MORNING PRAYERS - xgyd zekxa

(Please stand) MAH TOVU ohalecha ya-akov, Liz«¤ŸpM§ y§ n¦ ,aŸw£r©i Li«¤ld¨Ÿ` EaŸH« dn© mishkenotecha yisrael! Va-ani berov chasdecha avo veytecha, `Fa`¨ LC§q§ g© aŸxA§ i¦p`£©e !l`¥x¨y§ ¦i eshtachaveh el heychal Ly§ c§w¨ lk©id¥ l`¤ d¤eg£Y© y§§`¤ ,Lz«¤ia¥ kodshecha beyiratecha. .Lz«¤`¨x§¦iA§ Adonai, ahavti me-on beytecha, mFwn§ E ,Lz«¤iA¥ oFrn§ iY¦ a§ d«©`¨ ,¨i§i u-mekom mishkan kevodecha. Va-ani eshtachaveh ve-echra-ah, d¤eg£Y© W§ `¤ i¦p`£©e .Lc«¤FaM§ oM©W§ n¦ evrechah lifney Adonai osi. .iU¦ Ÿr ¨i§i i¥pt§ ¦l dk¨x§a§ `¤ ,d¨rx«¨k§ `¤e§ Va-ani tefilati lecha, Adonai, et .oFvx¨ z¥r ,¨i§i ,Ll§ iz¦ ¨Nt¦z§ i¦p`£©e ratzon. Elohim, berov chasdecha, aneni be-emet yishecha. zn¤¡`A¤ i¦p«¥p£r ,LC«¤q§ g© ax¨A§ ,mid¦Ÿl¡` .L«r¤W§ ¦i

HOW LOVELY are your tents, O Jacob, your dwelling-places, O Israel! Through Your great love, O God, I enter Your house; with awe I worship in Your sanctuary. Eternal God, I love the house where Your glory dwells; humbly I worship before my God and Maker. May my prayer be acceptable to You, Eternal God. In Your great kindness, answer me with Your saving truth.

(Please be seated)

BARUCH atah Adonai Eloheynu K¤ln«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl¡` ¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨ melech ha-olam, asher kidshanu bemitzvotav, vetzivanu la-asok ,eiz¨Fv§ n¦A§ EpW«¨ c§w¦ xW¤ `£ ,m¨lFrd¨ bedivrey torah. .dx¨Fz ix¥a§ c¦A§ wFq£r©l Ep«¨Ev¦ e§

WE PRAISE You, Eternal One, our God, Sovereign of the universe: You sanctify us by Your commandments, and enjoin us to study words of Torah.

3 Reading on a theme: Torah

MAH NETIYAH zo parah ,da¨x¨e§ dx¨R¨ Ff d¨rih¦§P dn© ve-ravah, af divrey Torah parin ve-ravin. .oia¦x¨e§ oix¦R¨ dx¨FY ix¥a§ C¦ s`©

As plants are fruitful and multiply, so the words of Torah are fruitful and multiply. (Chagigah 3b)

Torah is the record of the spiritual journey of the Jewish people, and the lessons for life and conduct it has learned on that journey. It is teaching, law, tradition; it is the fruit of reason and the outpouring of the spirit in every age; it is interpretation of text and innovation of thought. Torah is the call for righteousness, justice and equity viewed as the divine will, and it is the response of each generation to the changing conditions of life. (Rabbi Chaim Stern)

It is what God has revealed to us, and what we have come to know of God. It is the ideas and the ideals, the Laws and the Commandments that make up our religious heritage. It is the experience of Abraham, the legislation of Moses, the wisdom of Solomon, the vision of the Prophets, the commentary of the Rabbis, the insight of the Mystics. It is the questions we ask, and the answers that we receive, when we try to understand what God requires of us. It is the way of self-fulfilment and the design for a perfect world. (from Service of the Heart)

May your eyes sparkle with the light of Torah, may your ears hear the music of its words. May the space between each letter of the scrolls bring warmth and comfort to your soul. May the syllables draw holiness from your heart and may its holiness be gentle and soothing to you and all God’s creatures. (Danny Siegel ‘A Blessing’)1

1. May your eyes sparkle. Danny Siegel, ‘A Blessing’ in The Lord is a Whisper at Midnight, Town House Press, 1985, p39, alluding to B. Ber. 17a and B. Erusin 54a. 4 ELOHAI NESHAMA shenata bi dx¨Fdh§ iA¦ Y¨z«©¨PW¤ dn¨W¨ §p ,id©Ÿl¡` tehora hi. Atah beratah, dY¨`© ,Dz¨`x¨A§ dY¨`© .`id¦ atah yetzartah, atah nefachtah bi, ve-atah dY¨`© e§ ,iA¦ DY¨g§ t©§p dY¨`© ,DY¨x§v©§i meshamrah bekirbi. .iA¦x§w¦A§ Dx¨O§ W© n§

MY GOD, THE SOUL You have given me is pure. For You have created and formed it and breathed it into me, and You sustain it within me. (Berachot 60b)

BARUCH SHE-AMAR vehayah KExA¨ ,m¨lFrd¨ d¨id¨e§ xn©`¨W¤ KExA¨ ha-olam, baruch hu. Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheynu .`Ed melech ha-olam, hamehulal befi ,m¨lFrd¨ K¤ln«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl¡` ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨ amo, meshubach u-mefo-ar x`¨Ÿtn§ E gA¨Wªn§ ,FO©r it¦A§ l¨Ndªn§ d© bilshon chasidav va-avadav. Bishvachot u-vizmirot zFga¨W§ A¦ .eic¨a¨£r©e eic¨iq¦g£ oFWl§ A¦ negadelecha venamlichecha, ,Ep«M¥l§ n© ,Lk§ i¦ln§©pe§ Ll§ C¤©b§p zFxin¦§fa¦E malkenu, yachid, chey .min¦¨lFrd¨ ig¥ ,cig¦¨i ha-olamim. Baruch atah Adonai, melech l¨Ndªn§ K¤ln«¤ ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨ mehulal batishbachot. .zFgA¨W§ Y¦ A©

PRAISED BE THE One at whose command the world came to be. We praise You, our God, Sovereign of the universe, worshipped by Your people, lauded and glorified by those who love and serve You. With songs of praise we extol You, and proclaim Your sovereignty, sole Source of the life of all worlds. We praise You, Sovereign God, to whom all praise is due.

Yismechu hashamayim vetaggel ux¤`¨d¨ l¥bz¨e§ m¦in©X¨ d© Egn§ U§ ¦i ha-aretz. Yiram hayam u-melo-o. .F`«Ÿln§ E m¨Id© m©rx§«¦i

Let the heavens rejoice and the earth exult; let the sea and all within it thunder. (Psalm 96:11)

5 An-im zemirot ve-shirim e-erog, ki ,bFx`¡`¤ mix¦iW¦ e§ zFxin¦ f§ mir¦ p§`© elecha nafshi ta'arog. .bFx£rz© iW¦ t§ p© Li«¤l`¥ iM¦ Nafshi chimda be-tzel yadecha, ,Lc«¤¨i lv¥A§ dc¨n§ g¦ iW¦ t§ p© lada-at kol raz sodecha. .Lc«¤Fq fx¨ lM¨ zr©c«©¨l Midei daberi bi-chvodecha, ,Lc«¤Fak§ A¦ ix¦A§ c© iC¥n¦ homeh libi el dodecha. .Lic«¤FC l`¤ iA¦ l¦ dn¤Fd Ye-erav na sichi alecha. .Li«¤lr¨ ig¦ iU¦ `¨p ax©¡r¤i ki nafshi ta-arog elecha. Li«¤l`¥ bFx£rz© iW¦ t§ p© iM¦

I make music and compose sweet songs, Since it is for You my spirit longs, My soul seeks the shelter of Your hand, All your mysteries to understand. As I praise Your glorious name above, My heart craves, Eternal One, Your love. Graciously accept, O God, my praise, Since for You my spirit longs always.

(The Congregation will stand) shimcha la-ad, l`¥d¨ ,EpM¥l§ n© ,c©r¨l Ln§ W¦ gA©Y© W§ ¦i malkenu, ha-el hamelech hagadol vehakadosh bashamayim m¦in©X¨ A© WFcT¨d©e§ lFc¨Bd© K¤lO«¤d© u-va-aretz. Ki lecha na-eh, Adonai id¥Ÿl`¥e Epid«¥Ÿl¡` ¨i§i ,d`¤¨p Ll§ iM¦ .ux¤«`¨a¨E Eloheynu velohey avoteynu, shir ,dx¨n§¦fe§ l¥Nd© ,dg¨a¨W§ E xiW¦ ,Epiz«¥Fa`£ u-shvacha, halel vezimrah, berachot vehoda-ot me-atah ve-ad olam. .m¨lFr c©re§ dY¨©rn¥ zF`c¨Fde§ zŸekx¨A§

Baruch atah Adonai, habocher .dx¨n§¦f ix¥iW¦ A§ xg¥FAd© ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨ beshirey zimrah.

PRAISED BE YOUR name, Eternal God, in heaven and on earth. To You, our God and God of our ancestors, let hymns and psalms be sung; to You all praise and thanks are due now and for ever. We praise You, O God: may You accept our songs of praise.

6 YITGADAL veyitkadash shemey `A¨x© Dn¥W§ WC©w©z§ ¦ie§ lC©©Bz§ ¦i raba, be-alma di vera chiruteh, Ki¦ln§©ie§ ,Dz¥Erx§k¦ `x¨a§ iC¦ `n¨l§ ¨rA§ veyamlich malchuteh bechayeychon u-veyomeychon i¥Ig©a§ E oFkin¥Fia§ E oFki¥Ig©A§ Dz¥Ekl§ n© u-vechayey dechol beyt yisrael, on©§fa¦E `¨l¨b£rA© ,l`¥x¨U§ ¦i ziA¥ lk¨c§ Ba-agala u-vizman kariv, ve-imru: .on¥`¨ :Exn§ `¦ e§ ,aix¦w¨ . m©l¨rl§ Kx©a¨n§ `A¨x© Dn¥W§ `d¥§i Yehey shemey raba mevarach le-alam u-le-almey almaya. .`¨In©l§ ¨r in¥l§ ¨rl§ E Yitbarach veyishtabach, veyitpa-ar x`© R¨z§ ¦ie§ ,gA©Y© W§ ¦ie§ Kx©A¨z§ ¦i veyitromam veyitnaseh, veyithadar xC¨d©z§ ¦ie§ ,`V¥©pz§ ¦ie§ mn©Fxz§ ¦ie§ veyitaleh veyithalal shemey dekudsha, berich hu, ,`W¨ c§wªC§ Dn¥W§ l¨Nd©z§ ¦ie§ d¤N©rz§ ¦ie§ le-ela mikol birchata veshirata, ,`Ed Kix¦A§ tushbechata venechemata ,`z¨x¨iW¦ e§ `z¨k¨x§A¦ lM¨ on¦ `¨N«¥rl§ da-amiran be-alma, ve-imru: amen. ox¨in¦`£C© `z¨n¨g¡¤pe§ `z¨g¨A§ W§ Yª .on¥`¨ :Exn§ `¦ e§ ,`n¨l§ ¨rA§

MAGNIFIED and sanctified be the great name of the One by whose will the world was created. May God’s rule become effective in your lives, and in the life of the whole House of Israel. May it be so soon and let us say: Amen. May God’s great name be praised to all eternity. Blessed and praised; glorified, exalted and extolled; lauded, honoured and acclaimed be the name of the Holy One, who is ever to be praised, though far far above the eulogies and songs of praise and consolation that human lips can utter, and let us say: Amen.

7 THE SHEMA AND BLESSINGS SONGS OF PRAISE - dxnfc iweqt (Please stand)

BARECHU et Adonai hamevorach. .Kx¨Ÿan§ d© ¨ii§ z`¤ Ekx§A¨

BARUCH Adonai hamevorach le-olam va-ed. .cr¤e¨ m¨lFrl§ Kx¨ŸaO§ d© ¨ii§ KExA¨

PRAISE be the One to whom our praise is due. WE PRAISE the Eternal One to whom our praise is due for ever. (Please be seated)

BARUCH atah Adonai, Eloheynu K¤ln«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl¡` ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨ melech ha-olam, yotzer or u-voreh ,Ky¤Ÿg« `x¥FaE xF` xv¥Fi ,m¨lFrd¨ choshech, oseh shalom u-voreh et hakol. Hame-ir la-aretz veladarim .lŸMd© z`¤ `x¥FaE mFlW¨ dU¤Ÿr aleyha berachamim, u-vetuvo d¨i«¤l¨r mix¦C¨©le§ ux¤«`¨¨l xi`¦ O¥d© mechadesh bechol yom tamid ma-aseh vereshit. Mah rabu mFi lk¨A§ WC¥g©n§ FaEha§ E ,min¦g£x©A§ ma-asecha Adonai! kulam EAx© dn¨ .ziW¦ `x¥a§ dU¥£rn© cin¦Y¨ bechochmah asitah, mal-ah ,z¨iU«¦ ¨r dn¨k§ g¨A§ m¨NMª !¨i§i LiU«¤£rn© ha-aretz kinyanecha. Titbarach, Adonai Eloheynu al shevach ¨i§i ,Kx©A¨z§ Y¦ .Li«¤p¨i§pw¦ ux¤«`¨d¨ d`¨l§ n¨ ma-aseh yadecha ve-al me-orey l©re§ Lic«¤¨i dW¥ £rn© ga©W«¤ l©r Epid«¥Ÿl¡` or she-asita yefa-arucha selah. .d¨l«Q¤ LEx«`£t¨§i z¨iU«¦ ¨rW¤ xF` ix¥F`« n§ Baruch atah Adonai yotzer .zFxF`O§ d© xv¥Fi ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨ hame-orot.

WE PRAISE YOU, Eternal One, our God, Sovereign of the universe, Maker of light and Creator of darkness, Author of peace and Creator of all things. In Your mercy You give light to the earth and all who live on it, and in Your goodness You renew creation continually, day by day. How manifold are Your works, O God! With wisdom have You made them all; the world is full of Your creations. Your handiwork proclaims Your praise; the radiant stars bear witness to Your glory. We praise You, O God, Creator of light.

8 AHAVA rabah ahavtanu, Adonai ,Epid«¥Ÿl¡` ¨i§i ,EpY«¨a§ d©`£ dA¨x© da¨d£`© Eloheynu, chemlah gedolah viterah chamalta aleynu. Avinu Y¨l§ n«©g¨ dx¨z¥i¦e d¨lFc§b d¨ln§ g¤ malkenu, ba-avur avoteynu xEa£rA© ,Ep«M¥l§ n© Epia«¦`¨ .Epi«¥l¨r shebatchu vecha vatelamdem chukay chayim, ken techanenu iT¥gª mc¥O§ ©lY§ ©e La§ Egh§ A¨W¤ Epiz«¥Fa`£ u-telamdenu. Veten belibenu oz¥e§ .Epc«¥O§ ©lz§ E Ep«¥Pg¨Y§ oM¥ ,mi¦Ig© lehavin u-lehaskil, lishmo-a, lilmod u-lelamed, lishmor vela-asot ,©rŸn« W§ ¦l ,liM¦U§ d©l§ E oia¦d¨l§ Ep«A¥¦lA§ u-lekayem et kol divrey toratecha zFU£r©le§ xŸnW§ ¦l ,cO¥©ll§ E cŸnl§ ¦l be-ahava. Veha-er eyneynu Lz«¤x¨FY ix¥a§ C¦ lM¨ z`¤ m¥Iw©l§ E betoratecha, vedabek libenu bemitzvotecha, veyached ,Lz«¤x¨FzA§ Epi«¥pi¥r x`¥d¨e§ .da¨d£`© A§ levavenu le-ahava u-leyirah et Ep«a¥a¨l§ cg¥©ie§ ,Liz«¤Fv§ n¦A§ Ep«A¥¦l wA¥c©e§ shemecha. Velo nevosh velo nikalem velo nikashel le-olam `Ÿle§ .Ln«¤W§ z`¤ d`¨x§¦il§ E da¨d£`© l§ va-ed. Ki vanu vacharta lW¥ M©¦p `Ÿle§ m¥lM©¦p `Ÿle§ WFa¥p leyachedecha be-ahava. Lc§g¤©il§ Y¨x§«g©a¨ Ep«a¨ iM¦ .c¤r¨e m¨lFrl§ .da¨d£`© A§ Baruch atah Adonai, habocher FO©rA§ xg¥FAd© ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨ be-amo yisra-el be-ahavah. .da¨d£`© A§ l`¥x¨U§ ¦i

GREAT is Your love for us, Eternal God, and abundant Your compassion. Our ancestors trusted in You, and You taught them the laws of life; so be gracious to us, and teach us. Incline our hearts to hear Your words, to know and understand, to learn and teach, and with love to uphold the truths of Your Torah. Enlighten us with Your Teaching, make us faithful to Your commandments and whole hearted in the love and awe of Your name. For in love You summon us to serve You and proclaim Your unity. We praise You, O God: in love You have called Your people Israel to serve You.

9 .cg«¨`¤ ¨i§i ,Epid¥Ÿl`¡ ¨i§i :l`¥ x¨U§ ¦i rn©W§ Adonai Eloheynu Adonai Echad HEAR, O Israel: the Eternal One is our God, the Eternal God is One.

.c¤r¨e m¨lFrl§ FzEkl§ n© cFaM§ mW¥ KExA¨ BARUCH shem kevod malchuto le-olam va-ed. PRAISED for ever be God’s glorious majesty.

VE-AHAVTA et Adonai ,Lid¤Ÿl¡` ¨i§i z`¥ Y¨ a§ d© `¨ e§ elohecha, bechol levavcha, u-vechol nafshecha, u-vechol ,LW§ t§©pÎlk¨a§ E ,La§«a¨l§ Îlk¨A§ me-odecha: Vehayu hadevarim mix¦a¨C§d© Eid¨e§ :Lc«¤Ÿ`n§ Îlk¨a§ E ha-eleh, asher anochi metzavecha ha-yom al mFId© LE§v© n§ ik¦Ÿp«`¨ xW¤ `£ ,d¤N`¥d¨ levavecha: Li¤pa¨l§ mY¨§p©PW¦ e§ :L«a¤a¨l§ Îl©r Veshinantam levanecha, vedibarta bam, beshivtecha ,Lz¤ia¥A§ LY§ a§ W¦ A§ ,mA¨ Y¨x§A©c¦e§ beveytecha, u-velechtecha :Ln«¤Ewa§ E LA§ k§ W¨ a§ E« Kx¤C¤a© LY§ k§ ¤la§ E vaderech u-veshochbecha u-vekumecha: U-keshartam le-ot Eid¨e§ ,Lc¤¨iÎl©r zF`l§ mY¨x§W© w§ e al yadecha, ve-hayu letotafot l©r mY¨a§ z© k§ E ,Li«¤pi¥r oiA¥ zŸth¨Ÿhl§ beyn eynecha, u-chtavtam al :Lix«¤¨rW§ a¦E Lz¤iA¥ zŸfªfn§ mezuzot beytecha u-visharecha:

YOU SHALL LOVE the Eternal One, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might. Let these words, which I command you this day, be always in your heart. Teach them diligently to your children; speak of them in your home and on your way, when you lie down and when you rise up. Bind them as a sign upon your hand; let them be like frontlets between your eyes; inscribe them on the doorposts of your house, and on your gates.

10 LEMA-AN TIZKERU va-asitem mz¤iU¦ £r©e ExM§§fY¦ o©rn©l§ et kol mitzvotai, vehiyitem kedoshim leloheychem: Ani miy¦ Ÿcw§ mz¤i¦id§ ¦e ,iz¨Fv§ n¦ÎlM¨Îz`¤ Adonai eloheychem, asher xW¤ `£ ,mk¤id¥Ÿl« ¡` d¨eŸd§i i¦p`£ :m«k¤id¥Ÿl« `¥l hotzeti etchem me-eretz mitzrayim, lehiyot lachem zFid§ ¦l ,m¦ix©v§ n¦ ux¤`¤n¥ mk¤z§ `¤ iz¦ `v¥Fd lelohim, ani Adonai :mk¤id¥Ÿl¡` ¨i§i i¦p`£ ,mid¦Ÿl`¥l mk¤¨l eloheychem:

BE MINDFUL of all My commandments, and do them: so shall you be consecrated to your God. I, the Eternal One, am your God who led you out of Egypt to be your God; I, the Eternal One, am your God. (Please be seated)

EMET VEYATZIV veyashar dt¤¨ie§ aFhe§ m¨Iw©e§ xW¨¨ie§ aiS¦©ie§ zn¤¡` vekayam vetov veyafeh hadavar hazeh aleynu le-olam va-ed. Emet zn¤¡` .c¤r¨e m¨lFrl§ Epi«¥l¨r d¤Gd© xa¨C¨d© she-atah hu Adonai eloheynu id¥Ÿl`¥e Epid«¥Ÿl¡` ¨i§i `Ed dY¨`© W¨ velohey avoteynu, malkenu ,Epiz«¥Fa`£ K¤ln«¤ Ep«M¥l§ n© ,Epiz«¥Fa`£ melech avoteynu, yotzrenu tzur yeshu-atenu, podenu u-matzilenu Ep«¥liS¦ n©E Epc«¥FR ,Epz«¥¨rEW§i xEv Epx«¥v§ Fi me-olam hu shemecha, eyn elohim mid¦Ÿl¡` oi`¥ ,Ln«¤W§ `Ed m¨lFrn¥ zulatecha. Emet atah hu rishon ve-atah hu acharon, dY¨`© e§ oFW`x¦ `Ed dY¨`© zn¤¡` .Lz«¤¨lEf u-mibaladecha eyn lanu moshi-a. Ep«¨l oi`¥ Lic«¤¨rl§ A©n¦E ,oFxg£`© `Ed Mimitzrayim ge-altanu Adonai ,Epid«¥Ÿl¡` ¨i§i EpY«¨l§ `©§B m¦ix«©v§ O¦n¦ .©riW«¦ Fn eloheynu, u-mibeyt avadim peditanu. Moshe u-Miriam u-veney m¨ix§n¦E dW¤Ÿn .Epz«¨ic¦R§ mic¦a¨£r ziA¥n¦E yisra-el lecha anu shirah dg¨n§ U¦ A§ dx¨iW¦ Ep¨r Ll§ l`¥x¨U§ ¦i i¥pa§ E besimchah rabah ve-amru chulam: :m¨Nkª Exn§ `¨e§ ,dA¨x©

TRUE and beautiful and good; sound, established and enduring are these words, now and for ever. True it is, Eternal One, that You are our Sovereign God and Redeemer, as You were the God and Redeemer of our ancestors; You are our Maker, the Rock of our salvation. We have known You always as our Helper and our Liberator; there is no God but You. Truly You are first and You are last; we have no Redeemer but You. You have redeemed us from Egypt and freed us from the house of bondage. Then, with great joy, Moses, Miriam and all Israel sang to You this song:

11 MI CHAMOCHA ba-elim dk¨Ÿn« M¨ in¦ ?¨i§i m¦l`¥A¨ dk¨Ÿn« k¨ in¦ Adonai? Mi kamocha nedar bakodesh, nora tehilot, oseh dU¥Ÿr« ,zŸNd¦z§ `x¨Fp ,Wc¤ŸT« A© xC¨`§ ¤p feleh? ?`¤l«t¤

WHO is like You, Eternal One, among the gods people worship? Who is like You, glorious in holiness, awesome in splendour, doing wonders?

SHIRA CHADASHA shibchu ge-ulim mi¦lE`§b EgA§ W¦ dW¨ c¨g£ dx¨iW¦ leshimcha al sefat hayam, yachad kulam hodu vehimlichu ve-amru: cg©«©i ,m¨Id© zt©U§ l©r Ln§ W¦ l§ :Exn§ `¨e§ Eki«¦ln§ d¦e§ EcFd m¨NMª

A NEW SONG the redeemed sang to Your name at the shore of the sea; with one accord, they gave thanks and proclaimed Your sovereignty:

ADONAI yimloch le-olam va-ed! !c¤r¨e m¨lFrl§ KŸln§¦i ¨i§i

THE ETERNAL GOD shall reign for ever and ever!

TZUR YISRAEL, kumah be-ezrat zx©§f¤rA§ dn¨Ew« ,l`¥x¨U§ ¦i xEv yisrael. Go-alenu Adonai tzeva-ot shemo, kedosh yisrael. ,FnW§ zF`a¨v§ ¨i§i Ep«¥l`£ŸB .l`¥x¨U§ ¦i .l`¥x¨U§ ¦i WFcw§ Baruch atah Adonai, ga-al yisrael. .l`¥x¨U§ ¦i l`©¨B ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨

O ROCK OF Israel, sustain Your people Israel. For You, God of the hosts of heaven, are our Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. We praise You, O God, Redeemer of Israel.

12 THE - TEFILLAH - dltz (Please stand) .Lz«¤¨Nd¦Y§ ci¦B©i it¦E ,gY¨t§ Y¦ iz© t¨U§ i¨pŸc`£

ADONAI sefatai tiftach, u-fi yagid tehilatecha. ETERNAL GOD, open my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise.

BARUCH atah Adonai eloheynu Epiz¥Fa`£ id¥Ÿl`¥e Epid¥Ÿl¡` ¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨ velohey avoteynu ve-imoteynu. Elohey Avraham elohey Yitzchak wg¨v§ ¦i id¥Ÿl¡` ,md¨x¨a§ `© id¥Ÿl¡` .Epiz¥FO`¦ e§ velohey Ya-akov. Elohey Sarah id¥Ÿl¡` ,dx¨U¨ id¥Ÿl¡` .aŸw£r©i id¥Ÿl`¥e elohey Rivkah elohey Rachel l`¥d¨ .d`¨¥l id¥Ÿl`¥e lg¥x¨ id¥Ÿl¡` ,dw¨a§ x¦ velohey Le-ah. Ha-el hagadol hagibor vehanora el elyon. ln¤FB .oFil§ ¤r l`¥ ,`x¨FPd©e§ xFA¦Bd© lFc¨Bd© Gomel chasadim tovim vekoneh ic¥q§ g© xk¥Ffe§ ,lŸMd© d¤pFwe§ mia¦Fh mic¦q¨g£ hakol, vezocher chasdey avot ve-imahot, u-mevi ge-ulah livney i¥pa§ ¦l d¨N`ª§B `ia¦n¥E ,zFdO¨`¦ e§ zFa`¨ veneyhem, lema-an shemo x¥fFr K¤ln¤ .da¨d£`© A§ FnW§ o©rn©l§ ,md¤i¥pa§ be-ahavah. Melech ozer u-moshi-a u-magen. .o¥bn¨E ©riW¦ FnE Baruch atah Adonai, magen zx©§f¤re§ md¨x¨a§ `© o¥bn¨ ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨ Avraham ve-ezrat Sarah. .dx¨U¨

WE PRAISE YOU, Eternal One, our God and God of our ancestors: God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; of Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah; great and mighty, awesome and exalted God. You deal kindly with us and embrace us all. You remember the faithfulness of our ancestors, and in love bring redemption to their children’s children for the sake of Your name. You are our Sovereign and Helper, our Redeemer and Shield. We praise You, O God, Shield of Abraham and Protector of Sarah.

13 ATAH GIBOR le-olam, Adonai, d¥Ig©n§ ,i¨pŸc`£ ,m¨lFrl§ xFA¦B dY¨`© mechayeh metim atah rav lehoshi-a. Mashiv haru-ach u-morid hageshem, aiX¦ n© .©riy¦ Fdl§ ax© dY¨`© miz¦ n¥ mazri-ach hashemesh u-morid hatal. g©ix¦§fn© ,mW¤¤Bd© cix¦FnE g©Exd¨ Mechalkel chayim bechesed, mechayeh metim berachamim lM¥l§ k©n§ .lH¨d© cix¦FnE Wn¤W¤ d© rabim. Somech noflim, verofeh cholim, u-matir asurim, u-mekayem miz¦ n¥ d¥ig©n§ ,cq¤g¤A§ mi¦ig© emunato lisheney afar. ,mi¦lt§ Fp Kn¥Fq .miA¦x© min¦g£x©A§ Mi chamocha ba-al gevurot, u-mi domeh lach. Melech memit ,mix¦Eq`£ xiz¦ n©E ,mi¦lFg dt¤Fxe§ u-mechayeh u-matzmi-ach in¦ .xt¨¨r i¥py¥ i¦l Fz¨pEn¡` m¥Iw©n§ E yeshu-ah? ,K¨N dn¤Fc in¦E ,zFxEa§B l©rA© LFnk¨ g©in¦v§ n©E d¤ig©n§ E zin¦n¥ K¤ln¤ ?d¨rEy§i Vene-eman atah lehachayot metim. .miz¦ n¥ zFig£d©l§ dY¨`© on¨¡`¤pe§

Baruch atah Adonai mechayeh .miz¦ O¥d© d¥Ig©n§ ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨ hametim.

UNENDING is Your might Eternal One; You are the source of eternal life; great is Your power to redeem. You cause the wind to blow and the rain to fall, the sun to shine and the dew to descend. In Your love You sustain the living; in Your compassion You grant us eternal life. You support the falling and heal the sick; You free the captive and keep faith with those who sleep in the dust. Who is like You, Source of all strength? Who is Your equal, Sovereign Author of life and death, whose will it is that goodness shall prevail? Trusting in You, we see life beyond death. We praise You, O God, Source of eternal life.

14 WE SANCTIFY Your NEKADESH et shimcha name on earth as in ba-olam, keshem ,m¨lFrA¨ Ln§ W¦ z`¤ WC¥w©§p the prophet’s vision shemakdishim oto FzF` miW¦ iC¦w§ O©W¤ mW¥ M§ the hosts of heaven bishmey marom, sing Your praise kakatuv al yad c©i l©r aEzM¨M© ,mFxn¨ in¥W§ A¦ above, for so it is nevi-echa: :L«`¤ia¦§p written: Holy, holy, holy is the Kadosh, kadosh, ¨i§i ,WFcw¨ ,WFcw¨ ,WFcw¨ Eternal One, God of kadosh, Adonai the hosts of heaven! tzeva-ot melo chol ux¤`«¨ d¨ lk¨ `Ÿln§ ,zF`a¨v§ The whole earth is ha-aretz kevodo! filled with God’s !FcFaM§ glory! God’s glory fills the Kevodo maleh olam. .m¨lFr `¥ln¨ FcFaM§ universe. Praised be God’s Baruch kevod Adonai !FnFwO§ n¦ ¨i§i cFaM§ KExA¨ glory in all creation! mim-komo!

From your Mim-komo malkenu, ,©rit«¦Fz ,Ep«M¥l§ n© Ln§ FwO§ n¦ concealment, tofi-ah, vetimloch Majestic One, reveal aleynu, ki mechakim miM¦g©n§ iM¦ ,Epi«¥l¨r KŸln§ z¦ e§ Yourself, and rule anachnu lach. over us, for You are .K¨l Epg§«©p`£ our hope. The Eternal One shall Yimloch Adonai j¦id«©Ÿl`¡ ,m¨lFr§l ¨i§i KFln§¦i reign for ever; your le-olam, elohayich God, O Zion, from tziyon, ledor vador !d¨iEl§ld© xFc¨e xFc§l ,oFIv¦ generation to haleluyah! generation. Praise the Eternal One! From generation to Ledor vador nagid ,L«l¤c§¨B ci¦B©p xFc¨e xFcl§ generation we will godlecha, u-lenetzach make known Your netzachim Lz§ X¨ cªw§ mig¦v¨§p gv©«¥pl§ E greatness; to the end kedushatcha nakdish, of time we will veshivchecha, ,Epid«¥Ÿl¡` ,Lg£a§ W¦ e§ ,WiC¦w§©p proclaim Your eloheynu, mipinu lo m¨lFrl§ WEn¨i `Ÿl EpiR«¦n¦ holiness. Your praise, yamush le-olam va-ed. O our God, shall .c¤r¨e never depart from our lips. We praise You, O Baruch atah Adonai, l`¥ d© ,¨i§i ,dY¨ `© KExA¨ God, the holy God. ha-el hakadosh. .WFcT¨d© (Please be seated) 15 YISMECHU BEMALCHUTECHA zA¨W© ix¥n§ FW Lz§ Ekl§ n©A§ Egn§ U§ ¦i shomrey vekor-ey oneg. Am mekadeshey shevi-i, kulam ,i¦ria¦W§ iW¥ C§w©n§ m©r .b¤pŸr« i`¥x§Fw« e§ yisbe-u veyitangu mituvecha. .L«a¤EHn¦ Eb§P©rz§ ¦ie§ ErA§ U§ ¦i m¨NMª Vehashvi-i ratzita bo vekidashto. Chemdat yamim oto karata, .FYW§ C©w¦e§ FA z¨iv«¦ x¨ i¦ria¦X§ d©e§ zecher lema-aseh vereyshit. xk¤«¥f ,z¨`x«¨w¨ FzF` min¦¨i zC©n§ g¤ .ziW¦ `x¥a§ dU¥£rn©l§

THOSE WHO KEEP the Sabbath and call it a delight taste the joy of redemption. The people who hallow the seventh day delight in Your goodness. For it pleased You to set this day apart, that we may cherish it above all other days, and pause to remember that the world is Your creation.

ELOHEYNU velohey avoteynu, dv¥x§ ,Epiz«¥Fa`£ id¥Ÿl`¥e Epid«¥Ÿl¡` retzeh vimnuchatenu, kadshenu bemitzvotecha veten chelkenu oz¥e§ Liz«¤Fv§ n¦A§ EpW«¥ C§w© .Epz«¥g¨Epn§ a¦ betoratecha. Sabenu mituvecha, ,L«a¤EHn¦ Ep«¥rA§ U© .Lz«¤x¨FzA§ Epw¥l§ g¤ vesamchenu bishu-atecha, vetaher libenu le-avdecha Ep«A¥¦l xd¥h©e§ ,Lz«¤¨rEWiA¦ Epg¥O§ U© e§ be-emet. Vehanchilenu Adonai ¨i§i Ep«¥lig¦§pd©e§ .zn¤¡`A¤ LC§a§¨rl§ eloheynu, be-ahava u-veratzon shabbat kodshecha, veyanuchu zA©W© oFvx¨a§ E da¨d£`© A§ ,Epid«¥Ÿl¡` vah yisrael mekadshey iW¥ C§w©n§ l`¥x¨U§ ¦i Da¨ EgEp«¨ie§ ,LW«¤ c§w¨ shemecha. .Ln«¤W§ Baruch atah Adonai, mekadesh .zA¨X© d© WC¥w©n§ ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨ haShabbat.

OUR GOD and God of our ancestors, may our rest on this day be pleasing in your sight. Sanctify us by Your commandments and make us loyal to Your Teaching. Satisfy us with Your goodness, gladden us with Your salvation, and purify our hearts to serve You in truth. In Your gracious love, Eternal One, let the holiness of Your Sabbath enter our hearts, and may all Israel, who hallow Your name, be exalted by its peace. We Praise You, O God, for the holiness of the Sabbath.

16 RETZEH Adonai eloheynu, ,l`¥x¨U§ ¦i LO§ ©rA§ ,Epid¥Ÿl¡` ¨i§i dv¥x§ be-amcha yisrael, u-tefilatam be-ahavah tekabel, u-tehi id¦z§ E ,lA¥w©z§ da¨d£`© A§ mz¨¨Nt¦z§ E leratzon tamid avodat yisrael .LO¤©r l`¥x¨U§ ¦i zc©Fa£r cin¦Y¨ oFvx¨l§ amecha. Baruch atah Adonai, she-otecha LC§a©l§ Lz§ F`W¤ ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨ levadecha beyirah na-avod. .cFa£r©p d`¨x§¦iA§

ETERNAL GOD, be gracious to Your people Israel, and in Your love accept their prayers. May our worship now and always be acceptable in Your sight. We praise You, O God, whom alone we worship in reverence.

MODIM anachnu lach, she-atah `Ed dY¨`© y¤ ,K¨l Epg©p`£ mic¦Fn hu Adonai eloheynu velohey avoteynu le-olam va-ed. Tzur m¨lFrl§ Epiz¥Fa`£ id¥Ÿl`¥e Epid¥Ÿl¡` §i¨i chayenu, magen yishenu, atah dY¨`© ,Ep¥ry§ ¦i o¥bn¨ ,Epi¥ig© xEv .c¤r¨e hu ledor vador. Nodeh lecha u-nesaper tehilatecha, al xR¥q©§pE Ll§ dc¤Fp .xFc¨e xFcl§ `Ed chayenu hamesurim beyadecha, mix¦EqO§ d© Epi¥Ig© l©r ,Lz¤¨Nd¦Y§ ve-al nishmotenu hapekudot lach, ve-al nisecha shebechol zFcEwR§ d© Epiz¥FnW§ ¦p l©re§ ,Lc¤¨iA§ yom imanu, ve-al nifle-otecha ,EpO¨¦r mFiÎlk¨A§ W¤ LiQ¤¦p l©re§ ,K¨l vetovotecha shebechol et, erev lk¨A§ W¤ Liz¤FaFhe§ Liz¤F`l§ t§¦p l©re§ vavoker vetzo-horayim. .m¦ix¨d¢v¨ e§ xw¤Fa¨e ax¤¤r ,z¥r Baruch atah Adonai, hatov Ll§ E Ln§ W¦ aFHd© ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨ shimcha u-lecha na-eh lehodot. .zFcFdl§ d`¤¨p

WE GIVE thanks that You, Eternal One, are our God, as You were the God of our ancestors. You are the Rock of our life, the Power that shields us in every age. We thank and praise You for our lives, which are in Your hand; for our souls, which are in Your keeping; for the signs of Your presence we encounter every day; and for Your wondrous gifts at all times, morning, noon and night. We praise You, O God, Source of goodness, to whom our thanks are due.

17 SIM SHALOM tovah u-verachah, og¥ ,dk¨x¨a§ E da¨Fh ,mFlW¨ miU¦ chen vachesed verachamim, aleynu ve-al kol yisrael amecha. lM¨ l©re§ Epi«¥l¨r ,min¦g£x©e§ cq¤«g¤¨e Barchenu, avinu, kulanu Ep«¨NMª ,Epia«¦`¨ ,Ep«k¥x§A¨ .LO«¤©r l`¥x¨U§ ¦i ke-echad be-or panecha, ki ve-or panecha natata lanu, Adonai Li«¤pR¨ xF`a§ iM¦ ,Li«¤pR¨ xF`A§ cg¨`¤M§ eloheynu, torat chayim, ,mi¦Ig© zx©FY ,Epid«¥Ÿl¡` ¨i§i ,Ep«¨N Y¨z«©¨p ve-ahavat chesed u-tzedakah u-verachah verachamim dk¨x¨a§ E dw¨c¨v§ E cq¤«g¤ za©d£«`© e§ vechayim veshalom. Vetov aFhe§ .mFlW¨ e§ mi¦Ig©e§ min¦g£x©e§ be-eynecha levarech et amcha l`¥x¨U§ ¦i LO§ ©r z`¤ Kx¥a¨l§ Li«¤pi¥rA§ yisrael ve-et kol ha-amim bechol et u-vechol sha-ah bishlomecha. lk¨a§ E z¥r lk¨A§ miO¦©rd¨ lM¨ z`¤e§ .Ln«¤FlW§ A¦ d¨rW¨ Baruch atah Adonai, oseh hashalom .mFlX¨ d© dU¥ Fr ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨

GRANT PEACE, welfare and blessing, grace, love and mercy, to us and to all Israel, Your people. As a loving parent, bless us with the light of Your presence; for by the light of Your presence, Eternal God, You have revealed to us the law of life, a love of kindness and righteousness, blessing and mercy, life and peace. For it is good in Your sight that Your people Israel and all peoples be blessed at all times with Your gift of peace. We praise You, O God, the Source of peace.

(Silent Prayer)

YIHIYU LERATZON imrei fi, iA¦ l¦ oFib§d¤e§ ,it¦ ix¥n§ `¦ oFvx¨l§ Eid§¦i ve-hegyon libi lefanecha, Adonai .il¦ `£Ÿbe§ ix¦Ev de¨Ÿdi§ ,Li«p¤t¨l§ tzuri ve-goali.

MAY THE WORDS OF my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, O God, my Rock and my Redeemer.

18 OSEH SHALOM bimromav, hu dU¤£r©i `Ed ,ein¨Fxn§ A¦ mFlW¨ dU¤Ÿr ya-aseh shalom aleynu, ve-al kol yisrael, ve-al kol beney adam, ,l`¥x¨U§ ¦i lM¨ l©re§ ,Epi¥l¨r mFlW¨ ve-imru: Amen. .on¥`¨ :Exn§ `¦ e§ ,mc¨`¨ i¥pA§ lM¨ l©re§

MAY THE MOST HIGH, Source of perfect peace, grant peace to us, to all Israel, and to all the world.

19 THE READING OF THE TORAH - dx¨eYd© z`© ix¦w§ (Please stand) Assemble the people, the men and the women, the little ones, and the stranger that is within your gates, that they may hear and that they may learn and revere the Eternal God and observe and do all the words of the Law. Ki mitziyon tetzeh torah u-devar d¨eŸd§iÎxa©c§E dx¨Fz `v¥Y¥ oFIS¦ n¦ iM¦ Adonai mirushalayim. :m«¨lW¨ Exin¦

For Torah shall go forth from Zion, and the word of the Eternal One from Jerusalem.

(The Scroll is taken from the Ark and the Ark is closed) .cg«¨`¤ ¨i§i ,Epid¥Ÿl`¡ ¨i§i :l`¥ x¨U§ ¦i rn©W§ SHEMA Yisrael Adonai Eloheynu Adonai Echad HEAR, O Israel: the Eternal One is our God, the Eternal God is One.

ECHAD ELOHEYNU gadol ,Epi«¥pFc`£ lFc¨B ,Epid«¥Ÿl¡` cg¨`¤ adoneynu, kadosh shemo. .FnW§ WFcw¨ GADLU LADONAI iti, FnW§ dn¨n§ Fx§pE ,iY¦ `¦ ¨i§i©l ElC§©b u-neromemah shemo yachdav. .eC¨g§©i

ONE is our God, great our Sovereign; holy is God’s name. LET US magnify the Eternal One; together let us exalt God’s name.

20 VEHA-ER eyneynu betoratecha, wA¥c©e§ ,Lz«¤x¨FzA§ Epi«¥pi¥r x`¥d¨e§ vedabek libenu bemitzvotecha, veyached levavenu le-ahava Ep«a¥a¨l§ cg¥©ie§ ,Liz«¤Fv§ n¦A§ Ep«A¥¦l u-leyirah et shemecha. .Ln«¤W§ z`¤ d`¨x§¦il§ E da¨d£`© l§

ENLIGHTEN us with Your Teaching, make us faithful to Your commandments and whole hearted in the love and awe of Your name. (Please be seated) Blessing before the

BARECHU et Adonai .Kx¨FaO§ d© ¨i§i z`¤ Ekx§A¨ hamevorach. Baruch Adonai hamevorach le-olam .c¤r¨e m¨lFrl§ Kx¨FaO§ d© ¨i§i KExA¨ va-ed. K¤ln«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl¡` ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨ Baruch atah Adonai, eloheynu melech ha-olam, asher bachar lM¨n¦ Ep«A¨ xg©«A¨ xW¤ `¤ ,m¨lFrd¨ banu mikol ha-amim, venatan lanu et torato. .Fzx¨FY z`¤ Ep¨l oz©«¨pe§ ,min¦©rd¨ Baruch atah Adonai, noten hatorah. .dx¨FYd© oz¥Fp ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨

PRAISE the One to whom our praise is due. Praised be the Eternal One to whom our praise is due for ever. We praise you, Eternal One, our God, Sovereign of the universe: You have called us to serve You by giving us Torah. We praise You, O God, Giver of Torah. (The Torah is read) Blessing after the Torah reading

BARUCH atah Adonai, eloheynu K¤ln«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl¡` ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨ melech ha-olam, asher natan lanu torat emet, vechayey olam zx©FY Ep«¨l oz©«¨p xW¤ `£ ,m¨lFrd¨ nata betochenu. .Ep«k¥FzA§ rh©¨p m¨lFr i¥Ig©e§ ,zn¤¡` Baruch atah Adonai, noten hatorah. .dx¨FYd© oz¥Fp ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨

WE PRAISE You, Eternal One, Our God, Sovereign of the universe: You have given us true teachings, and implanted within us eternal life. We praise You, O God, Giver of Torah.

(Please stand while the Scroll is raised)

21 BARUCH shenatan torah le-amo l`¥x¨U§ ¦i FO©rl§ dx¨FY oz©¨PW¤ KExA¨ yisrael bikdushato. .FzX¨ cªw§ A¦

WE PRAISE You, Holy One, for giving Torah to your people Israel.

(Please be seated) Blessing before the reading BARUCH atah Adonai, K¤ln«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl¡` ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨ eloheynu melech ha-olam, asher bachar binvi-im tovim, mi`¦ ia¦§pA¦ xg©A¨ xW¤ `£ ,m¨lFrd¨ veratzah vedivreyhem md¤ix¥a§ c¦a§ dv¨ x¨e§ ,mia¦Fh hane-emarim be-emet. Baruch ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨ .zn¤¡`A¤ mix¦n¨¡`¤pd© atah Adonai, habocher batorah u-vemosheh avdo, ,FCa§©r dW¤Ÿna§ E dx¨FYA© xg¥FAd© u-veyisrael amo, u-vinvi-ey zn¤¡`d¨ i`¥ia¦§pa¦E ,FO©r l`¥x¨U§ ¦ia§ E ha-emet vatzedek. .wc¤«v¤¨e

WE PRAISE You, Eternal One, Our God, Sovereign of the universe: You inspired faithful prophets, and took pleasure in the words they spoke in truth. We praise You, O God, for the gift of Torah, Your servant Moses, Your people Israel, and the prophets of truth and righteousness. (The Haftarah is Read) Blessing after the Haftarah reading BARUCH atah Adonai eloheynu K¤ln«¤ Epid«¥Ÿl¡` ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨ melech ha-olam, tzur kol ha-olamim, tzadik bechol wiC¦v© ,min¦¨lFrd¨ lM¨ xEv ,m¨lFrd¨ hadorot, ha-el hane-eman, ,on¨¡`¤Pd© l`¥d¨ ,zFxFCd© lk¨A§ ha-omer ve-oseh, hamdaber u-mekayem, shekol devarav emet ,m¥Iw©n§ E xA¥c©n§ d© ,dU¤Ÿre§ xn¥F`d¨ vatzedek. .wc¤«v¤¨e zn¤`¤ eix¨a¨C§ lM¨W¤

WE PRAISE YOU, Eternal One, our God, Sovereign of the universe: You have been our Source of strength and righteousness throughout the ages, the faithful God whose word is deed, whose every word is true and just.

22 AL HATORAH, ve-al ha-avodah, l©re§ ,dc¨Fa£rd¨ l©re§ ,dx¨FYd© l©r ve-al hanevi-im, ve-al yom hashabbat hazeh, shenatata ,d¤Gd© zA¨X© d© mFi l©re§ ,mi`¦ ia¦§Pd© lanu, Adonai eloheynu, likdushah dX¨ cªw§ ¦l ,Epid¥Ÿl¡` ¨i§i ,Ep«¨l Y¨z«©¨pW¤ velimnuchah, lechavod u-letifaret. Al hakol, Adonai l©r .zx¤¨`©« t§ z¦ l§ E cFak¨l§ ,dg¨Epn§ ¦le§ eloheynu, anachnu modim lach, ,K¨l mic¦Fn Epg§«©p`£ ,Epid«¥Ÿl¡` ¨i§i ,lŸMd© u-mevarechim otach, yitbarach shimcha befi kol chai tamid Ln§ W¦ Kx©A¨z§ ¦i ,Kz¨F` mik¦x§a¨n§ E le-olam va-ed. Baruch atah .c¤r¨e m¨lFrl§ cin¦Y¨ ig© lM¨ it¦A§ Adonai, mekadesh hashabbat. .zA¨X© d© WC¥w©n§ ,¨i§i dY¨`© KExA¨

FOR THE TORAH, for the privilege of worship, for the prophets for this Sabbath day which You, Eternal One, have given us for holiness and rest, for honour and beauty, we thank and praise You, O Eternal One our God. May all the living praise Your name now and for ever. We praise You, O God, for the holiness of the Sabbath.

(Please stand) COMMUNITY BLESSINGS Eternal God, whose dominion embraces the universe, we ask Your blessing for our Sovereign Lady, Queen Elizabeth, and all the Royal Family; for those who govern our country, and all who influence the quality of its national life. Make them conscious of their responsibility, and teach them to exercise it in accordance with Your will. May we all help to fashion in this country a society that excels in freedom and justice, tolerance and compassion, so that it may be a force for righteousness and peace in the life of humanity.

May we all find here community and friendship, renewal of purpose and hope, a deeper understanding of our heritage, and a sense of Your abiding presence. Bless all congregations of the House of Israel throughout the world; let those who live under oppressive rule soon be freed; and may we all unite to witness to Your truth and do Your will.

23 Mi sheberach avoteynu `Ed ,Epiz«¥FO`¦ e§ Epiz«¥Fa`£ Kx©A¥W¤ in¦ ve-imoteynu, hu yevarech et kol ,d¤Gd© WFcT¨d© ld¨T¨d© lM¨ z`¤ Kx¥a¨§i hakahal hakadosh hazeh, im kol kehilot hakodesh. Hakadosh baruch KExA¨ WFcT¨d© .Wc¤ŸT« d© zFNd¦w§ lM¨ m¦r hu yishlach beracha vehatzlacha lk¨A§ dg¨¨lv§ d©e§ dk¨x¨A§ g©lW§ ¦i `Ed bechol ma-aseh yedeyhem, im kol l`¥x¨U§ ¦i lM¨ m¦r ,md¤ic¥§i dU¥£rn© yisrael acheyhem ve-achyoteyhem. .on¥`¨ :xn©`Ÿpe§ .md¤iz¥Fig§ `© e§ md¤ig¥`£ Venomar: Amen.

May the One who blessed our ancestors, bless this holy community with all holy communities. May the Holy One grant blessing and success in all the work of their hands, with all Israel their brothers and sisters. And let us say: Amen

Eternal God, our Rock and Redeemer, grant blessing to the State of Israel, created to fulfil an age-old dream and to be a haven for the oppressed. Inspire its leaders and citizens with a faithfullness to the aims of its founders: to develop the land for the benefit of all its inhabitants, and to implement the Prophetic ideals of liberty and justice. May they live in harmony with one another and in peace with their neighbours, and cause to come true once more the ancient vision, that ‘out of Zion shall go forth Torah and the word of God from Jerusalem’.

on Rosh Chodesh: Eternal One, our God and God of our id¥Ÿl`¥e Epid«¥Ÿl¡` ¨i§i Li«¤pt¨N§ n¦ oFvx¨ id¦§i ancestors, may the new month be for us Wc¤Ÿg« d© z`¤ Epi«¥l¨r WC¥g©Y§ W¤ ,Epiz«¥Fa`£ a time of renewal. Grant to each one of ,miM¦Ex`£ mi¦Ig© Ep«¨l oY¤z¦ e§ ,(`A¨d©) d¤Gd© us a long life of peace, welfare and mi¦Ig© ,da¨Fh lW¤ mi¦Ig© ,mFlW¨ lW¤ mi¦Ig© blessing: a life of prosperity and health; lW¤ mi¦ig© ,dq¨¨px§R© lW¤ mi¦ig© ,dk¨x¨A§ lW¤ a life guided by conscience, unmarred z`© x§¦i md¤A¨ W¥Iy¤ mi¦Ig© ,zFnv¨£r uENg¦ by self-reproach or shame; a life md¤A¨ oi`¥W¤ mi¦Ig© .`h§ g¥ z`© x§¦ie§ m¦in«©W¨ exalted by love of Torah and reverence za©d£`© Ep«a¨ `d¥Y§ y¤ mi¦Ig© ,dO¨¦lk§ E dW¨ EA for the divine; a life in which the E`N§ O¨§iW¤ mi¦Ig© ,m¦in«©W¨ z`© x§¦ie§ dx¨FY longings of our hearts may be fulfilled .da¨Fhl§ Ep«A¥¦l zFl`£W§ n¦ÎlM¨ for good.

24 ...... mFiA§ d¤id§¦i...... yc¤Ÿg W`Ÿx The new month of ...... will begin on ...... or mFId© `Ed...... yc¤Ÿg W`Ÿx The new month of ...... begins today. May it be the will of the Holy One, ever l©re§ Epi«¥l¨r ,`Ed KExA¨ WFcT¨d© EdW«¥ C§g©§i to be praised, that it bring for us, and for the whole house of Israel, life and ,mFlW¨ l§ E mi¦Ig©l§ ,l`¥x¨U§ ¦i ziA¥ FO©r lM¨ peace, happiness and joy, deliverance .dn¨g¨¤pl§ E d¨rEWi¦l ,dg¨n§ U¦ l§ E oFUU¨ l§ and consolation; and let us say: Amen. .on¥`¨ :xn©`Ÿpe§ YEHALLELU et shem Adonai, ki FnW§ a¨BU§ ¦p iM¦ ,¨i§i mW¥ z`¤ Ell§ d©§i nisgav shemo levado. .FCa©l§ HODO al eretz veshamayim. Vayarem keren le-amo, tehilah ox¤w«¤ mx¤«¨I©e .m¦in«¨W¨ e§ ux¤«`¤ l©r FcFd lechol chasidav, livney yisrael am l`¥x¨U§ ¦i i¥pa§ ¦l ,eic¨iq¦g£ lk¨l§ d¨Nd¦Y§ ,FO©rl§ kerovo, Haleluyah. .D¨iEll§ d© ,FaFxw§ m©r

LET US PRAISE the Eternal One, whose name alone is exalted. Your majesty spans heaven and earth; You are the strength of Your people; Your praise is sung by all who love You, by the Children of Israel, a people close to You. Halleluyah.

KI LEKACH tov natati lachem l`© iz¦ x¨FY mk¤¨l iY¦ z«©¨p aFh gw©«¤l iM¦ torati al ta-azovu. Etz chayim hi lamachazikim bah, vetomecheha miw¦i¦fg£O©©l `id¦ mi¦Ig© u¥r .EaŸf«£rY© me-ushar. Deracheha darchey ik¥x§c© d¨i«k¤x¨C§ .xW¨ `ªn§ d¨i«k¤n§Ÿze§ ,DA¨ no-am vechol netivoteha shalom. .mFlW¨ d¨iz«¤Faiz¦§p lk¨e§ ,m©rŸp« HASHIVEYNU Adonai, elecha WC¥g© ,da¨EW« ¨pe§ Li«¤l`¥ ,¨ii§ Ep«a¥iW¦ d£ venashuvah, chadesh yameynu kekedem. .mc¤w«¤M§ Epin«¥¨i

BEHOLD, a good doctrine has been given you: do not forsake it. It is a tree of life to those who hold it fast, and all who cling to it find happiness. Its ways are ways of pleasantness, and all its paths are peace. HELP US to return to You, O God; then we shall return. Renew our days as in the past. (The Scroll is replaced in the Ark and the Ark is closed) 25 BLESSING FOR BAR- AND BAT-MITZVAH WITH FAMILIES

In the presence of this congregation, which represents the Jewish people all over the world, I give thanks for what I have learnt of my Jewish heritage, and promise to go on studying it in the years ahead. So may I come to understand ever more deeply, and carry out more fully, the duties that flow from it. I think of all those who, in past ages, have preserved the Jewish faith, and declared their loyalty to it, as I do today. I thank my parents and my family, my teachers and my friends, and all who have helped me to reach this day. And I pray to God: Guide me, and keep me strong, so that I may fulfil the high hopes that rest on me.

WE praise You, Eternal God, J¤ln¤ Epid¥Ÿl¡` ,¨i§i dY¨`© JExA¨ Sovereign of the universe, that You have kept us alive, sustained us, and Ep¨ri¦Bd¦e§ Epn¨§Iw¦e§ Ep¨ig¡d¤W¤ ,m¨lFrd¨ enabled us to reach this season. .d¤Gd© on©§G©l

Baruch ata Adonai eloheynu melech ha-olam, she-hechyanu ve-kimanu, ve-higi-anu lazman hazeh.

May the One who blessed our wg¨v§ i¦ ,md¨x¨a§ `© Epiz¥Fa`£ Kx©A¥W¤ in¦ ancestors - Abraham, Isaac and ,dw¨a§ x¦ ,dx¨U¨ Epz¥FO`¦ e§ ,aŸw£ri©e§ Jacob; Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah - bless.... who, having Kx¥a¨i¦ `Ed ,d`¨¥le§ ld¥x¨ reached the age of Bar-Mitzvah ,de¨v§ O¦ d©- zA© \ de¨v§ O¦ d©-xA©-z`¤ / Bat-Mitzvah, has come up to .dx¨FY¨l dz¨l§ r¨X¤ \ d¨lr¨X¤ ... read from the Torah.

May s/he continue to study our heritage, and take its teachings to heart, and pass it on to future generations, so that s/he may be a source of pride to his/her family and friends, and a worthy member of our community.


Eternal God, we stand before You and our own community to affirm our commitment to and the Jewish people. Years of study have preceded this day. We give thanks for what we have learned as well as the opportunity we have had to develop our own ideas and identity. This is a beginning. Today we want to honour and thank our teachers who have taught and set an example for us. May we too play our part in the unfolding story of the Jewish people, and transmit in our own way its insights, values and ideals to future generations. Amen. Joshua ben Perachyah used to say: “Find yourself a teacher; get yourself a friend; judge everyone by their merits”. We hope we have begun to do just that here in our synagogue.

Baruch Ata Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha’Olam, She’hechianu v’kimanu, v’higiyanu lazman hazeh.

WE praise You, Eternal God, J¤ln¤ Epid¥Ÿl¡` ,¨i§i dY¨`© JExA¨ Sovereign of the universe, that You have kept us alive, sustained Epn¨§Iw¦e§ Ep¨ig¡d¤W¤ ,m¨lFrd¨ us, and enabled us to reach this season. .d¤Gd© on©§G©l Ep¨ri¦Bd¦e§

27 EYN KEYLOHEYNU, eyn oi`¥ ,Epi«¥pFc`M© oi`¥ ,Epid«¥Ÿl`M¥ oi`¥ kadoneynu, eyn kemalkenu, eyn kemoshi-enu. .Ep«¥riW¦ FnM§ oi`¥ ,Ep«M¥l§ n©M§ Mi cheloheynu? mi chadoneynu? in¦ ?Epi«¥pFc`k© in¦ ?Epid«¥Ÿl`k¥ in¦ mi chemalkenu? mi chemoshi-enu? ?Ep«¥riW¦ Fnk§ in¦ ?Ep«M¥l§ n©k§ Nodeh leloheynu, nodeh dc¤Fp ,Epi«¥pFc`©l dc¤Fp ,Epid«¥Ÿl`¥l dc¤Fp ladoneynu, nodeh lemalkenu, nodeh lemoshi-enu. .Ep«¥riW¦ Fnl§ dc¤Fp ,Ep«M¥l§ n©l§ Baruch eloheynu, baruch KExA¨ ,Epi«¥pFc`£ KExA¨ ,Epid«¥Ÿl¡` KExA¨ adoneynu, baruch malkenu, baruch moshi-enu. .Ep«¥riW¦ Fn KExA¨ ,Ep«M¥l§ n© Atah hu eloheynu, atah hu `Ed dY¨`© ,Epid«¥Ÿl¡` `Ed dY¨`© adoneynu, atah hu malkenu, atah hu moshi-enu. `Ed dY¨`© ,Ep«M¥l§ n© `Ed dY¨`© ,Epi«¥pFc`£ .Ep«¥riW¦ Fn

There is none like our God, our Sovereign, our Redeemer. Who is like our God, our Sovereign, our Redeemer? We give thanks to our God, our Sovereign, our Redeemer. Praised be our God, our Sovereign, our Redeemer. You are our God, our Sovereign, our Redeemer.

(Please stand)

28 ALEYNU leshabe-ach la-adon ,lŸMd© oFc`£©l g©A¥W© l§ Epi¥l¨r hakol, latet gedulah leyotzer ,ziW¦ `x¥A§ xv¥Fil§ d¨Ncª§B zz¥¨l bereshit, asher sam chelkenu FnW§ Îz`¤ cg¥©il§ Epw¥l§ g¤ mU¨ xW¤ `£ leyached et shemo vegoralenu lehamlich malchuto. .FzEkl§ n© Ki¦ln§ d©l§ Ep¥lx¨Fbe§ Va-anachnu korim u-mishtachavim mic¦FnE mi¦eg£Y© W§ n¦E mi¦rx§FM Epg§©p`£©e u-modim lifney melech malchey WFcT¨d© ,mik¦¨lO§ d© ik¥l§ n© K¤ln¤ i¥pt§ ¦l hamlachim, hakadosh baruch hu, ,`Ed KExA¨ Shehu noteh shamayim veyosed ,ux¤`¨ cq¥Fie§ m¦in©W§ dh¤Fp `EdW¤ aretz, u-moshav yekaro bashamayim mima-al, u-shchinat z©pik¦W§ E ,l©rO©n¦ m¦in©X¨ A© Fxw¨§i aW© FnE uzo begovhey meromim. Hu oi`¥ Epid¥Ÿl¡` `Ed .min¦Fxn§ id¥a§¨bA§ FGrª eloheynu eyn od. Emet malkenu aEzM¨M© ,Fz¨lEf qt¤`¤ EpM¥l§ n© zn¤`¤ .cFr efes zulato, kakatuv betorato: z¨ŸaW¥ d£©e mFId© Y¨§rc©¨ie§' :Fzx¨FzA§ ‘veyadata hayom vehashevota el mid¦Ÿl¡`d¨ `Ed d¨Fd§i iM¦ ,La¤a¨l§ Îl`¤ levavecha, ki Adonai hu ha-elohim bashamayim mima-al ve-al ha-aretz ,zg©Y¨n¦ ux¤`¨d¨ l©re§ l©rO©n¦ m¦in©X¨ A© mitachat, eyn od.’ '.cFr oi`¥

LET US now praise the Sovereign of the universe and proclaim the greatness of its Creator, whose unity it is our mission to make known, whose rule it is our task to make effective. We bow in awe and thanksgiving before the supreme Sovereign, the Holy One, ever to be praised, Who spread out the heavens and established the earth, whose glory fills the highest heavens, whose might extends throughout all space, who alone is our God, for no other exists, who in truth is our Sovereign, for there is none else; as it is written: Know then this day and take it to heart: the Eternal One is God in the heavens above and on the earth below; there is no other.

29 AL KEN nekaveh lecha, Adonai ,Epid«¥Ÿl¡` ¨i§i ,Ll§ d¤Ew©§p oM¥ l©r eloheynu, lirot meherah betiferet uzecha, leha-avir gilulim min ,L¤Grª zx¤«`¤t§ z¦ A§ dx¨d¥n§ zF`x§¦l ha-aretz, veha-elilim karot ,ux¤«`¨d¨ on¦ mi¦lEl¦b xia¦£rd©l§ yikaretun, letaken olam oT¥z© l§ ,oEzx¥M¨¦i zFxM¨ mi¦li¦l¡`d¨e§ bemalchut shadai, vechol beney vasar yikre-u vishmecha, i¥pA§ lk¨e§ ,iC©W© zEkl§ n©A§ m¨lFr lehafnot eleycha kol rishey aretz. zFpt§ d©l§ ,Ln«¤W§ a¦ E`x§w§¦i xU¨ a¨ Yakiru veyeydu kol yoshvey .ux¤«`¨ i¥rW§ x¦ lM¨ Li«¤l`¥ teyvel ki lecha tichra kol berech, tishava kol lashon. Lefanecha Ll§ iM¦ la¥z¥ ia¥W§ Fi lM¨ Erc§¥ie§ ExiM«¦©i Adonai eloheynu, yichre-u .oFW¨l lM¨ ra©X¨ Y¦ ,Kx¤«A¤ lM¨ rx©k§ Y¦ veyipolu, velichvod shimcha ,ElŸR«¦ie§ Erx§k§¦i ,Epid«¥Ÿl¡` ¨i§i ,Li«¤pt¨l§ yekar yitenu, vikablu chulam et ol malchutecha, vetimloch ElA§ w©i¦e ,EpY«¥¦i xw¨§i Ln§ W¦ cFak§ ¦le§ aleyhem meherah le-olam KŸln§ z¦ e§ ,Lz«¤Ekl§ n© lFr z`¤ m¨Nkª va-ed. Ki hamalchut shelcha hi, .c¤r¨e m¨lFrl§ dx¨d¥n§ md¤i¥l£r u-le-olmey ad timloch bechavod, kakatuv in¥l§ Fr« l§ E ,`id¦ Ll§ y¤ zEkl§ O©d© iM¦ betoratecha: Adonai yimloch aEzM¨M© ,cFak¨A§ KFln§ Y¦ c©r le-olam va-ed. :c¤r¨e m¨lFrl§ KŸln§¦i ¨i§i :Lz«¤x¨FzA§

Trusting in You, Eternal God, we hope soon to behold the glory of Your might, when false gods will vanish from our hearts, and idolatry cease for ever. Help us to perfect the world by bringing it under Your unchallenged rule, when all will invoke Your name, relinquish evil, and turn to You alone. May all who dwell on earth come to know that to You every knee must bend and every tongue swear loyalty. Before You, let them humble themselves, and to Your glorious name let them give honour. Let all submit to Your sovereign rule; may that time come soon, and last for ever. For ultimate sovereignty is Yours, and to all eternity You will reign in glory, as it is written: The Eternal one shall reign for ever.

30 VENE-EMAR: Vehayah Adonai K¤ln«¤l§ ¨i§i d¨id¨e§ :xn©¡`¤pe§ lemelech al kol ha-aretz. Bayom hahu yihiyeh Adonai echad ushemo d¤id§¦i `Edd© mFIA© .ux¤«`¨d¨ÎlM¨Îl©r echad. .cg¨`¤ FnW§ E cg¨`¤ ¨i§i

AND IT has been said: The Eternal God shall rule over all the earth; on that day the Eternal God shall be One, and known to be One.

(1) Creator of the universe, You give us life, in which joys and sorrows are commingled in accordance with Your wisdom; and You send death, with its promise of eternal peace. Teach us to accept humbly and courageously whatever burden is laid upon us. Comfort those who mourn, and let the light of faith illumine the darkness of their sorrow with the hope of immortality. Strengthen us at all times with an unfailing trust in Your providence. (2) ‘The growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts; and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs.’ Even when they are gone, the departed are with us. They inpire us to live as, in their higher moments, they themselves sought to live. We remember them now; they remain in our hearts; they are a continual blessing. (3) Life is finite. Like a candle, it burns, it glows, it is radiant with warmth and beauty; then it fades; its substance is consumed, and it is no more. Yet we do not despair, for we know that we are more than a flickering flame. With our lives we give life. Something of us can never die. We move in the eternal cycle of darkness and light, of death and life. As in our hearts we name our loved ones, we pray that the Divine Presence will comfort us and all who mourn.

31 YITGADAL veyitkadash shemey `n¨l§ ¨rA§ ,`A¨x© Dn¥W§ WC©w©z§ ¦ie§ lC©©Bz§ ¦i raba, be-alma di vera chirutey, veyamlich malchutey Dz¥Ekl§ n© Ki¦ln§©ie§ ,Dz¥Erx§k¦ `x¨a§ iC¦ bechayeychon u-veyomeychon ziA¥ lk¨c§ i¥Ig©a§ E oFkin¥Fia§ E oFki¥Ig©A§ u-vechayey dechol beyt yisrael, ba-agala u-vizman kariv ve-imru: aix¦w¨ on©§fa¦E `¨l¨b£rA© ,l`¥x¨U§ ¦i amen. .on¥`¨ :Exn§ `¦ e§ Yehey shemey raba mevarach le-alam u-le-almey almaya. m©l¨rl§ Kx©a¨n§ `A¨x© Dn¥W§ `d¥§i Yitbarach veyishtabach, veyitpa-ar .`¨In©l§ ¨r in¥l§ ¨rl§ E veyitromam veyitnaseh, veyithadar mn©Fxz§ ¦ie§ x`© R¨z§ ¦ie§ ,gA©Y© W§ ¦ie§ Kx©A¨z§ ¦i veyitaleh veyithalal shemey l¨Nd©z§ ¦ie§ d¤N©rz§ ¦ie§ xC¨d©z§ ¦ie§ ,`V¥©pz§ ¦ie§ dekudsha berich hu, ,`Ed Kix¦A§ ,`W¨ c§wªC§ Dn¥W§ le-ela min kol birchata veshirata, tushbachata venechemata ,`z¨x¨iW¦ e§ `z¨k¨x§A¦ lM¨ on¦ `¨N«¥rl§ da-amiran be-alma, ve-imru: amen. ,`n¨l§ ¨rA§ ox¨in¦`£C© `z¨n¨g¡¤pe§ `z¨g¨A§ W§ Yª Yehey shelama raba min shemaya .on¥`¨ :Exn§ `¦ e§ vechayim aleynu ve-al kol yisrael, mi¦Ig©e§ `¨In©W§ on¦ `A¨x© `n¨¨lW§ `d¥§i ve-imru: amen. Oseh shalom bimromav, hu ya-aseh .on¥`¨ :Exn§ `¦ e§ ,l`¥x¨U§ ¦i lM¨ l©re§ Epi«¥l¨r shalom aleynu ve-al kol yisrael ve-al dU¤£r©i `Ed ,ein¨Fxn§ A¦ mFlW¨ dU¤Ÿr kol beney adam, ve-imru: amen. lM¨ l©re§ l`¥x¨U§ ¦i lM¨ l©re§ Epi«¥l¨r mFlX¨ .on¥`¨ :Exn§ `¦ e§ ,mc¨`¨ i¥pA§

MAGNIFIED and sanctified be the great name of the One by whose will the world was created. May God’s rule become effective in your lives, and in the life of the whole House of Israel. May it be so soon and let us say: Amen. May God’s great name be praised to all eternity. Blessed and praised; glorified, exalted and extolled; lauded, honoured and acclaimed be the name of the Holy One, who is ever to be praised, though far far above the eulogies and songs of praise and consolation that human lips can utter; and let us say: Amen. May great peace descend from heaven, and abundant life be granted, to us and all Israel; and let us say: Amen. May the Most High, Source of perfect peace, grant peace to us to all Israel, and to all humanity, and let us say: Amen. (Please be seated) 32 asher malach, ,K©ln¨ xW¤ `£ m¨lFr oFc`£ beterem kol yetzir nivra, ,`x¨a§¦p xiv¦§i lM¨ mx¤«h¤A§ le-et na-asah vecheftzo kol, azai melech shemo nikra. ,lŸM Fvt§ g¤a§ dU¨ £r©p z¥rl§ .`x¨w§¦p FnW§ K¤ln«¤ i©f`£ Ve-acharey kichlot hakol, ,lŸMd© zFlk§ M¦ ix¥g£`© e§ levado yimloch nora, ,`x¨Fp KFln§¦i FCa©l§ vehu hayah vehu hoveh, vehu yihiyeh betifarah. ,d¤Fd `Ede§ d¨id¨ `Ede§ .dx¨`¨t§ z¦ A§ d¤id§¦i `Ede§ Vehu echad ve-en sheni, ,i¦pW¥ oi`¥e§ cg¨`¤ `Ede§ lehamshil lo lehachbirah, ,dx¨iA«¦g§ d©l§ Fl liW¦ n§ d©l§ beli reshit, beli tachlit, velo ha-oz vehamisrah. ,zi¦lk§ z© i¦lA§ ,ziW¦ `x¥ i¦lA§ .dx¨U§ O¦d©e§ fFrd¨ Fle§ Vehu eli, vechai go-ali, ,i¦l`£ŸB ig©e§ ,i¦l`¥ `Ede§ vetzur chevli be-et tzarah, ,dx¨v¨ z¥rA§ i¦la§ g¤ xEve§ vehu nisi u-manos li, menat kosi beyom ekra. ,i¦l qFpn¨E iQ¦¦p `Ede§ .`x¨w§ `¤ mFiA§ iq¦FM z¨pn§ Beyado afkid ruchi, ,ig¦Ex ciw¦t§ `© Fc¨iA§ be-et ishan ve-a-irah, ,dx¨i«¦r`¨e§ oW© i`¦ z¥rA§ ve-im ruchi geviyati, Adonai li velo ira. ,iz¦¨I¦e§B ig¦Ex m¦re .`x¨i`¦ `Ÿle§ i¦l ¨i§i

1Eternal God, who reigned before 3And You are One, there is none else, Your will had caused the world to be No equal standing at Your side, Already then You reigned supreme Without beginning, without end, In undisputed sovereignty All might and rule in You reside.

2And when the universe had ceased, 4My living and redeeming God, You will still reign in majesty; My shelter on a stormy day, For as You were, so will You be My banner and my refuge still, From now until eternity My cup of comfort when I pray.

5Into Your hand I place my soul, Asleep, awake, for You are near, And with my soul, my body too: You are my God, I shall not fear.

33 (Concluding Blessing)

Yivarechenu Adonai veyishmerenu. .Epx¥n§ W§ ¦ie§ ¨i§i Epk¥x§«a¨§i Ya-eyr Adonai panav eleynu viychunenu. .Ep¥Pgªi¦e Epi¥l`¥ ei¨pR¨ ¨i§i x`¥¨i Yisa Adonai panav eleynu vayasem Ep¨l mU¥¨ie§ Epi¥l`¥ ei¨pR¨ ¨i§i `U¨¦i lanu shalom. .mFlW¨

May God bless us and keep us. May God look kindly upon us and be gracious to us. May God reach out to us in tenderness and give us peace.