Common Christianese Terms

There are many more, but these are some basic ones—to understand other words and expressions—try deducting the meaning based on whatever biblical terms are used. Always work to put Christian expressions and biblical terms into your own words (IYOW). • Altar call (and Sinner’s Prayer) – At the end of a message or service, an invitation to become a Christian believer. Usually indicating this by raising a hand, standing, or coming up front, then saying a model prayer of confession for sin and trust in . • Accept into your heart (Received Christ) – Believing in Jesus as Lord and Savior by , usually by saying a prayer of confession and trust. • Backsliding – No longer keeping in fellowship with other believers and living a life that pleases God. • Communion (Lord’s Supper) – A symbolic expression of in the Lord Jesus’ death as a means of reconciliation with God. • Dying to self – The idea of not giving in to the selfish nature inherent in all people. • Easter – The day set aside to celebrate Christ’s resurrection from the dead, though displaced with the idea of spring. • End Times (Last Days) – The time preceding the Lord Jesus’ return to earth when there will be many difficult events taking place in the world. • Imputed (“double imputation”) – The removal of sin (transferred from us to Jesus) and receiving of righteousness (His transferred to us). Illustrated with Joshua the high priest in Zech 3:1-5—his filthy rags removed and he’s given a clean turban, rich robes. • In the flesh (in the world) – Giving in to the selfish nature, saying and doing things that don’t honor God. • In the Spirit (slain in…) – Being under the influence of the Holy Spirit. • Getting fed (grounded in the Word) – Reading the and listening to teaching explaining what the Bible means. • Gospel – Commonly described as the Good News of God’s grace for (deliverance from sin) through faith (see Rom 3:21-26; 5:1-2). • Grieve the Holy Spirit – Go against the leading or direction of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes used as a judgmental expression towards someone being unspiritual. • God’s hand…leading…spoke to me, etc. – The belief or claim that God has personally guided someone to do or not do something, and God has spoken to them spiritually. • God is moving – Describing the work of the Holy Spirit changing or influencing people’s lives. Sometimes a description of emotionalism in worship. • Hedge of protection – Belief that God’s Spirit and angels are surrounding and protecting a person. • New life (new creation) – The spiritual effect of being born again—experiencing spiritual rebirth. • Old man and new man – A person’s former way of life contrasted to their new way of life after spiritual rebirth. • On fire – Really excited about God and experiencing a radical change in life.

Common Christianese Terms — ©2012 — / T Kimball 1 Common Christianese Terms

• Overcomer – Someone who has persevered various difficulties in life or persecution and remained faithful to God. • Rapture – The belief that Jesus will return to “catch up into the air” His church on earth into heaven during the last days of earth, preceding a great time of tribulation. • Saved – Having “accepted Christ” by believing in Him as Lord and Savior. • Spirit-filled – Similar to being “on fire”, or describing when the Holy Spirit first comes into a person’s life, and for recurring times of experiencing God’s power internally. • Stepped out in faith – Believed God was leading (a person) to do something without clear logical or rational reasons realized by others. • Tribulation – Can mean a specific trial or time of testing to endure, or the final time of cataclysmic events coming upon the world at the end of time. • Washed (cleansed or covered) in the Blood – Initially believing God to forgive and set a person free from the consequence and power of sin. Sometimes used to describe a supposed protection or blessing because of God’s power. • Witnessing (Testimony) – Sharing the Gospel or God-related handouts (tracts) with other people. Also, sharing your own faith story (testimony) with someone else.

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Common Christianese Terms — ©2012 — / T Kimball 2