Mool and New Moon Dates for 2020 (The most inauspicious days for a baby to be born in)

In these days many expecting mothers have a C-Section birth and thus I would advise you to consult your family priest or a competent astrologer to have a look at the dates that your doctor has given you for the birth of your baby child. And this avoids so many future complications. If your baby was born in MOOL due to circumstances beyond your control then the father depends of which (see below) cannot see his child for a period of 27 days. On the 28th day the MOOL-SHANTI puja is performed by the family priest.

WHAT ARE THE 6 NAKSHATRAS? (Sanskrit meaning Asterism/star, lunar mansion). A is one of 27 sectors along the ecliptic. Their names are related to the most prominent asterisms in the respective sectors. There are 12 Rashis each comprising 30 degrees. So 12 Rashis forms the circle of 360 degrees. There is 27 Nakshatras in this 360 degree circle. So each Nakshatra spans about 13.3333 degrees. A Nakshatra is further divided into Pada/quarters. So there is 4 padas for each Nakshatra (given below). Nakshatras have their lords. In Vedic , from the Nakshatra the child is born in, the initials of the new born child is worked from, thus it is very essential to consult an astrologer or a priest who knows astrology to check if the child was born in an auspicious time or not and to choose a suitable name for the child. If a child is born in an “inauspicious” time it can cause the death of the child and can even wipe out an entire family. By inauspicious time I mean when a child is born in an evil nakshatra (star), for example if a child is born in the 1st pada (quarter) of Ashwini, the child may not survive, or if the child is born in the 4th pada of the lives of the parents may be danger and so forth. From experience I know many people cast aside astrology and say it’s not necessary and it's just nonsense. But when something happens to them or their family then they want to blame God, when certain events could have been avoided. Please understand these are not mere rituals rather they are very essential for the person's/child’s benefit. For more information on this topic please do email us on [email protected] to receive this article. “Pre and Post birth Purificatory Rites, Chatti Ceremony and the First outing of the child to the temple”... MOOL DATES FOR 2020.

January :- Starts 3rd @ 06h44 Ends 5th @ 10h52 ( - Ashwini Nakshatra's). :- Starts 12th @ 16h41 Ends 14th @ 11h18 (Ashlesha - Magha Nakshatra's). :- Starts 20th @ 22h35 Ends 22nd @ 22h17 ( - Moola Nakshatra's). :- Starts 30th @ 23h06 Ends 2nd Feb @ 02h57 (Revati - Ashwini Nakshatra's).

February :- Starts 8th @ 23h05 Ends 10th @ 16h30 (Ashlesha - Magha Nakshatra's). :- Starts 17th @ 06h30 Ends 19th @ 04h17 (Jyeshtha - Moola Nakshatra's ). :- Starts 27th @ 00h41 Ends 29th @ 05h38 (Revati - Ashwini Nakshatra's).

March :- Starts 7th @ 05h58 Ends 9th @ 09h41 (Ashlesha - Magha Nakshatra's). :- Starts 15th @ 11h45 Ends 17th @ 08h50 (Jyeshtha - Moola Nakshatra's). :- Starts 25th @ 12h05 Ends 27th @ 13h43 (Revati - Ashwini Nakshatra's).

April :- Starts 3rd @ 21h28 Ends 5th @ 15h53 (Ashlesha - Magha Nakshatra's). :- Starts 11th @ 19h48 Ends 13th @ 15h36 (Jyeshtha - Moola Nakshatra's). :- Starts 21st @ 12h55 Ends 23rd @ 17h29 (Revati - Ashwini Nakshatra's). :- Starts 30th @ 22h37 Ends 3rd May @ 05h38 (Ashlesha - Magha Nakshatra's).

May :- Starts April 30th @ 22h37 Ends 3rd May @ 05h38 (Ashlesha - Magha Nakshatra's). :- Starts 9th @ 06h02 Ends 11th @ 00h50 (Jyeshtha - Moola Nakshatra's). :- Starts 19th @ 00h50 Ends 21st @ 00h28 (Revati - Ashwini Nakshatra's). :- Starts 28th @ 08h33 Ends 30th @ 05h28 (Ashlesha - Magha Nakshatra's).

June :- Starts 5th @ 04h41 Ends 7th @ 11h19 (Ashlesha - Magha Nakshatra's). :- Starts 14th @ 23h49 Ends 17th @ 04h19 (Jyeshtha - Moola Nakshatra's). :- Starts 24th @ 18h03 Ends 26th @ 14h33 (Revati - Ashwini Nakshatra's).

July :- Starts 2nd @ 22h44 Ends 4th @ 21h23 (Jyeshtha - Moola Nakshatra's). :- Starts 12th @ 12h17 Ends 14th @ 16h53 (Revati - Ashwini Nakshatra's). :- Starts 21rd @ 17h54 Ends 24th @ 00h18 (Ashlesha - Magha Nakshatra's). :- Starts 30th @ 09h00 Ends 1st Aug @ 05h51 (Jyeshtha - Moola Nakshatra's).

August :- Starts 9th @ 00h48 Ends 11th @ 05h06 (Revati - Ashwini Nakshatra's). :- Starts 18th @ 07h09 Ends 20th @ 01h48 (Ashlesha - Magha Nakshatra's). :- Starts 26th @ 16h01 Ends 28th @ 12h32 (Jyeshtha - Moola Nakshatra's).

September :- Starts 4th @ 23h59 Ends 7th @ 04h51 (Revati - Ashwini Nakshatra's). :- Starts 14th @ 21h59 Ends 16th @ 16h25 (Ashlesha - Magha Nakshatra's). :- Starts 22nd @ 18h00 Ends 24th @ 15h30 (Jyeshtha - Moola Nakshatra's).

October :- Starts 2nd @ 12h14 Ends 4th @ 17h13 (Revati - Ashwini Nakshatra's). :- Starts 12th @ 01h52 Ends 13th @ 21h47 (Ashlesha - Magha Nakshatra's). :- Starts 20th @ 06h17 Ends 22th @ 00h52 (Jyeshtha - Moola Nakshatra's). :- Starts 29th @ 11h45 Ends 31st @ 16h47 (Revati - Ashwini Nakshatra's). November :- Starts 8th @ 15h45 Ends 10th @ 13h00 (Ashlesha - Magha Nakshatra's). :- Starts 16th @ 13h58 Ends 18th @ 08h40 (Jyeshtha - Moola Nakshatra's). :- Starts 26th @ 01h40 Ends 28th @ 05h50 (Revati - Ashwini Nakshatra's).

December :- Starts 5th @ 16h40 Ends 7th @ 15h16 (Revati - Ashwini Nakshatra's). :- Starts 14th @ 00h59 Ends 15th @ 18h00 (Ashlesha - Magha Nakshatra's). :- Starts 23rd @ 03h54 Ends 25th @ 09h05 (Jyeshtha - Moola Nakshatra's). A child born in ‘Moola’ Nakshatra. 1st Pada : - Harm/Miseries to Father/Father in law 2nd Pada : - Loss/Miseries to mother. 3rd Pada : - Loss/Waste of money to parents 4th Pada : - Good results for the native.

A child born in ‘Jyeshtha’ Nakshatra. 1st Pada : - Loss/Miseries to elder brother 2nd Pada : - Loss/Miseries to younger brother 3rd Pada : - Loss/Miseries to father 4th Pada : - Miseries to self or Early death. A child born in ‘Ashlesha’ Nakshatra. 1st Pada : - Benefic/Good results for the native 2nd Pada : - Loss of Wealth loss of Native 3rd Pada : - Loss/Miseries for Mother/Mother in law 4th Pada : - Loss/Miseries to father/Father in law. A child born in ‘Magha’ Nakshatra. 1st Pada : - Loss/Miseries to mother/relatives 2nd Pada : - Loss/Miseries to father 3rd Pada : - Loss of happiness and wealth. 4th Pada : - Loss of wealth A child born in ‘Revati’ Nakshatra. 1st Pada : - Courageous/kingly status for the native. 2nd Pada : - Happiness from Government 3rd Pada : - Happiness and gain to native 4th Pada : - Miseries and many difficulties to the Native

A child born in ‘Ashwini’ Nakshatra. 1st Pada : - Miseries to Native Father or child may die. 2nd Pada : - Destruction of wealth and happiness in the family. 3rd Pada : - High Position and status of the child 4th Pada : - Honour from government for the child New Moon (Amavasya) Dates for 2020 How to understand the information below. Well it's rather simple for example, Amavasya begins on the 23rd of January @ 22h47 and ends on the 24th of January @ 23h41. So although we have given the date for Amavasya as 24th January, Amavasya is spread over two days... So you should observe Amavasya within the times given. This year we are also providing the New Moon night dates where most of New Moon transits and which day does Amavasya rules as well..

January 24, Friday Begins - 22:47, Jan 23 = Ends - 23:41, Jan 24 New Moon night will fall on the 24th. New Moon will rule the 24th February 23, Sunday Begins - 15:32, Feb 22 = Ends - 17:31, Feb 23 New Moon night will fall on the 22nd. New Moon will rule the 23rd March 24, Tuesday Begins - 09:00, Mar 23 = Ends - 11:27, Mar 24 New Moon night will fall on the 23rd. New Moon will rule the 24th April 22, Wednesday Begins - 02:07, Apr 22 = Ends - 04:25, Apr 23 New Moon night will fall on the 22nd. New Moon will rule the 22nd May 22, Friday Begins - 18:05, May 21 = Ends - 19:38, May 22 New Moon night will fall on the 21st. New Moon will rule the 22nd June 21, Sunday Begins - 08:22, June 20 = Ends - 08:40, June 21 New Moon night will fall on the 20th. New Moon will rule the 21st July 20, Monday Begins - 20:40, July 19 = Ends - 19:32, July 20 New Moon night will fall on the 19th. New Moon will rule the 20th August 18, Tuesday Begins - 07:09, Aug 18 = Ends - 04:41, Aug 19 New Moon night will fall on the 18th. New Moon will rule the 18th September 17, Thursday Begins - 16:26, Sept 16 = Ends - 12:59, Sept 17 New Moon night will fall on the 16th. New Moon will rule the 17th October 16, 2020, Friday Begins - 01:22, Oct 16 = Ends - 21:30, Oct 16 New Moon night will fall on the 16th. New Moon will rule the 16th November 14, 2020, Saturday Begins - 10:47, Nov 14 = Ends - 07:06, Nov 15 New Moon night will fall on the 14th. New Moon will rule the 14th December 14, 2020, Monday Begins - 21:14, Dec 13 = Ends - 18:16, Dec 14 New Moon night will fall on the 13th. New Moon will rule the 14th DISCLAIMER:- Do note that Dipika is not affiliated to any Hindu group or organization. We at Dipika choose to remain an independent repository of spiritual advice. We appreciate that there are variances between organisations and humbly request that if our views differ from yours that you respect our decision not to conform to the prescripts of your particular organisation. We remain committed to spiritual advice which is based on scripture. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this article. We pray that this article will assist you in some way and we also pray that it helps you to appreciate the beauty and remarkable foresight of our ancient Hindu culture. We wish to educate all readers and demystify the path of (Sanatan Dharma). Please feel free to share these articles with friends and family who do not have direct access to our website or articles. If you use the articles in any form including blogs and/or as part of other articles kindly credit our website as a source. We hope that the articles serve as a reference to you and your family when you need clarification of certain topics. Jai Hind... Jai Shree Krsna.

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