand Mir- frequently. friends for Mr. Wilson was a man maoh Wednesday evenitg, other 15c. liked and Rev. Mr. Nelson 6 LEATHER SEAT OAK DINING CHAIRS. of fine all wool blan- with easel at days respected. rors, back, 1 « Free Coinage Discussion. On Thursday a party of ladies who officiated. Rockamecook tribe of Red v-mc iuL ui have beau in the the Fed- kets at for the pressed A r the of the Y. C. city attending $5 wrap- meeting M. A. Men of whiob the deceased was a inom- 19c. eration meeting, visited the Borne for Polished quartered oak, 16th century finish, solid box at bei attended and the bear- Our glass Celery Dishes, Friendless at the provided pall liue in the finest of per complete. reg- HABERDASHERX COUNTER, v .-.•. /.ad reached an Boys De-ring, Among seats, spring, seals leather, intarsting point ers. There were beautiful floral upholstered 10c. number was Mrs. S. Stevens of Bruns- many set consists of 4 tea chair and 1 arm is Monday night will he again brought side chairs, 1 chair. ular price $7.50 and $8. Mrs. Blorcnce C. Porter cf Cari- Rifts. One lot of celluloid L-. wick, Now the A lot for discussion and the closing argu- price! of Japanese bou, Mrs. E. A. Bu.rlngton of Belfast. COUNTER laene made on it, a vote being taken on UNDERWEAR (Muslin) wateraroof Collars. all mutes were inuen lnterescau in waat (Somo) ware .i i The Teapots, sliver men claim the best at is being done for this class ol boys. A styles, ioc, regular :_b:M3 so far, but doubtless the gold One lot of fine import- at 7c. company of about 100 ladies of the Btata sMud.-.rd men will put iu some good 25c. Also a lot of laderation of Women’s clubs attended ed muslin as. price One lot of w ork If the Aprons, gold lined, tonight. possible following at tho Maine Central excursion to Pabyans The fcnr are worth each. celluloid Cuffs, 15c, rur live will be put before the nuuse for First side chairs alcne $6 sorted styles of embroid- silver Bonbon and return yesterday. plated discussion: Last and all the time Hood’s Sarsaparilla 50c. A speoial meeting of the city counoil at 69c and $1, been regular price at solved, that the policy of protection has been advertised as a blood purifier. ery, Dishes, 75c, regular ten to toe welfare of the will probably ba held today evening at YARNS COUNTER. promote people The great cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla L LASs mu BE5I! SI EEL PLATE $1 and c t i : atian more than the polio/ of which the most important question to $1.50. price $1.50. free trade. have been accomplished through purified lot bo discussed will bo in to the aleo- One of German- regard blood. salt b -a. Scrofula, rheum, eczema, LININGS COUNTER. B. A. Smith and J. C. Bick- trlc contract. FURNACE, light to Hood’s town the ends of t: Leva tbe a£irmativo side and rheumatism, neuralgia, yield Yarns, S. L. The iox studio with a of corps special because it eradicates the One lot of Bales the negative. Sarsaparilla, 36 inch the skeins de- teachers, opens today. Tho iittlo circu- slightly The only terms at these lar issued by tho school snows it to be ■ Taffeta, black at Sadden Heath. Rustling faced, 8c a Sales are cash somewhat different in its aims from the skeinj Monday Mi... Martin who and all Klahsrty, lives in art staple at conventional sohocl. Hus all modern will heat five rooms colors, NEEDLEWORK COUNTER. and no t rear of So. 43 Pleasant died attachments, nicely, exchanges. street, There was another rain eve- gautlo last can be set in all the and 8c a very suddenly lest evening. She walked up any house with pipes registers yard, regular price ning. The day was raw and drosry. Last Two hundred fancy f-cross the room in her house and sat and fully warranted to suit for the above price. Don’t look ioc and 12 1-2C. nistors ot Pern lodge having tickets or Vestige of those impurities which have in down in a chair. She suddenly for'this bargain anywhere else. It is a real “Household Pillows, gave money from the harvest supper, piotse been developing, perhaps for years, in gold printed h s of extreme and Dr. MoDcn- Outfitter’s” offer. sell the Combination HOSIERY COUNTER OWEN, MOORE & CO illness, make returns before Tuesday, October the blood. Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures We also Magee cloth cases, with at crape oi;.