LIBRARY DIRECTIONS: A NEWSLETTER Volume 18, No. 1 OF THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON LIBRARIES Spring - Summer, 2008 Library Directions is produced twice a year by Libraries staff. Inquiries concerning content may be sent to: Library Directions University of Washington Libraries LETTER FROM THE DEAN Box 352900 Seattle, WA 98195-2900 (206) 543-1760 (
[email protected]) The symphony must be like the world. Paul Constantine, Managing Editor Maureen Nolan, Editor It must embrace everything. Susan Kemp, Production Manager, Photographer Gustav Mahler to Jean Sibelius (1907) Mark Kelly, Stephanie Lamson, Mary Mathiason, Mary Whiting, Copy Editors Library Directions is available online at www.lib. In many ways, libraries are like symphonies. Several sources are used for mailing labels. Please pass mul- tiple copies on to others or return labels of unwanted copies They must (and do) embrace the world and to Library Directions. Addresses containing UW campus photo by John Pai box numbers were obtained from the HEPPS database everything in it. For as long as memories have and corrections should be sent to your departmental existed and knowledge has flourished, libraries payroll coordinator. have connected people around the world. IN THIS ISSUE: In this issue of Library Directions, you will read how the Libraries is LETTER FROM THE DEAN ......................................THIS PAGE working to bring the world to the University of Washington and, OUGL VIDEOCONFERENCING STUDIO likewise, to take the University of Washington to the world. Jacob —THINK GLOBALLY, MEET LOCALLY ...........................P. 1 Jacob A. Morris, collaborative technology Morris and Jill McKinstry reveal how the state-of-the-art Odegaard consultant, Catalyst Client Services, Learning & Scholarly Technologies, and Jill McKinstry, Undergraduate Library Videoconferencing Studio shrinks the world director, Odegaard Undergraduate Library and breaks down geographic barriers.