Orissa Review * February - March - 2009

Bharat Leela or Subhadra Parinaya : A Cultural Extravaganza of Southern Coastal Orissa

Dr. Pratap Kumar Dash

Like Pala, Daskathia, Sankirtan, Chadeya who very often wanted to keep the world under Suanga, Dhuduki and Ghoda Nacha, there is a his control and to prove himself supreme. Also very famous rural folk poetic dance drama called he wanted to kill and Balaram so as to Bharat Leela or Subhadra Parinaya present in invade their country and to win the wife (or so to Orissa. It is highly popular among the rural people say Patarani of Krishna, ) of of Orissa, because it has all the ingredient of Srikrishna. The performance of yagnya was the entertainment for them. It is highly dramatic, right time for him to attack both of them. Then musical, mythological and literary. People say Krishna and Balaram had nothing to do but to that this kind of dance-drama is initiated escape from his attack. So when they took shelter simultaneously in the districts of Ganjam and or hide themselves in the yagnya kunda, Nayagarh propagating Oriya tradition and culture. Gosingha was able to take Satyabhama forcibly This Subhadra Parinaya or Bharat Leela or Duari and made an attempt to go away. But just at that Nata is of great demand than Suanga or Sangeeta time of going away with Satyabhama an or Rasa. The three characters , Subhadra obstruction came on his way. At night, when he and Duari or Dwara Rakshaka (gatekeeper) are was going in his chariot, Satyabhama used to cry taken from the Mahabharat. They make poetic helplessly, which was heard by the great warrior references of the writings of , Arjuna, who was then spending his cursed exile Gangadhar Meher, Bhakta Charana, Kabisurya in the forest. In addition Arjuna was there because Baladev Rath, Abhiram Paramahansa and Charan he had promised the sun god to help him come Das etc. round from a very serious disease called The actors go on singing the songs of the "Ludubudu". There was only one remedy for this play themselves and very often are supported by disease that he had to burn the "Khandaba Bana" the group of background singers called as Palia. of Indra, the king of the gods. But Indra was Actually the story of Bharat Leela is taken from unwilling to allow the sun god to burn that precious the incident of the Krishna Leela. The mythological forest since it was full of very useful plants and story says that Lord Krishna and Balaram trees. But Arjuna owing to his commitment to the arranged a yagnya. But while doing this sacred Sun, helped him set fire in the Khandaba forest. work, they became the victim of a very powerful So that was the time when he heard the cry of and dreadful demon king named Gosingha Daitya, Satyabhama. Since it was dark night, he did not

43 Orissa Review * February - March - 2009 like to go to the place where Gosingha was going Saraswati to provide him due knowledge in due with Satyabhama. So he sent a "Manabhedi" time. Then he takes the lead role as the thread arrow (the arrow that can control one's mind) at bearer between Arjuna and Satyabhama and that direction which could stop the chariot of finally Satyabhama gets access to reveal her Gosingha from moving ahead. They were caught purpose of arrival at the door of Arjuna. In the in the magical net formed by that arrow. Next meantime the gatekeeper straight jumps into the morning, Arjuna went to that place, killed ocean of knowledge vested in references of the Gosingha and rescued Satyabhama. He took her Mahabharat, the Ramayana, other Puranas, back to the abode of Krishna. At that time he legendary and mythological stories. He designs spent some days there as the guest of Krishna. the story of union of Arjuna and Subhadra, the In the mean time, Subhadra the most sister or Lord Krishna in a purely scholastic and beautiful and lovely sister of Krishna had a deep aesthetic way. In the different contexts of the inner desire to marry Arjuna due to his bravery proceeding of the play, he discusses about the and handsomeness, When she could learn that six natures present in man; also he discusses the Arjuna was very much present in their place, it relevance of ten names of Arjuna; he refers to was a golden chance for her to win his heart. Shankaracharya's Mohamudgara, the different Satyabhama had also a clear cut idea about the sayings of and Oriya scholars too. His weakness of Subhadra towards Arjuna. So she main aim is to evolve the aesthetics of the also wanted to make her dream come true by Mahabharat that provide different ideal instances uniting both Subhadra and Arjuna. So she left for common man to live a farsighted, reasonable, Subhadra free to win the heart of Arjuna. Finally intellectual, artistic and spiritual life. Arjun in the the dwara rakshaka or duari worked as the go meantime does not easily accept the deep love of between. He is also called Betrahasta. Since he Subhadra for him. So he becomes very callous hold a guarding stick in his hand. His role is to believe and accept her. Then this gatekeeper important since he made the marriage between takes the vital role of convincing him to accept Arjuna and Subhadra possible after a prolonged Subhadra. Cordially, while trying to convince series of combat of wittious literary arguments Arjuna, he resorts to different mythological were over. Thus let us focus on the technical instances like how and why the world was progression of the poetic drama. created, where lies the essence of faith and love, The play actually starts with an invocation what are the ingredients of love of man and to goddess Bhavani by the chorus singers. Then woman. He gives reference to the mythological the story proper starts. The time of the story is king Dakshya Prajapati and the origin of different midnight when Arjuna has gone to bed. He gets life styles in the earth. He refers to logical and up all of a sudden to hear knocking and shout of ethical topics related to virtue and sin; refers to a woman at the door of his residence. Then he the stories associated with the eight royal queens orders his gatekeeper to inquire and inform him of Lord Krishna; focuses on the follies and foibles about all that matter. Then the turn of the of the characters of Arjuna and other characters gatekeeper comes. He starts his action on the of the Mahabharat. He specially refers to the stage by praying his master or Guru; then he prays theoritical and artistic analysis of the love of Lord , Lord Shiva and goddess Krishna too.

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Finally, he discloses the truth to the audience developed such a poetic drama in the districts of that is the farsighted plan and illusion created by undivided Ganjam and , but credit goes to lord Krishna. He discloses the truth that this drama some specific persons like Kirtan Gaud of Ganjam of union of Arjuna and Subhadra takes place and Nabakishore Samanta. Their disciples have because from them is to be born; he spread the poetic drama through the districts. The is to be killed mercilessly and unlawfully by the Bharat Leela groups of Digapahandi of Ganjam Kauravs in the battle of Mahabharat. As a result and Patharkata of Nayagarh perform this on that painful event instigates Arjuna to join the battle different occasions of fairs and festivals like of the Mahabharat and fight for the cause of Kumar Punima and Dola. The lead role of establishing the law of nature in the earth. gatekeeper is very attractively performed by While expressing these subject matters, he Nabakrishore Samanta (Nabina) and Nabaghana sings songs beautifully changing the rhythms and Parida (of Digapahandi). Nabakishore Samanta tunes. He sings following the Binakar, Haliageeta, and Dutikeswar Dalabehera (of Muthagadia, Dhuduki, Pala, Sankirtan, Chadeya Suange styles Nayagarh) have given this story of Mahabharat a and the singing style of the Odia Ramayana. At beautiful poetic Drama form. This poetic drama times these traditional style of songs are added is enacted continuously at least for two days with the songs of Odissi, Champu and Chhanda covering the festival nights. Sometimes a etc. They have composed songs themselves in competition is organized between two famous dals Chaudakshyari (14 letter lines) in couplets and and the audience enjoy the aesthetic of the art. quatraits. They also sing them in the style of Pallavi, Prize is given to the attractive performers. Chokhi and popular tunings of present time. The songs are full of humour, logic and wittious references of mythological stories. The history of this Bharat Leela or Subhadra Parinaya dates back to sixty years or Dr. Pratap Kumar Dash is a Lecturer in English, Ranpur so. Some rural art and culture loving people College, Ranpur, Nayagarh.

Udayagiri Ranigumpha