COVER STORY Transporter-targeted Drug Delivery to the


he unique anatomy and physiology of the sels, but blood-ocular barriers such as the blood-aqueous make ocular drug delivery a challenge for phar- barrier (BAB) and blood-retinal barrier (BRB), limit the maceutical scientists. Various ocular barriers entry of molecules from the systemic circulation into prevent agents from achieving therapeutic con- ocular chambers and tissues.9 The BRB is primarily com- centrationT levels at the target tissues. More important, posed of retinal endothelial blood vessels and retinal pig- drug delivery to the back of the eye poses even stiffer ment (RPE), which constitute a significant challenges, including the site of origin and progression of barrier to drug absorption into the retina and vitreous.10 various sight-threatening diseases such as diabetic macu- Permeabilities of molecules across the BRB are compara- lar edema, diabetic retinopathy, wet and dry age-related ble with those across the blood-brain barrier (BBB), macular degeneration, cytomegalovirus retinitis and pro- which underscores its effectiveness in restricting the liferative vitreoretinopathy. Conventional delivery routes, entry of small molecules into the retina.11 Moreover, the such as topical and systemic modes of administration RPE, otherwise known as the outer BRB, expresses efflux may not deliver effective doses of the drug to the target pumps such as P-gp and MRP, which further limit the tissues in the posterior segment.1,2 permeation of various xenobiotics and endogenous com- pounds from the into the retina and vitreous.12,13 TOPICAL AND SYSTEMIC THERAPY P-gp is also reported to be expressed on the retinal Upon instillation of topical eye drops, precorneal fac- endothelial vessels, otherwise known as the inner BRB.14 tors such as solution drainage, blinking, tear turnover rate, and nonproductive absorption by adjacent tissues INTRAVITREAL AND PERIOCULAR INJECTIONS ( and lacrimal gland), drastically reduce pre- Other delivery routes to the posterior segment include corneal drug concentration. In addition, efflux pumps intravitreal and periocular injection. Intravitreal mode of such as P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and multidrug resistance- administration is sought in critical disease conditions, that associated proteins (MRP) combined with the inherent require direct injection into the vitreous humor through tight junctions on the corneal epithelium significantly the , evading all the barriers. Even though this hinder drug absorption across the .3-8 Further route can achieve higher drug concentrations in the neu- impedance to reaching the posterior segment is caused ral retina, adverse effects such as retinal detachment from by the and by aqueous humor outflow, the direction repeated injections, retinal hemorrhage, endophthalmitis, of which is against the concentration gradient. Hence, and other retinal toxicities due to high concentrations topical drug administration is often inadequate for reti- upon bolus dose administration may result in poor nal drug delivery, despite high patient acceptance and patient acceptance and compliance.1,15,16 Periocular injec- compliance. tion refers to placing the drug in the region surrounding Therapeutic agents, when administered systemically, the eye. Of all the existing routes, periocular drug admin- also demonstrate limited absorption into the retina and istration is considered to be relatively efficient, though vitreous. The choroid is richly perfused with blood ves- not completely noninvasive.


Figure 1. Schematic representation of prodrug approach.

The current challenge facing drug delivery scientists porters as substrates and are translocated across the and ocular pharmacologists is to deliver therapeutic epithelial or endothelial barrier. Subsequently, the pro- agents to target tissues by effectively circumventing the drugs are enzymatically cleaved to release the parent unique anatomical barriers of the eye, without causing drug and the ligand, which in most cases is a nutrient, any patient discomfort or alteration in protective physi- nontoxic and easily eliminated. A schematic representa- ologic mechanisms. In this regard, targeting nutrient tion of transporter-mediated drug delivery across a cell transporters on ocular barriers utilizing a prodrug barrier is illustrated in Figure 1. approach offers much promise. TARGETING TRANSPORTERS TRANSPORTER TARGETED PRODRUG ON THE RETINA APPROACH: THE CONCEPT Carriers for peptides, amino acids, monocarboxylic Nutrient transporters are transmembrane proteins acids, folates, nucleosides and nucleobases, organic involved in the translocation of essential nutrients and anions, and cations are a few examples of nutrient trans- xenobiotics across biological membranes, thereby regu- porters that can usually be targeted for drug delivery.17 lating the supply of essential ingredients into cells. Several Current literature reports describe a host of such nutri- transporters and receptors for nutrients and endogenous ent carriers being expressed on the retina–more precise- compounds are expressed on both the apical and baso- ly, on the RPE and retinal endothelial cells, which in turn lateral sides of the epithelial barrier of various tissues can be utilized to target and deliver drugs to the vitreo- such as intestine, kidney, BBB, BRB, and placenta. To take retinal spaces.18-25 These transporters can be targeted advantage of the nutrient transport systems, the parent following systemic, intravitreal and periocular routes of drug may be covalently conjugated to the nutrient moi- administration. Transporters expressed on the RPE can ety by an enzymatically cleavable bond generating a pro- play a significant role in the translocation of the prodrug drug. Prodrugs or analogs designed to target these trans- and thereby elevate the concentration of the prodrug/ porters can significantly enhance absorption of poorly drug in the retina following systemic and periocular permeating parent drug. Solubility, desired membrane administration. A schematic representation of this permeability and evasion of efflux pumps can be simulta- approach is shown in Figures 2A and 2B. Prodrugs neously achieved by proper selection of a promoiety. administered intravitreally could be recognized by the These prodrugs are recognized by the membrane trans- nutrient transporters expressed on the retinal endothe-


Figure 2. Schematic delineating transporter prodrug approach via systemic administration: (A) intravitreal administration (B) and periocular administration (C). lial cells and thereby translocate prodrugs across neural specificity requirement compared with other known retina across the RPE (Figure 2C). Subsequently, prodrugs transporters. Many structurally diverse drugs with var- are enzymatically cleaved at the target site to release the ied pharmacologic activities can be delivered to cells parent drug, which elicits the desired therapeutic utilizing these transporters. Examples of PepT sub- response. Although a number of nutrient transporters strates include cephalosporins, angiotensin-converting on the retina have been identified and characterized, the enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, ß-lactam antibiotics, rennin current article discusses the peptide and amino acid inhibitors, and a few other compounds without a pep- transporters, which demonstrate the greatest promise tide bond such as 5-aminolevulinic acid.27,28 High oral with respect to drug delivery because of their wide sub- bioavailability of therapeutic agents such as acyclovir, strate acceptability and high capacity. ganciclovir, and zidovudine is attributed to prodrug derivatization (ie, esterification with di- or tripep- PEPTIDE TRANSPORTERS tides).29 In addition, valine ester prodrugs of acyclovir Peptide transporters are responsible for the translo- and ganciclovir, namely, valacyclovir and valganciclovir, cation of dipeptides, tripeptides, and peptidomimetic also are translocated by the intestinal peptide trans- drugs across various epithelia.26 These transporters are porter PepT1. As a result of valine conjugation, oral proton-coupled and are mainly classified into PepT1, bioavailability of acyclovir increased by three- to five- PepT2, and peptide/histidine transporters (PHT1 and fold and ganciclovir by almost tenfold.30,31 Such deriva- PHT2), differing slightly in their tissue distribution, tization has also led to a drastic increase in the aque- localization, affinity, and capacity to transport sub- ous solubility of acyclovir and ganciclovir, allowing strates. These transporters have gained attention for more flexibility in formulation design. targeted drug delivery in recent years because of their These peptide transporters have also been found to relatively high capacity to ferry molecules across be expressed in various ocular tissues, such as cornea, lipoidal membranes combined with a lower structural retina and BAB.21,32,33 Corneal permeation of acyclovir


and ganciclovir was significantly elevated due to classified as cationic, anionic, and neutral amino acid dipeptide conjugation to the parent drug, resulting in transporters and are further subclassified into sodium enhanced therapeutic activity against herpes virus- dependent and independent transporters. System L, a es.32,34 Presence of a peptide transporter on BAB was large amino acid transporter, system y+, a cationic reported from our laboratory. Significant transport of amino acid transporter, and system b0,+, a cationic and a model (glycylsarcosine) PepT substrate, following neutral amino acid transporter, belong to sodium-inde- systemic administration provided the initial observa- pendent transporters while system X-, an anionic trans- tion that PepT might be expressed on BAB.33 A time- porter; system A, B0, B0,+, ASC (alanine–serine–cystein) and concentration- dependent, carrier-mediated and ‚ß-amino acid transporters belong to the sodium- uptake of glycylsarcosine across the blood-ocular bar- dependent category. A large neutral amino-acid trans- rier was reported. Prodrugs of acyclovir exhibited high- port (LAT) system exists in two isoforms, LAT1 and er concentrations in the aqueous humor following sys- LAT2, which differ in their substrate specificity. LAT1 is temic administration relative to the parent drug.35 mainly involved in the transport of large neutral amino More recent work in our laboratory reported signifi- acids, such as Leu, Phe, Ile, Trp, Val, Tyr, His, and Met, cantly higher levels of acyclovir following systemic and LAT2 transports both large neutral amino acids and administration of stereoisomeric dipeptide prodrug of small neutral amino acids. acyclovir (L-val-D-val-acyclovir) on the cornea, relative Drugs such as gabapentin, L-dopa, and α-methyl- to the parent moiety, providing additional evidence for dopa are some of the substrates of amino-acid trans- the presence of PepT on BAB.36 In the retina, the pres- porters, which are expressed in many tissues, including ence of PepT has been reported on RPE and retinal the eye.40 Presence of sodium-independent systems, endothelial cells. The transporter in the neural retina, such as LAT1, and sodium-dependent systems, such as facing the vitreous humor, could be targeted following B0,+ and ASCT1 transporters, have been reported in intravitreal administration, whereas the one on the rabbit corneal epithelial cells.40-43 Our laboratory RPE could be targeted for drug delivery following sys- reported the synthesis of a series of prodrugs of acy- temic and periocular routes. Recent studies have clovir (ACV) targeting the amino acid transporters, shown the expression of PHT1 on human and bovine such as alanine-ACV, serine-ACV, isoleucine-ACV, γ-glu- RPE cells as well as neural retina.37 Expression of PepT1 tamate-ACV, and valine-ACV, with an aim to improve was not detected, although PepT2 and PHT2 are the corneal permeability and in turn ocular bioavail- known to be expressed on bovine and human retina.37 ability of acyclovir.44 Serine-ACV exhibited a better Recent work from our laboratory has demonstrated pharmacokinetic profile relative to the parent drug that the oligopeptide transport system on the RPE resulting in a significantly higher AUC, Cmax, and Clast leads to at least twofold increase in the permeation of values, owing to transporter mediated translocation PepT targeted prodrugs of ganciclovir (valine-GCV, across corneal epithelium.44 In the posterior segment, valine-valine-GCV and glycine-valine-GCV) across reti- molecular evidence and functional activity of LAT2 na-choroid- (RCS, S → R direction) relative to (sodium-independent) has been shown in ARPE-19 the parent drug, ganciclovir.21 Following translocation cells (human retinal pigment epithelial cells).19 by PepT, these prodrugs are subsequently cleaved by Other carriers for amino acids in the RPE as well as enzymes, particularly the cholinesterases, dipeptidas- retinal endothelial cells are currently under investigation. es, and aminopeptidases, present in the retina and Eventually, these transporters could be utilized for tar- vitreous. geting prodrugs to enhance absorption of poorly perme- To summarize, peptide transporters are extremely able drugs across ocular barriers following intravitreal, versatile and important targets for drug delivery to systemic, and periocular routes of administration. ocular tissues. EVASION OF EFFLUX PUMPS BY AMINO ACID TRANSPORTERS PRODRUG DERIVATIZATION Amino acids are required in the protein synthesis of all Multidrug resistance efflux pumps belonging to the living cells. Due to their hydrophilicity, membrane pro- ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily of membrane teins exist to transport essential amino acids across transporters such as P-gp, MRP, and breast cancer resist- lipoidal membranes. Amino acid transporters constitute ance protein (BCRP) can restrict the bioavailability of a large family of membrane transporters classified based many drugs in various tissues by pumping agents from on their substrate specificity, charge, and dependence on the lipid bilayer or cytoplasm back into the extracellular sodium ion cotransport.38,39 These proteins are broadly fluid. Recently, such efflux pumps have also been report-


ed to be expressed in a variety of ocular tissues. Cells of CONCLUSION AND FUTURE OUTLOOK the retinal capillary , RPE, conjunctival Significant advances in the field of transporter-targeted epithelium, -, and corneal epithelium are delivery have been achieved in the past decade. known to express P-gp.4,45-48 Presence of MRP has also Valacyclovir and valganciclovir are examples of two well- been reported on the blood side of bovine RPE by known marketed drugs utilizing this approach. A number Schlosshauer and colleagues.11 Cornea has also been of transporters have been identified on the retina, both shown to express a host of MRP isoforms, such as MRP1, on the RPE and retinal endothelial cells, which could be MRP2, MRP3, and MRP5.6-8 Expression of efflux pumps exploited to enhance retinal bioavailability. Among them, on the cornea and retinal pigment epithelium could be peptide and amino acid transporters hold the greatest correlated with a defensive mechanism for the entry and potential due to wide substrate specificity and high accumulation of xenobiotics from the external environ- capacity in translocating substrates. In general, prodrugs ment and the systemic circulation, respectively. may be designed by conjugating appropriate promoieties From a drug delivery point of view, these efflux trans- with an aim to improve lipophilicity ( ↑ absorption porters lower absorption of substrate molecules across through lipid bilayers) and water solubility ( ↑ formula- various epithelia, thereby restricting their bioavailability. tion feasibility). Moreover, the ability of prodrugs to P-gp expressed on the RPE was shown to be functionally bypass multidrug resistance efflux may further enhance active by effluxing out Rhodamine 123, a P-gp substrate, bioavailability via prodrug derivatization. from the neural retina into the choroidal blood supply.11 The periocular route presents an attractive alternative Efflux of another P-gp substrate, quinidine, was shown to to conventional routes of drug delivery to the retina, ie, be modulated in the presence of specific efflux modula- intravitreal, topical and systemic administration. This route tors following systemic and intravitreal administration, is partially invasive and results in ocular complications which suggests the presence of a functionally active P-gp upon repeated injections. But such complications could be on the RPE and the neural retina.49 significantly overcome by designing novel sustained- Therefore, these efflux pumps must be effectively cir- release formulations, thereby drastically reducing the fre- cumvented to enhance drug absorption across the retina. quency of periocular injections. Drug delivery utilizing Prodrug derivatization of a drug substrate targeting an nanoparticles prepared from novel polymers suspended in influx nutrient transporter offers great potential. In this a thermosensitive gel will be a valuable strategy for devel- strategy, prodrugs are designed such that the modified opment of a controlled-release formulation. Thermosensi- compounds become substrates of nutrient transporters, tive gel of polymers can prolong the sustained release of leading to enhanced absorption across epithelial barriers. drugs at the target site. Nanoparticles suspended in a ther- In addition, efflux is effectively circumvented due to mosensitive gel could minimize the burst release of drugs diminished or no affinity of the drug molecule towards that is a common problem encountered with conventional efflux pumps due to structural modification and binding nanoparticles. Moreover, if prodrugs targeting nutrient to the influx transporter. We reported that peptide pro- transporters on the retina are encapsulated in such novel drug derivatization of quinidine, a P-gp substrate, sustained release delivery systems, then a dual advantage is demonstrates diminished affinity towards efflux pump. realized: ie, enhanced cellular uptake through evasion of Effective circumvention of P-gp on the corneal epitheli- multidrug resistance efflux and prolonged duration of um thereby led to higher corneal permeability of quini- action. Future work in retinal drug delivery will focus on dine prodrugs relative to the parent drug.50 Similar results more noninvasive drug delivery systems through periocu- have also been observed with peptide and amino acid lar routes that can provide drug levels for long periods of prodrugs of the HIV protease inhibitors saquinavir and time after a single administration. ■ lopinavir, which suffer from poor oral bioavailability being a substrate of multidrug resistance efflux pumps as Acknowledgements: well as drug metabolizing enzymes (CYP3A4).51-53 Supported by National Eye Institute Grants R01 EY09171- Prodrug derivatization of these molecules diminished 15 and R01 EY10659-14 their affinity toward efflux pumps and CYP3A4, resulting in higher oral bioavailability. Ashim K. Mitra, PhD, is Curators’ Professor and Thus, rational prodrug design can not only enhance Chairman, Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences at passive diffusion, but can also lead to decreased recogni- the School of Pharmacy, University of Missouri tion by efflux pumps, leading to reduced multidrug Kansas City. He reports no financial interests. Dr. resistance mediated efflux and higher absorption and Mitra can be reached at +1 816 235 1615; fax: +1 bioavailability. 816 235 5190; or via e-mail at [email protected].


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