Vol. 13, No. 138 BOCA RATOThursday, Oct. 17, 1968 N NEWS 24 Pages Council eyes Garden Apartment purchase Will check signals with chamber

Purchase of the' Garden Apartments was up for discus- sion again this week as City Council decided to check sig- nals with the Chamber of Com- Congressman Paul Rogers visited the campus of Florida At- merce on a proposed referen- lantic University Wednesday to present the first increment in dum. a $1000 scholarship fund established by Radio Corporation of City Manager Alan Alford America. The scholarship from RCA is the first in what Con- was instructed to check with gressman Rogers hopes will be a growing list of industry- Chamber Manager Ed Regis- ter on the proposed purchase. sponsored grants which he solicited recently in letters to some Directors of the Chamber have 90 companies arcund the nation, all of which are engaged in indicated to the City Council research related to the oceans. that they would help carry the ball in support of a referen- dum for a bond issue to pur- chase the area. Improvements slated The apartment project, across the street from City Hall, has been the object of some local criticism on the basis of its appearance. Var- for airport facility ious corrections have been or- dered in the past by the Ho- Repaying contracts were let will include spot improve- tel and Restaurant Commission. this week for work on the Boca ments. Council's action, which stop- Raton Airport. Included will be The airport is maintained ped short of a vote on putting existing auto parking areas and as an integral operating unit the matter on the February bal- turnaround space. of the University under the di- lot, came in the wake of a re- A spokesman for Florida At- rector of auxiliary services, port from the city attorney that lantic University said the work Robert Tare The 203 acre tract of land a general obligation bond issue Det. Fred Dettman removes stolen goods from car. which comprises the airport was the only way to finance the must be utilized and maintain- acquisition. Mayor Harold Series moves ed as an airport under the Maull indicated that he thought terms set forth by the U.S. the end of November might be government for the transfer an appropriate time to bring up Shoplifters captured after to Great Hall of the land. The balance of for Council consideration the The upcoming program in • •..the.-.total 1203 acres were ded- question of adding the bond is- Florida Atlantic University's icated to the construction of a s«e vr, ••?£?-'February municipal f student series has been re- state university with no other .election ballot or calling a spe- scheduled for the Boca Raton restrictions. cial election. car, foot chase around city Hotel and Club's Great Hall The current airport improve- Alford also was handed by and the date changed to Sunday, ment project includes improve- the Council the task of prepar- Nov. 10, at 8:30 p.m. Dr. Ken- ment of an access road and of ing a report on the Planning and By JIM RIFENBURG tomobile and a running chase "He was sitting on a lawn- neth R. Williams, FAU pres- the aircraft ramp and widen- Zoning Board's request that on foot through weeds, bush- mower resting when we caught ident, announced today. ing a portion of the west end the city move to establish set- Two men were captured here es and across canals. up with him," Sgt. Lamont said. The duo-piano team of Fer- of the runway. back lines for beach access yesterday following a cross- roads. The planning board has town high speed chase by au- A third man involved in what rante and Teicher will be the Taro, responding to recent appeared to be a shop-lifting The second culprit, Riley, performers in the Nov. 10 con- asked that the city consider a was caught by Patrolman John discussions among city and 146-foot - wide extension of spree of several stores, in- cert, second in the 1968-69 county officials, pointed out that cluding two in Boca Raton, was Oliver in the vicinity of North- student series presented by Northeast 6th street from east 15th terrace about 4 p.m. the University is, of course, A-l-A to the ocean and a 108- still on the loose at press time. FAU. eligible for matching funds from "He was lying on top of a The changes followed recent the U.S. Federal Aid-Airport foot - wide extension of Police said Lonnie Durham 15th street. small building with his head about-face in arrangements for Program and has an application and John Bobbie Riley were hanging over," Oliver said. "I the series caused by objections pending in the amount of $30,- The street extensions, the both in custody and probably told him to come down or I of Bibletown members to use 000. If these funds are granted, board indicated, would provide would be charged with several would shoot. of the auditorium for the se- construction would get under- public access routes to per- counts of petty larceny. mit the public to get to the "He didn't hesitate about ries' first program, a Univer- way immediately on needed taxi The chase started shortly getting down," the officer add- sity spokesman said. strips to handle the increasing public beach below the mean after the trio was seen steal- ed. FAU's Lyceum Committee air traffic. Otherwise, con- high tide mark. ing two and a half pair of shoes Councilman Sid Brodhead, in- In the original chase, sev- recommended that the balance struction will have to wait until from a shoe store in the Fifth eral shots were fired into the of the Series be moved to new sufficient funds are generated dicated he felt the setbacks Avenue Shopping Plaza about would be meaningless unless air by the pursuing officers locations and the Committee from operating income. 1:30 p.m. An employe called and at one point the subduing is now looking into all avail- the city has the money to pur- the police department and gave In 1964, federal aid made chase the property. And May- chemical, Mace, was used but able facilities in the area for officials a description of the to no avail. large groups. (Continued on Page 2A) or Harold Maull stated that three men and the car in which the city doesn't have the mon- they escaped from the scene. One officer, Clarence Quinn, ey. Sgts. George Lamont and said he chased one of the three Maull argued that the access Frank Maguire spotted the ve- men on foot for over two miles. Oceanographic complex roads would be "primarily a hicle on East Palmetto Park He lost him in the vicinity of convenience for neighborhood road and started the pursuit. the AFT apartments. use." Several other patrol cars were Det.' Sgt. Fred Dettman said planned on Peanut Is. called in an attempted to block no estimate of the stolen goods off city streets. was available last yester- By MIRIAM WRIGHT tion of the lease. Hurricane Headed west on Northwest day afternoon. 13th street, the trio suddenly The complex is to be used A hurricane plotting jumped out of the rolling ve- "The merchandise appears A 99-year lease by Peanut for study and development of map, with late coordi- to have been taken from several Island Properties, Inc., was marine technology, science, hicle and scattered running. signed Wednesday afternoon nates on Hurricane Glad- The car rolled into a yard stores in Pompano and at least commerce, and products. It will ys, is on page 9A of to- knockingover shrubbery be- two here in Boca Raton," he with the Port of Palm Beach also be used for research in said. for the development of Peanut water and air pollution. day's News. fore finally stopping on its own. Island as an oceanographic Meanwhile officers gave "From the information we complex. chase on foot. have been able to put together Local educational institutions Durham ran about two blocks so far," he continued, "it looks are expected to cooperate in and was apprehended at 1605 as though we'll have either four the development for oceanog- N.W. Second Ave. or five petty larceny cases." raphic education programs in all fields, including studying methods of finding and remov- ing minerals from the sea. Rezoning requests More than $23 million will be paid for the lease and a guarantee that the leasing com- pany will spend at least $4 million within five years on on board agenda construction improvements which will include putting in A petition from Newton E. bulkheads, seawalls and other Liggett to rezone land on Fed- Other matters up for dis- items. eral highway and Northeast 6th cussion will be the Schneider- The lease calls for payments street will be up for public hear- Helmbach rezoning petition for of over $200,000 a year at first ing at the Planning and Zoning rezoning of land on northeast and escalating until termina- 13 street for an apartment com- Board meeting tonight. plex. Both the Moseley and the The petition is for rezoning Schneider petitions are recess- from B-4 general business to ed hearings from Sept. 19. I* RB-1 motel-business. Liggett wants to build a condominium Amusement Page 8A apartment complex on the prop- Church News 8B erty. Classifieds 10-1IB Board members also will dis- Editorial 4A cuss and possibly make a de- Hurricane Map 9A cision on the petition of Dr. Oct. 14-16 Legals 10B James Moseley and Dr. Jack Hi Lo Rain \ Sports 10A Reid for rezoning of land on Mon. 87 68 None Society 1-2-3B Patrolman Don Goode pursues shoplifters on foot. Meadows Road for a medical Tues. 85 73 .05 complex. Wed.(noon) 80 72 .50 2A BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 17, 1968

E.A. Holland Emmett A. Hollandj WAREHOUSE SALE 49, Boca Raton and Palo Alto, Calif., died here Sunday. at Mr. Holland was an engineer with IBM. He and his family were in the process of moving Artlptr Knttxxtn (Saitoh INC. here from Palo Alto when he died. On The Premises Surviviors include his wife, Kathleen, and one son, Jeremiah. 615 East Atlantic Avenue Funeral Mass and burial will be in Palo Alto with Lorne-Ba- Delray Beach, Florida bione Funeral Home in charge of local arrange- ments. Saturday October 19th

British Standard Time now is one hour 10:00 A.M. Until Ail is Sold faster than Greenwich Mean Time, the old im- MUST CLEAR WAREHOUSE PRIOR TO SEASONAL OPENING perial standard. This makes London's time Luncheon Furnished Members of the newly formed high school Bowers, vice president; Mrs. Sam Gillotte, the same as Central president; Mrs. Earl Trinkner, treasurer and European Time, so it's Band Parents Association met in executive easier to do business session this week tp plan for a general meet- Band Director James Banim. The general with the Continent. ing next Tuesday. Present were, left to right, membership meeting will be held in the band Mrs. John Magnon, secretary; Mrs. Floyd room at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening. HOW TO GETAWAY FROM IT AL1 PERMANENTLY

Sugar Sands is blissful living! Forsake the rake for a swim and, the hose for a doze, on creme colored Beach cleaning equipment has had a heavy beaches on the lake and ocean. The casual sports at schedule following strong on-shore winds the Sugar Sands Club mean a dip in the pool, fun and seas during the past several days. at the putting clock, a luxurious sauna or cycle to the lake side docks for fishing, sailing or Student government surfing. All the while Sugar Sands maintains your Polynesian Beach House or residence in the Custom Made Draperies and Shades Slipcovers • Upholstery elections postponed Hi-Spires in perfect island style. It all adds up to "Home Sweet Home," in a tropical paradise. Free Decorator Service For Consultation Student government stroyed by the campus elections on the Florida security police. The Phone 399-7033 Atlantic University election committee of campus were cancelled the Student Senate, Wednesday in the wake which . oversees the of alleged voting irre- elections, said the ac- gularities. ; tion followed "numer- -I Polling places were ous complaints" of ir- DRAPERY STUDIO closed at 11 a.m, yes- regularities, including terday and the 768 bal- the absence of provis- 3062 N. FEDERAL HWY.. SOCA RATON lots were ordered de- sions for secret bal- loting. The elections have been re-scheduled for next Tuesday and Wed- nesday. This IS No f LUXURY 2 BEDROOM - 2 BATH Airport CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCES - JTB OUTOF (Continued from 1A) FROM possible improvement of taxi ways, installa- $23,900 This woRLdll tion of runway lighting, protective fencing, ir- FURNISHED MODELS OPEN rigation, and grading DAILY FROM 9 TO 6 and paving. The cur- INTERIORS BY RAY O'DONNELL rent operating lease- holder, Florida Airmo- tive of Boca Raton, Inc., has a 15-year lease VELVET which runs until 1976. Proceeds to the Univer- sity from this lease are .; VOGUE" IN TSECOBAllVE placed in a special ac- count, under operating - we HAVE IT- procedures established by the University, and (y ou HAV£ TO are used for maintain- ing and improving the facility. CONDOMINIUM BEACH COLONY The airport is a flag stop for Florida Atlan- A1A ON SINGER ISLAND tic Airlines (no Univer- sity connection) and Gold Coast Air Taxi SILK Service. WE A 8$ 4

M 7 9 yj. WHY NOT BUY FROM THE STARS IF Flg'Tt ~£7 EVERYONE ELSE DOES THERE'S ONE CONSTELLATION WHEN YOU BAV/I BUY FROM THE 'STARS' YOU'LL GET A BRIGHTER PICTURE FOR YOUR VIEWING PLEASURE VSLVBF Too -LlNfN- CUT- 59 YRS. COMBINED ELECTRONIC EXPERIENCE — ANTIQUE- PKIMTk.*k AIL AT BILLZUORELL REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES AND MODELS WALTSVETL.CK FAMOUS Admiral CALICO CORHBIS. Fisher Components SALES and SERVICE Antenna Installations BOCA RATON 2174 -N.E. 1st Avenue 20 S. DIXtS - 1 BLOCK WSST ON USI STAR TV Boca Roton 399-: e 7 Clears Short Thursday, Oct. 17, 1968 BOCA RATON 3A docket in city court AT MUSIC Judge George de other charges he plead- Claire disposed of a ed not guilty and a trial CENTRE short docket inless than will be held at a later one hour in City Court date. Tuesday morning. It was In cases that Judge "THE DEPENDABLE MUSIC STORE " one of the smallest num- de Claire called "ladies ber of cases handled day," Maria D. Espal- on regular court day in largas and Hilda L. Or- * Records Always at Discount Pifices over a year. tins were each fined Robert Gene Boyden, $2.00 for red light vio- * Diamond Needles for who pleaded guilty to lations. George D. Croft reckless driving and an paid a. $15 fine for All Phonographs resultant accident, paid speeding and Joseph H. * Music Accessories one of the largest fines Sankows Jr., signed a of the day. He was as- guilty waiver on a like * Strings* Straps sessed $60. charge,, Dale S. Rimar A. A. Hayden also paid was fined $2 for illegal * Harmonicas*Ricks*Guitars a $60 fine for running parking. a red light and for not In non traffic cases, * Tape Recorders and Tapes having a driver's li- Henry LD Brown failed * SyIvania Stereo cense. to appear to answer a George P. Evans gambling charge. A * Sylvania Color TV pleaded guilty to care- warrant was issued for less driving and wasMs arrest with a $75 BEAUTIFUL NEVf LOCATION •jv fined $50. Beulah L. bond attached. Brady Parker pleaded guilty Lee Cox, charged with to failure to yield the being drunk, did not u right of way, causing an show up in court. A Spies and Dolls accident and was fined warrant was issued. The $20.' bond of Walter G. Swe- 70t«4CC Mark E. French was eney was estreated when fined $25 for improper he failed to appear to Royal Palm Plaza, Boca Raton Maynee Tewksbury, one of the new teach- lane change and care- answer a charge of pub- ers at Boca Raton High School, will direct less driving. On two lic intoxication. the Thanksgiving play called "Spies and Dolls." It will be the first production for the newly formed Drama Club, a volunteer unit of some dozen students at the school. The one-act play NEWW LOCATION ! will be presented at one night performance for parents and at an assembly program. Mrs. Tewksbury majored in English and dra- ma at the University of New York and has FLORIDA STATE VISION SERVICE had considerable experience in little theater casts. Previous to coming to Boca Raton, she IN was a teacher at Rombout School in Beacon, N.Y. BOCARATON SOI S. Federal H wy • RIADY TO S1RVI ALL YOUR NflDS IN: EYEGLASSES



SAFETY GLASSES * NEWEST SUN GLASS STYLES * CONTACT LENS SUPPLIES Located - NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY - 601 S, Federal Hwy., Boca Raton 39|-2920 3364 W. Broward Bbd., Ft. Layderdale 587-7075 Boea Raton National Bank SAVINGS CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT EARN

- CALL 395-2010 ~ Member Federal Reserve System SOUTH FEDERAL HWY. AT CAM1NO REAL, 24 HOURS A DAY BOCA RATON.... CALL 395-2300 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FOR THE CORRECT TIME OF DAY On second thought It's the parents' job

By GUS HARWELL The ratings are: young people. This category THE MOTION Picture As- G — Suggested for general includes movies that because sociation of America has insti- audiences including movies of theme, content and treat- tuted a new voluntary national that in the opinion of the Code ment might require more ma- film rating program, which and Rating Administration ture judgment by viewers and Beach access would serve primarily as would be acceptable for all au- about which parents should ex- a guide to parents. diences without consideration of ercise their discretion. The system will become ef- age. R — Restricted — persons City Council has given its blessings to the the vital consideration, and that the city should fective Nov. 1, and all movies under 16 not admitted unless idea of having access roads to the beach, but spend its money at the Spanish River Park released after Nov. 1 will have M — Suggested for mature accompanied by parent or adult has pretty much gone on record as saying that Beach and the northward extension of the a rating. audiences — adults and mature guardian. we'll never have them. South Beach. The desirability of these ex- X— Persons under 16 not ad- The proposed access roads, based on a plan pansion projects is not open for debate; we're mitted. This category would drafted by the city's Planning and Zoning Board, all for them. include those which do not qual- would permit persons to move from the public The point, though, is that beach access ify for a Code Seal, because of right of way on A-l-A to the publicly owned roads at other points are not in an either/or "Fall Cleaning" the treatment of sex, violence, piece of beach below the mean high tide mark. tug of war with expansion of the primary beach crime or profanity. With all the smugness at their command, areas. They're something additional. Below This system may very well »** Councilmen opened the discussion by demanding the mean high tide mark, the beach is pub- be a help to parents. It is prob- that the Planning Board explain "how you es- lic „ . . it's a narrow piece of sand at best, ably preferable to censorship tablish setbacks from non-existent streets." and its usefulness is obviously regulated by of any kind. They said they wouldn't even ask the city attor- the ebb and flow of the tide. In the long run, it's But I can't help but wonder ney lest the question embarass him. a priceless asset and to say that we're going to just how effective it will be in They should have asked. They should do make no effort whatsoever to assure that the actual administration. I have their homework. people will be able to get to it in the future is the strong suspicion that an Setbacks from non-existent streets have been tantamount to thumbing your nose at Christ- "X" rating will be the equiva- established by the City Council itself within the mas gifts. lent of "Banned in Boston" in last month. The best illustration is the north- All of the difficulties which can be conjured scouring up audiences. ward extension of Northwest 12th avenue, north up to argue against the proposal can be solv- of Meadows road. Councilmen voted approval of ed, as Planning Board Member John DeGrove IN THE LIGHT of my past special building setbacks from the center line pointed out, by proper administration. experience, which hasn't been of the future right of way of Northwest 12th Even the burdens of public acquisition need particularly wide, I have avenue. not be so great as imagined. At the present serious doubts that the motion This essentially is what the Planning Board time, the crucial item is protecting the pub- picture industry can depend on was asking for on Northeast 6th and 15th streets lic's interest. This can be accomplished just theater owners to apply the east of A-l-A. It would not provide public ac- as well as a 10-foot-wide path as by a roadway code strictly. cess, but it would establish clearly the pub- • 110 feet wide. The question of providing public In the past, in many theaters, lie's interest in the right of way, temporarily parking on the site is irrelevant to the basic the admonishment "Adults halt any construction which would encroach issue of assuring that future generations of only" has been an invitation to the right of way and pave the way for eventual Boca Raton's citizens will be able to get down young people. Too many times, acquisition by the city of the tract in question. to the surf if they want to. I have seen obviously underage Only by purchase would the citizens actually If the city's bluff is called on a 10-foot par- youngsters admitted to such acquire the right to walk on the property. cel, the price tag should be easily within the movies. But in the meantime, it would put developers reach of the municipal pocketbook. From that I can't help believing that on the alert to the fact that the citizens don't point on, expansion if desired would be a the same thing will happen when want to be fenced off from what is rightfully much more simple matter. It also might elim- an industry - applied code rates theirs by a wall of high-rise condominiums. inate any problems of condemnation by simply a movie Restricted. The name If, of course, the owner of the property wants waiting until the owner says "buy or forget of the game is paid admissions, to "call the city's bluff," to say that he wants the setbacks". . . and then buy it. and I fear that far too many to build on the property and the city can We've become obsessed with the problems theaters will be admitting any- either buy it or abandon the setbacks, the city of parking, and probably for good reason. But one who has the price of ad- is left with precisely those two choices. as Boca Raton blossoms into a major metro- mission, That's a decision, however, that doesn't politan area, why not look forward to having a I hope I'm wrong, and that have to be made until the necessity arises. bus stop at a 10-foot path to the beach? the entire movie industry will Council argued Tuesday that economics are There's all sorts of possibilities. join in making the new rating system effective. Time will tell. But the bur- Views of other newspapers den will still fall where it al- ways must — on the parents. Species still in danger

The Endangered Species bill, H.R. 11618, skins from Africa now exceeds by 60,000 the The view from Tallahassee which would end interstate traffic in, and nation- ;, 10,000 which is legal.. It is estimated that 30,- al importation of, certain endangered species . 000 of these are from females whose unwean- of wildlife, now faces some last-minute op- ed cubs are left to perish. At this rate, the position. Although orie prominent furrier has leopard will be extinct in a few years. What 1 given support to the bill to the extent of re- profit or livelihood can be drawn from an ex- fusing to sell any more leopard coats at this tinct species? time, organized groups of furriers, leather- Reading the mail goods manufacturers, pet-shop operators and H.R, 11618 has been in process since July animal importers are claiming that such a of 1967. It was passed by the House Aug. 1, bill threatens their profits and the livelihood 1968. Senate committee hearings were finished of workers involved. July 24, and a favorable report would now By MALCOLM B. JOHNSON The superintendent blames all tomer — including school chil- This is a weak and fallacious argument. bring the bill to the floor of the Senate for a vote. his problems on the school dren." Fashions in fur and other clothing are set The interests working so feverishly against this The company president Reading the mail out loud: busing program. It's a conven- by whim or by deliberate promotion and can outcome have had ample time to present their ient scapegoat. I even believe promptly replied with a copy be rechanneled. The fur industry is not de- arguments, yet they shied away from appear- Here's a note from Con- of another letter instructing gressman Sam Gibbons of Tam- the busing program could be pendent, for instance, on skins from the spot- ing before open House and Senate committee run efficiently. When I asked his district manager to "check ted cats which constitute one of the most hearings. They should not be allowed now, pa, attaching a statement in- over every store in the Talla- dicating savings of $210,500 by my neighbor how the present gravely threatened species. The insatiable de- as Congress rushes to adjournment, to block superintendent obtained his of- hassee area and any reading mand of fashion for these furs breeds mas- this important conservation measure. the House Committee on Edu- material such as obscene books cation and Labor "since we fice, she said the people of sive poaching. The yearly export of leopard — Christian Science Monitor Tallahassee voted for him. I and magazines that we have in got rid of Adam." our stores, please pull it off Gibbons, remember, was a stared at her in utter amaze- ment. sale immediately. . ." prime - mover in dethroning We assume the brotherhood Rep. Adam Clayton Pow- Indeed they did vote for him. He had no opponent the first will be checking, too. And that's ell, free-spending chairman of the way to get rid of the filth. the committee. His figures show time he ran. But they can vote reduced costs of committee tra- on Nov. 5 to make the school superintendent subject to ap- There- seems to be a war vel and salaries between the wife worrier abroad in our taxes to support public projects 89th and 90th Congresses. pointment by the School Board, of Boca Raton living west of In- which at least would eliminate coastal town of Carrabelle. Beach access should certainly have a strong tracoastal Canal, voice in decisions which affect I'll leave verification to au- duplication, and controversy We have a letter from a man To the editor: them, and I am sure will be ditors, but if it had cost $210,- over who is running the school in Vietnam who says his wife s/M.E. Skinner system. at home in Carrabelle is being Curently the subject of ac- carefully considered by the City 500 to get rid of Adam, most fed stories about him and what cess to the ocean beaches is Council when called upon to im- Sidewalks? of Gibbons' constituents would plement such programs. call it good work. Nor have the people let up on he's doing that make her cry. being discussed at City Hall obscene literature available to They tell her "that I'm having and in your editorial columns. In the light of the foregoing, To the editor: my fun, why doesn't she have There seems to be a new rul- You know, it's an axiom that their children in the Capital I would like to suggest that I suggest that the city should City. hers." we clarify what is meant by devote it's energy to the acqui- ing on S.W. 12th Ave., whether the only way a local column- it is official or not, we would The Forest Heights Baptist He asks us to tell the world some of the language being used sition of additional land for ist or editorial writer can draw he loves his wife more than to support or oppose the vari- beach front park purposes at like to know. more letters than Ann Landers Church brotherhood has remin- ded the president of that chain life itself, and if anyone in C ar- ous proposals. the end of Palmetto Park Road In the first place, the resi- and Doctor Molner is to say rabelle wants to know what m rather than frittering away it's dents on this avenue put in a lot something about dogs, teach- of little stores that he once promised The Tallahassee he's doing in Vietnam "come First, "public beaches". I available funds on street ex- of time and money to keep up ers or the Fighting Gators. on over and find out." am sure the "man on the tensions or pathways to pro- their lawns. Now, add George Wallace. Democrat he would keep dir- street" who hears that phrase vide access to the narrow rib- Sidewalks were originally ty books off his racks. But the "Lowlife . . . homewrecker envisions a wide expanse of bon of half submerged sand built, presumably for pedes- But Wallace hasn't absorbed brotherhood says, "no action . . ." is all he calls such peo- sand extending from the surf that the public admittedly owns. trians, however, these same all the angry people hereabouts, has been taken. Outrageously ple, which indicates he's a ra- line to a public area where his sidewalks are now claimed by yet. filthy magazines and- paper- ther restrained individual. The proposal of the Plan- back books are still within easy They should leave his I transportation, be it car or ning and Zoning Board is well cyclists for the school. Those lady alone. bicycle, can be parked. This intentioned, but should be re- who have to walk, use the lawns There's a man on the south view and reach of every cus- objective can only be accom- jecte d by Council because - for their footpath rather than be side of town complaining that plished where the land between 1. The beach reached is of hit by speeding cyclists, many his neighbors on Sunnyside the surf and the road that pro- such extremely limited use. of whom yell at the pedestrians drive "are going to have to vides the access to it is publi- 2. The inevitable trespass on to get out of the way if they find some way to control our cally owned and dedicated as privately-owned land would be happen to be on the sidewalks. dog situation, especially at a beach front park. most objectionable to owners Others ride their bicycles ov- night. For those of us who are To be sure, the narrow rib- of adjacent property, and dif- er the lawns in order to speed without air-conditioning, with bon of half submerged sand ficult to police against litter- past. the windows open, it is im- between high and low tide lines ing or clandestine use of an It's not too long ago that cy- possible to sleep through much Thursday 4A Oct. 17, 1968 clists were forbidden on side- of the night with all the bark- is reserved for the public as objectional nature. Published every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 34 S.E. an extension of the ocean it- 3. The geography of Boca walks. When was this ruling ing and fighting going on," self, but it's usefulness is Raton and the traffic patterns changed? 2nd St., Boca Raton, Fla., 33432, by the Boca Raton Pub- strictly limited unless tres- strongly suggest that the area What a disappointing area Great problem here: Human lishing Co., Inc. Phone 395-8300. pass is committed against the at the end of Palmetto Park this has turned into in the past rights vs. dog rights. Maybe the angry man's candidate has owners of the land above the Road should receive priority 2 years] Before that, it was a W.H. HARWELL, Jr., Publisher high tide line. attentio n for increased beach quiet residential section where an answer. Then let's analyze "the pub- facitilities. people could be happy in their lic Interest". This is a very 4. Access to the "public retirement. And the schools still are broad term. It encompasses the beach" south of the inlet for Now it is a work of art to catching it — not the teach- JOHN T. OPEL. H. CLAY RILEY ers, the Leon County School interests of everyone. They Boca residents within reason- be able to get a car out of Editor Adv. Mgr. may be children or adults, re- able distance is already avail- the driveway between 7:15 and Superintendent. sidents or visitors, taxpayers able through member ship in 8 a.m. And then 1 to 3 p.m. A or not, those who paid pre- the Sunrise Beach Club on South line-up of cars picking up chil- A lady who wants to be sign- Entered as second class mail at the postoffice at Boca mium prices for ocean front A-l-A without cost to other dren at school from one end ed only "Disgusted Parent" Raton, Florida under the act of March 8, 1879. property or those who chose to taxpayers. of the avenue to the school says "next year I'm tempted live in other parts of the city, 5. Other access to the beach road, with no consideration used to teach my children myself Member of the Florida Press Association and National "and so on. Their individual in this area would be of greater for blocking driveways. for the first few weeks of school Newspaper Association. Subscription rates: By carrier in while the superintendent tries points of view and interests may use to residents of Deerfield In my opinion this is the the city70<£ per month; by mail in the U.S., one year $10.00, be miles apart. worst traffic situation in Boca, to get the schools ready to func- Beach and other areas to the 6 months $6.00, 3 months $4.00. However,those who pay the south and west than to resident s/William H. Calvert tion sometime before October. Thursday, Oct. 17, 1968 BOCA RATON NEWS 5A Ray SoreFs sea chest TIME GROWS SHORT! October Special Concrete yachts manufactured in Florida 20 * off help of a tug and it crete stresses therein- By RAY SOREL and they seem quite dur- Ten years ago they were night, the waves would forcing steel so that the On Ail Christmas Card Orders able. One thing that you crumbling from the cro- pick the ship up and proceeded to port un- drop it onto the hard der its own power. structure has proper- A couple of years ago have to worry about rosion of the steel re- I mentioned before ties similar to pre- $15.00 or over I started this column when you use steel re- inforcing rods. sandy flat. Each time stressed concrete,, We inforcing is that if the There have been se- it was picked up, that the French had de- LARGE SELECTION OF HALF-PRICED CARDS off with "Anybody for it would drift a few feet. signed an airplane with are already at the point a concrete yacht?" Well steel begins to corrode veral durable concrete concrete which was pre- where concrete house- it isn't a joke any more,. inside, the concrete ships built. There's one It finally ended up in boats that need very on the beach at Cape shallow enough water stressed with piano There's a company in spalls off. You'd have wire. This plane little maintenance are manufact- to especially be care- May, New Jersey and that the waves didn't possible, but I think ful around salt water. there's supposed to be pick it up any more. was nearly as light as GIFT SHOP uring a cou- one ashore.on Cat Cay When the storm was ov- one made from alumin- eventually we'll have ple of stock The least void that would um and magnesium al- good, durable yachts 71 S. Federal Hwy., Boca Raton 395-2566 sailboats .<,. allow salt water to getin the Bahamas. I also er, they checked the ship made of pre-stressed, saw one afloat in the over and found that the loys. DO PARK IN THE REAR out of con- at the reinforcing would There are concretes "engineered" cements crete. One of start the structure's de- 'Navy Yard at Norfolk. only damage to the hull with combined proper- struction. I've seen con- I read about one con- was a small crack in today that expand when them is a 44 they set. When such con- ties of the ferro-ce- foot ketch, crete block house on crete ship that was the engine room. A few ments, expanding ce- Bermuda that were built in World War I months later the ship cretes are reinforced and the other with steel, the expan- ments, and high Call 395-8300 for Classified Ads is a 57 foot made with sea water that was driven onto a was floated on an ex- strength cements. ketch. The during World War II.flat during a storm. AH tra high tide with the sion of the con- hulls cost $7500 and $10,000 respectively, I hear* They say these boats are made of aferro-ce- ment reinforced with several layers of steel hardware clothe over pipe frames. A little research shows that this ferro-cement is prob- ably what is called a Pozzuolonic cement, Pozzuolonic cements have the peculiar property of setting un- der water. These ce- ments don't work good where it is dry, but the Romans built struc- tures along the Italian coast with this type of cement that are still standing today. Apparently the Ro- mans discovered this cement. 11 gets its name from an Italian coastal K S. .!"" town, Pozzuol, which had a sandy beach made from the chilled slag from a nearby volcano. When cement was made from the sand on this beach,it produced ace- ment that would harden under water. In recent times, it was found that the slag from a blast furnace could be chilled in water and had the same properties. The active ingredient to be iron silicates. STOREWIDE The Chinese com- munists have been ex- --'. -1 perimenting with con- crete fishing boats re- inforced with split bamboo. The bamboo found in Asia, when pro- perly seasoned, doesn't swell when it gets wet. It can be used to rein- force concrete because of this property. I've seen dwelling in India that were made of bam- boo reinforced concrete Open house Saturday Twenty four arts and crafts displays will be featured at Boca Raton Recreation Depart- ment's annual open house Saturday. The open house will be held 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Community Cen- ter. Exhibits will include ceramics, creative crafts, dressmaking, crocheting, crushed glass, enameling on copper, glass lamps, lapidary, oil painting, The whole month of October is filled plastic flowers and rug hooking. Instructors will be with excitement! Now is the time for on hand to discuss their crafts and materials lovers of fine furniture, occasional pieces necessary for class- es which begin next and paintings to save and save during week. our storewide Anniversary Sale. To Place A • All nationally known names Classified Ad Call 395-8300 • Creative interior designers • Convenient terms See this man • Hours: 9:00 to 5:30 when you Insure • Evenings by appointment your car or home V • Free delivery

NICK BISHOP Winner of tlu> Pai-omjikor Kurnituro Award One of America's truly fine stores He may save you big money J.C. MITCHELL. FURIST & SONS 559 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY, BOCA RATON / HOURS: 9 to 5:3O / PHONE: 395-3232




Wild grasses, yucca plants frame view of beach at Spanish River TIILS Park. THE EXACT SECOND, THE EXACT MINUTE, Special Red Cross tutors EMERALD-CUT THE EXACT HOUR, DIAMOND SET THE EXACT DATE! WITH PLAIN SIDES will help youngsters here SWEETHEART DIAMOND '1OO ease, mm, The American Red More tutors are need- lie relations; Jenny OVER 60 MILLION AMERICANS Cross REACH program ed to supplement the two Rosenthal, recruitment. VISTA workers, three Faculty sponsors are CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED HAVE OWNED A FINE ELGIN has reached the Flor- ida Atlantic University wives of FAU profes- Dr. Ross Greene, Gary SEE BOCA RATON'S NEWEST JEWELRY STORE CHARGE ACCOUN campus. sors, two retired teach- Setter, Gregory Boc- ers, and 21 FAU stu- zar, and Christopher SEE BOCA RATON'S NEWEST JEWELRY STORE With 28 volunteers al- dents now working with Constable. ready at work the new children from the Pearl Persons in the com- JEWELIRS TO THE GOLD COAST Florida Atlantic Red City district and the munity who wish to join 14 S.E. 1st Ave. BOCA RATON Cross youth group has Garden Apartments, ac- in the effort as tutors begun a tutorial pro- cording to Co-chair- may telephone the gram for culturally dis- man Lucille Howard. Neighborhood Center JEWELERS TO THE GOLD COAST advantaged children from two Boca Raton "It is a big brother or 395-8920. 14 S.E. 1st Ave. BOCA RATON areas. sister relationship we have the children, and usually on a one-to-one basis, said Miss How- ard, a junior majoring KELI: in education. ' 'Tutors DNOrilL KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRES in math and read- ing are needed most." The REACH program (Recreational and Ed- WHITEWALL TIRES I ucational Activities for Children) is a national effort on college and university campuses NO Full 4 Ply Nylon Cord Tubeless sponsored by the Amer- ican Red Cross. The lo- cal Palm Beach County 2 FOR SIZE PRICE PRICE FED. EX. Chapter provided guid- EACH FOR TWO TAX EACH ance in initiating the SIGNS 6.50-13 $14.59 $28.00 $1.81 project and has under- 7.35-14 15.83 30.00 2.06 written cost of supplies. 00 7.75-14 16.24 31.00 2.19 Tutoring of pupils in BILLBOARDS the first six grades is 7.75-15 16.24 31.00 2.21 being done five days a 28 8.25-14 18.32 35.00 2.35 week at the Ebeneazer BUMPER STRIPS 8.55-14 20.13 38.00 2.56 Baptist Church and at 650-13 RENOWN WHITE- 8.45-15 20.13 38.00 2.54 the Neighborhood Cen- WALL TUBELESS ter located in the Uni- tarian Universalist SINGING COMMERCIALS PLUS 1.81 F.E.T. EACH Church of Boca Raton, 167 •N.W. Palmetto Park Rd. Organized by Rebecca Zachem, and Joane Car- TIRE and AUTO SERVICE ma, after they attended a Red Cross leadership THERE'S NO SUBSTITUTE FOR AN 35 S.W. FIRST AWE., BOCA RATON 395-8371 conference in Atlanta in August, the group now HONEST ASSESSMENT ROLL LOCALLY OWNED - LOCALLY OPERATED has the following re- cently elected officers: PREPARED WITH IMPARTIALITY, KELLY Ivy Germaine, co- SPK1NCFI I tO chairman; Constance INTELLIGENCE AND INTEGRITY Carter, secretary; Joan Meyers, treasurer; FAMOUS FOR QUALITY SINCE 1894. Katherine Royce, pub- VOTE FOR

Nov. 5th! ED MAXWELL




Pd. Pal. Ad. Proposed state revision Thursday, Oct. 17, 1968 BOCA RATON NEWS 7A Constitution starts with list of rights ART GUILD (This is the 3rd of a Instead , imagine The right to bear arms against one individual. and legislative enact- passage of punitive laws of a series of four articles yourself, by some quirk is retained, but the man- This clause was per- ments. or baised laws. Who is explaining Floridas of fact or fate, standing ner of bearing arms may haps aimed at the Each is called simply going to check on the Boca Raton proposed new constitu- in danger of having your be regulated by law. Who civil riots and the rio- law, and local govern- town council? This tion.) rights violated. It might makes that law? The ters, but we must re- ments are empowered could lead to the worst Art Classes commence October 21 happen, you know. Ger- legislature or the town member that we will to provide punishment kind of anarchy—local By Floydene Partain mans were not careful council? live with this constitu- of the violation of county despotism? ENROLL NOW The Bill of Rights was about rights and soon Due Process, no bill tion a long time. It might ordinances. The legis- Two other violations attached to the United Hitler, established a po- of attainder, freedom be all right as long as lators, coming from of human rights are con- 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P,M. States Constitution be- lice state. from imprisonment for "our" side is in power, various segments of the tained in other portions at the Guild cause citizens were dis- HJR 1-2X protects debt, security from but what ihappens if state, act as a check of the proposed 1968 most of the existing "their" side comes in- against each other and Constitution. We shall satisfied with the lack searches and seizures, INSTRUCTORS of protection of individ- rights, but insists that and the writ of habeas to power? Who pro- a safeguard against the discuss them next. ual liberty. Although the with rights go responsi- corpus are included. tects our fights if we are proposed 1968 Florida bilities. However, there It is in the section falsely charged and MORE THAN 600 ITEMS Oil Painting Richard Pfeiffer is no limitation on the Constitution begins with concerning bail that a someone decides the Chester Lawrence a declaration of rights authoritative power to hidden danger lies. "proof of guilty is evid- 1962 N. Fed'l Hwy. we need to take a care- determine those re- Every person is guar- ent or the preseumption ful look at these rights. sponsibilities. anteed release on rea- great"? 5th Ave. Shopping Plaza Water Color George Shellhase Do they really protect Religious freedom is sonable bail, except I know a lawyer who Boca Raton our liberty and preserve guaranteed, but a qual- those charged with a fled Cuba the day after our individual freedom? ificiation is added. "Re- capital offense with the Castro took over be- 395-1877 Japanese Brush Painting Aika Low We need to remember ligious freedom shall proof of guilt evident cause he was threatened one thing about human not justify practices in- or the presumption with death when he went COME SEE - RENT FOR OCCASIONAL USE rights: We cannont sec- consistent with public great. to defend his friend who Sculpture Lucius Salisbury ure to ourselves a right morals, peace or safe- had been falsely arrest- we deny to others. ty." Who determines a No definition is made ed. Photography Anton Bruehl violation of this clause? as to who shall decide Perhaps the most Real Estate Exam Course HJR 1-2X contains that proof of guilt is Article I—a declaration The right to assembly dangerous element in evident or presump- the proposed constit- For Brokers or Salesmen Children's Classes Carole Ives of rights. This article is guaranteed, but it tion great. This smacks declares that all poli- must be peaceable ution is a quirk of word- Harvey Real Estate Schools operates a branch of its popu- tical power is inherent assembly. • Who deter- of a police state. Where ing. When the word law lar Real Estate Exam Course in Boca Raton at tho UNIVER- is the cherished unwrit- SITYBOWL CONFERENCE ROOM,. DIXIE HWY, and 20th in the people and that mines what is peace- is used throughout the ST., Boca Raton. The course is composed of-8 lively inter* ART GUILD of BOCA RATON all natural persons are able? ten principle that a per- constitution, no qualify- esting sessions which.thoroughly cover the Fla. Real Estate equal before the law. son is innocent until ing adjective is used. •Handbook. Total cost only $50.00. • 801 West Palmetto Park Rd. The right of work is proven guilty? As you read the rest guaranteed, but "Public We are not able to de- TUESDAY EVENING - 7:00 P.M. Boca Raton, Florida of this article, do not employees shall not There is a preponder- termine any substantial You may attend first session free conjure up in your mind have the right to ance of evidence that- difference between city Mr. Cooper will be in the Conference Room each Tuesday Telephone 395-1887 capital offenses—mur- ol 6:30 PJM-JO answer any questions. some mythical yippie strike." Who placed and county ordinances For-Infonnatfm carfr%r?>.CaOi*i'R 3^5-2289 you have already de- public employees on a der — are not crimes cided must be guilty of lower rung than pri- against society but some crime because all vate employees? Who crimes of passions yippies or hippies or are public employees? people who don't con- Will large, public ser- form have no right to vice companies be in- do the things they do. cluded? ANNOUNCING FAU professor author REVOLUTIONARY NEW of book on investment A practical guide to A step-by step sum- capital investment for mary of the capital BLBCTJUDG£VASSAR B. managers and staff spe- budgeting process is al- cialists hjas been co- so presented. authored by a Florida SMRLTON Atlantic University pro- TO THE FLORIDA fessor. SUPREME COURT "The Management of TO PLACE A "A DEDICATED JURIST CLASSIFIED AD FOR S7 YEARS" Capital Expenditures" \. Group » (DEM) Pd.P.>l.Ad. by Dr. Robert G. Mur= CALL 395-8300 dick, professor of man- agement and marketing at FAU, and Donald D. Beautiful Mediterranean styling—Astro-Sonic model 3913 with Deming of the faculty FMSS, 100-Watts undistorted music power output, two Super-Sonic $ of Rensselaer Polytech- Only Magnavox 'Frequency Modulated 15" Bass Woofers, plus other superb features below. Large record 650 nic Institute, has pre-tested Signal Sentry brings you all these exclusive library area. On concealed swivel casters for easy moving. just been published by McGraw - Hill Book for 360 hours advantages: Vastly improved Stereo plus Company. Monaural FM performance—iwY/ioMf the In simple, non- n necessity of external antennas. Far greater technical language, the OMEGA station selectivity—even in high-interfer- IS/I book shows how to iden- ence metropolitan areas. You'll receive tify the capital invest- more FM stations—than ever before pos- ment problem and Rjgidh tested loi 15 dj};.... ASTRO-SONIC STEREO brings into focus the .111 Omega Constellation is ,i sible. You'll enjoy many more programs factors influencing cap- certified chronometer. Cravity- —even from "difficult" stations. FMSS ponxred... it winds itself as surpasses_all other achievements in the re-creation of sound ital investment decis- you wear it... without hand guards against interference—by auto- ions. u Hiding or pow er cells (\\ hich matically rejecting both nearby stronger sta- require periodic replacement}. ... to bring you the full beauty of music-—with unequalled dimensional realism— Shortcuts to better in- tion signals . . . and adjacent channel noise. Y\ ater. shock-resistant, \\ ith from exciting Stereo FM; drift-and-noise-free Monaural FM; powerful AM Radio; vestment are given, 01 uithout date-telling diaL. FMSS permits satisfactory reception supplemented by case from records or tape! Solid-state circuitry eliminates tubes and heat—assures lasting of many more signals—especially in multi- studies of procedures 4$ reliability. The exclusive Micromatic Player with Diamond Stylus banishes discernible used by such leading 48 S.E. 1st Ave. at Royal Palm Rd. station localities (whether far or near. .. record and stylus wear—now, your records can last a lifetime. Two High-Efficiency companies as TRW, Downtown Boca Raton - 395-3462 weak, intermediate or strong). FMSS Is Authorised Omega Agency A Bass Woofers plus two 1,000 cycle Exponential Treble Horns (with the equivalent Corning Glass Works, also much easier to tune—because it and Merck, Shapr and acoustical efficiency of 20 treble cone-type speakers)—provide remarkable tonal purity! Dohme. removes the confusing secondary responses that are audible in conventional FM tuning systems. Come in and let a demonstration Superb 4-track solid-state Stereo Tape Recorder—is optional prove its amazing performance! on many models. Enjoy it now, or add one later—either as a built-in deck or accessory component. Shown, are just a few of the many DEMOCRATS authentic, beautiful Magnavox fine furniture styles available. REPUBLICANS • Magnavox Custom Stereo . Beautiful Solid-State New 15" Portable* simply plug-in and play! Stereo Portables Color TV INDEPENDENTS

RECOGNIZE and SUPPORT 139 90 Diagonal measure screen

JUDGE PAUL Solid-State Custom Stereo Phono- —bring you amazing performance plus Slim-and-trim .. .take along and enjoy this graph System—model 2501, with -10- lasting reliability! Precision Player with ruggedly-built, highly dependable Magnavox Watts undistorted music power and four Diamond Stylus banishes discernible record value wherever you go. Its 117 sq. in. screen speakers—9" oval plus 31/4" in each acousti- and stylus wear—lets records last a lifetime! is 15 sq. in. larger than most other color DOUGLAS cally matched cabinet, plus precision Model 244—with swing-out or detachable portables. Model 6000, with telescoping Magnavox Record Player that also lets your speakers and swing-down record player- dipole antenna, plus many other quality records last a lifetime. Stereo FM /AM Radio- is one of many Magnavox values in fine features. Ideal for shelves, tables or on for Phonograph systems from only $239.90 luggage styling—from only $69.90 optional mobile cart—the perfect second set. SENIOR COUNTRY JUDGE L GROUP I Budget Terms: 90 days (no interest) or monthly payments to 24 months. "Because of His Eight Years e-medaniel of Experience and His Unequalled Record as County Judge" -HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER • POMPANO BEACH 2750 E. Atlantic Blvd. — in Atlantic Square — Phone 941-1441 BOCA RATON 3333 N, FEDERAL HWY. PHONE 395-1201 Store Hour;: 9 to 5:30 daily. Pompano store open "til 8:30 Friday. RE-ELECT JUDGE DOUGLAS I Paid Political Adv. OUR OWN MAGNAVOX FACTORY-TRAINED SERVICE DEPT. BA BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 17, 1968 FAMILY CARRY-OUT FOODS A I)II\m\G KM'KRIENCE Complete Dinners Served with Baked Potato Itnt'tjutilfd Anyiehrrr in thr World! or French friss, slaw, roll from $1.10 SUPERB, SELECTED. SUCCULENT DISHES FROM PORTS ALONG THE MEDITERRANEAN AWAIT YOU. AND IF YOUR TASTE LEANS THE AMERI- Phone 395-5001 for Service CAN WAY WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT MENU Com/no Square Shopping Center STARTING FROM *I.»5. 7 COURSE DINNER FAMOUS FOR Includes Primo Del Pranxo (meal in itself J, desert, beverage. No charge for extras such as shrimp and clams on the $«S €}K "STEAK-ON-A-STICK haifshell. COMPLETE O»thJ" Remember: Children under 10 half price. BREAKFAST 410 N. FEDERAL HWY, OPEN DAILY COPP. FOOD FAIR) S P.M. at POMPANO BEACH Closed Monday • OPEN SUNDAY 3 P.M. THE ELKS CLUB h. 942-5397 / 140 N.W. 11 Street BOCA RATON Pancakes & Sausage, Juice & Coffee $1.00 Steak & Eggs . . $1.50

Sun., Oct. 6, 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

COUNTRY Featuring The Finest In CRYSTAL LAKE CLUB Italian — American Cuisine Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge —thefirst SAMPLE ROAD, Vh Ml. WEST OF U.S. 1, POMPANO BEACH, FLA. Now Open For Your Dining Pleasure ever established in this country —is a large piece of PRESENTS—2 NITES ONLY, Thurs. & Fri., Oct. 17,18 Luncheon Special Served Daily Florida's real estate that few people have ever Open II A.M. to Midnight seen. And those that have probably didn't know MAPUANA Pelican what they were looking at. The island that gives luncheons • Pizzas • Dinners and her Hawaiian Review Seafood • Children's Menui • Steaks Indian River north of Vero Beach, slightly more 3 DANCERS PLUS # than three acres. But it's home for all manner A Varied Selection of Italian — American Dishes, of birds and a rookery that plays host each year CHIEF NAKQA Prepared by Our Chef to Please The Most Island to thousands and thousands of nesting pelicans. Her- Knife and Fire Dancer Discriminating of Gourmets. ons, egrets and cormorants, to name a few, also A Meal Without Wine One Show Each Night Is Like a Day Without Sunshine! nest on the island. This summer, the refuge was Try Our Famous Red House Wine, Served enlarged by a lease of 4,760 acres from the state 8 P.M. In a Chilled Pitcher or Half Pitcher R efuge . . „ all of it submerged land with the exception of a Facilities Available for Group Luncheons AUTHENTIC HAWAIIAN LUAU $3.95 and Meetings, Club Groups — Weddings few small islands. Slated for inclusion in the Wil- Also Ala Carte Menu derness Act if that law ever gets past the Con- 5990 N. Federal Highway gressional bottlenecks, the country's first refuge DINNER RALPH CHICK ORCH. (Midway between downtown Boca and Delray) PLUS DANCING Nightly except Mon. & Tu«. may also become one of its first Wilderness Areas. BOCA RATON (THESE TWO NIGHTS DANCING FROM 7 P.M.) FOR RESERVATIONS Phone 942-2533 Telephone: 395-1669

N THUR!.% CT. M THE HARVEST BALL with BOB CROSBY ORCH. — Featuring The Bobcats An astounding /***ww - 75c Till 2:00 P.M. entertainment experience, a dazzling trip DOUGLAS to the moon, the planets SYLVA KOSCINA and the still more distant stars.

loo involved Written by with the KENYON HOPKINS • A. J. RUSSELL D.r«ted by body DAVID LOWELL. RICH Produced by he was RICHARD LEWIS

MGM«.ESS«TS» STANLEY KUBRICK PRODUCTION JAMES GARNER 2:00-3:55-5:50 GEORGE KENNEDY 7:45 - 9:40 EXCLUSIVE BROWARD COUNTY SHOWING JFrom Regional Board ONE DAY ONLY PRESENTED IN COLOR-WIDE SCREEN OCT. 24 STEREOPHONIC SOUND College awarded study grant Pompano Beach Park 6th St. & N.E. 18 Ave, A grant of $8,000 from furniture, musical in- ies at the college and duct the SREB research the Southern Regional struments and printing Mrs. Robinson will con- program. 2 SHOWS Education Board has of the college bulletin, l>een accepted by the totaling $17,076.27 were 4 P.M. & 8 P.M. awarded by the board. FAMOUS DOOR Beach Junior Col- CHINESE RESTAURANT ege Board of Trus- A complicated bid for Sponsored by In the COVE SHOPPING CENTER GOLD COAST tees. food service in the cafe- DEERFIELD TICKETS ON SALE AT The funds are to cov- Serving Lunch - Dinner - Late Supper SHRINE CLUB teria was explained by YAHAMA GOLD COAST MTES. "^r all expenses of a re- George T. Tate, assist- CLOSED MONDAY Open Noon til Midnight 3500 N. Fed. Hwy. Pomp. Bch. search project to de- ant director of servic- FOR RESERVATION OR TAKE OUT ORDERS - 399-5455 ermine "ideas con- es, and awarded to Cam- MAJOR CANVAS erning and aspirations pus Food Services, a 4245 N. Fed. Hwy. Ft. Laud. f or post - secondary division of Ogden Foods. WOOD'S TV Education of Negro The board made its 2109 SE 2 St. Pomp. Bch. %outh," according to first revision of polic- JOHN TALBOTT INS. AGCY. :l)r. Harold C. Manor, ies adopted in July by Win field Shopping Boca Raton •;JPJBC president. changing its meeting m The college is one of. BEACON LIGHT DRUG date from the second 249 N. Fed. Hwy. Lthse. Pt. OF MAHI TEMPLE 'five in the southeast se- Thursday of each month lected by the SREB for U.S. 1 -BOCA RATON at 7 p.m. to the third Our ALL DAY Specials :,|he study. Thursday at 7:30 p.m. also at GOLD COAST SHRINE CLUB Officers of the Stu- lovingly and artfully prepared. All dent Government As- Two new instructional From "Brunch" to a Banquet... Rear Nielsen's Furniture - Deerfield Bch. served with French Fries or Baked appointments were ap- enjoy traditional American recipes 399-1966 Potato, Hush Puppy, Corn Fritter, sociation and the Student proved: Joseph Macy, Cole Slaw, Rolls and Butter. ^Senate participated in currently of the West cooked to order by world fariious review of Student Per- Palm Beach police de- §CliRAFFT'S Chefs. On your next sonnel functions pre- partment to an instruc- evening out...include 5SCHRAFFTS • sented to the board by tor in the Social Science :i)ean Paul J. Glynn and COCKTAILS 52* 1LD (OUST Department, and Mrs. 4 TO 6 P.M. e counseling staff. Trinette Robinson, to a i DRIVE IN THEATRE Bids for electronics half-time position in in- OUR SPECIALTY stitutional research. Char-oroileti Steaks U.3. # IETWEEN disk pack equip- FOMPANO AND DEEltFlfLB ment, custodial sup- Macy will join the and Chops • jplies, electronic print- growing law enforce- Choice of: ing calculators, office ment program of stud- Phone 395-4800 LAM COSTINGS AU GRATiN ^ SHRIMP BAR-B-Q RARDARENA KING CRAB NEWBURG MHIHING! N.W. 9th Street DRIVE-IN THEATRE ' Delray Beach, Fla. U. S. No. 1 — Between Ft. Choice of: Laitrierdale and Pornpano ANGLER'S PLATTER BROILED COMBINATION PLATTER AUDITION! Thrills! Shocking Terror! Tryouts for "Love in E (Served with Baked Potato instead of French Fries) Flat" by Norman Krasnq will be held at 7:30 p.m. Our well stocked bars dispense drinks with lavish care Friday, 18th. October at Ship Captain's Buffet Luncheon, 17:45 to 2 PM. except Sunday the Playhouse. Lunch and Dinner — 7 Days A clever and perceptive FacE THE comedy by one of Broad- Boca Raton—1701 N. Federal Hwy.— 395-8181 way's most successful writers. North Palm Beach—661 U.S. Hwy. #1—848-5245 Special appointments for West Palm Beach—7400 S. Dixie Hwy.— 582-5822 those who cannot attend Also in Perrine, Coral Gables, Miami, the audition may be made by phoning 278-3523- North Miami, Dania, Ft, Lauderdale South, Play opens Nov. 8 thru 16. Ft. Lauderdale North, Pompano Beach,' Director: Chris Robinson. Sarasota, St. Petersburg, Orlando (Maitland), Cocoa Beach V6 SM3N NOIVH VD09 8961 ' D olphins trav el to 1 st of two with Cincinnati teams as is natural and one tie. rween Miami and Cin- A rivalry will be be- cinnati, the individual ginning and continuing since they are the only First, Miami lost to when the Miami Dol- two expansion clubs the Houston, 24-10, and then showings of the quarter- phins journey to Cin- AFL has ever had. Now Oakland, 47-21, before backs is bound to arouse cinnati Sunday to meet comes the first testing losing to Kansas City,, interest. At the start of the Bengals. Kickoff between the field of play. Then Coach Wilson's the 1967 season, John -"-rr time for the American On the basis of com- men upset Houston, 24-7 Stofa, a Cinderella story Football League clash parative scores against before being tied by Buf- himself, had been Mi- is set for 1:30 p.m., common opponents, the falo. ami's number one quar- CDT. Bengals would appear to Injuries have to be terback with Griese, The Dolphins were the have a definite edge. discussed, it seems this then a rookie, behind first expansion team in Kansas City beat Miami, year, in any pre-game him. Early in the first the history of the AFL. 48-3, but the Chiefs de- story concerning the game, Stofa broke his They began on - field feated Cincinnati only Dolphins. Fullback Lar- ankle and did not get operations in 1966. The 13-3. Buffalo tied Miami ry Csonka, the team's back into action all sea- Bengals are the second 14-14, but the Bills lost leading rusher, suffered son. Griese, as his re- expansion team in a cir- to Cincinnati, 34-23. a head injury in last placement had a fine cuit that itself is only week's Buffalo tie, and campaign and was voted in its ninth season. Now Cincinnati has won early in the week his Miami's most valuable the two expansion clubs two games and lost four. status was a bit ques- player at the conclusion face each other for the The Bengals opened with tionable. However, Stan of the year. Soon after first time. a loss to San Diego, Mitchell, fullback-half- the end of the season, 29-13, but then gained back, returned for brief Stofa was traded to Cin- As for the continuing cinnati for a first and 1 rivalry.. .well, Head back-to-back wins over activity against Buffa- Denver, 24-10, and Buf- lo after having been out second round draft Coach George Wilson, of choice. the Dolphins, and Head falo. In the last three for a month because of Coach , weeks, they have lost to an appendectomy, Mit- Stofa has completed of the Bengals, have San Diego, 31-10, Den- chell, in fact, scor- 54 of 118 passing at- been enemy mentors in ver, 10-7, and Kansas ed Miami's second tempts for a completion the past, when the City. touchdown on a one-yard percentage of 45,8 and smash. Bobby Neff,punt 563 yards and two touch- former was the boss of The Dolphins, unbeat- the Detroit Lions and and kickoff return spe- downs. He has had three en in their last two out- cialist and utility de- passes intercepted. the latter of the ings are only one game Cleveland Browns in the fensive back, was the , second off the pace in the loss real casualty of the Buf- National Football Lea- column in the Eastern year flanker, is the gue. Both had much suc- falo tie, suffering atom leading receiver with 17 Division. All of which knee ligament and will cess an d both are for- isn't too bad, consider- for 214 yards. Split end mer NFL "Coaches of be out for five weeks. Warren McVea has ing that they have had However, offensive the Year". horrendous luck with in- caught 13 for 16.1 yards tackle Norm Evans, who and one TD. McVea has There have been many juries and have a record missed the game be- comparisons of the two of one win, three losses also rushed four times cause of the flu is ex- for 102 yards and one pected back, and safe- touchdown. Halfback ty Bob Petrella, who has Paul Robinson is the Bobcats will host been inactive for a top ground-gainer, 83 month with a fractured carries for 236 yards thumb, may be able to and one touchdown,, Riviera tomorrow face the Bengals. Fullback Tom Smiley Csonka, a rookie and has carried 46 times for If the present hurri- attack against the visi- the team's number one 110 yards. It is inter- cane doesn't interrupt tors. draft choice, is the Dol- esting that McVea, Rob- things, or goes on by Basically, the start- phins' leading ground- inson and Smiley are all sometime today, thd Bo- ing lineup of the Boca. gainer, as mentioned rookies. ca. Raton Bobcats will Raton team will be the above. The former Sy- For the most part, host Riviera Beach here same as in past weeks. racuse all - American the Miami defense has tomorrow night in a The only man missing has carried 72 times performed well the past football game. is Willie Morris who for 221 yards, a 3.1 two weeks. Strong safe- At best, it appears the has a broken hand and average. Running back ty Dick Anderson, a field will be a little won't see action for at Jim Kiick, another rookie from Colorado, soggy by Head Coach least a couple more rookie, from Wyoming, leads in tackles with 27 Joe Pribil says the men- weeks. is next with 52 carries, plus 13 assists. He is Recent winds blew up a good surf here but made it part way out when his board took to tal attitude of his play- George Sparling will for 184 yards, a 3.5 also number one in pass call the signals from interceptions with local boardmen found it was just a little too the air and he went under. Then began the re- ers is his big worry average. Mitchell has quarterback as usual gained 72 yards in 19 three, good for a re- rough for surfing. The young hodad above only covery chase. for the game. "Physically," he and Pribil may have to attempts for a 3.8 aver- turn of 49 yards. Mid- said, "we're in fine send his team to the air age. Kiick has also dle linebacker Frank shape. All the boys who to overcome the;super- caught 10 passes and Emanuel is- second in Ace carded have been out sick with ior Riviera Beach line. Csonka seven. / tackles with 27 and 11 colds and fever will be Game time at Bobcat Karl Noonan, is up assists, and weak safe- back in the lineup. Stadium is 8 o'clock. with the league lead- ty Willie West has made "Mentally, it's a dif- ers in pass - recep- two interceptions. ferent story," accord- tions with 20, good for The Miami team will Tournament raises $2,500 ing to Pribil. "We lost Jayvees 284 yards and three fly to Cincinnati, Sat- „ our game last Friday touchdowns. He caught urday in time for a final Rod Bullen came up birdies, George Rowda- low gross for women hole round with a 69, against Fort Pierce and three last week against workout at the site of with the impossible at tham, John Mirisola and with an 82. Hazel Cook Betty Behnke was the I don't know whether play Buffalo. the game. The game will the Delray Beach Play- Jack Sullivan, each with and Ethel Huisking, both low putter in the wo- the boys will bounce Quarterback BobGri- be televised by NBC, including Station house 12th Annual Day three; most parsE Harry of Boca Raton, were men's division with 29. back or not." ese has connected on 53 ol Golf last Sunday by Pope and Sev Loeffler second and third in that Hundreds of prizes Riviera Beach is not- of 119 passing attempts WCKT-TV (Channel 7), shooting a hole in one. (13); low putts, Mel category. were passed out to golf- ed for having a touch today for a completion per- Miami, and It will be Barker, high putts, Ray ers in various categor- line and Boca Raton will centage of 44.5 and 668 broadcast on the Miami It was the first time Boca Raton High in the history of the Banazak; and blind bo- Low net prize for the ies, Mrs. Hayden said, have to put together the yards and four touch- Dolphins Radio Network gey, Joe Rose, Jr. adding the tournament strength and will to School's Jayvee team downs. He has had 11 with the emanating sta- Playhouse tournament tournament for ladies will go into its fourth any of the guest golfers was captured by Marie was termed most suc- crack it if the Bobcats tosses intercepted. tion being WIOD, Mi- Pat O'Brien took the are to mount a scoring game of the season to- In this first game be- am?. has gotten an ace. Bul- Wade. She made the 18- cessful. night at Seacrest. len's hole-in-one came Scheduled for 7-.30, on the 8th hole and he providing it is not in- used a six iron to do terrupted by the storm, Park the job. Bowling standings the game will pit the lo- Jan Hayden, chairman Country Clufr Industrial Tizzy Tens 10 10 Lane Ducks 15 9 cal Jayvee squad and at the of the affair this year, Sailfish 13 7 14 the Seacrest Jayvees, said approximately $2,- Team Won Lost Angelfish 11 9 M & M 10 10 D'ble T'ble 10 BOCA RATON SPECIAL Velda 19 5 Odd Pins 7 13 Goo - 13 11 Boca Raton is looking COUNTRY CLUB 500 was raised for the Bonitas 10 10 11 for its first win, having RAT! playhouse. The tourna- Rinker 18.5 5.5 Starfish 9 11 Misfits 6 14 Eck Pro Shop — Driving Range Alley Cats 6 14 XX' 11 lost to Lake Worth, Club Rentals ment was held at the Boca Heat. 13.5 10.5 Pompanos 8 12 Belle Glade and Jupiter. 12 Yappies 2 18 Plu Semi Private Club Green Fes and Electric Country Club of Flori- Causeway 12 Dolphins 6 14 Guests Welcome cart, 2 $£00 da, Village of Golf. Mark Fore 11 13 High team game and Mi Sharks 6 14 Qus PAR W EXE7CUTIVE COURSE per cart «ea In the men's division, Jone's Serv. 11 13 High team game; and high team triple, Ras- Lunch in Beautiful Qojfvlew 2 P Dining Roam—Cold Beer low gross saw a three Bruning 8 16 high team triple, Dol- cals 760 and 2120; ind. ATTRACTIVE MEMBERSHIP PLANS Kat GREEK FEES . $2,0? AVAILABLE way tie for first place. Team #3 3 21 phins 593 and 1665, ; ind. high, Ann Richards, 209; High team game and ind. triple Anna Brittian Goc ELECTRIC CARTS.,...$4.00 GREENS FEES $5.00 Tom Davis, John Mir- high, Gert Stuntz; 181; 10 PLAY BOOK.....$17.50 ELECTRIC CARTS ...... $5.00 isola and Jack Sullivan high team triple, Rinker 535. JUE ind. triple. Bertie I TEN PLAY BOOK $42.50 each came in with Material 709 and 1983; Breeze, 481. ion Grant, P.G.A. Instruction scores of 73. ind. high (tie) B. Mil- University Jr. & Sr. ble Wf-1666 VISIT CLUB OR PHONE In low net, Jim Gra- ler and P. St. Jean 203; Allstates Team Won Lost tea -w Ckib Blvd. 395-5460 - 3?9-6921 168 *» UJ. 1 in .ham and J.W. Altman ind. triple, Karl Kreu- Lost Boca Royal 12 4 Military Trail, University Park Team Won anc Boca Raton shared honors. Each scher 552. #5 10o5 5.5 Rascasl 16 4 Mil golfer had a 70. Odd Balls 14 6 #8 10 6 J #1 10 6 woi Other prizes for men Boca Harbour Ladies Hi-Lo s 13 7 rol included: Longest drive, Team Won Lost Merry Mix. 13 7 #3 7.5 8.5 Bebout 6 10 tri Windy Barnes; shortest Yellow Tails 16 4 Impossibles 12 8 49'. drive, Fred Love-, most Barracudas 13 7 Mini-Strike. 11 9 #6 4 12 Barczak 4 12 High team game and high team triple #8, 811 Te SEE THE NEW and 2313;ind. high, Tom Shi Clancy 215, Mike Dyar L'l "CAROUSEL" 212; ind. triple, Tom Fo Clancy 558. MC 2 Bedrooms - 2 Baths Ya ~ *f D « C»..~*»»»,J O-^f Boca Raton Community — - -- *-**•***« - vrwened rOOl Hospital El< Gl Paul Anka to perform Thursday, Oct. 17, 1968 BOCA RATON NEWS TTA in Mary mount series Paul Anka, backed by Almost all of Anka's a 17 piece orches- music has been written tra, will be presented by by himself and record- Marymount College ed in five languages. He OPEN EVERY FRIDAY Thursday, Oct. 24. has composed more than The Anka concert will 300 songs. be held at 8:15 p.m. in Anka's act is a one- the Great Hall, Boca man show with a com- Raton Hotel and Club. bination of song, anec- NIGHT until 9 P.M. Proceeds from the con- dotes, personal history cert will go to the col- and impressions. lege's library fund. The 27-year-old Anka has 18 "gold records," Place a Classified each one representing I HOSIERY 50% OFF! i over one million copies Ad Call 395-8300 sold throughout the world. SPORTING & ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT MONOGRAM SERVICE

GIFTS and ACCESSORIES Sal's Sport Shop Csnino Square Shopping Center, Boca Raton 1941 N. Federal Hwy. POST OFFICE SUB-STATION Boca Raton 399-2881 Open Every Fri. Eve till 9:00 F.U (NEXT JO WATTY'S CLEANERS)

Sport fisherman heads for sea. 110 anglers now signed up FLORIDA for hillfish tournament IS TO George P. Richard- scores of merchandise Entry blanks can be SEE. son Jr., tournament di- prizes for anglers, obtained from most bait rector for the 7th run- crews and captains and tacke store, ma- The living beauty of Florida is our heritage —-a heritage At FPL, we are aware of the importance of helping maintain ning of the nationally scoring in a long list rina, boatyard, boat we are fortunate to share in as visitors, as residents harmony with nature, even as we expand to serve a prominent Fort Lauder- of possible achieve- supply houses and lead- growing population. Our Delray Beach Office, for example, ments. ing hotels and motels. of this Sunshine State — for Florida's enviable dale Semi-Annual Bill- climate makes it a haven for millions of nature's offers a striking pattern of red brick and glass surrounded fish Tournament, says by attractively landscaped islands of hibiscus, palms, and over 110 anglers and creatures including some of the most exotic. Florida some 75 boats are al- Power & Light Company urges Floridians and guests alike many other native shrubs and plants. The site has received ready signed in. to take time out from everyday activity .... to rediscover honors from civic organizations for the beauty it lends to Chances of beating the wonder of this subtropical world of animal life the surrounding environment ... an environment last year's record par- and flowering beauty ... to DISCOVER FLORIDA. that invites all to EXPLORE FLORIDA. ticipation of 178 anglers fishing from 150 boats can almost be counted on. A recent entry is Mrs. S. H. Chalkley, more popularly known in the entertainment field as Susan Hayward. STOCKS "If the weather holds good, as it has, and the BONDS usual southerly migra- tion of billfish, already MUTUAL FUNDS providing anglers with surprisingly good catches of sails, blue and white marlin, reaches its usual peak proportions around our Let Us Help You Choose the Mutual tournament dates, this Fund Best Suited to Your Investment ought to be the largest Objectives. Our Account Executives billfish tournament ever are Well Informed and will Serve You held," said Richardson. with Unbiased Advice, "Cliarts, graphs, rec- ords of billfish caught in the past two weeks all point to a new record." Top prize of $1,000 in cash goes to the owner and guests or crew of the top scoring boat; LAIRD, BISSELL S MEEDS, INC. $100 in cash for the first angler to boat a Members New York and American Stock Exchanges sail or blue or white and Principal Commodity Exchanges marlin; and $100 to the high point angler; troph- Arvida Building Boca Raton, Florida ies for the next 3 point Phone 395-7300 winners and an addi- tional 21 trophies and NEW HOMES NOW AVAILABLE IN BOCA RATON'S FINEST RESIDENTIAL AREAS IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ir WILL. BUILQ - WITH OR WITHOUT POOL

—— ^___z: — I


Locations Available: (Meleagris ga!lopav%psceola)\ _ r Somewhat smaller than its Eastern counterpart, the Florida Turkey is a" numerous year-round resident of the State's prames and cypress PALMETTO PARK TERRACE THE ESTATES swamps. Its colorful plumage carries disttnct green,-bronzP hiflhliohfc with bluish tints about the head, and a chestnut tail. Nests are mere LAKE FLORESTA GOLDEN HARBOUR depressions in the ground near the bases of trees orsh~bs. and con- ; of 10 eggs. It roosts in trees at night. A weak ther. it TUN ISO N PALMS (WATERFRONT)

3-4-5 Bedroom models are available for Immediate Occupancy. OVER 20 HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM ALL MODELS INCLUDE: Wall-to-wall carpeting - Central Heat and Air Conditioning - GE Kitchen Range - Dishwasher & Many Other Features FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY TELEPHONE AT MODEL Helping build — and preserve — Florida 399-4179

DEVELOPMENT & INDUSTRIAL CORP 1968 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY 41 S.E. 1st Ave., Boca Raton, Fla. itvenus 395-1211 399-5453 Miami 944-1912 12A BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 17, 1968

9 under the banyan tree Commission moves to improve 'killer road Boca Bazaar 20 So. Dixie. Boca Raton An expanded, formal the same airport area as "I have, therefore, upon the Nov. 1 start ate the airport without ticipate no difficulty in resolution urging state that included in a pro- drafted a new lease cov- of the lease. a fixed base operator in securing one," wrote FLOWERS! FOLIAGE level appropriations to posal by Palm Beach ering the area now oc- "There is no desire that area, and we an- Jones. DECOUPAGE STUDIO assure the state of State Industries, based on cupied by you for the to replace Butler Avia- Complete Supplies Road 80 improvements a fixed rental fee per conduct of a fixed base tion as a fixed base op- New Finishes, Gold Leafing, Etc. as soon as possible was square foot, a 27 year operation ..." he wrote, erator, but the county Airline Tickets passed by county com- lease and title to all reminding Sain that a does not intend to oper- previous lease had not COMPLETE missioners Tuesday. improvements going to FOREIGN & DOMESTIC TRAVEL Chairman E. F. Van Palm Beach County at been signed and return- and CRUISE SERVICE the end of the lease pe- ed to the county. Terms Put your Kessel, who read the money where AMPLE resolution, noted that riod. of the lease including PARKING your heart is DUGAN TRAVEL IN REAR Call 395-8300 for Classified Ad Service the section of SR 80 be- Butler Aviation prev- renovation to Apron C ESTABLISHED 1956 tween Belle Glade and iously had made a pro- to be started by Butler :sin America Twenty Mile Bend is posal on the complex, Aviation immediately 75 5. FEDERAL 395-2112 "urgently needed" and but for a 50 year lease should be four-laned and not foil owing the fix- at the earliest possible ed rental rate per date. He referred to square foot set by coun- "numerous accidents" ty officials, according 1 and "continuing safety to Jones. The attorney ECKERD hazard s'' of the road be- also noted that Butler tween the coast and the Aviation as late as Oct. .DRUGS Glades dubbed as the 2 had submitted no new "Killer Highway." proposal, and he sent a In taking the action, telegram to Sain, ask- the board voted to send ing if the firm would be copies not only.to Gov. interested in a 27-year SALE PRICES GOOD THRU THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS ernor Claude Kirk and lease with no option, 150 W. Camino Real NAMES IN COSMETICS the State Road Board, Jones said he later noti- SATURDAY but to the Palm Beach fied Sain that the com- SHOP 9 'TIL 9 WEEKDAYS DEERFIELD DELRAY YOU'U FIND THEM AIL AT ECKERD'S. OUR HIGHLY TRAINED COSMETICIANS ARE EAGER TO ASSIST VOU WITH Atl YOUR BEAUTY NEEDS. County legislative dele- mission was inviting SUNDAY SHOP 10 'TIL 7 • Village Mart Shopping « Post Office Shppping gation in a push to "your proposal based Center Center get special funds allo- on 27 years only, cover- cated. ing the area sought by Palm Beach indus- RAYON Prior to passage of tries." the resolution, the com- mission learned from He said the commis- Van Kessel that State sion takes the position Road Board Chairman that firms making pro- Michael O'Neil had is- posals oh the air- sued a statement noting port complex should lay that the most dangerous out their own plans and section of SR 80 has determine how much first priority for new money to put into such construction. Funds a project. budgeted for the east- In addition, Jones in- ern part of the high- formed Butler Aviation way will be added to that the commission has any allocation by leg- adopted new lease pro- islators for the western visions for the airport. section from Belle Glade eastward, O'Neil informed Van Kessel by telegram. The State Road Board chairman BLENDER STEREO SHELF AM/FM/FM PORTABLE STEREO also complimented Van BY WARING — 7 SPEED — I YR. WARRANTY BY JULIETTE. ELEC. AND BATTERY^ UNBR Kessel and Representa- WHITE ONLY. 5 CUP CONTAINER 2 DETACHABLE SPEAKERS — NO. 1I21X tives Jack Poorbaugh COOK BOOK — MODEL CCS AC LINE CORD BUILT IN and Joseph Humphrey for efforts to four-lane SR 80, and Van Kes- sel noted that Rep. Rob- ert De Young has been working to make the A road improvement be- HOLDER come a reality. TOASTER TRANS. RADIO 1.00 VALUE O'Neil said the key to MODEL 20214 BY PROCTOR — 10 TRANSISTOR SOLID STATE BY LIFE 2 SLICE AUTOMATIC POP-UP — DARK- JULIETTE — ELECTRIC OS BATTERY BAGS NEAT the decision to be- NESS CONTROL AND CRUMB TRAY OPERATED — MODEL TK 1050 gin work on the western AC LINE CORD BUILT IN AND OUT OF WAY 59° section of SR 80 hing- INSURANCE es on money being made, available by the next HANDI session of the legisla-* COST HOLDER ture. ^ GALLON In an effort to clari- THAT HOLDS 3c VALUE fy a plan for an indus- ICE CRUSHER RADIO MILK C 5 BAND AM/FM—ELECTRIC CARTONS trial complex at Palm FULLY AUTOMATIC BY OAZEY, AND BATTERY. SHOULDER Beach International LITTLE? SANDALS JAM PROOF — BUSIT IN ICE 59 STRAP. EARPHONE, 4 BATTER- TRAY — MODEL NO. 1000 Airport, the com- ASSORTED i IES ,- MODEL NA 5018, AC mission authorized a A LINE CORD BUILT IN. SAFETY letter to Butler Avia- INSURE WITH "DAY" PINS tion's vice president, BE SURE TOMORROW! Frank C. Sain. Written by County Attorney R. Bruce Jones, the letter informed Sain that the Agency ' HIBACHI GRILL TAPE PLAYER board ' 'will be very hap- MTP 1001 — PERFECT FOR BEACH PARTIES ,500 S. FEDERAL HWY.\ S, OUTINGS. BY JULIETTE, PLAYS PlAYTAPES py" to receive a Butler DOUBLE GRILL OF HEAVY CAST Aviation proposal for IRON — SEPARATE ADJUSTABLE GRIDS the complex — covering FULL 170 INCH COOKING AREA DAVE PLAYTAPES WASTEBASKET K|TCHEN SHEARS PLASTIC REID MADE OF HEAVY DUTY METAL 44 QUART HEAVY DUTY COLLANDER PLASTIC. EASY TO CLEAN FOR AIL KITCHEN USES. COUNTY ASSESSOR IN ASSORTED COLORS Dave Reid stands for: COURTESY AND ECONOMY: I believe that the County Assessor is charged not only by law to assess the property of the public, but is ? charged to courteously serve the public at the least expense to the public These principles have been uppermost in my mind during my six years as a municipal assessor. I shall bring these policies to the County Assessor's office. NO IRON CURTAIN: My office shall make available all information and records concerning the assessment of property. I will make available to all tax payers the valuation of their FLASHLIGHT ? property as soon as it is determined. Taxpayers will 0UR not have to wait until the entire roll is published or until they »EG.39c receive tax bills to know their assessments. FAIR AND EQUAL TREATMENT: I will apply the tax laws as written by the Florida •ft Legislature and interpreted jby the courts of Florida NIKOBAN BATH OIL MACLEANS T equally to all taxpayers, i' SMOKING DETERRENNT EXEMPTIONS: / FOAMING BATH Oil IN QUART I strongly support passage of the portion of the pro- SIZE — FLORAL — LILAC — SPICE posed constitution granting homestead exemptions to 189 AND PINE FRAGRANCES condominium and co-op apartment owners. LIMIT ONE ? I favor a broad interpretation of granting exemptions OUR REGULAR 79c to disabled veterans. I will have employees of my office visit all communities in the County to help process homestead exemptions and to help tax- payers with their assessment problems. DIPPITY-DO LAVORIS Techmatic !RO 15.5 OZ. MOUTHWASH EXPERIENCED AS TAX ASSESSOR: LIGHTER Tax Assessor for the Village of Palm Springs. (4 years). Presently Tax Assessor for the City of Atlantis. (2 years). ELECT DAVE REID PEPTO-BISMOL SHAMPOO BATTERY TOWELS EYNOLDSWRAP County Assessor REG. 33a REPUBLICAN LIMIT 1 WITH COUPON THRU 10/19 Pd. Pol. Adv. Section B Thursday, Oct. 17,1968 Page One.ij

There isn't much you can't do with palm fronds

Versatility has become synonomous with The freezing process is what stops the palm fronds, it seems. enzymes growth in the fronds thus making it There just isn't much that can't be made possible for the frond to hold to its true from palm fronds. Hats, purses, hanging size. The palm fronds will shrink if they dry baskets, topiary trees, fruits baskets, bowls out. for flowers, even funny coconut heads can be "There are other ways of stopping the docorated with palm fronds. enzyme growth," Mrs. Nesbitt said, "Some "If you have an idea go ahead and try people boil the fronds, some freeze the First cut palm frond down the middle. it." That's Mrs., Walter Nesbitt's theory. fronds overnight, work them and bake the She'll be teaching palm frond weaving finished product. at the community center beginning next week. In fact, she'll be exhibiting some of * 'There are as many processes as there her palm frond crafts at the recreation de- are people," she added. partment's annual arts and crafts exhibit, One of her favorite "things" is something 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday in the Community called a Boondoggle, "The dictionary says a Center. boondoggle is a useless article but believe "The hats take awhile, but anyone who me this is not useless," she said. A'* works with her hands can do them," Mrs. She uses the boondoggle as a wall decor- Nexbitt said. ation or as a part of a table settings Mrs. Nesbitt prefers working with cab- "It takes about eight hours of weaving bage palms, and she says that the younger and six weeks of drying then the boondoggle the tree the more flexible the palms. is sprayed and completed. The process of palm frond weaving is She admits that most of her ideas for basically a simple one. All you do is cut palm frond crafts have come from students. a palm frond in half. Roll the frond, and "Two minds are always better than one," freeze it for a week. When the week is up she smiles. : the frond is ready to be woven into whatever Her classes will be held 9:30 to 11:30 you choose. a.m. beginning Oct. 22.

Then roll it for freezing.

Mrs. Nesbitt cuts edges off finished product.

Mrs. Walter Nes- bitt displays some of her palm frond crafts. WHY ACCEPT LESS?

Know your New 6 Month Self-Renewing Savings Certificates Florida Constitution Multiples of $1000 Paid Quarterly On November 5, you will vote YES or NO on a new State Constitution. As a public service, Senator Jerry Thomas answers the most controversial questions re- garding this document: Paid and Compounded Quarterly on Passbook Savings fl. Does tfte new consti- tution allow the Legis- and lature to levy a tax on income? FREE TRANSFER of FUNDS from ANYWHERE IN THE U.S.

A. No. If adopted, the new constitution would retain the present pro- vision which prohibits a SERV/NG BOCA RATON FOR OVER 78 YEARS state income tax. FIRST FEDERAL SAViNGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION of Delray Beach

Ed Barnhardt DELRAY BEACH VICE PRESIDENT & Send questions on the new Con- BOCA RATON BOCA RATON stitution to your Senator: 601 N. Federal Hwy. 645 E. AtlanticAve. BRANCH MANAGER Senator Jerry Thomas The State Capitoi Phone 395-2121 Phone 276-6311 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 PO POL AD - DEM. - DISTRICT 35 2B BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 17. 1968 Local women to mark League plans card party National BPW Week Debbie-Rand Memor- Boca Raton Business brunch at the Holiday ial Service League will and Professional Wom- Inn Sunday. hold its first luncheon an's Club will mark na- Monday Florida At- and card party of the tional business and pro- lantic University and season in the Great Hall fessional women's week Boca Raton Business Boca Raton Hotel and Oct. 20 through Oct. 26. and Professional Wom- Club Wednesday, Oct. The observation will an's Club will co-spon- 23. begin with services at sor a seminar on the The luncheon will be- Moravian Church and Florida constitution. gin at noon. Proceeds The meeting will be held will go to a fund for at 8 p.m. in Florida continued operational New officers Atlantic University costs of Boca Raton Theater. Community Hospital. Chairman of the event are elected Senator Jerry Thom- as, Representative Don is Mrs. Hugo Suhr as- Student Council offic- sisted by Mrs. A. El- Reed and Miss Thelma ers have been elected at Moore, Florida BPW's liott Thompson, - co- Holly Brook Academy. chairman; Mrs. Joseph chairman of legislation, They areSidellFilgh- will participate in the Gola Jr., hostess chair- man, president- Deb- man. panel moderated by Dr. orah Watson, vice pres- John DeGrove, FAU. Hostesses are Mrs. ident; Gregory Watson, Norman Armour, Mrs. secretary, and Michael BPW's annual "Wom- Nicholas Bishop, Mrs. Spencer, treasurer. Richard Brannon, Mrs. Hostesses for the card party and luncheon include (left) Mrs. William Ransdall and chairman, Mrs. Joseph Gola. an of the Year" banquet Robert B. Craske, Mrs. Mrs. Frank Dawson, Mrs. Norman Armour, Mrs. Sondra Witt, Tuesday will highlight Frank Dawson, Mrs. the week's activities. Frederick Peirce, Mrs. The banquet will be held at 6:15 p.m» in Rizzo's Dorn Lee Redd, Mrso AAUW will co-sponsor George Roy, Mrs. John Restaurant. Speaker Spinnenweber, Mrs. will be Dr. Susan B. Lynn H. Stewart, Mrs. constitution forum Anthony, Marymount J. Donald Wargo and College, and 1969 BP Mrs. Sondra M. Witt. A forum on "Amend- Mrs. William Robey, Woman of the Year will ments to the Florida Mrs. Arland Briggs, be presented at the ban- Card players are re- State Constitution" will Mrs. Paul Blow and quet. quested to provide their be the highlight of Boca Mrs. J. F. Koster. own cards. Raton Branch, Amer- Women in the area Final activity of the ican Association of Uni- eligible for membership week will be a lunch- versity Women meeting in AAUW may contact eon Saturday in Garden Club Tuesday, Oct. 22. Mrs. Robert H. Launer. Schrafft's Restaurant. The meeting will be Luncheon will be held will meet held at 8 p.m. in St0 at 12:15 p.m. Gregory's Church. Local girl Mrs. C.K. Davis, The program, direct- Chairman of the week chairman of National ed by Miss Nellie Clift, is Mrs. Harold Fiscuse. Council of State Garden will include Mrs. Jo- is in play Club Horticulture, will seph Berchtold as mod- be guest speaker at the erator and Mrs. James Jeanette Ann David- for the Garden Club meeting Thomas and two mem- son, daughter of Mr. Monday. bers of the League of and. Mrs. J. B. David- CORRECT TIME The meeting will be Women Voters, Mrs. son, 1190 S.W. 11 St., 24 hours a day held at 8 p.m. in the Norman Reams and will portray Florabelle Garden Club Center, Mrs. Frank Carey Jr., in Texas Woman's Uni- 4181 N.W. Third Ave. as panelists. versity production of Call 395-2010 Mrs. Davis will speak A question and an- "The Plain Princess". courtesy of on "What to Look for in swer period will follow Flower Show Stages and Punch anyone? Mrs. Seabron D. Short, ident, and Dr. Louie Camp, secretary for the the forum. The first play of the BOCA RATON the Pitfalls." The year will be present- president of Florida Federation of Music new Boca Raton Music Study Club. The Refreshments will be meeting is open to the served and hostesses ed Oct. 30 through Nov. NATIONAL BANK .public. Club does the honors for Mrs. Allen Millar, group met Monday at which time officers 2. S. Fed.at Camijio Real were installed. will be Mrs. David Al- (left) vice president, Mrs. Walter Fogg, pres- len, Mrs. Harry Bell, ANN LANDERS '

LSD facts are difficult to pin down SHOES LOVE HI6H HEELS? Dear Ann Landers: burden I carry. My an- of Georgia at Augusta. Dear Ann Landers: A I've tried to tell my should set the necking In a weak moment I xiety is enough for the It is difficult to pin while back you wrote: daughter she is throw- limits—the boy or the Fashion says "Suit yourself in '68V Suit your took LSD. I am a col- entire family. down the facts precisely "Any woman can have ing away her youth and girl? Can a shotgun wed- legs with the hem yon want. .. from mini to lege student, male, 20 —MICHIGANDER and I regard the matter an affair — if she sets if she doesn't wake up ding succeed? Read Ann midi . . . and especially with the heels you years of age. Since that Dear Michigander: I as still controversial in her standards low soon no decent man will Landers' booklet, time I've heard LSD al- asked Nobel Prize win- spite of the circumstan- enough." Say it again. have her. Her stock an- Ways To Cool It." Send want! ters the chromosomes ner Joshua Lederberg, tial evidence. I think my daughter swer: "It's my life. Get 50 cents in coin and a of the body and one can of the Stanford Univers- There is, however, missed it. off my back." long, self - address- If you are a gal who knows high heela suit expect deformed chil- ity School of Medicine, one possible hazard of Why would a smart, ed stamped envelope. you best . . . this is your year!. . . . And dren. I am now steer- one of the foremost au- LSD which I would like Eldora, age 27, has attractive girl who could Ann Landers will be MORGAN'S is your store! ing clear of serious ro- thorities on genetics, to to mention. We know been seeing a married have nice, respectable glad to help you with mantic involvements answer your question. humans can show long man for five years. She dates settle for such a your problems. Send You'll find the best High Heel collections in because I dare not risk Here is his reply: delayed reactions to calls it love, I call it shabby relationship? them to her in care of the area at all three MORGAN'S stores ... such unhappiness for Dear Ann Landers.- doses of LSD. We must back-alley monkey bus- —HEARTSICK Boca Raton News, Box in all sizes, AAAA to C. any girl. This is in response to now learn to what ex- iness with no future. El- MOTHER 3346, Chicagi, Illinois, Do you know of any your query about the tent LSD enters the fe- dora hasn't had a real Dear Mother: Attrac- 60 65 4, enclosing a BOCA RATON tests to determine if possibility of LSD pro- tus across the placental date since she started tive maybe, but smart stamped, self-address- The Royal Palm Plaza by The Tower the chromosomes have ducing deformed ba- barrier. So far as to sneak around with this she isn't. Girls who get ed envelope. been damaged to the ex- bies. I know, there has been no rat. He picks her up in involved with married tent that the children Several investigators investigation on this vi- bars, on street corners, men are stupid and of- would be deformed? have reported such ef- tal point. anything but come to the ten self destructive. Kindly answer through fects, for example Dr. If Congress continues front door like a man. Professional help may your column as it would William F. Geber of the to slash the budgets for Eldora's father has be the answer—provid- seriously upset my par- Department of Pharma- medical research, we been dead ten years so ed she wants an an- BOCA SHOE BOX ents if they knew the cology, Medical College may never know the an- this man can't be afraid swer. swer. of getting his face What is French kiss- (RED CROSS SHOES) —JOSHUA LEDER- punched in. ing? Is it wrong? Who BERG, PROFESSOR 39 S.E. 1st Avenue, Boca Raton OF GENETICS Opposite First Bank and Trust Co. of Boca Raton SNTRodlJCE TIRED OF RETIREMENT? Dear Dr. Lederberg: youRselF TO... I'm writing my con- But you don't really care for full employment. TREMENDOUS gressman in Washington W/iy not call for an interview today regarding today. My message: the financial field of stocks, bonds, and se- DOROTHY GRAY Any decrease in govern- curities selling to select clientele. ment support of medi- Call Mr. Bogren at 395-0546 for Appointment. RE-OPENING SALE §klM CARE cal research would be disastrous. I urge my BYER readers to do like- INCORPORATED wise. Royal Palm Plara %oca Raton,_Florida Starts Today and All This Week 1000 PAIR DOROTHY GRAY DISCOVERS SIZES 4 TO 11 NOW AT SpECIAl SAVINGS 'ALGEHE' WITH IRISH MOSS RED CROSS - COBBIES • CALIF. COBBLERS MOISTURIZING HAND CREAM $15ea0 JOYCE and OLD MAINE TROTTERS HORMONE HAND CREAM l ' A natural ingredient that reg. $2.50 ea. recaptures the youthful appearance DRY SKIN LOTION $100 $175 of your skin-Irish Moss. SAYfi

reg. $2.00 reg. $3.50 Almost immediately you'll notice a since you were—how young? Daily skin care is essential to effectively smooth away all dry- decided improvement in the appear Dorothy Gray's Satura Algene Con' ness from your hands. That's why Dorothy Gray formulates ance of your skin. Algene's unique ditioning Cream is non-greasy. Use it $ beneficial Vitamin A with emollients, special conditioners and conditioning process makes chap at night and under make-up. 5.00. softeners to create two lastingly effective hand creams— ping and flaking disappear. Little Also, available—the same richness Moisturizing Hand Cream and Hormone Hand Cream. lines seem to melt into soft, smooth in lighter liquid form—Algene Con' 8" PAIR How quickly redness and chapping vanish! How much lovelier perfection .Touch your face.Youll W. s^& ditioning Face Emulsion. 5.00 your hands look!-with diligent Dorothy Gray care. get a wholesome fresh feeling —Algene Conditioning Hand For all over skin softness try Dorothy Gray Dry Skin Lotion— you may not have known and Body Lotion. 4.00. 2 PAIR FOR 16.00 so marvelously soothing after bath or shower. Enjoy special prices on all... now at our Dorothy Gray counter. ECKERD 3 Pairs for 21.00 .DRUGS COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS DRUGS 150 W. Camino Real ALL SALES FINAL-NO EXCHANGE Oft REFUND Boca Raton ISO w. Camino Raai, Boca Raton Thursday, Oct. 17, 1968 BOCA RATON NEWS JB a Cook of the week Cafeteria manager knows way around her own kitchen

Mrs. David Nice is a little more than At home, though, she cooks for her son just a cook. She's responsible for the lunch- Jeff, 10 and her husband David, both of es of more than 800 children who attend whom she says are "regular chow hounds. J.C. Mitchell School. They eat anything and everything, and they're That's why she's so concerned about what such a pleasure to cook for." children eat today. It's easy to see from whom Mrs. Nice "The mode of our living is changing every gets her cooking abilities. Her family is in day,'3 she maintains, "Unfortunately adver- the catering business in northern Michi- tising is directed at calories, when it should gan. "I'm the only one who was not in- be directed more at nutrients in food. terested in food as a career," she said. "Eating is part of our entertaining," she added, "snacks are more plentiful, more At home she enjoys reading cookbooks appetizing, more "in" than ever before. In "about as much as I enjoy reading nov- this hurry up age well balanced meals are els." She likes' to add to the cookbook rec- a thing of the past. ipes and she's been known to say going by "This may sound silly but children can- the book is not necessarily the best way to not learn good eating habits if the parents cook. are not educated in nutrition." She adds a bit here and a bit there, and Mrs. Nice strangely enough did not train comes up with that extra special some- to be a cafeteria manager. thing. Mrs. Nice slices chicken for mystery dish. In fact she spent the earlier part of her MYSTERY CHICKEN career years as a medical technician. She Although she likes to entertain she be- Drain mushroom pieces; cook in butter lieves that casual buffet style entertaining until brown. Blend in flour and salt. Com- stepped into her present position purely by 4 TBL. butter accident. is best for Florida living because "living bine cream of celery soup and milk and is so casual here." 4 TBL. flour add. Stir over low heat until smooth. Serves "I wanted a job close to home," she 2c. milk said. She lives almost across the street Mrs. Nice might serve anything from 6 or 8. snacks to mystery chicken when she does 3 chicken bouillon cubes from the school. "I went to the school 2 eggs, well'beaten and here I am." entertain. Her mystery chicken is one of her fa- lcup mayonnaise Even so she admits that she enjoys cook- 2 c. diced chicken (or turkey) ing. "I don't do the cooking at the school," vorite recipes "It has a crunchy taste, and both my husband and son love it. 1/2cup slivered almonds she said, "I just plan the menus." 1 cup Chinese noodles Melt butter, blend in flour; add milk and chicken cubes, eggs, stir in mayonnaise, fold in chicken, almonds and noodles. Bake in well greased mold or pan at 350 de- 1 grees for 50 or 60 minutes, until set. Serve ALL-FAMILY with the following sauce.- 1 large can mushroom pieces, drained SPRAY 3 TBL. butter 3 TBL. flour DEODORANT 1/2 tsp. salt 1 can cream of celery soup 1 can milk 5day NEW! ALL-FAMILY with PERSP!REXT S^AY DEODOflAKT miracle . Local school children odor-fighting ingredient 87 observe lunch week Boca Raton school Ester Payne, cafeteria children are observing manager at Boca Raton ECKEIfcD DRUGS ' 'National School Lunch school. Week" this week. Part of the program at Boca Raton's four schools is an invitation to parents to eat lunch GOURMET DINNER MENU with their children at Complete Dinner Six Dollars the schools. LE DOJVTE or COCKTAILS A LA CARTE DINNER "This will give par- PENTHOUSE FLOOR FROM 6 PM 6:00 - 1J PM ents an opportunity to Reservations meet the cafeteria per- Suggested: 525-3303 (Closed Sundays) sonnel and to see how Cobey Lou 333 SUNSET DRIVE AWARDS the children's lunches HOLIDAY S-STAR At The Piano are served "said Mrs. FDRT LAUDERDALE MAGAZINE MOBIL GUIDE from 8:30 PM

Mrs. Nice serves her The Mystery Chicken. "Thriller" ... This is one appropriate way to describe the Baldwin CT-2R Orga-sonic—the compact home organ with the big thea- tre sound. A full selection of YEAR'S BEST BUYS ON GAS APPLIANCES! theatrical Tibias, a genuine Kinura voice, a pulsating Trem- CannewOgilvie 36" DELUXE AUTOMATIC GAS RANGE olo, plus full rhythmic accom- with ULTRA-RAY, INFRA-RED BROILER paniment make playing your DANDRUFF SHAMPOO own music a thrilling experi- really control dandruff? ence on the CT-2R. Try it and see for yourself. Drop into our showrooms Ogilvie combines two effective antibacterial and try all the fine Baldwin ingredients in a richly lathering shampoo to cleanse away excessive oiliness. {Oiliness is organs. It's exhilarating. the villain that invites dandruff back.) CHECK THESE FABULOUS DELUXE FEATURES; AND, Ogilvie has so many rich conditioners Timed cook and keep-warm oven system, clock and interval timer, fluorescent surface light, "Lady-Level" cooking surface, your hair will stay manageable, full of body, thermo-set "Burner With A Brain", stainless steel utensil never tangly or dried-out ... no matter how supports, easy-read front-mounted controls, full-width often you shampoo. storage drawer, pull-out vertical utensil compartment, harvest-size oven. Another fine product from Ogilvie—the hair care people. WARRANTED FOR 3 YEARS OR 3000 MEALS BURNERS GUARANTEED FOR LIFE

Try new Ogilvie DANDRUFF SHAMPOO. And see. America's easiest range to keep clean: removable oven/broil- er door and cook top, removable oven bottom, seamless one-piece porcelain enamel oven. 36 MONTHS TO PAY - SAVE $28

Model CT-2R Model E-314 Orga-sonic convenient (4oz. tube) $1.50 OVER 1,000 BARGAINS SALE ALSO APPLIES Baldwin Organs... We sell fun dandruff generous TO (8oz. bottle) S2.00 EVERYTHING MARKED DOWN DRYERS — GRILLS — HEATERS Offers limited to present and prospective customers. WATER HEATERS — GASLIGHTS

279 W, CAMINO REAL BOCA RATON ECKE3D 325 N.E. 2nd Sf., Delray Beach - 278-2636 Camino Shopping Center ISO W. Camino Real, Boca Raton BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday. Or.. 17,1968 Happy House

By CLAIRE ARCHER green, blue and orange Dear Mrs. G.W.T. — bles refinished in a Do you have a question floral chintz with a Your curtains could be mustard yellow. I would pertaining to interior black background. Sam- in white, trimmed with like to know what color I decorating? Mrs. Ar- ple enclosed. I paint- either the kelly green should use for two cher will ed the walls white. Will or royal blue. chairs? be happy ^ you please advise color to ans- for new carpet? Dear Mrs. D. L. — wer your Dear Mrs. C.E. — The A fern green floral print q>"u e s- light yellowish green in Request from Mrs.D. with lots of snow white t.'i o n s. your fabric sample L. — Our living room background for your Request' would be a good choice carpet is light blue and chairs would give you a s hould for your carpet. our sofa and draperies good looking room. be sent are white. Recently we had two small coffee ta- to the Request from Mrs. M. Happy house to you. Boca H, — I am planning to Raton buy new carpet for our News family room and would Tjjjr j[ j- Jj Mrs. Archer appreciate your sug- Old food with new self - ad dressed envel- gesting a color for me. ope. My easy chairs are cov- ered in a dark blue and flair - that's rice Request from Mrs.R, white check linen and M. — I need help with the the couch is covered in colors in my bedroom. white naugahyde, Walls An old food with a Mix 2 cups cooked rice, It looks so wishy-washy. and short draw curtains new flair —that's rice! 4 cups sliced apples, The walls are pa-are white. Rice growing began 1/4 cup brown sugar, pered with a light gray Dear Mrs. M. H. — in the United States 2 tablespoons lemon and white striped wall- How would you like a more than 300 years juice and 1 teaspoon paper and the bedspread brick red for your car- ago, when the captain lemon rind together. is in a matching fabric. pet? of a sailing ship from Turn into a buttered 9- The draperies and wall- Madagascar gave a inch square bakingdish. to-wall carpet are pale small quantity of theAdd 1/4 cup water. Cov- Request from Mrs. A. er apples and rice com- gray. The furniture is B.E. I have been think- important staple to a modern, painted a tint farmer in South Caro- pletely with toffee mix- Bill Blass of Maurice Rentner uses EMBA ing of changing the green lina. ture. Bake in a 350 de- Ranch Mink fur trim as a border applique in a of gray with light blue bedspreads in our bed- glass tops on the dress- gree oven for 45 min- touch of fur over brightly printed velvet in a room. Would you please Today, rice is almost utes. Makes 8 serv- Big bold plaids make fashion news for Fail er and two night stands. advise color? The walls a "coast - to - coast" coat costume over a satin dress. Any suggestions? ings. Serve hot with '68. An Umba design for Donle, a division of and draperies are oys- crop, growing in suit- milk, if desired. For Dorothy Hubbs, it features a soft leather Dear Mrs. R.M.—ter white. A long slip- able climates and soil toffee mixture: Com- sash on this gently shaped camel and black Let's rescue that pale per bench is yellowish throughout the southern bine 1/2 cup flour with Chicken Kiev will add combination with a good green and a large lounge portion of the United 3/4 cup brown sugar, dress. Buttoned epaulets lend a jaunty air to size leopard rug and then chair is spruce green. States, and the central the town dress. 1 teaspoon cinnamon, dtid a few jet black ac- Dear Mrs. A.B.E. — valleys of California. and 1/2 cup butter or variety to your meal cessories. Try a black and white Versatile rice lends margarine. Cut butter print for your bed- texture, flavor and nu- or margarine into sugar Add variety to your Roll chicken and make Request from Mrs.N. spreads. trition to a wide var- mixture until the size of meals by serving a tasty edges secure by tieing K.W. — We are redec- iety of cuisine, from small peas. Q/utpuu/.. securely. Roll in flour/ orating the bedroom our curry to custards. It's economical chicken kiev. in combined egg and wa/- two daughters share and Request from Mrs.G. easy to prepare — its Baked Pork Steaks THE GOLD ter mixture, again in \would appreciate your W.T. — I need a color price pampers the pock- and Rice — Brown 6 CHICKEN KIEV flour. tjielp with colors for bed- suggestion for curtains etbook — and there's pork shoulder steaks Brown in butter/or heads for twin beds, for our family room - virtually no waste in (total weight 11/2 4 broiler breasts, margarine, add 1 table- ci>ver for a daybed and kitchen combination. preparation. pounds) in 2tablespoons boned (about 2 lb.) spoon of water, cover aperies. The carpet The family room area Here are some tempt- shortening, remove 1/4 cup butter or and cook over low/heat light powder blue furniture is a walnut f in- ing dishes that feature from skillet and season COMPARE margarine for 8 to 10 minutes. Do the walls are paint- ish rattan. The cushions rice: with 11/2 teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons snip- not prick the chicken. the same color blue on the sofa are beige Rice Au Gratin — and 1/4 teaspoon pep- ped parsley Drain on absorbent pa- with the wood trim and the cushions on two Heap 3 cups of hot cook- per. If steaks are very HEELER'S 2 teaspoons chop- per. Serve hot ./Butter painted white,, chairs are patterned in ed rice in a bakingdish; fat, dip out part of the sprinkle with 3/4 cupdrippings. Brown 1 cup EVERY DAY ped chives will ooze out when D^ar Mrs. N.K.W.. — colors of yellow green, 1/2 clove garlic, chicken roll is cut. Hav^ the bedspreads and lime green, Kelly green, diced cheese. Place in uncooked rice, stirring nF1 RAY feEACH minced "Arrange on /a warm draperies in a big turquoise and dark roy- moderate (350 degrees constantly. Add 31/2 LOW 1 teaspoon salt platter and garnish with splashy floral in colors al blue. An area rug is F.) oven for a few min- cups chicken bouillon, 1/2 teaspoon ground baked halves oi oranges, of soft powder blue, gold. The walls in the utes, until cheese melts. 1/4 teaspoon poultry CONTRACT rosemary whole spiced/ or bran- white and green with kitchen and family room Unessential — but de- seasonings and 1/2 cup 1/8 teaspoon ground died peaches, or red dashes of deep periwin- area are painted light lectable. Brown a crum- diced green onions. PRICES pepper spiced crab /apples. If kle blue. For the daybed, aqua. Kitchen cabinets bled slice of fresh bread Pour into a 3-quart cas- COATING: desired, use/fresh par- use a leaf green. are light walnut with with 1/2 teaspoon cur- serole, place steaks on All draperies expertly ry powder in 3 table- top, cover and bake in made in our own 1/4 cup flour sley or water cress to white counter tops, 1 egg, sligfitly add the final crowning Rquest from Mrs. C ; Floouj bgray and white spoons butter. Serve ov- a 350 degree oven for workrooms. beaten touch. Malces 4 serv- E. — My sofa and three terrazzo. Appliances, er rice. ' 1 hour. Makes 6 serv- 1 tablespoon water ings. chairs are covered in a Apple Rice Toffee — ings. At KEELER'S you'll No charge for making oil for deep fat find hundreds of bolts of flit! length, regular or tra- frying the most: exciting drapery verse, from $1.98 yd. Guar- fabrics anywhere . . . just anteed rods and installation. Combine butter or for the Gold Coast! margarine with all the seasonings, and shape Open Mon.-Sat. into 4 equal rolls. Co- 9-5 ver and refrigerate or Come In freeze to become hard. Or Phone Draping the Gold Coast Pound chicken to 1/4 inch thickness with rol- 3415 S. Federal Hwy., Delray Beach, 278-2877 ling pin. Place 1 roll Visit our nationally famous Browse 'n Think Shop (Cove Center) beerfield Beach - Phone 399-2837 of the hardened butter on each chicken breast.


/ FOR YEAR ROUND \ \GENERAL ELECTRIC COMFORT/ AND • Automatic 10 Position Thermostat Meet the FRIDAY'S • Air Exchange 0 2-Speed Fan • Slide out Chassis 9 Washable Air Filter SENATOR ELMER O. FRIDAY and his wife, BETTY JO with AND MUCH, MUCH, MORE their four children . . . MITCHEL ANN, Cheerleader and mem- ber of the sophomore class at Cyprus Lake Senior High School; RICHARD, 1st string varsity and senior at Cyprus Lake Senior High; GENIE LEE, junior studying Nursing at the University of Florida; JO ELLEN, freshman Honor Student at the Uni- versity of Florida. BUT$ ONLY FRIDAY COSTS The Word Is Reliance At. MODEL AGDCE1SD SHOPPERS HAVEN He-elect Palm Beach County's Senior CALL and Florida's 4th Ranking Senator 941-5837 Pompono Beach 941-5837 Open Men. and Fri. 'til 9 FORA FREE HOME SURVEY 5th AV|. VOTEFOR FRIDAY TUESDAY, NOV. 5' No Obligation SHOPPING &AZA PD POL ADV DEMOCRAT - DIST. 34 395-4122- Boe* Raton Thursday, Oct. 17, 1968 BOCA RATON NEWS 5B Jr. college faculty wins recognition Three members of the elected to the board for Miss Edna Wilson, Educational Secre- faculty and staff of Palm another term." administrative assist- tary," the official pub- Beach Junior College Charles R. Mc- ant to the registrar, was lication of the National have recently received Creight, faculty advisor reappointed service Association of Educa- national recognition for for the PBJC campus editor of the "National tional Secretaries. their work. newspaper, "The Dro Harold C. Manor, Beachcomber," was president of the college, singled out as one of has been re-elected to a the nation's foremost second three-year term high school and junior as a member of the college journalism board of directors of Phi teachers in the eighth Theta Kappa, the na- annual awards program tional junior college conducted by the News- honorary society. paper Fund, Inc. OCCUPANCY THIS FALL Dr. Manor returned The fund, which is Tuesday from the an- supported by gifts from nual meeting of the Dow Jones & Co., Inc., CLOISTER board at Denver. publishers of the Wall "The meeting was Street Journal named DEL MAR highly successful," Dr. McGreight as one of 35 17 STORY OCEANFRONT CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCE Manor said, "and I am teachers throughout the JUST SOUTH OF THE BOCA RATON INLET/BOCA BATON. FLORIDA greatly honored to be nation so honored. ; 2-3 bedroom apartment homes and penthouses with 2 oceanfront balcony terraces MORE THAN 600 ITEMS from $34,750 Fully furnished and decorated exhibit apartment 1962 N. Fed'l Hwy. homes are open from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. 5th Ave. Shopping Plaza CLOISTER0DELMAR 1180 South Ocean Boulevard • Boca Raton, Florida Boca Raton Phone Boca Raton 399-5022

conceived, created did developed by Edgawarer paffc Sales, Inc., A Sufastdtary of 395-1877 JIIJD1CE KEHH )HD COMSTKKCTiaN COSPDRHIOI OF HEW YORK »«D FIOBIO* Sharp contrast is provided in this view of es on new tower building at Boca Raton Ho- COME SEE - RENT FOR OCCASIONAL USE INVESTMENT BDlLBEfIS SIKCE JIM sailboat and placid lake with bustle of ac- tel and Club. tivity in background as construction progress- Frere named auditor at 1st Bank & Trust A Florida native with sity, Frere began his a bachelor's degree in career in banking with finance has been named St. Lucie County Bank, auditor of First Bank Fort Pierce. & Trust Co. He also served as head bookkeeper at the The board of direc- People's Bank of Tal- tors approved the ap- lahassee and was a na- pointment of Eugene F. tional bank examiner. SAVINGS on Frere, effective this Frere, his wife and month. four children now re- Frere comes to First side at 999 S.W. 4th things to make you ' Bank from First Feder- St, in Boca Raton. al Savings & Loan Asso- ciation of Fort Pierce more beautiful where he was sec- retary - treasurer. A i*- PRINTING CO. graduate of Indian Riv- •J. W. 1ST AVENUE. BOCA RAT er Junior College and TELEPHONE 395-1909 Lime or Regular, Spray Concentrate Ige. Florida State Univer- Man Power Prell Shampoo . > size 59c 4-oz. Child's Deodorant. . • size 85c 36's size 33c Regular or Menthol Bayer Aspirins . > SELLING YOUR HOME? 25Q's 68c Williams Norwich Aspirins. size Electric Shave • • • size 69c 60's 87c For Best Results Excedrin Tablets . size Injector Multiple Personna Blades . . size 85c One-A-Day iqo-s $ 44 Spray • • ,.:_:o •; Vitamins. . . . . size 2 Dial Deodorant. . . t£ Anacin Tablets . . WITH Krona-Chrome Double Edge 4's 10's S|13 78c size Tenth Brysites Schick Blades . . size Contac Capsules » SEE YOUR REALTOR Razor Decongestant 45 24's S|09 each Dristan Tablets. . size REALTORS OF BOCA RATON Gillette Techmatic . each °2 The following ORYAL E. HADLEY, are members 400 E. Palmetto Pk. of the Boca Road, 395-2244. Prices In This Ad Effective HELEN HODOttAL, Only In Dade, Breward, Palm Raton Board Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and of Realtors. Realtor. 330 E. Palmetto Indian River Counties. Doing busi- Pk. Rd., 399-6258. ness with KEATING - MEREDITH Cepacol Mouthwash "" 93c them you are PROPERTIES INC. assured the highest 42 S.E. 2nd St. Phone- Shampoo type of service that can 395-1515 Blue Halo *,'£' 89c be administered in the F. WOODROW KEETON, field of Real Estate 2950 N. Ocean Boule- Normal, Dry & Tint, Hard to Hold Practice. vard, 395-5252. Suave Hair Spray . V,^ 68c CROSBY W. ALLEY, 21 MACLAREN & ANDER- Skin Cream S.E. 3rd St., 395-4404. SON, 135 E. Palmetto 6 NICK AMRHEEV 7300 N.. Park Rd., Boca Raton. Noxzema s°ze 93c Federal Hwy. 391-1166. 395-1333 Regular or Mint MADDOX REALTY, 507 Baby Shampoo ARV1DA KEALTY Johnson & Johnson sK 99c family SALES, Inc., 998 S. N.E. 20th St., 395-2900 59. Federal Hwy,395-2000. MEDALLION REALTY, Baby Oil ATLANTIC BOCA 95 E. Palmetto Park RcJ Johnson & Johnson ^ 99c REALTY, 101 E. Pal- 395-2421. J.C. MITCHELL & Polish Remover metto Pk. Rd.r Boca Raton, 395-8500. SONS, Inc., 22 S Fed- Cutex . . sS 3le eral Hwy., 395; 4711. Colgate Tooth Paste S2 65c BANYAN REALTY,INC. IVIOTHERVVELL REAL- Clear or Lotion 234 S. Federal Highway, TY, 757 S Federal Hwy. White Rain Gleem Tooth Paste ''"£ 49c Boca Raton, Florida - 395-4044. 85c Phone: 395-3535. PALMER AND PALMER Shampoo ..... ^ Tablets BATEMAN and CO., 115 E. Boca Raton Road, Regular or Extra Hold Polident JS 67« 1299 S. Ocean Blvd., Boca Raton, Florida White Hain Child's Size 395-5011. MOUTHWASH Boca Raton, 395-9355. Hair Spray. . . . . ^ Colgate Tooth Brush each 25c W.P. BEBOUT, 140 N. F. BYRON PARKS, Via # Mizner, Royal Palm Fed. Hwy., 395-8155. Creme Rinse 12-OZ. Mouthwash Plaza, 395-3700. 12-oz. o* STEPHEN J. BODZO PETRUZZELLI REAL- ToniTame. . . . . {£ Colgate 1OO • . • . size • • O IC REALTY, INC. - 5501 TY, Inc., 2325 N. Ocean Denture N. Fed. Hwy. 395-8200 Boulevard, 395-0822. e Regular or Super Kleenite Cleaner . . l e 4O's BRANNON REALTY, PLASTRIDGE, INC. Tampax Tampons > 224 S. Federal Hwy., Dusting Powder Inc., 330 E. Palmetto Tablets 395-1433. Dreamflower. . . . 24's Pk. Rd., 391-2444. Bayer Aspirin ... size C AMINO GARDENS THE REAL ESTATE Cosmetic CORNER, INC. 60 S. REALTY INC., P.O. Soff Puffs .... Tablets Box 520, Phone 395 7020. Federal Highway, 395- 4624. Hair Spray AikcsSeifzer...... ^ 39< Prices Effective CARLEN APPRAISAL 1 3 RONAN REALTY, 2800 Summer Blonde . . ,°e Spray AND REALTY INC. 450 N. Fed. Hwy., Boca Ra- s 7 Thurs-Fri-Sat. E. Palmetto Park Rd. ton, 391-0083. Lyso! Pisinfectant . . 69c October 17-18-19 ,399-4440. RICHARD F. ROSS, 110 SUE O. CHENEY, ReaV> East Palmetto Park Normal or Dry, Concentrate tor, 960 S.E. 20th Avenue Road, Boca Raton, Fla. Breck Shampoo . . . ^ 83« Deerfield Beach, Florida 399-6444. Assorted Shades, Shampoo Formula 399-5500. ROYAL PALM REALTY BRUCE E. DARRELL CORP., 307 Golfview Miss Ciaie-oS — *V Realtor, 425 E. Palmet- Dr., 395-1662. to Park Rd,, 395-1322. SLONE REALTY WM. DAY Inc., 500 S. Main Office: 912 N. PepsocSenf Federal Hwy., 395-0220. Dixie Hwy. - 399-1223 Tooth Pciste ...... s!X 2f c PETER F. DORAN, 133 Branch: 6299 N. Federal Boca Raton Rd., Phone, 391-2640 Plastic Bottle 3951102. TOWN & COUNTRY AScohoi. . pint FEDERAL REALTY of PROPERTIES, 330 E. FLORIDA, 629 S. Fed- Palmetto Park Rd., Roll-On eral Highway, Boca Ra- 391-0434, ton, Florida 391-2235. VISTA REALTY, CMC BM PeoeSorciitf. . . . ^ FIRST REALTY CORP. No. 2 N. Fed. Hwy., Liquid 20 S.E. 1st Avenue, Boca Raton, 395-5824- 395-8600, WEEKES REALTY CO. Pepto Bismoi ..... ^ S5< FLORIDA SITES, Inc. INC., 100 S. Federal 38 S.E, 4th St. 395-1890. Hwy., 395-1221. EDWARD GAKVY.701E. M.N. WEIR & SONS, Palmetto Pk. Rd., Boca Inc., 855 S. Federal Raton, Fla. 391-0900- Hwy., 395-4000 6B BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 17, 1968

No protective shield necessary. the only natural protein and keratin nail conditioner. U.S. Patent #3-257-280 For beautiful, healthy nails in just two weeks, simply brush on rrp once daily. Helps prevent splitting, breaking, peeling, chipping. Not a hardening coat. Not a Formaldehyde prod- uct. The only patented nail conditioner formula. Naturally strengthens and beautifies nails. $^ Results guaranteed or your money back- «9 ECKEIJD DRUGS Taxpayers Ask IRS

This column of questions We have a complete and answers on feaeral tax exclusion only permit- matters is provided by the ted for gifts of pres- Dry Cleaning Plant local office of the U.S. ent interests? internal Revenue Service and [s published as a public ser- on premises. vice to taxpayers. The column A. Its purpose was to answers .questions] most fre- remove the necessity of We are nof affiliated quently asked by taxpayers. keeping an account of numerous small gifts with any other Q. Can tax disputes and to eliminate the ne- Dry Cleaning settled with your Ap- cessity of reporting pellate Division be such gifts when the to- Establishment opened up again by IRS? tal value to each indiv- A. They are not re- idual is less than a fix- in Florida. opened unless evidence High rise workman puts finishing touches on ed amount each year. new apartment building, The Patrician, on of fraud, malfeasance, The exclusion for gifts ONE-HOUR CLEANER South Ocean boulevard. Outside finishing on concealment, misrep- of future interests was 1943 North Federal resentation of facts or denied because in many the building is done from a catwalk which is an important mathema- -275 VIA ROSADA * BOCA RATON, FLA. Phone 395-2440 cases the number of do- lowered as work is completed. I , Royal Polm Plaza - 395-0544 , \ tical mistake is discov- nees and the values of eredo Taxpayers reach- ing an agreement with their gifts could not be Appellate can do so with determined. the assurance that aside from the reasons men- Q. Are there other tioned above, the allowable deductions in agreement will be fi- arriving at the net LOAD YOUR CANOE with an.. nal0 amount of gifts subject "DAUGHTER OF Q. I'm leaving my to tax? M00NSA% "SUNSlSE summer job in a few A. Yes. In addition to ANDSETINPUBLIX". weeks to go back to the specific lifetims ex- school^ Is there any way emption of $30,000 and I can get my tax re- the annual exclusion of fund now or do I have to $3,000 per donee, wait until next year? amounts given as gifts A. You will have to to certain organiza- wait until the end of tions may be deduct- the year before you can ed from the "to- file your return. To tal amount of gifts" and a deduction is allowed, speed things up, be sure Merita Purina Snowdrift to ask your employer for subject to certain lim- Shortening. . ,. . can 79c the statement of wages itations and conditions, Jelly Rolls X 26c Dog Chow 41c Hunts W/Onions paid and taxes withheld for one-half the value FFV Chocolate Chip & Nut, Purina 8oz when you leave. It will of any property qualify- Orange Thins or Dog Chow Tomato Sauce. . 2 cans delay your refund if this ing which is transfer- Lemons Thins. . statement, the W-2, red by gift to a donee Hudson White Wage and Tax State- who, at the time of the Sunshine End O' Pest Rose ment, is not included gift, was the donor's Orbit Cremes . . Dust Guns ...... 69c Napkins. . .• 10c with your return. spouse, Sunshine All.Purpose Pelleted "666" Crisco Fertilizer 5 °,' b- *149 Shortening...... 25; 89c Q. I support my fa- Krispy Crackers b g ther-in-law and there- Q. When is the fed- Liquid fore claim him as a eral gift tax return due Airwick ...... dependent. What rec- and what period does it ords do I have to show cover? you to prove I'm en- A, The federal gift titled to claim him? tax return is due on or A. To establish your before the 15th day of April following the close Breakstone's Regular, California, right to claim this ex- Tiny Curd Styie emption, you should of the calendar year in have the records to es- which gifts were made. Cottage Cheese. . 'S? 29c tablish that you provid- The Form 709 is a cal- Fleischmann's Soft Corn Oil ed more than one-half of endar - year return. Margarine . . . . . 1££ 43c his total support for the Master's Plain or Flavored year. You should also 8 be able to show that his Yogurt. 2 c u°ps 33c gross income was under Master's Plain $600 and that he did Yogurt. 1cG °p- 27c not file a joint re- Heinz Strained u turn with his wife. Master's J- C Your father - in - law Baby Food. . 6 59« Sour Cream . . . . SJ 19 must be a citizen or a Star Kist Chunk Light Meat Krafts Diet Parkay resident of the United sy.-oi. $1 States, or a resident of Tuna 3 cans •• Margarine IS: 41c Canada, Mexico, the Ca- nal Zone or the Repub- Stokely's Cut 303 $« FROZEN FOODS lic of Panama, for Green Beans . 5 cans He sometime during the year you claim the ex- Van Camp's Minute Maid *2 $1 89c emption. JUST THE THING TO Pork & Beans. 5 cans •• Orange Juice Minute Maid WEAR AROUMD THE Stokely's 12-oz. HOUSE 303- $f Orange Juice can 43c Q. I'm not sure what 5 cans •• I'm supposed to do with A State Farm Homeowners Shellie Beans . Sara Lee Caramel Policy, It's the low-cost Stokely's 10V2-OZ. 7Q. the letter I got from the package policy that pro- Pecan Rolls . service center. Can size / !"• vides broader coverage for Sliced Beets. . ,3 2. 49c Patio anyone in the local of- your home and belongings 1 2 fice help me? and for you, in case of law- Stokely's Cream Style Enchilada Dinners S £- 49c A. Yes, call your lo- suits. Yet, all this protection 303 $J is yours at a rate that's 15% Golden Corn. . 5 It's New, Unique cal IRS office about the to 25% lower than the same cans '•• Perfo Fries. 39c letter. When you do, coverage would Stokely's Bavarian have the letter handy cost under sepa- 303 $1 Bird's Eye Combination Vegetables: for reference purpos- rate policies. Get Kraut...... 6 cans •• Mix or Match, 9-oz. French Beans & all the facts—call IKlVtANCI Almonds, 8-oz. Mixed Vegetables & es. me today! Onions or W/Hollandaise Sauce, If the letter was sent Broccoli, W/Orange Glaze from the service center, Sliced Beets. . .3 ^ $1. the requested informat- EARL WILKINSON # tion should be sent there AGENT big-thirst quencher Oh Boy, W/Sour Cream or unless other instruc- 2300 N.E. 1st Avenue ~~===s" FOR ACTIVE PEOPLE Cheddar Cheese tions are given. Boca Raton, Florida Stokely Stuffed Potatoes 3 1. It's New, Buitoni Instant Pepperoni GATORAOE or Sausage Q. What was the pur- Office 395-3515 Pizza '!;£ 89c pose of the law allow- Residence 395-2636 Stokely's ing annual exclus- Tomato Juice . CWJSHI ions for gift tax pur- STATE FflRM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY CDQIPFINB poses and why is the HOME OFFICE: BIMMIMDTON, ILLINOIS Stokely's TWO BOY SCOUTS Fruit Cocktail . Pope 6-oz. Tomato Paste • 8 cans Everyone Loves A Nestle's Chocolate 1-lb. Quik . . . can Pillsbury's All Varieties Batter BUICK Cake Mixes . . 3 Green Giant Facial Tissues 200-ct. VP FOR THE BEST DEAL ON A Lesuewr Peas Scotties ... 2 boxes •»•»• Green Giant Snow's ILLUSTRATED Sweet Peas Minced Clams 1969 BUICK Snow's New England Niblets Corn . . 2 1-°: 35c Clam Chowder . 4 ';.££ *l. VOLUMES Z-ZI FOB SEE FRANK COULSON Green Giant Swift's Assorted Flavor ONLY $|SS EACH half Direct Factory Dealer ""SAVE $59.71 Mexicorn Ice Cream ... gal- Green Giant Cream Style Eskimo Chocolate Covered FINESTSERVICE * LARGE PAINT & BODY SHOP Ice Cream Donuts.••s3Jlt 59«

ew EXTRA '10+COUISON** frGreenStampsH GreenStampsg*3 WGreenStampsp Cairo Beauty Smooth or Crunch y Purchase of 3 cans. Any Flavor Swift* Pelleted Pet Ritl Pet Riti 10-oz. Diet liquid DELRAY BEACH Peanut Butter 2 '£«• 69c Sego Vigoro S Applpp e Dumplings Egg Custard '£? 59c {Coupon expir** Sat. October 19,1968) (Coupon expire. S.t. October IS, 1 MS) (Coupon expires Sat. October 19,1968) (Coupon expiras Sat. October 19,19«*) (Coupon expires Sat, October 19, 1968) (Coupon Good From Vero Beach (Coupon Good From Vero Beach 1616 N. Federal HwY. - Ph. 278-3292 {Coupon Good From V*ro B*ach (Coupon Good From Vero Beach Coupon Good From Vero Beach To Miami ONLY) To Miami ONLY) To Miami ONLY) o Miami ONLY} To Miami ONLY) Thursday, Oct. 17, 1968 BOCA RATON NEWS 7B m Area real estate Recent Boca Raton Edmund L. Chipley and Er- real estate transactions nestine J. Chipley, to Jeanette Mims, Lot 9, Blk. 4, RE PLAT as compiled for the OF COUNTRY CLUB VILLAGE News by the Lawyers .SEC. "A", $54.00 Doc. Title Insurance Corp. Noah O. Gresham and Min- nie W. Gresham, to Robert are listed below. C. Heil and Gloria C. Heil, Documentary stamps, Lots 20 to 23, Incl. Blk 80, listed by amount, indi- P.B. FARMS CO. PLAT #10 cate the approximate North Deerfield Less N 35 ft. Complete UMBRELLA protection of SD lots also that part Hills- sale price in many in- boro Ave, lying S of lots 20 •Travelers * Aetna * Continental stances. They are com- to 23, $18.30 Doc. Group • Royal Globe • London & puted on $3 per $1,000 Camino Gardens, Inc. to Ag- Lancashire * Boston P*^ new V. Nevison, Lot 4, Blk. t, Insurance Co. value; in other words, 14, CAMINO GARDENS SEC.l a $10,000 sale would $28.80 DOC. ' require $30 in stamps. JOHN D. JALBOTT Lot 11, Blk 21, ROYAL PALM INSURANCE AGENCY, June S 100 ft. of N 950 ft. of YACHT AND COUNTRY CLUB 489 H:E. 20th St. Boca Raton Gov't Lot 1, SEC 4-47-43 Dor- S/D John V. Russell and Joan Ph. 395-1511 or 399-1516 is E. F. S. Canova and Leon L. Russell to Ruth D. HiU, J. Canova to Donald K. Rex SS $123. and Mary F. Rex, SS S120. Lot 5, Blk A, GOLDEN HAR- Lot 21, Blk. 59, BOCA RA- BOUR SEC. #4 DeMarco & Sons, TON SQUARE UNIT II, Robert Inc. to Walter Furlani and Ma- C. Jares and Mary F. Jares, ria J. Furlani SS $33.30. F.BYRON PARKS to Frederick Noffke and Kath- Lot 22, Blk 17, ROYAL OAK rv Noffke. SS $81,90. HLLS 2ND SEC J. Calvin Lang Lot 7, Blk. 50, BOCA RATON and Dorothy D. Lang, to George REALTOR SQUARE UNIT NO. 15 Earl V. Boyle and Katherine M. A. Totz and Sylvia A. Totz, to Boyle, SS $109.50, Via Miziser Lawrence B. Anderson and An- Lpt 12, Blk 8, CAMINO GAR- nette E. Anderson, SS 517.10. DENS SEC. 3 Camino Gardens, Royal Palm Plaza Lot 7, Blk. 19, SPANISH Inc. to Frank Chimera and Pa- RIVER LAND CO. S/D UNIT #2 tricia A. SS $15.90. Itvenus Development & Indus- All Parcel D, Blk 3, LAKE OVER 25 YEARS IN BOCA RATON trial Corp. to Francis A. H. ROGERS ISLE UNIT B Mor- Associates Parker and Liane A. Paxkes, ton B. Kahn and Erli W. Kahn, SS $36. to Sol L. Leibner and Eleanor Elmer L. D. Livaudais Lot 2, Blk 19, SPANISH RIV- Leibner to Robert Hurlbut, as Tel.! 395-3700 Frances B. Livaudais Arched balconies line facade of Newth Gardens newest building. ER LAND COMPANY S/D UNIT Trustee, SS $270. ' ' ... 2 Itvenus Development 8i In- Lot 104, Blk 2, LAKE dustrial Corp. to Raymond S. ROGERS ISLE UNIT E Mar- Martin Jr. and Marilyn C.Mar- qusee Homes, Inc. to Edward tin SS $33. E. Schlanger and Grace Sch- That part of S 100 ft of N langer, SS $147. 2550 ft SEC. 4-47-43 Margaret Lot 15, Blk 4, BLUE INLET, Hoelzle to Margaret Hoelzle, James H. Finley and Isolyn N, Richard M. Ifoelzle and Les- Finley, to H. Stanley Kiel and ter W. Hoelzle, joint tenants, Patricia M. Kiel, SS $19.50. SS $56.10. Lot 7, Blk 3, LAKE FLOR- Lot 20, Blk 27, BOCA RA- ESTA PARK 1ST SEC. Edgar TON SQUARE UNIT NO. 7 Emil Lawson and Vera K. Lawson, to F. Danciu and Eleanor C. Dan- Chester J. Majdanski and Ed- ciu, h/w to Enma B. Schmidt ith R. Majdanski, SS $97.50. and Sheila J. Kilpatrick Lot 29, Blk- 4, BEL MARRA SS $80.10. Boca Home Sites, Inc. to Real- COUPLE Lot 22, Blk. 6, BOCA RATON ty Investments of Boca, Inc, OF THOSE SQUARE UNIT 1 Roger La- SS $24. GREAT PRO-TEN Means and Mayria M. Means, Lot 5, Block 4, WHISEM UN- to Donald G. Panovi and Ger- IT B Josephine M. Smigiel to STEAKS. aldine M. Panovi, SS $57. Susan L. Thompson SS $54. Lot 26, Blk A-2 UNIVERS- Lot 35, Blk 2, LAKE ROG- ITY PARK COUNTRY CLUB ERS ISLE UNIT A Marcjusee ESTATES William Wohlfahrt Homes, Inc. to Francis Joseph and Louise Wohlfahrt, to Ronald Eisenman and Jean Rubey Ei- E. Hunsicker and Nina A. Hun- senman, SS $49.50. Oscar Mayer sicker, SS $51.60. All Lot 12, Blk 6, COUNTRY Herman's Orange Band, All Meat Dirr's Gold Seal Party Pack Prices Effective Lot 13, Blk. 5, Less E 5 CLUB VILLAGE SEC. A Boca Ham Slices . • • S£ 89* Bologna ^; 59c Luncheon Meat . 1 2 °z 59c Thurs-Fri-Sat. ft. ROYAL OAK HILLS SEC Raton Estates, Inc. to p k 1. Salvatore J. Ragalbuto and Boca Land Development, Inc. (Plus 50 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required) Copeland's Regular or Dinner Rath Black Hawk Hickory Smoked October 17-18-19 Constance Regalbuto, to Rose SS $12. LoPrete to Vernon H. Carter, Lot 1 & N 10 ft of Lot 2, Rath Black Hawk Franks...... J£ 59c Painties ib. 89c Jr. and Kathryn B. Carter, BLK 3, ROYAL OAK HILLS 2ND SEC. Stephen N. Tager Smoked American Kosher AM Beef Franks or SS $10.70. Oscar Mayer Sliced Lot 13, Blk 55 BOCA RATON and Ruth R. Tager, to Don D, IT'S AVOCADO TIME and the big beautiful Lowrimore and Susan A. Low- Sausage %f 89c ICnockwursf . . . J& 69< Turkey Breast ' 69c SQUARE UNIT 13 Boca Land Florida varieties are not only gourmet treats, Development, Inc. to Camil rimore, SS $109.50. (Plus 100 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required) but a cupful (112-inch cubes) contains more Lots 38 and 39, and W 20 iron. Vitamins A and C. thiamine and niacin Robert" Valcourt and Kathryn than a cupful of whole milk. It's a fruit, but Nagle Valcourt, SS 512.90. ft of Lot 40, Blk 7, BOCA RA- so unlike most fruits, you could call it a Lot 24, Blk 4, BOCA RATON TON HEIGHTS Julio Baez and vegetable. It's mostly served as a salad, but SQUARE UNIT 1 DeMarco &. Mirta Baez, to Juan P. Sou- tullo and Rosa Soutullo, For Your Tempting Salads, Crisp, Flavorful supplies its own vegetable oil. so no salad Sons, Inc. to Ralph W. fitch- dressing is needed—lemon juice or lime ings and Marjorie E. Hitchings, SS $1.50. juice brings out fhe flavor. Blends deficiousiy. SS $13.50. A parcel of land in SEC 32- with .citrus fruits--or tomatoes and vegetables. Albert E. Florence and Edith 47-43, Louis J. Carusillo and When ripe, an avocado yields to gentle S. Florence, to William Coyle Anna T. Carusillo, to South At- Fruit of the Ancients, pressure of palms. They're picked at maturity, and Charlotte Coyle, Lot 15, lantic Construction Corpora- but not fully ripe. Ripen at room temperature in Blk. 9, PALMETTO PARK tion, SS $267.00 2 to 4 days, then refrigerate. As a dip or a Lot 14, Blk 1, KINGS COURT , chilled soup, avocadbes make a gourmet treat. TERRACE UNIT 7, $96.00 Doc. WfSH.I Frank R. Wood, to Mash En- Car-Lynn Homes, Inc. to Eliz- Pomegi; AVOCADO DIP— peel2 ripe medium avocadoes, abeth C. Fulghum and Martha /CDOLDFINO cut into chunks, mash and sieve (or use. ., - terprises, Inc. Lots 15 and 16 ; Large, Florida TWOBOV , electric blender). Combine with 1/2 teasp. Blk. 2, BEL LIDO $33.00 Doc. G. Heekman,-SS $85.50. \ SCOUTS. each ol'.onion salt and garlic salt, 1 tablesp. North Shore Electric Corp. Lot 5, plus N 12 ft of Lot lemon juice, few drops of liquid hot-pepper to S . Elizabeth Behrens, Lot 4, Blk 1A CAMINO GARDENS seasoning (tabasco), and coarsely chopped 23, Blk 14, Plat 1, CARIBBEAN Sec. 1 Camino Gardens, Inc. Jumbo Size Pascal crisp bacon (4 slices); cover and chill. Garnish KEYS, $26.40 Doc. to John M. Gleason and Jean with sieved hard-cooked egg. Surround Natalie E. Butts, Harold L. A., SS $30.60. serving bowl with potato or corn chips. Butts, and Ruby M. Butts, Mar- Celery . J CHILLED AVOCADO SOUP—mash and sieve shall M. DeWitt and Jeannette Lot 3, Blk 2, UNIVERSITY 3 large ripe peeled avocados. Combine with B. DeWitt, Thomas F. Fleming HILLS, SEC. 1 T. D. Sutton and 1 can (14-oz.) clear chicken broth, 1 tablesp. Jr. and Myrtle B. Fleming, Jes- Grace E. Sutton, to Don-Arrow, lemon juice. 1/2 to 1 teasp. salt, dash of sie J. Butts, Judith B. Egan, Inc. SS $9. pepper and 1-1/2 cups water. Chill 2 hours. John J. Egan, Thomas H. Butts Lot 30, Blk 4, BEL-MARRA To serve, stir in 1/2 cup light cream, sprinkle Boca Home Sites, Inc. to Real- each serving with coarsely chopped crisp and Ann G. Butts, and William M. DeWitt and Linda M. DeWitt ty Investments of Boca, Inc. bacon. Makes 4 to 6 servings. SS $24. Luscious. Large Bla If you're lucky, you have your own avocado to Arvida Corporation, N 3/4 tree in your yard. If not. gather yours dotftii of SEC 9-47-42, Less NE1/4 - Lots 22, 23 and 24, Blk 63, ®m • Produce Lane at Publix. Either way. aren t of SE1/4 and less El/2 of P. B. FARMS CO. PLAT #10 you glad you're in Florida at Avocado Time? SW1/4 of SE1/4 NWl/4and less NORTH DEERFIELD, Walter ribi the El/2 of NE 1/4 of NE1/4 H. Belding and Ellinor H. Beld- and less the N 10 Ft. of W7/8 ing to Leonard M. Suchock and ths and less the W 75 ft. of Nancy H. Suchock, SS $6.90. N3/4 of SEC 9 and less N80 Lot 3, Blk 2, FIRST ADD TO ft. of W7/8th of Sl/2 of SEC DEL BOCA RATON PARK Ber- 9 and subj. to ease to Florida nard E. Friday and Agnes E. Swift's Premium Quick Frozen / Power and Light Company as Friday, to Robert P. Horch- further set out $3,163.20 Doc. ler and Carolyn L. Horchler, U.S.D.A. Inspected A SS $6. Wright Homes, Inc. to Gre- Lot 4, Blk 5, FLORESTA gory C. I. Miklos and Sonia Carol M. Jahelka and Robert TURKEY I Ann Miklos, Lot 14, Blk. 2 G. Jahelka to A. W. Shriv- MONTEZ GARDENS, $13.50 er, SS $16.50. Kesh Doc. Lot 96, Blk 2, LAKE ROG- Nicholas A. Crane and Delia ERS ISLE UNIT E Marqusee ; U.W/SH I F. Crane, to Thomas E. Grace Homes, Inc. to B. D. Adding- /CDOLDRNB\ and Marion A. Grace, Boca ton and Lionel E., SS $52.50. brnisels sp 4to6-lb. 1 I 7WO8OYI Raton, Lot 26, Blk. 2 BIBLE Lot 5, Blk 1, BOCA WOODS, average it' V SCOUTS/ CONFERENCE ESTATES, $45 H. V. Schweitzer and Loretta potato buys of the wee Doc. L. Schweitzer to Richard L. Camino Gardens, Inc, to Wil- Robinson and Elaine M. Rob- liam F. Keeton and Juanita R. inson, SS $105. Keeton, Lot 9 less S 5 ft. Lot 14, Blk 58, BOCA RA- (Plus 100 S&H Green Stamps Blk. 8, CAMINO GARDENS SEC TON SQUARE Frances DiMice- red bliss p® Grade A with coupon) #3, $18,00 Doc. li toAIbert Francese and Glor- Town House Inn Corporation ia P. Francese SS $96. Small to Samuel M. Catsman, Trust- Lot 32, Blk 20, CAMINO GAR- ee, portion of N 402.26 ft of SW DENS SEC. 3 Camino Gardens, Prices In This Ad Effective Swift's Premium Proten U.S.D.A. 1/2 of SW1/4 of SE1/4 Sec. Inc. to Leonard C. Clarke, Jr. ' red creamer Oniy In Dade, Broward, Palm Inspected Heavy Beef 17-47-43, $1455.00 Doc. and Kathryn G., SS $26.40. Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and Otto Yark and Marion Yark Lot 11, Blk 17, CAMINO GAR- Indian River Counties. to Jesse L. McCoy and Flora • DENS SEC. 3, Camino Gardens, Chuck Steak. . . 69< Mae McCoy, Lot 7, Blk. 2, Inc. to William S. Brown and j DELRAY MANORS 3rd ADD, Anna G. Brown, SS $15.90. $26.70 Doc. Key Club Steak . Boca Land Development Inc Lot 13, Blk 13, BOCA WOODS to Kenneth W. Barney, and John Harold N. Gustafson & Martha Sarasota Brand Chipped Ham, J. Shields, Lot 3, Elk. 6, UNI- E. Gustafson, to Edward J. Turkey, Beef or Lundgren and Alfina Lundgren, Sirloin Steak . . VERSITY HEIGHTS 1st Add, SS $8.40. Pastrami 3 $&99c T Bone Steak . . $11.70 Doc. Porterhouse T&eals Oscar Mayer All Meat Steak ...... Bologna ». 69c t TWO BOY Imported from Denmark. y.y \ SCOUTS./ California Roast ONLY ONE Sliced Ham .... n, n19 ' ^--^ y Welcome Wagon Internationa!, Mrs. Smith's Hot Boneless Top with over 5,000 hostesses, has Peach Pie *&• 69c more than thirty years experi- Round Steak . . ence in fostering good will in (Plus 50 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required) business and community life. Mrs. Kinser's Picnic Style Boneless For more information about... Potato Silad. . . . Mb*. 69c Royal Alaskan King. Frozen Crab Meat Round Roast. . . (Plus 50 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required) Genuine Quick Frozen S hurt end a Pre-Cooked Frozen round Beef . .3 $ 09 (Plus 50 S&H Green Stamps, No coupon required) Salmon Steaks . Beef Fritters. ... n, 1 PHONE 399-6205 or 395-9300: (Plus 100 S&H Green Stamps. No«coupon required} Small White Pearl Shrimp Fresh Cut Northern Breakfast Club Flounder Fillets Wisconsin Mild Camino Gardens - Boca Raton EXTRA Cheddar Cheese . m. 85c Sliced 700 W. Camino Real 5th Ave. PLAZA - Boca Raton ml^GreenStampsH (Plus 25 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required) Bacon • Please have the Welcome Wagon Hostess call on me Swift's Premium Quick Frozen Wisconsin Sliced U.S. Highway #7 & 5th Ave. • I would like to subscribe to the Boca Raton News U.S.D.A, inspected Mb. 6 z • I already subscribe to the Boca Raton News Turkey Breast l£,\S- ,» 79c Colby Cheese .. . pk°g : 33c Palm Aire Shopping Center [Crane «) Fill out coupon and mail to Circulation Dept, (Coupon expires Sat. October 19,19ES) Kraft Sliced (LIMIT 1 WITH erHIR PU»CH«SIS Or $3 272 S. Federal Hwy., Deerfield Beach (Coupon Good From Vsra Beach To Miami 1 2 z 08 MORI 8XCIUDING CiGAMTTIS) American Singles D h° - 49c BOCA RATON NEWS Thursday, Oct. 17,1968 AtSt Paul Lutheran Church First Presbyterian Church First United (UNITED PRESBYTERIAN, U.S.A.) Methodist Church 600 West Camino Real Laity Sunday to be observed 625 N.E. 2nd Ave., Boca Raton TWO SERVICES MINISTER - CLARK S. REED 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Laity Sunday will be observ- ice for United Church of Boca Door. "A Study of Archaeol- Director ofChristian Education -Jane Stentz ed at St. Paul Lutheran Church Raton. Rev. Dollar is the super- ogy" will be the sermon topic Parish Visitor: Robert C. Buckley Sermon Sunday. "Called to be a Lay- intendent of church extension of at the 7:30 p.m. service. Church School 9:30 A.M. "Invitation to Adventure' man" will be the sermon topic the Florida Conference of Unit- of Rev. E. O. Krug at the ser- ed Church of Christ. Morning Worship 9:30 A.M. and 11:00 Ministers vices. Mrs. John R. Meyer, presi- Air-Conditioned Nursery dent of St. Joan of Arc Coun- Rev. Albert G. Shiphorst "Sanctification — A Neces- cil, officers and repre- Rev. C. Thomas Webb sity for Eternity" will be the sentatives of the commission Sermon: sermon topic of Rev, Albert on Ecumenism will attend a Rev. David K. Allen "Invitation to Adventure*' "The Challenge of the Secular" |CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 - NURSERY AVAILABLE j will be the sermon topic of Rev. L. Eastman at the 11 a.m. ser- fall deanery meeting in North Air-conditioned vices in Church of the Open Palm Beach Oct. 22. 11:00 A.M. Service Broadcast Albert F. Shiphorst at both ser- (Station WSBR - 740 on the Dial) vices in First Presbyterian Church. Marymount slates second Boca Raton Sermon topic of Rev. Robert DeVries at the 11 a.m. service PRESBYTERIAN will be "The Spirit filled annual prayer workshop Church" in Christian Reform- CHURCH ed Church. Sermon topic at the A Young, Friendly, Growing Church 7 p.m. service will be "God and Evil." ' Second Ecumenical Prayer Reservations or additional CHURCH SCHOOL Workshop for men and women information may be obtained .QKeQcmys episcopALchuRCfr 9;;45 A.M. of all faiths will be held at from Dr. Anthony. Boca Raton Boad at N.E. Second Avenue WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Marymount College, Nov. 1, SUNDAY SERVICES Rev. Dale E. Hency will from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. 8:00 A.M. — Holy Communion & Homily Temporary Meeting In preach on "Five Words of Un- 9:00 A.M. —Holy Communion & Church School THE ART GUILD BUILDING College sets derstanding" at the service for 11:00 A.M. - Morning Prayer, Holy Communion, 801 W. Palmetto Park Road Trinity Church of God Sunday. Dr. Justin Steurer, head of Marymount's division of hu- & Sermon REV. DAVID NICHOLAS, PASTOR manities, and professor of the- renewal series DAILY EXCEPT THURSDAY ology, who has just returned 7:30 A.M. -Morning Prayer & Holy Communion "For / am not ashamed of the Gospel of Chrisi. "Doctrine of Atonement" will THURSDAY far it is the power of God unto salvation to from European study, will key- 10:00 A.M. — Morning Prayer 8. Holy Communion everyone that believeth.0' Romans 7; 76 be the sermon topic at First note the morning's session. Marymount College will Church of Christ, Scientist ser- launch its annual series vices Sunday. The workshop, under the di- of Christian Renewal Confer- rection of Dr. Susan B. Anthony, ences, Sunday, Oct. 20, at 8 assistant professor of theology, p.m. when Rev. Robert Glea- son, S.J., professor of theol- Boca Raton Hebrew Congre- aims to help prayer - oriented HEAR OUR RADIO men and women launch and lead ogy at Fordham Univer- gation will hold services at 8 sity, speaks on the subject, p.m. Friday in Carroll Hall, small prayer groups in their BROADCAST ON CHURCHES own communities. "Belief of the Unbeliever." Marymount College. Author of fifteen books, the W W 0 6 F.M. 99.9 Men and women from Miami, latest, "Restless Religious," ADVENT A-icn. ST. PAUL Mo Synod Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, Father Gleason's works have SUNDAYS 9:30 a.m. 5001 NE 4 Ave.Near U.S.I 701 W. Palmetto Pk. Rd. "Let Us Sing of Life," a Delray Beach, Pompano Beach, been translated into French, sermon of word and song by Deerfield Beach and Boca Ra- Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Portu- PASTOR RALPH MONTANUS SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 Mrs. Willie Rich, will be pre- ton, some of whom launched gese, Japanese, Hungarian, and WORSHIP Service 8:30-11:00 WORSHIP 8:30 and 11:00 sented Sunday in unitarian- prayer groups as a result of Slovak. He has lectured in Eu- (Pre-School N'nrsery at 11) Universalist Church. Guitarist last year's workshop, will at- rope and the Orient and was CALVARY COMMUNITY Ronald J. Dingle will be Clinton O'Neal. tend. recently Smythe Lecturer at Pastor E.O. Krug, Pastor the Royal University of Mal- CHURCH Phone 395-3632 Phone 395-0433 Phon: 395-4741 and 395-1939 A model prayer-share group ta. 7171 N. Federal Hwy. (USD composed of adult and under- Father Gleason was former- "False and True Values" will graduate Marymount students ly a staff lecturer at the Uni- BOCA RATON be the sermon topic of Revo who have studied prayer with versity of Namur and editor George Thomson at the 11 a.m. Dr. Anthony, will take place of two publications of modern Congregational service in University Baptist following Dr. Steurer's key- theological thought, "Eyes of Church. Dr. Richard Bukerwill note address. Lunch in the col- Others" and "Problems and CHURCH OF GOD preach at the 7:30p.m. service. UNITED CHURCH OF BOCA RATON lege dining room will be fol- Progress,," (Anderson, Indiana) Evangelical and Reformed lowed by a 1 p.m. discussion The lecture is open to the RINITY Frederic!' Nelson, D.D. Minister session in South Hall lounge. public. Boca Raton Business and Following Father Gleason in Dale E. Hency, pastor Services in New Air-Condjrioned Sanctuary Professional Woman's Club will "Contemporary Contempla- the Christian Renewal series 395-9652 251 SW 4 Avenue between Camino Real arid Palmetto Pk. Rd. begin the observance of national tion" is the theme of this sec- will be Rev. Eugene Kennedy, Temporary Location: business woman's week at ser- Morning Warship U a.m. — Church School 9:30 a.m. ond workshop. Dr. Anthony is M.M., Jan. 5, speaking on the Addison Mizner vices Sunday in Boca Raton "founder of the National Ecu- topic "Person and the People Rev. Meivin Dollar Moravian Church. Rev. Christ- ..-.. .hind Of Elementary School ; menical Prayer Conference at of God;" Rev. John L, McKen- "ISMS of the Church" Ian Weber will preach on Notre Dame, Indiana, in 1965, zie, SJ.f Ja». 31, . lecturing follow*^ Church School 9:30 a.m. "Christian Maturity" at the and author of a leading text- on "Idea of the Church: Au- AIR CONDITIONING Morning Worship 1O*.3O a.m. service. book on spontaneous prayer, thority as a Work of Love-," The Prayer-Supported Apostle. and, concluding the conferenc- "Five Words of Understanding" RELIGIOUS NURTURE Her students, adult and under- es, Feb. 16, Dutch theologian, AND RECREATION "Isms of the Church" will be graduate, are in charge of plan- Rev. Frans Josef van Beeck, 'The University Church* PROGRAM FOR the sermon topic of Rev. Mel- ning and arrangements for the S_ J., who will discuss THE RETARDED vin Dollat at the 11 a.m. serv- workshop. "Changes in the Church." THE CHURCH of THE OPEN DOOR 300 N.E. 35th St., Boca Raton To be held at Advent Lutheran Church on Saturday Minister: Albert L. Eastman mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 12 Noon, beginning No- vember 2. The program will be under the guidance of Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Dr. Frederick Adams, associate professor of education Wednesdays: Bible Study - Prayer 7:30 P.M. at F.A.U. Participants will not be charged. For en- rollment, please contact Mrs. Helen Virts, 391-1504, or 11:00 AM "Sanctification — A Necessity For the church office, 395-3632. Eternity!" 7:30 PM "A Study in Archaeology" ADVENT LUTHERAN FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST ;We Believe the Bible is the Infallible Word of God and- 5001 N.E. Fourth Ave., Rev. Northeast Second Court, pastor, OF THE LATTER DAY SAINTS teaches Redemption through the New Birth. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Ronald J. Dingle, pastor, Sun- Rev. J.E. Latham. Services, 450 N. Federal Highway. Sun- day school, 9:45 a.m., services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. with Sunday day services: priesthood, 9 701 N.E. 2nd St. school, 9:30 a.m, first and third a.m.; Sunday school, 10:30 a.m ; 8:30 and 11 a.mu o Deerfield Beach Sunday sacrament service, 6p.m, UNIVERSITY ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE OPEN DOOR 701 W. Palmetto Park Rd. Rev. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE HEAR 35th St. and 3rd Ave. N.W. Rev. First Church of Christ, Scien- Baptist Church Eugene Oo Krug, pastor .Sunday Albert L. Eastman, Pastor. REV. BILL DERRYBERRY school, 9:45 a.m.; worship ser- Sunday Services: Sunday school tist, interim location, 122 E, 7557 W. Camino Real - Boca Raton at the vices. 8:30 and 11 a.m. Pre- 9:45 a.m. for which there is a Boca Raton Rd. Services 11 11 a.m. Rev. Thomson - "False and 7 7:00 A.M. & 7:30 P.M. Services school nursery during 11 nursery available. Morning a.mo Sunday and 8 p.m. Wed- True Values" o'clock service. Worship, 11 a.m., Youth Fellow- nesday; Sunday school 11 a.m., 7:30 p.m. Dr. Richard Buker in Bebout Bldg. Reading Room WE WANT YOU! ship 6:45 p.m. Evening service Dr. George Thomson - Preaching FIRST PRESBYTERIAN at 7:30. Tuesday evening Senior in Bocade Building, Palmetto 600 West Camino Real, Rev. choir rehearsal, Wednesday Park Road. PREACHING TO THE HEART IN THE Albert G. Shiphorst, pastor, evening Bible study hour at HEART OF BOCA RATON BOCA RATON MORAVIAN CHURCH Services 9:30, 11 a.m.; church 7:30. HEBREW CONGREGATION [9:45 A.M.: Sunday Schooll school, 9:30 a.m. Boca Raton Hebrew Congrega- 2 S.W. 12th Avenue UNIVERSITY BAPTIST tion, P.O. Box 568. Services Rev. Christian D. Weber, Minister FIRST UNITED METHODIST 1551 West Camino Real, Dr. temporarily held at Marymount FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 9:45 a.m. N.E. 2nd Ave. at N.E. 6th St. George Thomson, pastor. Sun- College. For information call Clark S. Reed, minister. Sun- day services, 11 a,m. and 7:30 395-8100. of BOCA RATON CHURCH SERVICE 11:00 a.m. day school, 9:30 a.m. Church p.m., Sunday school, 9:45 a.m. 450 N.E. 51st St., Boca Raton, Florida services, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Nur- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Prayer meeting Wednesday, Temporary location, Art Guild SUNDAY SERVICES CHURCH NURSERY AIR CONDITIONED sery for children. M^F meets 7:30 p.m. Sunday School 9:30 A M "A Protestant Denomination Since 1457" Sunday, 6:00 p.m. in the Church building, 801 W. Palmetto Park Worship service 10:45 A.M. Hall. Rd., Rev. David Nicholas, Pas- TRINITY CHURCH OF GOD tor, Sunday Service, 11 a.m., Evening service 7:30 P.M. Temporary location, Addison Minister: Gene stinson Sunday School, 9:45 a.ma Serving Christ and Community ST. GREGORY'S EPISCOPAL Mizner School, Rev. Dale E, Church, 245 E. Boca Raton Rd., Hency, pastor. Sunday school UNITED CHURCH Sunday servies, communion 9:30 a.m. Services, 10:30 a.m. 251 S.W. Fourth Ave., Rev. Firs! Church of Christ, Scientist Christian Reformed Church and sermon, 8, 9 & 11:00 A.M., Sunday. Frederick Nelson, D.C., minis- ter, Church school 9:30 a.m., Interim Location 901 Palmetto Pk, Rd. Daily except Thursday morning prayer and communion, 7:30 FIRST BAPTIST Service, 11 a.m. Rev. Robert DeVries a.m. 122 East Boca Raton Road Temporary location, 3333 N. SUNDAY SCHOOL NOW IN BEBOUT BUILDING Worship Services Nursery UNITARIAN-UNIVERSALIST Sunday School Federal Highway, (Grant Bldg.).. SERVICES READING ROOM 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Available 9:45 a.m. Boca Raton, 164 W. Palmetto Rev. William Gardner, pastor, Sunday 11 a.m, Bocade Bldg. Arcade Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morn- Park Rd., 10:30 a.m., Sunday Sunday School 11 a.m. MORAVIAN CHURCH school and church. Nursery Nursery 1 1 a.m. 110 E. Palmetto Park Rd. 2 S.W. 12th Ave. Rev. Christian ing worship, 11 a.m. Training Wednesday Q Weekly 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. available. a p.m. FIRST ASSEMBLY of 60D CHURCH D. Weber; minister, Sunday Union, 6:30 p.m.; Evening Wor- Sundays 2 - 4 p.m. School at 9:45 a.m. and Church ship, 7:30 p.m. Mid-week pray- ST. JOAN OF ARC of Boca Raton er service Wednesday 7:30p.m. TEMPORARY LOCATION - ADMINISTRATION BLDG. Service at 11 a.m. S,W, Third Street, Rev. Paul 1675 N,W. 4TH AVENUE L. Manning, pastor; Smday UNITARIAN UNIVERSAL1ST CHURCH REV. NORMAN SPONG - PASTOR FIRST CHRISTIAN CHRISTIAN REFORMED Masses 7, 9, 10:30 a.m. and SUNDAV SERVICES New facilities at 450 N.E. 51st 901 W. Palmetto Pk. Rd. Ro- noon. Confessions will be heard of Boca Ralon Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Street, Boca Raton. Sunday bert DeVries, Pastor. Phone every Saturday from 4:30 to 162 W. Palmetto Park Rd. Morning Worsnip 11:00 A.iM. School 9:30 a.m. Morning Wor- 395-3942. Services Sunday at 5:30 and 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service 7:30 P.M. ship 1045. Evening Worship 7:30 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Sun- Daily Masses 6:30 and 8 a.m. Speaker: Rev. John Papandrew Wednesday Prayer & Praise Service 7:30 P.M. Subject: "Let Us Sing of Life" A sermon of VW and 7:30 Wed. Prayer & Bible Study day School and Adult Classes Holy Days, 7, 9, 10:30 and Song. Mrs. Willie Rich, Vocalist Gene Stinson Minister 4627 N. 9:45 a.m. Nursery available 6:00 p.m. Quentin O'Neat, guitarist E. 4th Ave. Tel 395-14901 during the morning service. SERVICES AND SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 1030 AM FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CALVARY COMMUNITY NURSERY CARE Rev. William Gardner, Pastor BIBLETOWN FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD 7171 N, Federal Hwy. Service TEMPORARY LOCATION 11 a.m, Sunday; 3333 N. Federal Hwy., Boca Raton COMMUNITY CHURCH Temporarily located in admin- 600 N.W. Fourth Ave., Dr. Tor- istration building, 1675 N.W. SUNDAY SERVICES EBENEZER BAPTIST Attend the Church Sunday School; &:45 A.M. Training Union 6:30 rey Johnson, minister; Sunday Fourth Ave. Services Sunday, 11 Northeast 12th Street, Rev, Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Evening Worship 7:30 school, 9:30 a.m.; morning ser- a.m. and 7:3p p.m., Sunday Earlie Robinson, pastor. Sun- Wednesday Evening Prayer Service 7:30 P.M. vice, 10:45 a.m.; evening ser- School at 9:45/a.m., Wednesday day school, 9:30 a.m.; morning "Bible Teaching and Bible Preaching" vice, 7 p.m.; communion ser- Prayer and Praise Service, 7:30 service ., 11 a.m.; BTU meeting of your choice Sunday vice, 6 p.m. p.m. 5 p.m.; evening service, 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17. 1968 BOCA RATON NEWS 9& New book by Yglesias QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED By EDHIRSHBERG PRICES GOOD THRU OCT. 19 "An Orderly Life," By Jose Yglesias. Pan- theon, $5.95. This is a book about Rafe Sabas, a success- ful New York business- man. It is Jose Ygles- ias's second novel. But both Rafe and Jose about the same age, both are the sons of Cuban fam- ilies who have migrat- ed to Tampa and are MAXWELL HOUSE MIGHELOB DETERGENT

#. , Ed' ' Hirshberg

now long-settled in that city's cigar industry, COFFEE and both are — or have been — in the wholesale LB. drug business„ 49 OZ. CAN So it is pretty safe to assume that much in "An Orderly Life" really concerns Jose Yglesias, and not just LIMIT ONE WITH S5.ORDER OR MORE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES Rafe, its fictional hero. A i disproportionate ambunt of the book is McARTHUR devbted to graphic de- scriptions of Rate's WE SALUTE OZ. CANS varied, plentiful and NATIONAL sometimes overwhelm- SCHOOL LUNCH LIMIT TWO 6 P.KS. WITH ing ;sexual encounters 60TTIR with! girls of almost ev- WEEK OCTOBER ery j conceivable emo- 'QTS. tional, political and 19 LIMIT ONE WITH $5. ORDER OR MORE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES moral persuasion, al- though some of his fi- MM nancial and romantic ventures, including his I 6% OZ. STAR-KIST CHUNK marriage, are also in- 37*1.00 cluded. TUNA \Stokely, Bu)t it is not just a \ VAN CAMP* / chronicle of his prowess STOKELY PINEAPPLE nndxhsfo -i as a lover. He does suc- k ceed in business, to such an extent that his boss - who has been largely in- strumental in getting him started - is in the prec rious position at the end of the book of WESSON being dependent on his '© good will for his own job ir the company. In is mid-forties, the vantage point in time 46 OZ. LIMIT ONE from Twhich the book is WITH $5 ORDER CANS written, Rafe is indeed, OR MORE EXCLUDING as he Describes himself, •-CIGARETTES * 'a happy ;maru" He has been left relatively un- scathed by his early COOKED LEAN--FULLY COOKED dealings with the Com- 100% SLICEABLE OSCAR munisi :s during his youth CANNED in New York's City Col- MAYER lege, vrhich included as- WORRELL'S PRIDE sociations with such $ doubtful friends as Josh, FRANKS a Negro, and Jerry, LB, alias jTony, a genuine I SIZE ALL card-carrier - who en- BEEF thusiastically joins the middle class as soon as OR he can.] And Rafe'sYbor MEAT City background, far U.S. CHOICE WVD from being a disadvant- "BRAND" LB. age, equips him admir- c! SEMI BONELESS RIB ably for business deal- nl ill HI lit ings with Latin Amer- • II! |!| lil III lit !!! II! lit ill. HI- HI H l: ica, ana specifically Cu- ba. I LITTLE PIG But though the novel is beautifully written - FSPARE RIBS ARMOUR STAR as all Yglesias's books MAS are - you will find that you won^t like Rafe Sa- bas very much simply lU.S. CHOICE WHOLE OR E Z CARVE becaue jhe is depicted =109 as a completely selfish IALF UNTRIMMED LB. slob, an wanted for Boca indus- el Dining room set. Roofs Cleaned :-:•:•; NOTICE OF INTENTION TO Beginners thru Advanc- Beautiful Prov. kingsiz- REGISTER FICTITIOUS platinum chain, C artier, ed, Private lessons in trial plant. Ph: 395-7358 & Painted f vicinity Boca National my home or yours. 20 Royal Palm Gulf will ed Bedroom. Shaw couch HOUSE PAINTING m NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Bank, Los Olas Bakery with 2 Ital. Prov. end that the undersigned, desiring years experience. 395- need 1 Mechanic, 1 Ser- tables. Like new, also He. & Inc. 941-0248 1 is to engage in business under or Great Valu in Royal 9331 after 5 PM. vice Manager or ap- rhe ficririous name of MARY Palm Shopping center. prentice Mechanic misc. items. 395-1147 l"I 111.PS intends to register the Reward - Call 395-9573 Boca Raton Conser- around Oct* 1st. Cam- ends of newsprint Use News Classified i •:•:•:•: said name with the Clerk of the vatory of Music - 207 SE Circuit Court of Palm Beach B Personals ino Real & Dixie Hwy. such as used for this County, Florida. I CAN teach you 1st Ave, 391-0486. Pri- Boca Raton, 395-2712. paper,. 80 a lb. Ideal and W i s/William I). King to dance with any part- vate & Class Piano Les- cheap for drawing; lin- William D. King ner. Call Mr. Nelson, sons. Salesman, Must be High ing drawers, wrapping, School Graduate - Over 1 Publish: October 3, 10, 17, 24, 399-6084. DEANS MUSIC STORE .etc. In 30 and 36 inch 1968 Bored? Over 40? Join 18 years of age. Con- widths. WELCOMES ALL tact Manager - Lindsley i •••:•:* Boca Raton's newest Boca Raton News FICTITIOUS NAME NOTICE MUSIC STUDENTS Lumber Co. 1850 395-8300 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Adult Fun Club. 395- We're just over the m the undersigned desiring to en- 8635 between 6 & 8 PM. N. Federal Hwy. Boca bridge from Boca. Raton - 395-2026. Only the finest in Used EXPERT gage in business in Belle Glade, I CAN teach you furniture, China, Glass, I Florida, under the fictitious to dance with any part- All Instruments. BOCA RATON NEWS GUTTERING B:vJ name of Belle,Glade Optical Private or Group les- needs assistant circu- silver, antiques, pic- I Service., Intends to register ner. Call Miss Watkins, sons - Beginners or Ad- tures, lamps, etc. Rea- SERVICE the said name with the Clerk 399-6084. lation manager for com- of the Circuit Court of Palm vanced. Also let us help bination inside and out- sonable prices. Cashfor Any type gutter & down- Beach County, Florida. GATEWAY" you form your own Jazz your Don't Needs. Phyl- spouts made to order & By.- /sHenry Cadan NATURAL FOODS side duties. Should en- lis' Antique & Thrift installed. 22 years ex- or Rock band with the joy working with boys in perience — "13 years in BOCA Belle Glade Natural, Vitamins & "Big Band Sound." Air Shop, next to Deerfield Florida 12-16 age group. Op- So. Florida. Estimates Minerals Organically conditioned studios and Bowling Lanes. Look for at no obligation. grown, dried fruit. Di- portunity to learn news- yellow cottage. Daily Publish: October, 17, 24, 31, completely equipped paper circulation and I Nov. 7, 1968 etetic Foods & Vegeta- Rehearsal hall. Students from 10 to 5. 399-0531 278-0721 Furnish proof of publication. ble Juices. get a special discount grow with a rapidly ex- 326 E. Atlantic Blvd. on musical instruments panding operation. No ASH for your Kv> Pompano 941-8120 experience required, bought at Deans. good pay while you ORIENTAL or RATON 5 C Child Care 188 N. Fed. Hwy. A •M'X Deerfield 399-7992. learn, company hos- CHINESE RUGS TIC TOC Private pitalization and life in- HIGHEST PRICES PAJD FOR ORIGINAL •%v School. Infants to 7 5 E Schools & Camps surance plan, credit un- OLD OR NEW ORIENTALS Classified years. 273 N.W. 15th St. Boca Palm Day School. ion. Call Mr. Golden, 399-2000 ;•:•:• Boca 395-5044. Children 21/2 to 6 yrs. 395-8304. The Good Beginning Half Day - Full Day. . SALESMAN 395-3698. Lix. & Ins. Nursery & Kindergarten WANTED PICTURE FRAMING NEWS Complete program. 198 10 A Help Female Excellent opportunity S.W. 15th St. Boca 395- Maid, one, two or 3 for young salesman to 30 Day Refund or 3997. days a week. Own trans- sell America's newest Exchange Privilege 5 0 Instructions, Tutoring portation 395-7766. sportscar. SCHERTLE Professional Counter girl, eithei Car furnished with Pi All ages. All problems. guaranteed salary. See SLIP COVERS ART GALLERY day or night. Apply: 540 S. Kb. HWY. It's $4.I.T. 1943 Honor Grad. Dobbs House Bud Mason between 9 RATTAN CUSHIONS, Harold Selleck 395-3303 AM & 5 PM Daily. FOAM RUBBER. YOUR WANO BEACH .943-5450 701 S. Fed. Hwy. FABRIC OR OURS. i CALL FRENCH TUTORING Boca Raton So by Native Teacher No Phone Calls Please FACTORY TO YOU. Receptionist and typist CALL 399-5152 Mrs. Yvonne Perkins with some shorthand. 276-5694 MURRAY MOTORS A 395-8300 Salary open. Will train. 102 S. Federal Hwy. Easy •:•:•:• Piano & organ instruc- Anderson Mortgage Co., Delray Bch. t i o n. Experienced Boca Raton area 399- 1 1 15 A Miscellaneous Sale 399-6719 teacher recently moved 6153. KNAPP SHOES ATTENTMOX: from Philadelphia. 10 B Help Male Please Call 933-7322, To Earn Member Natl. Guild of Wholesale nursery, full BUILDERS-CONTRACTORS i m Piano Teachers. For In- time. Good opportunity anytime. CM. White formation call 399-8702 Get Atlantic Rug Co. prices on carpeting foir Extra Money for reliable & steady Sofa, off - white, 76" your Co-ops, Condominiums, Apartments, DEADLINE RENT AN ORGAN man, willing to work & Beautiful new up- Homes, Offices,'etc. j learn. 395-1538. holstry. $50. 395-8728 TUESDAY EDITION OR PIANO Call Mr. Stevenson, Contract Division With Mondays, 10:00 A.M. Only $2 a Week THE CITY OF We can TEFLON any- With Free lessons in BOCA RATON thing. Pans, grills. I THURSDAY EDITION Boca Raton by Lillian o.,9 I Wednesdays, 10:00 A.M. Has Job Opening for Corning-ware etc. m Merz, Wurlitzer Ap- RECREATION LEADER Boca Tackle Shop Shoppers Haven, Pompano Beach — Ph. 941-16571 Want Ads SUNDAY. EDITION proved Piano & Organ $4222. - $5220. yrly. 395-0969 m Fridays, 10:00 A.M. teacher. depending on Walnut grained formi- Free Wurlitzer Qualifications of Hobby Course ca table, chairs. Wal- i Applicant. nut china cabinets. Must I (The easy way to Play APPLY You Can Like a Pro) sell. Reasonable. 391- i PERSONNEL OFFICE 2893. All Rental Applies If You CITY HALL Dear Advertiser: Buy Early American sofa & Sell Please Check Your 9 AM - 5 PM Call: Monday-Friday chair. Fruitwood Ital- Ads! Lillian Merz ian Provincial Din- l Just About Our advertisers are 395-7089 Boca Raton Cook, full time. Apply ing room suite, 8pieces. ANNOUNCE THE CHANGE OF THE NAME CJ3F very important to-us. -• • •:' or. . • • - - in person, no phone 395-18^6. -.-... and that's why we care- RoderickRianos-Organs calls: Mexican Village THEIR REAL' ESTATE OPERATIONS TO is fully proofread each 119fX>atuKa St. WPB Restaurant 2238 S. Fed. SPORTING EQUIP. Anything Classified Ad to make Hwy. Delray Beach. Have " your Duck guns 823-3858 TEFLON coated. No *S* sure it's printed just the way you want it. We Rust, No Glare. From A to Z have a large volume op- SERVICE DIRECTORY Boca Tackle Shop PROPERTIE INC. eration". Errors will 395-0969 AIR CONDITION IN G METAL REFINISHING occur in content and 1 Castro convertible TELEPHONE 42 SE SECOND STREET classification. If you Fedders air cond.Resi- Furniture, Boat Trail- BOCA RATON. Ht-ORIDA dential, Commercial ers, Grill Work, etc. couch, with slip cover (305) 395-1515 find an error in your ad $30. 1 small living room tW: or if it's omitted and Central & Room, Arcade Sand Blasting & Weld- Electronic, 2029 NW 2nd ing. Free Est. call chair $10.1large, round you notify us the first walnut coffee table $10. Antiques Needlework day of such an error^ Ave., 395-4611. 395-6944. 395-4588. CITY OF BOCA RATON Bicycles Oars we will be responsible ALTERATIONS PAINTING and correct it promptly. EXCELLENT TAILOR 2 chairs with matching HAS JOB OPENING NOW FOR' Cameras Pets If you do not notify us All kinds of Ladies & Residential & Commer*. ottomans, custom-built, the first day an error is cial Painting. Lie. & new. All with separate LABOR Dishes Men's Alterations ... Ins. small or large Jobs. Quilts made, the responsibility Barton & Miller Clean- zippered cushions, plus $1.72-$2.13 Hour is yours. In any event, Local ref. call Jim 399- extra matching arm & Encyclopedias Ranges ers & Laundry, 2600 6476. the rule is that this N. Dixie Hwy. at 5 back covers, $190. Call EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 196J Fencing newspaper can't be li- Points. Wilton Manors, Interior or exterior eve. 395-2396. Stamps able for an amount $1.89 - $2.37 Hour Guns 566-4314 painting. Pressure MOVING Tools greater than the amount cleaning of Roof, Walls (Parks, Streets, Water, and Sew^r) paid for such advertis- R. C. Bennett Must sell, complete •&: Heaters or Patios. Call for free $1.96 - $2.44 Hour Uniforms ing. Please check your Ladies & Men's alter- estimate. Rox Roof & bedroom furnishings, Insulation ad each day it appears ations. 1821-B NE 25th Wall Coating Co. 395- Console table & mir- (Refuse Collectors) Vibrators and notify our Classified St., Pomp. 942-5414. ror, 2 pull-up chairs. 7482 or 278-3239. 600 Maypop Ct. Camino TOP BENEFITS - BEST WORKING Jalousies Watches Department promptly in Monogramming case of errors. Alterations & Complete QUARANTEED ROOF Gardens 395-8753. CONDITIONS - CAREER SERVICE #•• Kitchenware Xylophones We thank you for your Dry cleaning & shirt REPAIRS SWAP SHOP i APPLY - PERSONNEL OFFICE Luggage Laundry Plant. Matty's 1 Day Leak Repair Every Sat. & Sun. Buy- i Yachts 1 Hour Cleaners. 1943 Service ers, 25 cents — Deal- CITY HALL Motors N. Fed. Boca 395-2440 Ph: 278-0721 ers, $2.00. Thunderbird 9 A.jA. - 5 P.M. Monday through if riday Zircon? 68 Ford Station Wagon, Drive-in Theater, 3121 v.v Custom 500, 4 Dr. like Fine alterations, fast ANY TYPE ROOF REPAIRS ' W. Sunrise Blvd., Ft. i iv# new. 395-1200. service, reasonable - Lauderdale, 583-8724. •:•:•:•: Phone Polly Kappler REPAIR - ALL Types 1964 Volks. Original 391-1896. 462 Hastings Formica Cabinets - you Admiral Console col- FABULOUS K SALE owner. Top Gond. Low St., Boca Raton. name it - I do it 942- or TV, nearly new. 2 NEONS 29

!=ASClfMAfING To Place A Canal system for national Lean, tender, BONELESS rolled Classified Ad loins, Excellent for oven or rotis- 09 serie. Call 395-8300 Pork Loin •I 29 park water accepted by FCD Lean, center cuts of old fashioned Ham Slices smoked hams. Really flavorful! I A canal system ex- Cost of living in- owners might con- A MODERN tending more than 40 creases for salaried struct a fence or other INVESTMENT miles from Palm Beach personnel, not to ex- obstruction across the SERVICE County to Everglades ceed 5% were voted, to Fresh, little pig ribs from the tall cl District's right-of-way FOR INDIVIDUALS Spare Ribs com country. Delicious! 1b. 69 National Park has been be effective Nov. 20 "to prevent ingress and taken under the juris- Wage earners' pay egress by unsavory AND diction of the Central WHAT IS THE scheduled are to be re- characters and unau- INSTITUTIONS THANKSGIVING ALREADY --- and Southern Florida vised, also effective thorized visitors." To obtain romp) imentary investment data LARGEST OCEAN Flood Control District. Nov. 2, with the work Complaints of flood- and helpful factual booklets, simply Don't laugh — it's not that, far IN THE WORLD? The governing board week reduced from 45 ing in Southwest Dade write, call or strcp in and visit us. away. This year we have been The largest body of of the FCD accepted, to 40 hours in keeping County, south of Tami- iortunqte enough to be able to get water in the world is for operation and main- with practices of most ami Trail, and east of FRESH, NOT FROZEN turkeys for tenance, L-67A Canal, other governmental the holidays. These will be sold on the Pacific Ocean Everglades National LAIRD. BISSHLL which is 64 million which crosses the inter- agencies. Park, were discussed advance order only — so order yours square miles in size ior of Conservation by the FCD Board. The & MEEDS, INC. early. A $3 deposit is requested. Area 3, a distance of "The FCD Board or- embers New York and Americas Stock and has a depth of 37,- staff was directed to xcbaufies and other Principal Stock Thank you! 782 feet at Mindanao more than 20 miles from dered cleanup, tree set up a meeting with and Commodity Exchanges Deep. The Pacific the National Park north- planting, and beautifi- the Dade County Plan- STORE HOURS: 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Ocean has an average east to structure S-151 cation of Hog Island, ing and Zoning Depart- L BIdg., Boca Raton, Fla. 33432 Tuesday thru Saturday depth of more than 13,- at the Miami Canal. near the north end of ment to review the prob- Telephone: 395-7300 200 feet. Cost of the new chan- Lake Okeechobee, piror lem, and plan actions j 550 N. Federal Hwy., Boca Raton 395-4591 In comparison, the nel was $892,300. to opening of the that need to be taken. Atlantic Ocean is only The L-67ACanal con- "speck" fishing season Next meetings of the about half the size of nects with another chan- in December. Robert W. FCD board will be at the Pacific. The At- nel, already construct- Padrick of Fort 9 a.m., Nov. 15, at Le- lantic has more than ed, which runs more Pierce, FCD Chairman, High Acres. 31 million square than 20 miles farther said several thousand ftf* BELLOWS miles of area and an north, ending at Pump- people are expected for PARTNERS CHOICE, ing Station 7, at the the "speck" season. The minimum age for average depth of 12,- The island, located near becoming a candidate Reg. 5.40 880 — making it the southern Palm Beach for the French Nation- second largest ocean County Line, at U.S. the mouth of the Kissim- WHS. Highway 27. This prev- mee River will be fenc- al Assembly is 23. Oth- in the world. The In- ed to protect the plant- er requirements are dian Ocean is third ious construction job, French citizenship, be- in size with slightly completed in late 1967, ings. But an area will be cost $780,105. left open for bank fish- ing a registered voter over 25 million square ing. and a deposit of about S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY miles of area. The two interconnect- $200. /5=S ed channels are part of The governing board BOCA RATON This is a pretty deep also voted to make PACKAGE STORE' subject, but when we a $3 million project to available to Dade County | FULL QUIRT are dealing with our provide a means to move without charge 12,000 preferred customers water across the almost cubic yards of fill from we always like to flat wilderness of Con- Canal 1 (Black Creek). MOHAWK, strive to the "bottom" servation Area 3. Id Fortster of things. Come in and A third canal, paral- The county will use the let us serve your lel to the old Miami Ca- material for three ball 86 PROOF BOURBON Votfca needs with the utmost nal, is currently being fields. SCOTCH care and integrity. excavated under a $1.3 A complaint that bur- Serving your insur- million contract from glars have been using the Army Corps of En- Flood Control District 79i ance needs completely FIFTH ..JE^. and efficiently. Call gineers. This is due for right-of way, on the east us! completion in 1969. It side of Red Road, to Reg. 6.49 Call 305-4334, W.P. will connect with L-67 A. gain access to homes in Ken Higgins BEBOUT 140 No. Fed- The total system is the Snapper Creek eral Boca Raton for designed to deliver wa- Lakes, area, in Miami, will help you long after the thical advice and ter at a rate of 1,000 is to be investigated. you've bought FULL QUART SAVE with these, FIFTH valuable information cubic feet per second to Judge Thomas H. Bark- an insurance policy \/A the National Park; also dull, Jr. of the Flor- you need. When your car or home is damaged DON Q RUM ^- HINT FOR THEto help augment munici- ida District Court of or destroyed, we will make sure' HOME: When doubl- pal water supplies for the Appeal at Miami, you get paid promptly and fairly. Reg. 7.95 the city of Miami. wrote to Robert L. We're independent insurance ing a recipe, be care- agents. 49 amounts of seasoning In other business the Searle, FCD Board required. Usually it's FCD Governing Board member from Coral J.C. MITCHELL Reg. 6.55 trouble if you double authorized advertise- Gables, concering "the 100 PROOF BOTTLED IN BOND salt, pepper, etc. ment for bids for work problem of numerous &SONS FULL QUART Taste as you add. uniforms for 200 field break-ins and rob- employees. beries." The Judge sug- 22 S. Federah. . 395-4711 gested that property FOUR ROSE? OLD THOMPSON] STRAIGHT BOURBON BLENDED BLiNPEP DAILY 8 A-M« COMPLETE FIFTH REG. 7.50 FIFTH HOME OF 40 FAMOUS BRANDS 1-STOP REG. 5.65 Complete Line of Garden Tools & Accessories KENTUCKY BOURBON 172 E. Boca Raton RdL 395-2442 REG. 6.12 A SPECIAL PURCHASE CANADIAN WHISKY FIFTH ASSORTMENT of STURDY BUCKETS FULL QUART REG. 5.95 Newness! WASTE PAPER H That "store-new" look is now GILBEYS restored to all garments by our new BASKETS etc. FIFTH PHY 6IH HARVEY'S STYLE CONTROL process. Your fine Reg. 7.15 §€Of€H clothes will have renewed "life", Regular Yoar original body and drape. They will 1.19 Value Choice FULL QUART resist soil and stay clean longer, Champion too. Bring your garments to us Wl* Wrbon FIFTH for this extra special care. m END OF SEASON CLEARANCE 'Reg. 5.65 Exclusive FAMOUS KNAPP-MOHACH Reg. 6.00 re* Miracle- YEAR OLD Finish PROCESS FANS *^ iPPflPiai'lSBniHoiiSEoi ***** Beg. 18,95 QUARf B drycleaning to 34.95 OFF Clan MiacGregorJk M'X* *Plant Open 7 A.M. to" 6 P.M. Call 20* WALKER' *Same Day Shirt Service OSCILLATING - HASSOCK - *0ne Hour Dry Cleaning FLOOR TYPE QUANITIES ARE Canadian *Free Pickup and Delivery 395-5200 SCO H LIMITED HARDWARE - HOUSEWARES FIFTH |^J LAWN and GARDEN SUPPLIES 9 9 iifi39 CHARCOAL GRILLS and SUPPLIES FIFTH DRAPERY RODS and FIXTURES Reg. 5.40, *$t§€k Vermmth 30 oz. U9\ WALLPAPER - PAINTS LAUNDRY & CLEANERS Glassware - Small Appliances lnyhr Champagm FIFTH J.49| 30 S.E. 1st Street Infill SCOTCH FIFTH 7. i »ARTIST SUPPLIES « •REGULAR PRICES AS SUGGESTED BY THE SOUTHERN BEVERAGE JOURHALi